1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:03,840 Yeah . Mhm . Uh huh . 2 00:00:05,140 --> 00:00:08,900 There we go , afternoon everybody a 3 00:00:08,910 --> 00:00:11,132 couple of things here at the top . If I 4 00:00:11,132 --> 00:00:14,660 could you may have seen last night 5 00:00:15,640 --> 00:00:18,000 the DpRK fired two short range missiles 6 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:20,410 towards the sea of Japan . These 7 00:00:20,410 --> 00:00:22,521 launches are in violation of multiple 8 00:00:22,521 --> 00:00:24,632 UN Security Council resolutions . And 9 00:00:24,632 --> 00:00:26,354 these activities highlight the 10 00:00:26,354 --> 00:00:28,299 destabilizing impact of the DPRK s 11 00:00:28,299 --> 00:00:30,210 illicit weapons program . Our 12 00:00:30,210 --> 00:00:32,043 commitment to the defense of the 13 00:00:32,043 --> 00:00:34,043 republic of Korea and Japan remains 14 00:00:34,043 --> 00:00:37,470 ironclad . And I think you saw the 15 00:00:37,480 --> 00:00:40,670 statement earlier today about that this 16 00:00:40,670 --> 00:00:43,350 morning , Secretary Austin welcomed the 17 00:00:43,350 --> 00:00:45,620 Australian Minister for Defense Peter 18 00:00:45,620 --> 00:00:47,890 Dutton here to the pentagon . We're 19 00:00:47,890 --> 00:00:50,112 proud to stand alongside our Australian 20 00:00:50,112 --> 00:00:52,112 allies to strengthen deterrence and 21 00:00:52,112 --> 00:00:54,334 defend our shared values and our shared 22 00:00:54,334 --> 00:00:56,501 interests in the indo pacific region . 23 00:00:56,501 --> 00:00:59,000 The US Australia relationship is what 24 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:01,000 we're proud to call the unbreakable 25 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:03,222 Alliance are increasing convergence and 26 00:01:03,222 --> 00:01:05,000 alignment on the most important 27 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:06,833 strategic issues , attest to the 28 00:01:06,833 --> 00:01:08,889 enduring value of this partnership . 29 00:01:08,889 --> 00:01:10,833 We're cooperating closely on force 30 00:01:10,833 --> 00:01:12,778 posture , strategic capabilities , 31 00:01:12,778 --> 00:01:14,889 regional and engagement and of course 32 00:01:14,889 --> 00:01:16,833 military operations and ultimately 33 00:01:16,833 --> 00:01:18,500 we're cooperating on all that 34 00:01:18,500 --> 00:01:20,333 strengthens our ability to deter 35 00:01:20,333 --> 00:01:22,667 threats to a free and open indo pacific . 36 00:01:22,940 --> 00:01:25,140 Tomorrow , Secretary Austin and 37 00:01:25,150 --> 00:01:27,490 Minister Dutton will join Secretary of 38 00:01:27,490 --> 00:01:30,390 State Blinken uh and the Minister of 39 00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:32,600 Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs 40 00:01:32,610 --> 00:01:35,840 Maurice pain for two plus two meetings 41 00:01:35,850 --> 00:01:38,072 over there at foggy bottom at the State 42 00:01:38,072 --> 00:01:41,200 Department . Um also this week the Navy 43 00:01:41,200 --> 00:01:43,311 completed a new milestone , the first 44 00:01:43,311 --> 00:01:45,740 aerial refueling of an F 35 C lightning 45 00:01:45,740 --> 00:01:49,050 two aircraft by an MQ 25 46 00:01:49,060 --> 00:01:52,380 unmanned platform on monday . The 47 00:01:52,380 --> 00:01:54,213 milestone is significant because 48 00:01:54,213 --> 00:01:56,560 unmanned tanking capabilities will free 49 00:01:56,560 --> 00:01:58,727 up the Navy's strike fighters that are 50 00:01:58,727 --> 00:02:00,671 currently carrying out the tanking 51 00:02:00,671 --> 00:02:02,838 mission , delivering greater range and 52 00:02:02,838 --> 00:02:05,060 then endurance for the carrier air wing 53 00:02:05,060 --> 00:02:07,116 to execute missions once operational 54 00:02:07,116 --> 00:02:09,890 and Q 25 will refuel every receiver 55 00:02:09,890 --> 00:02:12,630 capable carrier based aircraft and then 56 00:02:12,630 --> 00:02:14,630 finally on more on schedule for the 57 00:02:14,630 --> 00:02:16,686 Navy , the Secretary of the Navy and 58 00:02:16,686 --> 00:02:18,574 the Chief of Naval Operations are 59 00:02:18,574 --> 00:02:20,574 hosting more than 100 international 60 00:02:20,574 --> 00:02:20,510 delegates , including heads of navies 61 00:02:20,510 --> 00:02:22,732 and coastguards in person and virtually 62 00:02:22,732 --> 00:02:24,621 at the US Naval War College up in 63 00:02:24,621 --> 00:02:26,677 Newport Rhode island for this year's 64 00:02:26,677 --> 00:02:28,860 international seapower symposium . The 65 00:02:28,860 --> 00:02:31,180 symposium provides a forum for dialogue 66 00:02:31,180 --> 00:02:33,440 between international navies and 67 00:02:33,440 --> 00:02:35,218 coastguards to bolster maritime 68 00:02:35,218 --> 00:02:37,384 security . Um and with that we'll take 69 00:02:37,384 --> 00:02:40,110 questions bob . Thank you . Thank you . 70 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:42,680 Have a question for you on the uh 71 00:02:42,690 --> 00:02:45,330 august 29th drone strike in Kabul . 72 00:02:45,340 --> 00:02:48,800 Yeah . Um was that vehicle 73 00:02:48,810 --> 00:02:51,500 tracked and targeted because of its 74 00:02:51,500 --> 00:02:54,560 activities and the belief that it was 75 00:02:54,560 --> 00:02:56,671 carrying explosives or was it tracked 76 00:02:56,671 --> 00:02:59,740 and targeted because the driver was 77 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:01,560 believed or known to be an ISIS 78 00:03:01,560 --> 00:03:03,850 operative . Yeah bob As you know , 79 00:03:04,340 --> 00:03:06,570 Central Command is continuing to assess 80 00:03:06,570 --> 00:03:08,792 the strike and I just don't want to get 81 00:03:08,792 --> 00:03:11,470 out ahead of their work on this . So 82 00:03:11,470 --> 00:03:13,359 you can't say what the reason for 83 00:03:13,359 --> 00:03:15,581 targeting it was in the first place . I 84 00:03:15,581 --> 00:03:17,748 can't speak to that at this time . I'm 85 00:03:17,748 --> 00:03:19,859 gonna let centcom complete their work 86 00:03:19,859 --> 00:03:22,081 and then uh let them speak to what they 87 00:03:22,081 --> 00:03:24,026 find as a result of that . I think 88 00:03:24,026 --> 00:03:25,970 that's the best course right now , 89 00:03:25,970 --> 00:03:27,637 jennifer john , there are two 90 00:03:27,637 --> 00:03:29,803 allegations in the new Woodward cost a 91 00:03:29,803 --> 00:03:32,026 book that have to do with this building 92 00:03:32,026 --> 00:03:34,510 in particular whether General Milley 93 00:03:34,520 --> 00:03:37,920 inserted himself into the uh nuclear 94 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:40,120 launch process . Is there anything 95 00:03:40,120 --> 00:03:42,980 unusual that you've seen or that is the 96 00:03:42,990 --> 00:03:45,600 Defense Secretary concerned about the 97 00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:47,620 reports that General Milley 98 00:03:48,890 --> 00:03:51,760 inserted himself into ? They tried to 99 00:03:51,760 --> 00:03:54,430 stop the President at the time from 100 00:03:54,430 --> 00:03:56,486 having the ability to launch nuclear 101 00:03:56,486 --> 00:03:58,374 weapons . Can you explain how the 102 00:03:58,374 --> 00:04:00,597 process works ? And it's been explained 103 00:04:00,597 --> 00:04:02,450 to us that he went and just went 104 00:04:02,450 --> 00:04:05,900 through , reviewed the procedures and 105 00:04:05,910 --> 00:04:08,500 that he told them that they should be 106 00:04:08,500 --> 00:04:11,100 on any conference call with the 107 00:04:11,100 --> 00:04:13,100 President . That that's part of the 108 00:04:13,100 --> 00:04:14,933 procedures . Is that part of the 109 00:04:14,933 --> 00:04:16,933 nuclear procedures ? I'm confused . 