Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin today approved a request from the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) for the Department of Defense (DoD) to loan surveillance systems to allow the USCP to improve U.S. Capitol security.
Under this arrangement, the DoD will provide eight Persistent Surveillance Systems Ground – Medium (PSSG-M) units, on a reimbursable basis, for a period of one year. The Army will install the units and will train USCP personnel or authorized contractors to operate the systems. Except for required maintenance of the systems, no DoD personnel will operate the PSSG-M units.
The PSSG-M provides high-definition surveillance video, including night vision. This technology will be integrated with existing USCP camera infrastructure, providing greater high definition surveillance capacity to meet steady-state mission requirements and help identify emerging threats. The PSSG-M system does not include facial recognition.
Any further questions on the staffing or use of the PSSG-M systems at the U.S. Capitol should be directed to the USCP.