COL TURNER: All right. Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. Thanks for being here today. My name is Colonel Kathy Turner, the director of major relations to vision for Army public affairs. We have Major General Paul Chamberlain, the director for the Army budget.
He'll spend about 25, 30 minutes or so briefing our Army FY 2021 budget overview. And then we'll have about 10 minutes or so for questions. I'll be moderating the discussion today. Please wait for me to call on you.
Let's keep it to one follow up so everybody -- we can get as many questions in as we can. Major General Chamberlain.
MAJOR GENERAL PAUL CHAMBERLAIN: So good afternoon everybody. As Col. Turner said, I'm Paul Chamberlain, the Director of the Army Budget. And today we're going to take a look at the Army's FY 21 budget request.
So today I will present an overview of the United States Army's fiscal year 21 budget request, which -- if full funded supports -- the Army's priorities of readiness, modernization, and people.
It also demonstrates the Army's unwavering commitment and investment in our most precious asset; our soldiers, civilians, and their families. This budget request insures the Army can accomplish its mission in support of the 2018 National Defense Strategy.
What we'll do is we'll begin with a look at several of the strategic documents, which guides all of our efforts. Then I'll provide you an overview of our Army, including a bit of a global context and then we'll go into a by-appropriation view of the Army's request. Highlighting several of the key areas.
And finally, as time permits and as Colonel Turner just identified, we will take some questions.
These are the strategic documents that help identify and define the Army's priorities and therefore the Army's budget request. These are a series of neutrally supporting and nested documents that communicate “the what we need” to prepare for as laid out in the national defense strategy.
They also communicate the plans from which we develop “the how” the Army will do it. Lastly, this budget is the means from which we will achieve our readiness goals by 2022 and set us on the path for future budgets, which will help us achieve our modernization objectives by 2028.
This is the strategic guidance used to focus the Army. So let's put that in to fiscal context. The Army significantly increased tactical readiness beginning with the receipt of $20 billion of additional appropriations in fiscal year 2017.
While continuing to build readiness form fiscal year 18 to fiscal year 20, we simultaneously transformed our acquisitions enterprise to more quickly develop and field capabilities needed to prevail in great power completion and conflict.
This year's budget request enables us to reach our 2022 tactical readiness goal of 2/3 of brigade combat teams at the highest levels of readiness while also enhancing strategic readiness. At the same time we are increasing our investment in our six modernization priorities, to strengthen our competitive advantage and fulfill our missions of the NDS, with capabilities that support joint all-domain and large-scale combat operations.
This is all done within a flat Army budget top line as a result of and focused on self-examination known as deep-dives, that enable the Army to realign $2.4 billion of reform funding into the FY’21 budget request, and $9 billion across the future years defense program, or also known as the FYDP.
Finally, Army senior leaders are committed to modernizing not just equipment, but the entire Army enterprise, ensuring the Army has the best talent management system and quality of life for our soldiers, civilians and families.
Your Army, America's Army is ready. It's the world's finest fighting force. It's the best trained, best equipped and best led Army to take the field. The Army currently supports nearly 60 percent of the combatant command mission requirements, however, we must continue to prepare for and be capable of competing and winning against strategic competitors in the Indo-Pacific and European theaters, while simultaneously meeting other known and emerging worldwide requirements.
Proof that the Army is ready and able conduct operations around the globe at a moment’s notice, is a recent no-notice 1st Brigade 82nd Airborne Divisions deployment to the Middle East in response to threats to our -- threats against our interest there.
This is a good example of both tactical and strategic readiness. As the strategic environment continues to evolve, it creates new operational challenges that require different material and technical solutions.
While we were fighting counterterrorism and counterinsurgency battles, near-peer competitors and adversaries were modernizing with new technologies and capabilities, putting them on a trajectory to overtake our competitive advantage.
China and Russia are developing sophisticated weapon systems and advanced capabilities to disrupt our military deployments and operations.
The Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army are committed to providing ready and capable forces to the combatant commanders to meet these operational demands and this budget request supports that commitment.
Before we dive into the FY'21 request, I want to express thanks to the Congress for the Army's -- for supporting the Army and providing to the Army in fiscal year '20 and '21 -- or fiscal year '17 through '20, which enabled the Army's readiness recovery, while making significant investments towards achieving the Army vision and resourcing the Army's six modernization priorities, which is the long-range precision fires, the next generation combat vehicle, future vertical lift, the network, air missile defense and soldier lethality.
In the aggregate, you can see the Army's total FY'21 budget is $178 billion, this is about $2 billion less than the FY'20 enacted levels, which is primarily the result of reduced OCO funding, consistent with the potential structure changes in the Middle East.
Looking at the bar chart, you can see my earlier comments reflected about flat budget top lines, making the actions the Army took in this budget critical to our efforts, in sustaining tactical readiness, building operational and strategic readiness and continuing to modernize our forces.
Only through difficult choices does the FY'21 budget request allow the Army to enhance its readiness and begin the transition of selected CFT efforts from research and development to procurement and fielding in fiscal year '21 and beyond.
Separately, and just as importantly, the Army appreciates Congress enacting the FY'19 appropriation prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. It enabled commanders to execute training and operations on schedule and allowed modernization and procurement programs to proceed without delays.
Continued timely, adequate, predictable and sustained funding is needed to ensure that the Army does not loose the momentum it has achieved in readiness and modernization.
The overarching guidance that continues to give the Army direction is the NDS and its missions in providing land force supremacy in support of the Joint All-Domain strategy.
The foundation of the Army is its people -- soldiers, civilians and families -- who all have a part in meeting -- in the Army meeting its mission. To meet its mission, this budget request is strategy-driven and requirements-based. The resources applied to readiness in this budget maintain the Army's ability to generate highly trained, disciplined and fit soldiers and cohesive teams needed to build the foundational units of the Army, the squad.
From the squad to the total Army, we are in the midst of the broadest modernization efforts since the 1970s and '80s, when we developed and fielded the big five weapons systems. The FY'21 funding request supports today's modernization priorities, enabling the Army to meet challenges -- to -- the challenges of tomorrow's battlefield and directly aligns with how the Army fights as a member of the Joint All-Domain team.
FY'21 marks a pivotal year for the Army modernization as we mature our processes and establish momentum across all six modernization priorities. The Army will also continue its reform efforts, creating efficiencies and realigning money and manpower to higher priorities.
It is through reform efforts that the Army is funding our ambitious modernization strategy within a flat top line. The FY’21 budget also invests in infrastructure upgrades that increase the capacity of our organic industrial base, improves the conditions of on-post housing and soldier barracks, and modernizes training facilities.
So now we'll take a closer look at the budget. The Army's base budget request is $153.1 billion, an increase of $3.8 billion over the FY’20 enacted base appropriation. This funding total reflects the combined resources for all three components.
Our military pay accounts grew $2.8 billion. These funds directly improve total Army readiness by allowing the Army to attract the talent it needs for today's sophisticated force. These funds also pay reserve component soldiers on active duty needed to support operational missions. The military pay accounts also provide recruiting and retention bonuses to maintain the all-volunteer force.
The operations and maintenance funding grew $1.9 billion over FY'20 enacted levels. These funds support Army force structure readiness objectives, increases funding for dynamic force employment, resources 24 combat training center rotations and increases the duration of one station unit training for armor and cavalry scouts.
Despite the fact that the procurement and RDT&E funding is fairly flat, the Army is increasing investment in the efforts of the cross-functional teams and Rapid Capability and Critical Technologies Office by about 27 percent over the FY’20 budget. This allocation of resources reflects the Army leaders’ difficult decisions to reduce investment in legacy systems to adequately fund programs essential to supporting the National Defense Strategy.
