WEBVTT 00:00.320 --> 00:02.431 this morning on our national security 00:02.431 --> 00:04.653 challenges in U . S . Military activity 00:04.653 --> 00:06.876 in north and south America . Uh We have 00:06.876 --> 00:09.153 the commanders of both North and South . 00:09.153 --> 00:11.153 Com uh with us today . I must first 00:11.153 --> 00:13.320 since this again is a hybrid hearing . 00:13.320 --> 00:15.376 Read the statement that explains how 00:15.376 --> 00:17.542 the hybrid hearing will be conducted . 00:17.542 --> 00:19.653 Members who are joining remotely must 00:19.653 --> 00:21.764 be visible on screen for the purposes 00:21.764 --> 00:23.987 of identity verification , establishing 00:23.987 --> 00:26.153 and maintaining a quorum participating 00:26.153 --> 00:28.209 in the proceeding and voting . Those 00:28.209 --> 00:30.042 members must continue to use the 00:30.042 --> 00:32.264 software platforms video function while 00:32.264 --> 00:34.320 in attendance unless they experience 00:34.320 --> 00:34.150 connectivity issues or other technical 00:34.150 --> 00:36.150 problems that render them unable to 00:36.150 --> 00:38.150 participate on camera . If a member 00:38.150 --> 00:40.372 experiences technical difficulties they 00:40.372 --> 00:42.539 should contact the committee staff for 00:42.539 --> 00:44.206 assistance . Video of members 00:44.206 --> 00:46.428 participation will be broadcasting room 00:46.428 --> 00:48.539 and via the television slash internet 00:48.539 --> 00:50.706 feeds . Members participating remotely 00:50.706 --> 00:52.928 must seek recognition verbally and they 00:52.928 --> 00:52.370 are asked to mute their microphones 00:52.370 --> 00:54.426 when they are not speaking . Members 00:54.426 --> 00:56.370 who are participating remotely are 00:56.370 --> 00:58.592 reminded to keep the software platforms 00:58.592 --> 01:00.759 video function on the entire time they 01:00.759 --> 01:02.759 attend the proceeding , members may 01:02.759 --> 01:04.814 leave and rejoin the proceeding . If 01:04.814 --> 01:04.730 members depart for a short while , for 01:04.730 --> 01:06.897 reasons other than joining a different 01:06.897 --> 01:08.952 proceeding , they should leave . The 01:08.952 --> 01:11.063 video function on its members will be 01:11.063 --> 01:13.008 absent for a significant period or 01:13.008 --> 01:12.910 depart to join a different proceeding . 01:12.910 --> 01:15.077 They should exit the software platform 01:15.077 --> 01:17.243 entirely and then we join it . If they 01:17.243 --> 01:19.354 return , members may use the software 01:19.354 --> 01:21.577 platforms , chat feature to communicate 01:21.577 --> 01:23.466 with staff regarding technical or 01:23.466 --> 01:25.410 logistical support issues . Only . 01:25.410 --> 01:27.188 Finally , I have designated the 01:27.188 --> 01:29.466 committee staff member to if necessary , 01:29.466 --> 01:31.466 unrecognized members microphones to 01:31.466 --> 01:33.688 cancel any inadvertent background noise 01:33.688 --> 01:33.560 that may disrupt the proceedings . 01:34.040 --> 01:36.151 Thank you . Um As I was saying at the 01:36.151 --> 01:38.096 start , uh committee hearing is on 01:38.096 --> 01:39.873 national security challenges US 01:39.873 --> 01:41.929 military activity in north and south 01:41.929 --> 01:45.550 America . We have with us today , uh mr 01:45.550 --> 01:47.810 robert Saleh says , performing the 01:47.810 --> 01:49.643 duties of Assistant Secretary of 01:49.643 --> 01:51.990 Defense for Homeland Defense and Global 01:51.990 --> 01:54.730 Security . We have Admiral Craig Faller , 01:54.740 --> 01:57.160 us Navy Commander , U . S . Southern 01:57.160 --> 02:00.760 Command and General Glenn van Herck , U . 02:00.760 --> 02:02.649 S . Air Force Commander , U . S . 02:02.649 --> 02:04.649 Northern Command and North American 02:04.649 --> 02:06.900 Aerospace Defense Command . And I thank 02:06.900 --> 02:08.733 you all for being here . We look 02:08.733 --> 02:10.844 forward to the discussion . Obviously 02:10.844 --> 02:13.011 there are a lot of challenges going on 02:13.011 --> 02:15.011 in the world right now . Um and you 02:15.011 --> 02:17.178 know , the one that dominates is Covid 02:17.178 --> 02:19.178 its impacts how it's impacting your 02:19.178 --> 02:21.400 commands , how it's impacting stability 02:21.400 --> 02:23.456 in your areas of responsibility . We 02:23.456 --> 02:25.567 are very interested to hear how it is 02:25.567 --> 02:25.500 going in terms of making sure that we 02:25.500 --> 02:27.770 protect our service members , maintain 02:27.770 --> 02:30.080 our ability to train um and meet our 02:30.080 --> 02:32.247 readiness requirements and at the same 02:32.247 --> 02:34.302 time how Covid may be impacting your 02:34.302 --> 02:37.030 areas of responsibility . Obviously 02:37.030 --> 02:39.420 there's a great deal of instability in 02:39.420 --> 02:43.040 particular um in South America , uh two 02:43.040 --> 02:44.830 hurricanes continued economic 02:44.830 --> 02:46.608 challenges . We have the honour 02:46.608 --> 02:48.774 building crisis in Venezuela and we've 02:48.774 --> 02:50.997 seen the impact in terms of the flow of 02:50.997 --> 02:53.163 folks coming to the border , there are 02:53.163 --> 02:55.274 a lot of challenges in that region um 02:55.274 --> 02:57.441 would be anxious to hear , are anxious 02:57.441 --> 02:59.497 to hear from Admiral Fallon um about 02:59.497 --> 03:01.497 the details of that and how best we 03:01.497 --> 03:03.720 should respond and work with partners 03:03.720 --> 03:05.887 in the region to meet those challenges 03:05.887 --> 03:07.664 as the impact that region . And 03:07.664 --> 03:09.720 certainly as they impact us once you 03:09.720 --> 03:11.942 come further north . Um also curious to 03:11.942 --> 03:13.942 hear from both of you um about your 03:13.942 --> 03:16.190 your thoughts on the border , um what 03:16.190 --> 03:18.246 role you can play in helping us deal 03:18.246 --> 03:20.357 with that challenge and what the best 03:20.357 --> 03:22.412 policy is going forward as we try to 03:22.412 --> 03:24.523 deal with . What is undeniably a very 03:24.523 --> 03:26.746 challenging situation , a set driven by 03:26.746 --> 03:29.540 the incredible instability um in uh 03:29.550 --> 03:31.772 well in Mexico as well as more and more 03:31.772 --> 03:33.883 so in central America . So we we need 03:33.883 --> 03:35.883 to figure out how to how to address 03:35.883 --> 03:38.161 that issue . And one thing I'm curious , 03:38.161 --> 03:40.340 we we as as I mentioned yesterday , we 03:40.340 --> 03:42.350 don't yet have a budget which is 03:42.350 --> 03:44.294 problematic and challenging . I do 03:44.294 --> 03:46.239 understand the transition to a new 03:46.239 --> 03:48.461 administration um but it is mid april , 03:48.461 --> 03:50.628 so the sooner we get that , the better 03:50.628 --> 03:52.072 we'll be able to meet our 03:52.072 --> 03:54.128 responsibilities in terms of passing 03:54.128 --> 03:55.794 the National National Defense 03:55.794 --> 03:57.739 Authorising Act this year . And of 03:57.739 --> 03:57.600 course the appropriators would also 03:57.600 --> 03:59.433 like to see the budget , but I'm 03:59.433 --> 04:01.211 curious about what your initial 04:01.211 --> 04:03.378 insights are and how that budget might 04:03.378 --> 04:05.489 impact you . I think one of the great 04:05.489 --> 04:07.656 challenges , particularly in South com 04:07.656 --> 04:09.878 over the course of the last 20 years is 04:09.878 --> 04:09.240 there's been so much going on in the 04:09.240 --> 04:11.610 rest of the world . Uh South com tends 04:11.610 --> 04:13.832 to be pretty far down the priority list 04:13.832 --> 04:16.054 when you look at what has been going on 04:16.054 --> 04:18.221 going on in centcom , the pivot Asia , 04:18.221 --> 04:20.277 even a number of the challenges that 04:20.277 --> 04:22.388 have cropped up in africa . How do we 04:22.388 --> 04:24.554 meet all of those responsibilities and 04:24.554 --> 04:26.666 still do enough ? Um in South com and 04:26.666 --> 04:28.832 similarly how this impacts North calms 04:28.832 --> 04:31.050 budget . And I know General Van Herk , 04:31.050 --> 04:33.161 you have been particularly focused on 04:33.161 --> 04:35.161 the arctic um and that is something 04:35.161 --> 04:37.494 that speaking for myself and for others , 04:37.494 --> 04:39.661 we don't understand that issue as well 04:39.661 --> 04:41.772 as we should . Um And I think in part 04:41.772 --> 04:43.883 because of all those other challenges 04:43.883 --> 04:45.994 that we've had , adding , adding what 04:45.994 --> 04:48.272 seems like a new one um is a challenge , 04:48.272 --> 04:50.383 but we we've got to understand what's 04:50.383 --> 04:52.439 going on up there . Obviously Russia 04:52.439 --> 04:54.661 has been very active in that area and I 04:54.661 --> 04:56.828 guess lastly based on our conversation 04:56.828 --> 04:58.939 before the hearing , I'm very curious 04:58.939 --> 05:00.994 to get your take on how you perceive 05:00.994 --> 05:03.161 the threats to the homeland . The rise 05:03.161 --> 05:05.390 of both Russia and china in terms of 05:05.390 --> 05:07.960 the global capability , North Korea as 05:07.960 --> 05:10.540 well has introduced a level of threat 05:10.540 --> 05:12.670 to the homeland that we haven't seen 05:12.680 --> 05:15.370 before . How do we need to respond to 05:15.370 --> 05:17.370 that ? What is the most intelligent 05:17.370 --> 05:19.592 spending we can do in the Department of 05:19.592 --> 05:21.926 Defense Budget to meet those challenges ? 05:21.926 --> 05:23.814 And then what what's the whole of 05:23.814 --> 05:25.926 government response as well ? Because 05:25.926 --> 05:28.092 obviously this is not just none of the 05:28.092 --> 05:30.314 challenges that I just talked about are 05:30.314 --> 05:32.537 just the military . How do we work with 05:32.537 --> 05:34.481 the entire different pieces of our 05:34.481 --> 05:36.703 government to meet those challenges ? I 05:36.703 --> 05:38.926 look forward to the testimony uh and to 05:38.926 --> 05:41.148 the questions and answers and with that 05:41.148 --> 05:40.960 I will yield to the ranking member 05:40.970 --> 05:42.914 Rogers for his opening statement . 05:43.340 --> 05:45.507 Thank you . Mr Chairman . I appreciate 05:45.507 --> 05:47.729 you holding us here today . The defense 05:47.729 --> 05:47.420 of the homeland and our security 05:47.420 --> 05:49.531 efforts in the Western Hemisphere are 05:49.531 --> 05:51.642 becoming increasingly more complex as 05:51.642 --> 05:53.809 china and Russia and other adversaries 05:53.809 --> 05:55.864 expand their reach and improve their 05:55.864 --> 05:57.976 capabilities to strike us North um is 05:57.976 --> 05:59.976 charged with defending our homeland 05:59.976 --> 06:02.087 against those threats , operating our 06:02.087 --> 06:01.970 missile defense systems , countering 06:01.970 --> 06:04.370 increased Russian and chinese activity 06:04.370 --> 06:06.481 in the arctic and supporting civilian 06:06.481 --> 06:08.648 response to emergencies are just a few 06:08.648 --> 06:10.860 of North . Um many mission priorities 06:11.540 --> 06:13.540 supporting these missions shouldn't 06:13.540 --> 06:15.484 continue to be a priority for this 06:15.484 --> 06:17.707 committee . In recent years , china and 06:17.707 --> 06:19.762 Russia have established an extensive 06:19.762 --> 06:21.984 military and economic presence in South 06:21.984 --> 06:24.040 and central America . Their presence 06:24.040 --> 06:26.151 destabilizes the region and threatens 06:26.151 --> 06:28.262 our national security . South commons 06:28.262 --> 06:27.870 responsible for countering those 06:27.870 --> 06:30.100 threats . South com relies on security 06:30.100 --> 06:32.211 cooperation programmes , humanitarian 06:32.211 --> 06:34.310 and disaster response assistance and 06:34.310 --> 06:36.532 counter narcotic capability building to 06:36.532 --> 06:38.532 promote security and counteract the 06:38.532 --> 06:40.588 influence of china and Russia . It's 06:40.588 --> 06:42.810 important for the committee to continue 06:42.810 --> 06:44.643 our bipartisan support for these 06:44.643 --> 06:46.866 programs . I have no doubt that men and 06:46.866 --> 06:48.860 women of North and South . Com can 06:48.860 --> 06:50.971 successfully carry out their critical 06:50.971 --> 06:53.100 missions , but they do only uh they 06:53.100 --> 06:54.933 will only be able to do so if we 06:54.933 --> 06:57.100 provide them the resources they need . 06:57.100 --> 06:58.656 That's why I greatly it was 06:58.656 --> 07:00.767 disappointed with the president's top 07:00.767 --> 07:04.100 line budget number of 7 15 $715 billion 07:04.100 --> 07:06.330 request to produce D . O . D . Uh which 07:06.330 --> 07:09.210 constitutes a nearly $5 billion cut in 07:09.220 --> 07:11.690 real dollars . It's also completely 07:11.690 --> 07:13.801 disregarded the recommendation of the 07:13.801 --> 07:15.857 bipartisan National Defense Strategy 07:15.857 --> 07:17.912 Commission to counter the group from 07:17.912 --> 07:20.079 china . Deputy Secretary Hicks and the 07:20.079 --> 07:21.857 rest of the commissioners urged 07:21.857 --> 07:24.570 Congressman year about 3 - 5% . This 07:24.570 --> 07:26.514 budget doesn't even keep pace with 07:26.514 --> 07:28.681 inflation . My biggest concern is that 07:28.681 --> 07:30.740 this request fails to ensure our 07:30.740 --> 07:32.851 military can deter the growing threat 07:32.851 --> 07:35.230 from china and Russia . General Van 07:35.230 --> 07:37.470 Hurt and Admiral Faller are dealing 07:37.470 --> 07:39.692 with these threats . Every day . I look 07:39.692 --> 07:41.803 forward to their best military advice 07:41.803 --> 07:43.914 on the impact of the their operations 07:43.914 --> 07:46.026 from a budget that fails to keep pace 07:46.026 --> 07:48.081 with inflation and with that I think 07:48.081 --> 07:47.490 the witnesses for their service to our 07:47.490 --> 07:49.490 country from being here and I yield 07:49.490 --> 07:51.490 back . Mr Chairman . Thank you very 07:51.490 --> 07:53.680 much . Mr Saleh says I believe you are 07:53.680 --> 07:57.560 first Chairman smith ranking 07:57.700 --> 07:59.811 Rogers . Distinguished members of the 07:59.811 --> 08:01.478 committee . Thank you for the 08:01.478 --> 08:03.700 opportunity to testify before you today 08:03.700 --> 08:05.700 on the national security challenges 08:05.700 --> 08:07.867 faced by the United States and the U . 08:07.867 --> 08:09.811 S . Military activity in North and 08:09.811 --> 08:11.978 south America . I'm honored to be here 08:11.978 --> 08:14.033 in the company of Admiral Fowler and 08:14.033 --> 08:16.256 General Van Herck . Today , I'd like to 08:16.256 --> 08:18.311 emphasize three key points . First , 08:18.320 --> 08:20.487 today's global security environment is 08:20.487 --> 08:22.680 more complex than ever before . Our 08:22.680 --> 08:24.902 adversaries are developing capabilities 08:24.902 --> 08:27.770 to challenge us in every domain and 08:27.770 --> 08:30.060 increasingly to hold the homeland at 08:30.060 --> 08:32.630 risk . Second , consistent with the 08:32.630 --> 08:34.640 president's strategic guidance and 08:34.640 --> 08:37.150 Secretary Austin's priorities , D . O . 08:37.150 --> 08:39.261 D . Is strengthening the multi domain 08:39.261 --> 08:41.500 defense of the nation to maintain our 08:41.500 --> 08:44.290 competitive advantage and third 08:44.290 --> 08:46.960 domestic emergencies and disasters are 08:46.970 --> 08:49.890 increasing in severity , causing D . O . 08:49.890 --> 08:51.668 D . S . Federal state and local 08:51.668 --> 08:54.250 partners to rely more and more on the 08:54.250 --> 08:57.000 Department of Defense . The increasing 08:57.000 --> 08:59.090 complex and dynamic global security 08:59.090 --> 09:01.210 environment is driven by the 09:01.210 --> 09:04.110 accelerating strategic competition with 09:04.110 --> 09:07.100 Russia and china where both are engaged 09:07.100 --> 09:09.310 in aggressive military modernization 09:09.310 --> 09:11.720 programs designed to target what they 09:11.720 --> 09:14.210 perceive as D . O . D . Strategic 09:14.210 --> 09:16.920 vulnerabilities . China has become more 09:16.920 --> 09:19.960 capable in every domain and constitutes 09:19.960 --> 09:22.182 a significant long term security threat 09:22.182 --> 09:25.040 to the US . China is our top priority . 09:25.050 --> 09:27.220 While Russia presents a near term 09:27.220 --> 09:30.560 threat within the western hemisphere to 09:30.560 --> 09:32.800 the north , Russia is expanding its 09:32.810 --> 09:35.970 arctic posture and china has classified 09:35.970 --> 09:38.480 itself as a near arctic nation . 09:38.490 --> 09:40.860 Raising concerns with both nations 09:40.860 --> 09:43.560 intentions to the south and central and 09:43.560 --> 09:46.400 south America , a key strategic region . 09:46.410 --> 09:48.420 China and Russia are attempting to 09:48.430 --> 09:50.660 increase their influence within the 09:50.660 --> 09:53.220 region . As D . O . D . Confronts this 09:53.220 --> 09:55.640 competition with Russia and china and 09:55.640 --> 09:58.400 every domain , it must also ensure its 09:58.400 --> 10:00.930 ability to deter today's range of 10:00.930 --> 10:03.540 threats including those posed by Iran 10:03.540 --> 10:05.630 and north Korea while countering 10:05.630 --> 10:08.170 terrorism and violent extremists both 10:08.170 --> 10:11.500 abroad and here at home , Diode is 10:11.500 --> 10:14.030 committed to strengthening its decisive 10:14.030 --> 10:16.640 advantage and defending the US homeland 10:16.770 --> 10:19.390 by reinforcing our defenses in the 10:19.390 --> 10:21.900 approaches to North America and by 10:21.900 --> 10:23.800 building stronger partnerships to 10:23.800 --> 10:26.070 advance freedom , prosperity and 10:26.070 --> 10:27.860 security throughout the Western 10:27.860 --> 10:31.070 Hemisphere . D . O . D . As the 10:31.070 --> 10:33.870 region's partner of choice , is working 10:33.870 --> 10:36.092 closely with our hemispheric neighbours 10:36.092 --> 10:37.814 to address the region , shared 10:37.814 --> 10:40.037 challenges through security cooperation 10:40.037 --> 10:42.148 programmes . D O . D . Also continues 10:42.148 --> 10:44.470 its support of interagency efforts to 10:44.470 --> 10:46.820 disrupt transnational criminal 10:46.820 --> 10:48.680 organizations and the counter 10:48.680 --> 10:50.902 trafficking of illicit narcotics in the 10:50.902 --> 10:54.140 region . COVID-19 significantly 10:54.140 --> 10:56.140 challenged our hemispheric partners 10:56.140 --> 10:58.490 with congressional support duty 10:58.490 --> 11:00.770 provided and will continue to provide 11:00.780 --> 11:03.820 medical assistance to our partners in 11:03.820 --> 11:05.931 defense of the homeland . D . O . D . 