WEBVTT 00:00.040 --> 00:03.460 apologize for the confusion . 00:04.140 --> 00:06.307 We were understanding that there would 00:06.307 --> 00:08.473 be a different boat schedule and we're 00:08.473 --> 00:10.980 gonna make the best of this because 00:10.980 --> 00:12.758 obviously you've made your time 00:12.758 --> 00:15.520 available and we do our best to get 00:15.520 --> 00:17.980 some votes in or excuse me , testimony 00:17.980 --> 00:20.036 will go to votes and we'll come back 00:20.036 --> 00:23.620 and uh , Make sure that we do what is 00:23.620 --> 00:25.509 right for the American people and 00:25.509 --> 00:28.280 certainly for military . So with that , 00:28.290 --> 00:30.346 like to welcome everyone to tactical 00:30.346 --> 00:32.179 air and land forces subcommittee 00:32.179 --> 00:34.450 hearing on military services , fiscal 00:34.450 --> 00:37.760 year 22 budget requests for rotary wing 00:37.760 --> 00:41.550 aviation programs . We've lifted most 00:41.550 --> 00:43.661 of the covid restrictions here in the 00:43.661 --> 00:45.606 house , but this is still a hybrid 00:45.606 --> 00:48.360 hearing and that is so true that we 00:48.360 --> 00:50.471 have a few members that are potential 00:50.471 --> 00:52.527 to pay them remotely , although they 00:52.527 --> 00:54.749 are not on right now , we expect them . 00:55.440 --> 00:57.773 But if nobody's here to have to read it , 00:57.840 --> 01:01.520 okay , We'll cover itself . Okay ? We 01:01.520 --> 01:03.576 have someone on there . So I have to 01:03.576 --> 01:05.576 read the mandatory language like to 01:05.576 --> 01:07.742 welcome the members who are joining us 01:07.742 --> 01:09.631 today , joined here in remotely . 01:09.631 --> 01:11.870 Members who are participating remotely 01:11.870 --> 01:13.759 must be visible on screen for the 01:13.759 --> 01:16.010 purposes . Identity , identity 01:16.020 --> 01:18.500 verification , establishing and 01:18.500 --> 01:20.680 maintaining Corum participating in the 01:20.680 --> 01:24.240 proceedings and voting remote attended 01:24.240 --> 01:26.462 members must continue to use software , 01:26.462 --> 01:28.830 platform , video function the entire 01:28.830 --> 01:31.140 time while in attendance unless they 01:31.140 --> 01:33.890 experience connectivity issues or other 01:33.890 --> 01:35.920 technical problems that render them 01:35.930 --> 01:38.500 unable to participate on camera . If a 01:38.500 --> 01:40.056 member experience technical 01:40.056 --> 01:42.000 difficulties , they should contact 01:42.000 --> 01:44.167 committee staff for assistance . Video 01:44.167 --> 01:47.460 members participating will be broadcast 01:47.460 --> 01:49.850 in the room and be a television and 01:49.850 --> 01:52.120 internet feeds . Members participating 01:52.120 --> 01:55.230 remotely must seek recognition verbally 01:55.240 --> 01:57.240 and they are asked to mute their 01:57.240 --> 01:59.407 microphones when they are not speaking 01:59.940 --> 02:02.720 remote members may leave and rejoin the 02:02.720 --> 02:05.090 proceedings . However , if remote 02:05.090 --> 02:07.090 members that part the hearing for a 02:07.090 --> 02:09.146 short while , for reasons other than 02:09.146 --> 02:11.257 joining a different proceeding , they 02:11.257 --> 02:13.490 should leave the video function on . If 02:13.500 --> 02:15.111 members will be absent for a 02:15.111 --> 02:17.580 significant period or depart to join 02:17.590 --> 02:19.590 different proceedings , they should 02:19.590 --> 02:21.890 exit the software program entirely and 02:21.890 --> 02:23.779 then rejoin it when they return , 02:24.140 --> 02:27.040 members may use the software platforms , 02:27.040 --> 02:29.207 chat feature to communicate with staff 02:29.207 --> 02:31.770 regarding only technical or logistical 02:31.770 --> 02:34.780 support issues . I've designated a 02:34.780 --> 02:37.370 committee staff member to if necessary , 02:37.370 --> 02:39.850 mute , unrecognized members microphones 02:39.860 --> 02:41.970 to cancel any inadvertent background 02:41.970 --> 02:44.810 noise that may disrupt the proceedings 02:44.930 --> 02:48.100 and with that , I will now get my 02:48.100 --> 02:51.940 opening statement . Welcome back . Yeah , 02:52.940 --> 02:54.440 we obviously have a larger 02:54.440 --> 02:56.551 distinguished panel of witnesses here 02:56.551 --> 02:58.551 today and I thank them for being on 02:58.551 --> 03:01.070 time even though not all of us were and 03:01.070 --> 03:03.292 making the time to have this discussion 03:03.292 --> 03:05.403 on what is incredibly important . The 03:05.403 --> 03:07.181 services , rotary wing aviation 03:07.181 --> 03:09.770 programs and the process . Certainly 03:09.770 --> 03:11.714 the challenges we need to be aware 03:11.714 --> 03:14.580 before we mark up The 22 National 03:14.580 --> 03:17.660 Defense Authorization Act rotary wing 03:17.660 --> 03:19.604 aircraft serves diverse and unique 03:19.604 --> 03:21.980 purposes across the military branches . 03:22.070 --> 03:24.110 And each service is currently in 03:24.110 --> 03:26.420 different stages of modernization of a 03:26.430 --> 03:28.590 helicopter fleets . Successful 03:28.590 --> 03:30.757 modernization is a statement of rotary 03:30.757 --> 03:32.680 wing aircraft will lay a solid 03:32.680 --> 03:35.270 foundation for the futures of the joint 03:35.270 --> 03:38.160 force . The Army is embarking on 03:38.160 --> 03:41.910 ambitious lead future vertical lift for 03:41.910 --> 03:45.560 VL , excuse me , excuse me , F . V . L . 03:46.240 --> 03:49.330 In that developing and fielding to new 03:49.340 --> 03:51.850 major rotary platforms at the same time , 03:52.440 --> 03:55.160 future attack reconnaissance aircraft 03:55.840 --> 03:59.080 far up or future long range assault 03:59.090 --> 04:02.680 aircraft , Flora with future years 04:02.680 --> 04:04.800 defense programs information this 04:04.810 --> 04:07.500 year's . Excuse me , With it not in 04:07.500 --> 04:10.110 here , it's difficult to assess what 04:10.120 --> 04:13.440 the F . D . L . Funding 04:13.440 --> 04:15.640 profile is going to be . However , 04:15.650 --> 04:18.130 subcommittees understanding that the 04:18.140 --> 04:21.260 funding plan for the Flora 04:21.740 --> 04:24.480 Was never revised in the out years 04:24.490 --> 04:26.710 after decision was made to accelerate 04:26.710 --> 04:30.090 the program by four years . Given the 04:30.090 --> 04:31.868 concurrent acquisition of these 04:31.868 --> 04:34.034 programs , the army should explain how 04:34.034 --> 04:36.090 these programs will be appropriately 04:36.090 --> 04:38.160 resourced and what actions are being 04:38.160 --> 04:40.630 taken to manage risks within the future 04:40.630 --> 04:43.660 vertical lift . As in last year's 04:43.660 --> 04:45.650 budget , the army did not include 04:45.650 --> 04:48.630 procurement funding for the CH 47 F 04:48.640 --> 04:51.820 block to chinook . Only the new special 04:51.820 --> 04:54.010 operations forces air crafted are 04:54.010 --> 04:56.220 funded . The Chinook program is 04:56.220 --> 04:59.260 conducting additional testing on the 04:59.260 --> 05:01.890 advanced rotor blade now and should 05:01.890 --> 05:03.834 have sufficient data collected and 05:03.834 --> 05:06.360 analyzed for a production decision by 05:06.360 --> 05:09.100 the end of fiscal year 21 . Certainly 05:09.100 --> 05:11.267 we're interested in discussing the way 05:11.267 --> 05:14.660 ahead for the chinook block to with the 05:14.660 --> 05:16.940 Department of the Navy . The Navy is 05:16.940 --> 05:19.000 completed acquisition of its fleet 05:19.010 --> 05:21.780 workhorse the MH 60 and is beginning to 05:21.780 --> 05:24.110 plan the Service Lights extension 05:24.110 --> 05:26.740 program to keep these aircraft relevant 05:26.750 --> 05:28.972 into the next decade . While the Marine 05:28.972 --> 05:31.530 Corps is in the testing phase of two 05:31.530 --> 05:35.320 new , the CH 53 K heavy lift helicopter 05:35.320 --> 05:38.070 in the Bh 92 either replacement of the 05:38.070 --> 05:41.260 presidential helicopter program . After 05:41.260 --> 05:44.200 15 years of development , the CH 53 K 05:44.200 --> 05:47.640 program is still discovering new uh and 05:47.650 --> 05:49.761 operational difficulties that need to 05:49.761 --> 05:51.761 be corrected . I understand some of 05:51.761 --> 05:54.340 those are already corrected but granted . 05:54.350 --> 05:56.183 Uh , this is the purpose for the 05:56.183 --> 05:58.900 acquisition system program to bring out 05:58.900 --> 06:01.200 these problems before fielding the 06:01.200 --> 06:04.220 systems . But obviously the 53K 06:04.220 --> 06:07.150 programs should be much further along 06:07.150 --> 06:09.740 at this point and major problem 06:09.740 --> 06:12.400 discoveries . Uh , something that we 06:12.400 --> 06:15.260 hope not to expect any more of expect 06:15.260 --> 06:17.260 Marine courts to explain how they 06:17.260 --> 06:19.770 anticipate controlling risk and the 06:19.770 --> 06:22.550 cost of this program . Uh the air 06:22.550 --> 06:26.530 forces on their transitioning to 06:26.530 --> 06:29.160 a new combat rescue helicopter , the HH 06:29.160 --> 06:32.160 60 whiskey and a replacement helicopter 06:32.160 --> 06:34.530 for the nuclear security missions . The 06:34.530 --> 06:38.440 MH 1 39 Grey Wolf . I expect the Air 06:38.440 --> 06:41.430 Force witnesses to provide updates on 06:41.430 --> 06:43.740 how these programs are progressing and 06:43.740 --> 06:45.890 justify the requests or in this case 06:45.890 --> 06:48.920 Grey Wolf , the lack of one for fiscal 06:48.920 --> 06:52.010 year 22 . Finally , I'm interested in 06:52.010 --> 06:54.220 what each is services are doing to 06:54.220 --> 06:56.331 increase survivability for the rotary 06:56.331 --> 06:59.800 wing fleet and if and how they're 06:59.800 --> 07:01.911 working together to leverage research 07:01.911 --> 07:04.040 and investment in aircraft , survive 07:04.080 --> 07:07.030 survivability equipment and for the 07:07.030 --> 07:09.830 common benefit . Our helicopter pilots 07:09.830 --> 07:12.040 and crews deserve the best self 07:12.050 --> 07:15.270 protection and safety systems available 07:15.280 --> 07:17.447 With that . I want to take a moment to 07:17.447 --> 07:19.350 recognize our ranking member of 07:19.350 --> 07:21.406 technical Air land . This is heart , 07:21.406 --> 07:23.517 sir . Thank you . Mr . Chairman And I 07:23.517 --> 07:25.572 also want to thank our witnesses for 07:25.572 --> 07:27.572 being here with us today and I look 07:27.572 --> 07:27.250 forward to receiving an update on the 07:27.250 --> 07:29.340 status of each service is unique , 07:29.340 --> 07:32.200 rotary wing aviation programs and their 07:32.200 --> 07:34.250 plans for both the sustainment and 07:34.250 --> 07:36.139 modernization of their respective 07:36.139 --> 07:38.580 helicopter fleet capabilities . Our 07:38.580 --> 07:40.413 main , deeply concerned that the 07:40.413 --> 07:42.524 president's Fy 22 budget request does 07:42.524 --> 07:44.580 not adequately resource our national 07:44.580 --> 07:47.240 security and further places military 07:47.240 --> 07:49.980 leadership in an untenable position of 07:49.980 --> 07:51.980 having to make impossible choices 07:51.980 --> 07:54.540 between near term operational readiness , 07:54.570 --> 07:56.950 sustainment of enduring capabilities 07:56.960 --> 07:59.960 and long term modernization priorities . 08:00.440 --> 08:02.218 Today's hearing will provide an 08:02.218 --> 08:04.218 opportunity for us to gain a better 08:04.218 --> 08:06.218 insight of how each services rotary 08:06.218 --> 08:08.490 wing aviation fleets have been impacted 08:08.490 --> 08:11.100 by this budget and whether any major 08:11.100 --> 08:14.070 changes to sustaining programs or 08:14.070 --> 08:15.903 future equipment and modernizing 08:15.903 --> 08:18.390 strategies will result with shrinking 08:18.390 --> 08:20.334 budgets and shifting focus . It is 08:20.334 --> 08:22.112 critical that this subcommittee 08:22.112 --> 08:24.330 understands how each service views 08:24.330 --> 08:26.552 rotary wing aircraft fitting into their 08:26.552 --> 08:29.240 future modernization plans and what 08:29.250 --> 08:31.417 added capabilities will be required in 08:31.417 --> 08:33.583 multi domain operations against appear 08:33.583 --> 08:36.170 or near pier challenge in the indo 08:36.170 --> 08:38.790 pacific region , I expect our witnesses 08:38.790 --> 08:41.030 to discuss what major sustainment 08:41.030 --> 08:43.250 readiness and management issues each 08:43.250 --> 08:45.920 service is facing as you adapt your 08:45.920 --> 08:48.660 rotary wing aviation portfolio to this 08:48.660 --> 08:51.210 new operational focus and what are you 08:51.210 --> 08:54.070 doing now to address these issues ? I'm 08:54.070 --> 08:55.848 pleased to see that the army is 08:55.848 --> 08:57.459 continuing to prioritize the 08:57.459 --> 08:59.570 development of a future vertical lift 08:59.570 --> 09:01.514 capability . As one of its top six 09:01.514 --> 09:03.681 modernization priorities , The army is 09:03.681 --> 09:05.681 clearly leading the way on vertical 09:05.681 --> 09:07.848 future vertical lift , developing both 09:07.848 --> 09:09.903 the future attack and reconnaissance 09:09.903 --> 09:11.860 aircraft and the future long range 09:11.860 --> 09:14.570 assault aircraft . At the same time , I 09:14.570 --> 09:16.737 look forward to the discussion on both 09:16.737 --> 09:18.626 the development status and future 09:18.626 --> 09:20.790 potential of this major modernization 09:20.790 --> 09:23.100 effort . I also hope to hear how the 09:23.100 --> 09:25.340 Navy and Marine Corps are working with 09:25.340 --> 09:27.910 the Army and planning to capitalize on 09:27.920 --> 09:30.240 Army efforts and development in their 09:30.240 --> 09:32.950 own future vertical lift programs , 09:33.340 --> 09:35.173 sustainment and modernization of 09:35.173 --> 09:37.450 existing rotary wing platforms is also 09:37.450 --> 09:40.640 critical as we look forward toward the 09:40.640 --> 09:43.260 future of rotary wing aviation . We 09:43.260 --> 09:45.149 must not overlook the rotary wing 09:45.149 --> 09:46.760 aircraft currently playing a 09:46.760 --> 09:48.816 significant role in the missions and 09:48.816 --> 09:51.038 operations of our military services and 09:51.038 --> 09:53.290 our National Guard . Today . Some of 09:53.290 --> 09:55.179 these units have been waiting for 09:55.179 --> 09:56.957 necessary aircraft upgrades and 09:56.957 --> 10:00.140 replacements for quite some time near 10:00.140 --> 10:02.140 to my heart . We have the Army's 11 10:02.140 --> 10:04.790 35th assault helicopter battalion at 10:04.790 --> 10:06.710 Whiteman Air Force Base who is 10:06.720 --> 10:09.070 anxiously awaiting the arrival of its U . 