1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:15,130 --> 00:00:17,186 Okay , Good morning , everyone . And 3 00:00:17,186 --> 00:00:19,540 thank you for joining us today . Since 4 00:00:19,540 --> 00:00:21,540 being sworn into office more than a 5 00:00:21,540 --> 00:00:23,596 year ago , I have been consistent in 6 00:00:23,596 --> 00:00:25,707 stating that my top priority would be 7 00:00:25,707 --> 00:00:27,596 implementing the national defense 8 00:00:27,596 --> 00:00:29,818 strategy . Over the past year , we have 9 00:00:29,818 --> 00:00:31,880 done just that . If you look at my 10 00:00:31,880 --> 00:00:33,769 recent message to the Joint Force 11 00:00:33,769 --> 00:00:35,991 regarding the progress we've made , you 12 00:00:35,991 --> 00:00:38,102 will see very clearly how far we have 13 00:00:38,102 --> 00:00:40,269 moved over our three lines of effort , 14 00:00:40,269 --> 00:00:42,436 which include the first line of effort 15 00:00:42,436 --> 00:00:44,380 building more lethal force and the 16 00:00:44,380 --> 00:00:46,324 second line of effort , strengthen 17 00:00:46,324 --> 00:00:48,547 alliances as well as our 10 subordinate 18 00:00:48,547 --> 00:00:50,547 goals . One important initiative to 19 00:00:50,547 --> 00:00:52,658 advance the NDS has been to conduct a 20 00:00:52,658 --> 00:00:54,880 review of all the combatant commands to 21 00:00:54,880 --> 00:00:57,450 ensure a focus on NDS priorities . This 22 00:00:57,450 --> 00:00:59,617 includes optimizing our force presence 23 00:00:59,617 --> 00:01:02,210 worldwide , directing our time , money 24 00:01:02,210 --> 00:01:03,988 and manpower toward our highest 25 00:01:03,988 --> 00:01:06,210 priorities , implementing our immediate 26 00:01:06,210 --> 00:01:08,510 response force , contingency response 27 00:01:08,510 --> 00:01:10,590 force and dynamic force employment , 28 00:01:10,600 --> 00:01:14,260 enhanced readiness concepts and moving 29 00:01:14,260 --> 00:01:16,340 toward greater use rotational forces 30 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:18,711 from the United States to enhance our 31 00:01:18,711 --> 00:01:20,822 strategic flexibility and operational 32 00:01:20,822 --> 00:01:22,933 unpredictability , as we've done over 33 00:01:22,933 --> 00:01:24,933 the past few months with our bomber 34 00:01:24,933 --> 00:01:27,620 task forces , we're pursuing several 35 00:01:27,620 --> 00:01:29,787 other initiatives under this rubric as 36 00:01:29,787 --> 00:01:31,842 well . There are currently more than 37 00:01:31,842 --> 00:01:33,676 1/2 dozen combat command reviews 38 00:01:33,676 --> 00:01:35,680 underway , beginning with US Africa 39 00:01:35,680 --> 00:01:37,736 Command , which began late last year 40 00:01:37,736 --> 00:01:39,847 and the most recent being U . S Space 41 00:01:39,847 --> 00:01:42,430 Command . Today we want to update you 42 00:01:42,430 --> 00:01:44,541 on the status of our U . S . European 43 00:01:44,541 --> 00:01:46,708 Command review , which was accelerated 44 00:01:46,708 --> 00:01:48,874 with the president's decision in early 45 00:01:48,874 --> 00:01:51,097 June to reduce our footprint in Germany 46 00:01:51,097 --> 00:01:53,263 and our plans to reposition our forces 47 00:01:53,263 --> 00:01:55,263 in Europe to be better situated for 48 00:01:55,263 --> 00:01:57,041 great power competition . It is 49 00:01:57,041 --> 00:01:59,670 important to note that in NATO's 71 50 00:01:59,670 --> 00:02:02,050 year history , the size , composition 51 00:02:02,050 --> 00:02:04,230 and disposition of U . S forces in 52 00:02:04,230 --> 00:02:06,090 Europe has changed many times . 53 00:02:06,990 --> 00:02:08,990 Sometimes this has been a result of 54 00:02:08,990 --> 00:02:10,880 changes in the threat , sometimes 55 00:02:10,880 --> 00:02:12,658 because of other changes in the 56 00:02:12,658 --> 00:02:14,880 international environment and sometimes 57 00:02:14,880 --> 00:02:17,102 simply because the borders between NATO 58 00:02:17,102 --> 00:02:19,324 countries and Russia have shifted . Has 59 00:02:19,324 --> 00:02:22,060 new allies have joined as we've entered 60 00:02:22,060 --> 00:02:24,227 a new era of great power competition ? 61 00:02:24,227 --> 00:02:26,116 We're now at another one of those 62 00:02:26,116 --> 00:02:28,227 inflection points in NATO's history , 63 00:02:28,227 --> 00:02:30,393 and I'm confident the alliance will be 64 00:02:30,393 --> 00:02:32,449 all the better and stronger for it . 65 00:02:32,870 --> 00:02:35,030 Since June , EUCOM has done excellent 66 00:02:35,030 --> 00:02:37,252 work in developing a plan that achieves 67 00:02:37,252 --> 00:02:39,474 the president's objective and meets the 68 00:02:39,474 --> 00:02:41,586 following five principles that I gave 69 00:02:41,586 --> 00:02:43,586 General Walters as he and his staff 70 00:02:43,586 --> 00:02:45,730 began their planning . First enhanced 71 00:02:45,730 --> 00:02:47,910 deterrence of Russia . Second , 72 00:02:48,260 --> 00:02:52,160 strengthen NATO third , reassure allies 73 00:02:52,700 --> 00:02:55,120 fourth , improve US strategic 74 00:02:55,130 --> 00:02:57,200 flexibility and EUCOM operational 75 00:02:57,200 --> 00:02:59,660 flexibility and fifth take care of our 76 00:02:59,660 --> 00:03:01,771 service members and their families in 77 00:03:01,771 --> 00:03:04,060 the process . The president approved 78 00:03:04,060 --> 00:03:05,980 the Yukon Plan in late June . We 79 00:03:05,980 --> 00:03:08,036 briefed key members of Congress last 80 00:03:08,036 --> 00:03:10,258 week and the team and I spoke with NATO 81 00:03:10,258 --> 00:03:12,147 Secretary General Stoltenberg and 82 00:03:12,147 --> 00:03:14,313 directly affected allies over the past 83 00:03:14,313 --> 00:03:16,424 few days . As we share the plane with 84 00:03:16,424 --> 00:03:18,591 you , I want to note that this plan is 85 00:03:18,591 --> 00:03:20,647 subject to and likely will change to 86 00:03:20,647 --> 00:03:22,758 some degree as it evolves over time . 