WEBVTT 00:00.640 --> 00:03.250 Hello everyone . Happy thursday . 00:05.340 --> 00:08.880 Okay . So as you all should know by now , 00:08.890 --> 00:11.057 we are focusing today's press briefing 00:11.057 --> 00:13.168 on the department's efforts to combat 00:13.168 --> 00:15.270 the COVID-19 pandemic . And in line 00:15.270 --> 00:17.159 with those efforts today , Deputy 00:17.159 --> 00:19.270 Secretary Hicks and the Vice chairman 00:19.270 --> 00:21.381 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Heighten 00:21.381 --> 00:23.430 released a memo on quote methods to 00:23.430 --> 00:25.570 enable and encourage vaccination 00:25.580 --> 00:28.800 against covid 19 quote To speak about 00:28.800 --> 00:30.689 this and the department's efforts 00:30.689 --> 00:32.911 broader efforts to defeat COVID-19 . We 00:32.911 --> 00:35.133 have two familiar special guest with us 00:35.133 --> 00:37.356 here today . Acting Assistant Secretary 00:37.356 --> 00:39.810 of Health Affairs Dr terry Durham and 00:39.810 --> 00:41.699 Lieutenant General Ron placed the 00:41.699 --> 00:43.921 director of the Defense Health Agency . 00:44.640 --> 00:46.751 They will deliver opening remarks and 00:46.751 --> 00:48.529 then we'll take a few moderated 00:48.529 --> 00:50.696 questions . So at that welcome them to 00:50.696 --> 00:54.260 the stage . Thank you . All right . 00:54.740 --> 00:56.796 Good afternoon everybody . Thank you 00:56.796 --> 00:58.920 for joining us here today and thanks 00:58.920 --> 01:00.809 for all the important work you do 01:00.809 --> 01:03.031 communicating with our troops and their 01:03.031 --> 01:04.976 families . General place and I are 01:04.976 --> 01:07.198 going to brief you today on D . O . D . 01:07.198 --> 01:09.531 S . Efforts to combat covid 19 uh D . O . 01:09.531 --> 01:11.820 D . Is continuing to play a key role in 01:11.820 --> 01:13.764 supporting the whole of government 01:13.764 --> 01:15.876 approach to defeating covid including 01:15.876 --> 01:17.931 supporting vaccination of our fellow 01:17.931 --> 01:19.764 americans while ensuring our own 01:19.764 --> 01:21.820 population is vaccinated . To date . 01:21.820 --> 01:23.820 We've administered over 3.3 million 01:23.820 --> 01:26.042 doses to eligible d . o . d . personnel 01:26.042 --> 01:28.690 with 58 of our active duty service 01:28.690 --> 01:30.950 members having had at least one dose . 01:31.340 --> 01:33.870 Note that one month ago when we opened 01:33.870 --> 01:37.860 vaccination to all , we were only at 37 01:37.870 --> 01:39.592 of active duty service members 01:39.592 --> 01:41.648 receiving one dose . So we're making 01:41.648 --> 01:44.690 good steady progress . I also want to 01:44.690 --> 01:46.857 note that are active duty and national 01:46.857 --> 01:49.440 guard have to date administered over 15 01:49.440 --> 01:51.660 million doses of vaccines and we thank 01:51.660 --> 01:53.827 them for their hard work and advancing 01:53.827 --> 01:56.310 vaccination across the country . Since 01:56.310 --> 01:58.588 the start of the COVID-19 pandemic , D . 01:58.588 --> 02:01.200 O . D . has had nearly 300,000 cases , 02:01.210 --> 02:03.210 just over 4000 hospitalizations and 02:03.210 --> 02:06.290 unfortunately 351 deaths . These are 02:06.290 --> 02:08.512 total numbers that include our military 02:08.512 --> 02:10.568 service members , their dependence , 02:10.568 --> 02:12.800 civilians and contractors . It's also 02:12.800 --> 02:14.660 important to note that Covid 19 02:14.660 --> 02:16.660 infection and incidents and testing 02:16.660 --> 02:18.493 positivity rates for D . O . D . 02:18.493 --> 02:20.327 Personnel are lower than for the 02:20.327 --> 02:22.438 civilian population . Which is a sign 02:22.438 --> 02:24.271 that our force health protection 02:24.271 --> 02:26.230 measures are working with . Last 02:26.230 --> 02:28.440 month's expanding of eligibility of 02:28.440 --> 02:30.607 vaccination to all D . O . D . Service 02:30.607 --> 02:32.829 members , personnel and beneficiaries . 02:32.829 --> 02:34.662 The department has redoubled its 02:34.662 --> 02:36.718 efforts to encourage everyone to get 02:36.718 --> 02:39.630 vaccinated . In fact , as Jamal 02:39.630 --> 02:41.686 mentioned , the deputy secretary and 02:41.686 --> 02:43.797 the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs 02:43.797 --> 02:45.963 of Staff issued a memo today to senior 02:45.963 --> 02:47.797 leaders that re inform firms the 02:47.797 --> 02:49.463 importance of vaccination and 02:49.463 --> 02:51.830 identifies the tools for affected 02:51.830 --> 02:54.650 vaccine encouragement . These tools are 02:54.660 --> 02:56.493 already in widespread use by the 02:56.493 --> 02:58.760 services but this memo highlights their 02:58.760 --> 03:02.500 importance . This memo focuses on four 03:02.510 --> 03:06.460 areas um that includes increasing 03:06.460 --> 03:09.220 accessibility to vaccine , providing 03:09.220 --> 03:10.960 opportunities for education , 03:10.970 --> 03:12.820 leveraging active duty personnel 03:12.820 --> 03:15.230 policies to promote vaccination and 03:15.230 --> 03:17.452 ensuring engagement at the lowest level 