11:05.931 --> 11:08.153 Must be ready for future conflicts that 11:08.153 --> 11:10.250 will likely include multidimensional 11:10.250 --> 11:12.460 targeting of critical infrastructure . 11:13.140 --> 11:14.973 The United States and Canada are 11:14.973 --> 11:16.529 jointly working to increase 11:16.529 --> 11:18.362 capabilities to provide enhanced 11:18.370 --> 11:20.820 indications and warning to detect 11:20.830 --> 11:23.620 aerospace threats and Q . Are air and 11:23.620 --> 11:25.787 missile defense systems against them . 11:26.440 --> 11:28.273 D . O . D . Is strengthening its 11:28.273 --> 11:30.530 homeland missile defenses through the 11:30.530 --> 11:32.252 development of next generation 11:32.252 --> 11:34.800 interceptors and a new generation of 11:34.800 --> 11:37.510 ground and space based sensors and 11:37.510 --> 11:39.232 defending the U . S . Maritime 11:39.232 --> 11:41.177 approaches . D . O . D . Has taken 11:41.177 --> 11:43.066 steps to enhance its awareness of 11:43.066 --> 11:45.400 activities on and under the sea , 11:45.410 --> 11:47.521 provided early warning of approaching 11:47.521 --> 11:49.770 maritime threats . D . O . D . Is 11:49.770 --> 11:51.992 successfully competing with adversaries 11:51.992 --> 11:54.700 in cyberspace by defending forward to 11:54.700 --> 11:56.700 disrupt and degrade malicious cyber 11:56.700 --> 11:59.210 activity close to its origin and 11:59.210 --> 12:02.340 improving response options . As A D . O . 12:02.340 --> 12:04.340 D . Mission , D . O . D . Regularly 12:04.340 --> 12:06.173 provides defense supported civil 12:06.173 --> 12:08.173 authorities . The federal state and 12:08.173 --> 12:10.890 local partners . The COVID-19 pandemic 12:10.900 --> 12:13.122 has posed an unprecedented challenge on 12:13.122 --> 12:15.790 our nation . Since the start the O . D . 12:15.790 --> 12:18.110 Has protected its people and supported 12:18.110 --> 12:20.340 the nation's response by providing 12:20.350 --> 12:23.850 unparalleled support to include medical 12:23.850 --> 12:26.060 assistance , supply and acquisition 12:26.060 --> 12:27.727 support and the development , 12:27.727 --> 12:29.671 distribution and administration of 12:29.671 --> 12:31.504 vaccines . Recent hurricanes and 12:31.504 --> 12:33.338 wildfire seasons have challenged 12:33.338 --> 12:35.449 response efforts and driven increased 12:35.449 --> 12:37.671 requests for D . O . D . Capabilities . 12:37.671 --> 12:39.727 Hemispheric challenges and events in 12:39.727 --> 12:41.949 the homeland have also led to increased 12:41.949 --> 12:44.171 requests for D . O . D . Support at the 12:44.171 --> 12:46.060 Southern border Duty continues to 12:46.060 --> 12:48.282 support DHS border Security mission and 12:48.282 --> 12:50.730 HHS mission to shelter unaccompanied 12:50.730 --> 12:53.260 Children . D . O . D . Also continues 12:53.260 --> 12:55.427 to support to the U . S . Capitol . In 12:55.427 --> 12:57.649 conclusion , diode is strengthening its 12:57.649 --> 12:59.593 defense of the homeland , building 12:59.593 --> 13:01.649 stronger partnerships in the Western 13:01.649 --> 13:03.871 Hemisphere and assisting more than ever 13:03.871 --> 13:06.149 our federal , state and local partners . 13:06.149 --> 13:08.260 It is an honor to serve alongside our 13:08.260 --> 13:10.427 nation's military and civilian members 13:10.427 --> 13:12.593 of the Defense Department as they work 13:12.593 --> 13:14.704 every day to keep our nation safe and 13:14.704 --> 13:16.871 secure . Chairman smith ranking member 13:16.871 --> 13:18.982 Rogers . Distinguished members of the 13:18.982 --> 13:20.649 committee . Thank you for the 13:20.649 --> 13:22.816 opportunity to testify today . I would 13:22.816 --> 13:24.871 also like to express my appreciation 13:24.871 --> 13:26.871 for the support of the Congress and 13:26.871 --> 13:29.093 thank you for your continued commitment 13:29.093 --> 13:29.010 and support of the men and women of the 13:29.010 --> 13:31.460 Defense Department . Thank you . 13:31.460 --> 13:32.460 Admiral Faller , 13:35.740 --> 13:38.150 Chairman smith ranking member Rogers 13:38.160 --> 13:39.993 and distinguished members of the 13:39.993 --> 13:41.660 committee . Thank you for the 13:41.660 --> 13:43.993 opportunity to testify before you today . 13:43.993 --> 13:45.716 I'm honored to be here with my 13:45.716 --> 13:47.827 shipmates . General Glenn van Herck , 13:47.827 --> 13:50.160 assistant secretary , bob palaces . Now , 13:50.160 --> 13:52.382 more than ever , I feel a deep sense of 13:52.382 --> 13:54.382 urgency about the global threats we 13:54.382 --> 13:57.190 face , including in this region . The 13:57.190 --> 13:59.301 Western Hemisphere is our home . It's 13:59.301 --> 14:01.246 our shared neighborhood and it's a 14:01.246 --> 14:03.301 hemisphere which is a vital national 14:03.301 --> 14:05.468 interest to the United States . Two of 14:05.468 --> 14:07.820 the most significant threats are china 14:08.040 --> 14:09.540 and transnational criminal 14:09.540 --> 14:11.700 organizations . As the indo pak . Um 14:11.700 --> 14:14.370 Commander Admiral Davidson stated china 14:14.370 --> 14:16.630 is the number one strategic threat of 14:16.630 --> 14:19.230 the 21st century . I'd like to take a 14:19.230 --> 14:21.380 few minutes to do some myth busting 14:21.390 --> 14:24.660 about these threats myth . One china's 14:24.660 --> 14:26.827 interest in the Western hemisphere are 14:26.827 --> 14:29.660 purely economic . The chinese Communist 14:29.660 --> 14:31.827 Party , with its insidious , corrosive 14:31.827 --> 14:33.882 and corrupt influence , seeks global 14:33.882 --> 14:35.993 dominance . Our strategic approach to 14:35.993 --> 14:38.360 china must also be global . China is 14:38.360 --> 14:40.471 quickly growing its influence here in 14:40.471 --> 14:42.582 the hemisphere , working on more than 14:42.582 --> 14:44.804 40 port deals , dishing out significant 14:44.804 --> 14:46.638 loans for political and economic 14:46.638 --> 14:48.360 leverage , pushing its I . T . 14:48.360 --> 14:50.082 Infrastructure and engaging in 14:50.082 --> 14:52.193 predatory practices such as illegal , 14:52.193 --> 14:54.249 unregulated and unreported fishing , 14:54.740 --> 14:56.629 all with little concern for human 14:56.629 --> 14:58.851 rights , the environment or the rule of 14:58.851 --> 15:01.340 law myth . Two transnational criminal 15:01.340 --> 15:03.562 organizations are just drug trafficking 15:03.562 --> 15:05.440 organizations and only a law 15:05.440 --> 15:07.990 enforcement problem . To be clear , 15:08.000 --> 15:10.167 transnational criminal organizations , 15:10.167 --> 15:12.550 or todos pose a direct threat to our 15:12.550 --> 15:14.820 national security . They traffic in 15:14.820 --> 15:17.380 arms , humans drugs and claim tens of 15:17.380 --> 15:19.491 thousands of lives here in the United 15:19.491 --> 15:21.640 States each year . Their murders 15:21.640 --> 15:24.070 tactics have resulted in 43 of the 50 15:24.070 --> 15:26.590 most violent cities in the world in 15:26.590 --> 15:28.646 this hemisphere . They drive illegal 15:28.646 --> 15:30.646 migration and they allow bad actors 15:30.646 --> 15:33.260 like China to gain influence . MS . 15:33.260 --> 15:35.460 Three , the military has no role to 15:35.460 --> 15:38.460 play in this region . Our professional 15:38.470 --> 15:40.414 US military , men and women in the 15:40.414 --> 15:43.200 region serve as an example every day as 15:43.200 --> 15:45.256 we collaborate through education and 15:45.256 --> 15:47.730 training exercises and humanitarian 15:47.730 --> 15:49.480 assistance . D . O . D . Has 15:49.480 --> 15:51.536 established programs to help partner 15:51.536 --> 15:53.647 nations develop diverse and inclusive 15:53.647 --> 15:55.869 militaries that respect the rule of law 15:55.869 --> 15:58.036 and human rights . Are programs helped 15:58.036 --> 15:59.980 develop the professional forces to 15:59.980 --> 16:02.091 secure and stabilize our hemisphere . 16:02.340 --> 16:04.560 Our security cooperation programmes 16:04.570 --> 16:06.990 include institutional capacity building 16:07.000 --> 16:08.778 that make partner nation forces 16:08.778 --> 16:11.040 resilient to corruption and external 16:11.040 --> 16:13.390 influences are exercise program 16:13.390 --> 16:16.100 develops readiness , interoperability 16:16.110 --> 16:18.221 and the ability to respond regionally 16:18.221 --> 16:20.510 to threats . We provide not only 16:20.510 --> 16:22.454 positive role models but tools and 16:22.454 --> 16:24.566 strategies for our partner nations to 16:24.566 --> 16:26.900 implement that enhance their capacity 16:26.910 --> 16:29.188 and they make us all stronger together . 16:29.840 --> 16:31.896 Underpinning those national security 16:31.896 --> 16:34.007 threats is growing for agility in the 16:34.007 --> 16:36.140 region . COVID-19 has hit the 16:36.140 --> 16:39.180 hemisphere hard According to the IMF . 16:39.200 --> 16:41.367 The economies of Latin America and the 16:41.367 --> 16:43.860 Caribbean shrank by 7.4% . In 2020 . 16:44.420 --> 16:46.587 The impacts of the pandemic walter the 16:46.587 --> 16:49.300 hemisphere for years to come . In the 16:49.300 --> 16:51.300 midst of this pandemic back to back 16:51.300 --> 16:53.300 major hurricanes devastated central 16:53.300 --> 16:55.078 America , creating even greater 16:55.078 --> 16:57.200 instability . The pandemic and these 16:57.210 --> 16:59.900 unprecedented storms struck on top of 16:59.900 --> 17:02.011 the already vicious circle of threats 17:02.011 --> 17:03.789 that I previously highlighted , 17:03.789 --> 17:05.900 creating strong , strong push factors 17:05.950 --> 17:08.006 for the people of the region to head 17:08.006 --> 17:10.006 north in search of safety and basic 17:10.006 --> 17:12.440 needs . Despite an economy in a 17:12.440 --> 17:14.440 tailspin and more than five million 17:14.440 --> 17:16.384 refugees fleeing the country , the 17:16.384 --> 17:18.607 illegitimate Maduro regime continues to 17:18.607 --> 17:20.551 cling to power in Venezuela . With 17:20.551 --> 17:23.670 support from cuba , Russia , Iran and 17:23.670 --> 17:26.140 china . We cannot face such daunting 17:26.140 --> 17:28.362 challenges on our own . The only way to 17:28.362 --> 17:30.529 counter these threats is to strengthen 17:30.529 --> 17:32.584 our partnerships in order to win the 17:32.584 --> 17:34.696 strategic competition . No one nation 17:34.696 --> 17:36.584 is as strong as all of us working 17:36.584 --> 17:38.751 together And I'm very impressed by the 17:38.751 --> 17:40.973 nations who have worked with a shoulder 17:40.973 --> 17:43.029 to shoulder to counter the threats . 17:43.029 --> 17:44.973 For example , last year , Colombia 17:44.973 --> 17:47.029 brought together more than two dozen 17:47.029 --> 17:49.084 nations to conduct operation or Ryan 17:49.084 --> 17:50.918 six , a transnational countering 17:50.918 --> 17:53.029 transnational criminal organization , 17:53.029 --> 17:55.196 operation . And earlier . Earlier this 17:55.196 --> 17:57.251 year , brazil became the first latin 17:57.251 --> 17:59.418 american country to send forces to our 17:59.418 --> 18:01.584 high end U . S . Army training at fort 18:01.584 --> 18:03.780 Polk Louisiana . Good neighbors are 18:03.780 --> 18:05.836 there to help when you need them the 18:05.836 --> 18:08.002 most , especially during a crisis . We 18:08.002 --> 18:10.169 provide humanitarian assistance to our 18:10.169 --> 18:12.391 partners when Covid struck . And we did 18:12.391 --> 18:14.613 it at the speed of relevance delivering 18:14.613 --> 18:16.960 field hospitals in critical PP . To 18:16.960 --> 18:19.760 date , we have executed 498 projects in 18:19.760 --> 18:22.270 28 countries with a total investment of 18:22.270 --> 18:24.490 $72 million . This is making a 18:24.490 --> 18:26.850 difference . South . Com works every 18:26.850 --> 18:28.350 day to build readiness and 18:28.350 --> 18:30.572 professionalism of our trusted military 18:30.572 --> 18:32.294 and security partners , modest 18:32.294 --> 18:34.550 investments and intelligence , security 18:34.550 --> 18:37.090 cooperation and presents go a long way 18:37.090 --> 18:39.390 in this hemisphere and will help us and 18:39.390 --> 18:41.279 our partners counter these global 18:41.279 --> 18:43.960 threats . Finally , our success would 18:43.960 --> 18:45.793 not be possible without our most 18:45.793 --> 18:48.610 important resource , our people Rcom 18:48.610 --> 18:50.666 team and their families . And we are 18:50.666 --> 18:53.210 taking proactive steps to support them 18:53.220 --> 18:54.887 and to protect our force from 18:54.887 --> 18:57.170 unacceptable behaviors like sexual 18:57.170 --> 18:59.170 assault , harassment , racism , and 18:59.170 --> 19:01.059 extremism . We take these threats 19:01.059 --> 19:03.600 seriously because it's key to readiness 19:03.730 --> 19:05.870 and it's the right thing to do . Mr 19:05.870 --> 19:07.759 Chairman ranking member Rogers on 19:07.759 --> 19:09.814 behalf of the coton team . Thank you 19:09.814 --> 19:12.037 for the trust you place in US and thank 19:12.037 --> 19:14.092 you for the opportunity to testify . 19:14.092 --> 19:13.770 And I look forward to the questions . 19:14.440 --> 19:16.662 Thank you . Admiral General Van Herck . 19:17.540 --> 19:21.010 Yeah . Chairman smith . Ranking member 19:21.020 --> 19:23.131 Rogers . Distinguished members of the 19:23.131 --> 19:25.187 committee . It's a privilege to test 19:25.187 --> 19:27.390 fire before you today . I'm honored to 19:27.390 --> 19:29.446 serve as the commander of the United 19:29.446 --> 19:31.334 States Northern Command and North 19:31.334 --> 19:33.501 american Aerospace Defense Command and 19:33.501 --> 19:35.501 I'm grateful to appear alongside MR 19:35.501 --> 19:37.612 solicitous and Admiral Fowler as they 19:37.612 --> 19:39.446 are crucial partners in Homeland 19:39.446 --> 19:41.446 Defense , US North Common NORAD are 19:41.446 --> 19:43.279 separate commands charged with a 19:43.279 --> 19:45.279 critical mission of defending north 19:45.279 --> 19:47.500 America . Us North com is the U . S . 19:47.500 --> 19:49.111 Geographic Combatant Command 19:49.111 --> 19:51.333 responsible for defense of the homeland 19:51.333 --> 19:53.500 defense , support of civil authorities 19:53.500 --> 19:55.611 and theater security cooperation with 19:55.611 --> 19:58.700 Canada Mexico and the Bahamas NORAD is 19:58.700 --> 20:00.756 the Binational Command that provides 20:00.756 --> 20:03.020 aerospace warning , aerospace control , 20:03.280 --> 20:05.447 maritime warning for the United States 20:05.447 --> 20:08.170 and Canada . Over the last year , NORAD 20:08.170 --> 20:10.650 fighters , tankers and airborne early 20:10.650 --> 20:12.817 warning aircraft responded to numerous 20:12.817 --> 20:14.594 incursions into our air defense 20:14.594 --> 20:16.870 identification zones , multiple ships 20:16.870 --> 20:18.926 sorted under US north um operational 20:18.926 --> 20:20.648 control to defend our maritime 20:20.648 --> 20:22.500 approaches and US north com 20:22.510 --> 20:24.343 synchronized . The Department of 20:24.343 --> 20:26.288 Defense is support to lead federal 20:26.288 --> 20:27.954 agencies in the fight against 20:27.954 --> 20:30.260 coronavirus , multiple hurricanes and 20:30.260 --> 20:32.870 wildfires . No matter the threat , We 20:32.870 --> 20:35.092 are always ready to defend the lives of 20:35.092 --> 20:37.910 our citizens and our homelands as 20:37.910 --> 20:39.966 thousands of service members provide 20:39.966 --> 20:41.743 life saving vaccinations to our 20:41.743 --> 20:43.854 citizens . The threats we face in the 20:43.854 --> 20:45.910 pace of change in the geo strategic 20:45.910 --> 20:48.720 environment continue to advance . We 20:48.720 --> 20:50.831 have entered an era of renewed global 20:50.831 --> 20:53.180 competition and this time we're facing 20:53.180 --> 20:55.850 two nuclear armed peer competitors . 20:56.040 --> 20:57.762 Our competitors are focused on 20:57.762 --> 20:59.680 circumventing our defenses , both 20:59.680 --> 21:02.050 kinetically and non kinetically from 21:02.050 --> 21:04.770 all directions and in all domains and 21:04.770 --> 21:07.280 exploiting a perceived gap between our 21:07.280 --> 21:09.280 foundational homeland defense , our 21:09.280 --> 21:11.270 nuclear deterrent and also our 21:11.270 --> 21:13.492 conventional homeland defense deterrent 21:13.492 --> 21:15.603 capabilities concurrently the rise of 21:15.603 --> 21:17.659 transnational criminal organizations 21:17.659 --> 21:19.740 and the subsequent instability they 21:19.740 --> 21:21.907 create has generated opportunities for 21:21.907 --> 21:24.300 our competitors to exploit . We must 21:24.300 --> 21:26.411 adapt to the challenges posed by this 21:26.411 --> 21:28.180 reality . We must outpace our 21:28.180 --> 21:30.347 competitors by accelerating efforts to 21:30.347 --> 21:32.402 transform into a culture that thinks 21:32.402 --> 21:35.130 and operates globally and invest early 21:35.130 --> 21:37.430 and often in relationships with our 21:37.430 --> 21:40.000 allies , partners and other like minded 21:40.000 --> 21:42.890 nations . Our culture must also adapt 21:42.900 --> 21:45.050 and cultivate talent within the ranks 21:45.100 --> 21:47.267 and counter extremists and destructive 21:47.267 --> 21:49.690 behaviors that oppose our values . In 21:49.690 --> 21:51.801 addition , we must factor in Homeland 21:51.801 --> 21:54.680 defense into every strategy plan , 21:54.690 --> 21:57.160 force management , force , design , 21:57.170 --> 21:59.660 acquisition and budgetary decision so 21:59.660 --> 22:02.290 we can deter in competition de 22:02.290 --> 22:05.120 escalating crisis and if we must defeat 22:05.120 --> 22:07.450 in conflict to do this , US north 22:07.450 --> 22:10.260 campus building capability to deter and 22:10.260 --> 22:12.482 if needed , defend against increasingly 22:12.482 --> 22:14.704 advanced global all domain threats . In 22:14.704 --> 22:16.750 concert with the other 10 combatant 22:16.750 --> 22:18.361 commands . The recent global 22:18.361 --> 22:20.194 information dominance experiment 22:20.194 --> 22:22.028 highlighted the effectiveness of 22:22.028 --> 22:24.670 operating without Geographic seems to 22:24.670 --> 22:28.430 execute coordinated actions across 22:28.440 --> 22:30.910 all combatant commands in coordination 22:30.910 --> 22:32.799 with the Missile Defense Agency . 