1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:02,840 You will come to order . The purpose of 2 00:00:02,840 --> 00:00:05,062 today's hearing is to receive testimony 3 00:00:05,062 --> 00:00:08,080 on the 2022 budget request for missile 4 00:00:08,080 --> 00:00:10,960 defense programs . First , I'd like to 5 00:00:10,960 --> 00:00:12,682 ask unanimous consent that non 6 00:00:12,682 --> 00:00:14,627 subcommittee members be allowed to 7 00:00:14,627 --> 00:00:16,793 participate in today's hearing . After 8 00:00:16,793 --> 00:00:18,960 all , subcommittee members have had an 9 00:00:18,960 --> 00:00:21,182 opportunity to ask questions . Is there 10 00:00:21,182 --> 00:00:23,630 objection Then without objection , non 11 00:00:23,640 --> 00:00:26,080 subcommittee members will be recognized 12 00:00:26,090 --> 00:00:27,923 for the appropriate time of five 13 00:00:27,923 --> 00:00:30,960 minutes . I would also like to ask my 14 00:00:30,960 --> 00:00:33,360 colleagues this is not a unanimous 15 00:00:33,360 --> 00:00:35,582 consent request that we try to keep our 16 00:00:36,040 --> 00:00:38,740 public comments as brief as possible so 17 00:00:38,740 --> 00:00:40,740 that we'll have a maximum amount of 18 00:00:40,740 --> 00:00:42,684 opportunity for the closed session 19 00:00:42,684 --> 00:00:45,980 which will follow this one Ideally we 20 00:00:45,980 --> 00:00:48,320 will start that one at 4:00 if not 21 00:00:48,330 --> 00:00:50,441 earlier because the more time we have 22 00:00:50,441 --> 00:00:52,990 in that session the better . Today's 23 00:00:52,990 --> 00:00:54,823 distinguished witnesses are Miss 24 00:00:54,823 --> 00:00:56,990 Leonora . Tomorrow , well known to the 25 00:00:56,990 --> 00:00:59,090 subcommittee who is now Deputy 26 00:00:59,090 --> 00:01:01,034 assistant Secretary of Defense for 27 00:01:01,034 --> 00:01:02,979 nuclear and missile Defense policy 28 00:01:02,979 --> 00:01:05,410 General Van Herck , Commander of the 29 00:01:05,410 --> 00:01:07,380 United States Northern Command and 30 00:01:07,380 --> 00:01:09,670 North american Aerospace Defense 31 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:13,290 Command . Vice Admiral Hill , director 32 00:01:13,300 --> 00:01:15,078 of the Missile Defense Agency . 33 00:01:15,540 --> 00:01:17,820 Lieutenant General Car blur . Commander 34 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:19,820 of the United States Army Space and 35 00:01:19,820 --> 00:01:21,987 Missile Defense Command and Lieutenant 36 00:01:21,987 --> 00:01:24,640 General john shaw , deputy commander of 37 00:01:24,640 --> 00:01:27,300 the United States Face Command . We 38 00:01:27,300 --> 00:01:29,467 have a breadth of experience with this 39 00:01:29,467 --> 00:01:31,689 panel and I thank you for participating 40 00:01:32,240 --> 00:01:34,570 in fy 22 budget requests this 41 00:01:34,570 --> 00:01:36,792 administration continued efforts across 42 00:01:36,792 --> 00:01:38,820 the Missile Defense Enterprise to 43 00:01:38,820 --> 00:01:40,990 improve our U . S . Missile defense 44 00:01:40,990 --> 00:01:43,310 capabilities . The administration has 45 00:01:43,310 --> 00:01:45,254 properly funded the hypersonic and 46 00:01:45,254 --> 00:01:48,390 ballistic missile attract space sensor 47 00:01:48,460 --> 00:01:50,750 a top priority for our indo pak . Um , 48 00:01:50,750 --> 00:01:53,620 stratcom and North com commanders . I'm 49 00:01:53,620 --> 00:01:55,842 concerned regarding the emission of the 50 00:01:55,842 --> 00:01:57,953 homeland defense radar hawaii because 51 00:01:57,953 --> 00:02:00,064 we must ensure that the entire United 52 00:02:00,064 --> 00:02:02,120 States gets maximum advanced warning 53 00:02:02,120 --> 00:02:04,342 against threats from rogue nations like 54 00:02:04,342 --> 00:02:07,310 North Korea . I'm optimistic that the 55 00:02:07,310 --> 00:02:09,532 pentagon and Missile Defense Agency are 56 00:02:09,532 --> 00:02:11,699 addressing issues which had led to the 57 00:02:11,699 --> 00:02:13,866 cancellation of the archive program as 58 00:02:13,866 --> 00:02:15,643 they pursue the next generation 59 00:02:15,643 --> 00:02:18,030 interceptor . Lastly , I look forward 60 00:02:18,030 --> 00:02:20,252 to hearing from both Lieutenant General 61 00:02:20,252 --> 00:02:22,308 car blur and Lieutenant General Sean 62 00:02:22,308 --> 00:02:24,252 how space command is affecting our 63 00:02:24,252 --> 00:02:26,420 missile defense requirements . I now 64 00:02:26,420 --> 00:02:28,642 turn to my ranking member , Mr . Turner 65 00:02:28,642 --> 00:02:29,976 for his remarks . Mhm . 66 00:02:33,840 --> 00:02:36,062 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Thank you for 67 00:02:36,062 --> 00:02:38,229 all of our witnesses being here . Um , 68 00:02:38,229 --> 00:02:40,118 there's certainly been especially 69 00:02:40,118 --> 00:02:42,173 challenging year even with covid and 70 00:02:42,173 --> 00:02:41,800 high deployment rates for our war 71 00:02:41,800 --> 00:02:43,800 fighters , we appreciate everything 72 00:02:43,800 --> 00:02:46,022 that you've done to support our men and 73 00:02:46,022 --> 00:02:48,133 women in uniform . I'm going to begin 74 00:02:48,133 --> 00:02:50,460 with just a brief comment on the bidens 75 00:02:50,460 --> 00:02:52,630 fiscal year budget . Uh , I'm very 76 00:02:52,630 --> 00:02:54,519 concerned and that's where it has 77 00:02:54,519 --> 00:02:56,463 placed us and that it is so late . 78 00:02:56,463 --> 00:02:58,241 Having received it in june , it 79 00:02:58,241 --> 00:03:00,463 inevitably means that we're going to be 80 00:03:00,463 --> 00:03:02,630 operating in a continuing resolution . 81 00:03:02,630 --> 00:03:04,741 I would like you and your comments to 82 00:03:04,741 --> 00:03:06,797 please address how that might affect 83 00:03:06,797 --> 00:03:06,690 the importance of your operations . I 84 00:03:06,690 --> 00:03:09,120 think missile defense research and 85 00:03:09,120 --> 00:03:11,231 development and certainly our nuclear 86 00:03:11,231 --> 00:03:13,287 modernization or areas that are most 87 00:03:13,287 --> 00:03:15,120 particularly impacted by cutting 88 00:03:15,120 --> 00:03:17,231 resolutions . I continue to point out 89 00:03:17,231 --> 00:03:19,453 that the fiscal year is congressionally 90 00:03:19,453 --> 00:03:21,620 mandated . We have the ability to move 91 00:03:21,620 --> 00:03:23,620 the fiscal year . I would hope that 92 00:03:23,620 --> 00:03:25,564 Congress might take this up and we 93 00:03:25,564 --> 00:03:27,676 could look to move the fiscal year to 94 00:03:27,676 --> 00:03:29,787 the calendar year . We would save the 95 00:03:29,787 --> 00:03:29,460 Department of Defense three months 96 00:03:29,470 --> 00:03:33,000 every year of um , uh waste end and 97 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:35,920 shut down in important programs . And 98 00:03:35,920 --> 00:03:38,340 of course , um , as I expressed before , 99 00:03:38,340 --> 00:03:40,562 I'm disappointed in the top line in the 100 00:03:40,562 --> 00:03:43,460 president's budget number . The mental 101 00:03:43,460 --> 00:03:45,590 defense budget is just one example of 102 00:03:45,590 --> 00:03:47,880 where the biden defense budget comes up 103 00:03:47,880 --> 00:03:49,870 short . The biden missile defense 104 00:03:49,870 --> 00:03:51,926 request is 8.9 billion down from the 105 00:03:51,926 --> 00:03:54,840 10.5 billion enacted last year and is 106 00:03:54,840 --> 00:03:57,760 the lowest since 2016 . Key programs 107 00:03:57,760 --> 00:03:59,649 are underfunded , such as missile 108 00:03:59,649 --> 00:04:01,482 defense for Guam funding for the 109 00:04:01,482 --> 00:04:03,482 homeland defense radar hawaii , the 110 00:04:03,482 --> 00:04:05,371 elevated radar for cruise missile 111 00:04:05,371 --> 00:04:07,149 defense of the homeland and the 112 00:04:07,149 --> 00:04:09,149 proliferated low earth orbit arctic 113 00:04:09,149 --> 00:04:11,316 communications program . There are key 114 00:04:11,316 --> 00:04:13,482 budget priority priorities that should 115 00:04:13,482 --> 00:04:15,260 have been included in the FY 22 116 00:04:15,260 --> 00:04:17,427 presidential request . In my opinion , 117 00:04:17,427 --> 00:04:19,538 we must protect the homeland with the 118 00:04:19,538 --> 00:04:21,482 next generation of missile defense 119 00:04:21,482 --> 00:04:23,538 technology . One of things that I am 120 00:04:23,538 --> 00:04:23,300 struck by and reviewing the written , 121 00:04:23,310 --> 00:04:25,300 written , written testimony of our 122 00:04:25,300 --> 00:04:27,940 witnesses is the key partnerships that 123 00:04:27,940 --> 00:04:29,773 we build with our allies through 124 00:04:29,773 --> 00:04:31,940 missile defense . We have Aegis ashore 125 00:04:31,940 --> 00:04:35,190 in Romania and the Polish site is 90% 126 00:04:35,190 --> 00:04:38,260 complete . Um , We also have 127 00:04:38,260 --> 00:04:40,730 partnerships with Japan and South Korea 128 00:04:40,740 --> 00:04:43,490 to other great partners that live day 129 00:04:43,490 --> 00:04:45,490 in day out with the threat posed by 130 00:04:45,490 --> 00:04:47,820 north Korea turning to the Middle East 131 00:04:47,830 --> 00:04:49,719 just this past month , we saw our 132 00:04:49,719 --> 00:04:52,110 partnership with Israel pay dividends 133 00:04:52,110 --> 00:04:54,560 with the iron dome program . It is now 134 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:56,671 clear that we must replenish the iron 135 00:04:56,671 --> 00:04:58,560 dome system and help advance next 136 00:04:58,560 --> 00:05:00,671 generation missile defense technology 137 00:05:00,671 --> 00:05:02,616 developed by the United States and 138 00:05:02,616 --> 00:05:04,838 Israel . And I always like to point out 139 00:05:04,838 --> 00:05:07,060 that prior to the deployment of of iron 140 00:05:07,060 --> 00:05:08,893 Dome , uh the critics of missile 141 00:05:08,893 --> 00:05:10,838 defense used to say that it is too 142 00:05:10,838 --> 00:05:13,560 expensive , it is escalatory um and 143 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:15,560 that it won't work . And what we've 144 00:05:15,560 --> 00:05:18,570 seen from Israel is that not only is it 145 00:05:18,570 --> 00:05:22,240 cost effective in the amount of damage 146 00:05:22,250 --> 00:05:25,280 that is avoided . Uh it works and it's 147 00:05:25,280 --> 00:05:27,740 actually de escalatory because it gave 148 00:05:27,750 --> 00:05:31,130 Israel of the ability to to weigh what 149 00:05:31,130 --> 00:05:33,460 its options and its responses are . I 150 00:05:33,460 --> 00:05:35,516 hope that we look to our own missile 151 00:05:35,516 --> 00:05:37,460 defense doctrine as we look to our 152 00:05:37,460 --> 00:05:39,516 missile defense review to understand 153 00:05:39,516 --> 00:05:41,990 how those proven concepts should affect 154 00:05:41,990 --> 00:05:44,360 us policy . Um I want to thank the 155 00:05:44,360 --> 00:05:46,582 chairman again for holding this hearing 156 00:05:46,582 --> 00:05:48,082 and I look forward to your 157 00:05:48,082 --> 00:05:50,420 presentations . I think the gentlemen 158 00:05:50,430 --> 00:05:52,541 will now ask each of our witnesses to 159 00:05:52,541 --> 00:05:54,763 make their statements , which hopefully 160 00:05:54,763 --> 00:05:56,708 will be fewer than five minutes in 161 00:05:56,708 --> 00:05:58,930 length . Your written testimony will of 162 00:05:58,930 --> 00:06:01,152 course , without objection , be entered 163 00:06:01,152 --> 00:06:03,660 into the record in its entirety . And 164 00:06:03,660 --> 00:06:05,771 by the way , I think this hearing may 165 00:06:05,771 --> 00:06:07,660 hold the record for the number of 166 00:06:07,660 --> 00:06:09,771 acronyms used in the testimony . So I 167 00:06:09,771 --> 00:06:12,104 congratulate all the witnesses for that . 168 00:06:12,104 --> 00:06:14,271 It might be an olympic record . So the 169 00:06:14,271 --> 00:06:17,160 first witness will be Mr Romero . Yeah , 170 00:06:18,340 --> 00:06:20,960 thank you . Mr Chairman , Chairman 171 00:06:20,960 --> 00:06:22,904 Cooper , ranking member Turner and 172 00:06:22,904 --> 00:06:24,516 distinguished members of the 173 00:06:24,516 --> 00:06:26,349 subcommittee . Thank you for the 174 00:06:26,349 --> 00:06:28,571 opportunity to testify today before you 175 00:06:28,571 --> 00:06:30,682 in my previous home uh to speak about 176 00:06:30,682 --> 00:06:32,349 missile defense threat in the 177 00:06:32,349 --> 00:06:34,460 department's missile . Could you pull 178 00:06:34,460 --> 00:06:36,627 the microphone a little closer ? Thank 179 00:06:36,627 --> 00:06:38,516 you . Sure . And the department's 180 00:06:38,516 --> 00:06:40,738 missile defense policy and priorities . 181 00:06:40,738 --> 00:06:43,360 It's an honor to um it's an honor to 182 00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:46,210 testify today with General Van Herck , 183 00:06:46,220 --> 00:06:48,387 Vice Admiral Hill , Lieutenant General 184 00:06:48,387 --> 00:06:50,387 Shaw and Lieutenant General Cobbler 185 00:06:50,840 --> 00:06:53,010 along with left of launch capabilities 186 00:06:53,020 --> 00:06:55,440 and our nuclear and conventional forces . 187 00:06:55,460 --> 00:06:57,850 Missile defense plays a key role in US 188 00:06:57,850 --> 00:07:01,170 defense . As missile technology matures 189 00:07:01,170 --> 00:07:03,560 and proliferates the threat to the US 190 00:07:03,560 --> 00:07:06,320 homeland , our allies and partners and 191 00:07:06,320 --> 00:07:10,000 our deployed forces is increasing the 192 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:12,222 democratic People's Republic of Korea . 193 00:07:12,222 --> 00:07:14,490 Dprk continues development and 194 00:07:14,490 --> 00:07:16,000 deployment of more capable 195 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:18,150 intercontinental ballistic missiles 196 00:07:18,160 --> 00:07:20,327 that have destabilized and reshape the 197 00:07:20,327 --> 00:07:22,327 security environment in East Asia , 198 00:07:22,940 --> 00:07:25,162 Iran's short and medium range ballistic 199 00:07:25,162 --> 00:07:27,273 missiles comprise the largest missile 200 00:07:27,273 --> 00:07:29,607 force in the Middle East . Additionally , 201 00:07:29,607 --> 00:07:31,718 Russia and china continued to develop 202 00:07:31,718 --> 00:07:33,718 and field increasingly advanced and 203 00:07:33,718 --> 00:07:35,662 diverse regional offensive missile 204 00:07:35,662 --> 00:07:37,607 capabilities as part of their anti 205 00:07:37,607 --> 00:07:40,240 access antonin I'il strategy intended 206 00:07:40,250 --> 00:07:42,540 to deny the United States freedom of 207 00:07:42,540 --> 00:07:44,762 action to protect military power and to 208 00:07:44,762 --> 00:07:46,540 protect our allies and partners 209 00:07:48,540 --> 00:07:50,651 to adjust these evolving challenges . 210 00:07:50,651 --> 00:07:52,818 The department will review its missile 211 00:07:52,818 --> 00:07:54,707 defense policies , strategies and 212 00:07:54,707 --> 00:07:56,707 capabilities to ensure that we have 213 00:07:56,707 --> 00:07:58,929 effective missile defenses . The review 214 00:07:58,929 --> 00:08:01,040 will nest within the National Defense 215 00:08:01,040 --> 00:08:02,762 Strategy and contribute to the 216 00:08:02,762 --> 00:08:04,762 department's approach on integrated 217 00:08:04,762 --> 00:08:06,929 deterrence . We expect to complete the 218 00:08:06,929 --> 00:08:09,930 strategy in January of 2022 . The 219 00:08:09,930 --> 00:08:11,986 department is committed to defending 220 00:08:11,986 --> 00:08:14,152 the United States against rogue States 221 00:08:14,152 --> 00:08:16,670 missile threats . The department 222 00:08:16,670 --> 00:08:18,781 recently initiated development of the 223 00:08:18,781 --> 00:08:21,114 next generation interceptor . The N . G . 224 00:08:21,114 --> 00:08:23,226 I . Will increase the reliability and 225 00:08:23,226 --> 00:08:25,281 capability of missile defense of the 226 00:08:25,281 --> 00:08:27,281 United States as this program moves 227 00:08:27,281 --> 00:08:29,114 forward . It will align with the 228 00:08:29,114 --> 00:08:31,059 administration's defense goals and 229 00:08:31,059 --> 00:08:33,003 priorities with regard to regional 230 00:08:33,003 --> 00:08:35,370 missile defence defences . Will also 231 00:08:35,370 --> 00:08:37,750 remain central to maintaining the U . S . 232 00:08:37,750 --> 00:08:40,570 Enduring advantage to flow forces into 233 00:08:40,570 --> 00:08:42,348 a militarily contested regional 234 00:08:42,348 --> 00:08:44,292 environment and to safeguard those 235 00:08:44,292 --> 00:08:46,126 forces should a conflict arise . 236 00:08:46,740 --> 00:08:48,684 Additionally , the department will 237 00:08:48,684 --> 00:08:50,907 continue to ensure that we bring a more 238 00:08:50,907 --> 00:08:53,073 integrated approach to air and missile 239 00:08:53,073 --> 00:08:55,073 defense to address various types of 240 00:08:55,073 --> 00:08:57,129 ballistic missile threats and enable 241 00:08:57,129 --> 00:08:59,129 defense against cruise missiles and 242 00:08:59,129 --> 00:09:01,240 unmanned aerial systems . I am do you 243 00:09:01,240 --> 00:09:03,407 will feel interoperable and integrated 244 00:09:03,407 --> 00:09:05,573 missile defense sensors , interceptors 245 00:09:05,573 --> 00:09:07,462 and commanding control to improve 246 00:09:07,462 --> 00:09:09,573 capability against a range of threats 247 00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:12,290 with regard to enabling capabilities . 248 00:09:12,300 --> 00:09:14,133 In addition to improving today's 249 00:09:14,133 --> 00:09:15,856 operational systems . Where in 250 00:09:15,856 --> 00:09:18,560 examining new enabling technologies , 251 00:09:18,940 --> 00:09:20,662 Secretary Austin has noted the 252 00:09:20,662 --> 00:09:22,607 importance of enhancing our global 253 00:09:22,607 --> 00:09:24,718 network of integrated sensors . Space 254 00:09:24,718 --> 00:09:26,718 based and land based sensors enable 255 00:09:26,718 --> 00:09:28,640 variety of capabilities such as 256 00:09:28,640 --> 00:09:30,584 detection , tracking and targeting 257 00:09:30,584 --> 00:09:32,490 through all phases of flight for 258 00:09:32,490 --> 00:09:35,240 incoming missiles . U . S . Commercial 259 00:09:35,240 --> 00:09:37,470 innovation is already transforming this 260 00:09:37,470 --> 00:09:40,950 field In Fy 22 . We will continue to 261 00:09:40,950 --> 00:09:43,010 develop the prototype hypersonic and 262 00:09:43,010 --> 00:09:45,380 ballistic tracking space sensor that 263 00:09:45,380 --> 00:09:47,491 will allow the tracking of hypersonic 264 00:09:47,491 --> 00:09:49,380 threats and add resiliency to our 265 00:09:49,380 --> 00:09:51,547 sensor architecture . The department's 266 00:09:51,547 --> 00:09:53,420 approach for regional hypersonic 267 00:09:53,420 --> 00:09:55,900 defense will first focus on defense in 268 00:09:55,900 --> 00:09:58,620 the terminal phase . Information 269 00:09:58,620 --> 00:10:00,760 superiority is critical to the future 270 00:10:00,760 --> 00:10:02,960 battlefield and necessary to enable 271 00:10:02,960 --> 00:10:04,904 rapid planning and employment in a 272 00:10:04,904 --> 00:10:07,016 joint operating environment . To that 273 00:10:07,016 --> 00:10:08,960 end , the department is developing 274 00:10:08,960 --> 00:10:11,127 multi cyber harden advanced all domain 275 00:10:11,127 --> 00:10:13,071 awareness for a commanding control 276 00:10:13,071 --> 00:10:15,182 architectures that will enable timely 277 00:10:15,182 --> 00:10:17,404 and accurate decision making to address 278 00:10:17,404 --> 00:10:19,760 emerging threats . And we will continue 279 00:10:19,760 --> 00:10:21,760 to develop capabilities for left of 280 00:10:21,760 --> 00:10:23,982 launching missile defeat that will play 281 00:10:23,982 --> 00:10:25,816 an important role in effectively 282 00:10:25,816 --> 00:10:27,760 countering limited missile defense 283 00:10:27,760 --> 00:10:30,470 missile attacks , sorry , engaging and 284 00:10:30,470 --> 00:10:32,692 working with our allies and partners to 285 00:10:32,692 --> 00:10:34,859 enhance our collective missile defense 286 00:10:34,859 --> 00:10:36,859 efforts is a core focus area of the 287 00:10:36,859 --> 00:10:38,692 department . Cooperative missile 288 00:10:38,692 --> 00:10:40,770 defense with strong allies including 289 00:10:40,770 --> 00:10:43,720 Japan , the Republic of Korea Australia 290 00:10:43,730 --> 00:10:46,560 and our NATO allies uh will continue to 291 00:10:46,560 --> 00:10:49,530 be a strong priority in the Middle East . 292 00:10:49,530 --> 00:10:51,030 Us Israeli Missile defense 293 00:10:51,030 --> 00:10:53,330 collaboration demonstrates the mutual 294 00:10:53,330 --> 00:10:55,552 benefits of technology sharing with our 295 00:10:55,552 --> 00:10:57,774 allies and partners and we continue our 296 00:10:57,774 --> 00:10:59,886 efforts to strengthen missile defense 297 00:10:59,886 --> 00:11:02,130 cooperation with key gulf cooperation 298 00:11:02,130 --> 00:11:05,110 council countries . In this context , 299 00:11:05,120 --> 00:11:07,231 my office leads a series of dialogues 300 00:11:07,231 --> 00:11:09,287 to discuss modernization efforts and 301 00:11:09,287 --> 00:11:11,120 seek new opportunities for joint 302 00:11:11,120 --> 00:11:13,342 research , training , co production and 303 00:11:13,342 --> 00:11:15,453 co development . In conclusion , as a 304 00:11:15,453 --> 00:11:17,564 department prepares for its strategic 305 00:11:17,564 --> 00:11:19,453 review , I assure members of this 306 00:11:19,453 --> 00:11:19,250 committee that we are steadfastly 307 00:11:19,250 --> 00:11:21,083 committed to key missile defense 308 00:11:21,083 --> 00:11:23,740 missions , priorities uh and 309 00:11:23,740 --> 00:11:25,962 capabilities including working with our 310 00:11:25,962 --> 00:11:27,740 allies and partners to meet the 311 00:11:27,740 --> 00:11:29,962 challenge of growing missile threats in 312 00:11:29,962 --> 00:11:31,573 a cost effective manner that 313 00:11:31,573 --> 00:11:33,518 strengthens regional and strategic 314 00:11:33,518 --> 00:11:35,462 stability . I look forward to your 315 00:11:35,462 --> 00:11:37,462 questions . Thank you . Thank you . 