03:17.452 --> 03:19.563 to acknowledge and address individual 03:19.563 --> 03:22.360 concerns we're honest and upfront in 03:22.360 --> 03:24.138 acknowledging the department is 03:24.138 --> 03:26.360 confronting many of the same challenges 03:26.360 --> 03:28.082 that the rest of America's and 03:28.082 --> 03:30.193 maximizing vaccine acceptance . We're 03:30.193 --> 03:32.304 using every tool possible to increase 03:32.304 --> 03:34.471 vaccination and will continue to do so 03:34.471 --> 03:36.582 from the secretary to the most junior 03:36.582 --> 03:39.040 leader . Last week , in accordance with 03:39.040 --> 03:41.262 the C . D . C . Issuing new guidance on 03:41.262 --> 03:43.484 masking , the department announced that 03:43.484 --> 03:45.651 fully vaccinated D . O . D . Personnel 03:45.651 --> 03:47.690 can safely participate in most 03:47.690 --> 03:50.260 activities and are no longer required 03:50.260 --> 03:52.800 to wear a mask indoors or outdoors at 03:52.800 --> 03:54.578 most . D . O . D . Facilities . 03:55.040 --> 03:57.270 Unvaccinated personnel however , should 03:57.270 --> 03:59.400 continue wearing masks as required by 03:59.400 --> 04:01.400 applicable D . O . D . Policy to 04:01.400 --> 04:03.567 protect themselves and others who have 04:03.567 --> 04:07.190 not been fully vaccinated . To that end . 04:07.200 --> 04:09.033 We are updating our force health 04:09.033 --> 04:11.200 protection guidance to align with this 04:11.200 --> 04:13.367 CDC guidance on masking while ensuring 04:13.367 --> 04:15.200 that mass continue to be used in 04:15.200 --> 04:17.144 appropriate settings . We know our 04:17.144 --> 04:19.367 fight against COVID-19 isn't over yet . 04:19.540 --> 04:21.484 But the C . D . C . S announcement 04:21.484 --> 04:23.262 underscores the fact that these 04:23.262 --> 04:25.096 vaccines work . They protect the 04:25.096 --> 04:27.262 recipient and their family members and 04:27.262 --> 04:29.429 will enable us to get back to normal . 04:29.429 --> 04:31.484 And lastly as you're aware , the FDA 04:31.484 --> 04:33.484 recently expanded the emergency use 04:33.484 --> 04:35.596 authorization for the Pfizer biontech 04:35.596 --> 04:37.707 vaccine to include adolescents 12 and 04:37.707 --> 04:39.540 above . We started shipping this 04:39.540 --> 04:41.520 vaccine . Oh Conus on May 14 and 04:41.520 --> 04:44.340 anticipation of this decision and there 04:44.340 --> 04:46.562 will be enough vaccine in place for 1st 04:46.562 --> 04:48.507 and 2nd doses for all our overseas 04:48.507 --> 04:51.000 adolescent population . This 04:51.010 --> 04:53.232 authorization and our administration of 04:53.232 --> 04:55.399 vaccines to our adolescents is another 04:55.399 --> 04:57.510 significant step in our fight against 04:57.510 --> 04:59.566 Covid 19 D . O . D . Is committed to 04:59.566 --> 05:01.770 vaccinating all of our eligible 05:01.770 --> 05:04.030 adolescents . And I'll now turn it over 05:04.030 --> 05:06.030 to general place will speak more in 05:06.030 --> 05:07.919 depth about these issues . Sure . 05:07.919 --> 05:10.141 Thanks Doctor Durham and good afternoon 05:10.141 --> 05:12.252 to all of you here and on the phone , 05:12.252 --> 05:14.141 I'll briefly expand on DR dirhams 05:14.141 --> 05:16.474 remarks regarding our vaccination reach . 05:16.474 --> 05:16.130 As she mentioned . As of this morning , 05:16.130 --> 05:18.230 58% of the active duty force has 05:18.230 --> 05:22.070 received at least one dose And 44 are 05:22.070 --> 05:23.792 fully vaccinated . That number 05:23.792 --> 05:25.681 continues to increase every day . 05:25.681 --> 05:27.737 Senior commanders , military medical 05:27.737 --> 05:29.792 leaders , fellow service members and 05:29.792 --> 05:31.959 family members are all contributing to 05:31.959 --> 05:34.014 the increased vaccination rate . The 05:34.014 --> 05:35.959 doctor Durham also noted regarding 05:35.959 --> 05:37.848 emergency use authorization , the 05:37.848 --> 05:40.070 Pfizer vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds . 05:40.070 --> 05:42.237 Last week we began shipping the Pfizer 05:42.237 --> 05:44.348 vaccine to our support to support our 05:44.348 --> 05:46.570 overseas adolescent community and those 05:46.570 --> 05:46.510 vaccinations actually have already 05:46.510 --> 05:48.843 begun . We continue to ship the vaccine . 05:48.843 --> 05:50.899 Too many installations in the United 05:50.899 --> 05:52.954 States as well that did not yet have 05:52.954 --> 05:55.120 the Pfizer vaccine for those military 05:55.120 --> 05:57.176 installations that the United States 05:57.176 --> 05:59.398 that don't have the Pfizer vaccine were 05:59.398 --> 06:01.398 encouraging beneficiaries to obtain 06:01.398 --> 06:03.342 their vaccines from local civilian 06:03.342 --> 06:06.050 providers , pharmacies or other outlets . 06:06.640 --> 06:08.750 Now that we've moved from a supply 06:08.750 --> 06:10.861 constrained environment to a desire . 