Coin Presentation Croatian army Maj. Nenad Vecenaj, left, outgoing commander of the 10th Croatian Contingent, Thunder, NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Poland, presents a coin to Army Command Sgt. Maj. Sean Allison, command sergeant major of Battle Group Poland and the 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, during a handover ceremony in Bemowo Piskie, Poland, Jan. 24, 2023. The Croatian army is proudly working alongside the 1st Infantry Division, NATO allies and regional security partners to provide combat-credible forces to V Corps, under America's forward deployed corps in Europe. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.89 MB) Tags: nato, Army, ukraine response Credit: Army Sgt. John Schoebel, Army National Guard VIRIN: 230124-Z-SV327-1318.JPG Photo Gallery