1 00:00:03,640 --> 00:00:05,196 good afternoon , everyone . 2 00:00:09,400 --> 00:00:11,567 Yeah , the seats . Air starting filled 3 00:00:11,567 --> 00:00:13,789 up . Good . Good afternoon , everyone . 4 00:00:13,789 --> 00:00:15,622 I want to begin by expressing my 5 00:00:15,622 --> 00:00:17,511 gratitude to the more than 62,000 6 00:00:17,511 --> 00:00:19,750 service members on the front lines in 7 00:00:19,750 --> 00:00:21,806 the fight against the Corona virus , 8 00:00:21,820 --> 00:00:24,660 including over 3500 medical personnel , 9 00:00:24,660 --> 00:00:26,827 staffing , civilian medical facilities 10 00:00:26,827 --> 00:00:29,170 and embedded operations nationwide . 11 00:00:30,100 --> 00:00:32,240 Tomorrow marks the start of National 12 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:35,050 Nurses Week , and we salute all nurses , 13 00:00:35,050 --> 00:00:37,161 both military and civilian , who have 14 00:00:37,161 --> 00:00:39,217 served and are currently serving our 15 00:00:39,217 --> 00:00:41,217 nation . And our people , thanks to 16 00:00:41,217 --> 00:00:43,439 many of their efforts , were encouraged 17 00:00:43,439 --> 00:00:45,328 to see the situation improving in 18 00:00:45,328 --> 00:00:47,439 several of the most impacted areas of 19 00:00:47,439 --> 00:00:49,494 the country . In New York City , for 20 00:00:49,494 --> 00:00:49,420 example , the Javits Centers remaining 21 00:00:49,420 --> 00:00:51,476 patients were discharged on Friday , 22 00:00:51,600 --> 00:00:53,544 which indicates that the stress on 23 00:00:53,544 --> 00:00:55,711 local hospitals is subsiding . And I'd 24 00:00:55,711 --> 00:00:57,711 like to note that I had a very good 25 00:00:57,711 --> 00:00:59,878 conversation with Mayor de Blasio last 26 00:00:59,878 --> 00:01:02,044 Friday . He called to express his deep 27 00:01:02,044 --> 00:01:04,211 thanks and appreciation for what Doody 28 00:01:04,211 --> 00:01:07,010 provided his city in a time of need and 29 00:01:07,020 --> 00:01:09,110 how warmly they were received by his 30 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:11,990 civilian doctors , nurses and others . 31 00:01:11,990 --> 00:01:14,101 So he's very thankful , and I said to 32 00:01:14,101 --> 00:01:16,323 pass along to the force , those who may 33 00:01:16,323 --> 00:01:18,379 be watching or may may get a readout 34 00:01:18,379 --> 00:01:20,601 from this briefing . Over the weekend , 35 00:01:20,601 --> 00:01:22,490 the comfort returned to Norfolk , 36 00:01:22,490 --> 00:01:24,823 Virginia , where it will be reset clean , 37 00:01:24,823 --> 00:01:26,823 and we're prepared to deploy to the 38 00:01:26,823 --> 00:01:28,990 next potential hot spot as needed . In 39 00:01:28,990 --> 00:01:30,990 Pennsylvania , the Temple alternate 40 00:01:30,990 --> 00:01:32,990 care facility discharged all of its 41 00:01:32,990 --> 00:01:34,490 remaining patients , while 42 00:01:34,490 --> 00:01:36,490 expeditionary medical facilities in 43 00:01:36,490 --> 00:01:38,546 Louisiana and Texas are returning to 44 00:01:38,546 --> 00:01:40,768 Naval Air Station Jacksonville over the 45 00:01:40,768 --> 00:01:42,990 next few days to prepare to redeploy if 46 00:01:42,990 --> 00:01:45,157 necessary . Meanwhile , the Army Corps 47 00:01:45,157 --> 00:01:47,323 of Engineers continues to execute FEMA 48 00:01:47,323 --> 00:01:49,323 mission assignments in concert with 49 00:01:49,323 --> 00:01:51,546 federal , state and local partners . To 50 00:01:51,546 --> 00:01:53,101 date , the cores awarded 36 51 00:01:53,101 --> 00:01:55,157 construction contracts for temporary 52 00:01:55,157 --> 00:01:57,490 facilities to add more than 14,900 beds . 53 00:01:57,490 --> 00:01:59,657 Two states with critical shortages and 54 00:01:59,657 --> 00:02:01,560 27 of these 36 alternative care 55 00:02:01,560 --> 00:02:04,560 facilities are now complete . At the 56 00:02:04,560 --> 00:02:06,880 same time , more than 46,000 National 57 00:02:06,880 --> 00:02:08,880 Guardsmen are supporting Cove in 19 58 00:02:09,090 --> 00:02:11,146 response efforts at the direction of 59 00:02:11,146 --> 00:02:13,201 the governors to include testing and 60 00:02:13,201 --> 00:02:15,220 support through where a swells 61 00:02:15,220 --> 00:02:17,164 providing logistical support , the 62 00:02:17,164 --> 00:02:19,220 warehousing and distribution of food 63 00:02:19,220 --> 00:02:21,164 and medical supplies . And I had a 64 00:02:21,164 --> 00:02:23,220 chance yesterday to talk to a couple 65 00:02:23,220 --> 00:02:25,276 governors and as well , the chairman 66 00:02:25,276 --> 00:02:25,220 and I had a good conversation with all 67 00:02:25,220 --> 00:02:27,442 the state tags . The agin generals it's 68 00:02:27,442 --> 00:02:29,690 been our third or fourth were were able 69 00:02:29,690 --> 00:02:31,801 to review a number of issues , answer 70 00:02:31,801 --> 00:02:33,746 their questions and make sure that 71 00:02:33,746 --> 00:02:36,023 we're all prepared in the coming weeks . 72 00:02:36,023 --> 00:02:37,968 For what ? What may lie ahead As a 73 00:02:37,968 --> 00:02:40,079 situation evolves , we and responsive 74 00:02:40,079 --> 00:02:41,968 we will continue , remain agile , 75 00:02:41,968 --> 00:02:44,079 flexible and responsive to stay ahead 76 00:02:44,079 --> 00:02:45,857 of the needs of state and local 77 00:02:45,857 --> 00:02:47,968 authorities across the country . From 78 00:02:47,968 --> 00:02:47,640 the beginning of the outbreak , I've 79 00:02:47,640 --> 00:02:49,973 made protecting our troops , department , 80 00:02:49,973 --> 00:02:51,918 civilians and their families a top 81 00:02:51,918 --> 00:02:54,020 priority . We issued our first force 82 00:02:54,020 --> 00:02:55,853 health protection guidance on 30 83 00:02:55,853 --> 00:02:57,631 January and of released updated 84 00:02:57,631 --> 00:02:59,631 guidance at least eight times since 85 00:02:59,631 --> 00:03:02,080 then . On 20 April , we extended the 86 00:03:02,080 --> 00:03:03,969 international and domestic travel 87 00:03:03,969 --> 00:03:06,024 restrictions to all Deal D personnel 88 00:03:06,024 --> 00:03:08,302 and families until 30 June . This week , 89 00:03:08,302 --> 00:03:10,524 I will conduct the 1st 15 day review to 90 00:03:10,524 --> 00:03:12,691 determine if adjustments are warranted 91 00:03:12,691 --> 00:03:14,747 as we work to ease the burden on the 92 00:03:14,747 --> 00:03:16,636 force as much as possible , we've 93 00:03:16,636 --> 00:03:18,858 already expanded some of the exemptions 94 00:03:18,858 --> 00:03:21,080 to the stock movement order , including 95 00:03:21,080 --> 00:03:23,136 allowing certain permanent changes . 96 00:03:23,136 --> 00:03:25,247 Stations moves to proceed . As such , 97 00:03:25,247 --> 00:03:27,302 we're announcing new safety measures 98 00:03:27,302 --> 00:03:29,136 through the U . S Transportation 99 00:03:29,136 --> 00:03:31,358 Command to protect our troops and their 100 00:03:31,358 --> 00:03:30,990 families . During the packing and 101 00:03:30,990 --> 00:03:33,610 moving process , moving professionals 102 00:03:33,610 --> 00:03:35,832 will be required to adhere to the CBC's 103 00:03:35,832 --> 00:03:38,310 Cove in 19 health protection protocols , 104 00:03:38,580 --> 00:03:40,747 which include wearing face coverings , 105 00:03:40,747 --> 00:03:42,969 cleaning surfaces and practising social 106 00:03:42,969 --> 00:03:45,050 distancing . Furthermore , the ideas 107 00:03:45,050 --> 00:03:47,161 requiring moving companies to provide 108 00:03:47,161 --> 00:03:49,272 certification to service members that 109 00:03:49,272 --> 00:03:51,439 their personnel have been screened for 110 00:03:51,439 --> 00:03:53,661 illness . In line with CDC guidelines , 111 00:03:53,661 --> 00:03:55,717 US Transcom officials will brief the 112 00:03:55,717 --> 00:03:57,717 press tomorrow on this initiative . 113 00:03:57,717 --> 00:03:59,550 Additionally , as we continue to 114 00:03:59,550 --> 00:04:01,439 accelerate and expand testing , I 115 00:04:01,439 --> 00:04:03,106 approved a tiered system that 116 00:04:03,106 --> 00:04:05,383 prioritizes our forces . This one sure , 117 00:04:05,383 --> 00:04:07,439 they can continue training in a safe 118 00:04:07,439 --> 00:04:09,494 manner and execute non fell missions 119 00:04:09,494 --> 00:04:11,717 such a strategic deterrence . Finally , 120 00:04:11,717 --> 00:04:13,606 we're increasing . The Pentagon's 121 00:04:13,606 --> 00:04:13,520 investments in short and long term 122 00:04:13,520 --> 00:04:15,631 medical solutions has worked toward a 123 00:04:15,631 --> 00:04:17,853 vaccine long term . We're interested in 124 00:04:17,853 --> 00:04:19,631 advancing immediate therapeutic 125 00:04:19,631 --> 00:04:21,798 solutions that can protect our service 126 00:04:21,798 --> 00:04:23,631 members across the globe . As we 127 00:04:23,631 --> 00:04:25,853 continue to take care of our troops and 128 00:04:25,853 --> 00:04:28,076 support the president's whole of nation 129 00:04:28,076 --> 00:04:27,920 response , we remain focused on our 130 00:04:27,920 --> 00:04:30,031 national security missions around the 131 00:04:30,031 --> 00:04:31,976 world . Many countries have turned 132 00:04:31,976 --> 00:04:34,087 inward to recover from the pandemic , 133 00:04:34,087 --> 00:04:36,087 and in the meantime , our strategic 134 00:04:36,087 --> 00:04:38,198 competitors are attempting to exploit 135 00:04:38,198 --> 00:04:40,198 this crisis to their benefit at the 136 00:04:40,198 --> 00:04:42,309 expense of others , while the Chinese 137 00:04:42,309 --> 00:04:44,531 Communist Party ramps up , ramps up its 138 00:04:44,531 --> 00:04:46,531 this information campaign to try to 139 00:04:46,531 --> 00:04:48,698 shift blame and burnish its image . We 140 00:04:48,698 --> 00:04:50,864 continue to see aggressive behavior by 141 00:04:50,864 --> 00:04:53,087 the P L . A in the South China Sea from 142 00:04:53,087 --> 00:04:55,198 threatening a Philippine Navy ship to 143 00:04:55,198 --> 00:04:57,309 sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat and 144 00:04:57,309 --> 00:04:59,087 intimidating other nations from 145 00:04:59,087 --> 00:05:00,920 engaging in offshore oil and gas 146 00:05:00,920 --> 00:05:02,976 development . Last week , Teoh U . S 147 00:05:02,976 --> 00:05:04,753 Navy ships conducted