06:10.861 --> 06:12.806 Constrained environment . We don't 06:12.806 --> 06:14.917 anticipate any challenges with access 06:14.917 --> 06:17.028 to vaccine and either the military or 06:17.028 --> 06:20.510 civilian settings . As Dr Doom . Also 06:20.510 --> 06:22.010 noted , our case rates and 06:22.010 --> 06:24.066 hospitalization rates are well below 06:24.066 --> 06:26.177 civilian rates . As of this morning , 06:26.177 --> 06:28.121 we have 29 in patients in military 06:28.121 --> 06:30.066 hospitals worldwide that are COVID 06:30.066 --> 06:32.177 positive . I would point out that our 06:32.177 --> 06:34.121 hospitalizations are at the lowest 06:34.121 --> 06:36.343 number within the department since June 06:36.343 --> 06:38.510 12 of 2020 And only slightly higher 06:38.510 --> 06:41.040 than they were in early June . The 06:41.040 --> 06:43.262 lowest number that we have consolidated 06:43.262 --> 06:46.040 records of was on June seven 21 in 06:46.040 --> 06:48.180 patients . Another indication of the 06:48.180 --> 06:50.347 degree to which the vaccine is keeping 06:50.347 --> 06:52.560 people healthy and out of the hospital 06:53.040 --> 06:55.096 as a military force , we continue to 06:55.096 --> 06:56.984 learn and adapt our strategies to 06:56.984 --> 06:59.318 combat this disease . Earlier this week , 06:59.318 --> 07:01.484 I hosted a meeting with our allies and 07:01.484 --> 07:03.707 partner nations military medical forces 07:03.707 --> 07:03.660 to better understand effective 07:03.660 --> 07:06.030 approaches in terms of both treatment 07:06.090 --> 07:08.490 and vaccinations , I'm grateful for the 07:08.490 --> 07:10.601 contributions and collaboration of so 07:10.601 --> 07:12.712 many medical professionals throughout 07:12.712 --> 07:14.990 the United States and across the world . 07:14.990 --> 07:16.934 Finally , another thank you to our 07:16.934 --> 07:19.046 service members and other D . O . D . 07:19.046 --> 07:18.670 Personnel who have chosen to get 07:18.670 --> 07:21.270 vaccinated and uh and continue to 07:21.280 --> 07:23.558 encourage their fellow service members , 07:23.558 --> 07:25.810 family members and friends to do the 07:25.810 --> 07:28.032 same as well . Thanks again for joining 07:28.032 --> 07:29.921 us today , I look forward to your 07:29.921 --> 07:32.143 questions . Thank you very much . First 07:32.143 --> 07:34.199 question . Megan . Uh , first is the 07:34.199 --> 07:36.366 memo going to be sent around or put up 07:36.366 --> 07:38.532 on defense dot gov . Members should be 07:38.532 --> 07:40.810 on defense dot gov right now . Perfect . 07:40.810 --> 07:42.810 Other question about lifting of the 07:42.810 --> 07:44.977 mask mandates and probably for general 07:44.977 --> 07:48.540 place , whose responsibility is it to 07:48.540 --> 07:50.930 maintain accountability in workplaces 07:50.930 --> 07:53.110 are in units for who's vaccinated ? 07:53.110 --> 07:55.110 Who's not ? Who should be wearing a 07:55.110 --> 07:57.166 mask and who doesn't need to be sure 07:57.166 --> 07:59.600 that's leader business . And so where 07:59.600 --> 08:01.600 you're a member of a unit of course 08:01.600 --> 08:03.378 commanders business where we're 08:03.378 --> 08:05.433 civilian employees , then we use the 08:05.433 --> 08:07.560 appropriate labor law or internal 08:07.560 --> 08:09.970 discipline like we do for the thousands 08:10.120 --> 08:12.231 of regulations and rules that we have 08:12.231 --> 08:14.120 for everyday business . It's just 08:14.120 --> 08:16.231 another one of those rules . Doctor , 08:16.231 --> 08:19.670 what's an example of leveraging policy 08:19.680 --> 08:22.570 to promote vaccine ? Take rates . 08:22.580 --> 08:26.150 Sure . Sure . Our 08:26.160 --> 08:29.380 commanders have uh wide 08:29.390 --> 08:33.360 authority um to use personnel policies . 08:33.360 --> 08:37.050 So for example um one policy that is 08:37.060 --> 08:39.227 not necessarily a commander but one of 08:39.227 --> 08:40.893 the policies that people were 08:40.893 --> 08:43.740 vaccinated do not have to uh quarantine 08:43.740 --> 08:45.962 pre and post travel . But if you're not 08:45.962 --> 08:48.440 vaccinated you still have to . That's 08:48.450 --> 08:50.672 an example of one policy with regard to 08:50.672 --> 08:52.672 what commanders have control over . 08:52.740 --> 08:54.851 They have control over leaves so they 08:54.851 --> 08:57.690 can give liberally for example , to 08:57.690 --> 09:00.250 those who get vaccinated . Mm . 09:02.940 --> 09:04.940 Next question We'll take one by the 09:04.940 --> 09:05.960 phone peter Lowy 09:09.640 --> 09:12.160 they were hi thanks very much for doing 09:12.160 --> 09:14.271 this . Um I wanted to ask about South 09:14.271 --> 09:16.493 korean troops being offered the J . And 09:16.493 --> 09:18.604 J . Vaccine . Um What other countries 09:18.604 --> 09:20.716 are being offered the vaccine through 09:20.716 --> 09:22.604 the U . S . Military ? What other 09:22.604 --> 09:24.827 countries have asked for the vaccine to 09:24.827 --> 09:26.771 the military and have US forces in 09:26.771 --> 09:28.930 Japan then asked or offered to 09:28.930 --> 09:31.152 vaccinate to prepare for the olympics . 