WEBVTT 00:05.700 --> 00:06.763 - Good afternoon. 00:12.470 --> 00:16.370 First, I want to extend our condolences to the loved ones 00:16.730 --> 00:18.350 of the nine crew members who died 00:18.350 --> 00:21.963 in a C-130 crash yesterday in Savannah, Georgia. 00:22.830 --> 00:24.680 I also want to share our thoughts and prayers 00:24.680 --> 00:27.230 with the family, friends and comrades 00:27.230 --> 00:32.163 of Specialist Gabriel Conde of Loveland, Colorado. 00:33.340 --> 00:36.310 Specialist Conde was killed in action on April 30th 00:36.720 --> 00:40.193 as a result of enemy small arms fire in Afghanistan. 00:40.990 --> 00:43.500 These deaths are a somber reminder 00:43.500 --> 00:46.120 of the tremendous risk our servicemen 00:46.160 --> 00:48.970 and women take everyday to defend our nation 00:49.300 --> 00:50.413 at home and abroad. 00:52.690 --> 00:56.310 Yesterday, Secretary Mattis hosted Secretary of State Pompeo 00:56.580 --> 00:59.650 and National Security Advisor Bolton at the Pentagon 00:59.700 --> 01:01.323 for an early morning breakfast. 01:01.920 --> 01:04.060 This is the beginning of a rhythm for the three leaders 01:04.060 --> 01:05.483 to engage regularly. 01:06.050 --> 01:07.930 They are committed to forging a close 01:07.930 --> 01:10.820 and continuous relationship to collaborate 01:10.820 --> 01:13.853 and carry out the president's National Security agenda. 01:14.740 --> 01:17.290 Following breakfast, Secretary Mattis departed 01:17.290 --> 01:19.573 on travel back home to Washington state. 01:20.300 --> 01:23.090 Today, he will speak at the Tri-citian 01:23.300 --> 01:24.923 of the Year award ceremony. 01:25.280 --> 01:28.393 He will emphasize the importance of community service, 01:28.630 --> 01:31.180 highlighting how Americans look out for each other 01:31.530 --> 01:33.980 and work together to make our communities better. 01:34.880 --> 01:37.830 He will also underscore America's fundamental unity 01:38.130 --> 01:40.863 and the importance of service before self. 01:41.830 --> 01:43.920 On Saturday, Secretary Mattis will attend 01:43.920 --> 01:48.163 the Columbia Basin College Veterans public forum. 01:48.700 --> 01:51.540 The purpose of the forum is to give tri-city veterans 01:51.540 --> 01:53.650 and their families an opportunity 01:53.650 --> 01:57.300 to hear from him and ask questions of Secretary Mattis 01:57.480 --> 01:58.830 regarding matters of concern, 01:58.830 --> 02:01.240 especially the civilian-military relationship 02:01.640 --> 02:03.450 and the challenges and opportunities 02:03.680 --> 02:05.880 veterans encounter during the transition 02:06.160 --> 02:08.233 from military to civilian life. 02:09.640 --> 02:12.400 On cyber command, last week the Senate confirmed 02:12.400 --> 02:14.410 Lieutenant General Nakasone 02:14.410 --> 02:16.473 to be the next Chief of CYBERCOM. 02:16.840 --> 02:18.820 The change of command ceremony is tomorrow 02:18.820 --> 02:22.100 at the Integrated Cyber Center/Joint Operations Center 02:22.100 --> 02:23.113 at Fort Meade. 02:23.810 --> 02:25.990 Deputy Secretary of Defense, Pat Shanahan, 02:25.990 --> 02:29.483 will preside over the CYBERCOM portion of the ceremony. 02:30.270 --> 02:33.260 General Nakasone will play a critical role 02:33.260 --> 02:35.680 in everything from training our cyber warriors 02:35.730 --> 02:39.100 and advocating for more cyber security resources 02:39.360 --> 02:42.623 to planning and conducting cyber operations. 02:43.610 --> 02:46.630 This change of command is noteworthy because it signifies 02:46.630 --> 02:48.750 the elevation of cyber command 02:48.750 --> 02:50.963 as our tenth combatant command. 02:51.410 --> 02:53.780 Last year, Secretary Mattis announced the elevation 02:53.780 --> 02:55.700 of cyber command, acknowledging 02:55.700 --> 02:58.803 that a new war fighting domain has come of age. 02:59.460 --> 03:02.843 The cyber domain will define the next century of warfare. 03:04.270 --> 03:06.860 Just as our military must be prepared to defend our nation 03:06.860 --> 03:09.983 against hostile acts from land, air and sea, 03:10.240 --> 03:13.733 we must also be prepared to deter and if necessary, 03:13.940 --> 03:16.913 respond to hostile acts in cyberspace. 03:17.210 --> 03:19.700 With that, I'll take you questions. Adris! 03:21.500 --> 03:23.037 - [Adris] I'll begin with Afghanistan. 03:23.037 --> 03:25.580 The past few weeks have been particularly bloody 03:25.920 --> 03:28.983 for the country, what's your assessment of the ANDSF 03:29.260 --> 03:30.660 and how they're progressing? 03:30.900 --> 03:32.460 'Cause, I'm sure you've seen, the SIGAR report, 03:32.460 --> 03:34.840 which shows a sharp drop in their numbers 03:34.890 --> 03:35.840 over the past year. 03:38.120 --> 03:41.190 - So, what I would say is that we're working by, 03:41.190 --> 03:43.503 with and through our partners. 