1 00:00:03,140 --> 00:00:06,020 Secretary Austin , Senior Minister T . 2 00:00:06,020 --> 00:00:09,160 O . Minister ng Charge d'affaires 3 00:00:09,160 --> 00:00:12,940 Mansoor . Welcome to all of you 4 00:00:12,950 --> 00:00:15,006 and also to the many hundreds of you 5 00:00:15,006 --> 00:00:17,930 watching online to the 40th double I 6 00:00:17,930 --> 00:00:21,890 double S Fullerton lecture on behalf of 7 00:00:21,890 --> 00:00:24,720 our Director General , john Shipman who 8 00:00:24,730 --> 00:00:26,952 is watching us this evening in London . 9 00:00:27,090 --> 00:00:29,201 I'd like to say that we're especially 10 00:00:29,201 --> 00:00:31,201 pleased to welcome Secretary Austin 11 00:00:31,201 --> 00:00:33,930 here to Singapore this evening uh every 12 00:00:33,930 --> 00:00:37,020 year . For the last 20 years , the 13 00:00:37,020 --> 00:00:40,080 United States Secretary of Defense has 14 00:00:40,090 --> 00:00:42,312 addressed a global audience through the 15 00:00:42,312 --> 00:00:44,423 International Institute for Strategic 16 00:00:44,423 --> 00:00:47,340 Studies to lay out their view of the 17 00:00:47,350 --> 00:00:50,780 changing strategic landscape here in 18 00:00:50,780 --> 00:00:53,350 Southeast Asia and in Asia more broadly . 19 00:00:53,940 --> 00:00:56,051 And we're very happy to continue that 20 00:00:56,051 --> 00:00:59,450 tradition this evening and to do so 21 00:00:59,460 --> 00:01:02,160 while welcoming you Secretary Austin on 22 00:01:02,160 --> 00:01:04,382 your first trip to Southeast Asia since 23 00:01:04,382 --> 00:01:07,480 taking up position in january . Mr 24 00:01:07,480 --> 00:01:09,369 Secretary , I might say that I am 25 00:01:09,369 --> 00:01:11,424 confident that while this may be the 26 00:01:11,424 --> 00:01:13,591 first time that we welcome you here in 27 00:01:13,591 --> 00:01:15,591 Southeast Asia , it will not be the 28 00:01:15,591 --> 00:01:17,813 last in particular . We look forward to 29 00:01:17,813 --> 00:01:19,980 your speaking , as is the tradition in 30 00:01:19,980 --> 00:01:21,980 the opening plenary session of the 31 00:01:21,980 --> 00:01:24,380 shangri la dialogue when it returns 32 00:01:24,390 --> 00:01:27,610 bigger and better than ever In June 33 00:01:27,610 --> 00:01:30,520 2022 . That being said , I'd like to 34 00:01:30,520 --> 00:01:33,490 begin with some thanks as those of you 35 00:01:33,490 --> 00:01:35,920 in the audience will know for the last 36 00:01:35,920 --> 00:01:38,150 decade , the bulletin lecture series 37 00:01:38,150 --> 00:01:40,850 has brought global leaders to Singapore 38 00:01:40,850 --> 00:01:43,230 to address issues of regional common 39 00:01:43,230 --> 00:01:47,170 interest beginning Uh 10 years ago , 40 00:01:47,180 --> 00:01:49,402 with the first lecture by the Secretary 41 00:01:49,402 --> 00:01:53,080 General of the United Nations . And it 42 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:54,969 would not be possible without the 43 00:01:54,969 --> 00:01:58,690 support of Cavallari Giovanni uh and 44 00:01:58,700 --> 00:02:01,160 all of his team here at the Fullerton 45 00:02:01,160 --> 00:02:03,870 Hotel . And so we'd like to express our 46 00:02:03,880 --> 00:02:07,730 appreciation to them uh and to say 47 00:02:07,740 --> 00:02:09,962 thank you for their continued support . 48 00:02:11,140 --> 00:02:14,370 Tonight is not only the restart of 49 00:02:14,380 --> 00:02:17,860 the series after the restart of this 50 00:02:17,860 --> 00:02:20,500 series after the pandemic , it's also a 51 00:02:20,500 --> 00:02:22,890 particularly opportune time to hear the 52 00:02:22,890 --> 00:02:25,057 remarks that the secretary is going to 53 00:02:25,057 --> 00:02:27,168 make . This is a time of great change 54 00:02:27,168 --> 00:02:29,750 in our region . Southeast Asia is still 55 00:02:29,750 --> 00:02:32,700 recovering from the coronavirus 56 00:02:32,700 --> 00:02:34,756 pandemic , an event that has changed 57 00:02:34,756 --> 00:02:36,756 the region's economic and strategic 58 00:02:36,756 --> 00:02:39,030 balance . We're six months into the 59 00:02:39,030 --> 00:02:41,030 biden administration and I think it 60 00:02:41,030 --> 00:02:43,197 would be fair to say that many in this 61 00:02:43,197 --> 00:02:45,197 room and many watching are eager to 62 00:02:45,197 --> 00:02:46,850 hear more details of the 63 00:02:46,850 --> 00:02:50,400 administration's view of the balance of 64 00:02:50,400 --> 00:02:53,900 the region . We 65 00:02:53,900 --> 00:02:56,930 face undeniably growing competition 66 00:02:56,930 --> 00:02:58,819 between the U . S . And china and 67 00:02:58,819 --> 00:03:00,874 questions about how the U . S . Will 68 00:03:00,874 --> 00:03:03,097 seek to manage that competition . There 69 00:03:03,097 --> 00:03:05,208 is particular concern about potential 70 00:03:05,208 --> 00:03:07,430 conflicts over Taiwan as well as in the 71 00:03:07,430 --> 00:03:10,480 south china sea here in Southeast Asia 72 00:03:10,480 --> 00:03:12,536 States are seeking cordial relations 73 00:03:12,536 --> 00:03:14,758 with both powers . Even at a time while 74 00:03:14,758 --> 00:03:16,869 questions are being asked about Asean 75 00:03:16,869 --> 00:03:18,758 and the role that it plays in the 76 00:03:18,758 --> 00:03:20,591 region's security landscapes and 77 00:03:20,591 --> 00:03:22,480 meanwhile there are other players 78 00:03:22,480 --> 00:03:24,702 coming into the region . To many of you 79 00:03:24,702 --> 00:03:26,591 will have seen the United Kingdom 80 00:03:26,591 --> 00:03:28,813 Carrier strike group passed through the 81 00:03:28,813 --> 00:03:30,480 straits yesterday , including 82 00:03:30,480 --> 00:03:32,702 significant U . S . Participation , one 83 00:03:32,702 --> 00:03:34,758 of many outside players beginning to 84 00:03:34,758 --> 00:03:36,758 play or seek to play a role in this 85 00:03:36,758 --> 00:03:39,350 region . Security . So Secretary Austin 86 00:03:39,350 --> 00:03:41,572 has entitled his address this evening , 87 00:03:41,572 --> 00:03:44,560 the imperative of partnership . And I 88 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:46,782 know that many of America's friends and 89 00:03:46,782 --> 00:03:48,940 partners in this audience and around 90 00:03:48,940 --> 00:03:50,829 the region are looking forward to 91 00:03:50,829 --> 00:03:52,996 learning about these points and others 92 00:03:52,996 --> 00:03:55,630 during the secretary's remarks . So 93 00:03:55,630 --> 00:03:58,260 before we begin some brief housekeeping , 94 00:03:58,840 --> 00:04:00,951 Our lecture this evening will run for 95 00:04:00,951 --> 00:04:03,510 one hour . We have as you can see 96 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:06,060 various safe management measures in 97 00:04:06,060 --> 00:04:08,950 place . We've asked that the audience 98 00:04:08,950 --> 00:04:12,190 do not take pictures during the lecture 99 00:04:12,190 --> 00:04:15,090 that the secretary gives . We'd ask you 100 00:04:15,100 --> 00:04:17,267 to turn off your phones or at least to 101 00:04:17,267 --> 00:04:20,470 turn them to silent When the Secretary 102 00:04:20,470 --> 00:04:22,637 comes to speak . He'll give his speech 103 00:04:22,637 --> 00:04:26,010 for 20 or 25 minutes . He's then agreed 104 00:04:26,010 --> 00:04:28,510 to take a period of questions , which I 105 00:04:28,510 --> 00:04:30,732 will moderate . Those questions will be 106 00:04:30,732 --> 00:04:32,843 taken partly from those of you in the 107 00:04:32,843 --> 00:04:35,010 room . If you want to ask a question , 108 00:04:35,010 --> 00:04:37,121 then raise your hand and I'll ask you 109 00:04:37,121 --> 00:04:39,232 to stand up and ask your questions so 110 00:04:39,232 --> 00:04:41,343 that you are clearly visible to those 111 00:04:41,343 --> 00:04:43,121 in the room , but also to those 112 00:04:43,121 --> 00:04:45,343 watching online , Those of you watching 113 00:04:45,343 --> 00:04:47,410 online , you can ask your questions 114 00:04:47,420 --> 00:04:50,180 using the zoom Q and a function . And I 115 00:04:50,180 --> 00:04:52,320 have a magic ipad on my desk and I'll 116 00:04:52,320 --> 00:04:54,376 be able to see them and pick a small 117 00:04:54,376 --> 00:04:56,660 selection . Um and then we'll end the 118 00:04:56,660 --> 00:05:00,230 event no later than 7:00 . So with that 119 00:05:00,760 --> 00:05:04,160 and on behalf of all of us at the and 120 00:05:04,170 --> 00:05:06,420 those of you in the room , I'd ask you 121 00:05:06,430 --> 00:05:08,310 to give a round of applause to 122 00:05:08,310 --> 00:05:11,490 Secretary Austin and Secretary Austin 123 00:05:11,510 --> 00:05:12,960 the floor is yours ? 124 00:05:45,640 --> 00:05:47,800 Well , good evening everyone . It's 125 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:50,930 great to be here in Singapore and it's 126 00:05:50,930 --> 00:05:53,450 an honor to be giving . What I'm told 127 00:05:53,940 --> 00:05:56,550 is the 40th fullerton lecture 128 00:05:58,140 --> 00:05:59,807 double I double S has done an 129 00:05:59,807 --> 00:06:02,860 outstanding job enriching our dialogue 130 00:06:02,870 --> 00:06:05,930 about the indo pacific and James . 