110 00:04:16,933 --> 00:04:19,044 Well , I certainly can't speak to the 111 00:04:19,044 --> 00:04:21,211 revelations that are coming out in the 112 00:04:21,211 --> 00:04:24,350 book . I think you saw a statement by 113 00:04:24,350 --> 00:04:27,420 the Chairman's office uh specifically 114 00:04:27,420 --> 00:04:30,210 addressing this issue . What I can tell 115 00:04:30,210 --> 00:04:33,240 you is that it is not uncommon at all 116 00:04:33,630 --> 00:04:37,130 for the department to continue to 117 00:04:37,210 --> 00:04:39,790 review security protocols , 118 00:04:39,790 --> 00:04:42,270 particularly when it comes to our 119 00:04:42,270 --> 00:04:44,410 strategic deterrence capabilities , 120 00:04:44,420 --> 00:04:46,550 that we constantly take a look at the 121 00:04:46,550 --> 00:04:48,700 protocols and procedures to make sure 122 00:04:48,700 --> 00:04:50,644 that they are still relevant . And 123 00:04:50,644 --> 00:04:52,867 these protocols have been been in place 124 00:04:52,867 --> 00:04:55,089 for a long time , a couple of decades . 125 00:04:55,089 --> 00:04:57,144 And so it's it's not uncommon . It's 126 00:04:57,144 --> 00:04:59,478 also completely appropriate . And again , 127 00:04:59,478 --> 00:05:01,478 I'm not speaking to the validity of 128 00:05:01,478 --> 00:05:03,700 things that are in the book , but it is 129 00:05:03,700 --> 00:05:05,922 completely appropriate for the Chairman 130 00:05:05,922 --> 00:05:05,800 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the 131 00:05:05,800 --> 00:05:07,800 senior military advisor to both the 132 00:05:07,800 --> 00:05:10,210 Secretary and the President to want to 133 00:05:10,210 --> 00:05:12,940 see those protocols reviewed on 134 00:05:12,940 --> 00:05:15,630 whatever frequent basis that he wants 135 00:05:15,630 --> 00:05:19,010 to do that . So again , I can't speak 136 00:05:19,010 --> 00:05:22,370 to the validity but I see nothing in 137 00:05:22,370 --> 00:05:26,230 what I've read that would that would 138 00:05:26,230 --> 00:05:28,350 cause any concern . What is the 139 00:05:28,350 --> 00:05:30,572 chairman's role in terms of the nuclear 140 00:05:30,572 --> 00:05:32,840 launch if there were a nuclear launch 141 00:05:32,850 --> 00:05:35,017 by the president ? Well , the chairman 142 00:05:35,017 --> 00:05:38,590 is the key military advisor to 143 00:05:38,590 --> 00:05:40,940 the President of the Commander in Chief . 144 00:05:41,160 --> 00:05:44,960 And in a sequence of 145 00:05:44,960 --> 00:05:48,760 events whereby a commander in chief uh 146 00:05:49,240 --> 00:05:51,840 would be making that decision that most 147 00:05:51,840 --> 00:05:55,460 grave of decisions . The Chairman would 148 00:05:55,460 --> 00:05:59,030 be intimately involved in that process 149 00:05:59,040 --> 00:06:01,550 in providing advice and counsel to both 150 00:06:01,550 --> 00:06:03,606 the Secretary and to the President . 151 00:06:03,606 --> 00:06:05,661 Obviously the President in this case 152 00:06:05,661 --> 00:06:07,760 makes the final decision . Um uh you 153 00:06:07,760 --> 00:06:11,600 know , by statute by law , he is the 154 00:06:11,600 --> 00:06:13,933 prime military advisor to the President . 155 00:06:13,933 --> 00:06:16,044 And this would be a military decision 156 00:06:16,044 --> 00:06:18,170 of profound proportions here and 157 00:06:18,170 --> 00:06:20,520 importance . So he would be absolutely 158 00:06:20,650 --> 00:06:22,872 involved in that process soup to nuts . 159 00:06:23,060 --> 00:06:25,227 Was there anything unusual said to the 160 00:06:25,227 --> 00:06:27,393 chinese counterpart in the phone calls 161 00:06:27,393 --> 00:06:30,050 as far as you understand ? Well , again , 162 00:06:30,050 --> 00:06:32,272 all all I've seen is the same reporting 163 00:06:32,272 --> 00:06:34,640 that you've seen , jen , I can't speak 164 00:06:34,650 --> 00:06:38,110 to the um , the specifics of the 165 00:06:38,120 --> 00:06:40,342 conversation , a conversation that took 166 00:06:40,342 --> 00:06:43,360 place obviously before uh before this 167 00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:47,000 administration uh took office . Um 168 00:06:47,010 --> 00:06:50,530 But I would add , if I may again 169 00:06:50,540 --> 00:06:54,350 that it is not only uh 170 00:06:55,040 --> 00:06:58,340 common , it's expected that the 171 00:06:58,350 --> 00:07:00,560 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 172 00:07:00,940 --> 00:07:04,060 uh would continue to have counterpart 173 00:07:04,060 --> 00:07:06,227 conversations . I mean he is basically 174 00:07:06,227 --> 00:07:08,227 the Chief of Defence for the United 175 00:07:08,227 --> 00:07:10,338 States , We don't call him that , but 176 00:07:10,338 --> 00:07:12,393 he has Chief of Defence counterparts 177 00:07:12,393 --> 00:07:14,616 around the world . Um and having worked 178 00:07:14,616 --> 00:07:16,838 for a chairman myself for quite a bit , 179 00:07:16,838 --> 00:07:18,338 I can tell you uh frequent 180 00:07:18,338 --> 00:07:20,449 communication with two countries like 181 00:07:20,449 --> 00:07:22,504 Russia and china is not a typical at 182 00:07:22,504 --> 00:07:24,782 all for a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs ? 183 00:07:24,782 --> 00:07:26,782 Uh And those communications are the 184 00:07:26,782 --> 00:07:28,671 routine , they're staffed , their 185 00:07:28,671 --> 00:07:32,360 coordinated and they're 186 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:34,670 transparent as transparent as they can 187 00:07:34,670 --> 00:07:37,900 be . Would it also be routine in these 188 00:07:37,900 --> 00:07:40,122 counterpart conversations if the United 189 00:07:40,122 --> 00:07:42,178 States was planning to strike one of 190 00:07:42,178 --> 00:07:44,178 these locations for the chairman to 191 00:07:44,178 --> 00:07:46,400 inform his counterpart that the U . S . 192 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:48,456 Was about to strike as was quoted in 193 00:07:48,456 --> 00:07:50,567 the again , I'm not going to get into 194 00:07:50,567 --> 00:07:52,789 the confirming or speaking to details ? 