WEBVTT 00:00.840 --> 00:03.730 Good afternoon , everybody . I know the 00:03.740 --> 00:06.630 press has just had a long , uh , 00:06.640 --> 00:09.840 session with the team here about what 00:09.840 --> 00:12.610 we're talking about today and this 00:12.610 --> 00:15.040 afternoon . And let me just start by 00:15.040 --> 00:17.200 saying I can't tell you how much I 00:17.200 --> 00:19.830 appreciate the three people standing 00:19.830 --> 00:22.052 next to me here for what they've agreed 00:22.052 --> 00:24.108 to do to help , particularly my best 00:24.108 --> 00:26.930 buddy , John Kerry . Asking a former 00:26.930 --> 00:29.097 secretary of state to come back and do 00:29.097 --> 00:31.208 this has been a as I know , there's a 00:31.208 --> 00:33.690 big ask on the part of myself . I was 00:33.690 --> 00:36.040 gonna I was gonna blame common for it 00:36.040 --> 00:38.730 as well , but for both of us and , uh , 00:38.740 --> 00:41.590 but , uh , John's been deeply involved . 00:41.590 --> 00:43.757 The sector has been deeply involved in 00:43.757 --> 00:45.923 climate issues as a senator and one of 00:45.923 --> 00:48.090 the leaders legislatively as well on . 00:48.090 --> 00:50.257 I don't think anybody knows more about 00:50.257 --> 00:52.257 the issue . And the damage has been 00:52.257 --> 00:54.479 done by some of the executive orders of 00:54.479 --> 00:56.646 previous administration . And , Jean , 00:56.646 --> 00:58.812 you've run everything . Thank you very 00:58.812 --> 01:01.820 much . Let me get to it . Today is 01:01.820 --> 01:03.876 Climate day at the White House , and 01:04.140 --> 01:07.460 which means that today is jobs day at 01:07.460 --> 01:09.710 the White House . We're talking about 01:09.710 --> 01:11.932 American innovation American products , 01:11.932 --> 01:14.160 American labor . We're talking about 01:14.160 --> 01:16.327 the health of our families and cleaner 01:16.327 --> 01:18.560 water , cleaner air and , uh , cleaner 01:18.560 --> 01:20.600 communities . We're talking about 01:20.600 --> 01:22.980 national security , America leading the 01:22.980 --> 01:25.720 world in a clean energy future . It's a 01:25.720 --> 01:29.270 future of enormous hope and opportunity . 01:29.740 --> 01:33.460 It's about coming to the moment to deal 01:33.460 --> 01:35.571 with this maximum threat that we exit 01:35.571 --> 01:38.090 where that's now facing us climate 01:38.090 --> 01:40.560 change with a greater sense of urgency . 01:41.140 --> 01:43.251 In my view , we've already waited too 01:43.251 --> 01:45.473 long to deal with this climate crisis . 01:45.473 --> 01:47.800 We can't wait any longer . We see it 01:47.800 --> 01:49.800 with our own eyes . We feel it . We 01:49.800 --> 01:52.380 know it in our bones and it's time to 01:52.380 --> 01:54.750 act . I might snow parenthetically , if 01:54.750 --> 01:57.000 you notice the attitude of the American 01:57.000 --> 01:59.760 people toward greater impetus on 01:59.770 --> 02:02.110 focusing on climate change and doing 02:02.110 --> 02:04.640 something about it has increased across 02:04.640 --> 02:06.529 the board . Democrat , Republican 02:06.529 --> 02:09.150 independent . It's That's why I'm 02:09.150 --> 02:11.261 signing today . An executive order to 02:11.261 --> 02:13.372 supercharger administration Ambitious 02:13.372 --> 02:15.920 plan to confront the existential threat 02:15.930 --> 02:18.130 of climate change is an existential 02:18.130 --> 02:21.780 threat . Last year , wildfires burned 02:21.780 --> 02:24.740 more than 5000 acres in the West , as 02:24.740 --> 02:26.629 no one knows better than the vice 02:26.629 --> 02:28.407 president , former senator from 02:28.407 --> 02:31.640 California Um area , roughly the size 02:31.640 --> 02:34.890 of the entire state of New Jersey Mawr . 