WEBVTT 00:03.950 --> 00:05.850 - Okay, well, good afternoon everyone. 00:06.890 --> 00:10.364 I'd like to provide an update on DOD's coronavirus efforts 00:10.364 --> 00:13.970 as we continue to focus on our three priorities, 00:13.970 --> 00:17.260 protecting our troops, their families, and our personnel, 00:17.260 --> 00:20.162 second, safeguarding our national security missions, 00:20.162 --> 00:22.270 and third, supporting the administration's 00:22.270 --> 00:24.133 whole of government approach to addressing 00:24.133 --> 00:26.840 this national health emergency. 00:26.840 --> 00:29.070 At the same time I want to assure the American people 00:29.070 --> 00:31.613 that the United States military remains ready and capable 00:31.613 --> 00:35.290 of meeting all of our national security requirements. 00:35.290 --> 00:37.100 I just returned from a visit to Fort Detrick 00:37.100 --> 00:39.958 to see firsthand how DOD doctors and scientists 00:39.958 --> 00:42.220 are advancing vaccine and treatment efforts 00:42.220 --> 00:43.798 to combat the coronavirus. 00:43.798 --> 00:46.170 I was briefed on the Army Medical Research 00:46.170 --> 00:49.550 and Development Command's cutting edge COVID-19 response. 00:49.550 --> 00:51.680 And then I visited the Army Medical Research 00:51.680 --> 00:54.230 Institute of Infectious Diseases to learn about 00:54.230 --> 00:57.042 its ongoing experimentation in testing. 00:57.042 --> 00:59.750 The Army's work on a vaccine is one of the many ways 00:59.750 --> 01:01.922 the Department of Defense is supporting President Trump's 01:01.922 --> 01:04.549 whole of government approach to fight the virus 01:04.549 --> 01:07.720 and substantially slow its spread. 01:07.720 --> 01:09.800 Many of the policies and guidelines we've released 01:09.800 --> 01:12.483 go hand in hand with the President's 15 day plan. 01:13.320 --> 01:14.153 We have issued international 01:14.153 --> 01:15.900 and domestic travel restrictions 01:15.900 --> 01:18.290 to all DOD personnel and families that should 01:18.290 --> 01:22.190 dramatically reduce potential exposure to the virus. 01:22.190 --> 01:24.795 Inside the Pentagon, we are practicing social distancing, 01:24.795 --> 01:27.480 minimizing person to person interaction, 01:27.480 --> 01:30.563 and, wherever possible, conducting virtual meetings. 01:31.560 --> 01:33.790 Employees who exhibit any symptoms of the virus 01:33.790 --> 01:36.150 are instructed to seek appropriate medical treatment, 01:36.150 --> 01:39.520 stay home, and telework as needed. 01:39.520 --> 01:41.060 Yesterday, I held two sessions with 01:41.060 --> 01:43.300 the Department's senior civilian and military leaders 01:43.300 --> 01:45.260 and briefed Vice President Pence, 01:45.260 --> 01:48.100 Secretary Azar and other task force leaders 01:48.100 --> 01:50.170 on recommendations for how DOD can provide 01:50.170 --> 01:52.517 additional medical and logistical support 01:52.517 --> 01:55.520 during this national health emergency. 01:55.520 --> 01:58.070 I'd like to highlight several of those today. 01:58.070 --> 02:00.220 First, the Department of Defense will make available 02:00.220 --> 02:03.114 up to five million N95 respirator masks 02:03.114 --> 02:05.405 and other personal protective equipment 02:05.405 --> 02:07.202 from our own strategic reserves 02:07.202 --> 02:08.747 to the Department of Health 02:08.747 --> 02:11.610 and Human services for distribution. 02:11.610 --> 02:13.080 The first one million masks 02:13.080 --> 02:14.943 will be made available immediately. 02:16.180 --> 02:18.183 Next, we are prepared to distribute to HHS 02:18.183 --> 02:22.400 up to 2,000 deployable ventilators for use as needed, 02:22.400 --> 02:25.210 these machines are different from their civilian equivalents 02:25.210 --> 02:27.210 and require special training to operate 02:27.210 --> 02:28.350 but we are committed to supporting 02:28.350 --> 02:31.370 HHS' requirements in any way we can. 02:31.370 --> 02:32.980 Third, the Department has made our 02:32.980 --> 02:36.210 14 certified coronavirus testing labs available 02:36.210 --> 02:38.890 to test non-DOD personnel as well 02:38.890 --> 02:42.630 and we will soon offer two additional labs for that purpose. 02:42.630 --> 02:43.990 We hope this will provide excess 02:43.990 --> 02:46.519 capacity to the civilian population. 02:46.519 --> 02:48.670 Finally, we are considering activating 02:48.670 --> 02:50.080 National Guard and Reserve units 02:50.080 --> 02:52.290 to assist states with planning, logistics, 02:52.290 --> 02:54.380 and medical support as needed. 02:54.380 --> 02:55.970 In my conversations with governors 02:55.970 --> 02:58.227 and members of Congress about DOD's resources, 02:58.227 --> 03:00.346 I made it clear that we will continue to support 03:00.346 --> 03:02.492 the administration's comprehensive efforts 03:02.492 --> 03:05.130 and the country every step of the way 03:05.130 --> 03:06.994 while ensuring our nation's security remains 03:06.994 --> 03:10.310 the top priority of the Department of Defense. 