1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:06,440 --> 00:00:09,790 Good morning military operations in 3 00:00:09,790 --> 00:00:12,410 Afghanistan continue with our primary 4 00:00:12,410 --> 00:00:15,280 focus on the safety and security of the 5 00:00:15,280 --> 00:00:18,820 troops who remain in Kabul . On 6 00:00:18,820 --> 00:00:21,150 sunday U . S . Military forces 7 00:00:21,540 --> 00:00:23,818 conducted an unmanned over the horizon . 8 00:00:23,818 --> 00:00:26,110 Air strike on a vehicle known to be an 9 00:00:26,110 --> 00:00:29,240 imminent ISIS K . Threat . This self 10 00:00:29,240 --> 00:00:31,240 defense strike successfully hit the 11 00:00:31,240 --> 00:00:35,130 target near Kabul airport . Significant 12 00:00:35,130 --> 00:00:37,297 secondary explosions from the targeted 13 00:00:37,297 --> 00:00:39,520 vehicle indicated the presence of a 14 00:00:39,520 --> 00:00:41,980 substantial amount of explosive 15 00:00:41,990 --> 00:00:45,920 material . We are aware of reports of 16 00:00:45,920 --> 00:00:48,031 civilian casualties and we take these 17 00:00:48,031 --> 00:00:50,550 reports very seriously and we are 18 00:00:50,550 --> 00:00:52,960 continuing to assess the situation . 19 00:00:53,340 --> 00:00:57,100 Mhm . Separately at approximately 11 20 00:00:57,100 --> 00:01:00,560 p.m. Eastern time last night as many as 21 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:03,300 five rockets were fired at the Kabul 22 00:01:03,300 --> 00:01:06,580 airport . U . S . Military forces 23 00:01:06,580 --> 00:01:09,440 successfully employed are force 24 00:01:09,440 --> 00:01:11,670 protection measures to thwart that 25 00:01:11,670 --> 00:01:14,410 attack . U . S . Forces retain the 26 00:01:14,410 --> 00:01:16,577 inherent right of self defense and are 27 00:01:16,577 --> 00:01:19,800 authorized to meet threats with a swift 28 00:01:19,890 --> 00:01:22,670 and forceful response . Force 29 00:01:22,670 --> 00:01:25,230 protection is paramount in this phase 30 00:01:25,230 --> 00:01:28,160 of the operation over the weekend and 31 00:01:28,160 --> 00:01:30,320 in today evacuation operations 32 00:01:30,320 --> 00:01:33,900 continued Yesterday . U.S . 33 00:01:33,900 --> 00:01:37,630 military aircraft all see 17s departed 34 00:01:37,630 --> 00:01:40,960 with approximately 1200 evacuees . 35 00:01:41,540 --> 00:01:43,762 In total , there were 28 flights out of 36 00:01:43,762 --> 00:01:46,370 Kabul Airport in the last 24 hours 37 00:01:46,370 --> 00:01:49,040 which included the remaining coalition 38 00:01:49,050 --> 00:01:52,950 departures . As 39 00:01:52,950 --> 00:01:54,720 of today . More than 40 00:01:54,720 --> 00:01:58,260 122,000 including 41 00:01:58,270 --> 00:02:00,780 5000 foreign Americans have been 42 00:02:00,780 --> 00:02:04,120 evacuated from Afghanistan . U . S . 43 00:02:04,120 --> 00:02:06,231 Military troops have shown tremendous 44 00:02:06,231 --> 00:02:08,176 bravery and compassion as they put 45 00:02:08,176 --> 00:02:10,990 themselves in harm's way to evacuate . 46 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:13,890 As many american citizens and afghans 47 00:02:13,900 --> 00:02:16,450 as possible . During this operation 48 00:02:17,540 --> 00:02:19,700 that work by U . S . Service members 49 00:02:19,700 --> 00:02:22,420 continues across the globe at a number 50 00:02:22,420 --> 00:02:24,790 of intermediate staging bases and D . O . 51 00:02:24,790 --> 00:02:27,610 D . Installations in centcom more than 52 00:02:27,610 --> 00:02:30,520 27,000 passengers await follow on 53 00:02:30,520 --> 00:02:34,090 movement from six active locations In 54 00:02:34,090 --> 00:02:36,800 um three active locations currently 55 00:02:36,800 --> 00:02:39,200 have more than 22,000 passengers and 56 00:02:39,200 --> 00:02:42,910 today 17 flights will transport about 57 00:02:42,910 --> 00:02:46,180 3700 passengers to both Dulles 58 00:02:46,300 --> 00:02:47,800 International Airport with 59 00:02:47,800 --> 00:02:49,430 approximately 11 flights and 60 00:02:49,430 --> 00:02:51,990 Philadelphia International Airport . 61 00:02:52,010 --> 00:02:55,140 With six flights in North com there are 62 00:02:55,140 --> 00:02:58,710 nearly 13,000 passengers that remain at 63 00:02:58,710 --> 00:03:01,260 five different U . S . Installations . 64 00:03:01,840 --> 00:03:04,180 These numbers are a snapshot in time 65 00:03:04,320 --> 00:03:06,653 and movement of personnel is very fluid . 66 00:03:06,653 --> 00:03:09,270 We do not expect these passenger totals 67 00:03:09,320 --> 00:03:11,780 to match the total number of evacuees 68 00:03:11,780 --> 00:03:14,340 from Afghanistan nor will they match 69 00:03:14,350 --> 00:03:16,330 the total afghans arriving to the 70 00:03:16,330 --> 00:03:18,930 United States . The mission of the 71 00:03:18,930 --> 00:03:21,860 evacuation operation was to help as 72 00:03:21,860 --> 00:03:24,450 many people as possible leave 73 00:03:24,450 --> 00:03:27,270 Afghanistan . Some of these evacuees 74 00:03:27,270 --> 00:03:29,690 include included american citizens . 75 00:03:30,140 --> 00:03:32,140 Third country nationals are afghans 76 00:03:32,140 --> 00:03:34,140 whose credentials permitted them to 77 00:03:34,140 --> 00:03:37,030 otherwise depart without processing at 78 00:03:37,030 --> 00:03:40,580 a military installation . Military 79 00:03:40,580 --> 00:03:42,810 civilian contract personnel continue to 80 00:03:42,810 --> 00:03:45,340 work closely with both government and 81 00:03:45,340 --> 00:03:47,229 non governmental agencies to meet 82 00:03:47,229 --> 00:03:49,229 requirements and provide additional 83 00:03:49,229 --> 00:03:51,220 capabilities for families as they 84 00:03:51,220 --> 00:03:54,080 continue their transition . While 85 00:03:54,080 --> 00:03:56,302 operations in Afghanistan will conclude 86 00:03:56,302 --> 00:03:58,780 soon . The diode effort to support the 87 00:03:58,780 --> 00:04:01,730 inter agency is ongoing . Additionally , 88 00:04:01,740 --> 00:04:03,907 the Department of Defense continues to 89 00:04:03,907 --> 00:04:06,073 support humanitarian relief operations 90 00:04:06,073 --> 00:04:08,320 in response to national disasters here 91 00:04:08,320 --> 00:04:11,110 closer to home . In Haiti . The US 92 00:04:11,110 --> 00:04:14,320 military assets have flown 560 sorties 93 00:04:14,580 --> 00:04:17,030 providing rapid logistical and airlift 94 00:04:17,030 --> 00:04:19,560 support including delivery of more than 95 00:04:19,570 --> 00:04:23,260 348,000 pounds of eight 96 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:26,296 on the golf course on the gulf coast 97 00:04:26,296 --> 00:04:28,650 with Hurricane IDa North com . As of 98 00:04:28,650 --> 00:04:30,650 this morning , in coordination with 99 00:04:30,650 --> 00:04:32,428 fema and our National Guard has 100 00:04:32,428 --> 00:04:34,950 activated more than 5200 personnel in 101 00:04:34,950 --> 00:04:38,030 Louisiana , Mississippi texas and 102 00:04:38,030 --> 00:04:40,460 Alabama . In response to the hurricane . 103 00:04:41,440 --> 00:04:43,162 They bring a variety of assets 104 00:04:43,162 --> 00:04:45,500 including high water vehicles , rotary 105 00:04:45,500 --> 00:04:47,260 lift and other transportation 106 00:04:47,270 --> 00:04:50,030 transportation capability to support 107 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:52,740 recovery efforts . The U . S . Army 108 00:04:52,740 --> 00:04:54,796 Corps of Engineers is operational in 109 00:04:54,796 --> 00:04:56,629 New Orleans and is assessing the 110 00:04:56,629 --> 00:04:58,970 storm's impact . D . O . D . Stands 111 00:04:58,970 --> 00:05:02,100 ready to assist as requested by fema . 112 00:05:02,110 --> 00:05:03,110 Thank you . 113 00:05:08,340 --> 00:05:11,760 Mhm . Okay , I don't have anything to 114 00:05:11,760 --> 00:05:13,927 add . So we'll go to questions lead to 115 00:05:13,940 --> 00:05:16,530 uh general one quick follow up and then 116 00:05:16,530 --> 00:05:19,320 a question the Iran's , did they strike 117 00:05:19,320 --> 00:05:21,730 and hit all of the five rockets or did 118 00:05:21,730 --> 00:05:23,841 some land in areas where there's just 119 00:05:23,841 --> 00:05:26,990 no casualties . We assess the reporting 120 00:05:26,990 --> 00:05:29,420 from last night's uh rocket attack 121 00:05:29,420 --> 00:05:32,680 recess that five rockets were in the 122 00:05:32,680 --> 00:05:36,220 air and went three landed off the 123 00:05:36,220 --> 00:05:40,040 airfield were no effect and see RAM was 124 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:42,970 able to effect and thwart the attack of 125 00:05:42,970 --> 00:05:46,020 one and the other rocket landed with no 126 00:05:46,020 --> 00:05:48,187 effect to the mission or any danger to 127 00:05:48,187 --> 00:05:51,370 our personnel . And then secondly on 128 00:05:51,370 --> 00:05:55,150 evacuees are , does the U . S . And the 129 00:05:55,150 --> 00:05:58,440 U . S . Military assess that the number 130 00:05:58,440 --> 00:06:01,060 of americans still in the country are 131 00:06:01,740 --> 00:06:03,796 only the ones that no longer want to 132 00:06:03,796 --> 00:06:05,962 leave are the ones who want to leave . 