The Secretary of Defense recently signed a memo, moving to a conditions-based, phased approach to personnel movement and travel. Today’s installation status update provides the status of travel restrictions for DOD Installations, facilities, and locations with greater than 1,000 DOD personnel assigned. Installations, facilities, and locations that have met the criteria set forth in the memo are indicated by “yes” in the Travel Restrictions Lifted column.
The criteria for lifting travel restrictions is as follows:
- Step 1: Meet State/Country Opening Up America Gating Criteria (14 Day Declining Trend in Symptoms & Cases; No Stay At Home Order)
- Step 2: Meet Installation Criteria (No Travel Restrictions, HPCON below Charlie, Essential Services Available, Quality Assurance in place for Movers)
- Step 3: CMO, the Sec of a Mil Department, or a CCMDR approve lifting travel restrictions for an installation
Note: Step 1 and Step 2 criteria must be met before travel restrictions can be lifted for an installation by the Chief Management Officer, the Secretary of a Military Department, or a Combatant Commander. If installation conditions are subsequently not met, the approval authority decides if travel restrictions should be reinstated.
Unrestricted travel is allowed when a service member is moving from a “green” installation to another “green” installation. If either the losing or gaining installation is “red” or “restricted,” the service member’s travel would require to be either under the exemptions or waivers outlined in the Secretary of Defense memo on the conditions-based, phased approach to personnel movement and travel dated May 22, 2020.
The installation status update can be found here.
More information on the update to the travel restrictions can be found here.
This format replaces the weekly “Travel Restrictions: Green Locations” release.