02:34.890 --> 02:36.779 Intense and powerful hurricanes , 02:36.779 --> 02:39.760 tropical storms pummel states across 02:39.760 --> 02:42.230 the Gulf Coast and along the East Coast . 02:42.230 --> 02:44.560 I can testify to that from Delaware . 02:45.040 --> 02:47.590 Historic FLOODS Severe droughts have 02:47.590 --> 02:50.380 ravaged the Midwest Mawr . Americans 02:50.380 --> 02:52.670 see and feel the devastation in big 02:52.670 --> 02:55.070 cities , small towns , coastlines and 02:55.070 --> 02:57.850 in farmlands and red states and blue 02:57.850 --> 03:00.350 states . And the Defense Department 03:00.840 --> 03:02.729 reported that climate change is a 03:02.729 --> 03:05.810 direct threat to Mawr than two thirds 03:05.810 --> 03:08.330 of the military's operational critical 03:08.340 --> 03:11.630 installations . Two thirds . And so 03:11.630 --> 03:13.852 this week we could . This could well be 03:13.852 --> 03:16.070 on the conservative side , and many 03:16.070 --> 03:18.860 climate and health calamities are 03:18.860 --> 03:21.430 colliding all at once . It's not just 03:21.430 --> 03:23.541 the pandemic that keeps people inside 03:23.541 --> 03:26.520 its poor air quality . Multiple studies 03:26.520 --> 03:28.610 have shown that air pollution is 03:28.610 --> 03:30.666 associated with an increased risk of 03:30.666 --> 03:34.070 death from Cove in 19 . And just like 03:34.070 --> 03:36.510 we need a unified national response to 03:36.510 --> 03:39.620 Cova 19 , we desperately need a unified 03:39.620 --> 03:42.050 national response to the climate crisis 03:42.050 --> 03:44.810 because there is a climate crisis we 03:44.810 --> 03:47.070 must keep . We must lead global 03:47.070 --> 03:49.290 response because neither challenge can 03:49.290 --> 03:51.780 be met . As Secretary Kerry's pointed 03:51.780 --> 03:54.010 out many times by the United States 03:54.010 --> 03:57.630 alone , we know what to do . We just 03:57.630 --> 04:00.720 got to do it . When we think of climate 04:00.720 --> 04:03.210 change , we think of it . This is a 04:03.220 --> 04:05.276 case where conscious and convenience 04:05.276 --> 04:07.520 cross paths We're dealing with this 04:07.520 --> 04:10.430 existential threat to the planet and 04:10.430 --> 04:12.374 increasing our economic growth and 04:12.374 --> 04:15.200 prosperity are one and the same . When 04:15.200 --> 04:17.367 I think of climate change , I think of 04:17.367 --> 04:19.533 the and the answers to it . I think of 04:19.533 --> 04:21.700 jobs . A key plank of our build back . 04:21.700 --> 04:23.644 Better recovery plan is building a 04:23.644 --> 04:26.000 modern , resilient climate , 04:26.000 --> 04:28.230 infrastructure and clean energy future 04:28.230 --> 04:30.190 that will create millions of good 04:30.190 --> 04:34.120 paying union jobs . Not 78 10 $12 04:34.120 --> 04:36.240 an hour . But prevailing wage and 04:36.240 --> 04:38.960 benefits . You know , we can put 04:38.960 --> 04:41.182 millions Americans the work modernizing 04:41.182 --> 04:43.238 our water systems , transportation , 04:43.440 --> 04:45.870 our energy infrastructure to withstand 04:45.870 --> 04:48.037 the impacts of extreme climate . We've 04:48.037 --> 04:50.148 already reached the point where we're 04:50.148 --> 04:52.314 gonna have to live with what it is now 04:52.314 --> 04:54.426 that's going to require a lot of work 04:54.426 --> 04:56.426 all by itself , without getting any 04:56.426 --> 04:58.592 worse . We think of renewable energy . 