133 00:06:05,962 --> 00:06:08,184 Are they largely out now ? And it's our 134 00:06:08,184 --> 00:06:10,240 understanding that the evacuation of 135 00:06:10,240 --> 00:06:13,130 afghans is largely complete also . So 136 00:06:13,130 --> 00:06:16,160 are you now solely concentrating on 137 00:06:16,160 --> 00:06:18,150 just getting US troops out and 138 00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:20,720 equipment ? So just going back total , 139 00:06:20,730 --> 00:06:23,700 you know , 122,000 were evacuated 140 00:06:23,700 --> 00:06:27,420 approximately 5400 Americans . Um 141 00:06:27,430 --> 00:06:30,880 we continue to have the capability to 142 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:33,640 evacuate and fly out those until the 143 00:06:33,640 --> 00:06:36,110 very end . But as you talk about active 144 00:06:36,120 --> 00:06:37,953 peace will continue to work with 145 00:06:37,953 --> 00:06:40,180 Department of State uh on that and 146 00:06:40,190 --> 00:06:42,270 continue evacuation and military 147 00:06:42,270 --> 00:06:44,790 operations . Yeah . To the State 148 00:06:44,790 --> 00:06:47,490 Department on on the numbers of 149 00:06:47,490 --> 00:06:49,823 americans they're still in contact with . 150 00:06:49,823 --> 00:06:51,823 That's that's something for them to 151 00:06:51,823 --> 00:06:54,046 speak to Tara . Um Could you both speak 152 00:06:54,046 --> 00:06:56,212 to the continuing rocket threat to the 153 00:06:56,212 --> 00:06:58,323 final planes that are leaving and the 154 00:06:58,323 --> 00:07:00,546 role of the serum is playing well . The 155 00:07:00,546 --> 00:07:02,546 serum be left behind ? Or is I mean 156 00:07:02,546 --> 00:07:04,657 since it's so vital to protecting the 157 00:07:04,657 --> 00:07:06,657 planes as they're leaving what will 158 00:07:06,657 --> 00:07:08,823 happen to the sea room after it goes . 159 00:07:08,823 --> 00:07:11,046 We certainly assess as the general said 160 00:07:11,046 --> 00:07:13,212 that there's a there's still an active 161 00:07:13,212 --> 00:07:16,970 threat uh various ways that we have to 162 00:07:16,970 --> 00:07:19,150 be prepared for and what I will tell 163 00:07:19,150 --> 00:07:21,250 you without getting into specific 164 00:07:21,840 --> 00:07:25,510 systems and uh and their 165 00:07:25,510 --> 00:07:27,454 availability which I think you can 166 00:07:27,454 --> 00:07:29,310 understand why we wouldn't uh we 167 00:07:29,310 --> 00:07:31,477 continue to have and will maintain the 168 00:07:31,477 --> 00:07:34,540 capability to uh protect ourselves and 169 00:07:34,540 --> 00:07:36,484 defend ourselves as we continue to 170 00:07:36,484 --> 00:07:38,596 complete the retrograde . And I think 171 00:07:38,596 --> 00:07:40,707 that's probably the best place to put 172 00:07:40,707 --> 00:07:42,818 it . Just one follow up please . Um , 173 00:07:42,818 --> 00:07:44,929 you know , a number of us have gotten 174 00:07:44,929 --> 00:07:47,040 reports from either american citizens 175 00:07:47,040 --> 00:07:49,262 or vulnerable afghans that are still on 176 00:07:49,262 --> 00:07:51,318 the ground and can't get through the 177 00:07:51,318 --> 00:07:53,373 gates anymore . They've been getting 178 00:07:53,373 --> 00:07:55,484 notices that the evacuation is over . 179 00:07:55,484 --> 00:07:57,596 Um , what happens next for those that 180 00:07:57,596 --> 00:07:59,596 are left behind ? Will there be any 181 00:07:59,596 --> 00:08:01,762 sort of military operation to help get 182 00:08:01,762 --> 00:08:03,873 them out of the country ? I think you 183 00:08:03,873 --> 00:08:06,096 heard Secretary Blinken talk about this 184 00:08:06,096 --> 00:08:09,160 that for uh , for americans uh 185 00:08:09,740 --> 00:08:12,220 and and other individuals 186 00:08:12,220 --> 00:08:15,760 that want to be able to leave 187 00:08:15,770 --> 00:08:18,910 Afghanistan after our withdrawal is 188 00:08:18,910 --> 00:08:21,132 complete . That the State Department is 189 00:08:21,132 --> 00:08:24,430 going to continue to work across many 190 00:08:24,430 --> 00:08:26,820 different levers uh , to facilitate 191 00:08:26,820 --> 00:08:29,190 that transportation and as I say , I 192 00:08:29,190 --> 00:08:32,090 say , as I said earlier right now , we 193 00:08:32,090 --> 00:08:34,146 do not anticipate a military role in 194 00:08:34,146 --> 00:08:38,080 that effort , john General taylor , 195 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:40,760 you just said that one rocket landed 196 00:08:41,140 --> 00:08:43,140 with no effect to the mission . You 197 00:08:43,140 --> 00:08:45,029 mean it landed inside the airport 198 00:08:45,029 --> 00:08:46,918 perimeter , It did not affect the 199 00:08:46,918 --> 00:08:48,640 mission . It landed inside the 200 00:08:48,640 --> 00:08:50,918 perimeter and had no effect whatsoever . 201 00:08:50,918 --> 00:08:54,170 These ISIS K fighters or planners that 202 00:08:54,170 --> 00:08:56,392 you have targeted with drone strikes in 203 00:08:56,392 --> 00:08:58,760 the last few days . Are any of them , 204 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:01,184 were they released from the bagram 205 00:09:01,184 --> 00:09:03,296 prison or from police charki prison , 206 00:09:03,296 --> 00:09:05,296 were they known combatants who were 207 00:09:05,296 --> 00:09:07,518 inside those prisons ? I don't think we 208 00:09:07,518 --> 00:09:09,740 have that information . And lastly , if 209 00:09:09,740 --> 00:09:13,380 50,800 Americans were left in 210 00:09:13,380 --> 00:09:15,324 Afghanistan when you pulled out of 211 00:09:15,324 --> 00:09:17,970 bagram at the end of july , why did the 212 00:09:17,970 --> 00:09:20,137 U . S . Military not begin evacuations 213 00:09:20,137 --> 00:09:22,303 of americans before pulling out of the 214 00:09:22,303 --> 00:09:24,526 country , jen , we've talked about this 215 00:09:24,526 --> 00:09:26,940 quite some quite some time ago . I'm 216 00:09:26,940 --> 00:09:29,510 happy to revisit it . Uh , we were 217 00:09:29,520 --> 00:09:32,690 already baked into the retrograde plan 218 00:09:32,690 --> 00:09:34,600 way back in the spring was the 219 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:36,211 possibility for noncombatant 220 00:09:36,211 --> 00:09:39,990 evacuations and helping people get out . 221 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:42,830 And we were in constant uh 222 00:09:42,840 --> 00:09:45,062 conversations with the Ghana government 223 00:09:45,062 --> 00:09:47,118 as well as our colleagues across the 224 00:09:47,118 --> 00:09:49,340 inter agency about what that would look 225 00:09:49,340 --> 00:09:51,507 like . And and when would be the right 226 00:09:51,507 --> 00:09:53,810 time to do that . And in anticipation 227 00:09:53,810 --> 00:09:57,510 of it . Well before the 228 00:09:57,520 --> 00:09:59,520 provincial capital started toppling 229 00:09:59,520 --> 00:10:01,850 their towards the middle of august 230 00:10:01,860 --> 00:10:04,090 secretary austin prepositioned forces 231 00:10:04,100 --> 00:10:06,130 closer into the region to degree of 232 00:10:06,130 --> 00:10:10,080 taking an entire marine battalion off 233 00:10:10,090 --> 00:10:12,420 of the USs , Iwo Jima and moving them a 234 00:10:12,420 --> 00:10:14,753 short equate so that they will be ready . 235 00:10:14,753 --> 00:10:16,753 So , this was something that we had 236 00:10:16,753 --> 00:10:18,976 been planning for and preparing for the 237 00:10:18,976 --> 00:10:21,087 timing of these things is always very 238 00:10:21,087 --> 00:10:22,920 delicate . As you , as you might 239 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:22,590 imagine , you were essentially stopped 240 00:10:22,600 --> 00:10:24,767 by the state department from beginning 241 00:10:24,767 --> 00:10:26,989 those evacuations , I wouldn't say that 242 00:10:26,989 --> 00:10:29,156 and I don't think it's important right 243 00:10:29,156 --> 00:10:31,433 now to get into internal deliberations . 