1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:04,230 right right . Almost a 2 00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:08,010 accident there , very 3 00:00:08,010 --> 00:00:11,750 neat what is 4 00:00:12,260 --> 00:00:14,900 that ? We almost collided into each 5 00:00:14,900 --> 00:00:18,800 other . A metaphor . All 6 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:22,360 right , A couple of things at the top . 7 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:27,050 Uh Secretary and the chairman were 8 00:00:27,940 --> 00:00:30,220 proud and delighted to greet General 9 00:00:30,220 --> 00:00:32,220 Miller earlier this morning when he 10 00:00:32,220 --> 00:00:34,331 arrived at Andrews Air Force Base . I 11 00:00:34,331 --> 00:00:36,450 think you saw some of the coverage of 12 00:00:36,450 --> 00:00:39,630 that again . The Secretary , I think 13 00:00:39,630 --> 00:00:42,030 we'll have a little something more out 14 00:00:42,030 --> 00:00:45,110 today , but Secretary deeply 15 00:00:45,110 --> 00:00:47,443 appreciates General Miller's leadership , 16 00:00:47,443 --> 00:00:49,790 not only over the last three years in 17 00:00:49,790 --> 00:00:51,957 Afghanistan , But over the long course 18 00:00:51,957 --> 00:00:55,160 of his his career , certainly there's 19 00:00:55,160 --> 00:00:57,327 very few military officers who have as 20 00:00:57,327 --> 00:00:59,840 much experience as he does uh in 21 00:00:59,840 --> 00:01:01,951 Afghanistan for the last 20 years and 22 00:01:01,951 --> 00:01:05,860 of course , his exceptional uh record 23 00:01:05,860 --> 00:01:08,250 of success over the course of the 24 00:01:08,250 --> 00:01:10,480 continuing drawdown . Again , that 25 00:01:10,480 --> 00:01:13,030 we've been able to get as much of this 26 00:01:13,030 --> 00:01:15,330 drawdown , complete with no one hurt , 27 00:01:15,340 --> 00:01:17,340 uh , is a real testament to General 28 00:01:17,340 --> 00:01:19,800 Miller's leadership and to his staff's 29 00:01:19,810 --> 00:01:22,230 acumen in terms of how to manage a very 30 00:01:22,230 --> 00:01:25,380 complex process . Again , that drawdown 31 00:01:25,380 --> 00:01:26,769 continues , but thus far 32 00:01:26,910 --> 00:01:28,854 extraordinarily successful . And I 33 00:01:28,854 --> 00:01:31,230 think one of the things that the 34 00:01:31,230 --> 00:01:33,930 secretary really admires 35 00:01:33,990 --> 00:01:36,300 about General Miller is that he 36 00:01:36,300 --> 00:01:39,540 understood that speed was 37 00:01:39,550 --> 00:01:43,060 critical to a successful retrograde and 38 00:01:43,060 --> 00:01:44,950 moving , moving out as quickly as 39 00:01:44,950 --> 00:01:47,180 possible . And he did that . So again , 40 00:01:47,190 --> 00:01:48,920 it was a great morning for the 41 00:01:48,920 --> 00:01:50,809 secretary and I know the chairman 42 00:01:50,809 --> 00:01:52,700 enjoyed going out there as well , 43 00:01:52,710 --> 00:01:54,821 staying on Afghanistan . I think , as 44 00:01:54,821 --> 00:01:57,440 you heard earlier this afternoon at 45 00:01:57,450 --> 00:01:59,339 President Biden's direction , the 46 00:01:59,339 --> 00:02:01,339 United States will begin relocation 47 00:02:01,339 --> 00:02:03,840 flights for the first group of eligible 48 00:02:03,840 --> 00:02:05,840 and interested Afghan nationals and 49 00:02:05,840 --> 00:02:07,951 their families who have supported the 50 00:02:07,951 --> 00:02:10,118 United States and our partners and who 51 00:02:10,118 --> 00:02:12,007 are in the special immigrant visa 52 00:02:12,007 --> 00:02:15,140 pipeline . Uh , and we'll begin those 53 00:02:15,140 --> 00:02:17,251 relocation flights by the end of this 54 00:02:17,251 --> 00:02:21,060 month . The department's role in 55 00:02:21,740 --> 00:02:24,940 Operation Allies Refuge will continue 56 00:02:24,940 --> 00:02:27,110 to be one of providing options and 57 00:02:27,110 --> 00:02:29,500 support to the interagency effort 58 00:02:29,500 --> 00:02:31,167 that's being led by the State 59 00:02:31,167 --> 00:02:32,889 Department . To date , we have 60 00:02:32,889 --> 00:02:36,000 identified overseas locations and we're 61 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:38,080 still examining possibilities for 62 00:02:38,080 --> 00:02:40,900 overseas locations uh to include some 63 00:02:40,900 --> 00:02:43,011 departmental installations that would 64 00:02:43,011 --> 00:02:45,150 be capable of supporting planned 65 00:02:45,150 --> 00:02:47,410 relocation efforts with appropriate 66 00:02:47,420 --> 00:02:49,700 temporary residences and associated 67 00:02:49,700 --> 00:02:51,756 support infrastructure . We have not 68 00:02:51,756 --> 00:02:54,270 been asked at this date to provide 69 00:02:54,420 --> 00:02:56,940 military transportation . As we've said 70 00:02:56,940 --> 00:02:59,162 before , the locus of our efforts right 71 00:02:59,162 --> 00:03:01,850 now is in helping identify possible 72 00:03:01,850 --> 00:03:05,140 locations moving forward . We will 73 00:03:05,140 --> 00:03:07,251 remain in close coordination with our 74 00:03:07,251 --> 00:03:09,473 interagency partners and we will assign 75 00:03:09,473 --> 00:03:11,696 a small number of military and civilian 76 00:03:11,696 --> 00:03:13,362 liaison officers to the State 77 00:03:13,362 --> 00:03:15,418 Department to help ensure streamline 78 00:03:15,418 --> 00:03:17,751 coordination on this important endeavor . 