1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:01,196 these days . Helen 2 00:00:04,040 --> 00:00:06,262 Megan . You want to remind me of that ? 3 00:00:06,262 --> 00:00:09,410 Don't you keep me credible 4 00:00:09,490 --> 00:00:13,360 accountable . Also humble . 5 00:00:14,540 --> 00:00:18,220 Okay , some things at the top here , um , 6 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:20,511 I think you may have seen on friday , 7 00:00:20,840 --> 00:00:23,620 The Navy's MQ 25 stingray unmanned . 8 00:00:23,630 --> 00:00:25,519 There's a picture of it . They're 9 00:00:25,519 --> 00:00:27,686 unmanned aerial vehicle , successfully 10 00:00:27,686 --> 00:00:29,463 completed the first ever aerial 11 00:00:29,463 --> 00:00:31,519 refueling between an unmanned tanker 12 00:00:31,519 --> 00:00:33,630 and an aircraft . The singer took off 13 00:00:33,630 --> 00:00:35,741 and then transferred several £100 of 14 00:00:35,741 --> 00:00:37,908 fuel to a super hornet . This historic 15 00:00:37,908 --> 00:00:40,074 flight demonstrates the Stingray . The 16 00:00:40,074 --> 00:00:42,297 Stingray can fulfill its primary tanker 17 00:00:42,297 --> 00:00:44,990 mission and free strike fighters up for 18 00:00:44,990 --> 00:00:47,157 more of the duty uh , from the duty of 19 00:00:47,157 --> 00:00:49,680 transferring fuel . Sorry , This also 20 00:00:49,680 --> 00:00:51,902 extends the range and capability of the 21 00:00:51,902 --> 00:00:53,902 carrier air wing and carrier strike 22 00:00:53,902 --> 00:00:56,013 group . And it's a great step forward 23 00:00:56,013 --> 00:00:57,847 toward manned , unmanned teaming 24 00:00:57,847 --> 00:01:00,124 concepts . Pretty dramatic image there . 25 00:01:00,124 --> 00:01:02,291 Monday Military sealift Command , uh , 26 00:01:02,291 --> 00:01:04,624 Fleet replenishment oiler U . S . And S . 27 00:01:04,624 --> 00:01:07,080 Production Assigned to the us 5th fleet 28 00:01:07,080 --> 00:01:09,260 provided emergency assistance to the 29 00:01:09,260 --> 00:01:11,460 general cargo vessel Falcon line that 30 00:01:11,460 --> 00:01:13,516 was in distress in the Gulf of Aid . 31 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:16,251 You can see an image there of some of 32 00:01:16,251 --> 00:01:17,918 the crew being rescued . Upon 33 00:01:17,918 --> 00:01:19,918 notification of the situation , The 34 00:01:19,918 --> 00:01:22,084 patuxent proceeded at maximum speed to 35 00:01:22,084 --> 00:01:24,196 rescue the crew of Falcon line before 36 00:01:24,196 --> 00:01:26,362 the ship completely sank . It sank due 37 00:01:26,362 --> 00:01:28,696 to engine trouble after taking on water , 38 00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:30,970 Protects it safely recovered the 15 39 00:01:30,970 --> 00:01:33,137 crew members and provided food , water 40 00:01:33,137 --> 00:01:35,359 and medical screening . The fifth fleet 41 00:01:35,359 --> 00:01:37,470 is coordinating with the owner of the 42 00:01:37,470 --> 00:01:39,692 ship and other authorities to determine 43 00:01:39,692 --> 00:01:39,250 the most appropriate location to embark 44 00:01:39,250 --> 00:01:41,960 the crew members um , 45 00:01:42,740 --> 00:01:45,740 over to europe . Now another update on 46 00:01:45,740 --> 00:01:48,250 defender europe today wrapped up three 47 00:01:48,250 --> 00:01:50,417 days of air and missile defense . Live 48 00:01:50,417 --> 00:01:52,306 fire events in Romania as part of 49 00:01:52,306 --> 00:01:54,472 exercise Saber Guardian . See an image 50 00:01:54,472 --> 00:01:56,639 there from the exercise Tomorrow , the 51 00:01:56,639 --> 00:01:59,000 US . Army's 41st Field Artillery 52 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:01,167 Brigade will move to Norway to conduct 53 00:02:01,167 --> 00:02:03,400 a live fire exercise as part of 54 00:02:03,400 --> 00:02:05,100 Norwegian national exercise . 55 00:02:05,110 --> 00:02:07,310 Thunderbolt This will mark the end of 56 00:02:07,310 --> 00:02:09,780 the fires , shock series of events and 57 00:02:09,780 --> 00:02:11,780 will feature multiple launch rocket 58 00:02:11,780 --> 00:02:14,450 systems , high mobility artillery 59 00:02:14,460 --> 00:02:17,160 rocket systems uh and high altitude 60 00:02:17,160 --> 00:02:19,840 balloon operations and will include U . 61 00:02:19,840 --> 00:02:21,396 S . Army and Norwegian army 62 00:02:21,396 --> 00:02:23,960 interoperability uh exercises . 63 00:02:24,840 --> 00:02:27,870 Okay . Um onto other news , the 64 00:02:27,880 --> 00:02:30,560 secretary is proud to announce today 65 00:02:30,560 --> 00:02:33,020 the establishment of 1/6 Defense 66 00:02:33,020 --> 00:02:35,300 Department regional center . This will 67 00:02:35,300 --> 00:02:37,370 be the Ted stevens Center for Arctic 68 00:02:37,370 --> 00:02:39,900 Security Studies . The Ted stevens 69 00:02:39,900 --> 00:02:41,844 Center will provide a new venue to 70 00:02:41,844 --> 00:02:43,567 collaborate across the U . S . 71 00:02:43,567 --> 00:02:45,511 Government and with our allies and 72 00:02:45,511 --> 00:02:47,567 partners to advance shared interests 73 00:02:47,567 --> 00:02:49,733 for a peaceful and prosperous arctic . 74 00:02:49,733 --> 00:02:51,956 The Defense Department regional centers 75 00:02:51,956 --> 00:02:54,067 are international academic venues for 76 00:02:54,067 --> 00:02:56,210 bilateral and multilateral research , 77 00:02:56,210 --> 00:02:58,210 communication and training with the 78 00:02:58,210 --> 00:03:00,210 goal of building strong sustainable 79 00:03:00,210 --> 00:03:02,154 international networks of security 80 00:03:02,154 --> 00:03:05,860 leaders . And I think you also saw 81 00:03:05,870 --> 00:03:08,600 today , the secretary issued a 82 00:03:08,610 --> 00:03:10,850 directive to the force that initiates 83 00:03:10,850 --> 00:03:12,961 several major department wide efforts 84 00:03:12,961 --> 00:03:14,683 to better address the security 85 00:03:14,683 --> 00:03:17,430 challenges posed by china as the United 86 00:03:17,430 --> 00:03:19,374 States Number one pacing challenge 87 00:03:19,374 --> 00:03:21,486 challenge these initiatives , some of 88 00:03:21,486 --> 00:03:23,810 which will remain classified , are 89 00:03:23,810 --> 00:03:25,532 designed to focus departmental 90 00:03:25,532 --> 00:03:27,532 processes and procedures and better 91 00:03:27,532 --> 00:03:29,643 help department leaders contribute to 92 00:03:29,643 --> 00:03:31,810 whole of government efforts to address 93 00:03:31,810 --> 00:03:34,032 the challenge of china having completed 94 00:03:34,032 --> 00:03:36,088 its work . Now that china task force 95 00:03:36,088 --> 00:03:38,143 will stand down uh and the secretary 96 00:03:38,143 --> 00:03:40,310 was very grateful in thanking them for 97 00:03:40,310 --> 00:03:42,532 their hard work and their efforts uh to 98 00:03:42,532 --> 00:03:44,588 again better align the department to 99 00:03:44,588 --> 00:03:46,699 deal with this particular challenge . 