87 00:03:22,760 --> 00:03:24,982 The current U Conn plan will reposition 88 00:03:24,982 --> 00:03:28,330 approximately 11,900 military personnel 89 00:03:28,340 --> 00:03:32,000 from Germany from roughly 36,000 down 90 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:34,480 to 24,000 in a manner that will 91 00:03:34,480 --> 00:03:36,147 strengthen NATO , enhance the 92 00:03:36,147 --> 00:03:38,369 deterrence of Russia and make the other 93 00:03:38,369 --> 00:03:40,900 principles I set forth . Of the 94 00:03:40,900 --> 00:03:44,720 11,900 nearly 5600 service members , 95 00:03:44,940 --> 00:03:47,140 we will be repositioned within NATO 96 00:03:47,140 --> 00:03:50,300 countries and approximately 6400 will 97 00:03:50,300 --> 00:03:52,356 return to the United States , though 98 00:03:52,356 --> 00:03:54,356 many of these or similar units will 99 00:03:54,356 --> 00:03:56,578 begin conducting rotational deployments 100 00:03:56,578 --> 00:03:59,340 back to Europe . The broad strokes of 101 00:03:59,340 --> 00:04:02,890 these moves are as follows . First , 102 00:04:03,220 --> 00:04:05,442 various United States headquarters will 103 00:04:05,442 --> 00:04:07,609 be consolidated in locations in Europe 104 00:04:07,609 --> 00:04:09,609 outside of Germany , including , in 105 00:04:09,609 --> 00:04:11,664 some cases , co locating at the same 106 00:04:11,664 --> 00:04:13,887 locations as their NATO counterparts in 107 00:04:13,887 --> 00:04:15,553 Belgium and Italy . This will 108 00:04:15,553 --> 00:04:17,331 strengthen NATO and improve the 109 00:04:17,331 --> 00:04:19,553 operational efficiency and readiness of 110 00:04:19,553 --> 00:04:21,690 over 2000 service members in these 111 00:04:21,690 --> 00:04:25,350 headquarters . Second , the nearly 4500 112 00:04:25,350 --> 00:04:27,517 members of the second Cavalry Regiment 113 00:04:27,517 --> 00:04:29,517 will return to the United States as 114 00:04:29,517 --> 00:04:31,517 other striker units begin continues 115 00:04:31,517 --> 00:04:33,739 rotations farther east in the Black Sea 116 00:04:33,739 --> 00:04:35,683 region , giving us a more enduring 117 00:04:35,683 --> 00:04:38,140 presence to enhance deterrence and 118 00:04:38,140 --> 00:04:39,790 reassure allies along NATO's 119 00:04:39,800 --> 00:04:43,470 southeastern plank . Third , the 120 00:04:43,470 --> 00:04:46,080 25th 2500 chairman based in building 121 00:04:46,080 --> 00:04:47,858 Hall , United Kingdom , who are 122 00:04:47,858 --> 00:04:49,913 responsible for aerial refueling and 123 00:04:49,913 --> 00:04:51,913 special operations and who had been 124 00:04:51,913 --> 00:04:54,080 scheduled to re base to Germany , will 125 00:04:54,080 --> 00:04:56,080 remain in the United Kingdom , thus 126 00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:58,302 ensuring the UN's interrupted readiness 127 00:04:58,302 --> 00:05:00,302 and responsiveness of these units . 128 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:03,360 Fourth , a fighter squadron and 129 00:05:03,370 --> 00:05:05,314 elements of a fighter wing will be 130 00:05:05,314 --> 00:05:07,314 repositioned to Italy , moving them 131 00:05:07,314 --> 00:05:09,259 closer to the Black Sea region and 132 00:05:09,259 --> 00:05:11,314 better capable of conducting dynamic 133 00:05:11,314 --> 00:05:13,148 force employments and rotational 134 00:05:13,148 --> 00:05:15,092 deployments to NATO's southeastern 135 00:05:15,092 --> 00:05:17,780 flank . In addition to these moves and 136 00:05:17,780 --> 00:05:19,724 the rotational forces announced by 137 00:05:19,724 --> 00:05:21,780 President Trump and Polish President 138 00:05:21,780 --> 00:05:24,110 Duda in 2019 we also plan on rotating 139 00:05:24,110 --> 00:05:26,054 for the lead element of the Army's 140 00:05:26,054 --> 00:05:27,721 newly established fifth corps 141 00:05:27,721 --> 00:05:29,832 headquarters to Poland . Wants Warsaw 142 00:05:29,832 --> 00:05:31,943 signs a defense cooperation agreement 143 00:05:31,943 --> 00:05:34,280 and burden sharing deal as previously 144 00:05:34,280 --> 00:05:37,090 pledged . There are maybe other 145 00:05:37,090 --> 00:05:38,757 opportunities as well to move 146 00:05:38,757 --> 00:05:40,868 additional forces into Poland and the 147 00:05:40,868 --> 00:05:44,070 Baltics . Our aim is to implement these 148 00:05:44,070 --> 00:05:46,670 moves as expeditiously as expeditiously 149 00:05:46,670 --> 00:05:48,559 as possible , consistent with the 150 00:05:48,559 --> 00:05:50,614 principles I set forth from the from 151 00:05:50,614 --> 00:05:52,837 the beginning , particularly being fair 152 00:05:52,837 --> 00:05:54,726 to and taking care of our service 153 00:05:54,726 --> 00:05:56,837 members and their families . We could 154 00:05:56,837 --> 00:05:58,837 see some moves begin within weeks . 155 00:05:58,837 --> 00:06:01,370 Others will take longer . Has anyone 156 00:06:01,370 --> 00:06:03,314 could see the repositioning of our 157 00:06:03,314 --> 00:06:05,370 forces in Europe constitutes a major 158 00:06:05,370 --> 00:06:07,426 strategic and positive shift holy in 159 00:06:07,426 --> 00:06:09,537 line with the NDS and consistent with 160 00:06:09,537 --> 00:06:11,703 other adjustments to the United States 161 00:06:11,703 --> 00:06:13,870 adjustments the United States has made 162 00:06:13,870 --> 00:06:15,981 within NATO in previous times . These 163 00:06:15,981 --> 00:06:17,648 changes will achieve the core 164 00:06:17,648 --> 00:06:19,814 principles of enhancing U . S and NATO 165 00:06:19,814 --> 00:06:21,870 deterrence of Russia , strengthening 166 00:06:21,870 --> 00:06:24,270 NATO reassuring allies and improving U . 167 00:06:24,270 --> 00:06:26,600 S . Strategic flexibility and EUCOM 168 00:06:26,610 --> 00:06:29,410 operational flexibility . And of course , 169 00:06:29,420 --> 00:06:31,510 at all times we were prioritized our 170 00:06:31,510 --> 00:06:33,621 most important resource , our service 171 00:06:33,621 --> 00:06:36,560 members and their families . No moves 172 00:06:36,560 --> 00:06:38,227 will take place without third 173 00:06:38,227 --> 00:06:40,004 communication with our people . 174 00:06:40,004 --> 00:06:42,171 Continued engagement with Congress and 175 00:06:42,171 --> 00:06:44,230 consultation with our allies . Thank 176 00:06:44,230 --> 00:06:46,286 you . And I will now turn it over to 177 00:06:46,286 --> 00:06:48,397 the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 178 00:06:48,397 --> 00:06:50,452 of Staff . General Heighten and then 179 00:06:50,452 --> 00:06:52,674 EUCOM Commander General Walters . Thank 180 00:06:52,674 --> 00:06:54,674 you , Mr Secretary . Good morning , 181 00:06:54,674 --> 00:06:54,510 everyone . And thanks for being here 182 00:06:54,510 --> 00:06:57,450 today . Uh , looking back at history , 183 00:06:57,840 --> 00:07:00,062 NATO was established more than 70 years 184 00:07:00,062 --> 00:07:02,090 ago by 12 countries who signed the 185 00:07:02,090 --> 00:07:04,090 North Atlantic Treaty right here in 186 00:07:04,090 --> 00:07:06,230 Washington , France , Luxembourg , 187 00:07:06,230 --> 00:07:08,452 Belgium and the Netherlands . Comprised 188 00:07:08,452 --> 00:07:10,660 the eastern flank has other nations 189 00:07:10,660 --> 00:07:12,882 joined NATO . The eastern flank shifted 190 00:07:12,882 --> 00:07:15,049 to Germany and has continued to expand 191 00:07:15,049 --> 