10:09.070 --> 10:12.680 H 60 cm Blackhawks to replace its aging 10:12.690 --> 10:15.960 you H 60 L fleet in 2023 . 10:16.440 --> 10:18.900 And lastly , I expect each service to 10:18.900 --> 10:21.178 briefly discuss their current aircraft . 10:21.178 --> 10:23.250 Survivability equipment projects and 10:23.250 --> 10:26.380 developments , helicopters fly low and 10:26.380 --> 10:28.630 relatively slowly , rendering them 10:28.630 --> 10:31.260 especially vulnerable to enemy weapons . 10:31.440 --> 10:33.496 I want to reemphasize the chairman's 10:33.496 --> 10:35.662 statement that our helicopter pilots , 10:35.662 --> 10:37.900 crews and passengers deserve the best 10:37.900 --> 10:39.844 self protection and safety systems 10:39.844 --> 10:42.320 available . This seems to be an area 10:42.320 --> 10:45.150 where jointness would be without debate , 10:45.160 --> 10:47.104 leveraging research and investment 10:47.104 --> 10:49.327 projects and aircraft survivability and 10:49.327 --> 10:52.050 safety for the common benefit of all 10:52.050 --> 10:54.450 our war fighters . I thank the chairman 10:54.450 --> 10:56.339 for organizing this important and 10:56.339 --> 10:58.394 timely hearing before we mark up our 10:58.394 --> 11:00.172 fiscal Year 22 National Defense 11:00.172 --> 11:02.172 Authorization Act and I yelled back 11:04.240 --> 11:08.170 thank you appreciate it . Um and let's 11:08.170 --> 11:10.950 turn to our witnesses . Um Today 11:10.950 --> 11:13.370 joining us is Mr Doug Bush , acting 11:13.370 --> 11:15.370 assistant secretary of the Army for 11:15.370 --> 11:17.820 acquisitions , logistics and technology , 11:17.820 --> 11:20.480 who we've had the honor of two coddles 11:20.490 --> 11:22.546 uh that have been very informative . 11:22.546 --> 11:24.490 Good to have you here . Lieutenant 11:24.490 --> 11:26.434 General Peterson , Deputy Chief of 11:26.434 --> 11:29.060 Staff of the Army for programs . Mr 11:29.060 --> 11:31.960 Stephanie is acting Assistant Secretary 11:32.440 --> 11:34.607 of Navy for research , development and 11:34.607 --> 11:37.190 acquisition . Lieutenant General Wise , 11:37.200 --> 11:39.430 Deputy accommodation for aviation for 11:39.430 --> 11:42.530 the Marine Corps , Rear Admiral Andrew 11:42.540 --> 11:45.400 lower cell that I get that right , mm 11:45.400 --> 11:48.940 hmm . Uh Director of Air Warfare , 11:48.950 --> 11:52.730 uh Division for naval operations . Miss 11:52.730 --> 11:54.730 Darlene Costello , Acting assistant 11:54.730 --> 11:56.397 Secretary of the Air Force or 11:56.397 --> 11:58.950 acquisition , Technology and Logistics . 11:58.960 --> 12:01.300 Major General moore . Director of 12:01.300 --> 12:03.640 Programs . Office of the Deputy Chief 12:03.640 --> 12:06.070 of Staff of the Air Force for plans and 12:06.070 --> 12:08.460 programmes . We've asked for our 12:08.470 --> 12:10.900 opening statement of one per service 12:10.900 --> 12:13.150 and with that Mr Bush , please proceed 12:13.150 --> 12:16.960 with your statement . Thank you . 12:16.960 --> 12:19.182 Mr Chairman , Chairman or cross ranking 12:19.182 --> 12:21.182 member , Hartzler and distinguished 12:21.182 --> 12:23.182 members of the House Armed Services 12:23.182 --> 12:25.349 Committee subcommittee on Tactical Air 12:25.349 --> 12:25.060 and Land Forces . Good afternoon . 12:25.070 --> 12:27.237 Thank you for the invitation to appear 12:27.237 --> 12:29.459 before you to discuss the Army's rotary 12:29.459 --> 12:31.237 wing aviation portfolio and the 12:31.237 --> 12:33.403 resources requested in the president's 12:33.403 --> 12:35.840 budget for fiscal year 2022 . I'm 12:35.840 --> 12:37.673 pleased to be joined today by my 12:37.673 --> 12:39.618 teammate , Lieutenant General Eric 12:39.618 --> 12:41.562 Peterson , deputy Chief of Staff G 12:41.562 --> 12:43.618 eight , as well as our Navy , Marine 12:43.618 --> 12:45.729 Corps and Air Force counterparts . We 12:45.729 --> 12:45.390 appreciate your making are written 12:45.390 --> 12:47.334 statement . Part of the record for 12:47.334 --> 12:49.446 today's hearing . MR . Chairman . Our 12:49.446 --> 12:51.668 shared mission in the army is to ensure 12:51.668 --> 12:53.890 the army continues to achieve overmatch 12:53.890 --> 12:55.779 against all potential adversaries 12:55.779 --> 12:55.620 ensuring that our army can fulfill its 12:55.620 --> 12:58.210 mandate to successfully deter and , if 12:58.210 --> 13:00.377 necessary , fight and win our nation's 13:00.377 --> 13:03.300 wars as part of the Joint Force . Next , 13:03.300 --> 13:05.356 I'd like to briefly take a moment to 13:05.356 --> 13:07.244 address the subcommittee specific 13:07.244 --> 13:09.356 requests outlined in the invitation . 13:09.356 --> 13:11.300 First , the committee asked for an 13:11.300 --> 13:12.856 overview of Army aviation , 13:12.856 --> 13:15.022 modernization and equipping strategies 13:15.022 --> 13:17.078 for Fy 22 that identified major plan 13:17.078 --> 13:19.022 changes in the strategy from Fy 21 13:19.022 --> 13:20.967 Overall , I think the F- 22 budget 13:20.967 --> 13:22.633 request for the army reflects 13:22.633 --> 13:24.633 continuity and the armies continued 13:24.633 --> 13:26.411 commitment to its high priority 13:26.411 --> 13:28.690 modernization programs . Well , members 13:28.690 --> 13:30.912 will find adjustments were made to some 13:30.912 --> 13:32.857 programs . I believe that the FY22 13:32.857 --> 13:35.590 budget request of 34.1 billion overall 13:35.590 --> 13:38.160 for army research , development and 13:38.160 --> 13:40.620 acquisition , Which includes 2.8 13:40.620 --> 13:42.676 billion for aviation procurement and 13:42.676 --> 13:44.787 1.8 billion for aviation research and 13:44.787 --> 13:47.100 development reflects careful choices 13:47.110 --> 13:49.277 and supports continued progress on the 13:49.277 --> 13:51.388 army's top modernization priorities . 13:51.388 --> 13:53.388 Second , the committee asked for an 13:53.388 --> 13:55.554 explanation of major new modernization 13:55.554 --> 13:57.721 initiatives in Fy 22 . In response , I 13:57.721 --> 13:59.666 would ask the committee members to 13:59.666 --> 14:01.888 review our joint witness statement that 14:01.888 --> 14:03.777 summarizes our ongoing efforts to 14:03.777 --> 14:05.943 modify to modernize our current fleets 14:05.943 --> 14:08.166 as well as the progress we're making to 14:08.166 --> 14:10.332 develop future platforms , such as the 14:10.332 --> 14:12.554 ones mentioned by the chairman , Farrah 14:12.554 --> 14:14.777 Flora and also future unmanned aircraft 14:14.777 --> 14:16.888 systems . Third , the committee asked 14:16.888 --> 14:18.999 for an identification and description 14:18.999 --> 14:20.666 and justification of unfunded 14:20.666 --> 14:22.888 priorities . Major equipment shortfalls 14:22.888 --> 14:24.943 and unacceptable risk with regard to 14:24.943 --> 14:26.943 unfunded priorities . I would refer 14:26.943 --> 14:28.999 members to the Army Chief of Staff's 14:28.999 --> 14:31.110 unfunded party list . In addition , I 14:31.110 --> 14:33.110 am not aware of any major equipment 14:33.110 --> 14:35.277 shortfalls or unacceptable risks in my 14:35.277 --> 14:37.221 area of responsibility . 4th , the 14:37.221 --> 14:39.277 committee asked for an assessment of 14:39.277 --> 14:38.980 loitering industrial base in its 14:38.980 --> 14:41.091 ability to support army modernization 14:41.091 --> 14:43.147 and sustainment . While no budget is 14:43.147 --> 14:44.980 without risk , I'm confident the 14:44.980 --> 14:47.091 request before you represents what we 14:47.091 --> 14:49.258 consider acceptable risk to the rotary 14:49.258 --> 14:51.480 wing industrial base . With the help of 14:51.480 --> 14:53.702 Congress , the army has used multi year 14:53.702 --> 14:55.702 procurement contracts as a means to 14:55.702 --> 14:57.813 both achieve significant cost savings 14:57.813 --> 14:59.980 and ensure industrial base stability . 14:59.980 --> 15:02.202 I would ask for the committee's support 15:02.202 --> 15:04.258 of the Army's Fy 22 requests for new 15:04.258 --> 15:06.313 multi year procurement authority for 15:06.313 --> 15:08.480 both the Apache and Blackhawk aircraft 15:09.240 --> 15:11.073 fit . The committee requested an 15:11.073 --> 15:12.962 overview of the Army's aircraft . 15:12.962 --> 15:14.907 Survivability systems . Aircraft . 15:14.907 --> 15:17.018 Survivability is of course a critical 15:17.018 --> 15:19.240 element of the Army's modernization and 15:19.240 --> 15:21.296 readiness efforts to equip the force 15:21.296 --> 15:23.407 and maintain dominance . The aircraft 15:23.407 --> 15:25.462 survival portfolio provides advanced 15:25.462 --> 15:27.573 laser defeat capabilities such as the 15:27.573 --> 15:29.796 common infrared countermeasure system , 15:29.796 --> 15:31.907 which would be an enduring system for 15:31.907 --> 15:33.684 other systems . I would request 15:33.684 --> 15:35.962 discussing that in a different setting . 15:35.962 --> 15:37.907 Lastly , the committee asked us to 15:37.907 --> 15:39.962 provide any other budget details and 15:39.962 --> 15:42.184 programs you believe merit attention to 15:42.184 --> 15:41.560 include notable acquisition reform 15:41.560 --> 15:44.090 efforts . I think this budget request 15:44.090 --> 15:45.979 reflects a careful balance , as I 15:45.979 --> 15:47.757 mentioned , between funding for 15:47.757 --> 15:49.923 enduring and future modernization with 15:49.923 --> 15:52.146 respect to authorities were grateful to 15:52.146 --> 15:53.868 you and your colleagues on the 15:53.868 --> 15:55.979 Committee for Reform initiatives that 15:55.979 --> 15:58.090 have been instrumental in our efforts 15:58.090 --> 15:57.830 to streamline and gain efficiencies in 15:57.830 --> 16:00.420 the acquisition process . This includes 16:00.420 --> 16:02.364 our use of middle tier acquisition 16:02.364 --> 16:04.309 authority for rapid prototyping to 16:04.309 --> 16:06.142 accelerate efforts linked to our 16:06.142 --> 16:08.780 modernization priorities . We have also 16:08.780 --> 16:11.270 used other transaction authority where 16:11.270 --> 16:13.437 O . T . A . S . To help streamline the 16:13.437 --> 16:15.437 acquisition , research activities , 16:15.437 --> 16:17.270 prototype projects and follow on 16:17.270 --> 16:19.381 production . In both of these areas . 16:19.381 --> 16:21.437 You have my commitment that the army 16:21.437 --> 16:21.120 will use these authorities 16:21.120 --> 16:23.390 conservatively and only were needed to 16:23.390 --> 16:25.723 accomplish our modernization objectives . 16:25.723 --> 16:27.834 You also have my commitment to ensure 16:27.834 --> 16:29.834 appropriate internal Army oversight 16:29.834 --> 16:31.890 measures are in place to monitor the 16:31.890 --> 16:34.112 use of these authorities . Let me close 16:34.112 --> 16:34.020 by saying that realization of our 16:34.020 --> 16:35.798 modernization efforts is highly 16:35.798 --> 16:37.909 dependent on what is in the Army's Fy 16:37.909 --> 16:40.530 22 budget request , the investments in 16:40.530 --> 16:42.697 this budget , request , complement and 16:42.697 --> 16:44.641 reinforce the Army's modernization 16:44.641 --> 16:46.752 efforts . You have so far steadfastly 16:46.752 --> 16:48.808 supported . The key is predictable , 16:48.808 --> 16:51.030 adequate , timely and sustained funding 16:51.030 --> 16:52.863 to ensure the United States Army 16:52.863 --> 16:55.086 remains the best equipped to enforce in 16:55.086 --> 16:57.308 the world . I sincerely appreciate your 16:57.308 --> 16:56.560 time today and look forward to your 16:56.560 --> 16:59.940 questions . Thank you . Thank you . Mr 16:59.940 --> 17:03.270 Stephanie , mm . Thank you . 17:03.640 --> 17:05.807 Chairman or cross . Thank you . Member 17:05.807 --> 17:07.973 hustler , Distinguished members of the 17:07.973 --> 17:09.918 subcommittee on behalf of myself . 17:09.918 --> 17:11.862 Lieutenant General Mark Wise , the 17:11.862 --> 17:13.910 deputy commandant for Aviation and 17:13.910 --> 17:17.720 we're Admiral Andrew Louise L Director 17:17.730 --> 17:19.674 of Air Warfare . Thank you for the 17:19.674 --> 17:21.841 opportunity to appear before you today 17:21.841 --> 17:23.841 to address the Department of Navy's 17:23.841 --> 17:26.174 2022 budget request for rotary aviation . 17:26.640 --> 17:28.940 We are pleased to testify alongside our 17:28.940 --> 17:30.996 Department of Army and Department of 17:30.996 --> 17:33.560 Air Force colleagues . Navy and Marine 17:33.560 --> 17:35.393 Corps Forces operate forward and 17:35.393 --> 17:37.282 conduct a broad range of military 17:37.282 --> 17:39.560 missions in support of the Joint Force . 17:39.560 --> 17:43.350 The Department rotary rotary craft 17:43.350 --> 17:45.740 capability is a key enable enabler of 17:45.740 --> 17:48.050 our naval mobility When coupled with 17:48.060 --> 17:50.070 air capable ships . These aircraft 17:50.070 --> 17:53.370 provides speed range and flexibility to 17:53.370 --> 17:56.040 give our nation unmatched global reach 17:56.050 --> 17:58.600 and expeditionary agility . Their 17:58.600 --> 18:02.000 versatility is unmatched rotorcraft , 18:02.010 --> 18:03.788 transport , marines , sailors , 18:03.788 --> 18:05.899 equipment and supplies from ships and 18:05.899 --> 18:08.010 land bases , two amphibious assault . 18:08.010 --> 18:10.550 And for operations ashore , Rotorcraft 18:10.550 --> 18:13.040 pilots make up more than 50% of our 18:13.040 --> 18:15.910 naval aviators support a broad range 18:15.910 --> 18:18.180 emissions from anti submarine warfare 18:18.190 --> 18:20.700 to human humanitarian assistance and 18:20.700 --> 18:23.390 disaster relief . Our road a craft are 18:23.390 --> 18:25.223 ready to fight tonight and going 18:25.223 --> 18:26.946 forward . They will remain the 18:26.946 --> 18:29.112 workhorses of the future Naval force . 