The military construction budget of $1.1 billion supports a total of 31 projects across the total Army. The request also includes $119 million for Army family housing construction projects. Overall, Army family housing operations account decreased by about $40 million because of reduced inventory and recent lower utility usage and leasing activities. However, real property maintenance funding increased to support the additional oversight of Army family housing.
We'll begin a more in depth look at the budget request, beginning with the Army's end strength. In Fiscal Year '19, the Army exceeded its adjusted end strength due primarily to achieving its recruiting accessions and retention missions.
The Army therefore adjusted its FY’20 active component end strength to 485,000 soldiers. In Fiscal Year '21, the Army will achieve a total end strength of 1,012,200 soldiers, with modest end strength growth in all three components.
This steady annual growth will allow the Army to achieve its end strength while maintaining its existing high quality of standards for new soldiers. The requested Army end strength will fill units, reconstitute lost capability and provide new capabilities designed to face emerging threats and support the Joint All-Domain fight.
Military personnel accounts comprised the largest portion of the Army's base budget. The FY’21 request of $62.5 billion is an increase of $2.8 billion from '20 enacted levels. The request compensates soldiers with a three percent pay raise, provides for recruiting and retention incentives, and it increases allowances for housing and subsistence by 2.9 and 2.3 percent respectively.
The reserve components’ military personnel accounts fund statutory training days, exercise participation, recruiting and retention incentives, education benefits and full-time support.
As we look to O&M, the Army's O&M -- operation of maintenance accounts --represent the second largest appropriation category within the Army and provide funds to recruit, organize, train and sustain Army forces worldwide.
The FY’21 request for OMA reflects an increase of approximately $2.1 billion over the FY’20 appropriation. The FY’21 OMA request funds home station training, builds operational readiness and ensures the Army's brigade combat teams are trained to face near peer competitors in Joint All-Domain and large scale combat operations.
In Fiscal Year '21, our OMA request trains regular Army brigade combat teams to brigade-level proficiency and resources 24 CTC rotations. Those are 10 rotations at the National Training Center, eight at the Joint Readiness Training Center and six at the Joint Multinational Training Center. Four of these rotations are Army National Guard BCT rotations, emphasizing total Army readiness and interoperability.
As the Army continues to focus on providing fit and disciplined soldiers, OMA funds were used to extend one station unit training for infantry, armor, cavalry and engineer soldiers from 18 to 22 weeks, providing better trained and more lethal soldiers to their units who can quickly integrate into their new squads, crews and teams.
In Fiscal Year '21, the Army's enhancing strategic readiness through dynamic force employment. Closely associated with the DFE is the DEFENDER-series exercises, designed to demonstrate strategic readiness through overseas unit deployment and conduct of overseas training exercises. In FY’21, we will emphasize DEFENDER-Pacific series exercises.
The facility sustainment budget request funds all components to no less than 80 percent of facility sustainment requirements. This results in restoration of modernization funding returning to previous levels, following the increase in funding that we had in FY’20.
Next, we'll take a look at the O&M for the Guard and Reserve. The Army's FY’21 budget request supports $10.3 billion of O&M requirements for Army Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve. The Army -- the operation of maintenance for the National Guard requests $7.4 billion of resources to enhance the warfighter readiness and increase lethality while simultaneously investing in sustainment, restoration and modernization of Guard facilities.
The budget funds the Army National Guard's BCTs to a platoon-level of proficiency and provides a force that can support combatant commander requirements, defend against threats to the homeland and remain responsive to governors for natural disasters and emergencies.
The Operation and Maintenance - Army Reserve request of $2.9 billion is a slight decrease from the FY’20 enacted budget. The Army's Reserve FY’21 O&M budget focuses on core competency of units, supporting a responsive, flexible and enduring Army Reserve capable of providing essential combat enablers who are trained, equipped and lethal.
The budget provides sufficient funding to train the Army Reserve to platoon-level proficiency. It provides resources to increase training for the Army Reserve's focused readiness units, ensuring units are ready to deploy within 90 days to support the Joint All-Domain Force.