04:58.592 --> 05:00.370 We see American manufacturing , 05:00.370 --> 05:02.537 American workers racing toe , lead the 05:02.537 --> 05:05.340 global market . We see farmers making 05:05.340 --> 05:07.562 American agriculture first in the world 05:07.562 --> 05:10.110 to achieve net zero emissions and 05:10.110 --> 05:12.166 gaining new sources of income in the 05:12.166 --> 05:14.221 process on , I wanna parenthetically 05:14.221 --> 05:16.388 thank the secretary of agriculture for 05:16.388 --> 05:18.554 helping to put together that program . 05:18.554 --> 05:20.499 During the campaign , we see small 05:20.499 --> 05:22.388 business and Master Electrician's 05:22.388 --> 05:24.499 designing , installing and innovating 05:24.499 --> 05:26.760 energy conserving technologies and 05:26.760 --> 05:29.720 building homes and buildings . And 05:29.720 --> 05:31.942 we're gonna reduce electric consumption 05:31.942 --> 05:33.831 and save hundreds of thousands of 05:33.831 --> 05:35.998 dollars a year and energy costs in the 05:35.998 --> 05:37.776 process . And when the previous 05:37.776 --> 05:39.998 administration reversed the Obama Biden 05:39.998 --> 05:42.340 vehicle standard and pick big oil 05:42.340 --> 05:44.720 companies over American workers , the 05:44.720 --> 05:46.776 Biden Harris administration will not 05:46.776 --> 05:48.860 only bring those standards back will 05:48.860 --> 05:51.340 set new , ambitious ones that are 05:51.340 --> 05:54.800 workers are ready to meet . We see 05:54.800 --> 05:57.070 these workers building new buildings , 05:57.070 --> 06:00.790 installing 500,000 new electric vehicle 06:00.790 --> 06:03.012 charging stations across the country As 06:03.012 --> 06:05.080 we modernize our highway system to 06:05.080 --> 06:07.302 adapt to the changes have already taken 06:07.302 --> 06:09.650 place . We see American consumers 06:09.650 --> 06:11.817 switching to electric vehicles through 06:11.817 --> 06:14.670 rebates and incentives and the 06:14.670 --> 06:16.780 residents of our cities and towns , 06:16.790 --> 06:19.550 breathing cleaner air and fewer kids 06:19.550 --> 06:21.860 living with asthma and dying from it . 06:22.640 --> 06:24.440 And not only that the federal 06:24.440 --> 06:26.273 government owns and maintains an 06:26.273 --> 06:28.329 enormously two vehicles . As you all 06:28.329 --> 06:30.650 know , with today's executive order , 06:30.660 --> 06:32.960 combined with the Buy American 06:32.960 --> 06:35.120 Executive Order I signed on Monday , 06:35.130 --> 06:37.074 we're gonna harness the purchasing 06:37.074 --> 06:39.241 power of the federal government to buy 06:39.241 --> 06:41.850 clean zero emission vehicles that are 06:41.850 --> 06:44.280 made and sourced by union workers right 06:44.290 --> 06:47.110 here in America with everything I just 06:47.110 --> 06:49.960 mentioned . This will mean one million 06:49.970 --> 06:52.080 new jobs in the American automobile 06:52.080 --> 06:54.530 industry . One million we'll do . 06:54.530 --> 06:56.990 Another thing would take steps towards 06:56.990 --> 07:00.560 my goal of achieving 100% carbon 07:00.560 --> 07:04.260 pollution free electric sector by 2035 . 07:05.040 --> 07:06.984 Transforming the American electric 07:06.984 --> 07:09.310 sector to produce power without carbon 07:09.310 --> 07:12.030 pollution will be a tremendous spurt of 07:12.030 --> 07:13.480 job creation and economic 07:13.480 --> 07:15.930 competitiveness in the 21st century . 