79 00:03:17,751 --> 00:03:20,030 This of course comes in addition to and 80 00:03:20,030 --> 00:03:23,110 as part and parcel of our own 81 00:03:23,120 --> 00:03:25,610 departmental Internal Action Group , 82 00:03:25,620 --> 00:03:27,910 who will continue to pursue and analyze 83 00:03:27,910 --> 00:03:29,854 and provide options to the broader 84 00:03:29,854 --> 00:03:31,910 state led effort . In some , the 85 00:03:31,910 --> 00:03:34,077 department remains eager and committed 86 00:03:34,077 --> 00:03:36,077 to doing all that we can to support 87 00:03:36,077 --> 00:03:38,021 collective government efforts , US 88 00:03:38,021 --> 00:03:40,077 government efforts to help those who 89 00:03:40,077 --> 00:03:42,021 have helped us for so long . Now , 90 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:44,132 switching topics yesterday marked the 91 00:03:44,132 --> 00:03:46,132 first day of indo pacific Command's 92 00:03:46,132 --> 00:03:48,080 exercise , Talisman Saber 21 in 93 00:03:48,080 --> 00:03:50,170 Northern Australia , a large scale 94 00:03:50,170 --> 00:03:52,170 bilateral military exercise between 95 00:03:52,170 --> 00:03:54,392 Australia and the United States , which 96 00:03:54,392 --> 00:03:56,503 will strengthen our relationships and 97 00:03:56,503 --> 00:03:58,614 interoperability among key allies and 98 00:03:58,614 --> 00:04:00,392 partners and enhance collective 99 00:04:00,392 --> 00:04:02,392 capability . To maintain a free and 100 00:04:02,392 --> 00:04:04,559 open indo pacific this year's exercise 101 00:04:04,559 --> 00:04:06,559 involves more than 17,000 personnel 102 00:04:06,559 --> 00:04:08,614 from Australia and the United States 103 00:04:08,614 --> 00:04:10,448 Forces from Canada , Japan , new 104 00:04:10,448 --> 00:04:12,670 Zealand . The Republic of Korea and the 105 00:04:12,670 --> 00:04:14,892 United Kingdom will also participate in 106 00:04:14,892 --> 00:04:14,570 the exercise . And there'll be some 107 00:04:14,570 --> 00:04:16,792 delegations from India Indonesia France 108 00:04:16,792 --> 00:04:18,848 and Germany who can will observe the 109 00:04:18,848 --> 00:04:22,230 exercise . The exercise runs From July 110 00:04:22,230 --> 00:04:25,240 14 to the middle of next month . And it 111 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:27,518 will include a field training exercise , 112 00:04:27,518 --> 00:04:29,407 incorporating force preparation , 113 00:04:29,407 --> 00:04:31,296 theater setting , and sustainment 114 00:04:31,296 --> 00:04:33,518 activities , amphibious landings , land 115 00:04:33,518 --> 00:04:35,684 forces , maneuver , urban operations , 116 00:04:35,684 --> 00:04:37,851 air operations , maritime operations , 117 00:04:37,851 --> 00:04:39,907 special forces activities . And with 118 00:04:39,907 --> 00:04:42,184 that we'll go to questions . Thank you . 119 00:04:42,184 --> 00:04:44,296 Take you back for a minute to it . He 120 00:04:44,296 --> 00:04:46,351 said about Operation Allies Refuge . 121 00:04:46,351 --> 00:04:49,640 Yes . Um I think he said that some 122 00:04:49,650 --> 00:04:51,983 overseas locations have been identified , 123 00:04:52,340 --> 00:04:54,470 meaning you've decided on someone . I 124 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:56,460 would say that we have we have 125 00:04:56,460 --> 00:04:58,793 identified some as potential candidates . 126 00:04:58,793 --> 00:05:02,190 We have not made final decisions on 127 00:05:02,200 --> 00:05:04,422 them . And I would remind bob that some 128 00:05:04,422 --> 00:05:07,860 of these locations are in uh you know , 129 00:05:07,870 --> 00:05:10,540 well some of them are not US 130 00:05:10,940 --> 00:05:12,829 installations and therefore would 131 00:05:12,829 --> 00:05:15,051 require if they're in foreign countries 132 00:05:15,051 --> 00:05:17,600 require those host nations to agree . 133 00:05:17,610 --> 00:05:19,610 And so we're just not at that final 134 00:05:19,610 --> 00:05:21,832 stage yet . And then the other question 135 00:05:21,832 --> 00:05:24,610 is on you mentioned briefly yesterday , 136 00:05:24,610 --> 00:05:26,750 I believe the possibility of 137 00:05:26,750 --> 00:05:28,610 continental U . S . Military 138 00:05:28,620 --> 00:05:31,100 installations being used is that being 139 00:05:31,100 --> 00:05:33,267 considered ? I would say we're looking 140 00:05:33,267 --> 00:05:36,220 at all options Bomb all options are 141 00:05:36,220 --> 00:05:38,442 being considered and that would include 142 00:05:38,442 --> 00:05:42,230 the potential for for uh for short term 143 00:05:42,230 --> 00:05:44,560 use of kona space US installations . 144 00:05:44,560 --> 00:05:46,782 But no final decisions made right now , 145 00:05:46,782 --> 00:05:49,004 advantage to having them in the U . S . 146 00:05:49,004 --> 00:05:51,282 As opposed to I think what we're again , 147 00:05:51,282 --> 00:05:51,280 what I said in my opening and we're 148 00:05:51,280 --> 00:05:53,336 trying to provide as many options to 149 00:05:53,336 --> 00:05:55,447 the State Department led effort as we 150 00:05:55,447 --> 00:05:57,613 can . It's one of the things we do and 151 00:05:57,613 --> 00:05:59,870 so we are looking at potential options 152 00:05:59,870 --> 00:06:01,870 there , but no final decisions have 153 00:06:01,870 --> 00:06:03,981 been made and the State Department is 154 00:06:03,981 --> 00:06:06,700 in the lead . Yeah , yeah . Uh paul 155 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:08,060 Hanley from FP 156 00:06:15,940 --> 00:06:19,480 Okay , we'll move on Stephen Lucey 157 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:20,536 military dot com . 158 00:06:24,640 --> 00:06:27,880 Uh Can you address the reports about 159 00:06:27,890 --> 00:06:30,010 Michael Brown withdrawing his 160 00:06:30,020 --> 00:06:33,950 nomination ? Um to uh we are to 161 00:06:33,950 --> 00:06:35,839 be the to run acquisition for the 162 00:06:35,839 --> 00:06:38,390 pentagon . I can confirm for you that 163 00:06:38,390 --> 00:06:41,440 the secretary is in receipt of a letter 164 00:06:41,440 --> 00:06:43,940 from Mr Brown expressing his desire to 165 00:06:43,940 --> 00:06:46,051 withdraw his name from nomination for 166 00:06:46,051 --> 00:06:48,280 the position of undersecretary of 167 00:06:48,280 --> 00:06:50,660 Defense for acquisition and sustainment . 168 00:06:52,040 --> 00:06:54,960 Tony . Can I ask you Sure ? Did the 169 00:06:54,960 --> 00:06:57,210 letter illuminate the why part of it 170 00:06:57,210 --> 00:06:59,266 his name with the intent to nominate 171 00:06:59,266 --> 00:07:01,400 was released in april uh Defense one 172 00:07:01,400 --> 00:07:02,900 reported that he was under 173 00:07:02,900 --> 00:07:04,540 investigation of an I . G . 174 00:07:04,540 --> 00:07:06,429 Whistleblower complaint . Did his 175 00:07:06,429 --> 00:07:08,740 letter addressed that at all ? I really 176 00:07:08,740 --> 00:07:11,360 am uncomfortable speaking for Mr Brown . 