The funding also supports the professional education and specialized training, and a return to previous facilities sustainment, restoration and modernization funding levels.
Now that I have discussed the Army's increase in warfighter readiness and global posture, I'll present the Army's Fiscal Year '21 budget request for its modernization plan.
The Army modernization strategy introduced the Army's six modernization priorities to make soldiers and units more lethal in order to deploy, fight and win our nation's wars.
The Army demonstrated commitment to the strategy early by reprogramming nearly a billion dollars to seed the modernization effort in Fiscal Year 2018.
Then, in 2019, the Army expanded its modernization effort and realigned nearly $24 billion across the FYDP into the six priorities, focusing the funding on 31 signature efforts managed by the eight cross-functional teams.
In Fiscal Year '20, the Army realigned $30 billion across the FYDP into the modernization priorities, and identified three other critical efforts known as the “plus three” in the 31+3 construct, with special management by the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office.
These are three efforts -- these are the three efforts: long-range hypersonic weapons, directed energy mobile short-range air defense, and indirect fire capability.
Fiscal Year '21 marks a pivotal year for the Army modernization, as we have matured our processes and established momentum across modernization priorities, driving materiel development for the Multi All-Domain Force. In this budget request, the Army realigned three-plus billion dollars this year, and $9 billion across the FYDP for modernization.
This is the result of the cumulative effect of three years of difficult choices and a flat budget topline, leaving a smaller opportunity to realign funds to the modernization priorities.
It is the Army's Futures Command and its eight cross-functional teams that will enable the change that is essential to maintaining and pushing the efforts of the Army's modernization strategy.
The cross-functional teams bring together stakeholders from requirement owners, acquisition teams, science and technology, testing, and the logisticians so that we can rapidly develop, field and sustain future capabilities. Early prototyping, testing and frequent touch points with soldiers from the operational force ensures user input informs effective solutions to meet the operational needs.
In the next slides, I will show how the U.S. -- how we use the RDA funds to resource the Army's prototyping and modernization priorities.
The Army vision outlines the force needed by 2028 to win decisively in future wars. It is going to be an Army that has the next-generation combat systems, modern doctrine and restructured formations. Despite what appears to be only a slight increase of RDA funding between Fiscal Year '20 and Fiscal Year '21, the Army realigned nearly $3 billion across the accounts.
Although the Army FY’21 RDT&E request is only $100 million above the FY’20 enacted amount, the Army remains committed to its modernization priorities started two years ago. The Army's modernization strategy focuses on turning ideas into actions early, and development through experimentation and prototyping.
With this FY’21 budget request, the Army realigned its FY’21 science and technology budget in support of the six modernization priorities to deliver concepts and capabilities at the speed of innovation.
Systems such as long-range hypersonic weapon will provide the Army with a strategic attack weapon to defeat anti-access and area denial capabilities, suppress adversary long-range fires, and engage other high-payoff and time-sensitive targets.
Fiscal Year '21 request includes in excess of $500 million for hypersonic weapons and continues efforts to support hypersonic weapon subsystems and fabrication of the first articles to undergo integration and testing.
Like RDT&E, the FY’21 procurement request is only $100 million above the FY’20 enacted amount. However, combined with the difficult deep-dive decisions and a focus on capabilities that support the NDS, this request continues to allow the Army to realign funds and fill critical capability gaps, acquiring new systems and enhancing some proven platforms.
In the FY’21 request, the Stryker upgrade program increases survivability and lethality of 154 Stryker vehicles through conversions from flat-bottom hulled to double-V hull and upgrades to a 30-millimeter gun.
This request also upgrades the tactical network, providing technology refresh and modernization that are critical to ensure the Army's tactical network remains viable against all threats.
Over the next three slides, I'll highlight how the budget request supports Army requirements and priorities in RDT&E and procurement.
