Content (Explore) Headlines
Headline (h1) Font: "Crimson Text" | Color: #333 | Font Weight:700 | Font Size: 2rem
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Body Copy
This is body copy. (p). This is what an inline link will look like. "The world changed when you were about 5 years old, and we've been at war now for almost 16 years," he said. "Today, there are more than 100,000 airmen standing watch around the world. Many are directly supporting combat operations and are joined by thousands more soldiers, sailors and Marines."
This is the start of the next paragraph. The general stressed that the priority for the new officers changed today with their commissioning oath. "The focus is not on you any more. It is not about your GPA, your MPA or your PEA," he said, referring to their grade point, military performance and physical education averages. "It's not about the superintendent's pin on your uniform, and it's not about your accomplishments on the athletic field.