03:44.530 --> 03:46.780 But, as the Secretary said earlier this week, 03:48.450 --> 03:50.343 these are desperate attempts. 03:51.520 --> 03:56.150 We have to remember that our goal is to force the enemy 03:56.200 --> 03:58.283 to a political solution. 03:59.800 --> 04:04.343 And we're going to do that but the enemy gets a vote. 04:05.340 --> 04:06.590 We will continue to work, 04:06.960 --> 04:09.950 we're there to stand with the Afghan government 04:10.480 --> 04:14.723 and this will happen. 04:15.440 --> 04:18.010 This isn't easy, but we're committed 04:18.010 --> 04:21.063 to ensure that there's ultimately a political solution. 04:21.382 --> 04:23.740 - Satisfied with the progress that the ANDSF is making 04:23.740 --> 04:25.100 or are you looking at making changes 04:25.100 --> 04:27.923 to the way they're developed and they're trained? 04:28.630 --> 04:30.870 - Right now, we are satisfied 04:30.870 --> 04:34.380 that we are working very hard alongside our NATO partners 04:34.620 --> 04:37.180 to ensure that they get the training necessary to ensure 04:37.180 --> 04:40.430 that they can, ultimately, they take the fight 04:40.600 --> 04:43.410 to the enemy and then push this to, 04:43.410 --> 04:45.733 ultimately, a political solution. 04:47.000 --> 04:47.833 Jennifer. 04:49.304 --> 04:52.370 - Can you respond to reports that Chinese military personnel 04:52.370 --> 04:57.370 have used lasers to, in fact, effect U.S. military planes 04:57.400 --> 05:01.450 in Djibouti and how serious were these incidents, 05:01.450 --> 05:04.880 how often is it happening, what message do you have 05:04.900 --> 05:08.923 to the Chinese, at this moment, regarding that? 05:09.000 --> 05:12.543 - Sure, so, they are very serious incidents, 05:12.611 --> 05:15.783 there have been two minor injuries. 05:16.900 --> 05:20.823 This activity poses a true threat to our airmen. 05:21.720 --> 05:25.170 We have formally démarched the Chinese government 05:26.900 --> 05:27.733 and we have requested 05:27.733 --> 05:30.823 that the Chinese investigate these incidents. 05:31.660 --> 05:34.540 - Just to follow up, the Chinese have also put some 05:35.130 --> 05:40.130 surface-to-air missiles and cruise missiles on the Spratlys, 05:40.180 --> 05:44.510 I believe it is, out of, in um, in uh... 05:45.240 --> 05:47.853 Yeah, sorry, Spratlys, I'm sorry? 05:48.678 --> 05:49.770 - South China Sea. - South China Sea, 05:49.770 --> 05:52.720 but what is your reaction to that, 05:52.720 --> 05:54.313 they installed them recently, 05:55.890 --> 05:57.587 what will the U.S do about 'em? 05:58.050 --> 06:02.090 - Well, we've been very vocal about our concerns 06:02.090 --> 06:06.543 about them militarizing in these artificial islands. 06:07.930 --> 06:10.650 China has to realize that they've benefited 06:10.650 --> 06:13.000 from the free navigation of the sea 06:13.410 --> 06:15.860 and the U.S. Navy has been the guarantor of that. 06:16.320 --> 06:20.590 We will continue to do our operations 06:20.590 --> 06:24.510 and ensure that the Chinese understand that they cannot 06:26.620 --> 06:30.020 and should not be hostile 06:30.470 --> 06:34.980 and understand that the Pacific is a place 06:34.980 --> 06:37.040 in which much commerce goes through 06:37.220 --> 06:39.400 and it's in their interest to ensure 06:39.630 --> 06:42.883 that there's the free navigation of international waters. 06:43.586 --> 06:44.516 - Marsh for a plan, 06:44.516 --> 06:46.700 did they marsh them for this edition 06:46.700 --> 06:48.070 of the anti-ship cruise missiles 06:48.070 --> 06:49.270 and surface-to-air missiles? 06:49.270 --> 06:50.430 - I'm not aware of any marsh 06:50.430 --> 06:52.380 but I would have to refer you to state. 06:53.500 --> 06:54.773 Right here in the middle. 06:54.773 --> 06:57.960 - Congress appears ready to become involved in the review 06:57.960 --> 07:00.810 of the aviation mishaps, yesterday, Congressman Turner 07:00.810 --> 07:03.230 put out a statement saying he's not certain 07:03.230 --> 07:05.050 the service branches are adequately 07:05.050 --> 07:07.780 identifying the source and causes fast enough 07:07.780 --> 07:09.543 of the crashes to remedy them. 07:09.800 --> 07:13.320 Do you think a department-wide review is warranted 07:13.350 --> 07:16.110 at this point, something the SecDef would run, 07:16.110 --> 07:19.110 instead of having individual service branches investigating? 