131 00:06:05,930 --> 00:06:08,980 Thanks to you and john for all that 132 00:06:08,980 --> 00:06:11,360 you've done to make this event possible . 133 00:06:12,740 --> 00:06:15,150 It's also great to see Senior Minister 134 00:06:15,150 --> 00:06:18,260 T . O . And Minister of Defense 135 00:06:18,640 --> 00:06:21,610 on thank you both for your tremendous 136 00:06:21,610 --> 00:06:24,660 hospitality . Now 137 00:06:25,940 --> 00:06:29,850 we're meeting in difficult times but 138 00:06:29,850 --> 00:06:32,017 we're working with our friends so that 139 00:06:32,017 --> 00:06:34,120 we all come out of the pandemic 140 00:06:34,130 --> 00:06:37,930 stronger than before . I'm 141 00:06:37,930 --> 00:06:39,970 here to represent a new american 142 00:06:39,970 --> 00:06:42,960 administration but also to reaffirm , 143 00:06:43,640 --> 00:06:46,440 are enduring american commitments . And 144 00:06:46,440 --> 00:06:49,470 above all , I want to talk about the 145 00:06:49,470 --> 00:06:52,260 strategic imperative of partnership . 146 00:06:54,340 --> 00:06:57,690 You know , I learned a core lesson over 147 00:06:57,690 --> 00:07:01,480 four decades as a soldier in peace and 148 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:05,480 in war . And that lesson is that nobody 149 00:07:05,480 --> 00:07:07,702 can go it alone , at least not for very 150 00:07:07,702 --> 00:07:10,860 long . We are far stronger 151 00:07:11,740 --> 00:07:13,830 and for far longer when we come 152 00:07:13,830 --> 00:07:15,997 together than we when we let ourselves 153 00:07:15,997 --> 00:07:19,930 be split apart in the 154 00:07:19,930 --> 00:07:22,190 United States in this region are more 155 00:07:22,190 --> 00:07:26,000 secure and more prosperous . When we 156 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:28,770 work together with our allies and 157 00:07:28,770 --> 00:07:32,660 partners together with our friends , 158 00:07:32,660 --> 00:07:34,780 we face a range of challenges in this 159 00:07:34,780 --> 00:07:36,760 region that demand common action . 160 00:07:38,440 --> 00:07:40,800 There are transnational threats like 161 00:07:40,810 --> 00:07:43,032 the pandemic and the existential threat 162 00:07:43,032 --> 00:07:46,300 of climate change , the specter of 163 00:07:46,310 --> 00:07:49,920 coercion from rising powers , the 164 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:51,960 nuclear dangers from North Korea . 165 00:07:53,940 --> 00:07:56,190 The struggles against repression inside 166 00:07:56,190 --> 00:07:59,910 countries such as Myanmar and leaders 167 00:07:59,910 --> 00:08:03,680 who ignore the rule of law and abuse 168 00:08:03,680 --> 00:08:06,350 the basic rights and dignity that all 169 00:08:06,350 --> 00:08:07,360 people deserve . 170 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:12,460 We will meet those challenges together 171 00:08:14,540 --> 00:08:16,596 in the days ahead , I'll travel from 172 00:08:16,596 --> 00:08:18,596 Singapore to see my counterparts in 173 00:08:18,596 --> 00:08:22,350 Vietnam and the Philippines . I've come 174 00:08:22,350 --> 00:08:24,880 to Southeast Asia to deepen America's 175 00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:27,660 bonds with the allies and partners on 176 00:08:27,660 --> 00:08:30,160 whom our common security depends . 177 00:08:31,740 --> 00:08:34,400 Our network of alliances and 178 00:08:34,400 --> 00:08:37,270 friendships is an unparalleled 179 00:08:37,270 --> 00:08:40,960 strategic asset and I never 180 00:08:41,640 --> 00:08:43,860 take an ally for granted 181 00:08:46,540 --> 00:08:48,651 Together this region can rebuild from 182 00:08:48,651 --> 00:08:50,670 the pandemic and move forward to an 183 00:08:50,670 --> 00:08:53,730 even brighter future in an even 184 00:08:53,730 --> 00:08:56,900 stronger rules base , international 185 00:08:56,900 --> 00:09:00,480 order and that means more 186 00:09:00,480 --> 00:09:03,960 security , more stability , 187 00:09:04,840 --> 00:09:07,490 more prosperity , more resilience and 188 00:09:07,490 --> 00:09:11,300 more openness . We're proud to 189 00:09:11,300 --> 00:09:13,960 renew a longstanding bipartisan belief 190 00:09:15,240 --> 00:09:17,730 that our partnerships are especially 191 00:09:17,730 --> 00:09:20,870 vital in times of great challenge and 192 00:09:20,870 --> 00:09:24,370 change . You know , all of our 193 00:09:24,370 --> 00:09:26,590 countries have suffered from COVID-19 194 00:09:26,590 --> 00:09:30,510 and it's taking a terrible toll . Yet 195 00:09:30,520 --> 00:09:34,060 the indo pacific has been tested before . 196 00:09:35,540 --> 00:09:37,651 Our recent history has been marked by 197 00:09:37,651 --> 00:09:40,880 grave crises and by inspiring 198 00:09:40,890 --> 00:09:44,270 efforts to tackle them in common 199 00:09:44,270 --> 00:09:48,060 purpose . And we've seen it over and 200 00:09:48,060 --> 00:09:51,200 over again . From the aftermath of 201 00:09:51,200 --> 00:09:54,530 World War Two to the frost of the Cold 202 00:09:54,530 --> 00:09:57,890 War , the panic of the 203 00:09:57,890 --> 00:10:00,660 1997 financial crisis , 204 00:10:02,040 --> 00:10:04,950 To the ravages of the 2004 tsunami . 205 00:10:07,340 --> 00:10:09,284 Yet at so many key junctures , the 206 00:10:09,284 --> 00:10:11,451 countries of the indo pacific resisted 207 00:10:11,451 --> 00:10:15,170 the temptation to turn inward and 208 00:10:15,170 --> 00:10:18,530 instead forged strong ties and built 209 00:10:18,530 --> 00:10:22,250 the more inclusive and secure and 210 00:10:22,250 --> 00:10:23,361 prosperous region . 211 00:10:25,640 --> 00:10:28,250 Today , amid this merciless pandemic , 212 00:10:28,250 --> 00:10:31,220 we stand together at another hinge 213 00:10:31,230 --> 00:10:34,610 moment and we face another choice 214 00:10:34,610 --> 00:10:37,570 between the power of partnership and 215 00:10:37,570 --> 00:10:41,460 the dangers of division . I am 216 00:10:41,460 --> 00:10:44,080 confident that through our collective 217 00:10:44,080 --> 00:10:46,180 efforts , the indo pacific will rise 218 00:10:46,180 --> 00:10:49,920 again to the challenge . In 219 00:10:49,920 --> 00:10:53,350 America . We'll be right at your side 220 00:10:54,440 --> 00:10:56,162 just as an old friend should . 221 00:10:58,740 --> 00:11:00,780 And after COVID-19 we don't believe 222 00:11:00,780 --> 00:11:03,580 that the goal should be to just return 223 00:11:03,580 --> 00:11:06,660 to the way that things were . We stand 224 00:11:06,660 --> 00:11:08,660 ready to work together as President 225 00:11:08,660 --> 00:11:11,350 Biden says to build back better . 226 00:11:13,340 --> 00:11:15,560 And so the central question for us all 227 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:19,550 is how can we unite to recover and 228 00:11:19,550 --> 00:11:23,280 to and and rebuild and how do we 229 00:11:23,280 --> 00:11:26,590 work hand in hand to forge more 230 00:11:26,590 --> 00:11:29,160 resilient regional order ? 231 00:11:31,740 --> 00:11:33,962 We think that the answer involves three 232 00:11:33,962 --> 00:11:37,840 components and all of them are rooted 233 00:11:37,850 --> 00:11:40,350 in the imperative of partnership . 234 00:11:42,840 --> 00:11:45,460 First , the most urgent task is 235 00:11:45,460 --> 00:11:48,760 recovery . We must redouble our fight 236 00:11:48,760 --> 00:11:51,650 against Covid and raise up a safer , 237 00:11:52,340 --> 00:11:55,360 healthier and more prosperous future . 238 00:11:57,440 --> 00:12:00,740 Second , we must look further ahead and 239 00:12:00,740 --> 00:12:03,720 invest in the cooperation and the 240 00:12:03,720 --> 00:12:06,620 capabilities and the vision of 241 00:12:06,620 --> 00:12:08,787 deterrence that will meet the security 242 00:12:08,787 --> 00:12:12,280 challenges here in Southeast Asia and 243 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:16,230 across the indo , pacific and 244 00:12:16,230 --> 00:12:19,670 third , we must recommit ourselves 245 00:12:19,670 --> 00:12:23,420 to the great long term project of 246 00:12:23,420 --> 00:12:26,820 coming together as specific states to 247 00:12:26,820 --> 00:12:30,810 build a free and open region , one that 248 00:12:30,810 --> 00:12:33,730 stretches towards new horizons of 249 00:12:33,730 --> 00:12:37,290 partnership , prosperity and 250 00:12:37,290 --> 00:12:41,130 progress and let me talk a little bit 251 00:12:41,130 --> 00:12:44,500 more about these three areas . First 252 00:12:44,510 --> 00:12:45,160 Recovery , 253 00:12:48,540 --> 00:12:50,429 we must focus on the fundamentals 254 00:12:50,429 --> 00:12:52,651 working urgently together to tackle the 255 00:12:52,651 --> 00:12:55,720 covid crisis and to restore the 256 00:12:55,730 --> 00:12:58,560 region's economic dynamo dynamism . 257 00:13:01,240 --> 00:13:03,462 The pandemic has reminded us how deeply 258 00:13:03,462 --> 00:13:07,260 our world is going to woven today 259 00:13:07,940 --> 00:13:11,520 a threat to global health , anywhere is 260 00:13:11,520 --> 00:13:14,550 a threat to security everywhere . 