1 00:00:00,040 --> 00:00:02,290 I'm honored to be here this afternoon 2 00:00:02,290 --> 00:00:04,401 with General Richard Clarke . General 3 00:00:04,401 --> 00:00:06,568 Clark is the 12th commander of the U . 4 00:00:06,568 --> 00:00:08,840 S . Special Operations Command . Prior 5 00:00:08,840 --> 00:00:10,896 to assuming his current command , he 6 00:00:10,896 --> 00:00:12,951 served as the director for strategic 7 00:00:12,951 --> 00:00:15,290 plans and policy at the joint staff on 8 00:00:15,290 --> 00:00:17,512 the Pentagon . And it was there when he 9 00:00:17,512 --> 00:00:19,734 was serving that I had the privilege of 10 00:00:19,734 --> 00:00:21,846 working with him . I was on the White 11 00:00:21,846 --> 00:00:23,957 House National Security Council staff 12 00:00:23,957 --> 00:00:26,240 at the time . General Clark has also 13 00:00:26,240 --> 00:00:28,870 led soldiers at all levels airborne 14 00:00:28,870 --> 00:00:30,950 Ranger , mechanized light infantry 15 00:00:30,950 --> 00:00:32,894 units during deployments that have 16 00:00:32,894 --> 00:00:35,150 included Operation Desert Shield and 17 00:00:35,150 --> 00:00:37,280 Desert Storm and four Deployments in 18 00:00:37,280 --> 00:00:39,470 support of Operation Iraqi Freedom . 19 00:00:40,840 --> 00:00:43,062 Dr . Richard Schultz , who will also be 20 00:00:43,062 --> 00:00:44,840 part of our conversation , is a 21 00:00:44,840 --> 00:00:46,951 professor of diplomatic history and a 22 00:00:46,951 --> 00:00:48,673 direct and the director of the 23 00:00:48,673 --> 00:00:50,729 international studies program at the 24 00:00:50,729 --> 00:00:52,951 Fletcher School . He has served is that 25 00:00:52,951 --> 00:00:55,118 security consultant to various U . S . 26 00:00:55,118 --> 00:00:57,340 Government agencies , and he has been a 27 00:00:57,340 --> 00:01:00,010 pioneer in advancing ideas related to 28 00:01:00,010 --> 00:01:02,460 the integration of military operations 29 00:01:02,470 --> 00:01:04,670 and intelligence . He has written many 30 00:01:04,670 --> 00:01:06,781 books that address various aspects of 31 00:01:06,781 --> 00:01:09,003 the changing character of war , and his 32 00:01:09,003 --> 00:01:11,170 most recent one is called transforming 33 00:01:11,170 --> 00:01:13,800 US Intelligence for irregular war , and 34 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:15,910 I do recommend it to you . Most 35 00:01:15,910 --> 00:01:17,854 importantly , he's one of the best 36 00:01:17,854 --> 00:01:19,521 mentors out there to the next 37 00:01:19,521 --> 00:01:21,810 generation of thinkers on the subject . 38 00:01:21,810 --> 00:01:23,921 He has been a dear friend and a great 39 00:01:23,921 --> 00:01:26,254 mentor to me , and I thank you for that . 40 00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:29,207 And last but not least , we have Brian 41 00:01:29,207 --> 00:01:31,262 Clarke , um , no relation to General 42 00:01:31,262 --> 00:01:33,430 Clark . He's one of my colleagues here 43 00:01:33,430 --> 00:01:35,597 at the Hudson Institute . Brian is the 44 00:01:35,597 --> 00:01:37,630 director of the Center for Defense 45 00:01:37,630 --> 00:01:39,670 Concepts and Technology . He's a 46 00:01:39,670 --> 00:01:42,470 retired sub mariner . He's done meant 47 00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:44,890 work over the years on analyzing all 48 00:01:44,890 --> 00:01:48,630 different parts of us . Of all of the 49 00:01:48,630 --> 00:01:50,574 operational problems for the U . S 50 00:01:50,574 --> 00:01:52,574 military is facing right now , he's 51 00:01:52,574 --> 00:01:54,797 working on several projects , including 52 00:01:54,797 --> 00:01:56,852 those related to five G , the use of 53 00:01:56,852 --> 00:01:58,852 unmanned systems for anti submarine 54 00:01:58,852 --> 00:02:01,019 warfare . And he's doing a study right 55 00:02:01,019 --> 00:02:03,310 now for DARPA on the use of AI on 56 00:02:03,310 --> 00:02:05,520 autonomous systems , her decision 57 00:02:05,530 --> 00:02:08,030 centric warfare . It is this latter 58 00:02:08,030 --> 00:02:10,430 idea of decision centric warfare , 59 00:02:10,440 --> 00:02:12,900 which is fundamentally about superior 60 00:02:12,900 --> 00:02:15,290 decision making in wartime , which I'd 61 00:02:15,290 --> 00:02:17,360 like him to talk about today because 62 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:19,471 it's relevant to the overall subjects 63 00:02:19,471 --> 00:02:21,890 of our conversation today , which is a 64 00:02:21,890 --> 00:02:23,612 I and machine learning and the 65 00:02:23,612 --> 00:02:25,779 integration of these technologies into 66 00:02:25,779 --> 00:02:28,390 our military forces . So let's begin 67 00:02:28,390 --> 00:02:30,557 today . First General Clark and Dick , 68 00:02:30,557 --> 00:02:32,779 I'd like you to talk a little bit about 69 00:02:32,779 --> 00:02:34,890 your paper , which was written in the 70 00:02:34,890 --> 00:02:36,890 past year . I've lost track of time 71 00:02:36,890 --> 00:02:38,834 during Covic , so I can't remember 72 00:02:38,834 --> 00:02:41,057 exactly , but I'm pretty sure I read it 73 00:02:41,057 --> 00:02:43,279 over the past year and it's out there . 74 00:02:43,279 --> 00:02:45,680 It's called Big Data at War Special 75 00:02:45,680 --> 00:02:48,500 Operations Forces , Project Maven and 76 00:02:48,500 --> 00:02:51,140 21st Century Warfare . If you could 77 00:02:51,140 --> 00:02:53,251 tell the listeners a little bit about 78 00:02:53,251 --> 00:02:55,251 the themes of the paper , will then 79 00:02:55,251 --> 00:02:57,473 move on to how some of those themes are 80 00:02:57,473 --> 00:02:59,362 impacting of the problem sets the 81 00:02:59,362 --> 00:03:01,418 challenges and opportunities we face 82 00:03:01,418 --> 00:03:03,940 today . Thanks so much . Hey , Dick , 83 00:03:03,940 --> 00:03:05,940 it's okay with you . I'll start and 84 00:03:05,940 --> 00:03:09,840 then turn over to Dick . Uh , not 85 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:11,896 many . Thanks for the introduction . 86 00:03:11,896 --> 00:03:14,640 The genesis behind the paper , you know , 87 00:03:14,650 --> 00:03:18,210 was is Dick and I were talking and Dick 88 00:03:18,220 --> 00:03:19,887 really wanted to get a better 89 00:03:19,887 --> 00:03:23,850 understanding of how we were applying 90 00:03:23,860 --> 00:03:27,170 artificial intelligence , uh , 91 00:03:27,640 --> 00:03:30,370 and trying to develop this for Dick 92 00:03:30,370 --> 00:03:33,850 approach me about nine months ago and 93 00:03:33,850 --> 00:03:37,050 said , Let's let's do something 94 00:03:37,050 --> 00:03:38,828 together that we could take the 95 00:03:38,828 --> 00:03:42,660 historical basis off what was used in 96 00:03:42,660 --> 00:03:46,470 Iraq with with our task force 97 00:03:46,470 --> 00:03:49,890 forward in the beginning days of Iraq 98 00:03:49,890 --> 00:03:53,810 with task Force 714 and 99 00:03:53,820 --> 00:03:56,920 the find , fix , finish , exploit , 100 00:03:56,930 --> 00:04:00,630 analyze and disseminate process that 101 00:04:00,630 --> 00:04:02,970 have been developed and worked through , 102 00:04:02,980 --> 00:04:05,470 which was really a great historical 103 00:04:05,480 --> 00:04:08,360 example . But let's talk about it 104 00:04:08,840 --> 00:04:12,470 today with Project Maven and some of 105 00:04:12,470 --> 00:04:16,010 lessons learned that that that we're 106 00:04:16,020 --> 00:04:18,790 still in development today . Some of 107 00:04:18,790 --> 00:04:20,846 the things that were hard to dio But 108 00:04:20,846 --> 00:04:23,012 some of the things we believe that can 109 00:04:23,012 --> 00:04:25,850 be applied today and in future warfare 110 00:04:26,240 --> 00:04:28,670 on that was really the genesis of the 111 00:04:28,680 --> 00:04:30,650 of the book . And when Dick Dick 112 00:04:30,650 --> 00:04:32,594 approached about it , I was like , 113 00:04:32,594 --> 00:04:36,050 Absolutely , We should do this together 114 00:04:36,060 --> 00:04:38,140 like you . Nadia Dicks been a friend 115 00:04:38,140 --> 00:04:41,210 for several years on , You know , his 116 00:04:41,210 --> 00:04:44,960 background of studying Special 117 00:04:44,960 --> 00:04:47,090 Operations forces and partnering on 118 00:04:47,090 --> 00:04:50,700 this on this paper together has been 119 00:04:50,700 --> 00:04:53,800 really beneficial for for us as an 120 00:04:53,800 --> 00:04:55,911 enterprise . So , dick , I'll turn it 121 00:04:55,911 --> 00:04:58,860 over to you . Well , um , Nadia , I 122 00:04:58,860 --> 00:05:01,890 would say a couple of things . One is 123 00:05:01,890 --> 00:05:05,050 that , uh , the continuity , 124 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:08,800 um , with special operations forces 125 00:05:08,810 --> 00:05:12,640 and big data data 126 00:05:12,640 --> 00:05:15,870 integration platforms . This is really 127 00:05:15,870 --> 00:05:17,814 something that's been going on for 128 00:05:17,814 --> 00:05:20,390 about 15 years . So you know , many are 129 00:05:20,390 --> 00:05:24,240 discovering thes issues in the last 130 00:05:24,240 --> 00:05:27,630 few years , but but soft has been added 131 00:05:27,940 --> 00:05:31,590 since about 2000 and six . Eso 132 00:05:31,590 --> 00:05:33,810 that that's an important thing to 133 00:05:33,810 --> 00:05:37,660 understand . Why , Why , Why so calm 134 00:05:38,340 --> 00:05:41,370 became the natural partner for Project 135 00:05:41,370 --> 00:05:45,190 Maven ? Um , eso That's really I think , 136 00:05:45,200 --> 00:05:48,630 important . And then second , there's a 137 00:05:48,630 --> 00:05:52,100 direct relationship with what Brian 138 00:05:52,110 --> 00:05:55,060 is working on because , uh , 139 00:05:55,440 --> 00:05:58,470 the maven team and so calm 140 00:05:59,140 --> 00:06:02,310 are looking at how artificial 141 00:06:02,310 --> 00:06:05,410 intelligence can can enable 142 00:06:05,420 --> 00:06:08,800 establish an ai enable Mission 143 00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:12,340 Command , um , system , uh , 144 00:06:12,350 --> 00:06:15,620 for so calm and for all of the 145 00:06:15,620 --> 00:06:18,450 units that are part of 146 00:06:18,940 --> 00:06:21,990 of so calm . And some , of course , are 147 00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:25,750 out forward and fighting . So these 148 00:06:25,750 --> 00:06:28,380 air just a few themes that we tried to 149 00:06:28,380 --> 00:06:31,630 bring out in in the paper . Andi , I 150 00:06:31,630 --> 00:06:34,170 think are important . And then , of 151 00:06:34,170 --> 00:06:36,392 course I mean , the final thing I would 152 00:06:36,392 --> 00:06:40,340 say is General Clark has has said 153 00:06:40,340 --> 00:06:43,880 that he wants , um , Special Operations 154 00:06:43,880 --> 00:06:47,170 Command to become the first ai 155 00:06:47,170 --> 00:06:51,140 enabled major command . So So these air , 156 00:06:51,140 --> 00:06:54,060 all kind of linkages that that we can 157 00:06:54,060 --> 00:06:56,770 discuss , I'd actually like to come 158 00:06:56,770 --> 00:06:59,400 back to that point of , So I want to 159 00:06:59,400 --> 00:07:01,456 circle back a little bit . Just thio 160 00:07:01,456 --> 00:07:03,233 explain to listeners who aren't 161 00:07:03,233 --> 00:07:05,170 familiar with the paper . The 162 00:07:05,180 --> 00:07:07,402 fundamental problems that that you were 163 00:07:07,402 --> 00:07:09,513 looking at , which is I understand it 164 00:07:09,513 --> 00:07:11,513 was essentially how soldiers in the 165 00:07:11,513 --> 00:07:14,860 field how tasks were 714 in the field 166 00:07:14,940 --> 00:07:17,560 had to manage enormous quantities of 167 00:07:17,560 --> 00:07:21,500 information at at riel time in order to 168 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:23,722 achieve their objectives , which was to 169 00:07:23,722 --> 00:07:25,740 find neutralize terrorists on the 170 00:07:25,740 --> 00:07:27,962 ground . And so ultimately , it was the 171 00:07:27,962 --> 00:07:30,560 management of this information . And I 172 00:07:30,570 --> 00:07:32,737 read the report , and I've listened to 173 00:07:32,737 --> 00:07:34,959 some of your podcasts , and some of the 174 00:07:34,959 --> 00:07:37,126 figures that you've cited are pretty , 175 00:07:37,126 --> 00:07:39,292 you know , pretty amazing . From 20 20 176 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:42,160 raids a day to 300 a day , which the 177 00:07:42,160 --> 00:07:44,216 amount of information was just , you 178 00:07:44,216 --> 00:07:46,382 know , grew exponentially right . Um , 179 00:07:46,382 --> 00:07:48,549 I think Dick , you also had a point of 180 00:07:48,549 --> 00:07:50,716 where , um , you know , you were doing 181 00:07:50,716 --> 00:07:53,240 from , um , the balance between 182 00:07:53,250 --> 00:07:56,880 operations of 80 . The 80% 183 00:07:56,880 --> 00:07:58,880 20% balance stick . What was that ? 184 00:07:58,880 --> 00:08:00,880 What was that statistic ? But maybe 185 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:03,047 just explain a little bit about that , 186 00:08:03,047 --> 00:08:05,102 um , to the listeners . And then and 187 00:08:05,102 --> 00:08:07,324 then we'll go to whether or not , where 188 00:08:07,324 --> 00:08:09,360 we are today in terms of General 189 00:08:09,360 --> 00:08:11,930 Clark's vision , you know , how far 190 00:08:11,930 --> 00:08:14,208 along are you in achieving that vision ? 191 00:08:14,840 --> 00:08:17,810 Yeah , I can summarize that pretty 192 00:08:17,810 --> 00:08:21,150 quickly . So , um , task Force 714 was 193 00:08:21,150 --> 00:08:23,830 given the job of getting inside Al 194 00:08:23,830 --> 00:08:26,240 Qaeda's secret networks in Iraq , which 195 00:08:26,240 --> 00:08:29,660 were all , uh , virtual 196 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:34,180 and and linked together , and 197 00:08:34,190 --> 00:08:36,246 And what they did was they increased 198 00:08:36,246 --> 00:08:39,550 their rate of operation from it was 20 199 00:08:39,550 --> 00:08:43,490 a month to 300 a month now . When they 200 00:08:43,490 --> 00:08:45,880 did that , one of the big things that 201 00:08:45,880 --> 00:08:49,400 they were doing a raid was carried out 202 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:52,570 something called site exploitation . So 203 00:08:52,570 --> 00:08:54,570 they would bring back quite a large 204 00:08:54,570 --> 00:08:56,840 number of computers , cellphones , hard 205 00:08:56,840 --> 00:09:00,740 drives , paper , etcetera , Andi and 206 00:09:00,750 --> 00:09:03,760 and this was mounting up on day didn't 207 00:09:03,760 --> 00:09:05,816 have any way of dealing with it . So 208 00:09:05,816 --> 00:09:08,760 they had to figure out a way to put all 209 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:12,720 of this information a common database . 210 00:09:12,720 --> 00:09:14,776 Now there's a way of doing that that 211 00:09:14,776 --> 00:09:17,630 conditions it and and 212 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:21,080 prepares it so that you can search 213 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:23,440 within it once you still could start . 214 00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:26,660 To do that , you could find , um , 215 00:09:26,670 --> 00:09:30,110 linkages to individuals and start to 216 00:09:30,120 --> 00:09:32,760 sort out networks and who are the creek 217 00:09:32,770 --> 00:09:36,190 key players in those networks and then 218 00:09:36,190 --> 00:09:38,770 go after them . And this was a cycle 219 00:09:38,770 --> 00:09:40,826 that just kept repeating itself over 220 00:09:40,826 --> 00:09:44,260 and over again . And it was awesome and 221 00:09:44,260 --> 00:09:47,480 what it did by the the end of 2000 and 222 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:50,400 eight Waas they put Al Qaeda in Iraq 223 00:09:50,400 --> 00:09:53,560 and squarely on its back . You know , 224 00:09:53,570 --> 00:09:56,330 Bill , McRaven said , I had my foot 225 00:09:56,330 --> 00:09:59,630 squarely on their chest , and that's 226 00:09:59,630 --> 00:10:02,810 where we intended to keep it . And 227 00:10:02,810 --> 00:10:05,088 Brian , I see you nodding a little bit . 228 00:10:05,088 --> 00:10:07,310 So I imagine that your study of some of 229 00:10:07,310 --> 00:10:09,366 this period also has informed you're 230 00:10:09,366 --> 00:10:11,199 thinking about decisions centric 231 00:10:11,199 --> 00:10:13,366 warfare . And can you explain the link 232 00:10:13,366 --> 00:10:15,366 a little bit and then the concept ? 233 00:10:15,840 --> 00:10:18,120 Sure . Yeah . So the work we've done 234 00:10:18,120 --> 00:10:20,120 with Sharp at the very start of the 235 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:22,009 development of the mosaic warfare 236 00:10:22,009 --> 00:10:23,898 concept , which is , ah , form of 237 00:10:23,898 --> 00:10:26,009 decision centric warfare . We focused 238 00:10:26,009 --> 00:10:28,010 on , uh , soft as like , the best 239 00:10:28,010 --> 00:10:30,240 exemplar of this the application of 240 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:33,190 this kind of warfare concept . Um , and 241 00:10:33,190 --> 00:10:35,246 to explain what it is , um , we have 242 00:10:35,246 --> 00:10:37,134 kind of two major trends that are 243 00:10:37,134 --> 00:10:39,357 driving us in the direction of decision 244 00:10:39,357 --> 00:10:41,523 centric warfare . So on the one hand , 245 00:10:41,523 --> 00:10:44,060 we have uh , these competitive regimes 246 00:10:44,060 --> 00:10:46,820 and warfare bob work calls these offset 247 00:10:46,820 --> 00:10:49,470 strategies . Eso The most recent offset 248 00:10:49,480 --> 00:10:51,702 was the one where the U . S . Developed 249 00:10:51,702 --> 00:10:54,400 precision strike stealth and 250 00:10:54,410 --> 00:10:56,900 communication networks to be able to 251 00:10:56,910 --> 00:10:59,010 overcome or offset the Soviets 252 00:10:59,010 --> 00:11:01,343 numerical advantage during the Cold War . 253 00:11:01,343 --> 00:11:03,121 Um , now those capabilities are 254 00:11:03,121 --> 00:11:05,232 proliferating toe other adversaries , 255 00:11:05,232 --> 00:11:07,177 the Chinese military , the Russian 256 00:11:07,177 --> 00:11:08,954 military . Many militaries have 257 00:11:08,954 --> 00:11:11,177 precision guided weapons and networks , 258 00:11:11,177 --> 00:11:13,399 and then many of them also have stealth 259 00:11:13,399 --> 00:11:15,621 eso . Now we're seeing that that regime 260 00:11:15,621 --> 00:11:17,788 is going to need to turn over to a new 261 00:11:17,788 --> 00:11:17,550 competitive regime . What's the basis 262 00:11:17,550 --> 00:11:19,650 for competition between the most 263 00:11:19,650 --> 00:11:22,760 sophisticated militaries ? Um , the the 264 00:11:22,770 --> 00:11:24,770 technologies that empower that last 265 00:11:24,770 --> 00:11:26,826 regime were kind of the cutting edge 266 00:11:26,826 --> 00:11:28,570 precision guidance systems 267 00:11:28,580 --> 00:11:30,469 communication networks in stealth 268 00:11:30,469 --> 00:11:32,691 technologies . Today , the technologies 269 00:11:32,691 --> 00:11:34,747 that we see is the cutting edge R ai 270 00:11:34,747 --> 00:11:37,160 and autonomous systems . So the 271 00:11:37,160 --> 00:11:39,216 question then is , well , what's the 272 00:11:39,216 --> 00:11:40,938 operational concept that takes 273 00:11:40,938 --> 00:11:42,493 advantage of those emerging 274 00:11:42,493 --> 00:11:44,327 technologies and applies them in 275 00:11:44,327 --> 00:11:46,271 warfare ? That is something that's 276 00:11:46,271 --> 00:11:48,382 gonna be based on decision making , a 277 00:11:48,382 --> 00:11:50,450 much more so than the , uh , I guess 278 00:11:50,450 --> 00:11:53,860 the con . The other case would be a 279 00:11:53,860 --> 00:11:55,971 nutrition based concept , so decision 280 00:11:55,971 --> 00:11:58,230 centric warfare is in opposition . Thio 281 00:11:58,240 --> 00:12:01,500 Attrition centric warfare . Um , the 282 00:12:01,510 --> 00:12:03,790 the other way of looking at it is very 283 00:12:03,790 --> 00:12:07,020 similar to what , uh , Dr Shelton and 284 00:12:07,020 --> 00:12:09,242 General Clark just talked about , which 285 00:12:09,242 --> 00:12:11,187 is we're seeing on the part of our 286 00:12:11,187 --> 00:12:13,353 adversaries a move away from attrition 287 00:12:13,353 --> 00:12:15,520 centric concepts for how they get what 288 00:12:15,520 --> 00:12:17,576 they want from their opponents and a 289 00:12:17,576 --> 00:12:19,798 focus instead on affecting the decision 290 00:12:19,798 --> 00:12:22,020 making of their adversaries . So , gray 291 00:12:22,020 --> 00:12:24,353 zone warfare , a new generation warfare , 292 00:12:24,353 --> 00:12:26,800 as Russians call it , um , the shift 293 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:28,856 towards system destruction warfare , 294 00:12:28,856 --> 00:12:31,078 which is what the Chinese call it , are 295 00:12:31,078 --> 00:12:33,189 all examples of shifting to a form of 296 00:12:33,189 --> 00:12:35,411 warfare that focuses on decision making 297 00:12:35,411 --> 00:12:37,300 as the central battleground for a 298 00:12:37,300 --> 00:12:39,356 future competition . Um , that's the 299 00:12:39,356 --> 00:12:41,578 other major trend . And both both these 300 00:12:41,578 --> 00:12:43,689 trends , technological trends from AI 301 00:12:43,689 --> 00:12:45,411 and autonomous systems and the 302 00:12:45,411 --> 00:12:47,411 operational trends from what you're 303 00:12:47,411 --> 00:12:49,633 seeing on the part of our adversaries , 304 00:12:49,633 --> 00:12:51,578 are both driving towards a form of 305 00:12:51,578 --> 00:12:53,467 warfare that centered on decision 306 00:12:53,467 --> 00:12:55,633 making . More so than attrition . Um , 307 00:12:55,633 --> 00:12:57,856 and I would argue , and you could say , 308 00:12:57,856 --> 00:12:59,856 if you're a student of warfare that 309 00:12:59,856 --> 00:12:59,600 were arguing that decision central 310 00:12:59,600 --> 00:13:01,822 warfare is a form of maneuver warfare , 311 00:13:01,822 --> 00:13:04,044 so it Z is a form of maneuver warfare , 312 00:13:04,044 --> 00:13:06,156 where you're doing a lot more of this 313 00:13:06,156 --> 00:13:08,433 maneuverings in the information domain . 