1 00:00:00,940 --> 00:00:03,570 We have our full committee hearing this 2 00:00:03,570 --> 00:00:05,600 morning on the fiscal year 2022 3 00:00:05,600 --> 00:00:07,711 national defense authorization budget 4 00:00:07,711 --> 00:00:10,044 requests from the Department of Defense . 5 00:00:10,044 --> 00:00:11,933 We are honored this morning to be 6 00:00:11,933 --> 00:00:13,989 joined by the Secretary of Defense , 7 00:00:13,989 --> 00:00:16,044 Lloyd Austin , the Chairman of Joint 8 00:00:16,044 --> 00:00:18,156 Chiefs of Staff General , Mark Milley 9 00:00:18,156 --> 00:00:18,120 and by Mike McCord , the under 10 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:20,130 Secretary of Defense , the control 11 00:00:20,130 --> 00:00:22,186 chief financial officer of Video D . 12 00:00:22,186 --> 00:00:24,408 And we look forward your testimony . We 13 00:00:24,408 --> 00:00:26,574 are back in the committee hearing room 14 00:00:26,574 --> 00:00:29,380 which is great . We do still allow a 15 00:00:29,380 --> 00:00:31,491 hybrid option for members who wish to 16 00:00:31,491 --> 00:00:33,602 participate remotely . And because of 17 00:00:33,602 --> 00:00:36,090 that we have this uh set of rules that 18 00:00:36,090 --> 00:00:38,312 I must read before we be in . So I will 19 00:00:38,312 --> 00:00:40,146 do that before making my opening 20 00:00:40,146 --> 00:00:42,146 statement . Members who are joining 21 00:00:42,146 --> 00:00:44,312 remotely must be visible on screen for 22 00:00:44,312 --> 00:00:46,534 the purposes of identity verification , 23 00:00:46,534 --> 00:00:46,380 establishing and maintaining a quorum , 24 00:00:46,380 --> 00:00:48,269 participate in the proceeding and 25 00:00:48,269 --> 00:00:50,491 voting . Those members must continue to 26 00:00:50,491 --> 00:00:52,269 use the software platform video 27 00:00:52,269 --> 00:00:54,269 function while in attendance unless 28 00:00:54,269 --> 00:00:56,436 they experience connectivity issues or 29 00:00:56,436 --> 00:00:55,830 other technical problems that render 30 00:00:55,830 --> 00:00:57,997 them unable to participate on camera . 31 00:00:57,997 --> 00:00:59,886 If remember experiences technical 32 00:00:59,886 --> 00:01:02,052 difficulties , they should contact the 33 00:01:02,052 --> 00:01:04,219 committee staff for assistance . Video 34 00:01:04,219 --> 00:01:06,441 members participation will be broadcast 35 00:01:06,441 --> 00:01:05,800 in the room and via the television . 36 00:01:05,800 --> 00:01:07,967 Internet feeds . Members participating 37 00:01:07,967 --> 00:01:10,189 remotely must seek recognition verbally 38 00:01:10,189 --> 00:01:12,022 and they are asked to mute their 39 00:01:12,022 --> 00:01:14,300 microphones when they are not speaking . 40 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:13,920 Members who are participating remotely 41 00:01:13,920 --> 00:01:15,809 are reminded to keep the software 42 00:01:15,809 --> 00:01:17,920 platform video function on the entire 43 00:01:17,920 --> 00:01:20,142 time they intend the proceeding Members 44 00:01:20,142 --> 00:01:22,420 may leave and we joined the proceeding . 45 00:01:22,420 --> 00:01:24,531 If members depart for a short while , 46 00:01:24,531 --> 00:01:23,860 for reasons other than joining a 47 00:01:23,860 --> 00:01:25,804 different proceeding , they should 48 00:01:25,804 --> 00:01:27,638 leave the video function on . If 49 00:01:27,638 --> 00:01:29,249 members will be absent for a 50 00:01:29,249 --> 00:01:31,304 significant period or depart to join 51 00:01:31,304 --> 00:01:31,250 different proceeding , they should exit 52 00:01:31,260 --> 00:01:34,310 the software platform entirely and then 53 00:01:34,310 --> 00:01:36,532 we joined it . If they return , members 54 00:01:36,532 --> 00:01:38,643 may use the software platforms , chat 55 00:01:38,643 --> 00:01:40,532 feature to communicate with staff 56 00:01:40,532 --> 00:01:42,699 regarding technical logistical support 57 00:01:42,699 --> 00:01:44,421 issues only . And finally I've 58 00:01:44,421 --> 00:01:44,310 designated committee staff member to if 59 00:01:44,310 --> 00:01:46,143 necessary . Unrecognized members 60 00:01:46,143 --> 00:01:48,254 microphones to cancel any inadvertent 61 00:01:48,254 --> 00:01:50,366 background noise that may disrupt the 62 00:01:50,366 --> 00:01:52,290 proceeding with that . Only other 63 00:01:52,290 --> 00:01:55,350 procedural thing is the 64 00:01:55,740 --> 00:01:58,120 secretary is a hard stop at two o'clock . 65 00:01:58,130 --> 00:02:00,670 We we will stop at two o'clock . I know 66 00:02:00,670 --> 00:02:02,503 we have a lot of members who ask 67 00:02:02,503 --> 00:02:04,614 questions , we'll get through as many 68 00:02:04,614 --> 00:02:06,892 of them as possible as we possibly can . 69 00:02:06,892 --> 00:02:09,114 We will also be taking a break at 11 30 70 00:02:09,114 --> 00:02:11,540 for for the witnesses brief break five 71 00:02:11,540 --> 00:02:13,651 ish minutes and then get that going . 72 00:02:13,651 --> 00:02:15,651 So I hope members will make note of 73 00:02:15,651 --> 00:02:17,960 that hard stop two o'clock break at 11 74 00:02:17,960 --> 00:02:21,110 30 . So plan accordingly with that , I 75 00:02:21,120 --> 00:02:23,231 want to thank our witnesses for being 76 00:02:23,231 --> 00:02:25,176 here and thank them also for their 77 00:02:25,176 --> 00:02:27,009 service to our country and their 78 00:02:27,009 --> 00:02:29,176 leadership at the pentagon . These are 79 00:02:29,176 --> 00:02:31,231 extraordinarily difficult times in a 80 00:02:31,231 --> 00:02:33,453 variety of different ways . Certainly , 81 00:02:33,453 --> 00:02:32,980 we have a very complex threat 82 00:02:32,980 --> 00:02:35,750 environment across the globe . Russia 83 00:02:35,760 --> 00:02:37,640 china , north Korea , Iran 84 00:02:37,640 --> 00:02:39,862 transnational terrorist groups . All of 85 00:02:39,862 --> 00:02:42,084 those things are things that we need to 86 00:02:42,084 --> 00:02:44,140 worry about in order to maintain the 87 00:02:44,140 --> 00:02:46,029 security of this country . We are 88 00:02:46,029 --> 00:02:48,140 actively building on our partnerships 89 00:02:48,140 --> 00:02:50,140 across the globe , try and confront 90 00:02:50,140 --> 00:02:52,196 those threats , recognizing the need 91 00:02:52,196 --> 00:02:54,084 for a cooperative effort with our 92 00:02:54,084 --> 00:02:56,084 allies and partners appreciate that 93 00:02:56,084 --> 00:02:58,196 effort as well . Much of the focus of 94 00:02:58,196 --> 00:03:00,307 this committee for the last couple of 95 00:03:00,307 --> 00:03:02,473 weeks has been on the top line for the 96 00:03:02,473 --> 00:03:04,529 defense budget , which is an area of 97 00:03:04,529 --> 00:03:06,640 some controversy . I personally , you 98 00:03:06,640 --> 00:03:08,751 know , I don't think it should be . I 99 00:03:08,751 --> 00:03:10,696 think the budget the president has 100 00:03:10,696 --> 00:03:12,918 submitted is more than adequate . It is 101 00:03:12,918 --> 00:03:13,918 a $12 billion 102 00:03:13,918 --> 00:03:17,970 $3 103 00:03:17,970 --> 00:03:19,803 billion dollar increase over the 104 00:03:19,803 --> 00:03:22,680 previous budget . $753 billion 105 00:03:22,680 --> 00:03:31,890 $753 106 00:03:31,890 --> 00:03:34,120 billion . My concern , as many of you 107 00:03:34,120 --> 00:03:36,550 have heard before goes more towards how 108 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:39,310 we are spending that money . Number one , 109 00:03:39,320 --> 00:03:41,431 making sure that we are getting value 110 00:03:41,431 --> 00:03:43,376 out of it , that the programs that 111 00:03:43,376 --> 00:03:45,598 we're spending the money on our meeting 112 00:03:45,598 --> 00:03:47,487 their budget requirements and are 113 00:03:47,487 --> 00:03:49,870 meeting their requirements requirements , 114 00:03:49,870 --> 00:03:52,037 basically producing what we asked them 115 00:03:52,037 --> 00:03:54,148 for . And we've really struggled with 116 00:03:54,148 --> 00:03:56,203 that in the last couple of decades . 117 00:03:56,203 --> 00:03:58,148 The members of this committee know 118 00:03:58,148 --> 00:04:00,370 better than anyone the list of programs 119 00:04:00,370 --> 00:04:02,592 that have either been cancelled or have 120 00:04:02,592 --> 00:04:04,759 wound up way over budget and under the 121 00:04:04,759 --> 00:04:06,981 performance expectations . Now , I will 122 00:04:06,981 --> 00:04:09,148 say that in the last couple of years , 123 00:04:09,148 --> 00:04:08,650 I think that's gotten better . I think 124 00:04:08,650 --> 00:04:11,040 a succession of secretaries of defense 125 00:04:11,050 --> 00:04:13,217 and other members of the pentagon have 126 00:04:13,217 --> 00:04:15,383 really buckled down and looked at that 127 00:04:15,383 --> 00:04:17,328 The most optimistic thing that has 128 00:04:17,328 --> 00:04:19,661 happened to me in this , in this regard . 129 00:04:19,661 --> 00:04:21,550 With several weeks ago when I was 130 00:04:21,550 --> 00:04:23,772 briefed on the B-21 program which is on 131 00:04:23,772 --> 00:04:25,772 time under budget and performing as 132 00:04:25,772 --> 00:04:27,939 expected , we learned a lot of lessons 133 00:04:27,939 --> 00:04:30,050 from the disappointments of the F- 35 134 00:04:30,050 --> 00:04:32,272 and others . And I know there are other 135 00:04:32,272 --> 00:04:34,494 programs that are similarly progressing 136 00:04:34,494 --> 00:04:36,494 in a positive way . There are still 137 00:04:36,494 --> 00:04:38,661 some that aren't . But number one , if 138 00:04:38,661 --> 00:04:40,661 we think about all the money in the 139 00:04:40,661 --> 00:04:42,828 last 20 years that went to things that 140 00:04:42,828 --> 00:04:42,500 didn't produce . If we just had that 141 00:04:42,500 --> 00:04:44,556 money back , we wouldn't be having a 142 00:04:44,556 --> 00:04:46,611 conversation about what the top line 143 00:04:46,611 --> 00:04:48,667 budget is . So going forward , let's 144 00:04:48,667 --> 00:04:50,611 make sure that we're efficient and 145 00:04:50,611 --> 00:04:52,833 effective and how we spend that money . 146 00:04:52,833 --> 00:04:52,790 And then the second piece of it is 147 00:04:52,790 --> 00:04:55,010 something that has been a big focus of 148 00:04:55,010 --> 00:04:57,121 this committee for the last couple of 149 00:04:57,121 --> 00:04:59,232 years . And that is understanding the 150 00:04:59,232 --> 00:05:00,843 changing nature of warfare , 151 00:05:00,843 --> 00:05:03,066 Understanding how important information 152 00:05:03,066 --> 00:05:05,288 systems and survivability have become , 153 00:05:05,288 --> 00:05:07,700 simply massing a huge amount of 154 00:05:07,700 --> 00:05:09,850 firepower in one place isn't enough . 155 00:05:09,860 --> 00:05:12,027 If you can't protect those systems and 156 00:05:12,027 --> 00:05:14,193 you can't get adequate information and 157 00:05:14,193 --> 00:05:16,304 if those systems are not survivable , 158 00:05:16,304 --> 00:05:18,193 we've had two task forces in this 159 00:05:18,193 --> 00:05:20,416 committee last year , we had the Future 160 00:05:20,416 --> 00:05:22,304 of Defense task Force that really 161 00:05:22,304 --> 00:05:24,416 focused on this issue . Um you know , 162 00:05:24,416 --> 00:05:26,471 what , what are the programs that we 163 00:05:26,471 --> 00:05:28,693 need going forward ? I reject the whole 164 00:05:28,693 --> 00:05:31,020 legacy versus the future argument 165 00:05:31,030 --> 00:05:33,197 because maybe a legacy system actually 166 00:05:33,197 --> 00:05:35,363 fits what we need right now . It's not 167 00:05:35,363 --> 00:05:37,530 a matter of old or new , it's a matter 168 00:05:37,530 --> 00:05:39,363 of what is going to work for the 169 00:05:39,363 --> 00:05:41,530 environment that we face . And I think 170 00:05:41,530 --> 00:05:40,790 that task force produced some 171 00:05:40,790 --> 00:05:43,390 incredibly important information about 172 00:05:43,390 --> 00:05:45,390 how we do that . We now have a task 173 00:05:45,390 --> 00:05:47,612 force focused on the supply chain which 174 00:05:47,612 --> 00:05:49,779 is directly tied to that as well . How 175 00:05:49,779 --> 00:05:51,890 are we , how can we make sure that we 176 00:05:51,890 --> 00:05:54,057 get the crucial equipment and have the 177 00:05:54,057 --> 00:05:56,279 crucial manufacturing capabilities that 178 00:05:56,279 --> 00:05:58,279 we need to perform ? Lastly , we we 179 00:05:58,279 --> 00:06:00,446 formed a new subcommittee , uh , focus 180 00:06:00,446 --> 00:06:02,668 specifically on emerging technologies , 181 00:06:02,668 --> 00:06:04,723 Artificial intelligence being at the 182 00:06:04,723 --> 00:06:06,946 top of that list , but not the only one 183 00:06:06,946 --> 00:06:09,001 that's what's really going to be the 184 00:06:09,001 --> 00:06:11,279 key to our ability to defend ourselves . 185 00:06:11,279 --> 00:06:13,334 I know we've we've heard a lot about 186 00:06:13,334 --> 00:06:13,090 some of the war games that have been 187 00:06:13,090 --> 00:06:15,312 done specifically focused on what would 188 00:06:15,312 --> 00:06:17,423 happen if we got into a conflict with 189 00:06:17,423 --> 00:06:19,479 china and for the better part of , I 190 00:06:19,479 --> 00:06:21,479 don't know , 78 years while they're 191 00:06:21,479 --> 00:06:23,701 doing those war games , that did not go 192 00:06:23,701 --> 00:06:25,868 particularly well . But they did a new 193 00:06:25,868 --> 00:06:25,730 one , the Air Force did just a few 194 00:06:25,730 --> 00:06:28,560 months back that introduced some new 195 00:06:28,560 --> 00:06:30,960 capabilities and totally flipped how 196 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:32,960 that went . And it wasn't about the 197 00:06:32,960 --> 00:06:35,127 sheer volume of stuff that we had . It 198 00:06:35,127 --> 00:06:37,270 was about having a different set of 199 00:06:37,270 --> 00:06:39,437 capabilities , capabilities that could 200 00:06:39,437 --> 00:06:41,437 survive capabilities that could get 201 00:06:41,437 --> 00:06:44,060 information to our warfighters reliably 202 00:06:44,070 --> 00:06:47,370 in crucial circumstances that drives 203 00:06:47,370 --> 00:06:49,710 home that point , it isn't how much 204 00:06:49,710 --> 00:06:51,877 money we're spending . It's what we're 205 00:06:51,877 --> 00:06:54,043 spending it on and how it reflects the 206 00:06:54,043 --> 00:06:56,154 threats that we face today . Um , the 207 00:06:56,154 --> 00:06:58,154 last point that I'm anxious to hear 208 00:06:58,154 --> 00:07:00,377 from our witnesses about is we've had a 209 00:07:00,377 --> 00:07:02,488 fair amount of difficulty in terms of 210 00:07:02,488 --> 00:07:04,599 protecting our service members . Uh , 211 00:07:04,599 --> 00:07:06,821 focus has been on sexual assault in the 212 00:07:06,821 --> 00:07:09,043 military . We have not adequately dealt 213 00:07:09,043 --> 00:07:11,154 with that . And I think there is wide 214 00:07:11,154 --> 00:07:13,377 bipartisan support for the idea that we 215 00:07:13,377 --> 00:07:15,599 need to make some big changes to try to 216 00:07:15,599 --> 00:07:17,488 address that . This committee has 217 00:07:17,488 --> 00:07:19,321 passed a number of provisions to 218 00:07:19,321 --> 00:07:21,488 attempt to address this issue . We are 219 00:07:21,488 --> 00:07:23,654 not there yet . Um , there is going to 220 00:07:23,654 --> 00:07:23,330 be a big change in that . It is , 221 00:07:23,330 --> 00:07:25,450 however , not just sexual assault . I 222 00:07:25,450 --> 00:07:27,506 know that both of you gentlemen have 223 00:07:27,506 --> 00:07:29,672 looked closely at the report that came 224 00:07:29,672 --> 00:07:31,894 out of Fort Hood , um , and some of the 225 00:07:31,894 --> 00:07:33,950 command structure problems that were 226 00:07:33,950 --> 00:07:36,117 down there . That led to many problems 227 00:07:36,117 --> 00:07:38,283 with the force . We need to figure out 228 00:07:38,283 --> 00:07:40,450 how do we recruit , train and protect 229 00:07:40,450 --> 00:07:42,728 our service members and their families ? 230 00:07:42,728 --> 00:07:44,839 Because as you all know , that's what 231 00:07:44,839 --> 00:07:46,783 makes defense go . The systems are 232 00:07:46,783 --> 00:07:48,894 great , but it's the people that make 233 00:07:48,894 --> 00:07:50,894 it happen . We are an all volunteer 234 00:07:50,894 --> 00:07:52,950 military . We need to make sure that 235 00:07:52,950 --> 00:07:52,390 people still want to serve in the 236 00:07:52,390 --> 00:07:54,557 military . Want to keep serving in the 237 00:07:54,557 --> 00:07:57,280 military and feel most importantly that 238 00:07:57,280 --> 00:07:59,391 they and their families are safe when 239 00:07:59,391 --> 00:08:01,558 doing so . And I think we've got a lot 240 00:08:01,558 --> 00:08:03,613 of work to do in that area . I thank 241 00:08:03,613 --> 00:08:03,590 you both for being here . I look 242 00:08:03,590 --> 00:08:05,812 forward to your testimony and with that 243 00:08:05,812 --> 00:08:07,868 I will turn it over to MR Rogers for 244 00:08:07,868 --> 00:08:09,923 his opening statement . Thank you Mr 245 00:08:09,923 --> 00:08:11,868 Chairman . I really appreciate the 246 00:08:11,868 --> 00:08:13,923 witnesses being here . I know you're 247 00:08:13,923 --> 00:08:16,146 busy , but this is very important to us 248 00:08:16,146 --> 00:08:15,700 in the nation to be able to hear from 249 00:08:15,700 --> 00:08:17,922 you . So thank you for your preparation 250 00:08:17,922 --> 00:08:19,978 in your presence and your service to 251 00:08:19,978 --> 00:08:21,922 our country . Last month , Admiral 252 00:08:21,922 --> 00:08:24,144 Davidson testified that , quote , there 253 00:08:24,144 --> 00:08:26,367 is no guarantee the United States would 254 00:08:26,367 --> 00:08:28,311 win a future conflict with china . 255 00:08:28,311 --> 00:08:30,533 Close quote , in fact , in almost every 256 00:08:30,533 --> 00:08:32,756 war game conducted by the pentagon over 257 00:08:32,756 --> 00:08:34,756 the last decade , the United States 258 00:08:34,756 --> 00:08:36,867 lost to china . The chinese Communist 259 00:08:36,867 --> 00:08:39,033 Party now controls the largest navy in 260 00:08:39,033 --> 00:08:41,144 the world and the largest army in the 261 00:08:41,144 --> 00:08:43,367 world . It has more troops , more ships 262 00:08:43,367 --> 00:08:45,589 and more ground based missiles than the 263 00:08:45,589 --> 00:08:47,700 United States . And while we're still 264 00:08:47,700 --> 00:08:49,756 developing hypersonic missiles , the 265 00:08:49,756 --> 00:08:51,589 CCP is fielding them . The facts 266 00:08:51,589 --> 00:08:53,589 couldn't be more clear . China is a 267 00:08:53,589 --> 00:08:55,422 very real threat to our national 268 00:08:55,422 --> 00:08:57,478 security . Both Secretary Austin and 269 00:08:57,478 --> 00:08:59,589 General Milley have acknowledged that 270 00:08:59,589 --> 00:09:01,589 point at his confirmation hearing . 271 00:09:01,589 --> 00:09:01,530 Secretary often said , quote , china 272 00:09:01,530 --> 00:09:03,586 presents the most significant threat 273 00:09:03,586 --> 00:09:05,697 going forward . Close quote , General 274 00:09:05,697 --> 00:09:07,752 Milley testified before the Senate . 275 00:09:07,752 --> 00:09:09,752 From a strictly military standpoint 276 00:09:09,752 --> 00:09:11,974 china represented our greatest threat . 277 00:09:11,974 --> 00:09:14,000 Here's the problem . The President 278 00:09:14,010 --> 00:09:16,177 apparently doesn't see things the same 279 00:09:16,177 --> 00:09:18,343 way if he did . I don't understand why 280 00:09:18,343 --> 00:09:20,177 he'd send us a wholly inadequate 281 00:09:20,177 --> 00:09:22,232 defense budget . This budget request 282 00:09:22,232 --> 00:09:24,121 doesn't keep pace with china . It 283 00:09:24,121 --> 00:09:26,343 doesn't even keep pace with inflation . 284 00:09:26,343 --> 00:09:28,399 The fact it in fact , it constitutes 285 00:09:28,399 --> 00:09:30,454 over a $4 billion dollar cut in real 286 00:09:30,454 --> 00:09:32,680 spending dollars . This budget cuts the 287 00:09:32,680 --> 00:09:34,513 size of the navy in stars of the 288 00:09:34,513 --> 00:09:36,291 shipbuilding industry . It cuts 289 00:09:36,291 --> 00:09:38,458 procurement budgets across the board , 290 00:09:38,458 --> 00:09:40,791 delaying critical modernization efforts . 291 00:09:40,791 --> 00:09:42,847 Air force procurement are slashed by 292 00:09:42,847 --> 00:09:45,150 12% . Missile defense by more than 15% . 293 00:09:45,540 --> 00:09:47,420 There's a $25 billion 294 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:53,960 China . 295 00:09:54,440 --> 00:09:56,607 The budget accelerates the vestment of 296 00:09:56,607 --> 00:09:58,829 important capabilities , including over 297 00:09:58,829 --> 00:10:01,162 200 fighter and reconnaissance aircraft . 