261 00:13:16,640 --> 00:13:18,529 And so the United States has been 262 00:13:18,529 --> 00:13:20,510 rushing urgently needed assistance 263 00:13:21,140 --> 00:13:24,250 across the end of pacific and that 264 00:13:24,250 --> 00:13:26,660 includes testing equipment , oxygen 265 00:13:26,660 --> 00:13:30,300 supplies , P . P . E ventilators and 266 00:13:30,300 --> 00:13:33,910 storage for vaccines . My 267 00:13:33,910 --> 00:13:35,920 team has been pushing hard to find 268 00:13:35,930 --> 00:13:38,990 other ways to help including providing 269 00:13:38,990 --> 00:13:42,210 logistic support , establishing mobile 270 00:13:42,210 --> 00:13:45,600 clinics and offering new military 271 00:13:45,610 --> 00:13:49,250 medicine training . But 272 00:13:49,250 --> 00:13:52,840 global recovery requires 273 00:13:52,840 --> 00:13:56,720 global vaccination and so we are 274 00:13:56,720 --> 00:13:59,110 rushing lifesaving vaccine doses to the 275 00:13:59,110 --> 00:14:02,810 region . President Biden 276 00:14:02,810 --> 00:14:05,690 has committed to deliver more than 500 277 00:14:05,690 --> 00:14:09,270 million shots worldwide over the next 278 00:14:09,270 --> 00:14:12,650 year . In the indo pacific 279 00:14:13,140 --> 00:14:16,970 is a top priority . You 280 00:14:16,970 --> 00:14:20,360 know . In just the past two months , We 281 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:22,880 have shared some 40 million doses 282 00:14:22,880 --> 00:14:25,940 throughout the region , including 283 00:14:26,060 --> 00:14:28,560 Indonesia , louse 284 00:14:28,940 --> 00:14:32,270 Malaysia , the Philippines , south 285 00:14:32,270 --> 00:14:35,840 Korea Taiwan Thailand in 286 00:14:35,840 --> 00:14:39,060 Vietnam . Now 287 00:14:39,740 --> 00:14:41,796 the vaccines developed in the United 288 00:14:41,796 --> 00:14:45,740 States are medical miracles . They are 289 00:14:45,740 --> 00:14:48,240 incredibly effective at saving lives 290 00:14:48,240 --> 00:14:51,350 and preventing serious illness and you 291 00:14:51,350 --> 00:14:55,350 know what ? They're 292 00:14:55,350 --> 00:14:59,160 free , no conditions , 293 00:14:59,940 --> 00:15:03,650 no small print and no strings attached 294 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:07,850 because this is an emergency 295 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:13,450 and that's what friends do . So we'll 296 00:15:13,450 --> 00:15:15,590 keep working to end this plague for 297 00:15:15,590 --> 00:15:19,260 everyone and everywhere . And we 298 00:15:19,260 --> 00:15:21,330 watched with admiration as countries 299 00:15:21,330 --> 00:15:23,552 across the region have come together to 300 00:15:23,552 --> 00:15:26,750 fight it . When India was besieged , 301 00:15:26,750 --> 00:15:28,840 its friends stepped up and we salute 302 00:15:28,840 --> 00:15:31,690 Singapore for rushing to the scene with 303 00:15:31,700 --> 00:15:35,540 2 C130s carrying some 250 oxygen 304 00:15:35,540 --> 00:15:38,680 cylinders . In Singapore has three new 305 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:40,791 vaccine production facilities planned 306 00:15:40,791 --> 00:15:43,030 or under construction construction , 307 00:15:43,030 --> 00:15:45,510 which will help more rapidly deploy 308 00:15:45,510 --> 00:15:47,790 vaccines throughout the region in 309 00:15:47,790 --> 00:15:51,260 future crisis . Meanwhile , 310 00:15:51,940 --> 00:15:54,107 through the Quads vaccine initiative , 311 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:58,310 India , japan Australia and the United 312 00:15:58,310 --> 00:16:01,330 States have committed to producing and 313 00:16:01,330 --> 00:16:05,060 delivering a billion vaccine doses 314 00:16:05,540 --> 00:16:08,260 right here . In the end of pacific 315 00:16:09,640 --> 00:16:12,280 and south Korea is aiming to produce up 316 00:16:12,280 --> 00:16:14,650 to a billion vaccine doses this year 317 00:16:15,240 --> 00:16:17,462 and to help the United States and South 318 00:16:17,462 --> 00:16:20,360 Korea have established a comprehensive 319 00:16:20,940 --> 00:16:22,650 vaccine partnership . 320 00:16:25,140 --> 00:16:27,660 The pandemic is still raging 321 00:16:29,340 --> 00:16:32,650 and the road to recovery will be long . 322 00:16:34,340 --> 00:16:36,410 Yet . These partnerships reflect our 323 00:16:36,410 --> 00:16:39,150 common determination and common 324 00:16:39,150 --> 00:16:40,060 humanity 325 00:16:43,340 --> 00:16:45,500 and that brings me to the second way 326 00:16:45,500 --> 00:16:48,800 that our team work and create an even 327 00:16:48,800 --> 00:16:52,710 stronger region and that is by coming 328 00:16:52,710 --> 00:16:54,932 together to tackle current and emerging 329 00:16:54,932 --> 00:16:58,000 challenges in the region . That is the 330 00:16:58,000 --> 00:16:59,990 highest strategic priority for the 331 00:16:59,990 --> 00:17:02,050 Department of Defense , the indo 332 00:17:02,050 --> 00:17:05,890 pacific region . Now , President 333 00:17:05,890 --> 00:17:07,946 biden has made clear that the United 334 00:17:07,946 --> 00:17:11,870 States will lead with diplomacy and 335 00:17:11,870 --> 00:17:14,037 the Department of Defense will be here 336 00:17:14,037 --> 00:17:16,203 to provide the resolve and reassurance 337 00:17:16,940 --> 00:17:19,540 that America's diplomats can use to 338 00:17:19,540 --> 00:17:21,770 help prevent conflict from breaking out 339 00:17:22,340 --> 00:17:25,730 In the 1st place . As I've said 340 00:17:25,730 --> 00:17:28,830 before , it's always better to stamp 341 00:17:28,830 --> 00:17:31,052 out an emperor than to try to put out a 342 00:17:31,052 --> 00:17:34,860 blaze . So deterrence 343 00:17:35,540 --> 00:17:37,730 remains the cornerstone of american 344 00:17:37,730 --> 00:17:41,440 security . And for decades we have 345 00:17:41,440 --> 00:17:44,240 maintained the capabilities , the 346 00:17:44,240 --> 00:17:46,480 presence and the relationships needed 347 00:17:46,480 --> 00:17:49,600 to ward off conflict and to preserve 348 00:17:49,600 --> 00:17:52,810 the stability that lies at the heart of 349 00:17:52,810 --> 00:17:54,260 our shared prosperity . 350 00:17:56,540 --> 00:17:58,651 Yet emerging threats and cutting edge 351 00:17:58,651 --> 00:18:01,970 technologies are changing the face and 352 00:18:01,970 --> 00:18:05,440 the pace of warfare . So we're 353 00:18:05,440 --> 00:18:08,700 operating under a new 21st century 354 00:18:08,700 --> 00:18:11,550 vision that I call integrated 355 00:18:11,560 --> 00:18:15,150 deterrents . Now . Integrated 356 00:18:15,150 --> 00:18:18,190 deterrence means using every military 357 00:18:18,190 --> 00:18:22,090 and non military tool in our toolbox in 358 00:18:22,090 --> 00:18:24,860 lockstep with our allies and partners . 359 00:18:26,240 --> 00:18:28,296 Integrated deterrence is about using 360 00:18:28,296 --> 00:18:31,450 existing capabilities and and building 361 00:18:31,450 --> 00:18:34,230 new ones and deploying them all in new 362 00:18:34,230 --> 00:18:38,170 and network ways , all tailored to a 363 00:18:38,170 --> 00:18:42,060 region , security landscape and growing 364 00:18:42,440 --> 00:18:45,870 in partnership with our friends and so 365 00:18:45,870 --> 00:18:47,981 together , we're aiming to coordinate 366 00:18:47,981 --> 00:18:50,950 better the network tighter 367 00:18:51,940 --> 00:18:53,560 and to innovate faster . 368 00:18:56,040 --> 00:18:58,096 And we're working to ensure that our 369 00:18:58,096 --> 00:18:59,707 allies and partners have the 370 00:18:59,707 --> 00:19:02,070 capabilities , the capacities and the 371 00:19:02,070 --> 00:19:03,770 information that they need 372 00:19:06,140 --> 00:19:08,251 with our friends . We are stepping up 373 00:19:08,251 --> 00:19:11,820 our deterrents resilience and teamwork 374 00:19:11,830 --> 00:19:14,010 including in the cyber and space 375 00:19:14,010 --> 00:19:17,530 domains . We're working with our host 376 00:19:17,530 --> 00:19:20,370 here in Singapore to enter a new phase 377 00:19:20,380 --> 00:19:24,360 in cyber defense cooperation . We're 378 00:19:24,360 --> 00:19:26,750 partnering with Japan to deploy new 379 00:19:26,750 --> 00:19:29,600 sensors in space , the better detect 380 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:32,830 potentially threatening behaviors and 381 00:19:32,830 --> 00:19:35,720 exploring similar opportunities with 382 00:19:35,720 --> 00:19:39,360 other friends . I'm especially 383 00:19:39,360 --> 00:19:43,070 pleased that Singapore Has chosen to 384 00:19:43,070 --> 00:19:46,480 invest in the , in the F- 35 joint 385 00:19:46,490 --> 00:19:49,890 joint strike fighter . Now that's going 386 00:19:49,890 --> 00:19:52,030 to boost our collective capabilities 387 00:19:52,030 --> 00:19:54,820 and open up new opportunities for high 388 00:19:54,820 --> 00:19:56,560 end combined training . 389 00:19:59,640 --> 00:20:01,480 Integrated deterrence also means 390 00:20:01,480 --> 00:20:04,170 working with partners to deter coercion 391 00:20:04,740 --> 00:20:07,410 and aggression across the spectrum of 392 00:20:07,410 --> 00:20:10,800 conflict , including including in the 393 00:20:10,800 --> 00:20:13,470 so called gray zone where the rights 394 00:20:13,470 --> 00:20:15,710 and livelihoods of the people in 395 00:20:15,710 --> 00:20:19,060 Southeast Asia are coming under stress . 