316 00:11:37,462 --> 00:11:39,407 General Van Herck , the chairman , 317 00:11:39,407 --> 00:11:41,351 cooper , ranking member Turner and 318 00:11:41,351 --> 00:11:42,962 distinguished members of the 319 00:11:42,962 --> 00:11:45,073 subcommittee . It's a privilege to be 320 00:11:45,073 --> 00:11:44,760 here in front of you again to testify . 321 00:11:45,140 --> 00:11:47,251 I'm honored to serve as the Commander 322 00:11:47,251 --> 00:11:49,307 of United States Northern Command in 323 00:11:49,307 --> 00:11:51,362 the North American Aerospace Defense 324 00:11:51,362 --> 00:11:53,307 Command and I'm grateful to appear 325 00:11:53,307 --> 00:11:55,140 alongside my colleagues is their 326 00:11:55,140 --> 00:11:57,307 crucial partners in the defense of our 327 00:11:57,307 --> 00:11:59,307 homeland . United States . Northern 328 00:11:59,307 --> 00:12:01,529 Command NORAD are separate commands yet 329 00:12:01,529 --> 00:12:01,030 we work seamlessly to accomplish the 330 00:12:01,030 --> 00:12:03,030 critical mission of defending North 331 00:12:03,030 --> 00:12:05,030 America against all threats whether 332 00:12:05,030 --> 00:12:06,974 posed by our competitors , natural 333 00:12:06,974 --> 00:12:09,730 disasters or a pandemic . We are in an 334 00:12:09,730 --> 00:12:13,100 era of a renewed strategic competition 335 00:12:13,110 --> 00:12:15,277 and this time we're facing two nuclear 336 00:12:15,277 --> 00:12:17,440 armed near peer competitors . Both 337 00:12:17,440 --> 00:12:19,551 focused on circumventing our homeland 338 00:12:19,551 --> 00:12:22,000 defenses . Additionally , North Korea's 339 00:12:22,010 --> 00:12:23,600 recent unveiling of a new 340 00:12:23,610 --> 00:12:25,554 intercontinental ballistic missile 341 00:12:25,554 --> 00:12:27,610 capable of threatening Alaska hawaii 342 00:12:27,610 --> 00:12:29,610 and the contiguous United States is 343 00:12:29,610 --> 00:12:31,610 meant to constrain our options in a 344 00:12:31,610 --> 00:12:33,666 crisis . I remain concerned about my 345 00:12:33,666 --> 00:12:35,777 ability to defend the homeland as our 346 00:12:35,777 --> 00:12:37,554 competitors continue to develop 347 00:12:37,554 --> 00:12:39,610 capabilities to hold our homeland at 348 00:12:39,610 --> 00:12:41,443 risk from all vectors and in all 349 00:12:41,443 --> 00:12:43,710 domains kinetically and non kinetically 350 00:12:43,970 --> 00:12:46,280 and to exploit a perceived gap between 351 00:12:46,280 --> 00:12:48,502 our nuclear deterrent , which I believe 352 00:12:48,502 --> 00:12:50,613 is the foundation of homeland defense 353 00:12:50,613 --> 00:12:52,724 and our conventional homeland defense 354 00:12:52,724 --> 00:12:54,891 capabilities . To close this perceived 355 00:12:54,891 --> 00:12:56,891 gap , we must accelerate efforts to 356 00:12:56,891 --> 00:12:58,836 transform our culture to think and 357 00:12:58,836 --> 00:13:01,058 operate globally and across all domains 358 00:13:01,240 --> 00:13:03,450 and factor homeland defense into every 359 00:13:03,450 --> 00:13:05,890 strategy plan , force management , 360 00:13:05,900 --> 00:13:07,733 force , design , acquisition and 361 00:13:07,733 --> 00:13:10,030 budgetary decision . United States 362 00:13:10,030 --> 00:13:11,752 Northern Command and NORAD are 363 00:13:11,752 --> 00:13:13,919 aggressively pursuing a left of launch 364 00:13:13,919 --> 00:13:16,030 framework to provide the president of 365 00:13:16,030 --> 00:13:18,252 the United States the Secretary Defense 366 00:13:18,252 --> 00:13:20,141 less escalatory options that will 367 00:13:20,141 --> 00:13:22,308 increase decision space and deterrence 368 00:13:22,308 --> 00:13:24,197 in strategic competition . Vice , 369 00:13:24,197 --> 00:13:26,760 focusing on in game defeat in conflict 370 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:29,129 with the missile defense agency . 371 00:13:29,129 --> 00:13:31,184 Leading the effort , progress on the 372 00:13:31,184 --> 00:13:33,296 next generation interceptor is on the 373 00:13:33,296 --> 00:13:35,407 right trajectory . But further delays 374 00:13:35,407 --> 00:13:37,573 will be detrimental to our defense and 375 00:13:37,573 --> 00:13:39,629 deterrence by denial capability . We 376 00:13:39,629 --> 00:13:41,462 must also capitalize on globally 377 00:13:41,462 --> 00:13:43,629 layered multi threat detection systems 378 00:13:43,629 --> 00:13:45,573 such as over the horizon radar and 379 00:13:45,573 --> 00:13:47,407 hypersonic and ballistic missile 380 00:13:47,407 --> 00:13:49,770 tracking space sensors to adequately 381 00:13:49,780 --> 00:13:51,840 address both the capability and 382 00:13:51,840 --> 00:13:54,270 capacity of emerging threats the 383 00:13:54,270 --> 00:13:56,492 additional capabilities . United States 384 00:13:56,492 --> 00:13:58,492 Northern Command is pioneering , as 385 00:13:58,492 --> 00:14:00,381 demonstrated by our latest global 386 00:14:00,381 --> 00:14:02,548 information dominance experiment . Are 387 00:14:02,548 --> 00:14:04,890 focused on prying data from existing 388 00:14:04,890 --> 00:14:07,480 stove pipe networks to enable global 389 00:14:07,560 --> 00:14:10,090 and all domain awareness by ingesting 390 00:14:10,090 --> 00:14:12,146 data into a cloud based architecture 391 00:14:12,146 --> 00:14:13,812 where the power of artificial 392 00:14:13,812 --> 00:14:15,868 intelligence and machine learning is 393 00:14:15,868 --> 00:14:17,979 unleashed . we can drastically reduce 394 00:14:17,979 --> 00:14:20,034 processing times across the globe to 395 00:14:20,034 --> 00:14:22,090 rapidly enable information dominance 396 00:14:22,090 --> 00:14:25,150 and decision decision superiority . All 397 00:14:25,150 --> 00:14:27,700 11 combatant commanders induce endorse 398 00:14:27,710 --> 00:14:29,877 fielding these capabilities as soon as 399 00:14:29,877 --> 00:14:31,988 possible for United States . Northern 400 00:14:31,988 --> 00:14:34,210 Commanding NORAD , if we do not possess 401 00:14:34,210 --> 00:14:36,432 global all domain awareness sensors and 402 00:14:36,432 --> 00:14:38,321 the networks , data standards and 403 00:14:38,321 --> 00:14:40,321 infrastructure to share information 404 00:14:40,321 --> 00:14:42,488 quickly and efficiently our ability to 405 00:14:42,488 --> 00:14:42,240 defend the homeland against emerging 406 00:14:42,240 --> 00:14:44,184 threats such as improved ballistic 407 00:14:44,184 --> 00:14:46,300 missiles , hypersonic , long range , 408 00:14:46,300 --> 00:14:48,580 low radar cross section cruise missiles 409 00:14:48,590 --> 00:14:51,150 will slowly degrade the United States 410 00:14:51,150 --> 00:14:53,280 Northern Command . NORAD take solemn 411 00:14:53,280 --> 00:14:55,280 pride in executing the Secretary of 412 00:14:55,280 --> 00:14:57,280 Defense is top priority by standing 413 00:14:57,280 --> 00:14:59,113 watch to defend our nation . I'm 414 00:14:59,113 --> 00:15:00,613 grateful for the trust and 415 00:15:00,613 --> 00:15:02,780 responsibility you place in the United 416 00:15:02,780 --> 00:15:04,780 States Northern Command and NORAD . 417 00:15:04,780 --> 00:15:04,630 Thank you . And I look forward to 418 00:15:04,630 --> 00:15:07,370 answering your questions . Thank you . 419 00:15:07,370 --> 00:15:09,260 General Now . Vice Admiral Hill . 420 00:15:09,640 --> 00:15:11,751 Chairman Cooper , a ranking member of 421 00:15:11,751 --> 00:15:13,973 Turner and distinguished members of the 422 00:15:13,973 --> 00:15:16,140 subcommittee . Thank you for your time 423 00:15:16,140 --> 00:15:17,807 today . Uh for PB 22 . NBA is 424 00:15:17,807 --> 00:15:19,918 requesting 8.9 billion to develop and 425 00:15:19,918 --> 00:15:21,973 deploy homeland defenses against the 426 00:15:21,973 --> 00:15:24,084 rogue state threat and to improve our 427 00:15:24,084 --> 00:15:26,251 regional defenses against existing and 428 00:15:26,251 --> 00:15:28,418 emerging threats . The evolving threat 429 00:15:28,418 --> 00:15:30,640 can be summarized as a less predictable 430 00:15:30,640 --> 00:15:32,473 ballistic threat with decoys and 431 00:15:32,473 --> 00:15:32,170 multiple warheads potentially with 432 00:15:32,170 --> 00:15:34,310 nuclear payloads . Hypersonic cruise 433 00:15:34,310 --> 00:15:36,477 missile threats present high speed and 434 00:15:36,477 --> 00:15:38,532 global maneuvering challenges to our 435 00:15:38,532 --> 00:15:40,699 sensor command and control and weapons 436 00:15:40,699 --> 00:15:42,532 architecture . Now , despite the 437 00:15:42,532 --> 00:15:44,310 pandemic restrictions , we have 438 00:15:44,310 --> 00:15:46,366 maintained momentum by advancing the 439 00:15:46,366 --> 00:15:46,230 program on several fronts this year . 440 00:15:46,230 --> 00:15:48,230 So I'll go through a few of those . 441 00:15:48,230 --> 00:15:50,341 I'll start with C two BMC command and 442 00:15:50,341 --> 00:15:51,786 Control Battle management 443 00:15:51,786 --> 00:15:53,674 Communications . We continued our 444 00:15:53,674 --> 00:15:55,730 spiral upgrades to integrate sensors 445 00:15:55,730 --> 00:15:57,674 and weapons across the Joint Force 446 00:15:57,674 --> 00:15:59,619 supporting our Quebec commands and 447 00:15:59,619 --> 00:16:01,674 services with tracking , queuing and 448 00:16:01,674 --> 00:16:03,841 discrimination data . The hard network 449 00:16:03,841 --> 00:16:06,063 integrates with Nazi too . From a space 450 00:16:06,063 --> 00:16:05,910 global capability perspective to 451 00:16:05,910 --> 00:16:08,077 improve detection , tracking , queuing 452 00:16:08,077 --> 00:16:09,854 and discrimination . Hypersonic 453 00:16:09,854 --> 00:16:12,077 ballistic tracking space sensor or HP . 454 00:16:12,077 --> 00:16:14,243 TSS . That development continues under 455 00:16:14,243 --> 00:16:16,466 two competitive awards focused on an on 456 00:16:16,466 --> 00:16:18,950 orbit demo in Fy 23 for tracking dim 457 00:16:18,950 --> 00:16:21,061 boosting ballistic missiles and hyper 458 00:16:21,061 --> 00:16:23,283 glides . And this is a critical part of 459 00:16:23,283 --> 00:16:25,394 the hypersonic defense architecture . 460 00:16:25,394 --> 00:16:27,450 Space-based kill assessment or Scott 461 00:16:27,450 --> 00:16:29,450 that is deployed today . Uh full of 462 00:16:29,450 --> 00:16:31,339 constellation has participated in 463 00:16:31,339 --> 00:16:33,450 several uh flight tests were on track 464 00:16:33,450 --> 00:16:35,561 to deliver operational hit assessment 465 00:16:35,561 --> 00:16:37,783 for the Homeland in 2023 . Moving up to 466 00:16:37,783 --> 00:16:40,006 Alaska to the long range discrimination 467 00:16:40,006 --> 00:16:42,172 radar . Despite the pandemic , we have 468 00:16:42,172 --> 00:16:44,283 delivered both arrays . The light off 469 00:16:44,283 --> 00:16:46,228 is underway now which means we are 470 00:16:46,228 --> 00:16:48,506 radiating in coordination with the FAA . 471 00:16:48,506 --> 00:16:50,617 To make sure that we take care of the 472 00:16:50,617 --> 00:16:52,506 local Bush pilots . We will go to 473 00:16:52,506 --> 00:16:54,728 government acceptance this year , which 474 00:16:54,728 --> 00:16:56,894 is initial fielding uh and uh F Y 22 . 475 00:16:56,894 --> 00:16:59,061 Our focus will be integration into the 476 00:16:59,061 --> 00:17:01,228 ground based mid course defense system 477 00:17:01,228 --> 00:17:00,640 and then we'll transfer to the lead 478 00:17:00,640 --> 00:17:02,584 service of the Air Force for Space 479 00:17:02,584 --> 00:17:04,940 Force operations in Fy 23 . From the 480 00:17:04,940 --> 00:17:07,490 homeland perspective , continuing the G . 481 00:17:07,490 --> 00:17:09,712 B fleet reliability efforts through the 482 00:17:09,712 --> 00:17:11,768 service life extension programme has 483 00:17:11,768 --> 00:17:13,823 been going very well . And what that 484 00:17:13,823 --> 00:17:15,768 means for us is we can harvest age 485 00:17:15,768 --> 00:17:17,546 hardware from The silos for our 486 00:17:17,546 --> 00:17:19,712 stockpile reliability program . We now 487 00:17:19,712 --> 00:17:21,434 have hardware-based analytical 488 00:17:21,434 --> 00:17:23,657 background to our reliability estimates 489 00:17:23,657 --> 00:17:25,546 while expanding the missile field 490 00:17:25,546 --> 00:17:27,768 capacity and missile field for I'm very 491 00:17:27,768 --> 00:17:29,601 proud of the soldiers of the 100 492 00:17:29,601 --> 00:17:31,601 missile defense brigade in the 49th 493 00:17:31,601 --> 00:17:33,657 Missile Defense Battalion . The next 494 00:17:33,657 --> 00:17:33,450 test for the GMD system is boost 495 00:17:33,450 --> 00:17:36,900 vehicle 203 B B T 03 developing 496 00:17:36,900 --> 00:17:38,900 capability to use our three and two 497 00:17:38,900 --> 00:17:41,067 stage G . B I . What we'll do is we'll 498 00:17:41,067 --> 00:17:43,067 fly instead of the full kit . Matic 499 00:17:43,067 --> 00:17:45,289 burn will burn only to the second stage 500 00:17:45,289 --> 00:17:47,233 so that we can increase our battle 501 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:49,456 space and enhance the timelines that is 502 00:17:49,456 --> 00:17:51,622 on track for later this year , N . G . 503 00:17:51,622 --> 00:17:51,340 I development was mentioned . We are 504 00:17:51,340 --> 00:17:53,562 underway with two competitive contracts 505 00:17:53,562 --> 00:17:55,690 focused on round emplacement earlier 506 00:17:55,690 --> 00:17:58,160 than the 2028 government estimate . We 507 00:17:58,160 --> 00:18:00,104 switch over to one of our regional 508 00:18:00,104 --> 00:18:02,327 systems that we just integrated air and 509 00:18:02,327 --> 00:18:04,216 missile defense . We continue our 510 00:18:04,216 --> 00:18:06,382 deliveries of the SM three Black would 511 00:18:06,382 --> 00:18:06,000 be missiles the workhorse of the fleet 512 00:18:06,010 --> 00:18:08,121 through a multi year procurement . SM 513 00:18:08,121 --> 00:18:10,288 three block to a missiles developed in 514 00:18:10,288 --> 00:18:12,454 cooperation with Japan . We are now in 515 00:18:12,454 --> 00:18:14,510 production And we continue our close 516 00:18:14,510 --> 00:18:16,677 coordination with the Navy to leverage 517 00:18:16,677 --> 00:18:16,600 the SM six missile for sea-based 518 00:18:16,600 --> 00:18:18,600 terminal , which I'll talk about in 519 00:18:18,600 --> 00:18:20,878 just a second . I want to say a little , 520 00:18:20,878 --> 00:18:22,933 a little bit about FTM 40 for flight 521 00:18:22,933 --> 00:18:25,156 test Maritime 44 that we conducted last 522 00:18:25,156 --> 00:18:26,933 november based on congressional 523 00:18:26,933 --> 00:18:26,900 direction . To complete that test in 524 00:18:26,900 --> 00:18:30,180 2020 we successfully uh intercepted a 525 00:18:30,180 --> 00:18:32,180 simple rogue state I C B M with the 526 00:18:32,180 --> 00:18:34,140 mighty ship , USs John Finn a new 527 00:18:34,140 --> 00:18:36,307 construction . I am the destroyer with 528 00:18:36,307 --> 00:18:38,529 the S and three block to a missile . We 529 00:18:38,529 --> 00:18:40,640 leverage the design robustness within 530 00:18:40,640 --> 00:18:42,696 Egypt's and within SM three . What I 531 00:18:42,696 --> 00:18:44,640 mean by that is we are outside the 532 00:18:44,640 --> 00:18:46,307 requirement space and we were 533 00:18:46,307 --> 00:18:48,084 successful in that mission in a 534 00:18:48,084 --> 00:18:50,307 defensive hawaii scenario . Back to the 535 00:18:50,307 --> 00:18:52,307 pandemic that affected nearly every 536 00:18:52,307 --> 00:18:54,140 construction project . We had to 537 00:18:54,140 --> 00:18:56,196 include the aegis ashore in Poland . 538 00:18:56,196 --> 00:18:58,418 But the great news today that I did not 539 00:18:58,418 --> 00:19:00,529 report last year is we have all force 540 00:19:00,529 --> 00:19:02,640 fire raise now in place in the site . 541 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:02,540 We have the fire control system in 542 00:19:02,540 --> 00:19:04,762 place and this is a forcing function to 543 00:19:04,762 --> 00:19:06,929 get us to install and check out of the 544 00:19:06,929 --> 00:19:08,984 Aegis weapon system which we removed 545 00:19:08,984 --> 00:19:11,096 from storage . We did all the digital 546 00:19:11,096 --> 00:19:12,984 signal checks on it . We're doing 547 00:19:12,984 --> 00:19:15,096 hardware upgrades and that site is on 548 00:19:15,096 --> 00:19:14,980 path to complete construction and 549 00:19:14,980 --> 00:19:17,500 coordination with the Army Corps E . J . 550 00:19:17,500 --> 00:19:19,667 S . C . Based terminal increment to is 551 00:19:19,667 --> 00:19:21,722 deployed today and it represents the 552 00:19:21,722 --> 00:19:23,611 first regional hypersonic missile 553 00:19:23,611 --> 00:19:25,833 defense capability . Increment three is 554 00:19:25,833 --> 00:19:27,778 underway and delivers in Fy 24 now 555 00:19:27,778 --> 00:19:30,000 based on real world data collection and 556 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:32,222 leveraging the proven Egypt's engage on 557 00:19:32,222 --> 00:19:34,444 remote capabilities . PB 22 accelerates 558 00:19:34,444 --> 00:19:36,611 are hypersonic missile defense , glide 559 00:19:36,611 --> 00:19:38,611 face interceptor which allows us to 560 00:19:38,611 --> 00:19:40,611 intercept prior to terminal . We're 561 00:19:40,611 --> 00:19:42,722 evaluating industry proposals now and 562 00:19:42,722 --> 00:19:44,667 we're going to make sure that that 563 00:19:44,667 --> 00:19:46,611 design is extensible to land based 564 00:19:46,611 --> 00:19:48,833 batteries shifting over to the terminal 565 00:19:48,833 --> 00:19:50,556 high altitude air defense . We 566 00:19:50,556 --> 00:19:52,778 continued our interceptor procurement , 567 00:19:52,778 --> 00:19:52,490 our production training , support , 568 00:19:52,490 --> 00:19:54,657 developing capabilities to address the 569 00:19:54,657 --> 00:19:56,323 evolving threat in very close 570 00:19:56,323 --> 00:19:58,546 coordination with the army . Will go to 571 00:19:58,546 --> 00:20:00,546 the last of the Patriot integration 572 00:20:00,546 --> 00:20:02,268 testing this year . Now in for 573 00:20:02,268 --> 00:20:04,323 defensive Guam and PB 22 it includes 574 00:20:04,323 --> 00:20:06,490 funding for the initial development of 575 00:20:06,490 --> 00:20:08,323 the survivable and operationally 576 00:20:08,323 --> 00:20:10,546 effective I . M . D . Uh integrated air 577 00:20:10,546 --> 00:20:10,130 and missile defense leveraging mature 578 00:20:10,140 --> 00:20:12,362 regional systems . I had a conversation 579 00:20:12,362 --> 00:20:15,270 with an alkaline a last night and his 580 00:20:15,270 --> 00:20:17,159 requirements are clear defend the 581 00:20:17,159 --> 00:20:19,381 people defend the forces and do it on a 582 00:20:19,381 --> 00:20:21,326 near term timeline . He has system 583 00:20:21,326 --> 00:20:23,214 agnostic but when you look at the 584 00:20:23,214 --> 00:20:25,103 ballistic , the hypersonic cruise 585 00:20:25,103 --> 00:20:27,048 missile threats , it drives you to 586 00:20:27,048 --> 00:20:28,826 mature to mature proven systems 587 00:20:28,826 --> 00:20:30,826 integrated with the joint force and 588 00:20:30,826 --> 00:20:32,881 operational in the near term . So in 589 00:20:32,881 --> 00:20:32,530 coordination with Indo pay , common 590 00:20:32,530 --> 00:20:34,641 Cape , the technical merits of proven 591 00:20:34,641 --> 00:20:36,586 regional systems will point to the 592 00:20:36,586 --> 00:20:38,863 architecture for our PB 22 investments . 593 00:20:38,863 --> 00:20:41,030 So I'll wrap up by saying space , land 594 00:20:41,030 --> 00:20:43,086 and sea based sensors along with the 595 00:20:43,086 --> 00:20:45,252 network weapons integrated through C T 596 00:20:45,252 --> 00:20:47,308 B M . C . That will tie the jazzy to 597 00:20:47,308 --> 00:20:49,308 set the stage for hypersonic cruise 598 00:20:49,308 --> 00:20:51,363 missile defense capabilities . Thank 599 00:20:51,363 --> 00:20:50,670 you . I appreciate your time today . 600 00:20:52,040 --> 00:20:53,929 Thank you've said , well , you've 601 00:20:53,929 --> 00:20:56,040 covered a lot of territory . There is 602 00:20:56,040 --> 00:20:57,984 even more in your testimony . Uh , 603 00:20:57,984 --> 00:21:00,151 Lieutenant General Car blur , Chairman 604 00:21:00,151 --> 00:21:02,096 cooper , Ranking member Turner and 605 00:21:02,096 --> 00:21:03,707 distinguished members of the 606 00:21:03,707 --> 00:21:05,818 subcommittee . I'm honored to testify 607 00:21:05,818 --> 00:21:07,720 before you today . Thank you . 