07:21.270 --> 07:23.670 - I would tell you that each of these incidents, 07:24.100 --> 07:27.240 each service takes very seriously, each one is unique 07:28.030 --> 07:29.270 and the services are the lead 07:29.270 --> 07:31.880 and Secretary has the utmost confidence 07:32.140 --> 07:34.730 in service leadership to ensure 07:34.930 --> 07:36.790 that whatever steps are taken 07:36.790 --> 07:39.100 and that they have thorough investigation 07:39.100 --> 07:41.560 because one incident is too much and we have to ensure 07:41.560 --> 07:42.760 that we learn from them. 07:44.640 --> 07:47.370 So, ultimately, these are service responsibilities 07:47.370 --> 07:49.270 but know that the Secretary of Defense 07:49.706 --> 07:53.040 will hold everyone accountable to ensure 07:53.040 --> 07:55.480 that we learn what we can to ensure 07:55.720 --> 07:57.250 that we prevent any other incidents. 07:57.250 --> 08:00.086 - So, no discussion yet of a holistic review, 08:00.086 --> 08:00.919 a department-wide review? - There, 08:00.919 --> 08:02.490 I'm not aware any discussions 08:02.590 --> 08:05.083 about any department-wide review. 08:06.290 --> 08:07.123 Ryan. 08:07.330 --> 08:08.210 - Just one on North Korea 08:08.210 --> 08:09.810 and one on the border, if I may. 08:10.290 --> 08:12.360 On North Korea, on the Korea situation, 08:12.360 --> 08:14.430 there was a report last week saying 08:14.430 --> 08:17.640 that the president discussed a full withdrawal 08:17.640 --> 08:21.390 of U.S. military personnel from the Korean Peninsula, 08:21.390 --> 08:22.700 in February, I believe it was, 08:22.700 --> 08:25.340 is there any, has the Pentagon received any instruction 08:25.340 --> 08:28.193 to plan for that or take that seriously? 08:28.540 --> 08:31.276 And then I have a follow on the border, if that's okay. 08:31.276 --> 08:34.230 - The department has not gotten any word on that, 08:34.230 --> 08:36.197 our posture remains the same 08:36.470 --> 08:38.070 - Great, and then on the border, 08:38.370 --> 08:42.380 I believe it's request from the Customs and Border Patrol 08:42.380 --> 08:46.910 for about 2,000 personnel to cost about $182 million 08:46.924 --> 08:49.713 for the Securing the Southern Border Operation. 08:50.550 --> 08:53.150 Where is that money, can you confirm that number 08:53.150 --> 08:56.563 as being true and where is that money going to come from? 08:56.880 --> 09:00.310 - So, I can confirm that that is the estimated cost 09:00.310 --> 09:04.940 for what has been promised thus far, which is about half 09:05.230 --> 09:08.690 or so, as the 182 million and that money is coming 09:08.690 --> 09:11.883 from the guards ONM and as well as personnel, 09:12.040 --> 09:13.533 military personnel accounts. 09:13.808 --> 09:14.641 - And are there any concerns 09:14.641 --> 09:17.950 that taking money out of ONM could effect readiness 09:17.950 --> 09:18.783 of those forces? 09:19.060 --> 09:22.023 - Right now, that is not a concern. 09:22.420 --> 09:26.550 Again, these are funds that are for training 09:26.740 --> 09:29.203 and so we'll use them. 09:29.290 --> 09:30.123 At this time, 09:30.123 --> 09:31.570 there are no concerns. - Thank you. 09:31.570 --> 09:32.430 - Joe in the back. 09:32.430 --> 09:34.230 - Thank you so much, I would like to ask you 09:34.230 --> 09:35.730 if you could give us an update 09:35.847 --> 09:39.800 about the current SDF operations against ISIS 09:39.800 --> 09:43.223 in Eastern Syria and also if the Pentagon, 09:43.520 --> 09:45.973 if you have any information about the size of, 09:46.410 --> 09:49.450 how many ISIS militants are left 09:49.450 --> 09:54.450 in the area close to Bukamal, near the Iraqi border. 09:55.428 --> 09:58.080 The last numbers we heard from the Pentagon 09:58.080 --> 10:02.053 was around 3,000, is this number still accurate? 10:03.800 --> 10:05.400 - I'll have to come back to you, 10:05.570 --> 10:06.850 with respect to the exact number, 10:06.850 --> 10:08.800 obviously, this is a dynamic situation. 10:08.850 --> 10:10.800 I will tell you that we are encouraged by the fact 10:10.800 --> 10:15.800 that the SDF has resumed active, offensive activities 10:19.530 --> 10:23.853 with respect to the MERV, so that is a welcome change. 10:24.390 --> 10:26.620 And in the second part, I will come back to you 10:26.620 --> 10:29.800 about particular numbers but the fight continues on 10:29.950 --> 10:33.110 and so I think it's very important that we recognize 10:33.110 --> 10:35.303 that the SDF has become reengaged, 10:35.870 --> 10:38.540 so, that we can finally finish 10:38.610 --> 10:40.533 what is left of ISIS in Syria. 10:41.093 --> 10:44.533 - In regards to the U.S. changed mission in Iraq, 10:44.750 --> 10:48.093 what's the current size of U.S. troops in Iraq right now? 10:48.768 --> 10:51.873 - So, the number remains around, 10:52.080 --> 10:57.080 our numbers in Iraq are about 5,000. 