22:32.799 --> 22:34.688 United States Strategic Command . 22:34.688 --> 22:36.966 United States Space Command , US North . 22:36.966 --> 22:39.077 Com is maintaining and improving upon 22:39.077 --> 22:41.243 our nation's ballistic missile defense 22:41.243 --> 22:43.077 capability and together with the 22:43.077 --> 22:45.299 Canadian armed forces , NORAD is in the 22:45.299 --> 22:47.132 early stages of modernization in 22:47.132 --> 22:48.743 building additional military 22:48.743 --> 22:50.910 capabilities in the arctic in order to 22:50.910 --> 22:52.966 balance our readiness for crisis and 22:52.966 --> 22:55.132 conflict . Were also staying in global 22:55.132 --> 22:56.743 competition . We are placing 22:56.743 --> 22:58.910 significant emphasis on left of launch 22:58.910 --> 23:00.800 framework This framework grants 23:00.800 --> 23:02.910 decision makers increased decision 23:02.910 --> 23:04.870 space and more deterrence and 23:04.880 --> 23:07.890 escalation options . Vice endgame 23:07.890 --> 23:10.220 kinetic defeat . Our priority effort is 23:10.220 --> 23:12.510 all domain awareness that uses a 23:12.510 --> 23:15.200 layered open sensor data architecture , 23:15.220 --> 23:17.050 machine learning that enables 23:17.050 --> 23:19.150 information dominance and decision 23:19.150 --> 23:21.261 superiority . This framework provides 23:21.261 --> 23:24.490 flexible response options to deter deny 23:24.490 --> 23:26.712 or if required defeat . Every threat to 23:26.712 --> 23:28.823 the United States and Canada us North 23:28.823 --> 23:30.768 common NORAD . Service members and 23:30.768 --> 23:32.490 civilians take solemn pride in 23:32.490 --> 23:34.601 executing the Secretary of Defense is 23:34.601 --> 23:37.040 top priority by Standing watch defense 23:37.050 --> 23:38.883 to defend our nation against all 23:38.883 --> 23:41.110 threats whether posed by competitors , 23:41.490 --> 23:44.570 natural disasters . A pandemic . I am 23:44.570 --> 23:46.070 grateful for the trust and 23:46.070 --> 23:48.070 responsibility that you place in US 23:48.070 --> 23:50.237 north calm and NORAD and thank you for 23:50.237 --> 23:52.403 the opportunity and support and time . 23:52.403 --> 23:54.237 I look forward to answering your 23:54.237 --> 23:56.670 questions . Thank you . Thank you very 23:56.670 --> 23:59.050 much . We will this first hearing this 23:59.050 --> 24:00.994 year where we are going in reverse 24:00.994 --> 24:03.170 order just to keep things uh , 24:03.180 --> 24:05.402 interesting I guess . So we're starting 24:05.402 --> 24:07.624 at the bottom working our way up . Um I 24:07.624 --> 24:09.513 will ask just one question before 24:09.513 --> 24:11.347 yielding mr Rogers . And that is 24:11.347 --> 24:13.513 General Van Herck . We talked a little 24:13.513 --> 24:15.680 bit about about the arctic um you know 24:15.680 --> 24:15.550 what is going on up there ? Can you 24:15.550 --> 24:18.430 give us just what should we do ? Um I 24:18.430 --> 24:20.486 know we're waiting to see the budget 24:20.486 --> 24:22.486 what our investment is , but as the 24:22.486 --> 24:24.541 commander in this area , if you have 24:24.541 --> 24:24.390 like your three priorities for how we 24:24.390 --> 24:26.168 need to be responding to what's 24:26.168 --> 24:28.223 happening in the arctic , what would 24:28.223 --> 24:30.960 they be ? Thanks chairman . First too , 24:31.640 --> 24:33.830 to compete in the arctic , you have to 24:33.830 --> 24:36.190 be on the on the field and uh currently 24:36.200 --> 24:38.422 our capability , so I would assess that 24:38.422 --> 24:40.700 were in the game plan development were 24:40.700 --> 24:42.922 not able to have the persistence that I 24:42.922 --> 24:44.811 need to compete day to day in the 24:44.811 --> 24:47.230 arctic . Uh , my priorities start with 24:47.230 --> 24:49.550 domain awareness . It starts with the 24:49.840 --> 24:52.180 ability to communicate and provide data 24:52.180 --> 24:54.520 and information So that we can operate 24:54.520 --> 24:56.576 and have persistence in the Arctic . 24:56.576 --> 24:58.187 I'm grateful for $46 million 24:58.187 --> 25:01.480 10 satellites 25:01.490 --> 25:04.360 currently on orbit with approximately 25:04.420 --> 25:07.680 100 more that will be in the future and 25:07.680 --> 25:09.736 we'll take that additional money and 25:09.736 --> 25:12.140 have to companies providing satellite 25:12.140 --> 25:14.362 capability . But to be persistent , you 25:14.362 --> 25:16.418 also have to be on the playing field 25:16.418 --> 25:18.750 and that requires fuel so that coast 25:18.750 --> 25:20.750 guard cutters , navy destroyers and 25:20.750 --> 25:22.861 cruisers can remain persistent in the 25:22.861 --> 25:25.028 arctic . And I have a requirement that 25:25.028 --> 25:27.194 stated and validated for fuel north of 25:27.194 --> 25:29.250 Dutch Harbor Alaska . And that would 25:29.250 --> 25:31.472 give us the persistence as well as also 25:31.472 --> 25:33.700 additional infrastructure for our is 25:33.700 --> 25:35.367 our platforms and our fighter 25:35.367 --> 25:37.533 capability so that we can compete on a 25:37.533 --> 25:39.422 day to day basis and be close and 25:39.422 --> 25:41.533 present with the Russian activities . 25:41.533 --> 25:43.533 They've dramatically modernized and 25:43.533 --> 25:45.478 increase their capabilities in the 25:45.478 --> 25:47.200 arctic . I'm encouraged by the 25:47.200 --> 25:49.311 President and also the Prime Minister 25:49.311 --> 25:51.478 for discussing NORAD modernization . I 25:51.478 --> 25:53.644 look forward to the department putting 25:53.644 --> 25:55.811 a framework together with the ministry 25:55.811 --> 25:57.533 in Canada to move forward with 25:57.533 --> 25:59.533 continued modernization . Thank you 25:59.533 --> 26:01.910 very much . Mr Rogers and I share the 26:01.910 --> 26:04.080 chairman's concerned about the arctic 26:04.080 --> 26:06.247 and we I'm glad to know that you're on 26:06.247 --> 26:08.413 top of it and we want to make sure you 26:08.413 --> 26:10.636 have uh what you need to stay on top of 26:10.636 --> 26:13.320 that . Uh to that end I would ask this 26:13.320 --> 26:15.750 of both uh Admiral Faller and General 26:15.750 --> 26:18.370 Van Herck . If you're funding does not 26:18.380 --> 26:20.602 at a minimum keep pace with inflation , 26:20.602 --> 26:22.824 how does it impact your ability to meet 26:22.824 --> 26:24.991 these challenges from china and Russia 26:24.991 --> 26:27.047 that you described in your various A 26:27.047 --> 26:29.158 ours Admiral father . I'll start with 26:29.158 --> 26:31.158 you . I know you and I talked a lot 26:31.158 --> 26:30.850 about what china is doing in south 26:30.850 --> 26:31.850 America . 26:34.140 --> 26:36.196 Certainly prioritization is going to 26:36.196 --> 26:38.418 have to happen . Always needs to happen 26:38.418 --> 26:40.473 versus all the various needs . We'll 26:40.473 --> 26:43.000 make our strong case for why winning 26:43.000 --> 26:44.611 the day to day competition , 26:44.611 --> 26:46.556 particularly in our neighborhood . 26:46.556 --> 26:48.667 Given the proximity that we share And 26:48.667 --> 26:50.833 proximity matters to threats and given 26:50.833 --> 26:53.500 the people that we the people ties , 26:53.510 --> 26:55.710 why that matters will lay that out . 26:55.720 --> 26:57.800 It's a modest investment in this 26:57.800 --> 26:59.911 hemisphere . We have about one of the 26:59.911 --> 27:03.050 intelligence assets assigned a United 27:03.050 --> 27:05.106 States Southern Command intelligence 27:05.106 --> 27:07.460 drives everything and then add security 27:07.460 --> 27:10.050 cooperation where we have a had 27:10.060 --> 27:12.116 received great support from Congress 27:12.116 --> 27:14.282 last year . I think there's additional 27:14.282 --> 27:16.504 investments that could be made there to 27:16.504 --> 27:18.782 help partner capacity and then finally , 27:18.782 --> 27:21.060 assets being on the field is important . 27:21.060 --> 27:23.171 We must be heard and seen in order to 27:23.171 --> 27:25.171 win the competition and winning the 27:25.171 --> 27:27.338 competition is so critical globally so 27:27.338 --> 27:29.004 that we don't have to go into 27:29.004 --> 27:31.450 confrontation and have a war . Okay . 27:33.540 --> 27:36.090 I would say that , uh , a couple things 27:36.090 --> 27:38.146 first , I look forward to seeing the 27:38.146 --> 27:39.979 FY22 budget when it comes out to 27:39.979 --> 27:42.090 actually get a understanding where we 27:42.090 --> 27:44.257 are with regards to future funding and 27:44.257 --> 27:46.368 the near term , we understand the top 27:46.368 --> 27:48.646 line of 715 billion will be able to uh , 27:48.646 --> 27:50.890 to exist and work just fine in the near 27:50.890 --> 27:52.800 term . A long term . I would be 27:52.800 --> 27:54.967 concerned if we don't keep up with the 27:54.967 --> 27:57.022 pace of inflation , of the potential 27:57.022 --> 28:00.260 for uh , us not to keep pace with our 28:00.270 --> 28:02.492 peer competitors throughout the globe . 28:02.492 --> 28:04.270 So I think it's crucial that we 28:04.270 --> 28:06.650 maintain a funding pace within the the 28:06.660 --> 28:08.827 inflation roll , we're gonna certainly 28:08.827 --> 28:10.938 be able to continue our modernization 28:10.938 --> 28:12.938 efforts will focus on sustainment . 28:12.938 --> 28:14.493 We'll also need to focus on 28:14.493 --> 28:16.660 efficiencies and what capabilities and 28:16.660 --> 28:18.882 legacy capabilities that we may need to 28:18.882 --> 28:21.049 divest to enable us to go forward with 28:21.049 --> 28:23.271 the the approach that I discussed in my 28:23.271 --> 28:25.216 opening statement and that's in my 28:25.216 --> 28:27.104 posture statement . The would you 28:27.104 --> 28:29.420 describe the threat or the activity 28:29.420 --> 28:33.360 pace of china in particular as growing 28:33.370 --> 28:34.860 in your aesthetic , 28:37.040 --> 28:39.950 Admiral china's increasing their 28:39.950 --> 28:42.490 influence across all elements of their 28:42.490 --> 28:46.230 power from its cyber information uh 28:46.240 --> 28:48.240 particularly in the military . It's 28:48.240 --> 28:50.351 it's below its insidious , it's right 28:50.351 --> 28:52.462 below the threshold of what you would 28:52.462 --> 28:54.407 observe . But the gifts in tens of 28:54.407 --> 28:56.240 millions of dollars that they're 28:56.240 --> 28:58.462 offering their expansion of the P . M . 28:58.462 --> 29:00.573 E . Program , mirroring what we do at 29:00.573 --> 29:02.573 Leavenworth and and and are all our 29:02.573 --> 29:04.740 great schools and then opening up even 29:04.740 --> 29:06.684 further offering cyber engineering 29:06.684 --> 29:08.462 scholarships with full mandarin 29:08.462 --> 29:10.407 immersion to second lieutenants at 29:10.407 --> 29:12.629 various forces . It's a , it's a picked 29:12.629 --> 29:14.629 up at an alarming pace . So it's an 29:14.629 --> 29:16.573 aggressively growing threat . It's 29:16.573 --> 29:19.110 aggressive . Okay , general , I share 29:19.110 --> 29:21.166 the same sentiment as Admiral Fowler 29:21.940 --> 29:24.720 congressman , uh , china is absolutely 29:24.730 --> 29:26.910 uh , taking aggressive steps in the 29:26.910 --> 29:28.910 western hemisphere and in the north 29:28.910 --> 29:31.243 comma . You are through covid diplomacy , 29:31.243 --> 29:35.010 uh , additional actions with buying up 29:35.020 --> 29:36.964 businesses capability , especially 29:36.964 --> 29:38.853 tourism industry in the Bahamas , 29:38.853 --> 29:41.810 trying to gain additional access five G . 29:41.820 --> 29:43.987 Trying to stand up there five G in the 29:43.987 --> 29:47.400 western hemisphere . So it am I hearing 29:47.400 --> 29:49.344 you correct ? Then if the , if the 29:49.344 --> 29:51.289 activity by the chinese and not to 29:51.289 --> 29:53.400 mention the Russians and the others , 29:53.400 --> 29:53.310 you got to worry about , uh , is 29:53.310 --> 29:55.890 aggressively growing . If your funding 29:55.890 --> 29:58.220 is static are less than what you 29:58.220 --> 30:00.331 received last year , are you going to 30:00.331 --> 30:02.220 be able to effectively meet those 30:02.220 --> 30:04.710 challenges ? Admiral . I believe the 30:04.710 --> 30:06.932 front line of competition is right here 30:06.932 --> 30:08.988 in this neighborhood . Chairman will 30:08.988 --> 30:11.210 have to come forward and determine what 30:11.210 --> 30:13.154 that means and ask ourselves tough 30:13.154 --> 30:15.488 questions about where prioritization is . 30:15.488 --> 30:17.488 And I think we've modest investment 30:17.488 --> 30:19.543 here goes a long way to assuring the 30:19.543 --> 30:21.543 security , the United States uh huh 30:23.040 --> 30:24.984 congressman , I believe we have to 30:24.984 --> 30:27.830 balance and balance , uh , back into 30:27.830 --> 30:29.774 the Western hemisphere to focus on 30:29.774 --> 30:31.663 things going on right here in our 30:31.663 --> 30:33.441 neighborhood . We have a unique 30:33.441 --> 30:35.497 opportunity to do that right now . I 30:35.497 --> 30:37.441 look forward to seeing what the 22 30:37.441 --> 30:39.608 budget does and where the department's 30:39.608 --> 30:41.830 going in the Western hemisphere . But I 30:41.830 --> 30:43.663 do believe that we need to apply 30:43.663 --> 30:45.886 additional resources and funding here . 30:45.886 --> 30:47.997 Yeah . And I do too . And that that's 30:47.997 --> 30:47.310 the thing . I'm trying to point , I'm 30:47.310 --> 30:49.143 trying to make is this not brain 30:49.143 --> 30:51.370 surgery If the Chinese are increasing 30:51.370 --> 30:53.970 as they stated their funding by 7% . 30:53.980 --> 30:56.060 And I think that's uh not true . I 30:56.060 --> 30:58.171 think it's more than that But they're 30:58.171 --> 31:00.227 declared increase in defense funding 31:00.227 --> 31:04.190 spending is 7% . If we do not fund 31:04.190 --> 31:06.490 you at least at the rate of inflation 31:06.490 --> 31:09.890 and hopefully in uh aligned with the 31:09.890 --> 31:12.057 National Defense Strategy Commission's 31:12.057 --> 31:14.168 recommendation of 3-5 increase . Then 31:14.168 --> 31:16.390 we are doing you in our country a great 31:16.390 --> 31:18.557 disservice . And with that Mr Chairman 31:18.557 --> 31:20.612 I go back thank you . Miss Murphy is 31:20.612 --> 31:23.500 recognized for five months . Thank you 31:23.500 --> 31:25.611 Mr Chairman and thank you for keeping 31:25.611 --> 31:27.500 it interesting by starting at the 31:27.500 --> 31:29.500 bottom of the virtual diets today . 31:29.500 --> 31:31.500 Thank you to the witnesses for your 31:31.500 --> 31:33.389 testimony and your service to our 31:33.389 --> 31:36.150 country . Um I find the conversation 31:36.150 --> 31:38.620 about the aggressive actions of china 31:38.630 --> 31:41.950 in our shared neighborhood to be very 31:41.960 --> 31:45.710 disconcerting and um I share . 31:45.720 --> 31:48.650 Uh Admiral Fowler . You you put quite a 31:48.650 --> 31:51.360 bit of information both in your written 31:51.360 --> 31:53.582 and oral testimony today about the ways 31:53.582 --> 31:56.270 in which china is seeking to um 31:56.940 --> 32:00.460 increase its influence in our shared 32:00.460 --> 32:02.870 neighborhood . And I want you to know 32:02.870 --> 32:04.759 that as somebody who represents a 32:04.759 --> 32:06.770 district in florida , um I'm a near 32:06.770 --> 32:08.890 neighbor . And so it's something that 32:08.890 --> 32:11.112 I'm very concerned about and determined 32:11.112 --> 32:13.334 to do something about . And yesterday I 32:13.334 --> 32:15.501 introduced a bill to require the State 32:15.501 --> 32:17.668 Department , the Department of Defense 32:17.668 --> 32:17.520 in the Intelligence community and the 32:17.520 --> 32:19.610 National Security Council to jointly 32:19.610 --> 32:21.499 prepare a holistic assessment for 32:21.499 --> 32:23.610 Congress containing both unclassified 32:23.610 --> 32:25.520 and classified section on china's 32:25.530 --> 32:27.474 efforts to expand its influence in 32:27.474 --> 32:29.474 South America Central America , the 32:29.474 --> 32:31.419 caribbean and Mexico and how these 32:31.419 --> 32:33.840 efforts compromise us interests . You 32:33.840 --> 32:36.950 know , I think it goes to what we need 32:36.950 --> 32:39.240 this assessment so that we can answer 32:39.240 --> 32:41.462 the question that the ranking member is 32:41.462 --> 32:44.250 posing about precisely what military , 32:44.250 --> 32:46.710 diplomatic and economic activities um 32:46.710 --> 32:48.821 China is conducting in the region and 32:48.821 --> 32:52.710 then how we prioritize our response . 32:52.720 --> 32:54.900 Um for my part , I'm particularly 32:54.900 --> 32:57.230 concerned about the CCPS relationship 32:57.230 --> 32:59.450 with the authoritarian regimes in 32:59.460 --> 33:02.900 Venezuela and CUBA . And the 33:02.910 --> 33:04.830 security implications of these 33:04.830 --> 33:06.830 investments in the deep water ports 33:06.830 --> 33:08.997 that were mentioned already as well as 33:08.997 --> 33:11.870 um their export of technology to 33:11.870 --> 33:14.050 governments that could use it to 33:14.050 --> 33:16.106 monitor and repress their citizens , 33:16.106 --> 33:19.230 their exportation of their autocratic 33:19.240 --> 33:22.940 dystopian technology . But you know , 33:22.950 --> 33:25.600 budget aside , what are three specific 33:25.600 --> 33:27.489 things that you think the U . S . 33:27.489 --> 33:29.378 Should be doing , which we're not 33:29.378 --> 33:31.267 currently doing to combat china's 33:31.267 --> 33:34.750 malign activities . Admiral , thank you 33:34.750 --> 33:37.370 for your the question importantly , 33:37.370 --> 33:39.480 thanks for visiting with so calm and 33:39.490 --> 33:41.601 special Operations Command South this 33:41.601 --> 33:44.160 week . To hear upfront uh , their 33:44.160 --> 33:45.716 concerns and challenges and 33:45.716 --> 33:47.827 opportunities . A whole of government 33:47.827 --> 33:49.993 solutions hold nation solutions are so 33:49.993 --> 33:53.060 important here and there is more to do , 33:53.240 --> 33:55.630 working together both in prioritization 33:55.630 --> 33:57.852 and coming up with actionable steps and 33:57.852 --> 34:00.074 you highlighted the importance of whole 34:00.074 --> 34:02.352 government steps Within the department . 