The Department of Defense (DOD) released the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military today.
This year's annual report shows that the estimated prevalence of sexual assault and harassment declined in the active force, compared to levels last measured in 2021. This is the first time in nearly 10 years that the Department has seen a decrease in sexual assault prevalence. The report also shows that a greater share of Service members reported their sexual incidents to a DoD authority, which the Department always encourages.
"Since Secretary Austin's first day on the job, he has made countering sexual assault and harassment a top priority," said Elizabeth Foster, the Executive Director of the Office of Force Resiliency. "The progress highlighted by this year's report show the impact of the Department's unprecedented efforts and investments. We are cautiously optimistic that our work to counter these problematic behaviors is having the intended effect. However, to see enduring change take hold, we must sustain our efforts to implement the reforms and initiatives approved by the Secretary."
The report includes sexual assault and sexual harassment estimated prevalence data from the 2023 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Military Members, sexual assault reporting data, and summarizes efforts to execute Secretary of Defense and Congressionally-directed sexual assault prevention and response reforms, including the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military (IRC-SAM).
"In 2023, about seven thousand fewer Service members experienced the crime of sexual assault than in 2021," said Dr. Nate Galbreath, the Acting Director of DoD's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office. "Progress like this is achievable when leaders align policy, resourcing, and the will to act collectively in the best interest of our people and our nation. It is imperative that this forward momentum continue."
The Department continues focusing on expanding integrated prevention initiatives, improving climate and culture, reforming the military justice process, and enhancing victim assistance.
In addition to the FY 2023 Annual Report, the DoD also released the Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies (MSAs), Academic Program Year 2022-2023 . The Department found that the MSAs are in compliance with relevant law and policy.
The FY 2023 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, the Annual Report of Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies , Academic Program Year 2022- 2023, and fact sheets with the topline results are available on