18:29.640 --> 18:31.807 Over the past year we took delivery of 18:31.807 --> 18:35.210 33 new rotary aircraft and we procured 18:35.220 --> 18:38.070 56 more aircraft during the year . We 18:38.070 --> 18:39.903 also completed just recently the 18:39.903 --> 18:42.250 initial operational testing of the VH 18:42.250 --> 18:45.720 92 Alpha presidential helicopter . To 18:45.720 --> 18:47.609 continue this progress toward the 18:47.609 --> 18:49.331 commandant's force design 2030 18:49.331 --> 18:51.387 initiative , as well as the Chief of 18:51.387 --> 18:53.609 Naval Operations Vision for distributed 18:53.609 --> 18:56.420 maritime operations . The Fy 22 budget 18:56.420 --> 18:58.642 requests funds for the procurement of 7 18:58.642 --> 19:02.250 53 new man rotorcraft , well 19:02.250 --> 19:04.730 supporting the initial production of 53 19:04.730 --> 19:07.110 kg king stallion helicopters . It also 19:07.110 --> 19:09.270 prioritizes recapitalization of the 19:09.270 --> 19:11.260 helicopter training fleet through 19:11.260 --> 19:13.970 continued procurement of the T H 73 19:13.970 --> 19:16.570 alpha training aircraft . The 19:16.570 --> 19:18.348 department is scheduled to take 19:18.348 --> 19:20.514 delivery of our very first th 73 alpha 19:20.514 --> 19:23.390 later this week And a total of 52 of 19:23.390 --> 19:25.612 those aircraft are planned for delivery 19:25.612 --> 19:28.880 by the end of 2021 . The Fy 22 budget 19:28.880 --> 19:30.491 also continues investment in 19:30.491 --> 19:32.491 modernization and service like life 19:32.491 --> 19:35.630 extensions for MH 60 and H one fleets 19:35.640 --> 19:37.751 that are foundational to the Navy and 19:37.751 --> 19:39.696 Marine Corps helicopter helicopter 19:39.696 --> 19:42.200 concept of operations , modernization 19:42.200 --> 19:44.033 programs for these platforms are 19:44.033 --> 19:46.880 focused on survivability and sensor 19:46.880 --> 19:49.000 networks and communication that will 19:49.000 --> 19:51.222 keep the platforms technically relevant 19:51.222 --> 19:53.056 as we look to develop the future 19:53.056 --> 19:55.550 vertical lift systems that will replace 19:55.550 --> 19:58.770 them overall , this budget represents 19:58.770 --> 20:00.937 the deliberate informed development of 20:00.937 --> 20:03.400 a modernized integrated and all Domain 20:03.400 --> 20:06.610 Naval Force for the future fight . It 20:06.610 --> 20:08.832 requires us to think differently , move 20:08.832 --> 20:10.888 faster and prioritize each dollar to 20:10.888 --> 20:13.990 meet an uncertain environment as we 20:13.990 --> 20:16.212 focus on building this all domain naval 20:16.212 --> 20:18.157 force to address are facing threat 20:18.157 --> 20:20.434 presented by our strategic competitors . 20:20.434 --> 20:22.157 We thank the Congress and this 20:22.157 --> 20:23.960 subcommittee for your continued 20:23.970 --> 20:26.710 continued leadership and support . And 20:26.710 --> 20:28.710 with that , we look forward to your 20:28.710 --> 20:30.877 questions . Thank you . Thank you Miss 20:30.877 --> 20:31.950 Stella , please . 20:37.840 --> 20:39.396 Which is your microphone or 20:53.140 --> 20:55.300 not ? Right , can you hear me now ? 20:55.520 --> 20:57.687 Great , Thank you . Sorry about that . 20:57.940 --> 21:00.051 Uh Chairman Norcross , ranking Member 21:00.051 --> 21:02.162 Hartzler and distinguished members of 21:02.162 --> 21:04.218 the subcommittee on behalf of myself 21:04.218 --> 21:06.329 and Major General More . We thank you 21:06.329 --> 21:08.329 for having us here today to provide 21:08.329 --> 21:10.496 testimony on the Department of the Air 21:10.496 --> 21:12.440 Force's fiscal Year 22 rotary Wing 21:12.440 --> 21:14.718 aviation budget request . Additionally , 21:14.718 --> 21:16.940 thank you for your continued leadership 21:16.940 --> 21:18.940 and dedication to the United States 21:18.940 --> 21:21.107 military and the Department of the Air 21:21.107 --> 21:23.920 Force is 689,000 . Total force airmen 21:23.930 --> 21:26.097 and guardians serving around the world 21:26.097 --> 21:29.930 today . Our nation faces a complex 21:29.930 --> 21:31.874 set of current and future security 21:31.874 --> 21:34.430 challenges that require us to think 21:34.440 --> 21:37.200 different and act different and with 21:37.200 --> 21:40.050 urgency . Our Chief of Staff of the Air 21:40.050 --> 21:42.800 Force General CQ Brown has articulated 21:42.800 --> 21:45.470 what is at stake . He has stated that 21:45.470 --> 21:47.581 unless we make significant changes to 21:47.581 --> 21:49.870 the Air Force's program Force , we will 21:49.870 --> 21:52.190 not meet the pacing threat of china in 21:52.190 --> 21:55.570 2030 and unless something changes , we 21:55.570 --> 21:57.737 will not be able to accomplish the Air 21:57.737 --> 21:59.737 Force's core missions in the future 21:59.737 --> 22:02.690 operating environment . If we are to 22:02.690 --> 22:04.579 modernize to address the emerging 22:04.579 --> 22:06.420 threat , we must efficiently use 22:06.420 --> 22:08.940 resources tied to our outdated and 22:08.940 --> 22:11.330 underperforming platforms and weapons 22:11.330 --> 22:13.219 systems , which are decreasing in 22:13.219 --> 22:15.386 relevance today and will be irrelevant 22:15.386 --> 22:17.250 in the future . We must strike a 22:17.250 --> 22:19.610 balance between risk in the near term 22:19.630 --> 22:22.230 and risk in the future . The Department 22:22.230 --> 22:24.230 of the Air Force rotorcraft are key 22:24.230 --> 22:26.174 components of the national defense 22:26.174 --> 22:28.397 strategies . Lethal force modernization 22:28.397 --> 22:30.880 effort are rotorcraft are integral 22:30.890 --> 22:32.790 across a range of operations , 22:32.800 --> 22:35.022 including modern and reliable personnel 22:35.022 --> 22:37.820 recovery , special operations , nuclear 22:37.820 --> 22:40.450 security and continuity of government . 22:40.940 --> 22:42.607 Thanks to the support of this 22:42.607 --> 22:44.829 subcommittee , we've made great strides 22:44.829 --> 22:46.884 in our efforts to improve rotorcraft 22:46.884 --> 22:48.640 readiness and set the tone for 22:48.640 --> 22:51.020 modernization . But there remains work 22:51.020 --> 22:54.040 to be done . The fiscal year of 2022 22:54.040 --> 22:55.984 budget continues investment in the 22:55.984 --> 22:58.151 Department of the Air Force . Critical 22:58.151 --> 23:00.380 Rotorcraft modernization programs . As 23:00.380 --> 23:02.602 you're aware of , the Department of the 23:02.602 --> 23:04.658 Air Force is the only service with a 23:04.658 --> 23:06.880 dedicated force organized , trained and 23:06.880 --> 23:08.713 equipped to execute theater wide 23:08.713 --> 23:10.936 personnel recovery . To accomplish this 23:10.936 --> 23:12.936 vital mission , we must continue to 23:12.936 --> 23:15.047 sustain support and upgrade the aging 23:15.047 --> 23:17.530 HH 60 G fleet until we can fully 23:17.530 --> 23:20.300 recapitalize with the HH 60 W . Jolly 23:20.300 --> 23:24.060 Green too . The HH 60 G retirements 23:24.060 --> 23:26.004 began this year with the continued 23:26.004 --> 23:28.060 retirement timeline that aligns with 23:28.060 --> 23:31.730 completion of fielding 105 HH 60 W 23:31.730 --> 23:35.290 rotorcraft . In fy 27 the first 23:35.290 --> 23:37.290 operational unit has already been 23:37.290 --> 23:41.290 received . The first production HH 60W 23:41.290 --> 23:43.820 was delivered on June eight of this 23:43.820 --> 23:46.760 year . The FY 22 Presidents Budget 23:46.760 --> 23:50.500 Request Ads 14 HH 60 23:50.500 --> 23:53.420 W aircraft to the 51 that are already 23:53.420 --> 23:56.950 funded . Yeah , The Image 1 23:56.950 --> 23:59.520 39 aid program is an element of the Air 23:59.520 --> 24:01.298 Force Nuclear Enterprise Reform 24:01.298 --> 24:02.920 Initiative and also supports 24:02.930 --> 24:05.152 operational airlift within the national 24:05.152 --> 24:08.100 capital region . The MH 1 39 a offers 24:08.100 --> 24:10.100 significant capability increases in 24:10.100 --> 24:12.440 areas of speed , range , endurance , 24:12.440 --> 24:14.770 payload and survivability . This 24:14.770 --> 24:16.437 program will deliver up to 80 24:16.437 --> 24:18.381 replacement helicopters , training 24:18.381 --> 24:20.103 devices and associated support 24:20.103 --> 24:22.214 equipment to replace the legacy You H 24:22.214 --> 24:24.500 one ends while technical issues have 24:24.500 --> 24:27.030 delayed the FAA certification . We are 24:27.030 --> 24:29.252 confident Boeing can make the necessary 24:29.252 --> 24:31.252 changes to minimize schedule delays 24:31.252 --> 24:33.810 going forward to meet the challenges of 24:33.810 --> 24:35.977 a highly contested environment . We're 24:35.977 --> 24:38.143 also developing the next generation of 24:38.143 --> 24:40.310 vertical takeoff and landing platforms 24:40.440 --> 24:42.950 Through a half works ability prime 24:42.950 --> 24:46.500 we've put more than $100 million 20 24:46.510 --> 24:48.732 electric vertical takeoff and landing . 24:48.732 --> 24:50.621 Industry partners to move towards 24:50.621 --> 24:52.843 fielding this transformative commercial 24:52.843 --> 24:55.330 technology for distributed logistics 24:55.330 --> 24:57.690 and personnel transport . Early 24:57.690 --> 24:59.634 investment in this technology will 24:59.634 --> 25:01.746 allow us to influence system design , 25:01.746 --> 25:03.857 foster industry growth and accelerate 25:03.857 --> 25:05.690 fielding . We thank you for your 25:05.690 --> 25:07.912 leadership and support and are eager to 25:07.912 --> 25:10.023 work with this subcommittee to secure 25:10.023 --> 25:12.134 our nation's vital interest . We look 25:12.134 --> 25:14.880 forward to your questions . Thank you 25:14.880 --> 25:16.991 for your testimony . Each of you very 25:16.991 --> 25:20.110 much appreciate it . Um , mhm We're 25:20.110 --> 25:22.221 going to work through again the votes 25:22.221 --> 25:24.640 here and we're going to take whatever 25:24.640 --> 25:27.690 time is necessary . We value what you 25:27.690 --> 25:30.200 do each and every day and your time and 25:30.200 --> 25:32.367 certainly our towel staff food through 25:32.367 --> 25:34.256 such a wonderful job . Keeping us 25:34.256 --> 25:37.810 informed are focused on this and please 25:37.810 --> 25:40.960 do not take the little disruption of 25:40.960 --> 25:43.071 anyway , diminishing what you do each 25:43.071 --> 25:45.071 and every day . And with that , I'd 25:45.071 --> 25:48.270 like to start out with questions of 25:48.840 --> 25:51.270 myself , Miss Hearts and then we'll go 25:51.740 --> 25:55.660 to both the remote and here in the bush . 25:56.140 --> 25:58.900 Ah we've had conversation literally 25:58.900 --> 26:02.170 over years concerning the chinook and 26:02.640 --> 26:05.390 again this year , uh , some of the 26:05.390 --> 26:07.960 deferments that were going on versus 26:07.970 --> 26:10.950 the original vision of the block to 26:11.340 --> 26:15.220 upgrades . Uh , We had the previous 26:15.220 --> 26:19.070 discussion about the heavy lift for 26:19.070 --> 26:21.960 the army and when that decision was to 26:21.960 --> 26:25.440 be made , uh let's make sure that we 26:25.440 --> 26:28.060 cleared up on the record . The decision 26:28.070 --> 26:32.020 for what you're going to do Is in year 26:32.030 --> 26:35.420 23 because this is we had the 26:35.420 --> 26:38.150 conversation and had much discussion . 26:38.150 --> 26:40.317 I just make sure we're clear on this . 26:40.940 --> 26:43.590 Yeah , Sir . My yes . My understanding 26:43.590 --> 26:45.646 of the army's previous decision that 26:45.646 --> 26:47.868 still holds is that that was a calendar 26:47.868 --> 26:49.850 year 2023 decision , counter year 26:49.860 --> 26:52.500 versus budget year . And forgive us for 26:52.510 --> 26:54.270 throwing that off . 26:55.640 --> 26:58.450 Obviously developing two new programs 26:58.450 --> 27:01.550 at one time is challenging at best . 27:02.140 --> 27:04.307 We're trying to minimize that and what 27:04.307 --> 27:07.060 you've done preparing for it is truly 27:07.060 --> 27:10.960 noteworthy . Uh However the 27:10.960 --> 27:13.127 time frame going on is you potentially 27:13.127 --> 27:16.930 could have three going on . Um Which 27:16.930 --> 27:20.630 could present some challenges uh when 27:20.630 --> 27:24.480 you expect to get the The 27:24.480 --> 27:28.180 funding for 21 . The authorization you 27:28.180 --> 27:30.291 expect to be put those under contract 27:30.291 --> 27:33.230 by the end of this fiscal year or this 27:33.230 --> 27:37.230 counter year this fiscal year , 27:37.230 --> 27:40.300 sir . Okay . It makes a difference . If 27:40.300 --> 27:42.244 you're listening to this , it gets 27:42.244 --> 27:44.578 confusing but it's incredibly important . 27:44.578 --> 27:46.744 We start looking at that . Thank you . 27:46.744 --> 27:48.967 Really appreciate that . What I'm going 27:48.967 --> 27:50.967 to do is try to get everybody in at 27:50.967 --> 27:50.720 least for one and we're gonna go 27:50.720 --> 27:54.650 multiple rounds this way we can 27:54.650 --> 27:56.428 have some more continuity . Mrs 27:56.428 --> 27:58.650 Hartzler ? Yes . Thank you . Lieutenant 27:58.650 --> 28:00.706 General Peterson , I'm interested in 28:00.706 --> 28:02.539 the status of the U . H . 60 M . 28:02.539 --> 28:04.450 Upgrade program . As you know , 28:04.450 --> 28:06.617 Whiteman Air Force Space currently has 28:06.617 --> 28:09.060 you age 60 els and have been promised 28:09.060 --> 28:11.930 the delivery of you age 60 KMs and Fy 28:11.930 --> 28:15.170 2023 to replace this aging fleet . So 28:15.170 --> 28:17.420 can you assure me that the decrease in 28:17.420 --> 28:20.360 procurement of you age 60 In the 28:20.360 --> 28:23.830 FY 2022 budget will not impact this 28:23.830 --> 28:25.719 feeling . Strategy and timeline . 28:27.540 --> 28:28.340 Oh 28:33.840 --> 28:34.840 yes , 28:41.040 --> 28:43.860 struggling with the systems here . Um , 28:44.440 --> 28:46.440 frank , remember thank you for that 28:46.440 --> 28:48.750 question . And uh , the first of the 28:48.750 --> 28:52.460 one 35th as well as the third of the to 28:52.460 --> 28:56.460 38th with the H H 60 medevac variants 28:56.470 --> 28:59.670 are still on track for their Fy 23 28:59.670 --> 29:03.270 24 . Uh , fielding phased fielding's 29:03.640 --> 29:06.350 um consistent with our continued 29:06.350 --> 29:08.461 investment in the MIC model program . 29:08.840 --> 29:10.896 Two very distinguished units . I had 29:10.896 --> 29:13.007 the pleasure of uh , actually serving 29:13.007 --> 29:15.118 with and helping mobilize portions of 29:15.118 --> 29:17.260 those my previous assignments . So we 29:17.260 --> 29:19.538 are not relenting from our commitments , 29:19.538 --> 29:21.593 particularly with our National Guard 29:21.593 --> 29:24.480 units uh to stay on track with our 29:24.480 --> 29:27.120 modernization efforts . And our chief 29:27.120 --> 29:29.550 has been very emphatic about that . So 29:29.640 --> 29:32.130 we are we're maintaining that momentum 29:32.130 --> 29:34.290 and focus . That's great news . Thank 29:34.290 --> 29:35.670 you very much . 