WEBVTT 00:00.290 --> 00:01.620 - Coming today, and thank you to those 00:01.620 --> 00:03.780 that are joining us virtually. 00:03.780 --> 00:05.670 General Lengyel will be providing some brief 00:05.670 --> 00:08.440 on the record comments regarding the National Guard 00:08.440 --> 00:11.580 and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 00:11.580 --> 00:13.840 Following, he will take questions. 00:13.840 --> 00:15.470 Please respect the 30 minutes we have 00:15.470 --> 00:17.260 with the general and keep your questions aimed 00:17.260 --> 00:20.590 at the briefing topic, COVID-19 response. 00:20.590 --> 00:23.100 I'll also like to point out that we've provided packets 00:23.100 --> 00:25.240 to you, and in those will be General Lengyel's bio 00:25.240 --> 00:28.460 as well as other fact sheets from the National Guard. 00:28.460 --> 00:32.140 Lieutenant Colonel Chris Mitchell will be calling questions. 00:32.140 --> 00:34.310 When asking a question, please identify yourself 00:34.310 --> 00:36.220 and your outlet and limit to one question 00:36.220 --> 00:38.450 and one followup in the interest of time. 00:38.450 --> 00:41.490 With that, I'll turn it over to General Lengyel 00:41.490 --> 00:42.873 for his comments, sir? 00:44.690 --> 00:45.770 - Thank you, good morning, everybody. 00:45.770 --> 00:47.090 I'm glad to be here today to fill you 00:47.090 --> 00:49.080 in on what's going on in the National Guard. 00:49.080 --> 00:51.210 So today, we face a national emergency 00:51.210 --> 00:53.130 in this COVID-19 pandemic. 00:53.130 --> 00:55.610 This is a serious situation, and we are all concerned 00:55.610 --> 00:57.740 about the health and safety of our fellow Americans, 00:57.740 --> 01:01.390 our first responders, and our citizen soldiers and airmen. 01:01.390 --> 01:03.740 Thus far, six members of the National Guard 01:03.740 --> 01:06.530 have tested positive for COVID-19. 01:06.530 --> 01:09.480 We have force health protection measures in place, 01:09.480 --> 01:10.313 and we'll continue 01:10.313 --> 01:12.470 to keep our National Guard members informed 01:12.470 --> 01:14.180 as the situation develops. 01:14.180 --> 01:16.310 We all play an important part in ensuring the health 01:16.310 --> 01:18.170 and safety of our communities, 01:18.170 --> 01:21.150 and this responsibility we take seriously. 01:21.150 --> 01:22.430 We are here to support each other 01:22.430 --> 01:24.140 and to support our communities. 01:24.140 --> 01:25.470 I wanna take this opportunity to talk 01:25.470 --> 01:26.750 about what the National Guard is doing 01:26.750 --> 01:28.570 in response to COVID-19. 01:28.570 --> 01:30.010 First of all, it's a historic event 01:30.010 --> 01:32.760 unlike any we have faced in recent years. 01:32.760 --> 01:34.580 For example, when there's a hurricane, 01:34.580 --> 01:35.940 you can see it on a map. 01:35.940 --> 01:37.700 You have a sense of how hard the storm will hit 01:37.700 --> 01:39.810 and how long the storm will last. 01:39.810 --> 01:43.540 With COVID-19, it's like we have 54 separate hurricanes 01:43.540 --> 01:46.180 in every state, territory, and the District of Columbia. 01:46.180 --> 01:48.550 Some are category five, some are category threes, 01:48.550 --> 01:50.010 some are category ones. 01:50.010 --> 01:51.400 Unlike a hurricane, we don't know when this 01:51.400 --> 01:53.540 is gonna dissipate or move out to sea. 01:53.540 --> 01:55.900 But a historic event demands a historic response, 01:55.900 --> 01:58.830 and that's what the National Guard is prepared to 01:58.830 --> 02:02.190 as America's principal domestic military response force. 02:02.190 --> 02:05.560 The National Guard is a unique military component. 02:05.560 --> 02:08.060 We are part of the Air Force and part of the Army. 02:09.250 --> 02:12.570 But if you are going to design an ideal military component 02:12.570 --> 02:14.700 to assist with a response like this, 02:14.700 --> 02:16.810 it would be a component like the National Guard. 02:16.810 --> 02:20.180 We are 450,000 strong in every state, 02:20.180 --> 02:23.230 territory, nearly every zip code in the country. 02:23.230 --> 02:24.270 When disaster strikes, 02:24.270 --> 02:25.990 we don't have to mobilize from some base. 02:25.990 --> 02:28.320 We pack a lunch, we go to work 02:28.320 --> 02:30.630 because we are already there in the communities 02:30.630 --> 02:32.540 where these events are taking place. 02:32.540 --> 02:34.740 We live there; we can respond faster. 02:34.740 --> 02:36.530 We bring our military training, equipment, 02:36.530 --> 02:39.620 and experience to help our communities here at home. 02:39.620 --> 02:42.400 What we offer is unlike any other military component 02:42.400 --> 02:43.730 to our communities. 02:43.730 --> 02:45.820 While circumstances will continue to evolve, 02:45.820 --> 02:47.460 here are the facts as they stand. 02:47.460 --> 02:50.580 All 54 states, territories, and the District of Columbia 02:50.580 --> 02:52.620 have declared a state of emergency. 02:52.620 --> 02:56.770 Governors in 27 states have activated parts 02:56.770 --> 02:58.360 of their National Guard. 