608 00:21:07,730 --> 00:21:09,730 Especially during the unprecedented 609 00:21:09,730 --> 00:21:11,830 health crisis of this past year for 610 00:21:11,830 --> 00:21:13,663 supporting our service members , 611 00:21:13,663 --> 00:21:16,010 civilians , contractors , and their 612 00:21:16,010 --> 00:21:18,177 families and your continued support to 613 00:21:18,177 --> 00:21:20,610 space and air and missile defense . I'm 614 00:21:20,610 --> 00:21:22,554 here today as the commander of the 615 00:21:22,554 --> 00:21:24,610 joint functional component , Command 616 00:21:24,610 --> 00:21:26,832 for Integrated Missile defense . And as 617 00:21:26,832 --> 00:21:28,888 the Army's proponent for air missile 618 00:21:28,888 --> 00:21:30,999 defense forces and capabilities , I'm 619 00:21:30,999 --> 00:21:33,110 responsible for providing General Van 620 00:21:33,110 --> 00:21:35,332 Herck , the soldiers who stand ready to 621 00:21:35,332 --> 00:21:37,554 defend our nation from intercontinental 622 00:21:37,554 --> 00:21:39,666 ballistic missile attack , as well as 623 00:21:39,666 --> 00:21:41,554 the soldiers who provide critical 624 00:21:41,554 --> 00:21:43,666 missile warning to army and joint war 625 00:21:43,666 --> 00:21:45,777 fighters . As air and missile threats 626 00:21:45,777 --> 00:21:47,888 become more diverse and numerous from 627 00:21:47,888 --> 00:21:49,943 adversaries worldwide . The Army Air 628 00:21:49,943 --> 00:21:51,666 and Missile Defense Enterprise 629 00:21:51,666 --> 00:21:53,777 continues to work hard to ensure that 630 00:21:53,777 --> 00:21:55,888 our war fighters and our homeland are 631 00:21:55,888 --> 00:21:57,999 protected . I would like to take this 632 00:21:57,999 --> 00:21:59,832 opportunity to briefly thank and 633 00:21:59,832 --> 00:22:01,943 highlight the mission accomplishments 634 00:22:01,943 --> 00:22:04,260 of our team of nearly 3000 soldiers , 635 00:22:04,280 --> 00:22:08,040 sailors , airmen , marines , guardians 636 00:22:08,050 --> 00:22:10,161 and civilians and is challenging code 637 00:22:10,161 --> 00:22:12,328 environment that we continue to endure 638 00:22:12,640 --> 00:22:14,751 during this past year . In support of 639 00:22:14,751 --> 00:22:16,980 stratcom , space . Com and nowhere at 640 00:22:16,980 --> 00:22:19,202 north . Com , these outstanding men and 641 00:22:19,202 --> 00:22:21,424 women provided the Army and Joint force 642 00:22:21,424 --> 00:22:23,647 with satellite communications , space , 643 00:22:23,647 --> 00:22:25,536 situational awareness and missile 644 00:22:25,536 --> 00:22:27,647 warning and defense and protected our 645 00:22:27,647 --> 00:22:31,460 homeland 24 7365 from ballistic missile 646 00:22:31,460 --> 00:22:33,770 attack . Even in the pandemic 647 00:22:33,770 --> 00:22:36,160 environment , they did not miss a beat 648 00:22:36,740 --> 00:22:38,907 to outline one of numerous examples of 649 00:22:38,907 --> 00:22:40,851 putting mission first and how army 650 00:22:40,851 --> 00:22:42,851 families have sacrificed during the 651 00:22:42,851 --> 00:22:45,018 pandemic . Members of our ground based 652 00:22:45,018 --> 00:22:46,907 missile defense Cruz adhere to 12 653 00:22:46,907 --> 00:22:48,684 consecutive months of stringent 654 00:22:48,684 --> 00:22:50,684 measures ensuring the uninterrupted 655 00:22:50,684 --> 00:22:52,851 execution of their mission , including 656 00:22:52,851 --> 00:22:54,907 sequestering crew members from their 657 00:22:54,907 --> 00:22:57,073 homes and families . Essentially , our 658 00:22:57,073 --> 00:22:59,296 missile defense crews lived in a bubble 659 00:22:59,296 --> 00:23:01,462 throughout their operational rotations 660 00:23:01,462 --> 00:23:03,462 on this essential no fail mission . 661 00:23:03,462 --> 00:23:05,351 While they and their families who 662 00:23:05,351 --> 00:23:07,462 reside in colorado springs , colorado 663 00:23:07,462 --> 00:23:09,351 and Fort Greely Alaska , the crew 664 00:23:09,351 --> 00:23:11,407 members were basically deployed away 665 00:23:11,407 --> 00:23:11,340 from their families for extended 666 00:23:11,340 --> 00:23:14,300 periods of time . A positive I've drawn 667 00:23:14,300 --> 00:23:16,022 from this pandemic is my daily 668 00:23:16,022 --> 00:23:18,133 realization that I've never been more 669 00:23:18,133 --> 00:23:20,078 proud and thankful of our greatest 670 00:23:20,078 --> 00:23:22,080 asset , our people . Every day I am 671 00:23:22,080 --> 00:23:24,330 awed by their dedication and unwavering 672 00:23:24,330 --> 00:23:26,900 sacrifices to our nation . I consider 673 00:23:26,900 --> 00:23:29,122 it an honor and a privilege to lead and 674 00:23:29,122 --> 00:23:31,290 serve alongside them . The continued 675 00:23:31,290 --> 00:23:33,457 support of Congress is critical to our 676 00:23:33,457 --> 00:23:37,240 ability to recruit , develop , retain 677 00:23:37,250 --> 00:23:39,840 and resource . Such a highly qualified 678 00:23:39,850 --> 00:23:42,090 and mission ready team . I look forward 679 00:23:42,090 --> 00:23:44,146 to addressing your questions . Thank 680 00:23:44,146 --> 00:23:47,540 you . Thank you . General Lieutenant 681 00:23:47,540 --> 00:23:51,340 General Shaw . Yeah . Okay . Why ? 682 00:23:51,340 --> 00:23:52,340 Mike ? 683 00:24:03,240 --> 00:24:07,060 What ? True . 684 00:24:13,340 --> 00:24:14,340 Mhm . 685 00:24:18,640 --> 00:24:21,760 Point . Okay . Better . All right . 686 00:24:22,440 --> 00:24:24,662 Good afternoon . Ladies and gentlemen . 687 00:24:24,662 --> 00:24:26,773 Thank you . Chairman cooper , ranking 688 00:24:26,773 --> 00:24:26,570 member turner and members of the House 689 00:24:26,570 --> 00:24:28,681 Armed Services Committee subcommittee 690 00:24:28,681 --> 00:24:30,848 on Strategic Forces for the invitation 691 00:24:30,848 --> 00:24:32,959 for to join my fellow witnesses today 692 00:24:32,959 --> 00:24:34,792 and discussing critical national 693 00:24:34,792 --> 00:24:37,014 security issues . I am pleased to speak 694 00:24:37,014 --> 00:24:36,850 today on behalf of our commander , 695 00:24:36,850 --> 00:24:38,730 General Dickinson in the 18,000 696 00:24:38,740 --> 00:24:40,684 military , civilian and contractor 697 00:24:40,684 --> 00:24:42,462 members directly engaged in and 698 00:24:42,462 --> 00:24:44,573 supporting the missions of the United 699 00:24:44,573 --> 00:24:46,684 States Space Command . As directed in 700 00:24:46,684 --> 00:24:48,907 the Unified Command Plan . One of those 701 00:24:48,907 --> 00:24:51,073 missions as the nation's Global sensor 702 00:24:51,073 --> 00:24:53,073 Manager requires us to quote plan , 703 00:24:53,073 --> 00:24:55,240 manage and execute assigned Department 704 00:24:55,240 --> 00:24:57,073 of Defense , Space , situational 705 00:24:57,073 --> 00:24:59,296 awareness , missile defense and missile 706 00:24:59,296 --> 00:25:01,407 warning sensors unquote . I'm pleased 707 00:25:01,407 --> 00:25:03,462 to offer you the United States Space 708 00:25:03,462 --> 00:25:05,518 Command perspective on that slice of 709 00:25:05,518 --> 00:25:07,740 our mission set . And I look forward to 710 00:25:07,740 --> 00:25:07,490 a discussion on how within the context 711 00:25:07,490 --> 00:25:09,712 of duties overarching national Security 712 00:25:09,712 --> 00:25:11,768 strategy , our Global sensor manager 713 00:25:11,768 --> 00:25:14,640 activities complement those of NORAD 714 00:25:14,650 --> 00:25:16,817 Northern Command , the Missile Defense 715 00:25:16,817 --> 00:25:18,650 Agency and the Space and Missile 716 00:25:18,650 --> 00:25:20,817 Defense Command . An accomplishment of 717 00:25:20,817 --> 00:25:23,320 their respective missions . The Unified 718 00:25:23,320 --> 00:25:25,542 Command plan outlines us based commands 719 00:25:25,542 --> 00:25:28,320 tasks as a supported combatant command 720 00:25:28,330 --> 00:25:30,552 in a newly declared war fighting domain 721 00:25:30,552 --> 00:25:33,120 with a clearly defined if rather large 722 00:25:33,280 --> 00:25:36,200 area of operations . It also outlines a 723 00:25:36,200 --> 00:25:38,530 series of supporting tasks through 724 00:25:38,530 --> 00:25:40,586 which U . S . Space command enhances 725 00:25:40,586 --> 00:25:42,808 the mission effectiveness of our fellow 726 00:25:42,808 --> 00:25:45,100 warfighting combatant commands . It is 727 00:25:45,100 --> 00:25:47,267 in our global sensor manager role that 728 00:25:47,267 --> 00:25:49,489 you see one of the best examples of the 729 00:25:49,489 --> 00:25:51,267 confluence of are supported and 730 00:25:51,267 --> 00:25:53,600 supporting roles Within the 3rd of 731 00:25:53,600 --> 00:25:55,767 General Dickinson's key five tasks for 732 00:25:55,767 --> 00:25:57,920 the command which is maintaining key 733 00:25:57,920 --> 00:26:00,600 relationships exists . The subtask of 734 00:26:00,600 --> 00:26:02,760 enhancing interoperability , our 735 00:26:02,760 --> 00:26:04,704 success at the strategic level and 736 00:26:04,704 --> 00:26:06,427 building the key relationships 737 00:26:06,427 --> 00:26:08,204 necessary for protection of the 738 00:26:08,204 --> 00:26:10,930 homeland depends on integrating weapons 739 00:26:10,930 --> 00:26:13,263 system operations at the tactical level . 740 00:26:13,810 --> 00:26:15,699 That is why US basic man works so 741 00:26:15,699 --> 00:26:18,060 closely with north um stratcom , M . D . 742 00:26:18,060 --> 00:26:20,004 A . And S . And D . C . Among many 743 00:26:20,004 --> 00:26:22,116 others to provide missile warning and 744 00:26:22,116 --> 00:26:24,060 missile defense capabilities while 745 00:26:24,060 --> 00:26:25,850 simultaneously and seamlessly 746 00:26:25,850 --> 00:26:27,600 accomplishing our space domain 747 00:26:27,600 --> 00:26:29,822 awareness missions . It's an example of 748 00:26:29,822 --> 00:26:31,989 the classic aphorism that the whole is 749 00:26:31,989 --> 00:26:34,100 greater than the sum of its parts the 750 00:26:34,100 --> 00:26:36,211 ability to find synergies among these 751 00:26:36,211 --> 00:26:37,933 seemingly disparate missions . 752 00:26:37,933 --> 00:26:39,822 Functions and systems employed by 753 00:26:39,822 --> 00:26:41,600 distinct and separate combatant 754 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:43,822 commands will significantly enhance our 755 00:26:43,822 --> 00:26:45,600 effectiveness in protecting and 756 00:26:45,600 --> 00:26:47,600 defending the United States and our 757 00:26:47,600 --> 00:26:47,270 allies . I look forward to your 758 00:26:47,270 --> 00:26:49,492 questions on this and other examples of 759 00:26:49,492 --> 00:26:51,548 the coordination collaboration among 760 00:26:51,548 --> 00:26:53,492 the agencies represented here this 761 00:26:53,492 --> 00:26:55,603 afternoon . Thank you . Mr Chairman . 762 00:26:55,603 --> 00:26:57,492 Thank you . General will now have 763 00:26:57,492 --> 00:26:59,492 member questioning and I'm going to 764 00:26:59,492 --> 00:27:01,381 defer my questions for the closed 765 00:27:01,381 --> 00:27:03,603 session . Mr Turner is now recognized . 766 00:27:03,940 --> 00:27:06,290 Great thank you , Admiral . Start with 767 00:27:06,290 --> 00:27:09,330 you . Continuing resolutions . They 768 00:27:09,330 --> 00:27:13,310 impact missile defense . Are any 769 00:27:13,320 --> 00:27:16,100 program that's based on ingenuity um 770 00:27:16,110 --> 00:27:18,220 and news starts and our nuclear 771 00:27:18,220 --> 00:27:20,690 modernization programs I believe more 772 00:27:20,700 --> 00:27:23,650 uh than than even just basic continuing 773 00:27:23,650 --> 00:27:26,110 operations . Could you please 774 00:27:26,120 --> 00:27:29,070 describe some of the situations that 775 00:27:29,070 --> 00:27:30,959 you're placed end with continuing 776 00:27:30,959 --> 00:27:33,230 resolutions and its effects on your 777 00:27:33,230 --> 00:27:35,560 programmes ? Thanks for the question , 778 00:27:37,340 --> 00:27:40,010 congressman Turner . Uh , it's got a 779 00:27:40,010 --> 00:27:42,970 broad impact across the program . And 780 00:27:42,970 --> 00:27:45,290 let me just kind of start where it 781 00:27:45,290 --> 00:27:47,457 really matters when you get out to the 782 00:27:47,457 --> 00:27:49,568 fleet . Um , and you look for support 783 00:27:49,568 --> 00:27:51,734 to get the ship ships underway right ? 784 00:27:51,734 --> 00:27:53,790 We'll have to work very closely with 785 00:27:53,790 --> 00:27:55,957 the Navy . Um , If we try to execute a 786 00:27:55,957 --> 00:27:58,012 flight test will often find that the 787 00:27:58,012 --> 00:28:00,234 test ranges are suffering from the same 788 00:28:00,234 --> 00:28:02,457 continuous resolution and everyone will 789 00:28:02,457 --> 00:28:01,920 have different budget cycles . So 790 00:28:01,920 --> 00:28:05,130 execution of tests is at risk when you 791 00:28:05,130 --> 00:28:07,770 back up . Can you explain why a test 792 00:28:08,140 --> 00:28:11,290 gets impacted more than just the 793 00:28:11,300 --> 00:28:14,480 general operations of a facility ? So 794 00:28:14,480 --> 00:28:16,650 if you look at the way we fund our 795 00:28:16,650 --> 00:28:18,817 warfare centers , for example , on the 796 00:28:18,817 --> 00:28:20,761 on the Navy side , and the way the 797 00:28:20,761 --> 00:28:22,872 ranges are funded , they will come to 798 00:28:22,872 --> 00:28:22,250 an all stop with the continuing 799 00:28:22,250 --> 00:28:24,810 resolution . So we can get a ship out 800 00:28:24,810 --> 00:28:27,032 on station and operational ship there . 801 00:28:27,032 --> 00:28:29,143 But we will not have the test support 802 00:28:29,143 --> 00:28:31,254 to do that . We can't get the sensors 803 00:28:31,254 --> 00:28:31,030 underway , we can't deploy the aircraft 804 00:28:31,030 --> 00:28:33,680 that are going to collect data . So , 805 00:28:33,680 --> 00:28:36,520 so that's that's a clear impact . So 806 00:28:36,530 --> 00:28:38,970 frequently you can be undertaking 807 00:28:38,970 --> 00:28:41,390 resolution for a quarter of the year . 808 00:28:41,430 --> 00:28:44,270 So for three months out of the year , 809 00:28:44,640 --> 00:28:47,760 your your schedules are set back , Your 810 00:28:47,770 --> 00:28:50,740 work product is set back well and and 811 00:28:50,740 --> 00:28:52,907 we'll we'll do our best to catch up on 812 00:28:52,907 --> 00:28:55,129 schedules and deconflict and reschedule 813 00:28:55,129 --> 00:28:57,240 where we can , but it's a significant 814 00:28:57,240 --> 00:28:59,296 impact when it comes there . Then if 815 00:28:59,296 --> 00:29:01,073 you back up even further to say 816 00:29:01,073 --> 00:29:03,296 production , uh normally will be okay . 817 00:29:03,296 --> 00:29:05,518 We can we can carry production for some 818 00:29:05,518 --> 00:29:07,684 period of time . but if we start , you 819 00:29:07,684 --> 00:29:09,573 know , holding up payments to the 820 00:29:09,573 --> 00:29:11,684 contractor , you won't see us proceed 821 00:29:11,684 --> 00:29:11,230 in those areas . So it could be a 822 00:29:11,240 --> 00:29:13,351 shortened gap there or something that 823 00:29:13,351 --> 00:29:15,351 cascades to the right and that that 824 00:29:15,351 --> 00:29:17,573 really translates the cost , right ? So 825 00:29:17,573 --> 00:29:19,629 when you back up to development , um 826 00:29:19,629 --> 00:29:19,610 now it comes to the stability of the 827 00:29:19,610 --> 00:29:21,890 team , right ? So just looking at the 828 00:29:21,890 --> 00:29:24,420 government team , um you know , it it 829 00:29:24,420 --> 00:29:26,531 casts a shadow right on on the future 830 00:29:26,531 --> 00:29:28,753 of their careers and often time we find 831 00:29:28,753 --> 00:29:30,753 ourselves losing talent during that 832 00:29:30,753 --> 00:29:32,864 sort of phase . Um and then if you go 833 00:29:32,864 --> 00:29:35,087 again to warfare centers and government 834 00:29:35,087 --> 00:29:37,309 labs that are reimbursed , reimbursable 835 00:29:37,309 --> 00:29:36,440 funding and those sorts of things , we 836 00:29:36,450 --> 00:29:38,561 we put them in an all stop and freeze 837 00:29:38,561 --> 00:29:40,783 them . Um does it affect costs and time 838 00:29:40,783 --> 00:29:42,839 delivery ? Absolutely . It'll always 839 00:29:42,839 --> 00:29:44,617 have an effect on cost and time 840 00:29:44,617 --> 00:29:47,180 delivery cobbler . Uh , examples ways 841 00:29:47,180 --> 00:29:49,236 in which continue resolutions affect 842 00:29:49,236 --> 00:29:53,070 your operations . So much like 843 00:29:53,080 --> 00:29:55,191 what Admiral Hill just talked about . 844 00:29:55,191 --> 00:29:57,191 Uh , we uh , we run the Reagan test 845 00:29:57,191 --> 00:29:59,024 site . So again , it affects our 846 00:29:59,024 --> 00:30:01,191 ability to support those tests that we 847 00:30:01,191 --> 00:30:03,247 do for the D . O . D . Out of out of 848 00:30:03,247 --> 00:30:05,580 the Reagan test site on Kwajalein Atoll . 849 00:30:05,580 --> 00:30:07,802 Mhm Van Heart , don't show this is your 850 00:30:07,802 --> 00:30:09,802 chance of a commercial anything You 851 00:30:09,802 --> 00:30:11,858 need anecdotal stories . You want to 852 00:30:11,858 --> 00:30:13,747 provide any information as to how 853 00:30:13,747 --> 00:30:15,858 you've seen continuing resolutions be 854 00:30:15,858 --> 00:30:18,840 detrimental . It's about predictability , 855 00:30:18,840 --> 00:30:20,784 congressman and being able to move 856 00:30:20,784 --> 00:30:22,896 forward based on a plan to execute it 857 00:30:22,896 --> 00:30:24,784 strategically for me directly and 858 00:30:24,784 --> 00:30:26,951 defending homeland defense . Uh , I'll 859 00:30:26,951 --> 00:30:29,007 be able to continue that mission the 860 00:30:29,007 --> 00:30:31,229 most direct impact . And as you heard , 861 00:30:31,229 --> 00:30:30,780 my opening statement is keeping pace 862 00:30:30,780 --> 00:30:33,840 with potential threats and adversaries 863 00:30:33,850 --> 00:30:36,210 and the programs that Admiral Hill and 864 00:30:36,210 --> 00:30:38,321 General Carballo talked about . If we 865 00:30:38,321 --> 00:30:40,432 further continue to delay those , the 866 00:30:40,432 --> 00:30:42,321 risk is we fall further behind in 867 00:30:42,321 --> 00:30:44,266 defending the homeland . Thank you 868 00:30:47,240 --> 00:30:49,240 congressman . I just , I would just 869 00:30:49,240 --> 00:30:51,351 echo what General Van Herck said that 870 00:30:51,351 --> 00:30:53,573 combatant commands or demand capability 871 00:30:53,573 --> 00:30:55,629 as soon as they can possibly get and 872 00:30:55,629 --> 00:30:57,740 any continuing resolution that delays 873 00:30:57,740 --> 00:30:57,610 the capability , whether it's testing 874 00:30:57,610 --> 00:31:00,160 or fielding or development is a delay 875 00:31:00,170 --> 00:31:02,170 in our ability to sustain readiness 876 00:31:02,170 --> 00:31:05,400 against an adversary . Mr Mero . 877 00:31:05,410 --> 00:31:08,780 Um , In the um , 878 00:31:08,790 --> 00:31:11,990 2017 India , a fiscal year 2017 , 879 00:31:12,390 --> 00:31:16,200 a um . the secretary of 880 00:31:16,200 --> 00:31:18,800 defense was required to designate a 881 00:31:18,800 --> 00:31:21,210 single entity as a lead acquisition 882 00:31:21,210 --> 00:31:23,543 organization for defending the homeland . 883 00:31:24,040 --> 00:31:26,207 I'm gonna ask you this question in the 884 00:31:26,207 --> 00:31:27,984 general , you are in the unique 885 00:31:27,984 --> 00:31:30,318 position of playing catch with yourself . 886 00:31:30,540 --> 00:31:32,540 Uh , there's a bunch of things that 887 00:31:32,540 --> 00:31:34,651 happened while you were here that you 888 00:31:34,651 --> 00:31:36,990 now have over at the pentagon , um , 889 00:31:37,000 --> 00:31:39,700 things that need to be completed that 890 00:31:39,700 --> 00:31:42,020 or not , um , that you even had a 891 00:31:42,020 --> 00:31:44,242 significant interest in and occurring . 892 00:31:44,242 --> 00:31:46,298 What are some of the priorities that 893 00:31:46,298 --> 00:31:48,520 you have to make sure that the pentagon 894 00:31:48,520 --> 00:31:50,576 finishes and gets over to Congress , 895 00:31:50,576 --> 00:31:52,687 things that you worked to compel them 896 00:31:52,687 --> 00:31:56,560 to do . Ranking member . Thank you . 897 00:31:57,240 --> 00:32:00,750 Yes , it's it's an honor to , to get 898 00:32:00,760 --> 00:32:04,600 sorry . It's an honor to catch those 899 00:32:04,610 --> 00:32:06,850 congressional requirements . Now in my 900 00:32:06,850 --> 00:32:09,490 new position , um , with regard to 901 00:32:09,490 --> 00:32:12,530 designating the single authority for 902 00:32:12,540 --> 00:32:14,818 cruise missile defense of the homeland . 903 00:32:14,818 --> 00:32:16,596 Uh , that is something that the 904 00:32:16,596 --> 00:32:18,818 administration is going to look at . My 905 00:32:18,818 --> 00:32:20,762 understanding is that the previous 906 00:32:20,762 --> 00:32:20,590 administration looked at it and decided 907 00:32:20,590 --> 00:32:23,320 not to designate a single authority . 908 00:32:23,330 --> 00:32:25,108 We do understand that there are 909 00:32:25,108 --> 00:32:27,470 capability gaps . Um , we need to look 910 00:32:27,470 --> 00:32:30,770 at where and how to prioritize cruise 911 00:32:30,770 --> 00:32:32,992 missile defense of the homeland . There 912 00:32:32,992 --> 00:32:35,620 are cost issues . I know the 913 00:32:35,630 --> 00:32:37,797 Congressional Budget Office identified 914 00:32:37,797 --> 00:32:40,800 um significant cost ranging from 75 915 00:32:40,800 --> 00:32:44,660 billion to 8100 and 80 billion over 20 916 00:32:44,660 --> 00:32:46,327 years . So that would include 917 00:32:46,327 --> 00:32:48,970 acquisition , also operates operation , 918 00:32:48,980 --> 00:32:52,540 operate uh operationalization 919 00:32:52,550 --> 00:32:56,530 of the system maintenance um over 920 00:32:56,530 --> 00:32:59,070 the long term . But I think what what 921 00:32:59,070 --> 00:33:00,959 we need to look at is what is the 922 00:33:00,959 --> 00:33:04,130 viability of our capabilities ? What 923 00:33:04,130 --> 00:33:06,297 are the costs and how do we prioritize 924 00:33:06,297 --> 00:33:10,160 um uh that defense . Are you 925 00:33:10,160 --> 00:33:13,060 back ? Thank you . Mr Langevin . 