177 00:07:11,360 --> 00:07:14,140 But what I can tell you is that in his 178 00:07:14,140 --> 00:07:16,860 letter he cited his concerns over the 179 00:07:17,140 --> 00:07:20,210 lengthy process of the investigation 180 00:07:20,210 --> 00:07:23,940 and uh his desire not to slow up the 181 00:07:23,940 --> 00:07:25,996 work of the department . But I would 182 00:07:25,996 --> 00:07:28,218 refer you to Mr Brown from what comment 183 00:07:28,218 --> 00:07:30,329 on that ? Well , he remained the head 184 00:07:30,329 --> 00:07:32,551 of the Defense innovation Unit . I have 185 00:07:32,551 --> 00:07:34,718 no personnel changes to announce he is 186 00:07:34,718 --> 00:07:37,051 still the director of D . I . U . D . I . 187 00:07:37,051 --> 00:07:40,400 You ? Yes . Okay . Yeah sir . Travis 188 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:42,622 Triton with Bloomberg . I wanted to ask 189 00:07:42,622 --> 00:07:44,844 you a telework to Bloomberg's to listen 190 00:07:44,844 --> 00:07:46,956 to him today . Good glasses you could 191 00:07:46,956 --> 00:07:50,950 see . Thank you . I 192 00:07:50,960 --> 00:07:53,500 want to ask you a question . Federal 193 00:07:53,500 --> 00:07:55,444 agencies are supposed to finish up 194 00:07:55,444 --> 00:07:57,250 their return to office and post 195 00:07:57,250 --> 00:07:59,270 pandemic personnel plans this month 196 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:02,120 including D . O . D . And I was 197 00:08:02,120 --> 00:08:04,790 wondering if you could say if the 198 00:08:04,800 --> 00:08:07,770 secretary has some vision for remote 199 00:08:07,770 --> 00:08:10,250 work going forward post pandemic , does 200 00:08:10,250 --> 00:08:12,870 he expect this expanded tele work to 201 00:08:12,870 --> 00:08:16,340 continue and be something that guilty 202 00:08:16,340 --> 00:08:18,340 does permanently ? We're looking at 203 00:08:18,340 --> 00:08:20,550 that Travis actually the we've learned 204 00:08:20,550 --> 00:08:22,383 a lot , obviously through a year 205 00:08:22,383 --> 00:08:24,494 pandemic and and one of the things we 206 00:08:24,494 --> 00:08:26,661 learned is that That telework can work 207 00:08:26,661 --> 00:08:28,883 and can it be , and it can be effective 208 00:08:28,883 --> 00:08:31,050 what that's gonna look like when we're 209 00:08:31,050 --> 00:08:33,217 actually on the back end of this , and 210 00:08:33,217 --> 00:08:35,272 we're back to 100% occupancy here at 211 00:08:35,272 --> 00:08:37,494 the Pentagon . I don't know , but I can 212 00:08:37,494 --> 00:08:39,550 tell you that uh that senior leaders 213 00:08:39,550 --> 00:08:41,717 here at the pentagon are working their 214 00:08:41,717 --> 00:08:44,310 way through how we would factor in tele . 215 00:08:44,310 --> 00:08:46,199 We're going forward now there was 216 00:08:46,199 --> 00:08:48,088 telling work permitted before the 217 00:08:48,088 --> 00:08:51,170 pandemic , but it was obviously not in 218 00:08:51,170 --> 00:08:53,392 his greater demand and it's certainly , 219 00:08:53,392 --> 00:08:55,290 we we hadn't really made it as 220 00:08:55,290 --> 00:08:57,401 effective as it has been able to come 221 00:08:57,401 --> 00:08:59,346 over the last year and a half . So 222 00:08:59,346 --> 00:09:01,568 we're looking at that very seriously to 223 00:09:01,568 --> 00:09:03,734 see what the future of tele work would 224 00:09:03,734 --> 00:09:03,370 be here at the pentagon . Are there 225 00:09:03,370 --> 00:09:05,580 concerns about cohesion , about people 226 00:09:05,580 --> 00:09:07,580 working face to face , and creating 227 00:09:07,580 --> 00:09:09,747 those kind of impersonal relationships 228 00:09:09,747 --> 00:09:11,913 when you have to work ? I think that's 229 00:09:11,913 --> 00:09:14,080 a fair concern . Absolutely . I mean , 230 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:16,191 there is there's something to be said 231 00:09:16,191 --> 00:09:18,247 for face to face interaction and the 232 00:09:18,247 --> 00:09:21,820 physical presence of of uh of 233 00:09:21,830 --> 00:09:23,886 individuals who are working with and 234 00:09:23,886 --> 00:09:26,052 colleagues and teammates . So yeah , I 235 00:09:26,052 --> 00:09:28,219 think , you know , cohesion and morale 236 00:09:28,219 --> 00:09:31,090 and um and efficiency is uh certainly 237 00:09:31,090 --> 00:09:33,201 going to be factored into this . That 238 00:09:33,201 --> 00:09:36,460 said , uh the work of this department 239 00:09:36,940 --> 00:09:39,051 has gone on during the pandemic . You 240 00:09:39,051 --> 00:09:41,051 know , the department didn't miss a 241 00:09:41,051 --> 00:09:42,940 beat . We didn't fail to meet our 242 00:09:42,940 --> 00:09:45,120 security commitments to our fellow 243 00:09:45,130 --> 00:09:47,640 countrymen or to the world . And so we 244 00:09:47,640 --> 00:09:49,807 did that with a lot of teleworking and 245 00:09:49,807 --> 00:09:51,862 I think would be inappropriate , and 246 00:09:51,862 --> 00:09:54,320 and uh and I think shortsighted if we 247 00:09:54,320 --> 00:09:56,542 didn't take a look at how tele work can 248 00:09:56,542 --> 00:09:58,598 be factored in in the future again , 249 00:09:58,598 --> 00:10:00,709 what that's gonna look like . I don't 250 00:10:00,709 --> 00:10:02,931 know . But we've learned a lot over the 251 00:10:02,931 --> 00:10:02,630 last year and a half and I think we 252 00:10:02,630 --> 00:10:04,574 want to try to apply some of those 253 00:10:04,574 --> 00:10:07,450 lessons going forward . Tara , Thanks 254 00:10:07,450 --> 00:10:09,617 john the White House announced today , 255 00:10:09,617 --> 00:10:11,370 there's a delegation headed to 256 00:10:11,380 --> 00:10:13,710 Uzbekistan to talk about a variety of 257 00:10:13,710 --> 00:10:16,090 topics , including their potential role 258 00:10:16,090 --> 00:10:18,760 in a future counterterrorism fight . Um 259 00:10:18,770 --> 00:10:20,770 The K . Two veterans I've spoken to 260 00:10:20,770 --> 00:10:22,492 today said that no one in this 261 00:10:22,492 --> 00:10:24,659 administration has reached out to them 262 00:10:24,659 --> 00:10:26,881 either from D . O . D . Or state or for 263 00:10:26,881 --> 00:10:26,600 the White House about their concerns 264 00:10:26,600 --> 00:10:28,822 about