WEBVTT 00:00.690 --> 00:02.850 - Appreciate having such distinguished witnesses 00:02.850 --> 00:04.810 before the subcommittee. 00:04.810 --> 00:07.140 We face a high class problem. 00:07.140 --> 00:10.440 You've been kinder to the programs under our jurisdiction, 00:10.440 --> 00:13.700 the President's budget than perhaps we expected or deserved, 00:13.700 --> 00:16.690 but we look forward to hearing the justification. 00:16.690 --> 00:19.013 So the first witness will be Dr. Anderson. 00:20.400 --> 00:25.390 Let me ask too by unanimous consent, we will not only accept 00:25.390 --> 00:27.800 our honorary member, Mr. Lamborn for questioning 00:27.800 --> 00:30.570 after subcommittee members have asked their questions, 00:30.570 --> 00:32.000 but has unanimous consent 00:32.000 --> 00:33.680 that any member's opening statement 00:33.680 --> 00:35.053 be stated for the record. 00:36.550 --> 00:39.680 The ranking member, Mr. Turner, is your opening statement. 00:39.680 --> 00:42.203 Okay, Dr. Anderson. 00:43.952 --> 00:46.840 - Chairman Cooper, Ranking Member Turner and distinguished 00:46.840 --> 00:48.130 members of the committee. 00:48.130 --> 00:50.530 Thank you for the opportunity to testify. 00:50.530 --> 00:53.110 Today, the United States faces an increasingly complex 00:53.110 --> 00:55.510 global security environment in which the central challenge 00:55.510 --> 00:59.300 to our prosperity and security is reemergence of long-term 00:59.300 --> 01:03.150 strategic competition by revisionist powers in the PRC 01:03.150 --> 01:04.810 and Russia. 01:04.810 --> 01:06.690 At the same time, we must be prepared to counter 01:06.690 --> 01:09.710 the clear and present dangers imposed by rogue regimes, 01:09.710 --> 01:11.800 such as North Korea and Iran. 01:11.800 --> 01:14.760 Each of these competitors confronts us with unique 01:14.760 --> 01:17.700 and overlapping challenge in our strategic forces, 01:17.700 --> 01:20.130 nuclear, space and missile defense offer 01:20.130 --> 01:24.331 critical capabilities necessary to meet these challenges. 01:24.331 --> 01:27.230 Nuclear deterrence is the department's highest priority 01:27.230 --> 01:28.210 mission. 01:28.210 --> 01:29.510 Our deterrence is the foundation 01:29.510 --> 01:31.910 and backstop of our national defense. 01:31.910 --> 01:35.030 It under rides every US military operation around the world 01:35.030 --> 01:38.490 and provides extended assurance guarantees over to 30 allies 01:38.490 --> 01:40.110 and partners. 01:40.110 --> 01:42.880 Effective deterrents requires tailored strategies supported 01:42.880 --> 01:45.512 by flexible capabilities, capabilities that reside 01:45.512 --> 01:47.570 in the nuclear Triad. 01:47.570 --> 01:49.570 This committee is well aware of the age 01:49.570 --> 01:50.720 of these Triad systems 01:50.720 --> 01:52.720 and the challenge that the department faces 01:52.720 --> 01:56.540 in sustaining these systems as we proceed with modernization 01:56.540 --> 01:59.920 modernizing US nuclear forces after decades of deferred 01:59.920 --> 02:01.930 recapitalization. 02:01.930 --> 02:05.770 Last fiscal year, Congress funded 98% of DOD budget requests 02:05.770 --> 02:09.680 for nuclear force modernization, operations and sustainment. 02:09.680 --> 02:13.760 We appreciate this support and request continued support. 02:13.760 --> 02:18.360 The FY21 budget requests for nuclear forces is 28.9 billion 02:18.360 --> 02:22.830 or roughly 4.1% of the total DOD budget request. 02:22.830 --> 02:25.990 Modernization or recapitalization of our nuclear forces is 02:25.990 --> 02:30.990 about 1.7% of the total DOD budget request. 02:31.010 --> 02:33.640 Funding these critical requirements ensures that modern 02:33.640 --> 02:35.320 replacements will be available 02:35.320 --> 02:37.270 before the nation's legacy systems 02:37.270 --> 02:39.510 reach the end of their extended service lives 02:39.510 --> 02:41.673 and we lose them altogether. 02:41.673 --> 02:43.490 Turning to space systems, 02:43.490 --> 02:47.400 they underpin virtually every weapon system in our arsenal, 02:47.400 --> 02:48.560 but many of them were designed 02:48.560 --> 02:52.680 in an era when there were few threats in space. 02:52.680 --> 02:54.530 This is not the case today. 02:54.530 --> 02:58.550 The PRC and Russian Federation both seek to be able to deny 02:58.550 --> 03:02.903 the United States and our allies the advantages of space. 03:02.903 --> 03:05.090 The United States is responding to this threat 03:05.090 --> 03:08.080 by transforming our space enterprise, 03:08.080 --> 03:09.780 fielding Brazilian architectures, 03:09.780 --> 03:12.600 developing space war fighting expertise 03:12.600 --> 03:16.620 and working closely with allies in combined operations. 03:16.620 --> 03:18.160 I want to acknowledge and recognize 03:18.160 --> 03:21.580 the bipartisan leadership role that this subcommittee played 03:21.580 --> 03:22.470 over several years 03:22.470 --> 03:25.850 to establish the United States Space Force as a 6th branch 03:25.850 --> 03:30.600 of the armed forces and to make this historic step possible. 03:30.600 --> 03:34.510 The President's FY21 budget request provides $18 billion 03:34.510 --> 03:38.890 for space programs including 111 million to support stand up 03:38.890 --> 03:40.210 of the new service. 03:40.210 --> 03:43.430 In addition to the Space Force, the President's budget also 03:43.430 --> 03:46.770 provides for funding of the new Space Combatant Command. 03:46.770 --> 03:50.080 U.S Space Command and the Space Development Agency 03:50.080 --> 03:51.880 which will accelerate the development 03:51.880 --> 03:55.230 and fielding of military space capabilities. 03:55.230 --> 03:59.160 Turning to missile defense, as adversary missile technology 03:59.160 --> 04:01.770 advances, the threat to the United States homeland, allies 04:01.770 --> 04:03.940 and partners and our forces in the field 04:03.940 --> 04:07.580 has become increasingly dynamic and difficult to predict. 04:07.580 --> 04:10.090 While traditional fixed and mobile ballistic threats 04:10.090 --> 04:13.338 continue to grow, adversaries are also investing in ground, 04:13.338 --> 04:16.910 air and sea launch cruise missiles as well as hypersonic 04:16.910 --> 04:19.540 weapons with diverse ranges. 04:19.540 --> 04:21.960 Adversaries are incorporating these missile technologies 04:21.960 --> 04:23.920 into their strategies to coerce 04:23.920 --> 04:25.966 and intimidate the United States and its allies 04:25.966 --> 04:29.500 by threatening critical homeland targets, 04:29.500 --> 04:31.760 our ability to reinforce allies in crisis 04:31.760 --> 04:35.320 or conflict and our ability to project power. 04:35.320 --> 04:37.490 To address these challenges, the United States is focused 04:37.490 --> 04:40.750 on a layered defense with adaptable systems. 04:40.750 --> 04:43.944 US policy is to stay ahead of rogue state missile threats 04:43.944 --> 04:47.062 while relying on nuclear deterrents to address the large 04:47.062 --> 04:51.780 and more sophisticated Russian and PRC ICBMs. 04:51.780 --> 04:55.950 Within this framework, the 2019 Missile Defense Review 04:55.950 --> 04:59.750 centers our policy on 1. Defending the homeland, military 04:59.750 --> 05:01.740 forces abroad, allies and partners. 05:01.740 --> 05:05.210 2. Mitigating against adversary coercive threats 05:05.210 --> 05:06.043 and attacks. 05:06.043 --> 05:08.580 3. Assuring allies and partners, 05:08.580 --> 05:10.420 preserving their freedom of action 05:10.420 --> 05:14.764 and 4, hedging against future unanticipated threats. 05:14.764 --> 05:15.810 In conclusion, 05:15.810 --> 05:17.710 I wanna thank the subcommittee for the opportunity 05:17.710 --> 05:22.710 to testify and its support to our strategic forces. 05:23.040 --> 05:24.400 Along with our allies and partners, 05:24.400 --> 05:26.830 we must ensure that we have the capabilities needed 05:26.830 --> 05:27.940 both now and in the future 05:27.940 --> 05:30.573 to protect our people and the freedoms we cherish. 05:31.472 --> 05:34.580 And to be able to engage potential adversaries 05:34.580 --> 05:37.530 diplomatically from a position of strength. 05:37.530 --> 05:40.590 To do so, I urge you to support the important capabilities 05:40.590 --> 05:44.650 funded in the President's FY21 budget request. 05:44.650 --> 05:46.850 I look forward to your questions, thank you. 05:47.760 --> 05:50.034 - I thank the witness, General Raymond. 05:50.034 --> 05:52.310 - Turner Cooper, Rank Commander Turner, 05:52.310 --> 05:54.000 members of the subcommittee. 05:54.000 --> 05:56.740 It's an honor to appear before you today. 05:56.740 --> 05:58.920 I've had the privilege of testifying 05:58.920 --> 06:01.290 in front of this subcommittee on many occasions. 06:01.290 --> 06:04.640 However, this is my first opportunity to appear since taking 06:04.640 --> 06:08.730 command of the United States Space Command in August 2019. 06:08.730 --> 06:10.823 And being appointed the Chief of Space Operations 06:10.823 --> 06:14.470 for the United States Space Force this past December. 06:14.470 --> 06:17.710 I am truly honored and humbled by this responsibility. 06:17.710 --> 06:19.990 On behalf of the Joint Space professionals, 06:19.990 --> 06:21.690 that I am privileged to lead, 06:21.690 --> 06:23.620 I would like to thank you for your leadership, 06:23.620 --> 06:25.320 personally, thank you for your leadership 06:25.320 --> 06:28.160 in helping elevate space to a level commensurate 06:28.160 --> 06:30.830 with its importance to our national security 06:30.830 --> 06:33.120 and the security of our allies. 06:33.120 --> 06:35.200 We are the best in the world at space today 06:35.200 --> 06:38.480 and with this historic establishment of a new arms service 06:38.480 --> 06:42.733 and combatant command, we're even better and we need to be. 06:43.610 --> 06:46.160 As we are laser focused on meeting the requirements 06:46.160 --> 06:48.050 of the National Defense Strategy. 06:48.050 --> 06:51.520 Both China and Russia continue to build and modernize 06:51.520 --> 06:53.460 their space capabilities. 06:53.460 --> 06:55.990 They are building capabilities for their own benefit 06:55.990 --> 06:59.250 while also building capabilities to deny us the military 06:59.250 --> 07:01.240 and economic advantages that the United States 07:01.240 --> 07:05.190 and its allies have enjoyed for decades, 07:05.190 --> 07:07.220 an advantage that is eroding. 07:07.220 --> 07:10.320 As I have testified to in the past, the scope, scale 07:10.320 --> 07:12.970 and complexity of the threat in space is real, 07:12.970 --> 07:15.600 it's growing and it's concerning. 07:15.600 --> 07:18.250 We can no longer assume that our space superiority 07:18.250 --> 07:19.138 is a given. 07:19.138 --> 07:20.750 If deterrent fails, 07:20.750 --> 07:24.210 we must be ready to fight for space superiority. 07:24.210 --> 07:26.490 We are today and with the establishment of the United States 07:26.490 --> 07:29.410 Space Command and the Space Force we will be tomorrow. 07:29.410 --> 07:31.680 To this end, US Space Command will deter aggression 07:31.680 --> 07:35.150 from conflict and do it too from a position of strength. 07:35.150 --> 07:37.765 Accordingly, we will remain ready to defend US and allied 07:37.765 --> 07:40.400 freedom of action in space, we will deliver 07:40.400 --> 07:43.860 space combat power for the Joint and Coalition Force 07:43.860 --> 07:46.910 and we're gonna develop joint war fighters to serve in 07:46.910 --> 07:49.520 from and through the Space Command. 07:49.520 --> 07:51.990 Since the establishment of the United States Space Command, 07:51.990 --> 07:54.330 we have strengthened our integration with our combatant 07:54.330 --> 07:57.630 command war-fighting partners, inform the global integration 07:57.630 --> 08:00.420 needed to carry out the National Defense Strategy, 08:00.420 --> 08:02.787 advance our partnership with our allies and our strength 08:02.787 --> 08:04.800 and our voice and requirements. 08:04.800 --> 08:06.700 I am proud of the Joint Space war fighters 08:06.700 --> 08:08.110 that I am privileged to lead. 08:08.110 --> 08:11.550 I assure you these professionals are approaching our mission 08:11.550 --> 08:14.410 with an eager and innovative boldness that will assure 08:14.410 --> 08:17.100 America remains the world leader in the space domain. 08:17.100 --> 08:19.000 It's an honor also to be here today 08:19.000 --> 08:21.910 and testify with Admiral Richard and Dr. Anderson. 08:21.910 --> 08:23.560 I look forward to your questions. 08:24.660 --> 08:25.800 - Thank you, General. 08:25.800 --> 08:27.320 Before I introduce Admiral Richard, I wanna note that 08:27.320 --> 08:30.820 the this is the second Alabaman in a row to head STRATCOM, 08:30.820 --> 08:31.920 so, congratulations. 08:31.920 --> 08:33.970 Long may that tradition continue. 08:33.970 --> 08:34.870 (laughing) 08:34.870 --> 08:36.033 Admiral Richard. 08:37.340 --> 08:40.060 - Good afternoon, Chairman Cooper, Ranking Member Turner 08:40.060 --> 08:42.120 and distinguished members of the committee. 08:42.120 --> 08:45.690 It is an honor to be here today alongside General Raymond 08:45.690 --> 08:47.030 and Dr. Anderson. 08:47.030 --> 08:49.990 It's a privilege to represent 150,000 men and women 08:49.990 --> 08:52.330 performing in United States Strategic Commands missions 08:52.330 --> 08:53.186 every day. 08:53.186 --> 08:56.840 I'd like to start by thanking Congress for your support 08:56.840 --> 08:58.730 in ensuring that the department and STRATCOM 08:58.730 --> 09:01.688 have the required resources to execute our mission to deter 09:01.688 --> 09:05.270 strategic attack and guarantee the security of our nation 09:05.270 --> 09:06.720 and our allies. 09:06.720 --> 09:09.622 Continued congressional support, budget stability, on-time 09:09.622 --> 09:13.700 preparations are fundamental assumptions for a long view 09:13.700 --> 09:17.210 approach to defense and allow our command to realize 09:17.210 --> 09:19.970 presidential and department guidance. 