621st Aerial Port Squadron at Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Staff Sgt. James Rustin, U.S. Air Force, places a pallet of supplies on a truck on the runway of the airport at Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Dec. 11, 1995. Rustin, an air transportation specialist from the 621st Aerial Port Squadron, McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., is attached to the 4100 Group Provisional, Tanker Airlift Control Element. The airmen, as part of the NATO Enabling Force of Operation Joint Endeavor, are setting up operations to bring airfield up to a 24 hour capability. Enabling forces are moving into the Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia theaters of operation to prepare entry points for the main Implementation Force. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.05 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 404893-Y-UVB39-899.jpg Photo Gallery