00:07:17,049 further into Eastern Europe . Now , 192 00:07:17,049 --> 00:07:19,216 with 30 countries in NATO , so another 193 00:07:19,216 --> 00:07:21,810 re balance is essential . One of our 194 00:07:21,810 --> 00:07:23,977 primary missions is to prevent another 195 00:07:23,977 --> 00:07:26,088 great power war and to maintain great 196 00:07:26,088 --> 00:07:27,921 power piece the national Defense 197 00:07:27,921 --> 00:07:30,090 strategy . The NDS guides our efforts 198 00:07:30,090 --> 00:07:32,840 to adapt the force and the Yukon Plan 199 00:07:32,850 --> 00:07:34,961 optimizes our force posture in Europe 200 00:07:34,961 --> 00:07:36,961 as we seek to determine line actors 201 00:07:36,961 --> 00:07:39,400 there . This re balance consistent with 202 00:07:39,400 --> 00:07:41,456 the NDS , will align NATO and U Conn 203 00:07:41,456 --> 00:07:43,730 capabilities better , distribute forces 204 00:07:43,730 --> 00:07:45,841 across Europe and increase the use of 205 00:07:45,841 --> 00:07:48,063 rotational forces , thus bolstering our 206 00:07:48,063 --> 00:07:50,520 commitment to Europe . It enhances 207 00:07:50,520 --> 00:07:52,520 deterrents and improves operational 208 00:07:52,520 --> 00:07:55,260 flexibility . Repositioning our forces 209 00:07:55,260 --> 00:07:57,427 and making consolidations will provide 210 00:07:57,427 --> 00:07:59,260 General Walters as the commander 211 00:07:59,260 --> 00:08:01,482 increased ability to dynamically employ 212 00:08:01,482 --> 00:08:04,340 his force . This effort will increase 213 00:08:04,340 --> 00:08:06,229 opportunities to partner with and 214 00:08:06,229 --> 00:08:08,229 strengthen our bond with allies and 215 00:08:08,229 --> 00:08:10,451 partners in the region region . It will 216 00:08:10,451 --> 00:08:12,507 also require additional planning and 217 00:08:12,507 --> 00:08:14,729 consultation with our allies and let me 218 00:08:14,729 --> 00:08:16,840 emphasize that point we have been and 219 00:08:16,840 --> 00:08:18,562 we will remain transparent and 220 00:08:18,562 --> 00:08:20,784 collaborative as planning and execution 221 00:08:20,784 --> 00:08:22,896 moves forward . I had the opportunity 222 00:08:22,896 --> 00:08:24,840 is the secretary just mentioned to 223 00:08:24,840 --> 00:08:24,790 speak with a number of my military 224 00:08:24,790 --> 00:08:26,734 counterparts over the last week to 225 00:08:26,734 --> 00:08:28,790 preview the force posture changes in 226 00:08:28,790 --> 00:08:30,957 Europe . Now that we've outlined every 227 00:08:30,957 --> 00:08:33,068 day , our allies and partners join us 228 00:08:33,068 --> 00:08:35,179 and defending freedom , deterring war 229 00:08:35,179 --> 00:08:36,957 and maintaining the rules which 230 00:08:36,957 --> 00:08:38,457 underwrite a free and open 231 00:08:38,457 --> 00:08:41,010 international order . This strategic 232 00:08:41,010 --> 00:08:43,010 posture , realignment in Europe and 233 00:08:43,010 --> 00:08:45,066 other actions Indo pay com is taking 234 00:08:45,066 --> 00:08:46,788 his well should send a clear , 235 00:08:46,788 --> 00:08:49,121 unmistakable message to our competitors . 236 00:08:49,340 --> 00:08:51,507 The Joint forces committed to acting . 237 00:08:51,507 --> 00:08:53,451 His opportunities arise to counter 238 00:08:53,451 --> 00:08:55,229 malign activities and we remain 239 00:08:55,229 --> 00:08:57,340 position to deter military aggression 240 00:08:57,340 --> 00:08:59,284 against the U . S and Issa and our 241 00:08:59,284 --> 00:09:01,451 allies . While we hope that Russia and 242 00:09:01,451 --> 00:09:03,507 China will engage in more productive 243 00:09:03,507 --> 00:09:03,130 and cooperative behavior in the future , 244 00:09:03,130 --> 00:09:05,130 we're posturing our forces to deter 245 00:09:05,130 --> 00:09:07,130 aggression , encounter their malign 246 00:09:07,130 --> 00:09:09,100 influence . So the secretary 247 00:09:09,100 --> 00:09:11,100 highlighted many of the details . I 248 00:09:11,100 --> 00:09:13,100 won't go into those , but I want to 249 00:09:13,100 --> 00:09:15,267 take a brief moment . To just touch on 250 00:09:15,267 --> 00:09:15,250 the impact are forcing our families . 251 00:09:16,140 --> 00:09:19,030 For almost 40 years , I've watched our 252 00:09:19,030 --> 00:09:21,197 people in their families sacrifice for 253 00:09:21,197 --> 00:09:23,240 this country . It's remarkable what 254 00:09:23,240 --> 00:09:25,573 they've done , what they continue to do . 255 00:09:25,573 --> 00:09:27,462 And I believe that's the greatest 256 00:09:27,462 --> 00:09:27,280 advantage that we as the United States 257 00:09:27,280 --> 00:09:30,020 America have . It's our people in the 258 00:09:30,020 --> 00:09:31,909 Army , the Navy , the Air Force , 259 00:09:31,909 --> 00:09:34,620 Marines , our families , the people we 260 00:09:34,620 --> 00:09:37,030 have to do this mission or most 261 00:09:37,030 --> 00:09:39,200 incredible , we're gonna work closely 262 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:41,200 and communicate frequent frequently 263 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:42,811 with each of the services on 264 00:09:42,811 --> 00:09:44,922 implementing the changes that we move 265 00:09:44,922 --> 00:09:46,922 forward . And most importantly , we 266 00:09:46,922 --> 00:09:48,756 want to ensure stability for the 267 00:09:48,756 --> 00:09:50,811 service members and their families . 268 00:09:50,811 --> 00:09:52,978 Service members will be informed of re 269 00:09:52,978 --> 00:09:55,200 stationing decisions well in advance in 270 00:09:55,200 --> 00:09:54,950 order to prepare themselves and their 271 00:09:55,200 --> 00:09:57,700 families for any moves . The safety and 272 00:09:57,700 --> 00:09:59,811 well being of our service members and 273 00:09:59,811 --> 00:10:02,144 their families remains our top priority . 274 00:10:02,144 --> 00:10:04,200 And finally , we'll continue to work 275 00:10:04,200 --> 00:10:06,311 closely with Congress , and they will 276 00:10:06,311 --> 00:10:08,478 be consulted on any movements of units 277 00:10:08,478 --> 00:10:08,030 back to the United States as well as 278 00:10:08,030 --> 00:10:10,340 repositioning in Europe . So , in a 279 00:10:10,540 --> 00:10:12,707 close , by thinking all our servicemen 280 00:10:12,707 --> 00:10:14,762 and women , I want to recognize each 281 00:10:14,762 --> 00:10:16,873 and every one of them who are in this 282 00:10:16,873 --> 00:10:18,984 fight . The readiness of our military 283 00:10:18,984 --> 00:10:21,262 is strong , were capable . We're ready . 