07:15.940 --> 07:18.051 Not to mention the benefits or health 07:18.051 --> 07:20.570 and to our environment . Already , 07:20.940 --> 07:24.760 84% of all new electric capacity 07:24.770 --> 07:27.460 plan to come onto the electric grid 07:27.460 --> 07:30.910 this year . Is clean energy clean 07:30.910 --> 07:33.770 energy ? Why ? Because it's affordable 07:34.140 --> 07:36.530 because it's clean because in many 07:36.530 --> 07:39.050 cases it's cheaper and the way we're 07:39.050 --> 07:41.440 keeping up there keeping up , we're 07:41.440 --> 07:43.496 gonna need scientists . The national 07:43.496 --> 07:45.440 labs , land grant , universities , 07:45.440 --> 07:46.996 historical black colleges , 07:46.996 --> 07:48.718 universities to innovate , the 07:48.718 --> 07:50.940 technologies needed to generate , store 07:50.940 --> 07:52.960 and transmit clean electric , clean 07:52.960 --> 07:55.710 electricity across distances and 07:55.710 --> 07:57.932 battery technology and a whole range of 07:57.932 --> 08:00.330 other things . We need engineers to 08:00.330 --> 08:02.497 design them and workers to manufacture 08:02.497 --> 08:04.920 them . We need ironworkers and welders 08:04.920 --> 08:07.770 install them technologies they invent 08:07.780 --> 08:10.070 design and build will ultimately 08:10.080 --> 08:12.470 ultimately become cheaper than any 08:12.470 --> 08:14.420 other kind of energy , helping us 08:14.420 --> 08:17.050 dramatically expand our economy and 08:17.050 --> 08:19.450 create more jobs with a cleaner , 08:19.460 --> 08:22.280 cleaner environment and will become the 08:22.280 --> 08:24.169 world's largest exporter of those 08:24.169 --> 08:26.447 technologies , creating even more jobs . 08:28.040 --> 08:31.300 You know , we're also gonna build 1.5 08:31.300 --> 08:33.467 million new energy efficient homes and 08:33.467 --> 08:35.689 public housing units that they're gonna 08:35.689 --> 08:37.810 benefit communities three times over 08:37.820 --> 08:40.000 one by alleviating a formal , 08:40.010 --> 08:42.490 affordable housing crisis two by 08:42.490 --> 08:44.657 increasing energy efficiency and three 08:44.657 --> 08:46.870 by reducing the racial wealth gap 08:46.880 --> 08:49.230 linked to home ownership . We're also 08:49.230 --> 08:51.230 going to create more than a quarter 08:51.230 --> 08:53.880 million jobs to do things like plug the 08:53.880 --> 08:56.490 million's of abandoned oil and gas 08:56.490 --> 08:58.960 wells that pose an ongoing threat to 08:58.960 --> 09:00.571 the health and safety of our 09:00.571 --> 09:02.793 communities . They're abandoned wells . 09:02.793 --> 09:05.940 They're open now , and we're gonna put 09:05.950 --> 09:08.300 people toe work . We're not gonna lose 09:08.300 --> 09:10.660 jobs in these areas . Gonna create jobs . 09:10.670 --> 09:13.000 They're gonna get prevailing wage toe 09:13.010 --> 09:15.750 cap , those over a million wells . 09:16.140 --> 09:18.196 These aren't pie in the sky . Dreams 09:18.300 --> 09:20.800 these air concrete actionable solutions . 09:21.340 --> 09:24.010 Now we know how to do this . Obama 09:24.010 --> 09:26.490 Biden administration . Reduce the auto 09:26.490 --> 09:29.390 industry , rescue the auto industry and 09:29.390 --> 09:32.820 help them retool . We need solar 09:32.820 --> 09:35.280 energy cost competitive with 09:35.280 --> 09:37.558 traditional energy . Weatherizing more . 09:37.558 --> 09:40.130 We made it cost competitive . Whether 09:40.130 --> 09:41.963 rising more than a Million Homes 09:42.440 --> 09:44.440 Recovery Act of our administer last 09:44.440 --> 09:46.273 administer arm in the Democratic 09:46.273 --> 09:48.496 administration made record clean energy 09:48.496 --> 09:51.820 investments $90 billion . The president 09:51.820 --> 09:54.050 asked me toe , make sure how that money 09:54.050 --> 09:56.780 was spent on everything from smart grid 09:56.780 --> 09:59.002 systems to clean energy manufacturing . 