The Army's $12.6 billion RDT&E request accelerates incremental upgrades to existing systems, delivering greater capabilities to our soldiers sooner, and advances in cutting-edge technologies necessary to deter and prevail as we compete short of conflict, and to fight and win if deterrence fails.
The Army's Science and Technology portfolio is a crucial part of the Army's modernization strategy. Nearly 80 percent of the Army's S&T budget is aligned to the six modernization priorities. The funding is focused on maturing technology, reducing program risk, developing demonstrations and prototypes to better define affordable and achievable requirements, and conducting experimentation with soldiers to refine new operational concepts.
The Army's S&T investment strategy seeks a balanced portfolio to modernization priorities while maintaining exploratory research to ensure technological advantage and lays the groundwork for revolutionary change.
As these S&T modernization priority efforts mature, they will provide technology options to the cross-functional teams and traditional programs of record for either rapid prototyping or further advanced development.
Some significant examples of advanced development areas are: low-earth orbit satellite, which will provide the Army access to assured position, navigation and timing information under conditions where the global positioning system may be limited or denied; software and digital technology, which is DOD's pilot program to streamline software development and acquisition. It will consolidate funds for the full iterative life cycle of the Army's operational software.
Other significant advanced developments efforts include ground combat vehicles, future attack and reconnaissance aircraft, lower-tier air missile defense, mobile protective fire power and indirect fire capabilities.
In Fiscal Year '21, Army's RDT&E investment supports the Army's modernization priorities through early integration of concepts, prototyping, and testing to ensure future generations of soldiers continue to be the most lethal fighting force in the world.
Now that I've discussed the S&T and the R&D, we're going to move to procurement.
As the 31+3 signature efforts mature, funding will shift from RDT&E into procurement. In the interim, procurement funds are aligned to provide the greatest return on investments. This allows the Army to retain capabilities to support the combatant commands now, as we begin fielding the next-generation capabilities to ensure continued overmatch by 2028.
The Army's FY’21 request of $21.7 billion for procurement is about $100 million more than our FY’20-enacted funding. The FY’21 increase and realignment for Other Procurement - Army represents Army decisions to focus investments -- which I'll highlight for you -- in aviation, ground maneuver, air and missile defense, conventional munitions, the network and soldier lethality.
The Fiscal Year '21 Army aviation request funds 36 Black Hawk M-model helicopters, 23 of which will replace alpha-model Black Hawks in the Army National Guard, and it converts 23 Black Hawk L models to Victor models for the Army National Guard as well.
As part of the FY’21 Army Combat Vehicle Modernization Strategy, the Army procured 73 armored multi-purpose vehicles as well as funds the incremental modernization of Paladin, Stryker, Abrams, and Bradley systems to increase survivability and lethality. The FY’21 air missile defense munitions portfolio provides critical munitions to counter advanced adversaries such as China and Russia which threaten our over-match.
Additionally it will replenish wartime stocks in preferred and advanced emissions to increase lethality. The FY’21 request includes procurement of rockets, missiles, launchers, and M-SHORAD systems for the second of three M-SHORAD-equipped battalions.
The FY’21 ammunition procurement funding supports continued modernization improvements in small caliber ammunition manufacturing at Lake City Army Ammunition Plant to include producing the three new types of the next generation squad weapons, rounds -- excuse me, the next generation squad rounds that will provide munitions over-match for the close combat war-fighter.
Modernization of the Army network technologies is necessary to improve sensor-to-shooter response times and enhanced command-and-control of forces distributed across vast distances and contested environments. Major network efforts in the FY’21 OPA request include the hand- and man-pack small form-fit radios, tactical network modernization of in-service equipment, and the Joint Battle Command platform.
In '21, the Army continues its Soldier lethality modernization effort, treating the soldier and the squad as a system and revolutionizing the way soldiers and squad -- revolutionizing the way soldiers prepare for future conflict. Instrumental to achieving over-match against our near peer adversaries is the procurement of night vision devices.