926 00:33:14,940 --> 00:33:17,107 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Can you hear 927 00:33:17,107 --> 00:33:20,170 me ? Okay ? Very good . Thank you . 928 00:33:20,180 --> 00:33:22,180 Thank you . Mr Chairman . I want to 929 00:33:22,180 --> 00:33:24,347 thank our witnesses for your testimony 930 00:33:24,347 --> 00:33:26,430 today . In particular . I want to 931 00:33:26,440 --> 00:33:28,670 welcome back uh welcome to the 932 00:33:28,670 --> 00:33:32,560 committee . Uh Mr Miro . And uh 933 00:33:32,610 --> 00:33:34,450 and I enjoyed your work on the 934 00:33:34,450 --> 00:33:36,561 committee when we work together . And 935 00:33:36,561 --> 00:33:38,394 uh it's really a big loss to the 936 00:33:38,394 --> 00:33:40,117 committee when you left by the 937 00:33:40,117 --> 00:33:42,283 departments gain and I wish you well . 938 00:33:42,283 --> 00:33:44,394 I want everyone for your services are 939 00:33:44,394 --> 00:33:47,230 joined nation . Um , I want to begin on 940 00:33:47,230 --> 00:33:50,880 a directed energy question . Uh , I 941 00:33:50,890 --> 00:33:53,168 have to say I'm really disappointed uh , 942 00:33:53,170 --> 00:33:55,226 that the president's budget canceled 943 00:33:55,226 --> 00:33:57,480 NBA's directed energy program . Uh , 944 00:33:57,490 --> 00:33:59,690 This program provides promising 945 00:33:59,690 --> 00:34:01,746 ballistic missile defense technology 946 00:34:01,746 --> 00:34:03,468 and then really addresses cost 947 00:34:03,468 --> 00:34:06,020 imbalances between offense and defense . 948 00:34:06,030 --> 00:34:09,300 Admiral Hill , uh , who made the 949 00:34:09,300 --> 00:34:11,460 decision to cut the program and why 950 00:34:12,840 --> 00:34:15,062 constantly german . I thank thanks very 951 00:34:15,062 --> 00:34:17,229 much . Great . Great question . Um , I 952 00:34:17,229 --> 00:34:20,250 would say it was a department uh effort 953 00:34:20,260 --> 00:34:22,630 to consolidate directed energy work 954 00:34:22,630 --> 00:34:25,640 within the department . And so I will 955 00:34:25,650 --> 00:34:27,761 uh , you know , work closely with the 956 00:34:27,761 --> 00:34:29,594 under secretary for research and 957 00:34:29,594 --> 00:34:31,817 Engineering and when these capabilities 958 00:34:31,817 --> 00:34:34,020 reach the power levels and the sizing 959 00:34:34,020 --> 00:34:36,410 and levels that that we need being 960 00:34:36,410 --> 00:34:38,440 control stability , lethality 961 00:34:38,450 --> 00:34:41,620 capability , then we will adopt those 962 00:34:41,630 --> 00:34:43,686 technologies and bring them into the 963 00:34:43,686 --> 00:34:45,852 missile defense system . Okay . I'm in 964 00:34:45,852 --> 00:34:47,908 I'm unclear was the decision made or 965 00:34:47,908 --> 00:34:50,019 recommended under this administration 966 00:34:50,019 --> 00:34:52,241 or the previous administrations ? Prior 967 00:34:52,241 --> 00:34:54,408 prior administration ? Yes sir . I say 968 00:34:54,408 --> 00:34:56,850 thank you . Um how how much 969 00:34:56,850 --> 00:34:59,540 transparency and input will you have 970 00:34:59,550 --> 00:35:01,772 into this new arrangement to ensure the 971 00:35:01,772 --> 00:35:03,900 technology fits uh missile defense 972 00:35:03,900 --> 00:35:06,230 requirements ? Yes , sir . Thank you . 973 00:35:06,240 --> 00:35:09,970 Uh I think it's on us to ensure that we 974 00:35:09,970 --> 00:35:12,192 stay close to the undersecretaries lead 975 00:35:12,192 --> 00:35:14,530 for directed energy uh so that we can 976 00:35:14,530 --> 00:35:16,530 influence the requirements so they 977 00:35:16,530 --> 00:35:18,697 understand what our power levels are , 978 00:35:18,697 --> 00:35:20,752 what our concept of operations are , 979 00:35:20,752 --> 00:35:22,974 how we would leverage that technology . 980 00:35:22,974 --> 00:35:25,570 Um I don't see that that's an issue in 981 00:35:25,570 --> 00:35:27,792 terms of having access and transparency 982 00:35:27,792 --> 00:35:29,430 into the road maps and those 983 00:35:29,430 --> 00:35:31,263 capabilities going to industry . 984 00:35:33,640 --> 00:35:36,320 Okay . Um is my understanding that you 985 00:35:36,320 --> 00:35:38,710 have very little transparency into the 986 00:35:38,720 --> 00:35:41,890 into the funding though ? That that is 987 00:35:41,890 --> 00:35:43,980 true . I I don't have a good looking 988 00:35:43,990 --> 00:35:46,101 into the funding . All I know is that 989 00:35:46,101 --> 00:35:48,110 the funding was removed from the 990 00:35:48,120 --> 00:35:51,700 missile defense budget . Um 991 00:35:51,710 --> 00:35:53,940 So I just want to say , I think that 992 00:35:53,940 --> 00:35:55,773 that that decision from the last 993 00:35:55,773 --> 00:35:57,940 administration should be reevaluated . 994 00:35:57,940 --> 00:36:00,330 That's my assessment . Uh if you move 995 00:36:00,330 --> 00:36:03,590 these programs out of your agency , uh 996 00:36:03,600 --> 00:36:05,900 well , I believe that we're gonna keep 997 00:36:05,900 --> 00:36:08,011 them in their labs , the technology , 998 00:36:08,011 --> 00:36:10,610 the labs to test them to death and 999 00:36:10,610 --> 00:36:12,777 they'll never get to the warfighter at 1000 00:36:12,777 --> 00:36:16,390 best . It's wasted money at worst , our 1001 00:36:16,390 --> 00:36:19,040 systems can't keep up with what 1002 00:36:19,040 --> 00:36:22,920 adversaries are developing . So uh the 1003 00:36:22,930 --> 00:36:25,890 decision also cut the dial pumped 1004 00:36:25,900 --> 00:36:29,860 alkaline laser program . Um and I'm 1005 00:36:29,870 --> 00:36:32,420 concerned about that , but um let me 1006 00:36:32,420 --> 00:36:35,440 get to uh something else in another 1007 00:36:35,440 --> 00:36:38,240 area . Um So our adversaries build 1008 00:36:38,240 --> 00:36:40,240 electronic warfare systems that are 1009 00:36:40,240 --> 00:36:42,407 specifically targeted to undermine our 1010 00:36:42,407 --> 00:36:44,573 technological commanding control . And 1011 00:36:44,573 --> 00:36:46,796 it is a special disease general cobbler 1012 00:36:46,796 --> 00:36:49,890 in Admiral Hill . How effective is our 1013 00:36:49,900 --> 00:36:52,610 missile defense network in a contested 1014 00:36:52,620 --> 00:36:54,400 spectrum environment ? And what 1015 00:36:54,410 --> 00:36:57,460 improvements do we need to make ? Okay . 1016 00:36:59,430 --> 00:37:01,700 Thanks congressman . So every day , 1017 00:37:01,710 --> 00:37:04,920 every day uh within our missile defense 1018 00:37:04,920 --> 00:37:06,890 systems that we have , uh we gotta 1019 00:37:06,890 --> 00:37:08,612 practice , we gotta have cyber 1020 00:37:08,612 --> 00:37:10,880 protection . Uh we have resiliency of 1021 00:37:10,880 --> 00:37:13,047 the ballistic missile defense system . 1022 00:37:13,047 --> 00:37:15,730 We collect analyse , report digital 1023 00:37:15,730 --> 00:37:19,030 data . We deploy and maintain our 1024 00:37:19,030 --> 00:37:21,540 network defense tools . We're 1025 00:37:21,540 --> 00:37:24,200 constantly um evaluating our network 1026 00:37:24,210 --> 00:37:26,830 defense operations . And then and then 1027 00:37:26,830 --> 00:37:28,830 we respond to incidents and we work 1028 00:37:28,830 --> 00:37:30,941 very closely with the Missile Defense 1029 00:37:30,941 --> 00:37:33,100 Agency as as any of those potential 1030 00:37:33,100 --> 00:37:35,780 incidents come up . Yeah . Yes , sir . 1031 00:37:35,780 --> 00:37:38,290 And then , uh from my perspective , you 1032 00:37:38,290 --> 00:37:40,068 know , working closely with the 1033 00:37:40,068 --> 00:37:41,846 combatant commands and with the 1034 00:37:41,846 --> 00:37:44,068 operational forces and services because 1035 00:37:44,068 --> 00:37:46,179 all of the , you know , when you look 1036 00:37:46,179 --> 00:37:45,930 at the missile defense system writ 1037 00:37:45,930 --> 00:37:48,890 large , it cuts across all of the above . 1038 00:37:48,900 --> 00:37:50,567 And so we have to do a lot of 1039 00:37:50,567 --> 00:37:52,678 coordination there , but we are doing 1040 00:37:52,678 --> 00:37:55,510 the the overall uh you know , insider 1041 00:37:55,520 --> 00:37:57,464 work , we're doing the adversarial 1042 00:37:57,464 --> 00:37:59,680 assessments , we're just now starting 1043 00:37:59,680 --> 00:38:01,569 to work with D . O . T . Me to do 1044 00:38:01,569 --> 00:38:03,458 something called persistent cyber 1045 00:38:03,458 --> 00:38:05,410 operations . Uh where will be 24 7 1046 00:38:05,410 --> 00:38:07,590 monitoring and in healing the networks 1047 00:38:07,590 --> 00:38:09,920 as we go . Uh For me , I want to know 1048 00:38:09,920 --> 00:38:11,809 where vulnerabilities are . So it 1049 00:38:11,809 --> 00:38:13,864 becomes a very sensitive topic right 1050 00:38:13,864 --> 00:38:15,476 away , but we've got a great 1051 00:38:15,476 --> 00:38:17,698 relationship with the U . S . Cyber com 1052 00:38:17,698 --> 00:38:19,809 with strategic commands , cyber group 1053 00:38:19,809 --> 00:38:21,976 and and of course uh D . O . T . Any . 1054 00:38:21,976 --> 00:38:24,198 So I think we're in a much better place 1055 00:38:24,198 --> 00:38:26,309 if you'd asked me this question about 1056 00:38:26,309 --> 00:38:25,920 three years or so ago we're learning 1057 00:38:25,920 --> 00:38:28,142 how to crawl . We're definitely walking 1058 00:38:28,142 --> 00:38:30,400 very fast right now and almost about 1059 00:38:30,400 --> 00:38:32,622 ready to run as we go into a persistent 1060 00:38:32,622 --> 00:38:34,678 cyber operations . Gentlemen , thank 1061 00:38:34,678 --> 00:38:36,844 you . I know what I'm expired . I have 1062 00:38:36,844 --> 00:38:38,733 some questions for the record . I 1063 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:40,956 appreciate you responding . Thank you . 1064 00:38:40,956 --> 00:38:43,122 Are you back ? Thank you john Wilson , 1065 00:38:43,122 --> 00:38:45,344 thank you Mr Chairman and thank each of 1066 00:38:45,344 --> 00:38:47,233 you for being here today and your 1067 00:38:47,233 --> 00:38:50,460 service for our country uh and Miss uh 1068 00:38:50,470 --> 00:38:53,590 Secretary tomorrow um Israeli families 1069 00:38:53,600 --> 00:38:55,433 face the threat of larger , most 1070 00:38:55,433 --> 00:38:57,267 sophisticated rocket and missile 1071 00:38:57,267 --> 00:39:00,950 arsenals every day provided by Iran to 1072 00:39:00,950 --> 00:39:03,440 Hamas and Hezbollah to address this 1073 00:39:03,440 --> 00:39:05,607 mounting threat . Israel United States 1074 00:39:05,607 --> 00:39:07,607 are working together to develop and 1075 00:39:07,607 --> 00:39:09,829 deploy and multi tiered missile defense 1076 00:39:09,829 --> 00:39:11,980 system . The us Israel memorandum of 1077 00:39:11,980 --> 00:39:14,036 understanding on security assistance 1078 00:39:14,036 --> 00:39:16,430 provides for $500 million dollars in 1079 00:39:16,430 --> 00:39:18,610 funding for annual missile defense 1080 00:39:18,610 --> 00:39:21,030 cooperation with Israel . Do you 1081 00:39:21,040 --> 00:39:23,151 support the continued funding for the 1082 00:39:23,151 --> 00:39:25,440 joint U . S . Israel missile defense 1083 00:39:25,440 --> 00:39:27,890 programs including Iron Dome David's 1084 00:39:27,890 --> 00:39:30,057 Sling and Arrow . And can you speak on 1085 00:39:30,057 --> 00:39:32,200 the progress of the development of 1086 00:39:32,200 --> 00:39:33,140 Arrow four 1087 00:39:36,120 --> 00:39:38,231 Congressman , thank you very much for 1088 00:39:38,231 --> 00:39:40,342 for that question . Yes . Uh there is 1089 00:39:40,342 --> 00:39:43,410 strong support for continuing um those 1090 00:39:43,420 --> 00:39:45,587 those programs um they've had a record 1091 00:39:45,587 --> 00:39:48,670 of success over a long time and and we 1092 00:39:48,670 --> 00:39:50,870 continue our very close collaboration 1093 00:39:50,880 --> 00:39:53,610 and cooperation with Israel . Um I 1094 00:39:53,610 --> 00:39:56,940 think on the details of the development 1095 00:39:56,940 --> 00:39:59,250 of Arrow , I'd like to differ to Vice 1096 00:39:59,250 --> 00:40:02,210 Admiral Hill . Uh Sir Aero Four is 1097 00:40:02,210 --> 00:40:04,620 going very well in terms of laying down 1098 00:40:04,620 --> 00:40:06,750 the requirements for that system . In 1099 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:08,980 fact , as soon as the covid 19 1100 00:40:08,980 --> 00:40:11,280 restrictions lifted , we had a team on 1101 00:40:11,280 --> 00:40:13,447 site working very closely with I . M . 1102 00:40:13,447 --> 00:40:15,613 D . O . To lay out requirements and to 1103 00:40:15,613 --> 00:40:17,669 lay down the development path . So I 1104 00:40:17,669 --> 00:40:19,891 think we're on a good place therefore . 1105 00:40:19,891 --> 00:40:21,891 Thank you very much . And secretary 1106 00:40:21,891 --> 00:40:23,836 tomorrow , another country that is 1107 00:40:23,836 --> 00:40:27,430 under threat and and an 1108 00:40:27,430 --> 00:40:29,597 inventory of short range missiles will 1109 00:40:29,597 --> 00:40:31,819 provide and improve Taiwan's ability to 1110 00:40:31,819 --> 00:40:34,330 deter chinese aggression by incredibly 1111 00:40:34,330 --> 00:40:36,460 disrupting degrading and interdicting 1112 00:40:36,470 --> 00:40:38,910 chinese command and control nodes , 1113 00:40:38,910 --> 00:40:41,630 military airfields , supply depots and 1114 00:40:41,630 --> 00:40:44,140 reinforcements in response to an attack . 1115 00:40:44,150 --> 00:40:45,928 Does the administration support 1116 00:40:45,928 --> 00:40:47,890 Taiwan's ability to defend itself 1117 00:40:47,900 --> 00:40:50,330 through layer deterrence by including 1118 00:40:50,330 --> 00:40:52,140 enhanced missile capability ? 1119 00:40:55,010 --> 00:40:58,250 Uh , Congressman ? We we strong 1120 00:40:58,260 --> 00:41:01,180 strongly support uh , deterrence uh , 1121 00:41:01,180 --> 00:41:03,830 and um , and are investing in 1122 00:41:03,840 --> 00:41:06,950 capabilities um , to deter a chinese 1123 00:41:06,950 --> 00:41:09,680 attack in the area . Okay , thank you 1124 00:41:09,680 --> 00:41:12,790 very much . And additionally , general 1125 00:41:12,790 --> 00:41:16,510 cobbler . Uh I'm grateful that the 1126 00:41:16,510 --> 00:41:19,130 support uh which is provided for 1127 00:41:19,130 --> 00:41:21,600 funding Israel's combat proven iron 1128 00:41:21,600 --> 00:41:24,870 dome system and the Fy 22 1129 00:41:24,880 --> 00:41:26,900 budget requests . The army has 1130 00:41:26,900 --> 00:41:29,340 purchased two iron dome batteries and 1131 00:41:29,340 --> 00:41:31,550 has been reported , the department is 1132 00:41:31,550 --> 00:41:33,661 considering purchasing more . Has the 1133 00:41:33,661 --> 00:41:35,550 army determine where and when the 1134 00:41:35,550 --> 00:41:37,550 batteries will be deployed ? Is the 1135 00:41:37,550 --> 00:41:39,606 army not considering purchasing more 1136 00:41:39,606 --> 00:41:41,661 batteries ? Which parts ? The system 1137 00:41:41,661 --> 00:41:43,550 can be incorporated as part of an 1138 00:41:43,550 --> 00:41:45,494 indirect fires , forced protection 1139 00:41:45,494 --> 00:41:48,600 capability ? Yes , I had a chance to go 1140 00:41:48,600 --> 00:41:50,767 visit the iron dome . Uh , the U . S . 1141 00:41:50,767 --> 00:41:52,720 Army soldiers who are on the two 1142 00:41:52,730 --> 00:41:54,897 batteries worth of iron dome equipment 1143 00:41:54,897 --> 00:41:57,063 up at White Sands missile range . So I 1144 00:41:57,063 --> 00:41:59,119 visit them a couple of months ago as 1145 00:41:59,119 --> 00:42:01,230 they go through their training . Uh , 1146 00:42:01,230 --> 00:42:03,397 at the end of this month , we'll see a 1147 00:42:03,397 --> 00:42:05,508 iron dome live fire executed by those 1148 00:42:05,508 --> 00:42:07,563 soldiers . And they'll wrap up their 1149 00:42:07,563 --> 00:42:07,100 field training exercises and 1150 00:42:07,100 --> 00:42:09,420 certifications with the goal that the 1151 00:42:09,420 --> 00:42:11,370 first battery will be ready for 1152 00:42:11,380 --> 00:42:13,660 worldwide deployment by september of 1153 00:42:13,660 --> 00:42:15,882 this year and then the second battery . 1154 00:42:15,882 --> 00:42:17,938 Shortly thereafter discussions about 1155 00:42:17,938 --> 00:42:19,938 the future employment . I'd like to 1156 00:42:19,938 --> 00:42:22,104 take that into the closed session if I 1157 00:42:22,104 --> 00:42:24,104 could Absolutely gosh , that's very 1158 00:42:24,104 --> 00:42:26,216 encouraging . And uh , Admiral Hill , 1159 00:42:26,216 --> 00:42:28,438 uh , the value of american territory of 1160 00:42:28,438 --> 00:42:30,870 Guam is a key Western pacific theater 1161 00:42:30,880 --> 00:42:33,800 operations , logistical hub for our 1162 00:42:33,800 --> 00:42:36,740 navy , making a a priority target for 1163 00:42:36,740 --> 00:42:38,710 the Chinese Communist Party . The 1164 00:42:38,710 --> 00:42:40,880 missile defense agencies FY 20 to 1165 00:42:40,880 --> 00:42:44,110 request includes 118.3 million to 1166 00:42:44,110 --> 00:42:46,277 develop an architecture for defense of 1167 00:42:46,277 --> 00:42:49,590 Guam . Your agency has not yet actually 1168 00:42:49,590 --> 00:42:51,701 detail what type of system this would 1169 00:42:51,701 --> 00:42:54,320 be given china's increasing hostel 1170 00:42:54,700 --> 00:42:57,000 pressure and the largest peacetime 1171 00:42:57,000 --> 00:42:59,222 military build up in the history of the 1172 00:42:59,222 --> 00:43:01,278 world . When can we expect to have a 1173 00:43:01,278 --> 00:43:03,500 detailed overview of the system and its 1174 00:43:03,500 --> 00:43:05,720 deployment timeline ? Thanks 1175 00:43:05,720 --> 00:43:08,770 congressman . Thanks Mr Wilson . We 1176 00:43:08,770 --> 00:43:11,590 were working at uh very actively last 1177 00:43:11,590 --> 00:43:13,479 night . I mentioned in my opening 1178 00:43:13,479 --> 00:43:15,701 comments discussing this with an A . La 1179 00:43:15,701 --> 00:43:17,757 Colina last night . You'll see those 1180 00:43:17,757 --> 00:43:19,868 details when we deliver the report to 1181 00:43:19,868 --> 00:43:19,810 Congress . We're on path to deliver 1182 00:43:19,810 --> 00:43:21,921 that from M . B . A . To the Cape and 1183 00:43:21,921 --> 00:43:23,921 and have a discussion with Indo pak 1184 00:43:23,921 --> 00:43:26,088 calm within the next couple of weeks . 1185 00:43:26,088 --> 00:43:28,088 I think we we had promised june but 1186 00:43:28,088 --> 00:43:30,310 given the complexity of it , it's gonna 1187 00:43:30,310 --> 00:43:32,254 take us a little bit longer to get 1188 00:43:32,254 --> 00:43:34,421 there . But we will definitely outline 1189 00:43:34,421 --> 00:43:36,754 with the detail based on the threat set , 1190 00:43:36,754 --> 00:43:38,532 which is ballistic , cruise and 1191 00:43:38,532 --> 00:43:40,699 hypersonic . We're going to leverage a 1192 00:43:40,699 --> 00:43:40,580 mature systems and we're going to 1193 00:43:40,580 --> 00:43:43,350 procure those areas that we that we 1194 00:43:43,350 --> 00:43:45,517 need for long lead in order to hit the 1195 00:43:45,517 --> 00:43:47,683 timeline . It's it's a very aggressive 1196 00:43:47,683 --> 00:43:49,794 timeline given where we're at . Thank 1197 00:43:49,794 --> 00:43:51,794 you very much . Yes , sir , are you 1198 00:43:51,794 --> 00:43:54,017 back ? Thanks to gentlemen Mr moulton . 1199 00:43:54,200 --> 00:43:57,110 Uh , Thank you Chairman . Uh , Mhm 1200 00:43:57,500 --> 00:44:00,030 threat detection and reaction time are 1201 00:44:00,030 --> 00:44:02,140 clearly key to effective missile 1202 00:44:02,140 --> 00:44:04,251 defense . And both of those depend on 1203 00:44:04,251 --> 00:44:06,084 software . But it seems that our 1204 00:44:06,084 --> 00:44:07,918 current system of acquisition is 1205 00:44:07,918 --> 00:44:09,807 designed to keep us a step behind 1206 00:44:09,807 --> 00:44:11,918 because we lock into contracts with a 1207 00:44:11,918 --> 00:44:14,140 single company or single consortium for 1208 00:44:14,140 --> 00:44:16,200 years at a time , assuming that that 1209 00:44:16,200 --> 00:44:18,500 company has ability or incentive to 1210 00:44:18,510 --> 00:44:20,690 update the software on the system at 1211 00:44:20,690 --> 00:44:22,830 the speed of relevance , which often 1212 00:44:22,830 --> 00:44:25,700 they don't . The world has long since 1213 00:44:25,700 --> 00:44:28,050 become software centric , but D O . D . 1214 00:44:28,050 --> 00:44:30,560 Is still stuck on hardware determined 1215 00:44:30,560 --> 00:44:32,780 development . So Vice Admiral Hill , 1216 00:44:32,780 --> 00:44:35,002 what is your organization doing to make 1217 00:44:35,002 --> 00:44:37,540 sure that your systems software can be 1218 00:44:37,540 --> 00:44:39,651 upgraded regularly ? Will be upgraded 1219 00:44:39,651 --> 00:44:41,540 regularly ? Because I struggle to 1220 00:44:41,540 --> 00:44:43,707 imagine an area where it would be more 1221 00:44:43,707 --> 00:44:45,873 important to have the fastest and most 1222 00:44:45,873 --> 00:44:48,151 accurate software running our defenses . 