09:19.970 --> 09:22.770 The proposed FY21 budget supports irreversible 09:22.770 --> 09:25.320 implementation of the National Defense Strategy, 09:25.320 --> 09:28.340 meets our current operational requirements and outpaces 09:28.340 --> 09:31.052 the growing existential threats we face. 09:31.052 --> 09:32.730 I wanna come back to that point. 09:32.730 --> 09:37.000 I wanna note that the commitments are necessary 09:37.000 --> 09:40.400 because this nation faces an existential threat. 09:40.400 --> 09:43.530 Today's security environment is the most challenging we have 09:43.530 --> 09:45.347 seen since the Cold War. 09:45.347 --> 09:48.810 Both Russia and China are investing considerable resources 09:48.810 --> 09:52.010 to advance and expand their arsenals of nuclear 09:52.010 --> 09:53.430 and conventional forces 09:53.430 --> 09:56.010 while adopting an increasingly assertive posture 09:56.010 --> 09:59.060 at the expense of accepted international norms and rules 09:59.060 --> 10:01.541 and at the expense of our nation and our allies. 10:01.541 --> 10:02.740 Although North Korea and Iran 10:02.740 --> 10:04.372 continue to conduct malign activity 10:04.372 --> 10:08.630 fostering regional instability, defying international norms 10:08.630 --> 10:10.050 and threatening the United States, our allies 10:10.050 --> 10:10.913 and our partners. 10:11.890 --> 10:14.180 I want you to know as global war fighters, the forces 10:14.180 --> 10:17.110 under my command are ready to respond decisively 10:17.110 --> 10:18.730 should deterrents fail. 10:18.730 --> 10:22.350 A powerful ready Triad, survivable nuclear command control 10:22.350 --> 10:25.660 and communication systems and supporting infrastructure 10:25.660 --> 10:29.140 are the foundation for strategic deterrence and assurance. 10:29.140 --> 10:31.970 These capabilities are fundamental to our survival 10:31.970 --> 10:35.350 as a nation and underpins the department's strategy 10:35.350 --> 10:38.246 to conduct global all domain operations that communicate 10:38.246 --> 10:42.560 the strength of our alliances, the credibility of our forces 10:42.560 --> 10:44.790 and the willingness to act decisively 10:44.790 --> 10:46.559 to protect our vital interests in a time 10:46.559 --> 10:48.600 and place of our choosing. 10:48.600 --> 10:50.870 Strategic deterrence is an active mission 10:50.870 --> 10:53.360 and I do operations every day 10:53.360 --> 10:55.803 to ensure we have a safe secure and effective deterrent. 10:55.803 --> 10:59.330 Nevertheless, our nation is at a critical juncture regarding 10:59.330 --> 11:01.282 the future of our nuclear forces. 11:01.282 --> 11:05.970 Over 40 years ago, our leaders made wise decisions 11:05.970 --> 11:08.380 to recapitalize our strategic capabilities 11:08.380 --> 11:11.550 that we have benefited from to this day. 11:11.550 --> 11:14.270 Since the end of the Cold War, we have led the world 11:14.270 --> 11:16.530 in reducing the numbers and types of nuclear weapons 11:16.530 --> 11:20.130 in our arsenal while at the same time our adversaries went 11:20.130 --> 11:23.430 in the other direction and expanded their capabilities. 11:23.430 --> 11:25.280 It's now our generation's turn 11:25.280 --> 11:27.680 to make the same wise investments 11:27.680 --> 11:30.782 required to deter nuclear use and future great power war 11:30.782 --> 11:33.130 for the next few generations. 11:33.130 --> 11:36.530 If we do not invest smartly in our nuclear enterprise now, 11:36.530 --> 11:39.780 we may begin to reach points of no return. 11:39.780 --> 11:42.380 And I predict they'll start in the nuclear weapons complex, 11:42.380 --> 11:43.600 next in the nuclear command and control 11:43.600 --> 11:46.780 and finally in the Triad delivery systems. 11:46.780 --> 11:51.720 It may result in our need to rebuild, nearly from scratch 11:51.720 --> 11:54.120 over one or more decades, 11:54.120 --> 11:56.340 our enterprise talent and infrastructure 11:56.340 --> 11:58.780 required to be a nuclear power. 11:58.780 --> 12:01.240 We must continue the department's number 1 priority 12:01.240 --> 12:03.003 to recapitalize our nuclear forces 12:03.003 --> 12:05.163 and strengthen homeland defense. 12:05.163 --> 12:08.930 Know that our department's proposals do not pursue parity 12:08.930 --> 12:12.740 with our adversaries' arsenals or seek a new arms race 12:12.740 --> 12:15.800 or provide a qualitative and comprehensive approach 12:15.800 --> 12:18.660 towards a viable deterrent for the future at a time 12:18.660 --> 12:20.194 of increasing threats. 12:20.194 --> 12:23.100 Our command is focused on maintaining a safe secure 12:23.100 --> 12:26.240 and effective deterrent and providing tailored strategies 12:26.240 --> 12:28.590 in coordination with our fellow combatant commanders 12:28.590 --> 12:31.260 to meet our responsibilities to the nation. 12:31.260 --> 12:34.360 We're ready to be tested and continue to look for solutions 12:34.360 --> 12:37.407 to strengthen military readiness and increase lethality. 12:37.407 --> 12:40.030 And this includes continuing a seamless transition 12:40.030 --> 12:42.200 of our space operations to General Raymond 12:42.200 --> 12:43.883 of the United States Space Command. 12:43.883 --> 12:47.020 I'm grateful for your continued support, which will aid 12:47.020 --> 12:49.400 in developing the future force necessary 12:49.400 --> 12:52.480 to execute the department's highest priority mission. 12:52.480 --> 12:54.270 Thank you for the opportunity to be here today 12:54.270 --> 12:56.942 and I also look forward to your questions. 12:56.942 --> 12:58.360 - Thank you, Admiral. 12:58.360 --> 12:59.330 Thank you, gentlemen. 12:59.330 --> 13:01.270 I'm going to withhold most of my questions 13:01.270 --> 13:03.730 for the classified session, which will be held immediately 13:03.730 --> 13:06.180 afterwards in 2337. 13:06.180 --> 13:08.533 I yield now to the Ranking Member Mr. Turner. 13:10.816 --> 13:12.160 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 13:12.160 --> 13:17.160 Admiral Richard, we've been able to have some discussion 13:17.200 --> 13:22.200 of the activities that Russia has undertaken 13:22.690 --> 13:27.690 for its nuclear arsenal that go well beyond modernization. 13:28.760 --> 13:31.160 We use the term modernization frequently when we talk 13:31.160 --> 13:34.330 about what Russia has done, but in fact, they're fielding 13:34.330 --> 13:39.066 absolutely new weapons with new and complete unforeseen 13:39.066 --> 13:40.796 capabilities. 13:40.796 --> 13:43.670 The avant garde with its hypersonic capabilities, 13:43.670 --> 13:44.743 which is deployed, 13:46.020 --> 13:49.820 the weapon that's been deployed in violation 13:49.820 --> 13:54.820 of the INF Treaty, their development of Skyfall 13:56.300 --> 13:59.360 or recently we just saw an accident where they've developed 13:59.360 --> 14:04.360 a missile that is itself not just a nuclear weapon, 14:05.690 --> 14:07.770 but also nuclear powered. 14:07.770 --> 14:11.390 And Poseidon where they're looking at a weapon that would 14:11.390 --> 14:14.743 go under the ocean unmanned. 14:16.800 --> 14:18.380 Before we go into classified session, 14:18.380 --> 14:20.600 I wanted to give you an opportunity in the public session 14:20.600 --> 14:22.451 because we're gonna have a significant debate 14:22.451 --> 14:25.010 of our investment into the NNSA. 14:25.010 --> 14:27.030 Where there's been a significant increase 14:27.030 --> 14:28.860 in the NNSA's funding. 14:28.860 --> 14:30.980 Which has been needed and necessary. 14:30.980 --> 14:33.030 If we're going to modernize ours and we're not trying 14:33.030 --> 14:34.360 to do what Russia has done. 14:34.360 --> 14:37.060 We're not gonna create new nuclear weapons. 14:37.060 --> 14:40.560 We're only undertaking the modernization 14:40.560 --> 14:43.143 of our current capabilities. 14:43.143 --> 14:45.960 We have to invest in the infrastructure to be able 14:45.960 --> 14:50.920 to do that, otherwise our deterrent won't remain credible. 14:50.920 --> 14:53.900 Could you take a moment in a very public session, 14:53.900 --> 14:56.730 give us that picture of what our adversaries are doing 14:56.730 --> 14:59.329 and why that's a real threat and then secondly, why there 14:59.329 --> 15:04.329 is a must in our current efforts 15:04.991 --> 15:09.991 to modernize our nuclear enterprises, our Triad. 15:10.380 --> 15:15.380 And what you see as to the importance of why Congress needs 15:15.970 --> 15:18.840 to step up now to ensure you have in the future, 15:18.840 --> 15:21.593 the capabilities that you currently have. 15:21.593 --> 15:22.460 Admiral. 15:22.460 --> 15:24.195 - Thank you Ranking Member Turner. 15:24.195 --> 15:25.795 - To summarize, 15:25.795 --> 15:28.820 and I will go into more detail in the classified session... 15:28.820 --> 15:30.663 - Admiral, I just wanna make it clear. 15:30.663 --> 15:35.070 Telling us in classified session does not help Congress 15:35.070 --> 15:38.580 have a debate to be able to conclude budgetary issues. 15:38.580 --> 15:42.010 It informs us as to what you know, but the debate 15:42.010 --> 15:46.530 on the budget happens in public and it will be contested. 15:46.530 --> 15:50.320 So your statements in public are as much as important 15:50.320 --> 15:52.420 as the ones that you're gonna make in private. 15:52.420 --> 15:53.810 In private, you will inform us 15:53.810 --> 15:55.487 and make certain that we understand the capabilities 15:55.487 --> 15:56.580 and the issues. 15:56.580 --> 15:59.610 But in public, that's where your language and your words 15:59.610 --> 16:00.873 will be entered into our debate. 16:00.873 --> 16:02.333 - Thank you, sir. 16:02.333 --> 16:04.116 So let me summarize, 16:04.116 --> 16:06.970 I would characterize what Russia is doing 16:06.970 --> 16:10.400 with her strategic and nuclear forces as an explosion 16:10.400 --> 16:12.070 in capability. 16:12.070 --> 16:13.760 They started long ago. 16:13.760 --> 16:18.700 They started in 2006 and it goes beyond a mere if, you will, 16:18.700 --> 16:21.170 recapitalization or renewal of their Triad. 16:21.170 --> 16:24.140 It is everything that Russia has. 16:24.140 --> 16:28.020 It is an enormous number of non-treaty accountable weapons. 16:28.020 --> 16:31.070 These are sometimes referred to as non-strategic. 16:31.070 --> 16:34.390 It's actually and it's not only the weapons themselves, 16:34.390 --> 16:36.910 it is the delivery systems that they use. 16:36.910 --> 16:38.430 It is actually probably easier 16:38.430 --> 16:41.550 to listen to the ones Russia has that are not dual capable, 16:41.550 --> 16:42.704 ie, conventional and nuclear, 16:42.704 --> 16:45.943 than to list the ones that are because they almost all are. 16:46.830 --> 16:47.900 On top of that, 16:47.900 --> 16:50.840 you mentioned the new capabilities that they're developing. 16:50.840 --> 16:55.810 Hypersonic glide, nuclear powered cruise, undersea unmanned 16:55.810 --> 16:56.830 nuclear powered. 16:56.830 --> 16:58.640 The story goes beyond that. 16:58.640 --> 17:00.110 They have new command and control. 17:00.110 --> 17:03.140 They have new warning systems, they have new doctrine, 17:03.140 --> 17:06.266 they are exercising a level that we hadn't seen before. 17:06.266 --> 17:08.400 They even do Civil Defense 17:08.400 --> 17:10.260 That is a concept the United States abandoned 17:10.260 --> 17:11.848 back in the early '60s. 17:11.848 --> 17:15.210 So this is a very comprehensive approach 17:15.210 --> 17:17.556 that Russia's undertaking and in many cases with Russia, 17:17.556 --> 17:19.730 you gotta look at what they do, 17:19.730 --> 17:21.680 not necessarily what they say. 17:21.680 --> 17:24.480 I'll draw you an equivalent picture on China, 17:24.480 --> 17:26.350 it's just that China doesn't tell you about it. 17:26.350 --> 17:28.980 Russia will tell you exactly what they're doing and why, 17:28.980 --> 17:30.240 China does not, 17:30.240 --> 17:33.680 but they are also rapidly expanding their capabilities 17:33.680 --> 17:36.307 and a particular concern to me, is the fact 17:36.307 --> 17:39.500 that what they are doing is inconsistent with their stated 17:39.500 --> 17:42.360 No First Use policy, and a more general minimum 17:42.360 --> 17:43.330 deterrent strategy. 17:43.330 --> 17:46.520 And while they're very opaque and they don't speak about it 17:46.520 --> 17:48.941 very frequently, they will have all the same capabilities 17:48.941 --> 17:52.437 that Russia has giving them all the same options. 17:52.437 --> 17:55.260 And then to your final point is why now. 17:55.260 --> 17:58.100 When we talk about the modernization of the Triad, 17:58.100 --> 18:00.460 what we leave out is the or else 18:00.460 --> 18:03.270 and the other choice that we have, 18:03.270 --> 18:05.810 is not to keep what we have. 18:05.810 --> 18:09.700 The entire Triad is reaching the end of its useful life. 18:09.700 --> 18:14.070 And so we either replace what we have now or we start to 18:14.070 --> 18:17.920 divest almost on a path to disarmament in the face 18:17.920 --> 18:19.323 of this growing threat. 18:21.370 --> 18:26.370 - Admiral, Russia has publicly announced 18:27.070 --> 18:32.070 that it has deployed hypersonic capable weapons 18:32.171 --> 18:37.171 named I think the Avant Garde is the name we've given it. 18:39.430 --> 18:41.113 Why does that weapon concern you? 18:42.319 --> 18:44.760 - Well, it concerns me for a couple of reasons. 18:44.760 --> 18:46.960 1, They have, you've correctly stated, 18:46.960 --> 18:49.052 that they have a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle, 18:49.052 --> 18:53.130 that challenges our warning capability and we not only base 18:53.130 --> 18:54.660 our active defenses on that, 18:54.660 --> 18:57.760 but I base our posture and response on that as well. 18:57.760 --> 18:59.610 And where you might wanna back up 18:59.610 --> 19:00.880 is the things you wanna remember, 19:00.880 --> 19:02.680 Russia didn't have to do that. 19:02.680 --> 19:04.950 That was a choice by their part. 19:04.950 --> 19:08.980 China is right behind them in terms of those capabilities. 