195 00:07:52,789 --> 00:07:54,956 That question would be , would that be 196 00:07:54,956 --> 00:07:57,178 a common part of these conversations if 197 00:07:57,178 --> 00:07:59,067 the United States was planning to 198 00:07:59,067 --> 00:08:01,233 conduct a strike on a location , would 199 00:08:01,233 --> 00:08:03,400 the chairman then call his counterpart 200 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:03,160 to alert them to an incoming stream 201 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:05,382 without speaking to that ? Hypothetical 202 00:08:05,382 --> 00:08:08,290 what again would say is that these 203 00:08:08,300 --> 00:08:10,500 parts of the value , a part of the 204 00:08:10,500 --> 00:08:12,667 value of having these communications , 205 00:08:12,667 --> 00:08:15,800 particularly with countries like Russia 206 00:08:15,800 --> 00:08:18,880 and china with which we are 207 00:08:18,880 --> 00:08:21,130 experiencing tension is to try to 208 00:08:21,130 --> 00:08:23,297 reduce the risks of miscalculation and 209 00:08:23,297 --> 00:08:25,519 conflict , to try to take down tensions 210 00:08:25,519 --> 00:08:28,980 to uh to make clear what our national 211 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:31,036 security interests are on . You pick 212 00:08:31,036 --> 00:08:33,450 the issue and that's , that's a , the 213 00:08:33,460 --> 00:08:35,800 communication channel between our 214 00:08:35,800 --> 00:08:38,520 chairman and the Chief of Defence is a 215 00:08:38,520 --> 00:08:42,090 really key vehicle for transmitting and 216 00:08:42,090 --> 00:08:44,312 communicating those kinds of messages . 217 00:08:44,312 --> 00:08:46,423 And then his secretary Austin , based 218 00:08:46,423 --> 00:08:48,646 off of these stories out of this book , 219 00:08:48,646 --> 00:08:50,800 has he instructed General Milley to 220 00:08:50,810 --> 00:08:53,360 change any of the ways that he's 221 00:08:53,370 --> 00:08:55,820 operating ? Has he asked him to inform 222 00:08:55,820 --> 00:08:57,320 him more about some of the 223 00:08:57,320 --> 00:08:59,376 conversations that he's having . Has 224 00:08:59,376 --> 00:09:01,598 there been any practical change on this 225 00:09:01,598 --> 00:09:03,910 current ? Absolutely not . No , not in 226 00:09:03,910 --> 00:09:06,090 the east has full trust and confidence 227 00:09:06,090 --> 00:09:08,090 in Chairman Millie and the job that 228 00:09:08,090 --> 00:09:11,440 he's doing . Clark . Thanks john . Um , 229 00:09:11,450 --> 00:09:14,590 so just following up on the previous 230 00:09:14,590 --> 00:09:17,070 questions , um , as you said by law by 231 00:09:17,070 --> 00:09:19,126 statute , the chairman is not in the 232 00:09:19,126 --> 00:09:20,848 chain of command . So if these 233 00:09:20,848 --> 00:09:23,260 allegations are true , that normally 234 00:09:23,850 --> 00:09:26,310 said that he would give a heads up to 235 00:09:26,310 --> 00:09:28,199 the chinese , if we were going to 236 00:09:28,199 --> 00:09:30,254 strike them , would not , would that 237 00:09:30,254 --> 00:09:32,421 not be undermining civilian control of 238 00:09:32,421 --> 00:09:34,643 the military ? Again , I'm not going to 239 00:09:34,643 --> 00:09:37,020 speak to unconfirmed reports from a 240 00:09:37,020 --> 00:09:39,242 book that we haven't looked at and read 241 00:09:39,242 --> 00:09:41,464 yet and certainly not to a conversation 242 00:09:41,464 --> 00:09:43,390 that took place before the 243 00:09:43,390 --> 00:09:45,501 administration took office . I'm just 244 00:09:45,501 --> 00:09:47,612 I'm not going to go there , laura , I 245 00:09:47,612 --> 00:09:49,779 can't really understand why you're not 246 00:09:49,779 --> 00:09:51,890 denying that that is happening . That 247 00:09:51,890 --> 00:09:53,834 that happens since that's a pretty 248 00:09:53,834 --> 00:09:56,120 serious allegation . I'm not speaking 249 00:09:56,120 --> 00:09:58,342 to it at all . Or it's not that I'm not 250 00:09:58,342 --> 00:10:00,590 denying it . I'm simply I'm going to 251 00:10:00,590 --> 00:10:03,920 refuse to speak to 252 00:10:03,930 --> 00:10:07,670 specific anecdotes that that are in 253 00:10:07,670 --> 00:10:09,726 this book . I'm in no position to do 254 00:10:09,726 --> 00:10:11,892 that . And I don't think they would be 255 00:10:11,892 --> 00:10:14,059 helpful for me to try to speculate one 256 00:10:14,059 --> 00:10:16,226 way or the other about the veracity of 257 00:10:16,226 --> 00:10:18,448 these , of these anecdotes . What I can 258 00:10:18,448 --> 00:10:20,614 tell you is that a Chairman of the RNC 259 00:10:20,614 --> 00:10:23,240 Chairman Chairman , Chairman across 260 00:10:23,240 --> 00:10:25,760 multiple administrations routinely have 261 00:10:26,240 --> 00:10:28,000 communications direct channel 262 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,167 communications with their counterparts 263 00:10:30,167 --> 00:10:32,056 in in other countries . And it is 264 00:10:32,056 --> 00:10:34,480 particularly important to have those 265 00:10:34,480 --> 00:10:37,550 communications with a nation state 266 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:41,140 with which there are real and 267 00:10:41,140 --> 00:10:43,251 significant tensions to try to reduce 268 00:10:43,251 --> 00:10:45,362 those clear things up . Make sure you 269 00:10:45,362 --> 00:10:47,640 reduce the risk of miscalculation . Uh , 270 00:10:47,640 --> 00:10:50,270 and I think you saw in the uh the 271 00:10:50,270 --> 00:10:52,326 statement that the Chairman's office 272 00:10:52,326 --> 00:10:54,381 that they put out earlier today that 273 00:10:54,381 --> 00:10:56,326 that's exactly what was behind the 274 00:10:56,326 --> 00:10:58,048 context here for this for this 275 00:10:58,048 --> 00:10:59,992 particular call , which which took 276 00:10:59,992 --> 00:11:02,370 place , you know , at a difficult time 277 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:04,350 in our nation's history in this 278 00:11:04,350 --> 00:11:06,517 particular transition . I'm sorry Just 279 00:11:06,517 --> 00:11:08,683 to follow up on that point . Secretary 280 00:11:08,683 --> 00:11:10,683 Secretary Miller , acting Secretary 281 00:11:10,683 --> 00:11:13,110 Miller told Fox News that he did not 282 00:11:13,120 --> 00:11:15,770 authorize the call and another one of 283 00:11:15,780 --> 00:11:17,780 his Deputy Chief of Staff also said 284 00:11:17,780 --> 00:11:19,891 that in fact it was the policy at the 285 00:11:19,891 --> 00:11:21,558 time that there was no senior 286 00:11:21,558 --> 00:11:23,669 government engagement with china . Is 287 00:11:23,669 --> 00:11:27,040 that true ? But could that possibly be 288 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:30,830 true ? I couldn't I couldn't answer 289 00:11:30,830 --> 00:11:33,650 that . I mean that that's that those 290 00:11:33,650 --> 00:11:36,630 were those were before , that was the 291 00:11:36,630 --> 00:11:38,830 time before we we were in office . I 292 00:11:38,830 --> 00:11:40,730 can't I can't speak to what the 293 00:11:40,730 --> 00:11:44,540 policies were for uh international 294 00:11:44,540 --> 00:11:47,650 communications were . Uh but again , 295 00:11:47,660 --> 00:11:49,938 you saw it in the chairman's statement , 296 00:11:49,938 --> 00:11:52,290 uh why why he was having these 297 00:11:52,290 --> 00:11:54,512 conversations ? And you also saw in his 298 00:11:54,512 --> 00:11:56,740 statement that those communications 299 00:11:56,740 --> 00:11:58,970 were staffing and coordinated . I would 300 00:11:58,970 --> 00:12:00,970 point you back to what the chairman 301 00:12:00,970 --> 00:12:04,560 said . Yeah , thank you john So you 302 00:12:04,560 --> 00:12:06,782 said it's it's routine for the chairman 303 00:12:06,782 --> 00:12:08,893 to speak to counterparts in china and 304 00:12:08,893 --> 00:12:11,850 Russia . And in this context , the 305 00:12:11,860 --> 00:12:13,693 statement talked about strategic 306 00:12:13,693 --> 00:12:17,240 stability . So it includes uh issues 307 00:12:17,240 --> 00:12:19,980 related to nuclear capabilities . And 308 00:12:19,980 --> 00:12:22,258 you said you worked for for a chairman . 