244 00:10:31,433 --> 00:10:33,270 We were obviously still in close 245 00:10:33,270 --> 00:10:35,270 contact with the Ghana government , 246 00:10:35,270 --> 00:10:37,492 which was still you know , he was still 247 00:10:37,492 --> 00:10:40,030 the president of the country . And you 248 00:10:40,030 --> 00:10:42,141 know you you have to have you have to 249 00:10:42,141 --> 00:10:44,308 be able to have those conversations to 250 00:10:44,308 --> 00:10:46,363 because our expectation was that the 251 00:10:46,363 --> 00:10:48,530 Ghana government would stay in place . 252 00:10:48,530 --> 00:10:51,260 Nobody could have imagined how quickly 253 00:10:51,270 --> 00:10:53,860 that government would have literally 254 00:10:53,860 --> 00:10:55,940 just dissipated almost overnight . 255 00:10:55,940 --> 00:10:58,250 There was simply no way to predict that 256 00:10:58,340 --> 00:11:00,760 Greece . A couple of questions on the 257 00:11:00,770 --> 00:11:03,110 gates , are any of the gates still open 258 00:11:03,110 --> 00:11:05,221 and or any of the gates under Taliban 259 00:11:05,221 --> 00:11:07,388 control ? I think it's right now as we 260 00:11:07,388 --> 00:11:10,360 get into the this has always been a 261 00:11:10,360 --> 00:11:12,304 dangerous operation but we're in a 262 00:11:12,304 --> 00:11:14,416 particularly dangerous time right now 263 00:11:14,416 --> 00:11:16,360 is I think you can understand that 264 00:11:16,360 --> 00:11:18,360 we're not going to be detailing the 265 00:11:18,360 --> 00:11:20,693 status of any particular gate right now , 266 00:11:20,693 --> 00:11:22,916 as the general said , we still have the 267 00:11:22,916 --> 00:11:25,027 ability and the capability to conduct 268 00:11:25,027 --> 00:11:27,249 evacuation operations even while we are 269 00:11:27,249 --> 00:11:29,490 completing and working to complete the 270 00:11:29,500 --> 00:11:31,860 retrograde of U . S . Forces follow up . 271 00:11:31,870 --> 00:11:33,981 You've now had two incidents , one on 272 00:11:33,981 --> 00:11:36,760 thursday and one on sunday where there 273 00:11:36,760 --> 00:11:38,760 may have been civilian casualties , 274 00:11:38,760 --> 00:11:41,160 reports of it beyond investigating . Do 275 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:43,580 you have any indications that those 276 00:11:43,580 --> 00:11:46,530 reports may be accurate ? We are not in 277 00:11:46,530 --> 00:11:49,380 a position to dispute it right now , 278 00:11:49,390 --> 00:11:51,630 IDris and as the general said , we're 279 00:11:51,630 --> 00:11:53,630 assessing and we're investigating , 280 00:11:53,840 --> 00:11:57,260 look um make no mistake , 281 00:11:57,740 --> 00:12:00,870 no military on the face of the earth 282 00:12:00,880 --> 00:12:03,230 works harder to avoid civilian 283 00:12:03,230 --> 00:12:05,119 casualties than the United States 284 00:12:05,119 --> 00:12:08,930 military . And nobody wants to 285 00:12:08,930 --> 00:12:11,560 see innocent life taken . We take it 286 00:12:11,570 --> 00:12:15,240 very , very seriously . And uh and 287 00:12:15,250 --> 00:12:17,460 when we know that we have caused 288 00:12:17,840 --> 00:12:20,062 innocent life to be lost in the conduct 289 00:12:20,062 --> 00:12:22,007 of our operations were transparent 290 00:12:22,007 --> 00:12:24,007 about it . Uh , we're investigating 291 00:12:24,007 --> 00:12:26,340 this . I'm not going to get ahead of it . 292 00:12:26,340 --> 00:12:29,150 But if we have , you know , verifiable 293 00:12:29,150 --> 00:12:31,206 information that we did in fact take 294 00:12:31,206 --> 00:12:33,460 innocent life here , then then we will 295 00:12:33,470 --> 00:12:35,526 will be transparent about that too . 296 00:12:35,526 --> 00:12:37,637 Nobody wants to see that happen . But 297 00:12:37,637 --> 00:12:39,692 you know what else we didn't want to 298 00:12:39,692 --> 00:12:41,637 see happen . We didn't want to see 299 00:12:41,637 --> 00:12:43,748 happen . What we believe to be a very 300 00:12:43,748 --> 00:12:45,637 real , a very specific and a very 301 00:12:45,637 --> 00:12:49,080 imminent threat to the Hamid Karzai 302 00:12:49,080 --> 00:12:51,302 International airport and to our troops 303 00:12:51,302 --> 00:12:53,358 operating at that airport as well as 304 00:12:53,358 --> 00:12:55,760 civilians around it . And in it . And 305 00:12:55,760 --> 00:12:57,760 that was another thing that we were 306 00:12:57,760 --> 00:12:59,982 very , very concerned about over here . 307 00:12:59,982 --> 00:13:02,800 David , The president had said that the 308 00:13:02,810 --> 00:13:05,032 likelihood of an attack within the next 309 00:13:05,032 --> 00:13:07,660 24-36 hours was highly what , I could . 310 00:13:08,440 --> 00:13:10,440 he'd been told that by his military 311 00:13:10,440 --> 00:13:12,607 commanders . Then after that there was 312 00:13:12,607 --> 00:13:15,260 the strike on this vehicle . 313 00:13:16,440 --> 00:13:20,430 After that strike is is 314 00:13:20,430 --> 00:13:22,910 another attack still considered highly 315 00:13:22,910 --> 00:13:26,610 likely . We are operating under the 316 00:13:26,610 --> 00:13:28,777 assumption that we need to be prepared 317 00:13:28,777 --> 00:13:32,110 for future potential threats . 318 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:34,930 And as the general detailed for you in 319 00:13:34,930 --> 00:13:36,986 his opening statement , there was in 320 00:13:36,986 --> 00:13:38,986 fact , after we took this airstrike 321 00:13:38,986 --> 00:13:42,530 against this vehicle , there were 322 00:13:42,530 --> 00:13:44,641 rocket attacks , indirect fire rocket 323 00:13:44,641 --> 00:13:46,900 attacks on the airport . So the threat 324 00:13:46,900 --> 00:13:48,789 stream is still real . It's still 325 00:13:48,789 --> 00:13:50,789 active and in many cases it's still 326 00:13:50,789 --> 00:13:52,678 specific and we're taking it very 327 00:13:52,678 --> 00:13:54,733 seriously and we will right up until 328 00:13:54,733 --> 00:13:56,950 the end you didn't specifically answer 329 00:13:56,960 --> 00:13:59,016 a question about whether the taliban 330 00:14:00,140 --> 00:14:02,084 you said you weren't going to talk 331 00:14:02,084 --> 00:14:04,307 about who is that what gate look on the 332 00:14:04,307 --> 00:14:06,820 taliban on the airport . Not to my 333 00:14:06,820 --> 00:14:09,680 knowledge . They are no . Yeah thank 334 00:14:09,680 --> 00:14:12,680 you . Have a few today sorry . 335 00:14:13,540 --> 00:14:16,510 You mentioned 122,000 have been 336 00:14:16,510 --> 00:14:18,843 evacuated . How many of those R . S . I . 337 00:14:18,843 --> 00:14:20,899 V . S . And their families ? I don't 338 00:14:20,899 --> 00:14:22,954 have a good breakdown of how many in 339 00:14:22,954 --> 00:14:25,066 122,000 R . S . I . V . S . And their 340 00:14:25,066 --> 00:14:26,954 families . That's really a better 341 00:14:26,954 --> 00:14:29,121 question for the State Department . We 342 00:14:29,121 --> 00:14:32,410 know that roughly 5400 of the 122,000 343 00:14:32,410 --> 00:14:35,590 are american citizens and uh and the 344 00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:37,767 vast majority of course are afghan and 345 00:14:37,767 --> 00:14:39,989 I just don't have a breakdown of that . 346 00:14:39,989 --> 00:14:42,100 We are reporting is saying that there 347 00:14:42,100 --> 00:14:45,940 are about 7000 of the 88,000 . So that 348 00:14:45,950 --> 00:14:48,172 leaves more than 80,000 S . I . V . S . 349 00:14:48,172 --> 00:14:50,339 And their family members left behind . 350 00:14:50,339 --> 00:14:52,561 Does the pentagon see that as a success 351 00:14:52,561 --> 00:14:55,160 Leaving 80 people ? S lives who worked 352 00:14:55,160 --> 00:14:57,216 alongside our troops behind Carl . I 353 00:14:57,216 --> 00:14:59,327 can't verify that number the math you 354 00:14:59,327 --> 00:15:01,493 just gave me and I can't tell you what 355 00:15:01,493 --> 00:15:03,604 the breakdown is right now between Um 356 00:15:03,604 --> 00:15:06,410 the the more than 100 and what 357 00:15:06,420 --> 00:15:10,080 12,000 maybe more Afghans that were 358 00:15:10,080 --> 00:15:12,250 able to evacuate in the course of less 359 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:14,361 than a couple of weeks . I can't give 360 00:15:14,361 --> 00:15:16,528 you the breakdown right now . I just I 361 00:15:16,528 --> 00:15:19,050 honestly can't um and uh what I will 362 00:15:19,050 --> 00:15:23,030 tell you is that uh . obviously we 363 00:15:23,030 --> 00:15:25,800 wanted to get as many people out uh as 364 00:15:25,800 --> 00:15:27,856 we could and in the course of a very 365 00:15:27,856 --> 00:15:30,180 short order of time 100 and 22,000 the 366 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:32,013 largest airlift that the U . S . 