100 00:03:46,699 --> 00:03:48,810 Okay , But that will take questions . 101 00:03:48,810 --> 00:03:52,330 Uh Sylvia , are you here ? No ? Okay , 102 00:03:52,340 --> 00:03:55,700 jen look shine phone . Oh , I'm sorry 103 00:03:55,700 --> 00:03:58,370 she is . So we go ahead . Hello . Hello , 104 00:03:58,380 --> 00:04:02,130 I am . Can you confirm that the 105 00:04:02,130 --> 00:04:06,080 administration is trying to close the 106 00:04:06,090 --> 00:04:09,760 Guantanamo detention center ? 107 00:04:10,440 --> 00:04:13,050 The the 108 00:04:14,530 --> 00:04:17,920 the president has been clear so that we 109 00:04:17,920 --> 00:04:21,340 are uh conducting a thorough and 110 00:04:21,340 --> 00:04:23,390 deliberate review that's focused on 111 00:04:23,390 --> 00:04:25,446 closing the facility . The president 112 00:04:25,446 --> 00:04:28,000 was very clear before taking office 113 00:04:28,010 --> 00:04:29,899 that this was a goal he wanted to 114 00:04:29,899 --> 00:04:32,210 achieve . Um to that end the National 115 00:04:32,210 --> 00:04:34,154 Security Council continues to work 116 00:04:34,154 --> 00:04:36,488 closely with the departments of Defense , 117 00:04:36,488 --> 00:04:38,432 State and Justice as well as other 118 00:04:38,432 --> 00:04:40,488 departments and agencies . And those 119 00:04:40,488 --> 00:04:43,430 discussions are ongoing . Yeah . Um 120 00:04:43,440 --> 00:04:45,384 john can you explain a little more 121 00:04:45,384 --> 00:04:48,540 about the directive and what the uh 122 00:04:48,550 --> 00:04:50,940 Defense secretary said to the force in 123 00:04:50,940 --> 00:04:53,670 light of the task force on china ? What 124 00:04:53,670 --> 00:04:55,892 was his conclusion ? What was the point 125 00:04:55,892 --> 00:04:57,948 of his directive ? Just if you could 126 00:04:57,948 --> 00:05:00,059 explain a little more , the directive 127 00:05:00,059 --> 00:05:02,281 is classified . So there's not gonna be 128 00:05:02,281 --> 00:05:04,392 a lot that I can get into in terms of 129 00:05:04,392 --> 00:05:06,114 the specifics but it um in the 130 00:05:06,114 --> 00:05:08,810 directive to the force . He basically 131 00:05:08,820 --> 00:05:12,410 is uh telling , telling the 132 00:05:12,410 --> 00:05:14,820 department uh what the recommendations 133 00:05:14,820 --> 00:05:18,570 of the task force were uh and 134 00:05:18,580 --> 00:05:21,530 the and endorsing those recommendations . 135 00:05:21,540 --> 00:05:25,230 Um uh The best way I can 136 00:05:25,230 --> 00:05:27,397 describe it and I kind of touched that 137 00:05:27,397 --> 00:05:29,563 this in in the opening is that is that 138 00:05:29,563 --> 00:05:31,563 the task force's work was sort of a 139 00:05:31,563 --> 00:05:33,341 down and in look at the way the 140 00:05:33,341 --> 00:05:35,650 department is organized , the way it's 141 00:05:35,650 --> 00:05:39,010 structured . Uh and the way we 142 00:05:39,010 --> 00:05:42,260 think about the broader issues of China . 143 00:05:42,270 --> 00:05:44,650 From a security perspective , it wasn't 144 00:05:44,650 --> 00:05:46,872 meant to be an up and outlook . So it's 145 00:05:46,872 --> 00:05:48,983 not a strategy that has been produced 146 00:05:48,983 --> 00:05:51,094 here really . It's it's an assessment 147 00:05:51,094 --> 00:05:53,600 of how the department is doing with 148 00:05:53,600 --> 00:05:56,230 respect to truly treating China as the 149 00:05:56,230 --> 00:05:58,341 number one pacing challenge . And the 150 00:05:58,540 --> 00:06:00,970 the task force found some gaps and 151 00:06:00,970 --> 00:06:02,914 seams some things that we could be 152 00:06:02,914 --> 00:06:04,859 doing better . Uh And back to your 153 00:06:04,859 --> 00:06:07,026 question . The directive issued by the 154 00:06:07,026 --> 00:06:08,637 secretary lays out some some 155 00:06:08,637 --> 00:06:11,650 initiatives um and efforts that were 156 00:06:11,650 --> 00:06:13,650 recommended recommended by the task 157 00:06:13,650 --> 00:06:15,761 force that he wants the department to 158 00:06:15,761 --> 00:06:17,983 adopt so that we can improve the way we 159 00:06:17,983 --> 00:06:20,320 think the way we plan , the way we um 160 00:06:20,330 --> 00:06:22,219 the way we structure and organize 161 00:06:22,219 --> 00:06:24,440 ourselves to truly deal with china as 162 00:06:24,440 --> 00:06:26,440 the number one pacing challenge . I 163 00:06:26,440 --> 00:06:28,607 think what the secretary's concern was 164 00:06:28,607 --> 00:06:30,829 that uh that he didn't want to just say 165 00:06:30,829 --> 00:06:32,940 this , he wanted to make sure we were 166 00:06:32,940 --> 00:06:35,600 actually acting on it . This idea of 167 00:06:35,600 --> 00:06:38,050 the pacing challenge accurate . It's 168 00:06:38,050 --> 00:06:40,272 been characterized that his message was 169 00:06:40,272 --> 00:06:42,494 that while we've been hearing about the 170 00:06:42,494 --> 00:06:44,110 china threat for several 171 00:06:44,110 --> 00:06:46,790 administrations , that there was more 172 00:06:46,790 --> 00:06:49,720 talk about focusing on the china threat 173 00:06:49,730 --> 00:06:52,030 and fewer actions . Is that a correct 174 00:06:52,030 --> 00:06:54,086 characters ? I think that's a little 175 00:06:54,086 --> 00:06:57,810 unfair , jen the task force as they 176 00:06:57,820 --> 00:07:00,250 worked over the last four months found 177 00:07:00,250 --> 00:07:03,280 that there was a lot of goodness uh uh 178 00:07:03,290 --> 00:07:05,590 in terms of dealing with the challenges 179 00:07:05,590 --> 00:07:07,990 posed by china done by the Obama 180 00:07:07,990 --> 00:07:09,990 administration as well as the trump 181 00:07:09,990 --> 00:07:13,130 administration , um , they found things 182 00:07:13,130 --> 00:07:16,090 that were worth pursuing and continuing . 