The USNS Pollux off-loads vehicles and equipment for Exercise Foal Eagle '98. The USNS Pollux off-loads vehicles and equipment for Exercise Foal Eagle '98 while anchored in the harbor of Pusan, Republic of Korea, on Oct. 19, 1998. Attached to the starboard side of the Pollux is a temporary roll-on, roll-off discharge facility which provides a causeway for vehicles to move from the Pollux to lighter craft for transportation to the shore. Foal Eagle '98 is a combined, joint exercise supported by forces from the U.S. and Republic of Korea. In addition to providing hands-on field experience for forces of both nations, Foal Eagle '98 was designed to test rear area protection operations and major command, control and communications systems. Pollux is one of eight Fast Sealift Ships belonging to the Military Sealift Command that have special features allowing them to load and off-load cargo in places lacking normal port facilities. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.03 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 868293-M-TAY49-993.jpg Photo Gallery