10:58.159 --> 10:59.440 Let me... 10:59.720 --> 11:00.753 - [Man] Syria and Iran? 11:00.820 --> 11:01.653 - He said Iraq, 11:01.653 --> 11:03.820 you said in Iraq. - No, right, you're right. 11:03.820 --> 11:07.883 - So, that's where we are, it changes, 11:08.120 --> 11:09.000 it's approximately that. 11:09.000 --> 11:11.923 - Do you know if this number is going to decreased? 11:13.520 --> 11:14.650 - The number is approximate, 11:14.650 --> 11:16.253 as we've said in the past, 11:16.440 --> 11:19.540 that the composition of those forces will change, 11:19.540 --> 11:21.290 they may go up and they may go down 11:21.550 --> 11:24.380 but the approximate number is still the 5,000. 11:24.380 --> 11:25.280 - [Joe] Thank you. 11:26.340 --> 11:27.173 - Hans. 11:27.173 --> 11:29.010 - [Hans] If I can just go back to the laser incidents 11:29.010 --> 11:32.440 in Djibouti, how confident are you that it's the Chinese 11:32.440 --> 11:33.800 that are pointing these lasers 11:33.800 --> 11:35.890 and you said two with minor injuries, 11:35.890 --> 11:37.230 could you give us an overall total 11:37.230 --> 11:38.993 of how many incidents there have been? 11:38.993 --> 11:40.200 - I don't have a total number 11:40.200 --> 11:44.483 but I will tell you those were two minor injuries. 11:45.570 --> 11:48.230 It's enough that we're concerned that we démarched them, 11:48.230 --> 11:50.680 so, and we've asked them to investigate it. 11:50.680 --> 11:54.310 It's a serious matter and so, we're taking it seriously. 11:54.310 --> 11:56.613 - And you're confident that it's Chinese nationals 11:56.613 --> 11:57.446 that are doing this? 11:57.446 --> 11:59.790 - We're confident. Tom. 11:59.790 --> 12:02.590 - I'd like to follow up on that, as well, Jennifer's um, 12:02.860 --> 12:05.870 two questions, one, and this is not being snarky, 12:05.870 --> 12:07.123 despite my reputation, 12:07.460 --> 12:09.290 what does minor injuries mean, 12:09.290 --> 12:11.240 is that anything like slightly pregnant 12:11.380 --> 12:15.853 or and also, could you refresh our memory, my memory anyway, 12:16.020 --> 12:19.840 on the objections the Pentagon may have placed 12:20.170 --> 12:21.610 with the Djibouti government 12:21.910 --> 12:23.410 when China announced it wanted 12:25.210 --> 12:29.283 to locate it's first overseas base near the U.S. base. 12:31.440 --> 12:33.820 - With respect to the two minor injuries, 12:33.820 --> 12:36.670 I will have to come back to you on the specifics of that. 12:36.670 --> 12:41.670 In terms of objections, these are sovereign questions. 12:42.790 --> 12:44.920 The Djibouti government is free to work 12:44.920 --> 12:46.503 with who they want to. 12:46.560 --> 12:49.510 Our concern is the safety of our service members 12:49.650 --> 12:51.740 and so, we have raised the issue with China, 12:51.740 --> 12:54.570 we expect China to investigate it thoroughly. 12:54.570 --> 12:55.403 - [Tom] Thanks. 12:55.610 --> 12:57.231 - Goyal. - Thank you madam. 12:57.231 --> 12:59.862 Two questions please, one, what is the future 12:59.862 --> 13:02.755 of two-plus-two between U.S. and India, 13:02.755 --> 13:05.172 it was canceled or postponed? 13:06.226 --> 13:10.057 - It was postponed and so we will work with State 13:10.290 --> 13:13.552 now that Secretary Pompeo is in the seat 13:13.552 --> 13:17.290 to look to reschedule that in the near future. 13:17.290 --> 13:21.343 - And second question, as far as going back to Afghanistan, 13:22.250 --> 13:25.430 bombings keep going on there and people are still scared 13:25.620 --> 13:28.673 and they don't know what is their future in Afghanistan. 13:28.900 --> 13:31.940 So, my question is that Afghan government 13:31.940 --> 13:34.282 and people keep still blaming Pakistan 13:34.282 --> 13:36.380 as far as terrorist activities are concerned there. 13:36.380 --> 13:38.330 How much, now, you think Pakistan 13:38.330 --> 13:41.593 is cooperating with U.S. in Afghanistan? 13:44.809 --> 13:47.872 - In Afghanistan, one, we have to remember 13:47.872 --> 13:50.273 that the Taliban and ISIS, 13:51.670 --> 13:54.880 their motive is to scare people, it's fear 13:55.440 --> 13:58.473 and they are purposely targeting voting registration. 14:00.250 --> 14:02.943 That is what they're doing in order to ensure, 14:03.090 --> 14:07.083 because they can't win at the ballot box. 14:07.480 --> 14:09.983 So, with respect to Pakistan, 14:10.340 --> 14:12.363 we have opportunities with Pakistan, 14:12.500 --> 14:15.570 we think Pakistan can do more and we'll look to them 14:15.810 --> 14:18.170 and work with them to find opportunities 14:18.290 --> 14:20.383 to further regional security. 14:20.980 --> 14:23.130 - And madam, do you have any new directions 14:23.287 --> 14:26.240 as far as Afghanistan is concerns to bring the situation 14:26.570 --> 14:30.427 under control compared in the past, anything new? 14:32.560 --> 14:35.593 - We've been dong this for nearly 17 years. 