183 00:07:16,100 --> 00:07:18,410 Um , it was really a look at how we're 184 00:07:18,410 --> 00:07:20,940 doing right now and that there are ways 185 00:07:20,940 --> 00:07:23,610 we can improve . And as we said all 186 00:07:23,610 --> 00:07:25,950 along , I mean , this institution is 187 00:07:26,140 --> 00:07:28,140 all about self improvement . And so 188 00:07:28,140 --> 00:07:30,830 it's not at all an indictment quite the 189 00:07:30,830 --> 00:07:33,440 contrary of anybody in the past because 190 00:07:33,440 --> 00:07:35,607 there were some , there were some good 191 00:07:35,607 --> 00:07:37,829 work done . It's really about stitching 192 00:07:37,829 --> 00:07:39,940 it together and making sure that when 193 00:07:39,940 --> 00:07:42,162 we say we consider china the number one 194 00:07:42,162 --> 00:07:44,218 pacing challenge that we here at the 195 00:07:44,218 --> 00:07:46,273 department , um , you know , can can 196 00:07:46,273 --> 00:07:48,496 put resources and structure behind that 197 00:07:48,496 --> 00:07:50,496 and and make it so I would also add 198 00:07:50,496 --> 00:07:52,718 just one other point . And that's , you 199 00:07:52,718 --> 00:07:55,060 know , we very much see uh the work of 200 00:07:55,060 --> 00:07:57,171 the task force and the work that will 201 00:07:57,171 --> 00:07:59,393 go forward as part and parcel of a much 202 00:07:59,393 --> 00:08:01,820 larger whole of government approach to 203 00:08:01,820 --> 00:08:03,931 a bilateral relationship with china . 204 00:08:03,931 --> 00:08:07,650 Again , this was really an inward look 205 00:08:07,660 --> 00:08:09,970 at the department . It wasn't an 206 00:08:09,980 --> 00:08:12,036 outward look , it wasn't designed to 207 00:08:12,036 --> 00:08:14,540 develop uh you know , a new policy or a 208 00:08:14,540 --> 00:08:16,870 new strategy , specifically , anything 209 00:08:16,870 --> 00:08:19,092 concrete that you can point to that was 210 00:08:19,092 --> 00:08:21,148 recommended . There were a couple of 211 00:08:21,148 --> 00:08:23,481 things um that that that we can talk to . 212 00:08:23,481 --> 00:08:27,470 I mean , one was a tasking too . The 213 00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:30,040 personnel and readiness department here 214 00:08:30,490 --> 00:08:34,340 too , come up with recommendations and 215 00:08:34,340 --> 00:08:38,230 and uh and plans to better 216 00:08:38,230 --> 00:08:40,400 include china as a focus area inside 217 00:08:40,400 --> 00:08:42,511 the workforce and particularly in the 218 00:08:42,511 --> 00:08:44,733 world of training and education and how 219 00:08:44,733 --> 00:08:46,930 much are we really uh looking at , 220 00:08:46,940 --> 00:08:50,360 making sure we have a workforce or a 221 00:08:50,360 --> 00:08:52,900 part of the workforce that can help us 222 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:55,070 better focus on china . So again it 223 00:08:55,070 --> 00:08:57,070 gets the training and education and 224 00:08:57,070 --> 00:08:59,590 proficiency in uh in understanding that 225 00:08:59,590 --> 00:09:01,701 nation in that part of the world . Um 226 00:09:02,240 --> 00:09:04,780 uh a lot of the work of the task force , 227 00:09:04,780 --> 00:09:06,891 while I can't get into the details of 228 00:09:06,891 --> 00:09:09,002 it , will help inform both the global 229 00:09:09,002 --> 00:09:11,113 posture review , which is ongoing and 230 00:09:11,113 --> 00:09:13,224 will be completed later this summer , 231 00:09:13,224 --> 00:09:15,447 as well as the initial work we're doing 232 00:09:15,447 --> 00:09:17,336 uh to to start to build out a new 233 00:09:17,336 --> 00:09:19,336 national defense strategy . So they 234 00:09:19,336 --> 00:09:21,447 will help their work will help inform 235 00:09:21,447 --> 00:09:24,090 those two additional bodies of work . 236 00:09:24,090 --> 00:09:26,690 And then the other thing was in this 237 00:09:26,690 --> 00:09:28,523 directive . The secretary tasked 238 00:09:28,523 --> 00:09:30,523 himself , he tasked himself in this 239 00:09:30,523 --> 00:09:33,790 directive to uh personally take the 240 00:09:33,790 --> 00:09:37,190 lead um in uh and being more 241 00:09:37,190 --> 00:09:40,230 involved in the development of 242 00:09:40,230 --> 00:09:42,760 operational concepts and prototypes uh 243 00:09:42,770 --> 00:09:46,410 in uh in training and exercises that 244 00:09:46,420 --> 00:09:48,587 that he will that , you know , he will 245 00:09:48,587 --> 00:09:51,800 share uh and that he will be personally 246 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:54,022 leading and personally involved in that 247 00:09:54,240 --> 00:09:56,129 um you know , to a degree that we 248 00:09:56,129 --> 00:09:58,670 haven't seen before . So in addition to 249 00:09:58,670 --> 00:10:01,600 tasking uh the department , he tasked 250 00:10:01,600 --> 00:10:05,360 himself in this . Did that help ? Let's 251 00:10:05,360 --> 00:10:08,450 go back to the phones ? Uh Tara . Mhm . 252 00:10:09,640 --> 00:10:11,807 Hello , I'm right on time with the new 253 00:10:11,807 --> 00:10:13,918 button . Um I have a couple of follow 254 00:10:13,918 --> 00:10:17,570 ups to , can you tell us what makes 255 00:10:17,570 --> 00:10:20,540 this task force findings different than 256 00:10:20,540 --> 00:10:23,770 the work that has preceded it ? Um And 257 00:10:23,770 --> 00:10:26,540 then secondly , on a different topic . 258 00:10:26,550 --> 00:10:28,772 Uh Air Force acting Secretary john Roth 259 00:10:28,772 --> 00:10:32,410 yesterday told Congress that uh for now 260 00:10:32,410 --> 00:10:35,190 the over the horizon capability to 261 00:10:35,190 --> 00:10:37,470 support Afghanistan will be basically 262 00:10:37,480 --> 00:10:39,780 from the existing footprint that the 263 00:10:39,780 --> 00:10:42,002 Air Force has in the region . And I was 264 00:10:42,002 --> 00:10:44,169 just wondering if that that means that 265 00:10:44,169 --> 00:10:46,169 there haven't been any inroads made 266 00:10:46,169 --> 00:10:49,730 with potentially new locations uh for a 267 00:10:49,740 --> 00:10:51,750 to move US forces to provide that 268 00:10:51,750 --> 00:10:55,090 overpricing capability . Thanks , Let 269 00:10:55,090 --> 00:10:58,560 me start with the 2nd 1 . 1st . It is 270 00:10:59,140 --> 00:11:02,930 as as we've said for quite some time , 271 00:11:02,940 --> 00:11:04,940 we already have an over the horizon 272 00:11:04,940 --> 00:11:07,130 capability counterterrorism capability 273 00:11:07,150 --> 00:11:09,372 there and in other parts of the world . 