WEBVTT 00:00.240 --> 00:02.462 Thank you , Senator rounds now . Let me 00:02.462 --> 00:03.851 recognize Senator King . 00:06.340 --> 00:08.770 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Uh Mr 00:08.770 --> 00:12.040 Secretary . Uh , I want to 00:12.050 --> 00:13.994 discuss just for a moment , one of 00:13.994 --> 00:16.730 those hard choices . The top Navy 00:16.740 --> 00:19.620 unfunded priority is a destroyer that 00:19.620 --> 00:23.190 was eliminated from the budget that was 00:23.190 --> 00:25.290 already committed to under the multi 00:25.290 --> 00:28.940 year procurement . Uh , that has 00:28.940 --> 00:30.718 several problems . One national 00:30.718 --> 00:33.051 security . These flight three D . D . G . 00:33.051 --> 00:35.051 Destroyers are the workhorse of the 00:35.051 --> 00:37.162 navy eyes and ears around the world . 00:37.162 --> 00:39.790 Very important uh , part of our assets , 00:39.860 --> 00:42.027 but it also sent a shudder through the 00:42.027 --> 00:45.230 industrial base . Uh it's unprecedented 00:45.230 --> 00:47.410 in my experience that a multi year has 00:47.410 --> 00:49.466 been breached , which would actually 00:49.466 --> 00:51.299 cost the government money and in 00:51.299 --> 00:54.140 penalties . I hope Mr Mr Secretary that 00:54.150 --> 00:56.550 you and Admiral Gilda can work with us 00:56.560 --> 00:59.490 uh to restore that that ship because I 00:59.490 --> 01:02.160 think it has importance beyond just the , 01:02.540 --> 01:05.070 you know , one ship . But the symbolism 01:05.070 --> 01:07.390 of breaking a multi year and also 01:07.400 --> 01:09.530 pulling back on our commitment to him 01:09.540 --> 01:12.720 increasing the capacity of the Navy uh 01:12.730 --> 01:15.870 is I think uh a very important priority . 01:15.870 --> 01:18.420 So uh that's not really a question . 01:18.430 --> 01:22.360 It's a it's a uh entreaty to you , to 01:22.370 --> 01:24.470 work with us uh to try to find the 01:24.470 --> 01:28.060 funds to restore that ship uh and 01:28.060 --> 01:31.030 restore the Navy's number one unfunded 01:31.030 --> 01:33.640 priority . We commitment to commit to 01:33.640 --> 01:36.360 working with us on that . Mhm . 01:37.240 --> 01:39.480 Absolutely , Senator . We will do 01:39.480 --> 01:42.770 everything we can to make sure that we 01:42.770 --> 01:44.659 have , we maintain a good working 01:44.659 --> 01:46.900 relationship with Congress . Uh And I 01:46.900 --> 01:49.720 appreciate you appreciate your your 01:49.720 --> 01:51.720 tremendous support throughout . And 01:51.720 --> 01:55.240 especially now we want to make sure 01:55.240 --> 01:58.060 that we maintain and already capable 01:58.060 --> 02:00.380 and sustainable force . We also want to 02:00.380 --> 02:03.400 make sure that , you know , the the 02:03.410 --> 02:06.560 industrial base has the ability to 02:07.010 --> 02:10.610 two to produce what we've asked them to 02:10.610 --> 02:14.530 produce . Um and current plans are to 02:14.540 --> 02:18.460 to to buy that D . D . G . uh in 23 . 02:19.640 --> 02:21.530 Thank you the importance of the 02:21.530 --> 02:24.490 industrial basis . I live within eight 02:24.490 --> 02:26.546 mi of the industrial base in Maine . 02:26.546 --> 02:28.268 And the industrial base is not 02:28.268 --> 02:30.546 something you can just turn off and on . 02:30.546 --> 02:32.490 Uh it's got to be something that's 02:32.490 --> 02:34.768 sustained and and maintained over time . 02:34.768 --> 02:36.990 Uh Let me turn to a different topic . I 02:36.990 --> 02:39.046 believe one of the most serious risk 02:39.046 --> 02:41.212 this country faces today is accidental 02:41.212 --> 02:44.480 conflict with china . Uh some kind of 02:44.480 --> 02:46.591 conflict in the south china sea , the 02:46.591 --> 02:49.750 strait of Taiwan and the danger of 02:49.750 --> 02:53.100 escalation from that accidental uh 02:53.110 --> 02:56.260 conflict of some kind . It's concerning 02:56.260 --> 02:58.260 to me that we don't seem to have an 02:58.260 --> 03:01.600 effective hotline direct line whatever 03:01.600 --> 03:04.330 you wanna call it with china officials 03:04.330 --> 03:05.997 at your level and also at the 03:05.997 --> 03:08.440 presidential level . Uh I understand 03:08.440 --> 03:10.496 the chinese are reluctant about this 03:10.496 --> 03:12.607 but I believe this is a is a national 03:12.607 --> 03:15.360 should be a national security priority . 03:15.360 --> 03:18.710 And I looked up yesterday and I find 03:18.710 --> 03:21.850 that Amazon has 11 copies of the guns 03:21.850 --> 03:24.730 of August in Chinese and I think what I 03:24.730 --> 03:26.897 might do is buy those and send them to 03:26.897 --> 03:29.830 the Polit Bureau in Beijing because of 03:29.840 --> 03:32.500 this , this is a very clear and 03:32.500 --> 03:34.667 distinct danger . Do you agree with me 03:34.667 --> 03:36.590 that a better deconfliction link 03:36.600 --> 03:39.390 between Mil to Mil and also government 03:39.390 --> 03:41.580 to government with china would be an 03:41.580 --> 03:44.600 important mitigation of this risk . I 03:44.610 --> 03:46.777 absolutely agree with you . You know , 03:46.777 --> 03:49.160 as we look at some of the aggressive 03:49.170 --> 03:51.780 behavior that we've witnessed from 03:51.780 --> 03:54.970 china in the indo pacific uh , you know , 03:54.970 --> 03:57.690 I'm concerned about about something 03:57.690 --> 04:00.400 that could it could happen that could 04:00.410 --> 04:03.630 could spark a crisis . And I think uh 04:03.640 --> 04:05.696 you know , we need the ability to be 04:05.696 --> 04:07.807 able to talk with both our allies and 04:07.807 --> 04:09.918 partners , but also our adversaries , 04:09.918 --> 04:12.400 or potential adversaries . And so I 04:12.400 --> 04:15.010 think there needs to be a direct line 04:15.010 --> 04:17.350 of communication between the military 04:17.350 --> 04:20.530 and also between government officials 04:20.530 --> 04:22.752 as well . So I share your concern and I 04:22.752 --> 04:24.919 absolutely agree with you that this is 04:24.919 --> 04:26.919 critical . Thank you . Uh one other 04:26.919 --> 04:29.030 area that's come to my attention . In 04:29.030 --> 04:31.086 fact , we had a hearing yesterday on 04:31.086 --> 04:33.197 missile defense and General Van Herck 04:33.197 --> 04:35.610 said uh he had to pry the data out of 04:35.620 --> 04:38.320 another agency . We have Goldwater 04:38.320 --> 04:40.250 Nichols , which has enabled joint 04:40.640 --> 04:43.410 operations . We don't necessarily have 04:43.410 --> 04:47.050 a joint capability acquisition , 04:47.050 --> 04:49.217 particularly in the area of software . 04:49.217 --> 04:51.400 And I hope that we might work with you 04:51.400 --> 04:54.580 in General Milley and others on how to 04:54.590 --> 04:58.590 uh uh rationalize if you will uh 04:58.600 --> 05:01.930 the joint uh acquisition 05:01.940 --> 05:04.800 of things like software so that we 05:04.800 --> 05:08.740 don't have uh silos within the military 05:08.750 --> 05:10.972 that are analogous to the silos that we 05:10.972 --> 05:13.850 had pre Goldwater Nichols . Is that 05:13.860 --> 05:15.990 something that you will be willing to 05:15.990 --> 05:18.157 work with us on ? Absolutely . I think 05:18.157 --> 05:20.220 it's it's critical and you have my 05:20.220 --> 05:23.240 commitment to do so . General Milley . 05:23.240 --> 05:25.370 I'm sorry , I didn't get my questions 05:25.380 --> 05:27.410 to you , but perhaps we'll have a 05:27.410 --> 05:29.466 second round . Thank you very much . 05:29.466 --> 05:31.632 Okay with that , Senator . Thanks very 05:31.632 --> 05:33.632 much . Thank you . Senator . King . 05:33.632 --> 05:35.521 Senator Arch please . Thank you . 05:35.521 --> 05:37.743 Chairman and gentlemen , thank you very 05:37.743 --> 05:39.980 much for being here today and for your 05:39.980 --> 05:43.070 continuing service to our great United 05:43.070 --> 05:45.980 States of America . Um Superior Weapons , 05:45.980 --> 05:48.720 personnel and Technology ensure that we 05:48.720 --> 05:52.300 won the 20th century . But of course , 05:52.300 --> 05:55.850 now our adversaries have adapted their 05:55.850 --> 05:57.961 technologies , they've improved their 05:57.961 --> 06:00.250 operating concepts and they've expanded 06:00.250 --> 06:03.600 their challenges into the new domains 06:03.610 --> 06:07.130 of cyber and space . And in fact , 06:07.130 --> 06:09.420 President biden has stated , uh , the 06:09.420 --> 06:11.990 world is at an inflection point with 06:11.990 --> 06:14.310 shifting global dynamics and emerging 06:14.310 --> 06:18.170 crises that demand attention . We of 06:18.170 --> 06:20.059 course know that we face Embolden 06:20.059 --> 06:22.320 adversaries such as Vladimir Putin in 06:22.320 --> 06:24.900 Russia and President Xi Jinping in 06:24.900 --> 06:28.540 china . Both are actively seeking to 06:28.550 --> 06:32.460 uh to disrupt a stable and prosperous 06:32.460 --> 06:34.516 global order . And then of course we 06:34.516 --> 06:36.890 have other actors like Iran and North 06:36.890 --> 06:40.100 Korea presenting their own significant 06:40.100 --> 06:43.380 threats . And as we are withdrawing 06:43.380 --> 06:46.830 from Afghanistan , we don't see the 06:46.830 --> 06:50.130 removal of a terrorist threat . Instead , 06:50.130 --> 06:53.010 we see as the President has stated , 06:53.020 --> 06:55.970 the threat has become more dispersed 06:55.980 --> 06:59.710 metastasizing around the globe . Um 06:59.720 --> 07:02.410 so of course we want to make sure that 07:02.410 --> 07:05.330 we are funding and resourcing our 07:05.340 --> 07:08.990 troops appropriately . Um but going 07:08.990 --> 07:10.879 along with taking care of our own 07:10.879 --> 07:13.560 troops , is working with others allied 07:13.570 --> 07:16.910 nations and Secretary Austin in a March 07:16.910 --> 07:19.140 editorial in the Washington post , you 07:19.140 --> 07:21.140 wrote about the importance of joint 07:21.140 --> 07:23.660 partnerships with other nations and 07:23.660 --> 07:25.960 called them force multipliers . I do 07:25.960 --> 07:28.910 agree with you , secretary . You wrote 07:28.920 --> 07:31.410 it would be a huge strategic error to 07:31.410 --> 07:33.577 neglect these relationships . And it's 07:33.577 --> 07:36.530 a wise use of our time and resources to 07:36.530 --> 07:38.752 adapt and renew them to ensure there is 07:38.752 --> 07:41.160 strong and effective as they can be . 07:41.440 --> 07:44.200 Yet the President's defense budget guts 07:44.200 --> 07:46.190 our partner nation joint exercise 07:46.190 --> 07:49.280 budget compared to the pre covid levels 07:49.280 --> 07:52.770 by over 50% . Um , so how do you 07:52.770 --> 07:55.240 square your advocacy for improving our 07:55.240 --> 07:57.970 interoperability with our NATO allies 07:57.980 --> 08:00.300 and theater partners around the world 08:00.310 --> 08:02.760 with those proposed cuts ? 08:06.140 --> 08:08.362 Well , certainly with respect to NATO , 08:08.362 --> 08:11.560 were encouraging uh , the members of 08:11.560 --> 08:15.180 NATO to uh to to do more to invest in 08:15.180 --> 08:18.090 their defense and also to do more to uh 08:18.100 --> 08:21.360 to contribute to to NATO overall . Uh , 08:21.840 --> 08:24.660 what we've been focused on is making 08:24.660 --> 08:26.827 sure that , you know , you've heard me 08:26.827 --> 08:29.104 say that china is our pacing challenge . 08:29.104 --> 08:32.170 And so we really waited our main effort 08:32.170 --> 08:34.392 there to to the end of pacific region . 08:34.392 --> 08:37.780 And uh you note that uh my first trip 08:37.780 --> 08:40.560 up , my first trip overseas was out to 08:40.560 --> 08:43.410 the region along with Secretary Blinken . 08:43.420 --> 08:46.810 Uh and we visited uh South Korea . We 08:46.810 --> 08:50.410 visited Japan and also made a visit to 08:50.420 --> 08:54.270 India as well . Again , we truly 08:54.270 --> 08:57.840 value the importance of uh strong 08:57.840 --> 08:59.729 relationships with our allies and 08:59.729 --> 09:01.562 partners . I think there's great 09:01.562 --> 09:03.820 capacity that can be uh can be 09:03.820 --> 09:06.810 leveraged there . And uh and so uh in 09:06.810 --> 09:09.640 some areas those partnerships uh while 09:09.640 --> 09:11.751 still strong or not as strong as they 09:11.751 --> 09:13.584 could possibly be so will remain 09:13.584 --> 09:16.530 focused on that . But I do hope so , 09:16.530 --> 09:18.586 Secretary , I think this is a really 09:18.586 --> 09:20.650 really important area to focus on 09:20.660 --> 09:22.438 making sure that we are able to 09:22.438 --> 09:24.730 leverage them and continue to use our 09:24.730 --> 09:28.220 allies as this force multipliers and Mr 09:28.220 --> 09:30.442 Secretary also , I want to just to make 09:30.442 --> 09:33.020 a brief statement to I do appreciate 09:33.020 --> 09:35.590 that you've stated your commitment to 09:35.590 --> 09:37.534 making changes to how the military 09:37.534 --> 09:41.190 handles and prevents sexual assault . 09:41.190 --> 09:43.740 And I'm concerned concerned about the 09:43.740 --> 09:46.390 continued delay that we continue to 09:46.390 --> 09:49.330 face though . Um certainly if any of 09:49.330 --> 09:51.860 our adversaries were attacking members 09:51.860 --> 09:54.230 of our military , as we have seen 09:54.230 --> 09:56.190 within our own ranks , members 09:56.190 --> 09:58.730 attacking other members within our own 09:58.730 --> 10:01.090 ranks . If it had been an adversary , 10:01.090 --> 10:03.350 we would have responded immediately . 10:04.040 --> 10:07.120 We must respond immediately as well . 10:07.120 --> 10:10.860 So I am encouraging um both you and the 10:10.860 --> 10:13.320 chairman to continue to push on this 10:13.330 --> 10:17.050 issue to make sure we bring resolution 10:17.050 --> 10:20.200 and justice for our members of the 10:20.200 --> 10:22.160 military , those very important 10:22.160 --> 10:24.930 survivors . Um , just a brief statement . 10:24.930 --> 10:27.152 I'm sorry General Milley . I didn't get 10:27.152 --> 10:29.390 to my questions for you either . And uh 10:29.400 --> 10:31.567 Secretary McCord , I'll follow up with 10:31.567 --> 10:34.960 you later um on the audit . Um but I do 10:34.960 --> 10:37.240 want to echo concerns that were raised 10:37.240 --> 10:41.060 by Senator Fisher about the 10:41.070 --> 10:44.770 Navy's intent , whether it was an inter 10:44.770 --> 10:48.010 office memo , whatever it was . I do 10:48.010 --> 10:50.560 also want to stress my concern that the 10:50.560 --> 10:52.700 Navy intends to cancel development of 10:52.700 --> 10:54.950 the sea launch nuclear cruise missile . 10:55.140 --> 10:58.090 Um I think this is very , very 10:58.090 --> 11:01.320 concerning , especially coming from an 11:01.330 --> 11:03.620 an acting secretary that has yet to be 11:03.620 --> 11:05.750 confirmed . And I hope that that is 11:05.760 --> 11:08.560 truly not reflective of the overall 11:08.570 --> 11:11.160 attitude of the Department of Defense . 11:11.160 --> 11:13.640 Thank you Mr . Chair . It is not 11:13.640 --> 11:16.300 senator . And we will as we said , we 11:16.300 --> 11:19.100 will be true to our posture review and 11:19.100 --> 11:21.670 and make sure that uh that drives the 11:21.670 --> 11:24.770 process . Thank you senator . It's now 11:24.770 --> 11:27.160 let me recognize via Webex . Senator 11:27.160 --> 11:30.820 Warren , uh thank you Mr Chairman . 11:30.830 --> 11:33.630 Uh thank you all for being here today . 11:33.640 --> 11:36.190 Secretary Austin . During your 11:36.190 --> 11:38.630 confirmation process , you disclosed 11:38.630 --> 11:40.797 that you were on the board of Raytheon 11:40.797 --> 11:42.741 Technologies , one of the nation's 11:42.741 --> 11:45.220 largest defense contractors . And that 11:45.220 --> 11:47.280 caused me to ask you for some 11:47.280 --> 11:50.420 commitments about ethics issues that 11:50.420 --> 11:53.630 you would face . Existing . Ethics laws 11:53.640 --> 11:55.807 already require some commitments , but 11:55.807 --> 11:57.970 they don't go nearly far enough . And 11:57.970 --> 12:00.450 this matters a lot because the Pentagon 12:00.450 --> 12:04.040 spends $360 billion dollars 12:04.050 --> 12:06.050 every year on goods and services 12:06.050 --> 12:08.630 provided by contractors . And those 12:08.630 --> 12:10.850 contractors have a revolving door with 12:10.850 --> 12:13.500 the D . O . D . So that's why I've 12:13.500 --> 12:15.610 introduced legislation to strengthen 12:15.620 --> 12:18.350 ethics rules for all public officials . 12:18.740 --> 12:20.796 But it's also why I asked you during 12:20.796 --> 12:23.290 your hearing to extend your recusal 12:23.500 --> 12:25.830 from matters involving Raytheon for the 12:25.830 --> 12:28.330 duration of your government service , I 12:28.330 --> 12:30.540 asked you to pledge not to receive or 12:30.540 --> 12:33.560 not to seek a waiver of that recusal 12:34.040 --> 12:36.100 and to refrain from seeking 12:36.100 --> 12:38.360 compensation from a giant defense 12:38.360 --> 12:41.350 contractor within four years of leaving 12:41.350 --> 12:43.490 government service and you agree to 12:43.490 --> 12:45.712 make those commitments . And I want you 12:45.712 --> 12:47.934 to know I appreciate that . I think the 12:47.934 --> 12:50.450 american people appreciate that too . 12:50.940 --> 12:54.070 Secretary Austin , as I recall , you 12:54.070 --> 12:56.490 explained that you voluntarily made 12:56.490 --> 12:58.490 these commitments because you think 12:58.490 --> 13:00.712 it's important that the american people 13:00.712 --> 13:02.823 have concrete assurances so that they 13:02.823 --> 13:04.960 never doubt that you are working for 13:04.960 --> 13:07.530 them and not for giant defense 13:07.530 --> 13:08.850 contractors . Right . 13:11.240 --> 13:14.820 Yes , that's true . Good . And I just 13:14.820 --> 13:16.987 want to say I also asked several trump 13:16.987 --> 13:19.098 nominees to make the same commitments 13:19.098 --> 13:22.320 and they refused you , by contrast , 13:22.330 --> 13:24.830 demonstrated considerable leadership in 13:24.830 --> 13:27.360 making those commitments . Now , since 13:27.360 --> 13:29.304 your confirmation , the Senate has 13:29.304 --> 13:32.290 confirmed five additional nominees to 13:32.290 --> 13:34.290 go to work at the pentagon , not a 13:34.290 --> 13:36.457 single one of them was on the board of 13:36.457 --> 13:38.623 the major defense contractor . None of 13:38.623 --> 13:40.679 them reported that the bulk of their 13:40.679 --> 13:42.680 income came from our most powerful 13:42.680 --> 13:45.420 contractors and I appreciated that and 13:45.420 --> 13:47.760 I supported all of their nominations . 