09:33.190 --> 09:36.680 Start Sure . So um just like we do for 09:36.680 --> 09:38.736 all allied partners or other nations 09:38.736 --> 09:40.624 who have dialogue with the United 09:40.624 --> 09:42.680 States . Uh the policy decisions are 09:42.680 --> 09:44.736 made by the policy decision makers . 09:44.736 --> 09:46.458 Led by the White House and the 09:46.458 --> 09:48.700 president . Our job is to execute 09:48.710 --> 09:50.766 against those policy decisions . I'm 09:50.766 --> 09:52.766 currently unaware of any changes in 09:52.766 --> 09:54.710 policy decisions for us to execute 09:54.710 --> 09:57.800 against in terms of the olympics . It's 09:57.800 --> 09:59.911 not something I know anything about . 09:59.911 --> 10:02.133 No I have no awareness of that . But as 10:02.133 --> 10:04.300 general place said these are decisions 10:04.300 --> 10:06.411 by policymakers above our pay grade . 10:06.420 --> 10:08.642 Um And we're not aware of anything that 10:08.642 --> 10:11.850 we have been told to support this 10:11.850 --> 10:15.320 time . Great next question 10:15.330 --> 10:18.930 johnny . I have a question for 10:18.930 --> 10:21.690 you . The C . D . C . Has stopped 10:21.700 --> 10:24.660 monitoring breakthrough infections 10:24.670 --> 10:28.310 among the vaccinated individuals . Now 10:28.310 --> 10:31.300 all uh started you know everybody 10:31.300 --> 10:34.890 started to take off their masks . Are 10:34.890 --> 10:38.220 there any new guidelines for the 10:38.230 --> 10:41.780 breakthrough infections for the 10:41.790 --> 10:45.350 CBc or your we are 10:45.350 --> 10:49.070 continuing to uh test those individuals 10:49.080 --> 10:51.820 who are symptomatic just as we have 10:51.830 --> 10:55.510 before . We are also continuing to 10:55.510 --> 10:58.290 test under our current Force Health 10:58.290 --> 11:00.520 Protection guidance under those 11:00.520 --> 11:02.520 circumstances that we need to . For 11:02.520 --> 11:05.440 example those individuals who are not 11:05.440 --> 11:07.496 vaccinated , I know that wasn't what 11:07.496 --> 11:09.718 you had asked but those individuals who 11:09.718 --> 11:11.773 are not vaccinated uh may have to be 11:11.773 --> 11:13.551 tested before travel . So we're 11:13.551 --> 11:16.510 currently under our current Force 11:16.510 --> 11:18.830 Health Protection guidelines with 11:18.830 --> 11:20.830 regard to testing 11:20.840 --> 11:24.340 if people dying 11:24.350 --> 11:27.490 because of you know , break through the 11:27.490 --> 11:29.880 infections . You know that from 11:29.880 --> 11:32.620 vaccinated individuals right ? The 11:32.620 --> 11:36.240 vaccines are extraordinarily safe . The 11:36.250 --> 11:39.170 people are not dying from infections . 11:39.170 --> 11:41.370 In fact what the data and the science 11:41.370 --> 11:43.550 has shown us is that the vaccine 11:43.550 --> 11:45.420 prevents serious infections , 11:45.420 --> 11:49.400 Hospitalizations and deaths . So just 11:49.400 --> 11:52.160 a little bit so uh one of the decisions 11:52.160 --> 11:54.160 that the Department of Defense made 11:54.160 --> 11:56.520 almost a year ago Was to activate a 11:56.530 --> 11:59.520 COVID-19 registry which is a database 11:59.520 --> 12:02.010 essentially of all all of our 12:02.010 --> 12:04.010 beneficiaries , all of our patients 12:04.010 --> 12:06.177 who've ever been tested positive . And 12:06.177 --> 12:08.343 we also have the same sort of database 12:08.343 --> 12:10.454 for everybody that we vaccinated . So 12:10.454 --> 12:12.343 even though the C . D . C . isn't 12:12.343 --> 12:14.343 requiring it we still track it . So 12:14.343 --> 12:16.343 what I can tell you is of the first 12:16.343 --> 12:15.990 part of this week which is the last 12:15.990 --> 12:19.150 time I saw the data of the 1.5 million 12:19.150 --> 12:21.200 or so just showed of who are fully 12:21.200 --> 12:25.010 vaccinated . We've had 1640 some , 12:25.020 --> 12:27.242 I don't remember the exact number again 12:27.242 --> 12:29.740 earlier this week , but about 16 40 16 12:29.740 --> 12:32.270 50 that were breakthroughs of those 16 12:32.270 --> 12:34.381 50 or so . There were breakthroughs . 12:34.381 --> 12:36.326 We've had 24 hospitalizations . Of 12:36.326 --> 12:38.437 those 24 hospitalizations , we've had 12:38.437 --> 12:40.492 zero deaths . So the department does 12:40.492 --> 12:42.603 track to that level of detail exactly 12:42.603 --> 12:44.603 what's happening to whom , the good 12:44.603 --> 12:47.180 news to all that as opposed to the The 12:47.180 --> 12:49.940 95 or whatever rates that we're seeing 12:49.950 --> 12:52.061 published from the Phase two or Phase 12:52.061 --> 12:54.228 three clinical trials . If you do that 12:54.228 --> 12:56.920 math 99.9 effective for our 12:56.920 --> 12:58.710 beneficiaries of preventing 12:58.710 --> 13:00.210 breakthrough infection and 13:00.210 --> 13:03.930 99.999 effective in 13:03.930 --> 13:06.860 preventing hospitalization and 100 13:07.740 --> 13:09.796 in preventing death . Now that's all 13:09.796 --> 13:11.962 Comers writes all vaccines . So that's 13:11.962 --> 13:13.796 the Pfizer vaccine , the Moderna 13:13.796 --> 13:15.684 vaccine and the J and J's Janssen 13:15.684 --> 13:17.810 vaccine . But that's the data that I 13:17.810 --> 13:19.977 can at least globally share with you . 