freedom of 148 00:05:04,753 --> 00:05:06,698 navigation operations in the South 149 00:05:06,698 --> 00:05:08,753 China Sea to send a clear message to 150 00:05:08,753 --> 00:05:10,587 Beijing that we will continue to 151 00:05:10,587 --> 00:05:12,476 protect freedom of navigation and 152 00:05:12,476 --> 00:05:14,531 commerce for all nations , large and 153 00:05:14,531 --> 00:05:16,642 small . I want to assure the American 154 00:05:16,642 --> 00:05:18,753 people and our allies that the United 155 00:05:18,753 --> 00:05:20,976 States military remains fully ready and 156 00:05:20,976 --> 00:05:23,198 capable to deter every threat , protect 157 00:05:23,198 --> 00:05:24,920 the homeland and safeguard our 158 00:05:24,920 --> 00:05:26,690 interests abroad . Critical to 159 00:05:26,690 --> 00:05:28,801 accomplishing these missions are game 160 00:05:28,801 --> 00:05:30,801 changing technologies developed and 161 00:05:30,801 --> 00:05:32,857 pioneered by American scientists and 162 00:05:32,857 --> 00:05:34,912 researchers , one of those being the 163 00:05:34,912 --> 00:05:36,910 global positioning System . On 164 00:05:36,910 --> 00:05:39,021 Wednesday , senior D O D leaders will 165 00:05:39,021 --> 00:05:40,799 testify before the Senate Armed 166 00:05:40,799 --> 00:05:42,966 Services Committee regarding the FCC's 167 00:05:42,966 --> 00:05:45,077 decision to allow Llegado to create a 168 00:05:45,077 --> 00:05:47,299 cellular network that could disrupt the 169 00:05:47,299 --> 00:05:49,521 GPS signals relied upon by our military 170 00:05:49,521 --> 00:05:52,440 and millions of Americans . The FCC's 171 00:05:52,440 --> 00:05:54,760 actions disregard the many objections 172 00:05:54,770 --> 00:05:56,970 of industry and the interagency 173 00:05:57,160 --> 00:05:59,104 grounded in years of hard data and 174 00:05:59,104 --> 00:06:01,690 science . Ultimately , this will cause 175 00:06:01,690 --> 00:06:03,870 harmful interference to the GC GPS 176 00:06:03,870 --> 00:06:05,870 network , jeopardizing our nation's 177 00:06:05,870 --> 00:06:08,450 security , prosperity and way of life . 178 00:06:09,120 --> 00:06:11,010 We urge the FCC overturned . It's 179 00:06:11,010 --> 00:06:12,954 shortsighted decision , and senior 180 00:06:12,954 --> 00:06:15,010 department leaders will provide more 181 00:06:15,010 --> 00:06:16,788 information on the risks to our 182 00:06:16,788 --> 00:06:19,010 security tomorrow on Capitol Hill . And 183 00:06:19,010 --> 00:06:20,843 with that , I'll turn it over to 184 00:06:20,843 --> 00:06:20,680 Chairman Millie for his comments . 185 00:06:20,790 --> 00:06:23,400 Thank you . Thank you , Secretary of No , 186 00:06:23,410 --> 00:06:25,632 I'll just take a minute or two here and 187 00:06:25,632 --> 00:06:28,090 want to reach out and thank all the men 188 00:06:28,090 --> 00:06:30,257 and women of the Joint Force the total 189 00:06:30,257 --> 00:06:33,030 Force Active Guard Reserve Army , Navy , 190 00:06:33,030 --> 00:06:35,141 Air Force , Marines , Coast Guardsman 191 00:06:35,141 --> 00:06:37,363 has secretary just mentioned about well 192 00:06:37,363 --> 00:06:39,197 over 60,000 or on the streets of 193 00:06:39,197 --> 00:06:41,086 America . Many thousands more are 194 00:06:41,086 --> 00:06:42,974 supporting them in this moment of 195 00:06:42,974 --> 00:06:45,141 national crisis dealing with Cove it , 196 00:06:45,141 --> 00:06:47,252 they're deployed in all 54 states and 197 00:06:47,252 --> 00:06:49,308 territories , many of them in harm's 198 00:06:49,308 --> 00:06:50,974 way on . They're doing just a 199 00:06:50,974 --> 00:06:53,086 remarkable job . They're committed to 200 00:06:53,086 --> 00:06:55,030 this fight committed to this fight 201 00:06:55,030 --> 00:06:56,863 until it's over . Aziz secretary 202 00:06:56,863 --> 00:06:59,030 mentioned you talkto mayor to plaza an 203 00:06:59,030 --> 00:07:01,141 opportunity , talk to him as well and 204 00:07:01,141 --> 00:07:00,830 made applause . You said there were 205 00:07:00,830 --> 00:07:03,150 words . There are no words to describe 206 00:07:03,370 --> 00:07:05,592 the gratitude of the people of New York 207 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:07,537 City for the support of the United 208 00:07:07,537 --> 00:07:09,759 States military , where we deployed not 209 00:07:09,759 --> 00:07:11,814 only a hospital ship but hospitals , 210 00:07:11,814 --> 00:07:13,814 field hospitals . And we still have 211 00:07:13,814 --> 00:07:15,759 doctors and nurses deployed in the 212 00:07:15,759 --> 00:07:17,703 survey in hostels in the city . In 213 00:07:17,703 --> 00:07:19,537 addition to that we have we have 214 00:07:19,537 --> 00:07:22,040 doctors and nurses deployed in other 215 00:07:22,040 --> 00:07:24,510 cities around the country and in 22 216 00:07:24,510 --> 00:07:26,470 other civilian hospitals embedded 217 00:07:26,470 --> 00:07:28,470 within those hospitals , taking off 218 00:07:28,470 --> 00:07:30,470 some of the pressure of some of the 219 00:07:30,470 --> 00:07:32,414 health care professionals . As the 220 00:07:32,414 --> 00:07:34,637 situation changes in the locales around 221 00:07:34,637 --> 00:07:36,414 the nation , we've tailored our 222 00:07:36,414 --> 00:07:38,303 response to meet the needs of the 223 00:07:38,303 --> 00:07:40,526 various communities as directed by FEMA 224 00:07:40,526 --> 00:07:42,748 on as you know , we are in support were 225 00:07:42,748 --> 00:07:44,748 the supporting agency . At the same 226 00:07:44,748 --> 00:07:47,130 time , we stand ready , always ready to 227 00:07:47,130 --> 00:07:49,130 meet any threat on land , sea air , 228 00:07:49,130 --> 00:07:51,130 space or cyberspace anywhere in the 229 00:07:51,130 --> 00:07:53,400 world . Additionally , I just want toe 230 00:07:53,410 --> 00:07:55,790 close out by echoing what the Secretary 231 00:07:55,790 --> 00:07:58,012 s for . Just said tomorrow is the start 232 00:07:58,012 --> 00:08:00,940 of Nurses Week . This pandemic has made 233 00:08:00,940 --> 00:08:02,996 it abundantly clear that nurses have 234 00:08:02,996 --> 00:08:05,107 always been and always will be on the 235 00:08:05,107 --> 00:08:07,107 front lines of keeping our American 236 00:08:07,107 --> 00:08:09,107 communities and our American people 237 00:08:09,107 --> 00:08:11,107 safe . And I want to thank each and 238 00:08:11,107 --> 00:08:10,970 every one of them to include my wife , 239 00:08:10,970 --> 00:08:12,637 who's an active nurse for the 240 00:08:12,637 --> 00:08:15,080 sacrifices they endure every single day . 241 00:08:15,280 --> 00:08:18,770 And lastly , we start this month with 242 00:08:18,770 --> 00:08:21,610 the Military Appreciation Spouse Month . 243 00:08:21,770 --> 00:08:23,900 And this Friday is military 244 00:08:23,900 --> 00:08:25,678 appreciation of military Spouse 245 00:08:25,678 --> 00:08:28,500 Appreciation Day Soto . The over one 246 00:08:28,500 --> 00:08:30,500 million military spots is there out 247 00:08:30,500 --> 00:08:32,833 there supporting their soldier , sailor , 248 00:08:32,833 --> 00:08:34,944 airman or Marine or Coast Guardsman ? 249 00:08:34,944 --> 00:08:37,056 That's in uniform , Secretary , and I 250 00:08:37,056 --> 00:08:39,111 just wanna say thank you to all that 251 00:08:39,111 --> 00:08:41,167 you do in support of our country and 252 00:08:41,167 --> 00:08:43,440 lastly , 75 years ago in just a few 253 00:08:43,440 --> 00:08:46,940 days , we are about to commemorate the 254 00:08:46,950 --> 00:08:49,480 victory in Europe Day , which is the 255 00:08:49,490 --> 00:08:52,270 half of World War Two . As it ended 256 00:08:52,510 --> 00:08:55,430 with several 100,000 U . S . Military 257 00:08:55,430 --> 00:08:57,370 death , 16 million in uniform , 258 00:08:57,680 --> 00:09:00,590 inarguably without question the most 259 00:09:00,590 --> 00:09:02,812 devastating conflict in human history . 260 00:09:02,812 --> 00:09:05,960 We've been 7.5 decades without a great 261 00:09:05,960 --> 00:09:07,960 power war , and we need to recommit 262 00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:10,127 ourselves to ensure that never happens 263 00:09:10,127 --> 00:09:12,071 again . Secretary , Your questions 264 00:09:12,810 --> 00:09:15,620 first for a couple just after everybody 265 00:09:15,630 --> 00:09:17,741 got a pretty full room here and a lot 266 00:09:17,741 --> 00:09:19,574 of people in line to try to keep 267 00:09:19,574 --> 00:09:21,519 questions . All right , so going , 268 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:23,630 first of all , and all birds and then 269 00:09:23,630 --> 00:09:27,270 Phil Stewart , Uh , thank 270 00:09:27,270 --> 00:09:30,350 you , Sector Esper . Yet today 271 00:09:31,210 --> 00:09:33,380 during your conversation with Michael 272 00:09:33,380 --> 00:09:35,650 handling that bookings , you mentioned 273 00:09:36,240 --> 00:09:38,296 that although you don't know yet the 274 00:09:38,296 --> 00:09:41,050 origins of the coronavirus surface up 275 00:09:41,730 --> 00:09:44,160 aboard the kid , uh , that you thought 276 00:09:44,160 --> 00:09:46,382 it might have been picked up during the 277 00:09:46,520 --> 00:09:48,631 counter drug operation that they were 278 00:09:48,631 --> 00:09:50,920 participating in a woman . If you can 279 00:09:50,930 --> 00:09:53,410 elaborate on what you meant by that , 280 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:57,020 and the General Milley would would add 281 00:09:57,030 --> 00:10:00,450 his thoughts on given the fact that the 282 00:10:00,460 --> 00:10:02,590 kid and the Roosevelt so far the only 283 00:10:02,600 --> 00:10:05,940 two ships that , um , have picked it up 284 00:10:05,950 --> 00:10:08,410 while operating abroad . Whether you 285 00:10:08,410 --> 00:10:10,577 think Jelmoli , you think the Navy has 286 00:10:10,577 --> 00:10:12,521 kind of figured out how to do this 287 00:10:12,521 --> 00:10:14,743 without picking it up ? Are they out of 288 00:10:14,743 --> 00:10:16,799 the woods now ? So the first part of 289 00:10:16,799 --> 00:10:18,854 your question now I'll just say this 290 00:10:18,854 --> 00:10:20,854 much , and then maybe we can have a 291 00:10:20,854 --> 00:10:22,799 follow up with somebody else but a 292 00:10:22,799 --> 00:10:24,910 theory is that they could have picked 293 00:10:24,910 --> 00:10:24,880 it up on a counter drug mission where 294 00:10:24,880 --> 00:10:27,870 they pulled over a vessel possibly 295 00:10:27,870 --> 00:10:29,981 carrying drugs and a board the vessel 296 00:10:29,981 --> 00:10:31,870 and may have come in contact with 297 00:10:31,870 --> 00:10:33,870 somebody carrying the virus there . 