274 00:11:09,372 --> 00:11:11,630 And we are already using that over the 275 00:11:11,630 --> 00:11:14,130 horizon capability in Afghanistan . You 276 00:11:14,130 --> 00:11:16,074 all reported on the presence of an 277 00:11:16,074 --> 00:11:18,240 aircraft carrier ? Well , uh aircraft 278 00:11:18,240 --> 00:11:21,200 from the those carrier air wings have 279 00:11:21,200 --> 00:11:25,110 been um conducting uh missions 280 00:11:25,120 --> 00:11:27,480 from the sea and into Afghanistan . And 281 00:11:27,490 --> 00:11:31,330 as well , we have uh existing 282 00:11:31,330 --> 00:11:34,180 regional basis and facilities to assist 283 00:11:34,180 --> 00:11:36,402 us in that in that kind of effort . And 284 00:11:36,402 --> 00:11:38,124 I think that's what the Acting 285 00:11:38,124 --> 00:11:40,347 secretary was speaking to , that , that 286 00:11:40,347 --> 00:11:42,513 we are already using fixed wing assets 287 00:11:42,513 --> 00:11:44,402 from inside the region and out of 288 00:11:44,402 --> 00:11:46,624 Afghanistan uh to uh to enact this kind 289 00:11:46,624 --> 00:11:48,680 of capability . It doesn't mean that 290 00:11:48,680 --> 00:11:50,513 that's the end all be all and it 291 00:11:50,513 --> 00:11:52,736 doesn't mean that that's where we're uh 292 00:11:52,736 --> 00:11:54,902 that uh that uh we aren't going to try 293 00:11:54,902 --> 00:11:57,150 to explore other options and we are uh 294 00:11:57,160 --> 00:11:59,360 and the and the department is actively 295 00:11:59,360 --> 00:12:02,550 supporting diplomatic efforts to to uh 296 00:12:02,560 --> 00:12:04,620 to discuss potential options uh in 297 00:12:04,630 --> 00:12:07,230 other places uh in in that part of the 298 00:12:07,230 --> 00:12:09,286 world . Um I don't have any specific 299 00:12:09,286 --> 00:12:11,970 announcements to make or agreements to 300 00:12:11,980 --> 00:12:14,520 to uh to announce today . But I mean we 301 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:16,850 are actively pursuing additional 302 00:12:16,850 --> 00:12:18,906 options . But again , I want to come 303 00:12:18,906 --> 00:12:21,128 back to the main point which is that we 304 00:12:21,128 --> 00:12:23,350 already know how to do over the horizon 305 00:12:23,350 --> 00:12:25,239 and we already are doing over the 306 00:12:25,239 --> 00:12:27,294 horizon uh Enacting over the horizon 307 00:12:27,294 --> 00:12:29,406 kind of capabilities in Afghanistan . 308 00:12:29,740 --> 00:12:31,851 And then your first question Tara was 309 00:12:31,851 --> 00:12:34,220 on , what's what's new about the task 310 00:12:34,220 --> 00:12:36,450 force as opposed to previous efforts ? 311 00:12:36,450 --> 00:12:39,220 I'm not aware of previous efforts 312 00:12:39,230 --> 00:12:42,610 similar to what uh we established here 313 00:12:42,610 --> 00:12:44,610 with the china task force . Uh So I 314 00:12:44,610 --> 00:12:46,810 can't speak to what previous 315 00:12:46,810 --> 00:12:48,866 administrations might have done that 316 00:12:48,866 --> 00:12:50,810 are similar to what what secretary 317 00:12:50,810 --> 00:12:53,650 Austin put in place . Uh This was as we 318 00:12:53,650 --> 00:12:55,817 announced when we four months ago , it 319 00:12:55,817 --> 00:12:58,150 was gonna be a Sprint . It was a Sprint . 320 00:12:58,150 --> 00:13:01,130 It was designed not to develop a new 321 00:13:01,130 --> 00:13:03,241 policy or a new strategy , but really 322 00:13:03,241 --> 00:13:05,130 to take a look at how we're doing 323 00:13:05,130 --> 00:13:08,300 inside the department um at really uh 324 00:13:08,310 --> 00:13:10,970 making true our concerns about the 325 00:13:10,970 --> 00:13:13,480 pacing challenge that that china poses . 326 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:16,680 And so in that regard , it is quite 327 00:13:16,680 --> 00:13:18,902 unique with the work that they produced 328 00:13:18,902 --> 00:13:21,180 and the recommendations that they made . 329 00:13:21,180 --> 00:13:23,400 Um and again , I've already talked to 330 00:13:23,400 --> 00:13:26,130 some of them um uh these are these are 331 00:13:26,130 --> 00:13:28,352 new approaches that that we're going to 332 00:13:28,352 --> 00:13:30,186 pursue and there'll be other new 333 00:13:30,186 --> 00:13:32,241 approaches that will come out of the 334 00:13:32,241 --> 00:13:34,408 work that they've done , some of which 335 00:13:34,408 --> 00:13:33,880 will be able to talk about and some of 336 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:36,700 which we won't here , like we'll be 337 00:13:36,700 --> 00:13:39,080 over the horizon . Uh I believe you 338 00:13:39,080 --> 00:13:42,200 mentioned that you are seeking more uh 339 00:13:42,210 --> 00:13:45,920 access uh to uh and and are we should 340 00:13:45,920 --> 00:13:47,976 we understand that we are looking at 341 00:13:47,976 --> 00:13:51,240 more deployment and more access to GCC 342 00:13:51,240 --> 00:13:53,420 countries and around this area . I'm 343 00:13:53,420 --> 00:13:55,642 not gonna get into specific discussions 344 00:13:55,642 --> 00:13:58,230 of uh of who our diplomats are are 345 00:13:58,230 --> 00:14:01,170 talking to and and and uh and what that 346 00:14:01,170 --> 00:14:03,680 might look like . We already have , as 347 00:14:03,680 --> 00:14:07,050 you well know , a robust footprint in 348 00:14:07,050 --> 00:14:09,520 the Middle East um that we can rely 349 00:14:09,520 --> 00:14:11,520 upon and draw upon . In fact we are 350 00:14:11,530 --> 00:14:13,760 relying upon and are drawing upon to 351 00:14:13,760 --> 00:14:15,982 help us with this retrograde . So there 352 00:14:15,982 --> 00:14:18,038 are capabilities already existing in 353 00:14:18,038 --> 00:14:20,350 the region that are quite um quite 354 00:14:20,350 --> 00:14:22,628 agile , quite nimble , quite effective . 