396 00:20:21,140 --> 00:20:23,307 That's why we're working to strengthen 397 00:20:23,307 --> 00:20:26,470 local capacity and to bolster maritime 398 00:20:26,470 --> 00:20:29,250 domain awareness so that nations can 399 00:20:29,250 --> 00:20:32,640 better protect their sovereignty as 400 00:20:32,640 --> 00:20:35,290 well as the fishing rights and the 401 00:20:35,300 --> 00:20:38,230 energy resources afforded them by 402 00:20:38,230 --> 00:20:41,960 international law . And 403 00:20:41,960 --> 00:20:43,720 meanwhile we're improving 404 00:20:43,720 --> 00:20:45,830 interoperability across our security 405 00:20:45,830 --> 00:20:49,300 network and that includes more complex 406 00:20:49,310 --> 00:20:53,230 exercises and training in Japan , for 407 00:20:53,230 --> 00:20:55,230 example , we recently wrapped up an 408 00:20:55,230 --> 00:20:58,050 ambitious , large scale exercise in 409 00:20:58,050 --> 00:21:01,450 which us and Japanese forces together 410 00:21:02,240 --> 00:21:04,450 conducted the first successful firing 411 00:21:04,450 --> 00:21:07,350 of a high mobility artillery rocket 412 00:21:07,350 --> 00:21:11,300 system in Japan and we 413 00:21:11,300 --> 00:21:13,540 recently held exercise . The exercise 414 00:21:13,540 --> 00:21:16,900 is known as the pacific vanguard and 415 00:21:16,900 --> 00:21:20,040 the talisman saber off the coast of 416 00:21:20,040 --> 00:21:23,560 Australia together with Japan Australia 417 00:21:23,570 --> 00:21:27,280 and the Republic of Korea . And that 418 00:21:27,290 --> 00:21:29,760 underscores our ability to carry out 419 00:21:30,940 --> 00:21:34,370 integrated high end maritime 420 00:21:34,370 --> 00:21:36,770 operations with our allies . 421 00:21:39,340 --> 00:21:41,173 Especially encouraged to see our 422 00:21:41,173 --> 00:21:43,396 friends building stronger security ties 423 00:21:43,396 --> 00:21:47,190 with one another , further reinforcing 424 00:21:47,190 --> 00:21:49,390 the array of partnerships that keeps 425 00:21:49,940 --> 00:21:53,620 aggression at bay . And 426 00:21:53,620 --> 00:21:55,731 meanwhile , we're working with Taiwan 427 00:21:55,731 --> 00:21:58,400 to enhance its own capabilities and to 428 00:21:58,400 --> 00:22:00,710 increase its readiness to deter threats 429 00:22:00,710 --> 00:22:03,480 and coercion , upholding our 430 00:22:03,480 --> 00:22:05,700 commitments under the Taiwan relations 431 00:22:05,700 --> 00:22:08,970 Act And consistent with our one China 432 00:22:08,980 --> 00:22:12,420 policy . At the same time , we're 433 00:22:12,420 --> 00:22:14,950 moving to enhance our combined presence 434 00:22:14,950 --> 00:22:17,650 in the end of pacific with other close 435 00:22:17,650 --> 00:22:21,270 partners and allies , think Britain's 436 00:22:21,270 --> 00:22:23,492 historic deployment of a carrier to the 437 00:22:23,492 --> 00:22:26,460 pacific the H . M . S . Queen Elizabeth 438 00:22:26,470 --> 00:22:28,581 is sailing through this region as the 439 00:22:28,581 --> 00:22:31,710 flagship of a multi nation carrier 440 00:22:31,710 --> 00:22:33,766 strike group that includes a U . S . 441 00:22:33,766 --> 00:22:37,760 Destroyer And a US Marine Corps F 35 442 00:22:37,760 --> 00:22:38,760 Squadron . 443 00:22:42,940 --> 00:22:45,470 All that brings me to the final way in 444 00:22:45,470 --> 00:22:48,270 which we can move forward together 445 00:22:49,440 --> 00:22:51,720 for the future that this region 446 00:22:51,730 --> 00:22:55,640 deserves . And 447 00:22:55,640 --> 00:22:58,150 I speak as a representative of of an 448 00:22:58,160 --> 00:23:01,390 indo pacific country with vital 449 00:23:01,390 --> 00:23:04,110 interests that are best served by a 450 00:23:04,110 --> 00:23:07,520 stable , open and 451 00:23:07,520 --> 00:23:11,440 prosperous region . Our strategic 452 00:23:11,440 --> 00:23:14,360 partnerships can carry us all closer to 453 00:23:14,360 --> 00:23:16,610 the historic common project of a free 454 00:23:16,610 --> 00:23:20,360 and open pacific at peace with itself 455 00:23:20,940 --> 00:23:24,770 and with the world a stronger , 456 00:23:24,780 --> 00:23:27,430 more stable region regional order where 457 00:23:27,430 --> 00:23:30,960 countries resolve disputes amicably 458 00:23:31,540 --> 00:23:34,360 and uphold all the rights of all their 459 00:23:34,360 --> 00:23:38,290 citizens to bring that day 460 00:23:38,290 --> 00:23:40,457 closer . We're working close . We were 461 00:23:40,457 --> 00:23:42,900 working through all alliances and 462 00:23:42,900 --> 00:23:45,490 through new partnerships and through 463 00:23:45,490 --> 00:23:48,040 regional and multilateral channels from 464 00:23:48,050 --> 00:23:51,710 Asean to the quad to the U . N . 465 00:23:51,710 --> 00:23:55,490 Security Council . We've long 466 00:23:55,490 --> 00:23:58,660 sought to create space for indo pacific 467 00:23:58,660 --> 00:24:01,360 countries to realize their highest 468 00:24:01,360 --> 00:24:03,720 aspirations and safeguard the rights of 469 00:24:03,720 --> 00:24:06,860 their citizens . And these joint 470 00:24:06,860 --> 00:24:09,860 efforts with our friends rely on more 471 00:24:09,870 --> 00:24:13,580 than just intersecting interest . They 472 00:24:13,590 --> 00:24:16,460 draw strength from common principles 473 00:24:18,140 --> 00:24:21,300 and that means a deep belief that 474 00:24:21,300 --> 00:24:25,060 countries must remain sovereign 475 00:24:25,840 --> 00:24:28,170 and free to chart their own destinies . 476 00:24:30,940 --> 00:24:33,760 Profound commitment to transparency , 477 00:24:34,440 --> 00:24:36,360 inclusion in the rule of law , 478 00:24:38,440 --> 00:24:42,200 a dedication to the freedom of the seas , 479 00:24:44,240 --> 00:24:46,410 devotion to human rights and human 480 00:24:46,410 --> 00:24:49,360 dignity and human decency 481 00:24:51,740 --> 00:24:53,920 and adherence to core international 482 00:24:53,920 --> 00:24:57,460 commitments and 483 00:24:58,240 --> 00:25:01,310 and insistence that disputes will be 484 00:25:01,310 --> 00:25:03,170 resolved peacefully . 485 00:25:05,940 --> 00:25:08,240 Yet this region has witnessed actions 486 00:25:08,240 --> 00:25:10,910 that just don't line up with those 487 00:25:10,910 --> 00:25:14,310 shared principles . Beijing's claim to 488 00:25:14,310 --> 00:25:16,366 the vast majority of the south china 489 00:25:16,366 --> 00:25:18,860 sea has no basis in international law . 490 00:25:20,140 --> 00:25:21,751 That assertion treads on the 491 00:25:21,751 --> 00:25:24,360 sovereignty of the states in the region . 492 00:25:25,940 --> 00:25:28,850 We continue to support the region's 493 00:25:28,850 --> 00:25:30,794 coastal states and upholding their 494 00:25:30,794 --> 00:25:34,750 rights under international law and 495 00:25:34,750 --> 00:25:36,690 we remain committed to the treaty 496 00:25:36,690 --> 00:25:39,740 obligations that we have to Japan in 497 00:25:39,740 --> 00:25:41,462 the Senkaku islands and to the 498 00:25:41,462 --> 00:25:44,360 Philippines in the south china sea . 499 00:25:45,940 --> 00:25:48,500 Unfortunately , Beijing's unwillingness 500 00:25:48,500 --> 00:25:51,440 to resolve disputes peacefully and 501 00:25:51,440 --> 00:25:54,760 respect the rule of law isn't just 502 00:25:54,760 --> 00:25:58,080 occurring on the water . We've also 503 00:25:58,080 --> 00:25:59,760 seen aggression against India 504 00:26:00,540 --> 00:26:02,950 destabilizing military activity and 505 00:26:02,960 --> 00:26:05,016 other forms of co origin against the 506 00:26:05,016 --> 00:26:08,100 people of Taiwan and genocide and 507 00:26:08,100 --> 00:26:10,850 crimes against humanity against weaker 508 00:26:10,850 --> 00:26:12,960 Muslims in Xinjiang . 509 00:26:15,240 --> 00:26:17,360 Now , these differences and disputes 510 00:26:17,370 --> 00:26:20,790 are real , but the way that you manage 511 00:26:20,790 --> 00:26:24,750 them counts , we will not flinch when 512 00:26:24,750 --> 00:26:26,861 our interests are threatened yet . We 513 00:26:26,861 --> 00:26:30,440 do not seek confrontation . So let me 514 00:26:30,440 --> 00:26:34,260 be clear as secretary , I am committed 515 00:26:34,260 --> 00:26:37,560 to pursuing a constructive , 516 00:26:38,140 --> 00:26:40,560 stable relationship with china 517 00:26:41,940 --> 00:26:43,670 including stronger crisis 518 00:26:43,670 --> 00:26:45,503 communications with the People's 519 00:26:45,503 --> 00:26:49,350 Liberation Army . You know , big 520 00:26:49,350 --> 00:26:52,310 powers need to model transparency and 521 00:26:52,310 --> 00:26:56,260 communication and so we hope that we 522 00:26:56,260 --> 00:26:58,149 can work together with Beijing on 523 00:26:58,149 --> 00:27:01,280 common challenges , especially the 524 00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:05,250 threat of climate change . Yet even 525 00:27:05,250 --> 00:27:08,570 in times of competition are enduring 526 00:27:08,570 --> 00:27:11,600 ties in Southeast Asia are bigger than 527 00:27:11,600 --> 00:27:15,320 just geopolitics . As Prime Minister 528 00:27:15,320 --> 00:27:18,790 lee has counseled , we are not asking 529 00:27:18,790 --> 00:27:20,679 countries in the region to choose 530 00:27:20,679 --> 00:27:22,790 between the United States and china . 