367 00:15:32,013 --> 00:15:35,890 Military has conducted . Uh got 122,000 368 00:15:35,890 --> 00:15:38,250 people to safety . Now there will be a 369 00:15:38,250 --> 00:15:41,710 time when this is complete that the 370 00:15:41,710 --> 00:15:44,040 State Department can do the math and 371 00:15:44,050 --> 00:15:46,860 and and figure this out . But I think 372 00:15:46,860 --> 00:15:48,930 we're all focused right now on 373 00:15:48,940 --> 00:15:51,162 continuing the mission that the general 374 00:15:51,162 --> 00:15:53,384 described us doing and making sure that 375 00:15:53,384 --> 00:15:55,650 right up until the end that we can get 376 00:15:55,650 --> 00:15:58,470 people out safely including evacuees . 377 00:15:58,670 --> 00:16:00,990 And then secondly we have sources that 378 00:16:00,990 --> 00:16:02,823 say marines guarding the airport 379 00:16:02,823 --> 00:16:04,934 allowed relatives and extended family 380 00:16:04,934 --> 00:16:06,990 members of Kabul embassy local staff 381 00:16:06,990 --> 00:16:09,212 despite having not having documentation 382 00:16:09,300 --> 00:16:11,411 but meanwhile spouses and Children of 383 00:16:11,411 --> 00:16:13,522 afghans who hold american citizenship 384 00:16:13,522 --> 00:16:15,522 and legal permanent resident status 385 00:16:15,522 --> 00:16:17,744 were turned away in some cases have you 386 00:16:17,744 --> 00:16:19,578 heard this as well ? And can you 387 00:16:19,578 --> 00:16:19,410 confirm that ? I have not heard those 388 00:16:19,410 --> 00:16:21,466 reports and I cannot verify them . I 389 00:16:21,466 --> 00:16:24,010 will tell you that without speaking to 390 00:16:24,010 --> 00:16:26,480 these reports . The marines and the 391 00:16:26,480 --> 00:16:29,600 soldiers that have for the last couple 392 00:16:29,600 --> 00:16:32,440 of weeks been helping consular officers 393 00:16:32,450 --> 00:16:34,990 man these gates and help process people 394 00:16:34,990 --> 00:16:38,190 in have been did heroic work . Um and 395 00:16:38,190 --> 00:16:40,860 they had to make decisions in real time 396 00:16:41,240 --> 00:16:43,740 Um about trying to help people get out 397 00:16:43,750 --> 00:16:46,070 and the numbers speak for themselves . 398 00:16:46,070 --> 00:16:50,020 122,000 plus . Is that that is 399 00:16:50,030 --> 00:16:52,940 that is significant and a lot of lives 400 00:16:52,950 --> 00:16:56,200 um were saved and a lot of lives are 401 00:16:56,200 --> 00:16:58,422 now in a better place and they're gonna 402 00:16:58,422 --> 00:17:00,533 have opportunities they couldn't have 403 00:17:00,533 --> 00:17:02,589 had before . Thanks to the work that 404 00:17:02,589 --> 00:17:04,756 these troops did in concert with their 405 00:17:04,756 --> 00:17:04,260 state Department colleagues at these 406 00:17:04,260 --> 00:17:06,316 very dangerous gates . One more if I 407 00:17:06,316 --> 00:17:08,880 may on not on Afghanistan , Beijing has 408 00:17:08,880 --> 00:17:10,991 come out with the new south china sea 409 00:17:10,991 --> 00:17:13,110 policy which forces people to self 410 00:17:13,110 --> 00:17:15,221 identify while approaching their self 411 00:17:15,221 --> 00:17:17,221 claimed maritime territories . This 412 00:17:17,221 --> 00:17:19,332 policy reportedly goes into effect on 413 00:17:19,332 --> 00:17:21,277 Wednesday . Does D . O . D plan on 414 00:17:21,277 --> 00:17:23,443 following that policy ? I haven't seen 415 00:17:23,443 --> 00:17:23,320 this report Carlos . So I'm not gonna 416 00:17:23,320 --> 00:17:25,431 take it from the podium right now . I 417 00:17:25,431 --> 00:17:27,542 will do is take the question back and 418 00:17:27,542 --> 00:17:27,510 we'll try to get you a better answer . 419 00:17:27,510 --> 00:17:29,390 But you're hitting me up with a 420 00:17:29,390 --> 00:17:31,557 statement from the chinese that I have 421 00:17:31,557 --> 00:17:33,779 not seen and I'm not going to speculate 422 00:17:33,779 --> 00:17:35,723 at this time . Zero thank you john 423 00:17:35,723 --> 00:17:37,946 there is a question that many of afghan 424 00:17:37,946 --> 00:17:40,640 asked me to want me to ask you , they 425 00:17:40,640 --> 00:17:43,120 said why President biden not warning 426 00:17:43,120 --> 00:17:46,250 the taliban that if any of us citizen , 427 00:17:46,250 --> 00:17:48,640 our afghan allies are hurt or killed 428 00:17:48,650 --> 00:17:51,150 after our departure from Afghanistan . 429 00:17:51,210 --> 00:17:54,610 Their leadership will be targeted just 430 00:17:54,620 --> 00:17:57,360 like IsIS was targeted recently . 431 00:17:58,540 --> 00:18:01,400 Nazeer . I uh thanks for the question . 432 00:18:01,410 --> 00:18:04,310 I think the president has been very 433 00:18:04,310 --> 00:18:07,270 clear that what our expectations are 434 00:18:07,640 --> 00:18:10,200 um , once this retrograde is complete 435 00:18:10,200 --> 00:18:12,730 with respect to the safety and security 436 00:18:12,730 --> 00:18:14,841 of american citizens , I mean I think 437 00:18:14,841 --> 00:18:17,008 we've been very clear about that . And 438 00:18:17,008 --> 00:18:19,230 uh , and as you heard Secretary Blinken 439 00:18:19,230 --> 00:18:21,452 say , we're going to continue to pursue 440 00:18:21,452 --> 00:18:23,690 a variety of means to help those 441 00:18:23,690 --> 00:18:25,857 americans who want to get out after we 442 00:18:25,857 --> 00:18:29,800 are gone , get out . Yeah tom uh you 443 00:18:29,800 --> 00:18:31,967 talked about flights heading to Dulles 444 00:18:31,967 --> 00:18:34,189 and affiliate . Can you give us a sense 445 00:18:34,189 --> 00:18:36,411 of how many people are on those flights 446 00:18:36,411 --> 00:18:36,320 and the breakdown of afghans in the U . 447 00:18:36,320 --> 00:18:36,610 S . 448 00:18:40,420 --> 00:18:43,260 I can't give you the by manifest . 449 00:18:43,830 --> 00:18:47,660 So What we think is of today 17 450 00:18:47,660 --> 00:18:50,580 flights 3700 . The majority of those 451 00:18:50,590 --> 00:18:53,890 are Afghans . Now as a priority at 452 00:18:53,890 --> 00:18:56,040 these lily pads that are done are 453 00:18:56,130 --> 00:18:57,908 immediately to get the American 454 00:18:57,908 --> 00:19:00,410 citizens there first and then you know , 455 00:19:00,410 --> 00:19:02,688 other green card holder in those peace . 456 00:19:02,688 --> 00:19:04,799 But the majority Of the flights today 457 00:19:04,799 --> 00:19:08,400 of those 17 are afghans . I understand 458 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:10,344 the congressional people are being 459 00:19:10,344 --> 00:19:12,840 briefed that you're starting to destroy 460 00:19:12,850 --> 00:19:15,520 munitions as well as equipment . Can 461 00:19:15,520 --> 00:19:18,760 you give us a sense of that effort 462 00:19:19,340 --> 00:19:23,320 at home . You know what I go back 463 00:19:23,320 --> 00:19:25,320 to is is commanders on the ground 464 00:19:25,320 --> 00:19:27,940 retain that authority and the 465 00:19:27,940 --> 00:19:31,420 capability to remove or destroy 466 00:19:31,460 --> 00:19:33,850 equipment and weapons to ensure that 467 00:19:33,850 --> 00:19:36,010 those don't fall into the hands of 468 00:19:36,010 --> 00:19:38,066 anybody else ? Well , we're going to 469 00:19:38,066 --> 00:19:40,010 get an accounting of what has been 470 00:19:40,010 --> 00:19:42,010 destroyed , let's say Blackhawks or 471 00:19:42,010 --> 00:19:44,232 other equipment . I think when the time 472 00:19:44,232 --> 00:19:46,454 is right , we'll be able to try to help 473 00:19:46,454 --> 00:19:48,454 better flush that out . Time is not 474 00:19:48,454 --> 00:19:50,621 right for that right now . Tom for two 475 00:19:50,621 --> 00:19:53,380 quick questions . If I may on the 476 00:19:53,390 --> 00:19:55,070 strike against the vehicle , 477 00:19:57,440 --> 00:20:00,710 do you ? The Central Command talked 478 00:20:00,710 --> 00:20:02,766 about secondary explosions , I think 479 00:20:02,766 --> 00:20:05,610 and that , but you actually have visual 480 00:20:05,620 --> 00:20:07,564 evidence that there were secondary 481 00:20:07,564 --> 00:20:10,550 explosions . Are you convinced uh , 482 00:20:10,560 --> 00:20:12,782 that there were ? Because that seems to 483 00:20:12,782 --> 00:20:15,110 be one of the potential contributing 484 00:20:15,110 --> 00:20:17,860 