355 00:14:22,628 --> 00:14:24,683 But in terms of what it's gonna look 356 00:14:24,683 --> 00:14:26,628 like going forward again , I'm not 357 00:14:26,628 --> 00:14:26,560 going to get ahead of a diplomatic 358 00:14:26,560 --> 00:14:30,140 process , uh does this 359 00:14:30,150 --> 00:14:32,880 go hand in hand with the content of the 360 00:14:32,880 --> 00:14:35,660 readout of the secretary call with 361 00:14:35,670 --> 00:14:38,170 conference Hamad bin Salman last week , 362 00:14:38,180 --> 00:14:40,650 uh in Saudi Arabia when you said and 363 00:14:40,650 --> 00:14:43,240 you read out that we are going to help 364 00:14:43,240 --> 00:14:46,850 Saudi Arabia defend itself . I mean , 365 00:14:47,340 --> 00:14:50,010 are we into like I would not draw the 366 00:14:50,010 --> 00:14:52,232 line between that conversation and that 367 00:14:52,232 --> 00:14:55,130 readout and what your first question 368 00:14:55,130 --> 00:14:57,360 about , you know , sort of basing and 369 00:14:57,360 --> 00:15:00,070 over the horizon , capabilities that 370 00:15:00,080 --> 00:15:02,360 the readout we offered after that call 371 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:04,416 was accurate for the purpose of that 372 00:15:04,416 --> 00:15:06,416 call . I wouldn't , I wouldn't need 373 00:15:06,416 --> 00:15:09,760 more into it than that . Let's see , 374 00:15:10,440 --> 00:15:14,240 Tony from Bloomberg . Hi , 375 00:15:14,240 --> 00:15:16,570 john , a couple quick questions on the 376 00:15:16,580 --> 00:15:18,480 china follow up . Is there , what 377 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:20,790 systems can you point to in the Fy 22 378 00:15:20,790 --> 00:15:23,970 budget request that help further the 379 00:15:23,970 --> 00:15:27,380 Secretary's directive , two . Are there 380 00:15:27,380 --> 00:15:29,960 areas in the task force that stressed , 381 00:15:30,340 --> 00:15:32,460 where is where we can cooperate with 382 00:15:32,460 --> 00:15:36,130 china and possibly reduced tensions 383 00:15:36,130 --> 00:15:38,186 rather than this continual push that 384 00:15:38,186 --> 00:15:42,050 they're the pacing threat , Tony . Um , 385 00:15:42,060 --> 00:15:44,171 the again , I think it's important to 386 00:15:44,171 --> 00:15:46,004 remember what the task force was 387 00:15:46,004 --> 00:15:48,116 designed to do . It was to assess how 388 00:15:48,116 --> 00:15:50,280 we're doing in the department . Uh in 389 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:52,620 terms of our main obligation , you've 390 00:15:52,620 --> 00:15:54,731 heard the secretary talk about this , 391 00:15:54,731 --> 00:15:56,731 our number one job is to defend the 392 00:15:56,731 --> 00:15:58,953 nation . Um , and he wants to make sure 393 00:15:58,953 --> 00:16:00,731 that that we can do that in all 394 00:16:00,731 --> 00:16:02,970 respects , uh and that we uh you know , 395 00:16:02,970 --> 00:16:05,180 we still consider china to be the 396 00:16:05,180 --> 00:16:07,450 number one pacing challenge of the 397 00:16:07,450 --> 00:16:09,510 department . And uh you know , he 398 00:16:09,510 --> 00:16:12,170 wanted to see have the task force , 399 00:16:12,170 --> 00:16:13,760 take a look at structures , 400 00:16:13,770 --> 00:16:16,820 organizations , processes uh concepts , 401 00:16:16,830 --> 00:16:19,870 uh to to make sure that we are aligned 402 00:16:19,870 --> 00:16:22,440 to that , to that uh to that purpose . 403 00:16:22,450 --> 00:16:26,170 Um It's not it's uh no 404 00:16:26,170 --> 00:16:28,940 nobody's seeking conflict here . Uh 405 00:16:28,950 --> 00:16:31,117 it's really about alignment and uh and 406 00:16:31,117 --> 00:16:33,283 getting a sense of better sense of the 407 00:16:33,283 --> 00:16:35,283 gaps and seams and what we could be 408 00:16:35,283 --> 00:16:37,117 doing better here uh to have the 409 00:16:37,117 --> 00:16:39,540 appropriate focus on china and and Tony 410 00:16:39,540 --> 00:16:42,090 the work of the task force was not 411 00:16:42,100 --> 00:16:44,990 meant to and did not have a budgetary 412 00:16:44,990 --> 00:16:48,470 component here . It wasn't about uh 413 00:16:48,540 --> 00:16:51,980 shaping or recommending Uh systems or 414 00:16:51,980 --> 00:16:54,830 programs to be put into the FY 22 415 00:16:54,830 --> 00:16:57,990 budget . Um so I don't , I want , it's 416 00:16:57,990 --> 00:17:00,046 important for me to divorce you from 417 00:17:00,046 --> 00:17:02,212 that idea that the task force was sort 418 00:17:02,212 --> 00:17:04,434 of informing the budget in any , in any 419 00:17:04,434 --> 00:17:06,870 specific way separate and distinct from 420 00:17:06,870 --> 00:17:08,870 that that said and putting the task 421 00:17:08,870 --> 00:17:10,981 force aside for that for a moment . I 422 00:17:10,981 --> 00:17:13,259 mean I think Tony , if you look at the , 423 00:17:13,259 --> 00:17:15,370 at the budget writ large , you'll see 424 00:17:15,370 --> 00:17:17,426 not only 5.1 billion for the pacific 425 00:17:17,426 --> 00:17:19,592 deterrence initiative , but You'll see 426 00:17:19,592 --> 00:17:22,600 hypersonic uh funding in there . You'll 427 00:17:22,600 --> 00:17:25,410 see funding for microelectronic and 5G 428 00:17:25,410 --> 00:17:27,354 technology and missile defense and 429 00:17:27,354 --> 00:17:29,560 nuclear modernization . I mean there 430 00:17:29,560 --> 00:17:31,910 are a host of capabilities and systems 431 00:17:31,910 --> 00:17:34,132 that are represented in the budget that 432 00:17:34,132 --> 00:17:36,810 do support our desire to make sure that 433 00:17:36,810 --> 00:17:38,900 we're ready uh for the continual 434 00:17:38,900 --> 00:17:41,140 challenges that countries like china 435 00:17:41,140 --> 00:17:43,390 opposed not just in the indo pacific 436 00:17:43,390 --> 00:17:45,900 region but around the world . Yes , sir . 437 00:17:45,910 --> 00:17:48,021 Thank you , john , so I have a follow 438 00:17:48,021 --> 00:17:50,243 up on Guantanamo in a separate question 439 00:17:50,243 --> 00:17:52,410 on Guantanamo , Is there a timeline or 440 00:17:52,410 --> 00:17:54,466 a date that the administration would 441 00:17:54,466 --> 00:17:57,600 like uh to basically close the 442 00:17:57,610 --> 00:17:59,830 Guantanamo facility ? Uh I mean , are 443 00:17:59,830 --> 00:18:01,663 you looking at a certain date or 444 00:18:01,663 --> 00:18:03,663 aspirational even ? Can you do that 445 00:18:03,663 --> 00:18:05,886 without cooperation from the Congress ? 446 00:18:05,886 --> 00:18:07,774 I'm not aware of that . There's a 447 00:18:07,774 --> 00:18:09,941 target date out there at all , fatty , 448 00:18:09,941 --> 00:18:12,780 There's , as I said , an ongoing inter 449 00:18:12,780 --> 00:18:14,891 agency process right now and and that 450 00:18:14,891 --> 00:18:16,947 work continues and when they're when 451 00:18:16,947 --> 00:18:20,560 that's over and uh and we can be uh 452 00:18:20,940 --> 00:18:23,780 uh we can read that out . I'm sure I'm 453 00:18:23,780 --> 00:18:25,724 sure they'll do that , but I'm not 454 00:18:25,724 --> 00:18:28,260 aware of any particular date . And um 455 00:18:28,270 --> 00:18:30,760 and as for Congress , I mean , of 456 00:18:30,760 --> 00:18:34,630 course , uh there will need to be close 457 00:18:34,630 --> 00:18:36,574 coordination and consultation with 458 00:18:36,574 --> 00:18:38,780 members of Congress um as we continue 459 00:18:38,790 --> 00:18:41,170 to move forward . What's important here 460 00:18:41,170 --> 00:18:43,370 is that the president was serious when 461 00:18:43,370 --> 00:18:45,703 he said he wanted to close the facility . 