314 00:13:08,540 --> 00:13:10,651 Um , and I think the example that the 315 00:13:10,651 --> 00:13:13,400 soft community has shown us is a 316 00:13:13,400 --> 00:13:15,680 perfect encapsulation of that because 317 00:13:15,680 --> 00:13:17,847 they're maneuvering in the information 318 00:13:17,847 --> 00:13:19,902 domain and then causing very precise 319 00:13:19,902 --> 00:13:21,847 and targeted effects based on that 320 00:13:21,847 --> 00:13:23,791 information centric approach , toe 321 00:13:23,791 --> 00:13:26,013 warfare rather than attrition . They're 322 00:13:26,013 --> 00:13:28,069 not trying to kill every bad guy out 323 00:13:28,069 --> 00:13:30,124 there . They're focused on the exact 324 00:13:30,124 --> 00:13:32,291 bad guys that are gonna offer the most 325 00:13:32,291 --> 00:13:34,402 leverage in terms of the decapitating 326 00:13:34,402 --> 00:13:34,070 and dismantling the network that 327 00:13:34,070 --> 00:13:36,570 they're part of . Um , the Chinese 328 00:13:36,570 --> 00:13:38,348 would say that's the exact same 329 00:13:38,348 --> 00:13:40,514 approach . They would take toe warfare 330 00:13:40,514 --> 00:13:42,570 and system destruction warfare . And 331 00:13:42,570 --> 00:13:44,681 the Russians would say that's exactly 332 00:13:44,681 --> 00:13:43,640 what they would want to do a new 333 00:13:43,640 --> 00:13:45,640 generation warfare , although there 334 00:13:45,640 --> 00:13:47,640 there obviously targeting different 335 00:13:47,640 --> 00:13:49,973 things when they're doing the targeting . 336 00:13:49,973 --> 00:13:52,029 Eso we see lots of trends driving in 337 00:13:52,029 --> 00:13:54,084 this direction of a decision centric 338 00:13:54,084 --> 00:13:54,040 form of warfare , eh ? So the question 339 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:56,096 is , Well , how can we best ? What's 340 00:13:56,096 --> 00:13:58,151 the force design and command control 341 00:13:58,151 --> 00:14:00,318 processes that we need to empower that 342 00:14:00,318 --> 00:14:02,262 I think Project Maven offers us an 343 00:14:02,262 --> 00:14:04,429 example of what at least a command and 344 00:14:04,429 --> 00:14:06,540 control part of it might look like in 345 00:14:06,540 --> 00:14:08,484 the future . Thanks , Brian . So , 346 00:14:08,484 --> 00:14:10,373 General Clark , would you like to 347 00:14:10,373 --> 00:14:12,373 comment a little bit and also maybe 348 00:14:12,373 --> 00:14:14,207 link that concept to some of the 349 00:14:14,207 --> 00:14:16,370 changes ? Um , and innovations that 350 00:14:16,370 --> 00:14:20,240 you're making a Tso calm ? Yeah . Great . 351 00:14:20,240 --> 00:14:22,351 And Brian , thanks for that . There's 352 00:14:22,351 --> 00:14:25,680 some really important points as we look 353 00:14:25,680 --> 00:14:28,760 at the future war , I take one . 354 00:14:28,770 --> 00:14:32,100 This decision makings , Rick , 355 00:14:32,110 --> 00:14:35,460 I'll talk about into into perspective 356 00:14:36,040 --> 00:14:39,460 first on the ability with 357 00:14:40,040 --> 00:14:43,570 Project Maven and all the loads of data 358 00:14:43,580 --> 00:14:47,250 that Dick just talked about when we're 359 00:14:47,260 --> 00:14:49,482 when we're really beginning this in the 360 00:14:49,482 --> 00:14:53,240 2004 , 2007 , the technology did 361 00:14:53,240 --> 00:14:56,730 not exist to be able to apply the 362 00:14:56,740 --> 00:14:58,810 artificial intelligence and machine 363 00:14:58,820 --> 00:15:02,080 learning against it . You could say 364 00:15:02,080 --> 00:15:05,230 that the project maven aspect of this 365 00:15:05,340 --> 00:15:08,150 that we can now pull in , you know , 366 00:15:08,160 --> 00:15:11,170 those incredibly terabytes worth of 367 00:15:11,170 --> 00:15:15,030 data . Now , based on technology , we 368 00:15:15,030 --> 00:15:17,440 have the means to do that . But I will 369 00:15:17,440 --> 00:15:19,970 tell you until until until last few 370 00:15:19,970 --> 00:15:22,700 years , the efforts weren't necessarily 371 00:15:22,700 --> 00:15:25,700 apply , it was still humans that we're 372 00:15:25,700 --> 00:15:27,811 having to make all these , you know , 373 00:15:27,811 --> 00:15:30,960 having toe sort through watch 374 00:15:30,970 --> 00:15:34,770 video , read every report . 375 00:15:35,140 --> 00:15:38,800 Look at what the detainee information , 376 00:15:38,810 --> 00:15:41,900 every detainee report and the ability 377 00:15:41,910 --> 00:15:45,700 human cannot sort through and 378 00:15:45,700 --> 00:15:49,260 sift through this insufficient detail 379 00:15:49,270 --> 00:15:51,840 nor quickly enough that get to the 380 00:15:51,840 --> 00:15:54,007 person information . So I think that's 381 00:15:54,007 --> 00:15:56,007 an important part of what Brian was 382 00:15:56,007 --> 00:15:58,118 talking about is we've developed this 383 00:15:58,118 --> 00:16:00,320 and what project maven has brought in 384 00:16:00,330 --> 00:16:02,810 to this with object detection so that 385 00:16:02,820 --> 00:16:06,110 humans can do on Lee those things that 386 00:16:06,110 --> 00:16:08,910 humans have to dio and try to get . You 387 00:16:08,910 --> 00:16:11,970 know , the machines Thio do all those 388 00:16:11,970 --> 00:16:14,770 other things to be ableto help with 389 00:16:14,770 --> 00:16:17,820 that decision making the second piece , 390 00:16:17,830 --> 00:16:20,340 Nadia , that Brian just hit on which I 391 00:16:20,340 --> 00:16:22,870 think has got to be emphasized , is the 392 00:16:22,880 --> 00:16:26,760 information operations aspect to this , 393 00:16:26,770 --> 00:16:30,160 because today as much 394 00:16:30,610 --> 00:16:33,290 we're gonna influence our adversaries 395 00:16:33,290 --> 00:16:35,512 and our competitors is going to be what 396 00:16:35,840 --> 00:16:38,360 they proceed and what's going to be in 397 00:16:38,360 --> 00:16:40,990 the mind . And a recent example I'd 398 00:16:40,990 --> 00:16:43,670 share with you on a trip to Afghanistan . 399 00:16:44,240 --> 00:16:47,170 When I was speaking with our 400 00:16:47,180 --> 00:16:49,830 Special Operations Force Commander , 401 00:16:49,830 --> 00:16:53,650 that was was there in in the 402 00:16:53,660 --> 00:16:55,980 in the period in Afghanistan . I would 403 00:16:55,980 --> 00:16:59,350 even argue from 2001 to 2018 , 404 00:16:59,740 --> 00:17:03,160 our commanders on the ground 405 00:17:03,540 --> 00:17:06,840 focused 70% of their time on the 406 00:17:06,840 --> 00:17:10,300 kinetic fight of actually putting 407 00:17:10,310 --> 00:17:13,270 putting a bomb on a target 408 00:17:13,940 --> 00:17:17,500 on about 20% of their time on in the 409 00:17:17,500 --> 00:17:20,000 information and environment on that's 410 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:22,000 against the enemy . But that's also 411 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:25,500 with the local population with 412 00:17:25,510 --> 00:17:28,670 with the regional population . 413 00:17:29,240 --> 00:17:31,970 But this commander said , I now spend 414 00:17:32,740 --> 00:17:36,330 over 70% of my time in the information 415 00:17:36,330 --> 00:17:39,840 environment and delivering non kinetic 416 00:17:39,840 --> 00:17:42,470 defects because if we don't come out 417 00:17:42,470 --> 00:17:44,526 with , if we don't come out with our 418 00:17:44,526 --> 00:17:47,120 messages and we don't influence the 419 00:17:47,120 --> 00:17:49,520 space , we will lose , it will be in 420 00:17:49,520 --> 00:17:52,010 the mind of the Afghan . In this case 421 00:17:52,020 --> 00:17:54,790 I'm talking about in this test case of 422 00:17:54,790 --> 00:17:58,130 Afghanistan , he was , If we don't 423 00:17:58,130 --> 00:18:01,540 influence the population , Al Qaeda and 424 00:18:01,540 --> 00:18:04,460 Isis will get their message out quick 425 00:18:04,470 --> 00:18:06,770 more quickly than we dio and we will 426 00:18:06,770 --> 00:18:08,800 lose and the population will not be 427 00:18:08,800 --> 00:18:12,230 supportive of what we're doing . So 428 00:18:12,230 --> 00:18:14,397 it's a really important pieces we look 429 00:18:14,397 --> 00:18:16,619 at what Brian was just talking about in 430 00:18:16,619 --> 00:18:18,674 the decision making centric piece of 431 00:18:18,674 --> 00:18:21,280 this is getting the information , uh , 432 00:18:21,290 --> 00:18:24,680 operations first and foremost , so I'll 433 00:18:24,680 --> 00:18:27,270 pause there , not I'll turn to Dick in 434 00:18:27,270 --> 00:18:29,381 a minute . But I think it's important 435 00:18:29,381 --> 00:18:31,492 and you know , if you all agree . But 436 00:18:31,492 --> 00:18:33,492 we're using the word information in 437 00:18:33,492 --> 00:18:35,381 different ways , and I think it's 438 00:18:35,381 --> 00:18:37,214 important to clarify some of the 439 00:18:37,214 --> 00:18:39,270 differences . There's information as 440 00:18:39,270 --> 00:18:41,214 data , which is coming in from all 441 00:18:41,214 --> 00:18:43,159 different sources on all different 442 00:18:43,159 --> 00:18:45,214 levels and information of data . And 443 00:18:45,214 --> 00:18:47,326 then there's information as ideas and 444 00:18:47,326 --> 00:18:49,410 narrative that are used to shape and 445 00:18:49,410 --> 00:18:51,730 influence . And I think , um , I think 446 00:18:51,740 --> 00:18:54,470 overall the term is used in different 447 00:18:54,470 --> 00:18:57,070 ways , but it's the same term . So 448 00:18:57,070 --> 00:18:59,240 would you agree that we , uh so 449 00:18:59,240 --> 00:19:01,351 information operations essentially is 450 00:19:01,351 --> 00:19:03,462 about shaping narratives ? That's the 451 00:19:03,462 --> 00:19:05,296 way the military's that to shape 452 00:19:05,296 --> 00:19:07,351 narratives through through ideas and 453 00:19:07,351 --> 00:19:09,407 communicating with populations . But 454 00:19:09,407 --> 00:19:11,462 there's also the really related that 455 00:19:11,462 --> 00:19:13,573 separate problem of dealing with this 456 00:19:13,573 --> 00:19:15,740 exponential amount of data . Um , that 457 00:19:15,740 --> 00:19:18,040 the force needs thio understand and 458 00:19:18,040 --> 00:19:20,151 make decisions on in the field at the 459 00:19:20,151 --> 00:19:22,318 tactical operational strategic level . 