09:59.540 --> 10:02.210 Now the Biden Harris administration is 10:02.210 --> 10:05.060 gonna do it again and go beyond the 10:05.060 --> 10:06.949 executive order I'll be signing , 10:06.949 --> 10:09.060 establishes the White House Office of 10:09.060 --> 10:11.960 Domestic Climate Policy . It will be 10:11.960 --> 10:13.571 led by one of America's most 10:13.571 --> 10:15.738 distinguished climate leaders , former 10:15.738 --> 10:18.250 EPA director Gina McCarthy . As the 10:18.250 --> 10:20.640 head of the new office and my national 10:20.640 --> 10:22.751 climate adviser , Gina will chair the 10:22.751 --> 10:24.910 National Climate Task Force , made up 10:24.910 --> 10:27.060 of many members of our Cabinet , to 10:27.060 --> 10:29.280 deliver a whole of government approach 10:29.370 --> 10:32.080 to the climate crisis . This is not 10:32.090 --> 10:34.510 it's not time for small measures . We 10:34.510 --> 10:37.250 need to be bold . So let me be clear . 10:37.640 --> 10:39.696 That includes helping revitalize the 10:39.696 --> 10:41.850 economies of coal , oil and gas and 10:41.850 --> 10:44.120 power plant communities . We have to 10:44.120 --> 10:46.342 start creating new , good paying jobs , 10:46.342 --> 10:48.120 capping those abandoned wells , 10:48.120 --> 10:50.320 reclaiming minds , turning old 10:50.320 --> 10:52.420 brownfield sites in the new hubs of 10:52.420 --> 10:54.531 economic growth , creating new , good 10:54.531 --> 10:57.350 paying jobs in those communities where 10:57.350 --> 10:59.517 those workers live because they helped 10:59.517 --> 11:02.280 build this country . We're never gonna 11:02.290 --> 11:04.457 get the men and women who dug the coal 11:04.457 --> 11:07.150 and built the nation . We're gonna do 11:07.150 --> 11:09.150 right by them , make sure they have 11:09.150 --> 11:11.094 opportunities to keep building the 11:11.094 --> 11:13.094 nation in their own communities and 11:13.094 --> 11:15.150 getting paid well for it . While the 11:15.150 --> 11:16.928 whole of government approach is 11:16.928 --> 11:19.206 necessary , though it's not sufficient . 11:19.206 --> 11:21.039 We're gonna work with mayors and 11:21.039 --> 11:22.872 governors and tribal leaders and 11:22.872 --> 11:25.094 business leaders who are stepping up in 11:25.094 --> 11:26.983 the young people , organizing and 11:26.983 --> 11:29.094 leading the way . My message to those 11:29.094 --> 11:31.039 young people is you have your full 11:31.039 --> 11:32.928 capacity and power of the federal 11:32.928 --> 11:35.039 government . Your government is gonna 11:35.039 --> 11:37.150 work with you now . Today's executive 11:37.150 --> 11:39.372 order also directs the Secretary of the 11:39.372 --> 11:41.520 Interior to stop issuing new oil and 11:41.520 --> 11:44.420 gas leases on public lands and off and 11:44.430 --> 11:47.370 in offshore waters . Wherever possible , 11:47.940 --> 11:49.996 we're gonna review and reset the oil 11:49.996 --> 11:51.870 and gas leasing program like the 11:51.870 --> 11:54.310 previous administration , we'll start 11:54.310 --> 11:56.477 to properly manage . Unlike it , we're 11:56.477 --> 11:58.690 gonna start to properly manage lands 11:58.690 --> 12:01.340 and waterways in ways that allow us to 12:01.340 --> 12:04.340 protect preserve them the full value 12:04.340 --> 12:06.340 that they provide for us for future 12:06.340 --> 12:09.360 generations . Let me be clear , and I 12:09.360 --> 12:11.740 know it's always comes up . We're not 12:11.750 --> 12:14.660 going to ban . Fracking will protect 12:14.670 --> 12:17.050 jobs and grow jobs , including through 12:17.050 --> 12:19.380 stronger standards like controls from 12:19.380 --> 12:21.700 methane leaks and union workers , and 12:21.710 --> 12:25.300 willing to install the changes . Unlike 12:25.300 --> 12:27.522 previous administrations , I dont think 12:27.522 --> 12:29.467 the federal government should give 12:29.467 --> 12:31.900 handouts to big oil to the tune of $40 12:31.900 --> 12:34.890 billion in fossil fuel subsidies . I'm 12:34.890 --> 12:37.001 gonna be going to the Congress asking 12:37.001 --> 12:39.001 them to eliminate those subsidies . 