462 00:18:45,703 --> 00:18:47,926 The Department of Defense supports that 463 00:18:47,926 --> 00:18:50,037 goal . We are part and parcel of this 464 00:18:50,037 --> 00:18:52,203 interagency process and we're going to 465 00:18:52,203 --> 00:18:54,092 continue to work at that on Saudi 466 00:18:54,092 --> 00:18:56,220 Arabia . The official uh Saudi news 467 00:18:56,220 --> 00:18:59,780 agency was uh reported yesterday that a 468 00:18:59,780 --> 00:19:02,080 joint military exercise started between 469 00:19:02,080 --> 00:19:04,640 Saudi forces and american forces and 470 00:19:04,650 --> 00:19:06,872 northwestern part of Saudi Arabia . And 471 00:19:06,872 --> 00:19:09,020 they published photos supposedly 472 00:19:09,020 --> 00:19:11,560 showing american troops being deployed . 473 00:19:11,570 --> 00:19:13,348 What can you tell us about that 474 00:19:13,348 --> 00:19:15,570 military exercise ? I have to take your 475 00:19:15,570 --> 00:19:17,737 question . I don't have information on 476 00:19:17,737 --> 00:19:20,970 that particular exercise . And you 477 00:19:20,970 --> 00:19:22,990 asked me earlier someone at the 478 00:19:23,030 --> 00:19:26,740 official and they denied knowing of 479 00:19:26,860 --> 00:19:29,750 any such training And this is creating 480 00:19:29,750 --> 00:19:31,972 some kind of confusion because it's out 481 00:19:31,972 --> 00:19:34,139 there with photos . I'll do what I can 482 00:19:34,139 --> 00:19:36,361 to clear up the confusion . Let me just 483 00:19:36,361 --> 00:19:38,417 take the question rather than try to 484 00:19:38,417 --> 00:19:38,190 spit ball here . That usually gets me 485 00:19:38,190 --> 00:19:40,760 in trouble . zero . Thank you . You're 486 00:19:40,760 --> 00:19:44,320 welcome . Yes , john about Afghanistan . 487 00:19:44,320 --> 00:19:46,630 Unfortunately , taliban increase their 488 00:19:46,640 --> 00:19:49,850 attack on everyday afghan people dying 489 00:19:49,850 --> 00:19:53,680 in Afghanistan . Uh , and NATO 490 00:19:53,680 --> 00:19:56,520 director was General Director was here . 491 00:19:56,530 --> 00:19:58,370 Did you discuss anything about 492 00:19:58,370 --> 00:20:00,810 Afghanistan ? We certainly did . Um 493 00:20:00,820 --> 00:20:03,098 Secretary General Stoltenberg was here , 494 00:20:03,098 --> 00:20:05,098 we issue to read out of it . And in 495 00:20:05,098 --> 00:20:07,390 that readout talked about the fact that 496 00:20:07,400 --> 00:20:09,289 Afghanistan was absolutely on the 497 00:20:09,289 --> 00:20:11,480 agenda when they met Secretary Austin 498 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:14,550 and the Secretary General . Um , and uh , 499 00:20:14,560 --> 00:20:18,100 the secretary reaffirmed our commitment 500 00:20:18,110 --> 00:20:20,870 uh , to doing what we can , to help our 501 00:20:20,880 --> 00:20:23,690 resolute , resolute support partners as 502 00:20:23,690 --> 00:20:25,840 they retrograde themselves out of 503 00:20:25,840 --> 00:20:29,120 Afghanistan . Um , and uh , so to the 504 00:20:29,120 --> 00:20:31,342 degree we can be supportive and helpful 505 00:20:31,342 --> 00:20:33,398 in that the Secretary made sure that 506 00:20:33,398 --> 00:20:35,509 the secretary general knew that there 507 00:20:35,509 --> 00:20:37,342 was also a reaffirmation by both 508 00:20:37,342 --> 00:20:39,564 leaders that , as the secretary general 509 00:20:39,564 --> 00:20:41,564 very eloquently put it , we went in 510 00:20:41,564 --> 00:20:44,430 together , We uh changed our operations 511 00:20:44,430 --> 00:20:46,970 together throughout the last 20 years . 512 00:20:46,980 --> 00:20:49,202 We adjusted together and we're gonna go 513 00:20:49,202 --> 00:20:51,424 out together and that still remains the 514 00:20:51,424 --> 00:20:53,536 fact mike did you have your hand up ? 515 00:20:53,640 --> 00:20:56,540 No . Yeah , Thank you . two questions . 516 00:20:56,690 --> 00:20:59,910 1st . I want to grow up about China 517 00:20:59,910 --> 00:21:03,400 task force based on the recommendation . 518 00:21:03,410 --> 00:21:05,890 Is there anything that the United 519 00:21:05,890 --> 00:21:09,630 States expect expect the allies in the 520 00:21:09,630 --> 00:21:13,320 region to do more in order to maintain 521 00:21:13,330 --> 00:21:15,740 peace and peace and stability in the 522 00:21:15,740 --> 00:21:19,280 region ? The Task force was designed to 523 00:21:19,280 --> 00:21:22,760 help us look at ways we 524 00:21:22,760 --> 00:21:26,690 can better leverage alliances 525 00:21:26,690 --> 00:21:29,110 and partnerships and better contribute 526 00:21:29,150 --> 00:21:32,100 to be better contributors to our 527 00:21:32,100 --> 00:21:34,267 alliances and partnerships . It wasn't 528 00:21:34,267 --> 00:21:36,780 about tasking them to do anything 529 00:21:36,790 --> 00:21:38,734 different . That's that wasn't the 530 00:21:38,734 --> 00:21:41,530 purpose . The separate question . The 531 00:21:41,540 --> 00:21:43,520 secretary's trip to Singapore was 532 00:21:43,530 --> 00:21:46,070 cancelled due to the COVID-19 . 533 00:21:46,080 --> 00:21:48,820 Unfortunately , the Secretary long 534 00:21:48,830 --> 00:21:51,910 conference with counsel . Yeah . Then 535 00:21:51,910 --> 00:21:54,730 the secretary lost the opportunity to 536 00:21:54,740 --> 00:21:57,500 demonstrate the US commitment to their 537 00:21:57,510 --> 00:22:00,540 Southeast easier . So how will the 538 00:22:00,540 --> 00:22:02,820 Secretary make up for it ? Is the 539 00:22:02,820 --> 00:22:04,860 Secretary planning alternative 540 00:22:05,040 --> 00:22:08,690 opportunities to engage with partners 541 00:22:08,690 --> 00:22:10,857 in the region ? I mean , the Secretary 542 00:22:10,857 --> 00:22:13,079 was disappointed . I think clearly that 543 00:22:13,079 --> 00:22:15,320 we couldn't make the trip to shangri la 544 00:22:15,320 --> 00:22:17,280 work , but we understand certainly 545 00:22:17,280 --> 00:22:19,980 respect the decision by authorities to 546 00:22:19,990 --> 00:22:22,840 to cancel it . Given concerns over 547 00:22:22,840 --> 00:22:26,170 Covid perfectly valid , uh , reason to 548 00:22:26,170 --> 00:22:28,337 do so . So we're disappointed . But we 549 00:22:28,337 --> 00:22:30,503 