factors to civilian casualties . So do 485 00:20:17,860 --> 00:20:20,550 you , are you , are you certain that 486 00:20:20,550 --> 00:20:23,220 were secondary explosions ? Yes . Can 487 00:20:23,220 --> 00:20:24,942 you just have a follow up on a 488 00:20:24,942 --> 00:20:26,998 different part of this ? Can you say 489 00:20:26,998 --> 00:20:29,120 how you're sure ? No . My other 490 00:20:29,120 --> 00:20:30,787 question then , is this as we 491 00:20:30,787 --> 00:20:33,310 inevitably come down to the final hours , 492 00:20:33,740 --> 00:20:36,830 What advice or thoughts for american 493 00:20:36,840 --> 00:20:39,350 passport holders or green card holders 494 00:20:39,740 --> 00:20:42,450 who might be trying to get to the 495 00:20:42,460 --> 00:20:45,260 airport and get through ? Is there 496 00:20:45,260 --> 00:20:48,210 still time for them ? There is still 497 00:20:48,210 --> 00:20:50,700 time And the State Department is in 498 00:20:50,700 --> 00:20:54,360 touch , we know with with 499 00:20:54,370 --> 00:20:57,560 additional american citizens again , 500 00:20:57,650 --> 00:21:01,360 given the tense security environment 501 00:21:01,360 --> 00:21:03,471 that we're dealing with ? I think I'm 502 00:21:03,471 --> 00:21:05,693 just , I think it be better to just not 503 00:21:05,693 --> 00:21:07,916 talk about it much more than that . But 504 00:21:07,916 --> 00:21:10,150 they are they're in contact . There is 505 00:21:10,150 --> 00:21:12,261 still time that flights will continue 506 00:21:12,261 --> 00:21:14,261 tomorrow on the 31st time . I'm not 507 00:21:14,261 --> 00:21:16,094 going to get ahead of the actual 508 00:21:16,094 --> 00:21:18,206 operational schedule . Courtney , I'm 509 00:21:18,206 --> 00:21:20,317 not gonna do that . And then a little 510 00:21:20,317 --> 00:21:22,428 bit more on the the continuing strike 511 00:21:22,428 --> 00:21:24,372 from IsIS K . After the U . S . Is 512 00:21:24,372 --> 00:21:26,483 completely out on the 31st . Will you 513 00:21:26,483 --> 00:21:28,483 coordinate with the taliban or give 514 00:21:28,483 --> 00:21:30,706 them notice if you plan to conduct more 515 00:21:30,706 --> 00:21:32,761 strikes against ISIS ? I don't think 516 00:21:32,761 --> 00:21:34,817 it's useful to get into hypothetical 517 00:21:34,817 --> 00:21:36,983 operations , future operations one way 518 00:21:36,983 --> 00:21:39,094 or the other . The only thing I would 519 00:21:39,094 --> 00:21:41,317 tell you is that the president has made 520 00:21:41,317 --> 00:21:41,150 it very clear That we will maintain 521 00:21:41,150 --> 00:21:43,372 robust over the rising counterterrorism 522 00:21:43,372 --> 00:21:45,539 capability , the kinds of capabilities 523 00:21:45,539 --> 00:21:47,539 that you've seen us use in just the 524 00:21:47,539 --> 00:21:49,539 last 24 36 hours and we'll have the 525 00:21:49,539 --> 00:21:53,320 ability to uh act in ways that are in 526 00:21:53,320 --> 00:21:55,264 keeping with our national security 527 00:21:55,264 --> 00:21:57,320 interest and help prevent attacks on 528 00:21:57,320 --> 00:21:59,209 the homeland . We still have that 529 00:21:59,209 --> 00:22:00,876 capability . We will use that 530 00:22:00,876 --> 00:22:02,876 capability hypothetical is the fact 531 00:22:02,876 --> 00:22:02,430 that the U . S . Military has been 532 00:22:02,430 --> 00:22:04,486 coordinating with the taliban on the 533 00:22:04,486 --> 00:22:06,597 ground for the last two weeks or so . 534 00:22:06,597 --> 00:22:08,763 So it's so to ask if you were going to 535 00:22:08,763 --> 00:22:11,630 continue coordinating with them in this 536 00:22:11,630 --> 00:22:13,820 case against ISIS K . Isn't 537 00:22:13,820 --> 00:22:16,160 hypothetical , will you continue to 538 00:22:16,160 --> 00:22:18,049 coordinate with the taliban after 539 00:22:18,049 --> 00:22:19,938 august 31st . I beg to differ . I 540 00:22:19,938 --> 00:22:21,716 actually think your question is 541 00:22:21,716 --> 00:22:23,827 entirely hypothetical about something 542 00:22:23,827 --> 00:22:25,882 that is entirely different than what 543 00:22:25,882 --> 00:22:25,010 we've been coordinating with the 544 00:22:25,010 --> 00:22:27,066 taliban on over the last two weeks , 545 00:22:27,066 --> 00:22:29,177 which has been to help help us get as 546 00:22:29,177 --> 00:22:31,066 many people on to that airport as 547 00:22:31,066 --> 00:22:33,288 possible . I do appreciate the sense of 548 00:22:33,288 --> 00:22:35,621 the question . I'm not trying to market , 549 00:22:35,621 --> 00:22:37,510 it's just that I don't think it's 550 00:22:37,510 --> 00:22:39,677 helpful for us to talk about what over 551 00:22:39,677 --> 00:22:41,899 the horizon counterterrorism capability 552 00:22:41,899 --> 00:22:41,510 is going to look like going forward and 553 00:22:41,510 --> 00:22:43,732 how we're going to execute it . Suffice 554 00:22:43,732 --> 00:22:45,677 it to say we have the capability , 555 00:22:45,677 --> 00:22:47,788 we've demonstrated that over just the 556 00:22:47,788 --> 00:22:49,843 last couple of days and strikes that 557 00:22:49,843 --> 00:22:51,954 were not coordinated with the taliban 558 00:22:51,954 --> 00:22:54,232 and we have that ability to go forward . 559 00:22:54,232 --> 00:22:53,340 And then does the U . S . There's a 560 00:22:53,340 --> 00:22:55,562 pentagon or ST common whomever it would 561 00:22:55,562 --> 00:22:58,990 be , Have the authority to continue to 562 00:22:58,990 --> 00:23:00,934 conduct strikes against ISIS after 563 00:23:00,934 --> 00:23:03,157 August 31 or do those decisions have to 564 00:23:03,157 --> 00:23:05,268 go to the president on a case by case 565 00:23:05,268 --> 00:23:07,379 basis . The commander , the commander 566 00:23:07,379 --> 00:23:07,110 on the ground has the authorities he 567 00:23:07,110 --> 00:23:09,332 needs right now . I'm not going to talk 568 00:23:09,332 --> 00:23:11,332 about authorities going forward . I 569 00:23:11,332 --> 00:23:13,499 will say this , not in terms of I know 570 00:23:13,499 --> 00:23:15,277 what you're asking , you know , 571 00:23:15,277 --> 00:23:17,332 specific approval authority for each 572 00:23:17,332 --> 00:23:19,554 and every strike . I I won't talk about 573 00:23:19,554 --> 00:23:22,300 policy decisions going forward except 574 00:23:22,300 --> 00:23:24,356 to say that the entire interagency ? 575 00:23:24,356 --> 00:23:26,522 Certainly the entire military chain of 576 00:23:26,522 --> 00:23:29,400 command understands the the the 577 00:23:29,410 --> 00:23:31,480 existence of this threat uh and the 578 00:23:31,480 --> 00:23:33,350 possibility of this threat uh to 579 00:23:33,350 --> 00:23:35,670 continue to exist over time and we have 580 00:23:35,670 --> 00:23:38,570 the capability to deal with it louis um 581 00:23:38,580 --> 00:23:40,413 in talking following up on these 582 00:23:40,413 --> 00:23:42,580 contacts with the Taliban , have there 583 00:23:42,580 --> 00:23:44,636 been contacts with the Taliban about 584 00:23:44,636 --> 00:23:46,691 the US withdrawal ? It's going to be 585 00:23:46,691 --> 00:23:48,691 taking place right now and over the 586 00:23:48,691 --> 00:23:50,913 coming days to ensure that there are no 587 00:23:50,913 --> 00:23:53,136 misinterpretations of what's going on . 588 00:23:53,136 --> 00:23:55,191 The short answer to your question is 589 00:23:55,191 --> 00:23:57,413 yes . Without getting into detail , our 590 00:23:57,413 --> 00:23:59,358 commanders on the ground remain in 591 00:23:59,358 --> 00:24:01,302 communication with Taliban leaders 592 00:24:01,302 --> 00:24:03,720 around the airfield to deconflict and 593 00:24:03,720 --> 00:24:05,730 to prevent miscalculations and 594 00:24:05,730 --> 00:24:07,700 misunderstandings and so far that 595 00:24:07,700 --> 00:24:09,533 communication has been effective 596 00:24:09,540 --> 00:24:11,484 applies to the withdrawal . That's 597 00:24:11,484 --> 00:24:13,910 going on right now . It does nancy you 598 00:24:13,910 --> 00:24:15,632 about to follow to address his 599 00:24:15,632 --> 00:24:18,220 questions . In the initial readout from 600 00:24:18,220 --> 00:24:21,260 Centcom on the strike over the weekend 601 00:24:21,640 --> 00:24:24,470 on the car bomb and the suspects in the 602 00:24:24,480 --> 00:24:26,702 U . S . Said that initially the initial 603 00:24:26,702 --> 00:24:28,813 assessment was there were no civilian 604 00:24:28,813 --> 00:24:30,924 casualties . On what basis did the US 605 00:24:30,924 --> 00:24:33,036 make that assessment ? Uh The initial 606 00:24:33,036 --> 00:24:35,091 statement said