Pentagon Spokesman Eric Pahon provided the following readout:
Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen Hicks hosted the Defense Business Board's second quarterly meeting for fiscal year 2024 at the Pentagon yesterday in a closed, classified session. Ms. Aditi Kumar, Defense Innovation Unit deputy director of strategy, policy, and national security partnerships, and Ms. Joy Shanaberger, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary, joined Dr. Hicks for the discussion.
During the session, she briefed board members on accelerating the development and procurement of advanced capabilities.
The Deputy Secretary noted that DoD is learning lessons from the Replicator initiative that could be applied throughout the Department. Replicator shows where improved business processes can deliver cost-effective capability.
Board members asked questions and provided recommendations based on best business practices from the private sector. Deputy Secretary Hicks thanked the board members for dedicating their time and expertise toward improving Department of Defense business practices, governance, and culture.
More information on DBB's second quarter fiscal year 2024 meeting is available here.