1223 00:44:48,151 --> 00:44:50,429 Uh Thanks sir . A great great question . 1224 00:44:50,429 --> 00:44:52,651 And I'll just highlight 22 programs and 1225 00:44:52,651 --> 00:44:54,762 and give you some handsome some other 1226 00:44:54,762 --> 00:44:56,707 areas . Um , We have adopted agile 1227 00:44:56,707 --> 00:44:58,873 software processes across nearly every 1228 00:44:58,873 --> 00:45:00,818 program within the missile defense 1229 00:45:00,818 --> 00:45:02,596 agency in coordination with the 1230 00:45:02,596 --> 00:45:04,596 services . So we've got very strong 1231 00:45:04,596 --> 00:45:06,707 linkages with the Navy on Egypt , for 1232 00:45:06,707 --> 00:45:08,873 example , when you look at the command 1233 00:45:08,873 --> 00:45:11,096 of control battle management , which is 1234 00:45:11,096 --> 00:45:12,762 that hard network that brings 1235 00:45:12,762 --> 00:45:12,720 everything together . That is our all 1236 00:45:12,720 --> 00:45:14,887 domain uh networking that will be tied 1237 00:45:14,887 --> 00:45:17,250 to jazzy to downstream . That is in a 1238 00:45:17,250 --> 00:45:20,300 spiral upgrade that program early on , 1239 00:45:20,300 --> 00:45:22,522 we recognized because of the numbers of 1240 00:45:22,522 --> 00:45:24,790 sensors that change the weapons that 1241 00:45:24,790 --> 00:45:26,957 change along the way that that one has 1242 00:45:26,957 --> 00:45:28,679 to be a spiral and in constant 1243 00:45:28,679 --> 00:45:30,512 evolution . That's another great 1244 00:45:30,512 --> 00:45:32,740 example of very agile quick software 1245 00:45:32,740 --> 00:45:34,910 turns and delivery to the command 1246 00:45:34,910 --> 00:45:36,854 command because that happens to be 1247 00:45:36,854 --> 00:45:39,077 where the warfighter touches the system 1248 00:45:39,077 --> 00:45:41,188 through C two B M C . Uh And then the 1249 00:45:41,188 --> 00:45:43,299 last thing I'll mention is on the new 1250 00:45:43,299 --> 00:45:43,250 contracts for next generation 1251 00:45:43,250 --> 00:45:45,250 interceptor . It's actually written 1252 00:45:45,250 --> 00:45:47,139 into the contract and the program 1253 00:45:47,139 --> 00:45:49,250 offices two of them because we have a 1254 00:45:49,250 --> 00:45:51,306 competition here are definitely tied 1255 00:45:51,306 --> 00:45:53,250 into deficit cops . Uh , the agile 1256 00:45:53,250 --> 00:45:55,583 framework and using digital engineering , 1257 00:45:55,583 --> 00:45:57,639 that's a whole new thing . We've got 1258 00:45:57,639 --> 00:45:59,639 the latest and greatest tools to go 1259 00:45:59,639 --> 00:46:01,528 execute that and that will become 1260 00:46:01,528 --> 00:46:03,694 really the standard that we use across 1261 00:46:03,694 --> 00:46:05,806 the agency That our model if 10 years 1262 00:46:05,806 --> 00:46:08,083 from now within the missile's lifetime , 1263 00:46:08,083 --> 00:46:10,139 a different company has a better has 1264 00:46:10,139 --> 00:46:12,310 better software or you simply have a 1265 00:46:12,310 --> 00:46:14,650 company outside the consortium who has 1266 00:46:14,650 --> 00:46:16,706 a better discriminating radar ? Some 1267 00:46:16,706 --> 00:46:18,817 component like that . Do you have the 1268 00:46:18,817 --> 00:46:21,120 ability to go outside and pick this 1269 00:46:21,120 --> 00:46:23,342 component to add to the medical missile 1270 00:46:23,342 --> 00:46:26,290 system ? Absolutely . We do . Um , and 1271 00:46:26,290 --> 00:46:28,020 so by having modularity as a 1272 00:46:28,020 --> 00:46:30,353 requirement and N . G . I , for example , 1273 00:46:30,353 --> 00:46:32,298 that gives us the ability to go to 1274 00:46:32,298 --> 00:46:34,353 those third parties those innovation 1275 00:46:34,353 --> 00:46:36,520 sites . In fact I'm going to visit the 1276 00:46:36,520 --> 00:46:38,409 United States Navy's forge uh new 1277 00:46:38,409 --> 00:46:40,464 establishment that they have now for 1278 00:46:40,464 --> 00:46:42,687 the Aegis system . And we're gonna talk 1279 00:46:42,687 --> 00:46:44,798 about modularity and the complexities 1280 00:46:44,798 --> 00:46:47,020 of bringing in innovation and the third 1281 00:46:47,020 --> 00:46:49,076 parties . I'm not quite sold that we 1282 00:46:49,076 --> 00:46:50,964 can do that right yet . But we're 1283 00:46:50,964 --> 00:46:53,187 having a very close conversations on on 1284 00:46:53,187 --> 00:46:55,076 incorporating exactly what you're 1285 00:46:55,076 --> 00:46:57,242 talking about . How do we bring in the 1286 00:46:57,242 --> 00:46:59,464 small business ? How do we bring in you 1287 00:46:59,464 --> 00:46:59,390 know different thinking ? Uh Now you 1288 00:46:59,390 --> 00:47:01,446 have to have a structure to that but 1289 00:47:01,446 --> 00:47:03,501 we're working our way through that . 1290 00:47:03,501 --> 00:47:06,370 Okay . Until you've said we rely on 1291 00:47:06,370 --> 00:47:08,314 nuclear deterrence to address more 1292 00:47:08,314 --> 00:47:10,540 complex threats to include near pier 1293 00:47:10,550 --> 00:47:13,230 hypersonic missiles . But I'm concerned 1294 00:47:13,230 --> 00:47:15,286 we do not have a vision for managing 1295 00:47:15,286 --> 00:47:17,508 this emerging threat , that there's not 1296 00:47:17,508 --> 00:47:19,452 potentially increase the risk of a 1297 00:47:19,452 --> 00:47:22,060 nuclear response so far . I've I've 1298 00:47:22,060 --> 00:47:24,171 asked this question a couple of times 1299 00:47:24,171 --> 00:47:26,338 and have yet to receive a satisfactory 1300 00:47:26,338 --> 00:47:28,504 answer on what the department's vision 1301 00:47:28,504 --> 00:47:30,504 is for how we approach the emerging 1302 00:47:30,504 --> 00:47:32,449 threat from hypersonic missiles or 1303 00:47:32,449 --> 00:47:34,616 pursue our own hypersonic capabilities 1304 00:47:34,616 --> 00:47:36,449 in a way that deters rather than 1305 00:47:36,450 --> 00:47:39,910 destabilizes . So by several Hill is 1306 00:47:39,910 --> 00:47:42,132 deterrence still sufficient in the face 1307 00:47:42,132 --> 00:47:44,077 of this evolving capabilities . Uh 1308 00:47:44,077 --> 00:47:46,243 Congressman I think uh policy would be 1309 00:47:46,243 --> 00:47:48,466 better to answer that . I will tell you 1310 00:47:48,466 --> 00:47:50,688 for hypersonic missile defense . We are 1311 00:47:50,688 --> 00:47:53,000 targeting the regional threat . Um and 1312 00:47:53,010 --> 00:47:54,843 but I'll turn it over to to miss 1313 00:47:54,843 --> 00:47:56,732 tomorrow to talk to you about the 1314 00:47:56,732 --> 00:47:59,910 overall policy . Great , thank you . Mr . 1315 00:48:00,000 --> 00:48:02,470 Thank you . Thank you congressman . Uh 1316 00:48:02,480 --> 00:48:04,424 Yes , this is something that we're 1317 00:48:04,424 --> 00:48:06,536 going to take a close look at as part 1318 00:48:06,536 --> 00:48:08,890 of the missile defense review , the 1319 00:48:08,890 --> 00:48:11,180 nuclear posture review . Um and as they 1320 00:48:11,180 --> 00:48:14,350 feed into looking at a more integrated 1321 00:48:14,360 --> 00:48:17,100 approach to deterrence , looking at the 1322 00:48:17,100 --> 00:48:20,550 threats across um domains and looking 1323 00:48:20,550 --> 00:48:23,320 at the risk of escalation . So uh so 1324 00:48:23,320 --> 00:48:26,400 the challenge you um 1325 00:48:26,970 --> 00:48:30,950 alluded to is is one of the Mr 1326 00:48:30,950 --> 00:48:33,172 Merritt . Look , I understand that this 1327 00:48:33,172 --> 00:48:34,728 did not originate with this 1328 00:48:34,728 --> 00:48:36,506 administration that is the last 1329 00:48:36,506 --> 00:48:39,200 administration that has failed to 1330 00:48:39,200 --> 00:48:41,367 develop any strategy here . But let me 1331 00:48:41,367 --> 00:48:43,600 just point out how insane it is to be 1332 00:48:43,600 --> 00:48:45,750 pouring billions of dollars into an 1333 00:48:45,750 --> 00:48:47,890 advanced weapons system that we don't 1334 00:48:47,890 --> 00:48:50,112 know how we're going to use and worse , 1335 00:48:50,112 --> 00:48:52,260 might actually make the turns worse . 1336 00:48:52,270 --> 00:48:55,510 So this has got to be an absolute top 1337 00:48:55,510 --> 00:48:57,670 priority . Mr Chairman , I go back , 1338 00:48:57,680 --> 00:49:00,160 Yes it is . Thank you . Thanks 1339 00:49:00,160 --> 00:49:03,090 gentlemen . Mr uh Lamborn , 1340 00:49:03,770 --> 00:49:06,540 thank you . Mr Chairman Admiral Hill . 1341 00:49:06,540 --> 00:49:10,440 I'm wanting to talk to you about the 44 1342 00:49:10,440 --> 00:49:12,590 deployed ground based interceptors . 1343 00:49:12,970 --> 00:49:16,690 And uh is there a point over the 1344 00:49:16,690 --> 00:49:18,634 next few years in which we will be 1345 00:49:18,634 --> 00:49:21,690 dipping below that number , Congressman 1346 00:49:21,690 --> 00:49:23,579 Lamar , thank you . Great , great 1347 00:49:23,579 --> 00:49:25,134 question . When we had this 1348 00:49:25,134 --> 00:49:27,246 conversation about a year or so ago , 1349 00:49:27,246 --> 00:49:29,301 we saw reliability , uh , you know , 1350 00:49:29,301 --> 00:49:31,412 falling off a lot earlier than what I 1351 00:49:31,412 --> 00:49:33,579 actually believe it will fall off to . 1352 00:49:33,579 --> 00:49:35,579 Uh and that's mostly because of the 1353 00:49:35,579 --> 00:49:35,060 support from Congress and the service 1354 00:49:35,060 --> 00:49:37,282 life extension program . So our ability 1355 00:49:37,282 --> 00:49:39,449 to take those oldest rounds out of the 1356 00:49:39,449 --> 00:49:41,338 ground , you know , there's three 1357 00:49:41,338 --> 00:49:43,560 classes of G . B . The oldest ones have 1358 00:49:43,560 --> 00:49:45,782 never been DM placed . And so by taking 1359 00:49:45,782 --> 00:49:47,671 them out replacing the boosters , 1360 00:49:47,671 --> 00:49:49,893 fixing one shot devices , upgrading the 1361 00:49:49,893 --> 00:49:51,727 process , is updating the threat 1362 00:49:51,727 --> 00:49:54,060 libraries that raises the capability uh , 1363 00:49:54,060 --> 00:49:55,949 from what we have today . So , in 1364 00:49:55,949 --> 00:49:58,116 addition to keeping the number , we're 1365 00:49:58,116 --> 00:50:00,060 now going to increase the capacity 1366 00:50:00,060 --> 00:50:02,116 because the capability goes up . And 1367 00:50:02,116 --> 00:50:04,282 that is something that North . Com can 1368 00:50:04,282 --> 00:50:06,227 consider as they look at assessing 1369 00:50:06,227 --> 00:50:08,449 their shot doctrine . So that the slept 1370 00:50:08,449 --> 00:50:10,393 program very important if you were 1371 00:50:10,393 --> 00:50:10,160 asking about that timeline to get the N . 1372 00:50:10,160 --> 00:50:12,220 G . I . The criticality that 1373 00:50:12,220 --> 00:50:15,130 reliability program uh can't be stated 1374 00:50:15,130 --> 00:50:17,297 more strongly than the fact that we've 1375 00:50:17,297 --> 00:50:19,186 got to do that work so that we're 1376 00:50:19,186 --> 00:50:21,241 hardware based and we really know as 1377 00:50:21,241 --> 00:50:23,408 opposed to the analysis that we showed 1378 00:50:23,408 --> 00:50:25,574 you last year , which was based purely 1379 00:50:25,574 --> 00:50:25,080 on analysis . Now we have hardware by 1380 00:50:25,080 --> 00:50:27,030 which to do that and we have some 1381 00:50:27,030 --> 00:50:29,197 number of those that we've removed all 1382 00:50:29,197 --> 00:50:31,086 ready to do that replacement . So 1383 00:50:31,086 --> 00:50:33,141 there's some period of time where we 1384 00:50:33,141 --> 00:50:35,141 will have a little bit of a dip but 1385 00:50:35,141 --> 00:50:37,252 we'll coordinate that with North come 1386 00:50:37,252 --> 00:50:39,030 before we do that . But again , 1387 00:50:39,030 --> 00:50:40,919 capability being increased is the 1388 00:50:40,919 --> 00:50:43,086 offset . Okay . Thank you . And I want 1389 00:50:43,086 --> 00:50:45,141 to follow up briefly on something my 1390 00:50:45,141 --> 00:50:47,197 friend and colleague James land have 1391 00:50:47,197 --> 00:50:49,419 been brought up and that is funding for 1392 00:50:49,419 --> 00:50:51,690 directed energy . Uh Apparently the 1393 00:50:51,700 --> 00:50:53,930 money there will still be money on this 1394 00:50:53,930 --> 00:50:56,152 research and development in other parts 1395 00:50:56,152 --> 00:50:58,430 of D . O . D . It's just the M . D . A . 1396 00:50:58,660 --> 00:51:01,670 Segment that is being cut for this year . 1397 00:51:01,670 --> 00:51:04,160 Is that correct ? That's correct . So 1398 00:51:04,170 --> 00:51:06,850 because I'm so focused on this mission , 1399 00:51:06,850 --> 00:51:08,830 which is very discreet and has a 1400 00:51:08,840 --> 00:51:11,330 totally union requirement on how we 1401 00:51:11,330 --> 00:51:13,330 would leverage directed energy . It 1402 00:51:13,330 --> 00:51:15,441 just means I have to change the way I 1403 00:51:15,441 --> 00:51:17,497 do business . Right ? So rather than 1404 00:51:17,497 --> 00:51:19,497 direct funding and transitioning to 1405 00:51:19,497 --> 00:51:21,386 industry , I'll rely on the under 1406 00:51:21,386 --> 00:51:23,608 secretary's office to to do that for me 1407 00:51:23,608 --> 00:51:23,450 and then I'm working very closely with 1408 00:51:23,450 --> 00:51:25,561 the service . Is one example would be 1409 00:51:25,561 --> 00:51:27,561 that when the Navy deploys its base 1410 00:51:27,561 --> 00:51:29,561 defense of the lower power directed 1411 00:51:29,561 --> 00:51:31,728 energy , we can take that and use that 1412 00:51:31,728 --> 00:51:33,950 once it matures and and raise the power 1413 00:51:33,950 --> 00:51:35,783 even more to go do the ballistic 1414 00:51:35,783 --> 00:51:37,839 missile defense mission . So it just 1415 00:51:37,839 --> 00:51:40,061 changes the way we do business . Okay . 1416 00:51:40,061 --> 00:51:42,172 Thank you . That that is reassuring . 1417 00:51:42,172 --> 00:51:44,200 And uh , compared to how it first 1418 00:51:44,210 --> 00:51:47,160 appeared and then second along that 1419 00:51:47,160 --> 00:51:49,630 line . Uh , just a comment , I'll make 1420 00:51:49,640 --> 00:51:51,696 not a question . And that is , we'll 1421 00:51:51,696 --> 00:51:53,473 continue to work on cooperative 1422 00:51:53,473 --> 00:51:55,680 programs with the state of Israel on 1423 00:51:55,680 --> 00:51:58,230 joint research and development of 1424 00:51:58,240 --> 00:52:00,518 directed energy in the missile defense , 1425 00:52:00,518 --> 00:52:02,920 especially short term short range 1426 00:52:02,930 --> 00:52:06,690 missiles and rockets . Um , uh , 1427 00:52:06,700 --> 00:52:08,478 Mr miro , I'd like to ask you a 1428 00:52:08,478 --> 00:52:10,533 question . It's great to have you in 1429 00:52:10,533 --> 00:52:12,644 the uh , I guess on that side instead 1430 00:52:12,644 --> 00:52:14,820 of this side of the , of the chairs 1431 00:52:14,820 --> 00:52:18,100 here , but now that the new 1432 00:52:18,100 --> 00:52:20,267 administration is working on a nuclear 1433 00:52:20,267 --> 00:52:22,433 posture review . Do you anticipate any 1434 00:52:22,433 --> 00:52:25,130 changes of policy pursuant to the 1435 00:52:25,130 --> 00:52:27,890 results of that review when that comes 1436 00:52:27,890 --> 00:52:30,223 out compared to the last administration ? 1437 00:52:30,750 --> 00:52:33,320 I mean I think they'll be continuing in 1438 00:52:33,320 --> 00:52:35,600 certain areas change in other areas . 1439 00:52:35,610 --> 00:52:38,830 Um and we're about to start the posture 1440 00:52:38,830 --> 00:52:41,510 review in in a couple of weeks . And so 1441 00:52:41,520 --> 00:52:43,687 that will be , you know , the analysis 1442 00:52:43,687 --> 00:52:47,430 and reviews uh will uh be 1443 00:52:47,430 --> 00:52:49,830 performed over the summer . Uh And so 1444 00:52:49,840 --> 00:52:51,784 what I can tell you is that we are 1445 00:52:51,784 --> 00:52:54,450 going to look at um where there might 1446 00:52:54,460 --> 00:52:56,238 be some change but that will be 1447 00:52:56,238 --> 00:52:58,460 underpinned by analysis uh and thorough 1448 00:52:58,460 --> 00:53:01,120 reviews . Okay . I'll be watching it 1449 00:53:01,130 --> 00:53:03,520 with keen interest , hopefully more 1450 00:53:03,520 --> 00:53:05,950 continuity than than disruption and 1451 00:53:05,950 --> 00:53:09,840 change . Um And lastly , General Van 1452 00:53:09,840 --> 00:53:13,270 Herck , you have previously testified 1453 00:53:13,280 --> 00:53:15,391 that with regard to the current North 1454 00:53:15,391 --> 00:53:18,030 korean I C . B . M . Capabilities , you 1455 00:53:18,030 --> 00:53:19,974 are comfortable with our present , 1456 00:53:19,974 --> 00:53:22,030 comfortable with our present missile 1457 00:53:22,030 --> 00:53:23,890 defense capability , defense , 1458 00:53:25,650 --> 00:53:27,910 a little glitter . But please add time 1459 00:53:27,920 --> 00:53:31,840 back to my clock . But in your best 1460 00:53:31,850 --> 00:53:34,017 judgment , do you still agree with the 1461 00:53:34,017 --> 00:53:36,300 assessment that the North Korean threat 1462 00:53:36,300 --> 00:53:39,440 will begin pacing our homeland defenses 1463 00:53:39,440 --> 00:53:43,080 starting in 2025 . And so we'll need to 1464 00:53:43,080 --> 00:53:45,570 supplement or enhance the current GMD 1465 00:53:45,570 --> 00:53:48,690 system to maintain parody or overmatch . 1466 00:53:48,690 --> 00:53:51,720 Actually , congressman , I believe we 1467 00:53:51,720 --> 00:53:54,060 should talk about a classified forum . 1468 00:53:54,300 --> 00:53:56,467 I'll tell you I'm comfortable with the 1469 00:53:56,467 --> 00:53:58,522 programs that we have in place right 1470 00:53:58,522 --> 00:54:00,744 now for the next generation interceptor 1471 00:54:00,744 --> 00:54:02,689 Fielding by 2028 with incentives , 1472 00:54:02,689 --> 00:54:04,744 incentives to pull further left . If 1473 00:54:04,744 --> 00:54:06,967 Abel between the two companies that are 1474 00:54:06,967 --> 00:54:09,189 competing , happy to discuss further in 1475 00:54:09,189 --> 00:54:11,411 a classified environment . Okay , thank 1476 00:54:11,411 --> 00:54:13,633 you very much . Mr Chairman of Quebec . 1477 00:54:13,633 --> 00:54:17,170 Thank you . Mr Morelli . Thank you . Mr . 1478 00:54:17,170 --> 00:54:19,226 Chairman and thank you to uh all the 1479 00:54:19,226 --> 00:54:22,160 witnesses for their uh expertise , 1480 00:54:22,170 --> 00:54:24,114 their time and and certainly their 1481 00:54:24,114 --> 00:54:26,337 service to the country . I had a couple 1482 00:54:26,337 --> 00:54:28,880 of uh just brief questions if I can . 1483 00:54:28,880 --> 00:54:31,040 For general Van Herrick . 1484 00:54:31,050 --> 00:54:34,870 Uh by the way , thank you general for 1485 00:54:34,880 --> 00:54:38,650 uh engaged in uh appreciate our offline 1486 00:54:38,650 --> 00:54:41,400 conversation a great deal . Uh 1487 00:54:41,410 --> 00:54:44,600 yesterday I was reflecting on it and I 1488 00:54:44,600 --> 00:54:46,767 think you and I were talking about the 1489 00:54:46,767 --> 00:54:48,711 nature of conflict having become a 1490 00:54:48,711 --> 00:54:50,933 global engagement . And I was I think I 1491 00:54:50,933 --> 00:54:52,822 was commenting as I'm new to this 1492 00:54:52,822 --> 00:54:55,000 committee about the combatant commands 1493 00:54:55,000 --> 00:54:57,420 being more regional in nature . And we 1494 00:54:57,420 --> 00:54:59,587 were having this conversation as I was 1495 00:54:59,587 --> 00:55:01,753 reflecting , I wondered if I could ask 1496 00:55:01,753 --> 00:55:03,698 you to just talk a little bit more 1497 00:55:03,698 --> 00:55:05,950 about the nature of it , how it is 1498 00:55:05,950 --> 00:55:08,061 really become a global engagement and 1499 00:55:08,061 --> 00:55:10,172 our combatant commands are structured 1500 00:55:10,172 --> 00:55:12,080 regionally . But could you talk a 1501 00:55:12,080 --> 00:55:14,136 little bit more about how you see it 1502 00:55:14,136 --> 00:55:16,160 and specifically how having domain 1503 00:55:16,160 --> 00:55:18,350 awareness is a critical element to the 1504 00:55:18,350 --> 00:55:20,461 success of that global engagement and 1505 00:55:20,461 --> 00:55:22,350 then a little bit maybe about the 1506 00:55:22,350 --> 00:55:24,517 challenge is potentially that it poses 1507 00:55:24,517 --> 00:55:27,970 for you , congressman . Absolutely . So 1508 00:55:28,340 --> 00:55:31,580 in today's uh global environment , what 1509 00:55:31,580 --> 00:55:33,810 you see is all problems for the most 1510 00:55:33,810 --> 00:55:35,754 part especially with the Russia or 1511 00:55:35,754 --> 00:55:37,921 china . But even with the invention of 1512 00:55:37,921 --> 00:55:39,550 the internet and non kinetic 1513 00:55:39,550 --> 00:55:42,490 capabilities , even uh rogue state 1514 00:55:42,490 --> 00:55:44,546 actors or even non state actors have 1515 00:55:44,546 --> 00:55:46,712 the potential to have global influence 1516 00:55:46,712 --> 00:55:48,879 through their activities both in a day 1517 00:55:48,879 --> 00:55:50,990 to day competition and in crisis . My 1518 00:55:50,990 --> 00:55:53,101 homeland defense design doesn't start 1519 00:55:53,101 --> 00:55:55,268 with defending the homeland inside the 1520 00:55:55,268 --> 00:55:55,160 borders of the North America or the 1521 00:55:55,160 --> 00:55:57,382 United States . It actually starts from 1522 00:55:57,382 --> 00:55:59,940 a global perspective relying on my 1523 00:55:59,940 --> 00:56:01,940 fellow combatant commanders , other 1524 00:56:01,940 --> 00:56:04,760 nations such as NATO Nations and our 1525 00:56:04,770 --> 00:56:06,992 allies and partners around the globe to 1526 00:56:06,992 --> 00:56:08,881 have domain awareness . They have 1527 00:56:08,881 --> 00:56:10,937 sensors and capabilities . And if we 1528 00:56:10,937 --> 00:56:12,881 share information from under C2 on 1529 00:56:12,881 --> 00:56:14,992 orbit to include human information to 1530 00:56:14,992 --> 00:56:17,103 give us a global picture will be in a 1531 00:56:17,103 --> 00:56:19,270 much better position . So our homeland 1532 00:56:19,270 --> 00:56:21,270 defense design focuses that way . I 1533 00:56:21,270 --> 00:56:24,170 hope that helps clarify . Yeah , I'm 1534 00:56:24,170 --> 00:56:27,170 just um any challenges that poses Or do 1535 00:56:27,170 --> 00:56:29,940 you feel as though the design is 1536 00:56:29,940 --> 00:56:32,500 sufficient ? There's enough situational 1537 00:56:32,500 --> 00:56:35,990 awareness that the regional Combatant 1538 00:56:35,990 --> 00:56:39,210 command approach can sufficiently meet 1539 00:56:39,210 --> 00:56:42,660 those global challenges . Congressman 1540 00:56:42,670 --> 00:56:45,660 from a domain awareness perspective , I 1541 00:56:45,670 --> 00:56:48,390 still I still see challenges . That's 1542 00:56:48,390 --> 00:56:51,620 why you'll see in my unfunded priority 1543 00:56:51,620 --> 00:56:54,410 list after we saw the FY22 budget is 1544 00:56:54,410 --> 00:56:56,460 for uh the top of it is over the 1545 00:56:56,460 --> 00:56:58,571 horizon radar capabilities to give us 1546 00:56:58,571 --> 00:57:00,920 that global domain awareness . The the 1547 00:57:00,920 --> 00:57:03,031 competitors have extended their range 1548 00:57:03,031 --> 00:57:05,364 to be able to hold our homeland at risk . 