that we are assessing 607 00:24:35,091 --> 00:24:37,313 and we have no indications at this time 608 00:24:37,313 --> 00:24:39,480 of civilian casualties . If I remember 609 00:24:39,480 --> 00:24:39,260 the statement exactly . And that was 610 00:24:39,260 --> 00:24:41,870 true . When it was said , we also put 611 00:24:41,870 --> 00:24:44,037 in there the centcom put in there that 612 00:24:44,037 --> 00:24:46,320 we are assessing and and we continue to 613 00:24:46,320 --> 00:24:48,500 assess . I'm trying to understand on 614 00:24:48,500 --> 00:24:51,070 what basis and then over horizon 615 00:24:51,070 --> 00:24:53,181 capability are you making assessments 616 00:24:53,181 --> 00:24:55,237 on civilian casualties ? How is that 617 00:24:55,237 --> 00:24:57,237 being done ? Because , well , we're 618 00:24:57,237 --> 00:24:59,403 certainly , we're looking at a variety 619 00:24:59,403 --> 00:25:02,360 of means of information . Um , and uh , 620 00:25:02,840 --> 00:25:04,940 and uh , we're obviously collecting 621 00:25:04,950 --> 00:25:07,006 open press reporting and we're doing 622 00:25:07,006 --> 00:25:09,120 the best we can , uh , to try to 623 00:25:09,120 --> 00:25:12,770 understand uh , the situation uh , 624 00:25:12,780 --> 00:25:16,110 locally as best we can . Um , and uh , 625 00:25:16,110 --> 00:25:18,332 and that would include discussions with 626 00:25:18,332 --> 00:25:20,554 the Taliban about about what they might 627 00:25:20,554 --> 00:25:22,554 be seeing . So there's a variety of 628 00:25:22,554 --> 00:25:24,499 ways that we are trying to do this 629 00:25:24,499 --> 00:25:26,990 assessment , get more clarity on why we 630 00:25:26,990 --> 00:25:29,670 can't know the names of the ISIS K 631 00:25:29,670 --> 00:25:31,726 suspects that were hit on thursday . 632 00:25:31,880 --> 00:25:33,991 I'm having a hard time . I understand 633 00:25:33,991 --> 00:25:35,991 they were described as high profile 634 00:25:35,991 --> 00:25:38,213 planners , facilitators . The president 635 00:25:38,213 --> 00:25:40,324 has said that we will hunt you down . 636 00:25:40,324 --> 00:25:42,547 Why can't we know who the is ? Probably 637 00:25:42,547 --> 00:25:42,490 a time when we can talk to you about 638 00:25:42,490 --> 00:25:44,712 the names ? That's not the time . Right 639 00:25:44,712 --> 00:25:46,934 now . We are still dealing with , as we 640 00:25:46,934 --> 00:25:49,101 saw from last night's rocket attacks , 641 00:25:49,101 --> 00:25:51,480 very real ongoing threats . And uh , I 642 00:25:51,490 --> 00:25:53,712 think we're doing what we believe to be 643 00:25:53,712 --> 00:25:55,823 the prudent thing with respect to the 644 00:25:55,823 --> 00:25:58,046 release of information we're giving you 645 00:25:58,046 --> 00:26:00,212 as much as we can and as close to real 646 00:26:00,212 --> 00:26:02,434 time as we can . But we're not gonna be 647 00:26:02,434 --> 00:26:01,570 able to give you everything . And we 648 00:26:01,570 --> 00:26:03,737 talked about that a couple of days ago 649 00:26:03,737 --> 00:26:05,910 when uh , when we talked about the 650 00:26:05,910 --> 00:26:07,910 retrograde beginning that there was 651 00:26:07,910 --> 00:26:11,760 going to be , um , uh , more judicious 652 00:26:11,760 --> 00:26:13,982 approach about information release ? So 653 00:26:13,982 --> 00:26:16,149 there will probably become a time when 654 00:26:16,149 --> 00:26:18,371 we can be more forthcoming . Now , it's 655 00:26:18,371 --> 00:26:20,593 not that time . Let me go to the phones 656 00:26:20,593 --> 00:26:22,704 here . Haven't done this at all yet , 657 00:26:22,704 --> 00:26:23,704 Alex Horton . 658 00:26:31,540 --> 00:26:33,700 Okay , we'll come back to you Alex , 659 00:26:33,710 --> 00:26:36,560 Jeff struggle . Thanks . I have a 660 00:26:36,560 --> 00:26:38,890 question and it's difficult but I hope 661 00:26:38,890 --> 00:26:40,970 you can entertain it according to 662 00:26:40,970 --> 00:26:44,620 politico , the US knew where the 663 00:26:44,630 --> 00:26:46,880 attack would roughly where the attack 664 00:26:46,880 --> 00:26:48,991 would take place on thursday and when 665 00:26:48,991 --> 00:26:51,047 it would attack , when it would take 666 00:26:51,047 --> 00:26:53,158 place . Why were there U . S . Troops 667 00:26:53,158 --> 00:26:56,180 at that gate at that time , Jeff , What 668 00:26:56,180 --> 00:26:58,790 I can tell you is that we have been 669 00:26:58,790 --> 00:27:00,480 monitoring as close as we can 670 00:27:00,490 --> 00:27:03,050 intelligence . That led us to believe 671 00:27:03,440 --> 00:27:05,551 that we were in a very dynamic and in 672 00:27:05,551 --> 00:27:08,360 some cases specific threat environment . 673 00:27:08,740 --> 00:27:12,550 Uh Number one , number two . Uh as 674 00:27:12,550 --> 00:27:14,772 General Mackenzie said , we're going to 675 00:27:14,772 --> 00:27:16,717 we're going to investigate , we're 676 00:27:16,717 --> 00:27:18,661 going to get to the bottom of what 677 00:27:18,661 --> 00:27:21,850 happened last thursday . Uh 13 precious 678 00:27:21,850 --> 00:27:23,961 lives were lost . We're going to take 679 00:27:23,961 --> 00:27:25,906 that seriously and we're gonna and 680 00:27:25,906 --> 00:27:27,961 we're not going to investigate it in 681 00:27:27,961 --> 00:27:30,183 public . Number three . I am absolutely 682 00:27:30,183 --> 00:27:34,080 not going to speak uh to a 683 00:27:34,090 --> 00:27:37,910 press story that was informed by the 684 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:40,460 unlawful disclosure of classified 685 00:27:40,460 --> 00:27:43,170 information , insensitive deliberations 686 00:27:43,170 --> 00:27:45,281 here at the pentagon . Just not going 687 00:27:45,281 --> 00:27:48,360 to do it . Yeah . Give him 688 00:27:48,940 --> 00:27:52,190 being conducted at a residential area , 689 00:27:52,200 --> 00:27:54,270 this strike drone strike , where the 690 00:27:54,280 --> 00:27:56,280 collateral damage of the strike was 691 00:27:56,280 --> 00:27:58,336 almost a certainty . So was that the 692 00:27:58,336 --> 00:28:00,502 only option ? You guys used a question 693 00:28:00,502 --> 00:28:02,558 to both of you , Was there any other 694 00:28:02,558 --> 00:28:06,160 option to stop that bomb laden vehicle ? 695 00:28:06,840 --> 00:28:09,620 I'll let the general , I'll ask the 696 00:28:09,620 --> 00:28:13,470 general too provide context . The only 697 00:28:13,470 --> 00:28:15,360 thing I would say is that 698 00:28:17,240 --> 00:28:19,860 we've used the word dynamic a lot and 699 00:28:19,870 --> 00:28:21,926 and I know that sounds like pentagon 700 00:28:21,926 --> 00:28:24,960 speak and uh but that's really how you 701 00:28:25,730 --> 00:28:27,786 the best way to describe the threats 702 00:28:27,786 --> 00:28:29,730 were facing dynamic , moving fluid 703 00:28:29,730 --> 00:28:33,580 quick . Uh and because that's how ISIS 704 00:28:33,580 --> 00:28:37,560 K . Operates and we have to try to be 705 00:28:37,940 --> 00:28:40,850 as quick and as nimble as they are . Um 706 00:28:40,860 --> 00:28:43,560 And when you have what we believe to be 707 00:28:43,560 --> 00:28:45,727 an imminent threat and we believe this 708 00:28:45,727 --> 00:28:48,430 to be an imminent threat . We took the 709 00:28:48,430 --> 00:28:51,210 action that we believe was was the most 710 00:28:51,210 --> 00:28:53,640 necessary at the best opportunity to 711 00:28:53,640 --> 00:28:56,670 thwart that attack . Mhm 712 00:28:58,640 --> 00:29:01,700 commanders will always 713 00:29:02,340 --> 00:29:04,790 minimize collateral damage . That is 714 00:29:05,050 --> 00:29:07,880 one of the key tenets of of what we are , 715 00:29:07,890 --> 00:29:10,520 how we operate in this case . Just like 716 00:29:10,530 --> 00:29:14,450 Mr Kirby said that this strike 717 00:29:14,840 --> 00:29:17,920 prevented a high profile attack 718 00:29:17,930 --> 00:29:21,300 against both , you know , coalition and 719 00:29:21,300 --> 00:29:24,720 U . S . Forces and other afghan 720 00:29:24,720 --> 00:29:27,500 civilians . And so as we looked at the 721 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:30,060 information that we had during the time 722 00:29:30,060 --> 00:29:32,140 of the strike , we took all those 723 00:29:32,140 --> 00:29:34,307 measures in place and the decision was 724 00:29:34,307 --> 00:29:37,670 made to strike and thwart that attack 725 00:29:38,140 --> 00:29:41,210 And also only on the five rockets . So 726 00:29:41,210 --> 00:29:44,730 the US . Force protection measures 727 00:29:44,740 --> 00:29:47,940 engaged those rockets and apparently 728 00:29:47,940 --> 00:29:49,890 they hit one of them or you didn't 729 00:29:49,890 --> 00:29:52,480 engage the other ones you just wanted 730 00:29:52,480 --> 00:29:54,990 to engage that specific 4th 1 as we 731 00:29:54,990 --> 00:29:57,460 look at just going back the force 732 00:29:57,460 --> 00:29:59,516 protection see RAM did work . It did 733 00:29:59,516 --> 00:30:03,000 engage and had effect on the one and 734 00:30:03,000 --> 00:30:06,180 then one did land in a in an area and 735 00:30:06,180 --> 00:30:10,100 it was not effective . So it didn't it 736 00:30:10,110 --> 00:30:12,610 didn't it didn't intercepted that one . 