U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules briefs for a mision to Sarajevo U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules Pilot Capt. Don Kudym (center) conducts a pre-flight, mission briefing with his crew at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, on Dec. 18, 1995. The mission will involve flying to Brindisi Italian Air Station, Italy, and loading two Humvee's that will be flown to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to support the NATO Enabling Force of Operation Joint Endeavor. Enabling forces are moving into the Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia theaters of operation to prepare entry points for the main Implementation Force. Kudym and his crew are attached to the 37th Airlift Squadron at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.05 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 066357-G-UMG95-110.jpg Photo Gallery