Arlington Honors Army Col. Thomas Austin offers condolences to Mary Fisher following the funeral service for Fisher's brother, Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. Roy Carney, at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va., May 17, 2023. Carney was killed Aug. 1, 1943, when his bomber crashed after getting hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire during Operation Tidal Wave, the U.S. Ninth Air Force’s bombing of Romania’s Ploiesti oil fields and refineries, which fueled the German military during World War II. His remains were identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in June, 2022. Carney‘s awards include a Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and an Air Medal. SHARE: Download: Full Size (2.56 MB) Tags: World War II, Veterans, Army Credit: Elizabeth Fraser, Army VIRIN: 230517-A-IW468-529.JPG Photo Gallery