02:58.360 --> 03:01.300 Across those 27 states at this time, 03:01.300 --> 03:04.180 2,050 National Guard members have been brought 03:04.180 --> 03:07.330 on state active duty to assist the response. 03:07.330 --> 03:10.010 We anticipate that number going up relatively quickly, 03:10.010 --> 03:12.260 in fact doubling by this weekend. 03:12.260 --> 03:13.500 And we expect the total number 03:13.500 --> 03:16.070 of guardsmen activated will increase rapidly 03:16.070 --> 03:20.740 as test kits become available and as the situation unfolds. 03:20.740 --> 03:22.240 We are ready to respond depending 03:22.240 --> 03:24.470 on the needs of the community and 03:24.470 --> 03:26.820 as ordered by the response network 03:26.820 --> 03:28.870 by the governors in every state. 03:28.870 --> 03:30.390 We are involved in a multitude 03:30.390 --> 03:32.260 of mission sets and functional areas. 03:32.260 --> 03:36.120 The National Guard is providing medical testing assessments, 03:36.120 --> 03:39.130 facilities, ground transportation, logistics, 03:39.130 --> 03:42.230 command and control, planners, liaison officers, 03:42.230 --> 03:45.940 and we will continue to adapt as this unfolds. 03:45.940 --> 03:47.650 We are already making a difference 03:47.650 --> 03:49.110 in communities across the country. 03:49.110 --> 03:51.280 For example, the New York National Guard 03:51.280 --> 03:54.070 have been helping local officials distribute food to those 03:54.070 --> 03:57.630 who need it much in the hard hit area of New Rochelle. 03:57.630 --> 04:01.610 The Tennessee International Guard C17 delivered swabs, 04:01.610 --> 04:04.410 about half a million swabs to be added 04:04.410 --> 04:07.960 to test kits to Memphis yesterday, just yesterday. 04:07.960 --> 04:11.180 In south Florida, more than 500 soldiers 04:11.180 --> 04:13.230 are assisting with collecting samples 04:13.230 --> 04:15.810 for drive thru testing in Broward County. 04:15.810 --> 04:17.060 In Maryland, the National Guard 04:17.060 --> 04:18.580 is supporting medical assessments 04:18.580 --> 04:20.600 and testing site operations. 04:20.600 --> 04:23.090 Wisconsin are supporting transportation missions 04:23.090 --> 04:25.660 for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. 04:25.660 --> 04:27.830 In Louisiana, guard liaison officers 04:30.150 --> 04:33.140 were assisting the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security 04:33.140 --> 04:34.860 in Emergency Preparedness. 04:34.860 --> 04:37.000 And across the country, our civil support teams 04:37.000 --> 04:39.670 are supporting the local departments of health 04:39.670 --> 04:42.210 and with drive through testing stations. 04:42.210 --> 04:43.350 It was just two weeks ago, 04:43.350 --> 04:45.050 California National Guard started this 04:45.050 --> 04:48.250 with the California National Guard who delivered test kits 04:48.250 --> 04:51.720 to the Grand Princess cruise ship off the coast. 04:51.720 --> 04:53.970 This is just a sample of the efforts 04:53.970 --> 04:56.190 that we are supporting across the country. 04:56.190 --> 04:57.550 Going forward, we expect the role 04:57.550 --> 04:59.380 of the National Guard will continue to grow 04:59.380 --> 05:01.750 and evolve to meet the country's needs 05:01.750 --> 05:03.830 during this historic pandemic. 05:03.830 --> 05:05.480 We remain flexible and committed 05:05.480 --> 05:07.800 to whatever mission we may be called to do. 05:07.800 --> 05:09.730 I wanna thank all of our Guard members 05:09.730 --> 05:12.180 and all the first responders for their service 05:12.180 --> 05:14.300 during this difficult time. 05:14.300 --> 05:16.680 We continue to rise to every challenge before us 05:16.680 --> 05:18.310 and continue to work with our partners 05:18.310 --> 05:21.180 to keep our nation safe, remain true to our motto, 05:21.180 --> 05:22.210 always ready always there. 05:22.210 --> 05:25.210 I appreciate your time and I look forward to your questions. 05:26.830 --> 05:29.070 - General, Bob Burns from AP. 05:29.070 --> 05:31.620 You mentioned that the 2,000 plus Guard members 05:31.620 --> 05:34.670 who have been called up by governors at this point, 05:34.670 --> 05:37.440 I'm wondering, is there any discussion you're having, 05:37.440 --> 05:39.150 others are having about the possibility 05:39.150 --> 05:42.010 of mobilizing the Guard under federal authority, 05:42.010 --> 05:44.130 and what would be the advantage of doing that? 05:44.130 --> 05:46.250 - So the National Guard is a reserve component 05:46.250 --> 05:47.530 of the United States Army and Air Force, 05:47.530 --> 05:49.470 and certainly if the president, with this declaration, 05:49.470 --> 05:51.690 if you wanted to mobilize the National Guard 05:51.690 --> 05:55.820 in a Title 10 federal status, he could do that. 05:55.820 --> 05:58.110 But that would not make sense in this situation. 05:58.110 --> 05:59.790 The best use of the National Guard 05:59.790 --> 06:01.890 is to use the National Guard 06:01.890 --> 06:06.020 for the unique authorities that it has, 06:06.020 --> 06:07.890 and that is to remain under the command 06:07.890 --> 06:11.470 and control of the networks in the states. 