531 00:27:24,340 --> 00:27:26,451 In fact , many of our partnerships in 532 00:27:26,451 --> 00:27:29,020 the region are older and the people's 533 00:27:29,020 --> 00:27:30,670 republic of china itself . 534 00:27:33,040 --> 00:27:34,984 And that's why we're expanding our 535 00:27:34,984 --> 00:27:36,651 important work with countries 536 00:27:36,651 --> 00:27:38,818 throughout the end of pacific and with 537 00:27:38,818 --> 00:27:41,120 Asean itself a critical body that 538 00:27:41,120 --> 00:27:43,120 brings the region closer together , 539 00:27:44,340 --> 00:27:47,180 offering everyone a voice building 540 00:27:47,180 --> 00:27:49,270 deeper habits of cooperation . 541 00:27:51,340 --> 00:27:54,030 And I'll say that I am personally , I'm 542 00:27:54,030 --> 00:27:56,350 proud that my predecessors and I have 543 00:27:56,350 --> 00:27:59,460 attended every single meeting of the 544 00:27:59,460 --> 00:28:02,860 Asean defense Ministers meeting plus a 545 00:28:02,860 --> 00:28:06,000 venue that is increasingly central to 546 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:08,056 the region's security architecture . 547 00:28:10,040 --> 00:28:12,630 Asean is also showing its ability to 548 00:28:12,630 --> 00:28:15,260 lead on the region's most important 549 00:28:15,260 --> 00:28:19,080 issues and we applaud ASean for its 550 00:28:19,090 --> 00:28:21,380 efforts to end the tragic violence in 551 00:28:21,380 --> 00:28:25,110 Myanmar . The Myanmar 552 00:28:25,110 --> 00:28:28,950 military's refusal to respect the 553 00:28:28,960 --> 00:28:30,970 inalienable rights of the burmese 554 00:28:30,970 --> 00:28:34,970 people and to defend their basic well 555 00:28:34,970 --> 00:28:38,850 being is flatly unacceptable . 556 00:28:40,740 --> 00:28:43,460 A military exists to serve its people , 557 00:28:44,040 --> 00:28:47,470 not the other way around . And so we 558 00:28:47,470 --> 00:28:49,980 call on the Myanmar military to adhere 559 00:28:49,980 --> 00:28:53,260 to the Asean five point consensus 560 00:28:53,940 --> 00:28:56,670 and to forge a lasting peace 561 00:28:59,040 --> 00:29:01,360 as Asean plays its central role . We're 562 00:29:01,360 --> 00:29:04,150 also focusing on complementary 563 00:29:04,150 --> 00:29:07,620 mechanisms in the region . I know how 564 00:29:07,620 --> 00:29:09,842 pleased President biden was to host the 565 00:29:09,842 --> 00:29:12,620 first Quad Leaders summit in March and 566 00:29:12,620 --> 00:29:14,509 structures like the quad make the 567 00:29:14,509 --> 00:29:16,840 region's security architecture even 568 00:29:16,840 --> 00:29:20,220 more durable . We're also taking a 569 00:29:20,220 --> 00:29:22,430 leading role at the U . N . Security 570 00:29:22,430 --> 00:29:25,710 Council that includes enforcing its 571 00:29:25,710 --> 00:29:28,860 critical resolutions about nuclear 572 00:29:28,860 --> 00:29:31,670 dangers on the korean peninsula . 573 00:29:33,240 --> 00:29:36,090 And we're taking a calibrated practical 574 00:29:36,090 --> 00:29:39,590 approach . That leaves the door open to 575 00:29:39,600 --> 00:29:43,510 diplomacy with North Korea . Even while 576 00:29:43,510 --> 00:29:45,470 we maintain our readiness to deter 577 00:29:45,470 --> 00:29:47,470 aggression and to uphold our treaty 578 00:29:47,470 --> 00:29:49,840 commitments and the will of the 579 00:29:49,840 --> 00:29:50,896 Security Council . 580 00:29:54,340 --> 00:29:56,562 Our partnerships draw strength from our 581 00:29:56,562 --> 00:29:59,200 shared belief in greater openness in 582 00:29:59,200 --> 00:30:01,311 our belief that people live best when 583 00:30:01,311 --> 00:30:04,320 they govern themselves . Now , our 584 00:30:04,320 --> 00:30:06,542 democratic values aren't always easy to 585 00:30:06,542 --> 00:30:09,730 reach and the United States doesn't 586 00:30:09,730 --> 00:30:13,240 always get it right . We've seen some 587 00:30:13,240 --> 00:30:17,080 painful lapses like the unacceptable 588 00:30:17,080 --> 00:30:19,840 and frankly un american discrimination 589 00:30:19,840 --> 00:30:22,410 that some asian americans and pacific 590 00:30:22,410 --> 00:30:25,360 Islanders have endured in my country in 591 00:30:25,360 --> 00:30:29,280 recent months . I believe that 592 00:30:29,280 --> 00:30:31,990 we're better than that . Far better 593 00:30:31,990 --> 00:30:35,310 than that . But you know , we are 594 00:30:35,310 --> 00:30:38,500 trying to hide our mistakes when a 595 00:30:38,500 --> 00:30:42,270 democracy stumbles , everyone can 596 00:30:42,270 --> 00:30:46,200 see and hear it . It's broadcast and 597 00:30:46,200 --> 00:30:49,560 loud and living color and not hushed up 598 00:30:49,560 --> 00:30:52,660 by the state . And our openness gives 599 00:30:52,660 --> 00:30:54,940 us the built in ability to self correct 600 00:30:54,940 --> 00:30:57,620 and to strive towards a more perfect 601 00:30:57,620 --> 00:31:01,360 union . And when we come up short , 602 00:31:03,240 --> 00:31:05,470 when we stray from our constitutions 603 00:31:05,470 --> 00:31:09,210 wisdom , we have a pretty good track 604 00:31:09,220 --> 00:31:12,070 record of owning up and trying to do 605 00:31:12,070 --> 00:31:15,690 better even in 606 00:31:15,690 --> 00:31:18,210 times of challenge . Our democracy is a 607 00:31:18,210 --> 00:31:20,670 powerful engine for its own renewal . 608 00:31:23,640 --> 00:31:25,696 And we've embarked upon an ambitious 609 00:31:25,696 --> 00:31:27,862 program to build back better after the 610 00:31:27,862 --> 00:31:31,640 pandemic , President biden likes to 611 00:31:31,640 --> 00:31:33,740 tell the world leaders that he meets 612 00:31:33,750 --> 00:31:37,460 with that . It's never , ever , 613 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:41,090 ever been a good bet to bet against 614 00:31:41,100 --> 00:31:41,760 America . 615 00:31:45,140 --> 00:31:47,362 Ladies and gentlemen , what ties all of 616 00:31:47,362 --> 00:31:49,473 this together is one simple insight . 617 00:31:51,440 --> 00:31:53,384 When we work hand in hand with our 618 00:31:53,384 --> 00:31:55,329 friends , we are stronger and more 619 00:31:55,329 --> 00:31:57,770 secure than we could ever be on our own 620 00:31:59,740 --> 00:32:02,980 and that's what guides my approach this 621 00:32:02,980 --> 00:32:05,380 most important region . As Secretary of 622 00:32:05,380 --> 00:32:09,090 Defense , our alliances are 623 00:32:09,100 --> 00:32:12,810 unmatched , an unrivaled and they are a 624 00:32:12,810 --> 00:32:15,060 source of strength and security . 625 00:32:17,940 --> 00:32:20,051 Our countries share the shores of the 626 00:32:20,051 --> 00:32:23,080 pacific , but we also share an 627 00:32:23,080 --> 00:32:24,820 understanding of the power of 628 00:32:24,820 --> 00:32:28,690 partnership . Geography has made 629 00:32:28,690 --> 00:32:31,220 us neighbor as neighbors . As president 630 00:32:31,220 --> 00:32:34,950 Kennedy . Once put it vision and 631 00:32:34,950 --> 00:32:38,360 values have made us friends 632 00:32:40,140 --> 00:32:42,780 as a fellow indo pacific country . We 633 00:32:42,780 --> 00:32:45,230 believe that the next chapter in the 634 00:32:45,230 --> 00:32:47,470 story of this region can be an 635 00:32:47,470 --> 00:32:51,280 inspiring one . A time where as 636 00:32:51,280 --> 00:32:55,210 President biden likes to say , hope and 637 00:32:55,210 --> 00:32:58,940 history rhyme . So we 638 00:32:58,940 --> 00:33:02,270 stand together with you as your allies , 639 00:33:03,340 --> 00:33:06,350 your partners and your friends 640 00:33:07,540 --> 00:33:09,850 because we know that no one can go it 641 00:33:09,850 --> 00:33:13,160 alone and we are confident 642 00:33:14,240 --> 00:33:18,060 that together we can build a brighter 643 00:33:18,640 --> 00:33:22,000 and better future for all of our 644 00:33:22,000 --> 00:33:24,660 Children . Thank you very much . 645 00:33:27,440 --> 00:33:31,270 Mhm . Yeah . 646 00:33:42,840 --> 00:33:45,830 You for that mr Secretary . Um Well now 647 00:33:45,830 --> 00:33:47,997 enter the question and answer phase of 648 00:33:47,997 --> 00:33:50,108 this evening's proceedings and I will 649 00:33:50,108 --> 00:33:52,430 take questions both from our online 650 00:33:52,440 --> 00:33:55,170 audience where we have close to 1000 651 00:33:55,170 --> 00:33:57,530 people watching and in here in the room . 