13:48.340 --> 13:50.451 But this committee is now being asked 13:50.451 --> 13:52.451 to consider nominees who don't meet 13:52.451 --> 13:54.850 that test , and in these cases , when 13:54.850 --> 13:56.990 nominees report the vast majority of 13:56.990 --> 13:58.768 their income from major defense 13:58.768 --> 14:00.780 contractors , either through direct 14:00.780 --> 14:03.260 employment or consulting or when 14:03.260 --> 14:05.316 they're on those companiesboards , I 14:05.316 --> 14:07.800 plan to ask nominees to make the same 14:07.810 --> 14:10.560 voluntary ethics commitments that you 14:10.560 --> 14:13.080 did during your confirmation . So let 14:13.080 --> 14:15.650 me ask you , Secretary Austin , do you 14:15.650 --> 14:17.860 agree that the people working for you 14:18.140 --> 14:20.840 who have similar or even more extensive 14:20.840 --> 14:23.670 ties to industry should be living up to 14:23.670 --> 14:26.100 the same ethics commitments that you 14:26.100 --> 14:28.322 made . Do you think it's important that 14:28.322 --> 14:30.630 the american people have confidence , 14:30.630 --> 14:32.790 as you put it ? That these pentagon 14:32.790 --> 14:35.080 officials are working for the american 14:35.080 --> 14:36.858 people and not for their former 14:36.858 --> 14:39.450 employers in the defense industry ? 14:41.640 --> 14:43.862 Well , senator , you've heard me say on 14:43.862 --> 14:45.990 a number of occasions that uh , sound 14:45.990 --> 14:48.430 ethical behavior is important to us , 14:48.440 --> 14:50.860 important to me and important to the 14:50.860 --> 14:54.670 department . Uh I have every 14:54.680 --> 14:58.280 reason to believe that those who 14:58.280 --> 15:01.360 are who have been nominated to serve 15:01.940 --> 15:05.210 will conduct themselves properly and uh , 15:05.220 --> 15:08.740 exercise uh , sound ethical 15:08.740 --> 15:12.500 behavior . And I truly support your our 15:12.510 --> 15:14.920 I'm truly appreciative of your your 15:14.920 --> 15:18.410 support , uh , uh , getting our 15:18.420 --> 15:20.670 nominees confirmed as quickly as 15:20.670 --> 15:22.820 possible . We we absolutely need them 15:22.820 --> 15:26.010 on the team . Well , 15:26.020 --> 15:29.990 let's say though , I recognized the 15:29.990 --> 15:32.101 importance of filling these important 15:32.101 --> 15:34.800 Defense Department positions , but I'm 15:34.810 --> 15:38.400 asking for commitments that 15:38.410 --> 15:41.450 they are going to avoid conflicts of 15:41.460 --> 15:43.627 interest . And I've laid out what they 15:43.627 --> 15:46.020 are and you've agreed to them . So the 15:46.020 --> 15:47.964 question I'm asking is whether you 15:47.964 --> 15:50.131 think that the people who are going to 15:50.131 --> 15:52.131 be working for you , who have these 15:52.131 --> 15:54.020 ties should make the same kind of 15:54.020 --> 15:56.050 commitments that you may 15:58.240 --> 16:00.540 senator . I again , I believe that they 16:00.540 --> 16:02.762 will conduct themselves appropriately . 16:02.762 --> 16:04.818 I have no concerns about their their 16:04.818 --> 16:06.873 ethical behavior . I think that they 16:06.873 --> 16:09.207 are committed to doing the right things . 16:09.207 --> 16:11.660 Well , I appreciate that you don't want 16:11.660 --> 16:13.716 to step into this , but this is what 16:13.716 --> 16:16.410 leadership is about . Um I'm still in 16:16.410 --> 16:18.688 conversation with the current nominees , 16:18.688 --> 16:20.710 where I think these commitments are 16:20.710 --> 16:22.821 warranted and I hope that we can come 16:22.821 --> 16:24.432 to an understanding is their 16:24.432 --> 16:27.060 nominations progress . And if we can I 16:27.060 --> 16:29.490 will support their nominations . But in 16:29.490 --> 16:31.550 these cases in going forward , if 16:31.550 --> 16:33.980 nominees with significant ties to the 16:33.980 --> 16:36.100 defense industry refused to make the 16:36.100 --> 16:38.900 commitments you made , then I will vote 16:38.900 --> 16:40.840 no in this committee on their 16:40.840 --> 16:43.410 nominations and I will ask for a roll 16:43.410 --> 16:45.830 call vote on the floor where I will 16:45.830 --> 16:49.650 vote no again . So let me be clear 16:49.660 --> 16:51.970 I'm asking for these commitments , not 16:51.970 --> 16:53.850 because I'm challenging anyone's 16:53.860 --> 16:56.350 integrity , but because I think it is 16:56.350 --> 16:59.010 critical that the american people have 16:59.020 --> 17:01.410 total confidence that our public 17:01.410 --> 17:03.466 officials are truly working for them 17:03.466 --> 17:05.577 and not for the defense industry that 17:05.577 --> 17:08.510 has paid them so well . Thank you . Mr 17:08.510 --> 17:12.290 Chairman . Thank you . Thank you . 17:12.290 --> 17:14.530 Senator Warren . Uh let me recognize 17:14.530 --> 17:17.130 Senator Tillis please . Thank you . Mr 17:17.130 --> 17:19.186 Chairman . Thank you . Gentlemen for 17:19.186 --> 17:21.297 being here . I want to go back to the 17:21.297 --> 17:23.408 discussion of the U . C . M . J . And 17:23.408 --> 17:25.241 you know what's described as the 17:25.540 --> 17:27.707 military sexual assault . It's an area 17:27.707 --> 17:29.873 I'm frustrated with . I've spent a lot 17:29.873 --> 17:32.540 of time with Senator Gillibrand , but I 17:32.540 --> 17:35.490 am Secretary Austin , I am 17:35.490 --> 17:38.080 concerned that even when we have the 17:38.080 --> 17:40.136 discussion here , people think we're 17:40.136 --> 17:42.080 just talking about military sexual 17:42.080 --> 17:44.191 assault , but we're talking about any 17:44.440 --> 17:46.730 uh alleged crime that would have a 17:46.730 --> 17:49.460 sentence of over one year . Uh So 17:49.460 --> 17:52.320 that's a sweeping change to the U . C M 17:52.320 --> 17:54.542 J . I'm also concerned with some of the 17:54.542 --> 17:56.542 technical aspects that haven't been 17:56.542 --> 18:00.190 spelled out in the bill . Uh It's more 18:00.190 --> 18:02.680 of a a framework we haven't seen the 18:02.680 --> 18:04.736 details , but one of the things that 18:04.736 --> 18:06.847 are most troubled by is the six month 18:06.847 --> 18:08.847 implementation timeframe . And your 18:08.847 --> 18:10.847 judgment , to the extent that , you 18:10.847 --> 18:12.736 know , the the details of Senator 18:12.736 --> 18:14.791 Gillibrand's proposal , is that even 18:14.791 --> 18:16.402 possible to be implemented ? 18:18.640 --> 18:20.930 I don't know all of the specific 18:20.930 --> 18:23.152 details of her proposed timeline . What 18:23.152 --> 18:25.319 I would tell you is , and I would echo 18:25.319 --> 18:27.600 what I said to uh the chairman a couple 18:27.600 --> 18:30.840 of minutes ago is that I would uh any 18:30.840 --> 18:33.062 change that we make ? Senator ? I would 18:33.062 --> 18:35.050 hope that we would be provided the 18:35.060 --> 18:38.030 ample time to make sure that we we 18:38.030 --> 18:41.680 properly and appropriately implement 18:41.680 --> 18:43.847 these changes . Because change the U . 18:43.847 --> 18:47.370 C M . J is a very significant 18:47.370 --> 18:50.630 issue uh in the military and we want to 18:50.630 --> 18:52.852 make sure we get this right and we will 18:52.852 --> 18:55.186 get it right if if a change is required , 18:55.740 --> 18:58.420 General Milley , do you think uh maybe 18:58.420 --> 19:00.476 taking crimes that could be barracks 19:00.476 --> 19:02.642 larceny out of the chain of command is 19:02.642 --> 19:06.460 a good idea And would uh I would 19:07.040 --> 19:09.440 put us in a position where good or good 19:09.440 --> 19:11.662 order and discipline on the part of the 19:11.662 --> 19:14.410 command would be undermined . As I 19:14.420 --> 19:16.642 mentioned , a Senator Gillibrand before 19:16.642 --> 19:19.050 and some others earlier . I think the 19:19.050 --> 19:21.161 commander is essential to maintaining 19:21.161 --> 19:22.994 good order and discipline in the 19:22.994 --> 19:25.106 military . Were military that's built 19:25.106 --> 19:27.217 to fight the U . C . M . J . Is there 19:27.217 --> 19:29.217 to support combat power at the same 19:29.217 --> 19:31.383 time ? Cohesion is critical . Uh And I 19:31.383 --> 19:33.606 am very very open to significant change 19:33.606 --> 19:35.772 in the area of sexual assault , sexual 19:35.772 --> 19:37.939 harassment . When we get beyond that . 19:37.939 --> 19:40.106 At this point my position is I need to 19:40.106 --> 19:42.217 study it more . I'm open minded but I 19:42.217 --> 19:44.328 think we would be really , it needs a 19:44.328 --> 19:46.460 lot of due diligence before we bundle 19:46.470 --> 19:48.692 all the one year felonies and take them 19:48.692 --> 19:50.748 away from the commander . So I think 19:50.748 --> 19:52.637 well that's the right to study it 19:52.637 --> 19:54.581 further . General Austin , I think 19:54.581 --> 19:56.748 you've heard from some of us about the 19:56.748 --> 19:59.980 need for a timely uh report back on the 19:59.980 --> 20:02.202 commission findings and the D . O . D . 20:02.202 --> 20:04.424 Recommendations with the mark up coming 20:04.424 --> 20:06.600 up next month . I think it's very 20:06.600 --> 20:09.000 important that we get that feedback if 20:09.000 --> 20:12.250 it's to be uh if it's to have any 20:12.250 --> 20:14.610 impact on what may likely be in the NBA 20:14.610 --> 20:18.600 Mark . Uh you're right senator 20:18.600 --> 20:21.260 I uh and I understand your sense of 20:21.260 --> 20:23.482 urgency . I share that sense of urgency 20:23.482 --> 20:26.930 as you know . Um uh The Independent 20:26.930 --> 20:30.340 Review Commission is still evaluating 20:30.350 --> 20:33.750 the other three lines of effort that 20:33.750 --> 20:37.420 includes uh prevention , victim care 20:37.430 --> 20:41.370 and also climate . I'll get those back 20:41.380 --> 20:44.730 in in a shortly . 20:44.740 --> 20:46.980 Uh And when I do I'll make my 20:46.980 --> 20:50.570 recommendations uh to the president and 20:50.570 --> 20:52.570 those recommendations will be based 20:52.570 --> 20:54.626 upon what I get from the I . R . C . 20:54.626 --> 20:56.348 Plus my consultations with the 20:56.348 --> 20:58.730 leadership of the services . Uh Thank 20:58.730 --> 21:01.960 you jumping to uh budget matters . 21:02.040 --> 21:04.900 The immediate response for us . I know 21:04.900 --> 21:07.122 you know you've spent some quality time 21:07.122 --> 21:09.067 you in general Milley down at fort 21:09.067 --> 21:12.180 Bragg . Um It was deployed back in 2000 21:12.180 --> 21:14.250 and 19 after the Iranian backed 21:14.250 --> 21:17.370 Hezbollah attacked our embassy in Iraq . 21:17.380 --> 21:20.370 Uh The reports that I've got on the 21:20.370 --> 21:23.210 ground there is the folks from the 82nd 21:23.210 --> 21:25.266 airborne that would be a part of the 21:25.266 --> 21:27.321 response , spent pretty much the day 21:27.321 --> 21:29.543 going over . What you all know is a big 21:29.543 --> 21:31.654 complex getting ready to do it at the 21:31.654 --> 21:33.266 expense of briefings and and 21:33.266 --> 21:36.960 preparation . They want to meet . 21:37.440 --> 21:41.010 The strategic deployment complex uh is 21:41.010 --> 21:44.030 not yet even on the unfunded priorities 21:44.030 --> 21:45.270 list . Why is that ? 21:53.440 --> 21:56.520 I uh I'll look into that senator . I 21:56.520 --> 21:59.140 don't know why the the army hasn't put 21:59.140 --> 22:02.080 that on your unfunded requirements list , 22:02.090 --> 22:05.780 but I'm sure that uh uh the army's 22:05.790 --> 22:07.846 choices based upon the input they've 22:07.846 --> 22:09.957 gotten from uh from the 18th Airborne 22:09.957 --> 22:12.012 Corps Commander and others . But but 22:12.012 --> 22:13.957 I'll engage the army will submit a 22:13.957 --> 22:16.450 question for the record because I am uh 22:16.460 --> 22:19.940 I'm concerned that an increasingly in 22:19.940 --> 22:22.060 an instance where we may have to uh 22:22.340 --> 22:24.550 once again send out an immediate 22:24.550 --> 22:27.250 response deployment request that 22:27.260 --> 22:29.482 they're not the best prepared that they 22:29.482 --> 22:31.649 could be for it . I'd like to get that 22:31.649 --> 22:31.290 reported back and I'll submit other 22:31.290 --> 22:33.457 questions for the record . Thank you . 22:33.457 --> 22:35.568 Mr Chair . Thank you . Senator Tillis 22:35.568 --> 22:38.940 Centre Toronto , please . Thank you . 22:38.940 --> 22:42.170 Mr Chairman . I have had a number of 22:42.170 --> 22:45.190 opportunities . Secretary Austin to 22:45.200 --> 22:47.320 raise my concerns about the fact that 22:47.320 --> 22:50.880 that HDR H Hawaii , the missile 22:50.880 --> 22:53.750 defense radar for Hawaii has been 22:53.750 --> 22:56.260 zeroed out over the last two fiscal 22:56.260 --> 22:59.740 year requests . And so 22:59.750 --> 23:01.990 uh in response to some of my concerns 23:01.990 --> 23:04.157 raised about the fact that there is no 23:04.157 --> 23:06.323 funding requested for this radar which 23:06.323 --> 23:08.323 was told to us that was going to be 23:08.323 --> 23:10.546 very important as part of our system to 23:10.546 --> 23:13.550 protect Hawaii . And I'm told that 23:14.140 --> 23:16.760 under the current situation currently 23:16.760 --> 23:20.360 protected against today's threats up 23:20.940 --> 23:22.884 that is the response I've gotten , 23:22.884 --> 23:24.940 secretary asked him . But what we're 23:24.940 --> 23:26.773 looking at is we need to protect 23:26.773 --> 23:29.820 against future threats i e 2025 threats . 23:29.820 --> 23:32.570 So I'm going to want to have further 23:32.570 --> 23:36.470 discussions with you and your team as 23:36.470 --> 23:39.500 to what they projected Dangers are 23:39.510 --> 23:43.390 going to 2025 . I recognize 23:43.390 --> 23:46.350 that Hawaii is protected under today's 23:47.140 --> 23:50.010 Threat , but not necessarily 2025 . And 23:50.010 --> 23:52.960 that was the time frame in which the 23:52.970 --> 23:54.748 this radio was determined to be 23:54.748 --> 23:56.970 necessary for our national security . 23:56.980 --> 23:59.420 So I don't want to get into further 23:59.430 --> 24:02.560 discussion with you on they 24:04.140 --> 24:07.980 the explanation as to why was 24:07.980 --> 24:11.090 zeroed out . Let me move on to uh 24:11.100 --> 24:13.044 support for the pacific deterrence 24:13.044 --> 24:16.940 initiative . The PD was enacted last 24:16.940 --> 24:19.210 year to ensure that diode prioritizes 24:19.210 --> 24:22.340 invests and often overlooked but 24:22.340 --> 24:24.618 critical components of joint readiness . 24:25.340 --> 24:28.930 And in fact with regard to the pD , the 24:28.930 --> 24:30.900 previous commander of NdP . Com , 24:30.900 --> 24:33.600 Admiral Davidson identified five areas 24:33.610 --> 24:37.340 of focus in the P . D . I . Won the 24:37.340 --> 24:40.590 Joint force mythology to force design 24:40.590 --> 24:43.250 and posture . Three strengthen allies 24:43.250 --> 24:45.330 and partners . Four exercises 24:45.330 --> 24:48.120 experimentation and implementation and 24:48.120 --> 24:51.670 five logistics and security enablers . 24:52.040 --> 24:54.600 So looking at your budget request . So 24:54.610 --> 24:58.600 I do not see uh requested items in the 24:58.610 --> 25:00.990 five areas that Admiral Davidson had 25:01.000 --> 25:03.890 identified as being supportive of the P . 25:03.890 --> 25:07.300 D . I . And in fact , uh your request 25:07.300 --> 25:09.430 identifies platforms like a navy 25:09.430 --> 25:12.570 destroyer , the oiler and items related 25:12.570 --> 25:16.290 to the F 35 aircraft um as P . D . I . 25:16.290 --> 25:19.080 Investment . So I'd like to know why is 25:19.080 --> 25:21.302 the vast majority of funding identified 25:21.302 --> 25:24.000 to support P . D . I . Unrelated to the 25:24.000 --> 25:26.240 lines of effort outlined in the end up 25:26.240 --> 25:29.060 a calm section 1 1251 report . 25:30.440 --> 25:34.350 Yeah . Senator . Let me say at the 25:34.360 --> 25:38.360 top that our intent was to align our 25:39.040 --> 25:40.960 P . D . I . Investment with 25:40.960 --> 25:44.900 congressional intent . And uh so my 25:44.900 --> 25:46.900 staff is currently working with the 25:46.900 --> 25:50.720 committee to clarify and adjust any any 25:50.720 --> 25:52.920 perceived misalignments and in fact 25:52.920 --> 25:56.700 make sure that that we answer 25:56.700 --> 25:58.810 any and all questions . And so we'll 25:58.810 --> 26:00.921 continue to work that . As you know , 26:00.921 --> 26:04.310 we've dedicated some $5.1 billion p . d . 26:04.310 --> 26:08.200 I . Uh And uh and again , our intent 26:08.210 --> 26:10.820 was to align our investments with 26:10.830 --> 26:13.040 congressional intent . I would go 26:13.040 --> 26:15.262 further to say that a great deal of the 26:15.262 --> 26:18.550 department's budget uh is invested 26:18.560 --> 26:22.270 in in capabilities and activities 26:22.270 --> 26:25.190 that concentrate on deterrent china . 26:25.200 --> 26:28.300 Uh and uh and I would further say that , 26:28.310 --> 26:30.310 you know , I'm committed to working 26:30.310 --> 26:32.421 with the with the committee to making 26:32.421 --> 26:34.880 sure that we we get it right and answer 26:34.880 --> 26:37.390 the needs of the commander out and uh 26:37.440 --> 26:40.130 PICO Mr . Secretary . I I appreciate 26:40.130 --> 26:42.280 that commitment towards aligning the 26:42.280 --> 26:45.350 congressional intent with what the uh 26:45.940 --> 26:48.090 combatant commanders are requesting . 26:48.090 --> 26:50.400 And I think that alignment needs to be 26:50.410 --> 26:53.030 much better . And for example , the D O . 26:53.030 --> 26:55.070 D . Is only partially funding . NDP 26:55.070 --> 26:57.420 comes top three priorities that are 26:57.420 --> 26:59.910 important to deterring china . Since 26:59.920 --> 27:03.460 you mentioned that just now moving on 27:03.470 --> 27:06.670 to the importance of military 27:06.670 --> 27:09.160 construction and funding , of course is 27:09.540 --> 27:12.770 very critical to what we need to be 27:12.770 --> 27:14.990 doing . And and I've had conversations 27:14.990 --> 27:18.320 with your team regarding the need for a 27:18.330 --> 27:20.940 shipyard modernization and 27:20.950 --> 27:23.270 infrastructure support for that , 27:23.280 --> 27:26.670 including a new dry dock for Hawaii . 27:27.040 --> 27:29.780 Now I know that there is request for 27:29.990 --> 27:33.520 dry docks in Portsmouth and there's 27:33.520 --> 27:36.770 money also for salt water purification 27:36.770 --> 27:40.100 system in Norfolk . This is in front of 27:40.110 --> 27:43.900 requested funding to move the dry dock 27:43.910 --> 27:46.790 for Hawaii along . And so I would 27:46.790 --> 27:49.170 request that you take a look at that . 27:49.170 --> 27:52.540 And and it is very clear that the dry 27:52.540 --> 27:55.460 dock in Hawaii is very necessary for uh 27:55.470 --> 27:57.692 Hawaii Pearl Harbor Shipyard to be able 27:57.692 --> 28:00.870 to take care of the Virginia class 28:00.870 --> 28:03.037 submarines that are there . We have no 28:03.037 --> 28:05.203 capacity uh to do that right now . And 28:05.203 --> 28:07.537 so that dry dog needs to be moved along . 28:07.537 --> 28:10.530 So I request that you uh look at the 28:10.530 --> 28:12.800 funding request and to see whether you 28:12.800 --> 28:16.250 can move the appropriation request for 28:16.250 --> 28:19.060 the dry dock in Hawaii along . 28:20.240 --> 28:23.170 My time is up . But I hope that he will 28:23.840 --> 28:26.830 continue to discuss with that , discuss 28:26.840 --> 28:30.050 that particular concern with us . Mhm . 