12:39.001 --> 12:41.168 We're gonna take money and invested in 12:41.168 --> 12:42.946 clean energy jobs in the area , 12:43.340 --> 12:46.260 millions of jobs and wind , solar and 12:46.260 --> 12:48.890 carbon capture . In fact , today's 12:48.890 --> 12:51.112 action is gonna help us increase from a 12:51.112 --> 12:53.223 noble energy production from offshore 12:53.223 --> 12:55.730 wind and meet our obligation to be good 12:55.730 --> 12:58.150 stewards of our public lands . It 12:58.150 --> 13:01.200 establishes a new modern day civilian 13:01.200 --> 13:04.090 climate core . Then I called for when I 13:04.090 --> 13:06.770 was campaigning to heal our public 13:06.770 --> 13:08.992 lands and make us less vulnerable . The 13:08.992 --> 13:11.870 wildfires and floods . Look , this 13:11.870 --> 13:14.037 executive order I'm signing today also 13:14.037 --> 13:16.350 makes it official that climate change 13:16.350 --> 13:18.294 will be the center of our national 13:18.294 --> 13:20.640 security and foreign policy . A 13:20.640 --> 13:22.590 Secretary Kerry as our special 13:22.590 --> 13:25.620 presidential envoy for climate with him . 13:25.620 --> 13:28.060 The world knows how serious I am about 13:28.060 --> 13:30.530 one of America's by appointing one of 13:30.530 --> 13:32.697 America's most distinguished statesman 13:32.697 --> 13:34.919 on one of my closest friends . Speaking 13:34.919 --> 13:37.141 for America on one of the most pressing 13:37.141 --> 13:39.760 threats of our time , John was 13:39.760 --> 13:41.871 instrumental in negotiating the Paris 13:41.871 --> 13:44.130 climate agreement that we started that 13:44.130 --> 13:45.686 we that we re joined . This 13:45.686 --> 13:47.908 administration rejoined on Day one , as 13:47.908 --> 13:50.220 I promised . And today's executive 13:50.220 --> 13:52.240 order will help strengthen that 13:52.240 --> 13:54.073 commitment by working with other 13:54.073 --> 13:56.470 nations to support the most vulnerable 13:56.470 --> 13:58.830 to the impact of climate change and to 13:58.830 --> 14:01.460 increase our collective resilience . 14:02.340 --> 14:05.370 That includes a summit off world 14:05.370 --> 14:07.426 leaders that I'll convene to address 14:07.426 --> 14:09.610 this climate crisis on Earth Day this 14:09.610 --> 14:13.440 year in order to establish a new 14:13.440 --> 14:15.273 effort to integrate the security 14:15.273 --> 14:17.760 implications of climate change . As 14:17.760 --> 14:19.816 part of our national security , risk 14:19.816 --> 14:22.340 assessment and analysis will also be 14:22.340 --> 14:24.960 included . With this executive order , 14:25.440 --> 14:27.496 environmental justice will be at the 14:27.496 --> 14:30.290 center of all we do . Addressing the 14:30.290 --> 14:32.510 disproportionate health and 14:32.510 --> 14:34.621 environmental and economic impacts on 14:34.621 --> 14:36.788 communities of color . So called fence 14:36.788 --> 14:38.788 line communities , especially those 14:38.788 --> 14:40.732 communities brown , black , Native 14:40.732 --> 14:42.860 American , poor whites . It's hard . 14:42.860 --> 14:45.340 The hearted areas by Cancer Alley in 14:45.340 --> 14:47.830 Louisiana , Cancer Alley in Louisiana 14:47.840 --> 14:50.780 or the Route nine Carter in the state 14:50.780 --> 14:53.570 of Delaware . That's why we're gonna 14:53.570 --> 14:56.090 work to make sure that they receive 40% 14:56.090 --> 14:58.430 of the benefits off key federal 14:58.430 --> 15:00.780 investments in clean energy , clean 15:00.780 --> 15:02.950 water and wastewater infrastructure . 