298 00:10:33,870 --> 00:10:36,092 That's Ah , that's all there is to that 299 00:10:36,092 --> 00:10:36,010 story . The important thing is that the 300 00:10:36,010 --> 00:10:38,730 ship is she's back in port and the 301 00:10:38,730 --> 00:10:40,786 Sanders of being taken care of , and 302 00:10:40,786 --> 00:10:42,730 all the proper protocols are being 303 00:10:42,730 --> 00:10:44,841 followed to make sure that we get her 304 00:10:44,841 --> 00:10:46,897 back to see a soon as possible . And 305 00:10:46,897 --> 00:10:48,952 Bob the Protocols . And the Navy has 306 00:10:48,952 --> 00:10:51,119 instituted a whole series of protocols 307 00:10:51,119 --> 00:10:52,952 and quite strict on they include 308 00:10:52,952 --> 00:10:55,040 isolation and quarantine prior to 309 00:10:55,050 --> 00:10:57,680 getting on , embarking on the ship for 310 00:10:57,680 --> 00:11:00,540 about 14 days , minimum in at least one 311 00:11:00,540 --> 00:11:02,707 case , they stretched out to 21 days . 312 00:11:02,750 --> 00:11:04,861 In addition to that to do testing and 313 00:11:04,861 --> 00:11:07,290 screening and so on . Eso we , you know , 314 00:11:07,340 --> 00:11:10,830 perfect is never something that we 315 00:11:10,830 --> 00:11:13,320 would say . It's gonna happen in every 316 00:11:13,320 --> 00:11:15,209 single case , but I'm very , very 317 00:11:15,209 --> 00:11:17,376 confident . The Navy's instituted some 318 00:11:17,376 --> 00:11:19,598 very disciplined and rigorous protocols 319 00:11:19,598 --> 00:11:21,598 to protect the sailors on board the 320 00:11:21,598 --> 00:11:23,764 ship as they embark . All right , good 321 00:11:23,764 --> 00:11:22,700 bill . 322 00:11:27,810 --> 00:11:30,660 Thanks . very much chairman you could 323 00:11:30,660 --> 00:11:32,882 just last time we spoke , you said that 324 00:11:32,882 --> 00:11:35,700 there was nothing conclusive indicating 325 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:38,690 whether or not the coronavirus emerged 326 00:11:38,700 --> 00:11:41,400 from this lab and Wuhan . 327 00:11:42,540 --> 00:11:44,960 And usually evidence since you are 328 00:11:44,970 --> 00:11:46,914 spoke to indicate that it may have 329 00:11:46,914 --> 00:11:49,450 emerged from this lab and Secretary 330 00:11:49,460 --> 00:11:52,150 Esper . You know there's fitness , what 331 00:11:52,150 --> 00:11:54,880 the Venezuelans are calling a failed 332 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:58,440 coup attempt . Is there any view from a 333 00:11:58,440 --> 00:12:00,260 department that military or 334 00:12:00,260 --> 00:12:04,160 paramilitary force could or should 335 00:12:04,160 --> 00:12:07,800 be used in Venezuela for regime 336 00:12:07,800 --> 00:12:10,730 change ? Thanks . I'll take I'll go 337 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:12,619 first . And just say , the United 338 00:12:12,619 --> 00:12:14,619 States government had nothing to do 339 00:12:14,619 --> 00:12:16,674 with what's happened in Venezuela in 340 00:12:16,674 --> 00:12:18,897 the last few days and otherwise , where 341 00:12:18,897 --> 00:12:18,810 were in full support of the State 342 00:12:18,810 --> 00:12:20,921 Department's policies with regard and 343 00:12:20,921 --> 00:12:23,032 the United States government's policy 344 00:12:23,032 --> 00:12:25,032 with regard to Venezuela . Our view 345 00:12:25,032 --> 00:12:26,921 remains that Maduro is a brutal , 346 00:12:26,921 --> 00:12:28,977 corrupt leader who has oppressed the 347 00:12:28,977 --> 00:12:30,921 people of Venezuela . They deserve 348 00:12:30,921 --> 00:12:33,032 better , and we will continue to make 349 00:12:33,032 --> 00:12:35,199 the case that he should step aside and 350 00:12:35,199 --> 00:12:37,910 allow an elected government to form and 351 00:12:37,920 --> 00:12:39,642 take that country in the rifle 352 00:12:39,642 --> 00:12:41,420 direction . It should go a very 353 00:12:41,420 --> 00:12:43,476 democratic , prosperous path that it 354 00:12:43,476 --> 00:12:45,587 was on many , many years ago , before 355 00:12:45,587 --> 00:12:48,350 and Jeff does on the one woman origin 356 00:12:49,350 --> 00:12:51,750 case . I'm not going to discuss any 357 00:12:51,750 --> 00:12:53,917 detailed intelligence , but the street 358 00:12:53,917 --> 00:12:57,300 fundamental issues here . One is . 359 00:12:57,580 --> 00:13:00,320 Is it natural ? Or was it man made 360 00:13:00,320 --> 00:13:03,280 somehow or somehow manipulated by man 361 00:13:03,280 --> 00:13:05,680 made procedures ? A ZAY said the last 362 00:13:05,680 --> 00:13:07,791 time . And I am still where I was the 363 00:13:07,791 --> 00:13:09,791 last night . The weight of evidence 364 00:13:09,791 --> 00:13:11,847 nothing's conclusive . The weight of 365 00:13:11,847 --> 00:13:13,902 evidence is , is that it was natural 366 00:13:13,902 --> 00:13:15,940 and not manmade . Secondly , is the 367 00:13:15,940 --> 00:13:18,530 second issue is , Was it accidentally 368 00:13:18,530 --> 00:13:20,530 released ? Did it release naturally 369 00:13:20,530 --> 00:13:22,363 into the environment , or was it 370 00:13:22,363 --> 00:13:24,141 intentional ? But we don't have 371 00:13:24,141 --> 00:13:26,197 conclusive evidence in any of that . 372 00:13:26,197 --> 00:13:28,308 But the weight of evidence is that it 373 00:13:28,308 --> 00:13:30,252 was probably not intentional . The 374 00:13:30,252 --> 00:13:32,363 third issue is location . Did it come 375 00:13:32,363 --> 00:13:34,530 out of the virology lab in Wuhan ? Did 376 00:13:34,530 --> 00:13:37,950 it occur in the in the market there in 377 00:13:37,950 --> 00:13:40,160 Wuhan ? Did it occur somewhere else on 378 00:13:40,160 --> 00:13:42,382 The answer to that is , we don't know . 379 00:13:42,382 --> 00:13:44,271 And as mentioned by many people , 380 00:13:44,400 --> 00:13:47,760 various agencies , both civilian and U . 381 00:13:47,760 --> 00:13:49,871 S . Government are looking at that it 382 00:13:49,871 --> 00:13:52,038 would help a great deal if the Chinese 383 00:13:52,038 --> 00:13:53,982 government would open up and allow 384 00:13:53,982 --> 00:13:55,927 inspectors and investigators to go 385 00:13:55,927 --> 00:13:58,093 there in full transparency so that the 386 00:13:58,093 --> 00:14:00,038 world can know the actual original 387 00:14:00,038 --> 00:14:02,204 source of this so that we comply . The 388 00:14:02,204 --> 00:14:04,427 lessons learnt and prevent outbreaks in 389 00:14:04,427 --> 00:14:06,910 the future . All right , I will go . 390 00:14:06,920 --> 00:14:08,976 Also the phone . Uh , Louis Market . 391 00:14:12,760 --> 00:14:14,816 Good afternoon . Thank you very much 392 00:14:14,816 --> 00:14:16,760 for doing this . Everything really 393 00:14:16,760 --> 00:14:19,250 appreciated when the Pentagon goes back 394 00:14:19,260 --> 00:14:22,130 to normal or semi normal . What do you 395 00:14:22,130 --> 00:14:24,186 anticipate ? Life will be like Heard 396 00:14:24,230 --> 00:14:26,397 thousands of employees in the building 397 00:14:26,397 --> 00:14:28,508 homes working from home . You plan on 398 00:14:28,508 --> 00:14:30,674 incorporating new social system saying 399 00:14:30,674 --> 00:14:32,620 like moving . Are you still going 400 00:14:32,620 --> 00:14:35,380 encouraged ? Tele work ? At what point 401 00:14:35,380 --> 00:14:37,602 do you think the full workforce will be 402 00:14:37,602 --> 00:14:39,980 back in ? Well , it's good to see the 403 00:14:39,980 --> 00:14:42,091 press from thinned out like this . We 404 00:14:42,091 --> 00:14:44,820 may have to keep that look . It's it's 405 00:14:44,820 --> 00:14:47,042 hard to predict at this point time . As 406 00:14:47,042 --> 00:14:49,153 I said , I think that we will be in a 407 00:14:49,153 --> 00:14:51,487 new type of normal for a period of time , 408 00:14:51,487 --> 00:14:53,709 measured in months at least . And we're 409 00:14:53,709 --> 00:14:55,709 gonna take it one step at a time to 410 00:14:55,709 --> 00:14:57,876 make sure we do everything possible to 411 00:14:57,876 --> 00:15:00,098 protect our people . And in that case , 412 00:15:00,098 --> 00:15:02,209 since since you're with us here , you 413 00:15:02,209 --> 00:15:01,850 are people , so we wanna make sure that 414 00:15:01,850 --> 00:15:04,330 we do whatever is necessary . I imagine 415 00:15:04,340 --> 00:15:06,284 for the foreseeable future we will 416 00:15:06,284 --> 00:15:08,562 continue to exercise social distancing . 417 00:15:08,562 --> 00:15:10,896 We will continue to wear face coverings , 418 00:15:10,896 --> 00:15:13,007 at least to the point in time that we 419 00:15:13,007 --> 00:15:15,173 figure out other techniques to address 420 00:15:15,173 --> 00:15:17,396 that , as I said earlier and previously 421 00:15:17,396 --> 00:15:19,396 that we are working aggressively on 422 00:15:19,396 --> 00:15:21,562 both therapeutics and vaccines and the 423 00:15:21,562 --> 00:15:23,729 sooner we can get to that , that gives 424 00:15:23,729 --> 00:15:23,640 us the degree confidence that we could 425 00:15:23,640 --> 00:15:25,751 further relax some of our practices . 426 00:15:25,810 --> 00:15:27,643 We're dutifully gonna follow the 427 00:15:27,643 --> 00:15:30,080 guidelines put out by the CDC by the 428 00:15:30,080 --> 00:15:32,302 White House , etcetera . With regard to 429 00:15:32,302 --> 00:15:34,640 how you approach lifting restrictions 430 00:15:34,640 --> 00:15:36,807 and things like that . We had a what ? 431 00:15:36,807 --> 00:15:39,100 A two hour meeting today about how we 432 00:15:39,110 --> 00:15:41,277 how we do that in a context of lifting 433 00:15:41,277 --> 00:15:43,960 or travel are travel holds right now . 434 00:15:43,960 --> 00:15:45,738 So we're going to do everything 435 00:15:45,738 --> 00:15:47,849 responsibly , and we again , Priority 436 00:15:47,849 --> 00:15:50,182 number one is taking care of our people . 