298 00:10:01,162 --> 00:10:03,218 It doesn't seem to matter that these 299 00:10:03,218 --> 00:10:05,840 are still needed on the battlefield and 300 00:10:05,850 --> 00:10:07,683 as the services struggle to meet 301 00:10:07,683 --> 00:10:09,794 recruiting goals , the budget cuts in 302 00:10:09,794 --> 00:10:11,940 strength ask the administration why 303 00:10:11,940 --> 00:10:13,996 they propose such an economic budget 304 00:10:13,996 --> 00:10:16,051 and they struggle for excuses . They 305 00:10:16,051 --> 00:10:17,996 tell us that the savings uh , they 306 00:10:17,996 --> 00:10:20,120 produce today are being reinvested in 307 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:22,342 future capabilities . Except that's not 308 00:10:22,342 --> 00:10:24,231 the case slashing procurement and 309 00:10:24,231 --> 00:10:26,540 accelerating investments uh , produces 310 00:10:26,540 --> 00:10:28,980 nearly 13 billion in so called savings . 311 00:10:28,990 --> 00:10:31,212 But the research and development of new 312 00:10:31,212 --> 00:10:33,230 capabilities increases by only five 313 00:10:33,230 --> 00:10:35,286 billion . Then they tell us the fact 314 00:10:35,286 --> 00:10:37,397 that defense spending is hemmed in is 315 00:10:37,397 --> 00:10:39,341 because of fiscal realities . That 316 00:10:39,341 --> 00:10:41,230 might make sense if the president 317 00:10:41,230 --> 00:10:42,841 wasn't proposing spending of 318 00:10:42,841 --> 00:10:44,786 unprecedented amounts on money and 319 00:10:44,786 --> 00:10:47,110 progressive wish list , but not so on 320 00:10:47,110 --> 00:10:49,070 national security or defense . The 321 00:10:49,070 --> 00:10:51,126 budget proposes massive increases in 322 00:10:51,126 --> 00:10:53,292 funding for the EPA and the Department 323 00:10:53,292 --> 00:10:56,240 of Education , HHS and Commerce in all 324 00:10:56,240 --> 00:10:58,450 Defense , nondiscretionary and all non 325 00:10:58,450 --> 00:11:01,500 defense discretionary spending grows By 326 00:11:01,500 --> 00:11:04,510 an astonishing 16% , 10 times more than 327 00:11:04,510 --> 00:11:06,830 defense . And while it and that it 328 00:11:06,830 --> 00:11:09,140 doesn't count the night , 1.9 trillion 329 00:11:09,140 --> 00:11:11,650 wasted on so called COVID stimulus . 330 00:11:12,040 --> 00:11:14,960 More than 1.7 billion of that bill was 331 00:11:14,960 --> 00:11:17,016 spent on progressive priorities like 332 00:11:17,016 --> 00:11:18,904 stimulus checks , the prisoners , 333 00:11:18,904 --> 00:11:20,849 illegal immigrants and bailouts of 334 00:11:20,849 --> 00:11:22,904 union pension funds , but not a dime 335 00:11:22,904 --> 00:11:25,016 for defense . Nor does it include the 336 00:11:25,016 --> 00:11:27,238 infrastructure be able to talking about 337 00:11:27,238 --> 00:11:29,404 which spends money on everything under 338 00:11:29,404 --> 00:11:31,516 the sun except defense . The cost for 339 00:11:31,516 --> 00:11:33,738 that fiasco could range anywhere from 1 340 00:11:33,738 --> 00:11:36,071 to 6 trillion of new mandatory spending . 341 00:11:36,071 --> 00:11:38,071 The only reason the president's not 342 00:11:38,071 --> 00:11:40,293 spending more on defense is because the 343 00:11:40,293 --> 00:11:42,516 radical left is pushing him to cut it . 344 00:11:42,516 --> 00:11:44,682 They want to slash defense spending by 345 00:11:44,682 --> 00:11:46,404 10% or more to discredit . The 346 00:11:46,404 --> 00:11:48,516 president is not going that far , but 347 00:11:48,516 --> 00:11:50,738 what he's proposing is far from what we 348 00:11:50,738 --> 00:11:52,738 need for a credible deterrent . The 349 00:11:52,738 --> 00:11:54,793 National Defense Strategy Commission 350 00:11:54,793 --> 00:11:56,904 recommends an annual increase of 3-5% 351 00:11:56,904 --> 00:11:56,660 above inflation to stay ahead of China . 352 00:11:57,140 --> 00:11:59,084 Each one of the service Chiefs and 353 00:11:59,084 --> 00:12:00,918 commanders that I've talked with 354 00:12:00,918 --> 00:12:02,918 publicly has endorsed that level of 355 00:12:02,918 --> 00:12:04,807 spending . Deputy Secretary Hicks 356 00:12:04,807 --> 00:12:06,362 supported it when she was a 357 00:12:06,362 --> 00:12:08,529 commissioner on the Barre commission . 358 00:12:08,529 --> 00:12:10,529 I suspect that the level of funding 359 00:12:10,529 --> 00:12:12,640 Security Secretary Austin and General 360 00:12:12,640 --> 00:12:14,751 Miller would like to see is that same 361 00:12:14,751 --> 00:12:16,640 amount as well Given the colossal 362 00:12:16,640 --> 00:12:18,807 amounts of money the president and the 363 00:12:18,807 --> 00:12:21,140 majority are throwing around these days . 364 00:12:21,140 --> 00:12:23,196 I outright reject the notion that we 365 00:12:23,196 --> 00:12:24,973 can't somehow find 3-5% for our 366 00:12:24,973 --> 00:12:27,140 national security . If this budget was 367 00:12:27,140 --> 00:12:28,918 being driven by risk instead of 368 00:12:28,918 --> 00:12:31,084 politics , 3-5% is the level of growth 369 00:12:31,084 --> 00:12:33,196 we would see . Unfortunately , that's 370 00:12:33,196 --> 00:12:35,251 not the case . Mr Secretary , I know 371 00:12:35,260 --> 00:12:37,204 you're doing the best you can what 372 00:12:37,204 --> 00:12:39,316 you've been given , but it's wrong to 373 00:12:39,316 --> 00:12:41,482 put you in this position . This budget 374 00:12:41,482 --> 00:12:43,204 robs our war fighters of vital 375 00:12:43,204 --> 00:12:45,316 capabilities . They need to carry out 376 00:12:45,316 --> 00:12:45,170 their mission and it fails to 377 00:12:45,170 --> 00:12:46,892 adequately support our defense 378 00:12:46,892 --> 00:12:49,040 industrial base . Most regrettably it 379 00:12:49,040 --> 00:12:51,430 gives china more than uh more time to 380 00:12:51,430 --> 00:12:53,486 enhance their military advantage and 381 00:12:53,486 --> 00:12:55,319 undermine deterrence . I urge my 382 00:12:55,319 --> 00:12:57,374 colleagues to reject this budget and 383 00:12:57,374 --> 00:12:59,486 work in a bipartisan manager with our 384 00:12:59,486 --> 00:13:01,652 colleagues to address the urgent needs 385 00:13:01,652 --> 00:13:01,610 on national defense . With that . Mr . 386 00:13:01,610 --> 00:13:04,770 Chairman of your back . Thank you . Mr 387 00:13:04,770 --> 00:13:06,492 Secretary . You are recognized 388 00:13:08,540 --> 00:13:10,840 Chairman smith ranking member Rogers 389 00:13:10,840 --> 00:13:12,729 and distinguished members of this 390 00:13:12,729 --> 00:13:14,396 committee . Thank you for the 391 00:13:14,396 --> 00:13:16,690 opportunity to testify today about the 392 00:13:16,690 --> 00:13:18,801 president's budget request for fiscal 393 00:13:18,801 --> 00:13:22,020 year 2022 . I'm pleased to appear 394 00:13:22,020 --> 00:13:23,853 alongside General Milley , whose 395 00:13:23,853 --> 00:13:25,930 counsel has been crucial to us as we 396 00:13:25,930 --> 00:13:28,650 developed our budget and as we continue 397 00:13:28,650 --> 00:13:30,872 to defend this nation which remains our 398 00:13:30,872 --> 00:13:33,190 top priority . I'm also grateful to 399 00:13:33,190 --> 00:13:35,710 have our control or mike McCord with us 400 00:13:35,710 --> 00:13:38,360 today . And let me say at the outset 401 00:13:38,740 --> 00:13:41,950 and I believe our budget request will 402 00:13:41,950 --> 00:13:44,630 help us match our resources to strategy 403 00:13:44,640 --> 00:13:47,020 and strategy to policy and policy to 404 00:13:47,020 --> 00:13:49,540 the world of the american people . This 405 00:13:49,540 --> 00:13:51,651 budget is informed by the president's 406 00:13:51,651 --> 00:13:53,818 interim national security guidance and 407 00:13:53,818 --> 00:13:55,920 by my own message to the force . We 408 00:13:55,920 --> 00:13:58,087 believe that it funds the right mix of 409 00:13:58,087 --> 00:13:59,976 capabilities that we need most to 410 00:13:59,976 --> 00:14:02,180 defend this nation now and in the 411 00:14:02,180 --> 00:14:05,160 future it invests in hypersonic weapons , 412 00:14:05,170 --> 00:14:07,170 artificial intelligence , micro 413 00:14:07,170 --> 00:14:10,000 electronics , five G . Technology in 414 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:12,350 space based systems , shipbuilding and 415 00:14:12,350 --> 00:14:14,572 nuclear modernization . To name a few . 416 00:14:15,240 --> 00:14:17,320 In fact this budget acts ask you to 417 00:14:17,320 --> 00:14:20,120 approve nearly $28 billion dollars to 418 00:14:20,130 --> 00:14:23,530 modernize our nuclear try it And $112 419 00:14:23,530 --> 00:14:25,310 billion dollars for research 420 00:14:25,310 --> 00:14:27,477 development , testing and evaluation , 421 00:14:27,740 --> 00:14:29,573 which is the largest R . And D . 422 00:14:29,573 --> 00:14:31,310 Request ever put forth by this 423 00:14:31,310 --> 00:14:34,230 department . Our request also gives us 424 00:14:34,230 --> 00:14:36,930 the flexibility to divest ourselves of 425 00:14:36,930 --> 00:14:39,980 systems and platforms that no longer 426 00:14:39,980 --> 00:14:42,970 meet our needs including older ships , 427 00:14:42,980 --> 00:14:46,140 aircraft , s our platforms that demand 428 00:14:46,140 --> 00:14:49,030 more maintenance upkeep and risk than 429 00:14:49,030 --> 00:14:52,260 we can afford . The department must be 430 00:14:52,260 --> 00:14:54,482 ready to keep pace with our competitors 431 00:14:54,500 --> 00:14:57,250 and if necessary to fight and win the 432 00:14:57,250 --> 00:15:00,680 next war And not the last one . And 433 00:15:00,680 --> 00:15:02,569 that's why we have commissioned a 434 00:15:02,569 --> 00:15:04,402 global posture review in the new 435 00:15:04,402 --> 00:15:06,458 national defense strategy which will 436 00:15:06,458 --> 00:15:08,569 further inform and guide our resource 437 00:15:08,569 --> 00:15:10,624 decisions . This budget reflects our 438 00:15:10,624 --> 00:15:13,250 focus on the pacing challenge that we 439 00:15:13,250 --> 00:15:15,417 clearly see from the People's Republic 440 00:15:15,417 --> 00:15:17,910 of china To include more than $5 441 00:15:17,910 --> 00:15:20,750 billion Pacific Deterrence Initiative 442 00:15:21,840 --> 00:15:23,930 earlier this month . Are after our 443 00:15:23,930 --> 00:15:26,730 china task force completed its work , I 444 00:15:26,730 --> 00:15:28,786 issued an internal directive kicking 445 00:15:28,786 --> 00:15:31,320 off department wide efforts that will , 446 00:15:31,330 --> 00:15:33,490 among other things , help bolster our 447 00:15:33,490 --> 00:15:35,850 deterrence against the PRC and 448 00:15:35,850 --> 00:15:38,020 revitalize our network of regional 449 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:41,010 allies and partners and accelerate the 450 00:15:41,010 --> 00:15:42,566 development of cutting edge 451 00:15:42,566 --> 00:15:44,440 capabilities and new operational 452 00:15:44,440 --> 00:15:48,160 concepts . However , China is not our 453 00:15:48,170 --> 00:15:50,590 only challenge . Our budget also invest 454 00:15:50,590 --> 00:15:53,540 $617 million dollars to counter the 455 00:15:53,540 --> 00:15:56,170 damaging effects of climate change in 456 00:15:56,170 --> 00:15:58,337 additional funds to prepare for future 457 00:15:58,337 --> 00:16:01,380 challenges . Like another pandemic . It 458 00:16:01,380 --> 00:16:03,491 helps us to counter belligerence from 459 00:16:03,491 --> 00:16:05,769 Russia , especially in the cyber realm . 460 00:16:06,140 --> 00:16:08,196 And you'll see more than $10 billion 461 00:16:08,196 --> 00:16:10,140 dollars devoted to cybersecurity , 462 00:16:10,140 --> 00:16:11,960 cyberspace operations and cyber 463 00:16:11,960 --> 00:16:14,950 research and development . With this 464 00:16:14,950 --> 00:16:17,150 emphasis on space and missile defense 465 00:16:17,150 --> 00:16:19,820 and more sophisticated sensors . Our 466 00:16:19,820 --> 00:16:22,310 budget will also help help us counter 467 00:16:22,310 --> 00:16:24,143 the increasing ballistic missile 468 00:16:24,143 --> 00:16:26,090 capabilities of nations like North 469 00:16:26,090 --> 00:16:29,350 Korea and Iran . It funds a troop 470 00:16:29,350 --> 00:16:31,017 presence and counterterrorism 471 00:16:31,017 --> 00:16:33,017 capabilities in the Middle East and 472 00:16:33,017 --> 00:16:35,170 South Asia to meet the threats posed 473 00:16:35,170 --> 00:16:37,980 not only by Iran but also by terrorist 474 00:16:37,980 --> 00:16:41,350 networks like ISIS and Al Qaeda and in 475 00:16:41,350 --> 00:16:44,270 Africa like those posed by al Shabaab . 476 00:16:44,940 --> 00:16:47,162 And it helps us maintain the integrated 477 00:16:47,162 --> 00:16:49,384 deterrent capability and global posture 478 00:16:49,640 --> 00:16:51,751 necessary to back up the hard work of 479 00:16:51,751 --> 00:16:54,160 our diplomats , allies and partners . 480 00:16:55,040 --> 00:16:57,207 Now I know that Afghanistan remains at 481 00:16:57,207 --> 00:16:59,330 the top of all of our minds and I can 482 00:16:59,330 --> 00:17:02,220 report that our withdrawal remains on 483 00:17:02,220 --> 00:17:04,760 pace . Last week . In brussels we 484 00:17:04,760 --> 00:17:07,190 updated our NATO allies and I was 485 00:17:07,190 --> 00:17:09,301 encouraged by their continued support 486 00:17:09,301 --> 00:17:11,634 for the new direction that we're taking . 487 00:17:11,634 --> 00:17:13,579 We've accomplished the mission for 488 00:17:13,579 --> 00:17:15,801 which our troops were sent were sent to 489 00:17:15,801 --> 00:17:17,912 Afghanistan some 20 years ago and I'm 490 00:17:17,912 --> 00:17:20,023 very proud of the brave men and women 491 00:17:20,023 --> 00:17:22,246 who made it possible and those who gave 492 00:17:22,246 --> 00:17:24,610 their lives for that mission . And I'm 493 00:17:24,610 --> 00:17:27,570 also deeply grateful to the families of 494 00:17:27,570 --> 00:17:29,792 our service members who have endured so 495 00:17:29,792 --> 00:17:31,514 much as they sent their sons , 496 00:17:31,610 --> 00:17:33,610 daughters , husbands and wives into 497 00:17:33,610 --> 00:17:37,450 battle . We will now transition into 498 00:17:38,040 --> 00:17:40,780 to to a new bilateral relationship with 499 00:17:40,780 --> 00:17:43,290 our afghan partners , one that helps 500 00:17:43,290 --> 00:17:45,290 them meet their responsibilities to 501 00:17:45,290 --> 00:17:47,630 their citizens , but one that will not 502 00:17:47,630 --> 00:17:49,900 require a U . S . Footprint larger than 503 00:17:49,900 --> 00:17:51,678 what's necessary to protect our 504 00:17:51,678 --> 00:17:54,240 diplomats . And that's one reason why 505 00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:56,018 we're asking to move overseas , 506 00:17:56,018 --> 00:17:58,210 contingency operations funding inside 507 00:17:58,210 --> 00:18:00,240 the budget . This will add greater 508 00:18:00,240 --> 00:18:02,210 transparency , accountability and 509 00:18:02,210 --> 00:18:04,432 predictability to the budgeting process 510 00:18:04,840 --> 00:18:07,860 and frankly it's overdue now this 511 00:18:07,860 --> 00:18:10,060 budget also takes care of our people . 512 00:18:10,740 --> 00:18:13,000 It increases funding to support in home 513 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:15,340 care and support , which has become 514 00:18:15,350 --> 00:18:17,294 increasingly important during this 515 00:18:17,294 --> 00:18:20,560 pandemic . We also seek to improve 516 00:18:20,570 --> 00:18:23,000 military base pay and retention bonuses 517 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,170 and other incentives , incentives that 518 00:18:25,640 --> 00:18:27,910 will help us attract and retain the 519 00:18:27,910 --> 00:18:30,580 best talent and we will be working hard 520 00:18:30,580 --> 00:18:32,802 to combat challenges that makes service 521 00:18:32,802 --> 00:18:35,024 in the ranks more difficult for all the 522 00:18:35,024 --> 00:18:37,080 men and women of the department from 523 00:18:37,140 --> 00:18:39,251 getting a better handle on the extent 524 00:18:39,251 --> 00:18:41,084 to which we experience extremist 525 00:18:41,084 --> 00:18:43,920 behavior to combating sexual assault 526 00:18:43,930 --> 00:18:46,860 and harassment . As you know , 527 00:18:47,740 --> 00:18:49,740 my first directive as Secretary of 528 00:18:49,740 --> 00:18:52,360 Defense , issued on my first full day 529 00:18:52,370 --> 00:18:55,610 in the office was to service leadership 530 00:18:55,620 --> 00:18:58,780 about sexual assault . Yesterday I 531 00:18:58,780 --> 00:19:01,550 received the final recommendations uh 532 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:04,807 and complete report of the Independent 533 00:19:04,807 --> 00:19:06,918 Independent Review Commission . And I 534 00:19:06,918 --> 00:19:08,973 want to thank Lynn Rosenthal for her 535 00:19:08,973 --> 00:19:10,696 exceptional leadership on this 536 00:19:10,696 --> 00:19:12,640 commission , as well as a talented 537 00:19:12,640 --> 00:19:14,529 experts who worked so hard and so 538 00:19:14,529 --> 00:19:17,850 diligently to support her . The result 539 00:19:17,850 --> 00:19:19,930 is a comprehensive assessment across 540 00:19:19,930 --> 00:19:22,320 four lines of effort , accountability , 541 00:19:22,420 --> 00:19:25,080 prevention , climate and culture and 542 00:19:25,080 --> 00:19:26,760 victim care and support , 543 00:19:29,140 --> 00:19:31,362 and that assessment recommends creative 544 00:19:31,362 --> 00:19:34,000 and evidence based options . In the 545 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:36,333 coming days , I'll present to president , 546 00:19:36,333 --> 00:19:38,590 biden my specific recommendations about 547 00:19:38,590 --> 00:19:40,701 the commission's finding . But I know 548 00:19:40,701 --> 00:19:42,646 enough at this point to say that I 549 00:19:42,646 --> 00:19:45,010 fully support removing the prosecution 550 00:19:45,010 --> 00:19:47,240 of sexual assaults and related crimes 551 00:19:47,580 --> 00:19:50,540 from the military chain of command . We 552 00:19:50,540 --> 00:19:52,700 are prepared to work with Congress to 553 00:19:52,710 --> 00:19:54,654 amend the uniform code of military 554 00:19:54,654 --> 00:19:57,930 justice in this regard . The IRC also 555 00:19:57,930 --> 00:19:59,930 recommended the inclusion of others 556 00:19:59,930 --> 00:20:01,874 special victims crimes inside this 557 00:20:01,880 --> 00:20:04,380 independent prosecution system to 558 00:20:04,380 --> 00:20:06,269 include domestic violence . And I 559 00:20:06,269 --> 00:20:08,730 support this as well , given the strong 560 00:20:08,730 --> 00:20:10,750 correlation between these sorts of 561 00:20:10,750 --> 00:20:12,750 crimes and the prevalence of sexual 562 00:20:12,750 --> 00:20:15,770 assault as we move forward , 563 00:20:17,040 --> 00:20:19,151 I believe that it's important to make 564 00:20:19,151 --> 00:20:21,151 changes that are both scoped to the 565 00:20:21,151 --> 00:20:23,318 problem that we're solving , trying to 566 00:20:23,318 --> 00:20:26,260 solve and properly resourced . The 567 00:20:26,260 --> 00:20:28,038 department will likely need new 568 00:20:28,038 --> 00:20:30,093 authorities to implement many of the 569 00:20:30,093 --> 00:20:32,520 IRC s recommendations and we will most 570 00:20:32,520 --> 00:20:35,140 assuredly require additional resources , 571 00:20:35,140 --> 00:20:38,020 both in personnel and in funding . And 572 00:20:38,020 --> 00:20:39,798 we look forward to having those 573 00:20:39,798 --> 00:20:41,964 discussions with this committee and we 574 00:20:41,964 --> 00:20:44,187 must treat this as the leadership issue 575 00:20:44,187 --> 00:20:46,409 that it is . And Chairman smith members 576 00:20:46,409 --> 00:20:49,040 of the committee . We feel the greatest 577 00:20:49,040 --> 00:20:51,530 military in human history , made up of 578 00:20:51,530 --> 00:20:53,697 the finest men and women who have ever 579 00:20:53,697 --> 00:20:56,070 done the cloth of this nation . We also 580 00:20:56,070 --> 00:20:58,090 enjoy a civilian workforce deeply 581 00:20:58,090 --> 00:21:00,312 committed to every mission that we take 582 00:21:00,312 --> 00:21:03,780 on . No adversary can match the quality 583 00:21:03,780 --> 00:21:06,320 of our people and I am immensely proud 584 00:21:06,320 --> 00:21:08,487 and humbled to serve with them again . 585 00:21:08,487 --> 00:21:10,153 And I can assure you that the 586 00:21:10,153 --> 00:21:12,320 president's budget requests for fiscal 587 00:21:12,320 --> 00:21:14,460 Year 22 fulfills our obligations to 588 00:21:14,460 --> 00:21:17,030 them and to their families . And I 589 00:21:17,030 --> 00:21:19,400 thank you for your steadfast support of 590 00:21:19,400 --> 00:21:21,511 the Department of Defense and for all 591 00:21:21,511 --> 00:21:23,640 that you do to ensure that we remain 592 00:21:23,650 --> 00:21:26,700 ready to defend to defend this nation . 593 00:21:26,720 --> 00:21:28,887 And I look forward to your questions . 594 00:21:29,840 --> 00:21:32,650 Thank you . General Milley , Chairman , 595 00:21:32,650 --> 00:21:34,790 smith ranking member , Rogers and 596 00:21:34,790 --> 00:21:37,068 distinguished members of the committee . 597 00:21:37,068 --> 00:21:38,901 Thank you for the opportunity to 598 00:21:38,901 --> 00:21:41,123 testify before you today and remains my 599 00:21:41,123 --> 00:21:42,901 distinct honor and privilege to 600 00:21:42,901 --> 00:21:45,234 represent the United States joint force , 601 00:21:45,234 --> 00:21:47,512 the most capable military in the world . 