29:39.340 --> 29:42.550 You recognized . Thank you so much . Mr 29:43.040 --> 29:45.150 Chairman and thank you everyone for 29:45.160 --> 29:47.327 participating today . I have a general 29:47.327 --> 29:49.830 question to start with and I guess it 29:49.830 --> 29:52.700 would be directed to general wise , you 29:52.700 --> 29:54.922 know , in previous committee hearings , 29:54.922 --> 29:57.200 especially with fixed wing and the 29:57.200 --> 29:59.600 different components . We've heard of 29:59.600 --> 30:02.440 the concerns of a decrease in the 30:02.440 --> 30:06.080 number of um I 30:06.080 --> 30:09.170 guess pilots that are graduating from 30:09.170 --> 30:11.226 our pilot programs and a shortage of 30:11.226 --> 30:13.680 pilots to fly are fixed wing aircraft 30:13.680 --> 30:17.530 and the projected um recruitment and 30:17.530 --> 30:20.450 successful graduation of pilots to fly 30:20.450 --> 30:23.010 those aircraft . Looking at the overall 30:23.020 --> 30:26.660 um , you know , rotary wing request in 30:26.660 --> 30:29.570 this budget . Is there any concerns 30:29.570 --> 30:33.350 about producing enough rotary 30:33.350 --> 30:35.620 pilots coming out of our training um , 30:35.630 --> 30:39.410 locations to fly these new rotary 30:39.410 --> 30:42.770 aircraft that we want to procure ? Yeah , 30:43.340 --> 30:45.620 sir , thank you for the question . Uh 30:45.630 --> 30:47.741 the short answer to your question for 30:47.741 --> 30:49.963 rotary wing pilots is we're actually in 30:49.963 --> 30:52.186 pretty good shape with regard to rotary 30:52.186 --> 30:54.780 wing . I would say that our current 30:54.780 --> 30:56.800 manning is within the squadron's 30:56.810 --> 30:58.754 arranges for all of our type model 30:58.754 --> 31:02.750 series from 96% man , uh to 86% at 31:02.750 --> 31:04.917 the low end and we consider healthy at 31:04.917 --> 31:07.310 85 . So we're . were healthy in all 31:07.310 --> 31:10.140 regards , but that's , as you indicate , 31:10.150 --> 31:12.440 not something you want to rest on . So 31:12.440 --> 31:15.030 we spend a lot of time with our 31:15.040 --> 31:17.650 training folks , Sinatra that works 31:17.650 --> 31:21.380 with Admiral louis l uh and we uh 31:21.390 --> 31:24.870 watch our production rates to ensure 31:24.870 --> 31:26.926 that we're meeting our goals to make 31:26.926 --> 31:29.148 sure that we don't drop any lower or we 31:29.148 --> 31:31.314 see leading indicators of their coming 31:31.314 --> 31:33.481 and right now we're still producing at 31:33.481 --> 31:35.648 a rate that we should stay healthy for 31:35.648 --> 31:37.703 the foreseeable future on the rotary 31:37.703 --> 31:39.870 wing side . Great , thank you . Well , 31:39.870 --> 31:41.981 let me shift . I represent Hawaii and 31:41.981 --> 31:45.500 um of course in GOP . Com and 31:45.510 --> 31:47.730 looking at and this is a could be a 31:47.730 --> 31:49.897 question for anyone on the committee . 31:49.897 --> 31:52.060 But looking at Admiral Aquilino and 31:52.060 --> 31:54.171 previous , Admiral Davidson is in the 31:54.171 --> 31:56.227 pacific deterrence initiative . Um , 31:56.227 --> 31:58.720 and the , you know , um , you know , 31:58.730 --> 32:01.760 rapidly building chinese military and 32:01.760 --> 32:03.871 what they're doing out in the Western 32:03.871 --> 32:07.050 pacific um , how do we see this budget 32:07.050 --> 32:09.900 request for the modernization and the 32:09.900 --> 32:12.910 future investment of um vertical lift 32:12.910 --> 32:15.640 capability new and the replacement of 32:15.640 --> 32:19.020 our aging rotary fleet to play into the 32:19.020 --> 32:21.131 pacific deterrence initiative and how 32:21.131 --> 32:24.570 we would fight uh a war um in the 32:24.570 --> 32:27.850 Western pacific um that is largely 32:28.340 --> 32:31.350 um , you know , geographically 32:31.350 --> 32:34.130 challenged with uh you know , vast 32:34.140 --> 32:36.880 oceans and areas that we need to travel . 32:36.880 --> 32:38.980 How do you , how do you foresee that 32:38.980 --> 32:41.091 playing out in these investments that 32:41.091 --> 32:43.258 we're making with rotary wing aircraft 32:43.258 --> 32:45.536 that could have a refueling capability , 32:45.536 --> 32:47.702 could have the capability for multiple 32:47.702 --> 32:49.702 crews so that they can extend their 32:49.702 --> 32:51.813 ranges and their distances . And some 32:51.813 --> 32:53.869 of those challenges as we take those 32:53.869 --> 32:56.202 rotary aircraft into the um um you know , 32:56.202 --> 32:58.202 areas of vulnerability based on the 32:58.202 --> 33:00.369 defensive systems and the weapons that 33:00.369 --> 33:04.350 china has be happy to take a 33:04.350 --> 33:06.517 crack at that . Yes , sir . Go ahead . 33:06.940 --> 33:10.150 Yeah , Thank you very much for that 33:10.150 --> 33:12.206 question and the insights associated 33:12.206 --> 33:14.620 with that from , from the Army's 33:14.620 --> 33:17.890 perspective , Flora and Farrah . Our 33:17.890 --> 33:21.240 FTL signature initiatives are tailor 33:21.240 --> 33:24.610 made for the extended ranges and the 33:24.610 --> 33:26.630 dynamics and the threat of that 33:26.670 --> 33:29.300 emergent fight . Both Flora and Flora 33:29.300 --> 33:31.790 are absolutely vital to our 33:31.790 --> 33:34.300 modernization efforts . Farah is 33:34.300 --> 33:36.356 fulfilling the number one gap in the 33:36.356 --> 33:38.230 Army aviation capability with a 33:38.230 --> 33:40.710 dedicated purpose built armed 33:40.710 --> 33:43.250 reconnaissance aircraft . The key 33:43.250 --> 33:46.550 points to be uh made with Flora and 33:46.550 --> 33:50.460 Flora is they both extend our reach 33:50.650 --> 33:53.270 with absolutely unprecedented speed , 33:53.640 --> 33:56.540 range , endurance and equally as 33:56.540 --> 33:59.470 important . The effects of long range 33:59.470 --> 34:01.780 precision munitions and other air 34:01.780 --> 34:04.000 launched effects . And these 34:04.000 --> 34:06.190 capabilities , combined with a 34:06.190 --> 34:09.740 networked kill chain . A joint kill 34:09.740 --> 34:11.930 chain will allow us to reject 34:11.940 --> 34:14.960 capability from unprecedented standoff 34:15.640 --> 34:18.770 and deliver stand in effects . 34:19.640 --> 34:21.862 Those will present multiple dilemmas to 34:21.862 --> 34:23.973 our foes and they're going to provide 34:23.973 --> 34:26.140 exceptional options to our joint force 34:26.140 --> 34:29.730 commanders . The high fidelity modeling 34:29.730 --> 34:31.786 that we have done and could share in 34:31.786 --> 34:33.780 another forum with you clearly and 34:33.780 --> 34:35.891 empirically demonstrates the value of 34:35.891 --> 34:38.300 these capabilities against near pier 34:38.300 --> 34:41.040 threats and in the specific areas that 34:41.040 --> 34:43.151 you referenced . So thank you . Thank 34:43.151 --> 34:47.100 you . General market share . Mhm . We 34:47.100 --> 34:49.620 have six minutes and 50 seconds . You 34:49.620 --> 34:51.676 want to go for it ? You want to come 34:51.676 --> 34:53.690 back ? I'll go ahead and ask one 34:53.690 --> 34:55.912 question . Okay then we recognize you . 34:55.912 --> 34:57.850 Right , Okay . 34:59.640 --> 35:02.650 Well uh General Peterson , I actually 35:02.650 --> 35:04.650 was just about to ask you that same 35:04.650 --> 35:06.650 question . So thank you . But I did 35:06.650 --> 35:08.761 want to pass along General Homes from 35:08.761 --> 35:10.928 Tennessee , sent me a note to send his 35:10.928 --> 35:13.261 regards , a good friend of both of ours . 35:13.261 --> 35:15.550 So uh I moved to miss Costello and 35:15.560 --> 35:19.460 Major General More . Um it 35:19.460 --> 35:21.627 has been very interesting to watch the 35:21.627 --> 35:23.682 work that the Air Force is done with 35:23.682 --> 35:25.682 the Agility Prime program . Can you 35:25.682 --> 35:25.490 give the committee a brief description 35:25.490 --> 35:27.800 of what Agility Prime is as well as 35:27.800 --> 35:29.967 some of the results that have produced 35:29.967 --> 35:31.967 have been produced by the program . 35:37.440 --> 35:41.110 Can you hear me ? Agility Prime is a 35:41.120 --> 35:44.400 way that we use our S and T . Money . 35:44.400 --> 35:46.178 Are small business money to get 35:46.178 --> 35:48.300 industry that's out there investing 35:48.300 --> 35:51.060 their own money on new technologies and 35:51.060 --> 35:53.650 especially in this case with the um 35:53.660 --> 35:57.250 electric lift capabilities that they 35:57.250 --> 35:59.472 might be investing in for other reasons 35:59.472 --> 36:01.583 and seeing where that can benefit our 36:01.583 --> 36:03.940 military . So if they found a way for 36:03.950 --> 36:07.090 electric battery life to last longer , 36:07.130 --> 36:09.352 that would be beneficial for us if they 36:09.352 --> 36:11.408 found a better way to sustain um and 36:11.408 --> 36:13.370 support and have lower cost for 36:13.370 --> 36:15.426 sustainment , That's something we're 36:15.426 --> 36:17.203 looking at . So there have been 36:17.203 --> 36:19.370 multiple companies that we've invested 36:19.370 --> 36:21.426 given money to allow them to use our 36:21.426 --> 36:23.648 ranges and go off and demonstrate their 36:23.648 --> 36:25.259 capability , work on getting 36:25.259 --> 36:28.600 certifications for airworthiness and 36:28.610 --> 36:31.440 with the expectation that there will be 36:31.440 --> 36:34.240 uses for that capability in the future . 36:34.630 --> 36:36.852 Um and we're working with our operators 36:36.852 --> 36:39.520 to see where there are good matches if 36:39.520 --> 36:41.940 you will for that . And it's proven to 36:41.940 --> 36:44.680 be very interesting and and industry is 36:44.690 --> 36:47.890 quite interested in participating in 36:47.890 --> 36:50.500 that because they would like to be able 36:50.500 --> 36:52.556 to help the Department of Defense in 36:52.556 --> 36:54.556 the future . And they do see that . 36:54.556 --> 36:56.667 Okay . I'd like to just put in a plug 36:56.667 --> 36:58.556 for University of Tennessee Space 36:58.556 --> 37:00.667 Institute . I know they're working on 37:00.667 --> 37:02.778 some of the problems with the battery 37:02.778 --> 37:02.770 and power source issues , so we're glad 37:02.770 --> 37:05.320 to help out . Um if you want to stop 37:05.320 --> 37:07.487 there . Yeah , but we're going to have 37:07.487 --> 37:09.487 to recess . We're going to take two 37:09.487 --> 37:11.487 votes . Uh just to bring it to your 37:11.487 --> 37:13.431 attention . We were just told that 37:13.431 --> 37:15.209 former Defense Secretary Donald 37:15.209 --> 37:17.042 Rumsfeld passed away . Certainly 37:17.042 --> 37:18.876 somebody who gave very much this 37:18.876 --> 37:20.931 country with that . We'll recess and 37:20.931 --> 37:24.230 we'll be back in short while 37:31.230 --> 37:33.630 we'll call this committee hearing back 37:33.630 --> 37:37.060 to order . Uh We understand Mr Hartford 37:37.070 --> 37:40.350 is on webex . Can you hear me steve 37:41.820 --> 37:45.390 steve going once , going 37:45.390 --> 37:48.050 twice and you'll get back to us ? 37:48.830 --> 37:52.140 Obviously people are in between votes 37:52.430 --> 37:54.152 and we appreciate against your 37:54.152 --> 37:57.250 indulgence . Uh So that's uh 37:58.530 --> 38:00.750 back to me . Thank you . Uh 38:02.420 --> 38:05.460 number of things uh that have gone on 38:05.460 --> 38:08.460 and I want to go to you Mr Bush and 38:08.460 --> 38:11.450 talk about the multiyear request . And 38:13.720 --> 38:16.370 why is this important ? Obviously 38:16.370 --> 38:19.980 timing complexity but generally cost is 38:19.980 --> 38:22.910 a big factor . Mhm . Why is this 38:22.910 --> 38:26.210 important this programs that you 38:26.220 --> 38:28.470 indicated that we go for a multi year 38:28.470 --> 38:32.060 on that ? So thanks Mr Chairman . Um 38:32.060 --> 38:34.393 So one reason of course is cost savings . 38:34.393 --> 38:36.800 So the army um current estimate that 38:36.810 --> 38:38.532 delivered to the committee for 38:38.532 --> 38:40.754 Blackhawk and Apache combined as half a 38:40.754 --> 38:43.150 billion dollars . That could be 38:44.520 --> 38:46.740 over the five years of the , sorry , 38:46.740 --> 38:48.907 sir ? Over the five years of the multi 38:48.907 --> 38:51.310 years . Um So that's one reason . And 38:51.310 --> 38:54.180 we would uh yes and possibly hopefully 38:54.180 --> 38:56.236 be able to keep that and invested in 38:56.236 --> 38:58.347 other aviation . Um The second reason 38:58.347 --> 39:00.180 is industrial base stability and 39:00.180 --> 39:03.040 predictability . Um It is a which is 39:03.040 --> 39:04.873 where you get the cost savings , 39:04.873 --> 39:07.040 they're able to do long term contracts 39:07.040 --> 39:09.262 for things and get discount prices . Um 39:09.262 --> 39:11.207 It also ensures the Army has those 39:11.207 --> 39:14.370 those uh production lines um running 39:14.380 --> 39:16.269 and then we have a known to known 39:16.269 --> 39:18.213 production lines . It'll be firm . 39:18.820 --> 39:20.931 Thank you . Actually . It leads right 39:20.931 --> 39:22.820 into my second question about our 39:22.820 --> 39:26.070 industrial base . Uh We're always going 39:26.070 --> 39:28.960 through changes evaluating new 39:28.960 --> 39:32.560 technologies coming before us . But at 39:32.560 --> 39:34.540 the end of the day having the 39:34.540 --> 39:36.890 industrial base within the control of 39:36.890 --> 39:39.130 the United States and that has an 39:39.130 --> 39:41.640 asterisk next to it because , you know , 39:41.640 --> 39:43.862 this is incredibly important . We found 39:43.862 --> 39:45.840 out about the supply chain and 39:45.850 --> 39:48.110 vulnerabilities , but I want to talk to 39:48.110 --> 39:50.110 you about the industrial partners , 39:50.110 --> 39:52.110 particularly on our future vertical 39:52.110 --> 39:54.460 lift . Um there are some major 39:54.460 --> 39:56.571 contractors , obviously they're doing 39:56.571 --> 39:59.230 very well , but when we shift away from 39:59.230 --> 40:01.500 some of the , I don't like using the 40:01.500 --> 40:04.750 term legacy , but platforms have been 40:04.750 --> 40:07.430 used for a while . Sometimes we get 40:07.430 --> 40:10.740 down to one supplier for critical part . 