284 00:10:21,262 --> 00:10:23,207 No matter what the threat . No one 285 00:10:23,207 --> 00:10:25,318 doubts the readiness of United States 286 00:10:25,318 --> 00:10:27,096 military respond and defend the 287 00:10:27,096 --> 00:10:29,207 American people if required . And our 288 00:10:29,207 --> 00:10:31,429 allies with that , I'll turn it over to 289 00:10:31,429 --> 00:10:33,429 General Walters , who staff led the 290 00:10:33,429 --> 00:10:33,310 effort to develop the plan you heard 291 00:10:33,310 --> 00:10:35,366 the secretary describe . We'll leave 292 00:10:35,366 --> 00:10:38,150 further detailed discussions as well as 293 00:10:38,150 --> 00:10:40,094 planning and implementation in the 294 00:10:40,094 --> 00:10:42,372 future . Over to you , General Walters . 295 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:45,680 Thank you , sir . And thank you , 296 00:10:46,640 --> 00:10:49,080 Vice Chairman Heighten . Good morning 297 00:10:49,210 --> 00:10:51,560 and good afternoon to all of you from 298 00:10:51,570 --> 00:10:53,890 our headquarters here in Mons , Belgium 299 00:10:54,440 --> 00:10:56,990 are us You come strategy demands ever 300 00:10:56,990 --> 00:11:00,400 increasing speed in all endeavors and 301 00:11:00,400 --> 00:11:03,200 ever improving posture we focus on 302 00:11:03,200 --> 00:11:05,460 actions inside and outside our area of 303 00:11:05,460 --> 00:11:08,050 responsibility and vigilance with 304 00:11:08,050 --> 00:11:10,410 respect to great power . Competition is 305 00:11:10,410 --> 00:11:13,110 an absolute imperative . As was 306 00:11:13,110 --> 00:11:15,810 discussed . This realignment allows us 307 00:11:16,220 --> 00:11:18,550 to favorably deter against Russia , 308 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:22,110 assists NATO , strengthen the alliance , 309 00:11:22,380 --> 00:11:24,810 improves secretary experts strategic 310 00:11:24,810 --> 00:11:27,240 flexibility and improve you comments , 311 00:11:27,240 --> 00:11:30,430 operational flexibility all the while 312 00:11:30,610 --> 00:11:32,610 keeping a close eye on the care and 313 00:11:32,610 --> 00:11:35,790 feeding of our families , A secretary 314 00:11:35,790 --> 00:11:38,140 Esper highlighted . The current plan 315 00:11:38,140 --> 00:11:39,807 proposes the repositioning of 316 00:11:39,807 --> 00:11:41,918 headquarters at the Combatant Command 317 00:11:42,130 --> 00:11:44,650 Component Command and lower levels . 318 00:11:45,400 --> 00:11:47,990 Repositioning US EUCOM headquarters and 319 00:11:47,990 --> 00:11:50,130 its component U . S . Special 320 00:11:50,130 --> 00:11:52,650 Operations Command Europe from Germany 321 00:11:52,650 --> 00:11:54,710 to Belgium CO locates these 322 00:11:54,710 --> 00:11:56,950 organizations with shape headquarters . 323 00:11:57,340 --> 00:11:59,562 This will improve the speed and clarity 324 00:11:59,562 --> 00:12:01,640 of our decision making and promote 325 00:12:01,640 --> 00:12:04,600 greater operational alignment . Also , 326 00:12:04,830 --> 00:12:06,997 there is the potential to reposition U 327 00:12:06,997 --> 00:12:08,990 S . AFRICOM headquarters in its 328 00:12:08,990 --> 00:12:11,210 component U . S . Special Operations 329 00:12:11,210 --> 00:12:13,800 Command Africa to a location to be 330 00:12:13,800 --> 00:12:16,150 determined . We also intend to 331 00:12:16,150 --> 00:12:18,110 reposition three brigade size 332 00:12:18,110 --> 00:12:20,520 headquarters , an air defense artillery 333 00:12:20,520 --> 00:12:23,040 battalion and an engineering battalion , 334 00:12:23,260 --> 00:12:25,890 toe Belgium from Germany and two 335 00:12:25,890 --> 00:12:27,750 smaller support and contracting 336 00:12:27,750 --> 00:12:30,820 organizations to Italy . Pending 337 00:12:30,820 --> 00:12:32,950 further planning and refinement , we 338 00:12:32,950 --> 00:12:36,090 anticipate the 52nd Civil Engineering 339 00:12:36,090 --> 00:12:39,270 Squadron could move soonest at a time 340 00:12:39,270 --> 00:12:41,900 to be determined from Germany to Italy . 341 00:12:43,140 --> 00:12:45,830 And , as secretary expert pointed out , 342 00:12:45,980 --> 00:12:48,570 We will propose repositioning an F 16 343 00:12:48,570 --> 00:12:50,960 fighters quarter its aircraft , its 344 00:12:50,960 --> 00:12:53,310 pilots and its jet mechanics from 345 00:12:53,310 --> 00:12:56,340 Germany to Italy . We also anticipate 346 00:12:56,340 --> 00:12:58,340 the repositioning of two battalions 347 00:12:58,340 --> 00:13:00,760 from Germany to Italy to reunite with 348 00:13:00,760 --> 00:13:02,890 their parent brigade headquarters , a 349 00:13:02,890 --> 00:13:05,223 move that will enhance unity of command . 350 00:13:06,340 --> 00:13:08,580 The proposal to reposition forces back 351 00:13:08,580 --> 00:13:11,080 to Conus , as the secretary mentioned 352 00:13:11,080 --> 00:13:13,413 with respect to the second Cab Regiment , 353 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:15,590 will allow those units to regain 354 00:13:15,730 --> 00:13:19,000 maximum US at home station readiness 355 00:13:19,290 --> 00:13:21,290 and more effectively support global 356 00:13:21,290 --> 00:13:23,850 contingencies while still maintaining a 357 00:13:23,860 --> 00:13:27,260 keen focus on Europe . The forces 358 00:13:27,260 --> 00:13:29,550 repositioned within Europe will better 359 00:13:29,550 --> 00:13:31,860 promote and better perform 360 00:13:31,880 --> 00:13:33,910 comprehensive defence and shared 361 00:13:33,910 --> 00:13:36,220 response . This is an alignment with 362 00:13:36,220 --> 00:13:38,680 NATO's new military strategy , the 363 00:13:38,680 --> 00:13:40,458 first strategy document for the 364 00:13:40,458 --> 00:13:43,490 military in over six decades . These 365 00:13:43,490 --> 00:13:46,090 efforts all increase our opportunity to 366 00:13:46,090 --> 00:13:48,250 generate greater peace in Europe and 367 00:13:48,250 --> 00:13:50,380 enhance the U . S s effectiveness in 368 00:13:50,380 --> 00:13:52,520 great power competition . We look 369 00:13:52,520 --> 00:13:54,464 forward to taking your questions , 370 00:13:59,650 --> 00:14:01,372 lied about door , I just asked 371 00:14:01,372 --> 00:14:03,539 everybody , keep it one question today 372 00:14:03,539 --> 00:14:05,539 so we can get through some people . 373 00:14:05,539 --> 00:14:07,650 It's not will be forced to reclaim my 374 00:14:07,650 --> 00:14:11,360 con . So I lied about I 375 00:14:11,370 --> 00:14:14,890 thank uhm one question for 376 00:14:15,380 --> 00:14:18,480 requesting a few details . How much , 377 00:14:18,620 --> 00:14:20,676 Mr Secretary , about how much do you 378 00:14:20,676 --> 00:14:24,470 think will cost ? How how many do you 379 00:14:24,470 --> 00:14:27,860 think can get moved more quickly ? You 380 00:14:27,860 --> 00:14:29,804 mentioned some might be able to be 381 00:14:29,804 --> 00:14:31,971 moved within weeks . How many of those 382 00:14:32,350 --> 00:14:34,294 do you think could be moved within 383 00:14:34,294 --> 00:14:36,440 weeks ? And could you just give a 384 00:14:36,440 --> 00:14:38,607 little bit more detail on those coming 385 00:14:38,607 --> 00:14:40,773 home ? Where would they come home to ? 