19:08.980 --> 19:12.580 So in the face of our restraint, in the face of our delaying 19:12.580 --> 19:15.560 or recapitalization to the last possible moment, 19:15.560 --> 19:16.710 that's a great example 19:16.710 --> 19:19.400 of going in the exact opposite direction. 19:19.400 --> 19:21.636 - Would you consider these weapons provocative? 19:21.636 --> 19:24.953 - They are certainly unhelpful to me in terms of my mission 19:24.953 --> 19:27.920 is that it is an additional threat that I'm required 19:27.920 --> 19:31.300 to work through the strategic deterrence equation in order 19:31.300 --> 19:32.630 to defend this nation. 19:32.630 --> 19:35.410 - So while they deploy these weapons 19:35.410 --> 19:38.488 that have new capabilities, brand new weapons, 19:38.488 --> 19:39.740 what is the danger 19:39.740 --> 19:43.480 if we allow our current capabilities then to decay 19:43.480 --> 19:44.940 or degrade? 19:44.940 --> 19:48.290 - We went through a Nuclear Posture Review and determined 19:48.290 --> 19:50.390 that we needed tailored strategies 19:50.390 --> 19:51.858 for each of our adversaries 19:51.858 --> 19:54.040 and I think that was a wise stack of decisions. 19:54.040 --> 19:56.530 The Triad is what gives me the capabilities. 19:56.530 --> 19:59.690 It's the inherent flexibility in the Triad thAT enables me 19:59.690 --> 20:01.456 to execute those strategies. 20:01.456 --> 20:05.160 If we don't modernize, I don't have those capabilities 20:05.160 --> 20:05.993 anymore. 20:05.993 --> 20:09.080 I'm at the part where I will have to take the Triad apart 20:09.080 --> 20:10.350 if we don't do that. 20:10.350 --> 20:12.770 Thankfully, we have wise leaders in the past that gave me 20:12.770 --> 20:15.140 a Triad to be able to take apart. 20:15.140 --> 20:18.670 What that means fundamentally I can't execute the strategy. 20:18.670 --> 20:20.240 There's a number of aspects to that. 20:20.240 --> 20:23.650 One important one to mention is the extended deterrence 20:23.650 --> 20:27.630 and assurance commitments that this nation provides 20:27.630 --> 20:29.260 without those capabilities, 20:29.260 --> 20:30.729 I am concerned about the pressure on nonproliferation 20:30.729 --> 20:33.300 that will occur. 20:33.300 --> 20:37.476 - There's some that say the W93 is a new nuclear weapon. 20:37.476 --> 20:40.510 It's not a new weapon. 20:40.510 --> 20:44.840 Admiral, answer the question as to a critic that would say 20:44.840 --> 20:48.830 that the undertaking the W93 is a new weapon, why it's not. 20:48.830 --> 20:50.730 - Well, the W93, 20:50.730 --> 20:52.420 I think that is one of those things 20:52.420 --> 20:53.920 that makes me proud to be an American 20:53.920 --> 20:55.070 right, that we can come up 20:55.070 --> 20:57.830 with a program of record like the W93. 20:57.830 --> 20:59.342 Using existing designs, 20:59.342 --> 21:01.983 it will use existing stockpile components-- 21:01.983 --> 21:04.333 - That means that there's no new pit, 21:04.333 --> 21:07.232 there's not a new nuclear weapon inside this. 21:07.232 --> 21:09.510 - It will use existing... 21:09.510 --> 21:13.240 right now, I need an ability in general to be able to. 21:13.240 --> 21:16.430 We need to get to 30 and regenerate the ability to have pits 21:16.430 --> 21:17.930 for any of the weapons. 21:17.930 --> 21:19.883 That's its own constraint right now. 21:19.883 --> 21:22.872 But the W93, and remember, that's my requirement 21:22.872 --> 21:24.900 for the reason that I'm very pleased 21:24.900 --> 21:27.590 to see that the department is taking the steps. 21:27.590 --> 21:30.840 This will enable me to address the simultaneous age out 21:30.840 --> 21:32.430 of both weapons inside the 21:32.430 --> 21:34.501 Submarine Launch Ballistic Missile Leg, 21:34.501 --> 21:37.120 it will enable me to redress the imbalance 21:37.120 --> 21:39.349 that we currently have inside that leg. 21:39.349 --> 21:44.200 It will be parallel developed with the United Kingdom's 21:44.200 --> 21:47.350 efforts in using existing partnership arrangements 21:47.350 --> 21:50.670 and it will be vital to their maintenance and continuation 21:50.670 --> 21:52.570 of their continuous at sea deterrents. 21:55.670 --> 21:59.760 - Thank you, General Raymond, Secretary Esper, 21:59.760 --> 22:04.760 yesterday, spoke of the National Space Intelligence Center 22:05.027 --> 22:06.490 at Greg Patterson Air Force Base which he had just toured. 22:06.490 --> 22:09.860 And the importance of its contribution 22:09.860 --> 22:12.020 overall to our national security. 22:12.020 --> 22:15.308 I know you too are very familiar with their operations 22:15.308 --> 22:18.777 and as we go to stand up Space Force, there's obviously 22:18.777 --> 22:22.839 throughout the entire DOD enterprise, individuals who wonder 22:22.839 --> 22:26.210 whether or not their job is moving 22:26.210 --> 22:27.800 or whether or not they're moving 22:27.800 --> 22:29.650 or whether or not they'll have a job. 22:30.830 --> 22:34.287 The secretary has said that he wants to ensure that we don't 22:34.287 --> 22:35.810 duplicate efforts, 22:35.810 --> 22:39.070 that we don't diminish our current capabilities 22:39.070 --> 22:40.300 and capacities. 22:40.300 --> 22:42.770 And if you might speak for a moment about the importance 22:42.770 --> 22:46.130 of NASIC's overall contributions to national security 22:46.130 --> 22:47.548 and our intelligence community? 22:47.548 --> 22:48.381 - Yes, sir, thank you for the opportunity. 22:48.381 --> 22:53.381 Yeah NASIC is provided excellent technical intelligence 22:54.310 --> 22:56.170 for the space domain for years. 22:56.170 --> 22:58.209 We rely on them very, very heavily. 22:58.209 --> 23:00.790 I'll tell you the current strategic environment, 23:00.790 --> 23:04.030 some of it was outlined by Admiral Richard 23:04.030 --> 23:05.560 advises space as well. 23:05.560 --> 23:08.080 And the need for increased intelligence across the board 23:08.080 --> 23:10.780 foundational, technical, acquisition intelligence 23:10.780 --> 23:12.600 is increasing. 23:12.600 --> 23:16.398 And so as we build the Space Force and US Space command, 23:16.398 --> 23:19.040 I don't think anybody should be worried about a job 23:19.040 --> 23:20.310 or a growth industry. 23:20.310 --> 23:23.500 And I would suggest that we don't wanna break something, 23:23.500 --> 23:27.340 we wanna build on something to enhance it. 23:27.340 --> 23:28.173 - General, thank you very much. 23:28.173 --> 23:29.006 You're back. 23:30.020 --> 23:31.453 - Thank you, Mr. Garimandi. 23:39.830 --> 23:43.990 - Admiral Richards, did you say our current policy is one 23:43.990 --> 23:45.340 of disarmament , 23:45.340 --> 23:47.773 unless we do all the new things you want done? 23:48.740 --> 23:49.830 Is that what I heard you say? 23:49.830 --> 23:51.840 - I didn't say that that was our current policy. 23:51.840 --> 23:54.020 What I will give you is the operational 23:54.020 --> 23:56.283 implications of our decisions, yes. 23:57.550 --> 23:59.350 - I don't understand what that means. 23:59.350 --> 24:03.870 If we continue as we are with the safe secure reliable 24:03.870 --> 24:08.870 the development of the B21, LSRO and other delivery systems, 24:11.570 --> 24:12.570 is that disarmament? 24:14.283 --> 24:16.230 - I was answering the question, 24:16.230 --> 24:18.100 if we don't choose to do that. 24:18.100 --> 24:21.830 The existing systems we have only have finite lifetimes 24:21.830 --> 24:23.350 and they require replacement, 24:23.350 --> 24:25.500 which will require a commitment 24:25.500 --> 24:28.960 by this nation to resources and leadership to replace them. 24:28.960 --> 24:30.300 That's my point, sir. 24:30.300 --> 24:34.053 - Are we in the process of replacing? 24:35.070 --> 24:38.210 - We are just in the beginnings of the programs that will be 24:38.210 --> 24:42.230 the replacements for the current systems inside the delivery 24:42.230 --> 24:43.730 Triad. 24:43.730 --> 24:48.730 - I see, you said that the W93 is or is not a new weapon? 24:51.390 --> 24:54.190 - The W93 is a new program of record 24:54.190 --> 24:56.352 that uses existing designs-- 24:56.352 --> 24:58.413 - Wait, wait, wait. 24:59.790 --> 25:02.183 Yeah, let's answer the question. 25:03.150 --> 25:05.220 Is it a new weapon? 25:05.220 --> 25:09.190 It is a new program of record, is it a new weapon? 25:09.190 --> 25:12.643 - It is a new program of record, sir. 25:14.470 --> 25:16.842 - I see, is it a new weapon then? 25:16.842 --> 25:19.540 - I'm gonna go back to it's a new program of record. 25:19.540 --> 25:21.550 We're just now starting the program. 25:21.550 --> 25:23.722 - This dance is getting us nowhere. 25:23.722 --> 25:27.022 Does it use a new pit? 25:27.022 --> 25:30.000 - It hasn't been designed yet, sir, 25:30.000 --> 25:33.620 so we have to go do the designs to answer that question. 25:33.620 --> 25:36.540 You know we have to ask first to start the program 25:36.540 --> 25:38.793 before we can answer some of these questions. 25:40.520 --> 25:44.670 - Why then are we going to build 80 pits a year 25:44.670 --> 25:46.860 beginning in 10 years? 25:46.860 --> 25:50.250 - That is necessary overall inside the weapons complex 25:50.250 --> 25:53.850 to refurbish the entire stockpile. 25:53.850 --> 25:56.910 - Will this be only be used for the existing weapons 25:56.910 --> 26:00.003 and the leap of existing weapons? 26:01.600 --> 26:03.540 - I'm sorry, your question again, sir? 26:03.540 --> 26:08.540 - My question is what do you intend to do with the 80 pits 26:08.960 --> 26:10.590 a year that they're supposed to be, 26:10.590 --> 26:14.810 or the 30 then 80 pits a year that are to be produced 26:14.810 --> 26:16.820 in the next 15 years. 26:16.820 --> 26:18.770 - So actually this is a very good point. 26:18.770 --> 26:21.530 They are used overall in the refurbishments of the weapons 26:21.530 --> 26:22.363 that we have. 26:22.363 --> 26:25.460 And this is a good example of one of the points of no return 26:25.460 --> 26:26.900 that I'm talking about. 26:26.900 --> 26:29.570 In terms of NNSA's funding 26:29.570 --> 26:31.790 is right at the minimum to maintain it. 26:31.790 --> 26:34.860 All the nation has is an ability right now 26:34.860 --> 26:37.220 to refurbish existing weapons. 26:37.220 --> 26:42.110 If we drop funding, we push the front of the pipeline back 26:42.110 --> 26:45.140 that then spills back into the back of the pipeline 26:45.140 --> 26:45.973 showing up 26:45.973 --> 26:46.837 and you get to a point 26:46.837 --> 26:49.620 and my point here is you can't recover 26:49.620 --> 26:52.300 and you can't get a bigger pipe in less than 10 years 26:52.300 --> 26:53.920 no matter how much money you spend. 26:53.920 --> 26:56.850 That's the basis of the 80 pit per year requirement. 26:56.850 --> 26:59.550 - So what do you intend to use them for? 26:59.550 --> 27:01.310 - Refurbishment of our existing weapons. 27:01.310 --> 27:02.564 - Which weapons? 27:02.564 --> 27:05.435 - The whole stockpile, sir, it's all of them. 27:05.435 --> 27:07.687 - That's new news. 27:07.687 --> 27:10.070 That is new news. 27:10.070 --> 27:14.160 So you're saying that the new pits that are to be produced 27:14.160 --> 27:17.265 will be used to replace the existing pits 27:17.265 --> 27:19.520 in existing weapons. 27:19.520 --> 27:21.000 Is that what I heard you say? 27:21.000 --> 27:25.330 - Sir, that is NNSA's stockpile modernization plan. 27:25.330 --> 27:27.940 - Okay, well, we'll have a meeting with the NNSA 27:27.940 --> 27:29.853 and we'll ask them that question, too. 27:32.670 --> 27:35.670 So the W93 is a new program of record 27:35.670 --> 27:37.450 but is not a new weapon. 27:37.450 --> 27:40.570 - Again, the W93 is a new program of record. 27:40.570 --> 27:44.950 It is designed to address an imbalance in the strategic leg. 27:44.950 --> 27:48.563 It doesn't require new testing, it's not a new design. 27:51.630 --> 27:53.180 - I'm gonna yield back my time. 27:54.021 --> 27:55.573 - Thank you, Mr. Bishop. 27:59.150 --> 28:00.227 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 28:00.227 --> 28:03.330 Gentlemen, thank you for being here. 28:03.330 --> 28:05.430 You're answers to Mr. Turner I thought were direct 28:05.430 --> 28:06.410 and sobering answers. 28:06.410 --> 28:08.090 So thank you for that. 28:08.090 --> 28:12.970 You know, the Minuteman III is already 47 years old 28:12.970 --> 28:15.670 and in the depot where the maintenance work is done on them, 28:15.670 --> 28:17.580 some of the engineers are actually going to eBay 28:17.580 --> 28:20.320 to find spare parts, which is not actually a joke. 28:20.320 --> 28:22.550 It's unfortunate it happens. 28:22.550 --> 28:25.930 So let me ask some really simple questions basic questions 28:25.930 --> 28:28.479 about CBSD if I possibly could. 28:28.479 --> 28:32.219 And I guess, Admiral, let me start with you. 28:32.219 --> 28:34.470 There are some people, analysts that are saying, 28:34.470 --> 28:36.320 the DIAD is enough, 28:36.320 --> 28:38.880 that we could do this with bombers and submarines. 28:38.880 --> 28:42.540 If you were to maintain the same level of readiness 28:42.540 --> 28:45.850 and deterrence and you only had the DIAD, 28:45.850 --> 28:49.363 would you be forced to buy new bombers, new submarines? 28:51.420 --> 28:53.650 - Congressman, maybe if I could two points, 28:53.650 --> 28:57.623 1, that depot you're talking about, or that Minuteman III, 28:57.623 --> 29:00.840 I think that is a credit to the department of the defense 29:00.840 --> 29:01.810 and the Air Force 29:01.810 --> 29:03.860 and it shows you the lengths we have gone 29:03.860 --> 29:05.910 to to maintain these systems. 29:05.910 --> 29:08.930 That weapon system wasn't designed to have a depot. 29:08.930 --> 29:10.360 That weapon system was designed 29:10.360 --> 29:12.310 to be in service for 10 years. 29:12.310 --> 29:15.830 In fact, our Air Force figured out how to retrofit in 29:15.830 --> 29:17.803 a depot maintenance process into that. 29:17.803 --> 29:20.113 It's an extraordinary engineering accomplishment 29:20.113 --> 29:22.880 and shows you it was a credit to what the service is trying 29:22.880 --> 29:23.713 to do. 29:23.713 --> 29:25.960 To your answer, look, I could give you a specific thing 29:25.960 --> 29:29.010 on attributes release, but if you take the Triad apart, 29:29.010 --> 29:31.540 I can't execute tailored deterrent strategies. 