437 00:15:50,182 --> 00:15:52,349 And ah , we're not going to jeopardize 438 00:15:52,349 --> 00:15:55,920 that for one more from Missy Ryan to 439 00:15:55,930 --> 00:15:59,380 come back to the room . Hi . Thanks for 440 00:15:59,380 --> 00:16:01,690 doing this . I wanted to ask you 441 00:16:01,700 --> 00:16:04,410 Secretary F for about the letters that 442 00:16:04,860 --> 00:16:06,693 I believe it was . 10 Democratic 443 00:16:06,693 --> 00:16:09,750 senators sent you are on April 27 on , 444 00:16:09,750 --> 00:16:11,880 including some members of the Senate 445 00:16:11,880 --> 00:16:15,050 Armed Services Committee . They , um , 446 00:16:15,510 --> 00:16:17,850 they laid out a case for what they said 447 00:16:17,860 --> 00:16:20,640 was a slow and disjointed response by 448 00:16:20,640 --> 00:16:22,696 the Defense Department to the Corona 449 00:16:22,696 --> 00:16:25,110 virus . And , they pointed out , Or 450 00:16:25,110 --> 00:16:27,890 they cited things like the delegation 451 00:16:27,910 --> 00:16:30,430 to lower levels for interpretation , 452 00:16:30,430 --> 00:16:34,350 about how restrictions would 453 00:16:34,350 --> 00:16:36,690 play out in various faces installations 454 00:16:36,690 --> 00:16:38,857 around the world and that the response 455 00:16:38,857 --> 00:16:41,250 the coronavirus TV but their spots on 456 00:16:41,250 --> 00:16:43,472 the Teddy Roosevelt . And then also the 457 00:16:43,472 --> 00:16:46,060 decision to withhold some details of 458 00:16:46,060 --> 00:16:47,900 information about outbreaks on 459 00:16:47,910 --> 00:16:50,132 different military facilities . And I'm 460 00:16:50,132 --> 00:16:52,299 just wondering if you could share with 461 00:16:52,299 --> 00:16:54,820 that your response to that letter and 462 00:16:54,830 --> 00:16:57,360 tell us if you have been in touch with 463 00:16:57,360 --> 00:16:59,527 those senators or any of Babel plan to 464 00:16:59,527 --> 00:17:01,749 be in touch with that . Thanks . Thanks 465 00:17:01,749 --> 00:17:03,860 for the question , Missy . We will be 466 00:17:03,860 --> 00:17:06,027 responding , but I would just say here 467 00:17:06,027 --> 00:17:08,249 that I'm very disappointed that members 468 00:17:08,249 --> 00:17:08,050 of Congress , particularly those who 469 00:17:08,050 --> 00:17:10,272 sit on the Armed Services Committee and 470 00:17:10,272 --> 00:17:12,680 who receive weekly updates from us , 471 00:17:12,680 --> 00:17:15,040 would write leather that includes ah 472 00:17:15,050 --> 00:17:16,960 number of misleading , false or 473 00:17:16,960 --> 00:17:19,350 inaccurate statements . I don't think 474 00:17:19,350 --> 00:17:21,890 it is really recognizes all that the 475 00:17:21,900 --> 00:17:23,511 department defense is done , 476 00:17:23,511 --> 00:17:25,567 particularly the time we have 62,000 477 00:17:25,567 --> 00:17:27,456 Americans after on the streets of 478 00:17:27,456 --> 00:17:29,678 America , who are in many cases risking 479 00:17:29,678 --> 00:17:31,456 their own health to protect the 480 00:17:31,456 --> 00:17:33,400 American people . I've spoken Teoh 481 00:17:33,400 --> 00:17:35,910 nearly over three dozen governors , all 482 00:17:35,920 --> 00:17:38,142 governors who represent the members who 483 00:17:38,142 --> 00:17:40,142 signed that letter . Each one those 484 00:17:40,142 --> 00:17:42,142 governors has told me , praised Dia 485 00:17:42,142 --> 00:17:44,198 Dia's performance and thanked us for 486 00:17:44,198 --> 00:17:46,420 what we've done every step of the way . 487 00:17:46,420 --> 00:17:46,090 We've been ahead of the curve . We've 488 00:17:46,090 --> 00:17:47,923 met their needs , and we've done 489 00:17:47,923 --> 00:17:50,090 everything we can to help the American 490 00:17:50,090 --> 00:17:52,201 people . So the , uh , the statements 491 00:17:52,201 --> 00:17:54,201 in that letter don't match what I'm 492 00:17:54,201 --> 00:17:56,368 hearing from the governor's . I'd also 493 00:17:56,368 --> 00:17:58,534 add that things like we're not sharing 494 00:17:58,534 --> 00:18:00,790 data with on installations with regard 495 00:18:00,790 --> 00:18:02,957 to infectious cases are simply wrong . 496 00:18:03,060 --> 00:18:05,570 We share that data all the time with 497 00:18:05,570 --> 00:18:07,792 state , local and federal authorities . 498 00:18:07,792 --> 00:18:09,626 So we can . We are part of these 499 00:18:09,626 --> 00:18:11,848 communities there , number of things we 500 00:18:11,848 --> 00:18:14,014 can go to go through . We will respond 501 00:18:14,014 --> 00:18:13,950 in due course , but I would just say 502 00:18:13,950 --> 00:18:16,283 again , I'm disappointed in that letter . 503 00:18:16,283 --> 00:18:18,506 Doesn't reflect the fax , and I think I 504 00:18:18,506 --> 00:18:20,561 mean , there's this other story that 505 00:18:20,561 --> 00:18:22,617 continues to be perpetrated . It's a 506 00:18:22,617 --> 00:18:24,839 false story . New York Times is putting 507 00:18:24,839 --> 00:18:26,839 it out that somehow we express some 508 00:18:26,839 --> 00:18:28,950 type of guidance . I gave guidance to 509 00:18:28,950 --> 00:18:31,172 the field that commanders were a lot of 510 00:18:31,172 --> 00:18:33,283 take action unless it was approved in 511 00:18:33,283 --> 00:18:35,117 advance . That has been debunked 512 00:18:35,117 --> 00:18:37,006 multiple times . The chairman , I 513 00:18:37,006 --> 00:18:39,172 testified about it before the Congress 514 00:18:39,172 --> 00:18:39,050 with Secretary . The Army testified it . 515 00:18:39,340 --> 00:18:41,500 And yet we continue to see others , 516 00:18:41,500 --> 00:18:43,920 including in this letter site source 517 00:18:43,920 --> 00:18:46,360 who anonymous source , once again , who 518 00:18:46,360 --> 00:18:48,471 admittedly was not even in the room . 519 00:18:48,471 --> 00:18:50,790 So it's it's the It's the recitation of 520 00:18:51,120 --> 00:18:53,340 of falsehoods like that that is 521 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:55,396 disappointing . Our commitment is to 522 00:18:55,396 --> 00:18:57,250 ensure that we provide Congress 523 00:18:57,520 --> 00:19:00,030 complete , accurate and timely 524 00:19:00,030 --> 00:19:02,120 information , which we're doing on a 525 00:19:02,120 --> 00:19:04,287 weekly basis . Were dressing all these 526 00:19:04,287 --> 00:19:06,342 issues . I've spoken to the chairman 527 00:19:06,342 --> 00:19:08,509 and ranking members of the committee's 528 00:19:08,509 --> 00:19:10,453 multiple times to include the last 529 00:19:10,453 --> 00:19:12,564 several days . All the information is 530 00:19:12,564 --> 00:19:11,610 out there for us to have a good 531 00:19:11,610 --> 00:19:14,790 discussion . We recognize Congress has 532 00:19:14,790 --> 00:19:16,846 an important oversight role , but it 533 00:19:16,846 --> 00:19:19,012 should be an informed oversight role , 534 00:19:19,012 --> 00:19:21,068 and we're committed to doing that to 535 00:19:21,068 --> 00:19:23,290 address any members concerns and , most 536 00:19:23,290 --> 00:19:25,512 importantly , to make sure that we live 537 00:19:25,512 --> 00:19:27,512 up to the three parties that I have 538 00:19:27,512 --> 00:19:29,679 stated repeatedly protect the American 539 00:19:29,679 --> 00:19:31,790 people , protect our people number to 540 00:19:31,790 --> 00:19:34,012 make sure that we insure him . National 541 00:19:34,012 --> 00:19:35,901 mission capabilities Number three 542 00:19:35,901 --> 00:19:38,012 Provide full support to stake a state 543 00:19:38,012 --> 00:19:40,234 Local authorities . I got eyes before I 544 00:19:40,234 --> 00:19:42,401 forget to this continued accusation by 545 00:19:42,401 --> 00:19:44,390 by some not not not the majority . 546 00:19:44,390 --> 00:19:46,446 There is a minority who say that for 547 00:19:46,446 --> 00:19:48,334 some reason that we have followed 548 00:19:48,334 --> 00:19:50,390 standard military practice that goes 549 00:19:50,390 --> 00:19:52,279 back decades , decades of issuing 550 00:19:52,279 --> 00:19:54,390 guidance to the field , that guidance 551 00:19:54,390 --> 00:19:56,446 that went out to senior commanders . 552 00:19:56,446 --> 00:19:58,668 Four star leaders , service secretaries 553 00:19:58,668 --> 00:20:00,723 who have extensive medical staffs to 554 00:20:00,723 --> 00:20:02,723 somehow suggested some how much the 555 00:20:02,723 --> 00:20:02,670 guidance went out to people who don't 556 00:20:02,670 --> 00:20:04,580 know how to implement it is just 557 00:20:04,580 --> 00:20:07,350 ridiculous . We issued out 98 or nine 558 00:20:07,350 --> 00:20:09,461 sets , a guy that's going all the way 559 00:20:09,461 --> 00:20:11,860 back to 30 January , just days after 560 00:20:11,860 --> 00:20:13,971 the first person in the United States 561 00:20:13,971 --> 00:20:16,193 has identified with the infection . And 562 00:20:16,193 --> 00:20:18,138 weeks before , unfortunately , the 563 00:20:18,138 --> 00:20:20,304 first Americans succumb to the virus . 564 00:20:20,304 --> 00:20:22,304 That's how far back it goes , and I 565 00:20:22,304 --> 00:20:24,249 think the numbers bear out at this 566 00:20:24,249 --> 00:20:26,360 point in time . We have 3100 cases of 567 00:20:26,360 --> 00:20:28,527 active duty military . We've had fewer 568 00:20:28,527 --> 00:20:30,304 than 100 hospitalizations , and 569 00:20:30,304 --> 00:20:32,527 unfortunately , regrettably , we've had 570 00:20:32,527 --> 00:20:34,527 two deaths . But those numbers fare 571 00:20:34,527 --> 00:20:36,749 very well compared against our civilian 572 00:20:36,749 --> 00:20:38,971 counterparts . So I look at the facts . 573 00:20:38,971 --> 00:20:38,940 I look at how we've issued guidance in 574 00:20:38,940 --> 00:20:40,940 the past . I look at this skill and 575 00:20:40,940 --> 00:20:42,773 capability of our commanders and 576 00:20:42,773 --> 00:20:44,829 executing and appropriately to their 577 00:20:44,829 --> 00:20:46,996 unique situations . It's the same type 578 00:20:46,996 --> 00:20:49,218 of guidance that Dr Fauci has said that 579 00:20:49,218 --> 00:20:51,107 we should be followed in terms of 580 00:20:51,107 --> 00:20:52,773 applying it to the states and 581 00:20:52,773 --> 00:20:54,884 localities , provide broad guidelines 582 00:20:54,884 --> 00:20:56,940 and give folks flexibility . Working 583 00:20:56,940 --> 00:20:58,940 with that , we've been applauded by 584 00:20:58,940 --> 00:21:00,940 other outside experts . So for some 585 00:21:00,940 --> 00:21:00,580 folks to continue to peddle this 586 00:21:00,580 --> 00:21:02,660 narrative is it's just troubling 587 00:21:02,660 --> 00:21:04,827 because it's how those of you who have 588 00:21:04,827 --> 00:21:06,771 been covering a d . O . D for many 589 00:21:06,771 --> 00:21:08,827 years now , this is how we operate . 