460 00:19:22,540 --> 00:19:25,020 Yeah , I think you clarified it 461 00:19:25,030 --> 00:19:28,350 exceptionally well on a zai look at 462 00:19:28,350 --> 00:19:30,750 information . I tag on the work 463 00:19:30,760 --> 00:19:33,530 operations . You know that is actually 464 00:19:33,540 --> 00:19:36,690 delivering effects that air non 465 00:19:36,700 --> 00:19:39,120 lethal . What I talk about information 466 00:19:39,120 --> 00:19:41,610 operation to talk about data . I'm 467 00:19:41,610 --> 00:19:43,666 talking about a completely different 468 00:19:43,666 --> 00:19:45,910 all the the information that comes in 469 00:19:45,910 --> 00:19:47,799 that you know that then you label 470 00:19:47,799 --> 00:19:51,750 catalog on can disseminate is toe make 471 00:19:51,750 --> 00:19:54,670 decisions . Different things . Okay , 472 00:19:55,640 --> 00:19:58,670 Dick on . And then I'd like to talk 473 00:19:58,670 --> 00:20:00,670 about how we're doing as a force in 474 00:20:00,670 --> 00:20:02,781 terms of making the changes . We need 475 00:20:02,781 --> 00:20:05,940 Thio based on some of these problems 476 00:20:05,950 --> 00:20:09,770 that Yeah , well , I think that , 477 00:20:09,780 --> 00:20:13,150 you know , the data in the 478 00:20:13,150 --> 00:20:16,450 information space is enormous . And 479 00:20:16,450 --> 00:20:19,900 so what ? I don't know how how far you 480 00:20:19,900 --> 00:20:22,067 want to go with this , General Clark , 481 00:20:22,067 --> 00:20:25,260 but , um , you know , so calm does have , 482 00:20:25,260 --> 00:20:29,050 ah , a new system where it's 483 00:20:29,050 --> 00:20:31,310 dealing with all that data and using 484 00:20:31,310 --> 00:20:34,710 artificial intelligence in In 485 00:20:34,720 --> 00:20:37,450 In what ? In the old days , we will 486 00:20:37,450 --> 00:20:40,880 call for political warfare . Um , 487 00:20:40,890 --> 00:20:44,400 which is you know what ? What , what's 488 00:20:44,400 --> 00:20:46,760 taking place in Afghanistan . This is a 489 00:20:47,290 --> 00:20:50,830 the information component that the task 490 00:20:50,830 --> 00:20:54,130 force is using is , um , to 491 00:20:54,130 --> 00:20:57,870 counter the the the enemies 492 00:20:57,880 --> 00:21:00,700 messages . And and so this is a This 493 00:21:00,710 --> 00:21:02,488 year in the old days was called 494 00:21:02,488 --> 00:21:04,543 political or psychological warfare . 495 00:21:04,550 --> 00:21:07,610 And and there is a a new capability for 496 00:21:07,610 --> 00:21:11,170 this , um , at that Special 497 00:21:11,170 --> 00:21:14,360 Operations now has did I get too far ? 498 00:21:14,740 --> 00:21:17,800 No , no , So let's switch a little bit . 499 00:21:17,810 --> 00:21:20,920 Thio Artificial intelligence machine 500 00:21:20,920 --> 00:21:23,190 learning . Um , these technologies that 501 00:21:23,190 --> 00:21:24,968 air partly you know , that that 502 00:21:24,968 --> 00:21:27,540 underpin why we have so much , so much 503 00:21:27,540 --> 00:21:30,690 new new data And how the force , uh , 504 00:21:30,700 --> 00:21:33,670 at socom how you're integrating those 505 00:21:33,670 --> 00:21:35,892 technologies and how is it changing the 506 00:21:35,892 --> 00:21:38,003 way that you're doing business day to 507 00:21:38,003 --> 00:21:40,410 day ? Um and then I'd like to also then 508 00:21:40,410 --> 00:21:42,466 talk a little bit more broadly about 509 00:21:42,466 --> 00:21:44,970 how is d o . D is the whole doing in 510 00:21:44,970 --> 00:21:47,192 terms of your evaluations . Eso General 511 00:21:47,192 --> 00:21:49,081 Clark first , could you tell us a 512 00:21:49,081 --> 00:21:52,890 little bit about socom goal ? Yeah . 513 00:21:53,100 --> 00:21:56,860 Now you start . Start off with what ? 514 00:21:57,540 --> 00:22:01,410 What began as a Pathfinder project 515 00:22:01,420 --> 00:22:03,910 or so calm with Project Maven . And I 516 00:22:03,910 --> 00:22:06,077 think it's important for those who are 517 00:22:06,077 --> 00:22:09,640 listening that this came to 518 00:22:09,640 --> 00:22:12,750 us with d o d assistance with with what 519 00:22:12,750 --> 00:22:15,150 we're calling project maven . Yeah , 520 00:22:15,160 --> 00:22:17,580 and we really started in in Afghanistan 521 00:22:17,580 --> 00:22:20,370 a little bit in Africa because we 522 00:22:20,660 --> 00:22:23,480 really important work to solve real 523 00:22:23,480 --> 00:22:27,350 world problems at a point of need 524 00:22:27,360 --> 00:22:29,660 with something that was repeatable , 525 00:22:30,340 --> 00:22:33,170 you know , every single day is , you 526 00:22:33,170 --> 00:22:35,950 know , just talked about historically , 527 00:22:36,440 --> 00:22:39,800 you know , we're doing 300 raids and 528 00:22:39,800 --> 00:22:42,930 night . You know , at times it's not 529 00:22:42,930 --> 00:22:44,930 necessarily that on that high water 530 00:22:44,930 --> 00:22:47,970 mark today , you know , But this 531 00:22:48,840 --> 00:22:52,660 ability to solve this problem , of all 532 00:22:52,660 --> 00:22:54,549 of the information coming off the 533 00:22:54,549 --> 00:22:57,970 battlefield to be able to increase our 534 00:22:57,970 --> 00:23:01,900 targeting cycle on and to be 535 00:23:01,900 --> 00:23:05,720 able to do it more efficiently without 536 00:23:05,730 --> 00:23:08,640 hundreds of people looking at all of 537 00:23:08,640 --> 00:23:10,880 the information But instead tens of 538 00:23:10,890 --> 00:23:13,890 tens of people looking at the same 539 00:23:13,890 --> 00:23:16,360 amount of information on applying 540 00:23:16,360 --> 00:23:20,090 artificial intelligence against 541 00:23:20,100 --> 00:23:23,370 this problem . And they and the reason 542 00:23:23,370 --> 00:23:26,920 we went to Afghanistan because it was 543 00:23:26,930 --> 00:23:29,650 this was happening every night on the 544 00:23:29,650 --> 00:23:31,970 information was something that way 545 00:23:31,970 --> 00:23:35,800 could test and study on DSO . I see . 546 00:23:35,810 --> 00:23:37,866 In this case , you know , I think to 547 00:23:37,866 --> 00:23:39,977 get to the , you know , take this and 548 00:23:39,977 --> 00:23:43,550 go to the D O D . P . S . Is Aziz . 549 00:23:44,140 --> 00:23:45,820 As I believe so calm can be a 550 00:23:45,820 --> 00:23:47,680 Pathfinder for the Department of 551 00:23:47,680 --> 00:23:50,690 Defense because we actually have this 552 00:23:50,690 --> 00:23:53,130 riel world problem with repeatable , 553 00:23:53,290 --> 00:23:55,400 which is effectively increasing our 554 00:23:55,400 --> 00:23:58,250 abilities to target and whether it's 555 00:23:58,250 --> 00:24:00,550 target an individual or target a group . 556 00:24:01,040 --> 00:24:04,080 You could apply the same targeting , 557 00:24:04,090 --> 00:24:07,180 uh , and using artificial intelligence 558 00:24:07,180 --> 00:24:09,860 to help speed up the targeting process 559 00:24:10,240 --> 00:24:13,380 in a much broader department of 560 00:24:13,390 --> 00:24:15,280 Defense , Uh , 561 00:24:16,240 --> 00:24:19,850 capability on advantage for the 562 00:24:19,850 --> 00:24:22,270 future . So now I I can talk more 563 00:24:22,270 --> 00:24:25,650 specifically if you want Thio or turn 564 00:24:25,650 --> 00:24:28,180 it over toe Dick or Brian . Well , it 565 00:24:28,180 --> 00:24:30,402 sounds like you . Yeah , I mean , maybe 566 00:24:30,402 --> 00:24:32,569 they can . Brian can talk about this , 567 00:24:32,569 --> 00:24:34,680 How you get organizations to change , 568 00:24:34,680 --> 00:24:36,736 you know , relatively quickly . It's 569 00:24:36,736 --> 00:24:39,013 really hard to do with the d o d level . 570 00:24:39,013 --> 00:24:40,902 But the nice example of the socom 571 00:24:40,902 --> 00:24:42,902 example that we're talking about is 572 00:24:42,902 --> 00:24:45,069 that you showed that you could do that 573 00:24:45,069 --> 00:24:47,180 relatively quickly reaching , working 574 00:24:47,180 --> 00:24:47,080 with the private sector , bringing in 575 00:24:47,080 --> 00:24:49,024 new information , new modes of the 576 00:24:49,024 --> 00:24:51,180 integrating this information . And if 577 00:24:51,180 --> 00:24:53,550 employing it very quickly , tactically , 578 00:24:53,550 --> 00:24:56,250 if the battlefield level , um , now , 579 00:24:56,250 --> 00:24:58,250 you know , can d o d do that at the 580 00:24:58,250 --> 00:25:00,390 next level . So , organizationally , 581 00:25:00,400 --> 00:25:02,567 how would you characterize Brian where 582 00:25:02,567 --> 00:25:04,733 things were going with the O . D . And 583 00:25:04,733 --> 00:25:06,956 then dicus ? Well , because both of you 584 00:25:06,956 --> 00:25:09,067 are also looking at it from outsiders 585 00:25:09,067 --> 00:25:12,290 looking in . Uh , yeah , I just So , uh , 586 00:25:12,300 --> 00:25:14,570 one thing I'm seeing is , uh , just 587 00:25:14,570 --> 00:25:17,690 recently , a shift on the part of , uh , 588 00:25:17,700 --> 00:25:19,800 the services and agencies and duty 589 00:25:19,800 --> 00:25:22,410 towards thinking of ai as being 590 00:25:22,410 --> 00:25:24,354 something they could really use in 591 00:25:24,354 --> 00:25:26,299 their tool kit for command control 592 00:25:26,299 --> 00:25:28,299 broadly . So I think Maven has made 593 00:25:28,299 --> 00:25:30,360 some inroads and showing them how 594 00:25:30,360 --> 00:25:32,790 algorithmic warfare more broadly , it 595 00:25:32,790 --> 00:25:36,460 could be used to better , um , enable 596 00:25:36,460 --> 00:25:39,330 them to translate intelligence data raw 597 00:25:39,330 --> 00:25:41,330 data into information that they can 598 00:25:41,330 --> 00:25:43,680 apply for decision making , uh , and 599 00:25:43,680 --> 00:25:46,110 actually give them courses of action to 600 00:25:46,120 --> 00:25:48,270 consider as commanders . That could 601 00:25:48,270 --> 00:25:51,020 allow a commander to both increase the 602 00:25:51,030 --> 00:25:52,974 number of decisions they make in a 603 00:25:52,974 --> 00:25:55,000 period of time on also increase the 604 00:25:55,000 --> 00:25:57,111 scale , increase the number of things 605 00:25:57,111 --> 00:25:59,278 they could do simultaneously . So it's 606 00:25:59,278 --> 00:26:01,444 how faster making decisions . But it's 607 00:26:01,444 --> 00:26:03,444 also how many decisions are able to 608 00:26:03,444 --> 00:26:05,500 enact in parallel to given adversary 609 00:26:05,500 --> 00:26:07,389 more things to worry about . Um , 610 00:26:07,389 --> 00:26:09,880 because with this approach to warfare , 611 00:26:09,890 --> 00:26:11,890 it's really about it's It's classic 612 00:26:11,890 --> 00:26:14,057 maneuver warfare , where you're trying 613 00:26:14,057 --> 00:26:16,001 to create dilemmas for an enemy so 614 00:26:16,001 --> 00:26:18,057 faster , more effective decisions on 615 00:26:18,057 --> 00:26:19,668 your part and Mawr decisions 616 00:26:19,668 --> 00:26:21,668 simultaneously are going to give an 617 00:26:21,668 --> 00:26:23,668 enemy mawr dilemmas to be concerned 618 00:26:23,668 --> 00:26:25,723 about . So I'm seeing on D . O . D s 619 00:26:25,723 --> 00:26:27,446 part . The Navy has started to 620 00:26:27,446 --> 00:26:29,668 implement a base decision tools The Air 621 00:26:29,668 --> 00:26:31,946 Force through a BMS is doing this ? Um , 622 00:26:31,946 --> 00:26:33,946 the Army has done some of this with 623 00:26:33,946 --> 00:26:35,668 Project Convergence . So in my 624 00:26:35,668 --> 00:26:37,723 discussions with senior leaders , it 625 00:26:37,723 --> 00:26:39,779 seems like that we're now seeing a I 626 00:26:39,779 --> 00:26:39,500 make some inroads into the commander 627 00:26:39,500 --> 00:26:42,060 control processes . Um , and it's 628 00:26:42,060 --> 00:26:44,282 because of the same problem socom had , 629 00:26:44,282 --> 00:26:46,449 which is they see an urgent need to be 630 00:26:46,449 --> 00:26:48,504 able to make faster , more effective 631 00:26:48,504 --> 00:26:50,449 decisions . And given adversary is 632 00:26:50,449 --> 00:26:52,282 something to worry about because 633 00:26:52,282 --> 00:26:54,282 they're finding in their war gaming 634 00:26:54,282 --> 00:26:56,227 that that's the only way US forces 635 00:26:56,227 --> 00:26:58,171 could win against a country like a 636 00:26:58,171 --> 00:27:00,393 Russia or China That has kind of a home 637 00:27:00,393 --> 00:27:02,560 team advantage built in . So I'll turn 638 00:27:02,560 --> 00:27:04,727 it over it . Dick at that point , um , 639 00:27:04,727 --> 00:27:07,490 you know , what I've seen is that I 640 00:27:07,490 --> 00:27:09,657 mean , I I agree with Brian that there 641 00:27:09,657 --> 00:27:11,970 there are these initiatives that I 642 00:27:11,970 --> 00:27:14,660 would call say are coming from the top . 