03:10.310 --> 03:11.595 I recognize our decisions impact 03:11.595 --> 03:13.300 service members and their families 03:13.300 --> 03:16.310 and I want them to know that we're all in this together. 03:16.310 --> 03:17.750 If we can dramatically reduce the spread 03:17.750 --> 03:20.260 of the virus over the next 15 days, 03:20.260 --> 03:22.820 together we can help restore public health and the economy 03:22.820 --> 03:25.943 and hasten a return to our normal way of life. 03:26.800 --> 03:29.207 As circumstances evolve over the coming days and weeks, 03:29.207 --> 03:31.982 we will continue to take every necessary precaution 03:31.982 --> 03:33.940 to protect our forces, 03:33.940 --> 03:36.070 the safeguard of national security capabilities, 03:36.070 --> 03:37.680 and to support the President's 03:37.680 --> 03:39.893 whole of government fight against this virus. 03:39.893 --> 03:43.670 These are DOD's priorities and we remain focused on them. 03:43.670 --> 03:46.792 Thank you and I will open it up this time for questions. 03:46.792 --> 03:47.625 - [Staff] Bob. 03:47.625 --> 03:49.690 - Mr. Secretary, you mentioned you're considering, 03:49.690 --> 03:51.810 I believe you said, activating the National Guard. 03:51.810 --> 03:54.710 Are you talking about federalizing the National Guard? 03:54.710 --> 03:57.090 And also, could you explain in a little more detail 03:57.090 --> 03:59.517 what was said this morning in the White House 03:59.517 --> 04:03.300 about using or calling on the Army Corps of Engineers 04:03.300 --> 04:05.390 to help with either construction 04:05.390 --> 04:07.770 or renovation of facilities? 04:07.770 --> 04:10.640 - Yeah, first, with regard to the Guard and Reserves, 04:10.640 --> 04:12.980 we're looking at all of the requirements as they come in. 04:12.980 --> 04:15.220 We're funneling those into a central point. 04:15.220 --> 04:16.053 As you know right now, 04:16.053 --> 04:18.710 we have I think 18 states and over 1,500 Guardsmen 04:18.710 --> 04:21.280 activated at different parts around the country. 04:21.280 --> 04:22.793 And so, as we get requests in, 04:23.686 --> 04:24.680 we will look at activating if we need 04:24.680 --> 04:27.460 to at the federal level or using the Reserves, 04:27.460 --> 04:28.390 whatever the case may be. 04:28.390 --> 04:29.798 But we want to be very supportive 04:29.798 --> 04:32.410 with regard to our prioritization in terms 04:32.410 --> 04:35.340 of supporting the American people and the governors. 04:35.340 --> 04:37.780 With regard to your second question, 04:37.780 --> 04:40.993 I did not have a chance to observe the news conference, 04:43.073 --> 04:44.530 but my view is I'm more than willing 04:44.530 --> 04:45.860 to send the Army Corps of Engineers 04:45.860 --> 04:47.150 out to work with states 04:47.150 --> 04:49.250 and to see what we can provide, what we can offer. 04:49.250 --> 04:50.845 As you know, the Corps of Engineers 04:50.845 --> 04:54.400 is a contracting body that does program oversight and work, 04:54.400 --> 04:57.043 and if we can be useful, if we can help, 04:58.030 --> 05:00.560 certainly willing to provide that service. 05:00.560 --> 05:01.800 - [Staff] Idris. 05:01.800 --> 05:03.185 - [Idris] If I could just follow up, 05:03.185 --> 05:04.460 what are we talking about in terms of magnitude 05:04.460 --> 05:06.668 of active duty troops that could be used? 05:06.668 --> 05:09.505 Are we talking 10,000, 20,000, 30,000? 05:09.505 --> 05:11.970 And are the hospital Navy ships preparing 05:11.970 --> 05:15.720 to sort of deploy to assist with non-coronavirus cases? 05:15.720 --> 05:16.990 - So, right now we're really focused 05:16.990 --> 05:19.840 on Guard and Reserve, in that order. 05:19.840 --> 05:22.670 We haven't looked because there hasn't been a need yet, 05:22.670 --> 05:24.249 a request for active duty. 05:24.249 --> 05:28.070 So, we'll take all these requests in due time. 05:28.070 --> 05:31.130 With regard to the hospital ships, there are two. 05:31.130 --> 05:33.840 As you know, the Comfort is on the east coast, 05:33.840 --> 05:35.177 the Mercy on the west coast, 05:35.177 --> 05:40.170 in Norfolk and San Diego respectively. 05:40.170 --> 05:42.970 The Comfort is undergoing maintenance 05:42.970 --> 05:47.290 and the Mercy is at port. 05:47.290 --> 05:49.750 We've already given orders to the Navy a few days ago 05:49.750 --> 05:53.100 to lean forward in terms of getting them ready to deploy. 05:53.100 --> 05:54.680 They provide capabilities but much 05:54.680 --> 05:56.590 like what DOD does provide, 05:56.590 --> 05:59.030 our capabilities are focused on trauma. 05:59.030 --> 06:01.250 And so, whether it's our field hospitals, 06:01.250 --> 06:03.640 whether it's our hospital ships, 06:03.640 --> 06:05.410 they are focused on trauma. 