1549 00:57:05,364 --> 00:57:07,420 In addition to that , you see arctic 1550 00:57:07,420 --> 00:57:09,587 communications on my unfunded priority 1551 00:57:09,587 --> 00:57:11,642 list , which gives us the ability to 1552 00:57:11,642 --> 00:57:13,753 share data globally uh and to operate 1553 00:57:13,753 --> 00:57:15,809 in the arctic . The same thing is uh 1554 00:57:15,809 --> 00:57:17,920 has represented our uh ranking member 1555 00:57:17,920 --> 00:57:19,920 tournament . Shinde is the elevated 1556 00:57:19,920 --> 00:57:21,920 radar as well . Here is an unfunded 1557 00:57:21,920 --> 00:57:23,809 priority to give domain awareness 1558 00:57:23,809 --> 00:57:25,920 against potential cruise missiles and 1559 00:57:25,920 --> 00:57:28,540 finally over the horizon polar radar 1560 00:57:28,540 --> 00:57:31,270 capabilities . So I think there's room 1561 00:57:31,270 --> 00:57:34,230 to grow . Uh I'm encouraged by the 1562 00:57:34,240 --> 00:57:36,407 budget for ballistic missile defense . 1563 00:57:36,407 --> 00:57:38,407 I think we have room to grow cruise 1564 00:57:38,407 --> 00:57:40,573 missile defense domain awareness . I'm 1565 00:57:40,573 --> 00:57:42,740 also encouraged with what the navy did 1566 00:57:42,740 --> 00:57:44,518 with regards to undersea domain 1567 00:57:44,518 --> 00:57:46,407 awareness . With almost a billion 1568 00:57:46,407 --> 00:57:48,240 dollars in their undersea domain 1569 00:57:48,240 --> 00:57:51,680 awareness . Um In just a little more 1570 00:57:51,680 --> 00:57:54,400 than a minute that I have general , we 1571 00:57:54,400 --> 00:57:56,410 talked quite a bit about ballistic 1572 00:57:56,410 --> 00:57:58,577 missile threats . Can you talk to me a 1573 00:57:58,577 --> 00:58:00,632 little bit more about cruise missile 1574 00:58:00,632 --> 00:58:04,090 threats ? Um , and has that changed 1575 00:58:04,090 --> 00:58:06,860 over the last few decades ? And there's 1576 00:58:06,860 --> 00:58:09,082 anything we should be concerned about , 1577 00:58:09,082 --> 00:58:11,249 Anything that you're concerned about , 1578 00:58:11,320 --> 00:58:14,310 congressman . Absolutely . Uh Russia 1579 00:58:14,310 --> 00:58:16,366 has developed the capability through 1580 00:58:16,366 --> 00:58:18,588 long range cruise missiles that provide 1581 00:58:18,588 --> 00:58:20,810 a very low radar cross section that are 1582 00:58:20,810 --> 00:58:23,032 incredibly challenging to detect to our 1583 00:58:23,032 --> 00:58:25,254 legacy north warning system uh , and to 1584 00:58:25,254 --> 00:58:27,477 our platforms that exist today . That's 1585 00:58:27,477 --> 00:58:29,643 why , again , domain awareness is as a 1586 00:58:29,643 --> 00:58:31,810 priority for me to give us that longer 1587 00:58:31,810 --> 00:58:33,866 range ability uh , to detect that in 1588 00:58:33,866 --> 00:58:35,921 the not too distant future . 5 to 10 1589 00:58:35,921 --> 00:58:37,699 years china will be in the same 1590 00:58:37,699 --> 00:58:39,477 position . Russia has developed 1591 00:58:39,477 --> 00:58:41,960 capabilities from undersea with their 1592 00:58:41,960 --> 00:58:45,190 advanced , very quiet nearly on par 1593 00:58:45,190 --> 00:58:47,920 with our submarines , uh , to feel that 1594 00:58:47,920 --> 00:58:50,660 capability and their bombers uh to 1595 00:58:50,660 --> 00:58:52,590 include polar over the rising 1596 00:58:52,590 --> 00:58:54,740 capabilities and and also surface 1597 00:58:54,740 --> 00:58:57,690 vessels . So I'm very uh concerned 1598 00:58:57,690 --> 00:58:59,912 about the cruise missile defense of the 1599 00:58:59,912 --> 00:59:01,968 homeland and something we could talk 1600 00:59:01,968 --> 00:59:04,134 more about in the classified session . 1601 00:59:04,134 --> 00:59:06,134 Sure , Well , I look , I appreciate 1602 00:59:06,134 --> 00:59:08,468 very much your insights and MR chairman . 1603 00:59:08,468 --> 00:59:11,180 I appreciate the opportunity to uh 1604 00:59:11,190 --> 00:59:13,980 offer those uh those questions and with 1605 00:59:13,980 --> 00:59:16,890 that I yield back . Thank you . I thank 1606 00:59:16,890 --> 00:59:19,168 the gentleman is down to the final 2nd . 1607 00:59:19,168 --> 00:59:21,330 Congratulations . Mr brooks . 1608 00:59:24,220 --> 00:59:26,387 Thank you . Mr . Chairman Vice Admiral 1609 00:59:26,387 --> 00:59:28,553 Hill . The Missile Defense Agency will 1610 00:59:28,553 --> 00:59:30,720 be undertaking a new major development 1611 00:59:30,720 --> 00:59:32,498 effort with the next generation 1612 00:59:32,498 --> 00:59:34,664 interceptor program while concurrently 1613 00:59:34,664 --> 00:59:36,887 restructuring the existing ground based 1614 00:59:36,887 --> 00:59:39,109 interceptor program going from a single 1615 00:59:39,109 --> 00:59:41,550 contract to multiple contracts . What 1616 00:59:41,550 --> 00:59:43,717 assurances can you give this committee 1617 00:59:43,717 --> 00:59:46,220 that the M . D . A . S approaching this 1618 00:59:46,220 --> 00:59:48,540 program transition away That reduces 1619 00:59:48,540 --> 00:59:50,840 risk while continuing to meet or exceed 1620 00:59:50,840 --> 00:59:53,180 the current schedule . Thank Thanks 1621 00:59:53,180 --> 00:59:56,550 congressman brooks . The uh we we did a 1622 00:59:56,560 --> 00:59:58,870 top down bottoms up restructuring of 1623 00:59:58,880 --> 01:00:01,410 missile defense agency writ large at 1624 01:00:01,410 --> 01:00:03,920 the beginning of 2020 . A lot of folks 1625 01:00:03,920 --> 01:00:06,142 call it M . D A two point . Uh And what 1626 01:00:06,142 --> 01:00:08,253 what we mean by that is when we stood 1627 01:00:08,253 --> 01:00:10,420 up the two contracts as we prepared to 1628 01:00:10,420 --> 01:00:12,364 make that award , we have to start 1629 01:00:12,364 --> 01:00:14,309 early on constructing two separate 1630 01:00:14,309 --> 01:00:16,031 program offices with the right 1631 01:00:16,031 --> 01:00:17,976 certified board leaders that we're 1632 01:00:17,976 --> 01:00:20,031 gonna be in charge of . That put all 1633 01:00:20,031 --> 01:00:22,142 the uh conflict of interest issues on 1634 01:00:22,142 --> 01:00:24,198 the table , make sure we had all the 1635 01:00:24,198 --> 01:00:25,920 firewalls up . We brought in a 1636 01:00:25,920 --> 01:00:28,087 technical direction agent , uh new for 1637 01:00:28,087 --> 01:00:30,198 the GMD program , uh , so that we can 1638 01:00:30,198 --> 01:00:32,420 leverage the yorks and FFR DCs bringing 1639 01:00:32,420 --> 01:00:34,476 that additional talent coming in . I 1640 01:00:34,476 --> 01:00:36,587 mentioned before that we're moving to 1641 01:00:36,587 --> 01:00:38,698 Digital Engineering and def sec ops . 1642 01:00:38,698 --> 01:00:40,698 We we are that program , to me is a 1643 01:00:40,698 --> 01:00:42,864 model program within the Department of 1644 01:00:42,864 --> 01:00:44,864 Defense in terms of how we're doing 1645 01:00:44,864 --> 01:00:46,809 business . Two contracts competing 1646 01:00:46,809 --> 01:00:49,240 pressure on industry reducing risks . 1647 01:00:49,240 --> 01:00:51,240 We're seeing Iraq investments being 1648 01:00:51,240 --> 01:00:53,462 made in the critical areas that we were 1649 01:00:53,462 --> 01:00:55,684 concerned about when we're with dealing 1650 01:00:55,684 --> 01:00:57,851 with the R . K . B . Program . Uh , so 1651 01:00:57,851 --> 01:00:57,510 I think we've got it right . Plus we've 1652 01:00:57,510 --> 01:00:59,566 got a great set of operational needs 1653 01:00:59,566 --> 01:01:01,510 statements coming from the Command 1654 01:01:01,510 --> 01:01:03,510 command . We've got a strong set of 1655 01:01:03,510 --> 01:01:03,150 requirements that were endorsed by the 1656 01:01:03,150 --> 01:01:05,950 J Rock . This is a new and different 1657 01:01:05,960 --> 01:01:08,050 next generation interceptor and uh , 1658 01:01:08,050 --> 01:01:10,328 and I think we're poised to take it on . 1659 01:01:10,328 --> 01:01:12,439 We've got the right professional team 1660 01:01:12,439 --> 01:01:14,550 in place . Another question unrelated 1661 01:01:14,550 --> 01:01:16,717 to the previous one , china is rapidly 1662 01:01:16,717 --> 01:01:18,883 developing multiple hypersonic weapons 1663 01:01:18,883 --> 01:01:20,606 systems . America's developing 1664 01:01:20,606 --> 01:01:22,980 hypersonic missile defense programs at 1665 01:01:22,980 --> 01:01:25,420 the speed of relevance is necessary to 1666 01:01:25,420 --> 01:01:27,650 deter chinese aggression and defend 1667 01:01:27,650 --> 01:01:30,250 against future attacks . The missile 1668 01:01:30,260 --> 01:01:32,750 defense agencies unfunded priority list 1669 01:01:32,750 --> 01:01:35,140 for fiscal year 2022 includes a request 1670 01:01:35,140 --> 01:01:37,251 for additional funding for hypersonic 1671 01:01:37,251 --> 01:01:39,196 missile defense efforts . Will you 1672 01:01:39,196 --> 01:01:41,251 please share with this committee how 1673 01:01:41,251 --> 01:01:43,418 the requested funding would accelerate 1674 01:01:43,418 --> 01:01:45,584 development of this capability ? Yes , 1675 01:01:45,584 --> 01:01:47,696 sir . And if we were to rewind and go 1676 01:01:47,696 --> 01:01:49,751 go to last year , we were focused on 1677 01:01:49,751 --> 01:01:51,918 the science technology of operating in 1678 01:01:51,918 --> 01:01:53,918 that very unique environment of the 1679 01:01:53,918 --> 01:01:56,140 glide phase . But after viewing many of 1680 01:01:56,140 --> 01:01:58,196 those uh real world flight events to 1681 01:01:58,196 --> 01:02:00,940 include , you know , actually US test 1682 01:02:00,940 --> 01:02:03,162 events . We were able to show that with 1683 01:02:03,162 --> 01:02:05,384 our our models of the systems which are 1684 01:02:05,384 --> 01:02:07,551 very high fidelity that we can in fact 1685 01:02:07,551 --> 01:02:09,662 close the fire control loops . And so 1686 01:02:09,662 --> 01:02:09,610 one of the reasons we're focused right 1687 01:02:09,610 --> 01:02:12,750 now on the Aegis capability . With this 1688 01:02:12,750 --> 01:02:14,861 proven engage on remote capability is 1689 01:02:14,870 --> 01:02:16,870 the fact that we can track in glide 1690 01:02:16,870 --> 01:02:18,870 phase . We can have a ship upstream 1691 01:02:18,870 --> 01:02:18,790 before you ever get the space 1692 01:02:18,790 --> 01:02:21,012 constellation in place , pass that data 1693 01:02:21,012 --> 01:02:23,068 to a ship and close the fire control 1694 01:02:23,068 --> 01:02:25,290 loop . So what's what's missing in that 1695 01:02:25,290 --> 01:02:27,512 equation is the interceptor . Um and so 1696 01:02:27,512 --> 01:02:29,568 we put out a broad area announcement 1697 01:02:29,568 --> 01:02:31,679 earlier this year and then in P . B . 1698 01:02:31,679 --> 01:02:33,623 22 you see an acceleration of that 1699 01:02:33,623 --> 01:02:35,679 program . So moving away from an S . 1700 01:02:35,679 --> 01:02:37,846 And T . Program that was focused in on 1701 01:02:37,846 --> 01:02:40,068 the mid thirties to a program that's on 1702 01:02:40,068 --> 01:02:42,012 the program that's focused on this 1703 01:02:42,012 --> 01:02:44,560 decade . And and so that's that's what 1704 01:02:44,560 --> 01:02:46,671 we're doing . So when you look at the 1705 01:02:46,671 --> 01:02:49,460 plus up area that will continue some of 1706 01:02:49,460 --> 01:02:52,300 the parallel work to reduce risk in 1707 01:02:52,300 --> 01:02:55,060 that program . Can you update the 1708 01:02:55,060 --> 01:02:56,782 committee on the status of the 1709 01:02:56,782 --> 01:02:59,110 hypersonic and ballistic tracking space 1710 01:02:59,110 --> 01:03:01,530 sensor capability which is absolutely 1711 01:03:01,530 --> 01:03:03,419 necessary for tracking hypersonic 1712 01:03:03,419 --> 01:03:05,141 missile threats from launching 1713 01:03:05,141 --> 01:03:07,363 throughout the missile's flight . Yes , 1714 01:03:07,363 --> 01:03:09,530 sir . Thank thank you for asking about 1715 01:03:09,530 --> 01:03:11,586 hB TSS hypersonic ballistic tracking 1716 01:03:11,586 --> 01:03:13,808 space sensor . So as you know , we took 1717 01:03:13,808 --> 01:03:15,919 a very measured approach to this . We 1718 01:03:15,919 --> 01:03:18,030 started with a number of companies in 1719 01:03:18,030 --> 01:03:17,840 the concept of development . Then we 1720 01:03:17,840 --> 01:03:20,062 neck down to four companies that we put 1721 01:03:20,062 --> 01:03:21,784 through what we call a clutter 1722 01:03:21,784 --> 01:03:25,010 management demo which meant were coming 1723 01:03:25,010 --> 01:03:27,121 from space , looking down on the Warm 1724 01:03:27,121 --> 01:03:29,288 Earth at warm targets . You know , and 1725 01:03:29,288 --> 01:03:31,232 could we develop the algorithms to 1726 01:03:31,232 --> 01:03:33,566 extract those targets out of that scene ? 1727 01:03:33,566 --> 01:03:35,510 And we were very successful in the 1728 01:03:35,510 --> 01:03:37,621 ground . So where we are now is we've 1729 01:03:37,621 --> 01:03:39,843 down selected to to contractors . So we 1730 01:03:39,843 --> 01:03:42,010 have a competitive approach again . So 1731 01:03:42,010 --> 01:03:41,550 to to companies in N . G . I . We've 1732 01:03:41,550 --> 01:03:43,606 got two companies on the glide phase 1733 01:03:43,606 --> 01:03:45,606 interceptor program and we have two 1734 01:03:45,606 --> 01:03:47,717 companies on H . B . T . S . S . That 1735 01:03:47,717 --> 01:03:49,828 that competitive pressure . And we're 1736 01:03:49,828 --> 01:03:51,939 gonna put two of those up in orbit In 1737 01:03:51,939 --> 01:03:54,106 Fy 23 . 2 different companies with the 1738 01:03:54,106 --> 01:03:56,106 requirement to be interoperable and 1739 01:03:56,106 --> 01:03:55,890 we're going to connect them to our 1740 01:03:55,890 --> 01:03:58,168 flight tests in the Indo pak um region . 1741 01:03:58,168 --> 01:04:00,223 So uh H . P . T . S . S . On path to 1742 01:04:00,223 --> 01:04:03,230 get to demo on orbit in Fy 23 . Thank 1743 01:04:03,230 --> 01:04:05,452 you . Mr Chairman . I see . Only have a 1744 01:04:05,452 --> 01:04:08,100 few seconds left . I'll yield back . We 1745 01:04:08,100 --> 01:04:10,650 appreciate the extra 16 seconds there . 1746 01:04:10,650 --> 01:04:14,350 Mr horse food . Yeah thank you . Mr 1747 01:04:14,350 --> 01:04:16,572 Chairman and thank you to our witnesses 1748 01:04:16,572 --> 01:04:18,930 for testifying today . It's really 1749 01:04:18,940 --> 01:04:20,773 great to have your expertise and 1750 01:04:20,773 --> 01:04:23,610 insight . It's been very informative . 1751 01:04:24,090 --> 01:04:27,260 Vice Admiral Admiral Hill in March of 1752 01:04:27,270 --> 01:04:30,180 2018 . General heightened testified to 1753 01:04:30,180 --> 01:04:32,480 the Senate Armed Services Committee and 1754 01:04:32,480 --> 01:04:34,480 when it when it comes to hypersonic 1755 01:04:34,480 --> 01:04:37,940 weapons specifically china's DF 17 1756 01:04:37,950 --> 01:04:40,920 hypersonic boost glide vehicle . Quote , 1757 01:04:41,190 --> 01:04:43,246 we don't have any defense that would 1758 01:04:43,246 --> 01:04:45,301 deny the employment of such a weapon 1759 01:04:45,301 --> 01:04:48,640 against us . Last week , you testify to 1760 01:04:48,640 --> 01:04:51,250 the same committee that the Aegis sea 1761 01:04:51,250 --> 01:04:53,610 based terminal is quote the first 1762 01:04:53,610 --> 01:04:56,510 regional help yourself . 1763 01:04:57,190 --> 01:05:00,420 They can hear you right now . No , 1764 01:05:02,590 --> 01:05:06,200 we can hear you . Okay . Last 1765 01:05:06,200 --> 01:05:08,650 week you you testify to the same 1766 01:05:08,650 --> 01:05:11,010 committee that the S . C . Based 1767 01:05:11,010 --> 01:05:13,390 terminal is quote the first regional 1768 01:05:13,390 --> 01:05:15,930 hypersonic missile defense capability 1769 01:05:15,940 --> 01:05:17,884 that is deployed with the aircraft 1770 01:05:17,884 --> 01:05:20,230 carrier strike groups today . And it's 1771 01:05:20,230 --> 01:05:22,397 important that we have that capability 1772 01:05:22,397 --> 01:05:24,960 now because the hypersonic threat is 1773 01:05:24,960 --> 01:05:27,610 there now . So my understanding is that 1774 01:05:27,620 --> 01:05:30,210 last operational test of the Aegis 1775 01:05:30,210 --> 01:05:34,040 system and the E . S . Uh sm 1776 01:05:34,040 --> 01:05:36,750 three blocks to a interceptor was 1777 01:05:36,750 --> 01:05:39,190 conducted in november 2020 against a 1778 01:05:39,190 --> 01:05:42,420 simple ballistic I . C . B . M 1779 01:05:42,430 --> 01:05:46,000 threat during F . T . M . 44 . 1780 01:05:46,290 --> 01:05:48,123 So I'm curious if any additional 1781 01:05:48,123 --> 01:05:50,150 advancements have been made since 1782 01:05:50,150 --> 01:05:52,960 General heightens 2018 testament 1783 01:05:52,970 --> 01:05:55,780 testimony that have changed the D . O . 1784 01:05:55,780 --> 01:05:58,002 D . S . Assessment of the effectiveness 1785 01:05:58,002 --> 01:06:00,230 of Egypt's against the hypersonic 1786 01:06:00,240 --> 01:06:02,407 threat . Okay , constant . Thank you . 1787 01:06:02,407 --> 01:06:04,629 So I'm going to separate two things for 1788 01:06:04,629 --> 01:06:06,573 you . F . T . M 44 with an S . And 1789 01:06:06,573 --> 01:06:08,684 three is a mid course engagement of a 1790 01:06:08,684 --> 01:06:10,740 ballistic missile so that's separate 1791 01:06:10,740 --> 01:06:12,629 and distinct when I say Cee Biggs 1792 01:06:12,629 --> 01:06:14,796 terminal that is leveraging the SM six 1793 01:06:14,796 --> 01:06:17,018 missile down in the atmosphere where it 1794 01:06:17,018 --> 01:06:19,129 was where it is maneuvering and going 1795 01:06:19,129 --> 01:06:21,240 after a high value unit . And I think 1796 01:06:21,240 --> 01:06:20,870 that's what your questions are really 1797 01:06:20,870 --> 01:06:23,110 centered on . We're on what we call 1798 01:06:23,120 --> 01:06:26,280 increments to today with a upgraded 1799 01:06:26,280 --> 01:06:28,330 version of S . M . Six and we're 1800 01:06:28,330 --> 01:06:30,330 testing that over the course of the 1801 01:06:30,330 --> 01:06:32,710 next year . Uh increment three will 1802 01:06:32,710 --> 01:06:35,043 bring in a broader set of those threats . 1803 01:06:35,043 --> 01:06:37,099 So it was a true statement last year 1804 01:06:37,099 --> 01:06:39,099 because what we're really designing 1805 01:06:39,099 --> 01:06:41,154 against in the early increments , it 1806 01:06:41,154 --> 01:06:43,210 was against the maneuvering threat , 1807 01:06:43,210 --> 01:06:44,932 but it was still pretty much a 1808 01:06:44,932 --> 01:06:46,766 ballistic missile . But when you 1809 01:06:46,766 --> 01:06:46,670 actually take a look at the maneuver 1810 01:06:46,670 --> 01:06:48,837 space of where we are today . And with 1811 01:06:48,837 --> 01:06:50,948 the increment to capability , that is 1812 01:06:50,948 --> 01:06:52,850 hypersonic threat because it is 1813 01:06:52,850 --> 01:06:54,940 maneuvering at very high Gs and it's 1814 01:06:54,950 --> 01:06:57,061 going at a very high speed . So we're 1815 01:06:57,061 --> 01:06:59,283 building upon that , that is that first 1816 01:06:59,283 --> 01:07:01,394 layer . And when I talk about a glide 1817 01:07:01,394 --> 01:07:03,617 phase interceptor , that is the layered 1818 01:07:03,617 --> 01:07:05,839 defense to where we go after it earlier 1819 01:07:05,839 --> 01:07:08,006 in the trajectory before it comes down 1820 01:07:08,006 --> 01:07:10,006 into the atmosphere and becomes the 1821 01:07:10,006 --> 01:07:12,061 maneuvering problem . Does that make 1822 01:07:12,061 --> 01:07:14,730 sense ? So as a mission capable kill 1823 01:07:14,730 --> 01:07:16,770 vehicle for currently filled at 1824 01:07:16,770 --> 01:07:19,380 hypersonic weapons is the 1825 01:07:19,390 --> 01:07:22,780 interceptor capable 1826 01:07:22,790 --> 01:07:26,060 of performing this function . It is 1827 01:07:26,070 --> 01:07:28,710 capable of performing that function in 1828 01:07:28,710 --> 01:07:30,960 the atmosphere against a series of 1829 01:07:30,960 --> 01:07:33,650 threats . And its limit would be the 1830 01:07:33,660 --> 01:07:35,993 airframe which I can't talk about today . 