Department of Defense Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Devin T. Robinson provided the following readout:
Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, Ms. Rebecca Zimmerman, hosted Colombia's Minister of Defense, Mr. Iván Velásquez, and Minister of Justice and Law, Mr. Néstor Osuna, at the Pentagon on February 28. The visiting delegation also included Mr. Daniel Ávila, Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy of Colombia in the United States.
The United States delegation included Mr. Daniel Erikson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Mr. James Saenz, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy; and Mr. James Alverson, Principal Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs. Performing the Duties of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Ms. Melissa Dalton, joined the meeting to emphasize the Department's support for the U.S. defense partnership with Colombia.
The leaders discussed Colombia's new counter-drug policy released last year as well as progress on Colombia's Total Peace plan. PTDO Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs Zimmerman highlighted DoD's assistance to Colombia during their recent forest fires through the provision of Bambi buckets and humanitarian assistance. The senior officials exchanged views on countering illicit drug trafficking and human security, stemming irregular migration, and frameworks to enhance bilateral security cooperation.
The meeting reaffirmed the United States' and Department of Defense's strong partnership with Colombia, as the two nations work together to ensure a stable and secure hemisphere based on a foundation of respect for democracy and human rights.