Property Disposal Specialist Eric Garris
Describe your job in a sentence or two. What do you do specifically?
I serve as a Site Lead, of a medium Disposition Services site in Richmond Virginia which provides disposal services to the military, DoD civilians, government contractors, and state and federal partners.
How long have you worked for the federal government including military service? 31 years.
How long have you worked for DLA Disposition Services? 8 years.
What is your favorite memory with DLA Disposition Services? Serving as Warehouse Supervisor for DLA DS Bragg. It was my first job in the agency; it will always hold a special place in my memory.
What aspects of your current job gives you the most personal satisfaction and why? Helping the warfighter solve disposal problems and sharing my experience with team members that will enhance their knowledge and skills.
What is the best piece of advice someone has given you? Do unto others as you would yourself.
What kind(s) of training and education helps your work performance in your current role? Numerous logistical courses I attended during my 23-year tenure in the US Army, obtaining a master’s and bachelor’s degree in the Logistics and Management field and most importantly all the on the job training I received from supervisors, peers, and subordinates along the way.
What would you say have been your major contributions to your organization this year? Providing support to three Major Army Commands at Fort Bragg to divest large amounts of rolling stock and on the shelf excess property.
If you could speak directly to the warfighter, you support; what would you tell them? Communicate with your local DLA Disposition Services site to get guidance on how to dispose of excess property prior to arranging your turn-in appointments.
Where do you see yourself five years from now? Seeking and embracing new challenges within the agency.
What is your best memory of working here? Working as a Disposal Service Representative.
What was your first job? Warehouse Supervisor.
Who’s your biggest influence? Grandparents.
Name your favorite/recent book(s) you have read. An Enemy called Average
What are some of your passions outside of work? Traveling, fishing, and sporting activities.
What is your favorite quote? “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? Professional Football player.
Who is your hero? I can’t really say I have one.
If you could choose to do anything for a day; what would it be? King.
What’s the most thrilling/adventurous thing you have ever done? Deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan while in the military.