28:30.640 --> 28:33.360 I understand we're committed to making 28:33.360 --> 28:36.750 sure that we maintain the ability to uh 28:36.760 --> 28:39.510 to maintain and sustain our force and 28:39.510 --> 28:41.590 so we'll take a look at that . Thank 28:41.590 --> 28:45.460 you . Thank you . Mr . Chairman . Thank 28:45.460 --> 28:47.127 you . Senator Runner Levy now 28:47.127 --> 28:49.200 recognized Senator Crimea and also 28:49.210 --> 28:51.432 alert all of my colleagues that will be 28:51.740 --> 28:54.730 Two votes beginning at 11:30 . and also 28:54.730 --> 28:57.740 I believe the panel uh sought a break 28:57.750 --> 29:01.000 around that time . So talking with the 29:01.000 --> 29:04.490 ranking member will uh figure out a 29:04.500 --> 29:06.278 strategy , accomplish all those 29:06.278 --> 29:08.389 objectives . Senator Grammar , please 29:08.389 --> 29:10.611 thank you . Mr Chairman , thanks to all 29:10.611 --> 29:12.722 of you for your service and for being 29:12.722 --> 29:14.444 here . Good to see you start , 29:14.444 --> 29:16.556 Secretary Austin , um by following up 29:16.556 --> 29:18.611 with from an answer that you gave to 29:18.611 --> 29:20.722 Senator Shaheen earlier about further 29:20.722 --> 29:23.790 support for the Afghan forces . And you 29:23.790 --> 29:25.734 specifically mentioned I . S . R . 29:25.734 --> 29:27.640 Support from the GCC . And I'm 29:27.640 --> 29:29.362 wondering if you could tell me 29:29.362 --> 29:31.473 specifically what kind of I . S . R . 29:31.473 --> 29:34.170 Support ? Um that is what system 29:37.340 --> 29:39.451 I'm well , certainly we're flying are 29:39.451 --> 29:41.800 MQ nine from their and 29:41.810 --> 29:45.790 essentially the vast majority of uh 29:45.800 --> 29:48.090 of I . S . R . Is is being provided 29:48.090 --> 29:49.701 from other places outside of 29:49.701 --> 29:52.530 Afghanistan . We've we've had to , you 29:52.530 --> 29:54.697 know , as we've retrograde , we've had 29:54.697 --> 29:56.950 to make sure we protect our key uh 29:57.240 --> 29:59.170 platforms and systems . Sir , Our 29:59.170 --> 30:01.060 Global Block 30 is part of that . 30:02.440 --> 30:04.662 That's correct . You know , you realize 30:04.662 --> 30:06.340 that black 30s are slated for 30:06.350 --> 30:08.800 retirement in this budget and you and I 30:08.800 --> 30:10.911 have had this discussion before . I'm 30:10.911 --> 30:12.967 concerned about the lack of a bridge 30:12.967 --> 30:15.022 between where we are today and where 30:15.022 --> 30:17.133 we're going to get to eventually with 30:17.133 --> 30:19.300 new systems and you have tough choices 30:19.300 --> 30:21.300 and we've heard all about the , you 30:21.300 --> 30:20.910 know , the difficult priorities you 30:20.910 --> 30:22.966 have to set . But I remain concerned 30:22.966 --> 30:24.854 about the retirement of block 30s 30:24.854 --> 30:26.743 prematurely . Um , the benefit of 30:26.743 --> 30:28.966 combatant commanders everywhere , But I 30:28.966 --> 30:31.080 think Afghanistan presents a rather 30:31.080 --> 30:34.710 unique example of the threat . Um with 30:34.710 --> 30:37.540 that General Milley , could I ask you 30:37.550 --> 30:39.439 um , are the combatant commanders 30:39.439 --> 30:41.606 getting all of the I . S . R . Support 30:41.606 --> 30:44.320 that they need in every theater ? I 30:44.320 --> 30:46.376 would tell you that as Chief Staff , 30:46.376 --> 30:48.431 the army for four years and chairman 30:48.431 --> 30:50.653 for almost two , no combatant commander 30:50.653 --> 30:52.876 has ever gotten all the IRC they want . 30:52.876 --> 30:55.042 It is one of those commodities that is 30:55.042 --> 30:57.209 in high demand all the time and no one 30:57.209 --> 30:59.264 is completely ever satisfied . Every 30:59.264 --> 31:01.376 commander wants perfect knowledge and 31:01.376 --> 31:03.431 that's what I . S . R . Does is feed 31:03.431 --> 31:05.653 you with knowledge . We are never going 31:05.653 --> 31:07.820 to get enough . Is our to fill all the 31:07.820 --> 31:09.876 demand . Having said that it's all a 31:09.876 --> 31:12.042 function of risk . It's all a function 31:12.042 --> 31:11.370 of where you take risk . What's your 31:11.370 --> 31:13.592 priority is uh are you going to support 31:13.592 --> 31:15.814 the main effort and what you do for the 31:15.814 --> 31:18.092 supporting effort and so on , so forth ? 31:18.092 --> 31:20.314 Uh And in this budget , I think that we 31:20.314 --> 31:22.426 are adequate these funding uh I S . R 31:22.426 --> 31:24.481 as we go forward for the main effort 31:24.481 --> 31:26.640 relative to china And with respect to 31:26.640 --> 31:29.560 the block 30s , uh and the MQ nine . 31:29.570 --> 31:31.792 Again , it has to do with relevance and 31:31.792 --> 31:33.848 pivoting to the future . This budget 31:33.848 --> 31:36.050 biases future operating environment , 31:36.060 --> 31:37.949 changing the character of war and 31:37.949 --> 31:40.004 against the pacing threat of china . 31:40.004 --> 31:42.004 That is not to say we're gonna stop 31:42.004 --> 31:44.227 everything with respect to a tens or MQ 31:44.227 --> 31:46.338 nine or some of these systems . We've 31:46.338 --> 31:48.393 got to make that turn . So since you 31:48.393 --> 31:50.616 were on the topic , well , if you could 31:50.616 --> 31:52.838 list the top three threats to America's 31:52.838 --> 31:54.782 national security and order , what 31:54.782 --> 31:56.449 would they be from a military 31:56.449 --> 31:58.171 standpoint , strictly military 31:58.171 --> 32:00.060 standpoint ? I think china is the 32:00.060 --> 32:02.060 number one military threat as we go 32:02.060 --> 32:04.171 forward . But I also acknowledge that 32:04.171 --> 32:06.227 Russia is a considerable great power 32:06.227 --> 32:08.770 competitor and and and those two in the 32:08.770 --> 32:10.750 N . D . S . And in the current 32:10.750 --> 32:12.972 strategic environment , from a military 32:12.972 --> 32:14.861 perspective there are many , many 32:14.861 --> 32:16.528 threats . But from a military 32:16.528 --> 32:18.806 perspective , I put those two up there . 32:18.806 --> 32:20.917 I understand one of the things I want 32:20.917 --> 32:20.440 to get out because just it was just 32:20.440 --> 32:22.900 yesterday President biden announced 32:22.900 --> 32:24.900 when he announced America's back in 32:24.900 --> 32:27.840 europe to two military men and women 32:27.850 --> 32:31.260 air force in uh in the U . K . That the 32:31.260 --> 32:33.930 number according to the military 32:33.930 --> 32:35.986 leaders . That the number one threat 32:35.986 --> 32:38.097 facing America's national security is 32:38.097 --> 32:40.263 climate change . Six weeks ago today , 32:40.263 --> 32:42.041 the european Union parliament , 32:42.041 --> 32:44.780 speaking of NATO and allies which are a 32:44.790 --> 32:46.790 prominent part of your testimony in 32:46.790 --> 32:49.012 this budget . Um EU parliament passed a 32:49.012 --> 32:52.960 resolution 569 to 67 urging 32:52.960 --> 32:55.570 the EU institutions and member states 32:55.580 --> 32:57.910 to to do everything they can to stop 32:57.920 --> 33:00.031 the completion of the nord stream two 33:00.031 --> 33:02.760 pipeline . Three weeks ago today , 33:02.770 --> 33:05.360 President Biden lifted the sanctions on 33:05.360 --> 33:08.160 completing the Nord Stream two pipeline 33:08.640 --> 33:11.930 and and I'm just kind of wondering and 33:11.930 --> 33:14.097 that that flies in the face both of of 33:14.097 --> 33:16.208 America's back . It flies in the face 33:16.208 --> 33:18.420 of building NATO alliances rebuilding 33:18.420 --> 33:20.531 as as as the budget document states . 33:20.531 --> 33:22.980 I'm not sure which ones we lost , but I 33:22.980 --> 33:24.924 know that there are at least eight 33:24.924 --> 33:26.813 european union allies , including 33:26.813 --> 33:29.230 Ukraine who strongly oppose North 33:29.230 --> 33:31.090 Stream Two for national security 33:31.090 --> 33:33.280 reasons . And certainly from climate 33:33.280 --> 33:35.447 change standpoint of climate change is 33:35.447 --> 33:37.613 the number one threat facing America's 33:37.613 --> 33:39.558 national security , allowing North 33:39.558 --> 33:41.724 Stream two to be built is not good for 33:41.724 --> 33:43.947 the climate . So , um I have some great 33:43.947 --> 33:47.370 concerns and uh I think we ought to get 33:47.370 --> 33:49.537 him , we ought to get him straightened 33:49.537 --> 33:51.703 out . And I don't know for the life of 33:51.703 --> 33:53.870 me how how completely North Stream two 33:53.870 --> 33:55.926 helps our alliance with the European 33:55.926 --> 33:57.926 Union other than maybe with current 33:57.926 --> 33:59.981 chancellor of Germany senator , if I 33:59.981 --> 34:02.380 could just make on these on your piece 34:02.380 --> 34:05.970 about threats , um climate change is a 34:05.970 --> 34:08.620 threat . Climate change has significant 34:08.630 --> 34:10.940 impact on military operations . Uh and 34:10.940 --> 34:13.162 we have to take it into consideration . 34:13.162 --> 34:15.051 Climate change is going to impact 34:15.051 --> 34:17.218 natural resources , for example , it's 34:17.218 --> 34:19.329 gonna impact increased instability in 34:19.329 --> 34:18.590 various parts of the world , is going 34:18.590 --> 34:21.610 to impact migrations and so on . And in 34:21.610 --> 34:23.110 addition to that , we have 34:23.110 --> 34:25.388 infrastructure challenges here at home , 34:25.388 --> 34:25.220 witnessed some of our hurricanes and 34:25.220 --> 34:27.442 stuff . So climate change does impact . 34:28.440 --> 34:30.662 But the president is looking at it at a 34:30.662 --> 34:32.607 much broader angle than I am . I'm 34:32.607 --> 34:34.773 looking at it from a strictly military 34:34.773 --> 34:36.996 standpoint and from a strictly military 34:36.996 --> 34:39.107 standpoint , I'm putting china Russia 34:39.107 --> 34:41.107 up there . That is not however , in 34:41.107 --> 34:43.273 conflict with the acknowledgement that 34:43.273 --> 34:45.273 climate change or infrastructure or 34:45.273 --> 34:47.384 education systems , national security 34:47.384 --> 34:49.496 has a broad angle to it . I'm looking 34:49.496 --> 34:51.218 at it from a strictly military 34:51.218 --> 34:53.440 standpoint . I just think it's peculiar 34:53.440 --> 34:55.607 that the president would go to another 34:55.607 --> 34:55.340 continent and tell our service members 34:55.340 --> 34:57.580 there that the number one threat is 34:57.590 --> 35:00.510 climate change , albeit a threat . Um 35:00.520 --> 35:02.631 with that my time has expired . Thank 35:02.631 --> 35:05.490 you . Yeah , thank you very much . 35:05.490 --> 35:08.390 Senator crime in collaboration with the 35:08.390 --> 35:11.700 ranking member . Uh and at the request 35:11.710 --> 35:14.520 of the panel to take a short break . At 35:14.520 --> 35:18.460 this time , I would uh move to recess 35:18.470 --> 35:21.500 for 10 minutes . Uh it also would allow 35:21.500 --> 35:23.722 people to go to the vote which has just 35:23.722 --> 35:26.840 been called . Uh and so with that I 35:26.840 --> 35:30.550 would ask for a 10 minute recess . Mhm . 35:32.540 --> 35:33.540 Mhm . 35:41.940 --> 35:44.260 Let me call the hearing back to order 35:44.270 --> 35:47.430 after the short recess and recognizing 35:47.430 --> 35:49.470 the Blumenthal for his questions . 35:52.040 --> 35:55.930 Thanks Mr Chairman , thank you . Mr 35:55.930 --> 35:59.260 Secretary uh Chairman Millie for your 36:00.330 --> 36:02.552 extraordinary service and thank you for 36:02.552 --> 36:06.460 being here today . Um , I have 36:06.460 --> 36:08.950 been very concerned 36:09.830 --> 36:11.750 about the 36:13.030 --> 36:16.540 ship that apparently has been sent from 36:17.330 --> 36:20.550 Iran to Venezuela . 36:21.830 --> 36:24.800 Uh , Apparently to Iranian vessels are 36:24.800 --> 36:26.911 believed to be carrying arms intended 36:28.130 --> 36:31.840 to transfer uh huh to 36:31.840 --> 36:34.820 Venezuela . As you know , these chefs 36:34.830 --> 36:37.100 ships are thought to be carrying 36:37.100 --> 36:39.267 weapons that would fulfill a deal that 36:39.267 --> 36:42.660 Iran and Venezuela made a year ago . 36:43.430 --> 36:46.280 We don't know the types of weapons , at 36:46.280 --> 36:48.224 least as far as I know , there are 36:48.224 --> 36:50.391 reports that Venezuela was considering 36:50.391 --> 36:54.240 purchasing missiles from Iran including 36:54.240 --> 36:57.850 long range 1's a commercial satellite 36:57.850 --> 37:01.160 imagery of one of the ships shows fast 37:01.170 --> 37:05.150 attack boats loaded on the deck . 37:05.630 --> 37:07.686 But it's still unclear whether those 37:07.686 --> 37:11.170 boats were aboard when the ships began 37:11.180 --> 37:14.580 their journey . I was pleased to see 37:14.580 --> 37:16.691 that a senior administration official 37:16.930 --> 37:19.490 stated that delivery of these weapons 37:19.490 --> 37:22.460 would be a quote , provocative act and 37:22.460 --> 37:25.380 understood as a threat who are partners 37:25.380 --> 37:27.491 in the Western Hemisphere and quote , 37:27.830 --> 37:29.663 and that the United States would 37:29.663 --> 37:31.774 reserve the right to take appropriate 37:31.774 --> 37:34.080 measures in coordination with our 37:34.080 --> 37:37.140 partners to deter the transit or 37:37.140 --> 37:40.770 delivery of such weapons . Secretary 37:40.770 --> 37:44.060 Austin , allowing this ship to dock 37:44.060 --> 37:47.650 seems significant to me on many 37:47.650 --> 37:49.930 different levels . It would be the 37:49.930 --> 37:52.550 first time that Iranian vessels have 37:52.550 --> 37:54.772 made such a transit . And the president 37:54.772 --> 37:57.970 of allowing Iran to provide weapons to 37:57.970 --> 38:01.430 the region causes me grave concern . Do 38:01.430 --> 38:04.240 you share that concern ? And 38:05.220 --> 38:07.810 how would such a delivery effect the 38:07.810 --> 38:09.650 region in europe ? You ? 38:12.720 --> 38:14.498 Well , senator , thanks for the 38:14.498 --> 38:16.780 question . And I , uh , I am absolutely 38:16.780 --> 38:20.040 concerned about the proliferation of uh , 38:20.620 --> 38:24.560 of weapons , uh , any type of weapons , 38:24.570 --> 38:27.490 uh , in uh , in our neighborhood . And 38:27.490 --> 38:31.040 so I sure you're concerned . 38:34.420 --> 38:37.250 Can you tell me whether the 38:37.250 --> 38:41.200 administration knows exactly what is on 38:41.200 --> 38:42.533 those Iranian vessels ? 38:44.920 --> 38:48.780 I would I would like to take that 38:48.790 --> 38:51.160 conversation either either that 38:51.160 --> 38:53.630 question to uh , for the record or I 38:53.640 --> 38:55.973 could take that conversation in another , 38:55.973 --> 38:58.320 another forum . I'd be glad to do it in 38:58.320 --> 39:00.650 another forum . In another setting . 39:01.320 --> 39:04.880 Are you , uh , have you had any 39:04.880 --> 39:08.370 communication with your colleagues 39:08.380 --> 39:11.950 in other nations in this hemisphere ? 39:13.420 --> 39:15.940 I've not had any discussions with , 39:16.320 --> 39:19.220 with any other nations in our 39:19.220 --> 39:22.640 hemisphere on this issue . Let me ask 39:22.640 --> 39:26.230 you on the topic of white supremacy and 39:26.230 --> 39:28.230 violent extremism , which you and I 39:28.230 --> 39:30.640 have discussed both in your 39:30.640 --> 39:34.280 confirmation hearings and privately , I 39:34.290 --> 39:38.270 understand that there will be 39:38.280 --> 39:42.160 a task force report . Can you tell us 39:42.620 --> 39:44.620 when that report will be released ? 39:48.720 --> 39:52.260 Uh , I'm sorry senator , I didn't quite 39:52.260 --> 39:55.690 hear the question . Uh , can you 39:55.690 --> 39:58.300 provide an update as to the status of 39:58.300 --> 40:02.290 the extremism task force that you 40:02.290 --> 40:06.020 announced read it recently 40:06.020 --> 40:09.680 and when uh this committee can 40:09.690 --> 40:12.330 expect to be briefed done the result 40:16.210 --> 40:19.390 as you recall senator early on in my 40:19.390 --> 40:23.120 tenure ? I ask the forced 40:23.120 --> 40:26.630 to uh , conduct a brief , uh , stand 40:26.630 --> 40:29.550 down to discuss the issue of of extreme 40:29.560 --> 40:33.360 extremism in our ranks . And and uh , 40:33.370 --> 40:35.426 let me preface what I'm gonna say by 40:35.426 --> 40:37.703 saying that , you know , I'm convinced , 40:37.703 --> 40:40.750 totally convinced That 99% of our 40:40.760 --> 40:43.670 troops are focused on the right things 40:43.670 --> 40:45.614 and and doing the right things and 40:45.614 --> 40:47.837 embrace the right values each and every 40:47.837 --> 40:50.430 day . But as I may have mentioned to 40:50.430 --> 40:52.374 you earlier , I believe that small 40:52.374 --> 40:54.486 numbers can have an outside of effect 40:54.486 --> 40:58.020 outside the fact regarding this issue . 40:58.510 --> 41:02.270 Uh So we did gain some insights from 41:02.280 --> 41:04.502 from the stand down . And it was it was 41:04.502 --> 41:06.724 a great opportunity for leaders to have 41:06.724 --> 41:08.669 discussions with other leaders and 41:08.669 --> 41:10.502 leaders to have discussions with 41:10.502 --> 41:12.800 subordinates uh and talk about those 41:12.800 --> 41:14.689 behaviors . And we are focused on 41:14.689 --> 41:17.890 behaviors , those behaviors that that 41:17.890 --> 41:20.250 are not supportive of the values that 41:20.260 --> 41:23.210 we embrace . Uh In addition to that we 41:23.210 --> 41:25.430 stood up a counter extremism working 41:25.430 --> 41:28.250 group which uh you know , routinely 41:28.250 --> 41:31.080 monitors uh you know , our efforts 41:31.080 --> 41:33.191 across the department in terms of you 41:33.191 --> 41:35.330 know what we're doing to uh to make 41:35.330 --> 41:37.770 sure that we counter extremism or 41:37.770 --> 41:41.270 extremist behaviors . Uh they will uh 41:41.280 --> 41:44.890 they're refining our policies uh huh 41:44.900 --> 41:47.800 and also gaining a better understanding 41:47.800 --> 41:50.560 of uh you know , what the complete 41:50.560 --> 41:53.310 challenge uh and certainly you know , I 41:53.310 --> 41:55.930 can have the leadership of that uh that 41:55.930 --> 41:58.460 working group come to come to brief you 41:58.470 --> 42:01.660 upon request or anytime you want . I 42:01.660 --> 42:03.882 would I would very much appreciate that 42:04.030 --> 42:06.880 Mr Secretary and I applaud the efforts 42:06.880 --> 42:09.310 that you are making against that 42:09.800 --> 42:13.380 probably less than 1% as you said , 99% . 42:13.390 --> 42:15.610 But I think it's and even more 42:15.620 --> 42:17.842 overwhelming majority who adhere to the 42:17.842 --> 42:21.120 basic values and our dedicated patriots 42:21.600 --> 42:25.110 And the focus on that , less than 1% is 42:25.120 --> 42:27.540 well warranted because they may have an 42:27.540 --> 42:31.100 outsize a fact . And so I would welcome 42:31.100 --> 42:33.267 an opportunity to learn more from your 42:33.267 --> 42:36.220 from the task force Whenever it is 42:36.230 --> 42:38.230 appropriate to do so and I'll be in 42:38.230 --> 42:40.452 touch with your office if that's okay . 42:40.452 --> 42:42.563 And I would absolutely agree with you 42:42.563 --> 42:44.730 senator . That is , it is less than 1% 42:44.730 --> 42:48.130 uh uh will gain better insights and and 42:48.130 --> 42:51.960 also equip our our force with 42:51.960 --> 42:54.220 better policies and and definitions . 