The two largest soldier-specific programs are enhanced night vision goggles - binocular, and the Integrated Visual Augmentation System with heads-up display, which will provide the war-fighter increased lethality, mobility, and greater situational awareness.
The ENVG-Bravos is the first networked night vision system that provides three-dimensional situational awareness, by bringing the battlefield imagery and -- imagery and data directly to the soldier's eye. It also provides additional depth perception and awareness beyond the capabilities of near peer threats facing the United States military.
The IVAS system features advanced eye wear that places images in a soldier's heads-up display. The heads-up display is the hardware and base system of IVAS, and when combined with a synthetic training environment squad capability, IVAS enables the close combat forces to be able to train, rehearse, and fight using the same system.
This chart here lists selected programs and their requested quantities. I'll give you a moment to take a look at that.
Next we will take a look at facilities. The Army's infrastructure is a critical aspect of Army readiness. It's important that we have first-rate facilities where soldiers and civilians work, train, and live. One of the senior leaders' priorities for the Army is to provide resilient installations that meet the needs of her people and support the strategic readiness and power projection platforms.
The Army's FY’21 military construction budget request invests invests in mission readiness. It recapitalizes facilities and builds new facilities to meet mission demands. The Army will fund 31 projects totaling $1.1 billion across all three components. Construction projects are in 23 states along with Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The total Army Family Housing program is $486 million and supports the day-to-day operation and maintenance of existing units worldwide. There are also two constructions projects, one in Vicenza, Italy, and one in Kwajalein Atoll.
The Army's BRAC funding request supports environmental clean-up, restoration and conveyance of excess properties at locations designated under previous BRAC rounds.
The Army's fiscal year ‘21 budget request includes other base requirements that are funded outside of our main appropriations. This year's request include $71 million for Arlington National Cemetery to fund day-to-day operations of the final resting place for our warriors.
The Army's also requesting $889 million for the chemical de-militarization program. This is the funding that supports continued chemical agent destruction operations at the Pueblo, Colorado, and Bluegrass, Kentucky, plants as well as the chemical stock pile emergency preparedness project that supports both sites and their surrounding communities.
The last account I'll talk about it the OCO funding. The Army has managed large Overseas Contingency Operations budgets since 2001. The funding required for these operations changes from year to year due to the unpredictable nature of the global environment.
The Army's requesting $24.9 billion for OCO in fiscal year 21. The 21 OCO request supports Operation Freedom Sentinel, Operation Inherent Resolve, and it also supports the European deterrence initiative and other Army counter-terrorism operations around the globe. Nearly $3 billion of the OCO request is for military personnel pay. Primarily to fund man-days for mobilize reserve and guard component soldiers.
The $14.5 billion of O&M funding request supports theater operations. It supports the mobilization, transportation force protection base operations, combat advisory operations and equipment reset.
The procurement accounts provide funding for replace of battle loses, ammunition consumption and pre-positioned stocks in the theater. The Army also manages funding in the Afghan Security Forces fund and the Counter-ISIS train and equip fund.
These are pass through accounts and comprise nearly $4.9 billion in military support of partner nations in combating terrorism. And although they are called pass-through accounts, they're still managed in accordance with DOD financial management regulations.
Now let's take a look at what's enabled the Army to make the adjustments to our funding over the last three years. It is only through continuous and through self-evaluation to identify resources to realign to programs essential to supporting the National Defense Strategy that the Army's been able to fund its readiness and modernization efforts.
Fiscal year 21 is the second year Army senior leaders conducted night court deep-dives to identify manpower, money and time to reallocate to its readiness and modernization priorities.
It was through this critical and laser-focused analysis of the equipping portfolio, using the lens of the deep dives that resulted in eliminating 41 programs and reducing or delaying 39 programs, not essential to supporting the NDS or the current fight, which freed up funding for modernization.
Additionally, other efforts such as converting training from onsite to distance learning and the associated travel savings, consolidating contracts to reduce overhead costs, reviewing life cycle replacement of IT equipment and improving our resource modeling are a few examples of other reforms undertaken by the Army.