29:31.540 --> 29:34.490 That's it in a nutshell and I'd have to come back 29:34.490 --> 29:36.150 with a different way 29:36.150 --> 29:38.030 to go do what the President and the secretary 29:38.030 --> 29:38.863 have told me to do. 29:38.863 --> 29:41.760 - So it wouldn't necessarily be cost efficient to do that? 29:41.760 --> 29:43.370 - It certainly wouldn't be cost efficient... 29:43.370 --> 29:46.400 - Or if you were to say, when people are saying let's wait 29:46.400 --> 29:49.820 for this until we have less strife that we're put on, 29:49.820 --> 29:51.796 less pressure put on the Air Force budget, 29:51.796 --> 29:54.445 if we were to wait 3 to 5 years, 29:54.445 --> 29:57.740 that would not be necessarily more cost effective? 29:57.740 --> 30:00.030 - Sir, it certainly wouldn't be more cost effective 30:00.030 --> 30:03.550 and the bottom line is I wouldn't have the capabilities 30:03.550 --> 30:06.670 necessary to execute the tailored strategies, 30:06.670 --> 30:08.470 the Nuclear Posture Review calls for. 30:08.470 --> 30:11.660 - Okay, let's assume then that since these are old weapon 30:11.660 --> 30:14.610 systems, I'm still talking about the missile system, 30:14.610 --> 30:17.870 there is a natural deterioration, natural attrition 30:17.870 --> 30:19.630 that comes along with that. 30:19.630 --> 30:23.190 If we were not to go forward with the GBSD program, 30:23.190 --> 30:25.773 if we were to delay it in any way shape or form, 30:27.160 --> 30:32.160 how would our adversaries perceive that force reduction? 30:32.487 --> 30:35.380 - It certainly works to their advantage. 30:35.380 --> 30:38.190 It again takes away a capability, you're quite correct 30:38.190 --> 30:40.484 that systems will age out and start to 30:40.484 --> 30:42.420 is true for Minuteman III 30:42.420 --> 30:46.150 it's true for all the missile systems in the Triad. 30:46.150 --> 30:48.390 - And would it make it easier 30:48.390 --> 30:50.380 or more difficult to do any kind 30:50.380 --> 30:52.683 of arms reduction treaties in the future? 30:53.890 --> 30:56.259 - We would be doing an arms reduction ourselves. 30:56.259 --> 30:57.500 - Unilateral? 30:57.500 --> 30:58.333 - [Admiral] Yes, sir. 30:58.333 --> 31:00.800 - Well, I would probably win that one then. 31:00.800 --> 31:01.633 Let me also go... 31:01.633 --> 31:05.530 I'm making the assumption that we have had 45 years 31:05.530 --> 31:09.910 there were people talking about doing a life extension 31:09.910 --> 31:11.980 for these 45 year old missiles. 31:11.980 --> 31:14.324 I'm assuming that in the 10 years you have been working on 31:14.324 --> 31:18.070 this issue that all those criteria, all those factors 31:18.070 --> 31:20.000 have been factored into the system 31:20.000 --> 31:21.931 before you made your decision? 31:21.931 --> 31:23.970 - Congressman, that's absolutely correct. 31:23.970 --> 31:26.510 We're well past the point of diminishing returns 31:26.510 --> 31:29.250 and cost effectiveness to not replace the Minuteman III. 31:29.250 --> 31:32.434 - So in 30 seconds, could you just remind me of the purpose 31:32.434 --> 31:34.640 for the new system in the first place. 31:34.640 --> 31:36.473 - The purpose for the GBSD, 31:36.473 --> 31:40.070 is it provides a land based portion 31:40.070 --> 31:41.320 of the strategic Triad, 31:41.320 --> 31:44.260 it presents the enemy of an intractable targeting problem 31:44.260 --> 31:47.930 one that gives you the most responsive leg of the Triad 31:47.930 --> 31:49.370 and it provides capabilities 31:49.370 --> 31:51.340 that complement the other two legs. 31:51.340 --> 31:53.400 - I certainly hope we move forward with that 31:53.400 --> 31:54.520 for a whole bunch of reasons. 31:54.520 --> 31:56.830 I don't know to whom I ask this next question 31:56.830 --> 31:58.430 whether it's you or the general, 31:59.710 --> 32:01.703 can you get a better name than GBSD? 32:02.620 --> 32:05.550 I'm sorry, in all due respect, GBSD sounds like a disease 32:05.550 --> 32:06.383 we're trying to solve. 32:06.383 --> 32:09.520 It's corona virus, GBSD is the new form of it. 32:09.520 --> 32:11.030 Can you please come up with a nicer name? 32:11.030 --> 32:11.863 Minuteman III's cute... 32:11.863 --> 32:15.660 - Congressman, I will...That is an Air Force decision. 32:15.660 --> 32:16.770 The Navy had the same thing. 32:16.770 --> 32:18.790 We used to called it the Sea-Based Strategic Deterrent 32:18.790 --> 32:19.950 and now we call it Columbia. 32:19.950 --> 32:22.610 We'll do the same thing I'm sure with GBSD. 32:22.610 --> 32:24.730 - General, you wanna take a stab at that one? 32:24.730 --> 32:26.440 - Sir, I'm on the Space Force. 32:26.440 --> 32:29.089 (laughing) 32:29.089 --> 32:32.000 - Well, there's a Star Wars term coming up here. 32:32.000 --> 32:33.220 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 32:33.220 --> 32:34.630 - [Someone] I've heard them all. 32:34.630 --> 32:35.980 - Thank you. Mr. Carbajal. 32:38.450 --> 32:40.500 - Thank you very much Mr. Chair. 32:40.500 --> 32:42.990 Admiral Richard as commander of STRATCOM, 32:42.990 --> 32:46.780 you generate the requirements for our nuclear forces. 32:46.780 --> 32:51.310 STRATCOM requirements then drive which warheads the NNSA 32:52.240 --> 32:56.123 life extends, maintains and in what quantities, correct? 32:57.150 --> 32:59.090 - I originate the requirement. 32:59.090 --> 33:00.900 I don't have the authority to approve them. 33:00.900 --> 33:03.330 That's done up inside the Department of Defense, 33:03.330 --> 33:04.880 but basically yes. 33:04.880 --> 33:08.273 - Thank you, in the case of the submarine leg, 33:08.273 --> 33:13.273 we just completed the life extension of the W76-1 33:13.880 --> 33:17.870 and the development of the W76-2. 33:17.870 --> 33:20.273 We are only a couple of years away from finishing 33:20.273 --> 33:23.720 the refresh of the W88. 33:23.720 --> 33:27.560 Both are expected to last until the late 2030s. 33:27.560 --> 33:32.560 Why is starting development of the W93 necessary in 2021 33:32.830 --> 33:36.450 and why was it moved up two years? 33:36.450 --> 33:37.723 - So Congressman, 33:37.723 --> 33:40.490 two points on that and this is what happens 33:40.490 --> 33:42.860 when you work in a resource constrained environment. 33:42.860 --> 33:45.760 Both of those life extensions that you refer to 33:45.760 --> 33:48.750 did not life extend the nuclear explosive package 33:48.750 --> 33:49.950 inside those weapons. 33:49.950 --> 33:54.250 We simply didn't have the resources and the pit capacity 33:54.250 --> 33:55.310 to be able to do that. 33:55.310 --> 33:56.700 So we had to make a choice 33:56.700 --> 34:00.420 and so those life extensions were modest. 34:00.420 --> 34:03.840 So if you wanna replace those weapons or life extend them 34:03.840 --> 34:06.960 in the '30s based on the historical timelines, 34:06.960 --> 34:08.260 we need to start now. 34:08.260 --> 34:12.400 And that's why the W93 is in the program this year. 34:12.400 --> 34:14.810 So you're asking, your second question 34:14.810 --> 34:19.260 really gets into NNSA's budget submission, 34:19.260 --> 34:21.940 which I don't have complete visibility on, 34:21.940 --> 34:25.890 but what I'll note on FY21 is that's the first time 34:25.890 --> 34:27.190 where we have synchronized 34:27.190 --> 34:29.410 the Department of Defense's budget request 34:29.410 --> 34:31.090 along with NNSA's. 34:31.090 --> 34:33.870 So they do a piece of it and then the Navy, or I'm sorry, 34:33.870 --> 34:36.893 the DOD has to marry that out so we have synchronized 34:36.893 --> 34:40.670 standing list budget submission and it is also designed 34:40.670 --> 34:43.740 to give us time so that we don't simultaneously 34:43.740 --> 34:46.330 have all three programs starting at the same point 34:46.330 --> 34:48.040 in the late '30s. 34:48.040 --> 34:49.620 - Thank you, to that end, 34:49.620 --> 34:51.110 what is the plan regarding the other 34:51.110 --> 34:54.320 warheads in the submarine force 34:54.320 --> 34:56.660 and will one of them be retired? 34:56.660 --> 34:59.920 - See, I think this is the best part about the W93. 34:59.920 --> 35:01.441 Again, it's another thing that just makes me proud 35:01.441 --> 35:02.701 to be an American. 35:02.701 --> 35:07.140 One, it's going to wind up initially being a third warhead. 35:07.140 --> 35:09.941 And we do have to get through the design piece of it. 35:09.941 --> 35:11.570 But it gives us an opportunity. 35:11.570 --> 35:14.570 Remember, part of where my requirement is coming from 35:14.570 --> 35:16.820 is that the ballistic missile submarines that we have today 35:16.820 --> 35:20.277 have 20 tubes, Columbia has 16. 35:20.277 --> 35:23.330 And so I will need capabilities that will address the fact 35:23.330 --> 35:24.980 that we don't have as many tubes 35:24.980 --> 35:26.610 in the new class of submarines 35:26.610 --> 35:29.290 and the overall number of warheads is going down. 35:29.290 --> 35:32.881 So we have an opportunity here to redress the imbalance 35:32.881 --> 35:35.424 between the 76-1s and the W88s. 35:35.424 --> 35:38.405 It will not raise the stockpile numbers. 35:38.405 --> 35:40.260 Let us finish the design. 35:40.260 --> 35:43.960 We might even be able to lower it and then either do that 35:43.960 --> 35:45.300 and leave it as a third weapon 35:45.300 --> 35:46.750 or potentially make it a replacement form 35:46.750 --> 35:47.910 of the two that we have. 35:47.910 --> 35:50.000 We just need to get through the work. 35:50.000 --> 35:51.820 - Thank you, let me continue. 35:51.820 --> 35:54.050 Secretary Esper told us yesterday, 35:54.050 --> 35:55.240 in the full committee hearing 35:55.240 --> 35:59.850 that he hopes to engage soon on the new start extension. 35:59.850 --> 36:01.520 I have a couple questions. 36:01.520 --> 36:03.390 Do you share General Heighton's view, 36:03.390 --> 36:05.820 which he testified to last year 36:05.820 --> 36:10.000 that insight into Russian forces gained from New Start 36:10.000 --> 36:12.807 is "unbelievably important"? 36:13.943 --> 36:17.950 If New Start expired on February 5, 2021 36:17.950 --> 36:20.100 with no follow-on agreements, 36:20.100 --> 36:22.800 would your job be easier or harder? 36:22.800 --> 36:24.260 - So in general, Congressman, 36:24.260 --> 36:26.220 I have testified to this before. 36:26.220 --> 36:28.430 I support any arms control agreement 36:28.430 --> 36:30.970 that enhances the security of this nation. 36:30.970 --> 36:32.103 General Highton was correct, 36:32.103 --> 36:34.973 that New Start does provide a level of insight 36:34.973 --> 36:37.360 into confidence building measure Russia 36:37.360 --> 36:39.210 has largely been compliant with it. 36:39.210 --> 36:40.400 It does set a limit 36:40.400 --> 36:43.140 on the number of strategic weapons they have. 36:43.140 --> 36:44.550 All our benefits. 36:44.550 --> 36:47.000 But what it doesn't do is account at all 36:47.000 --> 36:51.830 for a class of thousands of weapons that Russia has. 36:51.830 --> 36:55.510 They're developing new weapon systems that are not covered 36:55.510 --> 36:58.010 by the treaty that are also threats to us 36:58.010 --> 36:59.716 and it's a bilateral treaty. 36:59.716 --> 37:02.180 My best military advice would be; 37:02.180 --> 37:04.010 I'd like to have all of that. 37:04.010 --> 37:06.007 That would make my job the easiest. 37:06.007 --> 37:08.779 - Thank you, and lastly, General Raymond, 37:08.779 --> 37:12.600 being that I have Vanderbilt Air Force Base in my district, 37:12.600 --> 37:14.200 what are the challenges and opportunities 37:14.200 --> 37:16.593 in standing up to Space Development Agency? 37:18.670 --> 37:23.670 - The Space Development Agency actually today works for OSD 37:24.077 --> 37:28.330 and RNM and what it's designed to do is to go fast. 37:28.330 --> 37:30.790 I get asked frequently what keeps you awake at night 37:30.790 --> 37:31.623 and there's not a lot, 37:31.623 --> 37:33.050 but the thing that does is our ability 37:33.050 --> 37:33.883 to go fast. 37:33.883 --> 37:37.298 And SDA is designed to be able to go fast and stay ahead 37:37.298 --> 37:38.938 of that threat 37:38.938 --> 37:43.220 and largely looking at disaggregating architectures in space 37:43.220 --> 37:45.080 which would be more resilient. 37:45.080 --> 37:47.290 - Thank you, Mr. Chair, I yield back. 37:47.290 --> 37:48.540 - Thank you, Mr. Rogers. 37:50.438 --> 37:51.778 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 37:51.778 --> 37:54.590 General Raymond, General Highton's talked about 37:54.590 --> 37:58.490 the all domains operations of being the biggest key 37:58.490 --> 38:01.438 to our entire budget in the future of our ability 38:01.438 --> 38:05.760 to compete with a global competitor in the near future 38:05.760 --> 38:06.980 at all levels. 38:06.980 --> 38:10.770 What role does Space Command play in working that problem 38:10.770 --> 38:13.610 and just to the point you just now made, 38:13.610 --> 38:14.490 how are we gonna balance 38:14.490 --> 38:17.330 advocating to deal with emerging threats 38:17.330 --> 38:18.800 while we all at the same time, 38:18.800 --> 38:20.450 try to deal with present threats? 38:22.003 --> 38:26.030 - First of all, Congressman Rogers, the space program 38:26.030 --> 38:27.190 plays a critical role in it. 38:27.190 --> 38:30.860 The J is joint and we're part of that joint team 38:30.860 --> 38:33.060 and all domain in space. 38:33.060 --> 38:36.370 What you'll hear referred to as JADC2, Joint All Domain 38:36.370 --> 38:38.120 Command and Control. 38:38.120 --> 38:39.210 It's the connective tissue. 38:39.210 --> 38:41.920 It's the DNA that brings the full weight of the joint force 38:41.920 --> 38:46.920 together to provide advantage for our nation 38:47.050 --> 38:48.620 against any adversary. 38:48.620 --> 38:51.990 A lot of work that we have done and I know we've testified 38:51.990 --> 38:56.560 in front of you before on enterprise space battle management 38:56.560 --> 38:59.150 was built with this in mind. 38:59.150 --> 39:03.010 And so we use an open standards, open architectures, 39:03.010 --> 39:08.010 unified data libraries to have data more easily 39:08.450 --> 39:10.410 not just among us but also our allies. 