13:19.977 --> 13:21.977 That I track is the director of the 13:21.977 --> 13:24.199 Defense South Agent Agency every week . 13:24.199 --> 13:26.770 Anything that is about the overseas 13:26.780 --> 13:29.340 troops , they have involved with 13:29.350 --> 13:31.730 breakthrough infections , anybody . 13:32.620 --> 13:35.870 Right . So that's a great question . 13:35.880 --> 13:39.040 The numbers are too small , means 1640 13:39.040 --> 13:41.096 some breakthrough infections isn't a 13:41.096 --> 13:42.984 large enough number to be able to 13:42.984 --> 13:44.762 regression analysis and look at 13:44.762 --> 13:46.707 specific specific factors that may 13:46.707 --> 13:48.818 increase or decrease risks around the 13:48.818 --> 13:51.151 world . It's just not big enough number . 13:51.151 --> 13:53.318 And that's a good thing . Right . It's 13:53.318 --> 13:53.190 good that we don't have that many 13:53.190 --> 13:55.357 breakthroughs . But when we talk about 13:55.357 --> 13:57.246 safety and efficacy in particular 13:57.246 --> 13:59.410 efficacy , that's why we keep talking 13:59.410 --> 14:01.170 about within the department is 14:01.170 --> 14:04.360 99.9 effective 14:05.040 --> 14:06.900 In the community for us . 14:06.980 --> 14:10.470 and 99.999 effective in preventing 14:10.470 --> 14:12.581 hospitalization . That's incredible . 14:13.640 --> 14:16.210 That's why I see this is monitoring . 14:16.220 --> 14:19.530 They don't do any more of this probably . 14:19.540 --> 14:22.010 Thank you very much . Next question , 14:22.020 --> 14:24.310 Caitlin . Yeah . I wanted to come back 14:24.310 --> 14:27.200 to what you said about moving into a 14:27.200 --> 14:29.660 desire constrained environment . Can 14:29.660 --> 14:31.716 you talk a little bit more ? Tell me 14:31.716 --> 14:33.882 what that means these people wanted so 14:33.882 --> 14:35.882 before it was supply , there's more 14:35.882 --> 14:38.049 people who wanted it than we had had a 14:38.049 --> 14:40.271 vaccine for now based on the increasing 14:40.271 --> 14:42.510 manufacturing and those that really 14:42.510 --> 14:44.566 really wanted it largely have gotten 14:44.566 --> 14:46.788 the vaccine and now it's it's people on 14:46.788 --> 14:49.121 the fence or people who , quite frankly , 14:49.121 --> 14:51.121 for whatever their personal reasons 14:51.121 --> 14:53.232 have decided not to . So to the point 14:53.232 --> 14:55.454 that Dr Darren was making is how can we 14:55.454 --> 14:57.677 get in that information space ? How can 14:57.677 --> 14:59.843 we really show people true data . It's 14:59.843 --> 15:01.899 one of the reasons I'm I'm and put a 15:01.899 --> 15:04.010 little bit hard on how effective it's 15:04.010 --> 15:03.890 been in our community because I think 15:03.900 --> 15:06.067 there's a lot of people think it's not 15:06.067 --> 15:08.289 an effective vaccine . These vaccines , 15:08.289 --> 15:10.400 this suite of vaccines are incredibly 15:10.400 --> 15:12.400 effective . So it's about how do we 15:12.400 --> 15:14.622 inform , what is the real decision that 15:14.622 --> 15:16.844 you're making ? So I say desire based , 15:16.844 --> 15:19.178 it's what's what's in it for me , Right . 15:19.178 --> 15:21.250 How do I see value to this for me or 15:21.250 --> 15:23.583 how do I see this for value for my kids ? 15:23.583 --> 15:25.583 And one of the interesting things I 15:25.583 --> 15:27.750 think that we're going to start seeing 15:27.750 --> 15:29.806 is that some parents with adolescent 15:29.806 --> 15:29.730 kids who want their kids vaccinated . 15:29.830 --> 15:31.941 The kids are going to say , hey mom , 15:31.941 --> 15:33.886 Hey dad , what about you ? Are you 15:33.886 --> 15:35.774 vaccinated ? And the embarrassing 15:35.774 --> 15:37.941 answer is going to be in some cases at 15:37.941 --> 15:40.210 least know why not . And then what's 15:40.210 --> 15:42.432 that going to do to that desire part of 15:42.432 --> 15:44.654 the equation . So it's all about that . 15:44.654 --> 15:47.810 What are the barriers ? How close am I 15:47.810 --> 15:50.032 to a vaccination site ? How easy to get 15:50.032 --> 15:52.143 an appointment ? All those things are 15:52.143 --> 15:54.199 improving over time . And that's the 15:54.199 --> 15:56.254 sort of things that I mean by desire 15:56.254 --> 15:55.830 constrained environment . Do you think 15:55.830 --> 15:59.510 that the decision to allow the 15:59.520 --> 16:01.420 mass to come off for vaccinated 16:01.420 --> 16:04.610 individuals ? Have you seen an increase 16:04.620 --> 16:08.530 in that the desire to get vaccinated ? 16:08.530 --> 16:10.752 And do you think that that will have an 16:10.752 --> 16:13.940 effect in that area ? Well , I have a 16:13.940 --> 16:15.940 hard time speculating why people do 16:15.940 --> 16:18.162 what they do and sometimes I don't know 16:18.162 --> 16:20.180 why I do what I do . Uh but but the 16:20.180 --> 16:22.347 amount of time that that has changed , 16:22.347 --> 16:24.291 it's only been a few days . And so 16:24.291 --> 16:26.513 we've we've been seeing a slow decadent 16:26.513 --> 16:28.736 in the in the number of people who come 16:28.736 --> 16:30.791 to our vaccination sites over time . 