Today, the Department of Defense announced awards to 160 university researchers at 84 institutions, totaling $47 million through the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). DURIP supports the purchase of state of the art equipment supporting cutting edge defense research and associated graduate student research training.
“DURIP instrumentation awards provide the unique means through which DoD supports universities in the acquisition of essential laboratory instrumentation, usually out of reach for most research grants,” said Dale Ormond, principal director for research. “DURIP is a true enabler of discovery for DoD supported science and technology research.”
Awards are administered through a merit competition jointly conducted by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Solicited proposals target university investigators conducting science and engineering research of importance to national defense. Pertinent research underpins advances in materials, structures, and manufacturing science; quantum and nanosciences; computing and networks; electronics, electromagnetics, and electro optics; acoustics; neuroscience; fluid dynamics; robotics and artificial intelligence; and ocean, environmental, and life sciences and engineering.
The annual DURIP awards process is highly competitive. Collectively, the service research offices received 685 proposals, requesting $283 million in funding, of which the most meritorious proposals were selected. Awards range from $53 thousand to $1.4 million, and with an average of approximately $300 thousand per award. Selections made by the service research offices are subject to successful completion of negotiations with the academic institutions. The list of winning proposers may be obtained here.