Today, the Department released the 2021 On-Site Installation Evaluation (OSIE) Report, which provides senior Department leadership with greater visibility at the local level that can be scaled enterprise-wide. The OSIE Report will also allow the Department to better tailor the continued implementation of the Independent Review Commission's recommendations.
On Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's first full day in office, he made countering the scourge of sexual assault in the military a key priority. In the month following, Secretary Austin directed the establishment of the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military and directed broad policy compliance checks, the assessment and development of prevention capabilities at each installation, the enhancement of the Department's command climate efforts, and site visits to a representative sample of military installations. These site visits culminated in the release of the 2021 OSIE Report covering 20 Department of Defense sites.
A key objective for the Department is to better understand current gaps and provide our teams with the necessary tools to enhance prevention capabilities. As Secretary Austin has made clear, preventing sexual assault requires commitment from every echelon of DoD leadership.
The memo for "DOD Actions to Address Findings and Recommendations of the 2021 On-Site Installation Evaluations" can be found here.
The 2021 On-Site Installation Evaluation Report can be found here.