14:36.200 --> 14:38.570 This is not an easy part of the world 14:40.180 --> 14:41.283 but we are committed. 14:42.430 --> 14:43.910 The president showed his commitment 14:43.910 --> 14:46.063 by announcing the South Asia strategy. 14:46.890 --> 14:49.290 We have regional partners who are leaning in 14:49.290 --> 14:51.790 to include India to help 14:52.120 --> 14:55.380 and so we will continue to work by, with and through 14:55.380 --> 14:59.060 our partners to secure the area 14:59.060 --> 15:02.860 but we are here to help the Afghan government stand up 15:03.150 --> 15:04.933 and secure their own territory, 15:05.010 --> 15:06.013 that's our role. 15:06.390 --> 15:08.629 - I was going to ask as far as the role of India, 15:08.629 --> 15:11.129 what role do you think you want India to play now? 15:11.500 --> 15:15.183 - We'll continue to want India, developmental help, 15:15.460 --> 15:17.970 diplomatic support as well. - Thank you. 15:17.970 --> 15:18.803 - Tom. 15:18.900 --> 15:21.447 - How many U.S. troops are there in Saudi Arabia? 15:22.400 --> 15:23.700 - I don't have the exact number 15:23.700 --> 15:28.060 but, as you know, the United States has had a long history 15:28.060 --> 15:30.353 of mil-to-mil relationship with Saudi. 15:30.950 --> 15:34.680 We have a number of forces that are there, 15:34.680 --> 15:35.623 who are helping. 15:35.860 --> 15:38.933 We've talked about, in the past, about refueling, 15:39.900 --> 15:42.693 with logistics, with intel sharing, 15:43.480 --> 15:46.830 that support continues, that support is focused 15:46.830 --> 15:49.303 on border, helping them secure their border. 15:49.420 --> 15:50.690 - [Tom] Why wasn't the deployment 15:50.690 --> 15:53.513 of Green Berets discussed, announced publicly? 15:54.750 --> 15:56.790 - As is policy, we don't discuss 15:56.790 --> 15:59.913 the different compositions of our forces. Tara. 16:01.240 --> 16:04.050 - Thanks Dana, on Monday, Secretary Mattis came and spoke 16:04.050 --> 16:07.720 to us and said that he had sent direction to the services 16:07.720 --> 16:10.010 to look at the number of military spouses, 16:10.010 --> 16:13.317 potentially, that are facing deportation hearings 16:13.317 --> 16:15.210 or deportation fears. 16:15.210 --> 16:17.390 However, we've heard from the services 16:17.390 --> 16:19.583 that no such direction was received. 16:20.510 --> 16:23.360 Can you confirm that he did direct the services 16:23.360 --> 16:25.520 and whether that took the form of a memo 16:25.520 --> 16:27.483 or was that informal, just verbal, 16:28.170 --> 16:30.030 how extensive is the scope 16:30.180 --> 16:33.043 of looking into this issue going to be? 16:33.640 --> 16:38.180 - The secretary has directed that, I will have to check 16:38.180 --> 16:39.410 if there's an actual memo, 16:39.410 --> 16:41.463 he did just speak to you on Monday. 16:42.670 --> 16:46.763 But there is a policy in place, there's parole in place, 16:46.890 --> 16:49.870 and that allows military spouses to stay, 16:49.870 --> 16:52.570 as well as other dependents, it's only contingent 16:52.570 --> 16:57.143 on criminal investigations, so, there is a policy in place. 16:57.220 --> 16:59.110 With respect to the exact number 16:59.110 --> 17:01.500 and whether or not the services have provided 17:01.500 --> 17:02.873 that to the front office, 17:02.880 --> 17:04.660 I'll come back to you about that, Tara. 17:04.660 --> 17:07.820 - Okay, and similarly the U.S. Citizenship 17:07.820 --> 17:11.180 and Immigration Services released their quarterly data, 17:11.180 --> 17:14.590 the first set of data since the October 2017 memo 17:14.880 --> 17:17.480 that Mattis put out with the increased security screening 17:17.480 --> 17:19.650 for potential non-citizen soldiers 17:19.650 --> 17:21.140 who want to be naturalized 17:21.590 --> 17:25.303 and the naturalization numbers are down 65% since the memo, 17:25.860 --> 17:28.260 both in applicants and people that have been approved. 17:28.260 --> 17:31.480 Do you think this is just maybe a bureaucratic thing, 17:31.480 --> 17:34.090 where it's new procedures in place 17:34.090 --> 17:35.653 because of enhanced screening, 17:36.370 --> 17:38.720 is it the department's intent to continue 17:38.931 --> 17:41.600 to recruit non-citizen soldiers who fought 17:41.600 --> 17:43.140 for the nation for decades? 