It is Army reform efforts that enable the Army to identify funds to realign against readiness requirements and support our aggressive modernization goals within flat top lines.
As I conclude this brief, I will emphasize the National Defense Strategy informs the Army's FY 21 budget request and prepares the Army to support joint all-domain and large-scale combat operations.
We remain ready to provide prompt and sustained land forces to win decisively against any adversary and defend our national interest while investing in our future. While the FY 21 budget declined slightly from past years, the Army continues to provide the joint force with soldiers ready to meet the challenges of today's battlefield and the requirements of the combatant commanders.
The Army continues its modernization effort to support the nation in this period of great power competition. The total Army will need to acquire, develop and employ, and retain the diversity of soldiers and civilian talent needed to achieve total Army readiness, by recognizing and capitalizing on the unique skills, and knowledge, and behaviors possessed by every member of the Army's team.
Army senior leaders also recognize our soldiers, civilians and their families should have the best quality of life possible, commensurate with their service, so that the Army is implementing policy changes and process improvements for soldier and family quality of life, which will align to the Chief of Staff's five people priorities.
These people priorities -- these people priority efforts are foundational to the Army's overall readiness and our ability to support combatant commander's requirements around the world.
Our people are our greatest strength, our most important weapon system, our people will deliver on our readiness and our modernization and our reform efforts, and our goals.
The Army stands ready to deploy, fight and win our nation's battles. Army strong, people first, winning matters. Thank you.
COL Turner: All right, so we've got a couple minutes. We'll get right to some questions. Matt?
MATT BEINART: Hi. I just wanted to clarify one point about the night court savings, you mentioned kind of earlier in the discussion that it was $9 billion of the FDYP. But one of those last slides there, the documents we have says $13.5 billion. So, just wanted to double check that.
And then you mentioned the two categories of programs, 41 program cuts, 39 reduced or delayed. Can you point to some specific programs within each of those two categories?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: Yes, so it's $9 billion over the FDYP, and that's the difference between '20 and '21. And, of course, we're talking about a different timeline, so its ’20-‘24, ’21-25, so that's $9 billion I was talking about.
And the second part was what programs?
MATT BEINART: Yes, within each of those two categories? The --
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: So, I'll just give you a couple of examples. Couple examples of the programs that were eliminated, the advance precision kill system, the high mobility eliminator -- or high mobility engineer excavator and tactical electrical power, and this was already T&E’d for the tactical electrical power.
Couple for the reduction, we had a reduction of JLTV, ATAC and SLEP and some mortars.
SYDNEY FREEDBERG: Hi. You -- there are figures in the slides for each of the big six categories, which are actually eight categories, but I don't see a figure anywhere for the plus three, the I guess, hypersonic, directed energy and the low-earth orbit. What are the figures for those three things in this budget and are they part of your $9 billion or are they in addition to the $9 billion?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: They are included in the $9 billion. I've -- I alluded to the hypersonics, and the hypersonics is over $500 million for the hypersoncis.
You're question regarding the other two, the low-earth orbits, I'll have to confirm the number, but I think that is $80 million or thereabouts.
SYDNEY FREEDBERG: And directed energy, but it -- the third one --
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: I'll have to get that number back to you how we're paying for those.
COL TURNER: OK. All right, Ashley?
ASHLEY ROQUE: A clarification and then a question. A clarification in JLTV, has they Army -- the Army's recommending even deeper cuts over the one's proposed last year?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: So, those -- they are reductions, they're not cuts, they're just reductions, because we're extending the production life for the JLTV, so it has been extended, I think, its three years. Right now it's out past 2040.
ASHLEY ROQUE: And then also the documents do not address OMFV, and I know since probably the budget was complete there has been some changes to the program. How is the Army looking at that? What is the budget plan? What does the Army need and do you need to go to Congress to sort of amend this budget?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: So, the OMFV is -- has just been on hold. It has not been canceled. Here recently it was -- we identified the fact that the requirements as we expected them probably could not be achieved with the current technology that is out there, so we're going to take a -- take a breath and go ahead, regroup, figure out what is possible, we'LL work with industry to determine that and then we'll go ahead and put out a new request for proposal.