42:54.800 --> 42:57.290 Thank you . Thank You . Senator 42:57.290 --> 42:59.620 Blumenthal Senator Black one Place . 43:00.000 --> 43:02.240 Thank you . Mr Chairman and I 43:02.240 --> 43:04.930 appreciate that you all are here today . 43:04.940 --> 43:06.996 Secretary Austin , I want to come to 43:06.996 --> 43:10.930 you on the issue of nuclear deterrence . 43:10.940 --> 43:12.880 And when you went through your 43:12.880 --> 43:14.658 confirmation hearing , we had a 43:14.658 --> 43:18.400 discussion about this and in your 43:18.400 --> 43:20.450 advanced policy questions , you had 43:20.450 --> 43:22.506 made a statement and I'm quoting you 43:22.506 --> 43:24.283 the tipping point where we must 43:24.283 --> 43:27.160 simultaneously overhaul these forces is 43:27.160 --> 43:31.150 now here . And that was your comment in 43:31.160 --> 43:34.420 reference to nuclear deterrence . And 43:34.430 --> 43:37.680 while we're looking at this budget , 43:37.690 --> 43:41.250 that's before us , we see that 43:41.260 --> 43:44.620 modernization is fully funded . 43:45.200 --> 43:48.120 But then when you look at deferred 43:48.120 --> 43:51.870 maintenance , um you see that 43:51.880 --> 43:54.760 it cuts hundreds of millions of dollars 43:54.770 --> 43:57.870 from the enacted level . Uh the and 43:57.870 --> 44:00.410 then essays deferred maintenance budget . 44:00.990 --> 44:04.700 So we know that more than half of the N . 44:04.700 --> 44:07.290 N . S . A . Facilities are over 40 44:07.290 --> 44:09.770 years old . 30% date back to the 44:09.770 --> 44:13.350 forties . So to me this sounds like 44:13.350 --> 44:15.510 we're at a tipping point when we 44:15.510 --> 44:19.230 discuss these facilities . So um was 44:19.240 --> 44:21.890 that deferred maintenance cut 44:21.900 --> 44:25.120 coordinated with D . O . D . And 44:25.130 --> 44:28.600 realistically what effect will it have 44:28.600 --> 44:31.380 on the ability of the in an essay to 44:31.380 --> 44:33.380 meet the D . O . D . Requirements ? 44:36.090 --> 44:38.300 Uh to my knowledge it was not 44:38.300 --> 44:41.510 coordinated with uh with the O . D . Uh 44:42.090 --> 44:43.979 And what I would say to you those 44:43.979 --> 44:47.300 senator is that it's very important to 44:47.300 --> 44:49.790 me and to our department to make sure 44:49.790 --> 44:51.901 that we worked with the Department of 44:51.901 --> 44:53.990 Energy to ensure that uh that we 44:53.990 --> 44:56.640 achieve our common goal of maintaining 44:56.650 --> 45:00.420 uh you know a robust nuclear deterrent . 45:00.890 --> 45:03.112 And you have my commitment to make sure 45:03.112 --> 45:05.740 that I remain engaged with E to make 45:05.740 --> 45:07.462 sure that the right things are 45:07.462 --> 45:09.629 happening in this regard . Okay , then 45:09.629 --> 45:11.796 let me ask it like this , what are the 45:11.796 --> 45:15.120 consequences that happen if we do not 45:15.120 --> 45:18.670 modernize and uh bring this 45:18.680 --> 45:20.402 infrastructure , maintain this 45:20.402 --> 45:24.120 infrastructure ? Well , you've heard me 45:24.130 --> 45:26.740 say before senator that , you know , 45:26.740 --> 45:28.518 I'm absolutely committed to the 45:28.518 --> 45:30.851 modernization of the triad and you know , 45:30.851 --> 45:34.000 that We've dedicated $28 billion 22 45:34.000 --> 45:37.140 budget to that effort , maintenance is 45:37.140 --> 45:40.490 also important . And and again with 45:40.490 --> 45:44.180 respect to N . S . A . Uh we will 45:44.180 --> 45:46.460 remain engaged with uh with the O . E . 45:46.460 --> 45:48.627 To make sure that the right things are 45:48.627 --> 45:50.182 happening and gain a better 45:50.182 --> 45:52.071 understanding of what D . O . S . 45:52.071 --> 45:54.750 Objectives are ? Well , you all 45:54.750 --> 45:57.360 frequently will say that infrastructure 45:57.360 --> 46:00.530 is a part of what you need to retain 46:00.530 --> 46:04.200 talent And I would 46:04.200 --> 46:07.330 expect that the enterprise is 46:07.330 --> 46:10.600 invaluable work force as they are . As 46:10.600 --> 46:14.030 we look at 21st century warfare um that 46:14.040 --> 46:16.330 it is difficult for them to continue to 46:16.330 --> 46:18.710 work and dilapidated and sometimes 46:18.710 --> 46:21.950 unsafe conditions . And I would assume 46:21.960 --> 46:24.500 that that is a concern to you also . 46:26.280 --> 46:28.500 It absolutely is a concern both for 46:28.500 --> 46:32.030 what the issues that D . O . D . Uh 46:32.040 --> 46:35.140 controls and also you know I'm sure 46:35.140 --> 46:37.307 it's a concern for all the things that 46:37.307 --> 46:39.584 D . O . E . Is responsible for as well . 46:40.080 --> 46:42.990 Um Let's go . And Senator Fisher 46:42.990 --> 46:46.760 brought up to you uh 46:46.770 --> 46:49.680 the action of the acting secretary of 46:49.680 --> 46:52.010 the Navy canceling the nuclear sea 46:52.010 --> 46:55.920 launch cruise missile . So why was this 46:55.930 --> 46:58.800 decision made before completion of the 46:58.800 --> 47:00.590 nuclear posture review ? 47:02.580 --> 47:05.640 Again , Senator I've not seen the memo 47:05.650 --> 47:08.060 and but what I like the chairman , I 47:08.060 --> 47:10.060 will see it very shortly after this 47:10.060 --> 47:13.270 hearing . Uh uh you know as I 47:13.270 --> 47:15.492 understand the purpose of that memo was 47:15.492 --> 47:18.030 to was to issue some guidance for 47:18.030 --> 47:21.740 planning and evaluation too to the 47:21.740 --> 47:25.500 navy . But again I am committed to 47:25.510 --> 47:27.850 conducting a nuclear posture review 47:27.850 --> 47:29.961 that I've we talked about earlier and 47:29.961 --> 47:32.017 that will be conducted and that will 47:32.017 --> 47:34.072 drive our activities going forward . 47:34.072 --> 47:36.760 Well , I think that memo sent a message 47:36.760 --> 47:39.130 we did not want to send to Russia and 47:39.130 --> 47:41.700 china when it comes to great power 47:41.710 --> 47:45.130 competition . Um I did 47:45.130 --> 47:48.870 appreciate the department being on 47:48.880 --> 47:52.520 on pace to fully fund the 47:52.530 --> 47:55.960 P . D . I . And I 47:55.970 --> 47:59.960 um the concern 47:59.970 --> 48:03.430 is the number one P . D . I ask 48:03.430 --> 48:06.280 was the Guam defense system to be fully 48:06.280 --> 48:09.090 funded . It's the $350 million . 48:09.470 --> 48:12.260 But when you look through this , the 48:12.260 --> 48:15.260 funding totals for the defense of Guam 48:15.260 --> 48:17.260 procurement and the Guam Defense 48:17.260 --> 48:20.360 Development Line items in 48:20.370 --> 48:22.940 the budget was 48:22.950 --> 48:26.770 $118.3 million dollars and that's 48:26.770 --> 48:29.860 less than half of the money that is 48:29.860 --> 48:33.560 required . And uh for this , 48:33.570 --> 48:35.790 which is the number one unfunded 48:35.790 --> 48:39.710 priority if you will . So I'd like to 48:39.710 --> 48:43.490 hear you speak to that . Um 48:43.500 --> 48:46.560 You know , we know that these fusion 48:46.560 --> 48:48.840 centers are vitally important . I've 48:48.840 --> 48:50.800 done a good bit of work on these 48:50.800 --> 48:53.110 multilateral fusion centers and they 48:53.110 --> 48:56.810 serve a critical function of really 48:56.820 --> 48:59.210 enhancing our intelligence , our 48:59.210 --> 49:01.480 information , our logistical 49:01.480 --> 49:05.060 coordination and um future 49:05.060 --> 49:07.850 fusion centers are the commanders in 49:07.850 --> 49:10.440 number 11 . Unfunded priority . These 49:10.440 --> 49:13.840 fusion centers also support investments 49:13.840 --> 49:16.690 in mission partner environments . The 49:16.690 --> 49:20.160 number two unfunded priority . So it 49:20.160 --> 49:24.160 seems like we've got a pattern that is 49:24.160 --> 49:26.320 going here and I'd love for you to 49:26.330 --> 49:28.274 address that . I know I'm over and 49:28.274 --> 49:30.441 there are others waiting for questions 49:30.470 --> 49:32.359 and I would be happy to take that 49:32.359 --> 49:33.700 response in writing . 49:36.270 --> 49:38.437 We will most certainly get it to you , 49:38.437 --> 49:40.548 senator . Thank you very much . Thank 49:40.548 --> 49:42.659 you . Thank you . Senator Blackburn . 49:42.659 --> 49:44.937 Let me recognize Senator Peters please . 49:45.870 --> 49:48.092 Thank you Mr Chairman . And each of our 49:48.470 --> 49:50.692 what is this here today . Thank you for 49:50.692 --> 49:52.914 your for your service and thank you for 49:52.914 --> 49:55.081 being here today . But I want to start 49:55.081 --> 49:57.248 first by saying how disappointed . And 49:57.248 --> 50:00.080 I also say actually quite angry at a 50:00.090 --> 50:02.560 recent decision made by the Air Force 50:02.560 --> 50:04.720 to not award Selfridge Air National 50:04.720 --> 50:08.050 Guard Base , the F 35 International 50:08.060 --> 50:11.330 Training Mission . And my feelings are 50:11.330 --> 50:14.880 based on the data and the criteria 50:15.460 --> 50:17.630 that was presented both by each of the 50:17.630 --> 50:19.797 installations that competed as well as 50:19.797 --> 50:22.560 what the Air Force put forward . It's 50:22.560 --> 50:24.782 clear from my review of that and others 50:24.782 --> 50:27.880 that Selfridge was clearly the superior 50:27.890 --> 50:31.790 choice in the matter . Uh And this is 50:31.790 --> 50:34.440 clearly a problem that has we have seen 50:34.440 --> 50:36.662 before with the Air Force as all of you 50:36.662 --> 50:38.329 know , the G . A . O . Is now 50:38.329 --> 50:40.890 investigating strategic basing 50:40.890 --> 50:43.020 decisions being made by the Air Force 50:43.020 --> 50:45.430 over the last few years . And without 50:45.430 --> 50:47.541 question this , this committee , this 50:47.541 --> 50:50.230 body needs to retain confidence . But 50:50.230 --> 50:52.341 the choice is made by the U . S . Air 50:52.341 --> 50:55.060 Force are based on data and based on 50:55.100 --> 50:58.990 criteria and not at a whim or whatever 50:58.990 --> 51:02.130 may be behind it . So my question for 51:02.130 --> 51:04.740 you , Secretary Austin Is do I have 51:04.740 --> 51:07.150 your commitment that you will review 51:07.170 --> 51:09.670 the Air Force's F- 35 international 51:09.680 --> 51:11.860 training mission decision and we'll 51:11.860 --> 51:14.190 have an opportunity to talk about that . 51:20.260 --> 51:23.750 You do have my commitment that that I 51:23.750 --> 51:26.660 will review it as I do all all of those 51:26.660 --> 51:29.340 types of decisions over time . And I 51:29.340 --> 51:31.507 would also offer to have the Air Force 51:31.507 --> 51:33.840 come in and brief you on their decision . 51:33.840 --> 51:35.970 Air Force typically uses a very 51:35.970 --> 51:38.192 detailed process to make those kinds of 51:38.192 --> 51:40.520 decisions . And I would offer that 51:40.530 --> 51:44.260 politics has no uh no place in this 51:44.270 --> 51:46.270 this decision making process , this 51:46.270 --> 51:48.381 type of decision making process . And 51:48.381 --> 51:52.020 so uh you know , if you desire for the 51:52.020 --> 51:54.242 Air Force to come and do a lay down for 51:54.242 --> 51:56.076 you , I'm sure that they will be 51:56.076 --> 51:58.242 willing to do that . Well I appreciate 51:58.242 --> 52:00.464 that I've had some of those discussions 52:00.464 --> 52:02.353 already but to make sure that the 52:02.353 --> 52:04.631 process is indeed an objective process , 52:04.631 --> 52:04.500 it's critically important . There's 52:04.500 --> 52:06.580 full transparency so that we can see 52:06.580 --> 52:09.440 not only how Selfridge ranked based on 52:09.440 --> 52:11.607 those that data and the criteria , but 52:11.607 --> 52:14.440 also how the one that was selected also 52:14.440 --> 52:16.329 ranked . So there could be a true 52:16.329 --> 52:18.551 objective comparison of that criteria . 52:18.551 --> 52:20.607 We tend to just get one side and not 52:20.607 --> 52:22.662 hear the other side . I want to make 52:22.662 --> 52:24.607 sure that all of our questions are 52:24.607 --> 52:26.718 asked . That's something I assume you 52:26.718 --> 52:28.718 would . I would certainly support . 52:28.718 --> 52:30.551 Thanks senator . My guidance and 52:30.551 --> 52:32.773 requirement is that we always try to be 52:32.773 --> 52:34.496 as transparent as possible . I 52:34.496 --> 52:36.218 appreciate that now . Well , I 52:36.218 --> 52:39.440 understand the Fy 22 budget contains 52:39.450 --> 52:42.050 continues to fund p fast remediation . 52:42.050 --> 52:44.460 The reality is that the funding 52:44.460 --> 52:46.860 requested is not anywhere close to 52:46.860 --> 52:48.638 being sufficient to address the 52:48.638 --> 52:50.804 contamination that we continue to find 52:50.804 --> 52:52.582 in michigan and unfortunately , 52:52.582 --> 52:54.749 hundreds of other sites all across the 52:54.749 --> 52:56.916 country and the price tag to address . 52:56.916 --> 52:58.971 P fast contamination comes on top of 52:58.971 --> 53:01.840 what is already a staggering backlog of 53:02.090 --> 53:04.760 n viral environmental remediation needs 53:04.770 --> 53:07.480 facing the department . Uh This is why 53:07.480 --> 53:09.640 I've joined my fellow Armed Services 53:09.640 --> 53:11.750 Committee members in introducing 53:11.750 --> 53:13.972 legislation to expedite cleanup of some 53:13.972 --> 53:15.917 of the most contaminated sites and 53:15.950 --> 53:17.950 while continue to work to implement 53:17.950 --> 53:19.970 clear and enforceable standards to 53:19.970 --> 53:22.420 guide those . So to Secretary Austin , 53:22.430 --> 53:24.440 how does the department's budget 53:24.450 --> 53:26.380 address the management challenge 53:26.380 --> 53:28.690 presented by these literally forever 53:28.690 --> 53:30.920 chemicals . And I know this isn't a 53:30.930 --> 53:32.930 problem that we're gonna be able to 53:32.930 --> 53:35.041 solve in a year or quite frankly even 53:35.041 --> 53:37.208 in the next decade . But the longer we 53:37.208 --> 53:38.763 wait to address these toxic 53:38.763 --> 53:40.930 contaminations the higher the eventual 53:40.930 --> 53:43.041 cost is to our service members to our 53:43.041 --> 53:45.319 communities and quite frankly to the U . 53:45.319 --> 53:48.090 S . Taxpayers . Yeah as you know there 53:48.090 --> 53:50.580 is provision in this budget uh to 53:50.580 --> 53:53.450 address remediation for for 53:53.450 --> 53:57.290 contaminated sites . I would and this 53:57.290 --> 54:00.510 is you know this will extend obviously 54:00.510 --> 54:02.566 well beyond this budget . And so you 54:02.566 --> 54:04.732 have my commitment to continue to work 54:04.732 --> 54:06.788 this going forward . I just recently 54:06.788 --> 54:08.954 met with the E . P . A . Administrator 54:08.954 --> 54:12.260 a couple of weeks ago uh to focus on 54:12.260 --> 54:15.260 this and a couple of other issues . Uh 54:15.270 --> 54:17.730 It was a very good meeting we committed 54:17.730 --> 54:21.280 to working together and and uh and 54:21.280 --> 54:24.260 making sure that uh you know , we 54:25.040 --> 54:27.850 we met the standards of remediation and 54:27.850 --> 54:30.380 we and we had good procedures for 54:30.390 --> 54:34.150 remediation . Um This is a significant 54:34.150 --> 54:36.039 challenge to our country , as you 54:36.039 --> 54:38.261 pointed out . You know , D . O . D . Is 54:38.261 --> 54:41.470 an element of a larger challenge . Uh 54:41.940 --> 54:44.107 Obviously we're not the only source of 54:44.107 --> 54:46.162 uh of this contaminant , but I would 54:46.162 --> 54:48.329 tell you that D . O . D . Is committed 54:48.329 --> 54:50.860 to doing its part uh to remediating 54:50.870 --> 54:54.560 uh whatever damage has been done 54:54.570 --> 54:56.737 uh in every part of this country where 54:56.737 --> 54:58.920 we have where we have contributed to 54:58.920 --> 55:01.450 this . Well , thank you , Secretary 55:01.450 --> 55:03.672 Austin , I appreciate your attention to 55:03.672 --> 55:05.783 both of the matters that I raised and 55:05.783 --> 55:07.728 look forward to working with you . 55:07.728 --> 55:09.728 Thank you . Senator Peter . Senator 55:09.728 --> 55:11.783 Sullivan , Thank you . Mr . Chairman 55:11.783 --> 55:11.750 and gentlemen , thank you for your 55:11.750 --> 55:15.620 service . Thank Miss Secretary General 55:15.620 --> 55:17.676 Milley . You know how much respect I 55:17.676 --> 55:19.842 have for both of you . You have a hard 55:19.842 --> 55:22.009 job especially coming here to defend a 55:22.009 --> 55:23.898 budget you probably don't like or 55:23.898 --> 55:26.120 didn't support internally , but you got 55:26.120 --> 55:28.398 to do it . No , and that's a tough job . 55:28.398 --> 55:30.398 But let me just mention budgets are 55:30.398 --> 55:32.398 reflection of it . Administration's 55:32.398 --> 55:34.676 priorities . Take a look at this chart . 55:34.676 --> 55:36.953 I handed this chart out to you as well . 55:36.953 --> 55:39.200 This chart here the by demonstration in 55:39.200 --> 55:42.920 its $6 trillion budget blowout 55:42.930 --> 55:45.700 clearly prioritizes defense and 55:45.700 --> 55:48.610 homeland security dead last , dead last . 55:48.610 --> 55:51.850 If you look at in terms of inflation 55:51.850 --> 55:55.060 adjusted , it's actually a cut . 55:55.440 --> 55:57.770 Now I think a lot of us here democrats 55:57.770 --> 55:59.992 and republicans think national security 55:59.992 --> 56:03.160 should be prioritized first . Not last . 56:03.530 --> 56:06.140 I think you gentlemen probably believe 56:06.140 --> 56:08.510 that . But importantly , how can we 56:08.510 --> 56:11.700 tell the troops that you're leading 56:11.700 --> 56:14.000 that we are prioritizing their mission 56:14.000 --> 56:16.790 which is defending America when it's 56:16.790 --> 56:19.650 clear that the biden administrations 56:19.650 --> 56:23.530 prioritization of their mission is last . 56:23.530 --> 56:26.760 A declining defense budget when almost 56:26.760 --> 56:28.649 every other agency in the federal 56:28.649 --> 56:30.816 government is getting a massive double 56:30.816 --> 56:32.980 digit increase , MS . Secretary , you 56:32.980 --> 56:35.258 want to try and take that one on first . 56:40.030 --> 56:43.490 Thanks Senator . What I uh , will tell 56:43.500 --> 56:46.500 our troops and what I have told them 56:46.500 --> 56:48.667 and will continue to tell them is that 56:48.730 --> 56:50.950 I truly believe that the president's 56:50.960 --> 56:53.610 budget gives us the flexibility to go 56:53.610 --> 56:55.990 after the right mix of capabilities to 56:56.000 --> 56:58.910 defend the nation and to deter 56:58.910 --> 57:01.132 aggression ? No , I I mean I understand 57:01.132 --> 57:03.354 that I've been watching the hearing . I 57:03.354 --> 57:05.577 get it . I'm just talking about the and 57:05.577 --> 57:07.688 again , it's a tough question for you 57:07.688 --> 57:07.530 because you're not in charge of these 57:07.530 --> 57:09.586 other agencies like oh and be in the 57:09.586 --> 57:11.752 White house is but they're clearly not 57:11.752 --> 57:14.130 prioritizing the military , national 57:14.130 --> 57:17.080 defense relative to any other agency at 57:17.080 --> 57:19.300 all . I mean look at this but look at 57:19.300 --> 57:22.250 this chart . They are putting the 57:22.250 --> 57:24.760 national security mission dead last in 57:24.760 --> 57:27.400 terms of the prioritization of budgets . 