Deputy Secretary of Defense Hamre greets sailors and Marines on the USS Peleliu. Deputy Secretary of Defense John J. Hamre (center) greets sailors and Marines while aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) on Nov. 28, 1997. Hamre is making the Thanksgiving holiday visit to personally thank U.S. sailors and Marines for their commitment to serving their country and for helping to ensure peace and stability in the Persian Gulf region. USS Peleliu is part of the Amphibious Ready Group deployed in the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch which is the U.S. and coalition enforcement of the no-fly-zone over Southern Iraq. Peleliu carries 2,100 combat ready U.S. Marines, helicopters, landing craft, and vertical launch aircraft like the AV-8B Harrier fighter-attack aircraft. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.05 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 846317-R-PML58-126.jpg Photo Gallery