602 00:21:47,512 --> 00:21:49,623 Our troops remain the best led , best 603 00:21:49,623 --> 00:21:51,401 equipped and best trained force 604 00:21:51,401 --> 00:21:53,512 anywhere . And that is largely due to 605 00:21:53,512 --> 00:21:55,568 the efforts of this Congress . And I 606 00:21:55,568 --> 00:21:57,512 want to personally thank Secretary 607 00:21:57,512 --> 00:21:59,568 Austin and his steady leadership and 608 00:21:59,568 --> 00:22:01,346 wise guidance your joint forces 609 00:22:01,346 --> 00:22:03,520 standing watch protecting american 610 00:22:03,520 --> 00:22:05,950 interests in all domains , air , sea , 611 00:22:05,950 --> 00:22:09,270 land , cyber and space around the globe . 612 00:22:09,640 --> 00:22:13,380 24 7 . We're also Fully engaged here at 613 00:22:13,380 --> 00:22:15,550 home in both defense support civil 614 00:22:15,550 --> 00:22:17,980 authorities through COVID-19 medical 615 00:22:17,980 --> 00:22:20,450 support as well as homeland defense . 616 00:22:20,630 --> 00:22:23,390 To keep americans safe . We are 617 00:22:23,390 --> 00:22:25,770 conducting major exercises in europe . 618 00:22:26,140 --> 00:22:28,270 We are monitoring the dems in Korea . 619 00:22:28,740 --> 00:22:30,962 We are conducting freedom of navigation 620 00:22:30,962 --> 00:22:33,073 operations in the strategic waterways 621 00:22:33,073 --> 00:22:34,796 of the global commons . We are 622 00:22:34,796 --> 00:22:36,740 sustaining operations in space and 623 00:22:36,740 --> 00:22:38,629 cyberspace . We're supporting our 624 00:22:38,629 --> 00:22:41,040 allies and partners in africa and latin 625 00:22:41,040 --> 00:22:43,400 America . We are patrolling the skies 626 00:22:43,400 --> 00:22:45,730 of the Middle East and our joint forces 627 00:22:45,730 --> 00:22:48,070 currently conducting a safe , 628 00:22:48,110 --> 00:22:50,760 responsible and deliberate strategic 629 00:22:50,770 --> 00:22:53,040 retrograde from Afghanistan in good 630 00:22:53,040 --> 00:22:54,984 order while ensuring the continued 631 00:22:54,984 --> 00:22:57,140 support the Afghan national Security 632 00:22:57,140 --> 00:22:59,980 force . The purpose of the United 633 00:22:59,980 --> 00:23:02,460 States military is simple . It is to 634 00:23:02,460 --> 00:23:04,920 protect and defend the constitution of 635 00:23:04,920 --> 00:23:06,976 the United States of America against 636 00:23:06,976 --> 00:23:10,020 all enemies , foreign and domestic and 637 00:23:10,020 --> 00:23:13,300 with that comes to key tasks Task . one 638 00:23:13,300 --> 00:23:16,150 is to prepare for war in order to deter 639 00:23:16,170 --> 00:23:19,730 our enemies . And key task to is to 640 00:23:19,730 --> 00:23:21,870 fight and win America's wars If 641 00:23:21,870 --> 00:23:24,190 deterrence fails , the United States 642 00:23:24,190 --> 00:23:26,720 military is a critical component of our 643 00:23:26,730 --> 00:23:28,850 overall national power . The 644 00:23:28,850 --> 00:23:31,072 combination of our diplomatic efforts , 645 00:23:31,120 --> 00:23:33,370 economic strength and the overriding 646 00:23:33,370 --> 00:23:36,110 hope for the american message and our 647 00:23:36,110 --> 00:23:38,260 military capability will deter 648 00:23:38,260 --> 00:23:41,200 adversaries and preserve great power 649 00:23:41,200 --> 00:23:43,600 piece . In this era of great power 650 00:23:43,600 --> 00:23:47,520 competition . The current geo strategic 651 00:23:47,530 --> 00:23:50,350 landscape is witnessing rapid change 652 00:23:50,940 --> 00:23:53,107 and the potential for threats to peace 653 00:23:53,107 --> 00:23:55,260 and stability in various regions and 654 00:23:55,260 --> 00:23:58,170 indeed the world is increasing . Not 655 00:23:58,170 --> 00:24:00,930 decreasing . States and non state 656 00:24:00,930 --> 00:24:02,920 actors are rapidly transforming 657 00:24:02,930 --> 00:24:04,874 technologically and we are bearing 658 00:24:04,874 --> 00:24:07,041 witness to a fundamental change in the 659 00:24:07,041 --> 00:24:08,986 character of wars . Chairman smith 660 00:24:08,986 --> 00:24:12,600 pointed out . In particular , china is 661 00:24:12,610 --> 00:24:15,100 increasing its military capability at a 662 00:24:15,100 --> 00:24:18,340 very serious and sustained rate . And 663 00:24:18,340 --> 00:24:20,360 we must ensure that we retain our 664 00:24:20,530 --> 00:24:22,474 competitive and technological edge 665 00:24:22,474 --> 00:24:24,641 against this pacing threat readiness . 666 00:24:24,641 --> 00:24:27,780 Modernization and combat power are key 667 00:24:27,970 --> 00:24:30,660 to deter war and maintain the peace . 668 00:24:31,440 --> 00:24:33,850 And equally important are the combat 669 00:24:33,850 --> 00:24:36,990 multipliers of teamwork , cohesion and 670 00:24:36,990 --> 00:24:40,380 well led units . We must resolve the 671 00:24:40,380 --> 00:24:42,740 issue of sexual assault and I and all 672 00:24:42,740 --> 00:24:44,851 the chiefs are in alignment with what 673 00:24:44,851 --> 00:24:47,018 the Secretary of defense just said and 674 00:24:47,018 --> 00:24:50,060 we must confront the issue of extremism . 675 00:24:50,840 --> 00:24:53,700 Both are corrosive and the very essence 676 00:24:53,700 --> 00:24:55,950 of what it means to be in the military 677 00:24:56,340 --> 00:24:58,580 is negatively impacted if we allow them 678 00:24:58,580 --> 00:25:01,620 to continue . Additionally , we must 679 00:25:01,620 --> 00:25:03,370 continue to invest in leader 680 00:25:03,370 --> 00:25:05,259 development and talent management 681 00:25:05,259 --> 00:25:06,926 required for future operating 682 00:25:06,926 --> 00:25:09,320 environment . And finally , we must 683 00:25:09,320 --> 00:25:11,880 continue to nurture and sustain a key 684 00:25:11,880 --> 00:25:13,824 strategic source of our strength , 685 00:25:13,940 --> 00:25:15,884 which is our network of many close 686 00:25:15,884 --> 00:25:18,051 allies and partners around the world . 687 00:25:18,051 --> 00:25:20,107 The Joint force appreciates the work 688 00:25:20,107 --> 00:25:22,273 that our elected representatives do to 689 00:25:22,273 --> 00:25:24,162 ensure that we have the resources 690 00:25:24,162 --> 00:25:26,218 needed to be ready . The days of the 691 00:25:26,218 --> 00:25:27,996 Budget Control Act are over and 692 00:25:27,996 --> 00:25:29,884 repeated . Continuing resolutions 693 00:25:29,884 --> 00:25:32,390 hopefully are behind us for good . The 694 00:25:32,390 --> 00:25:35,140 joint force will deliver modernization 695 00:25:35,140 --> 00:25:37,440 of our armed forces and security to the 696 00:25:37,440 --> 00:25:40,190 people of the United States . At the FY 697 00:25:40,190 --> 00:25:42,900 22 presidents proposed budget request 698 00:25:43,030 --> 00:25:47,000 of $715 million . The american people 699 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:49,290 have entrusted to us a significant 700 00:25:49,290 --> 00:25:51,512 commitment of treasure and we will work 701 00:25:51,512 --> 00:25:53,734 diligently to ensure to spend prudently 702 00:25:53,734 --> 00:25:55,846 in the best interests of the nation , 703 00:25:55,846 --> 00:25:58,012 in alignment with the interim national 704 00:25:58,012 --> 00:25:59,957 Security strategic guidance . This 705 00:25:59,957 --> 00:26:01,901 budget makes hard choices , but it 706 00:26:01,901 --> 00:26:04,110 delivers a ready , agile and capable 707 00:26:04,120 --> 00:26:05,940 joint force that will compete 708 00:26:05,940 --> 00:26:08,330 successfully . It will deter and will 709 00:26:08,330 --> 00:26:11,040 win across all domains in which is 710 00:26:11,040 --> 00:26:13,540 postured for continued over match in 711 00:26:13,540 --> 00:26:16,680 the future . This budget focuses on the 712 00:26:16,680 --> 00:26:18,730 future and prioritizes nuclear 713 00:26:18,730 --> 00:26:20,674 modernization , long range fires , 714 00:26:20,674 --> 00:26:22,690 hypersonic technology , artificial 715 00:26:22,690 --> 00:26:24,610 intelligence , shipbuilding , 716 00:26:24,620 --> 00:26:28,360 microelectronic space , cyber and 5G . 717 00:26:29,040 --> 00:26:31,262 These investments , in concert with our 718 00:26:31,262 --> 00:26:33,318 recently developed joint warfighting 719 00:26:33,318 --> 00:26:35,540 concept , will pave the way for a joint 720 00:26:35,540 --> 00:26:37,540 force of the future The president's 721 00:26:37,540 --> 00:26:39,318 budget for Fy 22 . This request 722 00:26:39,318 --> 00:26:42,150 increases the readiness and ensures our 723 00:26:42,150 --> 00:26:44,360 people are our number one priority , 724 00:26:44,940 --> 00:26:47,000 consistent , predictable budgets 725 00:26:47,250 --> 00:26:49,417 informed by the will of the people are 726 00:26:49,417 --> 00:26:51,472 critical to our nation's defense and 727 00:26:51,472 --> 00:26:53,639 the passage of this budget in a timely 728 00:26:53,639 --> 00:26:56,450 way is important . The FY 22 729 00:26:56,450 --> 00:26:58,200 presidential budget strikes an 730 00:26:58,200 --> 00:27:00,720 appropriate balance between preserving 731 00:27:00,730 --> 00:27:02,470 present readiness and future 732 00:27:02,470 --> 00:27:05,410 modernization . It's a down payment on 733 00:27:05,410 --> 00:27:07,740 the investment of the future with a 734 00:27:07,740 --> 00:27:09,573 bias toward the future operating 735 00:27:09,573 --> 00:27:11,462 environment and the change in the 736 00:27:11,462 --> 00:27:13,920 character of war . It is now that we 737 00:27:13,920 --> 00:27:15,698 must set ourselves on a path to 738 00:27:15,698 --> 00:27:17,910 modernize the joint force and this 739 00:27:17,910 --> 00:27:20,060 budget contributes to doing just that 740 00:27:20,940 --> 00:27:23,810 many enemies historically have grossly 741 00:27:23,810 --> 00:27:25,866 underestimated the United States and 742 00:27:25,866 --> 00:27:28,810 our people . We are ready now and we 743 00:27:28,810 --> 00:27:31,340 will remain so in the future . And any 744 00:27:31,340 --> 00:27:33,229 adversary of the United States of 745 00:27:33,229 --> 00:27:35,284 America should not underestimate our 746 00:27:35,284 --> 00:27:37,770 military capability , our skill and our 747 00:27:37,770 --> 00:27:40,460 combat power . Our job is your joint 748 00:27:40,460 --> 00:27:42,630 force , our contract with the american 749 00:27:42,630 --> 00:27:44,741 people is that we , the United States 750 00:27:44,741 --> 00:27:46,908 military will be able to fight and win 751 00:27:46,908 --> 00:27:48,963 when called upon and we will support 752 00:27:48,963 --> 00:27:50,908 and defend the Constitution of the 753 00:27:50,908 --> 00:27:53,440 United States always and forever . And 754 00:27:53,440 --> 00:27:55,384 I look forward to your questions . 755 00:27:56,740 --> 00:27:59,560 Thank you both . The unfunded 756 00:27:59,560 --> 00:28:01,449 requirements is something that is 757 00:28:01,449 --> 00:28:03,710 always sort of struck me as odd every 758 00:28:03,710 --> 00:28:05,821 budget I've ever seen . I think there 759 00:28:05,821 --> 00:28:07,710 may be a couple of years where we 760 00:28:07,710 --> 00:28:09,766 didn't do them , no matter how large 761 00:28:09,766 --> 00:28:09,550 the budget , there's always this list 762 00:28:09,550 --> 00:28:13,400 of unfunded requirements . Um , and it 763 00:28:13,400 --> 00:28:15,880 strikes me is simply a way to try to 764 00:28:15,890 --> 00:28:17,890 forcing mechanism , mechanism to no 765 00:28:17,890 --> 00:28:20,001 matter what force more money into the 766 00:28:20,001 --> 00:28:22,112 system When , as I said in my opening 767 00:28:22,112 --> 00:28:24,223 remarks , but we really need to do is 768 00:28:24,223 --> 00:28:26,390 to force more effectiveness out of the 769 00:28:26,390 --> 00:28:28,446 money that we get . But we have this 770 00:28:28,446 --> 00:28:29,446 $25 billion 771 00:28:29,446 --> 00:28:34,470 $25 772 00:28:34,470 --> 00:28:36,470 million dollar list that we haven't 773 00:28:36,470 --> 00:28:38,637 done that are somehow going to make it 774 00:28:38,637 --> 00:28:40,859 impossible for you to do your job ? And 775 00:28:40,859 --> 00:28:42,859 and if not , please explain why not 776 00:28:44,340 --> 00:28:47,600 Chairman . As I said , uh in my opening 777 00:28:47,600 --> 00:28:50,030 remarks , I think that this budget 778 00:28:50,040 --> 00:28:53,990 provides us the flexibility to go after 779 00:28:53,990 --> 00:28:56,210 the capabilities that we need to 780 00:28:56,210 --> 00:28:58,432 support , the operational concepts that 781 00:28:58,432 --> 00:29:00,280 will allow us to be not only 782 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:03,350 competitive against any near pier , but 783 00:29:03,360 --> 00:29:05,830 actually dominant in in that battle 784 00:29:05,830 --> 00:29:09,220 space . And so I'm comfortable that 785 00:29:09,220 --> 00:29:11,276 this budget provides us what what we 786 00:29:11,276 --> 00:29:14,940 need . You've heard me say , also that 787 00:29:14,950 --> 00:29:17,910 are pacing challenges china . If you 788 00:29:17,910 --> 00:29:20,077 look at the types of things that we're 789 00:29:20,077 --> 00:29:23,140 investing in 20 , almost $20 and a half 790 00:29:23,150 --> 00:29:25,317 billion dollars for missile defeat and 791 00:29:25,317 --> 00:29:28,260 defense . Uh $6.6 billion for long 792 00:29:28,260 --> 00:29:31,390 range fires . $52.4 billion for a 793 00:29:31,390 --> 00:29:35,210 lethal air force , uh $34.6 billion 794 00:29:35,210 --> 00:29:37,940 for combat effective naval forces and 795 00:29:37,940 --> 00:29:40,880 $12.3 billion for for effective ground 796 00:29:40,880 --> 00:29:43,670 forces , Not to mention the almost $28 797 00:29:43,680 --> 00:29:45,791 billion dollars that were invested in 798 00:29:45,791 --> 00:29:48,050 investing in modernizing the nuclear 799 00:29:48,440 --> 00:29:51,490 try it . So , uh , I believe that it 800 00:29:51,490 --> 00:29:53,880 gives us uh , you know , the right 801 00:29:53,880 --> 00:29:55,436 flexibility to go after the 802 00:29:55,436 --> 00:29:57,480 capabilities that we need to be uh 803 00:29:57,490 --> 00:29:59,712 successful going forward . I understand 804 00:29:59,712 --> 00:30:01,879 uh General Miller if you wanna dive in 805 00:30:01,879 --> 00:30:03,934 here . So how would you explain this 806 00:30:03,934 --> 00:30:06,140 this ? And I've argued that we should 807 00:30:06,140 --> 00:30:07,918 have gotten rid of the unfunded 808 00:30:07,918 --> 00:30:10,380 requirements list a long time ago . But 809 00:30:10,390 --> 00:30:12,550 how do you explain that the Service 810 00:30:12,550 --> 00:30:15,420 chiefs submitting this list ? You know , 811 00:30:15,420 --> 00:30:17,642 I agree with Secretary Austin . I think 812 00:30:17,642 --> 00:30:19,753 he's absolutely right about where the 813 00:30:19,753 --> 00:30:21,976 budgets at . But what what are we doing 814 00:30:21,976 --> 00:30:24,087 with this list of things that members 815 00:30:24,087 --> 00:30:26,198 up here makes us think that we're not 816 00:30:26,198 --> 00:30:28,142 meeting our needs . Um as a former 817 00:30:28,142 --> 00:30:30,364 Service Chief of four years , Chiefs of 818 00:30:30,364 --> 00:30:32,420 the Army , the unfunded requirements 819 00:30:32,420 --> 00:30:34,531 list . Uh And everyone probably looks 820 00:30:34,531 --> 00:30:36,753 at slightly differently . But generally 821 00:30:36,753 --> 00:30:38,309 speaking , I would say that 822 00:30:38,309 --> 00:30:40,600 requirements always , I can't think of 823 00:30:40,600 --> 00:30:42,900 a budget where requirements do not 824 00:30:42,910 --> 00:30:45,480 exceed resources and the whole purpose 825 00:30:45,480 --> 00:30:47,660 of a budget is to prioritize that , 826 00:30:47,660 --> 00:30:49,716 which is most important down to that 827 00:30:49,716 --> 00:30:51,660 which is least important . And the 828 00:30:51,660 --> 00:30:53,660 unfunded requirements list given an 829 00:30:53,660 --> 00:30:55,604 amount of money to given service , 830 00:30:55,604 --> 00:30:57,549 Anything that goes beyond what the 831 00:30:57,549 --> 00:30:59,771 budget is that they're given goes on to 832 00:30:59,771 --> 00:31:01,771 an unfunded requirements list . And 833 00:31:01,771 --> 00:31:03,827 these things are paid as long as you 834 00:31:03,827 --> 00:31:05,882 said in the billions of dollars . Uh 835 00:31:05,882 --> 00:31:07,993 The key question though , is relative 836 00:31:07,993 --> 00:31:06,890 to your opponent , Everything's 837 00:31:06,890 --> 00:31:08,723 relative to someone in this case 838 00:31:08,723 --> 00:31:10,890 relative to pacing , threat of china , 839 00:31:10,890 --> 00:31:12,668 relative to Russia terrorists , 840 00:31:12,668 --> 00:31:14,334 etcetera . Are those unfunded 841 00:31:14,334 --> 00:31:16,557 requirements critical path capabilities 842 00:31:16,557 --> 00:31:18,723 that are required to succeed . And the 843 00:31:18,723 --> 00:31:20,920 answer is no . In my opinion , my 844 00:31:20,920 --> 00:31:23,087 professional opinion , others may have 845 00:31:23,087 --> 00:31:24,864 different opinions if they were 846 00:31:24,864 --> 00:31:27,087 critical than they need to be higher on 847 00:31:27,087 --> 00:31:29,142 the priority list in the base budget 848 00:31:29,142 --> 00:31:30,976 and the Chief Service Chiefs and 849 00:31:30,976 --> 00:31:33,198 service secretaries all go through that 850 00:31:33,198 --> 00:31:35,420 drill . It's a hard drill . I had to do 851 00:31:35,420 --> 00:31:37,642 it with several service Secretary , you 852 00:31:37,642 --> 00:31:39,753 have night courts and so on . But the 853 00:31:39,753 --> 00:31:41,753 unfunded requirement lists are less 854 00:31:41,753 --> 00:31:43,864 important than that , which is in the 855 00:31:43,864 --> 00:31:43,310 base budget . The reason they're 856 00:31:43,310 --> 00:31:45,421 submitted is to provide the committee 857 00:31:45,421 --> 00:31:47,588 in Congress the representatives of the 858 00:31:47,588 --> 00:31:49,870 people . To determine if those unfunded 859 00:31:49,870 --> 00:31:51,926 requirement lists meet the needs and 860 00:31:51,926 --> 00:31:54,080 you have to make some assessments and 861 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:56,136 determine to take such as set out of 862 00:31:56,136 --> 00:31:58,302 the base budget and add something from 863 00:31:58,302 --> 00:31:59,913 the requirements . This is a 864 00:31:59,913 --> 00:32:02,024 flexibility option for the committees 865 00:32:02,024 --> 00:32:04,191 and it gets submitted every year . Try 866 00:32:04,191 --> 00:32:04,050 to minimize them to the amount possible 867 00:32:04,240 --> 00:32:06,407 Because we really want the base budget 868 00:32:06,407 --> 00:32:08,684 is what needs to be passed . Thank you . 869 00:32:08,684 --> 00:32:10,907 I think that's a good explanation . And 870 00:32:10,907 --> 00:32:12,907 again , I'll stand by the statement 871 00:32:12,907 --> 00:32:14,851 that , you know , over the last 15 872 00:32:14,851 --> 00:32:16,962 years in particular the the amount of 873 00:32:16,962 --> 00:32:16,780 money that has gone to programs that 874 00:32:16,780 --> 00:32:19,002 haven't performed . I mean , I'd rather 875 00:32:19,002 --> 00:32:21,169 have the service chiefs go through and 876 00:32:21,169 --> 00:32:23,336 tell us how they're going to make sure 877 00:32:23,336 --> 00:32:22,790 that their programs are actually going 878 00:32:22,790 --> 00:32:25,170 to perform as intended and on budget 879 00:32:25,340 --> 00:32:27,396 and and the mistakes that we've made 880 00:32:27,396 --> 00:32:29,507 with the money that has been wasted . 881 00:32:29,507 --> 00:32:31,673 So we don't do that again . Um , and I 882 00:32:31,673 --> 00:32:34,007 have no doubt whatsoever if we did that , 883 00:32:34,007 --> 00:32:36,007 we'd have more than enough money to 884 00:32:36,007 --> 00:32:38,229 meet the requirements as we do . And as 885 00:32:38,229 --> 00:32:37,510 I mentioned again , I want to 886 00:32:37,510 --> 00:32:40,140 compliment this department in the last 887 00:32:40,140 --> 00:32:42,362 couple of years , series of secretaries 888 00:32:42,362 --> 00:32:44,529 of defense who have done the hard work 889 00:32:44,529 --> 00:32:46,696 to do that scrub , to go back in there 890 00:32:46,696 --> 00:32:48,751 and learn the lessons from what went 891 00:32:48,751 --> 00:32:48,470 wrong and try and fix it . And I think 892 00:32:48,470 --> 00:32:50,692 that is the most important thing we can 893 00:32:50,692 --> 00:32:52,637 do to meet our defense needs going 894 00:32:52,637 --> 00:32:55,440 forward . Mr Rogers . Thanks Mr 895 00:32:55,440 --> 00:32:58,430 Chairman . Uh General Milley is , as I 896 00:32:58,430 --> 00:33:00,541 noted in my opening statement , china 897 00:33:00,541 --> 00:33:02,874 already has a larger navy , more troops , 898 00:33:02,874 --> 00:33:04,986 more missiles more hypersonic than we 899 00:33:04,986 --> 00:33:07,230 do . Where are you most concerned that 900 00:33:07,230 --> 00:33:09,450 china has gained or may soon gain an 901 00:33:09,450 --> 00:33:13,170 advantage against us ? Um , 902 00:33:15,440 --> 00:33:18,150 I was just several areas . Um , you 903 00:33:18,150 --> 00:33:20,206 know , if you roll the clock back to 904 00:33:20,206 --> 00:33:22,317 1975 and the reforms of Deng Xiaoping 905 00:33:22,317 --> 00:33:24,630 uh , the Chinese economy has risen at a 906 00:33:24,630 --> 00:33:27,030 rate of about 10% down to six or 7% 907 00:33:27,030 --> 00:33:29,180 recently and is projected to reduce a 908 00:33:29,180 --> 00:33:31,402 little bit more . But with that massive 909 00:33:31,402 --> 00:33:33,402 economy with that massive amount of 910 00:33:33,402 --> 00:33:35,200 money , China has developed an 911 00:33:35,200 --> 00:33:37,510 extraordinarily capable military . They 912 00:33:37,510 --> 00:33:40,050 are not to be clear , they are not 913 00:33:40,060 --> 00:33:42,282 currently superior to the United States 914 00:33:42,282 --> 00:33:45,080 military , but their aim . Their object 915 00:33:45,090 --> 00:33:48,360 is to be at least co equal to , if not 916 00:33:48,360 --> 00:33:51,260 superior . Uh and that is possible if 917 00:33:51,260 --> 00:33:53,482 we stood still , that would be possible 918 00:33:53,482 --> 00:33:56,250 in a certain amount of years . Uh , and 919 00:33:56,260 --> 00:33:59,230 and I think that the area of cyber uh 920 00:33:59,240 --> 00:34:01,510 in space , those are two critical areas 921 00:34:01,520 --> 00:34:05,240 and subsurface submarines are three a 922 00:34:05,240 --> 00:34:07,296 third area , all of which we need to 923 00:34:07,296 --> 00:34:09,184 watch . But there's also emerging 924 00:34:09,184 --> 00:34:11,296 technologies that are very concerning 925 00:34:11,296 --> 00:34:13,129 things like hyper sonics , man , 926 00:34:13,129 --> 00:34:15,870 machine interface , uh changing the 927 00:34:15,880 --> 00:34:18,970 relationship of men or human beings . 