K . Two and potentially any other 265 00:10:28,822 --> 00:10:30,767 based news back istan that is also 266 00:10:30,767 --> 00:10:32,767 contaminated . I was just wondering 267 00:10:33,040 --> 00:10:35,207 will the department reach out to those 268 00:10:35,207 --> 00:10:36,873 veterans and is the potential 269 00:10:36,873 --> 00:10:38,984 contamination at those sites that has 270 00:10:38,984 --> 00:10:41,040 not been cleaned up being brought to 271 00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:43,151 the discussion with the Uzbeks . This 272 00:10:43,151 --> 00:10:45,730 is something that Secretary and Mr 273 00:10:45,730 --> 00:10:47,900 Mcdonald , the secretary , have talked 274 00:10:47,910 --> 00:10:49,854 about on numerous occasions , were 275 00:10:49,854 --> 00:10:53,370 certainly aware Of the health issues 276 00:10:53,370 --> 00:10:56,110 that have been caused by toxic exposure , 277 00:10:56,110 --> 00:10:58,500 not just there , but in other places uh 278 00:10:58,510 --> 00:11:00,677 in which our men and women have served 279 00:11:00,677 --> 00:11:02,820 over the last 20 years . I don't have 280 00:11:02,820 --> 00:11:04,987 any specific conversations to read out 281 00:11:04,987 --> 00:11:06,931 to you today other than to again , 282 00:11:06,931 --> 00:11:10,530 stress how deeply uh aware and 283 00:11:10,530 --> 00:11:12,480 concerned Secretary Austin remains 284 00:11:12,480 --> 00:11:15,530 about about the health and well being 285 00:11:15,530 --> 00:11:17,530 of our veterans and our active duty 286 00:11:17,530 --> 00:11:19,641 members and on making sure that as we 287 00:11:19,641 --> 00:11:22,890 go forward , uh wherever they might be 288 00:11:22,890 --> 00:11:25,001 deployed , that they are , that we're 289 00:11:25,001 --> 00:11:27,223 able to do that in as safe as manner as 290 00:11:27,223 --> 00:11:29,446 possible . I don't want to get ahead of 291 00:11:29,446 --> 00:11:31,612 conversations with Uzbekistan and what 292 00:11:31,612 --> 00:11:33,834 that's what what that's gonna look like 293 00:11:33,834 --> 00:11:35,890 and what kind of support we might be 294 00:11:35,890 --> 00:11:38,112 getting out of that country . Let's let 295 00:11:38,112 --> 00:11:40,334 those diplomatic discussions continue . 296 00:11:40,334 --> 00:11:40,280 But when it comes to the safety and 297 00:11:40,280 --> 00:11:42,447 well being of our people and certainly 298 00:11:42,447 --> 00:11:44,336 those who have served , Secretary 299 00:11:44,336 --> 00:11:46,502 Austin is going to be at the forefront 300 00:11:46,502 --> 00:11:48,502 of making sure we're taking care of 301 00:11:48,502 --> 00:11:50,224 them . But if the secretary is 302 00:11:50,224 --> 00:11:52,336 concerned , why hasn't the department 303 00:11:52,336 --> 00:11:54,502 reached out to those Katie veterans to 304 00:11:54,502 --> 00:11:56,558 get at least their feedback or input 305 00:11:56,558 --> 00:11:58,669 about what about the basis they might 306 00:11:58,669 --> 00:12:00,891 might need to re raised as an issue . I 307 00:12:00,891 --> 00:12:02,947 don't have any conversations to read 308 00:12:02,947 --> 00:12:05,002 out to Tara . So and I can't I can't 309 00:12:05,002 --> 00:12:06,947 speak to what each , an individual 310 00:12:06,947 --> 00:12:09,113 veteran who served at K two might have 311 00:12:09,113 --> 00:12:11,224 heard from department leaders . I can 312 00:12:11,224 --> 00:12:13,391 tell you where the secretary's head is 313 00:12:13,391 --> 00:12:15,558 and I can also reaffirmed for you that 314 00:12:15,558 --> 00:12:17,724 he and Secretary McDonough have spoken 315 00:12:17,724 --> 00:12:17,510 about this on numerous occasions . I 316 00:12:17,510 --> 00:12:19,732 mean , we are all mindful of this going 317 00:12:19,732 --> 00:12:22,280 forward . Megan duty providing any 318 00:12:22,280 --> 00:12:24,391 names to state of Afghan interpreters 319 00:12:24,391 --> 00:12:26,391 who maybe aren't in the S . I . B . 320 00:12:26,391 --> 00:12:28,558 Program but are on the books somewhere 321 00:12:28,558 --> 00:12:30,613 as having been really rather not get 322 00:12:30,613 --> 00:12:32,960 into the details of the data collection . 323 00:12:32,960 --> 00:12:35,071 But one of the things that are action 324 00:12:35,071 --> 00:12:37,430 group is going to be doing is helping 325 00:12:37,540 --> 00:12:41,450 with the information data pool of of 326 00:12:41,460 --> 00:12:45,360 uh of who we know And we can certify 327 00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:47,582 that we've worked with over the last 20 328 00:12:47,582 --> 00:12:49,780 years and it doesn't have to be just 329 00:12:49,780 --> 00:12:52,113 bounded by translators and interpreters . 330 00:12:52,113 --> 00:12:54,140 Is there any talk of uniformed 331 00:12:54,140 --> 00:12:56,307 personnel going to Afghanistan to help 332 00:12:56,307 --> 00:12:58,529 with the security part of all of this , 333 00:12:58,529 --> 00:13:01,150 of the relocation of these individuals ? 334 00:13:01,160 --> 00:13:04,050 Not at this time , no . Yeah jay , 335 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:07,730 thank you , john , on the joint 336 00:13:07,740 --> 00:13:10,580 military exercise between us and South 337 00:13:10,580 --> 00:13:13,530 Korea . Do you have any plane toward 338 00:13:13,540 --> 00:13:17,030 this exercise on our next reminds 339 00:13:17,210 --> 00:13:20,620 august any detail about this 340 00:13:20,620 --> 00:13:24,160 coming exercise about ? I do not , 341 00:13:24,740 --> 00:13:28,410 you have suspended or reduction of the 342 00:13:28,410 --> 00:13:30,880 exercise . I don't have any detail 343 00:13:30,890 --> 00:13:34,780 jenny . Last time I asked 344 00:13:34,780 --> 00:13:38,130 that this exercise , you say that you 345 00:13:38,140 --> 00:13:41,560 answered my cash in like this . You say 346 00:13:41,560 --> 00:13:44,630 that quote , the exercise has been 347 00:13:44,630 --> 00:13:48,480 suspended or changes slightly in 348 00:13:48,480 --> 00:13:51,080 the past two years , but there is no 349 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:54,260 place more important than the korean 350 00:13:54,260 --> 00:13:57,800 peninsula . It is key way to 351 00:13:57,810 --> 00:14:01,790 check your postures . Okay ? You 352 00:14:01,790 --> 00:14:05,540 say this , how to prepare for five 353 00:14:05,550 --> 00:14:08,460 tonight . Without this exercise , you 354 00:14:08,470 --> 00:14:11,850 always emphasize that us fight tonight . 