will continue to look for other ways , 550 00:22:30,503 --> 00:22:34,460 uh , to engage our allies and partners 551 00:22:34,470 --> 00:22:36,637 in the region . And I think you'll see 552 00:22:36,637 --> 00:22:38,803 that I don't have anything specific to 553 00:22:38,803 --> 00:22:41,026 announce today , but you'll see it over 554 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:43,081 time . Um , and I have no doubt that 555 00:22:43,081 --> 00:22:45,540 the Secretary will be uh willing and 556 00:22:45,540 --> 00:22:47,707 able to travel back to the region just 557 00:22:47,707 --> 00:22:49,707 as soon as practicable , but I just 558 00:22:49,707 --> 00:22:51,818 don't have anything specific to speak 559 00:22:51,818 --> 00:22:54,780 to . Okay , uh , tom Squitieri . Hi , 560 00:22:54,780 --> 00:22:56,891 john , thanks . My question was about 561 00:22:56,891 --> 00:22:59,113 the arctic center and you answered that 562 00:22:59,113 --> 00:23:01,224 in your opening remarks . Thank you . 563 00:23:01,224 --> 00:23:03,558 All right , thank you , paul . Shenkman , 564 00:23:03,558 --> 00:23:05,780 us news , john do you have anything ? I 565 00:23:05,780 --> 00:23:08,113 have two questions first on Afghanistan . 566 00:23:08,113 --> 00:23:10,058 Do you have anything on the deadly 567 00:23:10,058 --> 00:23:11,947 shooting yesterday of the 10 mind 568 00:23:11,947 --> 00:23:14,002 clearing workers in Baghlan province 569 00:23:14,002 --> 00:23:15,947 specifically that the perpetrators 570 00:23:15,947 --> 00:23:18,060 belong to ISIS and that the taliban 571 00:23:18,060 --> 00:23:20,320 helped the aid workers in the aftermath 572 00:23:20,520 --> 00:23:23,730 of the attack , paul . I don't have 573 00:23:23,730 --> 00:23:25,952 anything on that . If you allow me to , 574 00:23:25,952 --> 00:23:28,119 I will take the question and we'll get 575 00:23:28,119 --> 00:23:30,174 your response back . Thank you . And 576 00:23:30,174 --> 00:23:32,286 then separately on vaccines . Is does 577 00:23:32,286 --> 00:23:34,397 the military now or is it planning to 578 00:23:34,397 --> 00:23:36,619 have any role in President Biden's plan 579 00:23:36,619 --> 00:23:35,960 to purchase and distribute 580 00:23:35,970 --> 00:23:39,010 internationally the 500 million Pfizer 581 00:23:39,020 --> 00:23:41,076 vaccines . I don't have any specific 582 00:23:41,076 --> 00:23:43,820 plans to speak to you today , uh , Paul . 583 00:23:43,820 --> 00:23:46,760 But um as you've seen , we have 584 00:23:46,770 --> 00:23:49,110 contributed to us government efforts to 585 00:23:49,120 --> 00:23:52,650 uh to transport vaccines as well as 586 00:23:52,660 --> 00:23:54,840 personal protective equipment to the 587 00:23:54,840 --> 00:23:58,540 nation's uh in the past . Uh India 588 00:23:58,540 --> 00:24:00,429 Bangladesh . We just talked about 589 00:24:00,429 --> 00:24:02,810 yesterday . Um and should there be 590 00:24:02,810 --> 00:24:04,730 additional tasking of the Defense 591 00:24:04,730 --> 00:24:06,841 Department to assist in these efforts 592 00:24:06,841 --> 00:24:09,310 to help uh citizens around the world ? 593 00:24:09,320 --> 00:24:11,431 The secretary's made it very clear to 594 00:24:11,431 --> 00:24:13,598 department leaders that he wants us to 595 00:24:13,598 --> 00:24:15,960 be uh able , willing , able and willing 596 00:24:15,960 --> 00:24:18,127 to lean in in that regard . But I just 597 00:24:18,127 --> 00:24:20,238 don't have anything specific to uh to 598 00:24:20,238 --> 00:24:22,516 speak to today . I mean just yesterday , 599 00:24:22,516 --> 00:24:24,682 I think it was yesterday when I talked 600 00:24:24,682 --> 00:24:26,682 about Bangladesh . So I mean we are 601 00:24:26,682 --> 00:24:29,770 actively participating in those efforts . 602 00:24:31,140 --> 00:24:34,170 Okay . Oh this means I got something 603 00:24:34,170 --> 00:24:37,740 wrong . Huh ? Okay . Um 604 00:24:37,750 --> 00:24:39,472 No actually doesn't mean I get 605 00:24:39,472 --> 00:24:42,680 something . Okay . Uh go 606 00:24:42,680 --> 00:24:45,260 to Mallory 607 00:24:46,040 --> 00:24:47,960 from us and I 608 00:24:50,040 --> 00:24:52,040 thanks to my questions on the china 609 00:24:52,040 --> 00:24:53,984 task force , the chinese have been 610 00:24:53,984 --> 00:24:55,818 quite open about their strategic 611 00:24:55,818 --> 00:24:58,660 priorities in the Western pacific and 612 00:24:58,670 --> 00:25:00,837 the common of the U . S . Marine Corps 613 00:25:00,837 --> 00:25:03,003 has of course released a very detailed 614 00:25:03,003 --> 00:25:05,114 and publicly available strategy about 615 00:25:05,114 --> 00:25:07,337 house . He sees a potential competition 616 00:25:07,337 --> 00:25:09,281 with china . What what can you say 617 00:25:09,281 --> 00:25:11,448 about the naval component of the china 618 00:25:11,448 --> 00:25:13,503 task force's recommendations and how 619 00:25:13,503 --> 00:25:15,559 these direct how these directives uh 620 00:25:15,559 --> 00:25:17,726 could trickle down to the services and 621 00:25:17,726 --> 00:25:20,020 naval strategy . Well Mallory without 622 00:25:20,020 --> 00:25:22,840 getting into uh specific detail beyond 623 00:25:22,840 --> 00:25:25,870 what we've already done today . Um As I 624 00:25:25,870 --> 00:25:29,460 said the the work of the task force 625 00:25:29,640 --> 00:25:32,940 will inform both the global posture 626 00:25:32,940 --> 00:25:36,290 review as well as uh the new National 627 00:25:36,290 --> 00:25:40,170 Defense strategy . Um And on the former 628 00:25:40,180 --> 00:25:42,236 I mean that global posture review is 629 00:25:42,236 --> 00:25:44,236 really all about , as the secretary 630 00:25:44,236 --> 00:25:46,458 says all the time matching resources to 631 00:25:46,458 --> 00:25:48,513 strategy and strategy to policy . Um 632 00:25:48,513 --> 00:25:50,980 And what he is expecting out of the 633 00:25:50,980 --> 00:25:53,620 global posture review is a sense of um 634 00:25:53,630 --> 00:25:56,070 you know the footprint among many other 635 00:25:56,070 --> 00:25:58,292 things . But the footprint , you know , 636 00:25:58,292 --> 00:26:00,459 how many resources uh do we have ? How 637 00:26:00,459 --> 00:26:02,681 many ships do we have ? How many people 638 00:26:02,681 --> 00:26:05,014 do we have in any one part of the world ? 