39:10.410 --> 39:12.330 So we are playing a critical role in that. 39:12.330 --> 39:15.130 On the balancing near term and far term, it's a unique 39:15.130 --> 39:16.790 position that I'm in as a combatant commander. 39:16.790 --> 39:20.610 I have a three year look if you will as a service chief 39:20.610 --> 39:21.740 I'm looking long. 39:21.740 --> 39:23.407 And as you look at the budget that we submitted 39:23.407 --> 39:25.740 in my Space Force hat, 39:25.740 --> 39:29.607 it's this balance of making sure we're not taking 39:29.607 --> 39:32.570 too much near term risk by getting to the future faster. 39:32.570 --> 39:36.087 - Great, Admiral Richard, first Roll Tide. 39:36.087 --> 39:39.584 We wanna get that on the record for General Raymond 39:39.584 --> 39:42.478 and Chairman Cooper. 39:42.478 --> 39:44.140 (laughing) 39:44.140 --> 39:45.190 - [Chairman] We had hoped to avoid that. 39:45.190 --> 39:46.340 (laughing) 39:46.340 --> 39:47.942 - [Someone] Go tigers! 39:47.942 --> 39:51.000 - Admiral Richard, in your opening statement, you referred 39:51.000 --> 39:53.250 to the increase in the Russian 39:53.250 --> 39:55.323 and Chinese nuclear stockpiles. 39:55.323 --> 39:58.760 China you expect to double their stockpile 39:58.760 --> 39:59.810 within the next decade 39:59.810 --> 40:04.810 and Russia you expect a sizable increase in the near future. 40:05.340 --> 40:07.503 Does our current program of record of modernization expand 40:07.503 --> 40:09.082 our nuclear forces? 40:09.082 --> 40:10.870 - Congressman, no. 40:10.870 --> 40:13.430 - Okay, a few weeks ago, the New York Times column 40:13.430 --> 40:18.430 summed up the budgets investment in nuclear modernization 40:19.802 --> 40:21.870 by saying, "The President's spending proposal requests money 40:21.870 --> 40:25.150 for a new arms race with Russia and with China 40:25.150 --> 40:26.820 and restores nuclear weapons 40:26.820 --> 40:29.840 as a central to military policy." 40:29.840 --> 40:32.530 truth is, the budget does actually the opposite, doesn't it? 40:32.530 --> 40:34.080 - Congressman, that is correct. 40:36.090 --> 40:39.430 - In your testimony, you speak a lot about the age 40:39.430 --> 40:43.360 of our current systems and that we have no margin 40:43.360 --> 40:44.290 as we move forward 40:44.290 --> 40:45.123 with these programs. 40:45.123 --> 40:47.820 Do you have enough funding in this year's budget request 40:47.820 --> 40:50.570 for a nuclear modernization programs and does the NNSA? 40:51.520 --> 40:53.880 - Congressman, the short answer is yes, I was pleased 40:53.880 --> 40:56.400 with the priority the department placed on it. 40:56.400 --> 40:57.700 You heard our secretary and chairman 40:57.700 --> 40:59.530 testify to that yesterday. 40:59.530 --> 41:01.940 So yes, in the main they are fully funded. 41:01.940 --> 41:05.670 - Great, and if you take the warhead modernization program 41:05.670 --> 41:07.490 from the NNSA on one hand 41:07.490 --> 41:09.170 and you take the Triad modernization 41:09.170 --> 41:11.930 of delivery systems on the other hand, are these numbers 41:11.930 --> 41:13.990 satisfactory to keep those two things integrated 41:13.990 --> 41:15.660 over the next several years. 41:15.660 --> 41:17.830 - Congressman, for this budget, yes. 41:17.830 --> 41:21.120 - Excellent, and finally, are these investments we're making 41:21.120 --> 41:23.642 right now, do they plan for the future threat? 41:23.642 --> 41:25.050 - Absolutely, sir. 41:25.050 --> 41:25.883 - Excellent, thank you. 41:25.883 --> 41:27.550 Mr. Chairman, I yield back. 41:27.550 --> 41:29.250 - Thank you, Mr. Larsen. 41:29.250 --> 41:30.550 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 41:31.430 --> 41:35.250 I had the chair moved 'cause it was the tallest chair 41:35.250 --> 41:37.570 in front of me and I don't know why it ended up in front 41:37.570 --> 41:40.193 of me, but I think Garimandi put it there. 41:42.030 --> 41:43.770 So thanks for coming. 41:43.770 --> 41:46.120 I had a couple of questions for all you, 41:46.120 --> 41:51.120 but I'm gonna start with Mr. Anderson. 41:51.277 --> 41:56.090 Dr. Anderson, on the 25th, General Walters testified 41:56.090 --> 41:59.320 to SASK, the Senate Armed Search Committee, saying he was 41:59.320 --> 42:03.748 in favor of a flexible First Use policy. 42:03.748 --> 42:08.000 Does the department have a definition of flexible First Use 42:08.000 --> 42:11.743 policy and is that US policy for nuclear use? 42:13.240 --> 42:18.220 - So the question of whether to adopt a No First Use policy 42:18.220 --> 42:22.520 has come up periodically over quite some period of time 42:22.520 --> 42:24.760 and our approach has been 42:24.760 --> 42:28.320 not to adapt a No First Use policy. 42:28.320 --> 42:30.630 And there are essentially several reasons for that. 42:30.630 --> 42:34.713 One is if we work to adopt a No First Use policy, 42:34.713 --> 42:37.230 we think it would undermine the credibility 42:37.230 --> 42:38.900 of our nuclear deterrents. 42:38.900 --> 42:42.300 It would undermine our security guarantees... 42:42.300 --> 42:44.250 - I understand all those arguments. 42:44.250 --> 42:45.580 I well understand all those arguments. 42:45.580 --> 42:48.094 So what's a flexible First Use policy 42:48.094 --> 42:51.360 if not a First Use policy or a No First Use policy? 42:51.360 --> 42:54.703 - So as outlined in our Nuclear Posture Review, we reserve 42:54.703 --> 42:59.703 the right to use nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances 43:02.030 --> 43:03.623 as a First Use. 43:04.470 --> 43:07.970 - Okay, I wanted to get that clear. 43:07.970 --> 43:10.240 That sounds like a First Use policy 43:10.240 --> 43:12.220 not a flexible one or not. 43:12.220 --> 43:15.310 I just the language just didn't sound right. 43:15.310 --> 43:19.228 So I wanted to talk to Admiral Richard and General Raymond, 43:19.228 --> 43:24.228 now that we set up SpaceCom and maybe you can give us some 43:25.310 --> 43:28.290 enlighten us here and maybe talk a little bit later, 43:28.290 --> 43:30.740 are there seams between your commands, 43:30.740 --> 43:32.570 have you found them yet, 43:32.570 --> 43:37.050 how are you working to close those tighten up those seams? 43:37.050 --> 43:38.340 - Congressman, let me start 43:38.340 --> 43:40.670 as the proud parents of US Space Command 43:40.670 --> 43:42.820 given that all of General Raymond's responsibilities 43:42.820 --> 43:45.060 came from US strategic command. 43:45.060 --> 43:50.060 I am pleased in that not only do we not have seams, 43:50.990 --> 43:53.290 we're actually serving the nation better. 43:53.290 --> 43:56.760 General Raymond can get into detail about his censor manager 43:56.760 --> 44:00.179 responsibilities, but he's actually serving missile warning 44:00.179 --> 44:02.430 better than we used to do 44:02.430 --> 44:04.650 by bringing in his other responsibilities 44:04.650 --> 44:07.940 in missile defense and space situational awareness. 44:07.940 --> 44:09.860 So there's anything but seams. 44:09.860 --> 44:12.380 We're actually performing better as a result of what I think 44:12.380 --> 44:14.765 was a wise decision by the nation and the department. 44:14.765 --> 44:16.057 - [Larsen] General Raymond. 44:16.057 --> 44:17.121 - I would agree, we've been very reliant on STRATCOM 44:17.121 --> 44:22.121 and we stood up, we took part of Space Command initial core 44:23.260 --> 44:26.220 it was about 120 folks that came from US Strategic command. 44:26.220 --> 44:30.115 We have a team embedded in the command today to make sure 44:30.115 --> 44:32.870 that if there were any seams that they're gloss. 44:32.870 --> 44:33.930 Sir, I'm not aware of any seams. 44:33.930 --> 44:38.130 I think we've actually, our ability to work together has 44:38.130 --> 44:38.983 been enhanced. 44:40.311 --> 44:42.400 - Admiral Richard, if you're the parent of, 44:42.400 --> 44:46.170 note that Mr. Cooper and Mr. Rogers may be the grandparents 44:46.170 --> 44:48.480 of absence. 44:48.480 --> 44:50.719 Well, I had to put you somewhere in the family tree. 44:50.719 --> 44:53.953 I'm giving you credit. 44:56.080 --> 45:01.080 General Raymond and Dr. Anderson, have you thought through 45:01.474 --> 45:04.520 the role and the increasing reliance 45:04.520 --> 45:08.979 on commercial capabilities as well as partnering 45:08.979 --> 45:11.230 and are you looking at any differently 45:11.230 --> 45:15.483 than we looked at it before space command? 45:18.230 --> 45:19.290 - We are absolutely reliant 45:19.290 --> 45:21.490 on the commercial space capabilities today 45:21.490 --> 45:23.040 and I think we're gonna be more 45:24.395 --> 45:25.228 reliant on it in the future. 45:25.228 --> 45:26.061 If you look, 45:26.061 --> 45:27.490 there's a terrible word they use in the space business, 45:27.490 --> 45:29.409 but there's an explosion in commercial space. 45:29.409 --> 45:32.029 We need to be able to leverage that. 45:32.029 --> 45:34.999 They have a business model that goes faster. 45:34.999 --> 45:38.779 They have operational capabilities that are relevant 45:38.779 --> 45:43.190 and we are eager to develop an architecture that capitalizes 45:43.190 --> 45:44.023 on that. 45:44.023 --> 45:46.676 So I would suggest that we will be doing 45:46.676 --> 45:50.110 a lot more commercial work than we've done in the past. 45:50.110 --> 45:52.553 - Where does that sit in your priorities of life? 45:52.553 --> 45:55.533 - Partnerships is one of the top priorities 45:55.533 --> 45:59.320 of both US Space Command and the Space Force. 45:59.320 --> 46:01.500 And as I said, there's several partnerships 46:01.500 --> 46:04.230 that are critical to us, commercial being one, 46:04.230 --> 46:07.130 the intelligence community being two and allies being three. 46:07.130 --> 46:08.630 - [Larsen] Yeah, Dr. Anderson? 46:09.507 --> 46:11.340 - Sir, I would certainly second that 46:11.340 --> 46:14.954 commercial space activities are vitally important 46:14.954 --> 46:16.630 and that they will in fact 46:16.630 --> 46:18.900 grow going forward and into the future. 46:18.900 --> 46:21.700 And I think this has been widely acknowledged not only 46:21.700 --> 46:23.310 with the statements from the department of defense, 46:23.310 --> 46:27.230 but also our National Security strategy which is signed 46:27.230 --> 46:28.877 by the President of the United States. 46:28.877 --> 46:32.200 It talks about the US leadership role in space and also 46:32.200 --> 46:36.080 the need for the United States to consider unfettered access 46:36.080 --> 46:41.080 to and freedom to operate in space to be a vital interest. 46:41.810 --> 46:43.858 - Okay, thank you. 46:43.858 --> 46:45.540 - Thank you, gentlemen. 46:45.540 --> 46:47.130 Ms. Ching was going to be recognized next, 46:47.130 --> 46:49.140 but it's my understanding she's withholding her questions 46:49.140 --> 46:50.070 for the closed session. 46:50.070 --> 46:50.924 I appreciate that. 46:50.924 --> 46:52.583 Ms. Davis. 46:55.410 --> 46:56.330 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 46:56.330 --> 47:00.803 Thank you to all of you and I think congratulations as well. 47:03.300 --> 47:06.300 You probably know that we were having some concerns 47:06.300 --> 47:09.130 and questions in our services committee 47:09.130 --> 47:10.640 over the last two days 47:10.640 --> 47:15.640 and I wonder if you could discuss with us the unplanned 47:15.690 --> 47:16.810 increase in NNSA? 47:18.548 --> 47:23.548 I understand that that's necessary for modernization. 47:24.010 --> 47:25.460 Is that correct? 47:25.460 --> 47:27.430 What drove this increase 47:27.430 --> 47:31.050 where all did you all weigh in on that? 47:31.050 --> 47:34.900 - Well, ma'am, one, in terms of the history, I don't know 47:34.900 --> 47:37.240 if I have to characterize it or not characterize it 47:37.240 --> 47:38.870 as an unplanned increase. 47:38.870 --> 47:41.420 The requirements that I have asked for in terms of 47:41.420 --> 47:45.558 for the my needs for the nuclear delivery systems 47:45.558 --> 47:47.109 have not changed 47:47.109 --> 47:50.090 and so this is certainly what is necessary for us 47:50.090 --> 47:52.090 to recapitalize the weapons that 47:52.090 --> 47:54.473 I have in the weapons complex. 47:56.750 --> 47:58.450 - Did anybody else wanna comment on that? 47:58.450 --> 48:03.450 And where is that funding as it exist prior to the increase? 48:05.467 --> 48:09.117 - Ma'am, I'm not sure I understand your question. 48:09.117 --> 48:12.940 - I'm just wondering whether there is unspent dollars 48:12.940 --> 48:14.710 in those accounts that... 48:14.710 --> 48:17.140 - Ma'am, I'd have to defer your question to NNSA. 48:17.140 --> 48:19.390 - Okay, thank you. 48:19.390 --> 48:24.390 Talk a little bit about the strategic stability 48:26.030 --> 48:29.240 that hypersonic weapons brings. 48:29.240 --> 48:32.301 As you know there are different points of view on this 48:32.301 --> 48:36.710 in terms of risk, benefits, the messages that we send, 48:36.710 --> 48:39.250 do you consider them strategic weapons? 48:39.250 --> 48:42.310 - Oh, hypersonics, yes, ma'am. 48:42.310 --> 48:44.945 - And they get us to the fight faster? 48:44.945 --> 48:49.945 - No, again, this is just another capability and again, 48:50.110 --> 48:52.940 I think it is important to remember that our competitors 48:52.940 --> 48:56.211 chose on their own initiatives to add this. 48:56.211 --> 48:59.100 In the end, to do strategic deterrents, 48:59.100 --> 49:01.835 the fundamental equation has not changed. 49:01.835 --> 49:05.840 For whatever action the adversary considers, 49:05.840 --> 49:07.480 can I either deny their aim 49:07.480 --> 49:10.220 or impose a cost greater than what they see. 49:10.220 --> 49:13.680 This changes that calculus and what I have to do is to make 49:13.680 --> 49:16.310 sure that I can make it hold such that the benefit 49:16.310 --> 49:18.260 of restraint still continues to outweigh 49:18.260 --> 49:20.050 the benefit of action. 