06:05.410 --> 06:07.640 They don't have necessarily the space, 06:07.640 --> 06:09.070 the segregated spaces you need 06:09.070 --> 06:11.260 to deal with infectious diseases. 06:11.260 --> 06:12.430 And so, one of the ways by which 06:12.430 --> 06:15.290 you could use either field hospitals, 06:15.290 --> 06:17.760 the hospital ships, or things in between, 06:17.760 --> 06:20.887 is to take the pressure off of civilian hospitals 06:20.887 --> 06:23.393 when it comes to trauma cases to open up 06:23.393 --> 06:26.890 civilian hospital rooms for infectious diseases. 06:26.890 --> 06:29.669 Now, for us, the big challenge, though, isn't necessarily 06:29.669 --> 06:32.870 the availability of these inventories, 06:32.870 --> 06:34.620 it's the medical professionals. 06:34.620 --> 06:36.440 All those doctors and nurses either come 06:36.440 --> 06:38.050 from our medical treatment facilities 06:38.050 --> 06:41.710 or they come from the Reserves which means civilians. 06:41.710 --> 06:43.750 And so, what we've got to be very conscious 06:43.750 --> 06:46.210 of and careful of as we call up these units 06:46.210 --> 06:48.330 and use them to support the states, 06:48.330 --> 06:51.580 that we aren't robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak. 06:51.580 --> 06:54.420 So, what I don't want to do is take Reservists 06:54.420 --> 06:56.130 from a hospital where they are needed 06:56.130 --> 06:57.090 just to put 'em on a ship 06:57.090 --> 06:58.570 to take somewhere else where they are needed. 06:58.570 --> 07:00.550 So, we gotta be very conscious of that. 07:00.550 --> 07:03.050 And as I've spoken to a couple governors today, 07:03.050 --> 07:04.980 we talked a little bit about that. 07:04.980 --> 07:06.010 And I think people are beginning 07:06.010 --> 07:08.283 to understand what that trade-off means. 07:09.328 --> 07:10.324 - [Reporter] You know at the White House today 07:10.324 --> 07:11.827 they said they don't want to have 07:11.827 --> 07:13.790 the Guard go everywhere, I guess. 07:13.790 --> 07:15.660 They said, let's focus on the hotspots 07:15.660 --> 07:18.610 and that would presumably be California, 07:18.610 --> 07:20.120 Washington state, New York. 07:20.120 --> 07:23.350 Is that kind of where you're looking at early on to provide? 07:23.350 --> 07:25.010 - Well, keep in mind, the Guard is already 07:25.010 --> 07:26.440 available to the governors, they know that, 07:26.440 --> 07:27.860 they have their TAGs and everybody. 07:27.860 --> 07:30.780 So, it's a resource available at their fingertips. 07:30.780 --> 07:32.570 What we want to do is make sure they understand all 07:32.570 --> 07:34.950 the capabilities of the Guard, how it may best be used. 07:34.950 --> 07:37.360 I had a chance to talk to General Lengyel, 07:37.360 --> 07:39.950 who's director of the National Guard Bureau. 07:39.950 --> 07:41.260 We've talked a few times. 07:41.260 --> 07:44.180 He's talking to the TAGs. 07:44.180 --> 07:47.810 He's having multiple phone calls each week to cross level. 07:47.810 --> 07:49.700 So, that is available to them. 07:49.700 --> 07:50.830 I think, you know, 07:50.830 --> 07:53.670 in some ways we want to be the last resort. 07:53.670 --> 07:56.357 We're the ones when everything really, 07:56.357 --> 07:58.950 we can come in rather than being the first, 07:58.950 --> 08:01.551 and really help enable through the Guard and Reserve 08:01.551 --> 08:03.537 to play that role initially. 08:03.537 --> 08:05.712 - And also I'm hearing that there's talk of maybe 08:05.712 --> 08:08.154 appointing a senior officer, maybe a three star, 08:08.154 --> 08:11.478 to coordinate among all the various federal agencies. 08:11.478 --> 08:14.215 Is that something you guys are considering? 08:14.215 --> 08:15.600 - The two principle representatives 08:15.600 --> 08:18.580 at the day to day meetings with the VP and task force 08:18.580 --> 08:21.090 are General Hyten and Deputy Secretary of Defense Norquist. 08:21.090 --> 08:22.930 Those are our representatives. 08:22.930 --> 08:25.884 General Hyten has a lot of capability he can tap into, 08:25.884 --> 08:28.660 all of DOD as he sees fit. 08:28.660 --> 08:30.759 Of course, we have NORTHCOM who supports 08:30.759 --> 08:33.950 in terms of the Northern Command AOR. 08:33.950 --> 08:35.210 But this isn't like a hurricane 08:35.210 --> 08:38.200 where you can pick a general, this is nationwide. 08:38.200 --> 08:40.220 So, I think what you're gonna see is, 08:40.220 --> 08:42.140 you'll see whether it's local commanders, 08:42.140 --> 08:43.683 or TAGs in this case, 08:44.620 --> 08:48.280 stepping up as their states encounter these challenges 08:48.280 --> 08:50.750 and them being the focal point at the state level. 08:50.750 --> 08:51.640 - [Staff] Courtney. 