57:28.230 --> 57:30.540 How do we tell our troops that hey , 57:30.690 --> 57:34.620 we're putting you first . Our 57:34.620 --> 57:36.860 troops are always first their first . 57:36.860 --> 57:38.860 Now they will always be first going 57:38.860 --> 57:42.610 forward . And uh and again I do 57:42.620 --> 57:45.550 believe that we have what we need to 57:46.030 --> 57:49.940 uh two . Uh huh go after the right 57:49.940 --> 57:53.700 capabilities . So okay , let me let me 57:53.700 --> 57:55.811 talk . There's been a lot of focus as 57:55.811 --> 57:58.089 Senator Cramer talked about this issue . 57:58.089 --> 58:00.144 Climate change . Clearly our country 58:00.144 --> 58:02.311 needs to address decisions . Big issue 58:02.311 --> 58:04.422 in Alaska . I'm always puzzled though 58:04.422 --> 58:07.710 how our military is task organized to 58:07.710 --> 58:11.510 do this . You know I had the honor of 58:11.510 --> 58:13.510 serving with you at centcom General 58:13.510 --> 58:16.210 Milley . We overlap overlap briefly in 58:16.220 --> 58:19.020 Afghanistan . I don't think in any of 58:19.020 --> 58:21.131 my military service . I heard climate 58:21.131 --> 58:23.242 change as a phrase mentioned once . I 58:23.242 --> 58:26.990 heard the taliban Iraq , Iran 58:27.000 --> 58:30.700 IEDs Nevertheless , Miss Secretary in 58:30.700 --> 58:32.867 your opening statement , you mentioned 58:32.867 --> 58:34.922 climate change 15 times in lethal it 58:34.922 --> 58:37.210 twice , which I think is a bit of a 58:37.210 --> 58:39.970 mismatch . I was just in south korean 58:39.970 --> 58:42.470 Taiwan . You guys also mentioned 58:42.470 --> 58:44.740 china's are pacing threat . Let me let 58:44.740 --> 58:47.230 me ask a simple question that relates 58:47.230 --> 58:49.230 to these two priorities . What is a 58:49.230 --> 58:51.341 more immediate threat to our national 58:51.341 --> 58:53.563 security interests that D . O . D . Has 58:53.563 --> 58:55.440 the capability of responding to 58:55.920 --> 58:57.976 particularly in the Asia pacific , a 58:57.976 --> 59:01.250 chinese communist invasion of Taiwan or 59:01.820 --> 59:03.820 the challenge of climate change . I 59:03.820 --> 59:06.042 think it's a pretty simple question . I 59:06.042 --> 59:07.931 think it's actually really simple 59:07.931 --> 59:09.987 answer . Secretary . Uh well first I 59:09.987 --> 59:12.153 don't recall mentioning climate change 59:12.153 --> 59:14.431 15 times . I'll go back and do my word . 59:14.431 --> 59:16.153 I think it was in your written 59:16.153 --> 59:19.090 statement . Okay . Um and let me also 59:19.090 --> 59:22.530 be clear senator that uh 59:22.540 --> 59:25.130 lethal , lethal Itty is important . 59:25.140 --> 59:27.380 This is the most lethal force that are 59:27.390 --> 59:29.870 that that's ever taken has ever 59:29.880 --> 59:32.770 occupied the planet and it will remain 59:32.770 --> 59:34.780 so going forward and that's what we 59:34.780 --> 59:36.947 remain focused on in the Department of 59:36.947 --> 59:39.169 Defense defending this nation and we'll 59:39.169 --> 59:41.224 go after the capabilities required . 59:41.224 --> 59:43.970 Can I do that ? So Taiwan invasion of 59:43.980 --> 59:46.770 china of by the chinese Communist Party 59:46.770 --> 59:49.320 or Climate Change ? I think it's very 59:49.320 --> 59:51.860 simple . What's the most immediate 59:51.860 --> 59:53.971 threat D . O . D . Can respond to the 59:53.971 --> 59:56.082 most significant military threat that 59:56.082 --> 59:58.249 we're focused on . And you've heard me 59:58.249 --> 01:00:00.416 say this probably 100 times senator is 01:00:00.416 --> 01:00:02.890 is china . It's our pacing challenge 01:00:02.900 --> 01:00:05.490 and that's what we've asked you a 01:00:05.490 --> 01:00:08.900 number of times to help us resource our 01:00:08.900 --> 01:00:10.678 efforts on that challenge and I 01:00:10.678 --> 01:00:12.733 appreciate what you've done thus far 01:00:12.733 --> 01:00:14.789 and I know that you will continue to 01:00:14.789 --> 01:00:16.900 help us going to let me ask one final 01:00:16.900 --> 01:00:19.122 question . Sorry Mr Chairman is related 01:00:19.122 --> 01:00:21.233 to that . I have another chart here . 01:00:21.233 --> 01:00:24.210 It shows that our budget increases or 01:00:24.210 --> 01:00:26.890 decreases relative to the chinese . The 01:00:26.890 --> 01:00:28.557 chinese have dramatically and 01:00:28.557 --> 01:00:30.612 consistently increased their defense 01:00:30.612 --> 01:00:32.820 budget annually By at least 6% . 01:00:32.820 --> 01:00:35.950 Sometimes as much as 13% . We've 01:00:35.950 --> 01:00:37.920 increased ours during the trump 01:00:37.920 --> 01:00:39.920 administration when the republicans 01:00:39.920 --> 01:00:42.390 control the senate . You see during the 01:00:42.390 --> 01:00:44.557 biden administration , Obama biden was 01:00:44.557 --> 01:00:46.779 dramatically cut . Now we're looking at 01:00:46.779 --> 01:00:48.779 cuts again . What message does this 01:00:48.779 --> 01:00:52.470 chart send to china and our 01:00:52.470 --> 01:00:54.760 allies in the region ? And can we 01:00:54.760 --> 01:00:57.320 sustain our declining compared 01:00:57.320 --> 01:01:00.190 advantage over china militarily ? If 01:01:00.190 --> 01:01:03.720 these trends continue ? And that's both 01:01:03.720 --> 01:01:05.887 for the secretary and general Milley . 01:01:08.410 --> 01:01:10.630 Well , the message that that that I'm 01:01:10.630 --> 01:01:13.320 concerned about is the message that uh 01:01:13.330 --> 01:01:16.280 that we send to the world and that is 01:01:16.290 --> 01:01:18.234 that we're going to continue to go 01:01:18.234 --> 01:01:20.346 after the capabilities uh and develop 01:01:20.346 --> 01:01:23.070 the operational concepts to be able to 01:01:23.070 --> 01:01:26.040 defer anyone who would deter , excuse 01:01:26.040 --> 01:01:27.929 me ? Anyone who would , who would 01:01:27.929 --> 01:01:30.151 venture to take on the United States of 01:01:30.151 --> 01:01:31.818 America . So we will have the 01:01:31.818 --> 01:01:33.929 capabilities necessary to defend this 01:01:33.929 --> 01:01:37.810 nation . General Yeah . 01:01:38.810 --> 01:01:41.140 So Senator , a couple of things . I 01:01:41.150 --> 01:01:43.330 want to go back to make two points on 01:01:43.330 --> 01:01:45.441 the budget piece explaining it to the 01:01:45.441 --> 01:01:47.663 soldiers , sailors , airmen , marines , 01:01:47.663 --> 01:01:49.663 guardians up there . Um , we'll get 01:01:49.663 --> 01:01:49.460 $715 billion 01:01:49.460 --> 01:01:53.760 50% 01:01:53.760 --> 01:01:55.704 of the entire president's budget . 01:01:55.910 --> 01:01:58.120 That's one out of every $2 in the 01:01:58.120 --> 01:02:00.231 discretionary spending of the federal 01:02:00.231 --> 01:02:02.453 government . That is not a small amount 01:02:02.453 --> 01:02:04.564 of change . Uh The increases that you 01:02:04.564 --> 01:02:03.970 show in your chart , those are 01:02:03.970 --> 01:02:06.081 factually correct but relative to the 01:02:06.081 --> 01:02:08.248 whole and in context , we're getting a 01:02:08.248 --> 01:02:10.359 lot of money . Uh So that's the first 01:02:10.359 --> 01:02:12.581 thing . The second thing Is relative to 01:02:12.581 --> 01:02:14.803 climate change . Paragraph one , a very 01:02:14.803 --> 01:02:16.970 operations order I've ever seen for 41 01:02:16.970 --> 01:02:19.137 consecutive years says enemy situation 01:02:19.137 --> 01:02:21.137 to include weather and terrain . We 01:02:21.137 --> 01:02:23.137 always consider weather and climate 01:02:23.137 --> 01:02:25.081 changes . Whether at the strategic 01:02:25.081 --> 01:02:27.137 level it has military impact . We're 01:02:27.137 --> 01:02:29.303 not going to change . Climate change . 01:02:29.303 --> 01:02:29.020 The department is not gonna change 01:02:29.020 --> 01:02:31.290 climate change , but we must consider 01:02:31.290 --> 01:02:33.900 it in our in our strategic calculations 01:02:33.910 --> 01:02:35.854 all the time because it's going to 01:02:35.854 --> 01:02:38.021 increase instability overseas . It has 01:02:38.021 --> 01:02:40.132 impacted our infrastructure here . So 01:02:40.132 --> 01:02:41.910 climate change is real . Uh The 01:02:41.910 --> 01:02:43.790 military threat is china is the 01:02:43.790 --> 01:02:45.957 secretary just said is pacing threat . 01:02:45.957 --> 01:02:47.750 We are calculating all of our 01:02:47.760 --> 01:02:49.704 calculations relative to that is a 01:02:49.704 --> 01:02:51.970 pacing threat and others are second uh 01:02:51.980 --> 01:02:54.260 in nature . Uh and the third piece 01:02:54.270 --> 01:02:57.170 relative to the china versus us 01:02:57.170 --> 01:02:59.590 spending . Uh This is a disturbing 01:02:59.590 --> 01:03:01.757 trend . There's no question about it . 01:03:01.757 --> 01:03:03.868 With respect to china , they are they 01:03:03.868 --> 01:03:05.979 have made a major economic investment 01:03:05.979 --> 01:03:07.979 in developing their military . It's 01:03:07.979 --> 01:03:10.146 been going on for 20 or 30 years . The 01:03:10.146 --> 01:03:12.312 gaps that used to exist say 2030 years 01:03:12.312 --> 01:03:14.534 ago like this today there like that and 01:03:14.534 --> 01:03:16.680 the chinese have a deliberate plan to 01:03:16.680 --> 01:03:18.736 be a global challenger to the United 01:03:18.736 --> 01:03:20.847 States of America militarily . By mid 01:03:20.847 --> 01:03:23.150 century we have got to continue strong 01:03:23.150 --> 01:03:25.372 investments in our military And I think 01:03:25.372 --> 01:03:27.150 this budget for this year is an 01:03:27.150 --> 01:03:29.372 adequate investment right now , we have 01:03:29.372 --> 01:03:31.483 to set the conditions out of pivot to 01:03:31.483 --> 01:03:33.539 the future character of war with the 01:03:33.539 --> 01:03:35.594 pacing threat of china . Thank you . 01:03:35.600 --> 01:03:37.711 Thank you . Senator Sullivan , let me 01:03:37.711 --> 01:03:39.989 now recognize via webex center dot org . 01:03:40.200 --> 01:03:42.860 Thank you . Mr . Chairman . Good 01:03:42.860 --> 01:03:44.971 morning gentlemen . Thank you so much 01:03:44.971 --> 01:03:47.027 for being here today . Thank you for 01:03:47.027 --> 01:03:48.916 your service to our country while 01:03:48.916 --> 01:03:51.090 responding to the COVID-19 pandemic 01:03:51.090 --> 01:03:53.201 natural disasters and civil unrest or 01:03:53.201 --> 01:03:55.423 seeming seamlessly integrating with the 01:03:55.423 --> 01:03:57.534 joint force and overseas operations . 01:03:57.800 --> 01:03:59.760 The National Guard and Reserve 01:03:59.760 --> 01:04:02.470 Component continues to answer the call . 01:04:02.480 --> 01:04:04.369 Over the past 20 years , the high 01:04:04.369 --> 01:04:06.591 demand for reserve component forces has 01:04:06.591 --> 01:04:09.230 necessitated a shift from a Strategic 01:04:09.230 --> 01:04:11.670 Reserve to an operational force . In 01:04:11.670 --> 01:04:14.560 fact , last june over 120,000 National 01:04:14.560 --> 01:04:16.671 Guard troops were mobilized more than 01:04:16.671 --> 01:04:19.870 at any time since World War Two ensure 01:04:19.880 --> 01:04:21.713 our nation relies on our reserve 01:04:21.713 --> 01:04:23.936 component forces , the Reserves and the 01:04:23.936 --> 01:04:25.936 National Guard to defend the United 01:04:25.936 --> 01:04:27.824 States and fulfill the deal these 01:04:27.824 --> 01:04:29.880 national Security responsibilities . 01:04:29.880 --> 01:04:31.824 However , even though the National 01:04:31.824 --> 01:04:33.991 Guard Reserves are serving in critical 01:04:33.991 --> 01:04:33.950 capacities and endanger student 01:04:33.960 --> 01:04:36.220 assignments , they are not receiving 01:04:36.220 --> 01:04:38.770 the same pay and benefits as the active 01:04:38.770 --> 01:04:41.080 duty counterparts . The complexity of 01:04:41.080 --> 01:04:43.080 the current slate of duty status is 01:04:43.080 --> 01:04:45.200 adds unnecessary confusion to 01:04:45.200 --> 01:04:47.311 activating Reserve Component forces . 01:04:47.320 --> 01:04:49.240 The disparity in pay and benefits 01:04:49.240 --> 01:04:51.680 between different duty statuses can 01:04:51.680 --> 01:04:53.880 also incentivize manipulation of 01:04:53.890 --> 01:04:56.140 manipulating orders to minimize the 01:04:56.140 --> 01:04:58.600 service members access to benefits . I 01:04:58.600 --> 01:05:01.000 believe duty status reform is necessary 01:05:01.000 --> 01:05:03.050 to ensure the National Guard and 01:05:03.050 --> 01:05:05.190 Reserve Forces receive equal pay and 01:05:05.200 --> 01:05:06.867 access to the health care and 01:05:06.867 --> 01:05:08.978 educational benefits they deserve for 01:05:08.978 --> 01:05:10.978 the work that they do . Bottom line 01:05:10.978 --> 01:05:13.089 service members doing the same job in 01:05:13.089 --> 01:05:14.811 the same place should not earn 01:05:14.811 --> 01:05:16.811 different pay and benefits based on 01:05:16.811 --> 01:05:19.033 their duty status . Is General Milley . 01:05:19.033 --> 01:05:21.144 Could you please update me on the day 01:05:21.144 --> 01:05:23.033 of these plans to address Reserve 01:05:23.033 --> 01:05:25.256 component duty status reform ? And when 01:05:25.256 --> 01:05:27.089 do you anticipate releasing your 01:05:27.089 --> 01:05:30.630 findings ? Thanks , 01:05:30.630 --> 01:05:34.360 Senator . Um , you know , as part of 01:05:34.360 --> 01:05:38.300 the Joint Force Active Duty Reserve , 01:05:38.310 --> 01:05:41.160 a National Guard , it's a Total force . 01:05:41.170 --> 01:05:44.730 Uh and and and we have a commitment to 01:05:44.730 --> 01:05:47.180 ensure that we have appropriate and 01:05:47.180 --> 01:05:50.040 fair pay and benefits given to our 01:05:50.040 --> 01:05:52.690 National Guard soldiers and our our our 01:05:52.690 --> 01:05:55.420 troops , uh and our reservists that 01:05:55.420 --> 01:05:57.540 reform effort is underway . We're 01:05:57.540 --> 01:05:59.651 reviewing that . I can't give you the 01:05:59.651 --> 01:06:01.762 exact date of when we'll have that to 01:06:01.762 --> 01:06:03.707 you . But we are working and we're 01:06:03.707 --> 01:06:03.690 working very hard and we're working 01:06:03.690 --> 01:06:06.170 with both the National Guard Bureau and 01:06:06.170 --> 01:06:08.410 each of the services . But we do 01:06:08.410 --> 01:06:10.577 recognize the need to ensure that it's 01:06:10.577 --> 01:06:12.466 evenly applied in terms of paying 01:06:12.466 --> 01:06:14.688 benefits to the soldiers in the reserve 01:06:14.688 --> 01:06:16.521 component for the troops and the 01:06:16.521 --> 01:06:19.390 reserve component . Well , we also , we 01:06:19.390 --> 01:06:22.290 also uh , committed to making sure that 01:06:22.290 --> 01:06:25.310 whenever the reform proposal is that it 01:06:25.310 --> 01:06:27.700 is appropriately shaped , eliminate 01:06:27.710 --> 01:06:30.130 orders , manipulation and current pay 01:06:30.140 --> 01:06:31.973 and benefit disparities . Sure , 01:06:31.973 --> 01:06:34.050 absolutely . Our commitment is to 01:06:34.050 --> 01:06:35.994 ensure that everyone who wears the 01:06:35.994 --> 01:06:38.150 cloth of our nation , whether they're 01:06:38.150 --> 01:06:40.400 Active Guard Reserve , uh , no matter 01:06:40.400 --> 01:06:43.090 where they are treated equally in all 01:06:43.090 --> 01:06:45.146 respects to include pay and benefits 01:06:45.146 --> 01:06:47.368 and I'll commit to that to you and I'll 01:06:47.368 --> 01:06:49.534 get to the answer on the exact date of 01:06:49.534 --> 01:06:51.646 when the reform proposals are doing . 01:06:51.646 --> 01:06:55.350 Thank you compartment . Seven service 01:06:55.350 --> 01:06:57.406 members are required to maintain the 01:06:57.406 --> 01:06:59.470 same proficiency in certain critical 01:06:59.470 --> 01:07:01.650 skill sets as the active component 01:07:01.650 --> 01:07:03.761 counterparts , even though they don't 01:07:03.761 --> 01:07:05.817 necessarily put on the uniform every 01:07:05.817 --> 01:07:07.706 day . This is especially true for 01:07:07.706 --> 01:07:10.240 pilots , for example , yet they only 01:07:10.240 --> 01:07:12.560 receive the incentive pay at a fraction 01:07:12.560 --> 01:07:14.893 of the amount of active service members . 01:07:14.893 --> 01:07:16.727 I believe every service member , 01:07:16.727 --> 01:07:18.730 whether active or reserve duty , 01:07:18.740 --> 01:07:21.020 deserves to be fairly compensated for 01:07:21.020 --> 01:07:23.390 maintaining mission essential skills . 01:07:23.400 --> 01:07:25.622 And the rand corporation has shown that 01:07:25.622 --> 01:07:27.344 incentive pay can help improve 01:07:27.344 --> 01:07:29.067 retention and is far more cost 01:07:29.067 --> 01:07:31.067 effective that training new service 01:07:31.067 --> 01:07:33.178 members to replace those who separate 01:07:33.178 --> 01:07:35.011 as we continue to strengthen our 01:07:35.011 --> 01:07:37.178 National Guard and Reserve forces , we 01:07:37.178 --> 01:07:39.011 must retain our talented service 01:07:39.011 --> 01:07:41.122 members . That's why I introduced the 01:07:41.122 --> 01:07:43.233 bipartisan National Guard and Reserve 01:07:43.233 --> 01:07:45.456 incentive pay parity Act to help ensure 01:07:45.456 --> 01:07:47.622 that reserve component service members 01:07:47.622 --> 01:07:49.789 in high skill roles are compensated at 01:07:49.789 --> 01:07:51.789 the same rates at their active duty 01:07:51.789 --> 01:07:53.956 counterparts , Secretary Austin , will 01:07:53.956 --> 01:07:56.178 you commit to exploring options such as 01:07:56.178 --> 01:07:58.233 the incentive pay parity Act to help 01:07:58.233 --> 01:08:00.456 improve retention , Especially of those 01:08:00.456 --> 01:08:02.622 service members with critical skills . 01:08:03.670 --> 01:08:05.503 I will Senator . And for all the 01:08:05.503 --> 01:08:07.726 reasons that General Milley mentioned , 01:08:07.726 --> 01:08:09.726 uh you know , our Guard and Reserve 01:08:09.726 --> 01:08:12.850 have done amazing work . The skill sets 01:08:12.850 --> 01:08:15.072 that you're talking about in many cases 01:08:15.072 --> 01:08:17.790 are our warfighting or combat related 01:08:17.790 --> 01:08:19.568 skills . And so it's absolutely 01:08:19.568 --> 01:08:21.734 important that they are proficient and 01:08:21.734 --> 01:08:23.850 uh and they should receive the same 01:08:23.860 --> 01:08:27.060 proficiency pain . Thank you . 01:08:27.070 --> 01:08:30.620 I question I will submit for the record 01:08:30.630 --> 01:08:32.680 but it has to do with modernization 01:08:32.680 --> 01:08:34.736 efforts to continue across the joint 01:08:34.736 --> 01:08:37.350 force and um wanting to know whether D . 01:08:37.350 --> 01:08:39.406 O . D . And the military services of 01:08:39.406 --> 01:08:41.517 factoring in program performance into 01:08:41.517 --> 01:08:43.406 decisions about how to prioritize 01:08:43.406 --> 01:08:45.572 budget requests to adequately resource 01:08:45.572 --> 01:08:47.517 successful programs such as future 01:08:47.517 --> 01:08:49.683 vertical lift . But I will submit that 01:08:49.683 --> 01:08:48.740 for the record . Thank you . Mr . 01:08:48.740 --> 01:08:50.907 Chairman . Thank you . Senator decor . 