386 00:14:40,773 --> 00:14:43,220 Thank you . Okay , I think that's about 387 00:14:43,220 --> 00:14:45,442 three questions , but I'll take a quick 388 00:14:45,442 --> 00:14:48,070 swag , Adam , Uh , clearly the costs . 389 00:14:48,070 --> 00:14:50,237 Right now , our estimates it will take 390 00:14:50,237 --> 00:14:52,620 a several $1,000,000,000 I'd say single 391 00:14:52,620 --> 00:14:54,731 digits , but that that will be spread 392 00:14:54,731 --> 00:14:56,953 out over time , obviously , but we need 393 00:14:56,953 --> 00:14:59,120 to refine that . That's where a lot of 394 00:14:59,120 --> 00:15:01,342 this work will come in in terms of fine 395 00:15:01,342 --> 00:15:01,230 tuning them where the units will go 396 00:15:01,230 --> 00:15:03,230 into the States . That's gonna be a 397 00:15:03,230 --> 00:15:05,286 matter of consultation . Of course , 398 00:15:05,286 --> 00:15:07,341 with Congress , it will be a service 399 00:15:07,341 --> 00:15:09,508 responsibility to determine where they 400 00:15:09,508 --> 00:15:11,619 should go to enhance the readiness to 401 00:15:11,619 --> 00:15:13,786 make sure we have adequate housing and 402 00:15:13,786 --> 00:15:15,841 child care and hospital care and all 403 00:15:15,841 --> 00:15:15,320 that for families . So that will be a 404 00:15:15,320 --> 00:15:17,860 process . It will be undertaken by the 405 00:15:18,380 --> 00:15:20,960 by the services and with regard to how 406 00:15:20,960 --> 00:15:23,240 quickly units will move . Like I said , 407 00:15:23,240 --> 00:15:25,296 I'll just say a matter of weeks . It 408 00:15:25,296 --> 00:15:27,240 requires diplomacy . We've been in 409 00:15:27,240 --> 00:15:29,129 touch with the State Department , 410 00:15:29,129 --> 00:15:31,570 working closely with them . They feel 411 00:15:31,570 --> 00:15:33,681 very strongly This is a positive move 412 00:15:33,681 --> 00:15:35,626 as well . I've spoken to Secretary 413 00:15:35,626 --> 00:15:37,660 Pompeo , so we need to rely in good 414 00:15:37,660 --> 00:15:39,771 degree on their diplomatic efforts as 415 00:15:39,771 --> 00:15:41,993 well . But this is something we want to 416 00:15:41,993 --> 00:15:44,104 do we feel very good about . We think 417 00:15:44,104 --> 00:15:45,882 it meets all the principles and 418 00:15:45,882 --> 00:15:47,993 objectives I outlined . So we want to 419 00:15:47,993 --> 00:15:47,800 get there as quickly as possible 420 00:15:48,450 --> 00:15:50,672 because of the importance it has to the 421 00:15:50,672 --> 00:15:54,090 alliance and to deterring Russia . No , 422 00:15:54,840 --> 00:15:58,190 I'm sorry . Yeah . Services will handle 423 00:15:58,190 --> 00:16:00,357 the domestic peace , So that will take 424 00:16:00,357 --> 00:16:04,300 some time . Um , you know , some 425 00:16:04,300 --> 00:16:06,578 kid from the German presidency , G p A . 426 00:16:07,000 --> 00:16:09,056 As you can imagine , it's from great 427 00:16:09,056 --> 00:16:11,111 importance for Germany What ? You're 428 00:16:11,111 --> 00:16:13,222 involved today . So I would like Thio 429 00:16:13,222 --> 00:16:16,430 Thio , Ask for the specific the 430 00:16:16,440 --> 00:16:19,140 sites which are affected by the 431 00:16:19,140 --> 00:16:21,362 reduction of troops . If you could name 432 00:16:21,362 --> 00:16:23,696 the exact locations that would be great . 433 00:16:23,696 --> 00:16:26,030 I can . But I'm gonna turn this over to 434 00:16:26,040 --> 00:16:28,151 General Walters dancer because he can 435 00:16:28,151 --> 00:16:30,040 give you more comprehensive . The 436 00:16:30,040 --> 00:16:32,096 answer . John Walters . Did you hear 437 00:16:32,096 --> 00:16:35,870 the question ? I did , Secretary , 438 00:16:36,230 --> 00:16:38,820 if I could , with with respect to it 439 00:16:38,820 --> 00:16:41,960 the sites of the EUCOM headquarters it 440 00:16:41,970 --> 00:16:43,940 is . You will know they currently 441 00:16:43,940 --> 00:16:46,620 reside the headquarters , patch 442 00:16:46,620 --> 00:16:48,509 barracks and stooped guard and we 443 00:16:48,509 --> 00:16:50,620 anticipate again with more refinement 444 00:16:50,620 --> 00:16:53,330 required , Teoh ultimately shift that 445 00:16:53,340 --> 00:16:55,590 headquarters in Amman . Schedule 446 00:16:55,600 --> 00:16:57,670 Belgium Co located with shape 447 00:16:57,670 --> 00:16:59,880 headquarters , corresponding with the 448 00:16:59,880 --> 00:17:02,370 EUCOM headquarters movement is the 449 00:17:02,370 --> 00:17:04,270 Special Operations Command Europe 450 00:17:04,270 --> 00:17:06,860 Headquarters movement , also in studio 451 00:17:06,870 --> 00:17:09,560 guard . Two months Belgium , located at 452 00:17:09,560 --> 00:17:12,640 the same site . And we have proposals 453 00:17:12,640 --> 00:17:14,807 with with Africam . And as I mentioned 454 00:17:14,807 --> 00:17:17,070 in my opening comments , those 455 00:17:17,070 --> 00:17:19,126 discussions have a long ways to go . 456 00:17:19,126 --> 00:17:21,237 Lots of refinement in front of us and 457 00:17:21,237 --> 00:17:23,580 sites to be determined . And there are 458 00:17:23,580 --> 00:17:25,670 other , smaller headquarters in much 459 00:17:25,670 --> 00:17:28,160 lower numbers that were part of my 460 00:17:28,160 --> 00:17:31,370 discussion that also can be located in 461 00:17:31,370 --> 00:17:33,820 Belgium at she's complex . It's an 462 00:17:33,820 --> 00:17:36,040 aviation complex that we work in and 463 00:17:36,040 --> 00:17:38,280 out of . It's approximately 25 464 00:17:38,280 --> 00:17:40,840 kilometers away from Monte's Belgium , 465 00:17:40,960 --> 00:17:43,080 and we anticipate , pending further 466 00:17:43,080 --> 00:17:44,858 refinement to move some smaller 467 00:17:44,858 --> 00:17:46,969 headquarters to that location . Thank 468 00:17:46,969 --> 00:17:49,290 you . I'll just add that probably the 469 00:17:49,300 --> 00:17:51,356 the area most effective would be the 470 00:17:51,356 --> 00:17:53,244 stood gut area . And I had a good 471 00:17:53,244 --> 00:17:55,411 conversation last week with the German 472 00:17:55,411 --> 00:17:55,380 defense minister and laid out some of 473 00:17:55,380 --> 00:17:57,269 these in detail will obviously be 474 00:17:57,440 --> 00:17:59,496 engaging the Defense Ministry in the 475 00:17:59,496 --> 00:18:01,773 coming days and weeks with more detail . 