JEN JUDSON: Hi, Jen Judson with Defense News. Just a follow-up on that. Does that have any effect on the -- on Bradley upgrade plans? I know that those were scaled back before to accommodate OMFV and since the OMFV timeline is up in the air, where there any changes to the -- to the Bradley upgrade plans?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: So, there was a little bit of a reduction in the Bradley upgrade plans, but we're still continuing to upgrade Bradleys so that we have the most updated Bradleys combined with the Abrams, to ensure that we have completely upgraded brigade combat teams with both vehicles.
JEN JUDSON: OK, and on the Chinook Block II, I know that, you know, obviously, you scaled that back and cut the plan to procure those for those active force last year, and Congress had a little bit of pushback on that.
Can you talk about any changes in FY'21 in terms of funding the active force for Block II in this budget? It wasn't clear in the budget document.
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: So, we will continue with the Block II RDT&E and the development of that for our special operations forces, but we will maintain approximately seven aircraft a year in CH47s for the conventional forces.
COL TURNER: So, last question. Haley.
HALEY BRITZKEY: In OCO, the Counter-ISIS Train and Equip Fund, looks like it was cut by $350 million. Could you talk a little bit about that and what that will look like?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: That is really contingent -- or mission contingency-based in theater. And as that continues to evolve and change, the production is really based upon what is -- what is going on on the ground there. So, that could change again, but right now we -- with what we know, that reduction is sufficient -- or that funding is sufficient to meet the requirements.
HALEY BRITZKEY: And just a follow-up -- or clarification on the military construction fund, it's -- I believe a pretty sizable amount of the money that was cut came from the -- replacing aging facilities. Is that from facilities that were set to be replaced, and now because of those cuts they will not be, or how does that kind of play out on that?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: Most of the reduction was a result of where the planning and design and the percent that was complete in the planning and design. And the planning and design was not at a level that would indicate the need for funding in FY'21.
COL TURNER: OK. Sir, we've got time for one more.
TONY CAPACCIO: Can you share the Chinook thing again? You -- the Army is not going to go back on it's plans from last year, right?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: We are not going back on the plans from last year; that is correct.
TONY CAPACCIO: And they -- the Congress funded $28 million advance procurement to keep the line going, so you're saying the Army is going to stick to its plan and try again?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: Well we -- we're sticking to the development of the Block II aircraft. Absolutely for the special operation forces, and we're going to continue on with seven aircraft a year for the next several years.
TONY CAPACCIO: But you're going to truncate the conventional one?
TONY CAPACCIO: Continue to try to get the Congress to buy into the truncation of the conventional version of the F-model?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: Well, we're going to stick with what our plan is, and that's the seven, and then the Block II, which is the development of the Block II for the special operation forces.
TONY CAPACCIO: And that's a yes then, thanks.
COL TURNER: OK. All right, so I've got 59 up. I think we're supposed to cut it out then. OK, go Tom, quick.
TOM SQUITIERI: I have a real quick question. So we're -- we're -- what's the percentage of increase for the tractor bearer and related tractor programs and which of the six areas are they going to be supporting the most?
MAJ. GEN. CHAMBERLAIN: We'll have to get you the -- the answers of that. I -- I don't have the specifics on the tractor programs.
COL TURNER: OK, Tom, I'll follow up with you on the tractor programs. OK. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we -- we've got to cut this but we do have our media roundtable tomorrow at 11:00 where we can get more -- more specificity on the questions you have with our budget proposal here.
If you haven't RSVP'd already, please get with my office. Cathy Vandermaarel is taking everybody's RSVPs and that's tomorrow at 11. Thank you everybody for your time, we really do appreciate it. Thank you.