01:08:50.907 --> 01:08:54.890 Let me recognize Senator scott . Thank 01:08:54.890 --> 01:08:57.010 you . Chairman . First time I think I 01:08:57.010 --> 01:08:58.843 want to thank you should be very 01:08:58.843 --> 01:09:00.621 wellness to serve you have very 01:09:00.621 --> 01:09:02.843 significant roles for for our country . 01:09:02.843 --> 01:09:04.899 Probably the most important thing we 01:09:04.899 --> 01:09:07.010 can be doing is making sure we defend 01:09:07.010 --> 01:09:09.066 our freedoms . Would would interview 01:09:09.066 --> 01:09:10.899 disagree that we're dealing with 01:09:10.899 --> 01:09:10.830 someone . You're thinking about 01:09:10.830 --> 01:09:13.052 communist china , you're thinking about 01:09:13.052 --> 01:09:15.320 a uh a party that either wants world 01:09:15.320 --> 01:09:17.870 domination or the worst case wants to 01:09:17.870 --> 01:09:20.037 absolutely controlled in the pacific . 01:09:22.270 --> 01:09:25.970 I do believe that there are there our 01:09:25.980 --> 01:09:29.170 goal is to control the indo pacific and 01:09:29.170 --> 01:09:32.310 I also believe that they they desire to 01:09:32.310 --> 01:09:36.150 be uh the dominant or preeminent 01:09:36.160 --> 01:09:38.990 country in in in the world . And so I 01:09:38.990 --> 01:09:41.310 think uh they're working towards that 01:09:41.310 --> 01:09:44.180 end . So would you all disagree that 01:09:44.190 --> 01:09:47.990 their goal is to eventually take back 01:09:47.990 --> 01:09:51.660 Taiwan a great american ally every day ? 01:09:51.660 --> 01:09:53.660 Anybody wouldn't disagree with that 01:09:53.660 --> 01:09:57.550 right ? I would not disagree 01:09:57.550 --> 01:09:59.606 with the point that they they have a 01:09:59.606 --> 01:10:03.490 goal of eventually uh uniting uh 01:10:03.500 --> 01:10:07.480 Taiwan with uh with china . And 01:10:07.480 --> 01:10:09.313 that would be whether they do it 01:10:09.313 --> 01:10:11.369 through voluntarily or involuntarily 01:10:11.369 --> 01:10:13.536 through through the military . You all 01:10:13.536 --> 01:10:15.758 believe that we're going to continue to 01:10:15.758 --> 01:10:18.050 see more surveillance by the Communist 01:10:18.050 --> 01:10:20.650 Party of china of american citizens and 01:10:20.650 --> 01:10:22.920 our allies around the world . We're 01:10:22.920 --> 01:10:25.142 seeing more surveillance all the time . 01:10:25.142 --> 01:10:26.809 You agree with that , right ? 01:10:31.460 --> 01:10:33.404 Uh there's , I mean , it stands to 01:10:33.404 --> 01:10:35.860 reason that uh whatever level of 01:10:35.860 --> 01:10:38.060 surveillance that's ongoing now will 01:10:38.060 --> 01:10:41.880 continue uh and quite possibly increase 01:10:41.890 --> 01:10:44.670 going forward . So if you if you look 01:10:44.670 --> 01:10:46.892 at this , you saw what Senator Sullivan 01:10:46.892 --> 01:10:48.948 brought up , You saw the fact that , 01:10:48.948 --> 01:10:51.003 you know , year after year , they're 01:10:51.003 --> 01:10:53.170 investing more in the military . Their 01:10:53.170 --> 01:10:52.500 goal is to have an economy bigger than 01:10:52.500 --> 01:10:56.340 ours . And you seem to agree that 01:10:56.350 --> 01:10:58.350 if they have an economy bigger than 01:10:58.350 --> 01:11:00.517 ours , they're going to increase their 01:11:00.517 --> 01:11:03.350 defense spending . And as uh , General 01:11:03.350 --> 01:11:05.461 Milley says , it's getting closer and 01:11:05.461 --> 01:11:07.572 closer . So , and if china is able to 01:11:07.572 --> 01:11:11.200 pull this off , then our 01:11:11.210 --> 01:11:13.043 opportunities all over the world 01:11:13.043 --> 01:11:15.099 opportunity american citizens in our 01:11:15.099 --> 01:11:17.990 way of life is gonna change right . If 01:11:17.990 --> 01:11:20.450 they , if they can do fulfill their 01:11:20.450 --> 01:11:22.617 goals , then our opportunities will be 01:11:22.617 --> 01:11:24.894 diminished . Would you agree with that ? 01:11:28.260 --> 01:11:32.190 Yeah . You know , I would describe our 01:11:32.660 --> 01:11:35.350 relationship with china and currently 01:11:35.350 --> 01:11:37.670 is one of competition . I think again , 01:11:37.670 --> 01:11:39.892 you've mentioned that they desire to be 01:11:39.892 --> 01:11:42.230 the preeminent country in the , uh , on 01:11:42.230 --> 01:11:44.590 the planet . And , uh , and that is in 01:11:44.590 --> 01:11:46.646 fact the case their mid to long term 01:11:46.646 --> 01:11:49.300 goal is to do that . Uh , they look to 01:11:49.300 --> 01:11:51.411 compete with us not only militarily , 01:11:51.411 --> 01:11:53.900 but across the spectrum of activity . 01:11:53.910 --> 01:11:56.620 And , uh , and what what you see us 01:11:56.620 --> 01:11:59.470 doing , uh , the military and , and , 01:11:59.480 --> 01:12:01.840 and uh , in other sectors , in our in 01:12:01.840 --> 01:12:04.600 our in our government is making sure 01:12:04.600 --> 01:12:07.550 that we remain competitive , uh you 01:12:07.550 --> 01:12:10.310 know , economically making sure that 01:12:10.310 --> 01:12:13.890 we're developing the best uh the best 01:12:13.900 --> 01:12:15.678 we continue to develop the best 01:12:15.678 --> 01:12:17.789 scientists in the world and and we do 01:12:17.789 --> 01:12:20.011 the , you know , the most comprehensive 01:12:20.011 --> 01:12:21.960 research . So it is a competition 01:12:21.960 --> 01:12:24.071 across a broad spectrum of activity . 01:12:24.650 --> 01:12:26.928 So if you follow through the reasoning , 01:12:26.928 --> 01:12:28.983 if if china wants to be , you know , 01:12:29.050 --> 01:12:31.328 either in the pacific or will dominant , 01:12:31.650 --> 01:12:33.928 if they build economy bigger than ours , 01:12:33.928 --> 01:12:36.039 they continue to out investors in the 01:12:36.039 --> 01:12:38.261 military , which they are , our leagues 01:12:38.261 --> 01:12:40.428 growing faster than we are . Then what 01:12:40.428 --> 01:12:43.150 are you all doing to one Inform 01:12:43.150 --> 01:12:45.510 American citizens of the risk ? Because , 01:12:45.520 --> 01:12:47.880 you know , we all do a budget based on 01:12:47.890 --> 01:12:49.890 what American citizens believes the 01:12:49.890 --> 01:12:52.001 priority is . That's how we elect our 01:12:52.001 --> 01:12:54.223 elected , they are elected leaders . So 01:12:54.223 --> 01:12:56.279 what are you all doing to one inform 01:12:56.279 --> 01:12:58.279 the public of the risk of communist 01:12:58.279 --> 01:13:00.279 China and ensuring that we have the 01:13:00.279 --> 01:13:02.390 budget . We need to make sure that in 01:13:02.390 --> 01:13:04.223 five or 10 or 15 years we're not 01:13:04.223 --> 01:13:06.390 sitting here . We're saying we wish we 01:13:06.390 --> 01:13:08.557 would have done more . We all saw this 01:13:08.557 --> 01:13:08.080 threat , but we didn't do enough about 01:13:08.080 --> 01:13:09.080 it . 01:13:11.950 --> 01:13:14.061 Yeah , just about every time you hear 01:13:14.061 --> 01:13:17.010 me , you hear me speak senator . I know 01:13:17.010 --> 01:13:19.260 you probably grow tired of me talking 01:13:19.260 --> 01:13:21.800 about the competition with china . But 01:13:21.800 --> 01:13:24.590 that is my , that is my focus . Uh , my 01:13:24.590 --> 01:13:26.534 number one focus is to defend this 01:13:26.534 --> 01:13:28.701 nation and protect our interests . Are 01:13:28.701 --> 01:13:30.812 pacing challenge is and will continue 01:13:30.812 --> 01:13:33.240 to be china . And again , we're going 01:13:33.240 --> 01:13:36.910 after the capabilities that can , that 01:13:36.910 --> 01:13:40.800 can match the operational concepts that 01:13:40.800 --> 01:13:43.460 we're putting into play and allow us to 01:13:43.460 --> 01:13:45.870 be not only competitive but actually 01:13:45.880 --> 01:13:49.070 dominant in this competition . 01:13:49.450 --> 01:13:51.283 So that's what the Department of 01:13:51.283 --> 01:13:53.450 Defense is doing . And I think you see 01:13:53.450 --> 01:13:55.400 activity across the , the entire 01:13:55.400 --> 01:13:57.470 government that's focused on making 01:13:57.470 --> 01:14:00.610 sure that we uh not only can compete 01:14:00.610 --> 01:14:03.190 with china but maintain our edge with 01:14:03.190 --> 01:14:05.079 respect to china . You think it's 01:14:05.079 --> 01:14:07.820 important that that in your role that 01:14:07.820 --> 01:14:09.987 you inform the american public and the 01:14:09.987 --> 01:14:13.280 risk of comments china . So everybody 01:14:13.280 --> 01:14:15.700 will be more focused on making sure we 01:14:15.700 --> 01:14:18.810 have the military budget we need . We 01:14:18.820 --> 01:14:21.180 we do so routinely and we will continue 01:14:21.180 --> 01:14:24.050 to do that . Senator scott . Thank you . 01:14:24.060 --> 01:14:26.171 Thank you . Chairman . Thank you very 01:14:26.171 --> 01:14:28.393 much . Senator scott . Let me recognize 01:14:28.393 --> 01:14:32.360 center Rosen please . There it is . 01:14:32.370 --> 01:14:35.020 Uh , thank you . Chairman read ranking 01:14:35.020 --> 01:14:37.298 member Inhofe for holding this hearing . 01:14:37.298 --> 01:14:39.298 I'd like to thank the witnesses for 01:14:39.298 --> 01:14:41.242 your service to our great nation . 01:14:41.242 --> 01:14:43.353 Thank you for being here today . Um , 01:14:43.353 --> 01:14:45.353 you know , right before the break , 01:14:45.353 --> 01:14:47.576 Senator Cramer was talking to you about 01:14:47.576 --> 01:14:49.631 R . I . S . R . Requirements and his 01:14:49.631 --> 01:14:51.720 concerns and I am concerned As well 01:14:51.720 --> 01:14:54.600 about the MQ nine . So , Secretary 01:14:54.600 --> 01:14:56.711 Austin , the MQ nine reaper , I don't 01:14:56.711 --> 01:14:58.711 have to tell you . It's critical to 01:14:58.711 --> 01:15:00.822 supporting our current intelligence , 01:15:00.822 --> 01:15:02.711 surveillance and reconnaissance , 01:15:02.711 --> 01:15:04.933 cognizance requirements . A key part of 01:15:04.933 --> 01:15:07.156 the MQ nine architecture is the mission 01:15:07.156 --> 01:15:09.630 at Nevada's Creech Air Force Base last 01:15:09.630 --> 01:15:11.463 year . Centcom Commander General 01:15:11.463 --> 01:15:13.740 Mackenzie included additional MQ nine 01:15:13.740 --> 01:15:15.790 funding at the top of his unfunded 01:15:15.790 --> 01:15:18.100 priorities and in april he told this 01:15:18.100 --> 01:15:20.650 committee of the MQ nines importance 01:15:20.660 --> 01:15:22.890 and his need for more of them , not 01:15:22.900 --> 01:15:25.790 fewer . The Air Force today still lacks 01:15:25.790 --> 01:15:27.623 the I . S . Our capacity to meet 01:15:27.623 --> 01:15:29.512 combatant commanders requirements 01:15:29.512 --> 01:15:32.280 contained in the 2018 national Defense 01:15:32.280 --> 01:15:34.200 Strategy . Despite this , the 01:15:34.200 --> 01:15:36.144 department has previously proposed 01:15:36.340 --> 01:15:38.396 cutting this platform . They're most 01:15:38.396 --> 01:15:40.660 cost effective without a program of 01:15:40.660 --> 01:15:42.940 record to replace it , which would 01:15:42.940 --> 01:15:45.220 further risk widening the I . S . R . 01:15:45.220 --> 01:15:47.560 Capability gap . The General Milley 01:15:47.560 --> 01:15:49.720 talked about . So Secretary Austin , 01:15:49.730 --> 01:15:51.841 what is the department's plan for the 01:15:51.841 --> 01:15:54.400 MQ nine and given its importance cost 01:15:54.400 --> 01:15:56.900 effectiveness and the requirement for 01:15:56.900 --> 01:15:59.011 combatant commanders for more I . S . 01:15:59.011 --> 01:16:01.750 Are assets . Why is the Air Force cut 01:16:01.760 --> 01:16:03.760 funding for this program without a 01:16:03.760 --> 01:16:05.649 program of record to replace it ? 01:16:07.630 --> 01:16:10.350 Thank you , Senator . I think you heard 01:16:10.350 --> 01:16:12.620 General Mellie talked earlier about the 01:16:12.620 --> 01:16:15.370 way combat commanders view I . S . Are 01:16:15.380 --> 01:16:17.547 having been a combatant commander in a 01:16:17.547 --> 01:16:19.491 former life . I can tell you . I I 01:16:19.491 --> 01:16:21.713 agree with them . There is never enough 01:16:21.713 --> 01:16:23.950 S . R . I will always want more . And 01:16:24.730 --> 01:16:27.680 the the Air Force has uh has committed 01:16:27.680 --> 01:16:31.480 to taking off a number of lines of I . 01:16:31.480 --> 01:16:33.690 S . Are but they're not reducing the 01:16:33.690 --> 01:16:37.620 tales uh the aircraft that go with 01:16:37.620 --> 01:16:39.850 those lines , what they're doing is is 01:16:39.860 --> 01:16:42.560 uh making sure that they upgrade and 01:16:42.560 --> 01:16:46.270 modernize uh their their aircraft were 01:16:46.270 --> 01:16:49.100 possible and so that they can they can 01:16:49.100 --> 01:16:52.370 network the aircraft better . So the 01:16:52.370 --> 01:16:54.537 number of tales is not being reduced . 01:16:54.537 --> 01:16:56.790 The number of lines is being reduced 01:16:56.800 --> 01:17:00.690 slightly . And so there's going can you 01:17:00.690 --> 01:17:02.970 get to us some information about that ? 01:17:02.980 --> 01:17:05.250 So we know what the program of record 01:17:05.260 --> 01:17:07.410 will be going forward and how it can 01:17:07.420 --> 01:17:09.790 impact us ? Absolutely . Thank you . I 01:17:09.790 --> 01:17:11.901 appreciate that . I'd like to move on 01:17:11.901 --> 01:17:13.901 to talking about a little bit about 01:17:13.901 --> 01:17:16.234 Iranian aggression , how we combat that . 01:17:16.430 --> 01:17:18.374 Because Iranian backed militias of 01:17:18.374 --> 01:17:20.708 course are increasingly targeting U . S . 01:17:20.708 --> 01:17:22.763 Installations are service members in 01:17:22.763 --> 01:17:24.930 Iraq , the Iraq it and drone attacks . 01:17:24.930 --> 01:17:26.930 Uh Iran continues to be the world's 01:17:26.930 --> 01:17:28.874 leading state sponsor of terrorism 01:17:28.874 --> 01:17:31.041 threat to the U . S . Allied interests 01:17:31.041 --> 01:17:33.370 all across the world via its ballistic 01:17:33.370 --> 01:17:35.259 missile program . Its support for 01:17:35.259 --> 01:17:37.203 terrorist proxies like Hezbollah , 01:17:37.203 --> 01:17:40.150 Hamas , K . H . A . H . And many others . 01:17:40.330 --> 01:17:43.410 And so according to a recently released 01:17:43.410 --> 01:17:45.632 annual threat assessment of the U . S . 01:17:45.632 --> 01:17:47.632 Intelligence Committee Intelligence 01:17:47.632 --> 01:17:49.799 Committee and I quote , Iran supported 01:17:49.799 --> 01:17:52.350 Iraqi Shia militias will continue to 01:17:52.350 --> 01:17:54.350 post the primary threat to U . S . 01:17:54.350 --> 01:17:56.790 Personnel in Iraq . So to Secretary 01:17:56.790 --> 01:17:59.120 Austin and General Milley uh with the 01:17:59.120 --> 01:18:01.064 constant threat to the U . S . And 01:18:01.064 --> 01:18:03.287 coalition forces in the Mideast post by 01:18:03.287 --> 01:18:05.640 Iran and Iran backed militia groups . 01:18:05.920 --> 01:18:08.310 What are we doing to counter them ? And 01:18:08.310 --> 01:18:11.950 how are we proactively protecting our 01:18:11.950 --> 01:18:14.310 forces and personnel ? Do we have what 01:18:14.310 --> 01:18:17.650 we need to do that and prevent them 01:18:18.120 --> 01:18:20.231 prevent these militias and terrorists 01:18:20.231 --> 01:18:22.287 from targeting our U . S . Troops in 01:18:22.287 --> 01:18:25.130 the region ? Yeah , 01:18:26.220 --> 01:18:28.140 we certainly um 01:18:29.320 --> 01:18:33.070 continue to demand that Iran cease its 01:18:33.080 --> 01:18:36.670 uh militias behavior in the region . In 01:18:36.670 --> 01:18:39.150 terms of its support of the Iranian 01:18:39.150 --> 01:18:41.950 backed Shia Shia militia groups . And 01:18:41.950 --> 01:18:45.750 we demand that they cease providing 01:18:45.750 --> 01:18:49.470 them uh you know , uh modernized 01:18:49.470 --> 01:18:51.414 equipment so that they can conduct 01:18:51.414 --> 01:18:53.920 these kinds of attacks . Uh We're doing 01:18:53.920 --> 01:18:56.210 everything within our within our power , 01:18:56.210 --> 01:18:58.540 within our capability to make sure that 01:18:58.540 --> 01:19:00.318 our our troops that are forward 01:19:00.318 --> 01:19:03.730 deployed have adequate protection . Uh 01:19:03.740 --> 01:19:05.830 we're engaging the Iraqi the Iraqi 01:19:05.840 --> 01:19:08.350 leadership to make sure that the Iraqi 01:19:08.350 --> 01:19:11.390 leadership does what's necessary to 01:19:11.390 --> 01:19:14.350 protect , help protect our citizens who 01:19:14.350 --> 01:19:16.820 are there to help the Iraqi Iraqi 01:19:16.820 --> 01:19:20.290 government . So I would say uh in 01:19:20.290 --> 01:19:22.346 addition to everything the secretary 01:19:22.346 --> 01:19:25.840 said is uh think offense , defense . So 01:19:25.840 --> 01:19:27.618 in terms of defense , the force 01:19:27.618 --> 01:19:29.284 protection of the force , the 01:19:29.284 --> 01:19:31.618 disposition of exactly where they're at , 01:19:31.618 --> 01:19:33.840 how many there at what the hardening of 01:19:33.840 --> 01:19:35.840 those sites were doing all of those 01:19:35.840 --> 01:19:37.840 measures . In addition to that , we 01:19:37.840 --> 01:19:39.951 have uh missile , not missile defense 01:19:39.951 --> 01:19:42.173 but air defense capabilities . See rams 01:19:42.173 --> 01:19:44.284 kind of rocket and mortar and counter 01:19:44.284 --> 01:19:46.284 US systems that were put in place . 01:19:46.284 --> 01:19:48.451 Those have been proven quite effective 01:19:48.451 --> 01:19:48.050 actually against some of the Shia 01:19:48.050 --> 01:19:49.994 militia group capabilities . We're 01:19:49.994 --> 01:19:52.106 going to continue to reinforce all of 01:19:52.106 --> 01:19:54.370 that on the offense side . Uh , I won't 01:19:54.370 --> 01:19:56.537 discuss it here , but I can discuss in 01:19:56.537 --> 01:19:58.703 some detail in a classified session as 01:19:58.703 --> 01:20:00.814 to what we can do well prepared to do 01:20:00.814 --> 01:20:02.990 and what we have already done all of 01:20:02.990 --> 01:20:05.560 that in combination we think is 01:20:05.570 --> 01:20:07.514 mitigating the risk . It certainly 01:20:07.514 --> 01:20:09.459 doesn't reduce it to zero . It's a 01:20:09.459 --> 01:20:11.181 dangerous environment . We all 01:20:11.181 --> 01:20:13.403 recognize that we've got to continue to 01:20:13.403 --> 01:20:13.050 work by with and through the Iraqi 01:20:13.050 --> 01:20:15.161 government because they are the first 01:20:15.161 --> 01:20:17.272 line of defense for the protection of 01:20:17.272 --> 01:20:19.606 our forces in their country . Thank you . 