643 00:27:15,640 --> 00:27:18,720 Um , but I want to talk a little bit 644 00:27:18,720 --> 00:27:21,520 about the other partner in this 645 00:27:21,520 --> 00:27:23,576 relationship . We've talked about so 646 00:27:23,576 --> 00:27:25,631 calm . I want to say something about 647 00:27:25,631 --> 00:27:27,298 the algorithmic warfare cross 648 00:27:27,298 --> 00:27:30,720 functional team because this is a small 649 00:27:30,730 --> 00:27:34,110 outfit in USD . I , 650 00:27:34,120 --> 00:27:37,700 um but it's a very , uh , 651 00:27:37,710 --> 00:27:41,240 exciting place . Thio get 652 00:27:41,240 --> 00:27:44,660 engaged with when I before cove it hit . 653 00:27:45,340 --> 00:27:47,340 I used to go and sit in their skiff 654 00:27:47,340 --> 00:27:50,630 every Friday , starting in in late 655 00:27:50,630 --> 00:27:53,560 September of 2000 and 19 . 656 00:27:54,240 --> 00:27:58,020 Um , they they are , They're 657 00:27:58,020 --> 00:28:00,870 they're kind of classic disruptors . 658 00:28:01,540 --> 00:28:05,220 And they found an excellent partner 659 00:28:05,220 --> 00:28:07,800 in in so come . But now they're going 660 00:28:07,800 --> 00:28:10,580 out there . They're broadening out to 661 00:28:10,580 --> 00:28:14,270 the pure competitive fight . And they 662 00:28:14,270 --> 00:28:17,350 have some very interesting initiatives 663 00:28:17,740 --> 00:28:21,310 with with the 82nd Airborne 664 00:28:21,310 --> 00:28:24,190 Division and the 18th Airborne , 665 00:28:24,200 --> 00:28:28,060 Uh , one of my thinking about the 18th 666 00:28:28,070 --> 00:28:31,370 Airborne . Um , uh um 667 00:28:31,740 --> 00:28:35,110 help me or 668 00:28:35,940 --> 00:28:39,270 I'm sorry . I'm , um 669 00:28:39,280 --> 00:28:42,920 Core . I'm sorry . Um , so what's 670 00:28:42,920 --> 00:28:45,990 happening with the core and then with 671 00:28:45,990 --> 00:28:49,280 the division is that they've taken the 672 00:28:49,280 --> 00:28:53,250 socom idea of being 673 00:28:53,250 --> 00:28:56,340 a I enabled . And the division 674 00:28:56,350 --> 00:29:00,280 wants to be the first ai 675 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:03,270 enabled division in the Army and the 676 00:29:03,270 --> 00:29:05,730 core the first core . Now , the reason 677 00:29:05,730 --> 00:29:08,980 I'm making the talking about this from 678 00:29:08,980 --> 00:29:12,810 below is that we can see how 679 00:29:12,810 --> 00:29:15,870 the how socom did it . Now we'll see 680 00:29:15,870 --> 00:29:19,230 how the 18th Airborne Corps and , uh , 681 00:29:19,240 --> 00:29:22,830 the 18 , the 82nd does it , Uh , 682 00:29:22,840 --> 00:29:26,800 and with this , uh , team 683 00:29:26,820 --> 00:29:29,520 in the Pentagon , the big issue , I 684 00:29:29,520 --> 00:29:32,650 think that's coming down the road will 685 00:29:32,650 --> 00:29:36,490 be what happens to maven uh , in a 686 00:29:36,490 --> 00:29:38,830 year or so from now when it goes out of 687 00:29:38,830 --> 00:29:41,960 business , because it's not a it's not 688 00:29:41,960 --> 00:29:44,950 here forever on . And 689 00:29:45,340 --> 00:29:49,170 I hope that there's some way 690 00:29:49,170 --> 00:29:52,920 of keeping that that team together . 691 00:29:52,930 --> 00:29:56,430 Maybe they go toe one of the services 692 00:29:56,440 --> 00:30:00,420 because they have been , um , for a 693 00:30:00,420 --> 00:30:04,090 small group . They they have punched 694 00:30:04,100 --> 00:30:06,990 Andi . Let me ask this to General Clark . 695 00:30:07,000 --> 00:30:09,670 They punched way above their weight . 696 00:30:10,340 --> 00:30:12,780 Um , in this . 697 00:30:13,740 --> 00:30:17,660 Yeah , I'm glad Dick talked about 698 00:30:18,140 --> 00:30:21,160 the algorithmic task force . I would 699 00:30:21,160 --> 00:30:25,110 also give . Dick knows this big kudos 700 00:30:25,120 --> 00:30:27,160 in the Department of Defense to the 701 00:30:27,160 --> 00:30:30,900 joint ai center . The Jake because they 702 00:30:30,910 --> 00:30:34,640 well , right , well , I would say we 703 00:30:34,640 --> 00:30:36,960 partner with without their partnering , 704 00:30:36,970 --> 00:30:39,190 we would not have moved in the 705 00:30:39,190 --> 00:30:42,590 direction that we have moved in the 706 00:30:42,590 --> 00:30:45,690 last two years . Yeah , and you know , 707 00:30:45,700 --> 00:30:47,790 not I I think it's it's really 708 00:30:47,790 --> 00:30:51,620 important because the people side of 709 00:30:51,630 --> 00:30:54,790 this , which I'd like to 710 00:30:54,790 --> 00:30:57,360 emphasize , is 711 00:30:57,740 --> 00:31:01,550 commanders have to set the tone 712 00:31:01,560 --> 00:31:04,000 and set the conditions to allow 713 00:31:04,010 --> 00:31:07,900 innovation . Andi allow people to 714 00:31:07,900 --> 00:31:10,390 bubble up the great ideas and that they 715 00:31:10,390 --> 00:31:12,410 set that tone just like you no way 716 00:31:12,410 --> 00:31:14,299 started out . The historical with 717 00:31:14,299 --> 00:31:17,190 General McChrystal was 714 you know , 718 00:31:17,200 --> 00:31:20,020 brought in the process that generate 719 00:31:20,020 --> 00:31:22,242 went from 20 raids tonight . It's a 300 720 00:31:22,242 --> 00:31:25,990 raids , you know , a month . And 721 00:31:26,000 --> 00:31:28,440 it's the same thing here because if we 722 00:31:28,450 --> 00:31:31,080 commander said those conditions . But 723 00:31:31,080 --> 00:31:34,520 it's the people you know , the first 724 00:31:34,520 --> 00:31:36,790 soft truth humans being more important 725 00:31:36,790 --> 00:31:38,810 than hardware . It's the talented 726 00:31:38,820 --> 00:31:42,050 people that that we have to help 727 00:31:42,050 --> 00:31:45,600 foster . And one of so 728 00:31:45,600 --> 00:31:49,390 comes major lines . Uh , 729 00:31:49,400 --> 00:31:52,890 in artificial intelligence and machine 730 00:31:52,890 --> 00:31:56,250 learning is actually creating an AI 731 00:31:56,250 --> 00:31:58,660 ready workforce . Because if you don't 732 00:31:58,660 --> 00:32:02,340 have the human capital 733 00:32:02,340 --> 00:32:04,507 invested in this and I can I can go in 734 00:32:04,507 --> 00:32:06,618 detail of the things we've been doing 735 00:32:06,618 --> 00:32:09,770 by bringing in in turns and hiring a 736 00:32:09,770 --> 00:32:12,340 chief data officer on setting 737 00:32:12,340 --> 00:32:15,360 conditions in this space , 738 00:32:15,740 --> 00:32:18,160 then we'll go nowhere because you gotta 739 00:32:18,160 --> 00:32:19,993 have . You gotta invest in human 740 00:32:19,993 --> 00:32:23,500 capital into this space . So not I'll 741 00:32:23,500 --> 00:32:25,500 pause there . But e think it's an 742 00:32:25,500 --> 00:32:27,990 important piece to pick on . Is the 743 00:32:27,990 --> 00:32:31,280 human part to this and people ? Yeah . 744 00:32:31,280 --> 00:32:33,280 I mean , what What I'm hearing from 745 00:32:33,280 --> 00:32:35,502 from both of you from this conversation 746 00:32:35,502 --> 00:32:37,558 partly is that there's this informal 747 00:32:37,558 --> 00:32:39,447 competition going on internally . 748 00:32:39,447 --> 00:32:41,391 Imagine that At D o D by different 749 00:32:41,391 --> 00:32:43,447 agencies , even within the army , to 750 00:32:43,447 --> 00:32:45,558 compete about who consort of adults . 751 00:32:45,840 --> 00:32:48,780 Um , adopt a I most effectively and 752 00:32:48,780 --> 00:32:51,113 most , most quickly , but in doing that , 753 00:32:51,113 --> 00:32:53,391 But you need the building lost , right , 754 00:32:53,391 --> 00:32:57,280 E uh , right . In 755 00:32:57,280 --> 00:33:00,430 fact , the two army units that pictures 756 00:33:00,430 --> 00:33:02,490 talked about both those individuals 757 00:33:02,490 --> 00:33:05,770 just have been long term . So calm , 758 00:33:05,780 --> 00:33:08,450 people , e I mean , hell , I mean , in 759 00:33:08,450 --> 00:33:12,400 a healthy healthy . Yeah , but 760 00:33:12,410 --> 00:33:14,820 they're taking what I say I'm or is 761 00:33:14,820 --> 00:33:16,800 opposed is not competitive . It's 762 00:33:16,800 --> 00:33:20,170 sharing best practices because there's 763 00:33:20,180 --> 00:33:22,730 there is . We talk about artificial 764 00:33:22,730 --> 00:33:24,563 intelligence and its application 765 00:33:24,563 --> 00:33:27,180 application to 766 00:33:27,840 --> 00:33:30,480 almost everything we could be doing in 767 00:33:30,480 --> 00:33:34,480 the future , Uh , inside the 768 00:33:34,480 --> 00:33:36,730 Department of Defense in inside our 769 00:33:36,730 --> 00:33:39,090 country . Now there's more than enough 770 00:33:39,090 --> 00:33:41,930 room for all of us to give way . And I 771 00:33:41,930 --> 00:33:44,152 think it's sharing the best practices . 772 00:33:44,152 --> 00:33:46,263 I think we may be competing for human 773 00:33:46,263 --> 00:33:50,100 capital of who are the best data 774 00:33:50,100 --> 00:33:53,550 scientists who are the best coders . 775 00:33:53,560 --> 00:33:57,430 But the truth is , Aziz , I went 776 00:33:57,430 --> 00:34:00,770 out to industry 777 00:34:01,140 --> 00:34:04,780 and talk to talk to senior leaders in 778 00:34:04,780 --> 00:34:07,320 this space . They said you can get you 779 00:34:07,320 --> 00:34:09,840 can get many of the younger folks 780 00:34:09,840 --> 00:34:12,460 understand the most important piece to 781 00:34:12,460 --> 00:34:14,516 this will be the mid to senior level 782 00:34:14,516 --> 00:34:16,293 management that understands the 783 00:34:16,293 --> 00:34:18,460 application of artificial intelligence 784 00:34:18,460 --> 00:34:20,349 machine learning and fosters that 785 00:34:20,349 --> 00:34:22,980 inside , you know , their organizations . 