590 00:21:08,827 --> 00:21:10,938 This is how you are more successful . 591 00:21:10,938 --> 00:21:12,882 And this is why this is one of the 592 00:21:12,882 --> 00:21:15,049 reasons why I credit our numbers being 593 00:21:15,049 --> 00:21:17,271 so low as they are at this time . Don't 594 00:21:17,271 --> 00:21:19,160 So , um , just a follow up on Mrs 595 00:21:19,160 --> 00:21:21,327 question . I don't think the criticism 596 00:21:21,327 --> 00:21:23,382 was what was done after March , once 597 00:21:23,382 --> 00:21:25,438 things started to get implemented by 598 00:21:25,438 --> 00:21:27,604 the military . But my question is what 599 00:21:27,604 --> 00:21:29,716 did you tell the president ? And when 600 00:21:29,716 --> 00:21:31,882 did you tell him about the danger of a 601 00:21:31,882 --> 00:21:33,882 pandemic ? Because there was a time 602 00:21:33,882 --> 00:21:35,882 from February 1st when the first ex 603 00:21:35,882 --> 00:21:37,993 sword and the pandemic response began 604 00:21:37,993 --> 00:21:40,160 here in this building and about 5 to 6 605 00:21:40,160 --> 00:21:42,410 weeks before the White House started 606 00:21:42,420 --> 00:21:44,531 talking about the pandemic in similar 607 00:21:44,531 --> 00:21:46,642 terms . To what ? The military ? When 608 00:21:46,642 --> 00:21:48,809 did you brief the president ? Well , I 609 00:21:48,809 --> 00:21:48,470 didn't brief the president on this 610 00:21:48,470 --> 00:21:50,526 issue . The president was briefed by 611 00:21:50,526 --> 00:21:52,248 his task force , which has led 612 00:21:52,248 --> 00:21:54,370 initially by HHS Secretary Alex Cesar 613 00:21:54,380 --> 00:21:56,580 and then eventually by Vice President 614 00:21:56,580 --> 00:21:58,636 Pence , who has led the task force . 615 00:21:58,636 --> 00:22:00,747 And we've had now for several weeks , 616 00:22:00,747 --> 00:22:02,913 months our deputy secretary of defense 617 00:22:02,913 --> 00:22:04,858 and general heighten participating 618 00:22:04,858 --> 00:22:07,080 those task force meetings . Obviously , 619 00:22:07,080 --> 00:22:09,413 in meetings I've had with the president , 620 00:22:09,413 --> 00:22:11,469 this issues come up by going back to 621 00:22:11,469 --> 00:22:13,747 the early days . That's where it began . 622 00:22:13,747 --> 00:22:15,913 We participated as a supporting member 623 00:22:15,913 --> 00:22:18,247 of this keeping keep in mind for Deal D . 624 00:22:18,247 --> 00:22:20,469 This goes back all the way to the early 625 00:22:20,469 --> 00:22:22,691 days where the State Department charter 626 00:22:22,691 --> 00:22:24,691 flights to bring people back and we 627 00:22:24,691 --> 00:22:26,913 opened up our airfields to both receive 628 00:22:26,913 --> 00:22:29,136 those Americans , and they take care of 629 00:22:29,136 --> 00:22:31,358 them on our facilities . Those were the 630 00:22:31,358 --> 00:22:33,358 early days we began an issue , uh , 631 00:22:33,358 --> 00:22:35,636 sending out guiding star forces . Well , 632 00:22:35,636 --> 00:22:37,969 before any of this , it really took off . 633 00:22:37,969 --> 00:22:39,969 And as you I think noted , Jennifer 634 00:22:39,969 --> 00:22:41,913 really took off in this country in 635 00:22:41,913 --> 00:22:43,858 March . So we've been at this much 636 00:22:43,858 --> 00:22:45,802 longer than folks wanted . Give us 637 00:22:45,802 --> 00:22:47,858 credit for Milly . Have you seen any 638 00:22:47,858 --> 00:22:49,913 signs that the Chinese air trying to 639 00:22:49,913 --> 00:22:52,136 steal the vaccines that us companies or 640 00:22:52,136 --> 00:22:54,191 the military are trying Teoh produce 641 00:22:54,490 --> 00:22:57,180 steal the vaccines , cyber activity ? 642 00:22:57,180 --> 00:23:00,210 That would cross a concern ? No , 643 00:23:00,930 --> 00:23:03,100 Specifically no , that doesn't mean is 644 00:23:03,100 --> 00:23:05,322 not happening . Just me . You ask me if 645 00:23:05,322 --> 00:23:08,740 I've seen it , and I have not Just a 646 00:23:08,750 --> 00:23:10,861 quick question on Afghanistan , sir . 647 00:23:10,861 --> 00:23:12,972 You spoke yesterday said there's been 648 00:23:12,972 --> 00:23:15,150 no reduction on violence . The command 649 00:23:15,770 --> 00:23:17,659 US forces , Afghanistan said they 650 00:23:17,659 --> 00:23:19,714 talked with the Taliban , and during 651 00:23:19,714 --> 00:23:21,826 those conversations they had expected 652 00:23:21,826 --> 00:23:23,714 an 80% reduction in violence That 653 00:23:23,714 --> 00:23:25,659 clearly has not happened yet . The 654 00:23:25,659 --> 00:23:27,714 troop drawdown is continuing apace . 655 00:23:27,714 --> 00:23:29,548 There hasn't really been a U . S 656 00:23:29,548 --> 00:23:31,603 response . Are Is this a sign of the 657 00:23:31,603 --> 00:23:33,714 situation in Afghanistan is going the 658 00:23:33,714 --> 00:23:35,937 wrong way ? And are you Are you worried 659 00:23:35,937 --> 00:23:38,048 about that trip presence you have set 660 00:23:38,048 --> 00:23:40,103 from the early days . We rewound the 661 00:23:40,103 --> 00:23:42,326 tape somewhere . When I first came back 662 00:23:42,326 --> 00:23:44,548 after I visit Afghanistan , I said this 663 00:23:44,548 --> 00:23:44,060 would be a long , winding , bumpy road 664 00:23:44,390 --> 00:23:46,501 and has been a long , winding , bumpy 665 00:23:46,501 --> 00:23:48,668 road . I mean , it's not moved as fast 666 00:23:48,668 --> 00:23:50,668 as we would like . Certainly . Um , 667 00:23:50,668 --> 00:23:52,723 we're at the point now where we know 668 00:23:52,723 --> 00:23:54,890 that they've been swapping prisoners . 669 00:23:54,890 --> 00:23:57,001 I think the the Afghan government has 670 00:23:57,001 --> 00:23:59,057 released several 100 prisoners . The 671 00:23:59,057 --> 00:24:01,390 Taliban have have released some as well . 672 00:24:01,390 --> 00:24:03,390 The key thing at this point time is 673 00:24:03,390 --> 00:24:05,223 that the political leadership of 674 00:24:05,223 --> 00:24:07,390 Afghanistan needs to come together and 675 00:24:07,390 --> 00:24:09,446 find out a formula by which they can 676 00:24:09,446 --> 00:24:11,501 work together . They being President 677 00:24:11,501 --> 00:24:13,850 Ghani and CEO Abdullah and from there 678 00:24:13,850 --> 00:24:15,683 based on that they conform their 679 00:24:15,683 --> 00:24:17,850 negotiating team to sit down and begin 680 00:24:17,850 --> 00:24:19,794 the interest Afghan negotiations . 681 00:24:19,794 --> 00:24:21,906 Those are the key things . We haven't 682 00:24:21,906 --> 00:24:23,906 moved quickly to that point . We're 683 00:24:23,906 --> 00:24:25,850 making progress . I know the State 684 00:24:25,850 --> 00:24:25,640 Department is very heavily engaged 685 00:24:26,050 --> 00:24:28,390 there on the ground . Our commitment is 686 00:24:28,390 --> 00:24:30,557 to live up to our commitment . We want 687 00:24:30,557 --> 00:24:32,668 to continue to abide by by by what we 688 00:24:32,668 --> 00:24:34,810 agreed to we . So we continue to 689 00:24:34,810 --> 00:24:36,921 support our Afghan partners when they 690 00:24:36,921 --> 00:24:38,977 are attacked , inconsistent with the 691 00:24:38,977 --> 00:24:41,420 agreement . But the same time we know 692 00:24:41,420 --> 00:24:43,531 that we can continue a reduction . We 693 00:24:43,531 --> 00:24:45,753 know that we can do all of emissions we 694 00:24:45,753 --> 00:24:47,698 need to do at 8600 . But we're not 695 00:24:47,698 --> 00:24:49,920 gonna be blamed for not living upto our 696 00:24:49,920 --> 00:24:52,031 end of the agreement . Our role right 697 00:24:52,031 --> 00:24:51,860 now is really to focus on getting the 698 00:24:51,860 --> 00:24:54,150 political leadership in Afghanistan the 699 00:24:54,150 --> 00:24:56,740 civilian leadership together Thio Thio 700 00:24:56,750 --> 00:24:58,917 for that inter Afghan negotiating team 701 00:24:58,917 --> 00:25:00,694 and sit down with Taliban . And 702 00:25:00,694 --> 00:25:02,806 meanwhile we work with the tower . We 703 00:25:02,806 --> 00:25:04,861 talked to Taleggio Taliban . We urge 704 00:25:04,861 --> 00:25:06,972 them we through proxies and elsewhere 705 00:25:06,972 --> 00:25:08,917 to do the same . Sit down with the 706 00:25:08,917 --> 00:25:11,028 Afghan government . Let's get on with 707 00:25:11,028 --> 00:25:10,880 the inter Afghan negotiations . That's 708 00:25:10,880 --> 00:25:13,047 the key to success . The only way this 709 00:25:13,047 --> 00:25:16,040 thing this conflict is settled this 710 00:25:16,040 --> 00:25:18,096 through a political agreement . It's 711 00:25:18,096 --> 00:25:20,096 not going to be settled by force of 712 00:25:20,096 --> 00:25:22,540 arms Tuesday . No , I don't think they 713 00:25:22,540 --> 00:25:25,220 are not , and neither side is in this 714 00:25:25,220 --> 00:25:27,331 case . Both need to come together and 715 00:25:27,331 --> 00:25:29,387 make progress on the terms that have 716 00:25:29,387 --> 00:25:31,387 been laid out . The best thing that 717 00:25:31,387 --> 00:25:33,498 Taliban could do right now is to live 718 00:25:33,498 --> 00:25:35,276 up to the agreement to get to a 719 00:25:35,276 --> 00:25:37,276 reduction in violence is consistent 720 00:25:37,276 --> 00:25:39,331 with where we were just prior to the 721 00:25:39,331 --> 00:25:42,110 signing the documents . Thank you for 722 00:25:42,110 --> 00:25:44,166 doing this . Can you expand a little 723 00:25:44,166 --> 00:25:46,430 bit more on what you see China doing to 724 00:25:46,430 --> 00:25:49,870 exploit the pandemic and what you and 725 00:25:49,870 --> 00:25:51,926 the department is doing to push back 726 00:25:51,926 --> 00:25:54,320 against that sure predicated with first 727 00:25:54,320 --> 00:25:56,487 of all we've said , I've said before , 728 00:25:56,490 --> 00:25:58,601 the Chinese have not been transparent 729 00:25:58,601 --> 00:26:00,823 from beginning . If