40:11.510 --> 40:13.870 Um we don't do this alone , we do it 40:13.870 --> 40:16.860 with our industrial partners . When we 40:16.860 --> 40:19.320 look at the future vertical left to 40:19.320 --> 40:21.376 program that you're reducing risks , 40:21.376 --> 40:23.890 we've had some great demonstrators talk 40:23.890 --> 40:26.057 to me about the industrial base if you 40:26.057 --> 40:28.790 would general and how important that is , 40:28.800 --> 40:31.940 particularly when we look at 40:31.950 --> 40:34.580 developing that next generation of 40:34.580 --> 40:37.240 workforce who hears the same narrative 40:37.240 --> 40:39.462 day and day out to make it in America , 40:39.462 --> 40:41.684 you got to go to college , but you know 40:41.684 --> 40:43.740 what ? That's great , but somebody's 40:43.740 --> 40:45.684 got to build the things and that's 40:45.684 --> 40:47.851 where it comes back to that industrial 40:47.851 --> 40:50.073 base . Would you shed some light on our 40:50.073 --> 40:53.940 industrial partners ? Thanks very 40:53.940 --> 40:56.250 much , Chairman for that question . Um , 40:56.260 --> 40:59.680 first , the necessity and the 40:59.680 --> 41:02.240 vitality of our industrial base 41:02.710 --> 41:05.690 directly influences our enduring 41:05.690 --> 41:08.870 readiness . We don't build our own 41:08.870 --> 41:12.440 parts for the most part . Um , we don't 41:12.810 --> 41:16.740 have the sustainability and repair on 41:16.740 --> 41:19.450 our own without our industrial partners , 41:19.460 --> 41:22.330 our industry partners . So it's 41:22.330 --> 41:25.090 absolutely vital across our enduring 41:25.090 --> 41:27.201 fleet and that's the term that we are 41:27.201 --> 41:29.257 using for those aircraft that we may 41:29.257 --> 41:31.480 not be modernizing substantially , but 41:31.480 --> 41:33.480 we know that we are going to retain 41:33.480 --> 41:35.610 them in our fleet for a substantial 41:35.610 --> 41:37.388 amount of time and they have an 41:37.388 --> 41:39.750 important contribution to make the 41:39.760 --> 41:42.730 patchy the Blackhawk chinook . They're 41:42.730 --> 41:44.952 part of our enduring fleet . We are not 41:44.952 --> 41:47.320 divesting comprehensively of those . 41:47.330 --> 41:49.810 They have a place and we need to 41:49.810 --> 41:52.240 maintain those , those aircraft ready 41:52.610 --> 41:55.820 and have part streams and repair parts 41:55.820 --> 41:58.240 for those for the foreseeable future . 41:58.810 --> 42:01.700 We work very closely with our teammates 42:01.700 --> 42:05.100 and assault as well as Army material 42:05.100 --> 42:08.760 Command to ensure that we have 42:08.770 --> 42:11.590 viability in the industrial base to 42:11.590 --> 42:13.820 include suppliers for those with 42:13.820 --> 42:16.042 respect to the workforce . I've had the 42:16.042 --> 42:19.210 pleasure of visiting , um , locations , 42:19.220 --> 42:22.180 uh , all of our major 42:22.180 --> 42:25.240 manufacturers and meet the craftsmen 42:25.240 --> 42:28.830 and women on the floor who provide us 42:28.830 --> 42:31.150 with these incredible world class 42:31.150 --> 42:33.950 capabilities that we've taken to combat 42:33.950 --> 42:36.590 and brought home again and thank them 42:36.600 --> 42:39.610 for their contributions , their 42:39.610 --> 42:41.710 commitment and their part that they 42:41.710 --> 42:44.350 play in our national defense . So the 42:44.360 --> 42:47.720 workforce , um , in our industry 42:47.720 --> 42:51.430 partners , an absolute vital portion of 42:51.430 --> 42:54.440 our overall efforts . Thank you . Thank 42:54.440 --> 42:57.470 you . And certainly it should certainly 42:57.480 --> 43:00.520 be noted that during Covid obviously 43:00.520 --> 43:02.576 the servicemen and women never got a 43:02.576 --> 43:04.798 break . But for those in our industrial 43:04.798 --> 43:07.320 base who went to work every day 43:07.330 --> 43:09.330 particularly early on when they had 43:09.330 --> 43:11.052 little knowledge of how it was 43:11.052 --> 43:13.980 spreading . Uh We thank them also 43:13.980 --> 43:17.390 because we would not be here today if 43:17.400 --> 43:19.920 somehow this industrial base stopped . 43:19.930 --> 43:22.097 And we really appreciate all those who 43:22.097 --> 43:24.770 put themselves out there . Uh Just want 43:24.770 --> 43:27.270 to shift quickly over to uh miss 43:27.270 --> 43:29.980 Costello subcommittee obviously has 43:29.980 --> 43:32.470 been supportive of the army and and so 43:32.470 --> 43:34.730 common led efforts for the degraded 43:34.730 --> 43:37.300 visual environment or the D . V . 43:37.310 --> 43:39.750 System for helicopters . And we're 43:39.750 --> 43:41.639 really pleased that the Air Force 43:41.639 --> 43:43.639 joined the effort . Uh and I talked 43:43.639 --> 43:45.583 about how we can work together and 43:45.583 --> 43:47.694 budgeted the system For the current H 43:47.694 --> 43:51.540 60 G helicopter . Now , in the 22 43:51.540 --> 43:55.310 requests it's cancelled . Uh 43:56.100 --> 43:58.080 Can you share with us the thought 43:58.080 --> 44:01.180 process on that that we geared up and 44:01.180 --> 44:03.460 now we're hearing down quite frankly , 44:03.460 --> 44:06.720 stopping . Uh give me a little bit of 44:06.720 --> 44:09.710 history of why we are , where we are 44:09.710 --> 44:12.500 today . Um 44:15.290 --> 44:18.920 So as the as the 44:18.930 --> 44:21.920 timeline for the aircraft moved out to 44:21.920 --> 44:23.642 the right and the timeline for 44:23.642 --> 44:26.120 integration of that , the basically the 44:26.120 --> 44:28.231 return on investment of what would be 44:28.231 --> 44:30.453 able to install it before we would be , 44:30.453 --> 44:32.564 you know , removing the aircraft from 44:32.564 --> 44:34.398 our inventory became part of the 44:34.398 --> 44:36.850 equation and that led to , you know , 44:36.860 --> 44:39.027 assessing the risk of what we're going 44:39.027 --> 44:41.450 to fund and not fund and therefore , 44:41.460 --> 44:43.627 Combatant Commander looked at that and 44:43.627 --> 44:46.280 decided to not fund at this point uh 44:46.290 --> 44:48.910 for that for that particular aircraft . 44:49.190 --> 44:51.246 Um I don't know if you'd like to add 44:51.246 --> 44:52.912 anything more relative to the 44:52.912 --> 44:54.968 divestiture , because that does have 44:54.968 --> 44:56.920 part to do with the equation . Mhm 44:59.490 --> 45:01.657 Yes , ma'am , thank you . So , as we , 45:01.657 --> 45:03.712 as we change the divestiture profile 45:03.712 --> 45:05.768 for the HH 60 G and compared that as 45:05.768 --> 45:07.712 Miss Costello said to the , to the 45:07.712 --> 45:09.712 installed timeline in the amount of 45:09.712 --> 45:12.260 investment , um it just did not appear 45:12.260 --> 45:14.427 to be a good use of taxpayer dollars . 45:14.427 --> 45:16.538 It doesn't , it doesn't mean we don't 45:16.538 --> 45:18.593 believe in the system and it doesn't 45:18.593 --> 45:18.270 mean we don't believe that it's that 45:18.270 --> 45:20.492 it's very productive for the pilots and 45:20.492 --> 45:22.659 very helpful for them . It just didn't 45:22.659 --> 45:24.826 make sense in this particular case for 45:24.826 --> 45:26.937 this particular aircraft , but but we 45:26.937 --> 45:28.826 do we do share Mr . Chairman your 45:28.826 --> 45:30.659 thoughts that uh it is , it is a 45:30.659 --> 45:32.826 significant enhancement for the pilots 45:32.826 --> 45:35.048 and and we'll continue to look as we go 45:35.048 --> 45:34.440 forward with new fleets and 45:34.440 --> 45:36.710 incorporating that into into either the 45:36.710 --> 45:38.543 baseline configuration or into a 45:38.543 --> 45:41.920 modification later on , always . 45:42.790 --> 45:45.720 So the dollars that were expended , uh , 45:47.590 --> 45:49.650 they just don't get lost . That 45:49.650 --> 45:51.594 technology is being forward to the 45:51.594 --> 45:54.480 newer platform . So we have the , we 45:54.480 --> 45:56.480 have the opportunity to incorporate 45:56.480 --> 45:58.647 that into the new aircraft . It is not 45:58.647 --> 46:00.924 a part of the baseline to my knowledge , 46:00.924 --> 46:02.813 but we do have the opportunity to 46:02.813 --> 46:04.924 incorporate it in . And as we're able 46:04.924 --> 46:04.690 with available funds , that's something 46:04.690 --> 46:06.523 that we certainly will look at . 46:06.523 --> 46:08.746 Because as I said , MR chairman , we do 46:08.746 --> 46:10.857 share your sense that it is something 46:10.857 --> 46:13.220 that's helpful . We we have funded the 46:13.230 --> 46:17.200 HH 60 W uh , to what we believe is the , 46:17.680 --> 46:19.624 The minimum combat configuration . 46:19.624 --> 46:21.847 There are additional modifications that 46:21.847 --> 46:23.847 could go onto the airplane . But at 46:23.847 --> 46:25.958 this point with the resources that we 46:25.958 --> 46:27.958 have , not all of the modifications 46:27.958 --> 46:27.820 that were originally planned for the HH 46:27.820 --> 46:29.910 60W are included in the current 46:29.910 --> 46:32.410 aircraft . So I understand the timeline , 46:33.280 --> 46:36.010 but how does it become less of a safety 46:36.010 --> 46:38.300 issue that you wouldn't incorporate it ? 46:39.380 --> 46:42.210 I mr Chairman , I don't know that . I 46:42.210 --> 46:44.432 would say that , first of all , I don't 46:44.432 --> 46:47.370 know that . I would say that it is a um 46:47.380 --> 46:49.324 that it's a requirement for a safe 46:49.324 --> 46:51.491 aircraft . It is an enhancement to the 46:51.491 --> 46:53.602 aircraft . It does improve safety but 46:53.602 --> 46:55.491 we don't believe it's a safety of 46:55.491 --> 46:57.436 flight issue to not have it on the 46:57.436 --> 46:59.491 aircraft . Um And and as I mentioned 46:59.491 --> 47:01.602 that technology will be available for 47:01.602 --> 47:03.824 the HH 60 W . But as we accelerated the 47:03.824 --> 47:05.880 timeline for the G model compared to 47:05.880 --> 47:07.880 the installation timeline , it just 47:07.880 --> 47:10.047 didn't seem to make fiscal , it didn't 47:10.047 --> 47:12.324 seem to be fiscally responsible . Okay , 47:12.324 --> 47:14.491 I don't understand . Let me hold up on 47:14.491 --> 47:16.491 that and deferring Mrs Hart , sir . 47:16.491 --> 47:18.890 Thank you . Lieutenant General Wise , 47:18.900 --> 47:22.180 I'd like to discuss the CH 53 K heavy 47:22.180 --> 47:24.670 lift helicopter program and how the 47:24.670 --> 47:27.260 Marine Corps plans to control costs now 47:27.260 --> 47:29.149 and through the life cycle of the 47:29.149 --> 47:31.204 program . Right now , we're buying a 47:31.204 --> 47:33.630 helicopter with a higher Unit costs 47:33.630 --> 47:35.500 than the F- 35 47:37.380 --> 47:40.080 CH 53 K costs were hovering around 47:40.080 --> 47:43.880 $125 million . A copy in 47:43.980 --> 47:47.020 fy 21 costs should decrease once the 47:47.020 --> 47:49.242 program gets too full rate production . 47:49.480 --> 47:51.480 But now I see that the Marine Corps 47:51.480 --> 47:53.720 plans to procure only nine aircraft 47:53.720 --> 47:56.090 this year down from the 11 projected in 47:56.090 --> 47:59.830 Fy 21 fight up Decreasing procurement 47:59.830 --> 48:01.830 numbers has become a trend over the 48:01.830 --> 48:03.774 past few years . Combined with the 48:03.774 --> 48:05.941 marine course , current plan to reduce 48:05.941 --> 48:09.320 from 8 to 5 squadrons , Is it 48:09.330 --> 48:11.770 also the Marine Corps plan to truncate 48:11.770 --> 48:14.210 the CH 53 K procurement at a number 48:14.210 --> 48:16.321 below the current requirement for 200 48:16.321 --> 48:18.540 aircraft . And if so , how will this 48:18.540 --> 48:21.170 impact that current unit cost per 48:21.170 --> 48:21.900 aircraft ? 48:25.870 --> 48:27.870 Senior ranking member ? I very much 48:27.870 --> 48:30.620 appreciate the question . The uh for 48:30.620 --> 48:33.760 the control cost piece of uh of it . I 48:33.760 --> 48:35.830 mean , that's as you know , we've 48:35.830 --> 48:37.941 attacked that in two directions . One 48:37.941 --> 48:40.163 is trying to drive down the unit cost , 48:40.470 --> 48:43.240 Which is worthy of discussion . The 48:43.250 --> 48:45.870 unit cost on Lot five , which was this 48:45.870 --> 48:49.080 year is 97 48:49.090 --> 48:53.000 million per copy . Uh the uh 48:53.470 --> 48:56.070 Where we are going in 22 , it appears 48:56.070 --> 48:58.450 it's going to be about 94 , so it is on 48:58.450 --> 49:00.590 the way down and and at this point it 49:00.590 --> 49:03.490 is down below the cost of uh of an F35 49:03.490 --> 49:05.601 and trending in the right direction . 49:05.601 --> 49:08.320 Uh so a lot of the reductions in 49:08.320 --> 49:11.100 numbers over recent history really had 49:11.100 --> 49:14.580 to do with uh trying to do risk 49:14.580 --> 49:16.636 reduction initiatives to get through 49:16.636 --> 49:19.510 some of the challenges , but right now 49:19.510 --> 49:21.510 we've actually had great success in 49:21.510 --> 49:23.621 getting through those challenges like 49:23.621 --> 49:25.870 engine gas re ingestion has been uh 49:25.880 --> 49:29.120 we're actually passed that now , so uh 49:29.130 --> 49:32.890 as we get ready to start into um uh 49:32.900 --> 49:36.080 IOT any , so operational tests were 49:36.080 --> 49:38.510 actually starting next month , we're 49:38.510 --> 49:40.732 seeing some fairly impressive readiness 49:40.732 --> 49:42.954 rates for the test birds that are going 49:42.954 --> 49:45.121 to be doing that operational test . So 49:45.121 --> 49:47.730 there is some good news stories as we 49:47.730 --> 49:49.341 have done the risk reduction 49:49.341 --> 49:51.508 initiatives and help driven down costs 49:51.508 --> 49:54.040 for procurement . It also goes into the 49:54.040 --> 49:56.210 sustainment side of the house , things 49:56.210 --> 49:59.090 like uh performance based logistics , 49:59.100 --> 50:01.250 starting early with that platform to 50:01.250 --> 50:03.580 get some of those parts into 50:03.590 --> 50:05.910 performance based logistics contracts 50:05.910 --> 50:07.799 to keep driving down the cost and 50:07.799 --> 50:10.021 incentivized industry to drive down the 50:10.021 --> 50:12.077 cost . So there's , there's a lot of 50:12.077 --> 50:14.132 good things happening right there as 50:14.132 --> 50:17.660 far as the force design question , Uh , 50:17.670 --> 50:19.420 and reduction , the original 50:19.420 --> 50:22.600 requirement was about 220 aircraft . It 50:22.600 --> 50:25.530 was reduced to 200 in order to meet 50:25.530 --> 50:29.200 affordability . Uh , so as we look at 50:29.200 --> 50:32.230 force design and how that will affect 50:32.230 --> 50:36.210 that program , uh , it if there is a 50:36.210 --> 50:38.500 reduction , it will probably be less 50:38.500 --> 50:41.020 than we , we would normally think had 50:41.020 --> 50:42.909 we actually bought the program of 50:42.909 --> 50:44.964 record , that was the requirement to 50:44.964 --> 50:48.360 begin with . But as we get to 50:48.370 --> 50:50.900 determining what that number is , any 50:50.900 --> 50:52.956 reduction would not happen until the 50:52.956 --> 50:55.178 end of the life cycle or the end of the 50:55.178 --> 50:57.640 program by so that would , uh , working 50:57.640 --> 51:00.700 with industry , reduce the likelihood 51:00.700 --> 51:03.240 that costs would rise , uh , depending 51:03.240 --> 51:06.310 on the last lot buys . So you're saying 51:06.320 --> 51:08.487 you haven't decided yet whether you're 51:08.487 --> 51:10.653 going to go below 200 and that will be 51:10.653 --> 51:12.709 determined in the future . And if so 51:12.709 --> 51:14.876 it'll be the last lot gets cut . Yes , 51:14.876 --> 51:17.130 Ma'am . It is , if we do and it is 51:17.130 --> 51:20.470 possible . Absolute . It just won't be 51:20.470 --> 51:22.526 as low as you might think if you did 51:22.526 --> 51:24.710 like the straight math for it Because 51:24.710 --> 51:27.300 of the requirement being to 20 51:27.310 --> 51:29.421 initially . And part of that was also 51:29.421 --> 51:32.850 based on a uh , an attrition rate that 51:32.860 --> 51:35.880 had not been updated to current models . 