928 00:34:19,040 --> 00:34:22,800 Two , the machine linking that to uh 929 00:34:22,810 --> 00:34:25,000 various very high powered computer 930 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:27,000 systems . There's a wide variety of 931 00:34:27,000 --> 00:34:29,111 information technologies that they're 932 00:34:29,111 --> 00:34:30,778 working on . Uh these are all 933 00:34:30,778 --> 00:34:32,944 concerning . And then I would throw in 934 00:34:32,944 --> 00:34:32,860 robotics and most importantly is 935 00:34:32,860 --> 00:34:34,860 artificial intelligence . These are 936 00:34:34,860 --> 00:34:37,027 emerging technologies are gonna hit in 937 00:34:37,027 --> 00:34:39,193 time and space in the next 10 to 15 to 938 00:34:39,193 --> 00:34:41,138 20 years max . And we , the United 939 00:34:41,138 --> 00:34:43,304 States need to be out front and all of 940 00:34:43,304 --> 00:34:43,280 them . Otherwise we're going to be 941 00:34:43,280 --> 00:34:45,280 setting up future generations for a 942 00:34:45,280 --> 00:34:47,336 very difficult situation relative to 943 00:34:47,336 --> 00:34:50,260 china is a great answer and I agree 944 00:34:51,240 --> 00:34:53,462 that the real threat is down the road . 945 00:34:53,462 --> 00:34:55,684 But that's the point we can't put off , 946 00:34:55,684 --> 00:34:58,360 we can't keep deferring taking action 947 00:34:58,370 --> 00:35:00,620 on keeping pace with china because it's 948 00:35:00,620 --> 00:35:02,842 going to get us in a bad situation . So 949 00:35:02,842 --> 00:35:04,898 while this budget is basically level 950 00:35:04,898 --> 00:35:07,470 funding , just a little bit of a dip , 951 00:35:08,040 --> 00:35:10,151 it's irresponsible in the long term . 952 00:35:10,151 --> 00:35:12,096 And I'm not just going off on this 953 00:35:12,096 --> 00:35:14,318 present . The last president came to us 954 00:35:14,318 --> 00:35:16,540 with the budget that was inadequate and 955 00:35:16,540 --> 00:35:16,270 we got him to a better place . And I'm 956 00:35:16,270 --> 00:35:18,159 hoping we get this president to a 957 00:35:18,159 --> 00:35:20,326 better place . And I frankly hated for 958 00:35:20,326 --> 00:35:22,326 y'all because y'all are outstanding 959 00:35:22,326 --> 00:35:24,437 military leaders and you know what we 960 00:35:24,437 --> 00:35:26,437 need and you're just doing your job 961 00:35:26,437 --> 00:35:28,603 trying to spend this thing up or shine 962 00:35:28,603 --> 00:35:30,770 it up . Uh , but it's not what we need 963 00:35:30,770 --> 00:35:32,770 for our long term military growth . 964 00:35:32,770 --> 00:35:34,770 General Milley is the chairman just 965 00:35:34,770 --> 00:35:36,548 alluded to . We got $25 billion 966 00:35:36,548 --> 00:35:43,150 171.7 967 00:35:43,150 --> 00:35:45,070 billion for a new destroyer . 1.4 968 00:35:45,070 --> 00:35:48,190 billion for F15 exes . And 300 million 969 00:35:48,190 --> 00:35:50,246 for the defense of Hawaii and Guam . 970 00:35:50,246 --> 00:35:52,468 You don't think those should be in this 971 00:35:52,468 --> 00:35:55,860 year's funding priorities . A couple of 972 00:35:55,860 --> 00:35:59,110 points , Hawaii and Guam . No one china 973 00:35:59,120 --> 00:36:01,009 Russia . Anyone else should think 974 00:36:01,009 --> 00:36:02,842 Hawaii and Guam are not defended 975 00:36:02,842 --> 00:36:05,009 because on an unfunded requirements is 976 00:36:05,009 --> 00:36:06,842 doesn't mean Hawaii and Guam are 977 00:36:06,842 --> 00:36:08,564 independent . We have a tiered 978 00:36:08,564 --> 00:36:10,650 capability in the pacific arrayed 979 00:36:10,660 --> 00:36:13,810 explicitly to defend us territory , the 980 00:36:13,810 --> 00:36:16,370 United States , american mainland and 981 00:36:16,500 --> 00:36:19,370 Hawaii , Guam and our allies and 982 00:36:19,370 --> 00:36:21,700 partners are very well defended . So I 983 00:36:21,700 --> 00:36:23,867 don't want anyone to misinterpret that 984 00:36:23,867 --> 00:36:26,033 There are capabilities that would like 985 00:36:26,033 --> 00:36:28,089 to improve on . But they didn't meet 986 00:36:28,089 --> 00:36:30,033 the threshold of the base budget . 987 00:36:30,033 --> 00:36:30,000 Therefore there in an unfunded 988 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:32,380 requirements for the destroyer . We're 989 00:36:32,380 --> 00:36:34,602 adding another destroyer next year . So 990 00:36:34,602 --> 00:36:36,713 it's going to be the 23 budget . Vice 991 00:36:36,713 --> 00:36:38,880 22 . Again , hard choices , 992 00:36:38,880 --> 00:36:40,936 prioritization . That's what budgets 993 00:36:40,936 --> 00:36:42,824 are all about and that's what the 994 00:36:42,824 --> 00:36:44,547 services did . That's what the 995 00:36:44,547 --> 00:36:44,020 Secretary Defense did not fully 996 00:36:44,020 --> 00:36:46,300 supported . And I think this budget 7 997 00:36:46,300 --> 00:36:48,522 15 provides for the adequate defense of 998 00:36:48,522 --> 00:36:50,960 the United States of America for fy 22 . 999 00:36:51,430 --> 00:36:53,652 Again , I understand and I know this is 1000 00:36:53,652 --> 00:36:55,763 the president's budget and you got to 1001 00:36:55,763 --> 00:36:57,763 do your best . But the commander of 1002 00:36:57,763 --> 00:36:59,986 indo pak com says we need a using shore 1003 00:36:59,986 --> 00:37:02,152 on Guam and we need a new radar system 1004 00:37:02,152 --> 00:37:03,986 on Hawaii granted their defended 1005 00:37:03,986 --> 00:37:06,208 defended as well as they need to be and 1006 00:37:06,208 --> 00:37:08,319 we need to be taken action to protect 1007 00:37:08,319 --> 00:37:10,319 them . Uh Gentlemen , you testified 1008 00:37:10,319 --> 00:37:12,263 before the Senate uh and said that 1009 00:37:12,263 --> 00:37:12,260 china and Russia combined are spending 1010 00:37:12,260 --> 00:37:14,260 more money on Defense of the United 1011 00:37:14,260 --> 00:37:16,427 States . How much risk are we embodied 1012 00:37:16,427 --> 00:37:18,649 by failing to keep pace with china when 1013 00:37:18,649 --> 00:37:21,190 it comes to this kind of spending ? I 1014 00:37:21,190 --> 00:37:23,412 think I think we are keeping pace and I 1015 00:37:23,412 --> 00:37:25,690 think we're ahead of china individually 1016 00:37:25,690 --> 00:37:27,912 as a country when you combine china and 1017 00:37:27,912 --> 00:37:30,000 Russia and and and would have to go 1018 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:32,167 into classified session to show how we 1019 00:37:32,167 --> 00:37:34,000 do this mathematically . But the 1020 00:37:34,000 --> 00:37:36,000 combined budgets when everything is 1021 00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:38,056 taken into account and you normalize 1022 00:37:38,056 --> 00:37:40,111 for the cost of personnel etcetera , 1023 00:37:40,111 --> 00:37:42,780 then you will find that the combined 1024 00:37:42,780 --> 00:37:45,270 budgets of china and Russia um do 1025 00:37:45,270 --> 00:37:47,381 exceed that of the U . S . Department 1026 00:37:47,381 --> 00:37:49,640 of Defense budget . Um In certain areas 1027 00:37:49,640 --> 00:37:51,307 I'm concerned like research , 1028 00:37:51,307 --> 00:37:52,973 development and some advanced 1029 00:37:52,973 --> 00:37:54,918 modernization technologies , those 1030 00:37:54,918 --> 00:37:56,751 areas which I'd rather go into a 1031 00:37:56,751 --> 00:37:59,410 classified session but an open hearing 1032 00:37:59,420 --> 00:38:01,500 and and factually correct . We are 1033 00:38:01,500 --> 00:38:03,222 keeping pace . In fact , we're 1034 00:38:03,222 --> 00:38:06,430 exceeding uh china or Russia in the 1035 00:38:06,430 --> 00:38:08,652 specific niche capabilities and I don't 1036 00:38:08,652 --> 00:38:10,541 want anyone to walk away from any 1037 00:38:10,541 --> 00:38:12,708 hearing . Uh and we're talking to more 1038 00:38:12,708 --> 00:38:15,041 people than just in this room right now . 1039 00:38:15,041 --> 00:38:17,263 I don't want china Russia to ever think 1040 00:38:17,263 --> 00:38:19,430 that the United States military Is not 1041 00:38:19,430 --> 00:38:21,597 better than their military . We are in 1042 00:38:21,597 --> 00:38:24,180 all domains every day 24/7 and that's 1043 00:38:24,180 --> 00:38:27,260 not just bragging , that's fact and I 1044 00:38:27,260 --> 00:38:29,316 completely agree everything you just 1045 00:38:29,316 --> 00:38:32,010 said is accurate today , but you and I 1046 00:38:32,010 --> 00:38:34,288 both know as you've alluded to earlier , 1047 00:38:34,288 --> 00:38:36,510 if we don't step it up , they are going 1048 00:38:36,510 --> 00:38:38,621 to meet us aren't possibly surpass us 1049 00:38:38,621 --> 00:38:41,090 and capability if we don't get on pace 1050 00:38:41,100 --> 00:38:43,940 to uh make sure we never lose uh 1051 00:38:44,820 --> 00:38:48,060 standing with them . Now listen , I 1052 00:38:48,060 --> 00:38:50,227 know what you got to say to this , but 1053 00:38:50,227 --> 00:38:52,282 I got to ask it , uh every combatant 1054 00:38:52,282 --> 00:38:54,338 Commander and service chief has been 1055 00:38:54,338 --> 00:38:56,504 before this committee . I've asked did 1056 00:38:56,504 --> 00:38:58,393 they support the National Defense 1057 00:38:58,393 --> 00:39:00,449 Strategy Commission's recommendation 1058 00:39:00,449 --> 00:39:02,560 that we Uh increased defense spending 1059 00:39:02,560 --> 00:39:04,560 and foreseeable future 3-5% of over 1060 00:39:04,560 --> 00:39:06,671 inflation . Both of you have publicly 1061 00:39:06,671 --> 00:39:08,727 stated before the president's budget 1062 00:39:08,727 --> 00:39:10,838 came out that that that's the way you 1063 00:39:10,838 --> 00:39:13,004 felt as well . How do you feel today ? 1064 00:39:13,004 --> 00:39:15,116 Do you still believe that that should 1065 00:39:15,116 --> 00:39:17,227 be what we are doing is when it comes 1066 00:39:17,227 --> 00:39:17,030 to Defense spending ? Secretary Austin 1067 00:39:17,030 --> 00:39:20,740 you first ? Yeah . I support the 1068 00:39:20,740 --> 00:39:22,890 President's budget and I as I stated 1069 00:39:22,890 --> 00:39:26,680 earlier , so I think that this 1070 00:39:26,680 --> 00:39:28,902 budget gives us the ability to go after 1071 00:39:28,902 --> 00:39:32,180 the things that that we need to be very 1072 00:39:32,180 --> 00:39:34,069 competitive going forward . And I 1073 00:39:34,069 --> 00:39:36,230 absolutely agree with you that we are 1074 00:39:36,230 --> 00:39:38,350 not only cited on what we're doing 1075 00:39:38,350 --> 00:39:41,410 today , but we must be cited on what 1076 00:39:41,410 --> 00:39:42,966 the requirements are in the 1077 00:39:42,966 --> 00:39:45,188 capabilities will be uh in the future . 1078 00:39:45,188 --> 00:39:47,132 And so we're working hard to build 1079 00:39:47,132 --> 00:39:49,060 those capabilities to meet those 1080 00:39:49,060 --> 00:39:51,200 requirements . And I think , I think 1081 00:39:51,200 --> 00:39:54,250 this budget does that . Sure , billy , 1082 00:39:54,820 --> 00:39:57,230 I agree . I I fully support this budget , 1083 00:39:57,230 --> 00:39:59,397 I would have said it was adequate . If 1084 00:39:59,397 --> 00:40:01,286 I didn't as far as the 3 to 5% of 1085 00:40:01,286 --> 00:40:03,860 course 3 to 5% or 1% or 2% we could 1086 00:40:03,860 --> 00:40:05,900 spend it appropriately with the you 1087 00:40:05,900 --> 00:40:08,122 Phyllis etcetera . But the President is 1088 00:40:08,122 --> 00:40:11,930 looking um , at a wider angle view for 1089 00:40:11,930 --> 00:40:14,097 nations strength , not just a military 1090 00:40:14,097 --> 00:40:16,208 strength and it's a combined strength 1091 00:40:16,208 --> 00:40:18,080 of the nation . It's critically 1092 00:40:18,080 --> 00:40:20,136 important that we have an incredibly 1093 00:40:20,136 --> 00:40:22,080 healthy economy . Otherwise you'll 1094 00:40:22,080 --> 00:40:24,080 never have a military , you have to 1095 00:40:24,080 --> 00:40:23,900 have an educated workforce , You have 1096 00:40:23,900 --> 00:40:26,122 to have all of these things in order to 1097 00:40:26,122 --> 00:40:28,011 have a good military . So if this 1098 00:40:28,011 --> 00:40:30,490 president's budget requires other parts 1099 00:40:30,500 --> 00:40:33,630 of the government to have increases for 1100 00:40:33,630 --> 00:40:36,410 various reasons , fine . Uh this budget 1101 00:40:36,420 --> 00:40:38,760 is adequate to defend the United States 1102 00:40:38,760 --> 00:40:41,510 of America . Uh And if given more money , 1103 00:40:41,510 --> 00:40:43,066 we would certainly spend it 1104 00:40:43,066 --> 00:40:45,121 appropriately and disciplined way in 1105 00:40:45,121 --> 00:40:47,232 accordance with the priorities on the 1106 00:40:47,232 --> 00:40:49,399 you Phyllis . But I fully support this 1107 00:40:49,399 --> 00:40:51,732 budget . Absolutely . Last the question . 1108 00:40:51,732 --> 00:40:53,899 Both the chairman and I have been very 1109 00:40:53,899 --> 00:40:56,010 frustrated that we got this budget so 1110 00:40:56,010 --> 00:40:58,000 late and I fear it's gonna make it 1111 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:00,000 difficult for us to get an approach 1112 00:41:00,000 --> 00:41:02,222 bill defense probes and NBA passed in a 1113 00:41:02,222 --> 00:41:04,167 reasonable amount of time that may 1114 00:41:04,167 --> 00:41:06,333 force the CR secretary often , can you 1115 00:41:06,333 --> 00:41:08,167 tell me what the implications of 1116 00:41:08,167 --> 00:41:10,880 another CR would be . And so if we have 1117 00:41:10,880 --> 00:41:14,470 a Cr uh ranking member 1118 00:41:14,470 --> 00:41:16,800 Rogers , it will adversely affect 1119 00:41:16,800 --> 00:41:19,420 readiness . It will slow down our 1120 00:41:19,420 --> 00:41:23,330 ability to uh to modernize . 1121 00:41:23,340 --> 00:41:26,790 It will adversely also adversely affect 1122 00:41:26,800 --> 00:41:30,560 uh industry . And and so I think that's 1123 00:41:30,560 --> 00:41:33,180 really important . I think uh we need 1124 00:41:33,180 --> 00:41:35,530 to do everything we can to prevent 1125 00:41:36,110 --> 00:41:38,310 having a detrimental effect on our 1126 00:41:38,310 --> 00:41:41,160 ability to to man train and equip the 1127 00:41:41,160 --> 00:41:45,060 force . Um And what obviously what the 1128 00:41:45,070 --> 00:41:48,530 CR does is it prevents you from uh 1129 00:41:48,540 --> 00:41:51,230 from uh initiating new starts . And 1130 00:41:51,230 --> 00:41:53,410 that's uh that's a problem . Thank you 1131 00:41:53,410 --> 00:41:55,840 Gentlemen . Mr McGill . But Mr Lander 1132 00:41:55,840 --> 00:41:57,896 and is recognized for five minutes . 1133 00:41:57,910 --> 00:41:59,910 Thank you . Mr Chairman . I want to 1134 00:41:59,910 --> 00:42:02,077 thank our witnesses for your testimony 1135 00:42:02,077 --> 00:42:01,770 today and for your service to our 1136 00:42:01,770 --> 00:42:05,750 nation . I want to pick up where uh 1137 00:42:05,760 --> 00:42:07,927 we have just a few minutes ago talking 1138 00:42:07,927 --> 00:42:10,340 about uh preparing investing for not 1139 00:42:10,340 --> 00:42:12,530 only today , but tomorrow and because 1140 00:42:12,530 --> 00:42:14,420 that revolves around research and 1141 00:42:14,420 --> 00:42:17,970 development . Mr Secretary , The FY 22 1142 00:42:17,970 --> 00:42:20,450 budget uh is the largest request for 1143 00:42:20,450 --> 00:42:22,394 research development testing uh an 1144 00:42:22,394 --> 00:42:25,060 evaluation to date , which I applaud 1145 00:42:25,070 --> 00:42:27,360 yet overall , basic and applied 1146 00:42:27,360 --> 00:42:30,780 research funding is down from Fy 21 . I 1147 00:42:30,780 --> 00:42:33,790 think this is a mistake . And given 1148 00:42:33,790 --> 00:42:36,520 just by way of example , that COVID-19 1149 00:42:36,520 --> 00:42:39,260 vaccine was a result of basic defense 1150 00:42:39,260 --> 00:42:42,710 research 5-10 years ago which resulted 1151 00:42:42,710 --> 00:42:45,090 in uh the M . RNA vaccine being 1152 00:42:45,090 --> 00:42:47,146 developed . That was directly from a 1153 00:42:47,146 --> 00:42:49,312 DARPA project . That early and applied 1154 00:42:49,312 --> 00:42:51,312 research . Thank God that that that 1155 00:42:51,312 --> 00:42:53,470 research actually bore fruit and then 1156 00:42:53,470 --> 00:42:56,190 it happened in the first place . So I 1157 00:42:56,190 --> 00:42:58,840 appreciate that in our our conversation 1158 00:42:58,850 --> 00:43:01,060 on monday , you said that you would 1159 00:43:01,060 --> 00:43:03,690 look into it . Uh My question is , will 1160 00:43:03,690 --> 00:43:05,468 you commit to getting me a firm 1161 00:43:05,468 --> 00:43:07,523 assessment of why we cut these vital 1162 00:43:07,523 --> 00:43:09,746 budget lines by mid july so that we can 1163 00:43:09,746 --> 00:43:11,720 consider it during the N . D . A . 1164 00:43:15,400 --> 00:43:18,600 Let me just say again that this is the 1165 00:43:18,600 --> 00:43:21,480 largest investment in R . D . R . D . T . 1166 00:43:21,480 --> 00:43:23,920 Any that this department has ever made . 1167 00:43:24,300 --> 00:43:26,740 Which speaks to our commitment to uh to 1168 00:43:26,750 --> 00:43:28,694 ensure that we're investing in the 1169 00:43:28,694 --> 00:43:30,694 right things to make sure that were 1170 00:43:30,694 --> 00:43:32,730 relevant in the future . And I 1171 00:43:32,730 --> 00:43:34,930 absolutely agree with you on the 1172 00:43:34,930 --> 00:43:38,100 importance of uh uh resourcing science 1173 00:43:38,100 --> 00:43:40,322 and technology and other things . And I 1174 00:43:40,322 --> 00:43:42,860 would also say that the areas that 1175 00:43:42,860 --> 00:43:46,320 you're concerned about uh while 1176 00:43:46,700 --> 00:43:50,200 Uh if you look at our investment 1177 00:43:50,210 --> 00:43:53,540 uh this year for this budget for 22 , 1178 00:43:53,550 --> 00:43:55,772 it's actually above what the forecasted 1179 00:43:55,772 --> 00:43:58,820 investment was in uh 21 , not what they 1180 00:43:58,820 --> 00:44:01,100 were resource for but actually what 1181 00:44:01,100 --> 00:44:03,433 they asked for in the budget . You know , 1182 00:44:03,433 --> 00:44:06,610 we've asked for more . So again we will 1183 00:44:06,610 --> 00:44:09,440 work hard to make sure that we have uh 1184 00:44:09,450 --> 00:44:11,506 you know , the right money is in the 1185 00:44:11,506 --> 00:44:14,140 right place , uh to to ensure that we 1186 00:44:14,140 --> 00:44:17,270 maintain a robust capability uh in in 1187 00:44:17,280 --> 00:44:20,640 in this realm . But you just give me a 1188 00:44:20,650 --> 00:44:22,650 yes or no answer . If you look into 1189 00:44:22,650 --> 00:44:24,761 that that assessment , you said you'd 1190 00:44:24,761 --> 00:44:27,380 give me if we can get it before uh the 1191 00:44:27,390 --> 00:44:29,446 timeframe so that we can consider in 1192 00:44:29,446 --> 00:44:31,779 the N . D . A . I would appreciate that . 