17:43.140 --> 17:46.260 - It's still our intent to recruit every patriot 17:46.300 --> 17:48.880 who's qualified to serve but, yes, 17:48.880 --> 17:50.363 with the enhanced vetting, 17:50.630 --> 17:55.023 there is a process and that process has to move forward, 17:55.100 --> 17:58.277 so, there may be a bit of a delay because of that, 17:58.277 --> 18:00.180 but we also need to ensure, 18:00.180 --> 18:03.683 because we did identify a security problem, 18:03.870 --> 18:07.270 we do need to ensure that we vet these people thoroughly. 18:08.170 --> 18:09.003 Way in the back. 18:09.868 --> 18:11.740 - Just want to get a clarification 18:11.740 --> 18:14.463 on a department statement regarding Guantanamo. 18:15.450 --> 18:17.076 The statement said that the secretary 18:17.076 --> 18:19.280 had passed along his policy guide 18:19.330 --> 18:21.520 to the White House regarding the criteria 18:21.520 --> 18:23.810 that will be used in the future by service members 18:23.810 --> 18:26.800 to determine whether or not detainees will be moved 18:26.800 --> 18:27.633 to the facility. 18:28.390 --> 18:29.580 I guess my first question is, like, 18:29.580 --> 18:30.860 can you give this, sort of, an idea 18:30.860 --> 18:32.960 of what those criteria are and two, 18:32.960 --> 18:34.550 does this open the door 18:34.550 --> 18:39.550 to Guantanamo accepting new detainees 18:40.000 --> 18:41.500 from other parts of the world? 18:42.990 --> 18:44.310 - With respect to his policy, 18:44.310 --> 18:45.593 he did submit it. 18:47.560 --> 18:50.340 Right now, and, ultimately, the White House will decide 18:50.340 --> 18:52.460 how we move forward with the policy 18:52.460 --> 18:55.453 and will make those announcements, but as it is, 18:55.950 --> 18:58.340 our policy is that we are trying 18:58.450 --> 19:01.290 and we are trying to encourage countries 19:01.390 --> 19:03.883 to take back their citizens. 19:05.170 --> 19:08.413 We will continue to push that because it's important, 19:08.670 --> 19:10.363 we have a coalition. 19:11.590 --> 19:14.030 Violent extremism is a global problem 19:14.030 --> 19:15.970 and we need global action 19:15.970 --> 19:17.610 and therefore, we need nations 19:17.800 --> 19:19.643 to accept their citizens back. 19:20.700 --> 19:21.533 Janey. 19:21.740 --> 19:24.470 - Thank you I came a little late but uh, 19:24.470 --> 19:26.770 regarding the withdrawal of U.S. troops 19:27.120 --> 19:30.930 from South Korea, recently Secretary Mattis 19:31.416 --> 19:34.760 mentioned that there's a possibility of discussing 19:34.930 --> 19:38.763 about withdrawal U.S. troops from South Korea, 19:39.520 --> 19:44.520 is that true, if, after peace treaty talk 19:44.810 --> 19:47.273 between North and South Korea, 19:47.670 --> 19:52.670 what is the U.S. position on these issues? 19:53.508 --> 19:56.883 - Well, the secretary has said he's cautiously optimistic 19:56.883 --> 19:59.723 by what we've seen in the last week or so. 20:00.530 --> 20:02.390 But our mission remains the same, 20:02.390 --> 20:04.143 our posture hasn't changed. 20:04.860 --> 20:07.960 We are in a position to ensure that our diplomat 20:08.380 --> 20:13.380 can achieve the president's goal which is the irreversible, 20:13.500 --> 20:16.163 verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. 20:16.370 --> 20:19.160 But, believe the president said stay tuned, 20:19.160 --> 20:21.113 so, I will also stay tuned. 20:21.260 --> 20:22.320 (laughing) 20:22.320 --> 20:23.153 Elizabeth. 20:23.291 --> 20:24.990 - Hi Dana, I'm just curious, 20:24.990 --> 20:28.340 will DoD have a role to play if those American hostages 20:28.340 --> 20:29.993 are released from North Korea? 20:30.450 --> 20:34.083 - Again, I think we have to let our diplomats lead. 20:34.610 --> 20:36.990 We will support the state department in any capacity 20:36.990 --> 20:39.100 that they ask but, again, 20:39.100 --> 20:42.153 I think we have to wait and see. Jeff. 20:42.524 --> 20:44.603 - [Jeff] Thank you, the secretary said earlier this week 20:44.603 --> 20:46.953 that the Taliban is on it's back foot. 20:47.250 --> 20:50.750 Can the defense department provide any data, any metrics 20:50.940 --> 20:53.660 to show that the Taliban have lost ground 20:53.660 --> 20:54.743 in the past year? 20:55.840 --> 20:56.960 - The Taliban has lost ground 20:56.960 --> 21:00.080 and I believe General Nicholson has talked about that, 21:00.237 --> 21:05.237 and about the losing ground as well as all of the sites 21:06.810 --> 21:11.103 as far as resources, financial targeting that they've done. 21:12.346 --> 21:15.240 They have lost ground and I think you can see 21:15.240 --> 21:20.240 by the fact that their attacks have been more spectacular 21:20.620 --> 21:24.293 and they've killed more innocent lives, 21:24.390 --> 21:25.840 shows that they're desperate. 21:26.350 --> 21:28.830 So, I think there's plenty of evidence 21:28.830 --> 21:31.040 and there's been plenty of evidence in the last year 21:31.040 --> 21:34.373 that things are moving in the right direction. 