34:02.352 --> 34:06.290 I cite the one intelligence . We 34:06.290 --> 34:09.580 have to leverage data , big data , 34:09.650 --> 34:11.761 machine learning and ai an innovative 34:11.761 --> 34:13.960 way that recognizes that the threats 34:13.960 --> 34:16.420 are stealing that . And as a nation of 34:16.420 --> 34:18.900 laws , we rightly have to buy it and 34:18.900 --> 34:21.122 protect it , but we need to leverage it 34:21.122 --> 34:23.011 in a way that represents the 21st 34:23.011 --> 34:25.233 century within the department . It goes 34:25.233 --> 34:27.178 along with my shipmate , Glenn Van 34:27.178 --> 34:28.900 hurts comment about all domain 34:28.900 --> 34:30.789 awareness and how we tie this all 34:30.789 --> 34:32.844 together holistically so we can make 34:32.844 --> 34:34.956 decisions based on what the threat is 34:34.956 --> 34:37.067 doing , not what the threat did years 34:37.067 --> 34:39.460 and years ago and then finally back to 34:39.460 --> 34:42.200 being on the field to compete the right 34:42.200 --> 34:44.170 level of presence . Recent trip to 34:44.170 --> 34:48.100 Guyana , Massive untapped oil reserves . 34:48.110 --> 34:50.166 Exxonmobil's in there in a big way . 34:50.166 --> 34:52.220 It's a complicated partnership with 34:52.220 --> 34:55.130 China . China is leveraging a country 34:55.130 --> 34:58.530 with a 50 disputed border Florida is 34:58.530 --> 35:00.610 the main Florida . National Guard . 35:00.610 --> 35:02.777 State partner is the main muscle mover 35:02.777 --> 35:04.999 for things that we're doing in Guyana . 35:04.999 --> 35:07.166 And so how do we best leverage all are 35:07.166 --> 35:09.221 elements in the diode with the right 35:09.221 --> 35:11.443 authorities ? I think there's more that 35:11.443 --> 35:13.666 we could offer our guard and reserve in 35:13.666 --> 35:15.888 that regard to help us get in there and 35:15.888 --> 35:19.420 compete day in and day out . Thank you . 35:19.420 --> 35:21.420 And speaking of whole of government 35:21.420 --> 35:23.840 approach is with regards to a rise in 35:23.840 --> 35:26.007 transnational criminal organizations . 35:26.007 --> 35:28.118 Are there lessons that can be learned 35:28.118 --> 35:30.770 from our decades in C . V . E . And 35:30.770 --> 35:32.548 then do you believe that we are 35:32.548 --> 35:34.714 approaching the transnational criminal 35:34.714 --> 35:38.550 organizations um in the right way with 35:38.560 --> 35:42.020 law enforcement in the lead . Um Are 35:42.020 --> 35:44.440 there other ways in which D . O . D . 35:44.440 --> 35:47.660 Could play a more um robust role ? 35:48.640 --> 35:50.696 Transnational criminal organizations 35:50.696 --> 35:52.696 are national security imperatives . 35:52.696 --> 35:55.310 They're driving the insecurity across 35:55.310 --> 35:57.380 the hemisphere , particularly in the 35:57.390 --> 35:59.446 Northern triangle of Central America 35:59.446 --> 36:01.501 region . There is a crisis and it is 36:01.501 --> 36:03.723 the crisis of insecurity that's driving 36:03.723 --> 36:06.770 people to find safety elsewhere . And 36:06.770 --> 36:08.800 our approach has been one of 36:08.810 --> 36:11.130 interdiction at the source and in 36:11.130 --> 36:13.250 transit , we're never gonna interdict 36:13.250 --> 36:15.194 our way out of this . We've got to 36:15.194 --> 36:17.610 adopt and adapt some of the lessons 36:17.610 --> 36:20.010 that we've learned the hard way over a 36:20.010 --> 36:22.010 generation and the counterterrorism 36:22.010 --> 36:24.580 fight to model the networks and then 36:24.580 --> 36:27.130 take a network approach to get after 36:27.130 --> 36:30.130 the center of gravity's and the society 36:30.140 --> 36:32.920 element generally time has expired and 36:32.920 --> 36:35.142 I should warn the witnesses once we get 36:35.142 --> 36:37.198 to the end of time , I don't want to 36:37.198 --> 36:39.364 cut you off . But if you could wrap up 36:39.364 --> 36:39.230 as quickly as possible once we hit zero , 36:39.230 --> 36:41.286 that would be great . Mr moore . You 36:41.286 --> 36:43.508 are recognized for five minutes . Thank 36:43.508 --> 36:45.174 you . Mr Chairman and I share 36:45.174 --> 36:47.230 Representative Murray's appreciation 36:47.230 --> 36:49.508 for the switched up in the order today . 36:49.508 --> 36:49.120 Uh , none of my questions have been 36:49.120 --> 36:51.120 asked yet . I don't know what to do 36:51.120 --> 36:54.090 with all this power . Um , uh , I want 36:54.090 --> 36:56.090 to thank the witnesses as well . In 36:56.090 --> 36:58.430 particular your message about myth 36:58.430 --> 37:02.060 busting . Um , the are ongoing presence 37:02.060 --> 37:05.260 in the Middle East and the increased 37:05.270 --> 37:07.470 awareness of , of emphasis on the indo 37:07.470 --> 37:09.359 pacific can overshadow you know , 37:09.360 --> 37:11.138 making sure that we protect our 37:11.138 --> 37:13.360 neighborhood and in the north and south 37:13.360 --> 37:15.082 America . So I appreciate this 37:15.082 --> 37:17.304 conversation today and with that . Um , 37:17.304 --> 37:19.360 with the challenges that do exist in 37:19.360 --> 37:21.471 the Western Hemisphere . Um , I think 37:21.471 --> 37:23.582 it's important to highlight the winds 37:23.582 --> 37:25.804 that we've had and with and and and and 37:25.804 --> 37:27.971 learn from those . As you just started 37:27.971 --> 37:29.804 to comment as NATO's only global 37:29.804 --> 37:31.638 partner in the region . Colombia 37:31.638 --> 37:33.860 continues to be a regional model on how 37:33.860 --> 37:35.804 to progress beyond the drug fueled 37:35.804 --> 37:38.027 internal conflicts . Could you continue 37:38.027 --> 37:40.193 to expand on lessons learned from that 37:40.193 --> 37:40.090 relationship and what we can do ? Maybe 37:40.090 --> 37:42.090 apply that to the Northern Triangle 37:43.330 --> 37:45.540 Plant ? Thank you . Congressman Plan . 37:45.540 --> 37:48.950 Colombia was a 10 year about a billion 37:48.950 --> 37:51.117 dollar a year investment by the United 37:51.117 --> 37:53.172 States and the Colombians matched at 37:53.172 --> 37:55.510 With their their talent and their money 37:55.520 --> 37:57.860 to , to one . We stuck with it for 10 37:57.860 --> 38:00.710 years . So it was consistency over time 38:00.720 --> 38:03.570 and addressing every element of the 38:03.570 --> 38:05.350 whole of government truly hold 38:05.350 --> 38:07.183 government in Colombia . We also 38:07.183 --> 38:08.850 brought in other nations that 38:08.850 --> 38:11.017 contributed . And Colombia has a close 38:11.017 --> 38:13.239 relation because of their experience in 38:13.239 --> 38:15.461 the korean war with South Korea . Other 38:15.461 --> 38:17.683 nations contributed this in a million , 38:17.683 --> 38:19.406 a million different ways . And 38:19.406 --> 38:21.340 importantly , and that has left a 38:21.340 --> 38:24.170 legacy of professionalism . Not perfect , 38:24.180 --> 38:26.347 we're not perfect . But the Colombians 38:26.347 --> 38:28.680 do the right thing for the right reason . 38:28.680 --> 38:30.291 I'm proud to serve alongside 38:30.291 --> 38:32.458 professionalism , particularly they've 38:32.458 --> 38:34.513 adopted some of our own human rights 38:34.513 --> 38:36.513 programs within their military that 38:36.513 --> 38:38.569 have paid off when their forces have 38:38.569 --> 38:40.458 been confronted with really tough 38:40.458 --> 38:42.347 situations . Uh , I think there's 38:42.347 --> 38:44.236 things to be learned from that to 38:44.236 --> 38:46.460 develop a long view approach to central 38:46.460 --> 38:49.600 America and not cyclic start stop six 38:49.600 --> 38:52.180 months , one year that we see and have 38:52.180 --> 38:54.347 seen as we've studied best practices . 38:54.820 --> 38:56.931 I think it's a great point to make is 38:56.931 --> 38:59.340 our nation , you know , finds tries to 38:59.340 --> 39:01.507 find the right balance for immigration 39:01.507 --> 39:03.618 policy . And if we can implement that 39:03.618 --> 39:05.562 in the Northern Triangle , I think 39:05.562 --> 39:07.784 there's lots to learn there . So thanks 39:07.784 --> 39:07.580 for that . And it's a great opportunity 39:07.580 --> 39:09.413 for us to show where our defense 39:09.413 --> 39:11.636 related world can interact with some of 39:11.636 --> 39:13.670 our um domestic policies . I'll 39:13.670 --> 39:15.559 continue on adam a follower , but 39:15.559 --> 39:17.670 welcome comments from other witnesses 39:17.670 --> 39:20.170 just With , you know , we're going to 39:20.180 --> 39:22.330 that region . The um , the Latin 39:22.330 --> 39:24.441 American region may recover last from 39:24.441 --> 39:26.719 COVID-19 as you said in your testimony , 39:26.719 --> 39:29.240 are we doing enough to combat China's 39:29.240 --> 39:31.351 presence ? And is there anything else 39:31.351 --> 39:34.620 we can do to make sure to to get out 39:34.620 --> 39:38.350 ahead of that ? Covid was like a 39:38.350 --> 39:40.461 perfect storm on the hemisphere . The 39:40.461 --> 39:42.430 fragility that existed from the 39:42.430 --> 39:44.486 transnational criminal organizations 39:44.486 --> 39:46.486 and their day in day out violence , 39:46.486 --> 39:48.870 young institutions , young democracies 39:48.870 --> 39:51.170 that are plagued with corruption has 39:51.170 --> 39:53.226 just fueled this . The conditions in 39:53.226 --> 39:55.170 central America are they rival the 39:55.170 --> 39:57.170 Great Depression here in the United 39:57.170 --> 39:59.226 States in terms of how hard it's hit 39:59.226 --> 40:01.448 and uh more needs to be done . This has 40:01.448 --> 40:03.670 opened a door for china and Russia . To 40:03.670 --> 40:05.726 a lesser extent . We see it in their 40:05.726 --> 40:07.448 vaccine , heavy handed vaccine 40:07.448 --> 40:09.337 diplomacy . New york times ran an 40:09.337 --> 40:11.448 excellent article that cited a couple 40:11.448 --> 40:13.503 of countries where they're using the 40:13.503 --> 40:15.448 vaccines to to leverage a shift to 40:15.448 --> 40:17.670 Taiwan . They're using the vaccines for 40:17.670 --> 40:19.892 better deals and this is china using it 40:19.892 --> 40:22.230 for better deals for five G . And 40:22.230 --> 40:24.360 Huawei for example . And so we've got 40:24.360 --> 40:27.650 to come forward with positive proactive 40:27.660 --> 40:29.990 results for these countries to help 40:29.990 --> 40:32.046 them . Things like our developmental 40:32.046 --> 40:34.212 finance core or the right idea through 40:34.212 --> 40:36.546 the build act at the right time . D . O . 40:36.546 --> 40:38.434 D . Has a role as we stay engaged 40:38.434 --> 40:41.730 professionally . Mhm . Welcome 40:41.730 --> 40:43.897 additional comments . Okay , to pass , 40:43.897 --> 40:47.200 if not right , I would agree . I 40:47.200 --> 40:50.560 think there's an opportunity uh for 40:50.560 --> 40:53.100 whole nation uh education and a 40:53.110 --> 40:55.510 solution to this . Uh I'm encouraged 40:55.520 --> 40:57.687 the president stood up a task force to 40:57.687 --> 40:59.909 look at china . Uh the department has a 40:59.909 --> 41:02.131 task force to look at the china problem 41:02.131 --> 41:04.242 set . This will require us to go back 41:04.242 --> 41:06.409 to a competition focus , but this time 41:06.409 --> 41:08.576 it's a global competition focus and it 41:08.576 --> 41:10.464 will come with the requirement to 41:10.464 --> 41:12.576 balance resources on a global basis . 41:12.576 --> 41:14.409 So that will determine how we do 41:14.409 --> 41:16.409 prioritization of those resources . 41:16.409 --> 41:18.520 It's an opportunity for us to look at 41:18.520 --> 41:21.690 it . The only thing I'd say is there's 41:21.690 --> 41:23.634 a lot of good things going on down 41:23.634 --> 41:25.468 there right now from the Defense 41:25.468 --> 41:27.246 Department to with our security 41:27.246 --> 41:29.468 cooperation of foreign military sales , 41:29.468 --> 41:31.523 the education things that we do . So 41:31.523 --> 41:33.301 there may be certainly a lot of 41:33.301 --> 41:32.880 competition , but we're in the 41:32.880 --> 41:35.047 competition . I think that's important 41:35.047 --> 41:37.324 to recognize and we need to stay in it . 41:37.324 --> 41:39.380 As Admiral follow pointed out to the 41:39.380 --> 41:41.547 vaccine is an important part of that . 41:41.547 --> 41:43.658 And as the administration has pledged 41:43.658 --> 41:45.602 all $4 billion Kovacs Initiative , 41:45.602 --> 41:47.547 that's going to be very helpful in 41:47.547 --> 41:49.769 helping out central and South America . 41:49.769 --> 41:51.713 Also , Thank you for your time has 41:51.713 --> 41:53.769 expired . Mr . Panetta is recognized 41:53.769 --> 41:55.547 for five minutes . Thank you Mr 41:55.547 --> 41:57.769 Chairman . Uh , and thank you gentlemen 41:57.769 --> 41:59.991 for being here and appreciate obviously 41:59.991 --> 42:02.102 your service . Um , sunday I just got 42:02.102 --> 42:04.710 back from Mcallen texas . Did a border 42:04.710 --> 42:08.630 visit . Obviously got a limited view of 42:08.630 --> 42:10.980 the many challenges that just that one 42:10.990 --> 42:14.720 area faces when it comes to um , 42:15.100 --> 42:17.350 the migration that we're seeing right 42:17.350 --> 42:19.930 now , as well as the 42:20.600 --> 42:23.030 influx of narcotics that were saying 42:23.030 --> 42:25.960 hit our borders as well . Um , 42:25.970 --> 42:29.170 obviously that was one of five times 42:29.170 --> 42:31.392 I've been to the border area . I'm from 42:31.392 --> 42:33.559 California , uh , central California . 42:33.559 --> 42:35.670 So I'm going to the borders obviously 42:35.670 --> 42:37.837 eye opening to me . Um , but I've come 42:37.837 --> 42:40.059 away with each the same impression each 42:40.059 --> 42:42.059 time I've been there and that there 42:42.059 --> 42:44.226 needs to be more resources , obviously 42:44.226 --> 42:43.370 short term and dealing with the 42:43.370 --> 42:45.426 reporter , but also long term beyond 42:45.426 --> 42:47.537 looking beyond the border . And yes , 42:47.537 --> 42:49.537 looking at the Northern Triangle in 42:49.537 --> 42:51.426 central american countries , um , 42:51.600 --> 42:53.822 obviously providing resources . Admiral 42:53.822 --> 42:55.600 Fallon Faller , as you , as you 42:55.600 --> 42:57.711 mentioned . Um , but unfortunately in 42:57.711 --> 43:01.220 april of 2019 , what we saw as a freeze , 43:01.230 --> 43:04.600 $450 million of resources , similar to 43:04.600 --> 43:06.711 ones that you just spoke about , uh , 43:06.711 --> 43:08.822 in regards to programs that deal with 43:08.822 --> 43:10.933 violence , prevention , poverty , and 43:10.933 --> 43:13.100 improving the justice systems . And so 43:13.100 --> 43:15.100 my question to you is based on your 43:15.100 --> 43:17.100 last statement , um has that set us 43:17.100 --> 43:19.610 back the fact that we froze those 43:19.610 --> 43:22.440 programs ? Has that set us back in our 43:22.450 --> 43:25.430 efforts to help down there and work 43:25.430 --> 43:27.597 with the Northern Triangle countries ? 43:29.600 --> 43:32.220 I think uh congressman consistent 43:32.220 --> 43:34.600 programs with the right policy and 43:34.600 --> 43:36.840 oversight hooks provide us more 43:36.840 --> 43:39.230 leverage over the long term . And uh 43:39.800 --> 43:43.640 when we in the Foreign Ops bill last 43:43.640 --> 43:46.790 year , zero doubt FMF foreign military 43:46.790 --> 43:49.380 financing for the northern Triangle , I 43:49.390 --> 43:51.612 think we lost leverage rather than gain 43:51.612 --> 43:53.668 leverage in terms of how we can help 43:53.668 --> 43:55.890 professionalized behavior . And some of 43:55.890 --> 43:58.112 the programs that are important that we 43:58.112 --> 44:00.334 rely on our our humanitarian assistance 44:00.334 --> 44:02.557 program . That's a win . And we've done 44:02.557 --> 44:04.334 well with that , we rely on our 44:04.334 --> 44:06.557 security cooperation programme where we 44:06.557 --> 44:09.510 install institutional capacity building 44:09.510 --> 44:11.790 advisors . It's a fancy name for 44:11.800 --> 44:13.689 advisors . And minute Minister of 44:13.689 --> 44:16.810 Defense is that can look after 44:17.190 --> 44:19.246 corruption free programs . In fact , 44:19.390 --> 44:21.750 Monterrey is the source of that naval 44:21.750 --> 44:23.690 postgraduate school . But being 44:23.690 --> 44:25.857 consistent with these programs year to 44:25.857 --> 44:28.023 year builds trust and it takes time to 44:28.023 --> 44:29.840 build professional , trusted 44:29.850 --> 44:32.580 institution in a partner . Great . And 44:32.590 --> 44:35.290 obviously , um , uh when you say 44:35.290 --> 44:37.200 partner , it's very important in 44:37.200 --> 44:39.200 regards to the work that we do with 44:39.200 --> 44:41.360 these uh these nations in that area . 44:41.370 --> 44:43.890 Um is there anything else we can be 44:43.890 --> 44:46.057 doing at this point in dealing and try 44:46.057 --> 44:47.723 and continuing to build those 44:47.723 --> 44:50.440 partnerships state consistent with the 44:50.440 --> 44:52.551 exercise program ? We're appreciative 44:52.551 --> 44:54.718 of the Department of Defense supported 44:54.718 --> 44:56.773 our program requests for last year . 44:56.773 --> 44:59.540 Very appreciative that we we uh We've 44:59.540 --> 45:02.160 got a plus up on our security 45:02.160 --> 45:04.630 cooperation budget . We had had 32 45:04.630 --> 45:07.000 reduction over the previous two years . 45:07.000 --> 45:08.889 The department and the support of 45:08.889 --> 45:10.950 Congress arrested that slide . And 45:10.950 --> 45:13.510 those are key investments going forward 45:13.510 --> 45:15.732 to build the capacity of our partners . 45:16.090 --> 45:18.980 The reality is that partner nation 45:18.990 --> 45:22.850 militaries are involved in in the 45:22.860 --> 45:24.910 internal problems that they have . 45:24.920 --> 45:26.809 That's just the reality and their 45:26.809 --> 45:28.698 professional and they're the most 45:28.698 --> 45:30.253 trusted of all the security 45:30.253 --> 45:32.364 institutions in these countries . And 45:32.364 --> 45:34.364 we've got to stay with them because 45:34.364 --> 45:36.309 they want to emulate and model our 45:36.309 --> 45:38.476 professionalism . They learn it in our 45:38.476 --> 45:40.753 schools and they learn it . By example , 45:40.753 --> 45:43.020 if you could Admiral going to briefly 45:43.030 --> 45:45.380 the Joint Interagency Task Force South 45:45.390 --> 45:47.940 and what work we're doing to continue . 