1193 00:44:31,779 --> 00:44:34,001 Okay , thank you . Um Next , I'm really 1194 00:44:34,001 --> 00:44:36,057 concerned with how the department is 1195 00:44:36,057 --> 00:44:38,001 addressed electromagnetic spectrum 1196 00:44:38,001 --> 00:44:40,057 Operations . Our adversaries clearly 1197 00:44:40,057 --> 00:44:42,168 investing in technologies to dominate 1198 00:44:42,168 --> 00:44:43,946 the domain while we continue to 1199 00:44:43,946 --> 00:44:46,112 consider it uh an afterthought in some 1200 00:44:46,112 --> 00:44:49,070 ways from my perspective , uh What uh 1201 00:44:49,080 --> 00:44:51,247 when can we expect the electromagnetic 1202 00:44:51,247 --> 00:44:53,480 spectrum uh superiority strategy , 1203 00:44:53,490 --> 00:44:55,601 implementation plan . And what do you 1204 00:44:55,601 --> 00:44:57,657 think is the first step to regaining 1205 00:44:57,657 --> 00:45:01,570 our advantage ? Well , the first 1206 00:45:01,570 --> 00:45:05,400 step to it , uh making sure that we 1207 00:45:05,410 --> 00:45:07,670 maintain an advantage is to make sure 1208 00:45:07,670 --> 00:45:11,340 that that we have a coordinated uh 1209 00:45:11,350 --> 00:45:13,350 effort across the board to identify 1210 00:45:13,350 --> 00:45:15,572 what the threats are and make sure that 1211 00:45:15,572 --> 00:45:17,628 we have the right capabilities to be 1212 00:45:17,628 --> 00:45:19,517 dominant in that space . Our vice 1213 00:45:19,517 --> 00:45:21,461 chairman is currently leading this 1214 00:45:21,461 --> 00:45:25,210 effort on for for our forces and 1215 00:45:25,210 --> 00:45:28,120 and uh you know , I'm confident that as 1216 00:45:28,120 --> 00:45:30,120 he works his way through this along 1217 00:45:30,120 --> 00:45:32,287 with our deputy secretary , we'll come 1218 00:45:32,287 --> 00:45:34,509 back with some good recommendations and 1219 00:45:34,509 --> 00:45:36,509 and uh and we'll implement uh those 1220 00:45:36,509 --> 00:45:38,830 that are appropriate . Secretary . The 1221 00:45:38,840 --> 00:45:41,840 next Department Defense officially 1222 00:45:41,840 --> 00:45:45,010 recognizes five domains of warfare . I 1223 00:45:45,010 --> 00:45:47,220 think we all agree that cybersecurity 1224 00:45:47,220 --> 00:45:49,331 is the national Security challenge of 1225 00:45:49,331 --> 00:45:53,050 the 21st century . Uh The 44 of 1226 00:45:53,050 --> 00:45:55,910 those domains uh I 1227 00:45:56,590 --> 00:46:00,000 uh the senior uh civilian is 1228 00:46:00,000 --> 00:46:02,550 a service secretary . Cyber has a 1229 00:46:02,550 --> 00:46:04,772 deputy assistant secretary which is for 1230 00:46:04,772 --> 00:46:07,060 rungs lower than the the other 1231 00:46:07,060 --> 00:46:09,210 warfighting domains . Why does this 1232 00:46:09,220 --> 00:46:11,480 make sense ? Especially when U . S . 1233 00:46:11,480 --> 00:46:13,770 Service members are in contact with an 1234 00:46:13,770 --> 00:46:16,010 engaging our adversaries in cyberspace 1235 00:46:16,010 --> 00:46:19,540 daily ? Well , cyber 1236 00:46:19,550 --> 00:46:22,640 isn't is obviously incredibly important 1237 00:46:22,640 --> 00:46:24,696 to us I think were very effective in 1238 00:46:24,696 --> 00:46:26,862 this domain . And I think uh currently 1239 00:46:26,862 --> 00:46:29,990 we have the the right oversight for uh 1240 00:46:30,000 --> 00:46:32,280 for our cyber efforts . Matter of fact , 1241 00:46:32,280 --> 00:46:34,391 I was just out with General Nicholson 1242 00:46:34,391 --> 00:46:36,558 here a couple weeks ago reviewing what 1243 00:46:36,558 --> 00:46:39,250 he's doing and and uh and looking at 1244 00:46:39,250 --> 00:46:41,417 his programs talking to his troops and 1245 00:46:41,417 --> 00:46:43,472 I'm very impressed by the capability 1246 00:46:43,472 --> 00:46:45,639 that he continues to develop and we're 1247 00:46:45,639 --> 00:46:47,900 investing in cyber . You know , $10.4 1248 00:46:47,900 --> 00:46:51,790 billion in this budget uh focused 1249 00:46:51,790 --> 00:46:54,410 on cyber . And uh so it's important to 1250 00:46:54,410 --> 00:46:56,632 us and it will remain important to us . 1251 00:46:56,980 --> 00:46:59,870 Mhm . Thanks jim . Are you bet Mr 1252 00:46:59,870 --> 00:47:02,092 Wilson is recognized for five minutes . 1253 00:47:02,092 --> 00:47:04,314 Thank you . Mr Chairman . and I want to 1254 00:47:04,314 --> 00:47:06,930 thank our witnesses for your service as 1255 00:47:06,930 --> 00:47:10,070 a 31 year army veteran myself , as the 1256 00:47:10,080 --> 00:47:12,220 grateful dead of four sons who have 1257 00:47:12,220 --> 00:47:15,400 served in Iraq Egypt and Afghanistan . 1258 00:47:15,580 --> 00:47:17,302 I particularly appreciate your 1259 00:47:17,302 --> 00:47:19,524 dedication and Uh and what you mean for 1260 00:47:19,524 --> 00:47:21,691 our troops , the military families and 1261 00:47:21,700 --> 00:47:23,533 for each of you the issue of pit 1262 00:47:23,533 --> 00:47:25,950 production . I'm grateful that in the 1263 00:47:25,950 --> 00:47:28,920 FY 22 presidential budget request , it 1264 00:47:28,920 --> 00:47:31,070 fully funds the modernization of our 1265 00:47:31,070 --> 00:47:33,290 nuclear triad . A credible nuclear 1266 00:47:33,290 --> 00:47:35,590 deterrent is key to maintaining peace 1267 00:47:35,600 --> 00:47:38,130 during great power competition . This 1268 00:47:38,130 --> 00:47:40,740 requires modernized and robust nuclear 1269 00:47:40,740 --> 00:47:42,907 weapons infrastructure , including the 1270 00:47:42,907 --> 00:47:45,550 capability to produce plutonium pits . 1271 00:47:45,590 --> 00:47:47,810 Doctor charlie Burton , the acting 1272 00:47:47,810 --> 00:47:49,960 administrator of the National Nuclear 1273 00:47:49,960 --> 00:47:52,127 Security Administration , Secretary of 1274 00:47:52,127 --> 00:47:54,238 Energy General for Grand Home . In an 1275 00:47:54,238 --> 00:47:57,340 essay , nominee Jill ruby and Admiral 1276 00:47:57,340 --> 00:47:59,070 Charles Richard all on record 1277 00:47:59,070 --> 00:48:01,650 supporting a two site solution for pit 1278 00:48:01,650 --> 00:48:03,560 production . In addition , just 1279 00:48:03,560 --> 00:48:05,500 yesterday , general john Heighten 1280 00:48:05,510 --> 00:48:07,800 reinforced the importance of a two 1281 00:48:07,800 --> 00:48:10,480 sites solution . In a letter to ranking 1282 00:48:10,480 --> 00:48:12,570 member Mike Turner , I request 1283 00:48:12,570 --> 00:48:15,030 unanimous consent to enter direct the 1284 00:48:15,030 --> 00:48:16,090 letter into record 1285 00:48:19,670 --> 00:48:21,781 without objection . So ordered . Okay 1286 00:48:22,370 --> 00:48:24,920 Secretary Austin and Chairman Millie , 1287 00:48:24,930 --> 00:48:27,260 do you agree that limiting pit 1288 00:48:27,260 --> 00:48:29,580 production to one site leaves us too 1289 00:48:29,580 --> 00:48:31,870 little redundancy ? One of the benefits 1290 00:48:31,870 --> 00:48:33,592 of a two sites solution to the 1291 00:48:33,592 --> 00:48:35,640 resiliency of our nuclear weapons 1292 00:48:35,640 --> 00:48:37,600 infrastructure to establish peace 1293 00:48:37,600 --> 00:48:39,711 through strength . Secretary Austin . 1294 00:48:41,770 --> 00:48:43,770 Well , thank you and first of all , 1295 00:48:43,770 --> 00:48:45,992 thank you for your incredible service . 1296 00:48:45,992 --> 00:48:48,580 Uh very , very impressive . And we're 1297 00:48:48,580 --> 00:48:51,790 grateful um on the issue of uh 1298 00:48:52,370 --> 00:48:55,600 pit production . As you know , um The 1299 00:48:55,600 --> 00:48:57,650 Department of Energy is the lead 1300 00:48:57,660 --> 00:49:00,540 element for that and oversees the 1301 00:49:00,540 --> 00:49:03,120 efforts of in N . S . A . We work with 1302 00:49:03,120 --> 00:49:05,342 the Department of Energy to ensure that 1303 00:49:05,342 --> 00:49:07,453 we have uh you know , the right right 1304 00:49:07,453 --> 00:49:09,720 approach . We want to make sure that we 1305 00:49:09,720 --> 00:49:13,280 have uh you know , adequate resources 1306 00:49:13,290 --> 00:49:16,240 in terms of pits in other elements that 1307 00:49:16,240 --> 00:49:19,970 go into uh into supporting our 1308 00:49:19,970 --> 00:49:22,480 triad there . So uh we're gonna 1309 00:49:22,490 --> 00:49:24,750 continue to do a review of our overall 1310 00:49:24,750 --> 00:49:26,750 capabilities and as we review those 1311 00:49:26,750 --> 00:49:29,130 capabilities will determine , you know , 1312 00:49:29,130 --> 00:49:31,410 what what the appropriate amount of 1313 00:49:31,420 --> 00:49:33,790 appropriate number of sites ought to be . 1314 00:49:35,370 --> 00:49:38,290 And and hey and in accordance with the 1315 00:49:38,290 --> 00:49:40,457 President's budget , do you support to 1316 00:49:40,457 --> 00:49:44,160 sites I support the President's 1317 00:49:44,160 --> 00:49:46,450 budget and with two sites . Thank you . 1318 00:49:46,450 --> 00:49:49,830 Excuse me , General Milley . Yes , I'm 1319 00:49:49,830 --> 00:49:51,941 aligned with general recommendation . 1320 00:49:51,941 --> 00:49:53,830 Yes . So we talked about it . The 1321 00:49:53,830 --> 00:49:55,774 broader issue of course is the the 1322 00:49:55,774 --> 00:49:57,774 number one priority actually in the 1323 00:49:57,774 --> 00:49:59,774 budget is a recapitalization of the 1324 00:49:59,774 --> 00:50:01,497 nuclear enterprise and and the 1325 00:50:01,497 --> 00:50:03,441 secretary directed nuclear posture 1326 00:50:03,441 --> 00:50:03,260 review . That's ongoing . We'll see 1327 00:50:03,260 --> 00:50:05,371 what the results are . But in general 1328 00:50:05,371 --> 00:50:07,538 as a general comment here , the entire 1329 00:50:07,538 --> 00:50:09,260 nuclear enterprise needs to be 1330 00:50:09,260 --> 00:50:11,204 recapitalized and includes the pit 1331 00:50:11,204 --> 00:50:13,204 production of two sites . Thank you 1332 00:50:13,204 --> 00:50:15,204 very much for each of you . And Sir 1333 00:50:15,204 --> 00:50:17,093 Terry Austin . Guam is a critical 1334 00:50:17,093 --> 00:50:19,316 western pacific theater of operations , 1335 00:50:19,316 --> 00:50:21,590 logistical hub hub from the navy and a 1336 00:50:21,590 --> 00:50:24,260 priority target sadly for the chinese 1337 00:50:24,260 --> 00:50:27,280 Communist Party , the patriotic 1338 00:50:27,290 --> 00:50:29,310 american territory of Guam is 1339 00:50:29,310 --> 00:50:31,254 appreciated for having the highest 1340 00:50:31,254 --> 00:50:33,366 percentage of military service of any 1341 00:50:33,366 --> 00:50:35,590 state or territory . The missile 1342 00:50:35,590 --> 00:50:38,290 defense agencies , fy 22 requests 1343 00:50:38,290 --> 00:50:41,660 includes 118.3 million to develop an 1344 00:50:41,660 --> 00:50:43,827 architecture for the defense of Guam . 1345 00:50:43,827 --> 00:50:45,740 Still , the FDA does not have a 1346 00:50:45,740 --> 00:50:48,070 detailed plan exactly what it would be 1347 00:50:48,560 --> 00:50:51,020 given . China's increasingly hostile 1348 00:50:51,020 --> 00:50:53,300 posture in peacetime military build up 1349 00:50:53,310 --> 00:50:55,532 the largest peacetime military build up 1350 00:50:55,532 --> 00:50:58,380 in the history of the world . What can 1351 00:50:58,380 --> 00:51:00,324 we expect the status of a detailed 1352 00:51:00,324 --> 00:51:02,047 overview of the system and its 1353 00:51:02,047 --> 00:51:03,269 deployment timeline ? 1354 00:51:06,060 --> 00:51:09,060 Uh As the chairman mentioned earlier , 1355 00:51:09,070 --> 00:51:11,400 Guam is part of the United States of 1356 00:51:11,400 --> 00:51:13,233 America and the United States of 1357 00:51:13,233 --> 00:51:15,840 America . We will make sure that we we 1358 00:51:15,840 --> 00:51:18,280 have appropriate adequate defense 1359 00:51:18,280 --> 00:51:20,280 mechanisms to protect our territory 1360 00:51:20,280 --> 00:51:23,920 here . Uh and you know , $118 million 1361 00:51:23,920 --> 00:51:27,680 that we've allocated for uh missile 1362 00:51:27,680 --> 00:51:31,580 defense is a , is a start as we develop 1363 00:51:31,590 --> 00:51:34,020 integrated capabilities uh in terms of 1364 00:51:34,020 --> 00:51:36,400 a specific timeline of when that , when 1365 00:51:36,400 --> 00:51:38,400 our assessment and our work will be 1366 00:51:38,400 --> 00:51:40,344 completed , I'll take that for the 1367 00:51:40,344 --> 00:51:42,344 record . Uh um Congressman Wilson , 1368 00:51:42,344 --> 00:51:45,480 thank you . And finally Uh Israel has 1369 00:51:45,480 --> 00:51:48,630 been subject to 4500 Iranian rockets 1370 00:51:48,640 --> 00:51:51,690 from Gaza by Hamas . But the iron dome 1371 00:51:51,690 --> 00:51:53,746 has been successful , Miss Secretary 1372 00:51:53,746 --> 00:51:57,160 will be um working more closely to 1373 00:51:57,160 --> 00:51:58,380 promote iron dome . 1374 00:52:01,150 --> 00:52:03,261 You've heard of say a number of times 1375 00:52:03,261 --> 00:52:05,372 that , you know , we are committed to 1376 00:52:05,372 --> 00:52:07,510 the defence of Israel and uh you know 1377 00:52:07,510 --> 00:52:11,060 met with a um and I do apologize , 1378 00:52:11,060 --> 00:52:14,430 gentleman's time has expired . Um so we 1379 00:52:14,430 --> 00:52:16,486 will move on to Mr Larson and if you 1380 00:52:16,490 --> 00:52:18,657 want to take that one for the record , 1381 00:52:18,657 --> 00:52:20,990 we can do that . Mr Larson is right now . 1382 00:52:21,250 --> 00:52:24,050 Thank you . Mr uh Dr Austin for the 1383 00:52:24,050 --> 00:52:26,272 last several months . Media is reported 1384 00:52:26,272 --> 00:52:28,410 on a number of damning substantial 1385 00:52:28,410 --> 00:52:30,466 issues within the Special Operations 1386 00:52:30,466 --> 00:52:33,620 Forces ranks . Um I want to know what 1387 00:52:33,620 --> 00:52:35,953 jodi is doing to transparently identify , 1388 00:52:35,953 --> 00:52:37,731 track and respond to reports of 1389 00:52:37,731 --> 00:52:39,680 misconduct and soft 1390 00:52:43,250 --> 00:52:45,560 in terms of what the department is 1391 00:52:45,560 --> 00:52:49,120 doing to focus on , that . We have not 1392 00:52:49,120 --> 00:52:52,070 taken any additional actions . Uh as 1393 00:52:52,070 --> 00:52:54,870 you know , we have a a 1394 00:52:55,480 --> 00:52:56,270 a 1395 00:52:59,850 --> 00:53:02,340 we have additional oversight over 1396 00:53:02,340 --> 00:53:05,840 Special Operations Command now . Uh huh . 1397 00:53:05,850 --> 00:53:08,310 And that person reports directly to me , 1398 00:53:08,320 --> 00:53:10,990 he's got a dual track Reporting 1399 00:53:10,990 --> 00:53:13,790 responsibility one directly to me , one 1400 00:53:13,800 --> 00:53:16,970 too to our policy so that we can make 1401 00:53:16,970 --> 00:53:18,803 sure that special operations are 1402 00:53:18,803 --> 00:53:21,620 integrated in policy . I've spoken with 1403 00:53:21,620 --> 00:53:24,000 a commander of Special Operations 1404 00:53:24,000 --> 00:53:26,260 command . Uh He is focused on these 1405 00:53:26,260 --> 00:53:29,560 issues and uh he is uh he's really uh 1406 00:53:29,950 --> 00:53:32,090 digging in to make sure that he 1407 00:53:32,090 --> 00:53:34,146 understands the nature of the issues 1408 00:53:34,146 --> 00:53:36,146 and taking preventative measures to 1409 00:53:36,146 --> 00:53:38,800 ensure that those types of things don't 1410 00:53:38,800 --> 00:53:40,770 occur in the future . It's a real 1411 00:53:40,770 --> 00:53:42,714 serious issue and I appreciate you 1412 00:53:42,714 --> 00:53:44,910 taking it seriously . And on that last 1413 00:53:44,910 --> 00:53:47,132 point you've made um we've talked a lot 1414 00:53:47,132 --> 00:53:49,299 about domains but I want to I want you 1415 00:53:49,299 --> 00:53:51,630 to uh Change your brain a little bit 1416 00:53:51,630 --> 00:53:53,630 here literally because I wanna talk 1417 00:53:53,630 --> 00:53:55,797 about the cognitive domain so calm and 1418 00:53:55,797 --> 00:53:57,963 soft as they want to focus on in terms 1419 00:53:57,963 --> 00:54:00,019 of improving the cognitive domain of 1420 00:54:00,019 --> 00:54:01,963 our war fighters . And saw as like 1421 00:54:01,963 --> 00:54:04,297 there's a $10.2 million dollar requests , 1422 00:54:04,297 --> 00:54:06,519 very small requests in the budget , but 1423 00:54:06,519 --> 00:54:09,600 for investment in common domain 1424 00:54:09,600 --> 00:54:12,930 improving , Um , the impact of soft 1425 00:54:12,930 --> 00:54:15,380 training and improving the outcomes so 1426 00:54:15,380 --> 00:54:17,602 that maybe we are getting a little more 1427 00:54:17,602 --> 00:54:19,769 preventive . Can you talk a little bit 1428 00:54:19,769 --> 00:54:23,690 about what your plan is , um , uh , to 1429 00:54:23,690 --> 00:54:26,110 spend this $10.2 million ? I know it's 1430 00:54:26,110 --> 00:54:28,277 a tiny bit of the budget is not as big 1431 00:54:28,277 --> 00:54:30,443 as some parts of the budget , but it's 1432 00:54:30,443 --> 00:54:32,666 an important part we're tracking well . 1433 00:54:32,666 --> 00:54:35,450 So calm has , uh , has led our our 1434 00:54:35,450 --> 00:54:37,840 forces in terms of developing ways to 1435 00:54:37,840 --> 00:54:41,180 make our warriors more efficient , more 1436 00:54:41,180 --> 00:54:43,402 effective on the battlefield . And this 1437 00:54:43,402 --> 00:54:45,402 is one of those things that they've 1438 00:54:45,402 --> 00:54:47,569 been looking at for some time in terms 1439 00:54:47,569 --> 00:54:51,200 of specific plans to uh , to 1440 00:54:51,210 --> 00:54:54,220 invest those monies into various pieces 1441 00:54:54,220 --> 00:54:56,164 and parts . I'll take that for the 1442 00:54:56,164 --> 00:54:58,498 record because I don't have those facts . 1443 00:54:58,498 --> 00:55:00,776 Uh , I had my fingertips , that's fine . 1444 00:55:00,776 --> 00:55:02,887 I think it's more about resilience of 1445 00:55:02,887 --> 00:55:05,740 the warfighter before they , before we 1446 00:55:05,740 --> 00:55:08,430 put them in to a situation . So when 1447 00:55:08,430 --> 00:55:10,652 they come out they're more resilient as 1448 00:55:10,652 --> 00:55:13,910 well . Um , just um , can you 1449 00:55:13,920 --> 00:55:17,240 briefly then uh we describe a little 1450 00:55:17,240 --> 00:55:19,407 bit , how are you working to implement 1451 00:55:19,407 --> 00:55:22,820 directive 5111.10 That's the asd select 1452 00:55:22,830 --> 00:55:26,360 directive that deaf hicks put out 1453 00:55:27,640 --> 00:55:29,807 mm . Are you working to implement that 1454 00:55:29,807 --> 00:55:33,130 directive ? Well , as you know , our 1455 00:55:33,140 --> 00:55:35,800 our nominee to occupy that position is 1456 00:55:35,810 --> 00:55:39,600 has yet to be confirmed . But as chris 1457 00:55:39,600 --> 00:55:42,810 Mayer and once he is confirmed , uh I 1458 00:55:42,810 --> 00:55:45,032 have every confidence that he will do a 1459 00:55:45,032 --> 00:55:47,570 great job and making sure that he keeps 1460 00:55:47,570 --> 00:55:50,520 me informed of uh , of his needs , in 1461 00:55:50,520 --> 00:55:54,240 terms of service type needs uh and also 1462 00:55:54,250 --> 00:55:57,260 what they're doing operationally . Um 1463 00:55:57,840 --> 00:56:00,062 He will sit in on regular meetings with 1464 00:56:00,062 --> 00:56:02,620 me or report directly to me on all 1465 00:56:02,620 --> 00:56:04,880 service issues , service type issues . 1466 00:56:04,890 --> 00:56:08,370 Uh and he will also 1467 00:56:08,380 --> 00:56:10,560 integrate his activities in with our 1468 00:56:10,560 --> 00:56:14,400 policy branch who of course 1469 00:56:14,410 --> 00:56:16,466 we'll ensure that , you know , those 1470 00:56:16,466 --> 00:56:18,521 activities are synchronized with the 1471 00:56:18,521 --> 00:56:20,410 rest of the force . But uh but to 1472 00:56:20,410 --> 00:56:22,632 answer your question , we are moving on 1473 00:56:22,632 --> 00:56:25,570 on this to to uh to realize Congress's 1474 00:56:25,570 --> 00:56:27,810 intent here . Thank you . General 1475 00:56:27,810 --> 00:56:30,100 Milley don't want to let you go here 1476 00:56:30,110 --> 00:56:32,166 that question . And this sense about 1477 00:56:32,166 --> 00:56:33,999 the about the arctic . There's a 1478 00:56:33,999 --> 00:56:35,721 broader , you know , a broader 1479 00:56:35,721 --> 00:56:37,832 coordination that needs to take place 1480 00:56:37,832 --> 00:56:39,888 throughout the U . S . Government on 1481 00:56:39,888 --> 00:56:41,777 arctic policy generally . But the 1482 00:56:41,777 --> 00:56:41,580 Defense Department has a piece of this . 1483 00:56:41,590 --> 00:56:44,550 Can you articulate how the department 1484 00:56:44,730 --> 00:56:46,760 sees the arctic from a national 1485 00:56:46,760 --> 00:56:48,982 security through national security lens 1486 00:56:49,230 --> 00:56:50,897 And then what you're doing to 1487 00:56:50,897 --> 00:56:52,897 coordinate among the services , the 1488 00:56:52,897 --> 00:56:55,170 desperate ideas they have for presence 1489 00:56:55,180 --> 00:56:58,320 in that region . U- 27 seconds . Um , 1490 00:56:58,330 --> 00:57:00,270 I'll give you a fulsome answer in 1491 00:57:00,270 --> 00:57:02,548 writing . I'll take that . But briefly , 1492 00:57:02,548 --> 00:57:04,603 uh , we recognize the importance and 1493 00:57:04,603 --> 00:57:06,770 the increasingly growing importance of 1494 00:57:06,770 --> 00:57:08,992 the arctic as climate change causes the 1495 00:57:08,992 --> 00:57:11,214 arctic ice to melt and resources become 1496 00:57:11,214 --> 00:57:13,437 available , it's going to become an era 1497 00:57:13,437 --> 00:57:15,603 of our area of great power competition 1498 00:57:15,603 --> 00:57:17,770 between United States china and Russia 1499 00:57:17,770 --> 00:57:19,826 and perhaps other power as well . So 1500 00:57:19,826 --> 00:57:21,992 I'll give you more full written answer 1501 00:57:21,992 --> 00:57:20,950 on disposition of force and what we 1502 00:57:20,950 --> 00:57:22,950 have planned ahead . Uh One comment 1503 00:57:22,950 --> 00:57:25,006 though , if I could real quick and I 1504 00:57:25,006 --> 00:57:27,228 know she was going to cut me off on the 1505 00:57:27,228 --> 00:57:29,228 Special Operations Forces . Uh , We 1506 00:57:29,228 --> 00:57:31,061 have the most disciplined vetted 1507 00:57:31,061 --> 00:57:33,117 Special Operations force out there . 