21:34.572 --> 21:36.970 - If I could follow up, the Defense Department 21:37.080 --> 21:40.653 has characterized these attacks as acts of desperation, 21:40.820 --> 21:43.870 what made you conclude that as opposed to the Taliban 21:43.870 --> 21:46.593 and ISIS adopting a more effective tactic. 21:48.010 --> 21:51.163 - I say that because they're losing ground. 21:52.960 --> 21:57.483 The number of provinces that have governance is increasing. 21:59.960 --> 22:02.100 If you are, we say that they're desperate 22:02.100 --> 22:04.940 because people take drastic measures, 22:04.940 --> 22:07.053 in which, you're killing innocents, 22:08.170 --> 22:11.243 you're targeting people who are simply trying to vote, 22:12.150 --> 22:14.603 because you don't have another method. 22:15.370 --> 22:18.023 So, as the secretary said earlier, 22:18.110 --> 22:23.110 they need something spectacular so that media shows it, 22:23.460 --> 22:24.740 so that they can get attention 22:24.740 --> 22:29.100 because they're not capable of convincing the people 22:29.320 --> 22:30.820 that they are a viable option. 22:32.599 --> 22:33.432 - Aaron. 22:34.450 --> 22:36.610 - [Aaron] Just to go back to Djibouti for a second, 22:36.610 --> 22:38.417 I know you said you didn't have the exact number 22:38.417 --> 22:41.960 of incidents on hand but is it safe to say this is more 22:41.960 --> 22:43.110 than a one or two incident thing? 22:43.110 --> 22:45.053 - It is, I'd say a small number, 22:45.340 --> 22:46.990 there've been separate incidents, 22:47.090 --> 22:49.260 we can get you more fidelity 22:49.530 --> 22:52.703 but I would say probably more than two, 22:52.730 --> 22:55.123 less than ten but we can get you more fidelity. 22:55.160 --> 22:57.523 - [Aaron] And how long has this been going on for? 22:58.810 --> 22:59.940 - I don't have the exact number 22:59.940 --> 23:03.023 but these recent incidents have been in the last few weeks. 23:03.341 --> 23:04.174 - But, as you said, the recent incident 23:04.174 --> 23:05.440 is the last few weeks, 23:05.440 --> 23:08.290 have there been cases where this has happened previously? 23:08.530 --> 23:09.800 - I believe there have been cases 23:09.800 --> 23:11.110 where this has happened previously 23:11.110 --> 23:16.103 but what this started was, these last few weeks had us, 23:16.600 --> 23:19.620 we decided to become very serious about it 23:19.620 --> 23:21.290 and we have démarched the Chinese 23:21.300 --> 23:23.200 and we've asked for the investigation. 23:23.280 --> 23:24.600 - Because of the injuries or because the rate 23:24.600 --> 23:26.612 has increased in these incidents? 23:26.612 --> 23:27.445 - Both. 23:30.290 --> 23:31.123 Right here. 23:31.230 --> 23:32.410 - [Reporter] Hi, thank you. 23:32.410 --> 23:35.230 Is the Pentagon concerned about an escalating conflict 23:35.490 --> 23:38.460 between Israel and Iran in Syria and if so, 23:38.460 --> 23:40.023 what would the U.S.' role be? 23:42.570 --> 23:45.840 - We are concerned about the fact that Iran continues 23:46.370 --> 23:48.673 to be a malign influence in the region, 23:48.950 --> 23:51.780 that Iran continues to destabilize the region, 23:51.780 --> 23:56.004 that it uses it's proxies' forces to undermine stability 23:56.004 --> 23:58.810 in the region, and that's whether you're talking 23:58.810 --> 24:02.203 about Hezbollah or whether you're talking about the Houthis. 24:03.040 --> 24:04.723 That is our concern. 24:05.920 --> 24:08.830 Wherever Iran is, chaos follows 24:09.040 --> 24:13.320 and so, therefore, in Syria, it's a complex battle space 24:13.490 --> 24:15.970 and what Iran continues to do 24:16.917 --> 24:18.913 will continue to be of concern. 24:20.190 --> 24:23.363 - What would the U.S.' Role 24:23.363 --> 24:25.490 be in that if the conflict escalates 24:25.490 --> 24:26.410 there between those two-- 24:26.410 --> 24:27.540 - I'm not gonna... 24:28.040 --> 24:31.410 One, the United States and it's coalition partners 24:31.410 --> 24:33.480 always reserve the right of self-defense 24:33.730 --> 24:36.840 but in Syria, our mission continues to be to, 24:36.840 --> 24:39.110 the lasting defeat of ISIS. - Thank you. 24:39.110 --> 24:40.779 - [Man] Dana, we got time for one or two more. 24:40.779 --> 24:42.029 - Okay. Travis. 24:42.680 --> 24:46.130 - Do you have any idea of what China's motivation 24:46.130 --> 24:49.800 is for directing these lasers on U.S. aircraft, 24:49.800 --> 24:51.920 is it just to disrupt operations 24:51.920 --> 24:53.660 or is there something else going... 