51:35.890 --> 51:38.870 So , uh , so it , it could go below 200 51:38.870 --> 51:41.092 and it , it may , but I'm not sure it's 51:41.092 --> 51:44.250 going to go grossly below . Yeah , sure . 51:44.250 --> 51:46.710 We'll go closely below . Grossly below . 51:46.710 --> 51:50.370 I don't think go , uh , here's mud all 51:50.370 --> 51:54.220 of this general terms here . Okay , so 51:54.230 --> 51:56.420 thank you . Last question Mr Bush , 51:56.430 --> 51:58.652 It's my understanding that the army and 51:58.652 --> 52:00.819 the contractor on the improved turbine 52:00.819 --> 52:02.986 engine program . The I tap have worked 52:02.986 --> 52:05.200 through the manufacturing difficulties 52:05.200 --> 52:07.470 posed in the last year by Covid to keep 52:07.470 --> 52:10.020 I tap on schedule . However , previous 52:10.020 --> 52:12.131 year plans to accelerate the schedule 52:12.131 --> 52:14.610 have not been , have now been ruled 52:14.610 --> 52:17.440 infeasible . How confident are you that 52:17.440 --> 52:19.710 I tap can remain on schedule for 52:19.710 --> 52:21.850 integration onto the future . Attack 52:21.850 --> 52:23.739 and reconnaissance aircraft ? The 52:23.739 --> 52:26.130 Farrah . And what risk do you see for 52:26.130 --> 52:29.910 the program in FY 22 funding ? Uh , if 52:29.910 --> 52:32.400 it is not provided the requested levels 52:32.410 --> 52:34.590 and what risk would a cr post the 52:34.590 --> 52:35.701 program timelines . 52:38.350 --> 52:40.294 Thanks for the question man . So a 52:40.294 --> 52:42.350 couple of those I'm going to have to 52:42.350 --> 52:44.350 get back to you on , but let me see 52:44.350 --> 52:46.710 best I can do here . Um , so , uh , of 52:46.710 --> 52:48.880 course the engine is vital for the 52:48.890 --> 52:51.480 Apache and Blackhawk future as well as 52:51.480 --> 52:53.630 the Farrah . So it's a program the 52:53.630 --> 52:55.797 army's committed to as you know , went 52:55.797 --> 52:58.019 through many years with two vendors and 52:58.019 --> 53:00.241 now we have one that did encounter uh , 53:00.241 --> 53:02.186 covid related in their case , uh , 53:02.186 --> 53:04.870 difficulties . Um , I think Any 53:04.870 --> 53:06.926 reduction from the 22 requests would 53:06.926 --> 53:10.060 put our um , current plan at risk . Um , 53:10.070 --> 53:13.750 but as far as detailed estimate 53:13.750 --> 53:17.240 regarding potential additional uh , 53:17.250 --> 53:19.306 delays , I would have to get back to 53:19.306 --> 53:21.528 you on that man . Okay . Thank you very 53:21.528 --> 53:24.660 much . You're back . Thank you . I 53:24.660 --> 53:26.716 understand . We have Mr horse furred 53:27.050 --> 53:30.720 gentlemen from Nevada . Thank you . 53:30.730 --> 53:32.786 Thank you very much for chairman and 53:32.786 --> 53:36.450 the ranking member . Thank you as , 53:36.460 --> 53:39.430 as uh , well to our witnesses for your 53:39.430 --> 53:43.220 service and testimony today . Army 53:43.220 --> 53:45.164 National Guard aviators in my home 53:45.164 --> 53:47.760 state of Nevada play an important role 53:47.760 --> 53:49.760 in protecting the communities in my 53:49.760 --> 53:51.649 district from the ever increasing 53:51.649 --> 53:54.380 threat posed by wildfires . I'm very 53:54.380 --> 53:56.610 proud of the work done every year by 53:56.610 --> 53:59.620 both our Army National Guard U . H . 60 53:59.620 --> 54:03.560 black Hawk and CH 47 chinook 54:03.570 --> 54:06.590 aircrews as well as the C 1 30 pilots 54:06.590 --> 54:08.534 of the Nevada Air National Guard . 54:09.040 --> 54:11.610 Aerial firefighting provides the Nevada 54:11.610 --> 54:14.010 division of Forestry and the U . S . 54:14.010 --> 54:15.843 Forest Service with an important 54:15.843 --> 54:18.220 resource that can protect firefighters 54:18.230 --> 54:21.080 on the ground by making precise drops 54:21.080 --> 54:23.540 that often prove critical in shaping 54:23.540 --> 54:26.520 the fight against wildfires . While it 54:26.520 --> 54:29.140 is not their primary purpose , the 54:29.150 --> 54:31.710 aerial firefighting missions conducted 54:31.720 --> 54:35.270 by the Nevada National Guard are some 54:35.270 --> 54:38.100 of the most dangerous missions they fly 54:38.110 --> 54:41.370 to include flying in combat . For that . 54:41.380 --> 54:43.436 For that reason , I think it's vital 54:43.436 --> 54:45.547 that the crews flying these dangerous 54:45.547 --> 54:47.380 missions have access to the most 54:47.380 --> 54:50.560 capable platforms and modern um 54:51.140 --> 54:53.700 systems available both in my state and 54:53.700 --> 54:57.190 across the west . Uh So Mr Bush and 54:57.190 --> 54:59.400 General Peterson , how does the Army 54:59.400 --> 55:01.810 factor in missions like aerial 55:01.820 --> 55:05.050 firefighting into basing decisions for 55:05.060 --> 55:08.300 upgraded uhh sixties ? Given the 55:08.300 --> 55:11.100 consistent increase in demand for these 55:11.100 --> 55:13.840 types submissions and the extreme risks 55:13.930 --> 55:15.940 that they pose to air . 55:20.140 --> 55:22.362 Thank you very much for that question . 55:22.362 --> 55:24.540 First , I'd like to share um your 55:24.540 --> 55:27.700 enthusiastic support and appreciation 55:27.710 --> 55:31.450 for the role that are Army National 55:31.450 --> 55:34.050 Guard and our Army Reserve units play 55:34.050 --> 55:37.400 in in the defense of our homeland and 55:37.400 --> 55:41.260 in vital civil support missions 55:41.840 --> 55:45.170 with respect to specific prioritization 55:45.540 --> 55:48.300 for fielding of 55:48.470 --> 55:51.590 modernization capabilities . Those 55:51.590 --> 55:54.640 fielding decisions within the Army 55:54.640 --> 55:57.390 National Guard are prioritized by the 55:57.390 --> 56:00.320 Army Guard and the Guard Bureau with 56:00.320 --> 56:04.030 consultation and cooperation with the 56:04.030 --> 56:07.440 Army staff , um but 56:07.450 --> 56:10.090 primarily based on the contributions 56:10.090 --> 56:12.450 they will make to our wartime missions 56:12.930 --> 56:16.070 um for those combat aircraft , that is 56:16.070 --> 56:18.330 their primary contribution . Although 56:18.330 --> 56:21.580 there day in day out mission is very 56:21.580 --> 56:24.950 vital and is clearly recognized . The 56:24.960 --> 56:28.180 modernization priorities for our combat 56:28.180 --> 56:31.090 platforms is largely based 56:31.100 --> 56:34.420 on the wartime traces the 56:34.420 --> 56:36.587 contributions that those organizations 56:36.587 --> 56:39.340 will make in a large scale combat 56:39.350 --> 56:42.660 operation fight . Mhm . 56:45.430 --> 56:49.240 Thank you . On a similar note , it's my 56:49.240 --> 56:51.351 understanding that Special Operations 56:51.351 --> 56:53.210 Command will soon complete the 56:53.210 --> 56:55.800 integration of the degraded visual 56:55.810 --> 56:58.940 environment , a heritage system or the 56:58.940 --> 57:02.110 D . B . E . Um given the 57:02.110 --> 57:06.000 similar issues around 57:06.010 --> 57:09.230 the risk of brownout or otherwise 57:09.230 --> 57:11.520 severely degraded visual environments 57:11.530 --> 57:14.580 faced by air crews conducting aerial 57:14.590 --> 57:17.320 firefighting missions . I'm curious if 57:17.320 --> 57:19.640 the army have considered building the 57:19.640 --> 57:22.390 systems to National Guard crews tasked 57:22.390 --> 57:24.730 with this mission . Um Does the army 57:24.730 --> 57:26.897 currently intend to procure additional 57:26.897 --> 57:29.600 D . DV systems for National Guard 57:29.610 --> 57:32.350 aviation units who frequently conduct 57:32.360 --> 57:35.150 aerial firefighting missions ? I don't 57:35.150 --> 57:39.150 think so . That's a uh 57:39.160 --> 57:42.400 another great question With respect to 57:42.400 --> 57:45.290 R . D . V . E . Uh , Investments right 57:45.290 --> 57:47.401 now in our developmental program , we 57:47.401 --> 57:51.130 currently have 15 of the developmental 57:51.130 --> 57:54.460 systems fielded on HH 60 57:54.830 --> 57:58.450 Medevac Blackhawks in 25 fielded with 57:58.460 --> 58:01.410 our special operations forces . Um , 58:01.420 --> 58:03.870 interestingly my most recent actual 58:03.870 --> 58:05.759 flight , an aircraft . Just a few 58:05.759 --> 58:07.759 months ago , I was in a D . V . E . 58:07.759 --> 58:11.360 Equipped MH 47 G at Fort Campbell and 58:11.370 --> 58:15.180 the contribution of that system to a 58:15.190 --> 58:18.070 combat profile as well as enhancing 58:18.070 --> 58:21.950 safety um , is substantial and 58:21.960 --> 58:25.190 is very relevant . Um , We are using 58:25.190 --> 58:27.680 these initial prototype or 58:27.680 --> 58:30.440 developmental fielding's to inform a 58:30.440 --> 58:33.090 long term strategy and long term 58:33.090 --> 58:36.570 requirements and we have an additional 58:36.580 --> 58:39.570 initial requirements document currently 58:39.570 --> 58:42.820 in staffing that will inform longer 58:42.820 --> 58:45.860 term Army strategy and investments . I 58:45.860 --> 58:48.100 do not believe that uh , that we have 58:48.100 --> 58:50.300 openly discussed and considered the 58:50.300 --> 58:52.370 contribution this could make in in 58:52.370 --> 58:54.259 aerial firefighting , but we will 58:54.259 --> 58:56.481 certainly take that for consideration . 58:56.481 --> 58:59.480 Thank you . Thank you very much . I 58:59.480 --> 59:01.536 look forward to working with you and 59:01.536 --> 59:03.702 the committee to improve the safety of 59:03.702 --> 59:05.536 the crews flying these dangerous 59:05.536 --> 59:07.702 missions . Thank you . Mr Chairman and 59:07.702 --> 59:09.758 Madam , ranking member . And I yield 59:09.758 --> 59:13.000 back thank you . Steve appreciate those 59:13.010 --> 59:16.200 questions . Fire fighting 59:16.210 --> 59:19.240 things that get smoke , 59:20.020 --> 59:22.510 unfamiliar areas . It's certainly 59:23.220 --> 59:24.998 reminds us of the couple of the 59:24.998 --> 59:27.164 accidents . I know the one in Iraq and 59:27.164 --> 59:29.520 certainly our base in Afghanistan with 59:29.520 --> 59:32.740 the cable going up incredibly important . 59:32.750 --> 59:36.150 Uh , so Mrs Hart sir doesn't have any 59:36.150 --> 59:38.261 other questions . I have one and uh , 59:38.261 --> 59:41.720 this is sort of a , I want to say slow 59:41.720 --> 59:43.498 pitch but certainly to get your 59:43.498 --> 59:45.664 feedback on that . When we look at the 59:45.664 --> 59:47.780 innovation and technology upgrades on 59:47.780 --> 59:50.000 many of what we're looking for in the 59:50.000 --> 59:52.950 future . And the rotary wing ah 59:53.320 --> 59:55.390 incorporating capabilities like 59:55.400 --> 59:58.370 unmanned flight on major new platforms 59:58.370 --> 01:00:01.860 and some are much more focused than 01:00:01.870 --> 01:00:04.760 others . But in any of these , its the 01:00:04.760 --> 01:00:07.660 complexity is something that is all 01:00:07.660 --> 01:00:10.690 bounced with risk the time , the cost 01:00:10.700 --> 01:00:12.860 on these platforms . Would each of 01:00:12.860 --> 01:00:14.971 services discuss what innovation your 01:00:14.971 --> 01:00:17.470 services expect out of these future 01:00:17.470 --> 01:00:20.070 systems and how far along you are in 01:00:20.070 --> 01:00:22.580 the research development and what 01:00:22.580 --> 01:00:24.800 degree you think unmanned capabilities 01:00:24.800 --> 01:00:27.030 will be part of your future fleet ? 01:00:28.210 --> 01:00:29.766 Let's start with the army . 01:00:32.210 --> 01:00:34.266 Mr Chairman . I'll start and if that 01:00:34.266 --> 01:00:36.154 could turn to General Peterson on 01:00:36.154 --> 01:00:38.154 requirements . Um so army does have 01:00:38.154 --> 01:00:40.154 multiple unmanned aircraft programs 01:00:40.154 --> 01:00:42.790 underway . The the overall , if I could 01:00:42.790 --> 01:00:45.012 describe this way is more of a thinking 01:00:45.012 --> 01:00:47.123 of them as part of a team with manned 01:00:47.123 --> 01:00:49.520 aircraft . So it's they're they're not 01:00:49.520 --> 01:00:51.520 operate completely independently in 01:00:51.520 --> 01:00:53.409 most cases but teamed with manned 01:00:53.409 --> 01:00:55.610 aircraft including even small USSR 01:00:55.610 --> 01:00:57.777 launched through the for example , the 01:00:57.777 --> 01:00:59.760 air launch effects S and T . And 01:00:59.770 --> 01:01:01.750 experimentation efforts that can 01:01:01.760 --> 01:01:03.982 possibly do different missions for us . 01:01:03.982 --> 01:01:06.880 So I think moving along those lines to 01:01:06.880 --> 01:01:09.102 where we can get better teaming between 01:01:09.102 --> 01:01:11.269 manned and unmanned aircraft , I think 01:01:11.269 --> 01:01:13.324 it's still the Army's overall plan . 01:01:13.324 --> 01:01:15.491 While other efforts are underway and I 01:01:15.491 --> 01:01:17.547 turned General Pearson to talk about 01:01:17.547 --> 01:01:16.640 requirements . 