355 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:15,460 So why not continues to 356 00:14:16,340 --> 00:14:18,770 not exercise how you can have with 357 00:14:18,770 --> 00:14:20,992 their courage . I thought my answer was 358 00:14:21,140 --> 00:14:23,307 pretty eloquent there . That one . Why 359 00:14:23,307 --> 00:14:25,473 can't we just go back and use that ? I 360 00:14:25,473 --> 00:14:27,900 mean it's still valid . We obviously , 361 00:14:27,910 --> 00:14:30,450 readiness on the korean peninsula is 362 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:33,270 it's vital , it's critical uh and we 363 00:14:33,270 --> 00:14:35,640 still are committed to that . Um and 364 00:14:35,640 --> 00:14:37,973 the new commander of US forces in Korea , 365 00:14:37,973 --> 00:14:39,973 I can assure you is working closely 366 00:14:39,973 --> 00:14:42,320 with his counterparts uh in the 367 00:14:42,330 --> 00:14:45,290 Republic of Korea to make sure that 368 00:14:45,290 --> 00:14:47,623 their troops and ours are able to quote , 369 00:14:47,630 --> 00:14:49,741 fight tonight and what those training 370 00:14:49,741 --> 00:14:51,741 events look like . It's going to be 371 00:14:51,741 --> 00:14:53,908 different in each case . And it always 372 00:14:53,908 --> 00:14:56,490 has been training regimen there and 373 00:14:56,500 --> 00:14:58,500 anywhere else around the world is a 374 00:14:58,500 --> 00:15:01,710 dynamic uh it's a dynamic effort . Uh 375 00:15:01,720 --> 00:15:05,670 it changes over time uh to include all 376 00:15:05,670 --> 00:15:08,420 kinds of regional security factors as 377 00:15:08,420 --> 00:15:10,587 well as the readiness and capabilities 378 00:15:10,587 --> 00:15:13,000 of the units involved . So I can , 379 00:15:13,010 --> 00:15:15,232 without getting into detail and I would 380 00:15:15,232 --> 00:15:17,454 refer you and continue to encourage you 381 00:15:17,454 --> 00:15:19,566 to talk to us forces Korea about what 382 00:15:19,566 --> 00:15:21,788 they're doing in the training front . I 383 00:15:21,788 --> 00:15:24,066 don't have every detail of every event . 384 00:15:24,066 --> 00:15:26,010 But I can tell you broadly , we're 385 00:15:26,010 --> 00:15:28,121 going to continue to remain committed 386 00:15:28,121 --> 00:15:29,732 to readiness and appropriate 387 00:15:29,732 --> 00:15:31,843 capabilities on the peninsula because 388 00:15:31,843 --> 00:15:34,330 we have such a serious commitment to 389 00:15:34,330 --> 00:15:37,660 our our Okay Allies . What President 390 00:15:37,660 --> 00:15:39,710 Moon Jae in current South korean 391 00:15:39,710 --> 00:15:43,430 President Dane , he doesn't want at 392 00:15:43,440 --> 00:15:47,390 this time joined exercise again because 393 00:15:47,390 --> 00:15:51,100 of North Korea back crashed . So what 394 00:15:51,100 --> 00:15:54,850 is your US decision for this ? 395 00:15:55,940 --> 00:15:59,480 I can't speak to hypothetical 396 00:15:59,490 --> 00:16:02,400 decision that President Moon Jae in 397 00:16:02,410 --> 00:16:05,040 hasn't made . But what I can tell you 398 00:16:05,180 --> 00:16:08,650 is that as in all military 399 00:16:10,140 --> 00:16:12,050 operations and exercises that we 400 00:16:12,050 --> 00:16:14,310 conduct on on the peninsula , we do it 401 00:16:14,310 --> 00:16:16,430 in concert in consultation and close 402 00:16:16,430 --> 00:16:19,170 coordination with our our Okay allies . 403 00:16:19,430 --> 00:16:23,130 It's , you know , the the model of , 404 00:16:23,130 --> 00:16:25,241 you know , we go together , it's it's 405 00:16:25,241 --> 00:16:27,352 absolutely true and and that includes 406 00:16:27,352 --> 00:16:29,519 discussions about what training events 407 00:16:29,519 --> 00:16:31,741 are going to happen , how they're going 408 00:16:31,741 --> 00:16:31,220 to be scoped when they're going to 409 00:16:31,220 --> 00:16:33,276 occur , how many people are going to 410 00:16:33,276 --> 00:16:35,387 participate , what activities they're 411 00:16:35,387 --> 00:16:37,498 going to conduct , all that's done in 412 00:16:37,498 --> 00:16:39,640 close coordination with our our South 413 00:16:39,640 --> 00:16:43,150 korean allies , us ahead of power , I 414 00:16:43,150 --> 00:16:46,670 think so . So your decision is the 415 00:16:46,680 --> 00:16:48,736 power jenny is in the alliance , the 416 00:16:48,736 --> 00:16:50,940 power is the power is in the alliance 417 00:16:50,940 --> 00:16:52,996 and in the coordination with our our 418 00:16:52,996 --> 00:16:55,950 Okay allies decision is very important 419 00:16:55,960 --> 00:16:59,870 in South Korea . Always right . 420 00:16:59,880 --> 00:17:01,991 And I guess what I'm trying to stress 421 00:17:01,991 --> 00:17:04,047 you and maybe unsuccessfully is that 422 00:17:04,047 --> 00:17:06,158 it's not it's not just our decision , 423 00:17:06,158 --> 00:17:08,480 we work on these , we work on military 424 00:17:08,600 --> 00:17:10,370 readiness and consultation and 425 00:17:10,370 --> 00:17:12,592 coordination with our allies . It's not 426 00:17:12,592 --> 00:17:15,660 unilateral , its bilateral , it's with 427 00:17:15,660 --> 00:17:18,520 them and taking their concerns and 428 00:17:18,520 --> 00:17:20,770 their desires into account it's a 429 00:17:20,770 --> 00:17:23,410 mutual decision when we conduct 430 00:17:23,410 --> 00:17:26,130 training events on the peninsula . Okay . 431 00:17:26,140 --> 00:17:29,340 Yeah . Thank you . So , uh Taliban 432 00:17:29,350 --> 00:17:31,520 continues to make gains in Afghanistan 433 00:17:31,520 --> 00:17:33,520 and you were you've been very clear 434 00:17:33,520 --> 00:17:35,650 from the podium debt . Um Afghani 435 00:17:35,650 --> 00:17:38,770 forces have the capabilities , they 436 00:17:38,780 --> 00:17:42,350 have the technology and they need the 437 00:17:42,350 --> 00:17:45,580 will to take the fight to the Taliban . 