652 00:33:57,530 --> 00:33:59,752 And let me start with one of our online 653 00:33:59,752 --> 00:34:01,760 questions which is from Ambassador 654 00:34:01,760 --> 00:34:03,760 Tommy koh who couldn't join us here 655 00:34:03,760 --> 00:34:05,982 this evening but is known to many of us 656 00:34:05,982 --> 00:34:08,038 in this room . And it touches on the 657 00:34:08,038 --> 00:34:09,982 question you raised in your speech 658 00:34:09,982 --> 00:34:11,982 about the relationship mR Secretary 659 00:34:11,982 --> 00:34:14,590 between Asean and the quad . Um So you 660 00:34:14,590 --> 00:34:16,368 describe these as complementary 661 00:34:16,368 --> 00:34:19,710 mechanisms . But Ambassador Co asks has 662 00:34:19,710 --> 00:34:21,877 the U . S . Decided to give the quad a 663 00:34:21,877 --> 00:34:24,330 higher priority than Asean ? And will 664 00:34:24,330 --> 00:34:26,880 this lead to the marginalization of 665 00:34:26,890 --> 00:34:30,860 Asean , as you heard 666 00:34:30,860 --> 00:34:34,110 me say earlier ? Um 667 00:34:34,120 --> 00:34:37,850 Asean is critical to this region and 668 00:34:38,640 --> 00:34:42,120 critical to the United States , that it 669 00:34:42,120 --> 00:34:46,050 brings stability and peace 670 00:34:46,210 --> 00:34:48,500 to the region . It has done remarkable 671 00:34:48,500 --> 00:34:52,420 things and um you can expect that 672 00:34:52,420 --> 00:34:55,710 we will remain uh engaged with Asean as 673 00:34:55,710 --> 00:34:57,654 we have been in the past . And you 674 00:34:57,654 --> 00:34:59,599 heard me say that , you know , I'm 675 00:34:59,599 --> 00:35:02,330 proud of the fact that you know , my 676 00:35:02,330 --> 00:35:05,090 predecessors and I have made every 677 00:35:05,100 --> 00:35:08,340 uh defense ministers meeting plus 678 00:35:08,350 --> 00:35:11,660 uh and uh we clearly value 679 00:35:12,240 --> 00:35:15,420 um you know that the goodness that 680 00:35:15,420 --> 00:35:17,364 Asean brings to the region and the 681 00:35:17,364 --> 00:35:19,830 stability that it works to create . And 682 00:35:19,830 --> 00:35:22,410 so we don't see the two , the two 683 00:35:22,410 --> 00:35:25,800 organizations or entities competing 684 00:35:25,800 --> 00:35:28,000 with each other . We see them as 685 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:30,990 complementary . The goal is to is to 686 00:35:30,990 --> 00:35:34,050 work to build greater stability and 687 00:35:34,050 --> 00:35:37,640 peace in the region . And also uh to 688 00:35:37,650 --> 00:35:40,740 uh to ensure 689 00:35:40,740 --> 00:35:44,670 that that we're working towards that 690 00:35:45,440 --> 00:35:48,170 rules based order that you heard me 691 00:35:48,170 --> 00:35:50,750 mentioned earlier . Again , we'd like 692 00:35:50,750 --> 00:35:53,450 to see uh us continue to maintain a 693 00:35:53,450 --> 00:35:55,760 free and open indo pacific region . 694 00:35:56,640 --> 00:35:58,751 Very good . Let me turn to a question 695 00:35:58,751 --> 00:36:00,696 from the room link . Walk from the 696 00:36:00,696 --> 00:36:02,862 double I double S Lynn if you wouldn't 697 00:36:02,862 --> 00:36:04,751 mind putting your laptop down and 698 00:36:04,751 --> 00:36:06,751 standing up so people can see you . 699 00:36:06,930 --> 00:36:09,890 Thank you so much . Mr Secretary . You 700 00:36:09,890 --> 00:36:12,020 focused a lot on partnerships today . 701 00:36:12,020 --> 00:36:13,950 And I'd like to ask two questions 702 00:36:13,950 --> 00:36:17,290 regarding that . First , you talked 703 00:36:17,290 --> 00:36:21,290 about . Well , first , the ability of 704 00:36:21,290 --> 00:36:23,179 the United States to forge strong 705 00:36:23,179 --> 00:36:25,346 partnerships in the region will depend 706 00:36:25,346 --> 00:36:27,290 at least in part on its ability to 707 00:36:27,290 --> 00:36:29,512 assuage concerns in the region that the 708 00:36:29,512 --> 00:36:31,234 U . S . Is being unnecessarily 709 00:36:31,234 --> 00:36:34,140 combative in relations relations to 710 00:36:34,150 --> 00:36:37,740 china . Um Your Assistant 711 00:36:37,740 --> 00:36:41,220 Secretary once said before in testimony 712 00:36:41,230 --> 00:36:44,450 that the trump administration was 713 00:36:44,930 --> 00:36:48,740 combative was was confrontational 714 00:36:48,740 --> 00:36:51,290 without being competitive . How well do 715 00:36:51,290 --> 00:36:53,290 you think that that how well do you 716 00:36:53,290 --> 00:36:55,512 think the biden administration has done 717 00:36:55,512 --> 00:36:58,100 in being competitive without being 718 00:36:58,100 --> 00:37:00,660 confrontational attention's around 719 00:37:00,660 --> 00:37:04,030 Taiwan ? Uh decades long high . Uh The 720 00:37:04,030 --> 00:37:06,197 biden administration has also retained 721 00:37:06,197 --> 00:37:08,160 much of the policies of the trump 722 00:37:08,160 --> 00:37:10,049 administration in relationship in 723 00:37:10,049 --> 00:37:12,390 relations to china . So , first , 724 00:37:12,400 --> 00:37:14,622 that's my first question . On my second 725 00:37:14,622 --> 00:37:16,622 question , you'll be traveling from 726 00:37:16,622 --> 00:37:19,430 Singapore to Vietnam as well as to the 727 00:37:19,430 --> 00:37:23,260 Philippines . Um how 728 00:37:23,260 --> 00:37:25,380 well do you think the framing of the 729 00:37:25,380 --> 00:37:28,500 geopolitical competition around 730 00:37:28,510 --> 00:37:32,340 uh authoritarian versus uh liberal 731 00:37:32,340 --> 00:37:36,110 states ? Um how well do you think 732 00:37:36,110 --> 00:37:37,832 that fares in terms of forging 733 00:37:37,832 --> 00:37:40,054 partnerships in Southeast Asia ? Do you 734 00:37:40,054 --> 00:37:42,110 think it's it's a framing that works 735 00:37:42,110 --> 00:37:43,943 well in the region ? Thank you . 736 00:37:48,330 --> 00:37:51,370 So , and you can correct me if I get 737 00:37:51,370 --> 00:37:55,370 off track in terms of uh , answering 738 00:37:55,370 --> 00:37:57,648 your question specifically , I want to , 739 00:37:58,330 --> 00:38:02,140 I think the first question was , uh , 740 00:38:03,720 --> 00:38:05,664 what was focused on whether or not 741 00:38:05,664 --> 00:38:08,990 we're competing with china or were in 742 00:38:08,990 --> 00:38:11,323 contention with china . Is that correct ? 743 00:38:13,120 --> 00:38:15,453 How well do we think ? Do I think we're , 744 00:38:15,453 --> 00:38:17,453 I think we're doing a great job and 745 00:38:17,453 --> 00:38:20,400 quite quite frankly from the very 746 00:38:20,400 --> 00:38:22,567 beginning , you've heard our president 747 00:38:22,567 --> 00:38:25,750 say that the type of relationship that 748 00:38:25,750 --> 00:38:27,583 we seek with china is not one of 749 00:38:27,583 --> 00:38:31,060 contention . Uh , we we compete 750 00:38:31,060 --> 00:38:33,060 necessarily because we're too great 751 00:38:33,060 --> 00:38:36,540 economic powers . We both have 752 00:38:37,120 --> 00:38:40,240 impressive military might , 753 00:38:40,720 --> 00:38:44,360 but we don't seek , you know , a 754 00:38:44,360 --> 00:38:47,440 conflict with china . We recognize that 755 00:38:47,440 --> 00:38:49,607 we will compete . We want to make sure 756 00:38:49,607 --> 00:38:53,450 that that we deter conflict 757 00:38:53,890 --> 00:38:57,430 in in every case at every 758 00:38:57,430 --> 00:38:59,541 opportunity . And we'll work with our 759 00:38:59,541 --> 00:39:01,652 allies and partners to make sure that 760 00:39:01,652 --> 00:39:04,450 we have the capacity and the capability , 761 00:39:04,820 --> 00:39:08,600 uh , that any adversary that we would 762 00:39:08,600 --> 00:39:10,550 want to take us on along with our 763 00:39:10,550 --> 00:39:12,217 partners would be very , very 764 00:39:12,217 --> 00:39:14,310 discouraged to do that . And I think 765 00:39:14,310 --> 00:39:16,830 we're doing a good job of that . I 766 00:39:16,830 --> 00:39:19,900 think you've seen us uh , really reach 767 00:39:19,900 --> 00:39:23,780 out a lot more to engage our 768 00:39:23,790 --> 00:39:25,957 our allies and partners and strengthen 769 00:39:25,957 --> 00:39:28,179 those relationships . That's a big part 770 00:39:28,179 --> 00:39:30,234 of this now , we're also making sure 771 00:39:30,234 --> 00:39:32,450 that we have , we continue to have 772 00:39:33,120 --> 00:39:37,100 credible um , military 773 00:39:37,100 --> 00:39:39,360 capability . Again , that would deter 774 00:39:39,370 --> 00:39:41,710 anyone that would want to take , take 775 00:39:41,710 --> 00:39:43,821 us make the mistake of taking us on . 776 00:39:44,520 --> 00:39:46,742 But this is a competition , not just in 777 00:39:46,742 --> 00:39:49,950 the military realm . It's a competition 778 00:39:50,420 --> 00:39:53,470 in the economic realm in the science 779 00:39:53,470 --> 00:39:57,070 and technology . And you name it again . 780 00:39:57,070 --> 00:40:00,630 One that should not spur conflict , 781 00:40:01,210 --> 00:40:03,830 but one that we recognize that there 782 00:40:03,830 --> 00:40:06,080 will be competition because we are two 783 00:40:06,080 --> 00:40:10,020 very large countries with extremely 784 00:40:10,020 --> 00:40:13,510 large economies uh in terms 785 00:40:13,510 --> 00:40:17,040 of how our allies and 786 00:40:17,040 --> 00:40:20,330 partners in Vietnam and other places 787 00:40:20,330 --> 00:40:23,910 view us . Um and how they look at the 788 00:40:23,910 --> 00:40:27,130 message that uh that we bring to others . 789 00:40:28,310 --> 00:40:31,010 We will always lead with our values 790 00:40:31,020 --> 00:40:33,460 that's really important to us . And and 791 00:40:33,460 --> 00:40:36,960 we will discuss those values with with 792 00:40:36,960 --> 00:40:39,770 our friends and allies that everywhere 793 00:40:39,770 --> 00:40:43,040 we go and we don't make any bones about 794 00:40:43,040 --> 00:40:45,207 that . And I think people realize that 795 00:40:45,207 --> 00:40:47,040 that's who we are as americans . 