49:20.050 --> 49:23.270 - Can we integrate these technologies, 49:23.270 --> 49:26.617 hypersonic technologies with our NATO partners? 49:26.617 --> 49:30.030 - Ma'am, again, it depends on whether you're talking 49:30.030 --> 49:33.720 about defensive technologies or warning technologies 49:33.720 --> 49:36.087 and, or our own use of those. 49:36.087 --> 49:38.630 In both cases, though, the answer is yes, 49:38.630 --> 49:40.418 we can integrate those. 49:40.418 --> 49:44.750 - Admiral Richard, China's arsenal of nuclear warheads 49:44.750 --> 49:48.560 is something on the order of 1/10 of what Russia's are, 49:48.560 --> 49:49.503 is that correct? 49:51.310 --> 49:52.953 - For this hearing, yes, ma'am. 49:54.260 --> 49:59.260 - So in terms of our priority over the next five years, 50:02.359 --> 50:06.720 what would that be then in terms of maintaining and pushing 50:07.640 --> 50:10.970 to expand limits on Russia's nuclear arsenal. 50:10.970 --> 50:12.600 How would you describe that? 50:12.600 --> 50:14.530 - Well, I would describe it one, ma'am, 50:14.530 --> 50:17.730 is that where China is today is not the trajectory 50:17.730 --> 50:18.563 that they're on. 50:18.563 --> 50:20.981 Let's make sure we understand where they're going. 50:20.981 --> 50:25.390 They're actions are inconsistent with their stated policy 50:25.390 --> 50:29.041 both No First Use and what you derive as a minimum deterrent 50:29.041 --> 50:29.941 strategy. 50:29.941 --> 50:32.210 And I guess in the end what I'd offer is 50:32.210 --> 50:33.840 I don't have the luxury of picking 50:33.840 --> 50:36.800 which threat to this nation I'm not gonna defend. 50:36.800 --> 50:40.323 And so I have to look at the collective of what we face 50:40.323 --> 50:43.640 and make sure that for each of those individual competitors, 50:43.640 --> 50:48.640 I can make that equation hold for all of them all the time. 50:48.691 --> 50:51.440 - Anybody else wanna weigh in on that? 50:51.440 --> 50:52.391 You agree? 50:52.391 --> 50:53.270 - Yes. 50:53.270 --> 50:54.283 - Okay, thank you. 50:54.283 --> 50:57.523 And our European allies, 50:58.740 --> 51:01.810 how are they perceiving the new start treaty 51:01.810 --> 51:04.360 and the open skies treaty now? 51:04.360 --> 51:05.840 Do we need to... 51:07.251 --> 51:10.330 How are you assessing what they have to say about that? 51:10.330 --> 51:15.330 And what if we withdraw from the treaty, do we have other 51:15.700 --> 51:20.310 appropriate agreements in place to ensure that we will be 51:20.310 --> 51:22.463 notified of flights over our assets? 51:23.712 --> 51:24.545 - Ma'am, one, if we withdraw from the treaty, 51:24.545 --> 51:29.545 they wouldn't be able to do flights over our assets. 51:30.480 --> 51:35.480 In terms of what the new start itself 51:36.070 --> 51:39.170 has not entered in very much into my conversation, 51:39.170 --> 51:40.300 so I'm strictly referring 51:40.300 --> 51:44.730 to US strategic command and so I'm confident that under 51:44.730 --> 51:49.010 any circumstances right now, I can't continue to provide 51:49.010 --> 51:52.720 extended deterrents and assurance commitments to our allies. 51:52.720 --> 51:55.090 Open skies, I'm probably not the best person 51:55.090 --> 51:56.140 to answer your question 51:56.140 --> 51:59.050 in terms of not having direct responsibility, but I will say 51:59.050 --> 52:03.353 that open skies provides benefit to our allies. 52:03.353 --> 52:06.830 It does not provide very much direct benefit to my command 52:06.830 --> 52:07.834 individually, 52:07.834 --> 52:10.560 and again, there's a confidence building aspect 52:10.560 --> 52:11.650 to it that is favorable. 52:11.650 --> 52:13.540 - Mm-hm, I think overall, 52:13.540 --> 52:17.560 I think we could we certainly would be very concerned 52:20.060 --> 52:21.660 and they would be very concerned 52:23.230 --> 52:25.150 if we do something different. 52:25.150 --> 52:28.400 - Yes, ma'am, I think it would also be equally concerned 52:28.400 --> 52:30.020 if one party doesn't comply. 52:30.020 --> 52:33.330 And that is the political decision 52:33.330 --> 52:34.550 that the nation will face. 52:34.550 --> 52:36.350 - [Davis] Okay, thank you very much. 52:37.500 --> 52:38.640 - [Chairman] Mr. Wilson. 52:38.640 --> 52:39.620 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman 52:39.620 --> 52:41.166 and thank each of you for your service 52:41.166 --> 52:44.940 indeed what a critical time of transitioning 52:44.940 --> 52:48.810 to great power competition but yet existential threats 52:48.810 --> 52:52.510 to American families and as you were citing decisions made 52:52.510 --> 52:55.036 decades ago that they've had a positive impact. 52:55.036 --> 52:57.610 We look forward to working with you 52:57.610 --> 52:58.860 to have a positive impact. 52:58.860 --> 53:01.800 And indeed, I am grateful to be with you 53:01.800 --> 53:05.500 and I'm very grateful Navy dad. 53:05.500 --> 53:08.426 My Navy doctor son served in Iraq, 53:08.426 --> 53:12.080 but I'm also an Air Force uncle, 53:12.080 --> 53:16.380 who's with a nephew that served in Iraq. 53:16.380 --> 53:18.510 So thank all of you for your service. 53:18.510 --> 53:22.610 And Admiral, modernizing our nuclear forces and associated 53:22.610 --> 53:25.360 infrastructure is necessary to defend the homeland 53:25.360 --> 53:27.300 promoting peace through strength. 53:27.300 --> 53:28.970 How will the continued atrophy 53:28.970 --> 53:32.890 of our strategic nuclear forces impact STRATCOM's 53:32.890 --> 53:36.108 ability to deter against strategic attack? 53:36.108 --> 53:39.580 - Well, it'd be harmful to it, Senator, in short. 53:39.580 --> 53:43.210 And a good example is the submarine. 53:43.210 --> 53:45.890 Take the Ohio class submarine again all those things makes 53:45.890 --> 53:47.890 me proud to be an American. 53:47.890 --> 53:49.670 You thought you were gonna get 30 years out of it 53:49.670 --> 53:51.720 from those wise decisions you talked about. 53:51.720 --> 53:53.520 We actually got 42. 53:53.520 --> 53:55.710 What a credit to the people that designed it, built it, 53:55.710 --> 53:58.690 maintained it and took it to this point that they'll start 53:58.690 --> 54:02.550 going away in '27 and that there's nothing that can change 54:02.550 --> 54:05.920 that and without that I start to lose survivability 54:05.920 --> 54:07.880 in that leg of the Triad. 54:07.880 --> 54:10.410 - And having grown up in the holy city of Charleston, 54:10.410 --> 54:12.734 I remember the nautilus submarines going back and forth. 54:12.734 --> 54:14.687 And the consequence of that. 54:14.687 --> 54:17.460 And that is peace through strength through the implosion 54:17.460 --> 54:18.660 of the Soviet Union. 54:18.660 --> 54:21.100 So what you've done is so important. 54:21.100 --> 54:24.930 And Dr. Anderson, the President requested a full funding 54:24.930 --> 54:28.400 for the plutonium sustainment through both this year 54:28.400 --> 54:33.000 and last year to accommodate 80 pits per year by 2030. 54:33.000 --> 54:36.620 I appreciate this initiative and want my colleagues 54:36.620 --> 54:39.410 to understand how important this is. 54:39.410 --> 54:40.960 If pit production is underfunded, 54:40.960 --> 54:43.380 how does this affect our national security 54:43.380 --> 54:45.533 over the next 10 to 15 years? 54:46.983 --> 54:51.650 - So as you suggest, pit production needs crucial 54:51.650 --> 54:54.531 to our national security and this is something that we have 54:54.531 --> 54:57.330 set these targets. 54:57.330 --> 55:01.460 In fact, 30 by 2026 and 80 by 2030. 55:01.460 --> 55:03.210 And this is absolutely essential 55:03.210 --> 55:06.870 to ensure that our nuclear arsenal remains safe, 55:06.870 --> 55:10.309 secure and reliable for deterrent purposes. 55:10.309 --> 55:14.369 I've had the good fortune to visit both facilities, 55:14.369 --> 55:19.010 Savannah River and also Los Alamo's where these pits 55:19.010 --> 55:23.760 are going to be produced and was very impressed 55:23.760 --> 55:26.676 by the workforce there and the professionalism and the great 55:26.676 --> 55:30.420 seriousness with which they take this task. 55:30.420 --> 55:35.420 And this is absolutely crucial to maintain the effectiveness 55:36.396 --> 55:39.760 and the credibility of our nuclear deterrents. 55:39.760 --> 55:42.641 - And additionally, Dr. Anderson, the nuclear modernization 55:42.641 --> 55:46.010 efforts are so important, and thank you again for visiting 55:46.010 --> 55:48.910 the Savannah River site firsthand. 55:48.910 --> 55:51.991 My constituents are very supportive in your activities 55:51.991 --> 55:55.560 and in fact, on November the 28th this year, 55:55.560 --> 55:58.120 we'll be celebrating the 70th anniversary 55:58.120 --> 56:00.570 of the Savannah River National Laboratory. 56:00.570 --> 56:03.360 And we are very, very grateful. 56:03.360 --> 56:06.130 And how important are the nuclear modernization efforts 56:06.130 --> 56:08.660 the department of defense and what risk do we incur 56:08.660 --> 56:11.473 by not adequately funding these programs? 56:12.723 --> 56:15.970 - As Admiral Richard has emphasized earlier 56:15.970 --> 56:17.490 and I would certainly agree 56:17.490 --> 56:19.422 that these modernization programs, 56:19.422 --> 56:23.400 these recapitalization programs are absolutely essential 56:23.400 --> 56:25.133 to our national security. 56:25.133 --> 56:30.133 The legs, the Triad, the existing legs are old 56:30.580 --> 56:31.722 and they're getting older. 56:31.722 --> 56:36.722 And to avoid what would in effect be de facto disarmament, 56:37.063 --> 56:39.000 they need to be recapitalized. 56:39.000 --> 56:40.490 We are not as stated before, 56:40.490 --> 56:43.260 we are not growing the overall nuclear arsenal, 56:43.260 --> 56:45.680 the number of warheads, these are one 56:45.680 --> 56:49.390 for one replacements with the warheads and the legs 56:49.390 --> 56:53.600 of the Triad that are being modernized with the ground base 56:53.600 --> 56:56.350 strategic deterrents, the Columbia sub marine 56:56.350 --> 57:01.350 and the B21 radar will make these systems more reliable, 57:03.150 --> 57:07.480 more survivable, more resilient and therefore more credible. 57:07.480 --> 57:10.720 So as Secretary Esper and the the chairman 57:10.720 --> 57:13.366 and many other senior leaders have stated, 57:13.366 --> 57:18.100 this is our highest priority in the department. 57:18.100 --> 57:19.910 - Again, I thank each of you for your serving 57:19.910 --> 57:22.360 and we look forward in a bipartisan manner to work with you 57:22.360 --> 57:23.570 in the future. 57:23.570 --> 57:25.100 I yield back. 57:25.100 --> 57:27.210 - [Chairman] Thank you, Ms. Horn. 57:27.210 --> 57:28.330 - Thank you, Chairman 57:28.330 --> 57:31.220 and thank you all for being here today. 57:31.220 --> 57:34.960 I wanna turn the conversation to national security space. 57:34.960 --> 57:38.040 So General Raymond, although I don't have a problem 57:38.040 --> 57:40.460 with the tall chair that Rick did. 57:40.460 --> 57:41.910 I do have a problem with being short, 57:41.910 --> 57:43.786 so hopefully you can see me. 57:43.786 --> 57:44.619 Turning the conversation to space 57:44.619 --> 57:49.260 and the importance of the work you're doing, 57:49.260 --> 57:53.526 I have a few things that I'd like to hear from you on. 57:53.526 --> 57:58.526 First, I think it's clear that we cannot do, you cannot do 58:00.330 --> 58:03.509 your jobs, none of you can do your jobs and protect our 58:03.509 --> 58:05.799 forces without our space assets, our national security 58:05.799 --> 58:08.250 space assets are absolutely integral. 58:08.250 --> 58:12.958 And as we have a growing number of adversaries 58:12.958 --> 58:15.339 that are coming into this 58:15.339 --> 58:18.070 and making significant investments, 58:18.070 --> 58:20.770 I'd just like to start with your assessment, 58:20.770 --> 58:25.770 General Raymond, of what the actual threats look like 58:26.060 --> 58:27.860 to our national security space environment. 58:27.860 --> 58:29.860 Then I'll follow up with some more specifics. 58:29.860 --> 58:34.860 And following on that, too, the most direct ways 58:35.240 --> 58:36.940 that we're addressing this threat? 58:38.980 --> 58:40.090 - First of all, thanks for the question. 58:40.090 --> 58:43.223 It's clearly space is a contested domain. 58:44.260 --> 58:45.748 There's a full range of threats. 58:45.748 --> 58:49.300 And if you'll allow me, I'll lay out the full range 58:49.300 --> 58:51.860 at this level and I'll be happy to go into much more detail 58:51.860 --> 58:53.000 in closed session. 58:53.000 --> 58:56.340 But as I mentioned in my opening comments, the scope, scale 58:56.340 --> 58:58.340 and complexity of these threats are real today. 58:58.340 --> 59:00.680 Everything from reversible jamming 59:00.680 --> 59:04.010 of satellite communications and GPS satellites 59:04.010 --> 59:06.760 to directed energy, to cyber threats, 59:06.760 --> 59:09.826 to our on orbit activities including 59:09.826 --> 59:12.720 the one that I just talked about publicly 59:12.720 --> 59:16.047 where Russia has launched a satellite 59:16.047 --> 59:18.730 that released another satellite in close proximity 59:18.730 --> 59:23.260 to a US satellite, which is concerning to direct 59:23.260 --> 59:26.370 Where China shot down one of their own satellites in 2007. 59:26.370 --> 59:29.863 So that full scope and scale is why US Space Command 59:29.863 --> 59:32.995 and the United States Space Force are both so important. 59:32.995 --> 59:36.860 - I agree and I think the next question is, 59:36.860 --> 59:39.140 and there's a lot we can't get to in this session, 59:39.140 --> 59:41.160 but just establishing a foundation, 59:41.160 --> 59:42.930 I chaired the Space and Aeronautics 59:42.930 --> 59:44.980 subcommittee in Science, Space and Technology. 59:44.980 --> 59:48.180 So with that view of both our national security 59:48.180 --> 59:51.350 space environment and our civil space environment, 59:51.350 --> 59:54.840 space situational awareness is another critical factor. 