16:30.791 --> 16:32.958 It's neither increased nor decreased . 16:32.958 --> 16:35.124 Since the deputy secretary changed the 16:35.124 --> 16:37.124 policy for the department late last 16:37.124 --> 16:41.110 week . So we have Patricia for military 16:41.110 --> 16:44.250 dot com . Hi , thanks for taking my 16:44.250 --> 16:47.110 question . I know you are tracking 16:47.120 --> 16:49.400 vaccine declination is , but I'm 16:49.400 --> 16:52.510 wondering if you have a sense at all of 16:52.510 --> 16:56.230 how many service members may 16:56.240 --> 16:59.630 um just not ever get vaccinated and um 16:59.640 --> 17:02.270 you know how you're gonna handle that . 17:02.540 --> 17:06.350 Uh and uh and are you planning for 17:06.360 --> 17:08.770 the FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine ? 17:10.040 --> 17:12.370 Okay , so I hear two questions in that . 17:12.380 --> 17:16.220 Um . Hi patty . How are you ? Um So the 17:16.220 --> 17:20.120 first part of it um uh with uh 17:20.130 --> 17:22.463 what was the first part of the question ? 17:23.840 --> 17:26.330 It was about declination and whether 17:26.330 --> 17:28.552 you you're going to have a sense of how 17:28.552 --> 17:30.920 many service members may just forego 17:30.920 --> 17:33.270 the vaccine altogether . No , we are 17:33.270 --> 17:35.159 not tracking declination . You're 17:35.159 --> 17:37.214 correct about that . Um but we are a 17:37.214 --> 17:39.620 reflection of society . So I would 17:39.620 --> 17:43.560 imagine that those that uh maybe and we 17:43.560 --> 17:45.616 don't know the answer to this . Like 17:45.616 --> 17:49.140 refusing vaccination . Um you know , 17:49.140 --> 17:51.196 may reflect what we're seeing out in 17:51.196 --> 17:54.570 the civilian sector . Um That said um 17:54.580 --> 17:57.010 there's no plans at this time to make 17:57.010 --> 18:00.910 vaccine mandatory . Um If and when the 18:00.910 --> 18:04.270 F . D . A . Um does license the vaccine , 18:04.440 --> 18:07.350 we'll make a decision at that time . 18:11.340 --> 18:13.950 Next question , Courtney follow up on 18:13.950 --> 18:17.950 actually the same question . But um if 18:18.340 --> 18:20.507 you're not checking the declarations , 18:20.507 --> 18:22.729 I understand that . But do you have any 18:22.729 --> 18:22.530 sense of like sort of the demographics 18:22.530 --> 18:24.586 of who has not been vaccinated among 18:24.586 --> 18:27.320 the uniformed military ? Is there like 18:27.320 --> 18:29.098 a certain age range that you're 18:29.098 --> 18:31.320 focusing on ? Is there or is there like 18:31.320 --> 18:33.431 a original difference that people are 18:33.431 --> 18:35.598 stationed overseas ? Maybe are more or 18:35.598 --> 18:37.709 less likely to get anything like that 18:37.709 --> 18:40.160 you can share on who's not getting it ? 18:40.170 --> 18:42.281 You know , we do , we do have some of 18:42.281 --> 18:44.570 that data . Yes , ma'am . So again , if 18:44.570 --> 18:46.980 you look at the demographics of America , 18:46.990 --> 18:49.260 that's the same demographics who are 18:49.260 --> 18:51.149 accepting the vaccination . We're 18:51.149 --> 18:53.500 finding that that while early on . And 18:53.500 --> 18:55.667 I think we talked about a little bit . 18:55.667 --> 18:58.000 When we were in our phased based schema , 18:58.000 --> 19:00.167 we were somewhat concerned about there 19:00.167 --> 19:02.389 are some disparity between demographics 19:02.389 --> 19:04.500 of who is being vaccinated . What the 19:04.500 --> 19:06.389 demographics of the Department of 19:06.389 --> 19:08.444 Defense was , What we found now that 19:08.444 --> 19:08.000 we've gone through all of our phases of 19:08.000 --> 19:10.800 our schema that the percentage by race 19:10.800 --> 19:12.911 or the percentage by ethnicity or the 19:12.911 --> 19:15.078 percentage by age or the percentage by 19:15.078 --> 19:17.078 gender , it's generally the same as 19:17.078 --> 19:19.078 what we have in the department . So 19:19.078 --> 19:21.244 there's no particular Demographic that 19:21.244 --> 19:23.420 makes you more likely or less likely . 19:23.420 --> 19:25.370 With a couple of exceptions are 19:25.370 --> 19:27.780 physicians are vaccinated at a really 19:27.780 --> 19:30.930 high rate . Uh , those who are over the 19:30.930 --> 19:33.600 age of 65 are vaccinated at a really 19:33.600 --> 19:36.180 high rate . Those who are staff in 19:36.180 --> 19:39.260 particular Residents of the two Armed 19:39.260 --> 19:41.990 forces retirement homes Are vaccinated 19:41.990 --> 19:45.040 at extraordinarily high rates 100 as an 19:45.040 --> 19:47.400 example . So what we're seeing in what 19:47.400 --> 19:49.622 were responsible for looks an awful lot 19:49.622 --> 19:51.622 like what the rest of America looks 19:51.622 --> 19:53.678 like . If you look overseas . On the 19:53.678 --> 19:55.789 other hand , uh , every single one of 19:55.789 --> 19:57.733 the co coms is now vaccinated both 19:57.733 --> 19:59.930 partially and fully at rates that are 19:59.930 --> 20:02.280 higher than the United States and in 20:02.280 --> 20:04.450 some cases that extraordinarily high 20:04.450 --> 20:06.728 rates . Yeah , and I would add to that . 