796 00:40:51,010 --> 00:40:53,600 Let me let me ask a question a few more 797 00:40:53,600 --> 00:40:56,540 questions from the online audience . So 798 00:40:56,550 --> 00:40:58,910 one from Evan Laksamana , who's a 799 00:40:58,920 --> 00:41:01,087 researcher and Indonesian researcher , 800 00:41:01,087 --> 00:41:03,198 you've discussed what the U . S . Has 801 00:41:03,198 --> 00:41:05,253 been doing for the region . But what 802 00:41:05,253 --> 00:41:07,198 does the U . S . Expects Southeast 803 00:41:07,198 --> 00:41:10,140 Asian States due to do to make up their 804 00:41:10,140 --> 00:41:12,330 fair share of defending the shared 805 00:41:12,330 --> 00:41:14,441 interests of indo pacific countries ? 806 00:41:14,610 --> 00:41:16,832 In other words , what sort of resources 807 00:41:16,832 --> 00:41:18,721 and efforts would you like to see 808 00:41:18,721 --> 00:41:21,250 Southeast Asian States give or invest 809 00:41:21,370 --> 00:41:23,481 to the collective defense of the indo 810 00:41:23,481 --> 00:41:26,950 pacific well , if you consider all the 811 00:41:26,950 --> 00:41:29,360 things that uh that our allies and 812 00:41:29,360 --> 00:41:32,630 partners bring to the table in terms of 813 00:41:33,310 --> 00:41:37,170 capabilities and in the cyber realm 814 00:41:37,170 --> 00:41:40,810 capabilities , you know in 815 00:41:40,820 --> 00:41:42,640 in in terms of 816 00:41:43,770 --> 00:41:47,400 forces , uh 817 00:41:47,410 --> 00:41:49,466 they are allies and partners already 818 00:41:49,466 --> 00:41:52,840 bring significant capabilities . Our 819 00:41:52,840 --> 00:41:55,062 goal is to make sure that we're working 820 00:41:55,062 --> 00:41:57,062 closely with allies and partners so 821 00:41:57,062 --> 00:42:00,710 that we so that we ensure that we have 822 00:42:00,710 --> 00:42:02,766 the right policies and procedures so 823 00:42:02,766 --> 00:42:04,932 that when the time comes , if the time 824 00:42:04,932 --> 00:42:06,932 ever comes , and hopefully it never 825 00:42:06,932 --> 00:42:09,590 does that we can work together in a 826 00:42:09,590 --> 00:42:13,100 seamless fashion . We would also hope 827 00:42:13,100 --> 00:42:15,211 that our allies and partners continue 828 00:42:15,211 --> 00:42:18,760 to work with us to ensure that , you 829 00:42:18,760 --> 00:42:22,000 know , the region remains a safe and 830 00:42:22,010 --> 00:42:25,620 open region that promotes commerce and 831 00:42:25,620 --> 00:42:27,731 that protects the sovereign rights of 832 00:42:27,731 --> 00:42:31,660 individual nations . Let me let me 833 00:42:31,660 --> 00:42:33,993 take another question from the audience . 834 00:42:33,993 --> 00:42:35,827 So I saw charlie McCann's hand , 835 00:42:35,827 --> 00:42:37,716 charlie McCain from the economist 836 00:42:37,716 --> 00:42:40,110 newspaper . We'll just get a microphone 837 00:42:40,110 --> 00:42:41,720 over to you , charlie . Um 838 00:42:44,300 --> 00:42:46,633 Thank you Mr Secretary for your remarks . 839 00:42:46,633 --> 00:42:49,320 Um in your speech , you applauded as a 840 00:42:49,320 --> 00:42:51,650 in efforts to end the conflict in 841 00:42:51,650 --> 00:42:55,110 Myanmar . However , the Hunter has 842 00:42:55,110 --> 00:42:57,680 flatly ignored as young as five point 843 00:42:57,680 --> 00:43:00,610 consensus , the violence continues . 844 00:43:01,000 --> 00:43:03,230 It's not holding talks with the 845 00:43:03,230 --> 00:43:06,000 national unity Government and three 846 00:43:06,000 --> 00:43:08,580 months after committing to appoint a 847 00:43:08,580 --> 00:43:12,120 special envoy , Asean has yet to do so . 848 00:43:13,400 --> 00:43:15,780 Hasn't doesn't that suggest that Asean 849 00:43:15,790 --> 00:43:19,060 uh is not up to the task of resolving 850 00:43:19,060 --> 00:43:21,220 the conflict in Myanmar ? Thank you . 851 00:43:22,000 --> 00:43:24,056 Well , first of all , we remain very 852 00:43:24,056 --> 00:43:26,030 concerned about the trajectory of 853 00:43:26,030 --> 00:43:28,680 events in Myanmar . As you heard me 854 00:43:28,680 --> 00:43:32,500 mention earlier , we will continue to 855 00:43:32,510 --> 00:43:34,732 to work with our allies and partners in 856 00:43:34,732 --> 00:43:38,120 the region to encourage 857 00:43:38,800 --> 00:43:41,670 uh the military and Myanmar 858 00:43:41,670 --> 00:43:44,790 to move in the right direction to 859 00:43:44,790 --> 00:43:48,620 release the civilians that it's 860 00:43:48,620 --> 00:43:51,840 holding as prisoners now . 861 00:43:51,850 --> 00:43:55,090 And and Asean obviously plays a key 862 00:43:55,090 --> 00:43:57,010 role or can play a key role . We 863 00:43:57,020 --> 00:43:59,076 certainly will continue to encourage 864 00:43:59,076 --> 00:44:02,920 our uh Asean to continue to work 865 00:44:02,920 --> 00:44:05,142 this issue , but make no mistake . This 866 00:44:05,142 --> 00:44:07,930 is a very difficult issue and that if 867 00:44:07,930 --> 00:44:10,041 it were easy to resolve it would have 868 00:44:10,041 --> 00:44:11,986 already been done . But we applaud 869 00:44:12,190 --> 00:44:14,357 Asean for its efforts and we certainly 870 00:44:14,357 --> 00:44:16,579 encourage Ossian to continue to work at 871 00:44:16,579 --> 00:44:19,030 this along with with other allies and 872 00:44:19,030 --> 00:44:22,130 partners . Let me take another question 873 00:44:22,130 --> 00:44:24,400 from our online audience . So this is 874 00:44:24,400 --> 00:44:28,320 one from Matteo shot . He's a question 875 00:44:28,320 --> 00:44:30,487 about the Philippines , which is where 876 00:44:30,487 --> 00:44:32,487 the secretary is going later on his 877 00:44:32,487 --> 00:44:34,653 trip . How does the United States plan 878 00:44:34,653 --> 00:44:36,764 to save the Visiting forces agreement 879 00:44:36,764 --> 00:44:39,240 with the Philippines ? Um Well , this 880 00:44:39,240 --> 00:44:42,970 is uh something that we again we'll 881 00:44:42,970 --> 00:44:45,510 continue to work on with the leadership 882 00:44:46,090 --> 00:44:48,146 in the Philippines . The Philippines 883 00:44:48,146 --> 00:44:51,910 are very important country to us and we 884 00:44:52,390 --> 00:44:56,190 uh we treasure there 885 00:44:56,200 --> 00:44:57,922 that that relationship , their 886 00:44:57,922 --> 00:44:59,811 partnership . I think there are a 887 00:44:59,811 --> 00:45:02,144 number of things that we have in common . 888 00:45:02,144 --> 00:45:04,270 I and I look forward to having a 889 00:45:04,270 --> 00:45:06,492 discussion with the Minister of Defense 890 00:45:06,492 --> 00:45:08,440 and and the leadership about the 891 00:45:08,440 --> 00:45:11,610 potential of extending the agreement . 892 00:45:11,620 --> 00:45:14,930 But again , this is the thing that is 893 00:45:14,930 --> 00:45:16,874 the work continues to be a work in 894 00:45:16,874 --> 00:45:19,410 progress . And so far I think we're in 895 00:45:19,410 --> 00:45:21,577 a good place . We'll continue to build 896 00:45:21,577 --> 00:45:24,520 upon the progress that we've made . I 897 00:45:24,530 --> 00:45:26,752 saw a question from you and Graham , my 898 00:45:26,752 --> 00:45:28,974 colleague at the double I double S . Um 899 00:45:28,974 --> 00:45:31,197 if we could have a microphone down here 900 00:45:31,197 --> 00:45:34,760 to the front , thank you . 901 00:45:34,770 --> 00:45:37,380 You referenced already the british 902 00:45:37,380 --> 00:45:39,547 carrier strike group which sailed past 903 00:45:39,547 --> 00:45:41,810 Singapore just yesterday and is now in 904 00:45:41,810 --> 00:45:43,820 the south China sea . And I think 905 00:45:43,820 --> 00:45:45,987 appropriately referenced that in terms 906 00:45:45,987 --> 00:45:47,931 of it being , although british led 907 00:45:47,931 --> 00:45:49,987 multinational in nature with a dutch 908 00:45:49,987 --> 00:45:52,320 ship and also the U . S . Participation . 909 00:45:52,850 --> 00:45:55,480 In view of that . What's your your 910 00:45:55,480 --> 00:45:58,340 prognosis for burden sharing in this 911 00:45:58,340 --> 00:46:00,960 part of the world ? And I'm thinking 912 00:46:00,960 --> 00:46:04,540 not just of far flung and capable US 913 00:46:04,540 --> 00:46:06,596 allies and partners that bring naval 914 00:46:06,596 --> 00:46:08,707 capability , but again , to bring the 915 00:46:08,707 --> 00:46:10,762 focus back to Southeast Asia and the 916 00:46:10,762 --> 00:46:12,818 onward part of your itinerary here , 917 00:46:12,818 --> 00:46:15,890 what can the smaller nations that do 918 00:46:15,890 --> 00:46:18,112 not necessarily have those capabilities 919 00:46:18,112 --> 00:46:21,100 due to offer in terms of access in a 920 00:46:21,100 --> 00:46:23,280 way that may make the U . S . Navy and 921 00:46:23,280 --> 00:46:25,210 military more more generally 922 00:46:25,220 --> 00:46:27,410 sustainable and engaged ? 