476 00:18:04,810 --> 00:18:06,921 One clarification question . If I put 477 00:18:06,921 --> 00:18:09,088 him in a broader , would you mentioned 478 00:18:09,088 --> 00:18:10,866 costs being in the single digit 479 00:18:10,866 --> 00:18:13,032 billions over a period front over what 480 00:18:13,032 --> 00:18:14,977 period of time ? Because I imagine 481 00:18:14,977 --> 00:18:16,977 there will be costs associated with 482 00:18:16,977 --> 00:18:19,032 having rotational forces . So if you 483 00:18:19,032 --> 00:18:18,670 could give us a better understanding 484 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:20,236 that and if it comes out of 485 00:18:20,236 --> 00:18:22,402 reprogramming , where those costs come 486 00:18:22,402 --> 00:18:24,458 from and then broadly speaking , can 487 00:18:24,458 --> 00:18:26,569 you help us understand ? You talked a 488 00:18:26,569 --> 00:18:28,847 lot about the goal of deterring Russia . 489 00:18:28,847 --> 00:18:31,069 Why , from your perspective , is having 490 00:18:31,069 --> 00:18:33,069 forces the one combat brigade , the 491 00:18:33,069 --> 00:18:35,069 second cap out of Europe , a better 492 00:18:35,069 --> 00:18:37,124 former deterrence and having them in 493 00:18:37,124 --> 00:18:39,291 your Yes , I'll answer both . But then 494 00:18:39,291 --> 00:18:41,402 I'm gonna turn the General Walters to 495 00:18:41,402 --> 00:18:43,736 let him answer a little bit more detail . 496 00:18:43,736 --> 00:18:45,791 So you're right . In terms of cost , 497 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:48,013 it's gonna be a range of things . It'll 498 00:18:48,013 --> 00:18:50,180 be on Amital meal con you know , to be 499 00:18:50,180 --> 00:18:52,402 the PCs transfers . But of course , you 500 00:18:52,402 --> 00:18:54,513 know you have some gains to If you're 501 00:18:54,513 --> 00:18:56,624 not moving families back and forth to 502 00:18:56,624 --> 00:18:58,680 Germany , you have savings on that . 503 00:18:58,680 --> 00:18:58,600 And so it's gonna take a lot of hard 504 00:18:58,600 --> 00:19:01,110 work by our controllers by our 505 00:19:01,110 --> 00:19:03,277 financial people . Work through that , 506 00:19:03,277 --> 00:19:05,332 which is why it's going to take some 507 00:19:05,332 --> 00:19:07,443 time . But I think our rough measures 508 00:19:07,443 --> 00:19:07,080 what I told you based on historical 509 00:19:07,080 --> 00:19:09,302 precedent , if you will . And again all 510 00:19:09,302 --> 00:19:11,636 that journal Walters , Take that answer . 511 00:19:11,636 --> 00:19:14,110 Answer your next question and UH , E . 512 00:19:14,110 --> 00:19:16,277 I will say this much the deployment of 513 00:19:16,277 --> 00:19:18,166 rotational forces from the United 514 00:19:18,166 --> 00:19:20,166 States . We have observed , whether 515 00:19:20,166 --> 00:19:22,388 it's the ABC teas going from the United 516 00:19:22,388 --> 00:19:24,650 States to Teoh Korea or the ABC to 517 00:19:24,650 --> 00:19:27,310 Poland or the Bomber Task Force . We're 518 00:19:27,310 --> 00:19:29,310 finding that they're deploying at a 519 00:19:29,310 --> 00:19:31,532 much higher level readiness . And while 520 00:19:31,532 --> 00:19:33,754 they're deployed , they're they're able 521 00:19:33,754 --> 00:19:35,866 to sustain a much more fixed focus on 522 00:19:35,866 --> 00:19:38,032 their mission and their capabilities , 523 00:19:38,080 --> 00:19:40,302 and they and third , they can provide a 524 00:19:40,302 --> 00:19:42,610 more enduring presence . So all the 525 00:19:42,610 --> 00:19:44,777 General Walter speak to this to update 526 00:19:44,777 --> 00:19:46,777 you during my time when I served in 527 00:19:46,777 --> 00:19:49,810 Europe , we would deploy for 34567 528 00:19:49,810 --> 00:19:51,921 weeks at a time . Then we came home . 529 00:19:51,921 --> 00:19:53,977 In this case , what you'll have is a 530 00:19:53,977 --> 00:19:56,143 more enduring presence because we will 531 00:19:56,143 --> 00:19:58,254 deploy from United States and able to 532 00:19:58,254 --> 00:20:00,477 keep a units , in this case , a striker 533 00:20:00,477 --> 00:20:02,643 brigade , if you will , or elements of 534 00:20:02,643 --> 00:20:04,699 it in the Black Sea region in a more 535 00:20:04,699 --> 00:20:06,643 enduring way , more focused on the 536 00:20:06,643 --> 00:20:08,699 mission and not not constrained , if 537 00:20:08,699 --> 00:20:10,532 you will , with knowing that the 538 00:20:10,532 --> 00:20:12,699 families air back in Germany s . So it 539 00:20:12,699 --> 00:20:14,921 gives us a lot more flexibility in that 540 00:20:14,921 --> 00:20:16,921 regard . To do that , plus weaken , 541 00:20:16,921 --> 00:20:19,032 deploy other type units if we need to 542 00:20:19,032 --> 00:20:18,720 as well . So , General Walters , over 543 00:20:18,720 --> 00:20:21,110 to you to follow up on those +22 issues . 544 00:20:22,630 --> 00:20:24,640 Thank you , Secretary , and you're 545 00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:26,529 exactly right with respect to the 546 00:20:26,529 --> 00:20:29,270 flexibility that it affords us . And in 547 00:20:29,280 --> 00:20:31,391 in the discussion about repositioning 548 00:20:31,391 --> 00:20:34,090 forces in a comprehensive fashion . I 549 00:20:34,090 --> 00:20:36,290 mentioned in my opening comments that 550 00:20:36,290 --> 00:20:38,068 NATO just approved its military 551 00:20:38,068 --> 00:20:40,510 strategy and its concept , and it talks 552 00:20:40,510 --> 00:20:42,890 about all domains , all regions from a 553 00:20:42,890 --> 00:20:45,010 comprehensive perspective , with the 554 00:20:45,010 --> 00:20:47,080 rotational set that Secretary Esper 555 00:20:47,080 --> 00:20:49,410 described , and with us having the 556 00:20:49,410 --> 00:20:51,850 opportunity given this realignment to 557 00:20:51,850 --> 00:20:54,250 reach out to the southeastern flank in 558 00:20:54,250 --> 00:20:57,270 Europe will now be able to rotate units 559 00:20:57,350 --> 00:21:00,650 in perpetuity in multiple locations to 560 00:21:00,650 --> 00:21:03,360 include potentially Poland to include 561 00:21:03,540 --> 00:21:05,596 the Northeast in the vicinity of the 562 00:21:05,596 --> 00:21:07,707 Baltics , to include the southeast in 563 00:21:07,707 --> 00:21:09,873 the vicinity of the Black Sea and , on 564 00:21:09,873 --> 00:21:12,040 occasion , back into Germany . And the 565 00:21:12,040 --> 00:21:13,890 flexibility that this affords us 566 00:21:14,040 --> 00:21:16,262 certainly complicates a potential enemy 567 00:21:16,262 --> 00:21:18,230 against us , and it dramatically 568 00:21:18,230 --> 00:21:21,000 improves our operational capability to 569 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:22,944 more effectively to turn defense . 