they have been more 730 00:26:00,823 --> 00:26:02,823 transparent , more open up front in 731 00:26:02,823 --> 00:26:05,500 terms of the giving us access , the 732 00:26:05,500 --> 00:26:07,611 reporting , giving us access not just 733 00:26:07,611 --> 00:26:09,778 to the people on the ground but to the 734 00:26:09,778 --> 00:26:11,889 virus they had so we could understand 735 00:26:11,889 --> 00:26:14,056 it . We probably be in a far different 736 00:26:14,056 --> 00:26:16,222 place right now , but where we are now 737 00:26:16,222 --> 00:26:18,333 is this . They need to still allow us 738 00:26:18,333 --> 00:26:20,556 in to talk to early patients to talk to 739 00:26:20,556 --> 00:26:22,722 the Chinese researchers and scientists 740 00:26:22,722 --> 00:26:24,940 and Teoh have access . What are they 741 00:26:24,940 --> 00:26:27,162 doing ? They're trying to capitalize on 742 00:26:27,162 --> 00:26:29,329 this by promoting their own image that 743 00:26:29,329 --> 00:26:31,273 somehow China is the good guy here 744 00:26:31,273 --> 00:26:33,710 because despite everything they did or , 745 00:26:33,720 --> 00:26:35,720 more importantly , fell to do . Now 746 00:26:35,720 --> 00:26:37,776 they want to go out and say , Well , 747 00:26:37,776 --> 00:26:39,887 here's masks will give you masks will 748 00:26:39,887 --> 00:26:41,998 provide . This will provide that will 749 00:26:41,998 --> 00:26:44,109 provide you funding . Look at all the 750 00:26:44,109 --> 00:26:46,276 good we're doing . Yet What we know is 751 00:26:46,276 --> 00:26:48,442 this is that they provide masks . They 752 00:26:48,442 --> 00:26:50,553 provide supplies . In many cases , it 753 00:26:50,553 --> 00:26:52,776 is not good . It's Ah , it's ah doesn't 754 00:26:52,776 --> 00:26:54,720 do what it's supposed to do . It's 755 00:26:54,720 --> 00:26:56,553 broken equipment . They also the 756 00:26:56,553 --> 00:26:58,664 strings attached are enormous in many 757 00:26:58,664 --> 00:27:00,553 cases . So they're telling , Ah , 758 00:27:00,553 --> 00:27:02,442 country , here you can take these 759 00:27:02,442 --> 00:27:04,609 masked but please put out publicly how 760 00:27:04,609 --> 00:27:06,831 good China is , how great we're doing , 761 00:27:06,831 --> 00:27:06,650 etcetera , etcetera . So there's a 762 00:27:06,650 --> 00:27:08,761 number of things they're doing to try 763 00:27:08,761 --> 00:27:10,872 and burnish their image . That's just 764 00:27:10,872 --> 00:27:13,039 two of them right there . They're also 765 00:27:13,039 --> 00:27:12,600 doing a lot of strong arming . Behind 766 00:27:12,600 --> 00:27:14,878 the scenes you've seen , It's you guys . 767 00:27:14,878 --> 00:27:16,878 Some of you were covering it in the 768 00:27:16,878 --> 00:27:18,890 open press with between Beijing and 769 00:27:18,900 --> 00:27:20,956 Australia . What's happening there , 770 00:27:20,956 --> 00:27:23,122 and I'll be talking to my I think , my 771 00:27:23,122 --> 00:27:25,344 Australian counterpart this afternoon . 772 00:27:25,344 --> 00:27:27,344 So all these activities air going , 773 00:27:27,344 --> 00:27:29,344 it's it's straight from the Chinese 774 00:27:29,344 --> 00:27:29,210 playbook . Once again , it's just a 775 00:27:29,220 --> 00:27:31,276 little bit more obvious this time of 776 00:27:31,276 --> 00:27:33,220 what they're doing and how they're 777 00:27:33,220 --> 00:27:35,331 using a combination of compel its and 778 00:27:35,331 --> 00:27:37,553 coercion and everything else to try and 779 00:27:37,553 --> 00:27:37,450 shape the narrative and burnish the 780 00:27:37,450 --> 00:27:39,617 image of the Chinese Communist Party . 781 00:27:40,750 --> 00:27:42,528 Uh , you talk a little bit of a 782 00:27:42,528 --> 00:27:44,639 military testing and where we are . I 783 00:27:44,639 --> 00:27:46,694 think today is like 20,000 plus test 784 00:27:46,694 --> 00:27:48,861 per day . Generally , you talked about 785 00:27:48,861 --> 00:27:51,083 the requirement by the end of May early 786 00:27:51,083 --> 00:27:53,780 June of 60,000 per day . And also , if 787 00:27:53,780 --> 00:27:55,891 you could talk about the supply chain 788 00:27:56,050 --> 00:27:57,939 both governors , military leaders 789 00:27:57,939 --> 00:27:59,883 complain about , there just aren't 790 00:27:59,883 --> 00:28:01,828 enough supplies . Is that supplies 791 00:28:01,828 --> 00:28:04,161 across the board or particular supplies , 792 00:28:04,161 --> 00:28:06,106 and then Congressman Adam Smith of 793 00:28:06,106 --> 00:28:08,106 Washington share the Armed Services 794 00:28:08,106 --> 00:28:10,250 Committee . Once you do , or once a 795 00:28:10,250 --> 00:28:12,417 government to do more with the Defense 796 00:28:12,417 --> 00:28:14,450 Production Act to crank out more 797 00:28:14,450 --> 00:28:16,700 supplies , well , I'll go last question 798 00:28:16,700 --> 00:28:18,811 First . We are doing a lot on Defense 799 00:28:18,811 --> 00:28:20,644 Production Act . We now have the 800 00:28:20,644 --> 00:28:22,922 authority to go after medical supplies . 801 00:28:22,922 --> 00:28:25,033 So our undersecretary for acquisition 802 00:28:25,033 --> 00:28:27,200 and sustainment , Eleanor's been doing 803 00:28:27,200 --> 00:28:29,422 a great job . She's ordered millions of 804 00:28:29,422 --> 00:28:31,580 masks and other items that have been 805 00:28:31,580 --> 00:28:33,636 out there , so we put a lot of money 806 00:28:33,636 --> 00:28:35,747 down . Ah , lot of contracts that are 807 00:28:35,747 --> 00:28:37,858 out there , and I think she's already 808 00:28:37,858 --> 00:28:39,802 briefed you all on that . So we're 809 00:28:39,802 --> 00:28:39,520 moving out on that front and we're 810 00:28:39,520 --> 00:28:41,464 trying to look ahead down the road 811 00:28:41,464 --> 00:28:43,742 months down road , what else we can do . 812 00:28:43,742 --> 00:28:45,742 And there are , uh we're looking at 813 00:28:45,742 --> 00:28:47,742 some things with the garden vaccine 814 00:28:47,742 --> 00:28:49,687 piece of this , but on the testing 815 00:28:49,687 --> 00:28:51,464 front , we know right now we've 816 00:28:51,464 --> 00:28:53,631 prioritized our forces . You know that 817 00:28:53,631 --> 00:28:55,742 from Tear Zero , which are the people 818 00:28:55,742 --> 00:28:55,560 who show up symptomatic on a database 819 00:28:55,570 --> 00:28:58,110 day basis . But then we have Here's 123 820 00:28:58,110 --> 00:29:00,110 and four . It's everything from our 821 00:29:00,110 --> 00:29:02,221 critical national capabilities to our 822 00:29:02,221 --> 00:29:04,332 are engaged field forces to those who 823 00:29:04,332 --> 00:29:06,554 are deployed and redeploying . And then 824 00:29:06,554 --> 00:29:08,777 the others we know from those first few 825 00:29:08,777 --> 00:29:10,999 tears all but the last one that we need 826 00:29:10,999 --> 00:29:13,054 in a given week at least 56,000 . We 827 00:29:13,054 --> 00:29:15,800 gotta refined that last year and per 828 00:29:15,800 --> 00:29:19,380 week per week 56,000 per week . So is 829 00:29:19,380 --> 00:29:21,436 we've been saying that 50,000 . As I 830 00:29:21,436 --> 00:29:23,380 told you all , I'll tell you again 831 00:29:23,380 --> 00:29:25,491 today those numbers will change as we 832 00:29:25,491 --> 00:29:27,602 continue to refine our techniques are 833 00:29:27,602 --> 00:29:29,658 practices . And as we learn more , I 834 00:29:29,658 --> 00:29:31,880 think I probably told you two weeks ago 835 00:29:31,880 --> 00:29:33,991 was 50,000 week . We're now 56 . It's 836 00:29:33,991 --> 00:29:35,936 gonna be higher because we have to 837 00:29:35,936 --> 00:29:38,047 flush out that tier four Tier four is 838 00:29:38,047 --> 00:29:39,991 gonna be the broader population by 839 00:29:39,991 --> 00:29:42,047 which we do what's called what we're 840 00:29:42,047 --> 00:29:44,213 calling sentinel testing whereby we we 841 00:29:44,213 --> 00:29:46,380 randomly test groups of people to make 842 00:29:46,380 --> 00:29:48,213 sure there are not . They , uh , 843 00:29:48,213 --> 00:29:50,269 understand how maney asymptomatic or 844 00:29:50,269 --> 00:29:52,491 carriers or maybe out there . So it's a 845 00:29:52,491 --> 00:29:54,547 It's a concept we're developing . It 846 00:29:54,547 --> 00:29:56,769 eventually will add to the numbers that 847 00:29:56,769 --> 00:29:56,710 we need to test in a given week , if 848 00:29:56,710 --> 00:29:59,270 you will . And then beyond that , we 849 00:29:59,270 --> 00:30:01,730 know we have , ah , number of supplies 850 00:30:01,730 --> 00:30:04,270 on hand to do so many tests a week . At 851 00:30:04,270 --> 00:30:06,492 this point time , we're ordering more . 852 00:30:06,492 --> 00:30:08,603 We're ordering for three purposes one 853 00:30:08,603 --> 00:30:10,770 for our own testing needs . Secondly , 854 00:30:10,770 --> 00:30:12,381 for the testing needs of our 855 00:30:12,381 --> 00:30:14,492 interagency partners . And third , we 856 00:30:14,492 --> 00:30:16,381 got to rebuild our stockpile . So 857 00:30:16,410 --> 00:30:18,490 entire forces that , looking at the 858 00:30:18,490 --> 00:30:20,712 number , there's not a need to test the 859 00:30:20,712 --> 00:30:22,934 entire force . That would be that would 860 00:30:22,934 --> 00:30:25,157 not be a good use of tests again . When 861 00:30:25,157 --> 00:30:27,268 you look at those tier four groups of 862 00:30:27,268 --> 00:30:29,434 folks who aren't deploying or not on a 863 00:30:29,434 --> 00:30:31,601 strategic mission capability to people 864 00:30:31,601 --> 00:30:33,712 like us , unless you're symptomatic , 865 00:30:33,712 --> 00:30:35,934 probably don't need a test now , that's 866 00:30:35,934 --> 00:30:38,101 where the Sentinel the Tear let fourth 867 00:30:38,101 --> 00:30:40,046 group where we do sentinel testing 868 00:30:40,046 --> 00:30:42,101 where we say Okay , well , this this 869 00:30:42,101 --> 00:30:43,934 group out here , we haven't seen 870 00:30:43,934 --> 00:30:46,101 anything from , but let's test just in 871 00:30:46,101 --> 00:30:48,323 case and we see if there's carriers and 872 00:30:48,323 --> 00:30:50,323 it helps a sharpened our focus . So 873 00:30:50,323 --> 00:30:50,120 right now there is not a planet just 874 00:30:50,340 --> 00:30:52,451 automatically test the entire force . 