639 00:26:05,014 --> 00:26:07,070 And is that right ? Are or is it the 640 00:26:07,070 --> 00:26:06,900 right number ? And are they in the 641 00:26:06,900 --> 00:26:09,122 right places to do what we need them to 642 00:26:09,122 --> 00:26:11,310 do ? And so backing that all up the 643 00:26:11,310 --> 00:26:13,930 china task force , their work will help 644 00:26:13,930 --> 00:26:16,330 inform that process again without 645 00:26:16,330 --> 00:26:18,552 getting into specific , I couldn't give 646 00:26:18,552 --> 00:26:21,450 you a specific , you know uh number 647 00:26:21,450 --> 00:26:23,450 today , but clearly their work will 648 00:26:23,450 --> 00:26:26,840 help inform that we're still tracking 649 00:26:26,840 --> 00:26:29,007 that for later this year . The posture 650 00:26:29,007 --> 00:26:31,980 review Global posture review is in 651 00:26:31,980 --> 00:26:35,160 progress and uh we expect it to be 652 00:26:35,160 --> 00:26:37,370 complete uh somewhere around late 653 00:26:37,370 --> 00:26:39,930 summer , maybe early fall . Thank you , 654 00:26:40,030 --> 00:26:43,170 yep , Jared you had a question . 655 00:26:44,540 --> 00:26:46,740 Hi john thanks . Just a quick one on 656 00:26:46,740 --> 00:26:48,518 Turkey and a brief follow up if 657 00:26:48,518 --> 00:26:50,740 possible . Um Turkey's defense minister 658 00:26:50,740 --> 00:26:52,851 said monday that they would take over 659 00:26:52,851 --> 00:26:55,073 security at Kabul Airport if conditions 660 00:26:55,073 --> 00:26:57,184 are met and that they were awaiting a 661 00:26:57,184 --> 00:26:59,330 response from their allies on this uh 662 00:26:59,340 --> 00:27:01,507 has duty communicated with the Turkish 663 00:27:01,507 --> 00:27:04,510 Defence Ministry on this uh since 664 00:27:04,510 --> 00:27:06,732 monday and his duty prepared to fulfill 665 00:27:06,732 --> 00:27:09,120 those required . I'm not familiar or 666 00:27:09,120 --> 00:27:11,240 not familiar with those comments by 667 00:27:11,250 --> 00:27:13,417 Turkey and I don't have the latest lay 668 00:27:13,417 --> 00:27:15,583 down in terms of where the discussions 669 00:27:15,583 --> 00:27:19,130 are with the Turks . Uh Let me take the 670 00:27:19,130 --> 00:27:21,186 question and we'll see if we can get 671 00:27:21,186 --> 00:27:23,630 you something um more detailed . I 672 00:27:23,630 --> 00:27:25,741 would just say broadly , we obviously 673 00:27:25,741 --> 00:27:29,110 have had ongoing uh discussions with 674 00:27:29,120 --> 00:27:32,470 Turkish leaders about uh their 675 00:27:32,470 --> 00:27:36,020 plans uh for security at the airport . 676 00:27:36,020 --> 00:27:39,020 Obviously this is a a national decision 677 00:27:39,020 --> 00:27:41,620 that that President Erdogan has to make 678 00:27:41,620 --> 00:27:43,731 and we respect that , but we have had 679 00:27:43,731 --> 00:27:45,898 some preliminary discussions obviously 680 00:27:45,898 --> 00:27:47,898 and then just more broadly as we've 681 00:27:47,898 --> 00:27:49,953 said before , I mean security at the 682 00:27:49,953 --> 00:27:52,120 airport in whatever form or fashion it 683 00:27:52,120 --> 00:27:54,287 takes is going to be important for not 684 00:27:54,287 --> 00:27:56,342 only the United States but for other 685 00:27:56,342 --> 00:27:58,176 nations to be able to maintain a 686 00:27:58,176 --> 00:28:00,398 diplomatic presence here in Kabul . But 687 00:28:00,398 --> 00:28:02,509 um you asked a very specific question 688 00:28:02,509 --> 00:28:04,509 for which I did not have a specific 689 00:28:04,509 --> 00:28:06,509 answer . I'll do the best I can . I 690 00:28:06,509 --> 00:28:08,731 can't promise you a whole lot of detail 691 00:28:08,731 --> 00:28:10,953 right now because I'm just not familiar 692 00:28:10,953 --> 00:28:13,120 with those comments by the Turks . But 693 00:28:13,120 --> 00:28:16,280 I'll take a look at it . Uh huh . I 694 00:28:16,290 --> 00:28:19,100 think I got a couple more here Jeff uh 695 00:28:19,110 --> 00:28:22,540 shovel . Thank you very much . Defense 696 00:28:22,540 --> 00:28:25,470 Secretary Austin recently demoted an 697 00:28:25,470 --> 00:28:27,192 army to star general to second 698 00:28:27,192 --> 00:28:29,310 lieutenant after this former general 699 00:28:29,310 --> 00:28:31,790 officer pleaded guilty in federal court 700 00:28:31,800 --> 00:28:34,720 to sexual sold . I wanted to see does 701 00:28:34,720 --> 00:28:37,020 the Defense Department have any avenues 702 00:28:37,020 --> 00:28:39,740 to also take away all of his retirement 703 00:28:39,740 --> 00:28:42,190 benefits ? Because at the moment he is 704 00:28:42,190 --> 00:28:43,857 receiving retirement benefits 705 00:28:43,857 --> 00:28:46,820 commensurate with his lower rank Jeff . 706 00:28:46,820 --> 00:28:48,598 That was a decision made by the 707 00:28:48,598 --> 00:28:50,653 Department of the Army and I'd refer 708 00:28:50,653 --> 00:28:52,820 you to the Department of Army for uh , 709 00:28:52,820 --> 00:28:54,653 for your question . I'm not in a 710 00:28:54,653 --> 00:28:56,764 position to answer . That wouldn't be 711 00:28:56,764 --> 00:28:58,876 appropriate coming from us what I was 712 00:28:58,876 --> 00:29:00,709 told this was a Secretary Austin 713 00:29:00,709 --> 00:29:02,764 decision . I'm going to refer you to 714 00:29:02,764 --> 00:29:05,740 the Department of the Army . Okay , 715 00:29:05,740 --> 00:29:06,740 chris Anderson . 716 00:29:13,040 --> 00:29:14,873 Okay . I thought she was there . 717 00:29:16,140 --> 00:29:17,973 Couldn't get her . Okay . Thanks 718 00:29:17,973 --> 00:29:21,920 everybody situation and Joint Base san 719 00:29:21,920 --> 00:29:23,976 Antonio I've seen press reports just 720 00:29:23,976 --> 00:29:26,130 before walking out here . Uh Freddie 721 00:29:26,130 --> 00:29:28,408 I'd refer you to the Air Force on that . 722 00:29:28,408 --> 00:29:30,574 I mean I've seen their statements that 723 00:29:30,574 --> 00:29:33,760 they had uh an active shooter situation . 724 00:29:33,770 --> 00:29:36,440 Uh as I understand it , there are no 725 00:29:36,450 --> 00:29:40,370 reported injuries . Um but as I 726 00:29:40,370 --> 00:29:42,630 walked out here , the base was still in 727 00:29:42,630 --> 00:29:44,920 lockdown and I think really much better 728 00:29:44,920 --> 00:29:47,087 for you to go to the Air Force on this 729 00:29:47,087 --> 00:29:49,190 as a developing situation . They'll 730 00:29:49,190 --> 00:29:51,134 have more information and I'm sure 731 00:29:51,134 --> 00:29:53,357 they'll be transparent as things unfold 732 00:29:53,357 --> 00:29:55,357 and they're able to say more . They 733 00:29:55,357 --> 00:29:56,770 will . Okay , thanks everybody .