01:01:21.810 --> 01:01:23.730 Specifically some of the baseline 01:01:23.730 --> 01:01:25.730 technologies that are already being 01:01:25.730 --> 01:01:28.980 explored and demonstrated in both Flora 01:01:28.980 --> 01:01:31.460 and Farrah will provide a foundation 01:01:31.460 --> 01:01:34.170 for us to move forward um with either 01:01:34.170 --> 01:01:38.050 optionally man partially manned or uh 01:01:38.060 --> 01:01:40.900 advanced elements of unmanned unmanned 01:01:40.900 --> 01:01:44.110 Teaming uh fly by wire technology with 01:01:44.120 --> 01:01:47.640 our our flight controls , the digital 01:01:47.640 --> 01:01:51.310 backbone . Um The modular open system 01:01:51.310 --> 01:01:53.840 architecture that allows us to 01:01:53.840 --> 01:01:56.920 integrate emergent capabilities um in 01:01:56.930 --> 01:01:59.710 in our aircraft for the future will all 01:01:59.710 --> 01:02:02.510 provide a foundation and a launching 01:02:02.510 --> 01:02:04.490 point for these options or 01:02:04.490 --> 01:02:07.990 opportunities . Additionally , uh , the 01:02:07.990 --> 01:02:11.680 armies continued investment in AI and 01:02:11.680 --> 01:02:14.010 machine learning will provide us the 01:02:14.010 --> 01:02:17.140 technological foundation uh , for the 01:02:17.140 --> 01:02:19.630 decision making or the automation that 01:02:19.630 --> 01:02:21.186 will allow these uh , these 01:02:21.186 --> 01:02:23.530 capabilities to move forward not only 01:02:23.530 --> 01:02:25.990 in our rotary wing platforms but in 01:02:26.000 --> 01:02:29.270 other aspects of our advanced combat 01:02:29.270 --> 01:02:30.992 capabilities and modernization 01:02:30.992 --> 01:02:34.850 priorities . You will be ready 01:02:34.850 --> 01:02:37.320 for it and the technology you believe 01:02:37.320 --> 01:02:39.487 will be there in an appropriate way at 01:02:39.487 --> 01:02:42.790 an appropriate cost . Yeah , we are 01:02:42.790 --> 01:02:44.901 absolutely investing in it and making 01:02:44.901 --> 01:02:47.068 progress . I would hesitate to to give 01:02:47.068 --> 01:02:49.840 a date time group for integration or 01:02:49.840 --> 01:02:51.951 implementation these capabilities but 01:02:51.951 --> 01:02:54.640 they are clearly a priority for a 01:02:54.640 --> 01:02:56.696 continued research and development . 01:02:57.000 --> 01:03:00.950 Thank you . Our Navy Marines . Is there 01:03:00.960 --> 01:03:03.127 a again , I'll start and pass it to my 01:03:03.127 --> 01:03:05.380 my service brethren as I think you're 01:03:05.380 --> 01:03:07.324 where we have a Department of Navy 01:03:07.324 --> 01:03:09.380 unmanned Campaign plan that lays out 01:03:09.380 --> 01:03:11.547 those technologies and roadmaps to get 01:03:11.547 --> 01:03:13.547 us to the place where that like our 01:03:13.547 --> 01:03:15.769 army counterparts , we have that manned 01:03:15.769 --> 01:03:18.630 unmanned teaming of the future a little 01:03:18.630 --> 01:03:20.852 different than maybe in our case manned 01:03:20.852 --> 01:03:22.686 and unmanned aircraft , but also 01:03:22.686 --> 01:03:24.630 unmanned with ships and amphibious 01:03:24.630 --> 01:03:26.690 ships , even submarines , that 01:03:26.690 --> 01:03:28.746 connection of unmanned aircraft with 01:03:28.746 --> 01:03:32.270 both manned aircraft and ships . So 01:03:32.280 --> 01:03:34.400 with that introduction , I'll pass it 01:03:34.400 --> 01:03:38.230 over to generalize , I would 01:03:38.230 --> 01:03:41.260 say for the Marine Corps , the uh The 01:03:41.260 --> 01:03:43.710 amount of investment into unmanned 01:03:43.710 --> 01:03:46.330 systems is increasing . Clearly for us 01:03:46.330 --> 01:03:49.970 we're going into the MQ nine a 01:03:49.970 --> 01:03:52.520 rolls now . But the other areas that 01:03:52.520 --> 01:03:54.742 we're going to are not just I . S . Are 01:03:54.742 --> 01:03:56.909 so a lot of the work that's being done 01:03:56.909 --> 01:04:00.300 by General Peterson's uh team and and 01:04:00.300 --> 01:04:02.356 actually I spend quite a bit of time 01:04:02.356 --> 01:04:04.730 with general barry as well on 01:04:04.740 --> 01:04:06.796 development of things that are gonna 01:04:06.796 --> 01:04:08.962 have logistics applications because as 01:04:08.962 --> 01:04:11.920 we look at the vastness of the pacific 01:04:11.920 --> 01:04:14.320 and trying to do distributed operations 01:04:14.320 --> 01:04:16.590 with you know capacity constraints . 01:04:16.590 --> 01:04:19.880 Can we do it with more unmanned 01:04:19.890 --> 01:04:22.770 opportunities ? But part of the 01:04:22.770 --> 01:04:24.881 constraint there is not that we don't 01:04:24.881 --> 01:04:27.048 want to do it , it's there some of the 01:04:27.048 --> 01:04:29.048 technology limitations that General 01:04:29.048 --> 01:04:31.270 Peterson was talking to like the things 01:04:31.270 --> 01:04:33.381 that make it truly autonomous . Can I 01:04:33.381 --> 01:04:35.326 can I not just get there but can I 01:04:35.326 --> 01:04:37.437 sense the zone and clear the zone and 01:04:37.437 --> 01:04:39.548 sit down so that I can get rid of the 01:04:39.548 --> 01:04:41.659 payload and go back and do it again . 01:04:41.659 --> 01:04:43.659 So a lot of opportunities coming is 01:04:43.659 --> 01:04:46.080 just maturing things uh to a point 01:04:46.080 --> 01:04:48.191 where we can invest with a reasonable 01:04:48.191 --> 01:04:50.302 certainty of success but we are going 01:04:50.302 --> 01:04:52.247 in that direction . Sure . I think 01:04:52.590 --> 01:04:55.100 Service Chairman uh from the Navy side 01:04:55.100 --> 01:04:57.156 we are already implementing our Fire 01:04:57.156 --> 01:04:59.850 Scout plan . So we've got rotary wing 01:04:59.850 --> 01:05:01.850 unmanned already in the B and the C 01:05:01.850 --> 01:05:03.850 version the sea is really about the 01:05:03.850 --> 01:05:06.000 size of a Bell 407 helicopters , so 01:05:06.000 --> 01:05:08.111 it's large and so you get some decent 01:05:08.111 --> 01:05:10.710 range out of it . Uh , utilizing the 01:05:10.710 --> 01:05:12.820 systems to do surveillance and that 01:05:12.820 --> 01:05:15.310 type of stuff . It's also part of our 01:05:15.310 --> 01:05:18.090 replacement plan for the MH 53 01:05:19.350 --> 01:05:22.030 utilizing the mine hunting capabilities 01:05:22.030 --> 01:05:25.990 of the Fire Scout uh , system . So 01:05:26.000 --> 01:05:27.889 that is a , leading to an overall 01:05:27.889 --> 01:05:30.380 family of unmanned systems . I had the 01:05:30.390 --> 01:05:32.723 pleasure of commanding the USS George H . 01:05:32.723 --> 01:05:34.723 W . Bush when we got the very first 01:05:34.723 --> 01:05:36.557 arrested landing of a fixed wing 01:05:36.557 --> 01:05:39.400 airplane unmanned . Uh , and now we've 01:05:39.410 --> 01:05:42.850 just had our first plug of an F 18 into 01:05:42.850 --> 01:05:45.000 an unmanned aerial refueling tanker . 01:05:45.010 --> 01:05:47.288 And so we're making some good progress . 01:05:47.288 --> 01:05:49.288 I'm very pleased with the way we're 01:05:49.288 --> 01:05:51.343 going and C . N . O . Is all in with 01:05:51.343 --> 01:05:53.399 our Unmanned campaign plan and so we 01:05:53.399 --> 01:05:55.621 see a significant amount of development 01:05:55.621 --> 01:05:59.520 in our future . Thank you ma'am Mr . 01:05:59.520 --> 01:06:01.798 Chairman . Thank you for your question . 01:06:01.798 --> 01:06:03.798 There are some use cases in the Air 01:06:03.798 --> 01:06:06.050 Force for unmanned aircraft of a rotary 01:06:06.050 --> 01:06:08.272 wing nature agility prime is looking at 01:06:08.272 --> 01:06:10.439 Tv tall for example and there are some 01:06:10.439 --> 01:06:12.383 great use cases for that is just a 01:06:12.383 --> 01:06:14.550 quick example . If you think about the 01:06:14.550 --> 01:06:16.717 range and Ellison the need to resupply 01:06:16.717 --> 01:06:18.939 or move things around on that range and 01:06:18.939 --> 01:06:18.800 you can do it very inexpensively . Was 01:06:18.800 --> 01:06:20.911 something like the veto . Most of the 01:06:20.911 --> 01:06:23.078 use cases that we have however are not 01:06:23.078 --> 01:06:25.920 in the rotary rotary wing world but we 01:06:25.920 --> 01:06:28.142 are exploring obviously both autonomous 01:06:28.142 --> 01:06:30.309 aircraft and manned unmanned teaming . 01:06:30.309 --> 01:06:32.476 I think the execute 58 is probably the 01:06:32.476 --> 01:06:34.531 most powerful example that we have . 01:06:34.531 --> 01:06:36.642 It's already flying and what it tends 01:06:36.642 --> 01:06:38.864 to do really , really well is performed 01:06:38.864 --> 01:06:40.809 as a node in the airborne , in the 01:06:40.809 --> 01:06:42.976 advanced battle management system . Uh 01:06:42.976 --> 01:06:45.142 communications relay a sensor . Uh and 01:06:45.142 --> 01:06:47.309 as we look to a future that is enabled 01:06:47.309 --> 01:06:49.420 by a sense Ingrid . Many of the parts 01:06:49.420 --> 01:06:51.531 of that grid will likely be formed by 01:06:51.531 --> 01:06:53.642 autonomous aircraft . So we certainly 01:06:53.642 --> 01:06:53.080 are invested in this area and it's 01:06:53.080 --> 01:06:55.191 something that we're paying attention 01:06:55.191 --> 01:06:57.413 to it , something that's important with 01:06:57.413 --> 01:06:59.469 us . The rotary wing aspect of it is 01:06:59.469 --> 01:06:59.450 not quite the heart of the use case 01:06:59.450 --> 01:07:01.394 that we have , but we do have some 01:07:01.394 --> 01:07:03.561 examples in Miss Costello has a recent 01:07:03.561 --> 01:07:05.672 one of those I'll pass to her pending 01:07:05.672 --> 01:07:05.660 any questions you have , MR Chairman . 01:07:05.670 --> 01:07:06.400 Thank you . 01:07:09.380 --> 01:07:11.500 And specifically within our Agility 01:07:11.500 --> 01:07:13.389 prime program they are looking at 01:07:13.389 --> 01:07:15.167 autonomy is one of the areas of 01:07:15.167 --> 01:07:17.389 interest . So with all of the companies 01:07:17.389 --> 01:07:19.444 that they're working , autonomy is a 01:07:19.444 --> 01:07:22.340 focus area . Uh since december of 2020 01:07:22.350 --> 01:07:24.800 the kitty hawk example autonomy for 01:07:24.800 --> 01:07:27.010 medevac exercise . They actually devon 01:07:27.020 --> 01:07:29.740 matured and optimize the heavy side 01:07:29.740 --> 01:07:32.480 prototype with autonomous flight and 01:07:32.490 --> 01:07:34.212 demonstrated the first medical 01:07:34.212 --> 01:07:36.434 evacuation by an electric aircraft . So 01:07:36.434 --> 01:07:38.268 that's the sort of thing they're 01:07:38.268 --> 01:07:40.490 investing in . And we hope to mature it 01:07:40.490 --> 01:07:42.712 and be able to leverage in the future . 01:07:42.712 --> 01:07:42.390 And of course , we're looking at an 01:07:42.390 --> 01:07:46.240 area of interest of unmanned cargo type 01:07:46.250 --> 01:07:48.780 capability also . And so those are the 01:07:48.780 --> 01:07:51.340 areas Agility Prime is working . Thank 01:07:51.340 --> 01:07:55.210 you . Mhm Mrs harper and I 01:07:55.210 --> 01:07:57.770 have to go vote , but I understand my 01:07:57.770 --> 01:07:59.937 colleague from Hawaii has a question . 01:07:59.937 --> 01:08:02.048 So I want to thank you in advance for 01:08:02.048 --> 01:08:04.410 your cooperation and working with us . 01:08:04.420 --> 01:08:08.070 Uh but uh Mr kelly will be wrapping it 01:08:08.070 --> 01:08:11.210 up and again appreciate what each of 01:08:11.210 --> 01:08:14.150 you are doing and who you represent to 01:08:14.150 --> 01:08:16.690 keep our nation safe . Thank you . 01:08:33.570 --> 01:08:35.780 All right , Mr MS charon moloch , 01:08:35.780 --> 01:08:37.840 forgive me this opportunity to ask a 01:08:37.850 --> 01:08:40.017 few more questions that I had and then 01:08:40.017 --> 01:08:42.128 we'll wrap it up . I'll start with uh 01:08:42.270 --> 01:08:44.381 General Peterson actually , let me go 01:08:44.381 --> 01:08:47.060 back to the first question I have for 01:08:47.060 --> 01:08:50.600 General wise sir , you know , I live on 01:08:50.610 --> 01:08:53.370 the island of Hawaii but I represent 01:08:53.370 --> 01:08:55.537 Hawaii's second congressional district 01:08:55.537 --> 01:08:57.648 and this is not an issue that is just 01:08:57.648 --> 01:08:59.648 unique to Hawaii and its helicopter 01:08:59.648 --> 01:09:01.650 noise , especially around Kanye in 01:09:01.650 --> 01:09:03.810 Marine Corps Base . And as as someone 01:09:03.810 --> 01:09:06.950 who in a previous life Um operated C17 01:09:06.960 --> 01:09:09.140 out of cab for for quite a while . I I 01:09:09.150 --> 01:09:11.206 know those noise complaints from our 01:09:11.206 --> 01:09:14.610 communities out there . But as um uh 01:09:14.620 --> 01:09:16.720 you know , we're looking at um the 01:09:16.720 --> 01:09:18.776 future of Canary Marine Corps Base , 01:09:18.776 --> 01:09:20.664 especially during weekend and and 01:09:20.664 --> 01:09:23.080 nighttime training , which is required 01:09:23.080 --> 01:09:25.450 to maintain readiness . Uh the aircraft 01:09:25.450 --> 01:09:27.850 and helicopter flights can be loud and , 01:09:27.860 --> 01:09:30.027 you know , the base is great . They're 01:09:30.027 --> 01:09:31.860 trying to do things out there to 01:09:31.860 --> 01:09:33.916 mitigate that , but I just wanted to 01:09:33.916 --> 01:09:35.638 ask on behalf of the community 01:09:35.638 --> 01:09:35.440 organizations and the neighborhood 01:09:35.440 --> 01:09:37.760 boards that represent uh , the windward 01:09:37.760 --> 01:09:39.820 side of the island of Oahu , are you 01:09:39.820 --> 01:09:42.620 committed um , to working with those 01:09:42.620 --> 01:09:44.564 organizations , those neighborhood 01:09:44.564 --> 01:09:46.676 boards , or at least through the uh , 01:09:46.676 --> 01:09:48.564 the base commander's that counter 01:09:48.564 --> 01:09:50.509 Marine Corps Base to address their 01:09:50.509 --> 01:09:52.620 concerns about noise and safety . And 01:09:52.620 --> 01:09:54.787 if there's anything you want to add to 01:09:54.787 --> 01:09:56.898 that , I'm sure they would appreciate 01:09:56.898 --> 01:10:00.090 hearing it from you . Yeah , sir , I 01:10:00.090 --> 01:10:02.312 appreciate the question and I do assure 01:10:02.312 --> 01:10:04.110 you that uh , the longstanding 01:10:04.110 --> 01:10:05.888 relationship we've had with the 01:10:05.888 --> 01:10:07.777 community is is I think been very 01:10:07.777 --> 01:10:09.721 positive and and for all the right 01:10:09.721 --> 01:10:11.870 reasons . Uh , and I would also say 01:10:11.870 --> 01:10:14.092 that from a course rules perspective as 01:10:14.092 --> 01:10:16.314 you're well aware , trying to make sure 01:10:16.314 --> 01:10:18.710 that we minimize the opportunity to 01:10:18.710 --> 01:10:21.810 create challenges with the community . 01:10:21.810 --> 01:10:24.590 We we always try to avoid that . Uh , 01:10:24.600 --> 01:10:28.010 and sometimes we don't . But uh , the 01:10:28.010 --> 01:10:30.250 commitment is still there to to look at 01:10:30.250 --> 01:10:32.417 every opportunity to make sure that we 01:10:32.417 --> 01:10:35.230 are good , good partners uh , in good 01:10:35.230 --> 01:10:37.174 community partners . Because we do 01:10:37.174 --> 01:10:39.341 enjoy our relationship very much there 01:10:39.341 --> 01:10:41.619 and we will continue to work with them . 