438 00:17:45,590 --> 00:17:47,701 However , on the ground with whatever 439 00:17:47,701 --> 00:17:51,550 is is remained inside of Afghanistan . 440 00:17:52,040 --> 00:17:54,710 Are you engaged with the with the 441 00:17:54,720 --> 00:17:57,740 government with the Afghan forces on 442 00:17:57,740 --> 00:18:00,850 potential ways to reverse these gains ? 443 00:18:00,860 --> 00:18:03,082 Can you share something with us on that 444 00:18:03,082 --> 00:18:06,340 front ? I mean , apart from just saying 445 00:18:06,340 --> 00:18:08,610 that you should be able to take the 446 00:18:08,610 --> 00:18:10,832 fight , the Taliban were discussing any 447 00:18:10,832 --> 00:18:13,920 ideas ? Funny ? I don't think we put it 448 00:18:13,920 --> 00:18:17,260 in those stark terms . You know , they 449 00:18:17,260 --> 00:18:19,149 should just take the fight to the 450 00:18:19,149 --> 00:18:21,316 taliban . What we've said is they have 451 00:18:21,316 --> 00:18:23,260 the advantage , they have numerous 452 00:18:23,260 --> 00:18:25,371 advantages and I don't want to detail 453 00:18:25,371 --> 00:18:27,538 them all again , I've done that uh and 454 00:18:27,740 --> 00:18:30,310 it's really gonna come down to their 455 00:18:30,320 --> 00:18:32,376 ability and their willingness to use 456 00:18:32,376 --> 00:18:34,340 those advantages to their to their 457 00:18:34,340 --> 00:18:37,140 benefit . We have the authorities to 458 00:18:37,140 --> 00:18:39,660 provide support to the afghan forces 459 00:18:39,660 --> 00:18:43,110 when feasible . And I'm not gonna speak 460 00:18:43,120 --> 00:18:45,009 with great specificity about what 461 00:18:45,009 --> 00:18:46,731 that's gonna look like or what 462 00:18:46,731 --> 00:18:48,842 scenarios we might be able to deliver 463 00:18:48,842 --> 00:18:51,064 it and what scenarios we we won't . But 464 00:18:51,064 --> 00:18:53,410 they have , the advantage is uh they 465 00:18:53,420 --> 00:18:55,587 they have better capabilities than the 466 00:18:55,587 --> 00:18:58,210 taliban uh in the air and on the ground . 467 00:18:58,220 --> 00:19:00,164 Um and they are certainly going to 468 00:19:00,164 --> 00:19:02,053 continue to have american support 469 00:19:02,053 --> 00:19:04,470 financially , logistically and through 470 00:19:04,480 --> 00:19:06,540 assistance and maintenance . Uh it 471 00:19:06,540 --> 00:19:08,690 really is going to come down to uh 472 00:19:08,700 --> 00:19:10,644 internal leadership decision there 473 00:19:10,644 --> 00:19:12,610 politically and militarily to take 474 00:19:12,610 --> 00:19:14,670 advantage of those those gains and 475 00:19:14,670 --> 00:19:16,892 those benefits that they have . But I'm 476 00:19:16,892 --> 00:19:19,059 not gonna get into a specific back and 477 00:19:19,059 --> 00:19:21,337 forth or what's going on on the ground . 478 00:19:21,337 --> 00:19:23,559 Yeah , thank you . Thank you for taking 479 00:19:23,559 --> 00:19:25,670 my question . I have a quick question 480 00:19:25,670 --> 00:19:28,310 about Secretary , remarkable uh he made 481 00:19:28,320 --> 00:19:31,510 yesterday . Uh the Secretary pointed 482 00:19:31,520 --> 00:19:35,290 out that china intends to be a 483 00:19:35,300 --> 00:19:39,120 global leader . AI has already used 484 00:19:39,130 --> 00:19:42,390 aI in a wide range of missions . I'm 485 00:19:42,390 --> 00:19:44,830 wondering if it is a secretary built 486 00:19:44,830 --> 00:19:47,820 that china is more advanced than the 487 00:19:47,820 --> 00:19:50,630 United States at the moment . In terms 488 00:19:50,630 --> 00:19:54,060 of application of AI to the military 489 00:19:54,070 --> 00:19:57,450 operation and capabilities , I'm not 490 00:19:57,450 --> 00:20:00,620 gonna um amplify or trying to extend 491 00:20:00,620 --> 00:20:02,731 the secretary's comments . I think he 492 00:20:02,731 --> 00:20:04,898 was very clear yesterday in his speech 493 00:20:04,898 --> 00:20:07,064 on artificial intelligence and made it 494 00:20:07,064 --> 00:20:08,950 clear our concerns about china's 495 00:20:08,950 --> 00:20:11,172 desires to advance in this field . What 496 00:20:11,172 --> 00:20:14,110 he's focused on is the capabilities we 497 00:20:14,110 --> 00:20:16,230 have in a I and advancing them and 498 00:20:16,230 --> 00:20:18,286 making sure that we're doing it in a 499 00:20:18,286 --> 00:20:20,341 responsible way in close partnership 500 00:20:20,341 --> 00:20:22,341 with industry and academia and that 501 00:20:22,341 --> 00:20:24,508 we're focused on building a talented , 502 00:20:24,508 --> 00:20:27,720 digitally tech savvy , digitally 503 00:20:27,730 --> 00:20:30,910 capable workforce here at the pentagon 504 00:20:30,910 --> 00:20:32,688 and that's what he talked about 505 00:20:32,688 --> 00:20:35,030 yesterday . Okay . Yeah . Let me go to 506 00:20:35,030 --> 00:20:36,863 the phones . I haven't done that 507 00:20:36,863 --> 00:20:39,630 jennifer from new york times high . If 508 00:20:39,630 --> 00:20:41,241 I could just follow up on my 509 00:20:41,241 --> 00:20:42,963 colleague's question about the 510 00:20:42,963 --> 00:20:45,050 interpreters and the role that the 511 00:20:45,060 --> 00:20:48,000 department were playing in , helping to 512 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:50,111 determine who leaves . And I get that 513 00:20:50,111 --> 00:20:51,778 this is the White House State 514 00:20:51,778 --> 00:20:54,000 Department deal . But you know , as you 515 00:20:54,000 --> 00:20:56,111 know , there are folks that have been 516 00:20:56,111 --> 00:20:58,333 in the paperwork pipeline for years and 517 00:20:58,333 --> 00:20:57,680 years and years , especially those who 518 00:20:57,680 --> 00:20:59,610 are out with infantry and don't 519 00:20:59,610 --> 00:21:01,610 necessarily have the best paperwork 520 00:21:01,610 --> 00:21:03,832 trail of employment and so forth . When 521 00:21:03,832 --> 00:21:05,499 you guys are playing with the 522 00:21:05,499 --> 00:21:07,666 department be playing a role , um , in 523 00:21:07,666 --> 00:21:09,888 actually identifying those , especially 524 00:21:09,888 --> 00:21:09,860 those who might be lost in the 525 00:21:09,860 --> 00:21:12,220 paperwork shuffle for evacuation . How 526 00:21:12,220 --> 00:21:14,331 do you , how much that we play a role 527 00:21:14,331 --> 00:21:16,790 in the prioritization as it were ? One 528 00:21:16,790 --> 00:21:18,790 of the one of the purposes that the 529 00:21:18,790 --> 00:21:20,957 action group is going to take on . The 530 00:21:20,957 --> 00:21:23,179 one that Secretary Austin stood up here 531 00:21:23,179 --> 00:21:25,346 in the department is to help the State 532 00:21:25,346 --> 00:21:29,040 Department uh identify 533 00:21:29,050 --> 00:21:31,390 those who maybe who aren't in the 534 00:21:31,390 --> 00:21:33,557 program and should be in the program . 