59:54.840 --> 59:58.530 And right now, that falls to the Air Force essentially 59:58.530 --> 01:00:02.040 for all of the different aspects 01:00:02.992 --> 01:00:03.825 of space situational awareness, 01:00:05.611 --> 01:00:06.444 which is something that we need to address. 01:00:09.471 --> 01:00:10.530 So, in terms of your capability as you stand up Space Force 01:00:10.530 --> 01:00:13.227 as you've been working with Space Command, 01:00:13.227 --> 01:00:17.950 is addressing and taking space situational awareness 01:00:17.950 --> 01:00:20.640 on a larger scale out of your domain, 01:00:20.640 --> 01:00:23.560 is that something that would helpful, useful. 01:00:23.560 --> 01:00:24.810 Can you speak to that, 01:00:24.810 --> 01:00:27.563 if we were to move those responsibilities? 01:00:28.781 --> 01:00:31.500 - Move them to the Space Force? 01:00:31.500 --> 01:00:35.480 - No, having another entity and, or group 01:00:35.480 --> 01:00:38.100 that would address non-national security 01:00:38.100 --> 01:00:40.028 space related situational awareness issues. 01:00:40.028 --> 01:00:40.861 - I understand. 01:00:40.861 --> 01:00:44.300 So space situational awareness is foundational to everything 01:00:44.300 --> 01:00:45.133 that we do in space. 01:00:45.133 --> 01:00:47.630 And in fact, I've changed the terminology that we're using 01:00:47.630 --> 01:00:50.320 in it and I'm talking about space domain awareness 01:00:50.320 --> 01:00:51.153 rather than space situational awareness, 01:00:51.153 --> 01:00:53.256 cause we have to have a deeper understanding. 01:00:53.256 --> 01:00:56.330 It is critical that our national security space experts 01:00:56.330 --> 01:00:58.550 are focused on that deeper understanding. 01:00:58.550 --> 01:01:02.100 Today, we service the space traffic control for the world, 01:01:02.100 --> 01:01:03.253 the Space Force does, 01:01:05.446 --> 01:01:06.630 and I don't need to do that in my opinion. 01:01:06.630 --> 01:01:08.300 You have better things for me to do than that. 01:01:08.300 --> 01:01:10.070 We would really like to transfer that over 01:01:10.070 --> 01:01:11.710 to the Department of Commerce. 01:01:11.710 --> 01:01:12.580 We're working very closely 01:01:12.580 --> 01:01:14.210 with the Department of Commerce to do that. 01:01:14.210 --> 01:01:16.500 We're still gonna maintain all of our systems 01:01:16.500 --> 01:01:18.370 to have that situational awareness 01:01:18.370 --> 01:01:20.525 and space domain awareness, but I don't need to be, 01:01:20.525 --> 01:01:23.760 our folks don't need to be the people 01:01:23.760 --> 01:01:26.880 that open up the Rolodex and make notifications. 01:01:26.880 --> 01:01:28.480 - This is a longer conversation, 01:01:28.480 --> 01:01:29.880 but I think important to establish. 01:01:29.880 --> 01:01:33.110 And finally, more in closed session, 01:01:33.110 --> 01:01:37.550 I know, but I'd like to know what the biggest challenge is 01:01:37.550 --> 01:01:40.150 that you're facing in standing up Space Force 01:01:40.150 --> 01:01:42.590 and understanding all of these varying threats right now? 01:01:42.590 --> 01:01:45.280 - We have a great opportunity in setting up the Space Force. 01:01:45.280 --> 01:01:46.113 We have challenges, 01:01:46.113 --> 01:01:48.340 but I think the opportunities are even greater. 01:01:48.340 --> 01:01:49.778 And I appreciate, as I said upfront, 01:01:49.778 --> 01:01:51.838 the work that this community did. 01:01:51.838 --> 01:01:54.340 The Law gives us a lot of flexibility 01:01:54.340 --> 01:01:56.060 to build this with a clean sheet of paper. 01:01:56.060 --> 01:01:59.520 This is a startup company and we have an opportunity 01:01:59.520 --> 01:02:03.060 to not be tied to the past and build a service 01:02:03.060 --> 01:02:05.017 that is purpose built for this domain. 01:02:05.017 --> 01:02:09.170 Two challenges that I see, one, we have to be bold 01:02:09.170 --> 01:02:10.960 and we need to make sure that we're thinking bold enough. 01:02:10.960 --> 01:02:14.540 And two, as we are bold, we're gonna need support 01:02:14.540 --> 01:02:16.625 to get those initiatives through. 01:02:16.625 --> 01:02:19.140 - Thank you, I yield back. 01:02:19.140 --> 01:02:20.990 - [Chairman] Thank you, Mr. Moulton. 01:02:21.890 --> 01:02:24.110 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:02:24.110 --> 01:02:26.280 Gentlemen, thank you very much for being here today. 01:02:26.280 --> 01:02:27.203 We appreciate it. 01:02:28.460 --> 01:02:30.040 Admiral Richard, you testified two weeks ago 01:02:30.040 --> 01:02:31.980 that the New Start Treaty provides STRATCOM 01:02:31.980 --> 01:02:33.360 with a vital threat assessment 01:02:33.360 --> 01:02:35.716 of Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal and that it provides 01:02:35.716 --> 01:02:38.416 transparency and confidence building measures that are good 01:02:38.416 --> 01:02:40.260 for deterrence. 01:02:40.260 --> 01:02:43.083 So do you support an extension of the New Start Treaty? 01:02:44.300 --> 01:02:48.540 - So Congressman, that is exactly what I said and it is 01:02:48.540 --> 01:02:51.230 that is it gives us insight in terms of the threat levels. 01:02:51.230 --> 01:02:53.642 It puts a limit on the threat levels. 01:02:53.642 --> 01:02:56.350 - And do you think it's a good idea, a realistic idea 01:02:56.350 --> 01:02:59.995 to include China in some kind of trilateral agreement 01:02:59.995 --> 01:03:01.777 in place of Start? 01:03:01.777 --> 01:03:04.110 In place of New Start, rather? 01:03:04.110 --> 01:03:06.970 - What I would love to be able to convince China, 01:03:06.970 --> 01:03:09.977 is the benefits of arms control in general. 01:03:09.977 --> 01:03:11.827 Forget the numbers.. 01:03:13.594 --> 01:03:15.706 - But just to be clear, the numbers right now, 01:03:15.706 --> 01:03:17.637 are that China has about a tenth the number of weapons 01:03:17.637 --> 01:03:21.440 `as Russia or thereabouts, maybe around somewhere 300. 01:03:21.440 --> 01:03:24.710 So we don't exactly wanna treaty that equalizes numbers 01:03:24.710 --> 01:03:27.600 and therefore encourages China to bring its numbers up. 01:03:27.600 --> 01:03:29.664 - Right, I would like to encourage China 01:03:29.664 --> 01:03:33.910 to understand the mutual benefit of arms control, 01:03:33.910 --> 01:03:36.554 the benefit to China of arms control, 01:03:36.554 --> 01:03:39.380 confidence building measures, transparency, 01:03:39.380 --> 01:03:40.830 avoiding miscalculation. 01:03:40.830 --> 01:03:44.130 That's what I would like to see added to the table. 01:03:44.130 --> 01:03:45.146 - Great, thank you, Admiral. 01:03:45.146 --> 01:03:48.390 I wanna move on to some questions about hypersonics 01:03:48.390 --> 01:03:50.250 because I think it's incredibly important 01:03:50.250 --> 01:03:52.890 that we counter the emerging technologies 01:03:52.890 --> 01:03:54.390 from Russia and China, 01:03:54.390 --> 01:03:55.500 but we also just have to be careful 01:03:55.500 --> 01:03:56.600 about how we're doing that. 01:03:56.600 --> 01:03:57.930 One of the things that Russia and China are doing, 01:03:57.930 --> 01:04:00.013 very smartly is they're not countering all our technologies. 01:04:00.013 --> 01:04:02.680 They're trying to leap-frog us in certain areas. 01:04:02.680 --> 01:04:04.346 And fundamentally, 01:04:04.346 --> 01:04:06.420 we'll have a closed session 01:04:06.420 --> 01:04:07.710 to ask some more detailed questions, 01:04:07.710 --> 01:04:11.563 but in this open session so that people understand, 01:04:12.420 --> 01:04:14.980 are hypersonic weapons faster 01:04:14.980 --> 01:04:18.081 than our existing ballistic missiles? 01:04:18.081 --> 01:04:19.870 - Congressman, to your point, 01:04:19.870 --> 01:04:21.670 actually a hypersonic weapon is slower 01:04:21.670 --> 01:04:22.503 - [Moulton] It's actually slower. 01:04:22.503 --> 01:04:23.850 - Slower than a ballistic missile. 01:04:23.850 --> 01:04:26.420 - Right, so another question, 01:04:26.420 --> 01:04:30.589 is our existing missile defense program designed to protect 01:04:30.589 --> 01:04:35.080 us from an ICBM attack from Russia? 01:04:35.080 --> 01:04:36.290 - By policy, 01:04:36.290 --> 01:04:38.930 our existing missile defense systems are designed 01:04:38.930 --> 01:04:40.670 to protect us from rogue nations 01:04:40.670 --> 01:04:43.614 and intentionally not designed to interfere 01:04:43.614 --> 01:04:46.320 with either Russia or China's strategic deterrent. 01:04:46.320 --> 01:04:48.643 - Right, because the point is we just don't have enough 01:04:48.643 --> 01:04:51.300 interceptors to counter the type, the numbers... 01:04:51.300 --> 01:04:53.630 - It is not only a technically infeasible 01:04:53.630 --> 01:04:54.730 cost imposing piece, 01:04:54.730 --> 01:04:57.470 but there are significant strategic stability concerns 01:04:57.470 --> 01:04:59.480 if you were to go down those lines. 01:04:59.480 --> 01:05:00.313 - Right, 01:05:00.313 --> 01:05:03.140 so essentially what does protect us is this doctrine 01:05:03.140 --> 01:05:04.730 of Mutually Assured Destruction. 01:05:04.730 --> 01:05:07.040 - I wouldn't call it Mutually Assured Destruction, sir. 01:05:07.040 --> 01:05:08.980 That's what it was back in the Cold War. 01:05:08.980 --> 01:05:11.790 I have an ability to impose a cost on them, 01:05:11.790 --> 01:05:14.555 that is greater than that which they seek. 01:05:14.555 --> 01:05:17.180 - Okay, so our terminology has become more polite 01:05:17.180 --> 01:05:18.700 since the Cold War, 01:05:18.700 --> 01:05:21.030 but essentially what they can expect 01:05:21.030 --> 01:05:22.623 is that we will respond in kind. 01:05:22.623 --> 01:05:24.630 If they shoot 100 missiles our way, 01:05:24.630 --> 01:05:26.730 we're gonna be able to shoot 100 missiles back at them. 01:05:26.730 --> 01:05:29.590 - Oh, I might not necessarily recommend that at all, sir. 01:05:29.590 --> 01:05:33.550 I will simply recommend options that will provide a cost 01:05:33.550 --> 01:05:35.570 that they will find unacceptable 01:05:35.570 --> 01:05:37.370 relative to what they're trying to gain. 01:05:37.370 --> 01:05:41.470 - Fair enough, so what do we do if Russia or China launches 01:05:41.470 --> 01:05:42.833 a hypersonic missile? 01:05:43.924 --> 01:05:47.570 - I'd do the same and I should be very clear, 01:05:47.570 --> 01:05:49.692 I don't have direct operational responsibility 01:05:49.692 --> 01:05:52.910 for the missile defense system over North America 01:05:52.910 --> 01:05:53.920 or any other theater. 01:05:53.920 --> 01:05:57.774 I do have worldwide advocacy responsibilities for that. 01:05:57.774 --> 01:06:01.540 We do the same thing that we do for any other threat 01:06:01.540 --> 01:06:02.670 to North America which is just; 01:06:02.670 --> 01:06:04.850 step one is I have to characterize that, 01:06:04.850 --> 01:06:06.590 I have to understand what it is, 01:06:06.590 --> 01:06:07.527 how big is it... 01:06:07.527 --> 01:06:09.360 - How do you characterize that? 01:06:09.360 --> 01:06:12.330 Because when a hypersonic missile is launched... 01:06:12.330 --> 01:06:15.610 I mean, look, if Russia launches a whole bunch of ICBMs, 01:06:15.610 --> 01:06:17.840 we know exactly what's coming at us. 01:06:17.840 --> 01:06:19.240 We even know where they're going 01:06:19.240 --> 01:06:21.060 and when they're gonna land. 01:06:21.060 --> 01:06:24.750 If they launch one single hypersonic weapon, 01:06:24.750 --> 01:06:27.653 Russia or China, we don't know what warhead it's carrying, 01:06:28.777 --> 01:06:30.800 we don't know where it's gonna land 01:06:30.800 --> 01:06:31.900 because we can see it launch 01:06:31.900 --> 01:06:33.420 but we don't know where it's gonna go. 01:06:33.420 --> 01:06:35.089 - Congressman, I'm still trying to argue with you 01:06:35.089 --> 01:06:36.238 cause you're absolutely correct. 01:06:36.238 --> 01:06:39.260 With certain HGV systems today 01:06:39.260 --> 01:06:41.578 because our systems were not designed against them 01:06:41.578 --> 01:06:43.420 do challenge us. 01:06:43.420 --> 01:06:47.100 It's not that we have no ability to characterize the threat 01:06:47.100 --> 01:06:48.140 to this nation, 01:06:48.140 --> 01:06:52.810 the size of the raid alone starts to give the information 01:06:52.810 --> 01:06:54.370 as to what I'd be able to do. 01:06:54.370 --> 01:06:56.330 We already don't have the ability 01:06:56.330 --> 01:06:57.649 to characterize the payload 01:06:57.649 --> 01:07:02.602 on any inbound weapon system to the US, hypersonic or not. 01:07:02.602 --> 01:07:06.090 - Well, we have a pretty darn good idea what's coming at us 01:07:06.090 --> 01:07:07.862 if we get an ICBM attack. 01:07:07.862 --> 01:07:09.490 And this is my point, 01:07:09.490 --> 01:07:12.290 is just to get we only have a few seconds left, 01:07:12.290 --> 01:07:15.160 but I'm very concerned that these weapons 01:07:15.160 --> 01:07:17.810 are strategically destabilizing. 01:07:17.810 --> 01:07:20.980 And I think that we need to carefully consider that 01:07:20.980 --> 01:07:24.940 as we determine what our appropriate response to China 01:07:24.940 --> 01:07:27.398 and Russia's development of hypersonics is. 01:07:27.398 --> 01:07:29.800 - Congressman, I would agree with you 100%, 01:07:29.800 --> 01:07:31.480 but what I wanna assure you is that, 01:07:31.480 --> 01:07:35.440 I can still today with the threats that we face, 01:07:35.440 --> 01:07:38.759 make sure that there's adequate deterrents to defend... 01:07:38.759 --> 01:07:39.592 - I understand that 01:07:39.592 --> 01:07:41.310 and I appreciate you emphasizing that point. 01:07:41.310 --> 01:07:42.610 Thank you, Admiral. 01:07:42.610 --> 01:07:44.410 - [Chairman] Thank you. Mr. Brooks. 01:07:46.870 --> 01:07:47.933 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:07:47.933 --> 01:07:49.573 General Raymond, 01:07:50.620 --> 01:07:52.540 you've previously highlighted to this committee 01:07:52.540 --> 01:07:54.730 the importance of modernizing our nation's fleet 01:07:54.730 --> 01:07:58.030 of national security launch vehicles in a timely manner. 