06:11.470 --> 06:14.860 Every state has a different way to deal with disasters, 06:14.860 --> 06:16.940 and the National Guard is uniquely qualified 06:16.940 --> 06:18.920 and postured to act under the command 06:18.920 --> 06:20.650 and control of the governors of the state. 06:20.650 --> 06:22.470 And so if you were to federalize 'em, 06:22.470 --> 06:23.650 you would lose that ability, 06:23.650 --> 06:25.080 and you would lose some other things. 06:25.080 --> 06:28.090 For instance, a unique attribute of the National Guard 06:28.090 --> 06:32.620 is we can operate as law enforcement capacity 06:32.620 --> 06:35.700 to assist state and local law enforcement inside the states. 06:35.700 --> 06:38.130 And if you were to federalize the National Guard, 06:38.130 --> 06:40.410 then you would lose that ability to do that. 06:40.410 --> 06:44.450 So while certainly the president can mobilize 06:44.450 --> 06:45.570 and federalize the National Guard, 06:45.570 --> 06:48.290 but it would be my advice, and there's no plans 06:48.290 --> 06:50.180 that I'm aware of to take the National Guards 06:50.180 --> 06:52.370 in the states and put 'em in a federal status. 06:52.370 --> 06:55.270 They're much better used in a state status 06:55.270 --> 06:56.730 under command and control of governors. 06:56.730 --> 06:58.260 - [Bob] Thank you. 06:58.260 --> 07:00.180 - General, you talked about the Tennessee Guard 07:00.180 --> 07:04.020 moving those half million swabs to Memphis. 07:04.020 --> 07:07.040 I guess FedEx is gonna distribute them around the country. 07:07.040 --> 07:09.000 Walk us through what you think the Guard role 07:09.000 --> 07:11.173 will be after that point. 07:12.450 --> 07:13.840 After the tests are done, 07:13.840 --> 07:15.793 do Guard members get into the labs? 07:16.750 --> 07:19.280 What do you expect your role to be? 07:19.280 --> 07:21.690 'Cause that's a large volume of swabs, obviously, 07:21.690 --> 07:23.290 - Sure. - once that starts moving. 07:23.290 --> 07:26.930 - So I think that best determined 07:26.930 --> 07:29.170 by the situation in each and every state 07:29.170 --> 07:31.620 and the capacities in each and every state 07:31.620 --> 07:34.720 from what they have in the civilian sector 07:34.720 --> 07:36.630 and in the public health sector, and all the rest 07:36.630 --> 07:39.030 of the National Guard will be used in a variety. 07:39.940 --> 07:41.420 And I know Tennessee is planning 07:41.420 --> 07:45.900 to establish perhaps drive thru test sites. 07:45.900 --> 07:48.070 We have a medical capability where we 07:48.070 --> 07:49.800 can train members of the National Guard 07:49.800 --> 07:52.350 to administer, actually administer the tests 07:52.350 --> 07:54.670 or support other civilian medical professionals 07:54.670 --> 07:56.700 who might administer the tests. 07:56.700 --> 07:59.070 So we could clearly be involved 07:59.070 --> 08:01.820 in directly administering the test if that was the case. 08:01.820 --> 08:03.980 Some states, Colorado, New York, 08:03.980 --> 08:05.880 Rhode Island have already used their National Guards 08:05.880 --> 08:07.500 to actually administer tests. 08:07.500 --> 08:09.330 And I mentioned this morning Florida 08:09.330 --> 08:11.010 is rapidly expanding to do that. 08:11.010 --> 08:13.150 We could be the transportation mechanism 08:13.150 --> 08:14.750 that actually delivers 08:15.633 --> 08:17.730 and equips the various drive thru test sites 08:17.730 --> 08:19.460 that are out there. 08:19.460 --> 08:21.520 Logistics, command and control, planning, 08:21.520 --> 08:23.700 we can help the emergency response network planning. 08:23.700 --> 08:27.340 So all of the functional messages that I mentioned earlier 08:27.340 --> 08:29.930 in my opening remarks will be involved 08:29.930 --> 08:33.460 across the spectrum as individual states see fit. 08:33.460 --> 08:35.950 And that's what's best about the way it's set now. 08:35.950 --> 08:38.760 As you may think, well, there's only 2,050 members 08:38.760 --> 08:40.060 on state active duty. 08:40.060 --> 08:44.750 As these mission sets and requirements develop, 08:44.750 --> 08:47.030 the governors can incrementally bring, 08:47.030 --> 08:48.810 and even though there's only 27 08:48.810 --> 08:51.300 that have added National Guard members, 08:51.300 --> 08:53.870 every state adjutant general 08:53.870 --> 08:55.950 and every state's joint force headquarters 08:55.950 --> 08:59.810 is thinking and planning about how best to integrate. 08:59.810 --> 09:02.950 They're integrating with the public health services 09:02.950 --> 09:04.798 inside the states. 09:04.798 --> 09:07.520 They're doing that, and we can become available 09:07.520 --> 09:10.070 and come on duty in a matter of hours, 09:10.070 --> 09:10.990 and that's a good thing. 09:10.990 --> 09:13.690 - So you have 2,000 roughly Guard troopers 09:13.690 --> 09:16.230 taking part in this, and you said it'll double, 09:16.230 --> 09:17.190 I guess, by this weekend. 09:17.190 --> 09:18.410 - As I had-- - What does planning 09:18.410 --> 09:22.293 show you down the road a month, two months? 09:23.180 --> 09:24.980 What are you telling your Guard members? 