1508 00:57:33,117 --> 00:57:35,339 I'm aware of the reports . Talk to Rich 1509 00:57:35,339 --> 00:57:37,506 Clark as well as the Secretary . We're 1510 00:57:37,506 --> 00:57:36,850 getting after that very , very closely . 1511 00:57:36,860 --> 00:57:39,200 But we have exceptionally disciplined 1512 00:57:39,200 --> 00:57:41,144 and well vetted Special Operations 1513 00:57:41,144 --> 00:57:43,089 Forces . Thank you . General Simon 1514 00:57:43,089 --> 00:57:45,200 expired . Mr Turner is recognized for 1515 00:57:45,200 --> 00:57:47,533 five minutes . Thank you . Mr Secretary . 1516 00:57:47,533 --> 00:57:49,811 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Mr Secretary . 1517 00:57:49,811 --> 00:57:51,811 As you know , we're undertaking our 1518 00:57:51,811 --> 00:57:53,978 budgetary hearings and as part of that 1519 00:57:53,978 --> 00:57:56,140 testifying before us was acting Navy 1520 00:57:56,140 --> 00:57:59,330 Secretary thomas Harker . Um he and I 1521 00:57:59,330 --> 00:58:02,580 had an exchange about a June 4 , 2021 1522 00:58:02,580 --> 00:58:05,470 memorandum that he wrote directing the 1523 00:58:05,470 --> 00:58:09,050 Navy to defund the sea launched cruise 1524 00:58:09,050 --> 00:58:11,680 missile , nuclear capable for a 1525 00:58:11,680 --> 00:58:15,450 budgetary um year 2023 . 1526 00:58:15,920 --> 00:58:18,660 The budget that you have before us and 1527 00:58:18,660 --> 00:58:21,770 that you are testifying before is 2022 . 1528 00:58:21,780 --> 00:58:24,340 And it fully funds this program . 1529 00:58:24,350 --> 00:58:26,070 Yesterday I sent you a letter 1530 00:58:26,070 --> 00:58:28,237 concerning my exchange with the acting 1531 00:58:28,237 --> 00:58:30,403 secretary and I'm not going to ask you 1532 00:58:30,403 --> 00:58:32,626 for a decision today , but I do want to 1533 00:58:32,626 --> 00:58:34,792 engage you about his testimony and the 1534 00:58:34,792 --> 00:58:37,070 importance of what I have asked of you . 1535 00:58:37,070 --> 00:58:39,250 Um The acting secretary acknowledged 1536 00:58:39,260 --> 00:58:41,840 that he requested that this be defunded . 1537 00:58:42,320 --> 00:58:44,450 He testified that he did not consult 1538 00:58:44,450 --> 00:58:46,710 with anyone in the pentagon . And in 1539 00:58:46,710 --> 00:58:48,821 fact , both of you , Secretary Austin 1540 00:58:48,821 --> 00:58:50,988 and General Milley have testified that 1541 00:58:50,988 --> 00:58:54,110 you were not consulted . Also , Admiral 1542 00:58:54,110 --> 00:58:56,510 Richard stratcom was not consulted . An 1543 00:58:56,510 --> 00:59:00,180 Admiral Richard testifies that this um 1544 00:59:00,190 --> 00:59:02,090 this missile is a much needed , 1545 00:59:02,100 --> 00:59:04,590 nonstrategic regional presence to 1546 00:59:04,590 --> 00:59:07,000 provide assured response capability . 1547 00:59:07,010 --> 00:59:09,121 That it provides additional diversity 1548 00:59:09,121 --> 00:59:11,720 in platforms and survivability , that 1549 00:59:11,720 --> 00:59:14,330 it provides limited US response options . 1550 00:59:14,340 --> 00:59:17,490 It is more credible deterrent and it 1551 00:59:17,500 --> 00:59:20,500 allows us to not rely on the threat of 1552 00:59:20,500 --> 00:59:23,720 large scale nuclear responses . Now , 1553 00:59:23,720 --> 00:59:25,942 the acting secretary went on to tell us 1554 00:59:25,942 --> 00:59:28,930 um that um he acknowledged that we're 1555 00:59:28,930 --> 00:59:30,680 currently under analysis of 1556 00:59:30,680 --> 00:59:32,569 alternatives with respect to this 1557 00:59:32,569 --> 00:59:34,569 missile . And of course the nuclear 1558 00:59:34,569 --> 00:59:36,791 posture review is ongoing and indicated 1559 00:59:36,791 --> 00:59:38,847 that he was not qualified to have an 1560 00:59:38,847 --> 00:59:41,069 opinion in either of those with respect 1561 00:59:41,069 --> 00:59:43,124 to this missile . And yet he felt he 1562 00:59:43,124 --> 00:59:45,236 was qualified to cancel it . Now it's 1563 00:59:45,236 --> 00:59:46,958 always concerning when we have 1564 00:59:46,958 --> 00:59:49,180 testimony , as we have from the both of 1565 00:59:49,180 --> 00:59:51,180 you concerning China's and Russia's 1566 00:59:51,180 --> 00:59:53,347 modernization and when we have what is 1567 00:59:53,347 --> 00:59:55,458 basically a bureaucratic intervention 1568 00:59:55,458 --> 00:59:58,040 in what the important processes are in 1569 00:59:58,040 --> 01:00:00,151 determining what our capabilities are 1570 01:00:00,151 --> 01:00:02,373 going to be in the future as we respond 1571 01:00:02,373 --> 01:00:04,596 to our adversaries capabilities . Now , 1572 01:00:04,596 --> 01:00:06,818 the Acting secretary also affirmatively 1573 01:00:06,818 --> 01:00:08,818 acknowledged and that he understood 1574 01:00:08,818 --> 01:00:10,940 that his memorandum was untimely in 1575 01:00:10,940 --> 01:00:12,996 that the President United States was 1576 01:00:12,996 --> 01:00:15,107 about ready to sit down with Vladimir 1577 01:00:15,107 --> 01:00:16,940 Putin and that it undermined the 1578 01:00:16,940 --> 01:00:19,162 President United States because as he's 1579 01:00:19,162 --> 01:00:21,180 trying to engage Vladimir Putin in 1580 01:00:21,810 --> 01:00:25,480 treaty negotiations for arms control . 1581 01:00:25,610 --> 01:00:27,832 Certainly , Vladimir Putin doesn't care 1582 01:00:27,832 --> 01:00:29,999 about arms control . If we're going to 1583 01:00:29,999 --> 01:00:32,221 unilaterally be giving up platforms and 1584 01:00:32,221 --> 01:00:34,443 the Acting Secretary on his own , as he 1585 01:00:34,443 --> 01:00:36,388 says , without consulting anyone , 1586 01:00:36,388 --> 01:00:38,443 signal to Russia and our adversaries 1587 01:00:38,443 --> 01:00:40,277 and our allies that what Admiral 1588 01:00:40,277 --> 01:00:42,443 Richard says is an important component 1589 01:00:42,443 --> 01:00:44,388 of our overall capabilities Is not 1590 01:00:44,388 --> 01:00:46,660 going to be pursued in 2023 . Now , 1591 01:00:46,670 --> 01:00:48,726 I've sent you a letter asking you to 1592 01:00:48,726 --> 01:00:50,559 rescind this because we have the 1593 01:00:50,559 --> 01:00:52,970 testimony directly from the acting 1594 01:00:52,970 --> 01:00:55,137 secretary saying he's not qualified to 1595 01:00:55,137 --> 01:00:56,748 make this decision , that he 1596 01:00:56,748 --> 01:00:58,637 understands it affects the United 1597 01:00:58,637 --> 01:01:00,692 States standing and our arms control 1598 01:01:00,692 --> 01:01:02,414 negotiations posture . That he 1599 01:01:02,414 --> 01:01:04,526 understands that Admiral Richard says 1600 01:01:04,526 --> 01:01:06,692 that it's an important capability that 1601 01:01:06,692 --> 01:01:06,420 we have going forward in the future . 1602 01:01:06,460 --> 01:01:09,020 Now , I'm not going to ask you today to 1603 01:01:09,030 --> 01:01:12,920 uh to commit to rescinding this . But I 1604 01:01:12,920 --> 01:01:15,470 do want to ask you , are you concerned 1605 01:01:15,470 --> 01:01:17,359 about this process that an acting 1606 01:01:17,359 --> 01:01:19,192 secretary could issue memorandum 1607 01:01:19,192 --> 01:01:21,800 canceling a very important nuclear 1608 01:01:21,800 --> 01:01:23,744 weapons program without consulting 1609 01:01:23,744 --> 01:01:26,330 anyone in the pentagon . He testified 1610 01:01:26,330 --> 01:01:28,552 here that he had not consulted anyone . 1611 01:01:28,552 --> 01:01:30,330 You both testified you were not 1612 01:01:30,330 --> 01:01:32,497 consulted . Admiral Richard , who says 1613 01:01:32,497 --> 01:01:34,163 it's essential for the future 1614 01:01:34,163 --> 01:01:36,330 capabilities and references what china 1615 01:01:36,330 --> 01:01:38,552 and Russia is doing for modernization , 1616 01:01:38,552 --> 01:01:40,552 says he was not consulted . And the 1617 01:01:40,552 --> 01:01:42,663 acting secretary himself acknowledges 1618 01:01:42,663 --> 01:01:44,886 that it undermines the President of the 1619 01:01:44,886 --> 01:01:47,108 United States . Does that concern you ? 1620 01:01:47,310 --> 01:01:50,970 Make two points very quickly . The 1621 01:01:50,980 --> 01:01:53,600 first point is , the nuclear triad is 1622 01:01:53,600 --> 01:01:56,230 very important to us . Uh and I'm fully 1623 01:01:56,230 --> 01:01:59,150 committed to its modernization . The 1624 01:01:59,150 --> 01:02:01,206 second point I would make is that we 1625 01:02:01,206 --> 01:02:03,690 have , we've said a number of times 1626 01:02:03,690 --> 01:02:05,930 that we're going to conduct a nuclear 1627 01:02:05,930 --> 01:02:08,910 posture review and in in that review 1628 01:02:08,910 --> 01:02:11,077 we're going to ensure that we have the 1629 01:02:11,077 --> 01:02:13,077 right balance and mix of forces and 1630 01:02:13,077 --> 01:02:15,990 capabilities . Uh , I think that any 1631 01:02:16,000 --> 01:02:19,340 any announcements or decisions about Fy 1632 01:02:19,340 --> 01:02:22,510 23 prior to the termination of that 1633 01:02:22,510 --> 01:02:25,380 review or completion of that review is 1634 01:02:25,380 --> 01:02:27,269 premature . Thank you . Secretary 1635 01:02:27,269 --> 01:02:29,380 really do appreciate General Milley . 1636 01:02:29,380 --> 01:02:31,269 Um , I want to thank you for your 1637 01:02:31,269 --> 01:02:33,547 service . I did on the phone yesterday . 1638 01:02:33,547 --> 01:02:35,713 I think your credibility is incredibly 1639 01:02:35,713 --> 01:02:37,547 important to both for allies and 1640 01:02:37,547 --> 01:02:39,602 adversaries . Do you believe Ukraine 1641 01:02:39,602 --> 01:02:41,658 deserves lethal weapons support from 1642 01:02:41,658 --> 01:02:43,491 United States ? I do . And we've 1643 01:02:43,491 --> 01:02:45,602 provided lethal weapons in the past , 1644 01:02:45,602 --> 01:02:45,100 but they're lethal weapons for 1645 01:02:45,100 --> 01:02:47,810 defensive purposes only . I'll go back . 1646 01:02:48,300 --> 01:02:50,720 Thank you . Dear Courtney is recognized 1647 01:02:50,720 --> 01:02:52,609 for five minutes . Thank you , Mr 1648 01:02:52,609 --> 01:02:54,664 Chairman and thank you again to both 1649 01:02:54,664 --> 01:02:56,776 witnesses , um and Secretary Austin . 1650 01:02:56,776 --> 01:02:58,887 You know , I just wanted to follow up 1651 01:02:58,887 --> 01:03:00,831 one point , which is , man I'm not 1652 01:03:00,831 --> 01:03:00,780 going to ask you to comment on it , but 1653 01:03:00,780 --> 01:03:03,530 the the budget did come over later than 1654 01:03:03,530 --> 01:03:05,363 normal . But , um , I think it's 1655 01:03:05,363 --> 01:03:07,350 important to remember that the 1656 01:03:07,350 --> 01:03:09,640 transition team had an unprecedented 1657 01:03:09,640 --> 01:03:12,170 level of lack of cooperation in terms 1658 01:03:12,170 --> 01:03:14,003 of getting into the building and 1659 01:03:14,003 --> 01:03:16,280 sitting down and really using november 1660 01:03:16,280 --> 01:03:18,510 and december and early january as an 1661 01:03:18,510 --> 01:03:20,677 opportunity to get a head start on the 1662 01:03:20,677 --> 01:03:22,899 budget process . And to me , you know , 1663 01:03:22,899 --> 01:03:25,100 just common sense tells us that that's 1664 01:03:25,100 --> 01:03:27,680 one of the reasons why we're sort of a 1665 01:03:27,690 --> 01:03:29,690 little late this year . But again , 1666 01:03:29,690 --> 01:03:31,912 this committee is going to work hard to 1667 01:03:31,912 --> 01:03:33,968 make sure that our mark proceeds and 1668 01:03:33,968 --> 01:03:36,190 we're gonna do everything we can to get 1669 01:03:36,190 --> 01:03:39,250 regular order . Um Both of you have 1670 01:03:39,250 --> 01:03:41,270 talked in the Service Chiefs in the 1671 01:03:41,270 --> 01:03:43,270 last couple weeks have stressed the 1672 01:03:43,270 --> 01:03:45,437 importance of deterring pacing threats 1673 01:03:45,437 --> 01:03:47,603 to our nation , particularly china and 1674 01:03:47,603 --> 01:03:49,548 Russia . The fiscal year 22 budget 1675 01:03:49,548 --> 01:03:52,590 includes a very noticeable strong boost 1676 01:03:52,590 --> 01:03:54,812 and an investment . The Navy's undersea 1677 01:03:54,812 --> 01:03:57,034 force which uh , General Milley alluded 1678 01:03:57,034 --> 01:03:59,170 to briefly earlier here . Attack subs 1679 01:03:59,170 --> 01:04:01,503 the Columbia ballistic sub program in R . 1680 01:04:01,503 --> 01:04:03,337 And D . For the follow on to the 1681 01:04:03,337 --> 01:04:06,020 Virginia program . Can you mr . 1682 01:04:06,020 --> 01:04:08,242 Secretary and general just sort of talk 1683 01:04:08,242 --> 01:04:10,464 about how that undersea priority aligns 1684 01:04:10,464 --> 01:04:12,353 with the goal to match the pacing 1685 01:04:12,353 --> 01:04:14,409 threat in the indo pacific region as 1686 01:04:14,409 --> 01:04:16,409 well as increased Russian submarine 1687 01:04:16,409 --> 01:04:18,520 activity in the north atlantic in the 1688 01:04:18,520 --> 01:04:20,890 article . Yeah . First of all , we have 1689 01:04:20,890 --> 01:04:24,400 the most dominant uh naval force in the 1690 01:04:24,410 --> 01:04:27,760 on the face of the planet . Uh , and a 1691 01:04:27,770 --> 01:04:31,030 key port piece of that is , you know , 1692 01:04:31,030 --> 01:04:34,320 what are key piece of that capability 1693 01:04:34,320 --> 01:04:36,580 is what our submarine force brings to 1694 01:04:36,580 --> 01:04:39,960 the uh , to the table . Uh , it is 1695 01:04:39,960 --> 01:04:42,350 absolutely relevant to the future fight . 1696 01:04:42,360 --> 01:04:44,810 Uh , it is necessary . And so I , I 1697 01:04:44,810 --> 01:04:47,050 think our investments here are well 1698 01:04:47,050 --> 01:04:49,720 placed , uh , in , yeah , I'll leave it 1699 01:04:49,720 --> 01:04:53,610 at that congressman . I would say 1700 01:04:53,610 --> 01:04:57,000 that relevance to future fight . Um , 1701 01:04:58,290 --> 01:05:00,012 couple of things to consider . 1702 01:05:00,012 --> 01:05:03,000 Survivability . Small , small is better . 1703 01:05:03,390 --> 01:05:06,900 Dispersal and submarines by their 1704 01:05:06,900 --> 01:05:09,640 nature are extraordinarily survivable . 1705 01:05:09,700 --> 01:05:11,990 They're very lethal . And they are one 1706 01:05:11,990 --> 01:05:14,212 of the significant asymmetric advantage 1707 01:05:14,212 --> 01:05:16,434 is that the United States has . We have 1708 01:05:16,434 --> 01:05:18,657 an incredible submarine force and it is 1709 01:05:18,657 --> 01:05:20,823 probably the most lethal weapon on the 1710 01:05:20,823 --> 01:05:20,320 battlefield in some future operating 1711 01:05:20,320 --> 01:05:22,431 environment . So continued investment 1712 01:05:22,431 --> 01:05:24,764 in subs is well worth it . Great . Well , 1713 01:05:24,764 --> 01:05:26,820 thank you . And again , I've been on 1714 01:05:26,820 --> 01:05:28,876 sea power for 15 years . This , this 1715 01:05:28,876 --> 01:05:28,750 year's budget . There's , it's 1716 01:05:28,760 --> 01:05:31,390 unmatched in terms of the proposed 1717 01:05:31,400 --> 01:05:33,567 spending levels . And um , and I think 1718 01:05:33,567 --> 01:05:36,320 it's worthy to again share that point . 1719 01:05:36,330 --> 01:05:38,497 The number one acquisition authority , 1720 01:05:38,497 --> 01:05:41,590 which both admiral guild and I think 1721 01:05:41,600 --> 01:05:43,656 even general million others over the 1722 01:05:43,656 --> 01:05:45,933 years has said is the Columbia program , 1723 01:05:45,933 --> 01:05:48,044 which is recapitalizing the sea based 1724 01:05:48,044 --> 01:05:51,040 leg of our triad . Um I was actually at 1725 01:05:51,050 --> 01:05:54,010 E . B . On monday um and caught up with 1726 01:05:54,010 --> 01:05:56,121 the program . There . They are now at 1727 01:05:56,121 --> 01:05:59,140 85% design completion as construction 1728 01:05:59,140 --> 01:06:01,500 begins . That is an unprecedented level 1729 01:06:01,500 --> 01:06:03,722 of design completion and a shipbuilding 1730 01:06:03,722 --> 01:06:05,833 program , which is a way of debugging 1731 01:06:05,833 --> 01:06:08,290 uh the program to get the design done 1732 01:06:08,290 --> 01:06:10,512 and make sure that then you just follow 1733 01:06:10,512 --> 01:06:13,370 the requirements and stay within budget . 1734 01:06:13,380 --> 01:06:16,530 That's there . In 2015 , this 1735 01:06:16,530 --> 01:06:19,130 committee enacted the National Sea Bass 1736 01:06:19,130 --> 01:06:21,880 Deterrence Fund , which was recognizing 1737 01:06:21,880 --> 01:06:24,047 the bow wave of spending that Colombia 1738 01:06:24,047 --> 01:06:26,269 was going to bring with it and it's set 1739 01:06:26,269 --> 01:06:28,840 up again sort of um special authorities 1740 01:06:28,840 --> 01:06:32,280 for multi year production for materials 1741 01:06:32,290 --> 01:06:34,700 for different components of the program . 1742 01:06:34,710 --> 01:06:37,043 It has saved millions of dollars in CBO , 1743 01:06:37,043 --> 01:06:39,230 has has validated that , however , I 1744 01:06:39,230 --> 01:06:41,330 would just note um and I think Mr 1745 01:06:41,330 --> 01:06:43,497 Whitman would agree on this is that it 1746 01:06:43,497 --> 01:06:45,608 really has been under utilized by the 1747 01:06:45,608 --> 01:06:47,719 pentagon . And we in this year's Mark 1748 01:06:47,719 --> 01:06:49,830 are going to continue to pursue other 1749 01:06:49,830 --> 01:06:52,500 opportunities to get savings and 1750 01:06:52,500 --> 01:06:54,770 efficiencies through the National Sea 1751 01:06:54,770 --> 01:06:56,770 based Defense Fund . I've talked to 1752 01:06:56,770 --> 01:06:59,360 undersecretary Hicks and Mr uh 1753 01:06:59,370 --> 01:07:01,380 Stephanie about um you know these 1754 01:07:01,380 --> 01:07:03,860 opportunities that are there , but 1755 01:07:03,870 --> 01:07:06,310 again there's there's no time to waste 1756 01:07:06,310 --> 01:07:08,143 in terms of getting this program 1757 01:07:08,143 --> 01:07:10,366 complete . I know General Hillier , you 1758 01:07:10,366 --> 01:07:12,532 took a rain check to come up and visit 1759 01:07:12,532 --> 01:07:14,810 the South yard where the production is . 1760 01:07:14,810 --> 01:07:17,032 It's it's eye watering when you come up 1761 01:07:17,032 --> 01:07:19,254 and hopefully you'll join us soon to to 1762 01:07:19,254 --> 01:07:21,477 sort of see this very important program 1763 01:07:21,477 --> 01:07:23,699 for our country . I will I will do that 1764 01:07:23,699 --> 01:07:25,921 car . Great . And without a year back , 1765 01:07:26,980 --> 01:07:28,869 Mr Lamborn is recognized for five 1766 01:07:28,869 --> 01:07:30,980 minutes . Thank you . Mr Chairman and 1767 01:07:30,980 --> 01:07:33,147 Chairman Smith . I received a study by 1768 01:07:33,147 --> 01:07:35,313 a retired commander of Air Force Space 1769 01:07:35,313 --> 01:07:37,536 Command in NORAD North calm and another 1770 01:07:37,536 --> 01:07:39,702 lieutenant general saying that the Air 1771 01:07:39,702 --> 01:07:41,758 Force never fully considered keeping 1772 01:07:41,758 --> 01:07:43,869 Space command in its current location 1773 01:07:43,980 --> 01:07:46,147 and doing so would save over a billion 1774 01:07:46,147 --> 01:07:48,202 dollars and save seven years . And I 1775 01:07:48,202 --> 01:07:50,202 ask unanimous consent to place this 1776 01:07:50,202 --> 01:07:51,924 into the record , hearing your 1777 01:07:51,924 --> 01:07:53,869 objection so ordered . Thank you . 1778 01:07:53,980 --> 01:07:56,670 Secretary Austin this monday the 1779 01:07:56,680 --> 01:07:58,680 Taliban seized control of a key 1780 01:07:58,680 --> 01:08:02,620 district of Kunduz province in the 1781 01:08:02,620 --> 01:08:05,310 north of Afghanistan and it's the 1782 01:08:05,310 --> 01:08:06,921 latest in a series of recent 1783 01:08:06,921 --> 01:08:08,921 battlefield victories . After peace 1784 01:08:08,921 --> 01:08:10,820 talks have stalled , Dozens of 1785 01:08:10,820 --> 01:08:12,764 districts have been taken over the 1786 01:08:12,764 --> 01:08:14,876 Taliban since May one when NATO began 1787 01:08:14,876 --> 01:08:17,170 withdrawing . And you've said that , 1788 01:08:17,180 --> 01:08:19,013 you quote , we're looking at the 1789 01:08:19,013 --> 01:08:21,236 situation every day with a fresh set of 1790 01:08:21,236 --> 01:08:23,530 eyes to see if you know the pace we are 1791 01:08:23,530 --> 01:08:25,900 setting is the appropriate pace unquote . 1792 01:08:26,570 --> 01:08:29,430 So , given the accelerating pace of 1793 01:08:29,430 --> 01:08:31,830 Taliban victories and control of key 1794 01:08:31,830 --> 01:08:34,310 districts since we've been withdrawing 1795 01:08:34,310 --> 01:08:37,970 since May one . How are things going ? 1796 01:08:37,970 --> 01:08:40,137 I mean , is that an appropriate is our 1797 01:08:40,137 --> 01:08:42,303 withdrawal at an appropriate pace when 1798 01:08:42,303 --> 01:08:44,470 they're picking up all these districts 1799 01:08:44,470 --> 01:08:47,750 around the country ? Mhm . Well , thank 1800 01:08:47,750 --> 01:08:51,180 you . We are focused on the task set . 1801 01:08:51,190 --> 01:08:53,490 We've been that we have at hand is to 1802 01:08:54,070 --> 01:08:56,820 conduct our retrograde in a safe , 1803 01:08:56,830 --> 01:08:59,500 orderly and responsible fashion . 