1831 01:07:37,480 --> 01:07:40,840 And that question for miss uh tomorrow 1832 01:07:40,850 --> 01:07:43,350 other than the deployed Egypt systems , 1833 01:07:43,360 --> 01:07:45,527 how are we currently defending against 1834 01:07:45,527 --> 01:07:47,850 or mitigating the hypersonic threat for 1835 01:07:47,850 --> 01:07:50,030 our forces deployed in the end of 1836 01:07:50,030 --> 01:07:50,710 pacific 1837 01:07:54,280 --> 01:07:58,220 congressman ? So uh we are uh 1838 01:07:58,230 --> 01:08:00,397 as mentioned focusing the priority for 1839 01:08:00,397 --> 01:08:02,490 hypersonic defense as as a regional 1840 01:08:02,490 --> 01:08:05,890 threat . We're also looking at um 1841 01:08:06,270 --> 01:08:08,860 uh increasing the defense of Guam as 1842 01:08:08,860 --> 01:08:12,790 well uh in the context of a conflict in 1843 01:08:12,790 --> 01:08:15,160 the indo pacific uh And so those are 1844 01:08:15,160 --> 01:08:18,960 all uh capabilities that are 1845 01:08:18,970 --> 01:08:21,750 being further studied uh and looked at 1846 01:08:21,750 --> 01:08:25,460 both uh from the missile defense agency 1847 01:08:25,470 --> 01:08:28,720 uh and also with the Office of Cost 1848 01:08:28,720 --> 01:08:31,920 Assessment um and program evaluation uh 1849 01:08:31,930 --> 01:08:35,490 And so increasing those investments 1850 01:08:35,500 --> 01:08:38,430 and prioritizing capabilities will fit 1851 01:08:38,430 --> 01:08:42,250 into Um the FY 23 um budget 1852 01:08:42,250 --> 01:08:46,250 request . Thank you . Mr 1853 01:08:46,250 --> 01:08:48,472 Chairman . I have a few other questions 1854 01:08:48,472 --> 01:08:52,410 that I will ask . Take off line . So 1855 01:08:52,420 --> 01:08:54,364 proceeding . Thank you . Thank the 1856 01:08:54,364 --> 01:08:56,253 gentleman . He's given me back 19 1857 01:08:56,253 --> 01:08:58,790 seconds . Very grateful . Mr Desjarlais . 1858 01:08:59,170 --> 01:09:01,337 I'll try to do a little better because 1859 01:09:01,337 --> 01:09:03,559 a lot of my questions have already been 1860 01:09:03,559 --> 01:09:05,781 answered in General Van Herck . I think 1861 01:09:05,781 --> 01:09:07,892 your opening statement laid out a lot 1862 01:09:07,892 --> 01:09:10,114 of those . It's clear that the Homeland 1863 01:09:10,114 --> 01:09:12,170 defense is bearing the brunt of real 1864 01:09:12,170 --> 01:09:14,450 dollar defense cuts uh and uh that's 1865 01:09:14,450 --> 01:09:17,200 gonna require to allocate some risks . 1866 01:09:17,200 --> 01:09:21,090 So um just briefly , General Van 1867 01:09:21,090 --> 01:09:23,146 Herk and then Vice Admiral Hill , if 1868 01:09:23,146 --> 01:09:25,940 you don't mind , can you each provide 1869 01:09:25,940 --> 01:09:27,996 an assessment of the threat posed by 1870 01:09:27,996 --> 01:09:30,107 our adversaries to homeland below the 1871 01:09:30,107 --> 01:09:32,107 nuclear threshold . Things like the 1872 01:09:32,107 --> 01:09:34,273 colonial pipeline , cyber attack . And 1873 01:09:34,273 --> 01:09:36,384 then how comfortable are you with the 1874 01:09:36,384 --> 01:09:38,607 current defense capabilities to address 1875 01:09:38,607 --> 01:09:41,280 these threats , congressman , thank you 1876 01:09:41,280 --> 01:09:43,502 for that . First of all , I believe the 1877 01:09:43,502 --> 01:09:45,613 foundation of homeland defense is the 1878 01:09:45,613 --> 01:09:47,780 nuclear deterrent . But right now what 1879 01:09:47,780 --> 01:09:49,669 you see is after three decades of 1880 01:09:49,669 --> 01:09:51,558 watching the way we project power 1881 01:09:51,558 --> 01:09:53,780 forward . Russia and china specifically 1882 01:09:53,780 --> 01:09:56,002 are developing capabilities to hold the 1883 01:09:56,002 --> 01:09:57,947 homeland at risk below the nuclear 1884 01:09:57,947 --> 01:10:00,002 threshold . Those capabilities would 1885 01:10:00,002 --> 01:10:02,058 include very quiet submarines . They 1886 01:10:02,058 --> 01:10:04,690 just fielded Russia . Uh , just fielded 1887 01:10:04,690 --> 01:10:06,920 their second sub class submarine which 1888 01:10:06,930 --> 01:10:09,097 is on par with ours within a five year 1889 01:10:09,097 --> 01:10:11,110 period or so . They'll have 8-9 of 1890 01:10:11,110 --> 01:10:12,943 those submarines which will be a 1891 01:10:12,943 --> 01:10:15,130 persistent proximate threat off of our 1892 01:10:15,140 --> 01:10:17,750 east and west coast that we haven't had 1893 01:10:17,760 --> 01:10:20,720 ever in the past . China will be about 1894 01:10:20,720 --> 01:10:23,510 a decade behind . Russia has upgraded 1895 01:10:23,510 --> 01:10:25,454 all their bombers to include their 1896 01:10:25,454 --> 01:10:27,010 nuclear bombers and nuclear 1897 01:10:27,010 --> 01:10:28,899 capabilities . Russia has fielded 1898 01:10:28,899 --> 01:10:30,788 already hypersonic glide vehicles 1899 01:10:30,788 --> 01:10:32,454 launched off of I C . B . M . 1900 01:10:32,454 --> 01:10:34,510 Capabilities to hold the homeland at 1901 01:10:34,510 --> 01:10:36,343 risk with regards to non kinetic 1902 01:10:36,343 --> 01:10:38,566 capabilities . I think if you just look 1903 01:10:38,566 --> 01:10:40,732 at recent history that you'll see that 1904 01:10:40,732 --> 01:10:42,843 there are significant vulnerabilities 1905 01:10:42,843 --> 01:10:44,954 in the non kinetic , especially cyber 1906 01:10:44,954 --> 01:10:47,010 that we need to take a look at and 1907 01:10:47,010 --> 01:10:49,700 probably look more broadly at policy 1908 01:10:49,710 --> 01:10:51,930 across the board and make sure that 1909 01:10:51,930 --> 01:10:53,986 were as efficient effective with the 1910 01:10:53,986 --> 01:10:55,986 limited resources we have for cyber 1911 01:10:55,986 --> 01:10:57,874 defense , which includes homeland 1912 01:10:57,874 --> 01:11:00,041 security as well as D . O . D . I hope 1913 01:11:00,041 --> 01:11:02,152 that clarifies that . That does thank 1914 01:11:02,152 --> 01:11:04,374 you . Admiral will do everything to add 1915 01:11:04,374 --> 01:11:06,597 to that . What I'll just go down to the 1916 01:11:06,597 --> 01:11:08,874 specifics of ballistic missile defense , 1917 01:11:08,874 --> 01:11:10,874 I would say what's changed over the 1918 01:11:10,874 --> 01:11:10,830 last couple of years and you can read 1919 01:11:10,830 --> 01:11:12,941 about in the white press , you know , 1920 01:11:12,941 --> 01:11:15,163 you look at some of those launches that 1921 01:11:15,163 --> 01:11:17,330 occurred back in 2018 Dogleg maneuvers 1922 01:11:17,330 --> 01:11:19,497 right , just right right off the bat , 1923 01:11:19,497 --> 01:11:19,140 maneuvering in space . What I call 1924 01:11:19,140 --> 01:11:20,910 range extensions , they're all 1925 01:11:20,910 --> 01:11:23,132 hypersonic when they come back into the 1926 01:11:23,132 --> 01:11:25,370 atmosphere . So the what used to be a 1927 01:11:25,560 --> 01:11:27,900 very predictable ballistic profile that 1928 01:11:27,900 --> 01:11:30,122 has now changed and it's a challenge to 1929 01:11:30,122 --> 01:11:32,289 the sensor architecture . Goes back to 1930 01:11:32,289 --> 01:11:34,289 general ban hurts comment about all 1931 01:11:34,289 --> 01:11:36,233 domain awareness because it's very 1932 01:11:36,233 --> 01:11:36,040 important that we continue to invest in 1933 01:11:36,040 --> 01:11:37,873 the sensor capacity that we have 1934 01:11:37,873 --> 01:11:39,873 against ballistic , hyper sonic and 1935 01:11:39,873 --> 01:11:41,984 Cruze because they are converging and 1936 01:11:41,984 --> 01:11:44,040 they're coming at us . Uh you know , 1937 01:11:44,040 --> 01:11:46,151 across that that whole integrated air 1938 01:11:46,151 --> 01:11:45,970 missile defense domain . All right , 1939 01:11:45,980 --> 01:11:47,924 thank you . And Chairman , I think 1940 01:11:47,924 --> 01:11:50,091 that's like real time there . I reeled 1941 01:11:50,091 --> 01:11:52,100 back . Well , Mr Desjarlais is the 1942 01:11:52,100 --> 01:11:54,211 prize winner . Two minutes returned . 1943 01:11:54,211 --> 01:11:57,670 We're grateful . Mr Garamendi . Thank 1944 01:11:57,670 --> 01:12:00,700 you Mr Chairman , really a very 1945 01:12:00,710 --> 01:12:02,932 important hearing . Thank you gentlemen 1946 01:12:02,932 --> 01:12:06,160 and lady for a participating today . 1947 01:12:07,250 --> 01:12:09,470 Um I'm gonna take this in a slightly 1948 01:12:09,470 --> 01:12:11,359 different way . I've been on this 1949 01:12:11,359 --> 01:12:13,790 committee 10 years now and we've spent 1950 01:12:13,800 --> 01:12:17,110 billions upon billions trying to create 1951 01:12:17,110 --> 01:12:21,070 a defense . And it seems the faster 1952 01:12:21,070 --> 01:12:22,770 we go . The behind do we get 1953 01:12:24,250 --> 01:12:26,600 General Van Herk ? You just mentioned 1954 01:12:26,610 --> 01:12:29,670 getting behind on submarines , getting 1955 01:12:29,670 --> 01:12:33,320 behind on hypersonic missiles , Getting 1956 01:12:33,320 --> 01:12:35,380 behind on intercontinental ballistic 1957 01:12:35,380 --> 01:12:37,602 missiles , ground based missile defense 1958 01:12:37,602 --> 01:12:40,870 and so forth . Um The president is 1959 01:12:40,870 --> 01:12:44,170 going to be in Geneva 1960 01:12:45,950 --> 01:12:48,670 tomorrow to talk to Putin . 1961 01:12:50,750 --> 01:12:54,140 Should he be talking about arms control 1962 01:12:54,150 --> 01:12:56,090 in the domain in which you are 1963 01:12:56,100 --> 01:12:58,480 operating . Mr Morrow 1st . 1964 01:13:00,450 --> 01:13:03,370 Uh Chairman Garamendi . Yes . That we 1965 01:13:03,370 --> 01:13:06,320 anticipate that there will be uh focus 1966 01:13:06,320 --> 01:13:09,180 on um the need for increased strategic 1967 01:13:09,180 --> 01:13:11,090 stability uh and building on the 1968 01:13:11,090 --> 01:13:13,700 progress of arms control and building 1969 01:13:13,700 --> 01:13:15,811 on on the foundation of extending new 1970 01:13:15,811 --> 01:13:18,720 start uh And and so within the 1971 01:13:18,720 --> 01:13:20,950 Department of Defense , that will be 1972 01:13:20,950 --> 01:13:23,670 part of the uh look at integrated 1973 01:13:23,670 --> 01:13:25,670 deterrence . Having arms control is 1974 01:13:25,670 --> 01:13:27,892 part of that . But also again , looking 1975 01:13:27,892 --> 01:13:30,003 at across domains and and the risk of 1976 01:13:30,003 --> 01:13:32,360 escalation across domains including 1977 01:13:32,360 --> 01:13:34,527 nuclear . So the quick answer is yes . 1978 01:13:34,527 --> 01:13:38,420 With regard to each of you ? General 1979 01:13:38,430 --> 01:13:40,980 Admiral , General General , 1980 01:13:42,550 --> 01:13:44,550 what would be the first thing you'd 1981 01:13:44,550 --> 01:13:47,680 want discussed in an arms control 1982 01:13:47,760 --> 01:13:48,770 negotiation ? 1983 01:13:52,050 --> 01:13:55,080 Uh Congressman , first of all , I think 1984 01:13:55,450 --> 01:13:57,630 that any arms control discussion these 1985 01:13:57,630 --> 01:13:59,797 days should not be unilaterally with a 1986 01:13:59,797 --> 01:14:01,630 single country with the two peer 1987 01:14:01,630 --> 01:14:03,852 competitors that we have . And it would 1988 01:14:03,852 --> 01:14:05,908 be nice to have that discussion with 1989 01:14:05,908 --> 01:14:07,963 both Russia and china . I do believe 1990 01:14:07,963 --> 01:14:10,074 there's opportunities to discuss arms 1991 01:14:10,074 --> 01:14:12,186 including non kinetic , such as cyber 1992 01:14:12,186 --> 01:14:14,352 and space where we can establish lanes 1993 01:14:14,352 --> 01:14:13,930 on the road where I'm very concerned 1994 01:14:13,930 --> 01:14:16,170 about unintentional escalation in those 1995 01:14:16,170 --> 01:14:18,580 areas , ideally I would love to get rid 1996 01:14:18,580 --> 01:14:21,310 of all nuclear weapons , uh , that gene , 1997 01:14:21,320 --> 01:14:23,653 that bottle at genius out of the bottle . 1998 01:14:23,653 --> 01:14:25,653 And I don't think we can . So there 1999 01:14:25,653 --> 01:14:27,764 ought to be a discussion on strategic 2000 01:14:27,764 --> 01:14:29,876 stability with the three nations that 2001 01:14:29,876 --> 01:14:29,500 we're talking about with regards to 2002 01:14:29,500 --> 01:14:31,389 nuclear weapons , with regards to 2003 01:14:31,389 --> 01:14:33,556 hypersonic capabilities , with regards 2004 01:14:33,556 --> 01:14:35,611 to space capabilities as well . I'll 2005 01:14:35,611 --> 01:14:37,833 defer to give them some more time . And 2006 01:14:37,833 --> 01:14:40,056 congressman , I'm not a policy person , 2007 01:14:40,056 --> 01:14:42,167 so it's probably just not appropriate 2008 01:14:42,167 --> 01:14:44,222 for me . But as a technical geek , I 2009 01:14:44,222 --> 01:14:46,333 will tell you that the reality is the 2010 01:14:46,333 --> 01:14:46,320 threat does evolve , it becomes more 2011 01:14:46,320 --> 01:14:48,490 complex and uh , we're gonna have to 2012 01:14:48,490 --> 01:14:50,657 make a decision whether or not we want 2013 01:14:50,657 --> 01:14:54,270 to deal with that . You know , I'm not 2014 01:14:54,270 --> 01:14:56,437 gonna let you off the hook that easy . 2015 01:14:56,437 --> 01:14:58,270 But let's move on . Mr Cobbler , 2016 01:14:58,540 --> 01:15:00,890 congressman again , I'm not a policy 2017 01:15:00,890 --> 01:15:02,890 expert , I'm an air missile defense 2018 01:15:02,890 --> 01:15:05,001 officer . And so wait , wait , wait . 2019 01:15:06,040 --> 01:15:08,270 Yeah , the four of you know more about 2020 01:15:08,270 --> 01:15:11,390 this than most anybody else . So I 2021 01:15:11,390 --> 01:15:13,279 understand you're not policy . My 2022 01:15:13,279 --> 01:15:15,390 question is what would you want to be 2023 01:15:15,390 --> 01:15:18,960 discussed ? Any discussion on arms 2024 01:15:18,960 --> 01:15:21,127 control ? We got to make sure that the 2025 01:15:21,127 --> 01:15:23,450 parties uh participate uh whatever's 2026 01:15:23,450 --> 01:15:25,561 agreed to would be verifiable by both 2027 01:15:25,561 --> 01:15:27,783 by both countries or whatever countries 2028 01:15:27,783 --> 01:15:30,000 are parties to that trust . But verify 2029 01:15:30,010 --> 01:15:32,010 I've heard that before . And that's 2030 01:15:32,010 --> 01:15:35,320 worked before General shaw congressman . 2031 01:15:35,320 --> 01:15:38,790 So uh so the space domain is uh it's 2032 01:15:38,790 --> 01:15:41,012 not a global comments , an extra global 2033 01:15:41,012 --> 01:15:42,901 common . And so I would echo what 2034 01:15:42,901 --> 01:15:44,957 General Van Herck said that whenever 2035 01:15:44,957 --> 01:15:47,179 you talk about um some something in the 2036 01:15:47,179 --> 01:15:49,346 space domain , you have to involve all 2037 01:15:49,346 --> 01:15:48,940 the parties that are participant in 2038 01:15:48,940 --> 01:15:51,107 that . So we have to be multilateral . 2039 01:15:51,107 --> 01:15:53,218 I would think the first thing I would 2040 01:15:53,218 --> 01:15:55,218 want to look at the space domain is 2041 01:15:55,218 --> 01:15:57,162 norms of of responsible behavior . 2042 01:15:57,162 --> 01:15:59,218 Within that domain , expectations of 2043 01:15:59,218 --> 01:16:01,700 what is uh , what is professional 2044 01:16:01,700 --> 01:16:03,533 behavior versus non professional 2045 01:16:03,533 --> 01:16:05,756 behavior ? Things that would help us to 2046 01:16:05,756 --> 01:16:07,756 avoid escalation , that domain that 2047 01:16:07,756 --> 01:16:09,811 could lead to a crisis quibbling . I 2048 01:16:09,811 --> 01:16:11,922 think Putin has put that on the table 2049 01:16:11,922 --> 01:16:14,370 already . And two of you . Two of the 2050 01:16:14,370 --> 01:16:16,537 four have already said that would be a 2051 01:16:16,537 --> 01:16:19,850 good starting point . I appreciate your 2052 01:16:20,930 --> 01:16:23,640 comments on this Admiral Hill . You 2053 01:16:23,640 --> 01:16:25,862 know , I'm coming back at you and going 2054 01:16:25,862 --> 01:16:28,084 to get into detail and general car blew 2055 01:16:28,084 --> 01:16:30,196 the same . Uh , well , you say you're 2056 01:16:30,196 --> 01:16:32,418 not policy . There's nobody around that 2057 01:16:32,418 --> 01:16:34,640 knows more about policy than the two of 2058 01:16:34,640 --> 01:16:36,807 you or the four of you . five of you . 2059 01:16:36,807 --> 01:16:38,751 Thank you very much on your back . 2060 01:16:38,751 --> 01:16:40,900 Thank you , gentlemen . Mr waltz . 2061 01:16:41,630 --> 01:16:43,797 They've called votes so we're going to 2062 01:16:43,797 --> 01:16:45,741 have four people remaining . We're 2063 01:16:45,741 --> 01:16:47,741 going to end this public hearing in 2064 01:16:47,741 --> 01:16:50,540 about 10 minutes . So shorter you are . 2065 01:16:50,550 --> 01:16:53,190 I'll be quick . I'll be quick . Thank 2066 01:16:53,190 --> 01:16:55,640 you . Thank you . Mr Chairman General 2067 01:16:55,640 --> 01:16:58,410 Van Herck just wanted to commend north 2068 01:16:58,410 --> 01:17:01,630 com for its arctic strategy which 2069 01:17:01,630 --> 01:17:04,250 called it was pretty comprehensive , 2070 01:17:04,250 --> 01:17:06,028 called for developing strategic 2071 01:17:06,028 --> 01:17:08,083 partnerships in the region enhancing 2072 01:17:08,083 --> 01:17:09,917 arctic operations capabilities , 2073 01:17:09,917 --> 01:17:12,060 infrastructure , uh an incredible 2074 01:17:12,060 --> 01:17:14,390 defense presence . I noticed in your 2075 01:17:14,390 --> 01:17:16,612 Senate testimony in response to Senator 2076 01:17:16,612 --> 01:17:19,750 Sullivan's question where the various 2077 01:17:19,750 --> 01:17:21,583 services were implementing their 2078 01:17:21,583 --> 01:17:23,806 respective arctic strategies as part of 2079 01:17:23,806 --> 01:17:25,972 the president's budget . Your response 2080 01:17:25,972 --> 01:17:28,194 was we didn't move the ball very far uh 2081 01:17:28,194 --> 01:17:30,900 this year uh in the budget with regards 2082 01:17:30,900 --> 01:17:34,110 to resources in the arctic . Uh , can 2083 01:17:34,110 --> 01:17:36,388 you flush that out ? What capabilities , 2084 01:17:36,388 --> 01:17:38,499 what infrastructure would you like to 2085 01:17:38,499 --> 01:17:40,721 see prioritized by that ? Congress that 2086 01:17:40,721 --> 01:17:42,960 went unfunded in the budget ? Yeah , 2087 01:17:44,630 --> 01:17:46,519 Congressman , I would point to my 2088 01:17:46,519 --> 01:17:48,741 unfunded priority list first for domain 2089 01:17:48,741 --> 01:17:50,852 awareness with over the horizon radar 2090 01:17:50,852 --> 01:17:53,420 capabilities , arctic communications 2091 01:17:53,430 --> 01:17:56,470 capabilities as well as polar over the 2092 01:17:56,470 --> 01:17:58,692 rising . You mentioned infrastructure . 2093 01:17:58,692 --> 01:18:00,914 Infrastructure in the arctic is crucial 2094 01:18:01,020 --> 01:18:03,650 to be able to project power not only 2095 01:18:03,660 --> 01:18:05,604 during conflict or crisis , but to 2096 01:18:05,604 --> 01:18:08,250 campaign and create deterrence on a day 2097 01:18:08,250 --> 01:18:10,670 to day basis . Additional 2098 01:18:10,670 --> 01:18:12,837 infrastructure . I I think it would be 2099 01:18:12,837 --> 01:18:14,670 helpful . And when we talk about 2100 01:18:14,670 --> 01:18:16,614 competing in the arctic , what I'm 2101 01:18:16,614 --> 01:18:18,614 talking about is persistence and to 2102 01:18:18,614 --> 01:18:20,837 have persistence , you have to have the 2103 01:18:20,837 --> 01:18:22,948 ability to remain in place . And that 2104 01:18:22,948 --> 01:18:26,280 would include having a potential port 2105 01:18:26,290 --> 01:18:28,600 north of Dutch harbor for vessels to 2106 01:18:28,600 --> 01:18:30,711 refuel whether they be Coast Guard or 2107 01:18:30,711 --> 01:18:34,030 Navy vessels as well . Additionally , 2108 01:18:34,040 --> 01:18:36,207 some things I think we could do better 2109 01:18:36,207 --> 01:18:38,429 to compete in the arctic . I believe in 2110 01:18:38,429 --> 01:18:40,484 a crisis or conflict with the forces 2111 01:18:40,484 --> 01:18:42,484 that we have . And we're blessed to 2112 01:18:42,484 --> 01:18:44,596 have significant forces in the arctic 2113 01:18:44,596 --> 01:18:46,651 that are assigned to Indo pak . Um , 2114 01:18:46,651 --> 01:18:48,707 but in the north Kamio are More than 2115 01:18:48,707 --> 01:18:50,818 105th Generation fighters . I believe 2116 01:18:50,818 --> 01:18:52,707 those fighters will likely deploy 2117 01:18:52,707 --> 01:18:54,770 especially to a european or a indo 2118 01:18:54,770 --> 01:18:58,080 pacific crisis in that situation . I 2119 01:18:58,080 --> 01:19:00,247 would love to have the ability to have 2120 01:19:00,247 --> 01:19:02,302 forces that would backfill them that 2121 01:19:02,302 --> 01:19:04,524 are organized , trained and equipped to 2122 01:19:04,524 --> 01:19:06,747 operate in the arctic . Unfortunately , 2123 01:19:06,747 --> 01:19:06,690 we don't have that today and we need to 2124 01:19:06,690 --> 01:19:08,857 identify some of those forces . I hope 2125 01:19:08,857 --> 01:19:10,746 that lays out a little bit of the 2126 01:19:10,746 --> 01:19:10,250 picture 2127 01:19:14,420 --> 01:19:17,310 uh , that does , that does general . 