786 00:34:22,980 --> 00:34:25,202 That's what's gonna make a difference . 787 00:34:25,202 --> 00:34:27,650 So I'll pause there . Thanks . General 788 00:34:27,670 --> 00:34:29,948 Arctic . Were you gonna comment ? Well , 789 00:34:29,948 --> 00:34:32,100 I was just going to say that , uh , 790 00:34:32,110 --> 00:34:34,400 what General Clark said that is that if 791 00:34:34,400 --> 00:34:37,610 you look at who's commanding the 82nd 792 00:34:37,610 --> 00:34:39,832 and who's commanding the 18th that came 793 00:34:39,832 --> 00:34:42,710 out of the same same shop Um , 794 00:34:42,720 --> 00:34:46,530 but , uh , at the at the 795 00:34:46,540 --> 00:34:49,130 d o . D level and at the Pentagon level , 796 00:34:49,140 --> 00:34:53,120 um , the work of first the algorithmic 797 00:34:53,120 --> 00:34:55,960 warfare team and then to Jake Andi , 798 00:34:55,960 --> 00:34:59,160 General Shanahan , that's all been very , 799 00:34:59,160 --> 00:35:00,993 really important . And there's a 800 00:35:00,993 --> 00:35:03,720 synergy between all those efforts that 801 00:35:03,720 --> 00:35:06,630 go down to went down to SOCom . Now 802 00:35:06,630 --> 00:35:09,800 goes Thio to the 18th and the 803 00:35:09,800 --> 00:35:13,390 82nd . So it's a kind of network that's 804 00:35:13,390 --> 00:35:17,000 starting to develop of individuals who 805 00:35:17,010 --> 00:35:19,200 aren't talking about artificial 806 00:35:19,200 --> 00:35:22,710 intelligence and a theoretical way or , 807 00:35:22,760 --> 00:35:25,500 you know , an abstract way they're 808 00:35:25,500 --> 00:35:28,740 looking at . How does this help us in 809 00:35:28,740 --> 00:35:32,390 the fight and and so that to me is 810 00:35:32,390 --> 00:35:36,350 what has been a big driver in in 811 00:35:36,350 --> 00:35:39,250 these efforts . Brian , to do you want 812 00:35:39,250 --> 00:35:41,472 to comment ? Yeah , I think what you're 813 00:35:41,472 --> 00:35:43,639 seeing is , uh oh , in industry , when 814 00:35:43,639 --> 00:35:45,583 you talk to people in industry who 815 00:35:45,583 --> 00:35:47,694 almost every industry uses artificial 816 00:35:47,694 --> 00:35:49,639 intelligence . Now , when you talk 817 00:35:49,639 --> 00:35:51,750 right now in our current work , we're 818 00:35:51,750 --> 00:35:50,860 doing a lot of work with 819 00:35:50,870 --> 00:35:53,370 telecommunication industry and a lot of 820 00:35:53,370 --> 00:35:55,560 work with , um , the network 821 00:35:55,560 --> 00:35:57,560 development industry . They all use 822 00:35:57,560 --> 00:35:59,616 artificial intelligence aggressively 823 00:35:59,616 --> 00:36:01,782 and have been for almost a decade . So 824 00:36:01,782 --> 00:36:04,004 D o d is just now kind of embracing the 825 00:36:04,004 --> 00:36:05,727 idea that a I is a fundamental 826 00:36:05,727 --> 00:36:07,560 technology , just like any other 827 00:36:07,560 --> 00:36:10,260 information processing technology that 828 00:36:10,260 --> 00:36:12,482 they will be employing if they're gonna 829 00:36:12,482 --> 00:36:14,538 have to get used to it . Um , so you 830 00:36:14,538 --> 00:36:16,260 need to people who know how to 831 00:36:16,260 --> 00:36:18,260 manipulate the code to be able thio 832 00:36:18,260 --> 00:36:20,316 incorporated AI algorithm into their 833 00:36:20,316 --> 00:36:22,260 software . Uh , and then leaders , 834 00:36:22,260 --> 00:36:22,030 managers , they're gonna have to think 835 00:36:22,030 --> 00:36:25,700 of these AI systems alongside the human 836 00:36:25,700 --> 00:36:27,922 natural intelligence that they're gonna 837 00:36:27,922 --> 00:36:30,033 work work with . So I'm gonna have an 838 00:36:30,033 --> 00:36:32,200 AI based system , is gonna be doing my 839 00:36:32,200 --> 00:36:34,256 maintenance analysis and looking for 840 00:36:34,256 --> 00:36:36,200 indications that I have to go do a 841 00:36:36,200 --> 00:36:38,367 repair job on in upcoming , you know , 842 00:36:38,367 --> 00:36:40,533 takedown of a system . Ah , human used 843 00:36:40,533 --> 00:36:42,700 to do that , but in a I system will do 844 00:36:42,700 --> 00:36:44,756 it in the future . So as a manager , 845 00:36:44,756 --> 00:36:46,867 you gotta think about what's the best 846 00:36:46,867 --> 00:36:46,580 use of that ai that artificial 847 00:36:46,580 --> 00:36:48,802 intelligence ? And then what's the best 848 00:36:48,802 --> 00:36:50,969 use of the natural intelligence in the 849 00:36:50,969 --> 00:36:53,136 maintenance technician that used to do 850 00:36:53,136 --> 00:36:52,750 that job but now could do something 851 00:36:52,750 --> 00:36:55,030 different . So for managers , it starts 852 00:36:55,030 --> 00:36:57,030 to become an issue of managing your 853 00:36:57,030 --> 00:36:59,030 artificial and natural intelligence 854 00:36:59,030 --> 00:37:01,197 alongside one another . As we start to 855 00:37:01,197 --> 00:37:02,808 see more and more artificial 856 00:37:02,808 --> 00:37:04,641 intelligence system , things get 857 00:37:04,641 --> 00:37:06,808 brought into D . O D . And it's just a 858 00:37:06,808 --> 00:37:08,863 natural trend that industry has been 859 00:37:08,863 --> 00:37:11,030 living with for the last decade . It's 860 00:37:11,030 --> 00:37:13,197 now D o d is just finally waking up to 861 00:37:13,197 --> 00:37:15,419 this . Well , Brian , General Clark can 862 00:37:15,419 --> 00:37:18,750 talk to the fact that they've been They 863 00:37:18,760 --> 00:37:20,427 they're they're way up on the 864 00:37:20,427 --> 00:37:24,100 maintenance issue . Um , att's 865 00:37:24,100 --> 00:37:26,600 outcome . And and so maybe just talk a 866 00:37:26,600 --> 00:37:29,670 little bit about some of those other AI 867 00:37:29,670 --> 00:37:33,190 initiatives beyond Maven and within 868 00:37:33,190 --> 00:37:35,246 within that General Clark is part of 869 00:37:35,246 --> 00:37:37,357 this . Do you think it's useful ? Two 870 00:37:37,357 --> 00:37:40,260 very loosely divide . Um , the use of 871 00:37:40,260 --> 00:37:42,640 AI and how the generating forces of it . 872 00:37:42,650 --> 00:37:44,483 So to your point , logistics and 873 00:37:44,483 --> 00:37:46,706 maintenance and how the operating force 874 00:37:46,706 --> 00:37:48,817 uses it and it's got a useful kind of 875 00:37:48,817 --> 00:37:52,240 loose distinction and yeah , 876 00:37:52,250 --> 00:37:55,020 no . Yeah , I guess we're I don't know 877 00:37:55,020 --> 00:37:57,300 if it needs to be a distinction , 878 00:37:57,310 --> 00:37:59,532 because I think it's I think it's gonna 879 00:37:59,532 --> 00:38:02,060 across everything we're doing . It 880 00:38:02,060 --> 00:38:04,800 shouldn't be an either or And if I like 881 00:38:04,810 --> 00:38:07,630 our senior leaders to be thinking about 882 00:38:07,630 --> 00:38:11,260 it , you know , across the spectrum , 883 00:38:11,720 --> 00:38:15,520 it I would highlight that we have . We 884 00:38:15,520 --> 00:38:18,190 have been using artificial intelligence 885 00:38:18,200 --> 00:38:20,620 in the logistics and in particular , 886 00:38:20,620 --> 00:38:22,810 the maintenance piece for over two 887 00:38:22,810 --> 00:38:25,300 years now . And not only did we find 888 00:38:25,300 --> 00:38:27,300 what was was great to find not only 889 00:38:27,300 --> 00:38:29,650 refined , it saved just money . Uh , 890 00:38:29,660 --> 00:38:32,780 you know , in terms of predicting that 891 00:38:32,780 --> 00:38:35,640 this engine life which would have taken 892 00:38:35,650 --> 00:38:39,460 taken and tens of million 893 00:38:39,470 --> 00:38:42,780 of dollars of of an aircraft 894 00:38:42,780 --> 00:38:44,930 engine that we would have pulled off 895 00:38:44,930 --> 00:38:47,740 the line toe , find out it's actually 896 00:38:47,740 --> 00:38:51,660 got many more years of use . Eso not 897 00:38:51,660 --> 00:38:53,549 only do we save money , but we've 898 00:38:53,549 --> 00:38:56,650 actually say lots of time and be ableto 899 00:38:56,660 --> 00:38:59,990 actually increase our force generation 900 00:38:59,990 --> 00:39:02,890 to your point that those helicopters 901 00:39:02,890 --> 00:39:06,480 were actually April to be able to be 902 00:39:06,480 --> 00:39:08,820 employed , you know , for much longer 903 00:39:08,820 --> 00:39:11,010 than we thought . But then there 904 00:39:11,020 --> 00:39:12,742 there's some is we're starting 905 00:39:12,742 --> 00:39:15,360 uncovered . There's so many other uses 906 00:39:15,360 --> 00:39:18,160 in this for the health of our force 907 00:39:18,720 --> 00:39:21,850 that we can actually be predictive in 908 00:39:21,850 --> 00:39:24,520 health care in brain , 909 00:39:24,530 --> 00:39:28,340 brain and health care for 910 00:39:28,350 --> 00:39:31,270 for some of our treatment , for our for 911 00:39:31,270 --> 00:39:33,492 our operators to get them back into the 912 00:39:33,492 --> 00:39:36,710 fight more quickly . We've actually 913 00:39:36,710 --> 00:39:40,260 developed Cem Cem craters with Cem lead 914 00:39:40,260 --> 00:39:43,720 companies to help us look at 915 00:39:43,730 --> 00:39:46,390 where we could go for our brain health . 916 00:39:46,400 --> 00:39:49,270 For our warriors who have have been 917 00:39:49,270 --> 00:39:52,920 blown up concussive injuries , many 918 00:39:52,930 --> 00:39:54,874 hard parachute landing falls . And 919 00:39:54,874 --> 00:39:56,986 we're finding that through artificial 920 00:39:56,986 --> 00:39:59,208 intelligence , we can actually maybe be 921 00:39:59,208 --> 00:40:01,319 more predictive in treatments than we 922 00:40:01,319 --> 00:40:04,690 ever could before . So way see this on 923 00:40:04,690 --> 00:40:07,000 that side . But then way can have 924 00:40:07,010 --> 00:40:09,177 Obviously , if we talked about Project 925 00:40:09,177 --> 00:40:12,740 Maven , see it in in target detection 926 00:40:12,750 --> 00:40:15,910 analysis and truthfully , even in the 927 00:40:15,920 --> 00:40:19,540 information operations warfare 928 00:40:19,910 --> 00:40:23,850 part of this , where in that space you 929 00:40:23,850 --> 00:40:26,600 want to be able to detect how what an 930 00:40:26,600 --> 00:40:30,070 enemy is sending is receiving what are 931 00:40:30,070 --> 00:40:32,920 false narratives . What are what are 932 00:40:32,920 --> 00:40:36,580 being sent across his bots from from 933 00:40:36,580 --> 00:40:39,910 others and that the detection of those 934 00:40:39,920 --> 00:40:43,280 allowed allowed decision makers to make 935 00:40:43,280 --> 00:40:46,420 faster decisions s so you can play this 936 00:40:46,420 --> 00:40:50,100 across the spectrum , Nadia . Thanks , 937 00:40:50,100 --> 00:40:52,720 General Clark . Um , Dick or Brian ? Do 938 00:40:52,720 --> 00:40:55,053 you Would you like to make any comments ? 939 00:40:55,310 --> 00:40:57,540 I just have one . And Askew were 940 00:40:57,540 --> 00:40:59,540 talking . You know , I just thought 941 00:40:59,540 --> 00:41:02,730 about , um the u A v s . 