535 00:21:33,557 --> 00:21:35,668 There's a , there's a data collection 536 00:21:35,668 --> 00:21:39,100 piece of this , but there's already , I 537 00:21:39,100 --> 00:21:41,156 think as you know , jennifer , there 538 00:21:41,156 --> 00:21:43,378 are thousands that are in the process . 539 00:21:43,378 --> 00:21:45,711 Some are farther along than others . Uh , 540 00:21:45,711 --> 00:21:47,878 And as my colleague at the White House 541 00:21:47,878 --> 00:21:50,790 said today , the focus is really on on 542 00:21:50,790 --> 00:21:52,846 that first group . That as we talked 543 00:21:52,846 --> 00:21:54,901 about in the in this briefing room , 544 00:21:54,901 --> 00:21:56,846 the first group that is really the 545 00:21:56,846 --> 00:21:59,012 farthest along and working to get them 546 00:21:59,012 --> 00:22:01,179 relocated . But yes we will do what we 547 00:22:01,179 --> 00:22:03,179 can to help the State Department in 548 00:22:03,179 --> 00:22:05,234 terms of uh the identification of of 549 00:22:05,234 --> 00:22:07,401 those who should be validly considered 550 00:22:07,401 --> 00:22:09,457 as part of the S . I . V . Process . 551 00:22:10,040 --> 00:22:12,260 Yeah . Or is there any clarity on what 552 00:22:12,260 --> 00:22:15,220 happens to applicants who are removed 553 00:22:15,230 --> 00:22:17,341 from Afghanistan or pulled out of the 554 00:22:17,341 --> 00:22:19,452 country and then their application is 555 00:22:19,452 --> 00:22:21,286 rejected . Are they sent back to 556 00:22:21,286 --> 00:22:23,790 Afghanistan ? Somehow . That's a better 557 00:22:23,790 --> 00:22:25,623 question for my State Department 558 00:22:25,623 --> 00:22:27,512 colleagues are I don't I'm not an 559 00:22:27,512 --> 00:22:29,790 expert on the on how the process works . 560 00:22:29,790 --> 00:22:32,790 Yeah Jeff showgirl . Thank you . I've 561 00:22:32,800 --> 00:22:34,910 been contacted by a number of Afghan 562 00:22:34,910 --> 00:22:36,966 interpreters who for various reasons 563 00:22:36,966 --> 00:22:40,210 are not eligible for these . Uh One was 564 00:22:40,210 --> 00:22:42,210 disqualified because the supervisor 565 00:22:42,210 --> 00:22:44,810 didn't put his date on the forum and 566 00:22:44,810 --> 00:22:47,700 that was 2014 . Is there any point of 567 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:50,260 contact at the Defense Department that 568 00:22:50,260 --> 00:22:52,440 I can refer these people too so they 569 00:22:52,440 --> 00:22:55,830 can see if they can get help ? Yes I 570 00:22:55,840 --> 00:22:57,618 would refer them to the U . S . 571 00:22:57,618 --> 00:22:59,730 Department of State in particular our 572 00:22:59,740 --> 00:23:02,240 embassy in Kabul which takes care of 573 00:23:02,240 --> 00:23:04,351 consular issues . That's the best and 574 00:23:04,351 --> 00:23:06,573 most appropriate place for you to refer 575 00:23:06,573 --> 00:23:08,796 them to . Thank you . Someone showed me 576 00:23:08,796 --> 00:23:10,962 a response from the department of from 577 00:23:10,962 --> 00:23:13,073 the embassy and they said there is no 578 00:23:13,073 --> 00:23:15,184 fast track for any type of visa which 579 00:23:15,184 --> 00:23:17,240 is why I ask again considering these 580 00:23:17,240 --> 00:23:19,518 people worked for the U . S . Military , 581 00:23:19,518 --> 00:23:21,462 is there anyone at D . O . D . Who 582 00:23:21,462 --> 00:23:23,573 might be able to help them ? The most 583 00:23:23,573 --> 00:23:25,684 appropriate place for them to contact 584 00:23:25,684 --> 00:23:28,390 is the State Department Laura Seligman 585 00:23:28,480 --> 00:23:31,970 political . Mhm john um I wanted to 586 00:23:31,970 --> 00:23:34,081 also follow up on the S . I . V . S . 587 00:23:34,081 --> 00:23:37,020 Number one . How are these people going 588 00:23:37,020 --> 00:23:40,640 to get to Kabul ? And will the U . S . 589 00:23:40,640 --> 00:23:42,751 Military be helping them in any way ? 590 00:23:42,751 --> 00:23:45,050 And then secondly , will the S . I . D . 591 00:23:45,050 --> 00:23:48,030 S . That go to um a Khanna's 592 00:23:48,030 --> 00:23:50,010 installation or potentially go to 593 00:23:50,010 --> 00:23:52,121 Aquinas installation ? You have to go 594 00:23:52,121 --> 00:23:54,840 through the normal asylum process . A 595 00:23:54,840 --> 00:23:57,270 number one . As I said , we have not 596 00:23:57,270 --> 00:23:59,990 been asked for any military support uh 597 00:24:00,000 --> 00:24:02,950 in transportation of these individuals 598 00:24:02,960 --> 00:24:05,300 uh and I and for operational security 599 00:24:05,300 --> 00:24:07,411 purposes . I think I need to leave it 600 00:24:07,411 --> 00:24:10,710 at that . Uh or the State Department is 601 00:24:10,710 --> 00:24:14,660 in the lead uh for for the 602 00:24:14,740 --> 00:24:17,100 initial relocation here of these 603 00:24:17,100 --> 00:24:19,520 individuals are role right now is to 604 00:24:19,520 --> 00:24:21,576 help identify possible locations for 605 00:24:21,576 --> 00:24:23,631 their temporary residents while they 606 00:24:23,631 --> 00:24:25,798 complete the process . And your second 607 00:24:25,798 --> 00:24:27,742 question again , I refer you to my 608 00:24:27,742 --> 00:24:29,853 colleagues at the State Department to 609 00:24:29,853 --> 00:24:29,380 speak about the asylum process . That's 610 00:24:29,380 --> 00:24:31,436 not something that we do here at the 611 00:24:31,436 --> 00:24:33,213 Department of Defense . Has any 612 00:24:33,213 --> 00:24:35,436 location for the S . I . V . S actually 613 00:24:35,436 --> 00:24:37,547 been finalized ? It doesn't it sounds 614 00:24:37,547 --> 00:24:39,769 like everything on