2128 01:19:17,310 --> 01:19:19,710 Thank you . And just to be clear , we 2129 01:19:19,710 --> 01:19:21,654 do not currently have a persistent 2130 01:19:21,654 --> 01:19:23,770 naval presence or a persistent ground 2131 01:19:23,780 --> 01:19:27,750 presence uh facing north in the arctic . 2132 01:19:27,750 --> 01:19:29,639 And I think that's something this 2133 01:19:29,639 --> 01:19:31,740 committee overall should take a hard 2134 01:19:31,740 --> 01:19:33,962 look at . I just wanted to very quickly 2135 01:19:33,962 --> 01:19:36,870 follow up Admiral Hill . What if your 2136 01:19:36,880 --> 01:19:38,824 conversations been like with their 2137 01:19:38,824 --> 01:19:40,990 Israeli counterpart with regards to 2138 01:19:40,990 --> 01:19:43,880 their recent conflict ? President Biden 2139 01:19:43,880 --> 01:19:45,950 is committed to re supplying Israel 2140 01:19:45,960 --> 01:19:48,320 with iron dome , uh iron dome 2141 01:19:48,320 --> 01:19:50,390 interceptors that were extended . Uh 2142 01:19:50,400 --> 01:19:53,290 Can you give us a status on that ? Um I 2143 01:19:53,290 --> 01:19:55,580 I can uh tell you about our input to 2144 01:19:55,580 --> 01:19:57,524 that . As you know , we've got the 2145 01:19:57,524 --> 01:19:59,810 partnership co production on iron dome 2146 01:19:59,820 --> 01:20:02,080 uh co development work that we do with 2147 01:20:02,080 --> 01:20:04,191 the aero system and with David Slaine 2148 01:20:04,191 --> 01:20:06,524 uh the conversations that we had with I . 2149 01:20:06,524 --> 01:20:08,840 M . B . O . Uh we're really uh to kind 2150 01:20:08,840 --> 01:20:10,970 of back check , you know , costing of 2151 01:20:10,980 --> 01:20:13,290 of of what what we developed . So as 2152 01:20:13,290 --> 01:20:15,530 they put together there there there's 2153 01:20:15,530 --> 01:20:17,630 some middle for that special 2154 01:20:17,630 --> 01:20:19,797 appropriation . Uh They kind of wanted 2155 01:20:19,797 --> 01:20:21,908 to back check on that and that's just 2156 01:20:21,908 --> 01:20:23,852 part of our partnership . But it's 2157 01:20:23,852 --> 01:20:25,852 better for Mr Merrill to answer the 2158 01:20:25,852 --> 01:20:25,260 question because it's really within the 2159 01:20:25,260 --> 01:20:27,149 department now for for decision . 2160 01:20:31,510 --> 01:20:34,190 Uh Yeah that that is uh being 2161 01:20:34,190 --> 01:20:37,020 considered now and again , we'll feed 2162 01:20:37,020 --> 01:20:38,530 into to our reviews . 2163 01:20:40,310 --> 01:20:42,940 The President's made the commitment . 2164 01:20:42,950 --> 01:20:46,740 So I'm curious as to what the holdup is 2165 01:20:46,740 --> 01:20:48,796 within the department . If it's been 2166 01:20:48,796 --> 01:20:50,962 costed out , the relationship exists , 2167 01:20:50,962 --> 01:20:53,073 The commander in chief has said we're 2168 01:20:53,073 --> 01:20:55,296 going to do this . What when when do we 2169 01:20:55,296 --> 01:20:57,960 expect this to free from the bowels of 2170 01:20:57,960 --> 01:21:01,320 Osd ? The again it's um 2171 01:21:02,210 --> 01:21:04,580 the department is working through it uh 2172 01:21:04,580 --> 01:21:08,500 And we expect that um This will be 2173 01:21:08,510 --> 01:21:11,660 uh justice of as a high priority . It's 2174 01:21:11,660 --> 01:21:13,930 being prioritized at the highest levels 2175 01:21:13,930 --> 01:21:17,390 of the department . Weeks , 2176 01:21:17,390 --> 01:21:19,970 months . I don't know , I don't know 2177 01:21:19,970 --> 01:21:22,026 when the Israelis can expect another 2178 01:21:22,026 --> 01:21:23,026 attack . 2179 01:21:25,210 --> 01:21:27,970 I'll get back to you with an answer . I 2180 01:21:27,970 --> 01:21:29,914 don't expect . It will be months . 2181 01:21:30,310 --> 01:21:33,230 Again it's being thank you guys at the 2182 01:21:33,230 --> 01:21:36,670 highest level . Um , and there are the 2183 01:21:36,670 --> 01:21:38,892 department is conducting meetings on it 2184 01:21:38,892 --> 01:21:40,948 uh , this week , as we speak . Yes , 2185 01:21:42,210 --> 01:21:45,440 thank you . Mr Chairman Mr Panetta . 2186 01:21:46,210 --> 01:21:48,154 This will be the last questioner . 2187 01:21:49,610 --> 01:21:52,010 Thank you . Mr Chairman , I appreciate 2188 01:21:52,010 --> 01:21:54,530 that . Uh , just quickly , Lieutenant 2189 01:21:54,530 --> 01:21:57,910 General Shaw , how is space com 2190 01:21:57,920 --> 01:22:00,740 integrating new roles as the global 2191 01:22:00,740 --> 01:22:01,910 sensor monitor ? 2192 01:22:04,100 --> 01:22:06,350 So , congressman , I think what we what 2193 01:22:06,350 --> 01:22:08,461 we are witnessing is a convergence of 2194 01:22:08,461 --> 01:22:10,628 those mission sets that I mentioned my 2195 01:22:10,628 --> 01:22:13,500 in my opening remarks of space domain 2196 01:22:13,500 --> 01:22:15,730 awareness , missile defense and missile 2197 01:22:15,730 --> 01:22:19,240 warning , meaning that the as the 2198 01:22:19,250 --> 01:22:22,550 threats diversify um 2199 01:22:22,560 --> 01:22:25,590 the needs to track those at various 2200 01:22:25,590 --> 01:22:28,830 stages all start to converge a ground 2201 01:22:28,830 --> 01:22:31,540 launched anti satellite weapon and anti 2202 01:22:31,540 --> 01:22:33,318 satellite weapon in space and a 2203 01:22:33,318 --> 01:22:35,660 hypersonic or hyper glide vehicle . 2204 01:22:35,670 --> 01:22:37,892 They all start to occupy the same kinds 2205 01:22:37,892 --> 01:22:39,948 of timelines and needs . And so what 2206 01:22:39,948 --> 01:22:42,170 we're doing in our roles , global sense 2207 01:22:42,170 --> 01:22:44,337 of managers , finding ways that we can 2208 01:22:44,337 --> 01:22:46,559 network together sensors against all of 2209 01:22:46,559 --> 01:22:50,520 those threats at speed . Great , 2210 01:22:50,520 --> 01:22:53,080 Great . Thank you . And just one final 2211 01:22:53,080 --> 01:22:55,310 question . So at least get a question 2212 01:22:55,310 --> 01:22:57,730 in there . I see her on the phone . Uh , 2213 01:22:57,740 --> 01:22:59,684 one question though , to deal with 2214 01:22:59,684 --> 01:23:01,684 something that's important near and 2215 01:23:01,684 --> 01:23:03,907 dear to me and that's the Central coast 2216 01:23:03,907 --> 01:23:06,184 and that's a Navy Post Graduate school . 2217 01:23:06,184 --> 01:23:08,184 Can how do you think other entities 2218 01:23:08,184 --> 01:23:08,130 within the D . O . D . Enterprise , 2219 01:23:08,140 --> 01:23:10,610 like naval postgraduate school work 2220 01:23:10,610 --> 01:23:12,721 with Space . Com to develop new space 2221 01:23:12,721 --> 01:23:15,020 based educational requirements 2222 01:23:16,500 --> 01:23:18,778 that the programs are already aware of ? 2223 01:23:18,778 --> 01:23:21,000 An mps are exceptional when it comes to 2224 01:23:21,000 --> 01:23:23,222 space education . I think we would want 2225 01:23:23,222 --> 01:23:25,167 to continue to be that part of our 2226 01:23:25,167 --> 01:23:28,130 educational infrastructure . Great , so 2227 01:23:28,130 --> 01:23:30,352 do I look forward to working with you , 2228 01:23:30,352 --> 01:23:32,408 Mr Chairman . I'm gonna yield back . 2229 01:23:35,700 --> 01:23:39,210 Mr phonic . Thank you so much . 2230 01:23:39,210 --> 01:23:41,321 Chairman . Thank you . Mr Panetta . I 2231 01:23:41,321 --> 01:23:43,543 just wanted to make sure they knew that 2232 01:23:43,543 --> 01:23:45,821 I was here on the republican side . Um , 2233 01:23:45,821 --> 01:23:47,932 my question is simple . Section 16 48 2234 01:23:47,932 --> 01:23:50,950 of the Fy 21 . Nd a required a report 2235 01:23:50,960 --> 01:23:53,016 on a layered homeland defense system 2236 01:23:53,016 --> 01:23:56,240 which was to be submitted no later than 2237 01:23:56,240 --> 01:23:59,150 March 1st 2021 . Well , obviously past 2238 01:23:59,150 --> 01:24:01,094 that deadline report has yet to be 2239 01:24:01,094 --> 01:24:03,150 delivered to Congress after numerous 2240 01:24:03,150 --> 01:24:05,150 delays . Admiral Hill . Congress is 2241 01:24:05,150 --> 01:24:07,206 still awaiting its report on layered 2242 01:24:07,206 --> 01:24:09,380 homeland missile defense required by 2243 01:24:09,380 --> 01:24:12,800 the Fy 21 N . D . A . Has M . D . I has 2244 01:24:12,810 --> 01:24:15,460 India provided all of its input for 2245 01:24:15,460 --> 01:24:18,190 this report to the pentagon . Uh , 2246 01:24:18,200 --> 01:24:20,430 congressman Spike . The answer to that 2247 01:24:20,430 --> 01:24:22,760 is yes . It's really a policy question 2248 01:24:22,770 --> 01:24:25,760 technically . Uh , I see no barriers , 2249 01:24:25,770 --> 01:24:27,770 but it is a policy question that we 2250 01:24:27,770 --> 01:24:29,826 need to come through . Yeah , I just 2251 01:24:29,826 --> 01:24:31,937 wanted to get you on record , Admiral 2252 01:24:31,937 --> 01:24:33,881 Hill , Mr marrow . So we need this 2253 01:24:33,881 --> 01:24:36,048 report to complete our work for the Fy 2254 01:24:36,048 --> 01:24:38,610 22 N . D . A . When will osd submit 2255 01:24:38,610 --> 01:24:42,550 this to Congress ? Uh 2256 01:24:42,560 --> 01:24:44,671 let me get you a better answer on the 2257 01:24:44,671 --> 01:24:47,180 timeline . But I can assure you that 2258 01:24:47,190 --> 01:24:51,180 that um looking at how uh what 2259 01:24:51,180 --> 01:24:53,170 investments we make for a layered 2260 01:24:53,170 --> 01:24:55,850 homeland defense , what priorities um , 2261 01:24:55,860 --> 01:24:59,840 are made uh being uh are the 2262 01:24:59,840 --> 01:25:02,300 subject of studies again in 2263 01:25:02,300 --> 01:25:04,610 consultation with the Defense Agency 2264 01:25:04,610 --> 01:25:08,400 with the Office of Cost Assessment and 2265 01:25:08,400 --> 01:25:10,590 Program Evolution , Cape . Uh and so 2266 01:25:10,590 --> 01:25:13,450 looking at um what the options are , 2267 01:25:13,450 --> 01:25:15,940 what the costs , um some of it can be 2268 01:25:15,940 --> 01:25:18,720 scaled , what can uh feed into make 2269 01:25:18,720 --> 01:25:22,340 improvements uh and what can be done in 2270 01:25:22,340 --> 01:25:25,620 terms of uh cost reduction . And so um 2271 01:25:25,630 --> 01:25:28,620 we've made an initial investment on 2272 01:25:29,090 --> 01:25:32,730 This in Fy 21 . I'm sorry , in Fy 2273 01:25:32,730 --> 01:25:36,060 22 . Uh , and so those studies are 2274 01:25:36,060 --> 01:25:38,227 gonna inform further investments in Fy 2275 01:25:38,227 --> 01:25:40,338 23 . And so we will get you an answer 2276 01:25:40,338 --> 01:25:43,880 on those studies . Great . That study 2277 01:25:43,880 --> 01:25:46,047 is , it's not optional . That deadline 2278 01:25:46,047 --> 01:25:49,830 is in law required by the Fy 21 . Nd A . 2279 01:25:49,840 --> 01:25:52,007 So I'll expect that answer from you in 2280 01:25:52,007 --> 01:25:54,173 your office in OSD this week . Us when 2281 01:25:54,173 --> 01:25:56,284 we can expect that . My next question 2282 01:25:56,284 --> 01:25:58,560 is regarding um , the threats and how 2283 01:25:58,560 --> 01:26:00,690 they have intensified . We know , 2284 01:26:00,690 --> 01:26:02,912 according to open source reporting that 2285 01:26:02,912 --> 01:26:05,250 North Korea has capabilities striking 2286 01:26:05,250 --> 01:26:07,417 anywhere in the US . And there is also 2287 01:26:07,417 --> 01:26:09,417 open source reporting that Iran and 2288 01:26:09,417 --> 01:26:11,472 North Korea are working in tandem on 2289 01:26:11,472 --> 01:26:13,528 missile development . Additionally , 2290 01:26:13,528 --> 01:26:15,694 open source reporting uh , talks about 2291 01:26:15,694 --> 01:26:18,440 how the IrgC oversees Iran's civilian 2292 01:26:18,440 --> 01:26:20,930 space launch program , which is obvious 2293 01:26:20,930 --> 01:26:23,870 dual use benefits and capabilities . Do 2294 01:26:23,870 --> 01:26:26,092 you believe that the missile threats to 2295 01:26:26,092 --> 01:26:29,080 the United States increase during and 2296 01:26:29,080 --> 01:26:31,247 since the Obama administration And the 2297 01:26:31,247 --> 01:26:33,270 reason why I go back to the Obama 2298 01:26:33,270 --> 01:26:35,159 administration is that admitted , 2299 01:26:35,159 --> 01:26:37,103 administration said that we should 2300 01:26:37,103 --> 01:26:39,214 build a third continental interceptor 2301 01:26:39,214 --> 01:26:41,103 site if missile threats to the US 2302 01:26:41,103 --> 01:26:43,270 increase . So I want to know on record 2303 01:26:43,270 --> 01:26:45,600 if you believe the threats to the 2304 01:26:45,600 --> 01:26:47,822 homeland have increased since the Obama 2305 01:26:47,822 --> 01:26:51,340 administration . Uh huh . I um 2306 01:26:51,350 --> 01:26:53,940 yes , that's for Mr marrow . Yes , both 2307 01:26:53,940 --> 01:26:56,107 North Korea and Iran are continuing to 2308 01:26:56,107 --> 01:26:59,290 increase their missile capabilities And 2309 01:26:59,290 --> 01:27:03,060 having system and 2010 and we know that 2310 01:27:03,070 --> 01:27:05,040 the West Coast has a more robust 2311 01:27:05,040 --> 01:27:07,096 protection from missile threats from 2312 01:27:07,096 --> 01:27:09,280 the pacific relative to the west coast 2313 01:27:09,290 --> 01:27:12,150 Is the East Coast as protected from 2314 01:27:12,150 --> 01:27:14,490 threats like a potential Iranian I C B 2315 01:27:14,490 --> 01:27:17,080 M . Or an S L B M . From somewhere in 2316 01:27:17,080 --> 01:27:20,150 the atlantic . Yes , All of the United 2317 01:27:20,150 --> 01:27:23,010 States is protected with missile 2318 01:27:23,010 --> 01:27:26,590 defense today . Um switching gears to 2319 01:27:26,590 --> 01:27:28,757 the N . G . I . There are reports that 2320 01:27:28,757 --> 01:27:30,534 the M . D . A . Plans to buy 10 2321 01:27:30,534 --> 01:27:32,646 developmental interceptors as part of 2322 01:27:32,646 --> 01:27:34,701 the N . G . I . Programme . Uh Would 2323 01:27:34,701 --> 01:27:36,812 any of those interceptors go anywhere 2324 01:27:36,812 --> 01:27:39,100 outside of the current G . B . I . Silo 2325 01:27:39,100 --> 01:27:41,370 infrastructure sites at Fort Really or 2326 01:27:41,370 --> 01:27:42,926 Vandenberg Air Force Base . 2327 01:27:42,926 --> 01:27:44,814 Specifically . Could any of those 2328 01:27:44,814 --> 01:27:46,648 interceptors go to an East Coast 2329 01:27:46,648 --> 01:27:47,926 missile defense site ? 2330 01:27:50,280 --> 01:27:53,270 I'll defer to buy sentinel Hill on on 2331 01:27:53,270 --> 01:27:55,381 where intercepting interceptors could 2332 01:27:55,381 --> 01:27:58,310 be placed . Yes ma'am . Right now we're 2333 01:27:58,310 --> 01:28:00,366 focused on getting to the production 2334 01:28:00,366 --> 01:28:02,699 numbers and those initial test articles . 2335 01:28:02,770 --> 01:28:04,992 Uh It will be a global force management 2336 01:28:04,992 --> 01:28:07,159 discussion on you know anything beyond 2337 01:28:07,159 --> 01:28:09,048 Fort Greely . But right now we're 2338 01:28:09,048 --> 01:28:11,103 planning for Fort Greely . We've got 2339 01:28:11,103 --> 01:28:13,214 the room , their missile field for uh 2340 01:28:13,214 --> 01:28:15,270 we have all 20 silos installed . Now 2341 01:28:15,270 --> 01:28:15,270 we're doing the integration works so we 2342 01:28:15,270 --> 01:28:17,326 can house them in Fort Greely at the 2343 01:28:17,326 --> 01:28:19,437 nation . Makes the decision to open a 2344 01:28:19,437 --> 01:28:21,548 battle space by having a third site . 2345 01:28:21,548 --> 01:28:23,659 Uh that that conversation will come . 2346 01:28:24,370 --> 01:28:26,930 Okay thank you . I will back Mr 2347 01:28:26,930 --> 01:28:29,208 Keheliya is recognized for two minutes . 2348 01:28:29,208 --> 01:28:31,319 Thank you . Mr Chair . My question is 2349 01:28:31,319 --> 01:28:33,541 for the homeland defense radar Hawaii . 2350 01:28:33,541 --> 01:28:35,652 I was disappointed to see that it was 2351 01:28:35,652 --> 01:28:35,290 zeroed out in the president's budget . 2352 01:28:35,770 --> 01:28:39,180 A program a sensor that the previous 2353 01:28:39,180 --> 01:28:42,400 combatant commander had quoted as 2354 01:28:42,400 --> 01:28:44,400 saying the best program solution to 2355 01:28:44,400 --> 01:28:46,567 enable incredible in depth under layer 2356 01:28:46,567 --> 01:28:48,733 defense for our forces in Hawaii . You 2357 01:28:48,733 --> 01:28:50,844 know in reviewing all the testimony , 2358 01:28:50,844 --> 01:28:53,067 whether it's the department's the North 2359 01:28:53,067 --> 01:28:55,233 com commander , the M . D . Director . 2360 01:28:55,233 --> 01:28:57,400 We all talk about north Korea kim jong 2361 01:28:57,400 --> 01:28:59,622 un and how increasing that threat is to 2362 01:28:59,622 --> 01:29:01,733 the United States and the development 2363 01:29:01,733 --> 01:29:03,990 of their I . C . B . M . S . And 2364 01:29:04,000 --> 01:29:06,800 nuclear missiles . So my question is 2365 01:29:06,810 --> 01:29:08,820 for miss tomorrow , what is the 2366 01:29:08,820 --> 01:29:10,931 Department of Defense current plan to 2367 01:29:10,931 --> 01:29:13,042 protect Hawaii and address the gap in 2368 01:29:13,042 --> 01:29:15,000 our ability to detect track 2369 01:29:15,010 --> 01:29:17,460 discriminate and defeat a ballistic 2370 01:29:17,470 --> 01:29:20,680 missile for harvey and for Guam . 2371 01:29:21,370 --> 01:29:23,820 Mhm . Thank you , congressman . I just 2372 01:29:23,820 --> 01:29:25,709 want to make clear that Hawaii is 2373 01:29:25,709 --> 01:29:27,876 currently protected today . How is how 2374 01:29:27,876 --> 01:29:30,170 I protected ? It is protected with the 2375 01:29:30,170 --> 01:29:32,170 current capabilities we have . What 2376 01:29:32,170 --> 01:29:35,600 sensor protects Hawaii ? Well we have 2377 01:29:35,610 --> 01:29:38,600 SbX . SBX is in the northern pacific . 2378 01:29:40,470 --> 01:29:42,550 What sensor protects the state of 2379 01:29:42,550 --> 01:29:45,170 Hawaii from a ballistic missile threat 2380 01:29:45,180 --> 01:29:47,560 from the Dprk . We have a network of 2381 01:29:47,560 --> 01:29:50,890 sensors uh including the tracking 2382 01:29:50,890 --> 01:29:53,790 sensors O . P . I . R . Uh And then as 2383 01:29:53,790 --> 01:29:56,110 I mentioned we have spx that 2384 01:29:56,120 --> 01:29:58,690 contributes to improve discrimination . 2385 01:29:58,700 --> 01:30:01,850 Um So if we need to use Spx for Hawaii 2386 01:30:01,850 --> 01:30:03,961 then we are unable to use the SBX for 2387 01:30:03,961 --> 01:30:05,906 the homeland . Is that correct for 2388 01:30:05,906 --> 01:30:09,770 North . Com ? Um , I 2389 01:30:09,780 --> 01:30:13,060 would defer to kill or general friend 2390 01:30:13,060 --> 01:30:15,050 Mark on the on the details of the 2391 01:30:15,050 --> 01:30:17,383 capabilities from . I think the fact is , 2392 01:30:17,383 --> 01:30:19,494 and I know we need to adjourn is that 2393 01:30:19,494 --> 01:30:21,606 we do not have an adequate sensor for 2394 01:30:21,606 --> 01:30:23,717 the Hawaiian Islands . If we're going 2395 01:30:23,717 --> 01:30:25,772 to depend on our Ages ages systems , 2396 01:30:25,772 --> 01:30:27,790 that is a capability that Admiral 2397 01:30:27,800 --> 01:30:29,790 Aquilino cannot use in the Western 2398 01:30:29,790 --> 01:30:31,901 pacific . If we're going to depend on 2399 01:30:31,901 --> 01:30:34,012 SBX , that is a capability that North 2400 01:30:34,012 --> 01:30:36,900 com cannot use to defend the 2401 01:30:36,910 --> 01:30:39,021 continental United States . And it is 2402 01:30:39,021 --> 01:30:42,200 why we need a sensor in the Hawaiian 2403 01:30:42,200 --> 01:30:44,560 islands to defend against a ballistic 2404 01:30:44,560 --> 01:30:46,504 missile threat from a rogue nation 2405 01:30:46,504 --> 01:30:48,930 state . Like the Dprk congressman . I'd 2406 01:30:48,930 --> 01:30:50,874 like to talk from the North korean 2407 01:30:50,874 --> 01:30:52,986 perspective . If you don't mind about 2408 01:30:52,986 --> 01:30:55,208 that . Even without spx , I'm confident 2409 01:30:55,208 --> 01:30:57,097 in my ability to defend against a 2410 01:30:57,097 --> 01:30:59,470 threat from DpRK to Hawaii . Today I 2411 01:30:59,470 --> 01:31:01,950 support the Hawaii radar . I believe it 2412 01:31:01,950 --> 01:31:04,061 gives us additional capability for an 2413 01:31:04,061 --> 01:31:06,230 under layer that would support defense 2414 01:31:06,230 --> 01:31:07,950 of Hawaii specifically giving 2415 01:31:07,950 --> 01:31:10,006 additional capability and capacity . 2416 01:31:10,110 --> 01:31:12,500 But let's be clear at this moment in 2417 01:31:12,500 --> 01:31:14,667 time , I'm comfortable with my ability 2418 01:31:14,667 --> 01:31:16,833 to defend Hawaii . That doesn't mean I 2419 01:31:16,833 --> 01:31:19,111 don't support the sensor though . Okay . 2420 01:31:19,760 --> 01:31:22,730 Oh sorry . I would add uh that that we 2421 01:31:22,730 --> 01:31:25,900 are looking at how to best improve the 2422 01:31:25,900 --> 01:31:27,844 defense of Hawaii . The defense of 2423 01:31:27,844 --> 01:31:30,011 Hawaii . I suggest we look at both the 2424 01:31:30,011 --> 01:31:32,067 defense of Hawaii and the defense of 2425 01:31:32,067 --> 01:31:34,122 the territory of Guam as we shift to 2426 01:31:34,122 --> 01:31:33,920 the pacific Thank you . Mr . Chair 2427 01:31:33,920 --> 01:31:36,142 ideal back both of the gentleman's time 2428 01:31:36,142 --> 01:31:38,309 has expired . The Subcommittee will be 2429 01:31:38,309 --> 01:31:40,970 adjourned until about 5:00 or as soon 2430 01:31:40,970 --> 01:31:44,060 as votes have ended And we will meet in 2431 01:31:44,070 --> 01:31:46,970 20-12 for the closed session . Thank 2432 01:31:46,970 --> 01:31:47,280 you .