309 00:12:22,258 --> 00:12:24,370 Um can you help us understand usually 310 00:12:24,370 --> 00:12:26,370 when these type of conversations at 311 00:12:26,370 --> 00:12:29,060 this level happened ? Does the chairman 312 00:12:29,070 --> 00:12:31,700 briefed the President or get the green 313 00:12:31,700 --> 00:12:33,867 light from the President before such a 314 00:12:33,867 --> 00:12:35,811 conversation ? Does he briefed the 315 00:12:35,811 --> 00:12:37,811 president on the organization ? And 316 00:12:37,811 --> 00:12:40,000 does he get the green light from the 317 00:12:40,210 --> 00:12:42,440 Secretary of Defense or briefing after 318 00:12:42,440 --> 00:12:44,607 the conversation ? Yeah , it depends . 319 00:12:44,607 --> 00:12:46,773 I know that's not a great answer , but 320 00:12:46,773 --> 00:12:48,996 it's a true answer . I mean , we expect 321 00:12:48,996 --> 00:12:51,270 a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 322 00:12:51,270 --> 00:12:53,800 to coordinate and communicate with his 323 00:12:53,800 --> 00:12:56,520 counterparts . And some of those 324 00:12:56,530 --> 00:12:59,460 conversations are about very specific 325 00:12:59,460 --> 00:13:01,990 issues that have very , very high level 326 00:13:01,990 --> 00:13:05,410 interest . And uh there might even be a 327 00:13:05,410 --> 00:13:07,580 request made by the chairman to make a 328 00:13:07,580 --> 00:13:10,300 call . Uh Sometimes the Secretary could 329 00:13:10,300 --> 00:13:13,170 ask him to do that . Or even 330 00:13:13,180 --> 00:13:14,958 representatives on the National 331 00:13:14,958 --> 00:13:16,902 Security Council could say , hey , 332 00:13:16,902 --> 00:13:19,124 wouldn't , you know , we think it would 333 00:13:19,124 --> 00:13:21,236 be helpful if you reached out to your 334 00:13:21,236 --> 00:13:23,291 counterpart and relate the following 335 00:13:23,291 --> 00:13:25,513 message . Sometimes the chairman will , 336 00:13:25,513 --> 00:13:27,736 you know , uh , well , he'll be the one 337 00:13:27,736 --> 00:13:29,791 that come up with the idea of like , 338 00:13:29,791 --> 00:13:31,736 hey , I think I need to get on the 339 00:13:31,736 --> 00:13:33,847 phone uh with general or admiral . So 340 00:13:33,847 --> 00:13:36,069 and so and and have a talk about this . 341 00:13:36,069 --> 00:13:38,610 Um but typically regardless of the 342 00:13:38,610 --> 00:13:41,320 impetus for that kind of a call , it is 343 00:13:41,320 --> 00:13:43,670 read out , It is , it is staffed , it's 344 00:13:43,680 --> 00:13:47,040 it's appropriately coordinated . Uh And 345 00:13:47,050 --> 00:13:49,590 the chairman of the Chairman's office 346 00:13:49,590 --> 00:13:53,470 will will offer a readout of it up the 347 00:13:53,470 --> 00:13:55,414 chain of command so that everybody 348 00:13:55,414 --> 00:13:57,470 understands it . And then oftentimes 349 00:13:57,470 --> 00:13:59,526 and you've seen this yourself and in 350 00:13:59,526 --> 00:13:59,460 the Chairman's Public Affairs Office 351 00:13:59,460 --> 00:14:01,460 will release a public readout , not 352 00:14:01,460 --> 00:14:03,516 unlike the ones we do . And when the 353 00:14:03,516 --> 00:14:05,571 Secretary makes calls , I mean , you 354 00:14:05,571 --> 00:14:05,530 know , these are important 355 00:14:05,530 --> 00:14:07,580 communications , I mean , um , they 356 00:14:07,580 --> 00:14:09,636 don't just pick up the phone to talk 357 00:14:09,636 --> 00:14:13,580 about sports , they talk to to 358 00:14:13,590 --> 00:14:16,410 iron out issues . And so it's important 359 00:14:16,410 --> 00:14:18,830 that the inter agency have a sense of 360 00:14:18,840 --> 00:14:20,840 how that went and that's and that's 361 00:14:20,840 --> 00:14:22,784 very typical . So the the chairman 362 00:14:22,784 --> 00:14:24,729 usually coordinates with the White 363 00:14:24,729 --> 00:14:26,618 House prior to the conversation , 364 00:14:26,618 --> 00:14:28,951 especially if it's about certain topics . 365 00:14:28,951 --> 00:14:31,650 It's a typical call , particularly with 366 00:14:32,440 --> 00:14:35,490 uh you know , a nation like china , 367 00:14:35,500 --> 00:14:37,389 that would be a fully coordinated 368 00:14:37,389 --> 00:14:39,611 conversation . And there would be there 369 00:14:39,611 --> 00:14:42,130 would be uh the sharing of information 370 00:14:42,140 --> 00:14:44,610 after the fact of the White House 371 00:14:44,620 --> 00:14:46,750 basically . And President trump back 372 00:14:46,750 --> 00:14:49,250 then uh former President trump would 373 00:14:49,250 --> 00:14:51,306 actually know about the conversation 374 00:14:51,306 --> 00:14:53,528 before taking place and would know what 375 00:14:53,528 --> 00:14:55,639 happened in the conversation . So for 376 00:14:55,639 --> 00:14:57,830 him to say if the allegations made in 377 00:14:57,830 --> 00:15:00,730 the book by Woodward and cost to work 378 00:15:00,730 --> 00:15:03,560 more true , then the chairman should be 379 00:15:04,140 --> 00:15:06,840 put on trial for treason . Oh my 380 00:15:06,850 --> 00:15:09,080 goodness , these are not my words . 381 00:15:09,090 --> 00:15:12,060 These are yeah , I can't speak to 382 00:15:12,440 --> 00:15:14,940 processes before this administration 383 00:15:14,940 --> 00:15:17,710 took office . I just can't . I as much 384 00:15:17,710 --> 00:15:19,710 as I know you'd like me to , I just 385 00:15:19,710 --> 00:15:21,932 can't do that . What I'm telling you is 386 00:15:21,932 --> 00:15:25,080 typically um that when the chairman or 387 00:15:25,080 --> 00:15:27,160 the secretary , they interact with 388 00:15:27,160 --> 00:15:29,382 their counterparts , it's a function of 389 00:15:29,382 --> 00:15:32,030 the job , they have to do that . Uh 390 00:15:32,040 --> 00:15:35,190 that that that these conversations are 391 00:15:35,200 --> 00:15:37,170 are properly coordinated . That's 392 00:15:37,180 --> 00:15:39,180 that's the way it goes now is every 393 00:15:39,180 --> 00:15:41,800 single interaction written down and 394 00:15:41,810 --> 00:15:44,950 sent in a memo ? Probably not . But but 395 00:15:44,960 --> 00:15:47,250 ones that that are , you know , that 396 00:15:47,260 --> 00:15:49,482 are of consequence . Uh and they almost 397 00:15:49,482 --> 00:15:51,590 all our that they are they are fully 398 00:15:51,590 --> 00:15:53,312 coordinated . I can't speak to 399 00:15:53,312 --> 00:15:55,590 processes , You know , previous to 400 00:15:55,600 --> 00:15:59,020 January 20 of this year . I can just 401 00:15:59,020 --> 00:16:01,242 tell you that how we're approaching the 402 00:16:01,242 --> 00:16:03,353 issue in this administration . Let me 403 00:16:03,353 --> 00:16:05,576 get to the phones . I haven't done that 404 00:16:05,576 --> 00:16:06,798 yet , Jeff struggle . 