09:24.980 --> 09:26.620 Do we expect it to go up... 09:27.610 --> 09:28.443 Give us a sense of the numbers. 09:28.443 --> 09:30.890 - It's hard to tell what the exact requirement will be, 09:30.890 --> 09:34.310 but I'm expecting tens of thousands 09:34.310 --> 09:38.123 to be used inside the states as this grows. 09:39.668 --> 09:41.830 And I think that states have the capacity 09:41.830 --> 09:44.393 and are planning to do those kinds of things. 09:46.520 --> 09:49.150 I've been having calls with the adjutant generals 09:49.150 --> 09:52.080 in every state, but I think that this 09:52.080 --> 09:54.720 could quickly blossom in the next couple of weeks 09:54.720 --> 09:57.930 as governors and states determine their needs 09:57.930 --> 10:00.810 and ways to use their National Guards. 10:00.810 --> 10:01.643 - [Chris] Tara. 10:01.643 --> 10:04.510 - Thank you, Tara Copp with McClatchy. 10:04.510 --> 10:07.610 General, you mentioned that you also plan 10:07.610 --> 10:10.030 for hurricanes, and we've learned that this 10:10.030 --> 10:11.950 could go well into July and August, 10:11.950 --> 10:13.660 deep into hurricane season. 10:13.660 --> 10:15.800 What sort of planning are you doing right now 10:15.800 --> 10:17.480 for communities, coastal communities 10:17.480 --> 10:18.530 that may be in self quarantine? 10:18.530 --> 10:22.250 You might be dealing with these two disasters at once. 10:22.250 --> 10:23.083 - Sure. 10:23.083 --> 10:26.310 I think there are many things that the Department of Defense 10:26.310 --> 10:27.870 and the National Guard's gonna have to do. 10:27.870 --> 10:30.920 We're still ongoing with our continuous deployments 10:30.920 --> 10:32.870 around the world, every combatant commander. 10:32.870 --> 10:35.490 States are still planning, particularly in the Gulf Coast, 10:35.490 --> 10:39.840 and for hurricanes that will come up along the side. 10:39.840 --> 10:41.880 We're dealing with this issue right now 10:41.880 --> 10:43.530 as the closest nearest issue 10:43.530 --> 10:45.190 that the states have to deal with. 10:45.190 --> 10:48.630 But if and when a hurricane were to come, 10:48.630 --> 10:49.720 the states will be prepared, 10:49.720 --> 10:52.210 and the emergency response network, 10:52.210 --> 10:55.800 FEMA, the whole apparatus will be ready to come together 10:55.800 --> 10:57.580 and deal with that if we have to do it as well. 10:57.580 --> 10:58.860 - But what sort of planning, I think, 10:58.860 --> 11:01.050 or are you doing planning already to say? 11:01.050 --> 11:03.610 Because if a hurricane comes, everyone's told to evacuate. 11:03.610 --> 11:06.860 But what if you have a community that's in quarantine? 11:06.860 --> 11:10.570 - Yeah, well, I think that's a good question. 11:10.570 --> 11:11.990 Right now, I think we're in the midst 11:11.990 --> 11:14.060 of dealing with this pandemic and the flu, 11:14.060 --> 11:16.470 and every state every year plans 11:16.470 --> 11:19.450 to deal with evacuation procedures and policies 11:19.450 --> 11:21.830 and how are we gonna get our people away from the coast. 11:21.830 --> 11:23.360 So I think that those plans 11:23.360 --> 11:24.840 are sitting there on the shelf. 11:24.840 --> 11:27.320 We may have to adapt how we do it 11:29.290 --> 11:30.730 if there's quarantine things out there. 11:30.730 --> 11:33.560 But hopefully, by July, August time frame 11:33.560 --> 11:38.330 when the hurricanes hit with the traditional size, 11:38.330 --> 11:40.670 it perhaps could be mitigated by then. 11:40.670 --> 11:43.447 But we'll just have to deal that when it comes to it. 11:43.447 --> 11:44.910 - Okay, for everybody that we've got 11:44.910 --> 11:46.760 on the phones right now, I'd like to remind the media 11:46.760 --> 11:49.020 that's on our phone lines to mute your phones. 11:49.020 --> 11:51.800 We're getting a lot of feedback on the line, so please. 11:51.800 --> 11:53.400 We'll be going to you shortly. 11:53.400 --> 11:54.233 Phil? 11:54.233 --> 11:58.570 - You have over 21,000 Guard overseas. 11:58.570 --> 12:03.020 Is there any thought that, as this crisis accelerates 12:03.020 --> 12:04.900 in the coming weeks, which was the projection, 12:04.900 --> 12:07.360 that at some point, potentially, 12:07.360 --> 12:08.460 this could be your priority, 12:08.460 --> 12:10.760 the national mission could be your priority 12:10.760 --> 12:12.590 as opposed to the overseas mission? 12:12.590 --> 12:15.750 Is there any thought about reconfiguring 12:15.750 --> 12:20.020 how the Guard does business dividing up its priorities? 12:20.020 --> 12:22.480 - So the National Guard is a combat reserve 12:22.480 --> 12:25.013 in the United States Army and United States Air Force. 12:26.610 --> 12:28.870 The role that we play as part of the Army 12:28.870 --> 12:31.220 and the Air Force, I think, will continue. 12:31.220 --> 12:35.060 And so to bring people home from current mission, 12:35.060 --> 12:38.170 if you bring people home that are doing mission overseas, 12:38.170 --> 12:39.710 there are national security implications 12:39.710 --> 12:40.770 of what we're doing around the world. 12:40.770 --> 12:42.680 Those are important things. 