KEY WEST, Fla. — Hurricane Ian passed over Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West overnight Sept. 27, causing flood damage and prompting evacuations of Navy personnel and families.
At 10 p.m. Sept 27, NAS Key West emergency responders evacuated 61 residents from base housing to Navy Gateway Inn & Suites after a higher-than-forecast storm surge unexpectedly flooded homes on the Truman Annex. Navy Federal Firefighters and first responders with the evacuation.
Captain Elizabeth Regoli, commanding officer of NAS Key West, later issued a mandatory evacuation for low-lying areas in Sigsbee Park housing due to high tide and storm surge anticipated today between 12-4 p.m. on the Gulf side of the installation. Emergency accommodations will be available for displaced residents at Fly Navy-Navy Gateway Inns & Suites.
For Navy personnel residing off installation, follow the Monroe County Emergency Management website for information about shelters nearest you.
"The safety of our Navy personnel and their families is my top priority," said Captain Regoli. "We will continue to direct all resources possible towards the safe relocation and emergency assistance for those displaced by Hurricane Ian."
Navy personnel and families are encouraged to check their Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) account ( to ensure it is up-to-date. Those impacted and requiring assistance can complete a needs assessment at or by calling their local Fleet and Family Support Center. All NAS Key West personnel should muster with their chain of command daily.
A damage assessment will be conducted throughout the installation when it is deemed safe to do so.
For more information on NAS Key West and its emergency response, visit or follow the installation on social media at and