20:06.728 --> 20:08.728 I think the reason why we're seeing 20:08.728 --> 20:10.783 this is because like in the civilian 20:10.783 --> 20:13.110 sector , you have access issues in the 20:13.110 --> 20:15.110 military , especially for our armed 20:15.110 --> 20:17.570 forces . Um , we don't have that access 20:17.570 --> 20:19.820 issue , Right ? So they have equal 20:19.820 --> 20:22.042 access among groups . So we're just not 20:22.042 --> 20:24.850 seeing the same level of disparities , 20:24.860 --> 20:27.027 um , that we're seeing in the civilian 20:27.027 --> 20:29.138 sector clear when you said there's no 20:29.138 --> 20:31.249 place to make the vaccine mandatory , 20:31.249 --> 20:33.560 but if they do , the FDA does approve 20:33.560 --> 20:35.520 full authorization or whatever for 20:35.530 --> 20:38.710 Pfizer . Could you see there being a 20:38.720 --> 20:41.230 mandatory for certain elements of the 20:41.230 --> 20:43.590 military ? So the nuclear force people 20:43.590 --> 20:45.757 who have like maybe are a scientific , 20:45.757 --> 20:47.479 an immediate reaction force or 20:47.479 --> 20:49.534 something , Could you see that being 20:49.534 --> 20:51.701 implemented ? Well , I can't speculate 20:51.701 --> 20:54.820 at this time with regard to who , you 20:54.820 --> 20:57.750 know , if and who would be um , it 20:57.750 --> 20:59.890 would be mandatory for . But just 20:59.890 --> 21:02.450 understand we mandate vaccine licensed 21:02.450 --> 21:05.170 vaccines for our uniform service 21:05.170 --> 21:07.880 members um , routinely . So you can 21:07.880 --> 21:10.400 imagine that , you know , like other 21:10.400 --> 21:12.680 licensed vaccines , you know , we may 21:12.680 --> 21:15.370 consider it , but not necessarily . 21:15.370 --> 21:18.180 Even I can't I can't , you know , make 21:18.180 --> 21:20.150 that conjecture now , if and when 21:20.160 --> 21:22.860 vaccines these vaccines do become 21:23.240 --> 21:25.500 licensed , then we'll make a decision 21:25.500 --> 21:29.460 at that time . Next question . Or in 21:31.140 --> 21:33.084 do you have any information on the 21:33.084 --> 21:35.307 prevalence of any of the covid variants 21:35.307 --> 21:37.170 in the population ? And what 21:37.170 --> 21:39.337 preparatory work are you doing in case 21:39.337 --> 21:42.940 there's a need for boosters . Sure . So 21:42.950 --> 21:45.940 we have our own whole genomic 21:45.940 --> 21:48.107 laboratories that we use . If you look 21:48.107 --> 21:50.329 at the results that we're seeing in our 21:50.329 --> 21:52.218 laboratories , both in the United 21:52.218 --> 21:54.440 States and around the world , they look 21:54.440 --> 21:53.600 very similar to what you're seeing 21:53.600 --> 21:55.711 reported by other laboratories . So , 21:55.711 --> 21:57.650 um , in terms of numbers , the 21:57.650 --> 21:59.706 frequencies , et cetera , what we're 21:59.706 --> 22:02.170 finding our labs is the same in terms 22:02.170 --> 22:03.892 of boosters . I'm not going to 22:03.892 --> 22:06.059 speculate again on hypotheticals , but 22:06.059 --> 22:08.390 if there's some sort of evidence that 22:08.400 --> 22:10.678 indicates that there are better safety , 22:10.678 --> 22:12.511 better efficacy with three doses 22:12.511 --> 22:15.410 instead of two or period the city being 22:15.410 --> 22:18.310 at some interval , like we do for our 22:18.320 --> 22:20.431 our tetanus updates or those sorts of 22:20.431 --> 22:22.376 things . That would be a licensing 22:22.376 --> 22:24.598 decision . And as dr Graham has already 22:24.598 --> 22:26.709 mentioned , we're not gonna get ahead 22:26.709 --> 22:28.820 of any licensing decisions , but it's 22:28.820 --> 22:30.931 risk based decision making . So fully 22:30.931 --> 22:33.098 license and and good data . Maybe so , 22:33.098 --> 22:35.042 or maybe that , I'm sorry doctor , 22:35.042 --> 22:37.209 maybe that because Covid sort of wipes 22:37.209 --> 22:39.320 itself out and isn't an issue anymore 22:39.320 --> 22:41.376 that from a risk based scenario , uh 22:41.376 --> 22:43.320 that just doesn't seem worth it to 22:43.320 --> 22:45.264 vaccinate all of us because of the 22:45.264 --> 22:47.431 small but real risks that do come from 22:47.431 --> 22:49.431 vaccines . Right . And if that were 22:49.431 --> 22:51.598 something that was determined uh to be 22:51.598 --> 22:53.850 necessary , we routinely give vaccines 22:53.850 --> 22:56.760 to our service members . So give annual 22:56.760 --> 22:58.982 flu vaccines , for example . So we'd be 22:58.982 --> 23:01.316 ready to do that . If that came to pass . 23:01.450 --> 23:03.394 At this point , there's no need to 23:03.394 --> 23:05.561 create a booster stockpile or anything 23:05.561 --> 23:07.283 like that . Am I covering that 23:07.283 --> 23:10.120 correctly ? I don't know what it be . 