737 00:30:12,710 --> 00:30:14,932 That's correct . We intercepted one and 738 00:30:14,932 --> 00:30:17,266 it was effective . See RAM was affected . 739 00:30:19,640 --> 00:30:22,990 Uhh Therese I just need to clarify the 740 00:30:22,990 --> 00:30:26,560 numbers you stated earlier of the 122 0 741 00:30:27,040 --> 00:30:29,600 is the 5400 . A part of that number of 742 00:30:29,600 --> 00:30:31,690 americans evacuate er or is that a 743 00:30:31,690 --> 00:30:34,500 separate number from the 122,000 plus 744 00:30:34,500 --> 00:30:36,850 evacuated over the course of this 745 00:30:37,240 --> 00:30:40,380 operation . Going back to late july 746 00:30:40,380 --> 00:30:42,700 when we started moving s ivy applicants 747 00:30:42,700 --> 00:30:44,756 back home . And then when you add in 748 00:30:44,756 --> 00:30:47,600 the That since then yes 50 400 is 749 00:30:47,600 --> 00:30:51,360 included in the 122,000 . Uh huh . 750 00:30:52,040 --> 00:30:54,262 Of course I understand . You can't give 751 00:30:54,262 --> 00:30:56,484 us an update on the number of troops on 752 00:30:56,484 --> 00:30:58,651 the ground but are you still confident 753 00:30:58,651 --> 00:31:00,818 that all the troops will be out by the 754 00:31:00,818 --> 00:31:02,984 deadline ? And also if you can clarify 755 00:31:03,440 --> 00:31:07,200 when the deadline will come into effect 756 00:31:07,210 --> 00:31:10,720 like kabul time august 757 00:31:10,730 --> 00:31:14,490 it's a little bit no no affair for 758 00:31:14,500 --> 00:31:16,670 uh answer your first question is yes . 759 00:31:16,710 --> 00:31:18,877 And the answer your second question is 760 00:31:18,877 --> 00:31:21,043 I'm not going to get into it , jenny , 761 00:31:21,043 --> 00:31:24,490 thank you john if I s . 762 00:31:24,490 --> 00:31:27,730 K terrorists , continuous terrorism in 763 00:31:27,740 --> 00:31:30,800 Afghanistan , Even after the withdrawal 764 00:31:30,810 --> 00:31:34,810 of us troops on the 31st with the 765 00:31:34,810 --> 00:31:38,790 United States get involved in the war 766 00:31:38,800 --> 00:31:40,460 on terror again ? 767 00:31:44,140 --> 00:31:47,560 Well , I think I'd like to go back to 768 00:31:47,560 --> 00:31:51,280 what I said before uh to Courtney , uh , 769 00:31:51,290 --> 00:31:54,860 the president's made it clear are 770 00:31:55,640 --> 00:31:58,310 our combat mission , are the war we 771 00:31:58,310 --> 00:32:00,477 have been fighting in Afghanistan that 772 00:32:00,477 --> 00:32:02,920 that's going to end and it's going to 773 00:32:02,920 --> 00:32:05,600 end very soon here . But what's not 774 00:32:05,600 --> 00:32:07,600 going to end is our commitment , 775 00:32:07,610 --> 00:32:09,332 especially here at the Defense 776 00:32:09,332 --> 00:32:11,277 Department to protect the american 777 00:32:11,277 --> 00:32:14,000 people uh from from threats and 778 00:32:14,000 --> 00:32:16,167 particularly from any terrorist threat 779 00:32:16,167 --> 00:32:18,167 that could emanate from Afghanistan 780 00:32:18,167 --> 00:32:20,620 again . And as I said to to my previous 781 00:32:20,620 --> 00:32:22,731 answer , you can see in just the last 782 00:32:23,340 --> 00:32:27,300 24 , hours that we do have an effective 783 00:32:27,300 --> 00:32:29,189 over the horizon counterterrorism 784 00:32:29,189 --> 00:32:31,450 capability . We've employed it now 785 00:32:31,460 --> 00:32:35,240 twice . And that capability will will 786 00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:37,184 remain . And obviously , we're not 787 00:32:37,184 --> 00:32:39,351 gonna detail what it looks like on any 788 00:32:39,351 --> 00:32:41,684 given day against any particular threat . 789 00:32:41,684 --> 00:32:43,518 But we're going to maintain that 790 00:32:43,518 --> 00:32:45,462 capability to protect the american 791 00:32:45,462 --> 00:32:45,020 people from threats that could emanate 792 00:32:45,020 --> 00:32:47,187 from Afghanistan . It's also important 793 00:32:47,187 --> 00:32:49,131 to remember that counter terrorism 794 00:32:49,131 --> 00:32:51,242 threat isn't just in Afghanistan , uh 795 00:32:51,242 --> 00:32:53,187 it's in the levant , it's in North 796 00:32:53,187 --> 00:32:55,298 Africa . I mean , and we and you guys 797 00:32:55,298 --> 00:32:57,464 have all seen that and we are going to 798 00:32:57,464 --> 00:32:59,520 still maintain uh that ability to to 799 00:32:59,520 --> 00:33:01,631 thwart those threats as best we can . 800 00:33:01,631 --> 00:33:03,420 And and over the horizon is not 801 00:33:03,420 --> 00:33:05,531 something new to us either . I mean , 802 00:33:05,531 --> 00:33:07,587 we're we've been doing it for a long 803 00:33:07,587 --> 00:33:09,642 time in places outside Afghanistan . 804 00:33:09,642 --> 00:33:12,660 Yeah , not over horizon ability for 805 00:33:12,660 --> 00:33:14,827 striking for its or is that still , is 806 00:33:14,827 --> 00:33:16,882 that still coming from gulf bases or 807 00:33:16,882 --> 00:33:18,993 are you making progress with regional 808 00:33:18,993 --> 00:33:21,160 partners for that ? Over horizon comes 809 00:33:21,160 --> 00:33:23,382 from over the horizon . Abraham and I'm 810 00:33:23,382 --> 00:33:23,320 not going to go into more detail and 811 00:33:23,330 --> 00:33:25,274 being made with those negotiations 812 00:33:25,274 --> 00:33:27,680 continue to have discussions with 813 00:33:27,690 --> 00:33:30,020 neighboring nations about , about 814 00:33:30,020 --> 00:33:32,131 possibilities . I don't have anything 815 00:33:32,131 --> 00:33:34,298 to announce today , Alex . Let me come 816 00:33:34,298 --> 00:33:36,720 back to you there . Yeah , here we go . 817 00:33:36,940 --> 00:33:40,470 I got you . Yeah . Going back to the 818 00:33:40,470 --> 00:33:42,910 strike , um , the drug strike on the 819 00:33:42,910 --> 00:33:45,560 vehicle . Uh , you know , uh , I want 820 00:33:45,560 --> 00:33:47,790 to revisit the evidence you used . Um 821 00:33:47,800 --> 00:33:49,911 you know , it seems like verification 822 00:33:49,911 --> 00:33:51,967 that it was a legitimate target came 823 00:33:51,967 --> 00:33:54,078 from the secondary explosion though . 824 00:33:54,078 --> 00:33:57,110 An ordinance expert in trainee od tech 825 00:33:57,120 --> 00:33:59,342 told me , you know , accessing the wire 826 00:33:59,342 --> 00:34:01,570 photos , publicly available photos of 827 00:34:01,570 --> 00:34:04,450 the scene show , you know , a lack of 828 00:34:04,450 --> 00:34:06,570 soot on the walls , uh , you know , 829 00:34:06,580 --> 00:34:08,747 relatively little amount of shrapnel . 830 00:34:08,747 --> 00:34:10,802 There's a tree that was knocked down 831 00:34:10,802 --> 00:34:13,136 that with the foil is still intact . So , 832 00:34:13,136 --> 00:34:15,358 you know , after viewing these things , 833 00:34:15,358 --> 00:34:17,358 you know , what is your , you still 834 00:34:17,358 --> 00:34:19,080 stand by with a high degree of 835 00:34:19,080 --> 00:34:21,302 confidence that there was a significant 836 00:34:21,302 --> 00:34:23,469 explosion and not something like a gas 837 00:34:23,469 --> 00:34:25,691 tank explosion or something like that . 838 00:34:25,691 --> 00:34:28,090 That may misdirect the the evidence of 839 00:34:28,090 --> 00:34:31,250 a big secondary explosion . No . Mhm . 840 00:34:32,440 --> 00:34:34,384 We know that , as I said earlier , 841 00:34:34,384 --> 00:34:36,570 there was a secondary explosion and 842 00:34:36,570 --> 00:34:39,550 that assessed that what was there 843 00:34:40,040 --> 00:34:43,540 was going to be used in a high profile 844 00:34:43,540 --> 00:34:46,600 attack . I don't have details on the 845 00:34:46,610 --> 00:34:48,666 you know the information that you're 846 00:34:48,666 --> 00:34:50,888 just saying that . But our intelligence 847 00:34:50,888 --> 00:34:52,999 experts and the centcom will continue 848 00:34:52,999 --> 00:34:56,760 to assess the post strike activities . 