45:47.940 --> 45:50.162 Like you said , you can't interdict our 45:50.162 --> 45:52.218 way out of it . Although we saw what 45:52.218 --> 45:54.329 the border patrol is doing there when 45:54.329 --> 45:56.551 they come to the ports of entry and the 45:56.551 --> 45:58.884 efforts that they are are are not doing . 45:58.884 --> 46:00.773 Um what else can we do beyond our 46:00.773 --> 46:02.940 borders when it comes to stopping that 46:02.940 --> 46:04.996 flow of narcotics joining our agency 46:04.996 --> 46:07.218 task Force South and Key West is a team 46:07.218 --> 46:09.551 of teams . We have every partner nation , 46:09.551 --> 46:11.718 including Mexico Canada and our allies 46:11.718 --> 46:14.570 in europe represented there despite 46:14.570 --> 46:16.848 Covid , they stepped up when the U . S . 46:16.848 --> 46:18.903 State on the field , they stepped up 46:18.903 --> 46:20.903 and increase their interdictions to 46:20.903 --> 46:23.060 from 50 to 60% participation rate . 46:23.060 --> 46:25.227 That's key . So we have to incentivize 46:25.227 --> 46:27.338 them to do that , recognize when they 46:27.338 --> 46:29.116 do . And Colombia is one of the 46:29.116 --> 46:31.227 countries that made a big impact . In 46:31.227 --> 46:33.310 fact , uh , Costa rica , Panama , 46:33.310 --> 46:36.070 Honduras , Guatemala all made impacts 46:36.070 --> 46:38.820 last year professionally in that space . 46:38.830 --> 46:40.990 So continuing to invest in that 46:40.990 --> 46:43.070 capability is a is a good deal and a 46:43.070 --> 46:45.237 good return on investment for the US . 46:45.237 --> 46:47.237 Thank you . Thank you gentlemen . I 46:47.237 --> 46:49.403 yield back Mr . Chairman . Thank you . 46:49.403 --> 46:51.737 Mr Carles , recognized for five minutes . 46:52.580 --> 46:55.050 Yeah . Turn your microphone on sir , 46:55.180 --> 46:57.500 sir . That always helps , doesn't it , 46:57.500 --> 47:00.600 sir ? Thank you so much . Mr Chairman 47:00.600 --> 47:02.600 smith ranking member Rogers . And I 47:02.600 --> 47:04.656 thank the witnesses for being here . 47:04.656 --> 47:06.600 And I certainly thank you for your 47:06.600 --> 47:08.600 service to this country , Admiral . 47:08.680 --> 47:11.500 Over recent years . Um , over the 47:11.500 --> 47:13.667 recent years we've heard an increasing 47:13.667 --> 47:16.020 role of china and played throughout the 47:16.020 --> 47:18.270 central and south . America . China has 47:18.270 --> 47:20.214 continued to invest in projects to 47:20.214 --> 47:22.326 improve their relationship with these 47:22.326 --> 47:24.381 countries . Which that's that's what 47:24.381 --> 47:26.603 you've been highlighting here and now . 47:26.603 --> 47:28.659 Your written testimony describes the 47:28.659 --> 47:30.910 increase Increasing actions of China 47:30.920 --> 47:33.300 has taken through the diplomacy because 47:33.300 --> 47:36.590 the COVID-19 pandemic . Can you explain 47:37.880 --> 47:40.560 on what china has been doing and how 47:40.570 --> 47:43.380 the navy ships , hospital ships can be 47:43.380 --> 47:45.820 used to combat these while continuing 47:45.820 --> 47:47.764 to advance our relationship in the 47:47.764 --> 47:51.630 region . The National Defense strategy 47:51.630 --> 47:54.090 and the secretary defenses priorities 47:54.480 --> 47:56.950 rightly call out china is a pacing 47:56.950 --> 47:59.061 threatened a competition that we have 47:59.061 --> 48:02.330 to win and we have to recognize that 48:02.340 --> 48:04.507 they're the number one trading partner 48:04.507 --> 48:06.562 of the United States . And there are 48:06.562 --> 48:08.784 partners , number one trading partner . 48:08.784 --> 48:08.580 So I don't ask them to choose . But I 48:08.580 --> 48:11.010 point out to our partners whose gear 48:11.010 --> 48:13.232 would you rather work with ? The United 48:13.232 --> 48:15.288 States ? Built in America , The best 48:15.288 --> 48:17.399 gear out there , the best equipment , 48:17.399 --> 48:19.454 best ships whose value system better 48:19.454 --> 48:21.621 matches your value system . And that's 48:21.621 --> 48:23.510 our competitive advantage and our 48:23.510 --> 48:25.232 workers and our country is our 48:25.232 --> 48:27.454 competitive advantage . And so I go and 48:27.454 --> 48:30.530 I represent the best of the US , our 48:30.530 --> 48:32.252 servicemen and women and their 48:32.252 --> 48:34.308 equipment . And so we talk about the 48:34.308 --> 48:36.308 navy and the importance of our navy 48:36.308 --> 48:38.474 participated in exercises and our navy 48:38.474 --> 48:40.697 with the support of sector have stepped 48:40.697 --> 48:43.180 up last year and supply ships , ships 48:43.180 --> 48:45.124 built in Alabama and all over this 48:45.124 --> 48:47.260 great nation to work with our partner 48:47.260 --> 48:49.482 nations and they did really well in the 48:49.482 --> 48:51.593 exercises and the training programs . 48:51.593 --> 48:53.704 It works on interoperability , domain 48:53.704 --> 48:55.704 awareness , things that General Van 48:55.704 --> 48:57.649 Herck is cited as are important to 48:57.649 --> 48:59.760 defending our nation and important to 48:59.760 --> 49:01.593 building our strong alliance and 49:01.593 --> 49:04.460 partnerships globally . Thank you sir . 49:04.710 --> 49:07.480 2nd question . Given the up keeping 49:07.480 --> 49:10.420 requirements of our Navy hospital ships 49:10.420 --> 49:12.880 right now , we have to correct . We 49:12.880 --> 49:15.047 have one in dry dock right now and one 49:15.047 --> 49:17.102 is on the east Coast , correct ? You 49:17.102 --> 49:19.330 got that right in the comfort , given 49:19.330 --> 49:21.552 the the upkeep requirements for both of 49:21.552 --> 49:24.170 those and these asian ships , how could 49:24.170 --> 49:26.420 increase in the number of Navy medical 49:26.420 --> 49:29.800 ships help in the response to china's 49:29.800 --> 49:32.190 activity in the O . R . 49:33.670 --> 49:36.450 Our partnerships . One of the strongest 49:36.450 --> 49:38.561 aspects of them has been our outreach 49:38.561 --> 49:40.783 and humanitarian assistance and medical 49:40.783 --> 49:43.300 assistance . And I've seen firsthand 49:43.300 --> 49:45.460 the power of to comfort deployments 49:45.460 --> 49:49.180 during our my tour where you send an 49:49.180 --> 49:52.050 outstretched hand , you help a mother 49:52.060 --> 49:54.500 with her son or daughter that's never 49:54.500 --> 49:56.667 been to a doctor . They're eight years 49:56.667 --> 49:58.833 old , nine years old . And you see the 49:58.833 --> 50:01.056 value of that to win hearts and minds . 50:01.056 --> 50:03.167 And the value of that is it shows the 50:03.167 --> 50:05.950 best of America . So that capacity in 50:06.180 --> 50:08.347 winning the day to day competition and 50:08.347 --> 50:11.690 being able to respond in a competitor 50:11.690 --> 50:14.600 fight a global war is important . So to 50:14.600 --> 50:17.820 me it's how the services , the navy 50:17.820 --> 50:19.820 working with Secretary Defense best 50:19.820 --> 50:21.542 resources that but it's really 50:21.542 --> 50:23.431 important that we never lose that 50:23.431 --> 50:25.730 capability to be able to supply the 50:25.730 --> 50:28.210 combatant commanders in peace so that 50:28.210 --> 50:31.540 we never have to fight . Thank you . 50:31.550 --> 50:33.772 Thank you . Mr . Chairman , you back my 50:33.772 --> 50:35.606 time . Thank you . Mr V . C . Is 50:35.606 --> 50:38.140 recognized for five months . Thank you . 50:38.140 --> 50:41.080 Mr Chairman General . Uh eric , I 50:41.080 --> 50:44.880 wanted to ask you about the weather 50:44.880 --> 50:46.880 event that we had in texas . I know 50:46.880 --> 50:48.991 that North um works very closely with 50:48.991 --> 50:51.450 fema uh , and D . O . D . When it comes 50:51.450 --> 50:53.610 to natural disasters and I was hoping 50:53.610 --> 50:55.832 that you'd be able to talk a little bit 50:55.832 --> 50:58.840 about what the response was to the 50:58.840 --> 51:01.410 power outage in in texas and and and 51:01.410 --> 51:03.577 how D . O . D responded to the event . 51:05.460 --> 51:07.738 Sure , thank you for the question . So , 51:07.738 --> 51:09.960 defense support of civil authorities is 51:09.960 --> 51:11.904 obviously a crucial mission at the 51:11.904 --> 51:14.016 United States Northern North Common , 51:14.016 --> 51:16.071 something we do as a no fail mission 51:16.071 --> 51:17.960 are direct support to that was in 51:17.960 --> 51:20.127 support of lead federal agency in this 51:20.127 --> 51:22.016 case fema , to provide generators 51:22.016 --> 51:24.127 support to support to where there was 51:24.127 --> 51:25.850 no electrical power to sustain 51:25.860 --> 51:28.390 hospitals and those kinds of things in 51:28.390 --> 51:30.660 the result of this is to take a look at 51:30.660 --> 51:33.010 our overarching resiliency as a nation . 51:33.010 --> 51:35.280 Something that we do routinely uh to 51:35.280 --> 51:37.169 ensure that from a defense of the 51:37.169 --> 51:39.280 homeland uh that that's factored into 51:39.280 --> 51:41.680 any potential , not only disaster but 51:41.680 --> 51:43.902 attack on our homeland . And so working 51:43.902 --> 51:46.650 with uh the inter agency , we continue 51:46.650 --> 51:49.050 to analyze the resiliency overall from 51:49.050 --> 51:51.217 that event you're referring to . Mhm . 51:52.060 --> 51:54.560 Is there anything that you learn from 51:54.560 --> 51:56.504 that event that can help us better 51:56.504 --> 51:58.393 prepare in the future ? Obvious . 51:58.393 --> 52:00.282 Obviously , there's still a great 52:00.282 --> 52:01.949 amount of concern . The state 52:01.949 --> 52:04.060 Legislature right now is looking at , 52:04.060 --> 52:06.282 you know , what sort of safeguards they 52:06.282 --> 52:08.282 can possibly put in place to try to 52:08.282 --> 52:10.393 prevent something like that from ever 52:10.393 --> 52:12.560 happening again ? Or are there with it 52:12.560 --> 52:14.727 being , you know , so many people that 52:14.727 --> 52:16.893 were affected by that storm . Is there 52:16.893 --> 52:19.116 is there something that you think needs 52:19.116 --> 52:21.171 to happen or that you're going to be 52:21.171 --> 52:23.338 looking at where we can better respond 52:23.338 --> 52:25.560 in the future ? So I would say that the 52:25.560 --> 52:27.616 largest lesson out of that should be 52:27.616 --> 52:29.782 applied to the fact that although this 52:29.782 --> 52:31.838 was a natural disaster that somebody 52:31.838 --> 52:34.060 with nefarious activity could take some 52:34.060 --> 52:36.171 kind of action that would put us in a 52:36.171 --> 52:38.282 precarious situation just like that . 52:38.282 --> 52:40.060 They'll learn , they'll see the 52:40.060 --> 52:42.171 potential vulnerabilities and they'll 52:42.171 --> 52:44.171 take action . So us as not only the 52:44.171 --> 52:43.710 Department of Defense within their 52:43.710 --> 52:46.020 inner agency should exercise this . We 52:46.020 --> 52:48.020 should work through the command and 52:48.020 --> 52:50.076 control of the future to ensure that 52:50.076 --> 52:52.500 we're in a properly positioned place to 52:52.510 --> 52:54.510 command and control and look at our 52:54.510 --> 52:57.440 resiliency . Thank you very much . 52:57.450 --> 52:59.672 Admiral Fowler . You asked the question 52:59.672 --> 53:02.850 earlier about Colombia and some of the 53:02.850 --> 53:05.017 successes that they've had their posts 53:05.017 --> 53:07.540 marine , uh , and , and , and Cali 53:07.550 --> 53:10.540 cartels when that country was a 53:10.550 --> 53:13.690 complete rate . I'd like to hear it . I 53:13.700 --> 53:16.870 think that's more questions . I think 53:16.870 --> 53:20.520 they're right here . Thank you . Thank 53:20.520 --> 53:23.540 you very much . I appreciate that . Um , 53:23.540 --> 53:26.980 and I wanted to ask you specifically 53:27.350 --> 53:31.320 about what sort of , um , 53:31.330 --> 53:33.740 if you , if , if today you could 53:33.740 --> 53:36.380 implement something to try to stabilize 53:36.750 --> 53:38.917 the countries will receive most of the 53:38.917 --> 53:41.640 migration heading north to our southern 53:41.640 --> 53:44.720 border . Uh , what what would be the 53:44.720 --> 53:46.776 first thing that you would implement 53:46.776 --> 53:49.750 and what sort of requirements or , and 53:49.760 --> 53:52.038 maybe requirement is not the best word , 53:52.038 --> 53:53.649 but , but what should be the 53:53.649 --> 53:55.871 expectation from , you know , a country 53:55.871 --> 53:58.940 like Honduras where there's just , uh , 53:58.950 --> 54:02.490 you know , such a , a long history of , 54:02.500 --> 54:04.990 of , of , of corruption to be quite 54:04.990 --> 54:07.760 frank . Like what , what should , um , 54:07.770 --> 54:09.992 you know , ships should be , you know , 54:09.992 --> 54:12.920 ask of them in order to make anything 54:12.920 --> 54:15.253 that you would implement , be a success . 54:17.740 --> 54:19.407 Thank you for recognizing the 54:19.407 --> 54:21.518 professionalism and the excellence of 54:21.518 --> 54:23.573 the Colombian security forces . They 54:23.573 --> 54:25.518 work hard every day at that and uh 54:25.518 --> 54:27.684 emulate our values in that respect . I 54:27.684 --> 54:29.796 would ask a support for a legislative 54:29.796 --> 54:31.740 proposal that we have submitted to 54:31.740 --> 54:33.629 Congress for the U . S . Colombia 54:33.629 --> 54:35.684 action plan . It's a plan that is an 54:35.684 --> 54:37.740 offshoot of plan Colombia that helps 54:37.740 --> 54:40.260 use security cooperation to fund a 54:40.260 --> 54:42.410 regional approach . Colombia is now a 54:42.410 --> 54:44.760 net exporter of professional security 54:45.140 --> 54:47.540 and has trained thousands of central 54:47.540 --> 54:49.596 american Northern Triangle nations . 54:49.596 --> 54:52.460 Security forces and the cultural fit is 54:52.460 --> 54:54.460 a very good one and they've trained 54:54.460 --> 54:56.627 them to do professional work . They're 54:56.627 --> 54:58.404 willing to contribute with some 54:58.404 --> 55:00.571 additional funding here . I would also 55:00.571 --> 55:02.516 have support for our institutional 55:02.516 --> 55:04.682 capacity building efforts where we put 55:04.682 --> 55:06.849 these advisors that are trained at the 55:06.849 --> 55:09.016 institute in Monterey in host nation . 55:09.016 --> 55:11.182 We could we could , for example , with 55:11.182 --> 55:13.920 additional funding and support embed 55:13.920 --> 55:15.864 one in the Minister of Defense for 55:15.864 --> 55:17.976 Honduras . Uh we know who the trusted 55:17.976 --> 55:20.340 partners are and the ministry Minister 55:20.340 --> 55:22.451 of Defense and his team are trying to 55:22.451 --> 55:24.618 do the right thing in Honduras . Uh we 55:24.618 --> 55:26.729 know working with other agencies that 55:26.729 --> 55:28.562 they're they're trusted . And by 55:28.562 --> 55:30.396 putting an advisor in , we could 55:30.396 --> 55:33.050 provide the right system and overall 55:33.050 --> 55:35.180 view to add transparency so we can 55:35.180 --> 55:38.160 account correctly to Congress , your 55:38.160 --> 55:40.300 oversight role , that the dollars are 55:40.300 --> 55:42.133 being spent in the right way and 55:42.133 --> 55:44.300 invested . That's going to be a return 55:44.300 --> 55:46.620 on investment for the U . S . Thank you 55:46.630 --> 55:49.560 so much time has expired . Mr Jackson 55:49.560 --> 55:52.050 is recognized for five minutes . Thank 55:52.050 --> 55:53.994 you . Mr Chairman , ranking member 55:53.994 --> 55:56.106 Rogers and to our witnesses for being 55:56.106 --> 55:58.272 here today . Um while we spend much of 55:58.272 --> 56:00.217 our time talking about the threats 56:00.217 --> 56:02.439 posed by china and Russia , people need 56:02.439 --> 56:02.170 to understand , I think that those 56:02.170 --> 56:04.290 threats are not limited to geographic 56:04.290 --> 56:06.012 locations . The threatened the 56:06.012 --> 56:08.123 influence imposed by china and Russia 56:08.123 --> 56:10.068 impacts both north Korea and south 56:10.068 --> 56:12.000 Korea Kors . The National Defense 56:12.000 --> 56:14.100 strategy correctly prioritizes 56:14.100 --> 56:16.322 competition with china and Russia . And 56:16.322 --> 56:18.489 the department has seen great progress 56:18.489 --> 56:20.711 over the last four years in confronting 56:20.711 --> 56:22.933 that challenge with looming budget cuts 56:22.933 --> 56:25.100 in the pipeline . Any advantage we may 56:25.100 --> 56:27.044 have , we may have that could have 56:27.044 --> 56:29.100 wiped out . It could be wiped out by 56:29.100 --> 56:31.267 malign espionage efforts influenced by 56:31.267 --> 56:33.489 china Russia , Iran north Korea through 56:33.489 --> 56:35.267 their proximity to our military 56:35.267 --> 56:37.650 installations . While we're while while 56:37.650 --> 56:39.650 there are conflicting views on this 56:39.650 --> 56:41.872 committee , about many topics , I would 56:41.872 --> 56:44.094 hope that one view we all share is that 56:44.094 --> 56:43.920 our adversaries should not be the 56:43.920 --> 56:45.976 owners and operators of any facility 56:46.080 --> 56:48.136 that is anywhere close to the United 56:48.136 --> 56:50.136 States military installation . With 56:50.136 --> 56:52.024 that said , I'm worried about the 56:52.024 --> 56:54.191 potential espionage efforts related to 56:54.191 --> 56:56.524 this particular issue . Mr . Solicitous . 56:56.524 --> 56:58.747 Uh , could you speak to the threat that 56:58.747 --> 57:00.802 would be posed by china or any other 57:00.802 --> 57:03.030 adversary and their ability to purchase 57:03.030 --> 57:05.252 real estate near an installation in the 57:05.252 --> 57:07.419 intelligence threat that could pose to 57:07.419 --> 57:09.586 our country , Congressman . Thanks for 57:09.586 --> 57:11.697 the question . Obviously , that would 57:11.697 --> 57:13.808 be a very significant challenge . And 57:13.808 --> 57:16.030 we need to I know that that has come up 57:16.030 --> 57:15.580 around the country a couple of times 57:15.590 --> 57:17.820 and uh , we worked very closely with 57:17.820 --> 57:19.653 the Justice Department and other 57:19.653 --> 57:21.876 organizations that would be involved in 57:21.876 --> 57:23.931 those kinds of activities and how we 57:23.931 --> 57:25.987 can limit uh , that kind of activity 57:25.987 --> 57:28.209 here in the country . Thank you , sir . 57:28.209 --> 57:30.209 I have one more question . Um , the 57:30.209 --> 57:32.320 threat that the threat posed by china 57:32.320 --> 57:34.542 and our adversaries is of grave concern 57:34.542 --> 57:36.709 worldwide . However , there are things 57:36.709 --> 57:36.100 that threaten our military's ability to 57:36.100 --> 57:38.433 train here in the United States as well . 57:38.433 --> 57:40.600 While we as a country began to look at 57:40.600 --> 57:42.600 renewable sources of energy such as 57:42.600 --> 57:44.656 wind , one thing that has not always 57:44.656 --> 57:46.600 been considered is the impact that 57:46.600 --> 57:48.822 construction of these projects can have 57:48.822 --> 57:51.044 on our readiness levels . It's critical 57:51.044 --> 57:50.390 that the young men and women training 57:50.390 --> 57:52.557 in the United States are able to do so 57:52.557 --> 57:54.779 in order to prepare in order to prepare 57:54.779 --> 57:57.001 for the threats that they may face when 57:57.001 --> 57:59.112 they are deployed General , could you 57:59.112 --> 58:01.112 speak about the detrimental effects 58:01.112 --> 58:02.890 that wind farms can have on our 58:02.890 --> 58:05.001 military training routes ? What steps 58:05.001 --> 58:07.223 are being taken to mitigate that impact 58:07.223 --> 58:09.334 and the overall readiness impact that 58:09.334 --> 58:11.557 occurs when we are forced to reduce the 58:11.557 --> 58:13.723 number of low level empty ours flowing 58:13.723 --> 58:13.540 out of pilot training basis , such as 58:13.540 --> 58:15.540 the one in my district Sheppard Air 58:15.540 --> 58:18.750 Force Base congressman . That's 58:18.750 --> 58:20.972 probably best answered by the service . 58:20.972 --> 58:23.720 But I would tell you that there is a 58:23.720 --> 58:26.060 detrimental effect that could limit our 58:26.070 --> 58:28.070 ability to train here in the United 58:28.070 --> 58:30.292 States would have a potential readiness 58:30.292 --> 58:32.500 impacts . What's crucial is that we 58:32.500 --> 58:34.722 have a partnership , local partnerships 58:34.722 --> 58:36.889 with local commanders , with the local 58:36.889 --> 58:39.167 civic leaders , the mayor's , etcetera . 58:39.167 --> 58:41.060 That more broadly also includes a 58:41.060 --> 58:42.838 broader discussion , a national 58:42.838 --> 58:45.060 security discussion so that we can come 58:45.060 --> 58:47.171 to a solution for business folks that 58:47.171 --> 58:49.171 want to have to make that money for 58:49.171 --> 58:51.338 renewable energy as you pointed out to 58:51.338 --> 58:53.227 make us resilient as well and the 58:53.227 --> 58:55.504 potential impacts on national security . 58:55.504 --> 58:57.616 And that discussion has to happen any 58:57.616 --> 58:59.838 time . There is a potential building of 58:59.838 --> 59:02.060 some kind of facility that could impact 59:02.060 --> 59:04.171 training . Yes , I agree with you . I 59:04.171 --> 59:06.282 think that I think it will be our job 59:06.282 --> 59:08.449 as legislatures to make sure that that 59:08.449 --> 59:10.560 happens before this stuff is put into 59:10.560 --> 59:09.710 place because that's what I've seen at 59:09.710 --> 59:11.821 Sheppard Air Force Base . And it goes 59:11.821 --> 59:13.988 back to my first question as well . If 59:13.988 --> 59:16.043 we don't think about those things up 59:16.043 --> 59:15.950 front , then that stuff's gonna happen 59:15.950 --> 59:17.783 before we before , you know , we 59:17.783 --> 59:20.006 realize it and then we're gonna be in a 59:20.006 --> 59:22.006 position . We can't go back and and 59:22.006 --> 59:21.760 undermine that . I thank you all for 59:21.760 --> 59:23.927 your thoughtful responses that we face 59:23.927 --> 59:25.649 threats across the globe . And 59:25.649 --> 59:27.816 unfortunately even some here at home , 59:27.816 --> 59:27.720 I look forward to working with each of 59:27.720 --> 59:29.887 you and with all of my colleagues here 59:29.887 --> 59:31.664 on the committee to provide our 59:31.664 --> 59:33.664 military with the resources and the 59:33.664 --> 59:35.887 authorities that we need to protect our 59:35.887 --> 59:35.390 country . Thank you . Mr Chairman , I 59:35.390 --> 59:37.501 yield back my time . Thank you . Miss 59:37.501 --> 59:39.390 Strickland is recognized for five 59:39.390 --> 59:41.950 minutes . Thank you . Chairman smith 59:41.950 --> 59:43.894 and ranking member Rogers into our 59:43.894 --> 59:45.894 witnesses . I have the privilege of 59:45.894 --> 59:48.150 representing the western area defense 59:48.150 --> 59:50.360 sector wads which is one of the two 59:50.360 --> 59:52.750 sectors responsible for peacetime , Air 59:52.750 --> 59:55.090 sovereignty , strategic air defense and 59:55.100 --> 59:57.322 airborne counter drug operations in the 59:57.322 --> 01:00:00.330 Continental US under NORAD . As we 01:00:00.330 --> 01:00:02.274 continue to implement the national 01:00:02.274 --> 01:00:04.510 security strategy , we must continue to 01:00:04.510 --> 01:00:07.050 ensure that our homeland assets are a 01:00:07.050 --> 01:00:09.180 deterrent to our adversaries . I 01:00:09.180 --> 01:00:11.250 strongly support ensuring that wants 01:00:11.250 --> 01:00:13.750 has the resources it needs to continue 01:00:13.750 --> 01:00:15.860 to defend our homeland . General Van 01:00:15.860 --> 01:00:18.027 Herck . I'd like to start with you and 01:00:18.027 --> 01:00:20.249 I have a few questions , one about wads 01:00:20.249 --> 01:00:22.138 and then another about hypersonic 01:00:22.138 --> 01:00:24.304 detection . If we can get there one of 01:00:24.304 --> 01:00:24.290 the innovations that NORAD is working 01:00:24.290 --> 01:00:26.430 on , his pathfinder which previously 01:00:26.430 --> 01:00:28.670 took separate data systems and combine 01:00:28.670 --> 01:00:30.940 them so NORAD can see a more complete 01:00:30.940 --> 01:00:33.010 picture . I know that a contract was 01:00:33.010 --> 01:00:35.066 recently awarded . So can you please 01:00:35.066 --> 01:00:37.560 tell me how the integration is going if 01:00:37.560 --> 01:00:39.504 there any difficulties and why you 01:00:39.504 --> 01:00:41.727 think Pathfinder is so important to the 01:00:41.727 --> 01:00:43.782 concept of an all domain awareness ? 01:00:43.782 --> 01:00:46.330 Thank you . Thank you for the 01:00:46.330 --> 01:00:47.997 opportunity man to talk about 01:00:47.997 --> 01:00:49.663 Pathfinder . Pathfinder is an 01:00:49.663 --> 01:00:51.497 innovative capability that we've 01:00:51.497 --> 01:00:53.663 designed to do exactly what you talked 01:00:53.663 --> 01:00:55.830 about . Uh working in a partnership to 01:00:55.830 --> 01:00:57.886 take data and information , which by 01:00:57.886 --> 01:01:00.052 the way I think is a strategic value . 01:01:00.052 --> 01:01:02.052 Something that we need to utilize . 01:01:02.052 --> 01:01:04.163 Pathfinder ingests data from multiple 01:01:04.163 --> 01:01:06.219 sources and fuses that data and uses 01:01:06.219 --> 01:01:08.108 machine learning and intelligence 01:01:08.108 --> 01:01:10.500 capabilities to uh process and share in 01:01:10.500 --> 01:01:13.420 near real time . But previously to 01:01:13.430 --> 01:01:16.790 Pathfinder uh we had 12 manual systems , 01:01:16.800 --> 01:01:18.800 phone calls , those kinds of things 01:01:18.800 --> 01:01:21.410 that would take longer minutes if not 01:01:21.410 --> 01:01:23.577 longer . Uh , Today , when you utilize 01:01:23.577 --> 01:01:25.730 Pathfinder gives us a picture in 01:01:25.730 --> 01:01:28.900 seconds or less and a much more broadly 01:01:28.910 --> 01:01:31.210 a picture to help our air defence 01:01:31.210 --> 01:01:33.099 sectors accomplish our mission of 01:01:33.099 --> 01:01:35.321 defending our homeland . The Pathfinder 01:01:35.321 --> 01:01:37.321 is going great . The Canadians just 01:01:37.321 --> 01:01:39.266 gave us some additional funding to 01:01:39.266 --> 01:01:41.099 continue the program and we look 01:01:41.099 --> 01:01:43.210 forward to moving that forward . I'll 01:01:43.210 --> 01:01:45.266 give you an example real quick and I 01:01:45.266 --> 01:01:44.710 don't want to steal too much of your 01:01:44.710 --> 01:01:46.910 time . But Pathfinder was utilized if 01:01:46.910 --> 01:01:49.010 you remember in 2000 and 15 , the 01:01:49.010 --> 01:01:51.260 gyrocopter that flew down from north in 01:01:51.260 --> 01:01:53.316 the national capital region here and 01:01:53.316 --> 01:01:55.480 landed on of the capitol lawn . When 01:01:55.480 --> 01:01:57.258 you take all the sensors in the 01:01:57.258 --> 01:01:59.480 national capital region and you look at 01:01:59.480 --> 01:02:01.591 them separately . None of the sensors 01:02:01.591 --> 01:02:03.591 detected that gyrocopter . When you 01:02:03.591 --> 01:02:05.647 take all those sensors , we took the 01:02:05.647 --> 01:02:07.702 real data and you take those sensors 01:02:07.702 --> 01:02:09.758 and you fuse it into Pathfinder in a 01:02:09.758 --> 01:02:11.980 single system that aggregates that data 01:02:11.980 --> 01:02:14.091 and assesses it Sure enough . We were 01:02:14.091 --> 01:02:16.258 able to see that gyrocopter that's the 01:02:16.258 --> 01:02:15.910 value of information and data . 01:02:15.920 --> 01:02:17.920 Previously the data was left on the 01:02:17.920 --> 01:02:20.031 cutting room floor and not analyzed . 01:02:20.031 --> 01:02:22.198 Pathfinder analyzes it . So thanks for 01:02:22.198 --> 01:02:24.253 the opportunity to talk about that . 01:02:24.253 --> 01:02:26.309 Great thank you . And it just really 01:02:26.309 --> 01:02:28.309 underscores how we talk a lot about 01:02:28.309 --> 01:02:30.531 data but it actually helps us make good 01:02:30.531 --> 01:02:30.250 decisions . So I want to switch over to 01:02:30.250 --> 01:02:32.194 hypersonic detection and stay with 01:02:32.194 --> 01:02:34.380 general than her as a commander of 01:02:34.380 --> 01:02:36.810 North Common NORAD . What do you see as 01:02:36.810 --> 01:02:39.010 the most critical gap that must be 01:02:39.010 --> 01:02:41.350 filled in regard to censor coverage of 01:02:41.350 --> 01:02:43.740 the U . S . For advancing Russian and 01:02:43.740 --> 01:02:45.907 chinese threats of advanced cruise and 01:02:45.907 --> 01:02:47.962 hypersonic missiles . And as the Air 01:02:47.962 --> 01:02:49.851 force completes their analysis of 01:02:49.851 --> 01:02:51.851 alternatives of northern approaches 01:02:51.851 --> 01:02:54.073 have north common nor grad priority has 01:02:54.073 --> 01:02:55.907 been accounted for in that final 01:02:55.907 --> 01:02:57.907 product that we get . Well , I look 01:02:57.907 --> 01:02:59.962 forward to seeing the product as the 01:02:59.962 --> 01:03:02.073 Air Force completes it . I do believe 01:03:02.073 --> 01:03:04.296 that our equities will be accounted for 01:03:04.296 --> 01:03:06.518 in the product , but I haven't seen the 01:03:06.518 --> 01:03:08.518 final product is still with the Air 01:03:08.518 --> 01:03:10.740 Force . Uh specific domain awareness is 01:03:10.740 --> 01:03:12.796 what we need for NORAD in the United 01:03:12.796 --> 01:03:14.907 States Northern comment command . And 01:03:14.907 --> 01:03:17.129 that's in my priorities that you'll see 01:03:17.129 --> 01:03:19.184 in my statement and my priority list 01:03:19.184 --> 01:03:18.730 that I submitted to the department 01:03:18.900 --> 01:03:21.800 domain awareness to get further out 01:03:21.810 --> 01:03:24.800 today . Uh , competitors have increased 01:03:24.800 --> 01:03:26.578 capabilities . The Russians can 01:03:26.578 --> 01:03:28.633 actually shoot from over the Russian 01:03:28.633 --> 01:03:30.633 homeland and strike the continental 01:03:30.633 --> 01:03:32.856 United States . And so we need over the 01:03:32.856 --> 01:03:34.744 horizon radars and those kinds of 01:03:34.744 --> 01:03:36.744 capabilities with specifically with 01:03:36.744 --> 01:03:38.911 regards to hypersonic capabilities . I 01:03:38.911 --> 01:03:38.840 remain concerned we're focused on 01:03:38.840 --> 01:03:40.960 offensive hypersonic capabilities and 01:03:40.960 --> 01:03:42.849 that's crucial to our overarching 01:03:42.849 --> 01:03:44.904 deterrent . But just as important as 01:03:44.904 --> 01:03:47.016 our ability to detect having a threat 01:03:47.016 --> 01:03:49.182 assessment , threat warning and attack 01:03:49.182 --> 01:03:51.293 assessment for hypersonic coming in . 01:03:51.293 --> 01:03:53.349 And that's part of our deterrence by 01:03:53.349 --> 01:03:55.516 denial . And any solution that we come 01:03:55.516 --> 01:03:57.571 up with for hypersonic should not be 01:03:57.571 --> 01:03:59.516 just a sensor that tells us what's 01:03:59.516 --> 01:03:59.240 inbound . But it ought to be able to 01:03:59.240 --> 01:04:01.540 deliver weapons quality information so 01:04:01.540 --> 01:04:03.500 that we could actually negate that 01:04:03.500 --> 01:04:05.611 threat from a hypersonic vehicle that 01:04:05.611 --> 01:04:07.833 may be inbound . And by the way , hyper 01:04:07.833 --> 01:04:09.889 sonics are here today . The Russians 01:04:09.889 --> 01:04:09.820 have fielded them . That's not 01:04:09.820 --> 01:04:11.598 something in the future . There 01:04:11.598 --> 01:04:13.542 absolutely a threat right here and 01:04:13.542 --> 01:04:16.180 right now . Right . And very quickly do 01:04:16.180 --> 01:04:18.291 you think Canada is doing its part to 01:04:18.291 --> 01:04:20.069 equity , contribute , equitably 01:04:20.069 --> 01:04:22.780 contribute to hyper sonics ? Uh , 01:04:22.790 --> 01:04:25.590 Canada has is a wonderful ally and does 01:04:25.590 --> 01:04:27.740 a great thing specific with the North 01:04:27.740 --> 01:04:29.962 Warning system and our legacy systems . 01:04:29.962 --> 01:04:32.140 They've funded about 60% of that over 01:04:32.140 --> 01:04:34.140 time going forward . What we really 01:04:34.140 --> 01:04:36.480 need to do uh Ma'am is create the 01:04:36.480 --> 01:04:38.702 framework for NORAD modernization . I'm 01:04:38.702 --> 01:04:40.813 encouraged by the President and Prime 01:04:40.813 --> 01:04:43.036 Minister talking about it , but there's 01:04:43.036 --> 01:04:44.924 much more work to do on what that 01:04:44.924 --> 01:04:47.202 framework will look like in the future . 01:04:47.202 --> 01:04:49.424 Thank you . Thank you very much . Thank 01:04:49.424 --> 01:04:51.424 you . Mr Chair . uh mr MS Maclean . 01:04:51.424 --> 01:04:53.258 Sorry , it's recognized for five 01:04:53.258 --> 01:04:56.190 minutes . Thank you . Mr Chairman . Um 01:04:56.200 --> 01:04:58.367 Thank you gentlemen for being here and 01:04:58.367 --> 01:05:00.200 thank you for your service as it 01:05:00.200 --> 01:05:02.256 pertains to national security . I've 01:05:02.256 --> 01:05:04.311 heard a lot of words today , Rule of 01:05:04.311 --> 01:05:06.600 law , human rights , deterrence and 01:05:06.600 --> 01:05:09.020 really consistencies with our programs 01:05:09.020 --> 01:05:12.030 and our policies . With that said 01:05:12.040 --> 01:05:14.780 General Herrick , as we know the 01:05:14.780 --> 01:05:16.840 disastrous situation at our southern 01:05:16.840 --> 01:05:18.840 border is not only a humanitarian 01:05:18.840 --> 01:05:21.760 crisis but a national security crisis 01:05:21.760 --> 01:05:23.840 where former president trump had the 01:05:23.840 --> 01:05:26.220 border secured . My question is simple 01:05:26.790 --> 01:05:29.830 has President biden's actions to reopen 01:05:29.830 --> 01:05:32.100 the southern border and encourage 01:05:32.100 --> 01:05:34.720 migrants to illegally cross our border ? 01:05:34.870 --> 01:05:38.230 Made the United States safer or less 01:05:38.230 --> 01:05:41.070 safe and to President biden's border 01:05:41.070 --> 01:05:44.410 policies threaten the security and 01:05:44.410 --> 01:05:46.460 stability in Mexico in the Northern 01:05:46.460 --> 01:05:47.460 Triangle . 01:05:50.590 --> 01:05:52.534 Thanks for the opportunity to talk 01:05:52.534 --> 01:05:55.470 about national security . Um I'm not 01:05:55.470 --> 01:05:57.692 going to comment about the specifics on 01:05:57.692 --> 01:05:59.748 policies . I would ask the President 01:05:59.748 --> 01:06:01.914 defer to him about those , but I would 01:06:01.914 --> 01:06:03.748 tell you that we have a national 01:06:03.748 --> 01:06:05.803 security imperative right now on our 01:06:05.803 --> 01:06:07.859 southern border that we need to deal 01:06:07.859 --> 01:06:10.020 with ? Um A faller made it very clear 01:06:10.030 --> 01:06:12.760 in his comments about the confluence of 01:06:12.760 --> 01:06:14.593 things that have come together . 01:06:14.593 --> 01:06:16.649 Transnational criminal organizations 01:06:16.649 --> 01:06:18.871 created an environment not conducive to 01:06:18.871 --> 01:06:20.871 successful , rare enough families , 01:06:20.871 --> 01:06:22.760 employment economics , etcetera , 01:06:22.760 --> 01:06:24.871 combine that with covid and two major 01:06:24.871 --> 01:06:26.816 natural disasters . And you have a 01:06:26.816 --> 01:06:28.982 confluence of things ongoing , I would 01:06:28.982 --> 01:06:31.204 say there's a perception that uh , that 01:06:31.204 --> 01:06:33.850 folks can come here uh , and bring your 01:06:33.850 --> 01:06:36.072 family with you . What we need to do is 01:06:36.072 --> 01:06:38.239 approach this from a national security 01:06:38.239 --> 01:06:40.461 imperatives and come up with a whole of 01:06:40.461 --> 01:06:42.683 government problem that will secure our 01:06:42.683 --> 01:06:44.794 borders . I'm concerned , can concern 01:06:44.794 --> 01:06:47.017 from a homeland defense perspective . I 01:06:47.017 --> 01:06:49.183 believe the symptoms that we're seeing 01:06:49.183 --> 01:06:51.406 today are exactly that their symptoms , 01:06:51.406 --> 01:06:53.461 migration , counternarcotics , human 01:06:53.461 --> 01:06:55.294 trafficking . The problem in the 01:06:55.294 --> 01:06:55.230 challenge is creating an environment 01:06:55.230 --> 01:06:57.452 where these folks can succeed . So they 01:06:57.452 --> 01:06:59.508 don't have to feel like they migrate 01:06:59.508 --> 01:07:01.341 and that takes a whole of nation 01:07:01.341 --> 01:07:03.341 approach to get after transnational 01:07:03.341 --> 01:07:05.341 criminal organizations . We figured 01:07:05.341 --> 01:07:07.452 this out with Al Qaeda and ISIS , you 01:07:07.452 --> 01:07:09.619 can cut off their funding , you can do 01:07:09.619 --> 01:07:11.397 additional things as a whole of 01:07:11.397 --> 01:07:11.030 government working with allies and 01:07:11.030 --> 01:07:13.086 partners to get after this problem . 