Under Secretary Aldridge and Turkish Under Secretary for Defense Industries Ercan sign a memorandum of understanding. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Edward C. "Pete" Aldridge (seated left) and Turkish Under Secretary for Defense Industries Ali Ercan (seated right) sign a memorandum of understanding in the Pentagon on July 11, 2002. The memorandum commits Turkey to participate in the Joint Strike Fighter system development and demonstration phase. The Joint Strike Fighter is the military's next generation, multi-role, strike aircraft designed to complement the Navy F/A-18 and the Air Force F-22 aircraft. Turkey joins the U.S., United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, and Norway in the development of this highly capable and versatile strike aircraft. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.04 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 033799-T-DYE99-233.jpg Photo Gallery