23:10.120 --> 23:12.350 So again , I hate to speculate on what 23:12.350 --> 23:14.239 might be and all the branches and 23:14.239 --> 23:16.350 Sequels that come out from what might 23:16.350 --> 23:18.461 be . I will tell you just like when , 23:18.461 --> 23:20.461 uh , when I first talked about this 23:20.461 --> 23:23.130 with uh , Secretary Mccaffrey back in 23:23.130 --> 23:25.410 december . Right . We're using the 23:25.410 --> 23:28.850 whole laid out of , of our mass 23:28.850 --> 23:31.017 vaccination protocol that we use every 23:31.017 --> 23:33.470 year for influenza as this . We would 23:33.470 --> 23:35.526 use the same sorts of things for any 23:35.526 --> 23:37.526 mass vaccination protocol , whether 23:37.526 --> 23:39.900 it's influenza boosters or anything 23:39.900 --> 23:42.011 else . We have the systems in place . 23:42.340 --> 23:46.330 Yeah . Yeah . Thank you . Uh , general 23:46.330 --> 23:48.386 place this , There's been talk for a 23:48.386 --> 23:50.552 long time about those folks who turned 23:50.552 --> 23:52.774 down the vaccine , right ? And then all 23:52.774 --> 23:54.719 these efforts to reach out to them 23:54.719 --> 23:56.830 again and again and some are starting 23:56.830 --> 23:59.052 to get it right . Uh , so are um , does 23:59.052 --> 24:00.997 it even matter at this point since 24:00.997 --> 24:03.219 you're rising in the level of those who 24:03.219 --> 24:05.386 have been vaccinated that you go after 24:05.386 --> 24:07.663 them so aggressively to get vaccinated ? 24:07.663 --> 24:09.608 Are you reaching some sort of herd 24:09.608 --> 24:11.719 immunity in the military ? Well , the 24:11.719 --> 24:14.840 fact that we're still having infections 24:14.850 --> 24:18.310 every single day in the hundreds and 24:18.310 --> 24:21.990 the fact that we still have 20 29 24:21.990 --> 24:24.480 people in the hospital , that's 29 too 24:24.480 --> 24:26.591 many in the hospital that several 100 24:26.591 --> 24:28.830 more than should be having a diagnosis 24:28.830 --> 24:30.774 every single day . So no , I don't 24:30.774 --> 24:32.886 think we've reached a point where our 24:32.886 --> 24:35.110 efforts need to stop our efforts stop 24:35.110 --> 24:37.332 when we've eliminated people dying from 24:37.332 --> 24:39.554 this disease . We are efforts stop when 24:39.554 --> 24:41.721 we've eliminated people being admitted 24:41.721 --> 24:43.554 to the hospital for this And our 24:43.554 --> 24:45.630 efforts stop when it stops being a 24:45.640 --> 24:47.418 negative aspect to the way that 24:47.418 --> 24:49.640 commanders do commander business . So I 24:49.640 --> 24:51.751 don't think we're close to that yet . 24:51.751 --> 24:53.696 So that's why the efforts at every 24:53.696 --> 24:53.460 level the department are still here . 24:54.140 --> 24:58.060 Thank you . Do you have anything about 24:58.070 --> 25:01.770 uh vaccine swap with South Korea ? 25:02.140 --> 25:05.280 Do you have any plan for As already 25:05.280 --> 25:08.110 mentioned , the policy decision makers 25:08.110 --> 25:10.166 will decide what what policies there 25:10.166 --> 25:12.221 are . I'm not aware of any decisions 25:12.221 --> 25:14.110 that have been made from a policy 25:14.110 --> 25:16.332 perspective right now , we're executing 25:16.332 --> 25:18.499 uh vaccines to our service members and 25:18.499 --> 25:20.499 all of our other beneficiaries . So 25:20.499 --> 25:22.721 otherwise , I'm not aware of anything . 25:23.540 --> 25:25.707 Do you have any further questions more 25:25.707 --> 25:27.762 from Abraham ? Was there any comment 25:27.762 --> 25:29.873 that you guys can make about the fema 25:29.873 --> 25:31.651 vaccination sites and how those 25:31.651 --> 25:33.596 administered ? Yeah , sure . I did 25:33.596 --> 25:35.651 mention that there is still active . 25:35.651 --> 25:37.540 They're still supporting the fema 25:37.540 --> 25:39.830 mission at sites in a number of States 25:40.440 --> 25:43.450 and we'll continue that mission as long 25:43.450 --> 25:46.700 as fema believes that they require our 25:46.700 --> 25:50.500 support . Um as uh sites have 25:50.500 --> 25:52.389 decided that they don't need them 25:52.389 --> 25:54.389 anymore . We may move them to other 25:54.389 --> 25:56.722 sites where they may be needed and some , 25:56.722 --> 25:58.833 you know , maybe returning home . But 25:58.833 --> 26:00.778 we anticipate that there are about 26:00.778 --> 26:02.944 eight weeks . Um , and if they need to 26:02.944 --> 26:05.950 be re re upped for another four weeks , 26:05.950 --> 26:07.950 we do that . But we do that site by 26:07.950 --> 26:10.260 site and working with fema to determine 26:10.270 --> 26:13.260 what they require for support . Major 26:13.270 --> 26:15.030 standing down of this . That 26:15.130 --> 26:18.280 vaccination sites yet . Not not not not 26:18.280 --> 26:20.502 at this time . But you know , these are 26:20.502 --> 26:22.613 part of the discussions about what is 26:22.613 --> 26:24.613 needed by the States and fema makes 26:24.613 --> 26:26.613 that determination . And we support 26:26.613 --> 26:28.613 some very good things . All right , 26:28.613 --> 26:30.836 well , thank you all so very much . And 26:30.836 --> 26:33.002 a special thanks to Lieutenant General 26:33.002 --> 26:35.224 Place and dr terry Durham . Thank you . 26:35.540 --> 26:35.860 Okay .