405 00:16:09,540 --> 00:16:11,550 Thank you . The I know the Biden 406 00:16:11,550 --> 00:16:13,730 administration aspires to be as 407 00:16:13,730 --> 00:16:16,340 transparent as possible in that spirit . 408 00:16:16,340 --> 00:16:18,550 Would it be possible to get a 409 00:16:18,560 --> 00:16:20,727 transcript of General Millie's October 410 00:16:20,727 --> 00:16:22,890 30 conversation with his Chinese 411 00:16:22,890 --> 00:16:25,350 counterpart , especially noting that 412 00:16:25,360 --> 00:16:27,750 the previous administration released a 413 00:16:27,750 --> 00:16:29,528 transcript of President trump's 414 00:16:29,528 --> 00:16:31,694 conversation with President Zelensky . 415 00:16:31,694 --> 00:16:34,390 So I'm hoping that this administration 416 00:16:34,390 --> 00:16:37,520 can be just as transparent Jeff . I I'm 417 00:16:37,520 --> 00:16:40,900 certainly not gonna uh sign us up to 418 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:43,610 releasing transcripts of conversations 419 00:16:43,610 --> 00:16:45,721 that occurred before we took office . 420 00:16:45,721 --> 00:16:49,200 Uh and I uh I just , I can't do that . 421 00:16:49,210 --> 00:16:51,377 I'd refer you to the chairman's office 422 00:16:51,377 --> 00:16:54,050 if uh if you want more context on that , 423 00:16:54,050 --> 00:16:56,217 but we're not in a position to do that 424 00:16:56,217 --> 00:16:58,328 Abraham ? Thanks john , I wonder if I 425 00:16:58,328 --> 00:17:00,050 could talk about the bilateral 426 00:17:00,050 --> 00:17:02,106 relationship with Australia . That's 427 00:17:02,106 --> 00:17:04,328 right . A couple questions . Um can you 428 00:17:04,328 --> 00:17:03,860 talk about giving the chinese 429 00:17:03,860 --> 00:17:05,940 aggression in the region , Why why 430 00:17:05,940 --> 00:17:08,450 Australia is so strategically important 431 00:17:08,460 --> 00:17:11,290 partnership and also , can you address 432 00:17:11,300 --> 00:17:13,190 a little bit the evolution of the 433 00:17:13,200 --> 00:17:15,089 partnership training and fighting 434 00:17:15,089 --> 00:17:17,200 together with Australia . It's been a 435 00:17:17,200 --> 00:17:19,422 long , long history that we've had with 436 00:17:19,422 --> 00:17:21,533 Australia , I think you you know that 437 00:17:21,533 --> 00:17:23,589 there's a whole corridor here in the 438 00:17:23,589 --> 00:17:25,760 pentagon dedicated to our relationship 439 00:17:25,760 --> 00:17:27,982 with Australia and with the new Zealand 440 00:17:27,982 --> 00:17:31,190 as well . Um uh they're a key ally and 441 00:17:31,190 --> 00:17:33,690 partner uh in the indo pacific region . 442 00:17:33,700 --> 00:17:37,000 Uh they have in the past they've 443 00:17:37,010 --> 00:17:39,121 they've hosted rotational deployments 444 00:17:39,121 --> 00:17:41,660 of of US troops , marines specifically . 445 00:17:41,670 --> 00:17:45,000 Uh and of course uh we operate 446 00:17:45,000 --> 00:17:48,940 routinely with their military in 447 00:17:48,940 --> 00:17:51,162 the region and elsewhere all around the 448 00:17:51,162 --> 00:17:53,162 world . It's an exceptionally close 449 00:17:53,162 --> 00:17:55,250 relationship and uh the secretary is 450 00:17:55,250 --> 00:17:58,050 committed to as he made clear today 451 00:17:58,210 --> 00:18:00,640 with Minister Dutton to improving and 452 00:18:00,640 --> 00:18:02,751 strengthening that relationship going 453 00:18:02,751 --> 00:18:04,807 forward but is china now prompting a 454 00:18:04,807 --> 00:18:06,807 strengthening and involving of that 455 00:18:06,807 --> 00:18:08,473 relationship because of their 456 00:18:08,473 --> 00:18:10,307 aggression . And I think without 457 00:18:10,307 --> 00:18:12,251 question Abraham that the kinds of 458 00:18:12,251 --> 00:18:14,473 aggressive activities that we're seeing 459 00:18:14,473 --> 00:18:16,473 out of china and the end of pacific 460 00:18:16,473 --> 00:18:19,510 region is causing all of us , the 461 00:18:19,510 --> 00:18:21,677 international community , not just the 462 00:18:21,677 --> 00:18:24,260 United States uh to make sure that 463 00:18:24,260 --> 00:18:26,600 we're focused appropriately on that 464 00:18:26,610 --> 00:18:28,554 behavior . And on making sure as I 465 00:18:28,554 --> 00:18:30,721 mentioned in my opening statement that 466 00:18:30,721 --> 00:18:33,180 we are all not only committed but 467 00:18:33,190 --> 00:18:35,357 helping to further what we call a free 468 00:18:35,357 --> 00:18:37,520 and open endo pacific thanks to 469 00:18:39,430 --> 00:18:42,420 this morning . Uhh Defense Minister 470 00:18:42,420 --> 00:18:45,150 Dutton said that situation in the indo 471 00:18:45,150 --> 00:18:49,060 pacific was deteriorating , does the 472 00:18:49,060 --> 00:18:51,171 U . S . D . O . D . Agree with that . 473 00:18:51,940 --> 00:18:53,996 We certainly share the concerns that 474 00:18:53,996 --> 00:18:56,420 the minister has about again about the 475 00:18:56,430 --> 00:19:00,390 aggressive behavior , the coercive 476 00:19:00,400 --> 00:19:02,970 and intimidating activities that the 477 00:19:02,980 --> 00:19:05,400 chinese are making throughout the 478 00:19:05,400 --> 00:19:07,122 region not just militarily but 479 00:19:07,122 --> 00:19:09,456 diplomatically and economically as well . 480 00:19:09,456 --> 00:19:11,622 And it's got everybody concerned . And 481 00:19:11,622 --> 00:19:13,789 that's why the secretary has said that 482 00:19:13,789 --> 00:19:15,733 he considers the number one pacing 483 00:19:15,733 --> 00:19:17,900 challenge for this department to be uh 484 00:19:17,900 --> 00:19:20,067 the P . R . C . And uh and we're gonna 485 00:19:20,067 --> 00:19:22,122 stay laser focused on that . And our 486 00:19:22,122 --> 00:19:23,844 relationship with Australia to 487 00:19:23,844 --> 00:19:26,067 Abraham's question is a key part of our 488 00:19:26,067 --> 00:19:28,289 ability to to continue to maintain that 489 00:19:28,289 --> 00:19:30,511 focus and to make sure that that we and 490 00:19:30,511 --> 00:19:32,810 our allies and partners are properly 491 00:19:32,810 --> 00:19:35,850 postured uh uh huh to be able to 492 00:19:36,340 --> 00:19:38,507 to push back appropriately and to help 493 00:19:38,507 --> 00:19:41,790 ensure a free and open indo pacific . 494 00:19:41,800 --> 00:19:45,010 Let me get back on the phones here . Uh 495 00:19:45,020 --> 00:19:48,660 Greece Reuters , john moving away from 496 00:19:48,660 --> 00:19:50,604 Australia and just following up on 497 00:19:50,604 --> 00:19:53,070 Courtney's question , um does the 498 00:19:53,070 --> 00:19:55,300 Secretary believe the Chairman has the 499 00:19:55,300 --> 00:19:58,250 authority to warn adversaries before a 500 00:19:58,250 --> 00:20:00,500 military attack without specifically 501 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:03,100 being told by civilian leaders ? Again , 502 00:20:03,100 --> 00:20:05,100 I'm not going to engage in specific 503 00:20:05,100 --> 00:20:07,044 hypotheticals here agrees . I just 504 00:20:07,044 --> 00:20:10,230 don't see this as a useful exercise . 