12:42.680 --> 12:43.760 You'll have to send another piece 12:43.760 --> 12:45.000 over there to replace them. 12:45.000 --> 12:48.210 So the way the Department of Defense is built these days 12:48.210 --> 12:50.920 is it doesn't do really any mission 12:50.920 --> 12:52.870 around the world without using pieces 12:52.870 --> 12:54.670 of the reserve component and the National Guard. 12:54.670 --> 12:58.260 So I don't think there are plans to retrieve missions 12:58.260 --> 13:00.457 that are being mobilized overseas at this point, 13:00.457 --> 13:01.960 and we're gonna continue to be a part 13:01.960 --> 13:04.203 of those deployments going forward. 13:07.328 --> 13:08.390 - Are there any guard overseas 13:08.390 --> 13:11.170 that have tested positive, or are you concerned 13:11.170 --> 13:13.782 that guard overseas are getting tested enough 13:13.782 --> 13:16.130 and their tests are being turned around fast enough? 13:16.130 --> 13:18.817 - I think that guardsmen overseas, 13:18.817 --> 13:20.300 they're part of the United States Army 13:20.300 --> 13:21.340 and United States Air Force, and, 13:21.340 --> 13:23.290 if they need testing, they're getting medical treatment 13:23.290 --> 13:25.720 no different than any other member of the military. 13:25.720 --> 13:27.630 I'm not aware of any National Guard member 13:27.630 --> 13:30.130 that has tested positive in overseas, 13:30.130 --> 13:31.960 but if there is, they'll be treated 13:31.960 --> 13:34.890 like any other airman or any other soldier. 13:34.890 --> 13:35.726 - Okay, (muffled speaking), we'll go to you, 13:35.726 --> 13:36.760 and then we'll go to the phones next. 13:36.760 --> 13:38.533 - [Woman] Yes, General Lengyel, 13:38.533 --> 13:40.570 just to follow up on Phil's question. 13:40.570 --> 13:42.400 Are there tests for National Guardsmen 13:42.400 --> 13:45.890 and the military overseas that have been administered? 13:45.890 --> 13:47.290 Do you have tests? 13:47.290 --> 13:49.180 - Does the National Guard have tests? 13:49.180 --> 13:50.610 - Yeah, wherever they're located. 13:50.610 --> 13:52.270 Are people actually getting tested, 13:52.270 --> 13:54.900 or do we just not know that they may have it 13:54.900 --> 13:56.830 because they have not been tested? 13:56.830 --> 13:59.430 - I think the military apparatus 13:59.430 --> 14:01.080 that's overseas has some testing, 14:01.920 --> 14:04.900 and the same process is in place 14:04.900 --> 14:07.350 for any military member that might need the test. 14:09.510 --> 14:11.880 - I'm trying to understand what is the downside 14:11.880 --> 14:16.270 of mobilizing the National Guard with a federal order? 14:16.270 --> 14:20.283 If you could explain that for our audience more clearly. 14:21.520 --> 14:24.030 What would they not be able to do 14:24.030 --> 14:25.610 in terms of law enforcement if they 14:25.610 --> 14:28.810 are mobilized from at the federal level? 14:28.810 --> 14:31.920 - So posse comitatus, using the Title 10, 14:31.920 --> 14:35.310 military members in a law enforcement capacity 14:35.310 --> 14:37.460 against the American people is prohibited. 14:37.460 --> 14:41.100 And so I think that we wanna keep that, 14:41.100 --> 14:45.430 and that is Title 10 active duty military forces 14:45.430 --> 14:46.560 that you can't do that with. 14:46.560 --> 14:49.660 So if you keep the National Guard under the command 14:49.660 --> 14:51.730 and control of their governors in 14:51.730 --> 14:55.730 what we call Title 32 or State Active Duty status, 14:55.730 --> 14:57.360 they have additional authorities 14:57.360 --> 14:59.570 that can assist law enforcement, 14:59.570 --> 15:01.700 and they maintain their direct command 15:01.700 --> 15:03.720 and control links within their states. 15:03.720 --> 15:06.150 It makes it a faster, more rapid, 15:06.150 --> 15:09.210 more efficient response for the governor 15:09.210 --> 15:13.140 and their state emergency response network to use them. 15:13.140 --> 15:14.860 And so that's the reason we wanna keep them 15:14.860 --> 15:17.390 in a state status as we go forward. 15:17.390 --> 15:18.600 - Can I ask a followup on that? 15:18.600 --> 15:19.740 Courtney Kube with NBC News. 15:19.740 --> 15:22.420 So do you see a role in law enforcement 15:22.420 --> 15:23.890 for National Guard troops going forward 15:23.890 --> 15:25.390 in response to coronavirus? 15:25.390 --> 15:26.223 - Could be. 15:26.223 --> 15:29.810 I think that in many disasters 15:29.810 --> 15:32.610 and response when there's a pressure put 15:32.610 --> 15:36.090 on otherwise civilian law enforcement activities, 15:36.090 --> 15:36.923 people get sick, 15:36.923 --> 15:39.920 they need more law enforcement potential out there, 15:39.920 --> 15:41.280 then the National Guard could be used 15:41.280 --> 15:42.530 in that capacity if they would. 15:42.530 --> 15:44.210 Do I see it happening now? 15:44.210 --> 15:47.140 I don't see any demand signal that's demanding 15:47.140 --> 15:49.050 that we're gonna use the National Guard 15:49.050 --> 15:50.190 in that kind of scenario. 15:50.190 --> 15:51.023 But they could. 15:51.023 --> 15:52.450 Governors could, under the command and control 15:52.450 --> 15:54.480 of the governors and law enforcement in the states, 15:54.480 --> 15:55.970 they could use their National Guard. 