942 00:41:03,410 --> 00:41:06,820 And when I first started 943 00:41:06,830 --> 00:41:10,720 studying this , I 944 00:41:10,730 --> 00:41:13,210 ran into this term the unblinking eye . 945 00:41:13,220 --> 00:41:16,250 So the unblinking eye is this 946 00:41:16,610 --> 00:41:20,260 u a V that can put a camera 947 00:41:20,260 --> 00:41:24,010 on you , Nadia , and watch you 24 hours 948 00:41:24,010 --> 00:41:27,130 a day . But someone had to be watching 949 00:41:27,130 --> 00:41:30,540 that video . Now , we have , 950 00:41:30,550 --> 00:41:34,360 um , ai watching that video , and it 951 00:41:34,360 --> 00:41:37,840 can tell us when you do something 952 00:41:37,850 --> 00:41:41,600 that we we we are concerned with , and 953 00:41:41,600 --> 00:41:44,700 every all the other stuff you dio 954 00:41:44,710 --> 00:41:48,340 the AI doesn't have toe alert 955 00:41:48,340 --> 00:41:50,910 us . But when when you get up and go to 956 00:41:50,910 --> 00:41:54,560 your car , then it alerts us . So this 957 00:41:54,560 --> 00:41:56,930 is just a you know , a simple way of 958 00:41:56,930 --> 00:42:00,390 thinking about how artificial 959 00:42:00,390 --> 00:42:03,620 intelligence has in now . Imagine being 960 00:42:03,620 --> 00:42:07,280 able toe to to keep a nigh on Ah , 961 00:42:07,280 --> 00:42:09,820 huge part of the South China Sea that 962 00:42:09,830 --> 00:42:13,730 way . Interesting . 963 00:42:14,100 --> 00:42:16,800 So yeah , Brian . Yeah . So it shows 964 00:42:16,800 --> 00:42:19,480 how the the there isn't really a 965 00:42:19,490 --> 00:42:22,060 separate information operations world 966 00:42:22,060 --> 00:42:24,340 where it's , you know , propaganda and 967 00:42:24,350 --> 00:42:26,970 disinformation and social media . And 968 00:42:26,970 --> 00:42:29,137 then you've got military data that's , 969 00:42:29,137 --> 00:42:30,914 uh , targeting data on specific 970 00:42:30,914 --> 00:42:33,026 military systems . They're all merged 971 00:42:33,026 --> 00:42:35,026 together in the information sources 972 00:42:35,026 --> 00:42:36,692 there being employed by these 973 00:42:36,692 --> 00:42:38,748 algorithms because they allow you to 974 00:42:38,748 --> 00:42:41,081 better characterize a particular target . 975 00:42:41,081 --> 00:42:43,137 So if you look at a pure competitors 976 00:42:43,137 --> 00:42:45,414 like , let's say , the South China Sea , 977 00:42:45,414 --> 00:42:47,637 there's a lot of maritime militia ships 978 00:42:47,637 --> 00:42:47,570 out there that could look like fishing 979 00:42:47,570 --> 00:42:49,903 ships . It's unclear what they're doing . 980 00:42:49,903 --> 00:42:52,181 There's maritime , There's Coast Guard . 981 00:42:52,181 --> 00:42:54,181 There's actual Navy ships . There's 982 00:42:54,181 --> 00:42:56,292 civilian ships that it's unclear what 983 00:42:56,292 --> 00:42:58,403 their purpose is . And so you have to 984 00:42:58,403 --> 00:42:57,740 watch the pattern of life and get an 985 00:42:57,740 --> 00:42:59,910 understanding of what is their job on 986 00:42:59,910 --> 00:43:02,850 any particular day . Because if a fight 987 00:43:02,850 --> 00:43:05,420 were to break out , um , one , you may 988 00:43:05,420 --> 00:43:07,531 not have enough weapons to be able to 989 00:43:07,531 --> 00:43:09,698 engage all the potential targets . You 990 00:43:09,698 --> 00:43:11,809 need to know the right ones to hit at 991 00:43:11,809 --> 00:43:13,587 the right time , which gets the 992 00:43:13,587 --> 00:43:15,698 decision centric nature of it , which 993 00:43:15,698 --> 00:43:17,809 is very similar to the soft problem . 994 00:43:17,809 --> 00:43:19,864 But then also what if you are not in 995 00:43:19,864 --> 00:43:21,976 World War Three , but you have a gray 996 00:43:21,976 --> 00:43:24,198 zone altercation occurring ? What's the 997 00:43:24,198 --> 00:43:26,420 best way to defuse that with the lowest 998 00:43:26,420 --> 00:43:28,587 level of escalation possible for ? The 999 00:43:28,587 --> 00:43:28,140 best way to do that would be to 1000 00:43:28,140 --> 00:43:30,307 identify what are the players that are 1001 00:43:30,307 --> 00:43:32,820 the most , you know , impactful in this 1002 00:43:32,820 --> 00:43:35,090 confrontation , And can I disable them 1003 00:43:35,090 --> 00:43:36,980 somehow ? Well , I need be enough 1004 00:43:36,980 --> 00:43:39,036 information to support that decision 1005 00:43:39,036 --> 00:43:41,258 and and the tactics I would develop for 1006 00:43:41,258 --> 00:43:43,258 it . So I needed to know , Um , you 1007 00:43:43,258 --> 00:43:45,369 know , what's the person on that boat 1008 00:43:45,369 --> 00:43:47,536 do they have ? Where did they come out 1009 00:43:47,536 --> 00:43:49,647 of ? What port did they come out of ? 1010 00:43:49,647 --> 00:43:49,400 You know , where do they live ? Where 1011 00:43:49,400 --> 00:43:52,310 their families , What is the nature of 1012 00:43:52,310 --> 00:43:54,643 their operations day to day , those air , 1013 00:43:54,643 --> 00:43:56,366 all pieces of information that 1014 00:43:56,366 --> 00:43:58,532 Commander can use to decide what's the 1015 00:43:58,532 --> 00:44:00,699 best effect that can use , too , cause 1016 00:44:00,699 --> 00:44:02,754 that guy to stop doing whatever he's 1017 00:44:02,754 --> 00:44:04,977 doing in this of China Sea and do it at 1018 00:44:04,977 --> 00:44:07,143 a way that's proportional , as opposed 1019 00:44:07,143 --> 00:44:09,143 to hitting them with a you know , a 1020 00:44:09,143 --> 00:44:11,366 cruise missile , a Z I only answer that 1021 00:44:11,366 --> 00:44:13,477 I would have at my disposal . So this 1022 00:44:13,477 --> 00:44:15,699 idea of harnessing information from all 1023 00:44:15,699 --> 00:44:17,477 these sources to come up with a 1024 00:44:17,477 --> 00:44:19,532 targeting solution that allows me to 1025 00:44:19,532 --> 00:44:21,477 either be effective in a contested 1026 00:44:21,477 --> 00:44:23,699 environment or to deliver effect that's 1027 00:44:23,699 --> 00:44:25,866 very proportional is really powerful . 1028 00:44:26,890 --> 00:44:29,080 Thanks , Brian . So in terms of as we 1029 00:44:29,080 --> 00:44:31,024 as we start toe rathor a couple of 1030 00:44:31,024 --> 00:44:33,191 issues , I'd like to get Thio in terms 1031 00:44:33,191 --> 00:44:35,630 of your understanding of the urgency of 1032 00:44:35,630 --> 00:44:37,990 the situation in which clearly , I 1033 00:44:38,000 --> 00:44:40,056 think it's it's urgent . It's pretty 1034 00:44:40,056 --> 00:44:42,222 important that we continue at the pace 1035 00:44:42,222 --> 00:44:44,389 that we're going in , um , integrating 1036 00:44:44,389 --> 00:44:46,580 thes technologies and knowing also how 1037 00:44:46,580 --> 00:44:49,580 bureaucracies work . Um , do you think 1038 00:44:49,580 --> 00:44:51,802 that we're going to see a really , um , 1039 00:44:52,190 --> 00:44:54,770 differences , significant differences 1040 00:44:54,780 --> 00:44:57,600 in the next two years ? Five years , 10 1041 00:44:57,600 --> 00:44:59,433 years ? What's your sense of how 1042 00:44:59,433 --> 00:45:01,656 quickly things are moving ? Just your , 1043 00:45:01,656 --> 00:45:04,120 you know , got reaction on on on where 1044 00:45:04,120 --> 00:45:06,360 things are moving . Um , Brian , you 1045 00:45:06,360 --> 00:45:08,527 quickly and want to answer that , I'll 1046 00:45:08,527 --> 00:45:10,638 just go around . Sure . I think we're 1047 00:45:10,638 --> 00:45:12,749 gonna We're gonna see an acceleration 1048 00:45:12,749 --> 00:45:14,860 of this . I mean , I think that we're 1049 00:45:14,860 --> 00:45:16,749 seeing a lot of work in the force 1050 00:45:16,749 --> 00:45:18,749 generation world , uh , in terms of 1051 00:45:18,749 --> 00:45:20,971 applications of AI , but I'm now seeing 1052 00:45:20,971 --> 00:45:23,082 like I said , the increased use of it 1053 00:45:23,082 --> 00:45:25,249 for command control on . And there's a 1054 00:45:25,249 --> 00:45:24,870 lot of programs out there . They're 1055 00:45:24,870 --> 00:45:27,037 doing this . And I think as commanders 1056 00:45:27,037 --> 00:45:29,148 see the benefit in it , they're gonna 1057 00:45:29,148 --> 00:45:31,370 they're going to ask for more . There's 1058 00:45:31,370 --> 00:45:33,481 gonna be an intense effort to harness 1059 00:45:33,481 --> 00:45:35,481 what mavens done with the algorithm 1060 00:45:35,481 --> 00:45:37,648 warfare cross functional team on . Try 1061 00:45:37,648 --> 00:45:39,759 to replicate that in the services . I 1062 00:45:39,759 --> 00:45:41,926 envision that . That's probably what's 1063 00:45:41,926 --> 00:45:44,092 gonna happen in your pretty optimistic 1064 00:45:44,092 --> 00:45:47,920 General Clark . Nadia . I can say it's 1065 00:45:47,920 --> 00:45:50,610 so calm is gonna keep pushing . Okay , 1066 00:45:50,610 --> 00:45:54,040 So I can I can speak yeah to us . And 1067 00:45:54,050 --> 00:45:57,730 it's a priority for for us . We're 1068 00:45:57,730 --> 00:46:00,110 gonna keep putting our money where our 1069 00:46:00,110 --> 00:46:02,650 mouth is because we've got to get the 1070 00:46:02,650 --> 00:46:04,820 people right . We got to get the data 1071 00:46:04,820 --> 00:46:08,040 sets , right , Onda , we don't have a 1072 00:46:08,040 --> 00:46:11,150 choice . We don't have a choice in this 1073 00:46:11,150 --> 00:46:13,330 space because if we don't , we'll get 1074 00:46:13,330 --> 00:46:16,690 behind our adversaries . So But I would 1075 00:46:16,690 --> 00:46:19,840 put that My belief is that the services 1076 00:46:19,840 --> 00:46:22,360 Brian I mentioned project conversions , 1077 00:46:22,370 --> 00:46:24,650 You know that the army is leading . We 1078 00:46:24,650 --> 00:46:27,010 participated with them in a big 1079 00:46:27,020 --> 00:46:29,540 exercise . This spring we're gonna be 1080 00:46:29,540 --> 00:46:31,810 all in on their next year's exercise 1081 00:46:31,810 --> 00:46:34,670 and artificial intelligence machine 1082 00:46:34,670 --> 00:46:36,726 learning the jazz . See to the joint 1083 00:46:36,726 --> 00:46:38,920 all the main commander control , which 1084 00:46:38,920 --> 00:46:42,330 really is about artificial intelligence . 