08:51.640 --> 08:53.019 - Can you say a little bit more 08:53.019 --> 08:54.520 about the 2,000 deployable ventilators? 08:54.520 --> 08:56.610 How many, I'm assuming that takes uniformed 08:56.610 --> 08:59.210 service members to operate and train and whatnot. 08:59.210 --> 09:02.310 How many would that take and where are they coming from 09:03.982 --> 09:05.670 and can you say where they're going yet 09:05.670 --> 09:07.462 or presumably New York but? 09:07.462 --> 09:09.140 - I can't say where they're going. 09:09.140 --> 09:10.010 We've made them available to HHS. 09:10.010 --> 09:13.490 HHS would have to determine the prioritization. 09:13.490 --> 09:15.350 They are in stocks in some cases. 09:15.350 --> 09:16.980 We'd have to get you more detail on where they are 09:16.980 --> 09:18.350 but obviously they're spread out 09:18.350 --> 09:20.470 to support our medical deployability. 09:20.470 --> 09:22.750 And, yes, these require some special training. 09:22.750 --> 09:24.640 What we'd have to do, and I informed, 09:24.640 --> 09:26.540 when we talked about this the other night 09:26.540 --> 09:29.010 with the Vice President and his task force, 09:29.010 --> 09:31.110 is we'd have to do a train the trainer, if you will. 09:31.110 --> 09:33.500 Maybe provide some people to make sure that the civilians 09:33.500 --> 09:35.840 who would use them know how to use them properly. 09:35.840 --> 09:37.451 They're unique in terms of deployability, 09:37.451 --> 09:40.550 they've got single use functions in some cases. 09:40.550 --> 09:42.054 They are different than what you would find on 09:42.054 --> 09:45.103 the civilian end because they're meant to be deployable. 09:45.103 --> 09:47.501 - So, would it be, presumably if it's 2,000 ventilators, 09:47.501 --> 09:49.540 is that 2,000 service members who 09:49.540 --> 09:50.420 would have to be used to train? 09:50.420 --> 09:52.500 - I would be speculating but I would say no. 09:52.500 --> 09:54.133 I would say one person can train 09:54.133 --> 09:57.084 a multitude of people to learn how to operate 'em 09:57.084 --> 09:59.530 and maybe have 'em outside as an outside, 09:59.530 --> 10:01.600 you know, to help with maintenance or things like that. 10:01.600 --> 10:02.750 But I don't think the numbers. 10:02.750 --> 10:03.920 We could the math and get back 10:03.920 --> 10:05.000 to you on that, Courtney, and see. 10:05.000 --> 10:06.600 - [Staff] Jennifer. 10:06.600 --> 10:09.450 - [Jennifer] Can you give us an update, Secretary Esper, 10:09.450 --> 10:12.450 about what Fort Detrick has found in terms of their vaccine, 10:12.450 --> 10:13.850 how far along are they? 10:13.850 --> 10:16.060 And since you're encouraging people to telecommute, 10:16.060 --> 10:18.740 why did you feel the need to be there in person 10:18.740 --> 10:20.870 and have meetings with people in person? 10:20.870 --> 10:24.530 Shouldn't that telecommuting start now? 10:24.530 --> 10:26.720 - Well, we're doing a lot of telecommuting every single day. 10:26.720 --> 10:30.050 I telecommunicated with the Deputy Secretary of Defense 10:30.050 --> 10:32.600 this morning from my office to his office. 10:32.600 --> 10:33.433 So, when I went up there, 10:33.433 --> 10:34.950 we had all the social distancing 10:34.950 --> 10:36.740 stuff worked out, the space. 10:36.740 --> 10:39.110 But the chance to talk to the doctors face to face, 10:39.110 --> 10:40.260 and I wanted to see their labs, 10:40.260 --> 10:41.510 I wanted to see where they're working, 10:41.510 --> 10:43.010 is really helpful to me to get 10:43.010 --> 10:44.330 an understanding of what they're doing. 10:44.330 --> 10:47.510 So, we put all those precautions in place. 10:47.510 --> 10:50.510 If anybody knows how to do it, they know how to do it. 10:50.510 --> 10:51.520 What I will tell you is they're 10:51.520 --> 10:52.920 working on a number of fronts. 10:52.920 --> 10:54.700 As many of you know, who've been here before, 10:54.700 --> 10:56.530 they've been very successful in the past 10:56.530 --> 10:58.560 whether it's dealing with Ebola or Zika, 10:58.560 --> 11:00.028 they have incredible capabilities, 11:00.028 --> 11:02.680 they are well-knitted, extremely well-knitted 11:02.680 --> 11:04.370 into the interagency efforts. 11:04.370 --> 11:06.050 Their relationships with either 11:06.050 --> 11:11.050 Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci are remarkable. 11:13.978 --> 11:15.540 And in terms of their ability 11:15.540 --> 11:17.250 to understand the virus, what it does, 11:17.250 --> 11:19.351 and they're at the point to in terms of, 11:19.351 --> 11:21.873 the ability to soon purchase machines 11:21.873 --> 11:26.240 that could do the testing at incredible levels 11:26.240 --> 11:27.373 of capacity and throughput 11:27.373 --> 11:28.860 is one of the things they briefed me on 11:28.860 --> 11:32.470 that should be coming online in a couple months or so. 11:32.470 --> 11:34.430 - But how far along is the vaccine? 