1804 01:09:00,070 --> 01:09:02,930 We've developed a very detailed plan to 1805 01:09:02,930 --> 01:09:06,760 do that and uh and we have accomplished 1806 01:09:06,770 --> 01:09:09,830 the task according to plan thus far , 1807 01:09:09,840 --> 01:09:13,560 uh and and really provided for the 1808 01:09:13,560 --> 01:09:16,140 safety of not only our forces but our 1809 01:09:16,140 --> 01:09:18,050 allies as well , and will remain 1810 01:09:18,050 --> 01:09:21,610 focused on that . Uh Well , as a follow 1811 01:09:21,610 --> 01:09:24,110 up on that , none of us want to see a 1812 01:09:24,110 --> 01:09:28,040 bloodbath after we withdraw for unless 1813 01:09:28,050 --> 01:09:30,106 you said there'd be a small presence 1814 01:09:30,106 --> 01:09:32,380 guarding diplomatic personnel , but 1815 01:09:32,380 --> 01:09:34,324 none of us want to see a bloodbath 1816 01:09:34,324 --> 01:09:35,991 against women and Children in 1817 01:09:35,991 --> 01:09:38,047 particular or against former U . S . 1818 01:09:38,047 --> 01:09:42,020 Supporters like translators . So how 1819 01:09:42,030 --> 01:09:44,086 how are we going to prevent that ? I 1820 01:09:44,086 --> 01:09:46,520 mean , how how will the over the 1821 01:09:46,520 --> 01:09:49,870 horizon process work , which I'm kind 1822 01:09:49,870 --> 01:09:51,037 of skeptical about . 1823 01:09:54,370 --> 01:09:57,210 So I would just point out to the on the 1824 01:09:57,220 --> 01:09:59,500 on the over over the horizon piece 1825 01:10:00,260 --> 01:10:02,740 we're doing over the horizon . Now we 1826 01:10:02,740 --> 01:10:05,670 don't have very much s are on on the 1827 01:10:05,670 --> 01:10:07,670 ground in Afghanistan . It's coming 1828 01:10:07,670 --> 01:10:10,560 from the from the gulf countries uh , 1829 01:10:10,560 --> 01:10:12,782 and our fighters support is also coming 1830 01:10:12,782 --> 01:10:16,130 from either platforms at sea or from 1831 01:10:16,130 --> 01:10:18,297 the gulf countries as well . So we can 1832 01:10:18,297 --> 01:10:21,170 do that . We have been doing it and uh 1833 01:10:21,180 --> 01:10:23,291 and we're doing it very effectively . 1834 01:10:23,560 --> 01:10:26,140 What we'd like to do going forward is 1835 01:10:26,140 --> 01:10:28,950 shorten the legs that were required to 1836 01:10:28,960 --> 01:10:32,310 uh to utilize by 1837 01:10:32,320 --> 01:10:35,370 uh getting an agreement with one of the 1838 01:10:35,370 --> 01:10:38,320 neighboring countries uh to base some 1839 01:10:38,320 --> 01:10:40,690 of our eyes are uh in one of those 1840 01:10:40,690 --> 01:10:43,900 countries , but you know , we're doing 1841 01:10:43,900 --> 01:10:46,300 that effectively now . So it is , it is 1842 01:10:46,300 --> 01:10:48,356 not only possible , it is what we're 1843 01:10:48,356 --> 01:10:51,970 doing uh in terms of um 1844 01:10:52,660 --> 01:10:54,560 taking care of women and girls in 1845 01:10:54,560 --> 01:10:57,670 Afghanistan . Let me also at the very 1846 01:10:57,670 --> 01:11:00,060 top say I really appreciate the 1847 01:11:00,060 --> 01:11:02,370 bipartisan support that we've seen for 1848 01:11:02,370 --> 01:11:04,950 for this . And I would also point to 1849 01:11:04,950 --> 01:11:07,680 you that and you've mentioned this that 1850 01:11:07,690 --> 01:11:10,180 our plan is to maintain an embassy 1851 01:11:10,180 --> 01:11:12,470 there and through the embassy will 1852 01:11:12,470 --> 01:11:15,250 continue to work programs that are 1853 01:11:15,250 --> 01:11:18,020 focused on women and girls . And I 1854 01:11:18,020 --> 01:11:19,964 would defer to secretary blink and 1855 01:11:19,964 --> 01:11:22,131 really outlined that . I don't want to 1856 01:11:22,131 --> 01:11:24,298 speak for him . Okay , thank you . And 1857 01:11:24,298 --> 01:11:26,520 we all do bipartisanly share that those 1858 01:11:26,520 --> 01:11:28,580 concerns . Is it at all possible to 1859 01:11:28,580 --> 01:11:31,130 keep bagram Air Force Base ? 1860 01:11:32,360 --> 01:11:35,580 Could I make a comment , Secretary ? So 1861 01:11:35,590 --> 01:11:38,270 a couple of quick comments here on bob 1862 01:11:38,270 --> 01:11:41,190 Graham Bartram is not necessary 1863 01:11:41,190 --> 01:11:43,412 tactically operationally for what we're 1864 01:11:43,412 --> 01:11:45,412 going to try to do here with , with 1865 01:11:45,412 --> 01:11:49,320 Afghanistan consolidate on Kabul with 1866 01:11:49,330 --> 01:11:51,441 in support of their government . Look 1867 01:11:51,441 --> 01:11:53,663 to back up a little bit on the momentum 1868 01:11:53,663 --> 01:11:55,886 of the Taliban , so to speak . Um there 1869 01:11:55,886 --> 01:11:58,540 there's 81 district centers that have 1870 01:11:58,550 --> 01:12:00,439 that are currently , we think are 1871 01:12:00,439 --> 01:12:02,661 underneath Taliban control . That's out 1872 01:12:02,661 --> 01:12:05,400 of 419 district centers . There's no 1873 01:12:05,400 --> 01:12:07,570 provincial capital that is underneath 1874 01:12:07,950 --> 01:12:09,950 The Taliban control . In this 34 of 1875 01:12:09,950 --> 01:12:12,750 those , it is true that the Taliban are 1876 01:12:12,890 --> 01:12:16,000 sniping at and picking off uh outpost 1877 01:12:16,000 --> 01:12:18,000 except er and they have seized some 1878 01:12:18,000 --> 01:12:20,700 district centers , Uh 60% of the 81 1879 01:12:20,710 --> 01:12:23,870 were seized last year . Uh And and the 1880 01:12:23,870 --> 01:12:26,760 other since uh last two months or so . 1881 01:12:26,770 --> 01:12:29,310 So yes we're concerned we're watching 1882 01:12:29,310 --> 01:12:31,740 it , but there's a 300,000 plus or 1883 01:12:31,740 --> 01:12:34,850 minus uh military force , Afghanistan 1884 01:12:34,860 --> 01:12:37,860 army uh and police force uh And it is 1885 01:12:37,860 --> 01:12:39,860 their job to defend their country . 1886 01:12:39,860 --> 01:12:41,971 We're going to continue to have a new 1887 01:12:41,971 --> 01:12:43,916 relation again . I do apologize to 1888 01:12:43,916 --> 01:12:45,916 Germans . Time has well I owe you a 1889 01:12:45,916 --> 01:12:48,027 better answer and I'll get you one in 1890 01:12:48,027 --> 01:12:50,193 in writing . Okay . Thank you . Okay . 1891 01:12:50,193 --> 01:12:52,193 Mr Garamendi is recognized for five 1892 01:12:52,193 --> 01:12:54,082 minutes . Thank you . Mr Chairman 1893 01:12:54,250 --> 01:12:56,306 Secretary Austin General . Thank you 1894 01:12:56,306 --> 01:12:58,306 very much for your service for your 1895 01:12:58,306 --> 01:13:00,470 testimony today . A couple of things 1896 01:13:00,470 --> 01:13:02,581 I'd like to get into . Uh I think the 1897 01:13:02,581 --> 01:13:06,330 US is spending $770 billion , 1898 01:13:06,340 --> 01:13:09,780 more or less China . About 250 1899 01:13:09,790 --> 01:13:13,080 billion India 73 . Russia 61 . 1900 01:13:13,750 --> 01:13:15,972 Just proportions here to keep in mind , 1901 01:13:16,350 --> 01:13:18,239 the question really is how are we 1902 01:13:18,239 --> 01:13:20,406 spending it and are we spending it the 1903 01:13:20,406 --> 01:13:24,170 most effective way possible ? Um 1904 01:13:25,950 --> 01:13:28,330 General you said the things in answer 1905 01:13:28,330 --> 01:13:30,386 to Mr Rogers question , you said the 1906 01:13:30,386 --> 01:13:32,760 things that concern you most are cyber 1907 01:13:33,150 --> 01:13:36,810 subs new weapons such as hypersonic 1908 01:13:36,820 --> 01:13:40,760 space and ai artificial intelligence . 1909 01:13:42,350 --> 01:13:45,940 However all of you want to 1910 01:13:45,950 --> 01:13:49,440 maintain the triad Which will be a 1911 01:13:49,440 --> 01:13:52,650 trillion plus over the next 15 years or 1912 01:13:52,650 --> 01:13:55,680 so . 20 years . Maybe one element of 1913 01:13:55,680 --> 01:13:58,560 that is the G . BSD . The replacement 1914 01:13:58,560 --> 01:14:02,220 of the Minuteman three . The reality is 1915 01:14:02,220 --> 01:14:04,200 the minuteman three can be life 1916 01:14:04,200 --> 01:14:07,760 extended if we were to pause 1917 01:14:09,040 --> 01:14:12,990 the G . BSD for yeah 12 to 1918 01:14:12,990 --> 01:14:15,980 15 years . During which time the 1919 01:14:15,980 --> 01:14:18,530 minuteman three could serve the same 1920 01:14:18,530 --> 01:14:22,470 purpose and serve it well . Can 1921 01:14:22,470 --> 01:14:26,470 save somewhere north of $37 billion 1922 01:14:26,470 --> 01:14:30,340 10 years . If you 1923 01:14:30,340 --> 01:14:33,450 had $37 billion , which one of those 1924 01:14:33,460 --> 01:14:36,560 unfunded priorities ? 1925 01:14:37,640 --> 01:14:40,270 Would you spend it on cyber 1926 01:14:42,040 --> 01:14:45,370 subs , new weapons , hypersonic , 1927 01:14:45,940 --> 01:14:49,570 long range fires , space 1928 01:14:49,570 --> 01:14:53,010 security , artificial intelligence . 1929 01:14:54,940 --> 01:14:56,884 What would you do with $37 billion 1930 01:14:56,884 --> 01:15:01,270 G.BSD 1931 01:15:03,040 --> 01:15:07,000 Secretary Austin ? So um , 1932 01:15:07,010 --> 01:15:10,300 the the evaluation of the the G . 1933 01:15:10,300 --> 01:15:13,990 BSD . Uh , it's something that we will 1934 01:15:13,990 --> 01:15:16,600 do as a part of or in the context of 1935 01:15:16,600 --> 01:15:19,410 the nuclear posture review . And uh , 1936 01:15:19,420 --> 01:15:22,590 and and we'll take a deliberate in 1937 01:15:22,600 --> 01:15:24,990 earnest look at where we are and where 1938 01:15:24,990 --> 01:15:27,720 we need to go in the future I think no 1939 01:15:27,720 --> 01:15:29,887 matter what funds you have available . 1940 01:15:29,887 --> 01:15:32,030 And I appreciate the question . Uh , 1941 01:15:32,040 --> 01:15:35,030 it's always a question of kind of rank 1942 01:15:35,030 --> 01:15:37,890 ordering capabilities that we need in 1943 01:15:37,890 --> 01:15:40,001 light of the threat , the threat that 1944 01:15:40,001 --> 01:15:42,210 we're facing . Uh and that would be 1945 01:15:42,210 --> 01:15:44,266 deliberate work with the services to 1946 01:15:44,266 --> 01:15:46,570 make sure that uh that you know , we 1947 01:15:46,580 --> 01:15:48,691 were meeting the most pressing need . 1948 01:15:51,040 --> 01:15:53,262 Congressman . Thanks for the question . 1949 01:15:53,262 --> 01:15:55,484 I would not recommend taking that money 1950 01:15:55,484 --> 01:15:57,484 away and putting it elsewhere . The 1951 01:15:57,484 --> 01:15:59,707 recapitalization of the entire tried to 1952 01:15:59,707 --> 01:16:01,873 include the G . BSD is critical to our 1953 01:16:01,873 --> 01:16:04,096 nation's security and delay of 12 to 15 1954 01:16:04,096 --> 01:16:06,230 years . Uh huh . You'll have a gap , 1955 01:16:06,240 --> 01:16:08,462 you'll have a gap in the land based leg 1956 01:16:08,462 --> 01:16:10,296 according to the reports and the 1957 01:16:10,296 --> 01:16:12,407 studies I've seen . I'll get with you 1958 01:16:12,407 --> 01:16:14,240 offline and go through it from a 1959 01:16:14,240 --> 01:16:16,407 technical standpoint , get the experts 1960 01:16:16,407 --> 01:16:18,518 in . But what I've been briefed is in 1961 01:16:18,518 --> 01:16:20,851 order to make sure that there is no gap . 1962 01:16:20,851 --> 01:16:22,962 We need to continue the investment in 1963 01:16:22,962 --> 01:16:25,073 the G . BSD without delay . I'll take 1964 01:16:25,073 --> 01:16:27,400 advantage of that offline online formal 1965 01:16:27,400 --> 01:16:29,511 in for most everywhere you want to do 1966 01:16:29,511 --> 01:16:31,456 it . But I think the facts are not 1967 01:16:31,456 --> 01:16:33,580 clear . I think the facts are quite 1968 01:16:33,580 --> 01:16:36,280 clear that we could pause the G B S D 1969 01:16:36,280 --> 01:16:39,280 and B Secure with the minuteman three 1970 01:16:39,280 --> 01:16:42,010 as it is life extended over that period 1971 01:16:42,010 --> 01:16:44,290 of time And there is $37 billion 1972 01:16:44,290 --> 01:16:46,460 dollars available there . Um 1973 01:16:48,930 --> 01:16:52,270 The could you describe the 1974 01:16:52,280 --> 01:16:55,640 pacific Initiative war games were 1975 01:16:55,640 --> 01:16:57,420 mentioned many times here . The 1976 01:16:57,420 --> 01:17:00,300 question I want to raise is can we 1977 01:17:00,300 --> 01:17:03,450 sustain the fight in the pacific ? Do 1978 01:17:03,450 --> 01:17:06,750 we have the necessary transport ? 1979 01:17:09,030 --> 01:17:12,770 Yeah . So from a military 1980 01:17:12,770 --> 01:17:14,881 standpoint , can we sustain the fight 1981 01:17:14,881 --> 01:17:16,937 in the pacific against china ? And I 1982 01:17:16,937 --> 01:17:19,159 think what we're talking about is a war 1983 01:17:19,159 --> 01:17:21,270 against china . I think a war against 1984 01:17:21,270 --> 01:17:23,437 china would be an enormous , expensive 1985 01:17:23,437 --> 01:17:25,640 undertaking in terms of all measures . 1986 01:17:25,650 --> 01:17:28,120 Uh and and I would be concerned about 1987 01:17:28,120 --> 01:17:30,110 the ability to sustain a long term 1988 01:17:30,110 --> 01:17:32,054 conflict . The idea though , is to 1989 01:17:32,054 --> 01:17:34,410 deter conflict uh and to keep great 1990 01:17:34,410 --> 01:17:36,577 power , competition at competition and 1991 01:17:36,577 --> 01:17:39,250 not get it into conflict . But if if we 1992 01:17:39,250 --> 01:17:41,640 had a war with china , uh sustaining a 1993 01:17:41,640 --> 01:17:44,450 fight would be a significant challenge . 1994 01:17:44,460 --> 01:17:46,627 There's no question about it . I would 1995 01:17:46,627 --> 01:17:48,793 just add on their uh sir that we would 1996 01:17:48,793 --> 01:17:50,960 look to prosecute that fight in a much 1997 01:17:50,960 --> 01:17:53,127 different fashion . Uh And I know that 1998 01:17:53,127 --> 01:17:55,460 you worked your way through all of this , 1999 01:17:55,470 --> 01:17:58,850 distributed resilient capabilities . Uh 2000 01:17:59,230 --> 01:18:02,440 Five domains and 2001 01:18:03,120 --> 01:18:05,176 So it's a different look . Generally 2002 01:18:05,176 --> 01:18:07,176 time has expired . Miss Hartzler is 2003 01:18:07,176 --> 01:18:10,150 recognized for five minutes . Mhm . 2004 01:18:10,520 --> 01:18:12,670 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Thank you . 2005 01:18:12,670 --> 01:18:14,720 Gentlemen . Secretary Austin . Our 2006 01:18:14,730 --> 01:18:17,200 aircraft carriers are in high demand 2007 01:18:17,200 --> 01:18:19,367 and I understand that you're having to 2008 01:18:19,367 --> 01:18:21,589 make difficult decisions about where to 2009 01:18:21,589 --> 01:18:23,700 send them . Already . This year , two 2010 01:18:23,700 --> 01:18:25,756 carriers have undertaken double pump 2011 01:18:25,756 --> 01:18:27,900 deployments . That means the service 2012 01:18:27,900 --> 01:18:30,220 lives on our tactical aviation aircraft 2013 01:18:30,220 --> 01:18:32,387 are being drawn down even more rapidly 2014 01:18:32,387 --> 01:18:34,640 than previously planned . The Navy 2015 01:18:34,650 --> 01:18:36,450 currently has a strike fighter 2016 01:18:36,450 --> 01:18:40,260 shortfall of 49 aircraft . Despite 2017 01:18:40,270 --> 01:18:42,580 this , the budget request has proposed 2018 01:18:42,580 --> 01:18:44,520 to shift procurement dollars from 2019 01:18:44,520 --> 01:18:46,464 building the new block three super 2020 01:18:46,464 --> 01:18:48,600 hornets into development of the next 2021 01:18:48,600 --> 01:18:50,822 generation replacement aircraft , which 2022 01:18:50,822 --> 01:18:53,044 is not slated to have initial operating 2023 01:18:53,044 --> 01:18:55,650 capability until the 20 thirties . So 2024 01:18:55,660 --> 01:18:58,240 taken into consideration the operations 2025 01:18:58,240 --> 01:19:00,407 tempo of our carrier fleet demanded by 2026 01:19:00,407 --> 01:19:02,630 our security environment . The strike 2027 01:19:02,630 --> 01:19:04,870 fighter shortfall possible attrition of 2028 01:19:04,870 --> 01:19:08,100 aircraft If 35 c costs , the 2029 01:19:08,100 --> 01:19:10,240 likelihood of the next generation air 2030 01:19:10,240 --> 01:19:12,240 dominant schedule could continue to 2031 01:19:12,240 --> 01:19:14,920 slip to the right . Are you concerned 2032 01:19:14,920 --> 01:19:17,400 about having sufficient tactical 2033 01:19:17,410 --> 01:19:20,050 aviation fleet to deter and respond to 2034 01:19:20,050 --> 01:19:23,760 china in the near term short answer 2035 01:19:23,760 --> 01:19:26,700 is I I believe that we'll have , uh , 2036 01:19:26,710 --> 01:19:28,766 if we stay on pace and invest in the 2037 01:19:28,766 --> 01:19:30,710 things that we want to invest in , 2038 01:19:30,710 --> 01:19:33,000 we'll have the right capabilities to uh 2039 01:19:33,010 --> 01:19:36,300 to match our strategy going forward and 2040 01:19:36,300 --> 01:19:39,950 our support our operating concepts 2041 01:19:40,010 --> 01:19:43,900 again . Uh I think that you 2042 01:19:43,900 --> 01:19:46,067 have to make decisions to invest in in 2043 01:19:46,067 --> 01:19:48,067 future capabilities as we discussed 2044 01:19:48,067 --> 01:19:50,289 this morning . Uh and we've worked with 2045 01:19:50,289 --> 01:19:52,511 the services very closely and carefully 2046 01:19:52,511 --> 01:19:54,067 to identify what what those 2047 01:19:54,067 --> 01:19:57,090 requirements are . I think it provides 2048 01:19:57,090 --> 01:19:59,201 too much operational risk in the near 2049 01:19:59,201 --> 01:20:01,312 term and we need to re examine that . 2050 01:20:01,312 --> 01:20:03,423 And uh I'm gonna be working to try to 2051 01:20:03,423 --> 01:20:07,300 get some more F eighteens in this 2052 01:20:07,300 --> 01:20:09,467 year's budget because I believe that's 2053 01:20:09,467 --> 01:20:11,689 too much a shortfall that we have right 2054 01:20:11,689 --> 01:20:13,911 there , but I want to change topics and 2055 01:20:13,911 --> 01:20:16,570 just say how much I appreciate our men 2056 01:20:16,570 --> 01:20:18,792 and women in uniform and I believe that 2057 01:20:18,792 --> 01:20:20,959 they are absolute heroes . They should 2058 01:20:20,959 --> 01:20:23,470 be respected and encouraged in every 2059 01:20:23,470 --> 01:20:26,410 way . And I'm very concerned about the 2060 01:20:26,410 --> 01:20:29,750 recent order that you have uh conducted 2061 01:20:29,760 --> 01:20:31,540 regarding looking at so called 2062 01:20:31,540 --> 01:20:33,540 extremism . And I have sent you two 2063 01:20:33,540 --> 01:20:36,900 letters Mr Secretary asking for the 2064 01:20:36,900 --> 01:20:39,510 definition of what the Department of 2065 01:20:39,510 --> 01:20:42,830 Defense views as extremism and have not 2066 01:20:42,830 --> 01:20:45,910 heard back from you yet . And so could 2067 01:20:45,910 --> 01:20:48,380 you just share with me , Does the 2068 01:20:48,380 --> 01:20:50,324 Department of Defense have a clear 2069 01:20:50,324 --> 01:20:52,670 definition of extremism ? A couple of 2070 01:20:52,670 --> 01:20:54,940 comments on this on this issue ? First 2071 01:20:54,940 --> 01:20:57,250 of all , I think you've heard me say 2072 01:20:57,250 --> 01:21:00,110 that on a number of occasions at 19 , I 2073 01:21:00,110 --> 01:21:03,620 believe that 99.9% of our troops are 2074 01:21:03,620 --> 01:21:06,090 focused on the right things embracing 2075 01:21:06,090 --> 01:21:08,230 the right values each and every day . 2076 01:21:08,710 --> 01:21:12,040 Uh small numbers of uh 2077 01:21:12,510 --> 01:21:16,490 people can in this in this uh area 2078 01:21:16,490 --> 01:21:19,440 can have outsized impact on our 2079 01:21:19,440 --> 01:21:21,551 organization . And so we want to make 2080 01:21:21,551 --> 01:21:23,551 sure that we're providing the right 2081 01:21:23,551 --> 01:21:25,860 climate , the right environment for our 2082 01:21:25,860 --> 01:21:28,980 troops uh to work and live in . We are 2083 01:21:28,980 --> 01:21:31,230 not focused , we are focused on 2084 01:21:31,410 --> 01:21:34,910 extremist behavior , uh not what people 2085 01:21:34,910 --> 01:21:38,650 think our political ideas or religious 2086 01:21:38,650 --> 01:21:41,760 ideas , but extremist behavior . So do 2087 01:21:41,760 --> 01:21:43,982 you have a definition of what extremism 2088 01:21:43,982 --> 01:21:46,960 is and what their behavior is ? Again , 2089 01:21:46,960 --> 01:21:49,127 we're focused on behavior ? Well , you 2090 01:21:49,127 --> 01:21:51,920 had to stand down and you had to pause 2091 01:21:51,920 --> 01:21:54,031 over an entire military for an entire 2092 01:21:54,031 --> 01:21:56,253 day to do training to talk about this . 