1085 00:46:42,340 --> 00:46:45,040 Mission enabled Mission Command we're 1086 00:46:45,040 --> 00:46:48,090 gonna be in with with that is a joint 1087 00:46:48,100 --> 00:46:50,820 is the joint Forces looking at the 1088 00:46:50,820 --> 00:46:53,590 future joint warfighting concept . We 1089 00:46:53,590 --> 00:46:56,100 have to be way will be part of that , 1090 00:46:56,110 --> 00:46:58,400 and we have to keep pushing and so calm 1091 00:46:58,410 --> 00:47:01,080 is going to continue to be a Pathfinder 1092 00:47:01,090 --> 00:47:03,200 on taking unique , 1093 00:47:03,580 --> 00:47:07,080 repeatable , actual real world problems 1094 00:47:07,080 --> 00:47:09,302 that we're fighting today and make sure 1095 00:47:09,302 --> 00:47:12,010 we can apply them into the future 1096 00:47:13,780 --> 00:47:17,060 on deck optimists . Well , 1097 00:47:17,070 --> 00:47:20,040 I think I'm optimistic . And I think 1098 00:47:20,040 --> 00:47:23,520 that we we have to look at this , um , 1099 00:47:23,530 --> 00:47:27,090 Azaz . I think of it as the new arms 1100 00:47:27,090 --> 00:47:30,740 rags and , uh , and and I think that's 1101 00:47:30,740 --> 00:47:33,140 how our adversaries look at it . It's 1102 00:47:33,140 --> 00:47:35,307 certainly what Putin said . You know , 1103 00:47:35,307 --> 00:47:38,610 Putin said , whoever wins the A I race 1104 00:47:38,610 --> 00:47:42,600 is gonna be the dominant player . So , 1105 00:47:42,610 --> 00:47:45,260 um , I don't think we have a choice in 1106 00:47:45,260 --> 00:47:47,260 the matter , and I think we're just 1107 00:47:47,260 --> 00:47:50,900 fortunate , um , that we have we 1108 00:47:50,900 --> 00:47:54,760 have leaders like like General Clark on 1109 00:47:54,770 --> 00:47:57,700 and we have so calm , which is showing 1110 00:47:57,700 --> 00:48:01,620 us the way forward on DSO We 1111 00:48:01,620 --> 00:48:04,630 have to follow that . But we can we can 1112 00:48:04,640 --> 00:48:08,410 we can prevail . Uh , because we do 1113 00:48:08,410 --> 00:48:12,240 have the best tech , um , uh , 1114 00:48:12,250 --> 00:48:15,370 part of the world s O com Valley and 1115 00:48:15,370 --> 00:48:17,610 other places We just need to be able to 1116 00:48:17,610 --> 00:48:20,940 harness it for , for this 1117 00:48:20,950 --> 00:48:23,580 thing , this new arms race , 1118 00:48:24,770 --> 00:48:28,400 Nick . Well , before we wrap , I would 1119 00:48:28,400 --> 00:48:30,900 like to ask one question , just 1120 00:48:30,900 --> 00:48:33,290 stepping back for a moment . What is 1121 00:48:33,300 --> 00:48:35,890 the relationship between technology and 1122 00:48:35,890 --> 00:48:38,270 our forward presence around the world ? 1123 00:48:38,280 --> 00:48:40,990 In other words , can we do everything 1124 00:48:40,990 --> 00:48:44,040 that socom does ? Um , you know , from 1125 00:48:44,040 --> 00:48:46,530 a farm , we're having this debate as a 1126 00:48:46,530 --> 00:48:48,641 national level . I don't I don't want 1127 00:48:48,641 --> 00:48:50,808 to draw you into that . But a sense of 1128 00:48:50,808 --> 00:48:52,863 the relationship between soldiers on 1129 00:48:52,863 --> 00:48:54,586 the ground and the use of this 1130 00:48:54,586 --> 00:48:56,808 technology . Um , Dick , you know , you 1131 00:48:56,808 --> 00:48:58,863 wrote one of your books on a regular 1132 00:48:58,863 --> 00:49:00,974 warfare and and , uh , intelligence . 1133 00:49:00,974 --> 00:49:03,197 And so maybe that could you give us the 1134 00:49:03,197 --> 00:49:05,363 comment and where you how you see that 1135 00:49:05,363 --> 00:49:07,641 relationship evolving today ? And then , 1136 00:49:07,641 --> 00:49:07,210 um and then we'll really have kind of 1137 00:49:07,210 --> 00:49:09,780 our last wrap up Yeah , well , I you 1138 00:49:09,780 --> 00:49:12,002 know , I'm not . I think you have to be 1139 00:49:12,002 --> 00:49:15,270 forward . Um , and now what ? AI and 1140 00:49:15,270 --> 00:49:19,180 machine learning and and eso on ? 1141 00:49:19,180 --> 00:49:21,291 What that's going to do is it's going 1142 00:49:21,291 --> 00:49:23,500 toe . You're gonna be able to empower 1143 00:49:23,750 --> 00:49:26,800 those forces forward in ways that they 1144 00:49:26,800 --> 00:49:29,078 never could have been empowered before . 1145 00:49:29,570 --> 00:49:33,000 But , um , you do have to be forward 1146 00:49:33,000 --> 00:49:36,640 and eso alliances and friendships and 1147 00:49:36,640 --> 00:49:40,150 partnerships , um , in in in the 1148 00:49:40,150 --> 00:49:44,110 pacific region , um , in in the NATO , 1149 00:49:44,110 --> 00:49:46,760 Europe in in the Gulf . I mean , all of 1150 00:49:46,760 --> 00:49:50,490 these places are are important on dso . 1151 00:49:50,490 --> 00:49:52,601 I don't I don't I don't think you can 1152 00:49:52,601 --> 00:49:56,590 do that from Conus . General Clark . 1153 00:49:58,870 --> 00:50:02,500 Nadia , I'm with Dick . The 1154 00:50:02,960 --> 00:50:05,238 that you do have to have some presence . 1155 00:50:05,238 --> 00:50:08,250 It doesn't have to be , uh , it doesn't 1156 00:50:08,250 --> 00:50:10,194 have to be significantly large , a 1157 00:50:10,194 --> 00:50:12,870 small special operations team , But 1158 00:50:12,870 --> 00:50:16,430 most importantly , partner with with a 1159 00:50:16,430 --> 00:50:20,410 local security partner that understands 1160 00:50:20,410 --> 00:50:23,830 the train understands the culture can 1161 00:50:23,830 --> 00:50:27,790 in fact make a tremendous impact in a 1162 00:50:27,790 --> 00:50:31,600 region . And I think those those teams 1163 00:50:31,600 --> 00:50:33,840 that we what we're what we're looking 1164 00:50:33,840 --> 00:50:35,896 at is what we call the hyper enabled 1165 00:50:35,896 --> 00:50:38,900 operator so that he has all the tools 1166 00:50:39,260 --> 00:50:43,170 that he or she needs forward so 1167 00:50:43,170 --> 00:50:46,510 they can reach back and quickly get 1168 00:50:46,520 --> 00:50:48,742 everything they need to be able to make 1169 00:50:48,742 --> 00:50:50,742 decisions on . I think , you know , 1170 00:50:50,742 --> 00:50:52,909 making sure that they have all the all 1171 00:50:52,909 --> 00:50:55,131 those tools that there is this and then 1172 00:50:55,131 --> 00:50:57,242 I'll have all the necessary things to 1173 00:50:57,242 --> 00:50:59,242 accomplish their mission . Uh , you 1174 00:50:59,242 --> 00:51:01,242 know , and with . And that includes 1175 00:51:01,242 --> 00:51:03,409 things like cas evac and metal back on 1176 00:51:03,409 --> 00:51:05,520 and the ability to strike and protect 1177 00:51:05,520 --> 00:51:07,631 themselves . You know , they can They 1178 00:51:07,631 --> 00:51:09,630 can make a significant impact . We 1179 00:51:09,630 --> 00:51:12,130 don't have to have a large force , but 1180 00:51:12,130 --> 00:51:14,860 I do believe we do have toe have some 1181 00:51:14,860 --> 00:51:18,430 credible forces board . Thanks , Brian . 1182 00:51:18,430 --> 00:51:21,560 Any comments on that topic ? Eso One 1183 00:51:21,560 --> 00:51:23,782 thing we're finding our work with DARPA 1184 00:51:23,782 --> 00:51:25,838 and the Marine Corps is that thes ai 1185 00:51:25,838 --> 00:51:27,782 enabled decision support tools can 1186 00:51:27,782 --> 00:51:29,949 really enable afford force That's very 1187 00:51:29,949 --> 00:51:32,116 small to be more effective and to be , 1188 00:51:32,116 --> 00:51:34,116 uh , more survivable on , including 1189 00:51:34,116 --> 00:51:36,171 their their ability to get evacuated 1190 00:51:36,171 --> 00:51:38,171 when they need to get the logistics 1191 00:51:38,171 --> 00:51:38,170 need . So , yeah , we're definitely 1192 00:51:38,170 --> 00:51:40,281 seeing this energy where a I is going 1193 00:51:40,281 --> 00:51:42,114 to help provide that ability for 1194 00:51:42,114 --> 00:51:44,281 smaller footprint forward forces to be 1195 00:51:44,281 --> 00:51:47,280 effective . Well , thank you , everyone . 1196 00:51:47,280 --> 00:51:50,320 I'll leave . I'll open it up for any 1197 00:51:50,320 --> 00:51:52,320 last thoughts that maybe you didn't 1198 00:51:52,320 --> 00:51:54,098 have a chance . Thio , tell the 1199 00:51:54,098 --> 00:51:57,090 audience that you'd like Thio , but 1200 00:51:57,100 --> 00:51:59,322 otherwise I'm so grateful . I learned a 1201 00:51:59,322 --> 00:52:01,211 lot from the conversation today . 1202 00:52:01,211 --> 00:52:03,544 Hopefully , members of the audience did , 1203 00:52:03,544 --> 00:52:05,656 too . And I hope everyone , uh , pays 1204 00:52:05,656 --> 00:52:07,711 well and healthy and has a wonderful 1205 00:52:07,711 --> 00:52:11,430 holiday season . Nadia , 1206 00:52:11,440 --> 00:52:15,030 Thanks . I'll say two things to 1207 00:52:15,030 --> 00:52:18,170 end , uh , to your point on whether or 1208 00:52:18,170 --> 00:52:20,337 not what's the progress we're going to 1209 00:52:20,337 --> 00:52:22,990 see . I think we got a continuous 1210 00:52:22,990 --> 00:52:26,440 senior leaders on his academics and 1211 00:52:26,450 --> 00:52:29,310 policy folks to ensure that this 1212 00:52:29,310 --> 00:52:32,260 receives emphasis . We're gonna we're 1213 00:52:32,260 --> 00:52:34,220 gonna have to make sure that we're 1214 00:52:34,230 --> 00:52:36,920 updating infrastructure . Uh , the 1215 00:52:36,930 --> 00:52:40,350 policies that are required to allow 1216 00:52:40,350 --> 00:52:43,580 this , you know , either get in place 1217 00:52:43,580 --> 00:52:45,960 or stay in place that we have that that 1218 00:52:45,960 --> 00:52:48,580 will apply to the data that will cloud 1219 00:52:48,590 --> 00:52:50,646 that will apply to make sure we have 1220 00:52:50,646 --> 00:52:54,020 cloud , you know , multiple clouds and 1221 00:52:54,020 --> 00:52:57,540 ability to search open source data 1222 00:52:57,550 --> 00:53:00,780 along with secret and top secret in a 1223 00:53:00,780 --> 00:53:04,720 cross domain type of solution that 1224 00:53:04,720 --> 00:53:08,400 will that will be a key enabler , along 1225 00:53:08,400 --> 00:53:10,900 with cloud compute at the edges were 1226 00:53:10,900 --> 00:53:13,178 just talking about to make this happen . 1227 00:53:13,178 --> 00:53:15,400 But the end of the day , it's about the 1228 00:53:15,400 --> 00:53:18,470 people and having the right , you know , 1229 00:53:18,470 --> 00:53:22,220 the right people that are enabled on 1230 00:53:22,220 --> 00:53:25,400 our given the leadership that will that 1231 00:53:25,400 --> 00:53:27,580 at the end humans more more important 1232 00:53:27,580 --> 00:53:30,970 than hardware will succeed . Thanks . 1233 00:53:32,150 --> 00:53:35,640 I'm not . I would I would just say on 1234 00:53:35,640 --> 00:53:37,751 Agree with General Clark . It's about 1235 00:53:37,751 --> 00:53:41,330 the people . And and we are introducing 1236 00:53:41,330 --> 00:53:45,310 and embedding this alot of what we 1237 00:53:45,310 --> 00:53:48,790 talked about here today into how we're 1238 00:53:48,790 --> 00:53:52,640 preparing young professionals at the 1239 00:53:52,640 --> 00:53:55,160 Fletcher School for this new 1240 00:53:55,160 --> 00:53:57,216 environment . I mean , it is part of 1241 00:53:57,216 --> 00:53:59,880 our curriculum . It's part of the way 1242 00:53:59,880 --> 00:54:02,760 we bring , um , speakers into the 1243 00:54:02,760 --> 00:54:06,250 school . So we're we believe it's about 1244 00:54:06,260 --> 00:54:10,020 people , too , and and it's about those 1245 00:54:10,020 --> 00:54:12,820 that we're gonna send forward from 1246 00:54:12,820 --> 00:54:15,740 Boston . Was that And it was that Ah , 1247 00:54:15,750 --> 00:54:19,120 plug for Fletcher , dick . Always . 1248 00:54:19,130 --> 00:54:21,930 All right , Well , thank you . Thank 1249 00:54:21,930 --> 00:54:24,290 you , everyone , for a great afternoon . 1250 00:54:24,290 --> 00:54:26,346 And I appreciate it and have a great 1251 00:54:26,346 --> 00:54:26,690 have a great week .