11:34.430 --> 11:36.167 - I think they gave me the same numbers 11:36.167 --> 11:40.121 that gave all of you, 12 to 18 months, the normal course. 11:40.121 --> 11:44.450 As I understand it there's some private actors out there 11:44.450 --> 11:46.080 who think they can do it quickly. 11:46.080 --> 11:47.517 But in terms of how we do it, 11:47.517 --> 11:49.683 it's looking at 12 to 18 months. 11:49.683 --> 11:52.417 And of course, where they can provide support 11:52.417 --> 11:55.540 is if somebody does develop a vaccine, 11:55.540 --> 11:57.370 we could run it through our system very quickly 11:57.370 --> 11:59.390 as well and support those efforts. 11:59.390 --> 12:00.223 - [Staff] Barbara. 12:00.223 --> 12:01.990 - Mr. Secretary, two questions. 12:01.990 --> 12:03.450 First, could you bring us up to date 12:03.450 --> 12:04.969 when you talk about the Corps of Engineers, 12:04.969 --> 12:08.280 your latest assessment of what are the next steps 12:08.280 --> 12:10.960 with the state of New York because Governor Cuomo 12:10.960 --> 12:14.330 has been so open publicly about his requests? 12:14.330 --> 12:15.870 But first, I wanted to ask you, 12:15.870 --> 12:18.976 you talked about using the U.S. military active duty, 12:18.976 --> 12:21.306 the Defense Department as, in your words, 12:21.306 --> 12:23.793 a last resort, not the first resort? 12:24.630 --> 12:26.860 I do want to press you a bit on that 12:26.860 --> 12:30.643 because the country's being told this is unprecedented, 12:31.560 --> 12:34.680 really dire potentials are being 12:34.680 --> 12:37.003 sketched out to the American public. 12:37.963 --> 12:42.011 In your view, is it time to think in non-traditional ways 12:42.011 --> 12:44.780 about using the active duty force? 12:44.780 --> 12:47.597 Should it be the last resort? 12:47.597 --> 12:48.570 - Well, when I talk about active duty force 12:48.570 --> 12:49.850 I don't mean about people per se 12:49.850 --> 12:51.470 supporting in terms of planning and logistics, 12:51.470 --> 12:54.290 I'm thinking about our medical capacity with regard 12:54.290 --> 12:56.220 to our treatment facilities, things like that. 12:56.220 --> 12:58.130 We have to treat our own populations. 12:58.130 --> 12:59.920 Our own populations will likely be, 12:59.920 --> 13:01.490 in terms of beneficiaries, 13:01.490 --> 13:04.160 susceptible at the same rates as the civilian population. 13:04.160 --> 13:07.450 So, we provide a little bit of flex if you compare us to VA. 13:07.450 --> 13:09.910 They have many, many more hospitals. 13:09.910 --> 13:11.740 So, that's kind of how I think about it. 13:11.740 --> 13:14.760 Again, the Guard is available to handle stuff. 13:14.760 --> 13:16.390 And the active component will stand. 13:16.390 --> 13:18.760 We're ready to support in any which way we can. 13:18.760 --> 13:19.930 I'm just suggesting, 13:19.930 --> 13:21.630 I think a lot of this has to begin at the state 13:21.630 --> 13:25.280 and local level in terms of helping enable them. 13:25.280 --> 13:27.643 - Do you think the military population, 13:27.643 --> 13:31.297 very often described in this room as young and healthy, 13:31.297 --> 13:34.009 is susceptible to the virus at the same rate 13:34.009 --> 13:36.420 as the civilian population? 13:36.420 --> 13:39.463 And I would like you to address New York if you could. 13:40.520 --> 13:42.710 - Well, don't turn me into a doctor that I'm not. 13:42.710 --> 13:44.330 But I will tell you what I said before 13:44.330 --> 13:46.845 is we have a very young and healthy 13:46.845 --> 13:49.990 and fit military population 13:49.990 --> 13:52.575 which seems to imply based on what we've seen so far 13:52.575 --> 13:57.575 that they are less likely to contract and show symptoms 13:58.660 --> 14:00.920 at the rates of people older than them. 14:00.920 --> 14:02.370 Now, of course, many of them, 14:03.630 --> 14:05.040 another part of our population 14:05.040 --> 14:08.290 are dependents and beneficiaries who range 14:08.290 --> 14:10.010 from young kids to senior citizens 14:10.010 --> 14:12.670 so I gotta worry about that population as well. 14:12.670 --> 14:16.500 That's about 3.8 million people who live within 40 miles 14:16.500 --> 14:18.870 or so of our 36 military treatment facilities. 14:18.870 --> 14:21.120 So, I'm looking at that population as well. 14:21.120 --> 14:22.500 With regard to the uniformed people, 14:22.500 --> 14:24.480 I do think they are very fit. 14:24.480 --> 14:27.720 I think that they will fare well throughout this. 14:27.720 --> 14:28.990 We watch 'em and protect 'em 14:28.990 --> 14:30.081 and as need be test them. 14:30.081 --> 14:33.110 But, again, I think, in terms of the military population, 14:33.110 --> 14:33.960 they'll be fine. 14:33.960 --> 14:35.064 With regard to New York, 14:35.064 --> 14:38.200 I hope to have a call with the governor here sometime soon, 14:39.290 --> 14:40.904 I've spoke to two governors today, 14:40.904 --> 14:42.860 find out what his needs are. 14:42.860 --> 14:44.240 As I speak to governors and others, 14:44.240 --> 14:45.840 I say tell us what your needs are 14:45.840 --> 14:48.380 and then we'll figure out the best way to meet them, 14:48.380 --> 14:51.960 whether it's logistics, planning, medical, whatnot. 