The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO), in partnership with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, launched its second Global Information Dominance Experiment, known as GIDE. The sixth iteration of GIDE began Jun. 5 and will conclude Jul. 26. The experimentation team is comprised of U.S. military and civilian personnel from all service branches and multiple combatant commands.
"We are excited to enhance globally integrated operations through workflows that allow for faster, more data-informed, human-in-the-loop decisions," said Dr. Craig Martell, Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer. "Strengthening industry integration and collaboration domestically, and with our allies and partners abroad, we aim to showcase the transformative power of data, analytics, and AI for our warfighters."
Participants will convene in-person and virtually at the Pentagon, and around the world from field offices across multiple combatant commands. The experiments are designed to iteratively test, measure, optimize, and field Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) solutions using a unified data layer that is vendor agnostic. This approach supports the application and evaluation of machine learning and artificial intelligence models.
"GIDE 6 will leverage our insights from GIDE 5 metrics to further test our capabilities by replicating real-world operational scenarios that enable us to learn and adapt in a controlled experimentation environment,” said Col. Matthew Strohmeyer, GIDE 6 Mission Commander. “We aim to push the boundaries of our current systems and processes in this iteration, leveraging longer experiment duration and expanding collaboration to enhance the success of this and future experiments."
GIDE 1-4 were facilitated by the Northern American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command to lead rapid innovation in DoD critical capabilities alongside other combatant commands. The CDAO relaunched the GIDE series in 2023 with GIDE 5, expanding collaboration across combatant commands and international partners.
For more information on CDAO and GIDE, visit: