1 00:00:01,040 --> 00:00:03,650 let me call the hearing to order . The 2 00:00:03,650 --> 00:00:05,872 committee meets this morning to examine 3 00:00:05,872 --> 00:00:07,650 the process and implications of 4 00:00:07,650 --> 00:00:09,872 transitioning all the United States and 5 00:00:09,872 --> 00:00:12,100 coalition forces from Afghanistan by 6 00:00:12,100 --> 00:00:14,160 mid september helping us better 7 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:16,271 understand these challenges . Are two 8 00:00:16,271 --> 00:00:18,493 witnesses . Mr David , healthy , Acting 9 00:00:18,493 --> 00:00:20,716 Assistant Secretary of Defense for indo 10 00:00:20,716 --> 00:00:22,882 pacific security Affairs and Brigadier 11 00:00:22,882 --> 00:00:25,300 General Matthew G . Frolander , Deputy 12 00:00:25,300 --> 00:00:27,560 Director , Political Military Affairs 13 00:00:27,940 --> 00:00:30,162 brought the Middle East from the J five 14 00:00:31,040 --> 00:00:32,818 and General challenger . Let me 15 00:00:32,818 --> 00:00:34,596 congratulate you on your recent 16 00:00:34,596 --> 00:00:36,429 selection for promotion to Major 17 00:00:36,429 --> 00:00:38,760 General . Congratulations sir . I don't 18 00:00:38,770 --> 00:00:40,603 like to thank the witnesses from 19 00:00:40,603 --> 00:00:42,381 hearing here today to give us a 20 00:00:42,381 --> 00:00:44,492 snapshot of what is happening at this 21 00:00:44,492 --> 00:00:46,659 time . However , I want to note that I 22 00:00:46,659 --> 00:00:48,740 have repeatedly asked along with the 23 00:00:48,740 --> 00:00:51,620 ranking member for General scott Miller , 24 00:00:51,930 --> 00:00:53,986 commander of NATO's resolute support 25 00:00:53,986 --> 00:00:56,440 mission to testify . This committee has 26 00:00:56,440 --> 00:00:58,607 not had an open hearing on Afghanistan 27 00:00:58,607 --> 00:01:01,350 with d . o . d . officials since 2017 28 00:01:01,740 --> 00:01:03,740 And the last closed briefing was in 29 00:01:03,740 --> 00:01:07,060 December 2019 . That is far too long to 30 00:01:07,060 --> 00:01:09,171 hear about a mission involves so many 31 00:01:09,171 --> 00:01:11,282 americans . I understand that General 32 00:01:11,282 --> 00:01:13,400 Miller is now very busy with the 33 00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:15,650 transition that is underway , but I 34 00:01:15,650 --> 00:01:17,650 will continue to press for his 35 00:01:17,650 --> 00:01:19,706 appearance at the appropriate time . 36 00:01:20,240 --> 00:01:22,407 Last month , President Biden announced 37 00:01:22,407 --> 00:01:24,296 the withdrawal of all forces from 38 00:01:24,296 --> 00:01:27,550 Afghanistan by September 2021 . It must 39 00:01:27,550 --> 00:01:29,439 be noted that none of the options 40 00:01:29,439 --> 00:01:31,217 available to the president were 41 00:01:31,217 --> 00:01:33,383 particularly palatable . It could have 42 00:01:33,383 --> 00:01:35,217 left May one as agreed to by the 43 00:01:35,217 --> 00:01:37,383 previous administration or continue to 44 00:01:37,383 --> 00:01:39,606 press on with the United States longest 45 00:01:39,606 --> 00:01:41,606 war . It appears that the president 46 00:01:41,606 --> 00:01:43,661 concluded that more troops might buy 47 00:01:43,661 --> 00:01:45,940 more time and more casualties , but 48 00:01:45,940 --> 00:01:47,773 more time will not create a more 49 00:01:47,773 --> 00:01:49,900 effective afghan government . The 50 00:01:49,900 --> 00:01:52,122 president's decision , however , should 51 00:01:52,122 --> 00:01:54,233 be seen as a transition , not closure 52 00:01:54,440 --> 00:01:56,329 and should not mean an end to our 53 00:01:56,329 --> 00:01:58,273 counterterrorism efforts . We must 54 00:01:58,273 --> 00:02:00,384 ensure that Afghanistan will not be a 55 00:02:00,384 --> 00:02:02,218 source of planning , plotting or 56 00:02:02,218 --> 00:02:04,384 projecting of terrorist attacks around 57 00:02:04,384 --> 00:02:07,320 the globe , including particularly 58 00:02:07,320 --> 00:02:09,650 against our homeland . Despite great 59 00:02:09,650 --> 00:02:11,761 progress over the last 20 years , the 60 00:02:11,761 --> 00:02:13,928 threats from al Qaeda , ISIS and other 61 00:02:13,928 --> 00:02:15,928 terrorist groups still remain . The 62 00:02:15,928 --> 00:02:17,817 Director of national Intelligence 63 00:02:17,817 --> 00:02:20,330 stated in the 2021 annual threat 64 00:02:20,330 --> 00:02:22,770 assessment that IsIS and al Qaeda 65 00:02:22,780 --> 00:02:25,660 remain among , in her words , the 66 00:02:25,660 --> 00:02:27,493 greatest terrorist threats to US 67 00:02:27,493 --> 00:02:30,500 interests overseas and that they seek 68 00:02:30,510 --> 00:02:32,570 to conduct attacks inside the United 69 00:02:32,570 --> 00:02:35,080 States . Although sustained us and 70 00:02:35,090 --> 00:02:37,590 allied counterterrorism pressure has 71 00:02:37,590 --> 00:02:39,760 broadly degraded their capability . To 72 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:42,020 do something , We must look to 73 00:02:42,020 --> 00:02:44,160 transition to a new counterterrorism 74 00:02:44,160 --> 00:02:46,640 architecture in the region . To 75 00:02:46,640 --> 00:02:48,970 continue to degrade al Qaeda ISis and 76 00:02:48,970 --> 00:02:50,914 other terrorist groups and prevent 77 00:02:50,914 --> 00:02:53,081 their ability to attack the homeland . 78 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:55,451 Centcom Commander . General Mackenzie 79 00:02:55,451 --> 00:02:57,507 recently provided the committee some 80 00:02:57,507 --> 00:02:59,729 assurances that such a counterterrorism 81 00:02:59,729 --> 00:03:01,784 posture in the region was possible , 82 00:03:01,784 --> 00:03:03,896 but cautioned that it will reduce the 83 00:03:03,896 --> 00:03:05,784 capability with longer ranges and 84 00:03:05,784 --> 00:03:07,618 heightened risk and will require 85 00:03:07,618 --> 00:03:09,440 greater resources . I would be 86 00:03:09,440 --> 00:03:11,162 interested in hearing from the 87 00:03:11,162 --> 00:03:13,273 witnesses what progress has been made 88 00:03:13,273 --> 00:03:15,590 in constructing a follow on or over the 89 00:03:15,590 --> 00:03:18,150 horizon posture . Additionally , while 90 00:03:18,150 --> 00:03:20,317 the United States and coalition forces 91 00:03:20,317 --> 00:03:22,317 will physically transition from the 92 00:03:22,317 --> 00:03:24,483 country , international support to the 93 00:03:24,483 --> 00:03:27,240 Afghan government , including support 94 00:03:27,250 --> 00:03:29,520 to the Afghan security forces , will 95 00:03:29,520 --> 00:03:31,930 remain vital to security and stability 96 00:03:31,930 --> 00:03:33,860 there . Ultimately , the Afghan 97 00:03:33,860 --> 00:03:36,082 government must find a way to govern in 98 00:03:36,082 --> 00:03:38,249 a way that earns the confidence of its 99 00:03:38,249 --> 00:03:40,360 people , especially beyond the limits 100 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:42,193 of the city's by providing basic 101 00:03:42,193 --> 00:03:43,916 services to include security , 102 00:03:43,916 --> 00:03:46,060 education , health care and justice . 103 00:03:46,640 --> 00:03:48,529 It is broadly understood that the 104 00:03:48,529 --> 00:03:50,751 Afghan government will struggle to hold 105 00:03:50,751 --> 00:03:52,751 the taliban at bay if international 106 00:03:52,751 --> 00:03:54,751 support is withdrawn and it will be 107 00:03:54,751 --> 00:03:56,473 increasingly difficult for the 108 00:03:56,473 --> 00:03:58,418 international community to justify 109 00:03:58,418 --> 00:04:00,529 continuing to provide such assistance 110 00:04:00,529 --> 00:04:02,751 without a functioning afghan government 111 00:04:02,751 --> 00:04:05,020 partner . The difficulty of providing 112 00:04:05,020 --> 00:04:07,020 such support to the afghan security 113 00:04:07,020 --> 00:04:09,040 forces is further compounded by the 114 00:04:09,040 --> 00:04:10,762 fact that the deal of previous 115 00:04:10,762 --> 00:04:12,707 administration negotiated with the 116 00:04:12,707 --> 00:04:14,818 taliban includes the departure of all 117 00:04:14,818 --> 00:04:17,660 security personnel , logisticians and 118 00:04:17,660 --> 00:04:20,260 contractors . When the United States 119 00:04:20,260 --> 00:04:22,204 transitions from the country , the 120 00:04:22,204 --> 00:04:24,149 international presence that is the 121 00:04:24,149 --> 00:04:26,260 foundation for security assistance is 122 00:04:26,260 --> 00:04:28,780 dramatically reduced if not entirely 123 00:04:28,780 --> 00:04:31,020 removed . I'd like to understand what 124 00:04:31,020 --> 00:04:33,242 plans are in place to continue training 125 00:04:33,242 --> 00:04:35,450 and assistance to the Afghan forces in 126 00:04:35,450 --> 00:04:37,370 light of these factors and how we 127 00:04:37,370 --> 00:04:39,426 balance that against need to conduct 128 00:04:39,426 --> 00:04:41,490 robust oversight of funding that is 129 00:04:41,490 --> 00:04:43,601 provided by the United States and the 130 00:04:43,601 --> 00:04:46,100 international community . Lastly , what 131 00:04:46,110 --> 00:04:48,221 must do our part to aid those afghans 132 00:04:48,221 --> 00:04:50,332 who have aided us ? There are already 133 00:04:50,332 --> 00:04:52,443 troubling examples of taliban plan to 134 00:04:52,443 --> 00:04:54,666 target those who have helped the United 135 00:04:54,666 --> 00:04:56,721 States . We must ensure that we have 136 00:04:56,721 --> 00:04:58,888 the capacity to bring them to safety . 137 00:04:58,888 --> 00:05:00,554 That is why I joined 20 of my 138 00:05:00,554 --> 00:05:02,499 colleagues and signing a letter to 139 00:05:02,499 --> 00:05:04,610 President biden this week emphasizing 140 00:05:04,610 --> 00:05:06,721 our support for the special immigrant 141 00:05:06,721 --> 00:05:08,666 visa , the S . I . V . Program for 142 00:05:08,666 --> 00:05:10,832 afghans . I'm particularly grateful to 143 00:05:10,832 --> 00:05:12,943 center jean for leading this effort . 144 00:05:12,943 --> 00:05:15,030 It's an important effort and she is 145 00:05:15,030 --> 00:05:17,460 doing an extraordinary job . I would 146 00:05:17,460 --> 00:05:19,460 ask the witnesses to share with the 147 00:05:19,460 --> 00:05:21,560 department what perception the 148 00:05:21,560 --> 00:05:23,560 department sees as its role in such 149 00:05:23,560 --> 00:05:25,410 operations and if any additional 150 00:05:25,410 --> 00:05:27,577 authorities might be required in order 151 00:05:27,577 --> 00:05:29,799 for duty to assist the State Department 152 00:05:29,799 --> 00:05:32,132 or other agencies leading these efforts . 153 00:05:32,132 --> 00:05:34,077 I want to thank you both again for 154 00:05:34,077 --> 00:05:36,021 being here this morning and I look 155 00:05:36,021 --> 00:05:38,077 forward to your testimony . Before I 156 00:05:38,077 --> 00:05:40,354 turn into recommending remember in all , 157 00:05:40,354 --> 00:05:42,466 I'd like to remind my colleagues that 158 00:05:42,466 --> 00:05:44,521 there will be an informal classified 159 00:05:44,521 --> 00:05:46,243 briefing which will include an 160 00:05:46,243 --> 00:05:48,299 appropriate D . I . A representative 161 00:05:48,299 --> 00:05:50,466 immediately following this session and 162 00:05:50,466 --> 00:05:52,799 spc to 17 . The Office of Sand Security . 163 00:05:53,040 --> 00:05:55,096 Moreover , I would like to remind my 164 00:05:55,096 --> 00:05:57,560 colleagues and request their assistance . 165 00:05:57,940 --> 00:06:00,290 We will need to gather a quorum at the 166 00:06:00,300 --> 00:06:03,000 president's room at the noon vote to 167 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:05,170 run out the civilian nominations of 168 00:06:05,170 --> 00:06:07,230 Michael McCord for comptroller and 169 00:06:07,230 --> 00:06:09,397 Ronald Moultrie for undersecretary for 170 00:06:09,397 --> 00:06:11,341 intelligence . I ask that everyone 171 00:06:11,341 --> 00:06:13,452 trying to be helpful so no one has to 172 00:06:13,452 --> 00:06:15,619 wait too long and that that noone vote 173 00:06:15,619 --> 00:06:17,730 if you could assemble and be prepared 174 00:06:17,730 --> 00:06:19,897 to do so . I'd appreciate it very much 175 00:06:19,897 --> 00:06:21,952 with that . Let me recognize ranking 176 00:06:21,952 --> 00:06:24,008 member . Thank you . Mr Chairman . I 177 00:06:24,008 --> 00:06:26,390 first of all I opposed have expressed 178 00:06:26,390 --> 00:06:30,040 myself myself several times about The 179 00:06:30,050 --> 00:06:32,690 full withdrawal of all troops by 180 00:06:32,690 --> 00:06:34,801 September 11 year . The fact that the 181 00:06:34,801 --> 00:06:36,801 president chose its date , The 20th 182 00:06:36,801 --> 00:06:38,634 anniversary of the most horrific 183 00:06:38,634 --> 00:06:40,630 terrorist attacks in our nation's 184 00:06:40,630 --> 00:06:44,420 history indicates this was a calendar 185 00:06:44,420 --> 00:06:47,230 based political decision . It was not 186 00:06:47,230 --> 00:06:49,230 based on conditions on the ground , 187 00:06:49,230 --> 00:06:51,180 which is the strong bipartisan 188 00:06:51,180 --> 00:06:53,347 recommendation . Congress has given to 189 00:06:53,347 --> 00:06:55,402 both the republicans and democrats . 190 00:06:55,402 --> 00:06:58,030 Presidents over the last decade . This 191 00:06:58,030 --> 00:07:00,460 isn't just my interpretation . And 192 00:07:00,940 --> 00:07:04,040 unnamed senior administration official 193 00:07:04,050 --> 00:07:06,730 told the Washington post quote , the 194 00:07:06,730 --> 00:07:09,630 president has judged that a conditions 195 00:07:09,640 --> 00:07:13,340 based approach is a recipe for staying 196 00:07:13,340 --> 00:07:15,940 in Afghanistan forever . Now , I'm 197 00:07:15,950 --> 00:07:18,117 troubled by that statement that's been 198 00:07:18,117 --> 00:07:20,640 made over and over again , framing the 199 00:07:20,640 --> 00:07:24,270 issue , which pretends that there are 200 00:07:24,500 --> 00:07:26,820 only two options unconditional us 201 00:07:26,820 --> 00:07:29,700 withdrawal or so called forever war and 202 00:07:29,700 --> 00:07:32,440 nobody wants see the United States 203 00:07:32,450 --> 00:07:34,700 troops in Afghanistan forever . We 204 00:07:34,700 --> 00:07:37,800 understand that that's why I supported 205 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:40,350 a third option maintaining a relatively 206 00:07:40,350 --> 00:07:42,660 small troop presence . Until the 207 00:07:42,660 --> 00:07:45,970 conditions Outlined in the February 208 00:07:45,970 --> 00:07:49,210 2020 us Taliban agreement are fully 209 00:07:49,210 --> 00:07:51,321 implemented . I will be talking about 210 00:07:51,321 --> 00:07:53,850 that was the questions to the witnesses . 211 00:07:54,540 --> 00:07:57,640 So under that agreement , the troops 212 00:07:57,640 --> 00:08:00,080 were supposed to be withdrawn as the 213 00:08:00,080 --> 00:08:03,160 taliban met US counterterrorism 214 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:06,040 equipments commitments . And when 215 00:08:06,050 --> 00:08:09,450 progress was made in the intra 216 00:08:09,450 --> 00:08:13,170 afghan dialogue , a bipartisan 217 00:08:13,170 --> 00:08:16,680 majority of the Senate warned President 218 00:08:16,680 --> 00:08:19,480 trump against doing this . Two years 219 00:08:19,480 --> 00:08:21,680 ago , President trump listened , 220 00:08:21,780 --> 00:08:24,420 President Biden did not listen . The 221 00:08:24,420 --> 00:08:27,580 precipitous drawdown from Afghanistan 222 00:08:27,580 --> 00:08:29,691 carries many risks . First , there is 223 00:08:29,691 --> 00:08:32,380 the risk of severe chaos and violence 224 00:08:32,380 --> 00:08:35,060 and instability in the Afghanistan . 225 00:08:35,640 --> 00:08:39,010 As the Taliban uses our withdrawal to 226 00:08:39,010 --> 00:08:41,550 escalate its attacks around the country . 227 00:08:41,550 --> 00:08:44,270 And in Kabul , as we saw after 228 00:08:44,270 --> 00:08:47,150 President Obama's withdrawal from Iraq 229 00:08:48,140 --> 00:08:52,030 In 2011 , terrorists will export this 230 00:08:52,040 --> 00:08:55,930 instability 2.5 years after the U . 231 00:08:55,930 --> 00:08:58,930 S . Troops left , Iraq ISis captured 232 00:08:58,940 --> 00:09:02,450 Mosul secondly , the 233 00:09:03,040 --> 00:09:05,530 complete withdrawal of US troops who 234 00:09:05,530 --> 00:09:07,419 will make it much harder and more 235 00:09:07,419 --> 00:09:09,580 expensive to effectively support our 236 00:09:09,590 --> 00:09:12,580 afghan security partners over the 237 00:09:12,580 --> 00:09:15,130 horizon . Counterterrorism does not 238 00:09:15,130 --> 00:09:17,640 work . General Mackenzie , the centcom 239 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:19,610 commander testified , quote , the 240 00:09:19,610 --> 00:09:23,090 ranges will be greater , the resources 241 00:09:23,090 --> 00:09:26,540 will be greater . The risk will be will 242 00:09:26,540 --> 00:09:30,100 all be greater . Third the US drawdown 243 00:09:30,100 --> 00:09:33,230 puts at risk thousands of afghan . Uh 244 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:35,296 And I think a lot of people realizes 245 00:09:35,296 --> 00:09:37,518 this article that was written , the USA 246 00:09:37,518 --> 00:09:39,740 today makes it very clear and it's kind 247 00:09:39,740 --> 00:09:41,740 of scary and we'll be talking about 248 00:09:41,740 --> 00:09:43,796 that in the questions that I have to 249 00:09:43,796 --> 00:09:45,907 ask . So I thank both of you for your 250 00:09:45,907 --> 00:09:48,018 testimony and look forward to working 251 00:09:48,018 --> 00:09:50,240 with you in this endeavor . Thank you . 252 00:09:50,240 --> 00:09:52,700 Mr Chairman thank you Senator Ian Hawke 253 00:09:52,700 --> 00:09:56,660 and Mr Hell we would you be in place ? 254 00:09:59,140 --> 00:10:02,060 Uh Good morning . Chairman Read . 255 00:10:02,070 --> 00:10:05,030 Ranking member in Hoff members of this 256 00:10:05,030 --> 00:10:06,697 committee . Thank you for the 257 00:10:06,697 --> 00:10:08,919 opportunity to provide an update on the 258 00:10:08,919 --> 00:10:10,919 withdrawal of the remaining U . S . 259 00:10:10,919 --> 00:10:13,810 Forces from Afghanistan . I appreciate 260 00:10:13,810 --> 00:10:16,000 your and this committee has continued 261 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:18,880 interest in this matter . Following a 262 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:20,880 rigorous review . As you know , the 263 00:10:20,880 --> 00:10:23,102 president determined that the best path 264 00:10:23,102 --> 00:10:25,213 forward to advance american interests 265 00:10:25,213 --> 00:10:27,436 is by ending US military involvement in 266 00:10:27,436 --> 00:10:30,450 the war in Afghanistan accordingly . 267 00:10:30,460 --> 00:10:32,460 And as directed by the president on 268 00:10:32,460 --> 00:10:34,460 april 14th , the department offense 269 00:10:34,460 --> 00:10:36,627 began a safe , orderly and coordinated 270 00:10:36,627 --> 00:10:39,720 withdrawal of US forces on May 1st and 271 00:10:39,720 --> 00:10:41,887 plans to have all US forces out of the 272 00:10:41,887 --> 00:10:44,340 country by september . This is the 273 00:10:44,340 --> 00:10:46,580 amount of time that we determined will 274 00:10:46,580 --> 00:10:48,636 be necessary to bring our forces and 275 00:10:48,636 --> 00:10:50,691 those of our coalition partners home 276 00:10:50,691 --> 00:10:53,570 safely and a retrograde transfer or 277 00:10:53,570 --> 00:10:55,681 disposal of responsibly equipment and 278 00:10:55,681 --> 00:10:58,150 other property . As part of the 279 00:10:58,150 --> 00:11:00,460 interagency review of U . S . Policy in 280 00:11:00,460 --> 00:11:02,293 Afghanistan . The administration 281 00:11:02,293 --> 00:11:04,404 assessed that the threat from violent 282 00:11:04,404 --> 00:11:06,404 extremist organizations against the 283 00:11:06,404 --> 00:11:08,690 United States now emanating from 284 00:11:08,690 --> 00:11:10,857 Afghanistan can be addressed without a 285 00:11:10,857 --> 00:11:13,079 persistent US military presence in that 286 00:11:13,079 --> 00:11:16,290 country . At the same time , we'll work 287 00:11:16,290 --> 00:11:18,123 closely with the Afghan National 288 00:11:18,123 --> 00:11:20,290 Defence and security forces or and DSF 289 00:11:20,290 --> 00:11:22,512 and with our allies and our partners to 290 00:11:22,512 --> 00:11:24,679 maintain counterterrorism capabilities 291 00:11:24,679 --> 00:11:26,734 in the region , sufficient to ensure 292 00:11:26,734 --> 00:11:28,846 that Afghanistan cannot become a safe 293 00:11:28,846 --> 00:11:30,901 haven for terrorists to threaten our 294 00:11:30,901 --> 00:11:33,150 security in this context . And in 295 00:11:33,150 --> 00:11:34,983 coordination with our Afghan and 296 00:11:34,983 --> 00:11:37,150 international partners were working to 297 00:11:37,150 --> 00:11:38,928 reposition our counterterrorism 298 00:11:38,928 --> 00:11:40,928 capabilities including by retaining 299 00:11:40,928 --> 00:11:42,983 assets in the region to prevent a re 300 00:11:42,983 --> 00:11:45,150 emergence of a terrorist threat to the 301 00:11:45,150 --> 00:11:47,372 United States homeland from Afghanistan 302 00:11:47,372 --> 00:11:47,170 and to hold the Taliban to its 303 00:11:47,170 --> 00:11:49,170 commitments to ensure that al Qaeda 304 00:11:49,170 --> 00:11:51,170 does not once again gain a foothold 305 00:11:51,170 --> 00:11:53,059 there . Or that ISIS or any other 306 00:11:53,059 --> 00:11:55,170 terrorist group could use Afghanistan 307 00:11:55,170 --> 00:11:57,960 as a base to attack us or our allies 308 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:01,351 and we'll refine our counterterrorism 309 00:12:01,351 --> 00:12:03,129 strategy to monitor and disrupt 310 00:12:03,129 --> 00:12:05,240 terrorist threats to our homeland and 311 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:07,462 our interests in a way that corresponds 312 00:12:07,462 --> 00:12:09,629 to the dispersed threat landscape that 313 00:12:09,629 --> 00:12:11,851 we face today . Now , Mr Chairman , I'd 314 00:12:11,851 --> 00:12:13,573 like to thank Congress in this 315 00:12:13,573 --> 00:12:15,296 committee specifically for the 316 00:12:15,296 --> 00:12:17,129 continued support for the Afghan 317 00:12:17,129 --> 00:12:19,129 Security Forces fund or S . F . F . 318 00:12:19,440 --> 00:12:21,662 This is the mechanism through which the 319 00:12:21,662 --> 00:12:23,829 United States provides the majority of 320 00:12:23,829 --> 00:12:25,884 funding necessary to sustain the A . 321 00:12:25,884 --> 00:12:27,607 And E . S . F . And its combat 322 00:12:27,607 --> 00:12:29,718 operations , while developing the NDF 323 00:12:29,718 --> 00:12:31,940 into an effective and independent force 324 00:12:31,940 --> 00:12:33,829 capable of securing Afghanistan , 325 00:12:33,829 --> 00:12:35,662 protecting the Afghan people and 326 00:12:35,662 --> 00:12:38,250 contributing to regional security . As 327 00:12:38,250 --> 00:12:40,194 secretary , Austin has said , will 328 00:12:40,194 --> 00:12:42,361 continue funding key capabilities such 329 00:12:42,361 --> 00:12:44,361 as the Afghan Air Force and Special 330 00:12:44,361 --> 00:12:46,250 Mission Wing will continue paying 331 00:12:46,250 --> 00:12:48,472 salaries for Afghan security forces and 332 00:12:48,472 --> 00:12:50,306 will continue delivering certain 333 00:12:50,306 --> 00:12:51,972 military supplies . And we're 334 00:12:51,972 --> 00:12:54,028 developing the mechanisms to provide 335 00:12:54,028 --> 00:12:56,083 appropriate oversight for the use of 336 00:12:56,083 --> 00:12:57,917 these funds , most of which will 337 00:12:57,917 --> 00:13:00,028 continue to be executed through diode 338 00:13:00,028 --> 00:12:59,660 contracts . And we've discussed with 339 00:12:59,660 --> 00:13:01,770 your staff how best to do this with 340 00:13:01,770 --> 00:13:03,660 efficiency and accountability . 341 00:13:04,640 --> 00:13:06,584 Although we're withdrawing U . S . 342 00:13:06,584 --> 00:13:08,696 Troops from Afghanistan were standing 343 00:13:08,696 --> 00:13:10,751 squarely with our Afghan partners in 344 00:13:10,751 --> 00:13:12,807 redoubling our diplomatic efforts to 345 00:13:12,807 --> 00:13:15,029 achieve a lasting peace . Afghan forces 346 00:13:15,029 --> 00:13:17,140 are performing heroically against the 347 00:13:17,140 --> 00:13:19,470 relentless adversary . The Afghan army 348 00:13:19,470 --> 00:13:21,620 takes heavy losses daily , but they 349 00:13:21,630 --> 00:13:23,574 remain in the fight and they're an 350 00:13:23,574 --> 00:13:25,741 institution of which the Afghan people 351 00:13:25,741 --> 00:13:28,080 can be proud . Mr Chairman . The 352 00:13:28,080 --> 00:13:29,913 department strongly supports the 353 00:13:29,913 --> 00:13:32,136 ongoing diplomatic efforts to achieve a 354 00:13:32,136 --> 00:13:34,080 negotiated political settlement in 355 00:13:34,080 --> 00:13:35,969 Afghanistan , one that the Afghan 356 00:13:35,969 --> 00:13:37,969 people themselves endorse and we'll 357 00:13:37,969 --> 00:13:40,191 continue working with our colleagues at 358 00:13:40,191 --> 00:13:42,358 the State Department to ensure that we 359 00:13:42,358 --> 00:13:42,030 take care of those afghans and their 360 00:13:42,030 --> 00:13:44,252 families who've helped us over the past 361 00:13:44,252 --> 00:13:46,141 two decades , most notably afghan 362 00:13:46,141 --> 00:13:48,308 employees of the Department of Defense 363 00:13:48,340 --> 00:13:50,507 and will continue providing sufficient 364 00:13:50,507 --> 00:13:52,618 support to the Department of State to 365 00:13:52,618 --> 00:13:54,507 maintain the important diplomatic 366 00:13:54,507 --> 00:13:56,562 mission that will continue after the 367 00:13:56,562 --> 00:13:58,784 Department of Defense is departure . In 368 00:13:58,784 --> 00:14:00,840 closing . I want to thank members of 369 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:00,370 this committee for your continued 370 00:14:00,370 --> 00:14:02,481 support for all those who have served 371 00:14:02,481 --> 00:14:04,592 in Afghanistan . I thank you for this 372 00:14:04,592 --> 00:14:06,592 opportunity to brief you and I look 373 00:14:06,592 --> 00:14:08,537 forward to taking your questions . 374 00:14:08,537 --> 00:14:10,370 Thank you . Mr L . V . I believe 375 00:14:10,370 --> 00:14:12,426 general tetralogy . Usually I have a 376 00:14:12,426 --> 00:14:16,390 statement . That's correct . 377 00:14:16,390 --> 00:14:18,446 I do not . Thank you very much sir . 378 00:14:18,446 --> 00:14:20,557 Before I begin , my question is , let 379 00:14:20,557 --> 00:14:22,779 me remind my colleagues that because of 380 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:25,510 the hybrid nature of this hearing , we 381 00:14:25,510 --> 00:14:27,732 will not be using the early bird rule . 382 00:14:27,732 --> 00:14:31,350 We're going by seniority also , we'll 383 00:14:31,350 --> 00:14:33,850 have five minute rounds and I would ask 384 00:14:33,850 --> 00:14:35,794 everyone to mute the microphone if 385 00:14:35,794 --> 00:14:37,906 they're not speaking . Thank you very 386 00:14:37,906 --> 00:14:40,170 much . Now . Mr Hell V uh and General 387 00:14:40,170 --> 00:14:42,410 Hollander , uh one of the critical 388 00:14:42,410 --> 00:14:44,790 aspects is maintaining that over the 389 00:14:44,790 --> 00:14:48,100 horizon capability to disrupt 390 00:14:48,110 --> 00:14:50,350 counterterror to terrorist groups . 391 00:14:50,840 --> 00:14:53,830 General Mackenzie described it as 392 00:14:53,840 --> 00:14:57,230 feasible but more demanding in terms of 393 00:14:57,230 --> 00:15:00,630 resources and other issues . Has there 394 00:15:00,630 --> 00:15:03,660 been any change in general Mackenzie's 395 00:15:03,660 --> 00:15:06,430 assessment ? Mr Holland , Elvis 396 00:15:08,540 --> 00:15:11,330 Mr Chairman , I believe that joe 397 00:15:11,330 --> 00:15:13,850 McKenzie statement is still very much 398 00:15:13,850 --> 00:15:16,017 accurate . I mean the geography is the 399 00:15:16,017 --> 00:15:19,190 same . We are working uh to develop the 400 00:15:19,190 --> 00:15:21,357 options to be able to provide the type 401 00:15:21,357 --> 00:15:23,301 of intelligence , surveillance and 402 00:15:23,301 --> 00:15:25,301 reconnaissance and other you know , 403 00:15:25,301 --> 00:15:27,301 necessary um you know , elements to 404 00:15:27,301 --> 00:15:29,510 maintain an appropriate C . T . Or 405 00:15:29,510 --> 00:15:32,490 counterterrorism capability . Those 406 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:34,790 those the planning and the discussions 407 00:15:34,790 --> 00:15:37,090 are ongoing on how to do that . Um in 408 00:15:37,090 --> 00:15:39,201 the interim , I would note that we do 409 00:15:39,201 --> 00:15:41,368 have significant capabilities that are 410 00:15:41,368 --> 00:15:43,534 resident in the Persian gulf region in 411 00:15:43,534 --> 00:15:45,534 the Middle East . Uh that obviously 412 00:15:45,534 --> 00:15:47,423 creates time and distance between 413 00:15:47,423 --> 00:15:49,090 between there and any type of 414 00:15:49,090 --> 00:15:50,812 operations that we may need to 415 00:15:50,812 --> 00:15:52,812 undertake . Uh and we're looking at 416 00:15:52,812 --> 00:15:54,979 options that could be closer in within 417 00:15:54,979 --> 00:15:57,146 the region um in those conversations , 418 00:15:57,146 --> 00:15:59,257 in the planning for that is ongoing , 419 00:15:59,257 --> 00:16:01,423 general astrology . Do any comments on 420 00:16:01,423 --> 00:16:04,320 the steps that have been taken ? Uh 421 00:16:04,330 --> 00:16:07,770 Most recently too mitigate the risk 422 00:16:07,770 --> 00:16:11,250 that General Mackenzie spoke of . Mr 423 00:16:11,250 --> 00:16:14,460 chairman , I would only offer that uh 424 00:16:14,470 --> 00:16:16,748 as we approach this particular problem , 425 00:16:16,748 --> 00:16:19,860 there is a sense of urgency and earnest 426 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:22,870 uh planning effort ongoing so that we 427 00:16:22,870 --> 00:16:26,440 can maintain a seamless transition 428 00:16:26,450 --> 00:16:28,870 from that capability that resides in 429 00:16:28,870 --> 00:16:31,350 Afghanistan , but we would be required 430 00:16:31,350 --> 00:16:33,239 to be located elsewhere . So that 431 00:16:33,239 --> 00:16:36,240 planning continues in earnest . Now , 432 00:16:36,240 --> 00:16:38,460 with these activities be undertaken 433 00:16:38,460 --> 00:16:40,627 with our coalition partners , Are they 434 00:16:40,627 --> 00:16:43,630 fully integrated into the planning and 435 00:16:43,630 --> 00:16:47,380 the execution and also with regional 436 00:16:47,390 --> 00:16:50,460 uh countries . Was healthy . 437 00:16:52,340 --> 00:16:55,510 We are in some discussions with certain 438 00:16:55,510 --> 00:16:58,620 coalition partners with respect to uh 439 00:16:58,630 --> 00:17:01,150 you know , future CT architecture . Uh 440 00:17:01,150 --> 00:17:04,820 and obviously if we have any new 441 00:17:04,820 --> 00:17:07,890 arrangements made for access basing and 442 00:17:07,890 --> 00:17:10,001 overflight , that would be undertaken 443 00:17:10,001 --> 00:17:12,360 in consultation with local partners . 444 00:17:12,740 --> 00:17:14,880 Uh and these these are the types of 445 00:17:14,890 --> 00:17:17,100 negotiations that are that are under 446 00:17:17,110 --> 00:17:19,660 that are underway now that we're 447 00:17:19,660 --> 00:17:21,670 supporting our State Department 448 00:17:21,670 --> 00:17:23,781 Intelligence community colleagues are 449 00:17:23,781 --> 00:17:25,948 also playing a role in that one of the 450 00:17:26,340 --> 00:17:29,990 uh specific articles in the agreement 451 00:17:30,000 --> 00:17:32,167 that the trump administration sign was 452 00:17:32,167 --> 00:17:34,740 the removal of all contractors . And 453 00:17:34,740 --> 00:17:36,890 yet you indicated in your statement 454 00:17:36,890 --> 00:17:39,550 that we will be using contractors to 455 00:17:39,940 --> 00:17:42,760 pay , distribute and overview the 456 00:17:42,770 --> 00:17:46,590 distribution of resources . How do we 457 00:17:46,600 --> 00:17:50,030 reconcile the appears 458 00:17:50,030 --> 00:17:52,560 complete withdrawal of contractors with 459 00:17:52,560 --> 00:17:55,660 contractors ? Uh 460 00:17:56,340 --> 00:17:59,120 Mr Chairman , I had indicated it was 461 00:17:59,130 --> 00:18:01,500 duty contracts which may not 462 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:05,180 necessarily involve dont contractors on 463 00:18:05,180 --> 00:18:07,510 the ground in Afghanistan . So we are 464 00:18:07,510 --> 00:18:09,732 looking at ways that we can provide the 465 00:18:09,732 --> 00:18:12,710 type of oversight for our security 466 00:18:12,710 --> 00:18:16,350 force assistance uh from an over the 467 00:18:16,350 --> 00:18:18,517 horizon posture . And we're looking at 468 00:18:18,517 --> 00:18:20,739 options that we can continue doing that 469 00:18:20,739 --> 00:18:22,739 internally . I think the key things 470 00:18:22,739 --> 00:18:24,739 that we're focused on uh are things 471 00:18:24,739 --> 00:18:28,160 like paying afghan salaries . A vast 472 00:18:28,160 --> 00:18:31,140 majority of the of the service members 473 00:18:31,140 --> 00:18:33,970 that are paid have electronic bank 474 00:18:33,970 --> 00:18:36,081 accounts , for example . And so there 475 00:18:36,081 --> 00:18:38,248 are ways that we can provide that uh , 476 00:18:38,248 --> 00:18:40,137 to the Afghan Ministry of Finance 477 00:18:40,137 --> 00:18:42,137 without necessarily having somebody 478 00:18:42,137 --> 00:18:44,248 there . But we do , we are looking at 479 00:18:44,248 --> 00:18:46,081 how to provide the right type of 480 00:18:46,081 --> 00:18:48,250 oversight uh , mechanisms so that we 481 00:18:48,250 --> 00:18:50,472 have confidence that the resources that 482 00:18:50,472 --> 00:18:52,250 were providing are going to its 483 00:18:52,250 --> 00:18:54,306 intended recipients . And we want to 484 00:18:54,306 --> 00:18:54,230 make sure that we're working very 485 00:18:54,230 --> 00:18:56,370 closely with Congress to ensure that 486 00:18:56,370 --> 00:18:58,314 Congress is comfortable with those 487 00:18:58,314 --> 00:19:00,648 mechanisms as well . General Astrologer , 488 00:19:00,840 --> 00:19:03,010 one of my impressions is the key 489 00:19:03,010 --> 00:19:05,560 contractors are those mechanics that 490 00:19:05,560 --> 00:19:08,840 service their aircraft , Those 491 00:19:08,850 --> 00:19:12,630 especially trained individuals and the 492 00:19:12,630 --> 00:19:16,300 Afghan . After 20 years to our chagrin . 493 00:19:16,310 --> 00:19:18,660 Uh , we have not created a cadre of 494 00:19:18,660 --> 00:19:20,820 those types of individuals . How can 495 00:19:20,820 --> 00:19:23,280 they effectively maintain aircraft and 496 00:19:23,290 --> 00:19:27,030 uh , others fairly sophisticated pieces 497 00:19:27,030 --> 00:19:28,030 of equipment . 498 00:19:32,540 --> 00:19:35,390 Mr Chairman . We continue to work with 499 00:19:35,390 --> 00:19:37,750 them , uh , uh , looking at the 500 00:19:37,750 --> 00:19:39,972 potential ways , a variety of ways that 501 00:19:39,972 --> 00:19:42,139 we can get after continuing to support 502 00:19:42,139 --> 00:19:44,306 them , uh , to work on the aircraft in 503 00:19:44,306 --> 00:19:46,400 country and then looking at options 504 00:19:46,400 --> 00:19:48,380 whereby we can facilitate more 505 00:19:48,380 --> 00:19:50,650 extensive work on those airframes 506 00:19:50,650 --> 00:19:54,310 elsewhere . A final question . General 507 00:19:54,310 --> 00:19:57,410 Collins . We missed a lot of signals in 508 00:19:57,410 --> 00:20:01,230 2014 about the status of the Iraqi 509 00:20:01,230 --> 00:20:03,440 Army and then suddenly they collapsed 510 00:20:03,450 --> 00:20:06,970 before Mosul . And it was a a rush to 511 00:20:06,970 --> 00:20:09,120 safety on their part not to contact 512 00:20:09,120 --> 00:20:11,580 with the enemy . How can we avoid that 513 00:20:11,580 --> 00:20:14,660 same situation on the ground in 514 00:20:14,660 --> 00:20:17,430 Afghanistan ? At least knowing the that 515 00:20:17,440 --> 00:20:20,810 the strength and uh fighting 516 00:20:20,820 --> 00:20:23,153 capabilities of the force on the ground . 517 00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:26,418 MR Chairman , as we execute the 518 00:20:26,418 --> 00:20:29,580 retrograde , we're going to continue to 519 00:20:29,580 --> 00:20:31,913 maintain contact with R . N . D . S . F . 520 00:20:31,913 --> 00:20:34,660 Partners , do what we can uh from 521 00:20:34,670 --> 00:20:37,230 elsewhere from outside the country and 522 00:20:37,230 --> 00:20:39,397 maintain good situational awareness of 523 00:20:39,397 --> 00:20:41,420 their current capabilities and any 524 00:20:41,420 --> 00:20:44,280 areas where we where they may be 525 00:20:44,280 --> 00:20:46,560 challenged and we may be able to help 526 00:20:46,560 --> 00:20:48,727 them . Thank you very much . Senator . 527 00:20:48,727 --> 00:20:51,060 Normal Police . Thank you . Mr Chairman . 528 00:20:51,060 --> 00:20:53,320 I know I sound like a broken record , 529 00:20:53,320 --> 00:20:56,160 but I've only had , I've had two 530 00:20:56,170 --> 00:20:59,270 consistent concerns with the action in 531 00:20:59,270 --> 00:21:02,460 Afghanistan . And I want to ask you 532 00:21:02,470 --> 00:21:05,830 each one a specific question about each 533 00:21:05,840 --> 00:21:08,840 of these things , one of course , being 534 00:21:08,840 --> 00:21:10,840 with what was supposed to have been 535 00:21:10,840 --> 00:21:12,507 done before , we would have a 536 00:21:12,507 --> 00:21:14,618 withdrawal and the other having to do 537 00:21:14,618 --> 00:21:18,540 with a concern for our coalition forces 538 00:21:18,630 --> 00:21:22,310 in their safety . So , and the first 539 00:21:22,310 --> 00:21:25,960 one , I think You all were are very 540 00:21:25,960 --> 00:21:28,850 familiar with the document of February 541 00:21:28,860 --> 00:21:32,200 29 2020 . That was the US Taliban 542 00:21:32,200 --> 00:21:34,980 agreement established a conditions 543 00:21:34,980 --> 00:21:37,530 based approach drawing down troops in 544 00:21:37,530 --> 00:21:39,308 Afghanistan . According to this 545 00:21:39,308 --> 00:21:41,530 agreement , the Taliban was supposed to 546 00:21:41,530 --> 00:21:43,650 take certain steps against terrorist 547 00:21:43,650 --> 00:21:47,450 groups and participate in in intra 548 00:21:47,460 --> 00:21:49,780 Afghan dialogue on the country's 549 00:21:49,780 --> 00:21:52,020 political future . Now , what I'd like 550 00:21:52,020 --> 00:21:54,190 to ask each one of you to briefly 551 00:21:54,190 --> 00:21:58,070 respond to in your assessment , what 552 00:21:58,080 --> 00:22:01,630 areas has this agreement come to , 553 00:22:01,640 --> 00:22:03,751 what's behind us now ? What successes 554 00:22:03,751 --> 00:22:06,490 have we had In which conditions have 555 00:22:06,490 --> 00:22:08,800 been met , in which ones have not been 556 00:22:08,800 --> 00:22:11,430 met from that agreement ? In February 557 00:22:11,430 --> 00:22:14,100 29 , 2020 . To start with you , Mr 558 00:22:14,100 --> 00:22:18,050 Secretary , sir . Thank you for 559 00:22:18,050 --> 00:22:20,600 that question . I would I would say 560 00:22:20,610 --> 00:22:22,860 right up front that the taliban's 561 00:22:22,860 --> 00:22:24,971 compliance with the agreement has has 562 00:22:24,971 --> 00:22:28,490 been uneven over time . And I think in 563 00:22:28,490 --> 00:22:31,780 terms of areas that we have seen uh 564 00:22:31,790 --> 00:22:35,250 young eh they follow through 565 00:22:35,250 --> 00:22:37,830 or you know , success um 566 00:22:37,840 --> 00:22:41,780 they did comply with their agreement 567 00:22:41,780 --> 00:22:45,190 not to conduct attacks against the U . 568 00:22:45,190 --> 00:22:47,301 S . Or coalition forces following the 569 00:22:47,301 --> 00:22:49,301 signing the agreement . And that is 570 00:22:49,301 --> 00:22:51,523 largely held with some very minor minor 571 00:22:51,523 --> 00:22:54,220 exceptions . So I think in terms of the 572 00:22:54,220 --> 00:22:56,553 attacks against US and coalition forces , 573 00:22:56,553 --> 00:22:59,270 they complied with that as I've 574 00:22:59,280 --> 00:23:01,620 testified publicly and said publicly 575 00:23:01,630 --> 00:23:04,160 previously . However , their violence 576 00:23:04,160 --> 00:23:07,220 against the Afghan forces uh in the 577 00:23:07,220 --> 00:23:09,053 afghan people remained very high 578 00:23:09,053 --> 00:23:11,580 throughout this period with respect to 579 00:23:11,590 --> 00:23:13,480 the entering into inter afghan 580 00:23:13,480 --> 00:23:15,830 negotiations . They did do that last 581 00:23:15,830 --> 00:23:18,890 september . They began discussions with 582 00:23:18,890 --> 00:23:22,090 the with the Afghan government on on 583 00:23:22,090 --> 00:23:24,310 future peace arrangements . Those uh 584 00:23:24,320 --> 00:23:27,130 those discussions have not been have 585 00:23:27,130 --> 00:23:29,750 not been fruitful . Uh but they did 586 00:23:29,750 --> 00:23:31,972 begin , that's fine . We're running out 587 00:23:31,972 --> 00:23:35,000 of time here . General . Do you 588 00:23:35,010 --> 00:23:37,480 generally agree with the comments of 589 00:23:37,480 --> 00:23:39,313 the answer that was given by the 590 00:23:39,313 --> 00:23:42,400 secretary Senator ? I do agree and 591 00:23:42,400 --> 00:23:44,950 would just offer that as mr healthy 592 00:23:44,950 --> 00:23:47,260 mentioned since that agreement was 593 00:23:47,260 --> 00:23:51,200 signed , the Taliban has not targeted 594 00:23:51,210 --> 00:23:54,180 the U . S . Or coalition forces . I 595 00:23:54,190 --> 00:23:56,412 think that's kind of a mixed answer . I 596 00:23:56,412 --> 00:23:58,950 understand , I appreciate it but I 597 00:23:58,950 --> 00:24:01,006 don't think we've met the conditions 598 00:24:01,006 --> 00:24:03,228 that we talked about and of course this 599 00:24:03,228 --> 00:24:05,339 is a different administration . Now . 600 00:24:05,339 --> 00:24:07,061 The second area that I've been 601 00:24:07,061 --> 00:24:09,117 concerned about for a long period of 602 00:24:09,117 --> 00:24:11,228 time came from a number of articles , 603 00:24:11,228 --> 00:24:13,228 an awareness that's out there we've 604 00:24:13,228 --> 00:24:15,650 seen . And one of them was that I 605 00:24:15,660 --> 00:24:19,590 actually had talked about was found in 606 00:24:19,590 --> 00:24:21,670 the USA Today 607 00:24:22,560 --> 00:24:25,820 May chance now in this thing . They 608 00:24:25,820 --> 00:24:27,820 talked about what's what's going to 609 00:24:27,820 --> 00:24:30,310 happen with our allies , people who 610 00:24:30,310 --> 00:24:34,200 stood by us and if we withdraw 611 00:24:34,200 --> 00:24:36,367 in a manner that they're talking about 612 00:24:36,540 --> 00:24:39,090 and such things in the article , say , 613 00:24:39,110 --> 00:24:41,880 quote , that you will see the dead 614 00:24:41,880 --> 00:24:45,700 bodies every street and uh where 615 00:24:45,710 --> 00:24:48,940 he said he's already being tracked by 616 00:24:48,940 --> 00:24:51,700 the the taliban . There were 617 00:24:51,700 --> 00:24:54,280 slaughterers . They're in a panic right 618 00:24:54,280 --> 00:24:56,930 now because there's been such a backlog 619 00:24:56,930 --> 00:25:00,350 of these visas , it goes on and on . 620 00:25:00,350 --> 00:25:02,517 And I do want to ask you at this point 621 00:25:02,517 --> 00:25:04,739 in the record , Mr Chairman , that must 622 00:25:04,739 --> 00:25:07,850 be a part of the record and without 623 00:25:07,850 --> 00:25:10,020 etcetera . So I'd like to know from 624 00:25:10,020 --> 00:25:12,330 each one of you what has happened , 625 00:25:12,330 --> 00:25:14,441 What have we been doing ? What are we 626 00:25:14,441 --> 00:25:17,400 doing now to try to assuming that these 627 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:19,456 problems are very real , and I don't 628 00:25:19,456 --> 00:25:21,622 think anyone's going to deny that they 629 00:25:21,622 --> 00:25:25,280 are that we can help our allies for the 630 00:25:25,280 --> 00:25:27,620 great job they have done for us . I'd 631 00:25:27,620 --> 00:25:29,980 like to have each of you respond . 632 00:25:29,980 --> 00:25:31,813 Let's start with you on this one 633 00:25:31,813 --> 00:25:34,036 general . What can we do right now ? To 634 00:25:34,036 --> 00:25:38,030 minimize the event ? Senator ? 635 00:25:38,040 --> 00:25:41,030 We continue to coordinate very closely 636 00:25:41,040 --> 00:25:44,580 with our coalition partners . Um We we 637 00:25:44,580 --> 00:25:46,370 went into this together . We've 638 00:25:46,370 --> 00:25:48,580 adjusted over the years together and 639 00:25:48,580 --> 00:25:50,413 we're coming out together and we 640 00:25:50,413 --> 00:25:52,630 continue to work together uh to do our 641 00:25:52,630 --> 00:25:55,030 best to support the A and E . S . F . 642 00:25:55,040 --> 00:25:56,730 And and and the government of 643 00:25:56,740 --> 00:25:59,670 Afghanistan . You say we're coming out 644 00:25:59,670 --> 00:26:03,360 together ? That's correct . Look at 645 00:26:03,360 --> 00:26:05,693 that to me , that makes that even worse . 646 00:26:05,693 --> 00:26:09,200 What do you think ? Mr Secretary Uh 647 00:26:09,210 --> 00:26:11,432 senator , thank you for that question . 648 00:26:11,432 --> 00:26:13,599 And I agree with you . We have a moral 649 00:26:13,599 --> 00:26:15,821 obligation to help those that have have 650 00:26:15,821 --> 00:26:19,340 helped us over the past 20 years of of 651 00:26:19,350 --> 00:26:21,683 of our presence and work in Afghanistan . 652 00:26:21,740 --> 00:26:23,796 We are working very closely with our 653 00:26:23,796 --> 00:26:25,462 State Department inter agency 654 00:26:25,462 --> 00:26:27,684 colleagues to look at programs like the 655 00:26:27,684 --> 00:26:29,518 special immigrant visa program . 656 00:26:29,518 --> 00:26:31,407 However , as you know , that that 657 00:26:31,407 --> 00:26:33,462 program in of itself is limited , uh 658 00:26:33,462 --> 00:26:35,351 we'd like to be able to work with 659 00:26:35,351 --> 00:26:37,351 Congress to be able to increase the 660 00:26:37,351 --> 00:26:39,620 quotas and the resources for special 661 00:26:39,620 --> 00:26:42,460 immigrant visas . But there are certain 662 00:26:42,460 --> 00:26:45,710 categories of our Afghan partners that 663 00:26:45,710 --> 00:26:47,710 wouldn't need the thresholds for 664 00:26:47,710 --> 00:26:49,932 special immigrant visas . So we need to 665 00:26:49,932 --> 00:26:51,599 look at other tools and other 666 00:26:51,599 --> 00:26:53,710 mechanisms uh to help those that have 667 00:26:53,710 --> 00:26:55,780 helped us , uh whether that's uh 668 00:26:55,790 --> 00:26:57,457 significant public benefit or 669 00:26:57,457 --> 00:26:59,590 humanitarian parole or other types of 670 00:26:59,590 --> 00:27:01,740 mechanisms that we can use to to 671 00:27:01,740 --> 00:27:03,796 facilitate this . And we are working 672 00:27:03,840 --> 00:27:06,020 within the inter agency to be able to 673 00:27:06,020 --> 00:27:08,300 identify those and and get the proper 674 00:27:08,300 --> 00:27:10,522 resources attached to them with respect 675 00:27:10,522 --> 00:27:12,411 to special immigrant visas . Were 676 00:27:12,411 --> 00:27:14,189 working very closely with State 677 00:27:14,189 --> 00:27:16,411 Department to identify and provide data 678 00:27:16,411 --> 00:27:18,022 that can help to provide the 679 00:27:18,022 --> 00:27:20,189 identification the identities of those 680 00:27:20,189 --> 00:27:22,356 employees of the Department of Defense 681 00:27:22,356 --> 00:27:24,578 that would qualify . We're also looking 682 00:27:24,578 --> 00:27:26,800 at biometric data , which can also help 683 00:27:26,800 --> 00:27:28,911 to provide information and insight on 684 00:27:28,911 --> 00:27:31,022 who may qualify for that type of that 685 00:27:31,022 --> 00:27:34,090 type of Okay , my my time has expired , 686 00:27:34,090 --> 00:27:37,120 but I don't get a lot of comfort out of 687 00:27:37,120 --> 00:27:39,342 those answers . I'm very much concerned 688 00:27:39,342 --> 00:27:41,564 about those . Thank you . Mr Chairman . 689 00:27:41,564 --> 00:27:43,620 Thank you . Senator Inhofe . Senator 690 00:27:43,620 --> 00:27:45,787 Shane . Please Thank you . Mr Chairman 691 00:27:45,787 --> 00:27:47,953 Mr Hell V . I want to begin by sharing 692 00:27:47,953 --> 00:27:49,953 the chairman's frustration with the 693 00:27:49,953 --> 00:27:52,064 fact that we don't have not been able 694 00:27:52,064 --> 00:27:54,398 to hear from our general in Afghanistan . 695 00:27:54,398 --> 00:27:56,564 It's very difficult for this committee 696 00:27:56,564 --> 00:27:58,050 to conduct its oversight 697 00:27:58,050 --> 00:28:00,217 responsibilities when we can't get the 698 00:28:00,217 --> 00:28:02,328 appropriate people in front of us and 699 00:28:02,328 --> 00:28:04,550 there is no excuse for that . So I hope 700 00:28:04,550 --> 00:28:06,272 you will take that back to the 701 00:28:06,272 --> 00:28:08,383 department and share that with them . 702 00:28:08,383 --> 00:28:10,606 Um general challenger . There have been 703 00:28:10,606 --> 00:28:12,970 multiple reports over the last months 704 00:28:12,980 --> 00:28:16,460 since the February 2020 agreement that 705 00:28:17,540 --> 00:28:19,707 the Taliban have not broken their ties 706 00:28:19,707 --> 00:28:21,929 with Al Qaeda . That Al Qaeda continues 707 00:28:21,929 --> 00:28:23,651 to operate with the Taliban in 708 00:28:23,651 --> 00:28:25,710 Afghanistan and that ISIS also is 709 00:28:25,710 --> 00:28:28,990 operating in Afghanistan . Is that your 710 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:30,667 understanding and is that the 711 00:28:30,667 --> 00:28:32,889 understanding of our military people on 712 00:28:32,889 --> 00:28:34,333 the ground in Afghanistan 713 00:28:35,940 --> 00:28:39,870 Senator ? It's clear that the uh the 714 00:28:39,870 --> 00:28:42,092 taliban's compliance with the agreement 715 00:28:42,092 --> 00:28:45,060 has been uneven , but I would prefer to 716 00:28:45,060 --> 00:28:47,116 go into detail on that in our closed 717 00:28:47,116 --> 00:28:50,560 session . I 718 00:28:50,560 --> 00:28:52,930 appreciate that however people are 719 00:28:52,930 --> 00:28:55,097 going to know very soon . Once we pull 720 00:28:55,097 --> 00:28:58,390 out whether Al Qaeda and Isis continued 721 00:28:58,390 --> 00:29:01,210 to operate in Afghanistan . Mr Harvey . 722 00:29:01,210 --> 00:29:04,350 I appreciated your support for those 723 00:29:04,350 --> 00:29:06,890 Afghans who have helped us during our 724 00:29:06,890 --> 00:29:10,720 20 years in Afghanistan . Um but I 725 00:29:10,720 --> 00:29:12,720 think we've got to be clearer about 726 00:29:12,720 --> 00:29:14,664 what we're doing to address that . 727 00:29:14,664 --> 00:29:17,320 Currently there are estimated 18,000 728 00:29:17,330 --> 00:29:19,820 Afghan s ivy applicants currently in 729 00:29:19,820 --> 00:29:22,590 process . These applicants and their 730 00:29:22,590 --> 00:29:24,812 families , as we know , are in imminent 731 00:29:24,812 --> 00:29:27,130 danger from the Taliban . Many of the 732 00:29:27,130 --> 00:29:29,610 delays in the S . I . V . Programs stem 733 00:29:29,610 --> 00:29:31,332 from the difficulty that those 734 00:29:31,332 --> 00:29:32,999 applicants have and obtaining 735 00:29:32,999 --> 00:29:35,330 employment verification letters from 736 00:29:35,330 --> 00:29:37,910 former and often defunct employers . 737 00:29:37,920 --> 00:29:40,210 And considering that many of those 738 00:29:40,210 --> 00:29:42,266 applicants have served in support of 739 00:29:42,266 --> 00:29:44,680 the military and directly with the 740 00:29:44,680 --> 00:29:46,800 Department of Defense , do we have a 741 00:29:46,800 --> 00:29:49,060 centralized database that can be used 742 00:29:49,060 --> 00:29:51,360 to verify the employment of those s ivy 743 00:29:51,360 --> 00:29:55,170 applicants ? Sarah is my 744 00:29:55,170 --> 00:29:57,226 understanding that we we are drawing 745 00:29:57,226 --> 00:29:59,140 from a centralized database to to 746 00:29:59,150 --> 00:30:01,270 collect and provide biometric data to 747 00:30:01,270 --> 00:30:03,660 facilitate that type of identification . 748 00:30:03,670 --> 00:30:06,740 I don't have the specific the scope for 749 00:30:06,740 --> 00:30:08,851 how long that biometric data has been 750 00:30:08,851 --> 00:30:10,962 collected . So I think there are some 751 00:30:10,962 --> 00:30:13,073 gaps in that . But since we began the 752 00:30:13,073 --> 00:30:15,018 collection and maintenance of that 753 00:30:15,018 --> 00:30:17,240 biometric data , we've been able to use 754 00:30:17,240 --> 00:30:20,340 that . There are uh Afghan individuals 755 00:30:20,340 --> 00:30:22,340 that have supported us prior to the 756 00:30:22,350 --> 00:30:24,517 collection of that biometric data that 757 00:30:24,517 --> 00:30:26,572 we are . We're looking to pull other 758 00:30:26,572 --> 00:30:28,739 resources of data to provide that type 759 00:30:28,739 --> 00:30:30,794 of information to State Department . 760 00:30:30,794 --> 00:30:32,794 Can you share with me and with this 761 00:30:32,794 --> 00:30:35,017 committee specifically what we're doing 762 00:30:35,017 --> 00:30:38,410 with that data ? Uh Senator . If I if I 763 00:30:38,410 --> 00:30:40,577 can provide that in in writing just to 764 00:30:40,577 --> 00:30:42,743 provide this , that would be great . I 765 00:30:42,743 --> 00:30:45,740 appreciate that . Um In fiscal year 766 00:30:45,740 --> 00:30:48,480 2014 N . D . H . A . Required that the 767 00:30:48,480 --> 00:30:50,702 Secretary of Defense designate a senior 768 00:30:50,702 --> 00:30:53,090 coordinating official and I'm quoting 769 00:30:53,100 --> 00:30:55,211 with sufficient expertise , authority 770 00:30:55,211 --> 00:30:57,322 and resources to carry out the duties 771 00:30:57,322 --> 00:30:59,489 with regard to the issuance of S . I . 772 00:30:59,489 --> 00:31:01,600 V . S . Um It tasks the official with 773 00:31:01,600 --> 00:31:03,600 developing proposals to improve the 774 00:31:03,600 --> 00:31:05,600 efficiency and effectiveness of the 775 00:31:05,600 --> 00:31:07,656 process . Can you tell me if we have 776 00:31:07,656 --> 00:31:09,656 someone designated to do that , who 777 00:31:09,656 --> 00:31:11,600 that person is and if not , are we 778 00:31:11,600 --> 00:31:13,711 going to appoint someone to do that ? 779 00:31:17,340 --> 00:31:19,610 I will have to get back to the center . 780 00:31:19,610 --> 00:31:21,721 I think that I mean state departments 781 00:31:21,721 --> 00:31:23,832 in the lead for this program . Um And 782 00:31:23,832 --> 00:31:27,100 so let me find out who that if there is 783 00:31:27,110 --> 00:31:29,221 such a special coordinator performing 784 00:31:29,221 --> 00:31:31,443 that function , I can tell you that . I 785 00:31:31,443 --> 00:31:33,388 don't believe that there is . So I 786 00:31:33,388 --> 00:31:35,388 would urge the department to take a 787 00:31:35,388 --> 00:31:37,620 look at . Um finally , let me just ask 788 00:31:37,620 --> 00:31:40,570 you in the time that I have left about 789 00:31:40,580 --> 00:31:43,020 the status of women and girls in 790 00:31:43,020 --> 00:31:45,350 Afghanistan . We know that on May eight 791 00:31:45,740 --> 00:31:47,796 There was a best bombing that killed 792 00:31:47,796 --> 00:31:50,018 more than 80 people . Many of them were 793 00:31:50,018 --> 00:31:53,090 schoolgirls . We have seen the violence 794 00:31:53,090 --> 00:31:55,201 against women , particularly women in 795 00:31:55,201 --> 00:31:57,370 the media and women working in 796 00:31:57,370 --> 00:31:59,650 Afghanistan over the last months . And 797 00:31:59,650 --> 00:32:02,750 we based on what we understand from the 798 00:32:02,750 --> 00:32:06,040 taliban , we expect that continue once 799 00:32:06,040 --> 00:32:09,450 the United States pulls out . So , can 800 00:32:10,540 --> 00:32:12,429 you speak to any steps that we're 801 00:32:12,429 --> 00:32:14,651 taking to try and support the women and 802 00:32:14,651 --> 00:32:16,873 girls of Afghanistan , and particularly 803 00:32:17,540 --> 00:32:19,762 in the context of the Women , Peace and 804 00:32:19,762 --> 00:32:22,270 Security Act in 2017 , which requires 805 00:32:22,270 --> 00:32:25,060 the department to incorporate a gender 806 00:32:25,070 --> 00:32:26,848 lens , decision making into its 807 00:32:26,848 --> 00:32:28,848 policies and actions . Are we doing 808 00:32:28,848 --> 00:32:31,590 anything to involve women as we're 809 00:32:31,600 --> 00:32:33,860 looking at what happens after we leave 810 00:32:35,540 --> 00:32:37,651 uh senator with respect to what we're 811 00:32:37,651 --> 00:32:40,880 doing today ? We we are using some of 812 00:32:40,880 --> 00:32:43,170 the funding within the Afghan security 813 00:32:43,170 --> 00:32:46,290 forces funder , Asif to uh encourage 814 00:32:46,290 --> 00:32:48,200 and build in the Afghan women in 815 00:32:48,200 --> 00:32:50,200 particular into the Afghan National 816 00:32:50,200 --> 00:32:52,256 Defence and Security Forces . And so 817 00:32:52,256 --> 00:32:54,256 that is something that we are doing 818 00:32:54,256 --> 00:32:56,367 with respect to what we've been doing 819 00:32:56,367 --> 00:32:58,478 that for some time , though . Is that 820 00:32:58,478 --> 00:33:00,644 Not correct ? Yes . Sen . That that is 821 00:33:00,644 --> 00:33:02,700 something that we have been doing in 822 00:33:02,700 --> 00:33:05,440 compliance with the law uh in terms of 823 00:33:05,440 --> 00:33:07,650 where we need to go . I agree with you 824 00:33:07,660 --> 00:33:10,120 100% . We want to be able to maintain 825 00:33:10,130 --> 00:33:12,430 uh and see the gains that we've made 826 00:33:12,430 --> 00:33:15,300 over the past 20 years preserved . We 827 00:33:15,300 --> 00:33:17,133 are this is something that we're 828 00:33:17,133 --> 00:33:19,300 working with our State Department us , 829 00:33:19,300 --> 00:33:21,133 I'd colleagues and our coalition 830 00:33:21,133 --> 00:33:23,300 partners who are equally interested in 831 00:33:23,300 --> 00:33:25,022 this . Uh I think , you know , 832 00:33:25,022 --> 00:33:27,189 fundamentally this is going to have to 833 00:33:27,189 --> 00:33:30,080 be something that the the the Afghan 834 00:33:30,080 --> 00:33:32,136 government and the Taliban , if they 835 00:33:32,136 --> 00:33:34,191 are able to sit in and determine the 836 00:33:34,191 --> 00:33:35,913 arrangements for the future of 837 00:33:35,913 --> 00:33:38,080 Afghanistan , to figure out how to get 838 00:33:38,080 --> 00:33:40,930 to that peaceful outcome , outcome and 839 00:33:40,930 --> 00:33:43,940 to to be able to preserve these gains 840 00:33:43,940 --> 00:33:47,780 for all afghans . Uh I think 841 00:33:47,780 --> 00:33:50,040 as with respect to what the taliban 842 00:33:50,040 --> 00:33:52,410 does in the future , this is something 843 00:33:52,410 --> 00:33:54,466 that Ambassador Khalilzad has talked 844 00:33:54,466 --> 00:33:56,688 about at some point there . If they are 845 00:33:56,688 --> 00:33:58,910 in a position where they are exercising 846 00:33:59,040 --> 00:34:00,910 power influence in Afghanistan , 847 00:34:00,910 --> 00:34:02,577 they're going to need to have 848 00:34:02,577 --> 00:34:04,688 international support . And that does 849 00:34:04,688 --> 00:34:06,799 provide a degree of leverage that the 850 00:34:06,799 --> 00:34:08,910 international community would have on 851 00:34:08,910 --> 00:34:11,132 the taliban in how it treats the people 852 00:34:11,132 --> 00:34:13,299 within the borders well , I appreciate 853 00:34:13,299 --> 00:34:15,299 that answer , but we have had a lot 854 00:34:15,299 --> 00:34:17,466 more leverage if we had made the point 855 00:34:17,466 --> 00:34:19,688 to the taliban when we were negotiating 856 00:34:19,688 --> 00:34:21,910 a peace agreement before we signed it . 857 00:34:21,910 --> 00:34:24,132 Thank you . Mr . Chairman , Thank you . 858 00:34:24,132 --> 00:34:26,243 Senator jean . Now , let me recognize 859 00:34:26,243 --> 00:34:28,920 via Webex . Senator round . Thank you . 860 00:34:28,920 --> 00:34:32,500 Mr Chairman . Um Gentlemen , first of 861 00:34:32,500 --> 00:34:35,130 all , let me thank you both for being 862 00:34:35,130 --> 00:34:37,480 here before us today . Uh we most 863 00:34:37,480 --> 00:34:39,591 certainly appreciate your candor . We 864 00:34:39,591 --> 00:34:40,591 can't hear you . 865 00:34:47,940 --> 00:34:48,940 How about now ? 866 00:34:52,140 --> 00:34:54,307 We can hear you on webex but maybe not 867 00:34:54,307 --> 00:34:57,860 in the committee room . So mike we can 868 00:34:57,860 --> 00:35:00,027 hear you on web back so staff just has 869 00:35:00,027 --> 00:35:02,249 to turn up your volume in the committee 870 00:35:02,249 --> 00:35:05,530 room . Yeah , I think they need to He 871 00:35:05,530 --> 00:35:08,560 got it now . We can hear you now . All 872 00:35:08,560 --> 00:35:10,504 right , great , Yeah , thank you . 873 00:35:10,504 --> 00:35:12,616 Thanks Senator joe brand , appreciate 874 00:35:12,616 --> 00:35:14,671 that . Uh Gentlemen , first of all , 875 00:35:14,671 --> 00:35:16,782 let me just begin by saying thank you 876 00:35:16,782 --> 00:35:19,004 very much for your time in front of the 877 00:35:19,004 --> 00:35:21,227 committee today . I don't think this is 878 00:35:21,227 --> 00:35:23,449 necessarily the type of uh of a meeting 879 00:35:23,449 --> 00:35:25,393 that you relish to come before the 880 00:35:25,393 --> 00:35:27,940 United States Senate . Um , I want to 881 00:35:27,940 --> 00:35:30,590 begin by acknowledging that there is no 882 00:35:30,590 --> 00:35:33,800 perfect answer . So what should be done 883 00:35:33,810 --> 00:35:36,260 next in Afghanistan ? We've been in a 884 00:35:36,260 --> 00:35:38,450 protracted state of war for almost 20 885 00:35:38,450 --> 00:35:41,990 years , At least 20 448 service members 886 00:35:41,990 --> 00:35:44,840 and civilians have died . An additional 887 00:35:44,840 --> 00:35:48,240 20,722 service members and d . o . d . 888 00:35:48,240 --> 00:35:50,530 civilians have been wounded in action . 889 00:35:50,530 --> 00:35:52,808 According to the current diode website . 890 00:35:53,440 --> 00:35:55,551 The human cost has also been borne by 891 00:35:55,551 --> 00:35:57,900 our NATO allies , the Afghan National 892 00:35:57,900 --> 00:36:00,850 Security Forces and the Afghan people . 893 00:36:01,430 --> 00:36:05,100 Finally , we can never forget the 20 894 00:36:05,100 --> 00:36:08,090 997 people who were killed in 911 . My 895 00:36:08,090 --> 00:36:11,340 question is this , is there a middle 896 00:36:11,340 --> 00:36:13,980 ground where we continue or what we 897 00:36:13,980 --> 00:36:16,300 could continue to support the 898 00:36:16,300 --> 00:36:18,740 government of Afghanistan that would 899 00:36:18,740 --> 00:36:20,930 recognize the lives sacrificed in the 900 00:36:20,930 --> 00:36:23,550 hundreds of billions of dollars our 901 00:36:23,550 --> 00:36:25,883 citizens have invested in this endeavor , 902 00:36:26,230 --> 00:36:28,280 one that provides the resources to 903 00:36:28,280 --> 00:36:31,080 Afghanistan to prevent a return to 904 00:36:31,080 --> 00:36:34,170 being a haven for terrorists or the 905 00:36:34,170 --> 00:36:37,540 creation of a power vacuum which would 906 00:36:37,540 --> 00:36:41,200 benefit China Russia and Iran . While 907 00:36:41,200 --> 00:36:43,144 the Afghan government develops the 908 00:36:43,144 --> 00:36:45,640 unique capabilities that only we 909 00:36:45,640 --> 00:36:48,840 currently can provide . Gentlemen , 910 00:36:51,630 --> 00:36:53,741 Sarah , thank you for that question . 911 00:36:53,741 --> 00:36:56,110 And uh if I made that , that is that is 912 00:36:56,110 --> 00:36:58,277 the path that we are we are seeking to 913 00:36:58,277 --> 00:37:01,540 embark upon while we are uh retro 914 00:37:01,540 --> 00:37:04,650 grading the forces out of Afghanistan , 915 00:37:04,660 --> 00:37:06,882 We are , we want to make sure , and the 916 00:37:06,882 --> 00:37:08,938 president has been clear he wants to 917 00:37:08,938 --> 00:37:10,660 continue providing support and 918 00:37:10,660 --> 00:37:12,950 assistance to our afghan partners . So 919 00:37:12,950 --> 00:37:15,172 to the extent that we can we're looking 920 00:37:15,172 --> 00:37:16,894 at ways to be able to continue 921 00:37:16,894 --> 00:37:19,228 providing the critical support to the N . 922 00:37:19,228 --> 00:37:21,600 D . S . F . Uh in terms of continue 923 00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:23,433 paying their salaries , continue 924 00:37:23,433 --> 00:37:26,310 providing assistance for contracted 925 00:37:26,320 --> 00:37:28,542 logistics and maintenance and providing 926 00:37:28,542 --> 00:37:32,010 support for the Afghan air forces in 927 00:37:32,010 --> 00:37:34,860 the special Mission wing . Which are , 928 00:37:34,870 --> 00:37:37,720 let me just ask this , are you talking 929 00:37:37,720 --> 00:37:39,831 about providing that until we are out 930 00:37:39,831 --> 00:37:41,831 of the country ? Or are you talking 931 00:37:41,831 --> 00:37:43,942 about providing that over an extended 932 00:37:43,942 --> 00:37:45,998 period of time ? We're talking about 933 00:37:45,998 --> 00:37:47,942 providing that after we leave . In 934 00:37:47,942 --> 00:37:50,053 addition , the challenge that we face 935 00:37:50,053 --> 00:37:52,276 today is making sure that we've got the 936 00:37:52,276 --> 00:37:54,498 right type of oversight mechanisms that 937 00:37:54,498 --> 00:37:56,664 were working . But the intent would be 938 00:37:56,664 --> 00:37:58,664 that we would maintain that support 939 00:37:58,664 --> 00:38:00,664 provided . We also continue get the 940 00:38:00,664 --> 00:38:02,776 support from Congress . Uh The intent 941 00:38:02,776 --> 00:38:04,609 would be we would maintain those 942 00:38:04,609 --> 00:38:06,760 resources and that assistance to the 943 00:38:06,760 --> 00:38:09,690 Afghan government . Um Yeah , well , 944 00:38:09,700 --> 00:38:12,110 thank you . I appreciate . I think 945 00:38:12,110 --> 00:38:14,400 you're answering my question on I do 946 00:38:14,400 --> 00:38:16,289 want to ask general trolling your 947 00:38:16,289 --> 00:38:18,067 rather than asking you the same 948 00:38:18,067 --> 00:38:20,289 question are expecting you to respond . 949 00:38:20,289 --> 00:38:22,400 I think because this will be a policy 950 00:38:22,400 --> 00:38:24,511 decision that the administration will 951 00:38:24,511 --> 00:38:26,622 be making . I want to go to you and I 952 00:38:26,622 --> 00:38:28,456 want to ask you this with the US 953 00:38:28,456 --> 00:38:30,233 withdrawing U . S . Forces from 954 00:38:30,233 --> 00:38:32,490 Afghanistan by september , want to ask 955 00:38:32,490 --> 00:38:34,601 to question the ability of the Afghan 956 00:38:34,601 --> 00:38:36,730 security forces to stand their ground 957 00:38:36,730 --> 00:38:39,450 against the Taliban and our ability to 958 00:38:39,450 --> 00:38:41,561 successfully conduct over the horizon 959 00:38:41,561 --> 00:38:43,710 counterterrorism operations . I know 960 00:38:43,710 --> 00:38:45,766 we've kind of touched on that little 961 00:38:45,766 --> 00:38:48,280 bit , but I want to ask it this way in 962 00:38:48,280 --> 00:38:50,391 your professional military judgment , 963 00:38:51,120 --> 00:38:53,640 can we successfully and continually 964 00:38:53,790 --> 00:38:56,150 combat threats posed by the Taliban , 965 00:38:56,520 --> 00:38:59,340 al Qaeda and other violent extremist 966 00:38:59,340 --> 00:39:02,040 organizations via over the horizon 967 00:39:02,040 --> 00:39:06,010 operations ? I 968 00:39:06,020 --> 00:39:08,880 absolutely believe we can senator we 969 00:39:08,880 --> 00:39:11,440 have the capabilities uh to be able to 970 00:39:11,440 --> 00:39:13,450 posture in the region where it's 971 00:39:13,450 --> 00:39:15,760 required . We have the capabilities to 972 00:39:15,760 --> 00:39:18,840 be able to monitor uh potential 973 00:39:18,840 --> 00:39:21,600 adversaries , attractive as adversaries 974 00:39:21,600 --> 00:39:25,050 and then strike when conditions permit 975 00:39:25,060 --> 00:39:28,870 and allow . Do we have the 976 00:39:28,870 --> 00:39:30,814 will to do that ? Is that the plan 977 00:39:30,814 --> 00:39:34,710 right now ? The plan right now 978 00:39:34,710 --> 00:39:37,120 would be to uh make a seamless 979 00:39:37,120 --> 00:39:40,180 transition from what we have currently 980 00:39:40,180 --> 00:39:43,880 in Afghanistan uh to other locations 981 00:39:43,890 --> 00:39:45,612 that would be able to meet our 982 00:39:45,612 --> 00:39:48,240 overarching objectives of ensuring that 983 00:39:48,240 --> 00:39:50,462 Afghanistan doesn't become a safe haven 984 00:39:50,462 --> 00:39:52,860 for terrorists that would attack the US 985 00:39:52,860 --> 00:39:56,100 our allies . General , thank you for 986 00:39:56,100 --> 00:39:58,156 your answers . Mr Chairman , I yield 987 00:39:58,156 --> 00:40:00,156 back . Thank you very much centered 988 00:40:00,156 --> 00:40:02,489 around now . Let me recognize Iowa back , 989 00:40:02,489 --> 00:40:04,489 Senator Gillibrand , thank you . Mr 990 00:40:04,489 --> 00:40:06,489 Chairman . I'd like to continue the 991 00:40:06,489 --> 00:40:08,322 questioning that Senator Shaheen 992 00:40:08,322 --> 00:40:10,960 started general Challenger with the U . 993 00:40:10,960 --> 00:40:13,640 S . And NATO's departure . Human rights 994 00:40:13,640 --> 00:40:15,973 groups , non governmental organizations , 995 00:40:15,973 --> 00:40:18,196 schools and business are left trying to 996 00:40:18,196 --> 00:40:20,418 figure out contingency plans for female 997 00:40:20,418 --> 00:40:23,310 employees for female students should 998 00:40:23,310 --> 00:40:25,477 the taliban returned to power by force 999 00:40:25,477 --> 00:40:27,699 or through an agreement with the Afghan 1000 00:40:27,699 --> 00:40:29,921 government ? Considering the Taliban is 1001 00:40:29,921 --> 00:40:32,143 already restricting the human rights of 1002 00:40:32,143 --> 00:40:34,421 women and the territories they control . 1003 00:40:34,421 --> 00:40:36,510 What is the U . S . Doing to ensure 1004 00:40:36,510 --> 00:40:38,800 peace negotiations result in a deal 1005 00:40:38,800 --> 00:40:40,744 that protects women throughout the 1006 00:40:40,744 --> 00:40:42,578 country , particularly after the 1007 00:40:42,578 --> 00:40:46,550 withdrawal . Senator . 1008 00:40:46,550 --> 00:40:48,790 We continue to support the A . And E . 1009 00:40:48,790 --> 00:40:51,900 S . F . And intend to do so going 1010 00:40:51,900 --> 00:40:54,400 forward . Even as we retrograde from 1011 00:40:54,400 --> 00:40:57,410 Afghanistan , we also continue to work 1012 00:40:57,410 --> 00:40:59,810 with our coalition allies and partners 1013 00:40:59,830 --> 00:41:03,320 to facilitate uh diplomatic pressure 1014 00:41:03,500 --> 00:41:06,100 that can be put on against the taliban 1015 00:41:06,100 --> 00:41:09,070 to work out a peaceful agreement 1016 00:41:09,080 --> 00:41:12,980 negotiations with Gero uh such that 1017 00:41:12,990 --> 00:41:15,940 women's rights , girls rights et cetera 1018 00:41:15,940 --> 00:41:19,940 are protected . Mr healthy . Over the 1019 00:41:19,940 --> 00:41:21,996 last two decades , the United States 1020 00:41:21,996 --> 00:41:23,880 has spent more than $780 million 1021 00:41:23,880 --> 00:41:25,991 dollars to promote women's rights and 1022 00:41:25,991 --> 00:41:28,150 gender equality in Afghanistan . And 1023 00:41:28,150 --> 00:41:30,428 the efforts have yielded mixed results . 1024 00:41:30,428 --> 00:41:32,920 What kinds and amounts of funding 1025 00:41:32,920 --> 00:41:35,290 should we expect in the future ? How 1026 00:41:35,290 --> 00:41:37,401 will funding be implemented given the 1027 00:41:37,401 --> 00:41:39,123 security situation after troop 1028 00:41:39,123 --> 00:41:41,660 withdrawals ? Uh and second Afghan 1029 00:41:41,660 --> 00:41:44,350 women have pointed to the vocal support 1030 00:41:44,350 --> 00:41:46,072 by the United States and other 1031 00:41:46,072 --> 00:41:48,239 international actors as key factors to 1032 00:41:48,239 --> 00:41:50,350 advancing rights and participation in 1033 00:41:50,350 --> 00:41:52,683 the public sphere . What will the U . S . 1034 00:41:52,683 --> 00:41:54,572 Do to continue to advance women's 1035 00:41:54,572 --> 00:41:56,739 rights and gender equality ? Senator ? 1036 00:41:56,739 --> 00:41:58,794 Thank you for that question . And uh 1037 00:41:58,794 --> 00:42:01,017 and you're right to point out , we have 1038 00:42:01,017 --> 00:42:03,350 we have spent resources to to promote 1039 00:42:03,350 --> 00:42:05,572 the rights of women and girls and other 1040 00:42:05,572 --> 00:42:07,820 minorities in Afghanistan as part of 1041 00:42:07,820 --> 00:42:11,810 our policy and approach there . I I 1042 00:42:11,810 --> 00:42:13,532 don't want to get ahead of the 1043 00:42:13,532 --> 00:42:15,532 President's budget in terms of what 1044 00:42:15,532 --> 00:42:17,699 types of future funding would be , you 1045 00:42:17,699 --> 00:42:20,060 know , would be requested or required . 1046 00:42:20,070 --> 00:42:23,560 But with respect to the in response to 1047 00:42:23,560 --> 00:42:25,580 this previous question to Senator 1048 00:42:25,580 --> 00:42:28,130 Shaheen . Uh yes , it does have 1049 00:42:28,130 --> 00:42:31,610 specific uh requirements for promoting 1050 00:42:31,620 --> 00:42:33,760 women in the Afghan defence and 1051 00:42:33,760 --> 00:42:35,927 security forces . And our intent would 1052 00:42:35,927 --> 00:42:38,038 be that that would continue . We also 1053 00:42:38,038 --> 00:42:40,410 continue working with our state uh and 1054 00:42:40,410 --> 00:42:42,299 U . S . A . I . D . And coalition 1055 00:42:42,299 --> 00:42:44,590 partners uh in providing the type of 1056 00:42:44,590 --> 00:42:48,300 diplomatic support uh and pressure , uh 1057 00:42:48,310 --> 00:42:50,520 pardon me , pressure on on the Taliban 1058 00:42:50,800 --> 00:42:53,240 because I think fundamentally the best 1059 00:42:53,240 --> 00:42:55,296 way to protect the rights of women , 1060 00:42:55,296 --> 00:42:57,462 girls and minorities in Afghanistan is 1061 00:42:57,462 --> 00:43:00,790 to realize a negotiated , peaceful A 1062 00:43:00,790 --> 00:43:02,680 settlement and outcome to the war 1063 00:43:02,680 --> 00:43:04,624 that's been in Afghanistan for the 1064 00:43:04,624 --> 00:43:08,560 better part of 40 years . Um I 1065 00:43:08,560 --> 00:43:11,010 have some counterterrorism questions 1066 00:43:11,010 --> 00:43:14,330 and assessments of Taliban strengths 1067 00:43:14,330 --> 00:43:16,840 that I will ask in closed session . But 1068 00:43:16,840 --> 00:43:18,896 let me just ask one more question of 1069 00:43:18,896 --> 00:43:20,784 General Challenger before my time 1070 00:43:20,784 --> 00:43:23,007 expires , what's your assessment of the 1071 00:43:23,007 --> 00:43:24,951 security of the U . S . Embassy in 1072 00:43:24,951 --> 00:43:27,118 Kabul ? And what is your assessment of 1073 00:43:27,118 --> 00:43:28,784 how the security situation in 1074 00:43:28,784 --> 00:43:30,784 Afghanistan after the withdrawal of 1075 00:43:30,784 --> 00:43:32,673 troops will affect the ability to 1076 00:43:32,673 --> 00:43:35,007 conduct diplomatic and other operations ? 1077 00:43:35,900 --> 00:43:38,640 I think our diplomatic facilities in 1078 00:43:38,640 --> 00:43:42,520 Kabul remains secure um And 1079 00:43:42,520 --> 00:43:45,670 and planning is ongoing currently , uh 1080 00:43:45,680 --> 00:43:48,190 to ensure that that remains the case as 1081 00:43:48,190 --> 00:43:50,079 we continue to conduct our Rachel 1082 00:43:50,079 --> 00:43:52,440 retrograde and then any diplomatic 1083 00:43:52,440 --> 00:43:55,500 security presence that that remains we 1084 00:43:55,500 --> 00:43:57,444 want to ensure has the appropriate 1085 00:43:57,444 --> 00:43:59,667 security force to protect our diplomats 1086 00:43:59,667 --> 00:44:02,620 and their important mission . And then 1087 00:44:02,620 --> 00:44:04,640 can you please , um I know you 1088 00:44:04,650 --> 00:44:07,330 requested to answer Senator Shaheen's 1089 00:44:07,330 --> 00:44:10,750 question in closed session , but can 1090 00:44:10,750 --> 00:44:14,050 you give us um your general assessment 1091 00:44:14,060 --> 00:44:16,830 of the likelihood of Afghanistan 1092 00:44:16,830 --> 00:44:19,430 falling under Taliban control ? And if 1093 00:44:19,430 --> 00:44:21,208 it does not fall completely the 1094 00:44:21,208 --> 00:44:23,319 likelihood of central government only 1095 00:44:23,319 --> 00:44:25,570 having control of Kabul . And what 1096 00:44:25,570 --> 00:44:27,640 effect that will have on the Afghan 1097 00:44:27,640 --> 00:44:29,418 people and our ability to fight 1098 00:44:29,418 --> 00:44:32,910 terrorism . And perhaps maybe whether a 1099 00:44:32,920 --> 00:44:34,753 piece or power sharing agreement 1100 00:44:34,753 --> 00:44:36,698 between the Taliban and the Afghan 1101 00:44:36,698 --> 00:44:38,753 government , afghan government could 1102 00:44:38,753 --> 00:44:41,790 prevent a Taliban takeover . I will 1103 00:44:41,800 --> 00:44:44,150 acknowledge the range of potential 1104 00:44:44,160 --> 00:44:46,750 outcomes uh in the months as we go 1105 00:44:46,750 --> 00:44:50,710 forward . Everything uh from uh Taliban 1106 00:44:50,710 --> 00:44:53,280 takeover to A . And E . S . F . B . And 1107 00:44:53,280 --> 00:44:55,910 support are being successful in 1108 00:44:55,910 --> 00:44:58,240 defending against the Taliban and Gero 1109 00:44:58,240 --> 00:45:01,590 uh maintaining its ability to 1110 00:45:01,600 --> 00:45:04,140 effectively govern uh and everything in 1111 00:45:04,140 --> 00:45:06,350 between . But I will say that the A . 1112 00:45:06,350 --> 00:45:09,360 And E . S . F . Is A . They're capable 1113 00:45:09,360 --> 00:45:12,360 force . They have capable ground air 1114 00:45:12,360 --> 00:45:15,210 and special operations forces And uh 1115 00:45:15,220 --> 00:45:17,610 here very recently they've effectively 1116 00:45:17,620 --> 00:45:20,150 both defended against taliban attacks 1117 00:45:20,150 --> 00:45:22,700 as well as going on the offensive to 1118 00:45:22,710 --> 00:45:26,040 disrupt taliban activities . Thank you . 1119 00:45:26,040 --> 00:45:28,040 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Thank you 1120 00:45:28,040 --> 00:45:29,818 Senator Gillibrand . Now let me 1121 00:45:29,818 --> 00:45:31,929 recognize Senator Arch , please thank 1122 00:45:31,929 --> 00:45:33,984 you Mr Chair and thank you gentlemen 1123 00:45:33,984 --> 00:45:37,370 very much for Being here today . 20 1124 00:45:37,370 --> 00:45:39,314 years ago , of course , our nation 1125 00:45:39,314 --> 00:45:41,440 service members deployed to deliver 1126 00:45:41,440 --> 00:45:43,480 justice to the terrorists who had 1127 00:45:43,480 --> 00:45:46,420 carried out the deadly and deliberate 1128 00:45:46,420 --> 00:45:48,820 attacks on our homeland . And thousands 1129 00:45:48,830 --> 00:45:51,740 of Iowans have proudly served in 1130 00:45:51,740 --> 00:45:54,420 Afghanistan , risking life and limb . 1131 00:45:54,590 --> 00:45:57,710 And I am hoping that I can assure the 1132 00:45:57,790 --> 00:45:59,901 Iowa families and the american people 1133 00:45:59,901 --> 00:46:03,730 that the threat to our homeland has 1134 00:46:03,730 --> 00:46:06,100 been reduced and we have the measures 1135 00:46:06,100 --> 00:46:09,780 in place to keep this threat at bay . 1136 00:46:09,790 --> 00:46:12,180 So I know we have talked about our 1137 00:46:12,180 --> 00:46:15,620 ability to project over the horizon . I 1138 00:46:15,620 --> 00:46:18,270 understand that , but Mr Hell v what is 1139 00:46:18,270 --> 00:46:20,214 your assessment of our adversary's 1140 00:46:20,214 --> 00:46:23,850 ability to plan for and conduct attacks 1141 00:46:23,850 --> 00:46:27,220 on America from bases in Afghanistan 1142 00:46:27,230 --> 00:46:29,550 after we have gone . So let's talk 1143 00:46:29,550 --> 00:46:31,439 about the reverse . What is their 1144 00:46:31,439 --> 00:46:33,494 ability to plan ? Not our ability to 1145 00:46:33,494 --> 00:46:35,900 respond . What what is their ability to 1146 00:46:35,900 --> 00:46:38,210 plan attacks on us when we have left ? 1147 00:46:40,880 --> 00:46:42,860 Their ability today has been 1148 00:46:42,860 --> 00:46:45,960 significantly degraded in that 1149 00:46:45,970 --> 00:46:49,290 degradation is due in large part to the 1150 00:46:49,290 --> 00:46:51,600 presence that we've had in that country 1151 00:46:52,080 --> 00:46:54,460 with respect to the specifics . I'd 1152 00:46:54,460 --> 00:46:57,190 prefer to to to keep those specifics in 1153 00:46:57,190 --> 00:46:59,940 the closed session . But I can say with 1154 00:46:59,940 --> 00:47:02,550 confidence that the ability of 1155 00:47:02,550 --> 00:47:04,900 international terrorist groups to plan 1156 00:47:05,280 --> 00:47:07,530 recruit , train , organize and execute 1157 00:47:07,530 --> 00:47:09,697 attacks against the United States from 1158 00:47:09,697 --> 00:47:11,641 Afghanistan has been significantly 1159 00:47:11,641 --> 00:47:14,630 reduced , significantly reduced because 1160 00:47:14,640 --> 00:47:17,190 we are there and we're enabling efforts 1161 00:47:17,200 --> 00:47:21,060 on the part of the Afghan National 1162 00:47:21,060 --> 00:47:23,670 Defence and Security forces correct our 1163 00:47:23,670 --> 00:47:26,110 presence has had a significant impact 1164 00:47:26,110 --> 00:47:28,110 on that . I would also add though , 1165 00:47:28,110 --> 00:47:30,450 that the nature of the international 1166 00:47:30,450 --> 00:47:33,120 terrorist threat Over the past 20 years 1167 00:47:33,130 --> 00:47:36,320 has become much more diffuse . So , you 1168 00:47:36,320 --> 00:47:38,480 know , as as we know , we've got uh 1169 00:47:38,490 --> 00:47:40,546 terrorists , international terrorist 1170 00:47:40,546 --> 00:47:42,768 groups operating in the Middle East and 1171 00:47:42,768 --> 00:47:44,990 Africa , northern part of Africa . It's 1172 00:47:44,990 --> 00:47:47,820 not the nature of the threat has has 1173 00:47:47,820 --> 00:47:49,960 changed over the past 20 years , but 1174 00:47:49,960 --> 00:47:52,640 the threat emanating from from 1175 00:47:52,640 --> 00:47:54,696 Afghanistan to the United States and 1176 00:47:54,696 --> 00:47:56,584 our allies has been significantly 1177 00:47:56,584 --> 00:47:59,930 degraded . And please don't mistake me . 1178 00:47:59,930 --> 00:48:02,440 I do believe that at some point we have 1179 00:48:02,440 --> 00:48:04,107 to bring this war to an end . 1180 00:48:04,470 --> 00:48:06,359 Absolutely , we have to do that . 1181 00:48:06,359 --> 00:48:09,770 However , not leaving a remnant 1182 00:48:09,770 --> 00:48:12,270 or a small number of troops within 1183 00:48:12,270 --> 00:48:15,140 Afghanistan intelligence officials in 1184 00:48:15,140 --> 00:48:17,670 Afghanistan , we are leaving a void and 1185 00:48:17,670 --> 00:48:19,850 I do worry that while the threat has 1186 00:48:19,850 --> 00:48:21,690 been diminished that it will 1187 00:48:21,690 --> 00:48:25,510 reconstitute in Afghanistan . Um So 1188 00:48:25,520 --> 00:48:28,900 just worries there and I hope that 1189 00:48:29,270 --> 00:48:31,610 everything goes smoothly and that the 1190 00:48:31,610 --> 00:48:35,470 impacts to stability are minimal . 1191 00:48:35,480 --> 00:48:39,320 Um I do also share the concerns raised 1192 00:48:39,320 --> 00:48:41,680 by Senator Shaheen and by Senator 1193 00:48:41,680 --> 00:48:44,290 Gillibrand and Senator Gillibrand and I 1194 00:48:44,670 --> 00:48:48,280 went to Afghanistan pre pre pandemic 1195 00:48:48,290 --> 00:48:50,401 and we were able to visit a number of 1196 00:48:50,401 --> 00:48:53,020 training facilities where Afghan women 1197 00:48:53,020 --> 00:48:55,800 were being trained in various secretary 1198 00:48:55,800 --> 00:48:58,060 and clerical positions , but also as 1199 00:48:58,060 --> 00:49:01,900 women warriors . And I am very , very 1200 00:49:01,900 --> 00:49:03,900 concerned about what will happen to 1201 00:49:03,900 --> 00:49:06,011 them . What will happen to girls that 1202 00:49:06,011 --> 00:49:07,844 have attended school and are now 1203 00:49:07,844 --> 00:49:10,011 working in businesses . So I just want 1204 00:49:10,011 --> 00:49:12,178 to reemphasize that um Senator Shaheen 1205 00:49:12,178 --> 00:49:15,060 is leading a letter . I am a co lead to 1206 00:49:15,060 --> 00:49:18,590 our president asking for those special 1207 00:49:18,590 --> 00:49:20,757 immigrant visas . It is something that 1208 00:49:20,757 --> 00:49:23,430 we are very concerned about . Um Just 1209 00:49:23,430 --> 00:49:25,880 in the news this morning coming from 1210 00:49:25,880 --> 00:49:28,250 Iowa , we have an Afghan interpreter in 1211 00:49:28,250 --> 00:49:31,310 Iowa Falls and his asylum request has 1212 00:49:31,310 --> 00:49:33,360 been denied . You just received the 1213 00:49:33,360 --> 00:49:36,120 letter the other day . So if you can 1214 00:49:36,120 --> 00:49:38,950 also work with the State Department and 1215 00:49:38,960 --> 00:49:41,850 just stress to them as we are stressing 1216 00:49:41,850 --> 00:49:44,690 to them how important it is that as we 1217 00:49:44,690 --> 00:49:46,690 are withdrawing , we're also making 1218 00:49:46,690 --> 00:49:48,801 sure that we are protecting those who 1219 00:49:48,801 --> 00:49:51,850 have enabled our forces in Afghanistan . 1220 00:49:51,860 --> 00:49:53,940 It is extremely important . It's not 1221 00:49:53,940 --> 00:49:56,040 just the men that have served as 1222 00:49:56,040 --> 00:49:58,360 interpreters , but it will also be the 1223 00:49:58,360 --> 00:50:00,582 women and girls that have stepped up to 1224 00:50:00,582 --> 00:50:04,050 assist us as well . Um so I am running 1225 00:50:04,050 --> 00:50:06,350 out of time . I know this is a very 1226 00:50:06,350 --> 00:50:08,406 important hearing . You can hear the 1227 00:50:08,406 --> 00:50:10,640 level of frustration in all of our 1228 00:50:10,640 --> 00:50:13,260 voices as we're going through this . Um 1229 00:50:13,260 --> 00:50:16,240 I do believe that again that we need to 1230 00:50:16,240 --> 00:50:18,351 withdraw our forces . I think that is 1231 00:50:18,351 --> 00:50:20,351 important but we need to do it in a 1232 00:50:20,351 --> 00:50:23,120 smart and meaningful way . And I 1233 00:50:23,120 --> 00:50:25,650 sincerely hope that this is the right 1234 00:50:25,650 --> 00:50:28,300 plan because if not we will see a 1235 00:50:28,300 --> 00:50:30,710 significant threat increase to our 1236 00:50:30,710 --> 00:50:33,200 homeland , to our allies but most 1237 00:50:33,200 --> 00:50:35,200 certainly to the people that we are 1238 00:50:35,200 --> 00:50:37,533 leaving behind . Thank you . Mr . Chair . 1239 00:50:37,533 --> 00:50:39,644 Thank you Senator Orange . Now let me 1240 00:50:39,644 --> 00:50:41,811 recognize Senator Kaine . Please thank 1241 00:50:41,811 --> 00:50:43,811 you Mr . Chair and thank uh ranking 1242 00:50:43,811 --> 00:50:45,900 member and thank our public servants 1243 00:50:45,900 --> 00:50:49,410 for their testimony . Um Every concern 1244 00:50:49,410 --> 00:50:51,632 expressed by everyone on this committee 1245 00:50:51,632 --> 00:50:53,688 on this issue is very legitimate . I 1246 00:50:53,688 --> 00:50:56,390 don't think there's just a a completely 1247 00:50:56,390 --> 00:50:58,446 clear answer but I just want to stay 1248 00:50:58,660 --> 00:51:00,882 quickly as I have before that I support 1249 00:51:00,882 --> 00:51:03,104 President biden's decision with respect 1250 00:51:03,104 --> 00:51:05,327 to the removal of US . troops . We have 1251 00:51:05,327 --> 00:51:07,493 been in Afghanistan , it's the longest 1252 00:51:07,493 --> 00:51:09,860 war in American history . 20 years come 1253 00:51:09,870 --> 00:51:12,900 this September it took us 10 years to 1254 00:51:12,900 --> 00:51:16,290 find and kill Osama bin laden the 1255 00:51:16,290 --> 00:51:18,560 perpetrator and mastermind of the 9 11 1256 00:51:18,560 --> 00:51:20,616 attack . And then for 10 years we've 1257 00:51:20,616 --> 00:51:22,838 done our best to build up and train and 1258 00:51:22,838 --> 00:51:24,890 afghan security apparatus that was 1259 00:51:24,890 --> 00:51:27,440 essentially non existent . When we 1260 00:51:27,440 --> 00:51:30,940 began the war in 2001 , the civil war 1261 00:51:30,950 --> 00:51:33,117 in Afghanistan had degraded the Afghan 1262 00:51:33,117 --> 00:51:35,610 military and national security forces 1263 00:51:35,610 --> 00:51:37,610 and police to such a degree that we 1264 00:51:37,610 --> 00:51:39,777 pretty much have to start from scratch 1265 00:51:40,260 --> 00:51:43,320 20 years in . I think I'm right , 1266 00:51:43,330 --> 00:51:45,340 although I will certainly accept 1267 00:51:45,340 --> 00:51:47,750 correction from the experts . The 1268 00:51:47,750 --> 00:51:50,850 Afghan army is now about 180,000 . As 1269 00:51:50,850 --> 00:51:54,290 by my sort of quick Analysis . The 1270 00:51:54,290 --> 00:51:56,670 Afghan Air Force is 7000 with hundreds 1271 00:51:56,670 --> 00:51:59,130 of aircraft . The Afghan National 1272 00:51:59,130 --> 00:52:02,560 Police is 116,000 . Um 1273 00:52:02,570 --> 00:52:05,220 All of these security components have 1274 00:52:05,220 --> 00:52:08,850 been funded built carefully , 1275 00:52:08,850 --> 00:52:10,740 carefully trained over these two 1276 00:52:10,740 --> 00:52:12,740 decades by the United States and by 1277 00:52:12,740 --> 00:52:16,070 other allies . The Taliban is estimated 1278 00:52:16,070 --> 00:52:20,070 to be at about 55,000 to 85,000 And 1279 00:52:20,070 --> 00:52:22,390 so the combined Afghan national 1280 00:52:22,390 --> 00:52:24,501 security apparatus . If I'm correct . 1281 00:52:24,501 --> 00:52:26,334 And this is over 300,000 and the 1282 00:52:26,334 --> 00:52:30,200 Taliban a formidable Fighting Forces 1283 00:52:30,200 --> 00:52:32,850 55,085,000 . The commitment of these 1284 00:52:32,850 --> 00:52:34,794 witnesses and I hope congress will 1285 00:52:34,794 --> 00:52:36,794 continue to meet this commitment is 1286 00:52:36,794 --> 00:52:39,017 that the United States will continue to 1287 00:52:39,017 --> 00:52:41,183 provide massive support to our partner 1288 00:52:41,183 --> 00:52:43,860 and ally Afghanistan military support , 1289 00:52:43,860 --> 00:52:46,200 including the payment of salaries of 1290 00:52:46,200 --> 00:52:48,300 Afghan security forces , diplomatic 1291 00:52:48,300 --> 00:52:50,480 support , humanitarian support , 1292 00:52:51,050 --> 00:52:54,020 economic support . But we will remove 1293 00:52:54,020 --> 00:52:57,630 3500 us troops When President Biden 1294 00:52:57,630 --> 00:52:59,797 made his announcement in April at that 1295 00:52:59,797 --> 00:53:01,741 point , the official count of US . 1296 00:53:01,741 --> 00:53:04,660 troops in Afghanistan was 2500 . There 1297 00:53:04,660 --> 00:53:06,716 were other reporting suggesting that 1298 00:53:07,050 --> 00:53:09,430 possibly involved in special operations 1299 00:53:09,430 --> 00:53:11,910 or additional missions . The total 1300 00:53:11,910 --> 00:53:15,820 might have been 3500 Is 3500 us 1301 00:53:15,820 --> 00:53:18,830 troops . The difference between success 1302 00:53:18,840 --> 00:53:21,250 and failure in Afghanistan after 20 1303 00:53:21,250 --> 00:53:24,780 years , I don't believe that it is . I 1304 00:53:24,780 --> 00:53:27,530 don't believe the 3500 us troops 1305 00:53:27,530 --> 00:53:29,641 because no one in this committee , as 1306 00:53:29,641 --> 00:53:31,570 far as I'm aware is proposing to 1307 00:53:31,580 --> 00:53:33,760 increase the number of us troops . I 1308 00:53:33,760 --> 00:53:36,330 don't believe 3500 us troops after 20 1309 00:53:36,330 --> 00:53:38,500 years is the difference between a 1310 00:53:38,500 --> 00:53:41,130 success or failure in Afghanistan when 1311 00:53:41,130 --> 00:53:43,130 there's an Afghan national security 1312 00:53:43,130 --> 00:53:45,390 apparatus of more than 300,000 matched 1313 00:53:45,390 --> 00:53:48,480 up against the Taliban of 55,085,000 . 1314 00:53:49,050 --> 00:53:52,480 What is the ingredient that will 1315 00:53:52,480 --> 00:53:55,560 determine the success or failure in 1316 00:53:55,560 --> 00:53:57,616 Afghanistan going forward ? It's the 1317 00:53:57,616 --> 00:53:59,850 Afghan people , the Afghan people who 1318 00:53:59,850 --> 00:54:02,072 have experienced a significant increase 1319 00:54:02,072 --> 00:54:03,739 in life expectancy , who have 1320 00:54:03,739 --> 00:54:05,850 experienced a significant increase in 1321 00:54:05,850 --> 00:54:07,572 the education of their young , 1322 00:54:07,572 --> 00:54:09,850 including the education of young women , 1323 00:54:09,850 --> 00:54:12,072 a dramatic improvement in public health 1324 00:54:12,072 --> 00:54:15,260 infrastructure in other elements of 1325 00:54:15,270 --> 00:54:17,920 civil government . The Afghan people 1326 00:54:17,920 --> 00:54:21,120 will have to decide , is it worth 1327 00:54:21,120 --> 00:54:24,180 fighting for and it can't be worth more 1328 00:54:24,180 --> 00:54:26,530 to us than it is to them . And that's 1329 00:54:26,530 --> 00:54:28,641 kind of a painful thing to say . It's 1330 00:54:28,641 --> 00:54:31,330 kind of a cold , tough thing to say . 1331 00:54:31,330 --> 00:54:33,441 But success in Afghanistan can't mean 1332 00:54:33,441 --> 00:54:35,663 more to the United States than it means 1333 00:54:35,663 --> 00:54:37,830 to the afghans . And at the end of the 1334 00:54:37,830 --> 00:54:39,941 day , I believe it won't mean more to 1335 00:54:39,941 --> 00:54:41,941 us than the Afghans . I believe the 1336 00:54:41,941 --> 00:54:43,941 Afghans having seen the benefits of 1337 00:54:43,941 --> 00:54:46,219 improved quality of life over 20 years , 1338 00:54:46,219 --> 00:54:48,219 we'll decide that they want to keep 1339 00:54:48,219 --> 00:54:50,274 that rather than to go backwards and 1340 00:54:50,274 --> 00:54:52,330 experience what they were during the 1341 00:54:52,330 --> 00:54:54,441 time when the Taliban and others were 1342 00:54:54,441 --> 00:54:54,390 engaged in a massive civil war of the 1343 00:54:54,390 --> 00:54:57,140 country . But if the Afghans choose at 1344 00:54:57,140 --> 00:54:59,307 the end of the day , that that doesn't 1345 00:54:59,307 --> 00:55:01,640 matter to them . There's no amount of U . 1346 00:55:01,640 --> 00:55:03,970 S . Troops , none , there's no amount 1347 00:55:03,970 --> 00:55:05,970 of U . S . Troops that would make a 1348 00:55:05,970 --> 00:55:08,081 difference . And so I think this is a 1349 00:55:08,081 --> 00:55:10,720 painful decision and the comments of my 1350 00:55:10,720 --> 00:55:12,831 colleagues who feel differently about 1351 00:55:12,831 --> 00:55:14,998 it , I completely get every legitimate 1352 00:55:14,998 --> 00:55:16,887 concern they have and it's a very 1353 00:55:16,887 --> 00:55:19,120 legitimate concern . But we cannot want 1354 00:55:19,130 --> 00:55:21,186 success in Afghanistan more than the 1355 00:55:21,186 --> 00:55:23,400 Afghans do . And having built up a 1356 00:55:23,400 --> 00:55:25,800 security apparatus with a continued 1357 00:55:25,800 --> 00:55:27,856 commitment to funding that apparatus 1358 00:55:27,856 --> 00:55:30,022 and being a supporter of our colleague 1359 00:55:30,022 --> 00:55:32,189 of our allied nation going forward , I 1360 00:55:32,189 --> 00:55:34,244 think that is the right role for the 1361 00:55:34,244 --> 00:55:36,356 United States to play right now . And 1362 00:55:36,356 --> 00:55:38,411 that's why I support President Biden 1363 00:55:38,411 --> 00:55:38,180 and his decision And I thank the 1364 00:55:38,180 --> 00:55:40,470 witnesses for appearing today . Thank 1365 00:55:40,470 --> 00:55:42,637 you . Senator Kaine . Let me recognize 1366 00:55:42,637 --> 00:55:46,390 now . Senator Cramer , thank you . Mr 1367 00:55:46,390 --> 00:55:48,500 Chairman , Thanks to both of you for 1368 00:55:48,500 --> 00:55:51,970 being here . Question came up , Mhm . 1369 00:55:52,340 --> 00:55:54,451 Based on some of the things I heard , 1370 00:55:54,451 --> 00:55:56,730 um have we committed to completely 1371 00:55:56,730 --> 00:55:58,786 supporting the current government in 1372 00:55:58,786 --> 00:56:00,897 Afghanistan ? Should it fall into all 1373 00:56:00,897 --> 00:56:04,050 out civil war ? And if so , what would 1374 00:56:04,050 --> 00:56:05,494 that commitment include ? 1375 00:56:08,530 --> 00:56:10,752 Uh Senator , Thanks for that question . 1376 00:56:10,752 --> 00:56:12,840 We we have committed to continue 1377 00:56:12,840 --> 00:56:15,340 supporting the the Afghan , the Afghan 1378 00:56:15,340 --> 00:56:17,173 government . We have a bilateral 1379 00:56:17,173 --> 00:56:19,118 security agreement with the Afghan 1380 00:56:19,118 --> 00:56:21,173 government , in which we indicate we 1381 00:56:21,173 --> 00:56:23,620 will continue to seek funding uh to 1382 00:56:23,620 --> 00:56:25,787 provide support to them to support the 1383 00:56:25,787 --> 00:56:27,898 A and E S . F . Uh you know , through 1384 00:56:27,898 --> 00:56:30,064 the mechanisms that we've specified in 1385 00:56:30,064 --> 00:56:31,898 terms of training , advising and 1386 00:56:31,898 --> 00:56:33,676 assisting salaries , you know , 1387 00:56:33,676 --> 00:56:35,898 contractor logistics and assists and an 1388 00:56:35,898 --> 00:56:37,898 assistant . So we have committed to 1389 00:56:37,898 --> 00:56:40,520 supporting our Afghan partners and 1390 00:56:40,520 --> 00:56:43,410 through this negotiation period through 1391 00:56:43,410 --> 00:56:45,466 the implementation of the US Taliban 1392 00:56:45,466 --> 00:56:47,132 agreement , we have continued 1393 00:56:47,132 --> 00:56:49,299 supporting our our our Afghan partners 1394 00:56:49,299 --> 00:56:51,740 as they've been fighting . The taliban . 1395 00:56:54,130 --> 00:56:56,470 Obviously cost benefit analysis would 1396 00:56:56,470 --> 00:56:58,526 include include your risk analysis , 1397 00:56:58,526 --> 00:57:01,830 analysis would include the cost of 1398 00:57:02,020 --> 00:57:04,340 preventing an all out civil war versus 1399 00:57:04,730 --> 00:57:07,060 entering , having to come back and try 1400 00:57:07,060 --> 00:57:10,470 to clean it up . And I I can associate 1401 00:57:10,470 --> 00:57:12,581 myself with every comment that's been 1402 00:57:12,581 --> 00:57:14,692 made by my colleagues , even the ones 1403 00:57:14,692 --> 00:57:16,859 that conflict , that's how conflicting 1404 00:57:16,859 --> 00:57:16,680 this is . I think for a lot of us as it 1405 00:57:16,680 --> 00:57:20,640 is , no doubt for for you all . Um I 1406 00:57:20,640 --> 00:57:22,751 think it was an early might have been 1407 00:57:22,751 --> 00:57:24,696 in response to a question from the 1408 00:57:24,696 --> 00:57:26,918 chairman , but I'm gonna maybe get more 1409 00:57:26,918 --> 00:57:28,918 specific . Uh I think you mentioned 1410 00:57:28,918 --> 00:57:30,473 something about I . S . R . 1411 00:57:30,473 --> 00:57:33,210 Capabilities and whatnot . What type of 1412 00:57:33,220 --> 00:57:36,550 unmanned or space born capabilities do 1413 00:57:36,550 --> 00:57:38,661 we need to maintain or even enhance ? 1414 00:57:38,661 --> 00:57:41,430 To minimize the possibility of global 1415 00:57:41,430 --> 00:57:44,190 terror threats ? Do you have a sense of 1416 00:57:44,190 --> 00:57:47,850 that ? With with respect to uh 1417 00:57:48,430 --> 00:57:50,486 you know , Afghanistan ? I think the 1418 00:57:50,486 --> 00:57:52,708 best way to characterize how we need to 1419 00:57:52,708 --> 00:57:56,410 look at it is based on three concentric 1420 00:57:56,410 --> 00:57:59,980 circles . There's the type of uh 1421 00:57:59,990 --> 00:58:03,930 yeah um footprint or apparatus 1422 00:58:03,930 --> 00:58:06,520 that we would do in within Afghanistan 1423 00:58:06,520 --> 00:58:10,360 is based largely on our relationships 1424 00:58:10,360 --> 00:58:14,060 with local partners uh and DSF and the 1425 00:58:14,060 --> 00:58:15,838 Afghan government to be able to 1426 00:58:15,838 --> 00:58:17,893 understand what's going on within uh 1427 00:58:17,893 --> 00:58:20,130 within Afghanistan , then there's a 1428 00:58:20,130 --> 00:58:22,019 regional component to it which is 1429 00:58:22,019 --> 00:58:24,130 outside which , you know , the things 1430 00:58:24,130 --> 00:58:26,130 that we can't have in Afghanistan , 1431 00:58:26,130 --> 00:58:28,297 we'd want to be able to maintain to be 1432 00:58:28,297 --> 00:58:30,241 able to provide the type of access 1433 00:58:30,241 --> 00:58:32,408 basing and overflight that would allow 1434 00:58:32,408 --> 00:58:35,340 us to have a type of presence . Um then 1435 00:58:35,340 --> 00:58:37,229 there's kind of like this broader 1436 00:58:37,229 --> 00:58:39,850 global global framework where it 1437 00:58:39,850 --> 00:58:41,920 includes not only national technical 1438 00:58:41,920 --> 00:58:44,020 means , but also the types of 1439 00:58:44,020 --> 00:58:46,131 capabilities that may not be resident 1440 00:58:46,131 --> 00:58:48,242 within the region , but that we could 1441 00:58:48,242 --> 00:58:50,298 flow into the region on an as needed 1442 00:58:50,298 --> 00:58:52,520 basis . And I would also note that over 1443 00:58:52,520 --> 00:58:54,576 the past 20 years we've had a lot of 1444 00:58:54,576 --> 00:58:56,409 different changes in how we as a 1445 00:58:56,409 --> 00:58:58,409 government that indeed as a society 1446 00:58:58,620 --> 00:59:01,000 have been combating international 1447 00:59:01,000 --> 00:59:03,222 terrorist organizations . You can't get 1448 00:59:03,222 --> 00:59:05,430 on a commercial aircraft or or or open 1449 00:59:05,430 --> 00:59:06,930 a new bank account without 1450 00:59:06,930 --> 00:59:08,986 understanding how we have changed in 1451 00:59:08,986 --> 00:59:11,152 ways that help us to better understand 1452 00:59:11,152 --> 00:59:13,263 and illuminate the types of terrorist 1453 00:59:13,263 --> 00:59:15,430 threats that would seek to do us to do 1454 00:59:15,430 --> 00:59:17,652 us and our allies harm . So I think all 1455 00:59:17,652 --> 00:59:19,763 of these things have to be working in 1456 00:59:19,763 --> 00:59:21,986 concert in order to be able to maintain 1457 00:59:21,986 --> 00:59:25,370 the type of broader threat picture . If 1458 00:59:25,370 --> 00:59:27,390 you will , the types of terrorist 1459 00:59:27,390 --> 00:59:29,223 threats that we may need to face 1460 00:59:29,720 --> 00:59:31,776 general . Maybe you could answer the 1461 00:59:31,776 --> 00:59:35,120 same question in more specificity as it 1462 00:59:35,120 --> 00:59:38,030 relates to afghan or the region , um , 1463 00:59:38,420 --> 00:59:40,470 regarding assets , whether they be 1464 00:59:40,470 --> 00:59:42,870 unmanned or space , is there more we 1465 00:59:42,870 --> 00:59:45,690 can be doing to shore up this , this 1466 00:59:45,690 --> 00:59:49,200 new , this new way of providing some 1467 00:59:49,200 --> 00:59:52,280 security ? Well , Senator , I think 1468 00:59:52,280 --> 00:59:54,410 certainly the capability that we 1469 00:59:54,410 --> 00:59:58,030 currently have and and use 1470 00:59:58,420 --> 01:00:01,130 to achieve our objectives , we want to 1471 01:00:01,130 --> 01:00:04,960 continue to uh huh uh , to utilize 1472 01:00:04,960 --> 01:00:06,960 and make the technological advances 1473 01:00:06,960 --> 01:00:09,740 that we're able to to uh to better 1474 01:00:09,740 --> 01:00:12,073 enable us . But in terms of specificity , 1475 01:00:12,073 --> 01:00:14,680 I can't offer you that right now . Very 1476 01:00:14,680 --> 01:00:16,847 good . Thank you both . Thank you . Mr 1477 01:00:16,847 --> 01:00:19,069 Chairman . Thank you . Senator Corman , 1478 01:00:19,069 --> 01:00:20,902 now via webex , let me recognize 1479 01:00:20,902 --> 01:00:24,590 Senator Manchin . Thank you . Thank you . 1480 01:00:24,590 --> 01:00:27,350 Mr Chairman . Um I want to thank all of 1481 01:00:27,350 --> 01:00:29,572 you for your service and for being here 1482 01:00:29,572 --> 01:00:32,230 today . And I want to pre congratulate 1483 01:00:32,240 --> 01:00:34,407 Senator . We're going to have to raise 1484 01:00:34,407 --> 01:00:36,518 your volume . So if we withhold for a 1485 01:00:36,518 --> 01:00:38,030 minute . Okay . 1486 01:00:41,210 --> 01:00:44,850 Yeah , can you hear me now ? MR will be 1487 01:00:44,850 --> 01:00:48,040 better . Okay , I'll talk louder . Yeah . 1488 01:00:48,050 --> 01:00:51,110 Better . Okay . I want to say I want to 1489 01:00:51,110 --> 01:00:53,110 thank everybody for their for their 1490 01:00:53,110 --> 01:00:55,520 service . I want to pre congratulate uh 1491 01:00:55,530 --> 01:00:57,419 rita General Challenger for his . 1492 01:00:57,419 --> 01:01:01,000 Hopefully it is advancement , very 1493 01:01:01,000 --> 01:01:03,070 proud of that . First , let me say I 1494 01:01:03,070 --> 01:01:05,014 completely support the Afghanistan 1495 01:01:05,014 --> 01:01:07,014 withdrawal and we have to shift our 1496 01:01:07,014 --> 01:01:09,126 focus to other priority threats , the 1497 01:01:09,126 --> 01:01:11,181 future of Afghanistan and the global 1498 01:01:11,181 --> 01:01:13,237 impacts rest on where the government 1499 01:01:13,237 --> 01:01:15,348 can prevail by securing Their country 1500 01:01:15,348 --> 01:01:17,459 and upholding their 2004 Constitution 1501 01:01:17,459 --> 01:01:21,150 between 2 9 and 2020 . We increased And 1502 01:01:21,150 --> 01:01:23,317 decreased troop strength at least five 1503 01:01:23,317 --> 01:01:26,350 times these shifts in end strength 1504 01:01:26,350 --> 01:01:29,910 range from a few 100 As much as 23,000 1505 01:01:29,910 --> 01:01:31,620 personnel . Additionally , we 1506 01:01:31,620 --> 01:01:33,490 experienced major diplomatic and 1507 01:01:33,490 --> 01:01:36,390 operational delays in 2012 With insider 1508 01:01:36,390 --> 01:01:38,890 attacks and in 2013 with President 1509 01:01:38,890 --> 01:01:41,001 Karzai temporarily suspended security 1510 01:01:41,001 --> 01:01:43,690 talks with the US . More recently , the 1511 01:01:43,690 --> 01:01:45,840 Taliban continues to refuse to 1512 01:01:45,840 --> 01:01:48,670 negotiate negotiate efforts until all 1513 01:01:48,670 --> 01:01:51,240 foreign forces are out of Afghanistan . 1514 01:01:51,610 --> 01:01:53,832 So one question I would have to General 1515 01:01:53,832 --> 01:01:56,310 Challenger . How we are withdrawal from 1516 01:01:56,310 --> 01:01:59,630 Afghanistan ? Impact other combatant 1517 01:01:59,640 --> 01:02:00,320 commands . 1518 01:02:04,300 --> 01:02:06,600 Mhm . Senator , if I understand your 1519 01:02:06,600 --> 01:02:09,010 question correctly , as we withdraw 1520 01:02:09,010 --> 01:02:11,800 from Afghanistan , how will that impact 1521 01:02:11,810 --> 01:02:14,190 other combatant commands ? And the only 1522 01:02:14,190 --> 01:02:17,350 thing I can offer is that it is not in 1523 01:02:17,350 --> 01:02:19,920 any way adversely impacting others . 1524 01:02:23,100 --> 01:02:25,156 Thank you . Mr . Healthy . One of my 1525 01:02:25,156 --> 01:02:26,933 fears about our withdrawal from 1526 01:02:26,933 --> 01:02:29,044 Afghanistan as it will become a power 1527 01:02:29,044 --> 01:02:31,267 vacuum in which terrorist organizations 1528 01:02:31,267 --> 01:02:33,322 can recruit , train and operate from 1529 01:02:33,322 --> 01:02:35,433 with nearly no assets on the ground . 1530 01:02:35,433 --> 01:02:37,656 We're going to have to rely on regional 1531 01:02:37,656 --> 01:02:39,822 partners to work with us to stay ahead 1532 01:02:39,822 --> 01:02:42,100 and on top of counterterrorism efforts . 1533 01:02:42,100 --> 01:02:43,989 Are you confident in our regional 1534 01:02:43,989 --> 01:02:45,767 partners and their capacity and 1535 01:02:45,767 --> 01:02:47,933 commitment to driving terrorism out of 1536 01:02:47,933 --> 01:02:50,440 the region ? Thank you , senator . We 1537 01:02:50,440 --> 01:02:52,496 will have to work with our our local 1538 01:02:52,496 --> 01:02:54,551 and regional partners and we want to 1539 01:02:54,551 --> 01:02:56,718 continue developing those capabilities 1540 01:02:56,718 --> 01:02:58,980 and those partnerships to be able to 1541 01:02:58,980 --> 01:03:01,202 ensure that we've got the right type of 1542 01:03:01,202 --> 01:03:02,980 confidence in the right type of 1543 01:03:02,980 --> 01:03:05,091 framework to address our CT threats . 1544 01:03:05,091 --> 01:03:07,202 That's one of the things that we as a 1545 01:03:07,202 --> 01:03:08,924 department in concert with our 1546 01:03:08,924 --> 01:03:11,036 interagency uh , colleagues are doing 1547 01:03:11,036 --> 01:03:13,091 today is to make sure that we've got 1548 01:03:13,091 --> 01:03:14,924 the right type of arrangements , 1549 01:03:14,924 --> 01:03:17,450 relationships and framework so that we 1550 01:03:17,450 --> 01:03:19,672 can ensure that Afghanistan never again 1551 01:03:19,672 --> 01:03:21,728 becomes a safe haven for terrorism . 1552 01:03:21,728 --> 01:03:23,783 Could you outline your assessment of 1553 01:03:23,783 --> 01:03:26,006 Pakistan and specifically the Pakistani 1554 01:03:26,006 --> 01:03:28,172 intelligence service dc , and the role 1555 01:03:28,172 --> 01:03:30,394 you expect them to play in our future . 1556 01:03:31,200 --> 01:03:33,680 Pakistan has played an important role 1557 01:03:33,680 --> 01:03:35,870 in Afghanistan and they have supported 1558 01:03:35,870 --> 01:03:38,970 the Afghan peace process . Pakistan , 1559 01:03:38,970 --> 01:03:42,850 as you know , also has allowed us to 1560 01:03:42,850 --> 01:03:45,580 have overflight uh and access to be 1561 01:03:45,580 --> 01:03:47,910 able to support our military presence 1562 01:03:47,920 --> 01:03:50,800 uh in Afghanistan . We will continue 1563 01:03:50,800 --> 01:03:53,780 our conversations with Pakistan because 1564 01:03:53,780 --> 01:03:55,891 they're supporting their contribution 1565 01:03:55,891 --> 01:03:58,680 uh to the future of Afghanistan . The 1566 01:03:58,680 --> 01:04:00,902 future peace in Afghanistan is going to 1567 01:04:00,902 --> 01:04:02,960 be critical . Thank you , General 1568 01:04:02,960 --> 01:04:05,127 Challenger . The amount of assets that 1569 01:04:05,127 --> 01:04:07,293 we have accumulated in Afghanistan has 1570 01:04:07,293 --> 01:04:08,849 to be significant special . 1571 01:04:08,849 --> 01:04:10,849 Specifically , we have provided the 1572 01:04:10,849 --> 01:04:12,516 Afghan forces with Black Hawk 1573 01:04:12,516 --> 01:04:15,860 helicopters , 8 29 super tucano planes , 1574 01:04:15,870 --> 01:04:17,790 armored vehicles , mine rollers , 1575 01:04:17,790 --> 01:04:20,380 command and control capacity and large 1576 01:04:20,380 --> 01:04:22,450 generators . What assets are you 1577 01:04:22,450 --> 01:04:24,710 planning to leave behind for the Afghan 1578 01:04:24,710 --> 01:04:26,900 forces ? What assets will be withdrawn 1579 01:04:26,900 --> 01:04:28,900 and what assets will be destroyed ? 1580 01:04:30,390 --> 01:04:33,450 Senator , As we conduct the retrograde ? 1581 01:04:33,450 --> 01:04:36,630 We will be uh transferring 1582 01:04:36,640 --> 01:04:40,410 facilities , some vehicles , 1583 01:04:40,790 --> 01:04:42,760 um , and other equipment that the 1584 01:04:42,760 --> 01:04:44,900 Afghan National Defence forces can 1585 01:04:44,900 --> 01:04:47,370 utilize in their ongoing efforts to 1586 01:04:47,370 --> 01:04:49,426 secure the country . Uh , we will be 1587 01:04:49,426 --> 01:04:52,110 retro rating that equipment that we're 1588 01:04:52,120 --> 01:04:55,990 able to bring back uh , to bases 1589 01:04:55,990 --> 01:04:58,101 and stations , uh , an account of the 1590 01:04:58,101 --> 01:05:00,800 United States as well as elsewhere . Um , 1591 01:05:00,990 --> 01:05:03,510 and then we'll be disposing of 1592 01:05:03,690 --> 01:05:07,140 equipment that essentially is either 1593 01:05:07,140 --> 01:05:10,620 obsolete , um , is inoperable 1594 01:05:10,630 --> 01:05:13,990 or uh , legally , we're not able to 1595 01:05:13,990 --> 01:05:16,590 transfer to Afghanistan . What I always 1596 01:05:16,590 --> 01:05:18,646 say is for those for the assets that 1597 01:05:18,646 --> 01:05:21,700 you're going to leave with uh , with 1598 01:05:21,700 --> 01:05:25,440 the afghan people . What guarantees do 1599 01:05:25,440 --> 01:05:27,607 the american people have , the taliban 1600 01:05:27,607 --> 01:05:29,607 won't get their hands on and use it 1601 01:05:29,607 --> 01:05:33,320 against them ? Senator , I don't I 1602 01:05:33,330 --> 01:05:35,870 think there are any guarantees . Again , 1603 01:05:35,880 --> 01:05:38,270 I would acknowledge the range of 1604 01:05:38,270 --> 01:05:40,630 possible outcomes over the coming 1605 01:05:40,630 --> 01:05:44,070 months um , uh , from the dire uh , 1606 01:05:44,080 --> 01:05:47,200 certainly to the to the positive . So I 1607 01:05:47,210 --> 01:05:49,432 couldn't offer any guarantees on that . 1608 01:05:50,690 --> 01:05:52,746 Thank you very much . Thank you . Mr 1609 01:05:52,746 --> 01:05:54,579 Chairman . Thank you very much . 1610 01:05:54,579 --> 01:05:56,746 Senator Manchin . Now let me recognize 1611 01:05:56,746 --> 01:05:59,023 Senator Blackburn , please . Thank you . 1612 01:05:59,023 --> 01:06:01,134 Mr Chairman Secretary , healthy . Yes 1613 01:06:01,134 --> 01:06:04,080 or no . Do you expect the taliban will 1614 01:06:04,080 --> 01:06:06,200 take over Afghanistan when we leave ? 1615 01:06:09,680 --> 01:06:12,410 Sorry , Sarah . Yes or no . 1616 01:06:15,280 --> 01:06:17,550 I do not expect the taliban to take 1617 01:06:17,550 --> 01:06:19,950 over Afghanistan after we leave . So 1618 01:06:19,950 --> 01:06:22,450 then what does the ISIS annual threat 1619 01:06:22,460 --> 01:06:25,490 assessment say the taliban is likely to 1620 01:06:25,490 --> 01:06:27,740 make gains on the battlefield and the 1621 01:06:27,740 --> 01:06:30,360 Afghan government will struggle to hold 1622 01:06:30,370 --> 01:06:32,800 the taliban at bay If the coalition 1623 01:06:32,800 --> 01:06:35,620 withdraw support , Sarah , I don't 1624 01:06:35,620 --> 01:06:38,730 believe there is any inconsistency . I 1625 01:06:38,740 --> 01:06:40,962 would say there's an inconsistency . Oh 1626 01:06:40,962 --> 01:06:43,910 yes or no . Now have we seen a steady 1627 01:06:43,910 --> 01:06:46,310 stream and violence out of the taliban 1628 01:06:46,310 --> 01:06:49,630 over the last year ? Yes . Sen . Yes it 1629 01:06:49,630 --> 01:06:53,500 has risen 169% . They're 1630 01:06:53,500 --> 01:06:55,722 getting really aggressive . Yes or no . 1631 01:06:55,722 --> 01:06:57,620 Have the Taliban previously 1632 01:06:57,620 --> 01:06:59,870 demonstrated a propensity for human 1633 01:06:59,870 --> 01:07:02,450 rights abuses ? Cultural Genocide . 1634 01:07:02,460 --> 01:07:05,260 Ethnic cleansing efforts historically ? 1635 01:07:05,260 --> 01:07:07,780 Yes . Yes they have and we have 1636 01:07:07,790 --> 01:07:10,770 thousands of undocumented cases and we 1637 01:07:10,770 --> 01:07:12,770 know that the U . S . Still needs a 1638 01:07:12,770 --> 01:07:15,660 presence in Afghanistan stand to resist 1639 01:07:15,670 --> 01:07:19,350 Iran's malign interest and their plots . 1640 01:07:19,350 --> 01:07:21,820 And if we fail to recognize the 1641 01:07:21,820 --> 01:07:24,710 opportunity Afghanistan presents to 1642 01:07:24,710 --> 01:07:27,350 what the India's sites as rogue regimes 1643 01:07:27,480 --> 01:07:30,140 and revision powers . We're kidding 1644 01:07:30,140 --> 01:07:32,700 ourselves . General troll injure . Yes 1645 01:07:32,700 --> 01:07:35,033 or no for you . Do you agree with the I . 1646 01:07:35,033 --> 01:07:37,300 C . S . Annual threat assessment that 1647 01:07:37,310 --> 01:07:39,750 and I'm quoting Iran will hedge its 1648 01:07:39,750 --> 01:07:41,670 bets in Afghanistan , threatening 1649 01:07:41,670 --> 01:07:44,230 stability . Is worried about a long 1650 01:07:44,230 --> 01:07:46,500 term U . S . Presence in Afghanistan 1651 01:07:46,500 --> 01:07:49,130 and as a result this building ties with 1652 01:07:49,140 --> 01:07:51,196 both the government in Kabul and the 1653 01:07:51,196 --> 01:07:53,640 Taliban . So it can take advantage of 1654 01:07:53,650 --> 01:07:56,090 any political outcome . Yes or no . You 1655 01:07:56,090 --> 01:07:59,600 agree ? I would agree . 1656 01:08:00,170 --> 01:08:02,590 Okay thank you . And to you again 1657 01:08:02,590 --> 01:08:04,670 general troll injure yes or no has a 1658 01:08:04,670 --> 01:08:07,030 run provided support to the Taliban at 1659 01:08:07,040 --> 01:08:09,740 this point in time . Not to my 1660 01:08:09,740 --> 01:08:11,740 knowledge . Not to your knowledge . 1661 01:08:11,740 --> 01:08:14,910 Okay . Uh as a Middle East subject 1662 01:08:14,910 --> 01:08:17,270 matter expert on the joint staff , do 1663 01:08:17,270 --> 01:08:19,760 you assess that Iran is intent on 1664 01:08:19,760 --> 01:08:23,030 taking advantage of a US withdrawal in 1665 01:08:23,030 --> 01:08:25,141 Afghanistan ? And what does that look 1666 01:08:25,141 --> 01:08:25,100 like ? 1667 01:08:29,370 --> 01:08:31,490 I would assess that they would be 1668 01:08:31,490 --> 01:08:33,800 opportunist and looking for every 1669 01:08:33,800 --> 01:08:36,710 opportunity to gain a an advantage , a 1670 01:08:36,710 --> 01:08:38,932 decisive advantage , a slight advantage 1671 01:08:38,932 --> 01:08:42,250 of any opportunity they might perceive 1672 01:08:42,250 --> 01:08:44,250 that they have . They would look to 1673 01:08:44,250 --> 01:08:46,472 take advantage of that . Do you believe 1674 01:08:46,472 --> 01:08:48,639 that Iran is prepared both politically 1675 01:08:48,639 --> 01:08:51,680 and militarily to compete on two fronts ? 1676 01:08:54,670 --> 01:08:57,400 I can't answer that question . Okay , 1677 01:08:57,630 --> 01:08:59,963 could you answer that in closed session ? 1678 01:09:00,670 --> 01:09:02,670 I could talk to you more about that 1679 01:09:02,670 --> 01:09:04,670 includes such excellent thank you . 1680 01:09:04,670 --> 01:09:06,650 Within 48 hours of the announced 1681 01:09:06,650 --> 01:09:08,872 Afghanistan withdrawal , the Washington 1682 01:09:08,872 --> 01:09:11,550 Post wrote , and I'm quoting Beijing , 1683 01:09:11,550 --> 01:09:13,661 should use its leverage with Pakistan 1684 01:09:13,661 --> 01:09:15,439 to keep the Taliban true to the 1685 01:09:15,439 --> 01:09:18,420 February 2020 agreement and encouraging 1686 01:09:18,420 --> 01:09:21,210 a ceasefire among fighting parties in 1687 01:09:21,210 --> 01:09:23,900 Afghanistan . China has some incentive 1688 01:09:23,900 --> 01:09:26,330 to do this lest Afghanistan become a 1689 01:09:26,330 --> 01:09:29,190 source of instability , particularly 1690 01:09:29,190 --> 01:09:31,930 with in Xinjiang . So secretary healthy . 1691 01:09:31,930 --> 01:09:35,570 Do uss china Iran are both will inject 1692 01:09:35,570 --> 01:09:38,460 themselves into the affairs of a post 1693 01:09:38,470 --> 01:09:42,210 US occupied Afghanistan . And what form 1694 01:09:42,210 --> 01:09:43,599 do you see that taking ? 1695 01:09:46,270 --> 01:09:50,220 Uh Senator ? I do agree that I think 1696 01:09:50,230 --> 01:09:52,580 china will become more involved . They 1697 01:09:52,580 --> 01:09:54,636 are involved in Afghanistan . Do you 1698 01:09:54,636 --> 01:09:56,930 think Beijing looks at Afghanistan as 1699 01:09:56,930 --> 01:10:00,620 an investment opportunity ? Yes , 1700 01:10:00,620 --> 01:10:02,842 Senator . They're they're looking at it 1701 01:10:02,842 --> 01:10:04,953 primarily for economic purposes . But 1702 01:10:04,953 --> 01:10:06,787 also they do have concerns about 1703 01:10:06,787 --> 01:10:09,120 counter terrorism and extremist threats , 1704 01:10:09,120 --> 01:10:11,120 rare earth minerals . Uh that would 1705 01:10:11,120 --> 01:10:13,064 that would fall within an economic 1706 01:10:13,064 --> 01:10:15,231 opportunity yesterday . Thank you . Uh 1707 01:10:15,231 --> 01:10:17,231 knowing what you know about China's 1708 01:10:17,231 --> 01:10:19,342 belt and road initiative specifically 1709 01:10:19,342 --> 01:10:21,480 there overland routes . Are they 1710 01:10:21,480 --> 01:10:23,890 predicated on the access to Central 1711 01:10:23,890 --> 01:10:27,870 Asia ? A significant part of one belt . 1712 01:10:27,870 --> 01:10:29,981 One road does transit through Central 1713 01:10:29,981 --> 01:10:32,640 Asia and Pakistan . From an exclusively 1714 01:10:32,640 --> 01:10:35,510 geographic standpoint , if china had 1715 01:10:35,520 --> 01:10:38,010 unfettered access to Afghanistan , 1716 01:10:38,010 --> 01:10:40,121 knowing that they share that border , 1717 01:10:40,160 --> 01:10:42,460 would there be anything standing 1718 01:10:42,460 --> 01:10:45,550 between them and their land based br I 1719 01:10:45,560 --> 01:10:46,970 route to Tehran ? 1720 01:10:51,760 --> 01:10:54,460 I would have to look into that a little 1721 01:10:54,460 --> 01:10:57,270 bit more in detail . We I'm aware of 1722 01:10:57,280 --> 01:10:59,420 the investments through Central Asia 1723 01:10:59,420 --> 01:11:02,900 and Pakistan . Um There's also 1724 01:11:02,900 --> 01:11:06,870 maritime routes to to Iran as well but 1725 01:11:06,870 --> 01:11:09,037 that I would I would submit that's not 1726 01:11:09,037 --> 01:11:11,490 the that's not the objective . Uh I 1727 01:11:11,490 --> 01:11:13,323 would appreciate getting that in 1728 01:11:13,323 --> 01:11:15,434 writing because I think it would give 1729 01:11:15,434 --> 01:11:17,610 them that unfettered access . The 1730 01:11:17,610 --> 01:11:19,770 ability to build that consistent . 1731 01:11:19,780 --> 01:11:21,780 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Thank you 1732 01:11:21,780 --> 01:11:23,947 Senator Blackburn and let me recognize 1733 01:11:23,947 --> 01:11:27,380 Senator King . Thank you . Mr 1734 01:11:27,380 --> 01:11:31,050 Chairman . I think my first question Mr 1735 01:11:31,050 --> 01:11:33,130 Halsey is the Trump administration 1736 01:11:33,130 --> 01:11:35,297 entered into agreement an agreement in 1737 01:11:35,297 --> 01:11:37,700 February of 2020 That all US . troops 1738 01:11:37,700 --> 01:11:39,867 would be out of Afghanistan by May one 1739 01:11:39,867 --> 01:11:43,810 of 2021 . The taliban had indicated 1740 01:11:43,810 --> 01:11:45,930 that if that did not occur they would 1741 01:11:45,940 --> 01:11:47,996 begin attacking U . S . Troops which 1742 01:11:47,996 --> 01:11:50,000 they had not done during the period 1743 01:11:50,000 --> 01:11:52,470 leading up to that . My specific 1744 01:11:52,470 --> 01:11:54,637 question is have there been attacks on 1745 01:11:54,637 --> 01:11:57,840 US troops Subsequent to May one 1746 01:11:57,850 --> 01:12:01,050 or has the Taliban tacitly 1747 01:12:01,060 --> 01:12:04,000 accepted the fact that it's the 1748 01:12:04,010 --> 01:12:05,950 timetable has been extended to 1749 01:12:05,950 --> 01:12:09,700 September senator ? I 1750 01:12:09,710 --> 01:12:11,654 there have been no Taliban attacks 1751 01:12:11,654 --> 01:12:13,766 against U . S . Or coalition forces . 1752 01:12:13,766 --> 01:12:16,240 Uh Since May one , I can't speak to 1753 01:12:16,240 --> 01:12:19,820 what the taliban's thinking is or what 1754 01:12:19,830 --> 01:12:21,663 if there's been a tacit internal 1755 01:12:21,663 --> 01:12:23,663 acceptance of that ? But there have 1756 01:12:23,663 --> 01:12:25,608 been no attacks against U . S . Or 1757 01:12:25,608 --> 01:12:27,774 coalition forces . But the taliban has 1758 01:12:27,774 --> 01:12:29,663 gained ground in the last several 1759 01:12:29,663 --> 01:12:31,052 months , have they not ? 1760 01:12:33,850 --> 01:12:36,510 Senator ? Yeah . Yes the Taliban has 1761 01:12:36,520 --> 01:12:39,170 has gained some some ground in 1762 01:12:39,170 --> 01:12:41,620 Afghanistan . Uh And they've continued 1763 01:12:41,630 --> 01:12:45,400 uh positioning themselves uh you know , 1764 01:12:45,400 --> 01:12:47,860 within Afghanistan . Um you know , over 1765 01:12:47,860 --> 01:12:49,980 the past several months , a question 1766 01:12:49,980 --> 01:12:53,870 for both of you . Uh This is the this 1767 01:12:53,870 --> 01:12:55,703 is the definition of a difficult 1768 01:12:55,703 --> 01:12:59,500 decision . Uh Were 1769 01:12:59,500 --> 01:13:02,670 we to decide It's an over it's a 1770 01:13:03,050 --> 01:13:06,880 vital national interest to preserve the 1771 01:13:07,850 --> 01:13:10,840 existing civil government , to protect 1772 01:13:10,850 --> 01:13:13,480 women , women's rights and 1773 01:13:13,850 --> 01:13:16,990 otherwise stifle the power of the 1774 01:13:16,990 --> 01:13:19,157 taliban in the country ? What would it 1775 01:13:19,157 --> 01:13:22,190 take in terms of a commitment by this 1776 01:13:22,190 --> 01:13:24,380 country ? In terms of troops , money ? 1777 01:13:25,600 --> 01:13:29,550 Air power , Are we back ? 1778 01:13:29,550 --> 01:13:33,430 200,000 troops ? A surge 1779 01:13:33,430 --> 01:13:35,590 such as occurred some years ago ? 1780 01:13:35,600 --> 01:13:37,822 General ? Your thoughts , what would it 1781 01:13:37,822 --> 01:13:41,790 take , Senator ? I can't 1782 01:13:41,800 --> 01:13:44,530 answer that question specifically . I 1783 01:13:44,530 --> 01:13:48,020 don't I don't uh I won't Presuppose 1784 01:13:48,030 --> 01:13:51,470 a decision or a possible outcome 1785 01:13:51,850 --> 01:13:54,310 and can't speak to what it might take 1786 01:13:54,310 --> 01:13:56,477 in that . But if the president said to 1787 01:13:56,477 --> 01:13:58,588 you , I want to stabilize , I want to 1788 01:13:58,588 --> 01:14:00,643 get Afghanistan back to where it was 1789 01:14:00,643 --> 01:14:02,754 five years ago . Your military advice 1790 01:14:02,754 --> 01:14:05,088 would be we need a lot more troops . Mr . 1791 01:14:05,088 --> 01:14:08,370 President and I s our air power a 1792 01:14:08,380 --> 01:14:10,547 greater investment . Isn't that true ? 1793 01:14:10,547 --> 01:14:12,730 I mean , uh We're not going to do it 1794 01:14:12,730 --> 01:14:15,150 with 2500 4000 troops . Isen't that 1795 01:14:15,150 --> 01:14:19,130 correct ? I would I would guess that 1796 01:14:19,130 --> 01:14:21,450 if if that guidance and direction was 1797 01:14:21,450 --> 01:14:23,970 given and the objectives were changed , 1798 01:14:23,980 --> 01:14:26,147 then yes , we would . We would look to 1799 01:14:26,147 --> 01:14:28,930 have significantly more capability For 1800 01:14:28,930 --> 01:14:31,180 an indefinite period . That's that's 1801 01:14:31,180 --> 01:14:33,513 that's what's very difficult about this . 1802 01:14:33,513 --> 01:14:35,870 We've been there 20 years and here we 1803 01:14:35,870 --> 01:14:39,380 are , with somewhat the same 1804 01:14:39,380 --> 01:14:41,560 situation that we were in when we 1805 01:14:41,560 --> 01:14:45,490 entered the country . So it's not only 1806 01:14:45,490 --> 01:14:47,546 is it a question of investment , but 1807 01:14:47,546 --> 01:14:49,212 it's a question of persistent 1808 01:14:49,212 --> 01:14:51,101 investment . Over , as I say , an 1809 01:14:51,101 --> 01:14:54,390 indefinite period , would you agree you 1810 01:14:54,390 --> 01:14:56,612 probably don't want to ? But I'm asking 1811 01:14:56,612 --> 01:15:00,440 you . Well , again , I think if 1812 01:15:00,450 --> 01:15:04,270 uh I don't want to Presuppose , uh 1813 01:15:04,280 --> 01:15:07,160 certainly an outcome or direction that 1814 01:15:07,160 --> 01:15:09,340 were given in terms of uh maybe our 1815 01:15:09,340 --> 01:15:11,562 objective , changing what it is we need 1816 01:15:11,562 --> 01:15:14,370 to do based on a potential outcome . 1817 01:15:17,040 --> 01:15:20,780 Mr Hosie , uh , We've 1818 01:15:20,780 --> 01:15:22,960 invested a huge amount in Afghanistan 1819 01:15:23,540 --> 01:15:26,640 terms of dollars , lives 10s of 1820 01:15:26,640 --> 01:15:29,510 thousands of people wounded . And yet , 1821 01:15:29,520 --> 01:15:33,520 here we are , on the brink of It's 1822 01:15:33,520 --> 01:15:35,798 debatable . We'll know in a year or so , 1823 01:15:35,798 --> 01:15:38,300 a Taliban retaking the country and 1824 01:15:38,300 --> 01:15:40,578 we're right back where we were in 2001 . 1825 01:15:40,840 --> 01:15:44,370 My question is , why couldn't the 1826 01:15:45,240 --> 01:15:47,550 the Afghan government 1827 01:15:48,840 --> 01:15:52,330 succeed given the level of support that 1828 01:15:52,330 --> 01:15:55,870 they've had ? Why they've had 1829 01:15:55,880 --> 01:15:58,290 airpower , they've had is our they've 1830 01:15:58,290 --> 01:16:00,880 had economic support . They've had 1831 01:16:00,890 --> 01:16:04,630 infrastructure support . And yet we see 1832 01:16:04,630 --> 01:16:08,060 this terrorist group taking over 1833 01:16:08,430 --> 01:16:10,740 in rural areas and approaching Kabul . 1834 01:16:11,530 --> 01:16:14,970 What is this ? Is this something in the 1835 01:16:14,970 --> 01:16:17,980 nature of the afghan polity that 1836 01:16:17,990 --> 01:16:20,420 central government has not going to 1837 01:16:20,420 --> 01:16:23,580 succeed ? Or or was it the people in 1838 01:16:23,580 --> 01:16:26,260 this government ? What why are we , why 1839 01:16:26,260 --> 01:16:28,450 are we where we are given the level of 1840 01:16:28,450 --> 01:16:29,672 investment we've made 1841 01:16:33,230 --> 01:16:35,250 senator . That that's a that's a 1842 01:16:35,260 --> 01:16:38,120 complicated question . I mean , in part , 1843 01:16:38,130 --> 01:16:40,640 I think you've hit on a number of 1844 01:16:40,640 --> 01:16:44,150 points , I think , yeah , uh , you know , 1845 01:16:44,830 --> 01:16:47,520 the central government in Afghanistan 1846 01:16:47,520 --> 01:16:50,520 has not been strong . It's been over 1847 01:16:50,520 --> 01:16:53,570 the course of afghans history . Uh , it 1848 01:16:53,570 --> 01:16:55,500 has not been pronounced by strong 1849 01:16:55,510 --> 01:16:57,510 central government . In fact , it's 1850 01:16:57,510 --> 01:16:59,621 largely been weak and and diffuse and 1851 01:16:59,621 --> 01:17:02,810 distributed what we have a scene . And 1852 01:17:02,810 --> 01:17:05,032 what we've tried to tried to promote is 1853 01:17:05,032 --> 01:17:07,254 a greater central government , bringing 1854 01:17:07,254 --> 01:17:09,477 all afghans to the table and being part 1855 01:17:09,477 --> 01:17:12,990 of a governing system that can 1856 01:17:12,990 --> 01:17:15,780 ensure security for the country in 1857 01:17:15,780 --> 01:17:18,310 economic development . That has been , 1858 01:17:18,320 --> 01:17:20,542 that has been difficult and that's been 1859 01:17:20,542 --> 01:17:23,660 that is not yet complete . I think in 1860 01:17:23,660 --> 01:17:26,430 terms of why we were there center , I 1861 01:17:26,430 --> 01:17:28,763 think it's important that we were there , 1862 01:17:28,763 --> 01:17:30,830 we were there because of the attacks 1863 01:17:30,840 --> 01:17:32,700 against this country . It was a 1864 01:17:32,700 --> 01:17:34,700 counterterrorism mission . It was a 1865 01:17:34,700 --> 01:17:36,811 counterterrorism mission . That's why 1866 01:17:36,811 --> 01:17:38,922 we were authorized forces to go there 1867 01:17:38,922 --> 01:17:41,110 and it succeeded for 20 years . It has 1868 01:17:41,120 --> 01:17:43,360 it is it has it has largely succeeded . 1869 01:17:43,360 --> 01:17:45,582 We brought the perpetrators of the 9 11 1870 01:17:45,582 --> 01:17:49,100 attacks uh to justice and we have 1871 01:17:49,100 --> 01:17:51,920 significantly reduced the threat of 1872 01:17:51,920 --> 01:17:54,142 international terrorists emanating from 1873 01:17:54,142 --> 01:17:56,253 Afghanistan . I think the president's 1874 01:17:56,253 --> 01:17:58,790 decision reflects his determination 1875 01:17:58,800 --> 01:18:02,320 that american interests uh can best be 1876 01:18:02,320 --> 01:18:06,050 served by uh by by completing 1877 01:18:06,050 --> 01:18:09,070 and ending the U . S . Military 1878 01:18:09,070 --> 01:18:11,210 involvement in Afghanistan . That 1879 01:18:11,220 --> 01:18:12,887 doesn't mean that the U . S . 1880 01:18:12,887 --> 01:18:15,700 Involvement in Afghanistan concludes we 1881 01:18:15,700 --> 01:18:17,811 will continue to work with the Afghan 1882 01:18:17,811 --> 01:18:19,978 government , will continue to maintain 1883 01:18:19,978 --> 01:18:21,756 a diplomatic presence and we'll 1884 01:18:21,756 --> 01:18:23,644 continue providing support to our 1885 01:18:23,644 --> 01:18:25,589 Afghan partners because we do have 1886 01:18:25,589 --> 01:18:27,644 interests still in Afghanistan . But 1887 01:18:27,644 --> 01:18:29,700 the president's determination is our 1888 01:18:29,700 --> 01:18:31,867 interests can best be served without a 1889 01:18:31,867 --> 01:18:33,867 military presence in that country . 1890 01:18:34,520 --> 01:18:36,742 Thank you . Thank you . Mr . Chairman . 1891 01:18:36,742 --> 01:18:38,631 Thank you . Senator King . Let me 1892 01:18:38,631 --> 01:18:40,853 recognize Senator Tuberville , please . 1893 01:18:42,720 --> 01:18:44,831 Thank you . Mr . Chairman . Thank you 1894 01:18:44,831 --> 01:18:48,410 for being here today . Uh , Today 41 of 1895 01:18:48,410 --> 01:18:50,632 our veterans served in our wars in Iraq 1896 01:18:50,632 --> 01:18:52,770 and Afghanistan . It's our largest 1897 01:18:52,770 --> 01:18:55,410 group of veterans ever . 7.8 million . 1898 01:18:55,410 --> 01:18:58,800 We paid the ultimate price . Yeah . As 1899 01:18:58,800 --> 01:19:01,540 a nation and in discussion on 1900 01:19:01,540 --> 01:19:03,818 withdrawal needs to bear the sacrifice . 1901 01:19:03,818 --> 01:19:05,707 And minor Afghan veterans will be 1902 01:19:05,707 --> 01:19:09,340 listening closely today . Um General , 1903 01:19:09,350 --> 01:19:11,517 uh , where will our nearest base be to 1904 01:19:11,517 --> 01:19:15,470 Afghanistan ? After we pull out ? Where 1905 01:19:15,470 --> 01:19:18,310 will our nearest base be ? After we 1906 01:19:18,310 --> 01:19:21,230 pull out of Afghanistan ? After we pull 1907 01:19:21,230 --> 01:19:23,397 in Afghanistan ? I believe our nearest 1908 01:19:23,397 --> 01:19:25,674 base would be in the Arabian gulf free . 1909 01:19:25,674 --> 01:19:27,952 Yeah , thank you . And your experience . 1910 01:19:27,952 --> 01:19:30,119 Has the US been successful in over the 1911 01:19:30,119 --> 01:19:32,230 risings counterterrorism efforts uh , 1912 01:19:32,230 --> 01:19:35,150 in the past ? Yeah . 1913 01:19:36,220 --> 01:19:38,600 You know , I've got Tell me a little 1914 01:19:38,600 --> 01:19:42,020 bit uh went through Vietnam uh 18 years 1915 01:19:42,020 --> 01:19:44,298 old . The stop the draft . I didn't go , 1916 01:19:44,298 --> 01:19:46,298 had a lot of buddies that went some 1917 01:19:46,298 --> 01:19:48,353 didn't come back . I can , one of my 1918 01:19:48,353 --> 01:19:50,520 worst memories is that helicopter over 1919 01:19:50,520 --> 01:19:52,687 Africa over our embassy and when we're 1920 01:19:52,687 --> 01:19:55,040 pulling out and we left behind millions 1921 01:19:55,040 --> 01:19:57,220 of people that supported us and a lot 1922 01:19:57,220 --> 01:19:59,442 of them were slaughtered . Hope to heck 1923 01:19:59,442 --> 01:20:01,609 we don't do this and this one , we did 1924 01:20:01,609 --> 01:20:03,831 the same thing in a in Iraq . Sooner or 1925 01:20:03,831 --> 01:20:05,887 later we're gonna have to understand 1926 01:20:05,887 --> 01:20:08,053 why we get in these wars , we get them 1927 01:20:08,053 --> 01:20:09,942 to win them . Uh And the american 1928 01:20:09,942 --> 01:20:11,998 people deserve to know that we spend 1929 01:20:11,998 --> 01:20:15,620 trillions of dollars . Uh uh Secretary 1930 01:20:15,630 --> 01:20:17,741 of the U . S . Embassy in Afghanistan 1931 01:20:17,741 --> 01:20:19,963 is already known as a variable military 1932 01:20:19,963 --> 01:20:22,074 bunker . Do you believe that we'll be 1933 01:20:22,074 --> 01:20:25,270 able to maintain that embassy senator ? 1934 01:20:25,280 --> 01:20:28,090 Yes . And we are we are working today 1935 01:20:28,090 --> 01:20:30,080 with our State Department U . S . 1936 01:20:30,080 --> 01:20:33,230 Embassy Kabul , uh Joint Staff Central 1937 01:20:33,230 --> 01:20:35,452 Command young counterparts to determine 1938 01:20:35,452 --> 01:20:37,397 what specifically the requirements 1939 01:20:37,397 --> 01:20:39,452 would be to to maintain that embassy 1940 01:20:39,452 --> 01:20:41,563 and and how to resource that . That's 1941 01:20:41,563 --> 01:20:43,674 also something that we're undertaking 1942 01:20:43,674 --> 01:20:45,841 in concert with our with our coalition 1943 01:20:45,841 --> 01:20:45,680 partners as well . Thank you . Thank 1944 01:20:45,680 --> 01:20:48,100 you . Mr Chairman , thank you Senator 1945 01:20:48,100 --> 01:20:51,230 Tuberville . Now recognize Senator 1946 01:20:51,230 --> 01:20:52,120 Peters please ? 1947 01:20:55,610 --> 01:20:57,832 Thank you . Mr Chairman and gentlemen , 1948 01:20:57,832 --> 01:20:59,999 thank you for being here today . Thank 1949 01:20:59,999 --> 01:21:02,166 you for your testimony . Thank you for 1950 01:21:02,166 --> 01:21:05,570 your service . Uh Mr Harvey . I'll just 1951 01:21:05,570 --> 01:21:07,681 start with a statement because I know 1952 01:21:07,681 --> 01:21:09,737 you've been asked this question many 1953 01:21:09,737 --> 01:21:11,792 times here uh this morning regarding 1954 01:21:11,792 --> 01:21:13,848 special immigrant visa program and I 1955 01:21:13,848 --> 01:21:16,380 just wanted to add my two cents worth 1956 01:21:16,380 --> 01:21:18,547 of uh I appreciate your willingness if 1957 01:21:18,547 --> 01:21:20,658 you've committed to working on that . 1958 01:21:20,658 --> 01:21:22,824 Clearly folks who have been helping us 1959 01:21:22,824 --> 01:21:25,158 over many years and served this country , 1960 01:21:25,158 --> 01:21:27,102 we have to make sure that they are 1961 01:21:27,102 --> 01:21:29,102 taken care of in a way that doesn't 1962 01:21:29,102 --> 01:21:31,102 bring harm to themselves with their 1963 01:21:31,102 --> 01:21:32,991 families . So I I appreciate your 1964 01:21:32,991 --> 01:21:35,102 commitment that that you have already 1965 01:21:35,102 --> 01:21:36,991 made here and hope that that will 1966 01:21:36,991 --> 01:21:40,380 indeed occur . My question to you first , 1967 01:21:40,380 --> 01:21:43,450 Mr Harvey is the absence of Taliban 1968 01:21:43,450 --> 01:21:46,020 attacks on us and NATO personnel since 1969 01:21:46,030 --> 01:21:49,490 May one indicates a capacity . It 1970 01:21:49,490 --> 01:21:51,490 appears to adhere to the agreements 1971 01:21:51,490 --> 01:21:54,470 that were made with us . But the peace 1972 01:21:54,470 --> 01:21:58,300 process is ultimately between the 1973 01:21:58,300 --> 01:22:01,450 Taliban and the Afghan government . And 1974 01:22:01,460 --> 01:22:03,627 my question to you is how do we remain 1975 01:22:03,627 --> 01:22:07,140 optimistic when over 400 pro government 1976 01:22:07,140 --> 01:22:09,730 forces and Afghan civilians were killed 1977 01:22:09,730 --> 01:22:11,786 just in the first two weeks of May ? 1978 01:22:14,200 --> 01:22:16,340 Uh Senator I I wouldn't say that I'm 1979 01:22:16,350 --> 01:22:19,110 optimistic . I would say that work 1980 01:22:19,120 --> 01:22:21,960 still remains to be done and that the 1981 01:22:21,960 --> 01:22:25,260 best future for Afghanistan will arrive 1982 01:22:25,260 --> 01:22:27,482 through a negotiated peace settlement . 1983 01:22:27,482 --> 01:22:29,380 And that's something that we as a 1984 01:22:29,380 --> 01:22:32,040 department uh and as a government are 1985 01:22:32,040 --> 01:22:34,970 continuing and committed to supporting 1986 01:22:34,980 --> 01:22:37,840 this is this is a critically important 1987 01:22:37,840 --> 01:22:40,730 work , but fundamentally the best path 1988 01:22:40,730 --> 01:22:44,090 to a safe , secure and more prosperous 1989 01:22:44,090 --> 01:22:46,146 future in Afghanistan is going to be 1990 01:22:46,146 --> 01:22:48,201 the Afghan people themselves sitting 1991 01:22:48,201 --> 01:22:50,360 down in determining determining their 1992 01:22:50,360 --> 01:22:53,750 future . Indeed , a 1993 01:22:53,760 --> 01:22:55,982 challenge that way , it's a significant 1994 01:22:55,982 --> 01:22:58,910 one going forward . General . Uh the 1995 01:22:58,920 --> 01:23:01,490 joint doctrine of stability list for 1996 01:23:01,490 --> 01:23:03,601 fundamentals of stabilization , which 1997 01:23:03,601 --> 01:23:05,657 I'm sure you're very , very familiar 1998 01:23:05,657 --> 01:23:07,880 with unity of effort , conflict , 1999 01:23:07,890 --> 01:23:09,790 transformation and host nation 2000 01:23:09,790 --> 01:23:13,460 ownership and capacity by the measure 2001 01:23:13,460 --> 01:23:16,110 of the joint doctrine for stability is 2002 01:23:16,110 --> 01:23:19,490 Afghanistan clearly are currently 2003 01:23:19,490 --> 01:23:23,400 stable and if not how does how 2004 01:23:23,400 --> 01:23:26,140 would that relate to these four 2005 01:23:26,140 --> 01:23:27,918 fundamentals of stabilization ? 2006 01:23:31,200 --> 01:23:33,800 Senator , I think that Afghanistan is 2007 01:23:33,810 --> 01:23:37,700 clearly very challenged right now um 2008 01:23:37,710 --> 01:23:40,240 in those different areas , given that 2009 01:23:40,250 --> 01:23:43,020 the the the pressure that the Taliban 2010 01:23:43,400 --> 01:23:45,511 or exerting in different areas of the 2011 01:23:45,511 --> 01:23:48,890 country um and the 2012 01:23:48,900 --> 01:23:52,100 challenges that the government of 2013 01:23:52,100 --> 01:23:54,800 Afghanistan and the Taliban face with 2014 01:23:54,800 --> 01:23:57,530 their efforts to get after a negotiated 2015 01:23:57,540 --> 01:23:58,540 peace settlement 2016 01:24:01,290 --> 01:24:03,640 mr Harvey um in addition to funding 2017 01:24:03,640 --> 01:24:06,620 capabilities and paying salary , will 2018 01:24:06,620 --> 01:24:09,270 the Department of Defense continue 2019 01:24:09,280 --> 01:24:11,447 institutional capacity building , such 2020 01:24:11,447 --> 01:24:13,391 as the Military of Defense Advisor 2021 01:24:13,391 --> 01:24:17,370 program going forward ? Uh 2022 01:24:17,380 --> 01:24:19,670 Sarah , I think those uh those 2023 01:24:19,670 --> 01:24:23,230 capabilities or those programs will 2024 01:24:23,230 --> 01:24:25,780 have to be adjusted . I think the 2025 01:24:25,780 --> 01:24:27,947 principal vehicles that we're gonna be 2026 01:24:27,947 --> 01:24:30,002 looking to support is the salaries , 2027 01:24:30,002 --> 01:24:32,320 support for the Afghan Air Force and 2028 01:24:32,320 --> 01:24:34,600 Special Mission Wing and then the 2029 01:24:34,600 --> 01:24:37,430 logistics and supply . Now , how we do 2030 01:24:37,430 --> 01:24:41,230 that type of training and mentoring can 2031 01:24:41,230 --> 01:24:43,119 be adjusted . So we're looking at 2032 01:24:43,119 --> 01:24:45,119 different mechanisms and ways to be 2033 01:24:45,119 --> 01:24:47,230 able to do that . Some of that can be 2034 01:24:47,230 --> 01:24:49,490 done over the horizon . We would also 2035 01:24:49,500 --> 01:24:52,430 look to maintain some type of security 2036 01:24:52,430 --> 01:24:54,570 cooperation , you know , presence , 2037 01:24:54,570 --> 01:24:56,403 which is typical and traditional 2038 01:24:56,403 --> 01:24:58,626 through an embassy that can allow us to 2039 01:24:58,626 --> 01:25:00,792 maintain those types of connections at 2040 01:25:00,792 --> 01:25:02,990 the ministry level . Very good . Thank 2041 01:25:02,990 --> 01:25:03,620 you Mr chairman .