01:07:58.030 --> 01:07:59.300 As the Air Force has outlined, 01:07:59.300 --> 01:08:02.030 the goals of the National Security Space Launch phase II 01:08:02.030 --> 01:08:03.390 launch procurement 01:08:03.390 --> 01:08:06.213 are to encourage competition, assure our access to space 01:08:06.213 --> 01:08:08.720 and end our reliance on Russians engines. 01:08:08.720 --> 01:08:11.320 You've also outlined that two providers is the right number 01:08:11.320 --> 01:08:14.740 of providers based on the Air Force's past experience. 01:08:14.740 --> 01:08:16.230 So two quick questions, 01:08:16.230 --> 01:08:17.940 can you please provide this committee 01:08:17.940 --> 01:08:20.150 with an update on the program and second, 01:08:20.150 --> 01:08:22.550 are you still on track to make awards this year? 01:08:23.700 --> 01:08:25.318 - All three of those fundamental tenants 01:08:25.318 --> 01:08:28.120 serve access to space, increase competition, 01:08:28.120 --> 01:08:30.140 get the RD180Ms and we're on track 01:08:30.140 --> 01:08:33.250 and we're on track to make an award this summer. 01:08:33.250 --> 01:08:34.110 - All right, thank you. 01:08:34.110 --> 01:08:37.950 Admiral Richard, in your written testimony, you highlight 01:08:39.122 --> 01:08:41.410 the need for a concerted effort 01:08:41.410 --> 01:08:43.780 to expand and improve existing capabilities 01:08:43.780 --> 01:08:46.500 for both homeland and regional missile defense. 01:08:46.500 --> 01:08:48.430 Aside from technology development efforts 01:08:48.430 --> 01:08:50.760 to build new capabilities 10 years down the road 01:08:50.760 --> 01:08:53.411 as part of the next generation interceptor program, 01:08:53.411 --> 01:08:55.380 excuse me, 01:08:55.380 --> 01:08:57.200 what investments to improve the current 01:08:57.200 --> 01:08:59.783 homeland missile defense system are being made? 01:09:01.040 --> 01:09:04.650 - So Congressman, one, I'm responsible for the requirements 01:09:04.650 --> 01:09:08.430 Right, the requirements that we have asked to provide, 01:09:08.430 --> 01:09:10.990 I think are very sound in terms of our ability to defend 01:09:10.990 --> 01:09:12.710 against a rogue nation threat. 01:09:12.710 --> 01:09:13.543 And I'd think you'd be pleased 01:09:13.543 --> 01:09:16.420 with the budget submission in terms of the additional things 01:09:16.420 --> 01:09:17.770 that we're asking for. 01:09:17.770 --> 01:09:20.300 My biggest priority as the commander of STRATCOM, 01:09:20.300 --> 01:09:22.903 gets after improved warning capability 01:09:22.903 --> 01:09:27.858 that provides me the ability to posture my forces. 01:09:27.858 --> 01:09:30.160 And I would look to where we're going 01:09:30.160 --> 01:09:31.879 with our space based sensing layer 01:09:31.879 --> 01:09:33.460 and then defer to General Raymond 01:09:33.460 --> 01:09:34.997 to give you more details on that. 01:09:34.997 --> 01:09:36.960 - Well, it's gonna be absolutely critical 01:09:36.960 --> 01:09:39.156 that we develop a missile defense layer in space 01:09:39.156 --> 01:09:42.330 to be able to get after that warning challenge 01:09:42.330 --> 01:09:43.809 that you articulated 01:09:43.809 --> 01:09:45.830 - This question is for General Raymond, 01:09:45.830 --> 01:09:48.396 but if Dr. Anderson or Admiral Richard want to chime in, 01:09:48.396 --> 01:09:51.700 please feel free to do so. 01:09:51.700 --> 01:09:53.830 There is great interest around the country 01:09:53.830 --> 01:09:57.210 as to where the Space Force is going to be located. 01:09:57.210 --> 01:09:58.630 There is also great interest 01:09:58.630 --> 01:10:03.130 with respect to the Battle Command portion 01:10:03.130 --> 01:10:04.768 of the Space Force. 01:10:04.768 --> 01:10:09.768 What are the criteria for the location of the Battle Command 01:10:10.656 --> 01:10:12.170 in particular, 01:10:12.170 --> 01:10:16.100 how much focus is there on whether that ultimate site 01:10:16.100 --> 01:10:20.547 ought to be hardened in order to best stay functional 01:10:20.547 --> 01:10:24.728 when the missiles fly and the nuclear bombs go off? 01:10:24.728 --> 01:10:28.420 - Sir, there's actually, let me, two parts as you said. 01:10:28.420 --> 01:10:31.040 There's a Space Force and a Space Command. 01:10:31.040 --> 01:10:34.040 Space Force like the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, 01:10:34.040 --> 01:10:34.908 is going to be heckled away in the pentagon 01:10:34.908 --> 01:10:36.380 that's where all the services are. 01:10:36.380 --> 01:10:38.020 - All the top brass will be in the Pentagon. 01:10:38.020 --> 01:10:38.853 That makes sense. 01:10:38.853 --> 01:10:43.403 - So the question that is being analyzed right now 01:10:44.830 --> 01:10:46.870 is where does US Space Command reside. 01:10:46.870 --> 01:10:50.410 Today, that US Space Command resides in Colorado Springs. 01:10:50.410 --> 01:10:53.900 So that's the Joint Force Space Component Command stood up. 01:10:53.900 --> 01:10:57.770 The Air Force is responsible to do that basing decision, 01:10:57.770 --> 01:10:59.976 they're going through the announcements as we speak. 01:10:59.976 --> 01:11:02.970 And sometime later this year or the next year, they'll make 01:11:02.970 --> 01:11:04.110 a decision on where that should be. 01:11:04.110 --> 01:11:05.910 There's a whole list of criteria. 01:11:05.910 --> 01:11:08.816 The Air Force just announced everything from schools 01:11:08.816 --> 01:11:13.710 to licensing for spouses all the way up, 01:11:13.710 --> 01:11:16.680 through mission workforce. 01:11:16.680 --> 01:11:17.910 I mean, there's a whole laundry list 01:11:17.910 --> 01:11:19.190 and I'd be happy to come back to you 01:11:19.190 --> 01:11:20.830 and share that list with you. 01:11:20.830 --> 01:11:25.830 - How much weight is given to how hardened the site can be 01:11:26.250 --> 01:11:28.137 for the location of the Battle Command? 01:11:28.137 --> 01:11:31.960 - Yeah, so that would be linked in under the mission, 01:11:31.960 --> 01:11:35.818 make sure that you have an ability to conduct a mission 01:11:35.818 --> 01:11:38.200 and we do that in a variety of ways. 01:11:38.200 --> 01:11:40.660 And again in a closed session, 01:11:40.660 --> 01:11:42.240 I could give you more details. 01:11:42.240 --> 01:11:43.214 - All right, thank you, sir. 01:11:43.214 --> 01:11:44.820 Anyone else wish to add anything, 01:11:44.820 --> 01:11:46.144 Dr. Anderson, Admiral Richard? 01:11:46.144 --> 01:11:47.610 - No - No, sir. 01:11:47.610 --> 01:11:50.085 - All right, thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:11:50.085 --> 01:11:52.735 - [Chairman] Thank you, now the patient, Mr. Lamborn. 01:11:54.360 --> 01:11:55.503 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman for having this hearing, 01:11:55.503 --> 01:11:57.880 I thank the three of you for what you do 01:11:57.880 --> 01:11:58.848 to protect our country. 01:11:58.848 --> 01:12:00.920 General Raymond, 01:12:00.920 --> 01:12:04.450 I know establishing a new service must be a daunting task. 01:12:04.450 --> 01:12:06.810 In fact, I commiserate with you. 01:12:06.810 --> 01:12:10.580 You have to move from Colorado to Washington anytime now. 01:12:10.580 --> 01:12:12.900 So good luck with that move. 01:12:12.900 --> 01:12:15.950 But I applaud you for your leadership so far 01:12:15.950 --> 01:12:16.870 in this endeavor. 01:12:16.870 --> 01:12:20.220 Among your challenges is to develop war fighting doctrine, 01:12:20.220 --> 01:12:21.790 build a force around that doctrine 01:12:21.790 --> 01:12:24.490 and educate space professionals. 01:12:24.490 --> 01:12:27.120 So on the education aspect, 01:12:27.120 --> 01:12:27.953 you have plans 01:12:27.953 --> 01:12:30.918 to establish a space training center of excellence. 01:12:30.918 --> 01:12:34.288 - I think thank you, Council member. 01:12:34.288 --> 01:12:35.959 I think one of the things, 01:12:35.959 --> 01:12:38.470 first of all, setting up Space Force 01:12:38.470 --> 01:12:41.326 is really cool and it's exciting and I'm honored 01:12:41.326 --> 01:12:44.570 and absolutely privileged to be a part of this. 01:12:44.570 --> 01:12:45.700 I've got a great team. 01:12:45.700 --> 01:12:47.760 I think there's several things that are foundational 01:12:47.760 --> 01:12:48.700 to a separate service. 01:12:48.700 --> 01:12:51.480 One of them is you have to be able to develop your people 01:12:51.480 --> 01:12:53.160 and you have to be able to develop your doctrine. 01:12:53.160 --> 01:12:54.970 I think those two things are foundational 01:12:54.970 --> 01:12:55.803 to the separate service. 01:12:55.803 --> 01:12:59.807 So we are doing organization work as we speak. 01:12:59.807 --> 01:13:04.226 The plan how we will do that, my expectation will be 01:13:04.226 --> 01:13:08.330 that we will have an organization 01:13:08.330 --> 01:13:11.223 that's focused on training and development and doctrine. 01:13:13.236 --> 01:13:14.470 - And as a parenthetical, 01:13:14.470 --> 01:13:17.640 I know that that technical training 01:13:17.640 --> 01:13:21.102 would be different from and build on academic 01:13:21.102 --> 01:13:23.150 and scientific engineering training 01:13:23.150 --> 01:13:26.450 that people in the Space Force would get 01:13:26.450 --> 01:13:29.162 at a place like the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. 01:13:29.162 --> 01:13:32.664 - So where our expectation is and this, 01:13:32.664 --> 01:13:36.370 Tony and I'll get us through this, I know what to do. 01:13:36.370 --> 01:13:41.370 Where my expectation is is we begin the development of this 01:13:41.870 --> 01:13:44.882 is that we have a great opportunity here. 01:13:44.882 --> 01:13:49.882 We just published and advertised 30 jobs that were open 01:13:52.220 --> 01:13:54.130 to the Pentagon for the Space Force. 01:13:54.130 --> 01:13:55.970 I think the number was and don't quote me on this, 01:13:55.970 --> 01:13:58.300 like 5,000 people applied, a significant number. 01:13:58.300 --> 01:14:01.440 We have this is generating interest across the nation. 01:14:01.440 --> 01:14:03.686 It's generating interest in our colleges, 01:14:03.686 --> 01:14:05.670 in our recruiting things. 01:14:05.670 --> 01:14:08.309 But I think what wound up happening is that the Air Force 01:14:08.309 --> 01:14:12.230 will bring in the human capital raw material if you will. 01:14:12.230 --> 01:14:13.560 They'll recruit, 01:14:13.560 --> 01:14:16.574 they'll have a space focus part about recruiting 01:14:16.574 --> 01:14:17.430 but the recruiting machine will leverage 01:14:17.430 --> 01:14:20.010 the Air Force to keep this light, lean and mission focused. 01:14:20.010 --> 01:14:21.123 We'll leverage the Air Force Academy. 01:14:21.123 --> 01:14:23.797 The boat officer will leverage ROTC and OTS. 01:14:23.797 --> 01:14:26.400 And then once folks get commissioned or enlisted 01:14:26.400 --> 01:14:28.267 into the service, the Space Force will take them 01:14:28.267 --> 01:14:30.960 and develop them into the space war fighters that they need. 01:14:30.960 --> 01:14:32.080 That's where our head is today. 01:14:32.080 --> 01:14:34.810 - Excellent and will the National Security Space Institute 01:14:34.810 --> 01:14:36.529 be a part of this? 01:14:36.529 --> 01:14:37.540 - Absolutely, 01:14:37.540 --> 01:14:39.887 they're a fundamental part of what we do today. 01:14:39.887 --> 01:14:42.130 They teach space 100, 200, 300 01:14:42.130 --> 01:14:42.963 professional development course 01:14:42.963 --> 01:14:44.270 and they'll be built in to that. 01:14:44.270 --> 01:14:47.523 - Excellent, do you need anything more from us. 01:14:47.523 --> 01:14:49.993 We're working on the NDAA as we speak, 01:14:49.993 --> 01:14:53.380 funding authorities, et cetera. 01:14:53.380 --> 01:14:54.333 - Yes, sir, so we are, 01:14:54.333 --> 01:14:57.835 one of the tasks that came out of the last NDA 01:14:57.835 --> 01:15:00.364 was to come back with a legislative proposal, 01:15:00.364 --> 01:15:02.470 for next year's. 01:15:02.470 --> 01:15:04.800 One of the things that the law said today 01:15:04.800 --> 01:15:09.800 was that this started out by taking folks 01:15:10.970 --> 01:15:13.070 on missions and key players from the Air Force, 01:15:13.070 --> 01:15:15.100 the department's vision is that we will 01:15:15.100 --> 01:15:17.290 broaden this to other services in the future. 01:15:17.290 --> 01:15:18.235 - Okay, excellent. 01:15:18.235 --> 01:15:20.800 Changing gears a little bit, 01:15:20.800 --> 01:15:22.580 someone told me that there are elements 01:15:22.580 --> 01:15:24.960 of our nation's civil space program, 01:15:24.960 --> 01:15:29.800 which obviously includes manned space travel that carry over 01:15:29.800 --> 01:15:32.160 into our National Defense Program. 01:15:32.160 --> 01:15:34.950 These elements are said to add unnecessary paperwork 01:15:34.950 --> 01:15:38.440 and red tape to national space procurement. 01:15:38.440 --> 01:15:42.321 Are you aware of any spillover from civil to national space 01:15:42.321 --> 01:15:44.670 procurement of this nature? 01:15:44.670 --> 01:15:45.920 - No, sir, I'm not. 01:15:45.920 --> 01:15:48.080 I can do some digging in get that to you. 01:15:48.080 --> 01:15:49.840 We do have a partnership with NASA, 01:15:49.840 --> 01:15:51.520 a strong relationship with NASA, 01:15:51.520 --> 01:15:55.410 we support the launch operations and this year, 01:15:55.410 --> 01:15:56.510 we'll start matching humans again. 01:15:56.510 --> 01:15:58.149 NASA will start launching humans again 01:15:58.149 --> 01:16:00.303 out of Cape Canaveral. 01:16:02.740 --> 01:16:05.070 We in fact, we've developed an internship program 01:16:05.070 --> 01:16:06.130 for some training opportunities, 01:16:06.130 --> 01:16:11.130 but I'm not aware of any spillover on acquisition things, 01:16:11.450 --> 01:16:13.040 but I'll come back to you. 01:16:13.040 --> 01:16:14.300 - Okay, thank you, please do. 01:16:14.300 --> 01:16:16.560 And I'll save the rest of my questions 01:16:16.560 --> 01:16:17.393 for the closed session 01:16:17.393 --> 01:16:18.353 and I'll yield back. 01:16:19.370 --> 01:16:20.203 - Thank you, 01:16:20.203 --> 01:16:23.510 the open session of the subcommittee will adjourn 01:16:23.510 --> 01:16:26.607 and will reopen almost immediately in 2337 01:16:26.607 --> 01:16:28.457 for the closed session, thank you.