15:55.970 --> 15:57.610 - Can you give us just a couple of examples of the kinds 15:57.610 --> 16:00.800 of things they could be used for in law enforcement? 16:00.800 --> 16:02.090 - They could be used for 16:03.690 --> 16:06.960 if they wanted to assist patrols, 16:06.960 --> 16:10.370 if they wanted to just in general law enforcement 16:10.370 --> 16:13.510 to make sure that people were following laws. 16:13.510 --> 16:14.700 Just anything 16:14.700 --> 16:17.750 that the law enforcement capacity normally does, 16:17.750 --> 16:19.664 they could be augmented with National Guard troops. 16:19.664 --> 16:20.833 - [Courtney] (muffled speaking) possibly? 16:22.010 --> 16:23.850 - They could be out there with law enforcement, 16:23.850 --> 16:25.870 and, generally, they are with civilian law enforcement 16:25.870 --> 16:27.200 when they do it. 16:27.200 --> 16:29.450 They could be used in any number of capacities 16:29.450 --> 16:30.682 that the governor might see fit. 16:30.682 --> 16:31.515 - [Courtney] Thanks. 16:31.515 --> 16:32.950 - Okay, we're gonna go to the phones. 16:32.950 --> 16:34.797 Sylvie from AFP. 16:34.797 --> 16:37.964 (phone line clicking) 16:39.307 --> 16:40.503 (muffled speaking) 16:40.503 --> 16:42.110 - [Courtney] Sylvie, where are you? 16:42.110 --> 16:43.980 - Okay, we'll come back to the phones. 16:43.980 --> 16:44.813 To the floor. 16:48.362 --> 16:49.952 (phone line clicking) 16:49.952 --> 16:50.785 Sara. 16:52.350 --> 16:54.350 - [Sara] What sort of preparations are you doing 16:54.350 --> 16:57.750 for if the Guard is used to help 16:57.750 --> 17:00.463 either construct or man field hospitals? 17:01.610 --> 17:06.180 - So I think that the Guard has the capacity 17:06.180 --> 17:07.210 to have engineer units. 17:07.210 --> 17:08.310 They can build things. 17:09.840 --> 17:12.620 I haven't heard of any plans to build field hospitals 17:12.620 --> 17:15.690 using the National Guard, but we have the ability 17:15.690 --> 17:18.780 to use National Guard manpower, engineer capacity, 17:18.780 --> 17:20.820 and heavy equipment to do whatever it 17:20.820 --> 17:24.110 is state apparatus sees that it needs to do. 17:24.110 --> 17:25.400 - Okay. - And so-- 17:25.400 --> 17:26.380 - Sorry, - You're next. 17:26.380 --> 17:27.670 could I follow up on that same one? 17:27.670 --> 17:28.503 - Sure. 17:28.503 --> 17:30.440 - My question on the field hospitals. 17:30.440 --> 17:33.660 There are, if I'm not mistaken, guard units 17:33.660 --> 17:35.923 that are combat support hospital units. 17:38.760 --> 17:40.820 Have they been activated, or are they being used, 17:40.820 --> 17:41.780 or will they be? 17:41.780 --> 17:44.650 - So there have been some medical capability used. 17:44.650 --> 17:48.230 New York has brought 50 medics on board. 17:48.230 --> 17:50.610 I think the total number of the 2,000 people 17:50.610 --> 17:53.460 are medical technicians. 17:53.460 --> 17:57.023 But as far as bringing on field hospitals, 17:58.570 --> 18:02.250 that capacity has not been activated in the National Guard. 18:02.250 --> 18:03.860 - But they exist in the Guard? 18:03.860 --> 18:04.693 - I'm not sure. 18:04.693 --> 18:06.000 I don't think we have actually field hospitals 18:06.000 --> 18:06.833 in the National Guard. 18:06.833 --> 18:08.670 I think that's more Army Reserve things 18:08.670 --> 18:09.503 with field hospitals. 18:09.503 --> 18:11.180 But we do have medical technicians 18:11.180 --> 18:13.160 and medical capabilities and medical battalions 18:13.160 --> 18:16.710 and medical technicians and the like, 18:16.710 --> 18:19.550 and if the governors wanna mobilize them 18:19.550 --> 18:22.612 and use them, in a sense, they can do that. 18:22.612 --> 18:23.520 - Thank you. - And 18:23.520 --> 18:25.010 the issue with the medical issue is, 18:25.010 --> 18:27.480 as we've talked about many times, is if you were 18:27.480 --> 18:29.920 to activate the reserve component medical forces 18:29.920 --> 18:31.560 and bring them on duty in the military, 18:31.560 --> 18:33.750 you're taking them out of the civilian system. 18:33.750 --> 18:37.410 So it's a zero sum game here with medical technicians 18:37.410 --> 18:38.610 and medical personnel. 18:38.610 --> 18:40.330 - [Bob] That's why I asked about field hospitals 18:40.330 --> 18:42.680 because there's a lot of talk about the need for that. 18:42.680 --> 18:43.513 - Yeah. - They don't exist 18:43.513 --> 18:44.346 in the Guard as far as you know? 18:44.346 --> 18:46.093 - I don't think we have field hospitals in the Guard. 18:46.093 --> 18:48.670 I could be wrong, but I'll check that and get back with you. 18:48.670 --> 18:49.867 - Thank you. - The back? 18:49.867 --> 18:52.400 - Hi, sorry, Caitlyn with Colorado Public Radio, 18:52.400 --> 18:53.310 thanks for doing this. 18:53.310 --> 18:54.760 I have a process question going back 18:54.760 --> 18:59.460 to the not federalizing and keeping it under state control. 