15:03.720 --> 15:05.831 Lifting up these communities makes us 15:05.831 --> 15:07.609 all stronger . As a nation , it 15:07.609 --> 15:09.609 increases the health of everybody . 15:09.609 --> 15:11.660 Finally , as with our fight against 15:11.660 --> 15:14.210 covert 19 , we will listen to the 15:14.210 --> 15:16.840 science and protect the integrity of 15:16.840 --> 15:18.840 our federal response to the climate 15:18.840 --> 15:21.260 crisis . Earlier this month , I 15:21.260 --> 15:24.370 nominated Dr Eric Lander , a brilliant 15:24.380 --> 15:27.670 scientist who is here today to be the 15:27.670 --> 15:29.781 director of the Office of Science and 15:29.781 --> 15:32.000 Technology . I also nominate another 15:32.000 --> 15:34.660 brilliant scientist , Dr Frances Arnold 15:35.040 --> 15:38.340 and Dr Maria Zuber , to co chair the 15:38.340 --> 15:40.284 President's Council of Advisors on 15:40.284 --> 15:42.340 Science and Technology . So called P 15:42.340 --> 15:45.120 cast the President Eisenhower started 15:45.410 --> 15:47.632 six weeks after the launch of Sputnik . 15:48.540 --> 15:51.170 It's a team of America's top scientists 15:51.640 --> 15:54.790 charge of asking the most American of 15:54.790 --> 15:58.110 questions . What next ? What's the next 15:58.120 --> 16:00.390 big breakthrough and then helping us 16:00.390 --> 16:03.860 make the impossible possible ? Today , 16:04.540 --> 16:06.820 I'm signing presidential memorandum , 16:06.830 --> 16:08.886 making it clear that we will protect 16:08.886 --> 16:10.663 our world class scientists from 16:10.663 --> 16:12.830 political interference and ensure they 16:12.830 --> 16:15.600 can think research and speak freely and 16:15.600 --> 16:18.340 directly to me , the vice president and 16:18.340 --> 16:21.910 the American people to summarize this . 16:21.910 --> 16:23.910 If you're out of order , it's about 16:23.910 --> 16:25.966 jobs . Good paying union jobs . It's 16:25.966 --> 16:28.490 about workers building our economy back 16:28.490 --> 16:31.050 better than before . It's a whole of 16:31.050 --> 16:33.120 government approach . Put climate 16:33.120 --> 16:35.176 change at the center of our domestic 16:35.310 --> 16:37.660 national security and foreign policy . 16:38.540 --> 16:40.580 It's advancing , conservation , 16:40.940 --> 16:43.210 revitalizing communities and cities and 16:43.210 --> 16:45.600 in the on the farmlands and securing 16:45.600 --> 16:47.930 environmental justice . Our plans are 16:47.930 --> 16:51.650 ambitious , but we are America . We're 16:51.650 --> 16:54.200 bold , were unwavering in the pursuit 16:54.200 --> 16:56.256 of jobs and innovation , science and 16:56.256 --> 16:59.890 discovery . We can do this . We must do 16:59.890 --> 17:02.580 this and we will do this . I'm now 17:02.580 --> 17:04.636 going to sign the executive order to 17:04.636 --> 17:06.747 meet the climate crisis with American 17:06.747 --> 17:08.747 jobs and American ingenuity . And I 17:08.747 --> 17:10.802 want to thank you all . I'm gonna go 17:10.802 --> 17:10.760 over and sign that now . 17:14.840 --> 17:15.840 Oh , 17:21.540 --> 17:24.970 thought he's the right 17:24.980 --> 17:25.550 pencil . 17:33.340 --> 17:37.130 First order I'm signed . It is tackling 17:37.130 --> 17:39.352 the climate crisis at home and abroad . 17:54.040 --> 17:57.120 This next one restoring trust in 17:57.130 --> 17:58.852 government through science and 17:58.852 --> 18:01.180 integrity and evidence based policy 18:01.180 --> 18:02.180 making . 18:06.240 --> 18:07.240 Mhm 18:16.140 --> 18:16.950 more here . 18:21.040 --> 18:23.096 And this last one is the President's 18:23.096 --> 18:25.040 Council on Advisors on Science and 18:25.040 --> 18:26.151 Technology status . 18:35.640 --> 18:39.630 Thank you for your time . Thank 18:39.630 --> 18:40.680 you .