WEBVTT 00:06.885 --> 00:10.665 (Air Force Maj. Cari Piha) My name is Cari Piha. I'm a major in the United States Air 00:10.665 --> 00:16.025 Force. I've been a C-17 pilot for about 10 years now. 00:16.025 --> 00:20.105 Being here in Amelia Earhart's hangar feels inspirational and 00:20.105 --> 00:22.585 awe-inspiring. She was a trailblazer for women in her time. 00:25.625 --> 00:29.645 (Air Force Capt. Emily Barkemeyer) I'm Capt. Emily Barkemeyer. I'm a C-17 instructor pilot. 00:29.645 --> 00:33.405 I'm so glad that we have the opportunity to be here and to 00:33.405 --> 00:36.605 walk in the same, literally in the same hanger that she was in, 00:36.605 --> 00:39.085 that she fixed her plane in, that she took off from, and she 00:39.085 --> 00:44.925 landed here. And it's just, it's a very cool feeling. She was 00:44.925 --> 00:48.605 one of the very first to do the things that she did, and she was 00:48.605 --> 00:51.885 attempting to fly around the world and a feat back then that 00:51.885 --> 00:55.005 was unheard of, and something that I can do any day of the 00:55.005 --> 00:57.965 week now because of the advances in technology and the 00:57.965 --> 01:01.245 advances of the human mind, to realize that we are capable of so much more. 01:01.245 --> 01:06.765 (Piha) Amelia Earhart was a legacy in her own day and 01:06.765 --> 01:09.965 I feel like that legacy has been carried on for generations. 01:09.965 --> 01:13.085 And it takes a lot of support from your team. We've come a 01:13.085 --> 01:16.765 far way and just to be an inspiration to our sons and 01:16.765 --> 01:20.685 daughters, and to show them that this is normal. This makes me proud. 01:20.685 --> 01:25.885 (Barkemeyer) I just can only hope that you know when my sons are 01:25.885 --> 01:30.205 my age that they know that, of course, a female can be a 01:30.205 --> 01:33.405 pilot. Of course she can fly around the world. It's not 01:33.405 --> 01:36.945 a question of how, or if they're capable. It's just a question of when they want to. 01:36.945 --> 01:40.705 (Piha) I feel proud to be an 01:40.705 --> 01:44.865 inspiration to both of my daughters and show them that 01:44.865 --> 01:47.825 they can do whatever they want as long as they put the hard 01:47.825 --> 01:52.705 work in and they keep their minds determined.