2093 01:21:56,253 --> 01:21:58,420 And you don't have a definition yet of 2094 01:21:58,420 --> 01:22:00,642 what the purpose was and what extremism 2095 01:22:00,642 --> 01:22:04,420 is the purpose was to uh help 2096 01:22:04,900 --> 01:22:07,067 to have a discussion with our with our 2097 01:22:07,067 --> 01:22:09,233 troops and our leaders on the issue of 2098 01:22:09,233 --> 01:22:10,900 extremism . And that was very 2099 01:22:10,900 --> 01:22:13,170 productive . And again , we were 2100 01:22:13,170 --> 01:22:16,260 focused on those behaviors that don't 2101 01:22:16,270 --> 01:22:19,530 that are not in congruence with our 2102 01:22:19,530 --> 01:22:23,170 values and the military . Okay , that 2103 01:22:23,170 --> 01:22:25,640 there be this commission and have a 2104 01:22:25,640 --> 01:22:27,584 review . And I guess I just want a 2105 01:22:27,584 --> 01:22:29,696 little more information . We're going 2106 01:22:29,696 --> 01:22:31,751 to you're setting up and proposing a 2107 01:22:31,751 --> 01:22:33,973 new screening capability , um ongoing , 2108 01:22:33,973 --> 01:22:36,196 continuous vetting of our men and women 2109 01:22:36,196 --> 01:22:38,362 in uniform and you're going to develop 2110 01:22:38,362 --> 01:22:41,080 a policy to expand user activity . So 2111 01:22:41,090 --> 01:22:43,050 what specifically would you be 2112 01:22:43,050 --> 01:22:45,380 screening for ? So as if you set up the 2113 01:22:45,380 --> 01:22:47,530 screening of our military members , 2114 01:22:47,540 --> 01:22:49,707 what would be , what are you screening 2115 01:22:49,707 --> 01:22:53,430 for ? Our screening is focused on 2116 01:22:53,440 --> 01:22:55,440 screening those applicants that are 2117 01:22:55,440 --> 01:22:57,607 coming into the military . You want to 2118 01:22:57,607 --> 01:22:59,662 make sure that we're bringing in the 2119 01:22:59,662 --> 01:23:01,496 right the right type of people , 2120 01:23:01,496 --> 01:23:03,662 quality of people . So if someone says 2121 01:23:03,662 --> 01:23:05,662 they're for president trump , would 2122 01:23:05,662 --> 01:23:07,860 that be viewed as extremism as I said 2123 01:23:07,860 --> 01:23:09,850 earlier ? Uh , this is not about 2124 01:23:09,850 --> 01:23:13,000 politics . I want our troops to to 2125 01:23:13,000 --> 01:23:15,111 participate in our political system . 2126 01:23:15,111 --> 01:23:17,278 Well , that's what they're fighting to 2127 01:23:17,278 --> 01:23:20,310 defend . And but I will also say that 2128 01:23:20,320 --> 01:23:22,440 uh that we will continue to be a 2129 01:23:22,440 --> 01:23:24,820 diverse , diverse and inclusive 2130 01:23:24,830 --> 01:23:26,886 organization . Now , that's what the 2131 01:23:26,886 --> 01:23:29,060 United States military is all about . 2132 01:23:29,070 --> 01:23:32,470 Generally , time has expired on our I'm 2133 01:23:32,480 --> 01:23:35,590 sorry time has expired . uh miss spears 2134 01:23:35,590 --> 01:23:37,812 recognized for five minutes . Thank you 2135 01:23:37,812 --> 01:23:40,520 Mr chairman um , to both of you . Thank 2136 01:23:40,520 --> 01:23:42,750 you so much for your outreach . Um , I 2137 01:23:42,750 --> 01:23:44,870 want to say to you , uh Secretary 2138 01:23:44,870 --> 01:23:48,150 Austin , you we talked some months ago , 2139 01:23:48,160 --> 01:23:51,600 you're a man of your word . And excuse 2140 01:23:51,600 --> 01:23:55,090 me . I am deeply grateful for the 2141 01:23:55,090 --> 01:23:57,380 statement you put out yesterday . You 2142 01:23:57,380 --> 01:24:00,220 are creating a profound transformation 2143 01:24:00,220 --> 01:24:03,210 in the military as we address sexual 2144 01:24:03,210 --> 01:24:06,100 assault and sexual harassment . So , um , 2145 01:24:06,110 --> 01:24:09,510 thank you . Um I want to 2146 01:24:09,730 --> 01:24:12,840 ask you , I'm deeply concerned about 2147 01:24:12,840 --> 01:24:15,040 the suicide rate in the military right 2148 01:24:15,040 --> 01:24:18,020 now . Um , there have been 10 suicides 2149 01:24:18,030 --> 01:24:20,141 in Alaska already . This year , there 2150 01:24:20,141 --> 01:24:23,500 was a 30% increase in suicides uh last 2151 01:24:23,500 --> 01:24:26,280 year , over the the year before . And 2152 01:24:26,290 --> 01:24:28,790 um , I would like to recommend to you 2153 01:24:28,800 --> 01:24:30,911 much like you did with sexual assault 2154 01:24:30,911 --> 01:24:33,280 and sexual harassment , is to stand up 2155 01:24:33,290 --> 01:24:37,090 a commission to look at um what we 2156 01:24:37,090 --> 01:24:40,210 should be doing to address this . Um , 2157 01:24:40,220 --> 01:24:43,400 I think a frightening situation . Um , 2158 01:24:43,410 --> 01:24:45,920 but that won't be my question . I want 2159 01:24:45,920 --> 01:24:49,300 to um ask you about the climate surveys . 2160 01:24:49,300 --> 01:24:51,522 We spent a lot of time , a lot of money 2161 01:24:51,522 --> 01:24:53,578 on climate surveys and what we found 2162 01:24:53,578 --> 01:24:55,800 out in the Fort Hood Independent Review 2163 01:24:55,800 --> 01:24:57,911 Committee was that they were not even 2164 01:24:57,911 --> 01:24:59,800 looked at . So what steps are you 2165 01:24:59,800 --> 01:25:01,967 taking moving forward to make sure not 2166 01:25:01,967 --> 01:25:04,189 only are the commanders on the ground , 2167 01:25:04,189 --> 01:25:06,022 they're looking at these climate 2168 01:25:06,022 --> 01:25:08,740 surveys each year , but that those 2169 01:25:08,750 --> 01:25:10,972 above them , the senior leadership , is 2170 01:25:10,972 --> 01:25:14,500 looking at them as well . Well , first 2171 01:25:14,500 --> 01:25:17,590 of all , let me thank you personally 2172 01:25:17,600 --> 01:25:20,010 and thank the committee as well for all 2173 01:25:20,010 --> 01:25:23,000 that you have done uh to remain focused 2174 01:25:23,000 --> 01:25:25,222 on the issue of sexual assault , sexual 2175 01:25:25,222 --> 01:25:27,444 harassment , and the resources that you 2176 01:25:27,444 --> 01:25:29,730 continue to provide to uh to make sure 2177 01:25:29,730 --> 01:25:32,050 that we don't lose focus . Uh We truly 2178 01:25:32,050 --> 01:25:34,780 appreciate your support , the survivors 2179 01:25:34,780 --> 01:25:37,600 appreciate your commitment , uh and the 2180 01:25:37,600 --> 01:25:39,767 troops in our ranks appreciate that as 2181 01:25:39,767 --> 01:25:41,989 well . And then and we will get this in 2182 01:25:41,989 --> 01:25:44,780 the right place , uh and it will 2183 01:25:44,780 --> 01:25:46,930 require a lot of hard work , a lot of 2184 01:25:46,940 --> 01:25:49,162 commitment and dedication . And it will 2185 01:25:49,162 --> 01:25:51,360 require resources . And so I would ask 2186 01:25:51,370 --> 01:25:54,980 that uh that you uh continue to support 2187 01:25:54,980 --> 01:25:57,910 us as we as we take this on um 2188 01:25:58,290 --> 01:25:59,210 the 2189 01:26:01,780 --> 01:26:04,310 the the 2190 01:26:06,680 --> 01:26:08,791 could you repeat the last part of the 2191 01:26:08,791 --> 01:26:11,013 question there ? I kind of lost climate 2192 01:26:11,013 --> 01:26:13,320 surveys . Climate surveys . Yeah . So 2193 01:26:13,330 --> 01:26:15,620 uh one of the things that the 2194 01:26:15,630 --> 01:26:18,680 Independent Review Commission uh 2195 01:26:18,690 --> 01:26:20,690 recommended to us is that we take a 2196 01:26:20,690 --> 01:26:22,746 harder look at what we're doing with 2197 01:26:22,746 --> 01:26:25,023 climate surveys , that they be current , 2198 01:26:25,023 --> 01:26:26,912 that they that the leadership pay 2199 01:26:26,912 --> 01:26:29,079 attention to what's going on with them 2200 01:26:29,079 --> 01:26:31,246 and that we refine the surveys to make 2201 01:26:31,246 --> 01:26:30,620 sure that we're asking the right 2202 01:26:30,620 --> 01:26:33,200 questions uh in the surveys and so will 2203 01:26:33,200 --> 01:26:35,600 remain cited on this . And and uh and I 2204 01:26:35,600 --> 01:26:37,711 would agree with you . They only work 2205 01:26:37,711 --> 01:26:40,470 if you use uh the information that's in 2206 01:26:40,470 --> 01:26:43,580 them . Plus if I could make a comment , 2207 01:26:43,580 --> 01:26:45,747 congressman , the climate surveys need 2208 01:26:45,747 --> 01:26:47,747 to be reviewed by the commanders at 2209 01:26:47,747 --> 01:26:49,802 least two levels up previously years 2210 01:26:49,802 --> 01:26:52,024 gone by , for example , they weren't uh 2211 01:26:52,024 --> 01:26:54,191 there were reasons for that because we 2212 01:26:54,191 --> 01:26:56,358 thought it was best to be used only by 2213 01:26:56,358 --> 01:26:55,770 the commander , give free and open 2214 01:26:55,770 --> 01:26:57,992 feedback to the commander and then they 2215 01:26:57,992 --> 01:27:00,048 would take appropriate action . Uh , 2216 01:27:00,048 --> 01:27:02,214 that didn't work . So now what we need 2217 01:27:02,214 --> 01:27:01,930 to do is shift gears and make sure 2218 01:27:01,930 --> 01:27:03,986 those climate surveys are personally 2219 01:27:03,986 --> 01:27:05,986 reviewed by commanders at least two 2220 01:27:05,986 --> 01:27:08,097 levels up on all their subordinates . 2221 01:27:08,097 --> 01:27:10,041 And you're going to do that at all 2222 01:27:10,041 --> 01:27:12,319 installations everywhere , Army , Navy , 2223 01:27:12,319 --> 01:27:14,374 air Force , marines , space force at 2224 01:27:14,374 --> 01:27:16,541 all echelons . So general , let me ask 2225 01:27:16,541 --> 01:27:18,430 you about optempo . Um , we had a 2226 01:27:18,430 --> 01:27:20,541 conversation , um , just earlier this 2227 01:27:20,541 --> 01:27:24,000 week about it . Um , it appears that 2228 01:27:24,480 --> 01:27:27,200 the op tempo has really had a profound 2229 01:27:27,200 --> 01:27:29,830 effect on our service members . I think 2230 01:27:29,830 --> 01:27:33,540 it's starting to impact retention . And 2231 01:27:33,550 --> 01:27:35,772 as I mentioned to you at the time , one 2232 01:27:35,772 --> 01:27:37,772 of the spouses , um , at one of our 2233 01:27:37,772 --> 01:27:39,883 installations had said to me that she 2234 01:27:39,883 --> 01:27:42,160 was concerned every night when she came 2235 01:27:42,160 --> 01:27:44,160 home because she was afraid she was 2236 01:27:44,160 --> 01:27:46,382 going to see her husband hanging in the 2237 01:27:46,382 --> 01:27:48,800 shower . Um What steps are we taking to 2238 01:27:48,800 --> 01:27:51,670 make sure that the training we do is 2239 01:27:51,670 --> 01:27:53,500 necessary and appropriate ? 2240 01:27:59,480 --> 01:28:03,340 General Milley . I'm the training of 2241 01:28:03,340 --> 01:28:05,460 units as commanders , responsibility 2242 01:28:05,690 --> 01:28:07,690 And again to levels up , commanders 2243 01:28:07,690 --> 01:28:09,857 routinely develop their training plans 2244 01:28:09,857 --> 01:28:11,857 back from and get them approved and 2245 01:28:11,857 --> 01:28:14,023 they are tied directly to war plans to 2246 01:28:14,023 --> 01:28:16,190 ensure that the training is focused on 2247 01:28:16,190 --> 01:28:18,412 the readiness and the capability of the 2248 01:28:18,412 --> 01:28:20,579 force to execute those tasks for which 2249 01:28:20,579 --> 01:28:22,634 they required in accordance with the 2250 01:28:22,634 --> 01:28:24,579 various war plans . So it's a very 2251 01:28:24,579 --> 01:28:26,634 focused level of effort has been for 2252 01:28:26,634 --> 01:28:28,801 years and they still are . The broader 2253 01:28:28,801 --> 01:28:31,023 question is optempo . Uh And optempo is 2254 01:28:31,023 --> 01:28:30,620 directly related to the size of the 2255 01:28:30,620 --> 01:28:32,731 force . As the optempo came down from 2256 01:28:32,731 --> 01:28:34,842 the peak of the wars in Afghanistan , 2257 01:28:34,842 --> 01:28:36,953 Iraq . So did the size of the force . 2258 01:28:36,953 --> 01:28:39,009 So the relative optempo on any given 2259 01:28:39,009 --> 01:28:41,064 unit , especially Special Operations 2260 01:28:41,064 --> 01:28:41,000 Forces , which was mentioned earlier , 2261 01:28:41,010 --> 01:28:43,350 still remains high . It's a big concern . 2262 01:28:43,360 --> 01:28:45,249 It impacts all kinds of things to 2263 01:28:45,249 --> 01:28:47,471 include suicides . Uh So that's the key 2264 01:28:47,471 --> 01:28:49,870 metric is the optimal wanna get given a 2265 01:28:49,880 --> 01:28:52,740 general time has expired , we will get 2266 01:28:52,740 --> 01:28:54,851 one more in and then we're gonna take 2267 01:28:54,851 --> 01:28:57,090 our break . Um So Mr scott is 2268 01:28:57,090 --> 01:28:59,090 recognized when he has done , we'll 2269 01:28:59,090 --> 01:29:00,923 take a brief break . Mr scott is 2270 01:29:00,923 --> 01:29:03,257 recognized for five minutes . Thank you . 2271 01:29:03,257 --> 01:29:05,368 Mr Chairman gentlemen . I want you to 2272 01:29:05,368 --> 01:29:06,979 know I support coming out of 2273 01:29:06,979 --> 01:29:09,201 Afghanistan . One of the things that is 2274 01:29:09,201 --> 01:29:11,090 on , I think every member of this 2275 01:29:11,090 --> 01:29:12,979 committee is mind is what's gonna 2276 01:29:12,979 --> 01:29:15,201 happen with special access visas of our 2277 01:29:15,201 --> 01:29:17,470 interpreters and well , I don't expect 2278 01:29:17,470 --> 01:29:19,640 you to necessarily speak in this 2279 01:29:20,170 --> 01:29:22,900 setting about that . I do hope that 2280 01:29:22,900 --> 01:29:25,122 there's progress in the right direction 2281 01:29:25,122 --> 01:29:27,456 with regard to the special access visas . 2282 01:29:27,456 --> 01:29:29,600 And I do hope that um 2283 01:29:32,370 --> 01:29:34,370 that just needs it's just got to be 2284 01:29:34,370 --> 01:29:37,680 done and uh uh huh . one other thing 2285 01:29:37,680 --> 01:29:40,530 that I would mention is uh with regard 2286 01:29:40,530 --> 01:29:42,474 to our troops , I do think that we 2287 01:29:42,474 --> 01:29:44,641 should look at making internet service 2288 01:29:44,970 --> 01:29:48,970 similar to water on the basis for 2289 01:29:48,970 --> 01:29:51,470 our troops . Just make internet service . 2290 01:29:51,480 --> 01:29:54,170 Uh basic utility . It does not sound 2291 01:29:54,170 --> 01:29:56,140 like a That big of a deal . But if 2292 01:29:56,140 --> 01:29:58,560 we're able to save our troops 50 or 60 2293 01:29:58,560 --> 01:30:00,449 or $70 a month , whatever they're 2294 01:30:00,449 --> 01:30:02,671 having to pay for the Internet access , 2295 01:30:02,671 --> 01:30:04,690 it makes a big difference . Two , 2296 01:30:05,060 --> 01:30:07,070 especially to our younger enlisted 2297 01:30:07,070 --> 01:30:10,980 corps . Mm One other comment would be 2298 01:30:10,980 --> 01:30:13,091 after spending time with some of your 2299 01:30:13,091 --> 01:30:15,530 idea teams in Africa . Uh This is not a 2300 01:30:15,540 --> 01:30:17,651 D . O . D . Mission but I do think it 2301 01:30:17,651 --> 01:30:19,540 is uh would be a State Department 2302 01:30:19,540 --> 01:30:22,520 mission or a uh perhaps another State 2303 01:30:22,520 --> 01:30:24,409 Department's mission french State 2304 01:30:24,409 --> 01:30:26,464 Department potentially . But when we 2305 01:30:26,464 --> 01:30:28,631 bring these troops in and we have them 2306 01:30:28,631 --> 01:30:30,798 for 24 months and they come in with an 2307 01:30:30,798 --> 01:30:33,020 eighth grade education . I do not think 2308 01:30:33,020 --> 01:30:32,980 they should leave with an eighth grade 2309 01:30:32,980 --> 01:30:35,036 education . I think that while we're 2310 01:30:35,036 --> 01:30:37,147 training them to fight when we've got 2311 01:30:37,147 --> 01:30:39,424 him seven days a week , 24 hours a day , 2312 01:30:39,424 --> 01:30:41,369 we need to have somebody trying to 2313 01:30:41,369 --> 01:30:43,424 educate those troops that we haven't 2314 01:30:43,424 --> 01:30:43,140 simply trained them to fight and 2315 01:30:43,140 --> 01:30:46,340 release them back on the street uh and 2316 01:30:46,340 --> 01:30:49,310 potentially turn it into the uh the 2317 01:30:49,310 --> 01:30:51,880 photos of the future if you will . Uh 2318 01:30:51,890 --> 01:30:53,890 those are just a couple of things I 2319 01:30:53,890 --> 01:30:56,240 wanted I wanted to mention before I I 2320 01:30:56,250 --> 01:30:58,361 hit on a specific weapon system . And 2321 01:30:58,361 --> 01:31:01,250 uh Secretary Austin , uh General Brown 2322 01:31:01,260 --> 01:31:03,593 and I have met at Robins Air Force Base . 2323 01:31:03,593 --> 01:31:05,593 I know that you have called for the 2324 01:31:05,593 --> 01:31:07,704 drought . The president has asked for 2325 01:31:07,704 --> 01:31:09,927 the drawdown of For the J Show aircraft 2326 01:31:09,927 --> 01:31:13,750 from the 1/16 . I uh I support this 2327 01:31:13,760 --> 01:31:16,440 retirement given the commitment to 2328 01:31:16,440 --> 01:31:18,718 Robins Air Force Base in the A . B . M . 2329 01:31:18,718 --> 01:31:22,630 S mission . I do have concerns about 2330 01:31:22,640 --> 01:31:24,584 the ground moving target indicator 2331 01:31:24,584 --> 01:31:27,790 indication capability . And 2332 01:31:29,160 --> 01:31:31,216 are you convinced that the Air Force 2333 01:31:31,216 --> 01:31:34,090 can provide the GMT I capabilities uh 2334 01:31:34,100 --> 01:31:35,580 with the existing fleet ? 2335 01:31:38,260 --> 01:31:41,540 I am convinced that the Air Force is uh 2336 01:31:41,550 --> 01:31:44,780 continues to upgrade and modernize uh 2337 01:31:44,790 --> 01:31:46,960 its fleet of sensors to ensure that we 2338 01:31:46,960 --> 01:31:49,016 have the capabilities that will need 2339 01:31:49,016 --> 01:31:52,020 going forward . And I'm also very 2340 01:31:52,020 --> 01:31:54,190 encouraged that to know that General 2341 01:31:54,190 --> 01:31:56,470 Brown and has worked with you in terms 2342 01:31:56,470 --> 01:31:59,520 of what the future is uh for for that 2343 01:31:59,520 --> 01:32:01,830 base and other capabilities in the in 2344 01:32:01,830 --> 01:32:03,886 the fleet there . So I would like to 2345 01:32:03,886 --> 01:32:05,941 invite both of you to the Robins Air 2346 01:32:05,941 --> 01:32:08,680 Force Base to to review the A . B . M . 2347 01:32:08,680 --> 01:32:10,736 S . Mission and the good work that's 2348 01:32:10,736 --> 01:32:12,736 going on down there . Uh , a lot of 2349 01:32:12,736 --> 01:32:14,902 good things , a lot of good things are 2350 01:32:14,902 --> 01:32:18,010 happening . Uh General Milley , I mean , 2351 01:32:18,010 --> 01:32:20,380 we've all talked about um 2352 01:32:22,050 --> 01:32:25,470 china a little bit uh this spring , the 2353 01:32:25,470 --> 01:32:27,637 Southtown commander , Admiral Fowler , 2354 01:32:27,637 --> 01:32:29,414 told our committee that our our 2355 01:32:29,414 --> 01:32:31,359 interagency partners in the United 2356 01:32:31,359 --> 01:32:33,470 States pointed out that chinese money 2357 01:32:33,470 --> 01:32:33,080 laundering is the number one 2358 01:32:33,450 --> 01:32:35,561 underwriting source for transnational 2359 01:32:35,561 --> 01:32:37,561 criminal organizations . This is an 2360 01:32:37,750 --> 01:32:39,861 obviously central and south America . 2361 01:32:39,861 --> 01:32:41,639 Our africom Commander , General 2362 01:32:41,639 --> 01:32:43,528 Townsend testified that illegal , 2363 01:32:43,528 --> 01:32:46,390 unreported an unregulated fishing by 2364 01:32:46,390 --> 01:32:48,334 the Chinese Communist Party is the 2365 01:32:48,334 --> 01:32:50,446 primary contributor to a growing food 2366 01:32:50,446 --> 01:32:52,168 crisis that will further drive 2367 01:32:52,168 --> 01:32:54,140 instability in West Africa . So my 2368 01:32:54,140 --> 01:32:57,760 question is , how do we counter this 2369 01:32:57,760 --> 01:33:00,170 ongoing malign activity from china 2370 01:33:00,950 --> 01:33:04,060 around the world ? And what are our 2371 01:33:04,060 --> 01:33:06,280 partners that share our interests and 2372 01:33:06,280 --> 01:33:09,080 our values are doing to help us combat 2373 01:33:09,090 --> 01:33:10,368 that malign activity ? 2374 01:33:12,850 --> 01:33:14,880 The issue of china obviously is not 2375 01:33:14,880 --> 01:33:16,991 just a Western pacific issue , it's a 2376 01:33:16,991 --> 01:33:18,880 global issue . China is a massive 2377 01:33:18,880 --> 01:33:21,400 economy . Um They're developing a first 2378 01:33:21,400 --> 01:33:24,340 rate military uh and they are expanding 2379 01:33:24,350 --> 01:33:26,890 their missions and aspirations globally , 2380 01:33:26,900 --> 01:33:29,440 not just regionally that includes South 2381 01:33:29,440 --> 01:33:31,607 America is at my fellow said in Africa 2382 01:33:31,607 --> 01:33:33,790 and elsewhere , uh and we are working 2383 01:33:33,790 --> 01:33:36,012 closely with our allies and partners in 2384 01:33:36,012 --> 01:33:38,820 all of those regions , uh to counter 2385 01:33:38,820 --> 01:33:40,820 any sort of great power competition 2386 01:33:40,820 --> 01:33:43,420 that they have uh in mind in in each of 2387 01:33:43,420 --> 01:33:45,587 those regions . So we're doing that as 2388 01:33:45,587 --> 01:33:47,809 we speak with with all of the countries 2389 01:33:47,809 --> 01:33:50,031 of our allies and partners that network 2390 01:33:50,031 --> 01:33:52,253 of allies and partners around the world 2391 01:33:52,253 --> 01:33:54,253 is one of the single most important 2392 01:33:54,253 --> 01:33:56,198 things we can do as a nation is to 2393 01:33:56,198 --> 01:33:58,309 maintain it , keep it robust and that 2394 01:33:58,309 --> 01:34:00,253 will help in this competition with 2395 01:34:00,253 --> 01:34:02,309 respect to china . Gentlemen . Thank 2396 01:34:02,309 --> 01:34:01,910 you for your time and your service . 2397 01:34:01,920 --> 01:34:04,200 I'm uh , I'm extremely concerned that 2398 01:34:04,200 --> 01:34:06,478 china is becoming much more aggressive , 2399 01:34:06,478 --> 01:34:08,533 not just with resort to the military 2400 01:34:08,533 --> 01:34:10,700 build up , have treatment of the other 2401 01:34:10,700 --> 01:34:12,811 people of the country . And with that 2402 01:34:12,811 --> 01:34:15,730 we will take a brief recess . My goal 2403 01:34:15,730 --> 01:34:19,620 is to reconvene at 11 45 and when 2404 01:34:19,620 --> 01:34:23,260 we do , Mr , Norcross is up , so we'll 2405 01:34:23,260 --> 01:34:25,371 take a brief recess and we'll be back 2406 01:34:25,371 --> 01:34:24,980 shortly .