U.S. forces killed Abu Sayed, the emir of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - Khorasan Province (ISIS-K), in a strike on the group's headquarters in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, July 11.
The strike also killed other ISIS-K members and will significantly disrupt the terror group's plans to expand its presence in Afghanistan.
ISIS leaders chose Abu Sayed to lead the group after Afghan and U.S. forces killed the previous ISIS-K leaders - Hafiz Sayed Khan in late July 2016, and Abdul Hasib, in late April of this year.
Afghan and U.S. forces launched a counter-ISIS-K offensive in early March 2017 to drive fighters from Nangarhar and send a clear message to ISIS that there is no sanctuary for their fighters in Afghanistan.
For more information, please refer queries to U.S. Forces - Afghanistan.