Secretary Rumsfeld and Nicaraguan Minister of Defense Jose Guerra introduce members of their staff. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (2ND from left) and Nicaraguan Minister of Defense Jose Guerra (3rd from right) introduce members of their staff and advisors before sitting down to a bi-lateral meeting in Managua, Nicaragua, on Nov.12, 2004. Rumsfeld is in Nicaragua to meet with Guerra and to thank the Nicaraguan military for their demining and humanitarian efforts in Iraq. Rumsfeld and 33 more defense ministers from throughout the Western Hemisphere will assemble in Quito, Ecuador, on November 15th for the Defense Ministerial of the Americas conference which will focus on strengthening the inter-American security system. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.05 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 311102-J-DHC83-216.jpg Photo Gallery