570 00:21:22,944 --> 00:21:25,110 Thank you . Talk anything further in 571 00:21:25,110 --> 00:21:27,860 the cost piece . But I just really like 572 00:21:27,870 --> 00:21:29,926 all these record jumping on the cost 573 00:21:29,926 --> 00:21:32,148 piece , the the secretary said . Single 574 00:21:32,148 --> 00:21:34,259 digit billions . But those were rough 575 00:21:34,259 --> 00:21:36,426 estimates . The the what we have right 576 00:21:36,426 --> 00:21:38,426 now is really a concept , a concept 577 00:21:38,426 --> 00:21:40,314 that we've shared with our allies 578 00:21:40,314 --> 00:21:42,670 shared with Congress , and we've shared 579 00:21:42,670 --> 00:21:45,110 inside the department fairly widely . 580 00:21:45,750 --> 00:21:47,806 We now have to turn it into plans as 581 00:21:47,806 --> 00:21:50,028 you turn it into plans . We have a very 582 00:21:50,028 --> 00:21:52,194 structured process involving the joint 583 00:21:52,194 --> 00:21:54,417 staff , the Office of the Secretary and 584 00:21:54,417 --> 00:21:56,639 the combatant commands and the services 585 00:21:56,639 --> 00:21:55,930 to make sure we understand what those 586 00:21:55,930 --> 00:21:58,097 are , then will lay in the costs . But 587 00:21:58,097 --> 00:22:00,041 we're start moving right away with 588 00:22:00,041 --> 00:22:02,152 forces moving right away , because we 589 00:22:02,152 --> 00:22:04,041 need to actually reach out to the 590 00:22:04,041 --> 00:22:06,208 potential locations where these forces 591 00:22:06,208 --> 00:22:06,050 are gonna move , make sure we 592 00:22:06,050 --> 00:22:08,217 understand what is there , what can be 593 00:22:08,217 --> 00:22:10,328 there and then turned those into real 594 00:22:10,328 --> 00:22:12,217 cost estimates and then work with 595 00:22:12,217 --> 00:22:14,383 Congress to get the resource is . Some 596 00:22:14,383 --> 00:22:14,370 of those resources can be handled in 597 00:22:14,370 --> 00:22:16,720 your of execution . Some will be 598 00:22:16,720 --> 00:22:18,942 handled out years , especially military 599 00:22:18,942 --> 00:22:21,109 construction , which will clearly have 600 00:22:21,109 --> 00:22:23,331 to be handled in the attic . Kind of Mr 601 00:22:23,331 --> 00:22:25,220 Secretary , you say this is about 602 00:22:25,220 --> 00:22:27,442 strategy when the president has clearly 603 00:22:27,442 --> 00:22:29,387 said this is about his grudge with 604 00:22:29,387 --> 00:22:31,720 Jeremy . Just a few weeks ago , he said , 605 00:22:31,720 --> 00:22:33,831 Germany's been delinquent of billions 606 00:22:33,831 --> 00:22:35,900 of dollars on this is for years , so 607 00:22:36,540 --> 00:22:39,220 we're removing a number down to putting 608 00:22:39,220 --> 00:22:41,640 that number down to 25,000 soldiers . 609 00:22:41,910 --> 00:22:44,720 He's linking this Germany's lack of 610 00:22:44,730 --> 00:22:47,280 payments to NATO . So how do you 611 00:22:47,280 --> 00:22:49,280 reconcile that ? You're saying it's 612 00:22:49,280 --> 00:22:51,280 about strategy . He's saying it's a 613 00:22:51,280 --> 00:22:53,502 vote basically sticking of Germany . We 614 00:22:53,502 --> 00:22:55,502 began this process actually several 615 00:22:55,502 --> 00:22:57,669 months ago when I gave EUCOM direction 616 00:22:57,669 --> 00:22:59,724 to begin looking at ways by which we 617 00:22:59,724 --> 00:23:02,120 can improve our force . Disposition in 618 00:23:02,120 --> 00:23:04,287 Germany are composition of I'm sorry . 619 00:23:04,287 --> 00:23:07,100 Germany in NATO are composition our 620 00:23:07,100 --> 00:23:09,100 size of our forces . He knew it was 621 00:23:09,100 --> 00:23:11,550 coming to because I now sit as soon as 622 00:23:11,550 --> 00:23:14,860 my hearing last last year also so that 623 00:23:14,860 --> 00:23:16,971 the combat commanders know that we're 624 00:23:16,971 --> 00:23:19,138 doing these reviews . We gave specific 625 00:23:19,138 --> 00:23:21,193 guidance months before that to begin 626 00:23:21,193 --> 00:23:21,180 this process . And what the president 627 00:23:21,180 --> 00:23:23,236 did with his directive in early June 628 00:23:23,236 --> 00:23:25,347 was to accelerate that process . When 629 00:23:25,347 --> 00:23:27,402 you step back and you look at what's 630 00:23:27,402 --> 00:23:29,402 happened right , what you'll see is 631 00:23:29,402 --> 00:23:31,402 we're still retaining a little more 632 00:23:31,402 --> 00:23:33,513 than 24,000 troops in Germany , which 633 00:23:33,513 --> 00:23:35,736 is still a lot . And I think still more 634 00:23:35,736 --> 00:23:37,958 than any other country in Europe . Um , 635 00:23:37,958 --> 00:23:40,236 and then you look at what we're moving . 636 00:23:40,236 --> 00:23:39,540 What we're doing is we're moving the 637 00:23:39,540 --> 00:23:41,873 forces to answer your strategy question . 638 00:23:41,873 --> 00:23:43,818 We're moving forces out of Central 639 00:23:43,818 --> 00:23:45,984 Europe , Germany , where they had been 640 00:23:45,984 --> 00:23:47,818 since the Cold War since I first 641 00:23:47,818 --> 00:23:50,040 traveled there in the early 19 eighties 642 00:23:50,040 --> 00:23:52,207 and we're now moving . We're following 643 00:23:52,207 --> 00:23:54,151 in many ways , the boundary east . 644 00:23:54,151 --> 00:23:56,262 Where are where our newest allies are 645 00:23:56,262 --> 00:23:59,330 eso into the Black Sea region . We 646 00:23:59,330 --> 00:24:01,330 talked about additional forces into 647 00:24:01,330 --> 00:24:03,052 Poland , and I think there are 648 00:24:03,052 --> 00:24:05,108 opportunities to put forces into the 649 00:24:05,108 --> 00:24:07,330 Baltics . That's why it's the strategic 650 00:24:07,330 --> 00:24:09,274 lay down that enhances deterrent . 651 00:24:09,274 --> 00:24:11,386 Strengthens is , the Allies reassures 652 00:24:11,386 --> 00:24:13,274 them . We've gotten very positive 653 00:24:13,274 --> 00:24:15,441 feedback from several countries . I've 654 00:24:15,441 --> 00:24:17,552 mentioned this morning with regard to 655 00:24:17,552 --> 00:24:19,663 this move , and so overall I think it 656 00:24:19,663 --> 00:24:19,290 is again . It meets all those 657 00:24:19,290 --> 00:24:22,260 objectives . Your boss is saying it's 658 00:24:22,260 --> 00:24:24,260 about Germany being delinquent . Is 659 00:24:24,260 --> 00:24:26,149 that nothing about strategy ? I'm 660 00:24:26,149 --> 00:24:27,871 telling you that this is gonna 661 00:24:27,871 --> 00:24:30,093 accomplish what the president said with 662 00:24:30,093 --> 00:24:32,149 regard to getting us down to a lower 663 00:24:32,149 --> 00:24:34,371 number in Europe and it meets his other 664 00:24:34,371 --> 00:24:34,020 objectives . I outlined with regard to 665 00:24:34,020 --> 00:24:35,964 the strategic piece the principles 666 00:24:35,964 --> 00:24:38,131 assuring the allies and taking care of 667 00:24:38,131 --> 00:24:40,076 our service members and families . 