18:59.460 --> 19:03.130 If, say, Colorado needs more National Guard 19:03.130 --> 19:07.650 to test potential cases, 19:07.650 --> 19:09.560 would they have to go through you guys to request it? 19:09.560 --> 19:12.700 Like if Kansas had extra or Arkansas had extra capacity 19:12.700 --> 19:15.110 to get them over, how would that work? 19:15.110 --> 19:20.110 - So traditionally, if you use my hurricane example 19:20.210 --> 19:23.460 in the past, we have National Guards share 19:23.460 --> 19:26.130 via emergency management assistance compacts state 19:26.130 --> 19:28.280 to state through various capabilities, 19:28.280 --> 19:31.640 and they can make those deals from one state to another. 19:31.640 --> 19:33.310 And they generally, they don't have to come 19:33.310 --> 19:34.570 through us or the National Guard. 19:34.570 --> 19:37.160 But we generally play the role of hey, 19:37.160 --> 19:39.840 we can find another state that has unused capacity 19:39.840 --> 19:44.710 that they may be able to create a EMAC agreement 19:45.570 --> 19:47.100 with another state. 19:47.100 --> 19:49.660 So if Colorado perhaps wanted to find some help, 19:49.660 --> 19:51.633 they could come to us to do that. 19:52.860 --> 19:53.804 - Barbara, we're gonna go to you, 19:53.804 --> 19:55.300 and after this, we're gonna try the phones again. 19:55.300 --> 19:57.300 And again, if you are on the phone, 19:57.300 --> 19:59.310 please mute your phones. 19:59.310 --> 20:00.730 We've got a feedback going on, 20:00.730 --> 20:02.000 which is keeping us from being able 20:02.000 --> 20:03.323 to go to you, thank you. 20:04.170 --> 20:07.250 - Can I go back to the issue again of federalizing the Guard 20:07.250 --> 20:10.150 'cause there's something I still don't understand. 20:10.150 --> 20:13.083 Could you just explain, if you, 20:13.920 --> 20:16.193 by not federalizing the Guard, 20:17.210 --> 20:19.480 number one, if you do not do that, 20:19.480 --> 20:22.280 are there are any capabilities separate 20:22.280 --> 20:26.350 from law enforcement that you are forgoing 20:26.350 --> 20:28.810 by not federalizing the Guard? 20:28.810 --> 20:31.503 And if you did federalize the Guard, 20:33.410 --> 20:36.810 is there some automatic, well, therefore, 20:36.810 --> 20:38.590 they have law enforcement authority, 20:38.590 --> 20:40.840 so wouldn't there be some additional step? 20:40.840 --> 20:42.180 You're concerned about them being 20:42.180 --> 20:44.520 in law enforcement, posse comitatus. 20:44.520 --> 20:47.210 But would there be some additional step 20:47.210 --> 20:50.150 before they could even engage in law enforcement activities? 20:50.150 --> 20:53.930 Does federalizing the Guard automatically 20:53.930 --> 20:56.210 give them law enforcement authorities? 20:56.210 --> 20:57.660 But what would you be forgoing 20:57.660 --> 20:59.960 by not federalizing the Guard? 20:59.960 --> 21:01.370 - So federalizing the National Guard, 21:01.370 --> 21:03.540 you actually take them out from under the command 21:03.540 --> 21:05.250 and control inside their state, 21:05.250 --> 21:10.250 and you give them to a federal Title 10 military structure. 21:10.560 --> 21:14.720 And so it's a much more efficient system 21:14.720 --> 21:17.190 to leave the Guard in a state status. 21:17.190 --> 21:18.400 They still have all the structure, 21:18.400 --> 21:20.140 all the equipment, all the people. 21:20.140 --> 21:23.430 The governor can access every single component 21:23.430 --> 21:25.190 of the system. 21:25.190 --> 21:29.950 It also provides more of a flexible option to use the Guard. 21:29.950 --> 21:32.930 I'll give you an example of if you needed 21:32.930 --> 21:37.150 to use some piece, 130-man unit, 21:37.150 --> 21:39.150 of a piece of a National Guard, 21:39.150 --> 21:41.450 and you said, well, if I take all of that, 21:41.450 --> 21:43.690 I'm gonna take all of the police officers 21:43.690 --> 21:45.730 out of this civilian community, 21:45.730 --> 21:47.090 if they're in a state status, 21:47.090 --> 21:50.170 the local commander can say let's not use those. 21:50.170 --> 21:52.940 Let's leave the police in their civilian jobs, 21:52.940 --> 21:55.240 those 10 people, and we'll take 120 people. 21:55.240 --> 21:58.060 Once you start federalizing the National Guard, 21:58.060 --> 22:00.100 now you make it a less flexible system 22:00.100 --> 22:01.660 to be used in the states. 22:01.660 --> 22:06.660 - So just to follow up again, does federalizing the Guard 22:06.770 --> 22:10.260 automatically convey law enforcement authority, or-- 22:10.260 --> 22:11.160 - [Joseph] No. 22:11.160 --> 22:13.410 - So that's not really an issue, then, 22:13.410 --> 22:14.930 because there would still be other, 22:14.930 --> 22:19.930 your concern about them engaging in law enforcement, 22:20.410 --> 22:21.850 that there's another step so they have-- 22:21.850 --> 22:24.440 - So the ability to use the Guard in law enforcement 22:24.440 --> 22:25.880 as an authority that they have 22:25.880 --> 22:27.680 when they are not federalized. 22:27.680 --> 22:31.343 - Right, so here's what I don't understand. 22:32.240 --> 22:36.240 If you listen to the administration and the states already, 22:36.240 --> 22:39.010 one of the most dire situations the country 22:39.010 --> 22:41.143 has faced in recent years. 