849 00:34:59,140 --> 00:35:00,970 Okay , a couple more back there 850 00:35:03,240 --> 00:35:05,110 and that's the coordination with 851 00:35:05,110 --> 00:35:08,050 Taliban applied to the final phases of 852 00:35:08,060 --> 00:35:11,180 the withdrawal . I mean will they take 853 00:35:11,190 --> 00:35:14,460 over the airport before you leave ? How 854 00:35:14,460 --> 00:35:16,650 will you ensure the protection of your 855 00:35:16,660 --> 00:35:18,990 troops ? Will you depend on your 856 00:35:19,000 --> 00:35:22,010 capabilities how the outcome would look 857 00:35:22,010 --> 00:35:24,850 like the last flight ? There's a lot 858 00:35:24,850 --> 00:35:28,330 there um as I said to 859 00:35:28,340 --> 00:35:31,060 louis um we have been in communication 860 00:35:31,060 --> 00:35:33,870 with the Taliban about about these 861 00:35:34,740 --> 00:35:38,340 final days um so that we can make sure 862 00:35:38,340 --> 00:35:40,340 that there's no miscalculation , no 863 00:35:40,340 --> 00:35:42,300 misunderstanding . Our goal is to 864 00:35:42,310 --> 00:35:45,440 complete this retrograde and to wrap up 865 00:35:45,440 --> 00:35:47,660 evacuation operations as safely and as 866 00:35:47,660 --> 00:35:49,771 orderly as we can . Obviously I'm not 867 00:35:49,771 --> 00:35:51,993 going to get into the details of either 868 00:35:51,993 --> 00:35:54,104 the conversations we're having or our 869 00:35:54,104 --> 00:35:56,280 processes and procedures as we have 870 00:35:56,290 --> 00:35:59,050 seen all too vividly in the last 871 00:36:00,130 --> 00:36:03,500 day , The the threat remains high and 872 00:36:03,500 --> 00:36:06,750 it remains real . So what I can assure 873 00:36:06,750 --> 00:36:09,180 you is that that General Mackenzie and 874 00:36:09,190 --> 00:36:12,100 I am obviously General Donahue there on 875 00:36:12,100 --> 00:36:14,790 the ground , they have worked out a 876 00:36:14,800 --> 00:36:18,750 very carefully coordinated uh method of 877 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:21,720 of safely completing this retrograde 878 00:36:21,730 --> 00:36:24,290 and that's about as far as I think I 879 00:36:24,290 --> 00:36:27,370 can go as for the airport . Uh the 880 00:36:27,370 --> 00:36:31,050 airport will remain operational through 881 00:36:31,430 --> 00:36:35,190 are final flights . Um 882 00:36:35,200 --> 00:36:37,810 what it looks like after we are gone , 883 00:36:37,820 --> 00:36:39,830 I would just point you to what the 884 00:36:39,830 --> 00:36:41,663 Secretary of State said that the 885 00:36:41,663 --> 00:36:43,663 international community , there's a 886 00:36:43,663 --> 00:36:45,719 couple of countries that have talked 887 00:36:45,719 --> 00:36:49,080 about uh being able to come up with an 888 00:36:49,080 --> 00:36:51,510 arrangement to to keep it operational 889 00:36:51,510 --> 00:36:53,690 for commercial air traffic in 890 00:36:53,690 --> 00:36:55,746 coordination with the taliban . I'll 891 00:36:55,746 --> 00:36:57,746 let those countries speak for their 892 00:36:57,746 --> 00:36:59,857 efforts with the taliban . That would 893 00:36:59,857 --> 00:37:02,079 not be a U . S . Military function , it 894 00:37:02,079 --> 00:37:03,857 would not be a U . S . Military 895 00:37:03,857 --> 00:37:05,968 responsibility once we have completed 896 00:37:05,968 --> 00:37:08,190 the retrograde and and we are no longer 897 00:37:08,190 --> 00:37:10,470 there just a couple more Yeah ratio of 898 00:37:10,470 --> 00:37:12,470 flights to people getting out has 899 00:37:12,470 --> 00:37:14,359 gotten pretty high . Is that only 900 00:37:14,359 --> 00:37:16,581 indicative of fewer people coming on to 901 00:37:16,581 --> 00:37:18,637 the airport or is that also a mix of 902 00:37:18,637 --> 00:37:20,748 flights filling up with equipment and 903 00:37:20,748 --> 00:37:23,210 supplies heading out like ? So we're 904 00:37:23,210 --> 00:37:25,154 not gonna get into details of load 905 00:37:25,154 --> 00:37:27,650 plants , but obviously we are reaching 906 00:37:27,880 --> 00:37:30,880 the end of our prescribed mission . So 907 00:37:31,190 --> 00:37:33,210 commanders are in flowing and out 908 00:37:33,210 --> 00:37:35,810 flowing those requirements needed to 909 00:37:35,820 --> 00:37:37,876 complete the mission . And are there 910 00:37:37,876 --> 00:37:39,987 still strike aircraft flying overhead 911 00:37:39,987 --> 00:37:42,153 keeping out in case something is going 912 00:37:42,153 --> 00:37:44,209 on here the airport while everyone's 913 00:37:44,209 --> 00:37:46,431 getting on planes , assets as we talked 914 00:37:46,431 --> 00:37:48,542 about assets available . Not going to 915 00:37:48,542 --> 00:37:50,653 get into the details of what's flying 916 00:37:50,653 --> 00:37:53,070 and what there is ? But the commanders 917 00:37:53,070 --> 00:37:55,290 that are fulfilling this last part of 918 00:37:55,290 --> 00:37:57,860 this mission have all the assets they 919 00:37:57,860 --> 00:38:00,150 need uh in the air and underground 920 00:38:00,150 --> 00:38:01,983 where they're at to complete the 921 00:38:01,983 --> 00:38:05,020 mission safely . Non combatant 922 00:38:05,020 --> 00:38:07,020 evacuation operations are dangerous 923 00:38:07,020 --> 00:38:10,610 period . Um the end of them , 924 00:38:10,930 --> 00:38:12,810 particularly one in that in an 925 00:38:12,810 --> 00:38:15,330 environment that we can't uh consider 926 00:38:15,340 --> 00:38:18,190 clearly cannot consider permissive are 927 00:38:18,190 --> 00:38:21,640 particularly dangerous and the 928 00:38:21,640 --> 00:38:23,529 commanders on the ground have the 929 00:38:23,529 --> 00:38:25,470 resources they need to enact 930 00:38:25,480 --> 00:38:28,280 appropriate force protection . What is 931 00:38:28,280 --> 00:38:30,502 more dangerous now about saying they're 932 00:38:30,502 --> 00:38:32,502 F eighteens and reapers flying over 933 00:38:32,502 --> 00:38:34,669 there , There was two weeks ago . It's 934 00:38:34,669 --> 00:38:36,669 not it's not it's not it's not that 935 00:38:36,669 --> 00:38:38,669 it's not that we're not saying more 936 00:38:38,669 --> 00:38:41,870 specific because uh for one reason or 937 00:38:41,870 --> 00:38:44,700 another , it's that we are in a 938 00:38:44,700 --> 00:38:47,770 particularly dangerous time now , Megan . 939 00:38:47,780 --> 00:38:51,050 Uh , not that it hasn't always been 940 00:38:51,050 --> 00:38:52,994 dangerous , but it is particularly 941 00:38:52,994 --> 00:38:55,161 dangerous now and we're just not gonna 942 00:38:55,161 --> 00:38:57,460 detail every aspect of our force 943 00:38:57,460 --> 00:38:59,700 protection measures in public while we 944 00:38:59,700 --> 00:39:02,610 still have troops in harm's way and 945 00:39:02,610 --> 00:39:04,960 we're still trying to get people out of 946 00:39:04,960 --> 00:39:07,071 Afghanistan . There will be a time to 947 00:39:07,720 --> 00:39:10,750 talk about all that . It's just not 948 00:39:10,750 --> 00:39:14,710 today . Um , there's an american 949 00:39:14,710 --> 00:39:17,043 hostage still being held by the taliban ? 950 00:39:17,043 --> 00:39:20,270 Has the taliban agreed to release Mark 951 00:39:20,270 --> 00:39:22,790 free ricks before the US leaves . Does 952 00:39:22,790 --> 00:39:25,580 the US have any plans to leave without 953 00:39:25,590 --> 00:39:27,701 this american hostage without getting 954 00:39:27,701 --> 00:39:30,130 into specifics , jen ? I can tell you 955 00:39:30,130 --> 00:39:33,690 that we share the entire governments , 956 00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:38,200 uh concerns over mr Frerichs and our 957 00:39:38,210 --> 00:39:41,560 strong desire to see him returned home 958 00:39:41,570 --> 00:39:43,730 to his family where he belongs . Uh , 959 00:39:43,730 --> 00:39:45,841 and there has been a concerted effort 960 00:39:46,320 --> 00:39:48,960 over many , many months to try to 961 00:39:48,960 --> 00:39:52,270 achieve that outcome . And regardless 962 00:39:52,270 --> 00:39:56,080 of uh what we do 963 00:39:56,080 --> 00:39:59,320 over the next day or so , uh we will 964 00:39:59,320 --> 00:40:01,487 remain , all of us will remain focused 965 00:40:01,487 --> 00:40:03,709 on returning him safely to his family . 966 00:40:03,709 --> 00:40:05,598 That's not gonna that's not gonna 967 00:40:05,598 --> 00:40:07,653 change one way or the other . Okay , 968 00:40:07,653 --> 00:40:09,820 listen , I'm gonna wrap it up here . I 969 00:40:09,820 --> 00:40:12,042 appreciate it . Uh thanks very much and 970 00:40:12,042 --> 00:40:13,250 we'll talk to you soon . Mhm .