923 00:46:29,280 --> 00:46:33,090 Well , first of all , I uh as 924 00:46:33,090 --> 00:46:35,312 you no doubt are I'm excited about what 925 00:46:35,312 --> 00:46:38,290 we're seeing with uh with the uh 926 00:46:39,670 --> 00:46:42,810 and mhm . You know , the 927 00:46:42,820 --> 00:46:44,431 interoperability that's been 928 00:46:44,431 --> 00:46:46,780 demonstrated between the UK and our 929 00:46:46,780 --> 00:46:50,650 forces . Uh as uh as you know , 930 00:46:50,650 --> 00:46:52,870 we've we've made this uh this journey 931 00:46:52,880 --> 00:46:56,590 from from europe to to hear 932 00:46:56,600 --> 00:47:00,480 it's really been a successful endeavor 933 00:47:00,490 --> 00:47:02,434 and I look forward to more of that 934 00:47:02,434 --> 00:47:05,620 going forward . Uh We are we 935 00:47:05,630 --> 00:47:08,380 UK and the United States are global 936 00:47:08,380 --> 00:47:10,910 nations with global interests . And uh 937 00:47:10,920 --> 00:47:14,310 and so as we look to balance our 938 00:47:14,310 --> 00:47:16,532 efforts in various parts of the world , 939 00:47:16,880 --> 00:47:18,880 we're not only looking to help each 940 00:47:18,880 --> 00:47:20,880 other in the indo pacific but we're 941 00:47:20,880 --> 00:47:23,900 looking to ensure that we help each 942 00:47:23,900 --> 00:47:26,710 other in other parts of the world as 943 00:47:26,710 --> 00:47:29,500 well . As if if , for example , we 944 00:47:29,500 --> 00:47:32,540 focus a bit more here , are there areas 945 00:47:32,540 --> 00:47:34,596 that the UK can be more helpful than 946 00:47:34,596 --> 00:47:36,780 other parts of the world ? I have a 947 00:47:36,780 --> 00:47:39,510 great relationship with the U K M O D 948 00:47:39,520 --> 00:47:41,576 and these are discussions that we've 949 00:47:41,576 --> 00:47:43,930 we've had a number of times . And and 950 00:47:43,930 --> 00:47:46,370 again , it's a balancing act . 951 00:47:46,390 --> 00:47:48,557 Resources are scarce , no matter which 952 00:47:48,557 --> 00:47:50,970 country you're talking about , but and 953 00:47:50,970 --> 00:47:53,026 and again , we have interests around 954 00:47:53,026 --> 00:47:55,248 the globe and we want to make sure that 955 00:47:55,248 --> 00:47:57,192 we work together to address all of 956 00:47:57,192 --> 00:47:59,137 those interests . There are things 957 00:47:59,137 --> 00:48:02,780 obviously that uh if if 958 00:48:02,780 --> 00:48:05,590 nations are capable of providing 959 00:48:05,970 --> 00:48:09,810 resources and capability uh 960 00:48:09,820 --> 00:48:12,620 to to help in this region , we welcome 961 00:48:12,620 --> 00:48:15,140 that and we will facilitate that where 962 00:48:15,140 --> 00:48:18,200 possible . But again , we have a global 963 00:48:18,200 --> 00:48:20,311 perspective and there's a there are a 964 00:48:20,311 --> 00:48:22,533 number of places we can help each other 965 00:48:22,533 --> 00:48:25,220 as we shift our stance . Mr Secretary 966 00:48:25,220 --> 00:48:27,331 let me take another question from our 967 00:48:27,331 --> 00:48:29,220 online audience . This one on the 968 00:48:29,220 --> 00:48:31,331 question of Taiwan , which you raised 969 00:48:31,331 --> 00:48:33,553 in your speech . This is from Katherine 970 00:48:33,553 --> 00:48:35,887 Hillard in Taipei , uh Secretary Austin . 971 00:48:35,887 --> 00:48:38,053 She asks , you mentioned Taiwan in the 972 00:48:38,053 --> 00:48:40,053 context of China's unwillingness to 973 00:48:40,053 --> 00:48:42,276 settle disputes peacefully . Do you see 974 00:48:42,276 --> 00:48:44,400 china's military measures of coercion 975 00:48:44,400 --> 00:48:46,950 towards Taiwan as the main problem ? Or 976 00:48:46,960 --> 00:48:49,182 are you worried that there is an actual 977 00:48:49,182 --> 00:48:51,238 risk of a chinese attack on Taiwan ? 978 00:48:51,470 --> 00:48:53,414 Put another way , do you share the 979 00:48:53,414 --> 00:48:55,400 assessment of former window Pacom 980 00:48:55,400 --> 00:48:57,300 Commander Davidson , that such an 981 00:48:57,300 --> 00:49:00,500 attack could occur as soon as 2027 ? 982 00:49:02,170 --> 00:49:04,430 Well , I certainly wouldn't endeavor to 983 00:49:04,440 --> 00:49:06,990 provide any kind of intelligence 984 00:49:06,990 --> 00:49:10,270 assessment in this forum , but I would 985 00:49:10,270 --> 00:49:13,080 say that um 986 00:49:13,870 --> 00:49:17,780 certainly Mr Xi has been 987 00:49:17,780 --> 00:49:20,420 vocal about about what his what his 988 00:49:20,420 --> 00:49:23,330 interests are going forward . Uh And I 989 00:49:23,330 --> 00:49:26,820 think we have to we have to we take him 990 00:49:26,820 --> 00:49:29,840 for his word , Nobody , No one wants to 991 00:49:29,840 --> 00:49:32,670 see a unilateral change to the status 992 00:49:32,670 --> 00:49:36,490 quo with respect to Taiwan . And 993 00:49:36,490 --> 00:49:39,860 again we are committed to Supporting 994 00:49:39,860 --> 00:49:42,390 Taiwan and this capability to defend 995 00:49:42,390 --> 00:49:44,446 itself in accordance with the Taiwan 996 00:49:44,446 --> 00:49:46,723 Relations Act and our one China policy . 997 00:49:46,723 --> 00:49:49,610 So um you know , I don't 998 00:49:49,610 --> 00:49:53,460 wanna has there any type of predictions . 999 00:49:53,470 --> 00:49:55,740 I think that again , we'll stay focused 1000 00:49:55,740 --> 00:49:59,120 on on helping Taiwan to defend 1001 00:49:59,120 --> 00:50:01,340 itself , having the capabilities to 1002 00:50:01,350 --> 00:50:04,860 defend itself going forward . Very good . 1003 00:50:04,870 --> 00:50:08,330 We have many questions online and I'm 1004 00:50:08,330 --> 00:50:10,497 going to take just one more and then I 1005 00:50:10,497 --> 00:50:12,719 know the secretary has to leave us this 1006 00:50:12,719 --> 00:50:16,180 evening . So I wanted to take um 1007 00:50:16,960 --> 00:50:19,490 a question on North Korea from my 1008 00:50:19,490 --> 00:50:21,657 colleague in London , robert ward from 1009 00:50:21,657 --> 00:50:23,768 the double I double S . North Korea's 1010 00:50:23,768 --> 00:50:25,434 nuclear and ballistic missile 1011 00:50:25,434 --> 00:50:27,490 challenges continue to be a priority 1012 00:50:27,490 --> 00:50:29,434 security challenge for the U . S . 1013 00:50:29,434 --> 00:50:31,657 Japan and the Republic of Korea . Given 1014 00:50:31,657 --> 00:50:33,712 persistent strains between Tokyo and 1015 00:50:33,712 --> 00:50:35,990 Seoul what role do you think the U . S . 1016 00:50:35,990 --> 00:50:37,879 Should play to improve trilateral 1017 00:50:37,879 --> 00:50:37,780 cooperation to boost the three 1018 00:50:37,780 --> 00:50:39,836 countries ability to deal with these 1019 00:50:39,836 --> 00:50:43,460 contingencies ? Yeah , we're 1020 00:50:43,470 --> 00:50:46,230 again , we've been pretty clear about 1021 00:50:46,240 --> 00:50:49,080 our desire to see uh 1022 00:50:49,560 --> 00:50:53,090 um relations improved . 1023 00:50:53,090 --> 00:50:56,790 We've again we're as far as North 1024 00:50:56,790 --> 00:50:58,846 Korea is concerned , we were open to 1025 00:50:58,846 --> 00:51:01,890 dialogue , but having said that we also 1026 00:51:01,890 --> 00:51:05,360 remain focused on our commitment , our 1027 00:51:05,360 --> 00:51:07,840 responsibility uh to 1028 00:51:07,850 --> 00:51:11,600 uh to help defend 1029 00:51:11,610 --> 00:51:14,570 uh Republic of Korea . If and 1030 00:51:15,260 --> 00:51:17,750 if if that if it ever comes to that , 1031 00:51:17,760 --> 00:51:20,480 so our readiness to be able to live up 1032 00:51:20,480 --> 00:51:22,710 to our commitments is pretty important 1033 00:51:22,710 --> 00:51:24,970 to us . But again , we remain open to 1034 00:51:24,970 --> 00:51:27,920 dialogue . Mr . Secretary asked in this 1035 00:51:27,930 --> 00:51:30,850 draws our proceedings this evening to 1036 00:51:30,860 --> 00:51:33,510 or near to a close . So I wanted to 1037 00:51:33,510 --> 00:51:35,680 thank you for a wide ranging set of 1038 00:51:35,680 --> 00:51:38,500 remarks and also for taking a series of 1039 00:51:38,500 --> 00:51:40,611 robust questions from our audience in 1040 00:51:40,611 --> 00:51:43,200 the room . Um and at home , the Double 1041 00:51:43,200 --> 00:51:45,311 I double S looks forward to welcoming 1042 00:51:45,311 --> 00:51:47,200 you to a number of further such 1043 00:51:47,200 --> 00:51:50,110 engagements . Um at least next june at 1044 00:51:50,110 --> 00:51:52,300 the shangri la dialogue for those of 1045 00:51:52,300 --> 00:51:54,411 you watching at home wherever you may 1046 00:51:54,411 --> 00:51:56,600 be this evening . This ends the formal 1047 00:51:56,600 --> 00:51:58,656 part of our proceedings , So , thank 1048 00:51:58,656 --> 00:52:00,822 you very much for joining us and thank 1049 00:52:00,822 --> 00:52:02,989 you again to Secretary Austin , um for 1050 00:52:02,989 --> 00:52:05,100 those in the room . I'd invite you to 1051 00:52:05,100 --> 00:52:07,044 stay in your seats while Secretary 1052 00:52:07,044 --> 00:52:09,740 Austin uh first has a photograph taken 1053 00:52:09,820 --> 00:52:12,110 and then leaves the stage , and before 1054 00:52:12,110 --> 00:52:14,332 that I did invite you all to give him a 1055 00:52:14,332 --> 00:52:16,443 warm round of applause for talking to 1056 00:52:16,443 --> 00:52:19,390 us here this evening . Thank you . Okay ? 1057 00:52:23,260 --> 00:52:26,060 Yeah , yeah .