01:20:19.606 --> 01:20:21.606 I just want to be sure that we have 01:20:21.606 --> 01:20:23.828 assets on the ground to defend american 01:20:23.828 --> 01:20:25.994 installations in Iraq and Syria and we 01:20:25.994 --> 01:20:28.328 do this in the Middle East . Absolutely , 01:20:28.328 --> 01:20:27.690 thank you . Thank you . Senator Rosen 01:20:27.690 --> 01:20:31.080 Centre Holy , please thank you . Mr 01:20:31.080 --> 01:20:33.247 Chairman , thanks to the witnesses for 01:20:33.247 --> 01:20:35.469 being here . Thank you for your service 01:20:35.469 --> 01:20:35.130 as always . MR Secretary . If I got to 01:20:35.130 --> 01:20:37.186 start with you , I asked you earlier 01:20:37.186 --> 01:20:39.019 this year if you agreed with the 01:20:39.019 --> 01:20:41.074 National Defense Strategy assessment 01:20:41.074 --> 01:20:43.186 that the U . S . Military needs to be 01:20:43.186 --> 01:20:45.352 postured and here's the quote to deter 01:20:45.352 --> 01:20:47.574 and prevent a fait accompli by an agile 01:20:47.574 --> 01:20:49.797 opportunistic adversary . You responded 01:20:49.797 --> 01:20:51.908 to me in writing , which I appreciate 01:20:51.908 --> 01:20:51.730 it and I appreciated the response you 01:20:51.730 --> 01:20:53.730 gave . Which was you said . And I'm 01:20:53.730 --> 01:20:55.786 quoting you now . Yes , I agree with 01:20:55.786 --> 01:20:57.674 the commission's finding a combat 01:20:57.674 --> 01:20:59.786 credible forward deterrent posture is 01:20:59.786 --> 01:21:01.841 instrumental to our ability to deter 01:21:01.841 --> 01:21:03.619 and if necessary deny a fate of 01:21:03.619 --> 01:21:06.020 complete scenario . I assume you still 01:21:06.020 --> 01:21:09.740 agree with that . I do some very good . 01:21:09.750 --> 01:21:12.083 And does it , would you also agree then ? 01:21:12.083 --> 01:21:14.194 I assume that this would apply to our 01:21:14.194 --> 01:21:16.417 ability to maintain and defeat maintain 01:21:16.417 --> 01:21:18.472 the ability to defeat a chinese fate 01:21:18.472 --> 01:21:20.640 accompli against Taiwan . Is that 01:21:20.640 --> 01:21:24.000 accurate ? Uh that that is accurate . 01:21:24.000 --> 01:21:26.910 Senator . I I think uh nobody wants to 01:21:26.910 --> 01:21:30.490 see a unilateral change of uh of the 01:21:30.490 --> 01:21:33.120 status quo with respect to Taiwan . 01:21:33.610 --> 01:21:36.950 You've heard us uh say that we are 01:21:36.960 --> 01:21:40.650 committed to helping Taiwan defend 01:21:40.650 --> 01:21:43.760 itself in accordance with the Taiwan 01:21:43.760 --> 01:21:46.770 Relations Act . The three communicates 01:21:46.770 --> 01:21:49.920 and six assurances . And so our 01:21:49.920 --> 01:21:52.198 position hasn't changed in that regard . 01:21:52.198 --> 01:21:55.720 And uh and you know will continue to 01:21:55.730 --> 01:21:57.940 help them develop the capability of 01:21:59.110 --> 01:22:01.190 General Milley . If I could just get 01:22:01.190 --> 01:22:03.301 you on this as well , would you agree 01:22:03.301 --> 01:22:05.357 that the U . S . Should maintain its 01:22:05.357 --> 01:22:07.190 ability to defeat a chinese fada 01:22:07.190 --> 01:22:09.412 company against Taiwan if necessary ? I 01:22:09.412 --> 01:22:11.579 absolutely would . But senator frankly 01:22:11.579 --> 01:22:13.690 I'm not sure what the chinese fate of 01:22:13.690 --> 01:22:15.912 complete in Taiwan is . Um uh if you're 01:22:15.912 --> 01:22:17.968 talking about a military invasion of 01:22:17.968 --> 01:22:19.912 Taiwan uh crossing the straits the 01:22:19.912 --> 01:22:22.079 Taiwan straits with a sizable military 01:22:22.079 --> 01:22:24.134 force to seize an island the size of 01:22:24.134 --> 01:22:23.540 Taiwan against the military that they 01:22:23.540 --> 01:22:25.873 have with the population that they have . 01:22:25.900 --> 01:22:28.340 That's an extraordinarily complex and 01:22:28.340 --> 01:22:31.140 difficult operation . Even if against 01:22:31.140 --> 01:22:33.362 an unopposed force . That's a very hard 01:22:33.362 --> 01:22:35.584 thing to do . But I can assure you that 01:22:35.584 --> 01:22:37.640 we have the capabilities uh if there 01:22:37.640 --> 01:22:39.473 were political decisions made in 01:22:39.473 --> 01:22:41.529 accordance with the Taiwan Relations 01:22:41.529 --> 01:22:43.418 Act and so on . Uh But we do have 01:22:43.418 --> 01:22:45.640 military capabilities to to defeat such 01:22:45.640 --> 01:22:47.807 an attempted invasion . Is what you're 01:22:47.807 --> 01:22:49.807 saying ? General really got it . Um 01:22:49.807 --> 01:22:51.918 Good . Would you agree Mr Secretary I 01:22:51.918 --> 01:22:51.470 just come back to you . Would you agree 01:22:51.470 --> 01:22:53.637 that we need to be when we think about 01:22:53.637 --> 01:22:55.859 deterring china , that we need to be as 01:22:55.859 --> 01:22:58.026 focused on deterring china in the next 01:22:58.026 --> 01:23:00.192 3 to 57 years as we are 10 to 15 years 01:23:00.192 --> 01:23:02.359 from now . I'm asking this the context 01:23:02.359 --> 01:23:04.414 for this is we've heard now from the 01:23:04.414 --> 01:23:06.526 outgoing Pay com commander , from the 01:23:06.526 --> 01:23:08.581 incoming Pay com commander . We just 01:23:08.581 --> 01:23:10.803 heard earlier this week from the former 01:23:10.803 --> 01:23:12.914 deputy national security adviser that 01:23:12.914 --> 01:23:14.970 china is increasingly aggressive and 01:23:14.970 --> 01:23:16.637 that the window to deter that 01:23:16.637 --> 01:23:18.748 aggression may be shorter than we had 01:23:18.748 --> 01:23:20.748 thought . So thus , my question , I 01:23:20.748 --> 01:23:22.914 mean , would you agree that we need to 01:23:22.914 --> 01:23:22.900 be focused on deterring them in the 01:23:22.900 --> 01:23:25.120 short to medium term 357 years 01:23:25.130 --> 01:23:26.820 including the longer term ? 01:23:28.600 --> 01:23:31.370 Uh We do and I would say that those two 01:23:31.370 --> 01:23:33.580 issues are not mutually exclusive 01:23:33.580 --> 01:23:35.490 senator as you know , they they 01:23:35.500 --> 01:23:37.500 complement each other . While we're 01:23:37.500 --> 01:23:39.500 developing a future capability , we 01:23:39.500 --> 01:23:41.333 certainly have to bridge to that 01:23:41.333 --> 01:23:43.556 capability . And that is absolutely our 01:23:43.556 --> 01:23:46.470 focus . Great . Great . Yeah . Say 01:23:46.470 --> 01:23:49.250 that's what the key here is deterrence . 01:23:49.260 --> 01:23:51.490 We are in a condition of strategic , 01:23:51.500 --> 01:23:53.722 great power . Competition . It needs to 01:23:53.722 --> 01:23:56.110 stay at competition . And deterrence is 01:23:56.110 --> 01:23:57.999 key to prevent it from going from 01:23:57.999 --> 01:24:00.166 competition to incident or competition 01:24:00.166 --> 01:24:02.221 to war . Yeah , very good . I'm glad 01:24:02.221 --> 01:24:04.166 you mentioned that . And if I just 01:24:04.166 --> 01:24:06.166 follow up on that general , the the 01:24:06.166 --> 01:24:08.277 adversary , a competitor in this case 01:24:08.277 --> 01:24:10.443 china knowing that we have the ability 01:24:10.443 --> 01:24:12.610 to deter them , we have the ability to 01:24:12.610 --> 01:24:14.721 do what you said a minute ago . Which 01:24:14.721 --> 01:24:14.470 is if they should choose military 01:24:14.470 --> 01:24:16.692 aggression , we have the ability should 01:24:16.692 --> 01:24:18.692 we choose to deny that aggression ? 01:24:18.692 --> 01:24:21.026 That's that is important for deterrence . 01:24:21.026 --> 01:24:23.192 Is it not them knowing we have seen in 01:24:23.192 --> 01:24:25.303 simple terms . I mean , deterrence is 01:24:25.303 --> 01:24:27.359 actually very complex thing , but in 01:24:27.359 --> 01:24:29.248 simple terms you have to have the 01:24:29.248 --> 01:24:31.303 capability your opponent has to know 01:24:31.303 --> 01:24:30.960 you have the capability , you've got to 01:24:30.960 --> 01:24:33.740 communicate that uh capability to your 01:24:33.740 --> 01:24:35.907 opponent . You just know it . You have 01:24:35.907 --> 01:24:38.018 to communicate your will to use it if 01:24:38.018 --> 01:24:40.184 necessary . And both actors have to be 01:24:40.184 --> 01:24:42.296 rational . If all of those components 01:24:42.296 --> 01:24:44.407 are there in simple terms , uh you'll 01:24:44.407 --> 01:24:43.720 be able to achieve a state of 01:24:43.720 --> 01:24:46.870 deterrence thus far it's achieved very 01:24:46.870 --> 01:24:48.592 good . Thank you for that . Mr 01:24:48.592 --> 01:24:50.814 Secretary . Let me just ask you in this 01:24:50.814 --> 01:24:52.926 context then , about the Department's 01:24:52.926 --> 01:24:52.360 request for the pacific deterrence 01:24:52.360 --> 01:24:54.980 initiative . In your request to include , 01:24:54.990 --> 01:24:56.879 if I understand it correctly , 23 01:24:56.879 --> 01:24:59.070 million dollars for force design and 01:24:59.070 --> 01:25:01.390 posture improvements . Out of the 2.2 01:25:01.400 --> 01:25:04.530 billion that's required . I'm trying to 01:25:04.530 --> 01:25:06.800 understand how providing Our forces in 01:25:06.800 --> 01:25:09.022 the Pacific with just 1% of the funding 01:25:09.022 --> 01:25:11.133 they need for posture improvements to 01:25:11.133 --> 01:25:13.370 support those combat credible for a 01:25:13.380 --> 01:25:15.436 forward deterrent posture that we're 01:25:15.436 --> 01:25:18.020 talking about how that is . How can we 01:25:18.030 --> 01:25:20.030 do that and say that we're going to 01:25:20.030 --> 01:25:22.086 maintain the ability to deter deny a 01:25:22.086 --> 01:25:26.050 fait accompli . Yeah . 01:25:26.060 --> 01:25:28.227 So Senator I would flag for you just a 01:25:28.227 --> 01:25:30.171 couple of issues first . The first 01:25:30.171 --> 01:25:32.282 issue is that , as I've said , I said 01:25:32.282 --> 01:25:35.520 earlier that our intent is to make sure 01:25:35.520 --> 01:25:39.080 that uh that with with respect to the P . 01:25:39.080 --> 01:25:42.730 D . I . Uh investment that we meet the 01:25:42.730 --> 01:25:44.960 congressional intent and we believe 01:25:44.960 --> 01:25:47.016 that we have invested in a number of 01:25:47.016 --> 01:25:49.238 things that meets that intent and we've 01:25:49.238 --> 01:25:51.640 offered and we will come to meet with 01:25:51.640 --> 01:25:54.410 your staff and explain uh where the 01:25:54.410 --> 01:25:56.521 investments are to make sure that the 01:25:56.521 --> 01:25:59.100 language isn't confusing . The second 01:25:59.100 --> 01:26:02.400 thing is we've invested $5.1 billion 01:26:03.290 --> 01:26:05.690 in the P . D . I . Uh The third thing I 01:26:05.690 --> 01:26:07.968 would flag for you is that uh you know , 01:26:07.968 --> 01:26:09.912 much of what we're investing in in 01:26:09.912 --> 01:26:13.780 terms of uh capability uh 01:26:13.790 --> 01:26:17.700 uh is really focused on our efforts to 01:26:17.710 --> 01:26:21.480 uh to counter uh the 01:26:21.490 --> 01:26:24.080 challenge presented by china . And I 01:26:24.080 --> 01:26:26.191 would also say that when you speak we 01:26:26.191 --> 01:26:28.358 speak of the turns , we're not talking 01:26:28.358 --> 01:26:30.469 about this air , land and sea . We're 01:26:30.469 --> 01:26:32.524 talking about using every capability 01:26:32.524 --> 01:26:35.930 across all domains uh to include cyber 01:26:35.930 --> 01:26:38.152 and space . We're talking about talking 01:26:38.152 --> 01:26:40.300 about integrating the capabilities of 01:26:40.300 --> 01:26:42.720 our allies , which is wood . I believe 01:26:42.720 --> 01:26:44.776 it's very very important . And we're 01:26:44.776 --> 01:26:46.831 talking about using every level that 01:26:46.831 --> 01:26:48.664 the United States Government has 01:26:48.664 --> 01:26:50.720 available to it to in fact uh effect 01:26:50.720 --> 01:26:52.831 that that determines . Thank you very 01:26:52.831 --> 01:26:55.053 much . I've got some more questions for 01:26:55.053 --> 01:26:57.053 you on this . MR . Secretary , I'll 01:26:57.053 --> 01:26:59.164 follow up with you in writing , but I 01:26:59.164 --> 01:26:59.160 appreciate the opportunity to engage 01:26:59.160 --> 01:27:01.327 with the honor . Thank you . General . 01:27:01.327 --> 01:27:03.216 Thank you . Senator holly Senator 01:27:03.216 --> 01:27:07.160 Tuberville , please . Uh , put your 01:27:07.160 --> 01:27:08.438 microphone on please . 01:27:11.380 --> 01:27:14.190 Hello ? Hello . That worked . Good . 01:27:14.200 --> 01:27:16.470 Thank you . I thought mine was worn out 01:27:16.470 --> 01:27:19.260 after this long day . The Secretary , I 01:27:19.260 --> 01:27:21.371 want to take a little different angle 01:27:21.371 --> 01:27:23.593 here . Uh , I've been a team builder on 01:27:23.593 --> 01:27:25.850 my life and uh I'm on the Veterans 01:27:25.850 --> 01:27:28.180 Committee affairs Committee and I've 01:27:28.190 --> 01:27:30.301 been talking my first six months here 01:27:30.301 --> 01:27:32.357 with recruiters out in the field for 01:27:32.357 --> 01:27:34.301 the military . I'm a huge military 01:27:34.301 --> 01:27:36.468 person , military brat . Uh grew up in 01:27:36.468 --> 01:27:39.610 military family , we talk about 01:27:39.610 --> 01:27:42.190 missiles and bombs and ships and you've 01:27:42.190 --> 01:27:44.412 got to have all those . But if we don't 01:27:44.412 --> 01:27:47.070 have the people , the best people we 01:27:47.070 --> 01:27:49.126 can possibly get , we're gonna be in 01:27:49.126 --> 01:27:51.348 trouble . Uh it's like winning football 01:27:51.348 --> 01:27:53.720 game , best players win games , there's 01:27:53.720 --> 01:27:55.553 no doubt the same thing with the 01:27:55.553 --> 01:27:57.442 military . And we've always had a 01:27:57.442 --> 01:28:01.360 strong military . Uh uh I 01:28:01.360 --> 01:28:04.060 hear a lot of comments about , you know , 01:28:04.060 --> 01:28:06.282 why should I get in the military ? They 01:28:06.282 --> 01:28:08.449 didn't look out for the people in Iraq 01:28:08.449 --> 01:28:10.393 and Afghanistan on the burn pits . 01:28:11.670 --> 01:28:13.837 Gentlemen , we we got a huge problem . 01:28:13.837 --> 01:28:15.948 We're getting ready to spend hundreds 01:28:15.948 --> 01:28:18.059 and hundreds and hundreds of billions 01:28:18.059 --> 01:28:17.990 of dollars for veterans that have gone 01:28:17.990 --> 01:28:21.320 over and breathe that smoke and 01:28:21.330 --> 01:28:23.552 chemicals and all those things . We got 01:28:23.552 --> 01:28:25.719 to make better decisions that all that 01:28:25.719 --> 01:28:27.886 money we're gonna get ready to spend . 01:28:27.886 --> 01:28:30.108 You know , we could have gone to to you 01:28:30.108 --> 01:28:32.420 guys , the defense , but uh it's come 01:28:32.420 --> 01:28:34.420 to me it's gonna be hard to recruit 01:28:34.420 --> 01:28:37.350 good people , the best people . Uh and 01:28:37.350 --> 01:28:40.150 I hear all this uh , extremism stuff . 01:28:40.160 --> 01:28:42.670 And again , I've dealt with people all 01:28:42.670 --> 01:28:44.890 my life , you know , you don't have to 01:28:44.890 --> 01:28:47.710 like each other to be on the team . I 01:28:47.710 --> 01:28:49.766 mean , a lot of my players could not 01:28:49.766 --> 01:28:52.099 stand other guys on the team . You know , 01:28:52.099 --> 01:28:54.210 they just had personality conflicts , 01:28:54.210 --> 01:28:56.377 but the end of the day , you've got to 01:28:56.377 --> 01:28:58.710 earn respect . You gotta earn the trust , 01:28:58.710 --> 01:29:00.877 dedication and all that from from your 01:29:00.877 --> 01:29:02.821 teammates . I mean , you've got to 01:29:02.821 --> 01:29:04.988 learn that . And so I just hate for us 01:29:04.988 --> 01:29:08.600 to get off on this this tangent of of 01:29:09.370 --> 01:29:11.259 of the people that we have in the 01:29:11.259 --> 01:29:13.426 military . Now , if and football , for 01:29:13.426 --> 01:29:15.537 instance , it's your coaches that has 01:29:15.537 --> 01:29:17.703 when you bring players in , you've got 01:29:17.703 --> 01:29:16.920 to build a team , you gotta bring them 01:29:16.920 --> 01:29:19.142 together . Same thing in the military . 01:29:19.142 --> 01:29:21.309 You got lieutenants , captains , drill 01:29:21.309 --> 01:29:23.198 sergeants , corporals , all those 01:29:23.198 --> 01:29:25.364 everybody's responsibility is to bring 01:29:25.364 --> 01:29:27.580 that team together . And I just the 01:29:27.580 --> 01:29:29.691 things that I'm hearing and seeing in 01:29:29.691 --> 01:29:31.913 the military bases . I've been going to 01:29:31.913 --> 01:29:33.858 the last six months and talking to 01:29:33.858 --> 01:29:35.969 recruiters . We're gonna have a tough 01:29:35.969 --> 01:29:38.024 time and then we gotta we gotta face 01:29:38.024 --> 01:29:40.136 the people and and big tech of taking 01:29:40.136 --> 01:29:42.358 the best and brightest because cyber is 01:29:42.358 --> 01:29:44.580 one of the things that we really got to 01:29:44.580 --> 01:29:44.330 get into in the military and continue 01:29:44.330 --> 01:29:46.274 to grow in the bill and all of our 01:29:46.274 --> 01:29:48.608 technology . You know , that being said , 01:29:48.608 --> 01:29:50.441 I just want to make sure that we 01:29:50.441 --> 01:29:52.663 understand , you know , that we we talk 01:29:52.663 --> 01:29:54.886 about all this equipment and the budget 01:29:54.886 --> 01:29:56.997 and all that . I understand we've got 01:29:56.997 --> 01:29:56.680 to have that . But if we don't have the 01:29:56.690 --> 01:29:58.746 people that make any difference , we 01:29:58.746 --> 01:30:00.801 had the selective service here a few 01:30:00.801 --> 01:30:02.857 months ago . They sit right here and 01:30:02.857 --> 01:30:04.910 they told us That if we had a draft 01:30:04.910 --> 01:30:07.077 today , we have 35 million people that 01:30:07.077 --> 01:30:09.200 we could draft from 35 million . Only 01:30:09.200 --> 01:30:12.680 450,000 of those 35 million 01:30:13.260 --> 01:30:15.427 Are eligible to be in the military for 01:30:15.427 --> 01:30:18.930 one form . That's not enough . That is 01:30:18.930 --> 01:30:21.760 not enough . We can't build a killing 01:30:21.760 --> 01:30:24.300 machine , which is what our military is . 01:30:24.300 --> 01:30:26.522 You can say anything else . We gotta be 01:30:26.522 --> 01:30:28.800 able to kill the enemy when they come 01:30:28.800 --> 01:30:31.480 at us . And so that's just something 01:30:31.480 --> 01:30:33.660 that I've watched and listened to . 01:30:33.670 --> 01:30:35.670 I've been on the road talking and I 01:30:35.670 --> 01:30:37.726 want us to have the best military in 01:30:37.726 --> 01:30:39.948 the world . And we probably do , uh , I 01:30:39.948 --> 01:30:42.170 want us to fund the best military . But 01:30:42.170 --> 01:30:44.114 we've got a funder , Young men and 01:30:44.114 --> 01:30:46.337 women , they're gonna get in the middle 01:30:46.337 --> 01:30:45.680 and they got to want to come in . 01:30:46.160 --> 01:30:48.049 They've got to want to be there . 01:30:48.049 --> 01:30:50.271 They've got to want to be there for the 01:30:50.271 --> 01:30:52.493 simple fact that they want to fight for 01:30:52.493 --> 01:30:52.090 the best country on the face of the 01:30:52.090 --> 01:30:55.650 earth . Uh , Just one question I got 01:30:55.650 --> 01:30:57.817 for you , Secretary Austin . Yes . And 01:30:57.817 --> 01:31:01.190 uh wrote your letter uh me and Senator 01:31:01.190 --> 01:31:04.510 Wicker and Cramer and our concern was 01:31:04.520 --> 01:31:06.910 disturbing about training materials 01:31:06.920 --> 01:31:10.780 coming from our military . Uh let me be 01:31:10.780 --> 01:31:14.280 clear like you , we want to see good 01:31:14.280 --> 01:31:17.100 order and discipline in the ranks uh 01:31:17.110 --> 01:31:19.340 for military to remain the non partisan 01:31:19.350 --> 01:31:22.530 institution that americans trust more 01:31:22.530 --> 01:31:25.100 than any other . But what emerged from 01:31:25.100 --> 01:31:26.933 some of the services revealed is 01:31:26.933 --> 01:31:28.822 disappointing partisan slant in a 01:31:28.822 --> 01:31:30.960 poorly defined First Amendment rights 01:31:30.960 --> 01:31:33.890 for military members . This year , 01:31:33.900 --> 01:31:35.900 we've seen multiple senior military 01:31:35.900 --> 01:31:38.610 leaders in uniform from official D . O . 