505 00:20:10,230 --> 00:20:14,230 And uh it's a you know , it's a bit 506 00:20:14,230 --> 00:20:16,500 of a round about way of of trying to 507 00:20:16,500 --> 00:20:19,490 get me to speak to again an unconfirmed 508 00:20:19,490 --> 00:20:21,546 report in a book and I just I'm just 509 00:20:21,546 --> 00:20:24,070 not able to do that what the secretary 510 00:20:24,070 --> 00:20:27,730 expects and what he has seen 511 00:20:27,730 --> 00:20:30,890 from Chairman million eight months that 512 00:20:30,900 --> 00:20:32,789 he's been in office , is that the 513 00:20:32,789 --> 00:20:34,690 Chairman will maintain healthy 514 00:20:34,700 --> 00:20:37,290 relationships to the degree that he can 515 00:20:37,290 --> 00:20:39,630 with his counterparts around the world 516 00:20:39,640 --> 00:20:41,300 and that uh and that those 517 00:20:41,300 --> 00:20:43,411 relationships will be in keeping with 518 00:20:43,411 --> 00:20:45,630 our policies , the policies of this 519 00:20:45,630 --> 00:20:48,500 administration . Uh and he expects that 520 00:20:48,510 --> 00:20:50,677 the chairman knows how to manage those 521 00:20:50,677 --> 00:20:52,454 relationships and to have those 522 00:20:52,454 --> 00:20:54,288 communications and that he'll be 523 00:20:54,288 --> 00:20:56,510 transparent about it with the secretary 524 00:20:56,510 --> 00:20:58,677 and he has been ask a follow up sure . 525 00:20:58,677 --> 00:21:00,621 Um on different topic . I know the 526 00:21:00,621 --> 00:21:02,843 investigation is still going on on both 527 00:21:02,843 --> 00:21:04,843 drone strikes in Afghanistan in the 528 00:21:04,843 --> 00:21:07,066 waning days of the evacuation . But can 529 00:21:07,066 --> 00:21:09,232 you say now whether you know the names 530 00:21:09,232 --> 00:21:11,454 of any of those people killed in any of 531 00:21:11,454 --> 00:21:13,677 those strikes , um the two strikes that 532 00:21:13,677 --> 00:21:15,954 took place in the in the last few days ? 533 00:21:15,954 --> 00:21:19,950 Yes , we do . Yeah John II Questions 534 00:21:19,950 --> 00:21:21,672 Please . One on India , one on 535 00:21:21,672 --> 00:21:24,890 Afghanistan . Ah you may be aware of 536 00:21:24,890 --> 00:21:27,660 that . Indian prime Minister modi is 537 00:21:27,660 --> 00:21:30,690 coming to the US next week . If 538 00:21:30,700 --> 00:21:32,756 anything going on in the building as 539 00:21:32,756 --> 00:21:34,710 far as the US India military to 540 00:21:34,710 --> 00:21:36,543 military relations are concerned 541 00:21:36,543 --> 00:21:38,654 because this will be his first budget 542 00:21:38,654 --> 00:21:40,654 under this administration . I don't 543 00:21:40,654 --> 00:21:42,488 have anything on the schedule to 544 00:21:42,488 --> 00:21:44,766 announce today , but I'm sure if we do , 545 00:21:44,766 --> 00:21:47,730 we will second in Afghanistan again , 546 00:21:47,730 --> 00:21:50,620 the question is first of all , of 547 00:21:50,620 --> 00:21:52,787 course Afghanis are still thanking the 548 00:21:52,787 --> 00:21:55,030 U . S . And the military for protecting 549 00:21:55,030 --> 00:21:58,580 them . Second , You think that 550 00:21:58,590 --> 00:22:00,812 way the Taliban are thanking the United 551 00:22:00,812 --> 00:22:02,868 States for protecting them . Is that 552 00:22:02,868 --> 00:22:04,757 what you said military and the US 553 00:22:04,757 --> 00:22:06,979 military for protecting for the last 20 554 00:22:06,979 --> 00:22:09,090 years . They are very thankful to and 555 00:22:09,090 --> 00:22:12,770 second you think afghan government 556 00:22:13,240 --> 00:22:15,760 or officials had 557 00:22:16,740 --> 00:22:20,500 misled the U . S . Or military as far 558 00:22:20,500 --> 00:22:24,400 as Kabul falling down so 559 00:22:24,400 --> 00:22:26,660 quickly and our corruption played the 560 00:22:26,660 --> 00:22:29,470 role or the misled the military . Do we 561 00:22:29,470 --> 00:22:32,260 think the afghan government misled us ? 562 00:22:33,840 --> 00:22:37,460 Uh What I would say is that um 563 00:22:39,640 --> 00:22:43,610 certainly nobody predicted the fall 564 00:22:43,890 --> 00:22:45,890 of the government and as quick a 565 00:22:45,890 --> 00:22:49,770 fashion as it happened . And the same 566 00:22:50,140 --> 00:22:54,020 could be said , I would say for uh the 567 00:22:54,020 --> 00:22:56,450 manner in which Afghan forces 568 00:22:56,840 --> 00:23:00,770 uh did not fight longer and harder to 569 00:23:00,770 --> 00:23:03,820 defend their nation . Nobody predicted 570 00:23:03,830 --> 00:23:07,060 that rapid uh that rapid fall and that 571 00:23:07,060 --> 00:23:09,110 rapid fall precipitated a series of 572 00:23:09,110 --> 00:23:11,166 events obviously that we've all been 573 00:23:11,166 --> 00:23:13,277 witnessed to over the last you know , 574 00:23:13,277 --> 00:23:15,860 month or so . Um uh 575 00:23:17,140 --> 00:23:19,290 There will be a time to dissect the 576 00:23:19,290 --> 00:23:21,820 specifics of this . Um And uh and I 577 00:23:21,820 --> 00:23:24,900 know we will . Um But but again 578 00:23:24,910 --> 00:23:28,470 uh it all transpired in a 579 00:23:28,470 --> 00:23:30,670 lot more quick fashion than we had 580 00:23:30,680 --> 00:23:33,940 predicted . Yeah . David , everybody 581 00:23:33,950 --> 00:23:35,894 keeps saying there's going to be a 582 00:23:35,894 --> 00:23:38,117 lesson learned and after action has any 583 00:23:38,640 --> 00:23:41,450 formal inquiry , 584 00:23:42,840 --> 00:23:46,340 review anything formal begun Who's 585 00:23:46,350 --> 00:23:48,980 doing this ? I don't know what you want 586 00:23:48,990 --> 00:23:51,870 to hear my way of formal . But the 587 00:23:51,870 --> 00:23:54,880 secretary and the chairman have asked 588 00:23:54,890 --> 00:23:58,560 department leaders to take a look at 589 00:23:58,940 --> 00:24:01,970 Uh at the last month or so . Uh and to 590 00:24:01,980 --> 00:24:03,980 gather lessons learned and they are 591 00:24:03,980 --> 00:24:05,924 they are doing that whether it's a 592 00:24:05,924 --> 00:24:08,290 formal investigation or something like 593 00:24:08,290 --> 00:24:12,130 that uh a 90 day due date 594 00:24:12,130 --> 00:24:14,460 on on report . I don't know what the 595 00:24:14,460 --> 00:24:17,030 specific due date . Um and uh there 596 00:24:17,030 --> 00:24:19,240 wasn't a formal written tasking . It's 597 00:24:19,240 --> 00:24:22,670 just it's just kind of the D . N . A . 