22:42.790 --> 22:46.000 And I take your point that you believe federalizing 22:46.000 --> 22:47.590 is not the right answer. 22:47.590 --> 22:50.010 So if it's not the right answer, 22:50.010 --> 22:52.983 and I mean this sincerely, why does that option even exist? 22:54.750 --> 22:56.493 - To federalize them? - Yes. 22:57.620 --> 22:59.490 - Well, if we were to go to war 22:59.490 --> 23:02.030 with a major peer competitor and if you needed 23:03.040 --> 23:06.950 to grow the United States Army by 350,000 people, 23:06.950 --> 23:09.870 then Congress would give us the mobilization authority 23:09.870 --> 23:11.790 to federalize all of the National Guard, 23:11.790 --> 23:13.310 and the National Guard would all be part 23:13.310 --> 23:15.530 of the United States Army, and then we would go to war. 23:15.530 --> 23:17.680 So that is the World War II scenario 23:17.680 --> 23:18.780 of using the National Guard. 23:18.780 --> 23:21.983 Everyone is mobilized in a federal status. 23:23.410 --> 23:26.460 - Generally, you don't see this crisis at that point yet? 23:26.460 --> 23:28.330 - I think you can get everything you need 23:28.330 --> 23:30.200 from the National Guard more efficiently 23:30.200 --> 23:33.200 and more effectively if you leave them in a state status. 23:33.200 --> 23:36.230 Those 450,000 men and women are out 23:36.230 --> 23:38.760 in the 54 states, territories, and the District. 23:38.760 --> 23:40.640 They're there. 23:40.640 --> 23:43.650 Their equipment, if they're not mobilized overseas, 23:43.650 --> 23:46.430 it is there for the governor to use it if he need it. 23:46.430 --> 23:48.840 If you mobilize all of the National Guard, 23:48.840 --> 23:50.630 it's gonna cost billions and billions 23:50.630 --> 23:52.190 and billions of dollars, and a lot of people 23:52.190 --> 23:54.820 won't have things to do to... 23:56.400 --> 24:01.400 There is no need right now to have 450,000 guardsmen 24:01.440 --> 24:03.120 on duty in any given state. 24:03.120 --> 24:05.180 As states need the National Guard 24:05.180 --> 24:08.200 to react to this pandemic, governors have the authority 24:08.200 --> 24:10.840 to bring them on on active duty 24:10.840 --> 24:14.840 as there are tasks and purpose for them to be used. 24:14.840 --> 24:17.350 So that's why, to me, it makes much more sense 24:17.350 --> 24:20.150 and to the governors and to the 54 adjutant generals. 24:20.150 --> 24:23.210 It makes much more sense to leave them 24:23.210 --> 24:25.460 so that they can be mobilized as they need, 24:25.460 --> 24:28.370 piece at a time, under the command and control 24:28.370 --> 24:29.763 of the networks that are in the states. 24:29.763 --> 24:31.800 - Very quickly, I assume you've told this 24:31.800 --> 24:33.490 to the secretary, the chairman. 24:33.490 --> 24:34.590 - [Joseph] Absolutely. 24:35.710 --> 24:36.770 - Okay, we've got time for one more. 24:36.770 --> 24:38.970 I'm gonna try to get back to the phone lines one more time. 24:38.970 --> 24:41.152 Sylvie, AFP, are you with us? 24:41.152 --> 24:42.890 (phone line clicking) 24:42.890 --> 24:44.360 - [Sylvie] Hello, do you hear me? 24:44.360 --> 24:45.193 - We do. 24:46.040 --> 24:47.840 - [Sylvie] Ah, great. 24:47.840 --> 24:48.673 Hello, General. 24:48.673 --> 24:53.440 I understand that you don't want to mobilize all the doctors 24:54.940 --> 24:57.140 from the National Guard because it 24:57.140 --> 25:01.233 would take them from the civilian medical community. 25:05.658 --> 25:09.867 What is the equipment that you could give the community 25:11.867 --> 25:13.050 to help in this crisis? 25:13.050 --> 25:17.727 What do you have at your disposal in terms of equipment? 25:18.660 --> 25:20.580 - So we have all of the normal equipment 25:20.580 --> 25:23.430 for all of our units, whether they're engineer units, 25:23.430 --> 25:27.190 whether we need to set up tents, facilities, 25:27.190 --> 25:31.720 should we need kitchens and cooking facilities. 25:31.720 --> 25:33.810 All of those types of facilities that exist 25:33.810 --> 25:35.720 throughout the National Guard, we have. 25:35.720 --> 25:39.490 The medical equipment for the specific medical units, 25:39.490 --> 25:42.700 really, it's a relatively small contribution, 25:42.700 --> 25:44.780 I think, when you look at the scope and scale 25:44.780 --> 25:48.080 of what this might be across the nation. 25:48.080 --> 25:52.950 But all of the equipment from the military perspective 25:52.950 --> 25:55.050 is available for the governors to be used. 25:56.400 --> 25:58.810 There's trucks, and there's helicopters, 25:58.810 --> 26:00.990 and there's buses, and there's all kinds 26:00.990 --> 26:04.610 of logistics capability and plans and controls capability. 26:04.610 --> 26:07.630 But what we bring is units, units of people, 26:07.630 --> 26:10.936 that can do whatever task a governor might need it to do. 26:10.936 --> 26:12.765 (phone line clicking) 26:12.765 --> 26:14.140 - [Sylvie] Okay, thank you, General. 26:14.140 --> 26:16.207 - Okay, that's all we've got time for today. 26:16.207 --> 26:17.240 Thank you for joining us today. 26:17.240 --> 26:18.707 - Okay, thank you all very much. 26:18.707 --> 26:20.790 - Thank you. - Thank you.