14:51.960 --> 14:54.840 And then we can look at the various ways we approach it. 14:54.840 --> 14:56.526 Is the National Guard the first place, 14:56.526 --> 14:58.653 if not them then Reserves, 14:58.653 --> 15:01.520 active component is there as well to support. 15:01.520 --> 15:02.930 So, we kind of triage the problem 15:02.930 --> 15:05.150 to make sure that we understand what all the trade-offs are. 15:05.150 --> 15:07.250 Again, what I think has been explained 15:07.250 --> 15:11.690 to you all about field hospitals and hospital ships 15:11.690 --> 15:13.477 and the simple fact that many of those 15:13.477 --> 15:16.390 medical professionals who staff those units 15:16.390 --> 15:17.660 come from the private sectors 15:17.660 --> 15:19.920 is something that most people are not aware of. 15:19.920 --> 15:22.470 And we gotta be very careful that, again, 15:22.470 --> 15:25.520 we don't take from one part of New York 15:26.500 --> 15:28.170 medical professionals who are needed 15:28.170 --> 15:29.980 to stand up a field hospital simply 15:29.980 --> 15:31.490 to help another part of New York unless, 15:31.490 --> 15:33.187 of course, the governor recognizes that. 15:33.187 --> 15:36.810 And we can also state to state stuff where states share. 15:36.810 --> 15:39.280 And I had a conversation earlier today about that. 15:39.280 --> 15:41.870 So, we're looking at putting everything on the table. 15:41.870 --> 15:44.800 - [Staff] Alright, we're gonna try to go to the phone line. 15:44.800 --> 15:45.710 And we'll take our first question 15:45.710 --> 15:47.766 from Jeff Schogol from Task & Purpose. 15:47.766 --> 15:48.599 Jeff. 15:50.280 --> 15:51.630 - [Jeff] Thank you very much. 15:51.630 --> 15:53.193 It has come to our attention that despite 15:53.193 --> 15:56.360 the fact that the Pentagon is teleworking, 15:56.360 --> 15:59.320 commanders continue to have all hands formations 15:59.320 --> 16:02.740 and town halls to discuss a variety of topics. 16:02.740 --> 16:06.030 Will the Defense Department order a moratorium on all 16:06.030 --> 16:10.170 large gatherings like town halls and all hands formations? 16:10.170 --> 16:12.420 - The short answer is no, at least not at this time. 16:12.420 --> 16:15.759 I trust the commanders to lead their units 16:15.759 --> 16:17.763 and take care of them appropriately. 16:18.867 --> 16:19.850 And that has not been raised to me 16:19.850 --> 16:21.130 as a problem at this point in time. 16:21.130 --> 16:23.860 So, again, my view is the commanders have 16:23.860 --> 16:27.130 the authorities they need to take whatever precautions 16:27.130 --> 16:29.290 while at the same time ensuring the readiness of troops 16:29.290 --> 16:32.970 and the capabilities of our formations. 16:32.970 --> 16:35.070 - [Staff] Missy Ryan from Washington Post. 16:36.020 --> 16:37.590 - [Missy] Thank you. 16:37.590 --> 16:39.870 Secretary Esper, can you talk a little bit about 16:39.870 --> 16:44.870 the testing of service members that's being performed now? 16:44.990 --> 16:46.360 According to the recent numbers, 16:46.360 --> 16:48.080 the most recent numbers that we've seen, 16:48.080 --> 16:49.762 there have been about 500 people tested. 16:49.762 --> 16:52.580 Do you think that that is adequate 16:52.580 --> 16:56.820 in order to detect the spread of the virus within 16:56.820 --> 16:58.780 the military community and halt its spread? 16:58.780 --> 17:02.053 And what are the criteria for testing? 17:03.340 --> 17:06.450 - We can get to the Joint Staff surgeon back up here 17:06.450 --> 17:08.960 to talk about that, to give you the exact details. 17:08.960 --> 17:10.490 My view is if you are symptomatic, 17:10.490 --> 17:12.080 you should definitely be tested. 17:12.080 --> 17:13.265 Otherwise, there's no plans 17:13.265 --> 17:17.975 to test all one million or so active duty personnel. 17:17.975 --> 17:19.740 That is, I don't believe, 17:19.740 --> 17:21.680 something we need to do at this point in time. 17:21.680 --> 17:24.470 But, again, I'd rely on the Joint Staff surgeon 17:24.470 --> 17:25.770 to kind of give us, 17:25.770 --> 17:27.290 to fill you in with regard to how that is. 17:27.290 --> 17:29.481 But if you're symptomatic you definitely should be tested. 17:29.481 --> 17:32.360 In some cases if you've been exposed you should be tested. 17:32.360 --> 17:33.960 But we're not at that point yet. 17:34.971 --> 17:36.130 - [Staff] One more from the phone. 