01:07:13.086 --> 01:07:15.197 And so I look forward , I believe the 01:07:15.197 --> 01:07:17.530 administration is on a good track there . 01:07:17.530 --> 01:07:19.808 I look forward to seeing where it goes . 01:07:19.808 --> 01:07:21.974 Thank you . As we know , perceptions , 01:07:21.974 --> 01:07:23.974 90 of reality . I'm going to switch 01:07:23.974 --> 01:07:23.740 gears for a moment . My next question 01:07:23.740 --> 01:07:25.962 is for all the witnesses . As we know , 01:07:25.962 --> 01:07:28.073 china has become an ever increasingly 01:07:28.073 --> 01:07:30.129 threat not only the pacific region , 01:07:30.129 --> 01:07:32.351 but globally . In addition to the build 01:07:32.351 --> 01:07:34.573 up in their arms service in their armed 01:07:34.573 --> 01:07:36.796 forces , they've been developing five G 01:07:36.796 --> 01:07:38.907 technology as we've discussed earlier 01:07:38.907 --> 01:07:41.018 and the United States , it appears is 01:07:41.018 --> 01:07:43.240 falling further behind in this regard . 01:07:43.240 --> 01:07:45.296 My question is this to each of you , 01:07:45.296 --> 01:07:47.407 Would a 5G secured network accessible 01:07:47.407 --> 01:07:49.462 anywhere in the world to our forward 01:07:49.462 --> 01:07:51.296 operating basis or other command 01:07:51.296 --> 01:07:53.520 centers for transmission of data be a 01:07:53.520 --> 01:07:57.440 priority for us North 01:07:57.440 --> 01:07:58.460 and South camps , 01:08:00.770 --> 01:08:03.210 congresswoman , um , any secure network 01:08:03.210 --> 01:08:05.543 would be very helpful . The question is , 01:08:05.543 --> 01:08:07.599 you know , what are the what are the 01:08:07.599 --> 01:08:09.488 other things that we're balancing 01:08:09.488 --> 01:08:11.432 against that ? So I agree that any 01:08:11.432 --> 01:08:13.543 secure network would be helpful , but 01:08:13.543 --> 01:08:15.543 we'll have to uh look at what other 01:08:15.543 --> 01:08:17.877 challenges we have associated with that . 01:08:17.877 --> 01:08:20.120 When I sit down with our partners , 01:08:20.130 --> 01:08:23.330 their cybersecurity is in the top three 01:08:23.330 --> 01:08:25.450 of all their security challenges and 01:08:25.450 --> 01:08:27.672 that's at every level in that partner . 01:08:27.672 --> 01:08:29.839 And it's in our top three as well . So 01:08:29.839 --> 01:08:31.950 it's important that we get this right 01:08:31.950 --> 01:08:34.117 and we know there is no civil military 01:08:34.117 --> 01:08:37.040 divide by law and the people's Republic 01:08:37.040 --> 01:08:39.540 of china . And so any investment 01:08:39.550 --> 01:08:41.800 involved way and Zte and their five G . 01:08:41.800 --> 01:08:44.022 Is a direct pipeline to the P . L . A . 01:08:44.022 --> 01:08:46.244 And their intelligence services . And I 01:08:46.244 --> 01:08:48.411 point this out to our partners at each 01:08:48.411 --> 01:08:50.467 and every visit and every time and a 01:08:50.467 --> 01:08:52.689 professional level they get it and they 01:08:52.689 --> 01:08:55.022 don't want to invest in that technology . 01:08:55.022 --> 01:08:56.689 They want to invest in secure 01:08:56.689 --> 01:08:58.911 technology , clean technology , U . S . 01:08:58.911 --> 01:09:01.022 Or other trusted partner technology . 01:09:01.022 --> 01:09:03.022 And it's important that initiatives 01:09:03.022 --> 01:09:05.189 come forward that allow them an option 01:09:05.189 --> 01:09:08.940 to do that to 01:09:08.950 --> 01:09:10.894 directly answer your question . It 01:09:10.894 --> 01:09:12.950 would be incredibly valuable to have 01:09:12.950 --> 01:09:15.006 five G . Secure technology and we've 01:09:15.006 --> 01:09:17.283 moved out on that at the United States . 01:09:17.283 --> 01:09:19.339 Northern Command . R . J six is very 01:09:19.339 --> 01:09:21.450 innovative . J six is does our uh you 01:09:21.450 --> 01:09:23.506 know , command and control and those 01:09:23.506 --> 01:09:25.172 kinds of things that gives us 01:09:25.172 --> 01:09:27.506 resiliency as a nation . Candidly today , 01:09:27.506 --> 01:09:29.672 I'm able to take a single device to do 01:09:29.672 --> 01:09:31.894 unclassified and classified information 01:09:31.894 --> 01:09:33.561 from any location uh and have 01:09:33.561 --> 01:09:35.450 resiliency not reaching back to a 01:09:35.450 --> 01:09:37.561 single building or a single server if 01:09:37.561 --> 01:09:39.394 you will but can access multiple 01:09:39.394 --> 01:09:41.450 servers . That's incredibly valuable 01:09:41.450 --> 01:09:43.450 going forward in a crisis . Whether 01:09:43.450 --> 01:09:45.283 that be crisis uh from a natural 01:09:45.283 --> 01:09:47.394 disaster or a potential attack on the 01:09:47.394 --> 01:09:49.900 homeland . Thank you . 01:09:52.170 --> 01:09:54.650 Thank you . Julia yields back . Miss 01:09:54.650 --> 01:09:56.872 Jacobs is recognized for five minutes . 01:09:56.872 --> 01:09:59.094 Well , thank you Mr chair and thank you 01:09:59.094 --> 01:10:01.317 so much to our witnesses for being here 01:10:01.317 --> 01:10:03.150 first . I just like to say to my 01:10:03.150 --> 01:10:05.261 colleagues who are expressing concern 01:10:05.261 --> 01:10:06.983 about the southern border As a 01:10:06.983 --> 01:10:09.094 representative of SAn Diego , we feel 01:10:09.094 --> 01:10:11.261 very safe and I think we know that the 01:10:11.261 --> 01:10:13.150 root causes are really the key to 01:10:13.150 --> 01:10:15.094 making sure that this situation of 01:10:15.094 --> 01:10:17.206 baits and and on the question of root 01:10:17.206 --> 01:10:19.317 causes . Admiral Fowler . I'd like to 01:10:19.317 --> 01:10:21.206 ask you as you referenced in your 01:10:21.206 --> 01:10:23.870 testimony . Latin America militaries 01:10:23.870 --> 01:10:25.930 and militia groups have a history of 01:10:25.930 --> 01:10:28.580 violating human rights and these 01:10:28.580 --> 01:10:30.747 violations have sometimes been ignored 01:10:30.747 --> 01:10:33.080 or even encouraged by the United States . 01:10:33.080 --> 01:10:35.500 Throughout the civil wars of the 1990s . 01:10:35.500 --> 01:10:37.833 We saw special forces trained by the US . 01:10:37.833 --> 01:10:39.990 were used to commit these abuses . So 01:10:39.990 --> 01:10:42.212 given that reality , I was wondering if 01:10:42.212 --> 01:10:44.379 you could talk a bit about our current 01:10:44.379 --> 01:10:46.379 train and equip missions that South 01:10:46.379 --> 01:10:48.323 Korea is conducting and how you're 01:10:48.323 --> 01:10:50.212 working to prevent these types of 01:10:50.212 --> 01:10:52.434 violations from occurring . Thank you . 01:10:52.434 --> 01:10:54.268 It's an important question we've 01:10:54.268 --> 01:10:56.490 learned from that history . South Korea 01:10:56.490 --> 01:10:58.601 has a human rights program , the only 01:10:58.601 --> 01:11:00.657 combatant command to have one . It's 01:11:00.657 --> 01:11:02.657 now in its 20th plus year and we've 01:11:02.657 --> 01:11:04.768 invested our own money and increasing 01:11:04.768 --> 01:11:06.970 the capacity of that program . We use 01:11:06.970 --> 01:11:09.930 that program with our partners . We 01:11:09.930 --> 01:11:11.819 have helped our partners Honduras 01:11:11.890 --> 01:11:14.160 Guatemala . El Salvador install human 01:11:14.160 --> 01:11:17.590 rights observers and advisors in their 01:11:17.590 --> 01:11:19.590 ministries and with their Chiefs of 01:11:19.590 --> 01:11:21.520 Defence . We hold seminars and I 01:11:21.520 --> 01:11:23.680 routinely through that program meet 01:11:23.680 --> 01:11:26.200 with the Human Rights Ngos in the 01:11:26.200 --> 01:11:28.470 United States and in partner nations , 01:11:28.860 --> 01:11:31.082 for example , in Guatemala to listen to 01:11:31.082 --> 01:11:33.550 their concerns . These important NGO 01:11:33.550 --> 01:11:35.940 partners , they know their stuff and 01:11:35.940 --> 01:11:38.162 they have on the ground insights and we 01:11:38.162 --> 01:11:40.860 take it very , very seriously . And 01:11:40.860 --> 01:11:42.800 then we apply that into our Lady 01:11:42.800 --> 01:11:44.744 vetting process , which is another 01:11:44.744 --> 01:11:47.020 extremely important program that we 01:11:47.020 --> 01:11:49.650 should look to enhance frankly , uh and 01:11:49.650 --> 01:11:52.350 and really embed in a systematic way 01:11:52.350 --> 01:11:54.406 within the department , make it very 01:11:54.406 --> 01:11:56.628 consistent . These programs have helped 01:11:56.628 --> 01:11:58.850 change behavior over time and while not 01:11:58.850 --> 01:12:01.070 perfect . We've made progress and 01:12:01.080 --> 01:12:03.191 particularly last year when there was 01:12:03.191 --> 01:12:05.136 every reason for partner nations , 01:12:05.136 --> 01:12:07.191 their militaries , that's what I can 01:12:07.191 --> 01:12:09.930 speak to to turn inward . They didn't 01:12:09.940 --> 01:12:12.051 and they acted professionally . There 01:12:12.051 --> 01:12:14.162 was some reports here and there , but 01:12:14.162 --> 01:12:16.440 by and large they acted professionally . 01:12:16.440 --> 01:12:18.384 You can't assume that that will be 01:12:18.384 --> 01:12:20.218 future performance . But the the 01:12:20.218 --> 01:12:22.840 building blocks are in place to have a 01:12:22.840 --> 01:12:24.951 better professional performance going 01:12:24.951 --> 01:12:26.896 forward . And I assure you , we're 01:12:26.896 --> 01:12:29.007 committed to that at our headquarters 01:12:29.007 --> 01:12:31.062 in our training education programs . 01:12:31.550 --> 01:12:34.990 Thank you . And still to you , Admiral 01:12:34.990 --> 01:12:38.420 Faller , I think , you know , as we 01:12:38.420 --> 01:12:40.420 have talked about the region and we 01:12:40.420 --> 01:12:42.587 often emphasize our willing partners , 01:12:42.587 --> 01:12:44.809 especially for instance , the Colombian 01:12:44.809 --> 01:12:46.864 government . I was wondering how you 01:12:46.864 --> 01:12:49.031 believe this partners partnership will 01:12:49.031 --> 01:12:51.142 serve the U . S . Goals in the region 01:12:51.142 --> 01:12:53.198 as it relates to any peace deal with 01:12:53.198 --> 01:12:55.309 Farc or any potential peace deal with 01:12:55.309 --> 01:12:57.890 the L . N . Well , certainly we we 01:12:57.890 --> 01:13:00.050 support our our partners in in 01:13:00.060 --> 01:13:02.171 information sharing that's really key 01:13:02.171 --> 01:13:04.950 to understanding uh what promises are 01:13:04.950 --> 01:13:07.172 made , what promises are being broken . 01:13:07.172 --> 01:13:09.230 Uh It's unfortunate that Venezuelan 01:13:09.240 --> 01:13:13.050 crisis has just made all that 01:13:13.050 --> 01:13:15.510 worse . Venezuela's essentially a 01:13:15.510 --> 01:13:17.690 paradise for Narco traffickers and 01:13:17.700 --> 01:13:19.867 Maduro and his illegitimate government 01:13:19.867 --> 01:13:21.867 and the military are profiting from 01:13:21.867 --> 01:13:23.922 that and by creating that safe haven 01:13:23.922 --> 01:13:26.033 and encouraging them , them being the 01:13:26.033 --> 01:13:28.200 farc distance . And the L . N . It has 01:13:28.200 --> 01:13:31.430 is compounded the situation . The five 01:13:31.430 --> 01:13:33.597 million migrants that have been pushed 01:13:33.597 --> 01:13:35.830 out by the human rights abuses of the 01:13:35.830 --> 01:13:38.460 Maduro regime have also compounded it . 01:13:38.470 --> 01:13:41.670 Colombia has has really overall 01:13:42.250 --> 01:13:44.028 just behaved and performed with 01:13:44.028 --> 01:13:46.194 humanity is accepting these migrants . 01:13:46.430 --> 01:13:48.541 And so we were with them , we talk to 01:13:48.541 --> 01:13:51.140 them every day uh and share information 01:13:51.150 --> 01:13:53.372 and it's it's largely in their ministry 01:13:53.372 --> 01:13:55.261 and government levels . So I just 01:13:55.261 --> 01:13:57.261 provide a share information with my 01:13:57.261 --> 01:13:59.428 counterpart , General Navarro , who is 01:13:59.428 --> 01:14:01.261 just a wonderful professional uh 01:14:01.261 --> 01:14:04.120 interlocutor . Thank you and thank you 01:14:04.120 --> 01:14:06.350 for your long service to our country 01:14:06.350 --> 01:14:08.540 and Mr . Chair ideal . Bec thank you 01:14:08.550 --> 01:14:10.430 Miss bice is recognized for five 01:14:10.430 --> 01:14:12.580 minutes . Thank you . Mr . Chairman , 01:14:12.580 --> 01:14:14.636 ranking member and thank you for the 01:14:14.636 --> 01:14:16.524 witnesses being here and for your 01:14:16.524 --> 01:14:18.636 service to each of you in the hearing 01:14:18.636 --> 01:14:20.913 memo . It listed in the last two years , 01:14:20.913 --> 01:14:23.136 a quarter of a billion dollars has been 01:14:23.136 --> 01:14:25.247 spent . Diode dollars have been spent 01:14:25.247 --> 01:14:28.800 for DHS border support . Um Will you be 01:14:28.800 --> 01:14:31.600 reimbursed for those dollars and if not 01:14:31.610 --> 01:14:34.010 what programs are going to be impacted 01:14:34.020 --> 01:14:36.020 by the quarter of a billion dollars 01:14:36.020 --> 01:14:38.480 that you've lost in funding . So 01:14:38.480 --> 01:14:40.702 congressman , I'll take that question . 01:14:40.702 --> 01:14:42.758 We have not been reimbursed , it was 01:14:42.758 --> 01:14:44.813 done on a non reimbursable basis and 01:14:44.813 --> 01:14:46.869 that funding came out of the defense 01:14:46.869 --> 01:14:48.990 budget in other places . Uh probably 01:14:49.000 --> 01:14:51.450 impacted depending on where the money 01:14:51.450 --> 01:14:54.270 was taken , depending uh what it 01:14:54.270 --> 01:14:56.437 impacted . It's probably training some 01:14:56.437 --> 01:14:58.381 personnel costs and those types of 01:14:58.381 --> 01:15:01.000 things where the services had available 01:15:01.000 --> 01:15:04.820 money to use in that case . So when 01:15:04.820 --> 01:15:06.876 we're talking about funding , you're 01:15:06.876 --> 01:15:08.987 asking for additional funding to make 01:15:08.987 --> 01:15:11.320 sure that you have the resources needed . 01:15:11.320 --> 01:15:13.264 But in fact you're actually having 01:15:13.264 --> 01:15:13.040 dollars pulled away from you in other 01:15:13.040 --> 01:15:15.470 ways , including two to support DHS 01:15:15.470 --> 01:15:18.750 border support , um , that do impact 01:15:18.760 --> 01:15:21.320 the readiness and availability of the 01:15:21.330 --> 01:15:23.441 forces . It seems , is that correct ? 01:15:23.441 --> 01:15:25.663 That is correct . Thank you . My second 01:15:25.663 --> 01:15:27.886 question is in the last six years , the 01:15:27.886 --> 01:15:30.530 United States has spent over $3.5 01:15:30.530 --> 01:15:33.070 billion in strategy and engagement for 01:15:33.070 --> 01:15:36.050 central America . Uh , do you believe 01:15:36.050 --> 01:15:37.994 that we're getting a return on our 01:15:37.994 --> 01:15:39.950 investment given that we've seen a 01:15:39.950 --> 01:15:42.540 tremendous amount of influx of migrants 01:15:42.540 --> 01:15:44.990 from the Northern Triangle area , which 01:15:44.990 --> 01:15:47.212 is where the bulk of these dollars have 01:15:47.212 --> 01:15:49.630 been going . And I opened that for any 01:15:49.630 --> 01:15:50.686 of the witnesses , 01:15:54.040 --> 01:15:56.680 consistency in our programs is as 01:15:56.680 --> 01:15:59.670 important as the dollar amount . And 01:15:59.680 --> 01:16:01.540 we've been in extremely good 01:16:01.540 --> 01:16:03.707 discussions . Uh , the chairman of the 01:16:03.707 --> 01:16:05.762 Joint Chiefs and selective have have 01:16:05.762 --> 01:16:07.740 been excellent and asking for our 01:16:07.740 --> 01:16:09.740 advice and what might work and will 01:16:09.740 --> 01:16:11.962 work as part of the administration's uh 01:16:11.962 --> 01:16:14.073 A $4 billion dollar multi year plan . 01:16:14.073 --> 01:16:16.296 And were encouraged by the long look of 01:16:16.296 --> 01:16:18.550 this program . It takes time for 01:16:18.560 --> 01:16:21.030 partners security forces . I can speak 01:16:21.030 --> 01:16:24.000 to military uh to implement programs 01:16:24.010 --> 01:16:25.677 that they can responsibly and 01:16:25.677 --> 01:16:28.160 professionally enact . That will make a 01:16:28.160 --> 01:16:30.493 difference in tamping down the violence . 01:16:30.493 --> 01:16:32.493 And I know State Department we work 01:16:32.493 --> 01:16:34.604 hand in hand with State Department on 01:16:34.604 --> 01:16:36.827 this is committed through their I . N . 01:16:36.827 --> 01:16:38.993 L . To the same professionalization of 01:16:38.993 --> 01:16:41.049 the police forces . Uh The issue has 01:16:41.049 --> 01:16:42.827 been , we have not applied this 01:16:42.827 --> 01:16:44.882 consistently . It's been started and 01:16:44.882 --> 01:16:46.993 stopped . And so while there may have 01:16:46.993 --> 01:16:49.049 been a high dollar value , it's it's 01:16:49.049 --> 01:16:51.160 hard to make the argument that it was 01:16:51.160 --> 01:16:53.104 consistently applied over the time 01:16:53.104 --> 01:16:55.327 period . That would be required to make 01:16:55.327 --> 01:16:58.550 a difference . Mhm . Thank you for that 01:16:58.650 --> 01:17:01.850 last question . Mr Silas is have you 01:17:01.850 --> 01:17:05.380 been Requested to provide additional 01:17:05.380 --> 01:17:08.240 border supporter security um for fiscal 01:17:08.240 --> 01:17:10.184 year 22 ? And if so , what are the 01:17:10.184 --> 01:17:12.330 conversation surrounding that ? Uh we 01:17:12.330 --> 01:17:14.552 have not been requested , but obviously 01:17:14.552 --> 01:17:16.719 we're talking to DHS because as you're 01:17:16.719 --> 01:17:18.886 aware , congressman , we have military 01:17:18.886 --> 01:17:20.886 members on the border right now and 01:17:20.886 --> 01:17:22.886 have consistently provided military 01:17:22.886 --> 01:17:25.108 members over the last several years and 01:17:25.108 --> 01:17:27.580 supported DHS's mission . Um currently 01:17:27.580 --> 01:17:30.190 there is no request for 22 , but that 01:17:30.190 --> 01:17:32.134 doesn't mean that we may not get a 01:17:32.134 --> 01:17:34.301 request for 20 years . And the request 01:17:34.301 --> 01:17:36.357 that you have received over the last 01:17:36.357 --> 01:17:38.357 let's save several months , is that 01:17:38.357 --> 01:17:40.412 impacting reserves or national guard 01:17:40.412 --> 01:17:42.523 readiness ? They're being pulled away 01:17:42.523 --> 01:17:45.010 to help support um what's happening on 01:17:45.010 --> 01:17:47.121 the southern border , I don't believe 01:17:47.121 --> 01:17:49.700 so , Congresswoman , the force that is 01:17:49.700 --> 01:17:51.589 down there now , even though it's 01:17:51.589 --> 01:17:53.811 national guard members , was brought on 01:17:53.811 --> 01:17:55.811 his title 10 because it was part of 01:17:55.811 --> 01:17:57.978 their , uh , time to come on duty full 01:17:57.978 --> 01:18:00.200 time duty . And so that we were able to 01:18:00.200 --> 01:18:02.422 make use of that by having them come on 01:18:02.422 --> 01:18:04.589 duty during this period . Okay . Thank 01:18:04.589 --> 01:18:06.589 you . Mr . Chairman . A laid back . 01:18:07.520 --> 01:18:09.630 Thank you . Mr Morelli is recognized 01:18:09.630 --> 01:18:13.410 for five minutes . Good morning . Thank 01:18:13.410 --> 01:18:16.620 you . Mr . Chairman for this uh , very , 01:18:16.620 --> 01:18:18.787 very important hearing . And I want to 01:18:18.787 --> 01:18:20.731 thank the witnesses for being here 01:18:20.731 --> 01:18:22.898 today to share your expertise and also 01:18:22.898 --> 01:18:25.064 your dedication to our nation's safety 01:18:25.064 --> 01:18:27.287 and security . I am I'm a new member of 01:18:27.287 --> 01:18:29.453 this committee . And so , uh , some of 01:18:29.453 --> 01:18:31.564 my questions will seem pretty basic . 01:18:31.564 --> 01:18:33.620 I'm just trying to get a level set , 01:18:33.620 --> 01:18:35.842 but I'd like to hear general , a little 01:18:35.842 --> 01:18:35.740 more about north transmission 01:18:35.740 --> 01:18:37.462 associated with the arctic and 01:18:37.462 --> 01:18:39.296 appreciate the questions that my 01:18:39.296 --> 01:18:41.462 colleagues have asked up to this point 01:18:41.462 --> 01:18:44.500 about it . But um general if I were to 01:18:44.500 --> 01:18:47.150 go back home and talk to constituents 01:18:47.620 --> 01:18:49.676 and talk about the importance of the 01:18:49.676 --> 01:18:51.770 arctic to the United States , uh and 01:18:51.770 --> 01:18:53.937 the challenges associated , what would 01:18:53.937 --> 01:18:56.159 I say ? Why would I , why would I , how 01:18:56.159 --> 01:18:58.381 would I describe them the importance of 01:18:58.381 --> 01:19:00.960 the arctic as a region and then also 01:19:00.960 --> 01:19:03.650 the challenges specifically associated 01:19:03.650 --> 01:19:05.430 with the arctic . 01:19:07.520 --> 01:19:09.980 Thanks congressman . The arctic is very 01:19:09.980 --> 01:19:12.147 important in the environmental changes 01:19:12.147 --> 01:19:14.258 that have been ongoing , have allowed 01:19:14.258 --> 01:19:16.313 increased access to the arctic . The 01:19:16.313 --> 01:19:18.202 arctic has tremendous resources , 01:19:18.202 --> 01:19:20.369 natural resources and it's also a line 01:19:20.369 --> 01:19:22.036 of communication now with the 01:19:22.036 --> 01:19:24.780 environmental changes that have a flow 01:19:24.780 --> 01:19:27.230 from Asia to the european A . R . And 01:19:27.230 --> 01:19:29.452 back and forth . And having that flow , 01:19:29.452 --> 01:19:31.230 the economic flow is crucial to 01:19:31.230 --> 01:19:33.860 maintain for prosperity of not only our 01:19:33.860 --> 01:19:35.971 nation , but other nations around the 01:19:35.971 --> 01:19:38.870 globe . Uh , Russia gets 25% of their 01:19:38.870 --> 01:19:40.981 GDP from resources in the arctic . So 01:19:40.981 --> 01:19:43.148 they absolutely have a vested interest 01:19:43.148 --> 01:19:45.259 in the arctic . And they also want to 01:19:45.259 --> 01:19:47.470 ensure that it's secure for their 01:19:47.480 --> 01:19:49.480 efforts . If you will , uh , what I 01:19:49.480 --> 01:19:51.702 would tell you is both Russia and china 01:19:51.702 --> 01:19:53.869 would like to change the international 01:19:53.869 --> 01:19:55.536 rules based norms and the the 01:19:55.536 --> 01:19:57.702 consistency that we've had this served 01:19:57.702 --> 01:19:59.813 the globe well since the end of World 01:19:59.813 --> 01:20:01.980 War Two . So it's incumbent upon us to 01:20:01.980 --> 01:20:04.202 be persistent , working with allies and 01:20:04.202 --> 01:20:06.202 partners and like minded nations to 01:20:06.202 --> 01:20:09.250 ensure that we maintain the consistency 01:20:09.250 --> 01:20:11.417 of the international rules based norms 01:20:11.417 --> 01:20:13.760 and uh laws that have been served as 01:20:13.760 --> 01:20:14.940 well for overtime . 01:20:17.210 --> 01:20:20.390 So , uh , just so I might say it in , 01:20:20.400 --> 01:20:22.178 just so that I understand it is 01:20:22.178 --> 01:20:24.233 essentially the changes in climate , 01:20:24.233 --> 01:20:26.011 then I think that's what you're 01:20:26.011 --> 01:20:28.122 referring to in terms of vinyl , make 01:20:28.122 --> 01:20:29.956 it more navigable , make it more 01:20:29.956 --> 01:20:32.067 accessible . And at the same time are 01:20:32.067 --> 01:20:34.130 two adversaries want to change the 01:20:34.130 --> 01:20:36.352 rules that govern the region and how we 01:20:36.352 --> 01:20:39.170 have historically approach the region . 01:20:39.180 --> 01:20:42.170 Is that right ? Did I get that ? Yes . 01:20:42.170 --> 01:20:45.170 So environmental change has created uh 01:20:45.180 --> 01:20:48.140 more access and opportunity . And both 01:20:48.140 --> 01:20:50.760 Russia and china uh are interested in 01:20:50.760 --> 01:20:54.460 in assuring that uh the activities 01:20:54.460 --> 01:20:56.571 conducted in the arctic are favorable 01:20:56.571 --> 01:20:58.738 to them individually , not necessarily 01:20:58.738 --> 01:21:02.120 the international community . So , talk 01:21:02.120 --> 01:21:04.342 to me a little bit about that . So what 01:21:04.342 --> 01:21:06.398 type of investments and capabilities 01:21:06.398 --> 01:21:08.398 are they types of investments we're 01:21:08.398 --> 01:21:10.820 making in capabilities ? Um , that 01:21:10.830 --> 01:21:12.941 increase that concern . Could , could 01:21:12.941 --> 01:21:15.163 you give me a little specificity around 01:21:15.163 --> 01:21:17.052 that ? Those investments ? Sure . 01:21:17.052 --> 01:21:19.274 Russia has taken a dozen or so military 01:21:19.274 --> 01:21:21.386 installations that after the Cold War 01:21:21.386 --> 01:21:23.386 set dormant and they've revitalized 01:21:23.386 --> 01:21:25.497 those . Uh , they have uh worked hard 01:21:25.497 --> 01:21:27.386 on their nuclear capabilities and 01:21:27.386 --> 01:21:29.441 revitalized those as well to include 01:21:29.441 --> 01:21:31.608 their bombers and infrastructure . Not 01:21:31.608 --> 01:21:33.386 only are they placing defensive 01:21:33.386 --> 01:21:35.497 capabilities uh , that they state are 01:21:35.497 --> 01:21:37.441 obviously for defensive purposes , 01:21:37.441 --> 01:21:39.608 they're putting offensive capabilities 01:21:39.608 --> 01:21:41.774 into the arctic capabilities which are 01:21:41.774 --> 01:21:43.997 capable of not only striking Canada and 01:21:43.997 --> 01:21:45.886 North America , but obviously our 01:21:45.886 --> 01:21:47.997 homeland , China calls himself a near 01:21:47.997 --> 01:21:49.663 arctic nation and wants to be 01:21:49.663 --> 01:21:51.774 influential in the arctic as well . I 01:21:51.774 --> 01:21:51.680 have to remind the committee that the 01:21:51.680 --> 01:21:53.902 next month in May Russia takes over the 01:21:53.902 --> 01:21:55.958 arctic council . It's very important 01:21:55.958 --> 01:21:57.847 for us to ensure that like minded 01:21:57.847 --> 01:22:00.013 nations , allies and partners are well 01:22:00.013 --> 01:22:01.958 aligned as we go into this because 01:22:01.958 --> 01:22:04.180 Russia and china , we'll try to exploit 01:22:04.180 --> 01:22:06.550 any gaps or seems . Thank you If I 01:22:06.550 --> 01:22:08.772 could just stay on the subject just for 01:22:08.772 --> 01:22:10.883 a moment more as I use the balance of 01:22:10.883 --> 01:22:14.340 my time here as we assess a capability 01:22:14.340 --> 01:22:16.450 in the arctic . Um talk a little bit 01:22:16.450 --> 01:22:18.750 about the challenge you find with the 01:22:18.750 --> 01:22:21.910 extreme cold ice , high altitude on our 01:22:21.910 --> 01:22:23.799 military equipment . And is there 01:22:23.799 --> 01:22:26.021 anything we should be doing in terms of 01:22:26.021 --> 01:22:28.132 working with industry and innovations 01:22:28.132 --> 01:22:30.299 that help address uh those needs ? And 01:22:30.299 --> 01:22:32.120 have you began pursuing those 01:22:32.120 --> 01:22:34.287 partnerships ? Are are we engaged with 01:22:34.287 --> 01:22:36.398 partnerships already in that regard ? 01:22:36.398 --> 01:22:38.564 Uh Thanks congressman . I think that's 01:22:38.564 --> 01:22:40.620 a great question . And so I do think 01:22:40.620 --> 01:22:40.470 there's more we can be doing . And 01:22:40.480 --> 01:22:42.870 units uh that are organized . Training 01:22:42.870 --> 01:22:44.759 equipment ready to operate in the 01:22:44.759 --> 01:22:47.660 arctic is crucial . I believe that we 01:22:47.660 --> 01:22:49.827 need to do a better job of identifying 01:22:49.827 --> 01:22:52.049 those units , enabling them through day 01:22:52.049 --> 01:22:54.104 to day competition to practice their 01:22:54.104 --> 01:22:56.104 operations and working closely with 01:22:56.104 --> 01:22:58.216 industry . As you point out to ensure 01:22:58.216 --> 01:22:58.190 that the capabilities that we do 01:22:58.190 --> 01:23:01.550 develop are conducive for successful 01:23:01.550 --> 01:23:04.150 operations in the arctic that goes from 01:23:04.160 --> 01:23:06.920 the human asset all the way to specific 01:23:06.930 --> 01:23:09.620 uh , platforms and capabilities overall . 01:23:11.500 --> 01:23:13.667 Thank you gentlemen . And thank you Mr 01:23:13.667 --> 01:23:15.722 Chairman , I'll yield back my time . 01:23:15.722 --> 01:23:17.889 Thank you . Mr Waltz is recognized for 01:23:17.889 --> 01:23:20.410 five minutes . Thank you . Mr Chairman . 01:23:20.900 --> 01:23:23.470 Uh , Emma Fowler . I'm just , I'm 01:23:23.470 --> 01:23:26.020 struck and I encourage my colleagues to 01:23:26.800 --> 01:23:28.744 Look at your chart here of Chinese 01:23:28.744 --> 01:23:31.380 activity in in South Central America . 01:23:31.390 --> 01:23:33.612 Just some of the key things hopping out 01:23:33.612 --> 01:23:35.880 and meet 25 out of the 33 countries 01:23:35.890 --> 01:23:38.280 hosting Chinese infrastructure projects , 01:23:38.280 --> 01:23:42.170 60 ports , 70 increase in Chinese . 01:23:42.170 --> 01:23:45.520 Navy port calls nearly a billion in 01:23:45.520 --> 01:23:48.530 weapons sales . And most importantly , 01:23:49.000 --> 01:23:51.222 or at least most disturbingly , I think 01:23:51.222 --> 01:23:54.350 both sides of the Panama Canal with now 01:23:54.360 --> 01:23:57.060 owned in some way , shape or fashion by 01:23:57.060 --> 01:24:00.090 the chinese in controlling that 01:24:00.100 --> 01:24:03.120 strategic chokepoint . So , 01:24:03.790 --> 01:24:06.150 uh leads me to wonder is the Monroe 01:24:06.150 --> 01:24:08.860 doctrine dead or at least on life 01:24:08.860 --> 01:24:11.340 support . Uh , and if you could you 01:24:11.340 --> 01:24:13.340 could elaborate a bit more on what 01:24:13.340 --> 01:24:15.229 you're doing with the interagency 01:24:15.229 --> 01:24:17.284 because we're talking military tools 01:24:17.284 --> 01:24:19.507 here which are critical and I certainly 01:24:19.507 --> 01:24:21.760 support security assistance and 01:24:21.760 --> 01:24:23.760 increasing your security assistance 01:24:23.760 --> 01:24:27.140 efforts . But these are non military 01:24:27.140 --> 01:24:29.620 tools and what tools do you need and 01:24:29.620 --> 01:24:32.360 what tools do the interagency need um 01:24:32.370 --> 01:24:36.020 uh to to to combat this and to compete . 01:24:37.090 --> 01:24:40.130 Certainly the statistics you cite fuel 01:24:40.140 --> 01:24:42.220 sense of urgency with respect to 01:24:42.220 --> 01:24:43.887 strengthen our partnerships , 01:24:43.887 --> 01:24:46.109 partnerships are key . We like to think 01:24:46.109 --> 01:24:48.276 of as a good neighbour doctrine . Uh , 01:24:48.276 --> 01:24:50.387 it resonates good neighbors have like 01:24:50.387 --> 01:24:52.498 values and values are our strength in 01:24:52.498 --> 01:24:54.609 this hemisphere . We recently visited 01:24:54.609 --> 01:24:56.720 Argentina . They want to do more with 01:24:56.720 --> 01:24:58.887 us . They want to partner with us at a 01:24:58.887 --> 01:25:00.998 middle to middle level . We've got to 01:25:00.998 --> 01:25:00.840 do everything we can , which by the way 01:25:00.840 --> 01:25:03.250 now Argentina has a chinese space 01:25:03.250 --> 01:25:05.306 tracking station which lines up with 01:25:05.306 --> 01:25:07.400 our polar launches out of we just 01:25:07.400 --> 01:25:09.400 Vandenberg Air Force , we discussed 01:25:09.400 --> 01:25:11.511 those important issues . Uh we've got 01:25:11.511 --> 01:25:13.733 to look to the antarctic as well as the 01:25:13.733 --> 01:25:15.733 arctic china has a growing interest 01:25:15.733 --> 01:25:17.844 there . We visit you swallow which is 01:25:17.844 --> 01:25:20.020 the furthest port in this hemisphere 01:25:20.030 --> 01:25:22.141 the continental hemisphere . And it's 01:25:22.141 --> 01:25:23.974 important . I asked access , you 01:25:23.974 --> 01:25:26.260 mentioned the Panama canal Panama in 01:25:26.270 --> 01:25:28.450 under the current leadership their 01:25:28.460 --> 01:25:31.070 their president Cortisone has has 01:25:31.070 --> 01:25:33.820 opened uh with renewed commitment to a 01:25:33.820 --> 01:25:35.931 relationship with the United States . 01:25:35.931 --> 01:25:38.330 We're working on that with with with 01:25:38.340 --> 01:25:40.173 our Department of State . That's 01:25:40.173 --> 01:25:42.340 important . Panama is a very strategic 01:25:42.340 --> 01:25:44.562 partner with very professional security 01:25:44.562 --> 01:25:46.729 forces . And those are the investments 01:25:46.729 --> 01:25:48.784 we need to make a small investment , 01:25:48.784 --> 01:25:50.840 security cooperation a little goes a 01:25:50.840 --> 01:25:52.951 long way business person you'd invest 01:25:52.951 --> 01:25:55.810 in . It's a high p stock . No , thank 01:25:55.810 --> 01:25:58.032 you , Admiral . And I would also note , 01:25:58.032 --> 01:26:00.254 you know , we're on the verge of having 01:26:00.254 --> 01:26:04.240 Barbados Haiti Honduras potentially 01:26:04.240 --> 01:26:07.360 switch their recognition of Taiwan port 01:26:07.370 --> 01:26:10.810 projects in Honduras cuba and uh in 01:26:10.810 --> 01:26:13.032 general . And also under your purview , 01:26:13.032 --> 01:26:15.970 the Bahamas uh as well . In addition to 01:26:15.980 --> 01:26:19.710 potential fishing rights going to the 01:26:19.720 --> 01:26:22.670 chinese next to our underwater testing 01:26:22.680 --> 01:26:25.200 facilities . Is that is that correct ? 01:26:26.780 --> 01:26:29.200 China is very aggressive in the Bahamas 01:26:29.200 --> 01:26:31.200 right now with the new ambassador . 01:26:31.200 --> 01:26:33.256 That's a very aggressive . They have 01:26:33.256 --> 01:26:35.200 the largest embassy in the Bahamas 01:26:35.200 --> 01:26:37.980 right now and they continue to buy up 01:26:37.990 --> 01:26:39.990 tourism industry to have access and 01:26:39.990 --> 01:26:42.212 influence and you're exactly right . Uh 01:26:42.212 --> 01:26:44.690 they do have access right now to uh an 01:26:44.690 --> 01:26:46.690 Overwatch if you will , of our Navy 01:26:46.690 --> 01:26:48.912 test and training facilities , which is 01:26:48.912 --> 01:26:50.912 very , very concerning . Uh , we're 01:26:50.912 --> 01:26:52.801 partnering closely with the Royal 01:26:52.801 --> 01:26:54.523 Bahamian Defense Force , their 01:26:54.523 --> 01:26:56.746 fantastic partners for Domain awareness 01:26:56.746 --> 01:26:58.801 putting capabilities on in the south 01:26:58.801 --> 01:27:00.968 right now for domain awareness such as 01:27:00.968 --> 01:27:03.134 a radar . This year we'll put one into 01:27:03.134 --> 01:27:05.357 Nassau as well uh to give us additional 01:27:05.357 --> 01:27:07.468 capabilities , but a little will go a 01:27:07.468 --> 01:27:09.610 long ways uh for investment with 01:27:09.610 --> 01:27:12.750 regards to Bahamas and Mexico . Thank 01:27:12.750 --> 01:27:15.390 you . Just switching to the other , the 01:27:15.400 --> 01:27:17.289 the other from the Bahamas to the 01:27:17.289 --> 01:27:19.310 arctic . And adding to some of my 01:27:19.310 --> 01:27:21.840 colleagues , My understanding the Coast 01:27:21.840 --> 01:27:24.250 Guard has one operational icebreaker 01:27:24.250 --> 01:27:27.230 that's about 60 years old . Uh one 01:27:27.230 --> 01:27:29.760 under construction Russians have dozens . 01:27:29.770 --> 01:27:32.150 Northwest passage is now open for 01:27:32.150 --> 01:27:34.540 shipping along with shipping from uh 01:27:34.550 --> 01:27:36.910 across the north side of Russia from 01:27:36.920 --> 01:27:40.700 from Asia to Europe . Do we need more 01:27:40.700 --> 01:27:44.560 icebreakers , congressman 01:27:44.560 --> 01:27:46.727 and uh for persistence . I support the 01:27:46.727 --> 01:27:48.949 current plan for additional icebreakers 01:27:48.949 --> 01:27:51.171 for the Coast Guard . Your your numbers 01:27:51.171 --> 01:27:53.227 are correct . They have to sign they 01:27:53.227 --> 01:27:55.393 had a fire on one . Uh , they're about 01:27:55.393 --> 01:27:57.393 to resurrect that which will end up 01:27:57.393 --> 01:27:59.449 with two . But for persistence we do 01:27:59.449 --> 01:28:01.560 need extra ice breakers . Great . And 01:28:01.560 --> 01:28:03.782 just with my remaining time , thank you 01:28:03.782 --> 01:28:03.620 for that . General Admiral Flower . If 01:28:03.620 --> 01:28:05.620 you could send to my office for the 01:28:05.620 --> 01:28:08.180 record , your legislative proposal on 01:28:08.190 --> 01:28:10.357 adding to play in Colombia and I would 01:28:10.357 --> 01:28:12.590 just mentioned in my colleagues , we've 01:28:12.590 --> 01:28:14.830 had special forces in Colombia with an 01:28:14.830 --> 01:28:16.830 all of government effort now for 30 01:28:16.830 --> 01:28:18.719 years . So a lot of discussion in 01:28:18.719 --> 01:28:20.941 Washington these days of endless wars , 01:28:20.941 --> 01:28:23.220 but that persistent engagement can be 01:28:23.220 --> 01:28:25.553 incredibly effective policing that over . 01:28:25.553 --> 01:28:27.776 Thank you . Thank you . Jim . This time 01:28:27.776 --> 01:28:28.210 is expired .