598 00:24:22,670 --> 00:24:24,892 Here the department that we're going to 599 00:24:24,892 --> 00:24:26,892 as we always do . And you heard the 600 00:24:26,892 --> 00:24:28,948 secretary speak to this himself , we 601 00:24:28,948 --> 00:24:31,059 always do this , take a look at doing 602 00:24:31,059 --> 00:24:33,430 after action and you don't have to sign 603 00:24:33,430 --> 00:24:35,541 that out with a memo . You don't have 604 00:24:35,541 --> 00:24:37,708 to issue a deadline . It's just normal 605 00:24:37,708 --> 00:24:39,930 practice . And that kind of thinking is 606 00:24:39,930 --> 00:24:41,652 going on right now . There's a 607 00:24:41,652 --> 00:24:43,874 difference between after action reviews 608 00:24:43,874 --> 00:24:45,930 and things that appear in , you know 609 00:24:45,930 --> 00:24:48,860 staff A Command College Magazines six 610 00:24:48,860 --> 00:24:51,910 years later is that's not what we're 611 00:24:51,910 --> 00:24:54,960 talking about . I mean there there are 612 00:24:54,970 --> 00:24:58,700 the the department is is taking a 613 00:24:58,700 --> 00:25:01,930 look right now at how things went over 614 00:25:01,930 --> 00:25:04,097 the last month during the evacuation . 615 00:25:04,097 --> 00:25:06,263 And I'm sure we'll learn some things I 616 00:25:06,263 --> 00:25:08,760 also think but expect to see that , I 617 00:25:08,760 --> 00:25:11,180 don't know , David , I can't commit to 618 00:25:11,190 --> 00:25:14,170 some sort of public report about this . 619 00:25:15,440 --> 00:25:18,330 But what I what I can tell you is that 620 00:25:18,340 --> 00:25:20,451 that will certainly be as transparent 621 00:25:20,451 --> 00:25:23,950 as we can about what we learn . Um And 622 00:25:24,440 --> 00:25:26,384 and I understand the nature of the 623 00:25:26,384 --> 00:25:28,607 question which is the way we look at it 624 00:25:28,607 --> 00:25:30,662 to like , you know , what what could 625 00:25:30,662 --> 00:25:33,460 have gone better what uh 626 00:25:34,540 --> 00:25:36,596 what things need to be or could have 627 00:25:36,596 --> 00:25:40,260 been improved and and certainly uh no 628 00:25:40,260 --> 00:25:44,060 institution is uh is more used 629 00:25:44,060 --> 00:25:47,870 to looking at itself in that vein . And 630 00:25:48,050 --> 00:25:50,217 then the Department of Defense , but I 631 00:25:50,217 --> 00:25:52,439 also think it's important in it that it 632 00:25:52,439 --> 00:25:55,270 doesn't get lost . Um That 633 00:25:55,640 --> 00:25:59,270 124,000 people were taken out safely , 634 00:26:00,040 --> 00:26:03,960 no airplanes broke . Um and 635 00:26:04,540 --> 00:26:08,420 Uh we were able to to move uh an 636 00:26:08,430 --> 00:26:10,597 amazing amount of people out of harm's 637 00:26:10,597 --> 00:26:12,819 way uh in a very short period of time , 638 00:26:12,819 --> 00:26:15,750 something like 17 days . And yes , it 639 00:26:15,750 --> 00:26:18,250 was the largest airlift in US military 640 00:26:18,250 --> 00:26:20,250 history and that shouldn't get lost 641 00:26:20,250 --> 00:26:22,750 either . So when we talk about after 642 00:26:22,750 --> 00:26:25,350 action , I hope that we're all talking 643 00:26:25,350 --> 00:26:27,017 about an after action that is 644 00:26:27,017 --> 00:26:29,680 comprehensive . Uh and looks at the 645 00:26:29,690 --> 00:26:32,050 incredible efforts that were done in 646 00:26:32,050 --> 00:26:33,883 the air and on the ground at the 647 00:26:33,883 --> 00:26:35,883 airport , lot of bravery , a lot of 648 00:26:35,883 --> 00:26:37,730 courage , a lot of structure and 649 00:26:37,730 --> 00:26:40,380 organization on that field that went to 650 00:26:40,390 --> 00:26:44,230 accomplishing that feat . Um corona 651 00:26:44,230 --> 00:26:45,619 margin Washington post . 652 00:26:48,540 --> 00:26:50,429 Uh Yes , thank you for taking the 653 00:26:50,429 --> 00:26:53,350 questions . So yesterday General Miller 654 00:26:53,350 --> 00:26:56,250 was on the hill um and apparently told 655 00:26:56,250 --> 00:26:58,250 the Senate Armed Services Committee 656 00:26:58,250 --> 00:27:00,306 that he disagreed with the full draw 657 00:27:00,306 --> 00:27:02,361 down in Afghanistan and communicated 658 00:27:02,361 --> 00:27:04,306 that to his direct superiors ? But 659 00:27:04,306 --> 00:27:06,306 there's some question about whether 660 00:27:06,306 --> 00:27:08,417 that message has been communicated to 661 00:27:08,417 --> 00:27:10,472 the president . And when all of that 662 00:27:10,472 --> 00:27:10,410 conversation took place , can you shed 663 00:27:10,410 --> 00:27:13,680 any more light on him having told his 664 00:27:13,680 --> 00:27:15,513 direct superiors ? Excuse me , I 665 00:27:15,513 --> 00:27:17,680 skipped over the main part that he was 666 00:27:17,680 --> 00:27:19,458 opposed to the full drawdown of 667 00:27:19,458 --> 00:27:21,900 military forces in Afghanistan . I 668 00:27:21,900 --> 00:27:24,011 won't speak to General Miller's views 669 00:27:24,011 --> 00:27:26,178 certainly not views that he may or may 670 00:27:26,178 --> 00:27:28,344 not have expressed in a closed session 671 00:27:28,344 --> 00:27:30,511 with with members of Congress . That's 672 00:27:30,511 --> 00:27:32,733 really for General Miller to speak to . 673 00:27:32,733 --> 00:27:35,350 Um what I can tell you is that 674 00:27:36,140 --> 00:27:39,550 military views military advice that 675 00:27:39,550 --> 00:27:41,717 includes from the Secretary of Defense 676 00:27:41,717 --> 00:27:43,606 as well as the chairman and other 677 00:27:43,606 --> 00:27:46,150 military leaders . Uh those those views 678 00:27:46,150 --> 00:27:49,670 were heard in what was a 679 00:27:50,240 --> 00:27:53,600 although on an accelerated time frame 680 00:27:53,600 --> 00:27:56,120 because again , When we took office , 681 00:27:56,120 --> 00:27:58,310 we had a May one deadline looming in 682 00:27:58,310 --> 00:28:00,370 front of us . But what was with the 683 00:28:00,370 --> 00:28:03,400 exception of uh moving at an 684 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:06,260 accelerated pace . Uh a very normal 685 00:28:06,840 --> 00:28:08,729 national security decision making 686 00:28:08,729 --> 00:28:12,120 process where the deputies of agencies 687 00:28:12,120 --> 00:28:14,231 got together on a routine basis . The 688 00:28:14,231 --> 00:28:16,398 principles of agencies got together on 689 00:28:16,398 --> 00:28:18,620 a routine basis and reiterated and talk 690 00:28:18,620 --> 00:28:20,453 this stuff through and where the 691 00:28:20,453 --> 00:28:23,700 President was given advice and counsel , 692 00:28:23,700 --> 00:28:25,756 not just from this building but from 693 00:28:25,756 --> 00:28:28,100 other agencies across across the 694 00:28:28,100 --> 00:28:30,950 government uh to help him formulate 695 00:28:31,340 --> 00:28:33,507 what ended up being his opinion in his 696 00:28:33,507 --> 00:28:35,830 decision ? A very normal process was 697 00:28:35,830 --> 00:28:39,790 had . Yeah , john you're a procedure 698 00:28:39,790 --> 00:28:41,457 question . What are the legal 699 00:28:41,457 --> 00:28:43,900 implications of a military leader or 700 00:28:43,900 --> 00:28:46,060 recommend refusing to execute the 701 00:28:46,070 --> 00:28:49,000 President's command of a strike ? We're 702 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:52,150 halting the command of the president of 703 00:28:52,160 --> 00:28:56,030 the other strike . Mhm . The President 704 00:28:56,030 --> 00:28:59,980 and Commander in chief and all 705 00:28:59,980 --> 00:29:03,560 lawful orders by the Commander in chief 706 00:29:04,240 --> 00:29:07,640 need to be obeyed . And 