17:36.130 --> 17:37.623 Lee Hudson, Aviation Week. 17:43.410 --> 17:44.643 Okay, back to the room. 17:45.920 --> 17:48.090 - Mr. Secretary, could you give us 17:48.090 --> 17:51.070 some sense of timing here? 17:51.070 --> 17:56.070 How long does it require you to activate a reserve unit? 17:57.010 --> 17:59.090 If the governor of New York wants you 17:59.090 --> 18:02.230 to get the Army Corps of Engineers contracting 18:02.230 --> 18:06.100 to renovating hospitals or build new ones, 18:06.100 --> 18:07.795 we learned with the wall that still 18:07.795 --> 18:11.990 is a contracting process that takes time. 18:11.990 --> 18:15.590 So, how long would it be before the U.S. 18:15.590 --> 18:17.930 military really started having 18:17.930 --> 18:21.190 an impact in terms of hospital beds? 18:21.190 --> 18:22.360 - It's another great point 18:22.360 --> 18:24.880 that as I talk to people I try to share with them. 18:24.880 --> 18:26.670 So, let's take your second part first 18:26.670 --> 18:27.530 with the Corps of Engineers. 18:27.530 --> 18:30.678 They do great work, very good program managers. 18:30.678 --> 18:33.210 But they have a number of federal rules 18:33.210 --> 18:34.470 and regulations they follow. 18:34.470 --> 18:35.870 They have a very expansive 18:35.870 --> 18:38.390 contracting process and that takes time. 18:38.390 --> 18:41.390 The Corps of Engineers does not build projects, 18:41.390 --> 18:43.140 they contract others to do the projects. 18:43.140 --> 18:44.930 So, my hunch is, 18:44.930 --> 18:46.440 it would probably be quicker 18:46.440 --> 18:48.220 if it's done at the state or local level. 18:48.220 --> 18:49.750 But nonetheless, I don't mind offering up 18:49.750 --> 18:51.430 the Corps of Engineers to come 18:51.430 --> 18:54.150 to a state to talk to whoever 18:54.150 --> 18:55.860 a governor wants them to speak to 18:55.860 --> 18:58.120 with regard to renovating buildings 18:58.120 --> 19:00.650 or whatnot to see if we can do it quicker, 19:00.650 --> 19:03.840 we should, we're prepared to do that. 19:03.840 --> 19:05.708 But, I think, at this point, the key is speed. 19:05.708 --> 19:07.930 But again, I need to have those conversations 19:07.930 --> 19:09.365 with the governors and others. 19:09.365 --> 19:11.330 With regard to your first question, you're right. 19:11.330 --> 19:13.919 I spent a lot of years in both the Guard and Reserve. 19:13.919 --> 19:16.890 It takes time to activate people. 19:16.890 --> 19:19.010 Depending on the type of unit, 19:19.010 --> 19:20.360 you have to activate the person 19:20.360 --> 19:21.930 but then you have to draw equipment, 19:21.930 --> 19:23.870 you have to do any number of things. 19:23.870 --> 19:25.450 Then in all cases you have to, again, 19:25.450 --> 19:27.240 be very careful that you're not pulling somebody 19:27.240 --> 19:30.248 out of a part of the civilian sector where they're needed. 19:30.248 --> 19:33.370 We keep talking about medical professionals, 19:33.370 --> 19:36.070 but it could be law enforcement, it could be firefighters, 19:36.070 --> 19:37.480 whatever the case may be. 19:37.480 --> 19:38.930 That takes a little bit of time, too, 19:38.930 --> 19:40.410 to make sure we're making the right decisions 19:40.410 --> 19:41.930 with regard to who we call up. 19:41.930 --> 19:43.300 - So, you're describing a process 19:43.300 --> 19:45.290 that sounds like it's gonna take weeks not days? 19:45.290 --> 19:49.870 - It could, I don't have any hard requests. 19:49.870 --> 19:52.020 Well, maybe one or two right now. 19:52.020 --> 19:53.050 But if you're thinking about 19:53.050 --> 19:54.360 calling up the Guard or Reserve, 19:54.360 --> 19:55.910 it's not hours or days, 19:55.910 --> 19:58.919 it's probably days or weeks, and more like weeks. 19:58.919 --> 20:01.100 But it depends on the type of unit, 20:01.100 --> 20:02.049 where they're located, 20:02.049 --> 20:05.563 what they would have to bring to the mission, etc. 20:07.160 --> 20:08.830 Let me go to somebody else. 20:08.830 --> 20:10.150 - Thank you, Secretary. 20:10.150 --> 20:11.757 At the White House briefing today, 20:11.757 --> 20:13.780 the President suggested that there's 20:13.780 --> 20:14.960 actually been some discussions 20:14.960 --> 20:17.519 about potential sites for field hospitals. 20:17.519 --> 20:18.776 Have you been advising 20:18.776 --> 20:21.920 on where these sites could potentially be? 20:21.920 --> 20:23.590 Maybe Washington state? 20:23.590 --> 20:25.891 And then secondly on the ventilators, 20:25.891 --> 20:28.257 with the 2,000 that you're sending out, 20:28.257 --> 20:29.450 can you give us a sense 20:29.450 --> 20:31.230 of if there's greater need than that, 20:31.230 --> 20:32.560 if this gets worse, 20:32.560 --> 20:35.090 how much can DOD surge before it needs 20:35.090 --> 20:39.670 to reach out to maybe the private sector or other places? 20:39.670 --> 20:41.540 - Well, I think, again, second question first. 