the list so far is a 615 00:24:39,769 --> 00:24:41,991 possibility . So I'm wondering if there 616 00:24:41,991 --> 00:24:44,047 is indeed at least one location that 617 00:24:44,047 --> 00:24:46,510 these people can definitely go to have 618 00:24:46,510 --> 00:24:48,732 any announcements on specific locations 619 00:24:48,732 --> 00:24:50,732 at this time . Obviously when those 620 00:24:50,732 --> 00:24:52,677 decisions are made and we can talk 621 00:24:52,677 --> 00:24:54,843 about them . We certainly will . But I 622 00:24:54,843 --> 00:24:56,843 don't have anything to say about it 623 00:24:56,843 --> 00:24:59,350 today . Yeah Lucas can you explain how 624 00:24:59,350 --> 00:25:01,572 important it is that al Shabaab doesn't 625 00:25:01,572 --> 00:25:03,980 make a comeback in Somalia . Al Shabaab 626 00:25:03,980 --> 00:25:06,820 is a dangerous terrorist network And uh 627 00:25:06,830 --> 00:25:10,660 we're certainly with our partners on 628 00:25:10,660 --> 00:25:14,510 the continent working closely 629 00:25:14,510 --> 00:25:16,621 to reduce the threat that they pose . 630 00:25:16,621 --> 00:25:20,300 Um And I I wouldn't go into more detail 631 00:25:20,300 --> 00:25:22,970 than that Lucas but it is obviously a 632 00:25:22,980 --> 00:25:24,940 focus area for general Townsend at 633 00:25:24,940 --> 00:25:27,051 Africom as well as for the department 634 00:25:27,051 --> 00:25:29,273 so dangerous . Why aren't you launching 635 00:25:29,273 --> 00:25:31,384 drone strikes , Lucas ? I'm not going 636 00:25:31,384 --> 00:25:33,551 to talk about operational details here 637 00:25:33,551 --> 00:25:35,662 from the podium and I'm certainly not 638 00:25:35,662 --> 00:25:37,884 gonna detail specific operations . What 639 00:25:37,884 --> 00:25:40,051 I can tell you is we're focused on the 640 00:25:40,051 --> 00:25:42,051 threat that al Shabaab poses on the 641 00:25:42,051 --> 00:25:44,162 continent . Something the pentagon is 642 00:25:44,162 --> 00:25:44,080 considering relaunching those strikes . 643 00:25:44,190 --> 00:25:46,412 I'm not going to talk about operational 644 00:25:46,412 --> 00:25:49,140 details here at the podium . Just sell 645 00:25:49,140 --> 00:25:53,100 them via way on that . Hi john 646 00:25:53,100 --> 00:25:55,322 thanks very much for for doing this . I 647 00:25:55,322 --> 00:25:56,933 wonder if we can get back to 648 00:25:56,933 --> 00:25:59,410 Afghanistan and the S . I . V . Program . 649 00:25:59,420 --> 00:26:01,420 We've heard a lot about why details 650 00:26:01,420 --> 00:26:03,142 aren't being shared because of 651 00:26:03,142 --> 00:26:05,253 operational security , wondering what 652 00:26:05,253 --> 00:26:07,476 role is the pentagon playing in helping 653 00:26:07,476 --> 00:26:09,720 to make sure that those who are 654 00:26:09,720 --> 00:26:12,140 enrolled in the program are safe while 655 00:26:12,140 --> 00:26:15,370 they're in Afghanistan . And also does 656 00:26:15,370 --> 00:26:17,537 the pentagon have any indications that 657 00:26:17,537 --> 00:26:19,426 the taliban are looking to attack 658 00:26:19,426 --> 00:26:21,910 afghans who are being evacuated by the 659 00:26:21,910 --> 00:26:24,021 U . N . En masse . And whether or not 660 00:26:24,021 --> 00:26:25,910 you do or don't or whether or not 661 00:26:25,910 --> 00:26:27,910 you're willing to talk about that . 662 00:26:27,910 --> 00:26:29,799 What would you say to any Taliban 663 00:26:29,799 --> 00:26:31,910 commanders who might be contemplating 664 00:26:31,910 --> 00:26:34,021 launching attacks against afghans who 665 00:26:34,021 --> 00:26:36,132 are going to be evacuated through the 666 00:26:36,132 --> 00:26:38,970 Tv program ? I would say that the 667 00:26:38,970 --> 00:26:41,026 reason why we're being careful about 668 00:26:41,026 --> 00:26:43,081 the information we're putting out is 669 00:26:43,081 --> 00:26:45,137 because just like we've been careful 670 00:26:45,137 --> 00:26:47,359 about the information regarding the U . 671 00:26:47,359 --> 00:26:49,359 S . Drawdown . We don't want to see 672 00:26:49,359 --> 00:26:51,248 anybody get hurt . This is a true 673 00:26:51,248 --> 00:26:53,414 interagency effort . It's not just D . 674 00:26:53,414 --> 00:26:55,637 O . D . And it's a State Department led 675 00:26:55,637 --> 00:26:57,692 effort inside the inter agency uh to 676 00:26:57,692 --> 00:26:59,803 help get those who are interested and 677 00:26:59,803 --> 00:27:02,026 eligible in the S . I . V . Process and 678 00:27:02,026 --> 00:27:03,970 want to leave Afghanistan to leave 679 00:27:03,970 --> 00:27:06,081 safely . And I won't get into details 680 00:27:06,081 --> 00:27:08,750 about how we're going to execute that 681 00:27:08,750 --> 00:27:11,770 process . Uh For the same reason why we 682 00:27:11,770 --> 00:27:13,992 wouldn't get into too much detail about 683 00:27:14,040 --> 00:27:16,900 how the retrograde is progressing . Uh 684 00:27:16,910 --> 00:27:18,854 You know in terms of locations and 685 00:27:18,854 --> 00:27:21,188 times and and force protection measures . 686 00:27:21,188 --> 00:27:23,132 That's just something that I don't 687 00:27:23,132 --> 00:27:25,243 think would be useful at all . As for 688 00:27:25,243 --> 00:27:28,170 your last questions about about the 689 00:27:28,180 --> 00:27:30,740 taliban . The taliban have said 690 00:27:30,740 --> 00:27:33,550 publicly that they want to return to 691 00:27:33,550 --> 00:27:35,661 the table that they that they want to 692 00:27:35,661 --> 00:27:37,883 contribute to a political process and a 693 00:27:37,883 --> 00:27:39,990 peaceful solution here . Uh And so I 694 00:27:39,990 --> 00:27:42,101 think what's important is we see them 695 00:27:42,101 --> 00:27:44,157 act on that . That's what we want to 696 00:27:44,157 --> 00:27:46,268 see them act on now unfortunately and 697 00:27:46,268 --> 00:27:48,323 places around the country that's not 698 00:27:48,323 --> 00:27:50,379 what we're seeing them act on . They 699 00:27:50,379 --> 00:27:50,160 said they want to make that commitment . 700 00:27:50,170 --> 00:27:52,392 We'd like to see them follow through on 701 00:27:52,392 --> 00:27:55,060 that commitment . Okay thanks everybody 702 00:27:56,440 --> 00:27:56,670 mm .