24:53.660 --> 24:55.100 - I'll have to have you ask the Chinese 24:55.100 --> 24:57.610 about their motivations but it's serious 24:57.990 --> 25:00.790 and we take it seriously and it's why we démarched them. 25:01.960 --> 25:04.420 Have one more? Way in the back! 25:04.420 --> 25:06.620 - Thank you, going back to the crash 25:06.620 --> 25:07.480 that happened yesterday, 25:07.480 --> 25:10.700 can you talk with me about what the Pentagon's doing 25:10.710 --> 25:12.087 in terms of investigating things like this 25:12.087 --> 25:14.773 'cause we've seen, is it a maintenance issue, 25:15.020 --> 25:16.500 is it a training issue or is it something 25:16.500 --> 25:19.653 that you guys are looking at from different aspects? 25:20.630 --> 25:22.943 - With this particular incident, 25:24.000 --> 25:25.260 we're looking at all aspects 25:25.260 --> 25:27.690 and that's what we do for any of these incidents, 25:27.690 --> 25:29.763 whether it's training or mechanical, 25:30.040 --> 25:31.653 that's our responsibility. 25:31.660 --> 25:33.460 So, this is still under investigation 25:33.460 --> 25:37.420 and so once we know more, we can provide more details. 25:37.420 --> 25:39.456 - Just a follow up, Dana, please? 25:39.456 --> 25:41.680 There have been seven crashes over the past month, 25:41.680 --> 25:44.233 killing 16 American service members, 25:44.430 --> 25:46.193 how concerned is Secretary Mattis, 25:46.350 --> 25:48.620 doesn't there need to be some kind of blue-ribbon panel 25:48.620 --> 25:50.793 to investigate all these crashes? 25:52.210 --> 25:54.220 - Secretary's concerned about any incident 25:54.220 --> 25:56.270 in which a service member's life is lost. 25:57.970 --> 26:01.210 Each service and each of these incidents are unique, 26:01.210 --> 26:04.420 you missed this earlier, but each incident is unique 26:04.560 --> 26:08.080 and unique to the service and the platform 26:08.170 --> 26:11.100 and so it's very important that we think about it 26:11.100 --> 26:12.223 in that regard. 26:13.190 --> 26:14.270 Does it concern us? 26:14.270 --> 26:16.860 Listen, we lost a lot of time being 26:16.860 --> 26:18.593 on C.Rs for several years. 26:18.940 --> 26:20.723 And you can buy the time back, 26:21.310 --> 26:23.313 you can't buy the training hours back, 26:23.720 --> 26:25.783 you can't buy the maintenance time back, 26:25.797 --> 26:27.080 you can't do that 26:27.320 --> 26:29.780 and so, that's why it's all the more important 26:30.060 --> 26:31.980 that we ensure and we're appreciative 26:31.980 --> 26:33.840 of the fact that Congress gave us a two-year deal 26:33.840 --> 26:36.440 for the 700 billion and the 716 26:36.810 --> 26:40.165 but stable budgeting is key for us 26:40.165 --> 26:40.998 and you wanna follow up, yeah. 26:40.998 --> 26:42.410 - You say they're all unique 26:42.410 --> 26:44.960 but over the past month there've been seven crashes, 26:44.960 --> 26:47.510 doesn't this point to something more like a crisis? 26:48.710 --> 26:49.860 - This is not a crisis 26:50.170 --> 26:52.200 but it is a crisis for each of these families 26:52.200 --> 26:55.060 and we owe them a full investigation 26:55.510 --> 26:57.227 and to understand what's going on 26:57.227 --> 26:58.760 but these are across services 26:58.760 --> 27:00.060 and these are different individuals 27:00.060 --> 27:01.410 and different circumstances 27:01.460 --> 27:04.580 and I can guarantee you, each service and the Secretary 27:05.550 --> 27:07.340 will do a thorough investigation 27:07.340 --> 27:09.450 and ensure that we're doing everything we can 27:09.450 --> 27:12.107 to ensure this doesn't happen, thank you. 27:12.225 --> 27:13.920 (reporters all talking) - One last follow on that... 27:13.920 --> 27:16.503 - Do you mind if I have another 27:16.575 --> 27:18.651 - Yeah, no, okay. One, yeah. 27:18.651 --> 27:19.551 (laughing) 27:19.551 --> 27:20.592 You know they're going to like, 27:20.592 --> 27:21.655 - Thank you so much. - What in the heck 27:21.655 --> 27:22.905 were you doing? 27:23.242 --> 27:24.480 - Do you know what's the number 27:24.480 --> 27:27.463 of U.S special forces inside the Yemen? 27:28.000 --> 27:30.910 And if you have any comment on the New York Times story 27:30.910 --> 27:35.910 that U.S. commandos, Green Berets are helping the Saudis 27:37.380 --> 27:39.423 to counter rebels inside Yemen? 27:41.310 --> 27:43.990 - One, we won't talk about whether the composition 27:43.990 --> 27:48.200 of our forces but as I said, the mil-to-mil relationship 27:48.200 --> 27:52.770 between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia is robust and we are there 27:52.950 --> 27:55.763 and we are helping them with securing their border, 27:56.970 --> 28:00.050 that is our mission and that's what we'll continue 28:00.050 --> 28:01.046 to do, thank you. 28:01.046 --> 28:04.463 - [Woman] One last follow on the crashes?