20:41.540 --> 20:44.706 We can offer up to 2,000. 20:44.706 --> 20:47.629 That's why I like to say the key thing right now, 20:47.629 --> 20:49.460 when you look at the numbers 20:49.460 --> 20:51.600 of people that are projected that may need ventilators, 20:51.600 --> 20:54.000 2,000 doesn't put much of a dent to into it. 20:54.000 --> 20:55.747 But we can offer what we have. 20:55.747 --> 20:57.950 I think they key thing is the private sector, 20:57.950 --> 20:59.060 the manufacturing side, 20:59.060 --> 21:02.492 whoever makes medical machines of this type, 21:02.492 --> 21:05.880 is how do you prime that pump to get the production, 21:05.880 --> 21:07.100 because we're simply not going to be able 21:07.100 --> 21:09.990 to meet the demand if the demand fits some 21:09.990 --> 21:12.190 of the profiles we've seen in the CDC brief. 21:12.190 --> 21:14.574 And then, location of field hospitals. 21:14.574 --> 21:17.230 Again, I think it's a case-by-case basis. 21:17.230 --> 21:18.860 It has to depend on the conversation 21:18.860 --> 21:22.010 with the governor or the state or local authority. 21:22.010 --> 21:23.833 My view is, the best view, 21:24.670 --> 21:26.481 the best use of our field hospitals, 21:26.481 --> 21:29.290 because they're geared toward, is trauma. 21:29.290 --> 21:30.540 So, ideally what you would do 21:30.540 --> 21:33.250 is locate it somewhere maybe next to a hospital 21:33.250 --> 21:34.840 where as trauma patients come in, 21:34.840 --> 21:36.442 instead of going into the hospital, 21:36.442 --> 21:38.840 they would go into the field hospital 21:38.840 --> 21:41.244 where we could treat the broken legs, the lacerations, 21:41.244 --> 21:44.690 the falling down hit your head type of stuff. 21:44.690 --> 21:46.500 We can handle them in our big open base. 21:46.500 --> 21:48.150 We have our doctors that can do that. 21:48.150 --> 21:50.250 And if you come in for a COVID, 21:50.250 --> 21:53.110 we've now freed up rooms for you to go inside the hospital 21:53.110 --> 21:54.525 where you have segregated rooms 21:54.525 --> 21:56.610 with bathrooms and all those things 21:56.610 --> 21:59.450 you need to treat infectious patients. 21:59.450 --> 22:02.240 Not a doctor, I was an infantryman, 22:02.240 --> 22:03.560 not a medical professional, 22:03.560 --> 22:05.200 but my hunch is you'd want to do 22:05.200 --> 22:06.690 some type of co-location next 22:06.690 --> 22:08.540 to where medical facilities are. 22:08.540 --> 22:10.559 But that all has to be worked out 22:10.559 --> 22:14.250 with the local, state or municipality, 22:14.250 --> 22:15.860 to make sure, how can we best support 22:15.860 --> 22:17.460 if that's the support they need. 22:19.320 --> 22:21.160 - [Reporter] 2,000 is the upper limit? 22:21.160 --> 22:23.030 - That's what we can offer right now, that's right. 22:23.030 --> 22:24.000 - [Staff] Last question. 22:24.000 --> 22:24.833 - Thank you. 22:24.833 --> 22:25.910 From Defense One. 22:25.910 --> 22:27.610 The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 22:27.610 --> 22:30.050 currently has a program to develop an antigen, 22:30.050 --> 22:31.440 it's kind of like a vaccine, 22:31.440 --> 22:33.100 but a little bit more proximate, 22:33.100 --> 22:35.073 it can potentially shield troops 22:35.073 --> 22:37.760 or anybody else from contracting the disease 22:37.760 --> 22:40.650 for a period of time until a vaccine becomes available. 22:40.650 --> 22:43.100 Can you describe, based on your conversations today, 22:43.100 --> 22:45.870 what the readiness level is or the level of preparedness 22:45.870 --> 22:48.310 for any sort of COVID therapeutic 22:48.310 --> 22:50.320 that might be in development by the U.S. military? 22:50.320 --> 22:52.240 - I'm not tracking the DARPA one. 22:52.240 --> 22:54.000 I hope to go see them sometime here soon 22:54.000 --> 22:56.210 to find out where they are in terms of their work. 22:56.210 --> 22:58.020 They are part of all this, too. 22:58.020 --> 23:01.000 But with regard to USAMRIID where I was today, 23:01.000 --> 23:02.210 they're working on two parts, 23:02.210 --> 23:05.620 both the vaccine and then the treatment piece 23:05.620 --> 23:08.990 which is the therapeutics and that. 23:10.800 --> 23:12.580 So, they're moving along on both fronts. 23:12.580 --> 23:16.290 I didn't get too detailed of a briefing on the second part. 23:16.290 --> 23:18.210 I focused a lot on the vaccine side. 23:18.210 --> 23:20.000 But that's something we can get 23:20.000 --> 23:23.463 the Joint Staff surgeon to come and brief you all about. 23:25.535 --> 23:26.520 - [Reporter] Can we just get an update 23:26.520 --> 23:27.540 on the situation in Iraq? 23:27.540 --> 23:28.373 - We'll do that another day. 23:28.373 --> 23:29.690 Today is coronavirus, 23:29.690 --> 23:30.630 that's my focus right now. 23:30.630 --> 23:31.640 Thank you all.