875 00:30:52,740 --> 00:30:54,907 We'll catch the balance that tier four 876 00:30:54,907 --> 00:30:57,073 through this sentinel testing as we're 877 00:30:57,073 --> 00:30:59,129 calling it right now . And Tom , the 878 00:30:59,129 --> 00:31:01,184 60,000 you mentioned for that was an 879 00:31:01,184 --> 00:31:03,184 early estimate based on testing the 880 00:31:03,184 --> 00:31:05,407 entire force , but also based on duty . 881 00:31:05,407 --> 00:31:07,880 Civilians based upon spouses and 882 00:31:07,880 --> 00:31:09,936 Children and family members based on 883 00:31:09,936 --> 00:31:12,269 retirees accepted so much larger number . 884 00:31:12,269 --> 00:31:14,324 We've done a lot of refinement since 885 00:31:14,324 --> 00:31:16,380 then , under under the leadership of 886 00:31:16,380 --> 00:31:18,269 our medical people . And what the 887 00:31:18,269 --> 00:31:20,491 numbers that we're looking at right now 888 00:31:20,491 --> 00:31:23,420 56 call it 120,000 month . That would 889 00:31:23,420 --> 00:31:25,531 be the requirement that want to build 890 00:31:25,531 --> 00:31:27,587 two right now . Our capacity is that 891 00:31:27,587 --> 00:31:29,531 you mentioned 20 . That's what was 892 00:31:29,531 --> 00:31:31,698 actually done a little bit better than 893 00:31:31,698 --> 00:31:33,753 that . 30,000 is really our capacity 894 00:31:33,753 --> 00:31:33,570 right now . We're gonna continue to 895 00:31:33,570 --> 00:31:35,681 build on building built , but testing 896 00:31:35,681 --> 00:31:37,903 the entire force . We're learning as we 897 00:31:37,903 --> 00:31:40,014 go here . Testing the entire force is 898 00:31:40,014 --> 00:31:42,126 probably not a complete requirement . 899 00:31:42,126 --> 00:31:44,181 We're back to the phones . Will goto 900 00:31:44,181 --> 00:31:45,181 still be happy ? 901 00:31:48,950 --> 00:31:52,450 You know ? Thank you . Iran hits a 902 00:31:52,450 --> 00:31:55,230 question for for the chairman . 903 00:31:56,220 --> 00:31:59,130 Iran sent a satellite last month in 904 00:31:59,130 --> 00:32:02,570 space . Isn't your assessment that the 905 00:32:02,580 --> 00:32:06,260 satellite it represents a threat to US 906 00:32:06,270 --> 00:32:09,550 interests ? I'll be candid . I'm not 907 00:32:09,550 --> 00:32:13,140 sure I understood the question you 908 00:32:13,210 --> 00:32:15,450 do you consider it as a threat ? 909 00:32:16,960 --> 00:32:18,960 It was the Iranian satellite launch 910 00:32:18,960 --> 00:32:21,182 into space . A threat to us interests . 911 00:32:21,182 --> 00:32:24,710 That the question ? Yes , Well , let me 912 00:32:24,710 --> 00:32:26,990 put it this way . They launched a 913 00:32:27,000 --> 00:32:30,190 satellite vehicle . I think we publicly 914 00:32:30,190 --> 00:32:32,780 have stated it was tumbling . Eso the 915 00:32:32,780 --> 00:32:35,260 satellite itself Not overly concerned 916 00:32:35,260 --> 00:32:37,800 about it . But the missile technology , 917 00:32:38,240 --> 00:32:40,184 the secondary and second and third 918 00:32:40,184 --> 00:32:42,240 order missile technology and lessons 919 00:32:42,240 --> 00:32:44,351 learned from that . That is a concern 920 00:32:44,351 --> 00:32:46,573 because , you know , different missiles 921 00:32:46,573 --> 00:32:48,684 could do different things and one can 922 00:32:48,684 --> 00:32:50,684 carry satellite . Another can carry 923 00:32:50,684 --> 00:32:52,962 some sort of device that could explode . 924 00:32:52,962 --> 00:32:55,240 So the bottom line is Yes , It is a 925 00:32:55,250 --> 00:32:58,140 security concern . Anytime Iran is 926 00:32:58,140 --> 00:33:00,510 testing any type of ah long range 927 00:33:00,510 --> 00:33:03,830 missile good . Tony ? 928 00:33:05,540 --> 00:33:08,550 Yeah ? Can I follow up ? 929 00:33:09,440 --> 00:33:12,420 Sure . Go ahead and increase of 930 00:33:12,430 --> 00:33:14,550 opportunity from Iran recently . 931 00:33:16,100 --> 00:33:19,820 Have you any 932 00:33:19,820 --> 00:33:22,160 recent What activity ? Increased 933 00:33:22,160 --> 00:33:24,870 activity . What ? It depends . It 934 00:33:24,870 --> 00:33:26,981 depends on what you mean by increased 935 00:33:26,981 --> 00:33:29,330 activity . This cyber space , naval 936 00:33:29,330 --> 00:33:31,750 ground , special operations working 937 00:33:31,750 --> 00:33:34,028 through surrogates is lots of activity . 938 00:33:34,028 --> 00:33:36,250 We have Monnet . We monitor Iran very , 939 00:33:36,250 --> 00:33:38,417 very closely . As you can imagine , as 940 00:33:38,417 --> 00:33:40,417 we do many , many other countries . 941 00:33:40,417 --> 00:33:42,472 Right now we keep them . We keep our 942 00:33:42,472 --> 00:33:44,639 forces on high states of alert . We're 943 00:33:44,639 --> 00:33:46,750 ready for whatever . Whatever happens 944 00:33:46,750 --> 00:33:48,972 in the Middle East . That's fair to say 945 00:33:48,972 --> 00:33:51,194 that Iran continues its malign behavior 946 00:33:51,194 --> 00:33:51,010 throughout the region . It's it's 947 00:33:51,010 --> 00:33:53,220 really disappointing because at a time 948 00:33:53,220 --> 00:33:55,387 when the Iranian people are struggling 949 00:33:55,387 --> 00:33:57,442 as a result of this cove , it and is 950 00:33:57,442 --> 00:33:59,609 not just a covert but their failure to 951 00:33:59,609 --> 00:34:01,776 act on cove it in a timely manner with 952 00:34:01,776 --> 00:34:03,720 proper policies if they would just 953 00:34:03,720 --> 00:34:05,776 spend more time and money and effort 954 00:34:05,776 --> 00:34:08,109 focusing on taking care of their people , 955 00:34:08,109 --> 00:34:07,210 the Iranian country , the people 956 00:34:07,210 --> 00:34:09,099 themselves with being a whole lot 957 00:34:09,099 --> 00:34:11,266 better shape . But again , the Iranian 958 00:34:11,266 --> 00:34:13,099 government continues to export . 959 00:34:13,099 --> 00:34:15,043 Terrorism continues to export this 960 00:34:15,043 --> 00:34:17,043 malign behavior from the Houthis up 961 00:34:17,043 --> 00:34:19,210 into Iraq across into Syria . You name 962 00:34:19,210 --> 00:34:21,321 it . We continue to see in the export 963 00:34:21,321 --> 00:34:23,432 trouble . And it's all we ask is that 964 00:34:23,432 --> 00:34:25,930 they be a normal country . Tony 965 00:34:29,940 --> 00:34:33,920 at Mr Secretary . Yes . I have a budget 966 00:34:33,920 --> 00:34:36,170 question for you under under a flat 967 00:34:36,180 --> 00:34:39,600 budget projection . What modernization 968 00:34:39,600 --> 00:34:42,540 programs would be at risk of reductions . 969 00:34:42,930 --> 00:34:44,986 You've already signaled that nuclear 970 00:34:44,986 --> 00:34:47,097 modernization is the the top priority 971 00:34:47,097 --> 00:34:49,190 of the department . So would naval 972 00:34:49,190 --> 00:34:51,990 shipbuilding , tactical aviation , land 973 00:34:51,990 --> 00:34:54,157 systems . What ? Just what would be at 974 00:34:54,157 --> 00:34:56,157 risk in a flat budget over the next 975 00:34:56,157 --> 00:34:58,120 couple years ? Well , Tony , we're 976 00:34:58,120 --> 00:35:00,009 gonna look at those things and do 977 00:35:00,009 --> 00:35:02,231 course , we're gonna be very deliberate 978 00:35:02,231 --> 00:35:01,720 about it . You're right . We're not 979 00:35:01,720 --> 00:35:03,650 going . Teoh risk the strategic 980 00:35:03,650 --> 00:35:05,483 deterrent . We need to certainly 981 00:35:05,483 --> 00:35:08,120 modernize that in all things . And you 982 00:35:08,120 --> 00:35:09,953 covered my time in the Army . We 983 00:35:09,953 --> 00:35:12,550 prioritize programs . Frankly , my 984 00:35:12,550 --> 00:35:14,661 inclination is not to risk any of the 985 00:35:14,661 --> 00:35:16,828 modernisation programmes is to go back 986 00:35:16,828 --> 00:35:19,161 and pull out more . The legacy programs . 987 00:35:19,161 --> 00:35:21,272 We need to move away for the legacy . 988 00:35:21,272 --> 00:35:23,272 And we need to invest those dollars 989 00:35:23,272 --> 00:35:25,439 into the into the future . And we have 990 00:35:25,439 --> 00:35:27,383 a lot of legacy programs out there 991 00:35:27,383 --> 00:35:29,606 right now . I could I could pick dozens 992 00:35:29,606 --> 00:35:29,510 out from all branches of the service , 993 00:35:29,510 --> 00:35:32,060 so that is where I would start . What 994 00:35:32,060 --> 00:35:34,171 that would mean is probably accepting 995 00:35:34,171 --> 00:35:36,060 some near term risk , but I think 996 00:35:36,060 --> 00:35:38,282 that's important given the trajectory . 997 00:35:38,282 --> 00:35:40,504 We see that China is on and and we know 998 00:35:40,504 --> 00:35:42,727 where Russia may be going in the coming 999 00:35:42,727 --> 00:35:44,782 years . So that is one place where I 1000 00:35:44,782 --> 00:35:43,920 would begin . But we're gonna be 1001 00:35:43,920 --> 00:35:46,142 working through this course of action . 1002 00:35:46,142 --> 00:35:48,364 We've already had discussions about the 1003 00:35:48,364 --> 00:35:50,531 budget , what it could be . We do this 1004 00:35:50,531 --> 00:35:49,660 every year , by the way . It's it's 1005 00:35:49,660 --> 00:35:51,716 nothing new , but it is a little bit 1006 00:35:51,716 --> 00:35:53,882 more acute because a some of you heard 1007 00:35:53,882 --> 00:35:56,049 me say yesterday we recognize the fact 1008 00:35:56,049 --> 00:35:58,400 that the Congress is generously put , 1009 00:35:58,620 --> 00:36:00,676 what $3 trillion into the economy in 1010 00:36:00,676 --> 00:36:02,842 the past couple months , And that puts 1011 00:36:02,842 --> 00:36:04,953 a tremendous load onto the debt , the 1012 00:36:04,953 --> 00:36:07,120 national debt , and that puts a strain 1013 00:36:07,120 --> 00:36:09,064 on the economy . So we're aware of 1014 00:36:09,064 --> 00:36:11,120 those things , and we're taking that 1015 00:36:11,120 --> 00:36:13,120 into our planning considerations as 1016 00:36:13,120 --> 00:36:15,176 well as we consider our Palm and our 1017 00:36:15,176 --> 00:36:15,120 fight up for the coming years . One 1018 00:36:15,130 --> 00:36:17,297 more from the fund to come back to the 1019 00:36:17,297 --> 00:36:19,297 last question . Sam LeBron us and I 1020 00:36:19,297 --> 00:36:21,760 news you fear , right ? Why do you 1021 00:36:21,760 --> 00:36:24,460 think FCC approved the decision ? Given 1022 00:36:24,460 --> 00:36:26,640 the unanimous unanimous course of 1023 00:36:26,640 --> 00:36:28,473 government officials , including 1024 00:36:28,473 --> 00:36:30,696 yourself , that this could endanger the 1025 00:36:30,696 --> 00:36:33,200 GPS system . Yeah , I don't know . I 1026 00:36:33,210 --> 00:36:35,290 don't want to speculate . I think 1027 00:36:35,290 --> 00:36:37,680 that's a great question for the FCC toe 1028 00:36:37,690 --> 00:36:41,090 to find out . So thanks . 