668 00:24:40,076 --> 00:24:42,330 We're gonna go to the phones , do only 669 00:24:42,340 --> 00:24:43,260 from duality , 670 00:24:46,090 --> 00:24:48,660 I think , for the briefing about the 671 00:24:48,660 --> 00:24:50,882 reduction plan of the U . S . Troops in 672 00:24:50,882 --> 00:24:52,993 Germany . There are some speculations 673 00:24:52,993 --> 00:24:55,104 that some of the troops evacuating in 674 00:24:55,104 --> 00:24:57,460 Germany could be redeployed to the 675 00:24:57,470 --> 00:24:59,870 Pacific area later to respond to the 676 00:24:59,870 --> 00:25:02,170 Chinese military threat . So do you 677 00:25:02,170 --> 00:25:04,170 have such a plan ? Can you liberate 678 00:25:04,170 --> 00:25:06,330 more onto redeployment and obsessing 679 00:25:06,330 --> 00:25:09,190 plan of the trip from Germany ? Well , 680 00:25:09,200 --> 00:25:11,089 in all things they could be , but 681 00:25:11,089 --> 00:25:13,200 because I want to . I want to enhance 682 00:25:13,200 --> 00:25:15,422 my strategic flexibility . Right . That 683 00:25:15,422 --> 00:25:17,756 was principle number four , if you will . 684 00:25:17,756 --> 00:25:20,033 But right now there are no plans to do . 685 00:25:20,033 --> 00:25:22,144 So we're gonna eventually take a look 686 00:25:22,144 --> 00:25:24,256 as we get to the end up a calm review 687 00:25:24,256 --> 00:25:26,422 and look at how we can a nance enhance 688 00:25:26,422 --> 00:25:28,533 our against strategic flexibility Are 689 00:25:28,533 --> 00:25:30,589 our operational flexibility , if you 690 00:25:30,589 --> 00:25:30,130 will . And several these other 691 00:25:30,130 --> 00:25:32,241 principles I outlined as we head into 692 00:25:32,241 --> 00:25:34,408 the end , opaque on review . But right 693 00:25:34,408 --> 00:25:36,519 now , there are no plans to do that . 694 00:25:36,519 --> 00:25:38,519 The plan is to begin thes rotations 695 00:25:38,519 --> 00:25:40,480 back to Europe in a way that again 696 00:25:40,480 --> 00:25:42,702 enhances my strategic flexibility . But 697 00:25:42,702 --> 00:25:44,591 maybe more importantly , enhances 698 00:25:44,591 --> 00:25:46,813 General Walters operational flexibility 699 00:25:46,813 --> 00:25:48,869 to deploy them in amore enduring way 700 00:25:48,869 --> 00:25:51,036 where he needs to in the theater could 701 00:25:51,036 --> 00:25:52,924 be this . We're talking about the 702 00:25:52,924 --> 00:25:55,147 southeastern flank , but it could be up 703 00:25:55,147 --> 00:25:57,147 into the northeastern flank Teoh to 704 00:25:57,147 --> 00:25:57,130 accomplish the objectives that he's 705 00:25:57,130 --> 00:25:59,610 outlined that I've outlined as part of 706 00:25:59,610 --> 00:26:01,666 our planning . We're gonna go to the 707 00:26:01,666 --> 00:26:03,930 phones for one more from Ah , Martina , 708 00:26:09,040 --> 00:26:10,873 I thank you very much for this . 709 00:26:10,873 --> 00:26:13,260 Everything , um , going back to Tom 710 00:26:13,260 --> 00:26:15,371 Bowman's questions President Trump on 711 00:26:15,371 --> 00:26:17,690 the South lawn has once again restated 712 00:26:17,700 --> 00:26:20,420 that , Really , this is more about 713 00:26:20,920 --> 00:26:23,670 Germany's payments were that its GDP 714 00:26:23,670 --> 00:26:26,310 payments are not amounting to what 715 00:26:26,640 --> 00:26:29,980 Heywood like . Um , And so he said that 716 00:26:29,980 --> 00:26:32,147 everybody should be a 4% . And he said 717 00:26:32,147 --> 00:26:34,202 that Germany has only paid 1% . When 718 00:26:34,202 --> 00:26:36,369 you called him being delinquent , Um , 719 00:26:36,540 --> 00:26:39,730 and so how can you reconcile that ? I 720 00:26:39,730 --> 00:26:41,841 know that this process has been going 721 00:26:41,841 --> 00:26:44,063 on for quite some time . But is it safe 722 00:26:44,063 --> 00:26:46,174 to say that it was accelerated by the 723 00:26:46,174 --> 00:26:48,380 president's opinions that Germany is 724 00:26:48,380 --> 00:26:51,110 not doing enough with regards to GDP 725 00:26:51,110 --> 00:26:53,400 payment ? First of all , I'd say toe 726 00:26:53,410 --> 00:26:55,466 President Trump's credit . Under his 727 00:26:55,466 --> 00:26:57,632 leadership . We have , Ah , we've seen 728 00:26:57,632 --> 00:27:01,040 UNQ . Reese in defense spending by NATO . 729 00:27:01,230 --> 00:27:03,610 I think it's over $130 billion . Over a 730 00:27:03,610 --> 00:27:06,180 few years , we have seen a few more 731 00:27:06,180 --> 00:27:08,180 countries joined . I'll call the 2% 732 00:27:08,180 --> 00:27:10,291 club , and that is countries who have 733 00:27:10,291 --> 00:27:12,458 lived up to their wells commitment . I 734 00:27:12,458 --> 00:27:14,291 think it goes back to 2016 under 735 00:27:14,291 --> 00:27:16,402 previous administration to contribute 736 00:27:16,402 --> 00:27:18,402 more to NATO's collective defense . 737 00:27:18,402 --> 00:27:20,624 Let's be clear . I think Germany is the 738 00:27:20,624 --> 00:27:22,791 wealthiest country in Europe . Germany 739 00:27:22,791 --> 00:27:25,069 can and should pay more to its defense . 740 00:27:25,069 --> 00:27:26,847 It should certainly meet the 2% 741 00:27:26,847 --> 00:27:29,069 standard . And I would argue , Go above 742 00:27:29,069 --> 00:27:31,124 and beyond that . And I've said that 743 00:27:31,124 --> 00:27:33,124 very publicly . I've said that Vory 744 00:27:33,124 --> 00:27:35,124 privately , Teoh my counterparts as 745 00:27:35,124 --> 00:27:37,720 well about the importance of NATO . Any 746 00:27:37,720 --> 00:27:40,090 alliance sharing the burden so we can 747 00:27:40,090 --> 00:27:42,410 all deter Russia and avoid peace and 748 00:27:42,410 --> 00:27:44,466 Europe . And again , the president's 749 00:27:44,466 --> 00:27:46,632 directive . Endurance June accelerated 750 00:27:46,632 --> 00:27:48,577 that , and I think where you are . 751 00:27:48,577 --> 00:27:50,688 We're excited about where we're going 752 00:27:50,688 --> 00:27:50,530 and what it will mean in terms of our 753 00:27:50,530 --> 00:27:52,697 ability to enhance deterrence strength 754 00:27:52,697 --> 00:27:54,641 and strengthen the alliance in the 755 00:27:54,641 --> 00:27:57,630 process . Thank you very much . Thank 756 00:27:57,630 --> 00:27:58,810 you , everybody for more on Russia .