01:31:38.610 --> 01:31:41.100 D . Channels , criticize individual 01:31:41.110 --> 01:31:43.150 members of the press that ain't got 01:31:43.150 --> 01:31:45.570 nothing to do with the military . To me , 01:31:45.570 --> 01:31:47.848 you just got to go about your business . 01:31:47.848 --> 01:31:50.014 We've seen the National Guard march on 01:31:50.014 --> 01:31:52.237 elected officials here , just down from 01:31:52.237 --> 01:31:56.020 this building . Uh , mm . We 01:31:56.020 --> 01:31:58.242 asked senator , we asked you to provide 01:31:58.242 --> 01:32:00.464 a report on what steps your office will 01:32:00.464 --> 01:32:02.187 take to reprimand officers who 01:32:02.187 --> 01:32:04.131 inappropriately engage in partisan 01:32:04.131 --> 01:32:06.353 behaviour to ensure that the stand down 01:32:06.353 --> 01:32:08.298 training materials comply with the 01:32:08.298 --> 01:32:10.570 guidance issued by your office . Uh , 01:32:10.580 --> 01:32:12.747 we asked for that report no later than 01:32:12.747 --> 01:32:14.802 May the seventh and we still haven't 01:32:14.802 --> 01:32:16.858 gotten that . And I know you've been 01:32:16.858 --> 01:32:18.969 busy , but we just like to know , you 01:32:18.969 --> 01:32:21.136 know , the steps that we're gonna take 01:32:21.136 --> 01:32:23.080 to clamp down on people that don't 01:32:23.080 --> 01:32:25.358 deserve to be in our military . And uh , 01:32:25.358 --> 01:32:27.580 I didn't want to get up here and rant . 01:32:27.580 --> 01:32:29.691 But I've been a recruiter all my life 01:32:29.691 --> 01:32:31.802 and we've got to be able to recruit , 01:32:31.802 --> 01:32:33.913 you know , people to spend this money 01:32:33.913 --> 01:32:35.969 that that we're going to appropriate 01:32:35.969 --> 01:32:38.191 you and in the in the right way because 01:32:38.191 --> 01:32:40.302 we're in dire straits . And uh second 01:32:40.302 --> 01:32:42.413 officer , can I get that commitment ? 01:32:43.150 --> 01:32:45.206 You certainly have that commitment . 01:32:45.206 --> 01:32:47.210 And I would also like to offer a 01:32:47.210 --> 01:32:49.100 thought on on what you just said 01:32:49.100 --> 01:32:51.520 senator and thanks for your continued 01:32:51.520 --> 01:32:54.200 support of our great military . And 01:32:54.200 --> 01:32:56.144 again , you've heard me say this a 01:32:56.144 --> 01:32:58.311 couple of times today and I don't want 01:32:58.311 --> 01:33:00.200 our force or anybody else in this 01:33:00.200 --> 01:33:02.422 country to be confused . It is the most 01:33:02.422 --> 01:33:04.589 lethal organization on the face of the 01:33:04.589 --> 01:33:06.700 planet . And it will remain so and it 01:33:06.700 --> 01:33:08.367 will remain the most cohesive 01:33:08.367 --> 01:33:10.644 organization on the face of the planet . 01:33:10.644 --> 01:33:13.520 You know , when I when I became in as 01:33:13.530 --> 01:33:16.070 uh as the Secretary of Defense , I 01:33:16.070 --> 01:33:18.237 issued guidance to the forest and that 01:33:18.237 --> 01:33:20.390 guidance included three things . My 01:33:20.390 --> 01:33:23.480 focus is on defending this nation and 01:33:23.480 --> 01:33:25.591 taking and protecting our interests . 01:33:25.591 --> 01:33:27.758 The second thing is taking care of our 01:33:27.758 --> 01:33:29.536 people . And the third thing is 01:33:29.536 --> 01:33:31.730 teamwork and like you , I put a couple 01:33:31.730 --> 01:33:33.786 of teams together to , and I've I've 01:33:33.786 --> 01:33:35.952 employed those teams in the combat and 01:33:35.952 --> 01:33:37.786 I've watched these youngsters do 01:33:37.786 --> 01:33:39.730 amazing things in support of their 01:33:39.730 --> 01:33:41.897 country and in support of each other . 01:33:41.897 --> 01:33:45.320 It's unbelievable . And so , you know , 01:33:45.330 --> 01:33:47.800 I have a pretty good field in terms of 01:33:47.800 --> 01:33:49.856 what it takes to create that kind of 01:33:49.856 --> 01:33:52.630 cohesion . And cohesion is what is most 01:33:52.630 --> 01:33:54.686 important to me , just like it is to 01:33:54.686 --> 01:33:56.970 you , senator . I I know you absolutely 01:33:56.970 --> 01:33:59.060 under understand that , and you've 01:33:59.070 --> 01:34:01.292 you've demonstrated that you understand 01:34:01.292 --> 01:34:03.181 that with uh with some tremendous 01:34:03.181 --> 01:34:05.292 success over the years , uh regarding 01:34:05.292 --> 01:34:07.860 the burn pits . Uh , you know , the 01:34:07.870 --> 01:34:11.160 welfare of our veterans is uh , is 01:34:11.160 --> 01:34:13.160 foremost in my mind . I mean , it's 01:34:13.160 --> 01:34:15.271 it's that's something that me and the 01:34:15.271 --> 01:34:17.620 chairman both really care about . And I 01:34:17.620 --> 01:34:19.676 would tell you that the secretary of 01:34:19.676 --> 01:34:21.830 the via Secretary McDonough , shares 01:34:21.830 --> 01:34:25.310 that concern and and and he and I 01:34:25.320 --> 01:34:27.950 uh work together closely on a number of 01:34:27.950 --> 01:34:30.061 issues and we have vowed to make sure 01:34:30.061 --> 01:34:32.910 that we don't lose our veterans as a as 01:34:32.910 --> 01:34:36.220 a transition from active duty to uh to 01:34:36.230 --> 01:34:39.470 uh to retirement or get out of the 01:34:39.470 --> 01:34:41.470 military and go do something else . 01:34:41.740 --> 01:34:44.018 I've inhale those fumes from burn pits . 01:34:44.018 --> 01:34:46.240 The chairman is inhale those fumes from 01:34:46.240 --> 01:34:48.407 burnt . It's we know it's important to 01:34:48.407 --> 01:34:50.462 take care of our troops and you have 01:34:50.462 --> 01:34:52.462 our commitment to remain focused on 01:34:52.462 --> 01:34:54.573 that . But I would also say that this 01:34:54.573 --> 01:34:56.684 is not just the army's problem , it's 01:34:56.684 --> 01:34:58.907 not just the military problem . This is 01:34:58.907 --> 01:35:00.851 the issue for the United States of 01:35:00.851 --> 01:35:02.796 America , these are our troops and 01:35:02.796 --> 01:35:04.962 we're going to do everything we can to 01:35:04.962 --> 01:35:07.129 take care of . And I know that all the 01:35:07.129 --> 01:35:09.351 great resources and authorizes that are 01:35:09.351 --> 01:35:11.573 in this room share that same commitment 01:35:11.573 --> 01:35:13.462 and we felt that commitment going 01:35:13.462 --> 01:35:15.573 forward and I know that it's the it's 01:35:15.573 --> 01:35:17.907 the reason that you asked that question . 01:35:17.907 --> 01:35:19.907 But the question you have is are we 01:35:19.907 --> 01:35:21.851 committed to it and Senator , I am 01:35:21.851 --> 01:35:23.851 absolutely committed to making sure 01:35:23.851 --> 01:35:25.962 that we do what we can to ensure that 01:35:25.962 --> 01:35:28.018 this issue is addressed . And I know 01:35:28.018 --> 01:35:30.018 that Secretary McDonough is working 01:35:30.018 --> 01:35:32.073 this issue very hard as well . Thank 01:35:32.073 --> 01:35:31.880 you . Thank you for your service . 01:35:31.880 --> 01:35:35.370 Thank you very much . Thank you very 01:35:35.370 --> 01:35:38.060 much . Uh Senator Tuberville . Uh this 01:35:38.060 --> 01:35:40.360 is the second round . I will recognize 01:35:40.360 --> 01:35:42.840 Senator King who will ask one question 01:35:42.850 --> 01:35:45.680 and he will also preside and conclude 01:35:45.680 --> 01:35:47.402 the hearing . And then he will 01:35:47.402 --> 01:35:49.569 recognize Senator for Sullivan for one 01:35:49.569 --> 01:35:52.060 question . I'd ask both the questions 01:35:52.060 --> 01:35:55.780 and the responses . Be as concise and 01:35:55.780 --> 01:35:57.947 eloquent as they've been all morning . 01:35:57.947 --> 01:36:00.120 Thank you very much . Thank you . Mr 01:36:00.120 --> 01:36:03.740 Chairman . Uh First . Uh just a very 01:36:03.740 --> 01:36:05.907 brief observation , There's been a lot 01:36:05.907 --> 01:36:08.018 of talk about budgets and comparisons 01:36:08.018 --> 01:36:10.184 of budgets and budgets with china . Uh 01:36:10.184 --> 01:36:12.100 I yield to no one in terms of my 01:36:12.100 --> 01:36:14.460 determination to successfully compete 01:36:14.830 --> 01:36:18.190 uh with china on all fronts . I would 01:36:18.190 --> 01:36:20.190 point out though , even though they 01:36:20.190 --> 01:36:22.412 have had significant increases lately , 01:36:22.412 --> 01:36:24.468 their budget this year is still less 01:36:24.468 --> 01:36:26.690 than one third of ours . I think that's 01:36:26.690 --> 01:36:28.523 important just to have that that 01:36:28.523 --> 01:36:30.746 context because that we've been talking 01:36:30.746 --> 01:36:32.801 about growth , but they were showing 01:36:32.801 --> 01:36:34.857 significant growth from a much lower 01:36:34.857 --> 01:36:36.357 base . Uh General Milley , 01:36:38.930 --> 01:36:42.820 I am gravely concerned about the men 01:36:42.820 --> 01:36:45.220 and women in Afghanistan who supported 01:36:45.220 --> 01:36:48.410 and aided our troops and that we're not 01:36:48.410 --> 01:36:50.720 moving fast enough to be sure that they 01:36:50.720 --> 01:36:54.450 are brought to safety . I think this is 01:36:54.450 --> 01:36:57.460 an essential moral commitment of this 01:36:57.460 --> 01:37:00.400 country and also a practical one . If 01:37:00.400 --> 01:37:03.310 we leave these people to the tender 01:37:03.310 --> 01:37:05.590 mercies of the taliban , I don't know 01:37:05.590 --> 01:37:07.812 who is ever going to cooperate and help 01:37:07.812 --> 01:37:11.710 us again in another setting . So I 01:37:11.720 --> 01:37:14.330 hope that both the pentagon , the White 01:37:14.330 --> 01:37:16.663 House and all the agencies of the U . S . 01:37:16.663 --> 01:37:18.830 Government are committed to this as an 01:37:18.830 --> 01:37:22.160 urgent priority and urgent priority and 01:37:22.160 --> 01:37:24.290 that if we can't repatriate all of 01:37:24.290 --> 01:37:26.457 these people to this country , that we 01:37:26.457 --> 01:37:28.623 at least make arrangements to get them 01:37:28.623 --> 01:37:30.623 safely out of Afghanistan . Can you 01:37:30.623 --> 01:37:32.734 give me your thoughts on that place , 01:37:32.734 --> 01:37:36.400 Senator ? Uh First , uh I think the 01:37:36.410 --> 01:37:39.750 President sec def uh Secretary of State , 01:37:40.230 --> 01:37:42.720 uh myself , others have all commented 01:37:42.730 --> 01:37:44.841 on the importance of making sure that 01:37:44.841 --> 01:37:46.830 we keep faith with those that have 01:37:46.830 --> 01:37:48.997 supported us over the last two decades 01:37:48.997 --> 01:37:51.052 in Afghanistan . And that clearly is 01:37:51.052 --> 01:37:53.386 that our intent and and we will do that . 01:37:53.386 --> 01:37:55.910 Uh in terms of specific actions , 01:37:55.910 --> 01:37:59.380 Department of State has the lead on the 01:37:59.380 --> 01:38:01.602 Special immigrant Visa program and some 01:38:01.602 --> 01:38:04.150 other programs with respect to those 01:38:04.150 --> 01:38:06.150 afghans that have supported us . Uh 01:38:06.150 --> 01:38:08.880 that planning is uh working through the 01:38:08.880 --> 01:38:12.110 system right now . Uh But I can commit 01:38:12.110 --> 01:38:14.210 to you that it's my belief that the 01:38:14.210 --> 01:38:17.190 United States Government uh we'll do 01:38:17.190 --> 01:38:19.246 what is necessary in order to ensure 01:38:19.246 --> 01:38:21.468 the safety and protection of those that 01:38:21.468 --> 01:38:21.210 have been working with us for two 01:38:21.210 --> 01:38:24.640 decades . Thank you . The the term 01:38:24.640 --> 01:38:26.584 working through the system is what 01:38:26.584 --> 01:38:30.290 gives me some concern . Uh this this is 01:38:30.300 --> 01:38:33.020 this is an absolutely urgent priority 01:38:33.020 --> 01:38:35.270 over the next 6-8 weeks , I would say 01:38:35.270 --> 01:38:37.250 is our troops draw down . So I 01:38:37.250 --> 01:38:39.472 appreciate your commitment on that . Mr 01:38:39.472 --> 01:38:41.583 Secretary . I assume you you make the 01:38:41.583 --> 01:38:45.270 absolutely the same commitment . You're 01:38:45.280 --> 01:38:48.250 you're correct senator . We uh this is 01:38:48.250 --> 01:38:51.310 very important to us and we're pushing 01:38:51.310 --> 01:38:54.660 as hard as we can on our end to move as 01:38:54.660 --> 01:38:56.900 fast as we can . I know Secretary 01:38:56.900 --> 01:38:59.190 Blinken has asked for an increase in uh 01:38:59.200 --> 01:39:01.311 in authorizations in terms of numbers 01:39:01.311 --> 01:39:03.850 to move into the S . I . B . Process . 01:39:03.850 --> 01:39:06.710 And I would ask your support in uh in 01:39:06.710 --> 01:39:09.240 providing that authorization and again , 01:39:10.020 --> 01:39:12.680 uh anything that you can do to expand 01:39:12.680 --> 01:39:15.190 our our current capabilities uh in 01:39:15.190 --> 01:39:17.301 terms of authorizations would be very 01:39:17.301 --> 01:39:19.357 very much appreciated . I'm sure the 01:39:19.357 --> 01:39:21.523 members of this committee will work to 01:39:21.523 --> 01:39:23.579 that end and look forward to working 01:39:23.579 --> 01:39:25.746 with you . Uh Senator Sullivan , thank 01:39:25.746 --> 01:39:27.690 you . Mr Chairman and I share your 01:39:27.690 --> 01:39:29.912 views and I know most of the members of 01:39:29.912 --> 01:39:32.079 the committee do on keeping faith with 01:39:32.079 --> 01:39:34.190 those who support us in Afghanistan . 01:39:34.190 --> 01:39:34.020 And gentlemen , I appreciate you 01:39:34.020 --> 01:39:36.020 running the Gotland today . It's an 01:39:36.020 --> 01:39:38.242 important element of our constitutional 01:39:38.242 --> 01:39:40.464 oversight responsibilities . I have one 01:39:40.464 --> 01:39:43.160 final question . Um a growing and 01:39:43.160 --> 01:39:44.882 critical area of great power . 01:39:44.882 --> 01:39:47.370 Competition with Russia certainly , but 01:39:47.370 --> 01:39:49.830 also with china is our strategic 01:39:49.830 --> 01:39:52.610 interests in the arctic and Mr 01:39:52.610 --> 01:39:56.260 Secretary uh as you know in general . 01:39:56.270 --> 01:39:59.180 Uh each of the military services in 01:39:59.180 --> 01:40:01.236 some ways prompted by this committee 01:40:01.236 --> 01:40:03.630 have now published in arctic Strategy . 01:40:04.010 --> 01:40:06.380 Think all of us view this as a as a 01:40:06.380 --> 01:40:09.900 positive development . And both of you 01:40:09.910 --> 01:40:12.350 during your confirmation hearings had 01:40:12.350 --> 01:40:16.270 committed uh to focus on this area 01:40:16.280 --> 01:40:18.680 of our national security , to fully 01:40:18.680 --> 01:40:21.110 resource each of the service arctic 01:40:21.110 --> 01:40:23.160 strategies . Deputy Secretary Hicks 01:40:23.610 --> 01:40:25.777 through her confirmation process , did 01:40:25.777 --> 01:40:28.550 the same in a strategic forces 01:40:28.550 --> 01:40:30.717 subcommittee hearing yesterday , I had 01:40:30.717 --> 01:40:33.260 the chance to ask General Van Herck , 01:40:33.260 --> 01:40:35.430 who's the north com commander in his 01:40:35.430 --> 01:40:38.130 role as the designated advocate for 01:40:38.130 --> 01:40:40.241 arctic capabilities . How he saw each 01:40:40.241 --> 01:40:42.186 of the services implementing their 01:40:42.186 --> 01:40:43.797 respective strategies in the 01:40:43.797 --> 01:40:47.520 president's new budget submission . And 01:40:47.520 --> 01:40:49.687 he told me that D . O . D . Resourcing 01:40:49.687 --> 01:40:51.409 for the various service arctic 01:40:51.409 --> 01:40:53.630 strategies was quote inching along . 01:40:54.110 --> 01:40:56.730 But that diode quote didn't move the 01:40:56.740 --> 01:40:59.920 ball very far down the field with the 01:40:59.920 --> 01:41:03.650 FY 22 budget . So I want to ask both of 01:41:03.650 --> 01:41:05.706 you , do you share this view and how 01:41:05.706 --> 01:41:08.620 can we work to fully resource 01:41:09.610 --> 01:41:11.910 the service strategies that have been 01:41:11.910 --> 01:41:14.132 put out the D . O . D . Strategies that 01:41:14.132 --> 01:41:16.780 have been put out in this important 01:41:16.790 --> 01:41:19.230 area of great power competition ? 01:41:22.610 --> 01:41:25.320 Thank you senator . You know , when we 01:41:25.320 --> 01:41:28.250 talked before , uh you know , I 01:41:28.250 --> 01:41:30.320 indicated to you that the arctic and 01:41:30.330 --> 01:41:32.980 arctic strategy was important to to me 01:41:32.990 --> 01:41:35.540 and that hasn't changed . It remains so 01:41:36.010 --> 01:41:38.070 as you know , we're working on 01:41:38.070 --> 01:41:39.848 developing our National Defense 01:41:39.848 --> 01:41:41.737 strategy overall and also working 01:41:41.737 --> 01:41:44.650 through uh to refine our force posture 01:41:44.650 --> 01:41:48.040 globally . As we as we develop that 01:41:48.040 --> 01:41:50.930 national Defense strategy certainly uh 01:41:50.940 --> 01:41:53.380 the arctic will be uh in an area that 01:41:53.380 --> 01:41:55.602 we will we will take into consideration 01:41:55.602 --> 01:41:57.602 and make sure that that we have the 01:41:57.602 --> 01:41:59.713 right emphasis , the right focus . Uh 01:41:59.713 --> 01:42:02.430 and that that that strategy will drive 01:42:02.430 --> 01:42:05.140 our resources . Great . Thank you . 01:42:05.150 --> 01:42:07.530 General Milley . Absolutely . We're 01:42:07.530 --> 01:42:09.697 committed to the arctic strategy . And 01:42:09.697 --> 01:42:11.641 you know , this whole issue at the 01:42:11.641 --> 01:42:13.586 arctic is a classic example of the 01:42:13.586 --> 01:42:15.641 strategic military impact of climate 01:42:15.641 --> 01:42:18.320 change . As uh as the snow caps melt , 01:42:18.330 --> 01:42:20.860 the ice packs melt . Uh it's exposing 01:42:20.860 --> 01:42:22.916 for the resources . The Russians and 01:42:22.916 --> 01:42:24.971 chinese are realizing that . So they 01:42:24.971 --> 01:42:27.510 are clearly trying to exploit some of 01:42:27.510 --> 01:42:29.232 that . And we are going to see 01:42:29.232 --> 01:42:31.343 increased , not decreased great power 01:42:31.343 --> 01:42:33.454 competition in the arctic over time . 01:42:33.454 --> 01:42:35.530 Uh and we do need to resource fully 01:42:35.530 --> 01:42:37.630 resource the arctic strategy . Thank 01:42:37.630 --> 01:42:39.852 you . Thank you . Mr . Chairman . Thank 01:42:39.852 --> 01:42:42.074 you . I'd like to associate myself with 01:42:42.074 --> 01:42:44.074 Senator Sullivan's questions on the 01:42:44.074 --> 01:42:46.186 arctic . It's an incredibly important 01:42:46.186 --> 01:42:48.408 strategic area . I appreciate your your 01:42:48.408 --> 01:42:50.630 commitments with no further questions . 01:42:50.630 --> 01:42:52.797 And I understand the decision has been 01:42:52.797 --> 01:42:54.686 made not to go to a an additional 01:42:54.686 --> 01:42:56.908 closed session . So I want to thank our 01:42:56.908 --> 01:42:59.130 witnesses for their testimony today for 01:42:59.130 --> 01:42:58.860 your forthrightness , for the 01:42:58.860 --> 01:43:01.082 information that you've shared and most 01:43:01.082 --> 01:43:03.249 of all for your service to our country 01:43:03.400 --> 01:43:05.511 With that this hearing is adjourned . 01:43:05.600 --> 01:43:06.900 Yeah . Yeah .