1029 00:36:41,450 --> 00:36:43,728 Yeah , hi , Uh , can withdrawn with us . 1030 00:36:43,728 --> 00:36:46,300 And I need gentlemen the ongoing 80 1031 00:36:46,300 --> 00:36:48,356 investigation into the circumstances 1032 00:36:48,356 --> 00:36:50,522 around the Theodore Roosevelt seems to 1033 00:36:50,522 --> 00:36:52,744 be contained from the command structure 1034 00:36:52,744 --> 00:36:55,078 of the aircraft carrier up to the U . S . 1035 00:36:55,078 --> 00:36:57,070 Pacific fleet . There need to be a 1036 00:36:57,070 --> 00:37:00,770 broader look involving the COCOM in 1037 00:37:00,770 --> 00:37:02,960 terms of the chain of command 1038 00:37:02,960 --> 00:37:05,071 relationships related to the outbreak 1039 00:37:05,071 --> 00:37:08,050 on the TR . Thank you . Well , let's 1040 00:37:08,060 --> 00:37:10,360 let's back up a little bit . Just the 1041 00:37:10,370 --> 00:37:12,481 the recitation of some basic factor . 1042 00:37:12,481 --> 00:37:14,648 And I know I think Secretary McPherson 1043 00:37:14,648 --> 00:37:16,814 spoke to this about a week ago or so . 1044 00:37:16,814 --> 00:37:18,592 But , you know , the Navy did a 1045 00:37:18,592 --> 00:37:20,314 preliminary inquiry , and it's 1046 00:37:20,314 --> 00:37:22,370 important we get thes thes terms are 1047 00:37:22,370 --> 00:37:24,592 important . It's they did a preliminary 1048 00:37:24,592 --> 00:37:26,759 inquiry took five days , dozen , dozen 1049 00:37:26,759 --> 00:37:28,703 or so interviews . And I think the 1050 00:37:28,703 --> 00:37:30,814 preliminary inquiry was successful in 1051 00:37:30,814 --> 00:37:32,926 terms of what was intended to dio its 1052 00:37:32,926 --> 00:37:34,814 intent of a plenary inquiry is to 1053 00:37:34,814 --> 00:37:36,592 decide whether or not a further 1054 00:37:36,592 --> 00:37:38,537 investigation is warranted . And I 1055 00:37:38,537 --> 00:37:40,648 think is Secretary McPherson , Acting 1056 00:37:40,648 --> 00:37:42,703 Secretary . McPherson rightly stated 1057 00:37:42,703 --> 00:37:44,703 that it raised a lot of questions , 1058 00:37:44,703 --> 00:37:46,592 unanswered questions , and so his 1059 00:37:46,592 --> 00:37:49,530 determination was that they a full up 1060 00:37:49,530 --> 00:37:51,641 investigation is required . So we now 1061 00:37:51,641 --> 00:37:53,910 know that is underway . I think you if 1062 00:37:53,910 --> 00:37:56,021 I recall what you said , you scope to 1063 00:37:56,021 --> 00:37:58,354 properly my guidance to him . And again , 1064 00:37:58,354 --> 00:38:00,350 it was his decision . It's being 1065 00:38:00,350 --> 00:38:02,628 conducted by the Navy is pretty simple . 1066 00:38:02,628 --> 00:38:04,850 Do the right thing and follow the facts 1067 00:38:04,850 --> 00:38:06,906 wherever they go . If we reached the 1068 00:38:06,906 --> 00:38:09,017 point where his investigation exceeds 1069 00:38:09,017 --> 00:38:11,310 the scope of of how he is bound it 1070 00:38:11,310 --> 00:38:13,254 right now or his authority that he 1071 00:38:13,254 --> 00:38:15,310 knows he can come back to me and I'm 1072 00:38:15,310 --> 00:38:17,421 gonna be a diligent in terms of again 1073 00:38:17,421 --> 00:38:19,643 falling with facts , I think whatever , 1074 00:38:19,643 --> 00:38:19,620 where this investigation comes up , too . 1075 00:38:19,620 --> 00:38:21,787 And I've said this privately and maybe 1076 00:38:21,787 --> 00:38:24,009 publicly , with some of you all is that 1077 00:38:24,009 --> 00:38:26,120 we've got to be able to hold it up to 1078 00:38:26,120 --> 00:38:28,342 ourselves , to the American people , to 1079 00:38:28,342 --> 00:38:30,342 the Congress . It has to be able to 1080 00:38:30,342 --> 00:38:29,970 survive the scrutiny and all the 1081 00:38:29,970 --> 00:38:32,026 questions that are out there . So we 1082 00:38:32,026 --> 00:38:33,914 know that we know everything that 1083 00:38:33,914 --> 00:38:36,026 happened . And ah , and we hold folks 1084 00:38:36,026 --> 00:38:38,137 accountable as need to be accountable 1085 00:38:38,137 --> 00:38:39,914 and that we learn from it . The 1086 00:38:39,914 --> 00:38:41,914 important thing is learned eso that 1087 00:38:41,914 --> 00:38:43,970 going into the future , we're a much 1088 00:38:43,970 --> 00:38:46,081 better organization either writ large 1089 00:38:46,081 --> 00:38:48,248 but the Navy in particular . So , uh , 1090 00:38:48,248 --> 00:38:50,470 we gotta let that play out . That's all 1091 00:38:50,470 --> 00:38:52,303 say to that at this point . Last 1092 00:38:52,303 --> 00:38:54,137 question here made it so for the 1093 00:38:54,137 --> 00:38:57,430 chairman last one . Do you have an 1094 00:38:57,430 --> 00:38:59,430 update on how far through the tears 1095 00:38:59,430 --> 00:39:01,652 you've gotten in terms of getting all a 1096 00:39:01,652 --> 00:39:03,819 tier one tier 2 to 3 tested ? How long 1097 00:39:03,819 --> 00:39:05,930 that might take another The secretary 1098 00:39:05,930 --> 00:39:07,874 as some of these states lift their 1099 00:39:07,874 --> 00:39:10,041 shelter and place orders , what's your 1100 00:39:10,041 --> 00:39:11,819 advice ? Not necessarily policy 1101 00:39:11,819 --> 00:39:13,763 guidance , but advice for Garrison 1102 00:39:13,763 --> 00:39:15,930 commanders who are trying to negotiate 1103 00:39:15,930 --> 00:39:18,208 that in Texas , Georgia , Florida . So , 1104 00:39:18,208 --> 00:39:20,910 in the first question for the strategic 1105 00:39:20,910 --> 00:39:23,380 forces , you can rest assure that 1106 00:39:23,390 --> 00:39:25,990 they're they're all squared away and 1107 00:39:26,300 --> 00:39:28,467 radiance is there and they've all been 1108 00:39:28,467 --> 00:39:30,467 tested on screen for covert . We're 1109 00:39:30,467 --> 00:39:32,689 working our way through tier two . Tier 1110 00:39:32,689 --> 00:39:34,800 two is a much larger population , and 1111 00:39:34,800 --> 00:39:36,800 we're still working our way through 1112 00:39:36,800 --> 00:39:40,530 that and on the the other question , 1113 00:39:40,530 --> 00:39:42,641 Megan , what we're developing now and 1114 00:39:42,641 --> 00:39:45,020 it's 80% there , if you will , is what 1115 00:39:45,020 --> 00:39:47,076 that guidance will look like . We're 1116 00:39:47,076 --> 00:39:49,131 gonna look at things on two levels . 1117 00:39:49,131 --> 00:39:51,242 One is that states how the states air 1118 00:39:51,242 --> 00:39:53,076 doing with regard to meeting the 1119 00:39:53,076 --> 00:39:55,187 administration's guidelines . The CDC 1120 00:39:55,187 --> 00:39:57,409 guidelines With regard opening . It's a 1121 00:39:57,409 --> 00:39:59,409 14 day trend , down with etcetera . 1122 00:39:59,409 --> 00:40:01,576 That's something that will not be made 1123 00:40:01,576 --> 00:40:00,670 by installation commanders . We're 1124 00:40:00,670 --> 00:40:02,726 going to elevate that some . So it's 1125 00:40:02,726 --> 00:40:04,960 made it a state level because many of 1126 00:40:04,960 --> 00:40:06,960 you know we have . We could have an 1127 00:40:06,960 --> 00:40:09,860 Army base in 80 base or Air Force base 1128 00:40:09,860 --> 00:40:12,060 in one state . So it's situations like 1129 00:40:12,060 --> 00:40:14,116 that where you don't give God . It's 1130 00:40:14,116 --> 00:40:16,227 all the way down , but you drop it to 1131 00:40:16,227 --> 00:40:18,393 the lowest level capable , incompetent 1132 00:40:18,393 --> 00:40:20,449 making at , so there will be a level 1133 00:40:20,449 --> 00:40:20,140 which it will be made . A decision will 1134 00:40:20,140 --> 00:40:22,196 be made at the state level . Then it 1135 00:40:22,196 --> 00:40:23,973 will be another set of criteria 1136 00:40:23,973 --> 00:40:26,084 guidelines , probably more more apt , 1137 00:40:26,190 --> 00:40:28,190 by which the installation commander 1138 00:40:28,190 --> 00:40:30,023 will have to apply at his or her 1139 00:40:30,023 --> 00:40:32,079 installation because , as you said , 1140 00:40:32,200 --> 00:40:34,367 you could be an installation one state 1141 00:40:34,367 --> 00:40:36,478 of one part of Texas may be different 1142 00:40:36,478 --> 00:40:36,410 than what they're experiencing . 1143 00:40:36,410 --> 00:40:39,000 Another part of Texas just picking a 1144 00:40:39,000 --> 00:40:42,280 random state . Eso a . To that point 1145 00:40:42,280 --> 00:40:44,940 time , it'll be more of individual unit 1146 00:40:44,950 --> 00:40:47,061 installation . Commander will have to 1147 00:40:47,061 --> 00:40:48,950 make those decisions again , will 1148 00:40:48,950 --> 00:40:51,006 provide clear guidelines . And those 1149 00:40:51,006 --> 00:40:53,283 those two pillars , at least right now , 1150 00:40:53,283 --> 00:40:53,200 will form the basis of how we start 1151 00:40:53,200 --> 00:40:57,060 looking at lifting the extension of the 1152 00:40:57,140 --> 00:40:59,251 travel restriction orders . And we'll 1153 00:40:59,251 --> 00:41:01,362 provide that same type of criteria as 1154 00:41:01,362 --> 00:41:03,418 we look overseas . It's a little bit 1155 00:41:03,418 --> 00:41:05,584 more difficult , but we're going to do 1156 00:41:05,584 --> 00:41:05,220 that as well . Again , we had a long 1157 00:41:05,220 --> 00:41:07,164 conversation this morning with the 1158 00:41:07,164 --> 00:41:09,053 service secretaries , the service 1159 00:41:09,053 --> 00:41:11,220 chiefs and the combatant commanders on 1160 00:41:11,220 --> 00:41:13,220 this to make sure we get it right . 1161 00:41:13,220 --> 00:41:15,220 It's clear enough , and it's enough 1162 00:41:15,220 --> 00:41:17,442 that we have good confidence that we're 1163 00:41:17,442 --> 00:41:19,276 taking due diligence in terms of 1164 00:41:19,276 --> 00:41:19,040 protecting our people . As we look at 1165 00:41:19,040 --> 00:41:22,360 opening up this summer , I thought , 1166 00:41:22,890 --> 00:41:24,500 OK , thank you all very much