01:10:41.619 --> 01:10:43.841 Thank you for that . And as someone who 01:10:43.841 --> 01:10:46.063 represents the windward side and I know 01:10:46.063 --> 01:10:47.897 um , that they appreciate , uh , 01:10:47.897 --> 01:10:50.119 economy , Marine Corps Base and our our 01:10:50.119 --> 01:10:52.390 military friends and families that live 01:10:52.390 --> 01:10:54.390 on the island of Oahu . Thank you . 01:10:54.390 --> 01:10:57.690 Okay , over to General Peterson , the 01:10:57.690 --> 01:10:59.900 army has consistently discussed the 01:10:59.900 --> 01:11:01.900 need for speed and range as well as 01:11:01.900 --> 01:11:04.330 survivability when it comes to future 01:11:04.330 --> 01:11:06.274 vertical lift aircraft . Could you 01:11:06.274 --> 01:11:08.441 explain to the committee why speed and 01:11:08.441 --> 01:11:10.560 range are so critical to the future 01:11:10.560 --> 01:11:12.560 long range assault aircraft and how 01:11:12.560 --> 01:11:14.770 this new technology will enable the 01:11:14.770 --> 01:11:18.280 army to leverage um , that aircraft as 01:11:18.280 --> 01:11:21.870 a power projection platform . And then 01:11:21.870 --> 01:11:23.870 how will this capability assist the 01:11:23.870 --> 01:11:25.814 army with its strategy in the indo 01:11:25.814 --> 01:11:27.850 pacific theater in that great power 01:11:27.850 --> 01:11:29.790 competition ? Uh huh . 01:11:31.560 --> 01:11:34.470 Thank you for that question . Uh in 01:11:34.960 --> 01:11:37.940 yeah , essentially , in basic terms , 01:11:37.950 --> 01:11:41.880 what we are striving to accomplish is 01:11:42.160 --> 01:11:46.040 doubling the performance of what 01:11:46.040 --> 01:11:48.760 we have appreciated and has been 01:11:48.760 --> 01:11:50.870 exceptionally relevant for decades . 01:11:51.460 --> 01:11:55.200 Speed and range will give us 01:11:55.210 --> 01:11:57.970 a and absolutely 01:11:58.860 --> 01:12:01.027 unprecedented capability , one that we 01:12:01.027 --> 01:12:04.000 have never experienced before to 01:12:04.010 --> 01:12:07.290 disaggregate aggregate , operate from 01:12:07.290 --> 01:12:10.430 relative sanctuary and then project 01:12:10.440 --> 01:12:13.770 effects as well as forces 01:12:14.350 --> 01:12:17.820 at distances that our 01:12:17.830 --> 01:12:21.550 enemies um will not be able to predict 01:12:21.560 --> 01:12:23.720 and not be able to counter when we do 01:12:23.720 --> 01:12:26.790 this in mass . Um in the face of 01:12:26.790 --> 01:12:29.980 that determined adversity , 01:12:30.500 --> 01:12:34.360 the speed allows us to close 01:12:34.360 --> 01:12:37.960 with our objectives at a rate 01:12:38.020 --> 01:12:40.180 where we get inside of our foes 01:12:40.180 --> 01:12:43.480 decision cycles and gives us the 01:12:43.480 --> 01:12:45.500 opportunity to concentrate those 01:12:45.500 --> 01:12:48.260 effects at the place of our choosing . 01:12:48.950 --> 01:12:51.390 The range is in the indo pacific region 01:12:51.390 --> 01:12:54.600 are obviously vast and it adds to our 01:12:54.600 --> 01:12:57.390 relevance and our contribution in that 01:12:57.390 --> 01:13:00.940 area as well . What is the impact on 01:13:00.940 --> 01:13:02.940 that note of speed and range on the 01:13:02.940 --> 01:13:05.650 medevac mission where we need to , you 01:13:05.650 --> 01:13:08.220 know , get wounded soldiers to critical 01:13:08.220 --> 01:13:11.200 care as quickly as early as safely as 01:13:11.200 --> 01:13:14.180 possible . It's absolutely game 01:13:14.180 --> 01:13:16.347 changing . It gives us the opportunity 01:13:16.347 --> 01:13:19.680 to extract uh huh wounded 01:13:19.680 --> 01:13:22.670 soldiers much more quickly and get them 01:13:22.670 --> 01:13:26.380 to the higher levels of care . Um It 01:13:26.380 --> 01:13:29.480 gives us also much more reach without 01:13:29.480 --> 01:13:32.220 support , sustainment and exposure of 01:13:32.220 --> 01:13:35.220 others um to extend those legs as we've 01:13:35.220 --> 01:13:37.930 had to do in other theaters in recent 01:13:37.930 --> 01:13:41.490 years . So that extended reach 01:13:41.490 --> 01:13:44.870 again gets the wounded soldier too . 01:13:45.340 --> 01:13:47.610 The competent medical care much more 01:13:47.610 --> 01:13:50.630 quickly but also reduces the logistical 01:13:50.630 --> 01:13:54.460 burden for those extended range is uh 01:13:54.470 --> 01:13:56.760 to provide that capability . Okay , 01:13:56.760 --> 01:13:59.410 thank you for that . And if if I may uh 01:13:59.420 --> 01:14:02.420 please mr Bush has one brief comment . 01:14:02.430 --> 01:14:04.708 Israel we'd like to follow up on , sir , 01:14:04.708 --> 01:14:06.850 if I may . Um I did want to second 01:14:06.850 --> 01:14:09.072 everything that you just heard but also 01:14:09.072 --> 01:14:11.294 mentioned . I was remiss in my previous 01:14:11.294 --> 01:14:12.961 answer and not mentioning the 01:14:12.961 --> 01:14:15.183 tremendous innovation in the commercial 01:14:15.183 --> 01:14:17.350 sector , an unmanned aircraft that the 01:14:17.350 --> 01:14:17.070 army and the other services . I'm sure 01:14:17.070 --> 01:14:19.292 drawing on there's just as much R . And 01:14:19.292 --> 01:14:21.570 D . Out there as there is in the D . O . 01:14:21.570 --> 01:14:23.570 T . And the Army futures Command in 01:14:23.570 --> 01:14:23.530 particular I think is doing a very good 01:14:23.530 --> 01:14:26.750 job of finding things and experimenting 01:14:26.750 --> 01:14:28.806 with things in the commercial sector 01:14:28.806 --> 01:14:30.861 for unmanned aircraft rather than us 01:14:30.861 --> 01:14:33.028 developing things from scratch , which 01:14:33.028 --> 01:14:35.083 I think given the investments are in 01:14:35.083 --> 01:14:37.083 the private sector is a really good 01:14:37.083 --> 01:14:39.440 approach . Okay , thank you . We jump 01:14:39.440 --> 01:14:41.900 over last question of for the Air Force . 01:14:41.900 --> 01:14:44.122 Miss Costello in general . More earlier 01:14:44.122 --> 01:14:46.289 this month , General Henault testified 01:14:46.289 --> 01:14:48.289 before the Sea power and projection 01:14:48.289 --> 01:14:50.840 forces subcommittee that the Air Force 01:14:50.840 --> 01:14:53.062 is considering a vertical lift platform 01:14:53.440 --> 01:14:55.670 To replace the C130 as it seeks to move 01:14:55.670 --> 01:14:59.040 away from fixed wing are fixed runway 01:14:59.050 --> 01:15:01.120 requirements . General also said the 01:15:01.120 --> 01:15:03.231 Air Force is watching the Army future 01:15:03.231 --> 01:15:05.398 vertical lift program when it comes to 01:15:05.398 --> 01:15:07.231 the development of vertical lift 01:15:07.231 --> 01:15:09.630 transport technology . How would the on 01:15:09.630 --> 01:15:11.600 time fielding of an army future 01:15:11.600 --> 01:15:14.020 vertical transport aircraft such as the 01:15:14.020 --> 01:15:15.964 future long range of salt aircraft 01:15:15.964 --> 01:15:18.080 benefit the Air Force as it looks to 01:15:18.080 --> 01:15:20.670 develop the next generation concepts . 01:15:21.040 --> 01:15:23.680 And when possibly would we see a 01:15:23.680 --> 01:15:27.360 potential Vertical lift C130 01:15:27.740 --> 01:15:28.962 replacement fielded ? 01:15:31.740 --> 01:15:33.907 Well , thank you for the question . Um 01:15:33.907 --> 01:15:36.780 uh , it's certainly if you as you spoke 01:15:36.790 --> 01:15:38.679 before about the distances in the 01:15:38.679 --> 01:15:41.000 pacific . One of the things that we 01:15:41.000 --> 01:15:44.480 think will be a part of the need to 01:15:44.480 --> 01:15:46.424 perform well in the pacific is the 01:15:46.424 --> 01:15:48.147 ability to move around between 01:15:48.147 --> 01:15:50.369 different places according to a concept 01:15:50.369 --> 01:15:52.480 we call agile combat employment . And 01:15:52.480 --> 01:15:54.536 if you accept that fixed runways are 01:15:54.536 --> 01:15:56.480 easy to find and therefore easy to 01:15:56.480 --> 01:15:58.536 target , particularly in the 1st and 01:15:58.536 --> 01:15:58.520 2nd island chain . They're they're all 01:15:58.520 --> 01:16:00.660 within range of chinese ballistic 01:16:00.660 --> 01:16:02.827 missiles . The ability to operate in a 01:16:02.827 --> 01:16:04.882 runway independent way makes a great 01:16:04.882 --> 01:16:06.993 deal of sense and is an important use 01:16:06.993 --> 01:16:08.993 case . I'm sure that's what General 01:16:08.993 --> 01:16:11.049 Heino talked about . We are watching 01:16:11.049 --> 01:16:13.160 the army future vertical lift program 01:16:13.160 --> 01:16:15.382 very carefully because it could provide 01:16:15.382 --> 01:16:17.438 The mechanics behind how we could do 01:16:17.438 --> 01:16:19.604 this as to when it would be field that 01:16:19.604 --> 01:16:19.350 I think that would depend on what its 01:16:19.350 --> 01:16:21.406 actual range in payload capabilities 01:16:21.406 --> 01:16:23.810 would be and when it delivers . But if 01:16:23.810 --> 01:16:26.230 you if you consider what the C130 , 01:16:26.230 --> 01:16:28.550 particularly the C138 can do in the 01:16:28.550 --> 01:16:30.890 Pacific you would you would certainly 01:16:30.890 --> 01:16:33.500 want to look to the next generation of 01:16:33.500 --> 01:16:35.667 lift capability if you want to perform 01:16:35.667 --> 01:16:37.833 an actual combat employment type of of 01:16:37.833 --> 01:16:39.722 operation . Does that get to your 01:16:39.722 --> 01:16:42.760 question sir ? It does and you know , I 01:16:42.760 --> 01:16:44.816 get excited about it as somebody who 01:16:44.816 --> 01:16:47.690 has about 1000 hours in the C 1 30 H 01:16:47.690 --> 01:16:50.360 two and H three . And um as you know , 01:16:50.370 --> 01:16:53.020 we have C one thirties on Dakota , we 01:16:53.020 --> 01:16:55.460 could possibly look at other locations 01:16:55.460 --> 01:16:57.516 like Anderson for a potential unit , 01:16:57.516 --> 01:16:59.700 but you know , is this a type of 01:16:59.700 --> 01:17:02.200 aircraft that you see would potentially 01:17:02.200 --> 01:17:05.000 replace those older age ? Is that we 01:17:05.000 --> 01:17:07.056 are looking at retiring or how would 01:17:07.056 --> 01:17:10.060 that um compliment the j models that 01:17:10.060 --> 01:17:12.116 we're investing in ? Of course , you 01:17:12.116 --> 01:17:14.282 know , newer C one thirties that we're 01:17:14.282 --> 01:17:16.400 basing in the pacific um is this the 01:17:16.400 --> 01:17:18.122 type of aircraft that would be 01:17:18.122 --> 01:17:20.540 potentially looked at in that 1st 2nd 01:17:20.540 --> 01:17:24.500 island chain ? Um Yokota , Anderson and 01:17:24.500 --> 01:17:26.667 maybe some other areas ? Yes , sir , I 01:17:26.667 --> 01:17:28.778 think that would probably be the most 01:17:28.778 --> 01:17:30.889 powerful use case and , and if you do 01:17:30.889 --> 01:17:33.167 consider a doubling of performance now , 01:17:33.167 --> 01:17:35.222 you have now you potentially have an 01:17:35.222 --> 01:17:34.940 aircraft that can , that can operate 01:17:34.940 --> 01:17:37.051 over the distances and therefore with 01:17:37.051 --> 01:17:39.162 the speed required to actually become 01:17:39.162 --> 01:17:41.107 agile in the pacific . And I think 01:17:41.107 --> 01:17:43.218 that's what's going to be required if 01:17:43.218 --> 01:17:43.150 you consider the capabilities that 01:17:43.150 --> 01:17:45.317 china has the target , fixed locations 01:17:45.317 --> 01:17:48.230 and as as well as speed and range 01:17:48.230 --> 01:17:50.810 performance , you really have to be 01:17:50.810 --> 01:17:52.866 able to get away from our own way if 01:17:52.866 --> 01:17:55.032 you're going to execute a concept like 01:17:55.032 --> 01:17:57.143 that successfully . So we're watching 01:17:57.143 --> 01:17:59.310 this closely and look forward to being 01:17:59.310 --> 01:18:01.643 able to leverage what the army develops . 01:18:01.643 --> 01:18:03.866 I would see it as a compliment to the J 01:18:03.866 --> 01:18:05.921 model . I would see that there still 01:18:05.921 --> 01:18:08.032 are use cases for the jays as well as 01:18:08.032 --> 01:18:10.250 for C 17 um , commercial partners play 01:18:10.250 --> 01:18:12.870 in that space as well up to a certain 01:18:12.870 --> 01:18:14.759 point , but I would see this as a 01:18:14.759 --> 01:18:16.814 compliment that could add or augment 01:18:16.814 --> 01:18:18.926 the capabilities that we already have 01:18:18.926 --> 01:18:21.259 in terms of strategic and tactical lift . 01:18:21.259 --> 01:18:23.370 This would be something that it would 01:18:23.370 --> 01:18:25.537 be really totally new for Air force as 01:18:25.537 --> 01:18:27.592 well having vertical lift with , you 01:18:27.592 --> 01:18:29.648 know , these types of aircraft , you 01:18:29.648 --> 01:18:31.648 know , and and a whole new training 01:18:31.648 --> 01:18:33.981 program that would be incorporated into , 01:18:33.981 --> 01:18:36.037 you know , those different um Little 01:18:36.037 --> 01:18:38.148 rock and Altice and a different basis 01:18:38.148 --> 01:18:40.203 where we haven't even not even doing 01:18:40.203 --> 01:18:42.148 any of these things and we have to 01:18:42.148 --> 01:18:43.926 incorporate that into those new 01:18:43.926 --> 01:18:46.037 programs . It would yes , sir . And I 01:18:46.037 --> 01:18:45.170 would expect that if we were going to 01:18:45.170 --> 01:18:46.948 do that , we would leverage our 01:18:46.948 --> 01:18:49.003 experience with the CV 22 as well as 01:18:49.003 --> 01:18:51.003 the experience that the army has as 01:18:51.003 --> 01:18:53.226 they feel the system a system like this 01:18:53.226 --> 01:18:55.114 because it would particularly the 01:18:55.114 --> 01:18:54.880 tactics and the and the techniques and 01:18:54.880 --> 01:18:56.658 procedures , but just the basic 01:18:56.658 --> 01:18:58.880 airmanship would be different than what 01:18:58.880 --> 01:19:00.991 we do today . Thank you . What else ? 01:19:03.120 --> 01:19:05.231 Okay , well um on behalf of the chair 01:19:05.231 --> 01:19:07.453 and and the full committee , we want to 01:19:07.453 --> 01:19:09.231 thank you for your testimony or 01:19:09.231 --> 01:19:11.410 discussion , um , that you provided a 01:19:11.410 --> 01:19:13.910 committee today . Um , It's been a very 01:19:13.910 --> 01:19:15.980 dynamic day here on the hill with 01:19:15.990 --> 01:19:18.046 having to step in and out of votes , 01:19:18.046 --> 01:19:20.268 but we sincerely appreciate your time , 01:19:20.268 --> 01:19:22.434 uh , the attentiveness , your work you 01:19:22.434 --> 01:19:25.190 put into your testimony . So with that 01:19:25.190 --> 01:19:27.134 being said , this committee stands 01:19:27.134 --> 01:19:29.940 adjourn and law . Mhm . Q .