707 00:29:07,650 --> 00:29:09,770 if somebody refuse it or 708 00:29:11,240 --> 00:29:14,870 uh halted or let's say turn 709 00:29:14,880 --> 00:29:17,920 the telegraph to the one who is going 710 00:29:17,920 --> 00:29:20,031 to be striked . And what's the what's 711 00:29:20,031 --> 00:29:22,198 the result ? I think , you know , it's 712 00:29:22,198 --> 00:29:25,250 going to depend on the situation . Uh 713 00:29:25,260 --> 00:29:27,590 You do you have an obligation when you 714 00:29:27,590 --> 00:29:29,646 join the military to obey all lawful 715 00:29:29,646 --> 00:29:31,757 orders . You don't have an obligation 716 00:29:31,757 --> 00:29:34,520 to obey uh unlawful orders . And I'm 717 00:29:34,520 --> 00:29:36,520 not gonna speculate about , I think 718 00:29:36,520 --> 00:29:38,520 what you're trying to get at is the 719 00:29:38,520 --> 00:29:40,576 anecdote in the book and again , I'm 720 00:29:40,576 --> 00:29:42,576 just not going to go there . Um But 721 00:29:42,576 --> 00:29:44,798 lawful orders by the Commander in chief 722 00:29:44,798 --> 00:29:46,909 have to be obeyed . Are they are they 723 00:29:46,909 --> 00:29:48,909 unlawful orders by the Commander of 724 00:29:48,909 --> 00:29:48,770 Chief in any fashion . There can be 725 00:29:48,770 --> 00:29:51,180 unlawful orders issued by anyone in the 726 00:29:51,180 --> 00:29:53,347 chain of command . Okay . And then the 727 00:29:53,347 --> 00:29:55,180 other question of Syria , I have 728 00:29:55,180 --> 00:29:57,347 another , there are reports coming out 729 00:29:57,347 --> 00:29:59,910 of Syria saying that the US has asked 730 00:29:59,920 --> 00:30:02,990 or it is trying to recruit only and 731 00:30:03,000 --> 00:30:05,510 only arab force in Hasakah in order 732 00:30:05,520 --> 00:30:07,760 Eastern Syria to take the security 733 00:30:08,140 --> 00:30:10,660 control of the entire province of 734 00:30:10,670 --> 00:30:12,830 Hasaka . Are you aware of that ? The 735 00:30:12,830 --> 00:30:15,052 coalition ? I've not seen that report . 736 00:30:15,052 --> 00:30:17,360 I can't speak to that jenny . President 737 00:30:17,370 --> 00:30:20,420 on the North korean ballistic missile 738 00:30:20,420 --> 00:30:23,610 launches . Uh huh . Did the United 739 00:30:23,610 --> 00:30:27,010 States detector North korean ballistic 740 00:30:27,010 --> 00:30:30,360 missile ranches in advance this time ? 741 00:30:30,840 --> 00:30:33,460 I won't speak to uh intelligence 742 00:30:33,460 --> 00:30:37,240 assessments or um or are monitoring 743 00:30:37,240 --> 00:30:40,700 capabilities . And how is the United 744 00:30:40,700 --> 00:30:44,240 States missile defense system 745 00:30:44,250 --> 00:30:47,880 responding to North Koreans ballistic 746 00:30:47,880 --> 00:30:51,660 missile defense . It's not about 747 00:30:51,660 --> 00:30:54,760 responding uh two 748 00:30:55,740 --> 00:30:58,860 to a particular launch . Um It's about 749 00:30:58,860 --> 00:31:01,570 making sure that that our missile 750 00:31:01,570 --> 00:31:04,660 defense system um wherever it's 751 00:31:04,660 --> 00:31:07,000 deployed is effective and capable and 752 00:31:07,000 --> 00:31:10,270 we routinely test and experiment um and 753 00:31:10,280 --> 00:31:12,630 try to improve that system on a daily 754 00:31:12,630 --> 00:31:16,550 basis and because uh the threat 755 00:31:16,550 --> 00:31:18,820 is real and it doesn't just come from 756 00:31:18,820 --> 00:31:20,931 one place in the world . So we've got 757 00:31:20,931 --> 00:31:23,310 to be ready for for all uh missile 758 00:31:23,310 --> 00:31:25,640 defense capabilities . Where does the 759 00:31:25,640 --> 00:31:29,060 United States underestimate North 760 00:31:29,060 --> 00:31:32,070 Korea's missile launches because there 761 00:31:32,070 --> 00:31:35,020 is no direct threat to the United 762 00:31:35,020 --> 00:31:38,690 States . No back there . Thank 763 00:31:38,690 --> 00:31:40,857 john . We just talk about this weekend 764 00:31:40,857 --> 00:31:43,190 as you know there's a protest coming up . 765 00:31:43,190 --> 00:31:45,412 I'm just wondering at this point if you 766 00:31:45,412 --> 00:31:47,579 have an update on whether there's been 767 00:31:47,579 --> 00:31:47,510 any kind of request for the D . C . 768 00:31:47,510 --> 00:31:50,220 National Guard from whom and if so what 769 00:31:50,220 --> 00:31:52,331 the expectation of what they would be 770 00:31:52,331 --> 00:31:54,620 doing will be I can answer part of your 771 00:31:54,620 --> 00:31:56,564 question Alex . We have received a 772 00:31:56,564 --> 00:31:59,010 request from capitol Police for some 773 00:31:59,010 --> 00:32:01,490 assistance uh for this weekend's 774 00:32:01,490 --> 00:32:05,460 protests scheduled protests . Um I'm 775 00:32:05,470 --> 00:32:07,470 not going to detail the specific 776 00:32:07,470 --> 00:32:09,990 request as is typical our policy is to 777 00:32:09,990 --> 00:32:12,530 let the agency asking be the ones to 778 00:32:12,540 --> 00:32:14,707 speak to the details . What I can tell 779 00:32:14,707 --> 00:32:17,430 you is that it will follow the same 780 00:32:17,430 --> 00:32:19,097 process that all requests for 781 00:32:19,097 --> 00:32:21,263 assistance of the . Department when it 782 00:32:21,263 --> 00:32:23,486 comes from an outside agency go through 783 00:32:23,486 --> 00:32:25,652 and that's what we're working on right 784 00:32:25,652 --> 00:32:25,570 now . We're doing the analysis . We are 785 00:32:25,580 --> 00:32:27,358 we are in receipt of it . We're 786 00:32:27,358 --> 00:32:30,810 analyzing it and uh , if it can be 787 00:32:30,810 --> 00:32:33,010 validated and supported will do that 788 00:32:33,020 --> 00:32:34,853 and you know , we'll look at the 789 00:32:34,853 --> 00:32:36,909 sourcing inside the department as to 790 00:32:36,909 --> 00:32:38,853 what's most appropriate . How many 791 00:32:38,853 --> 00:32:40,964 personnel would that be ? Again , I'm 792 00:32:40,964 --> 00:32:40,850 not going to get into the details of 793 00:32:40,850 --> 00:32:42,850 what the request is . Could you say 794 00:32:42,850 --> 00:32:44,794 broadly whether it's more of a law 795 00:32:44,794 --> 00:32:48,020 enforcement capability or in the past 796 00:32:48,020 --> 00:32:50,020 for example , they've been asked to 797 00:32:50,020 --> 00:32:52,131 just like the inauguration just to do 798 00:32:52,131 --> 00:32:54,353 traffic control . Again , I'm not going 799 00:32:54,353 --> 00:32:56,520 to talk about the specifics of it . My 800 00:32:56,520 --> 00:32:56,410 understanding is that it is not an 801 00:32:56,420 --> 00:33:00,070 exorbitant ask it's not um , it's not 802 00:33:00,070 --> 00:33:04,010 a particularly large size or um , or 803 00:33:04,010 --> 00:33:06,177 major capability . I think it's really 804 00:33:06,177 --> 00:33:09,830 more on the , in the form of of some 805 00:33:09,830 --> 00:33:12,350 manpower support . Yeah , Travis 806 00:33:12,480 --> 00:33:14,660 beginning of august there have been 807 00:33:14,660 --> 00:33:16,549 relatively high number of service 808 00:33:16,549 --> 00:33:18,771 member deaths due to covid And I'm just 809 00:33:18,771 --> 00:33:20,827 wondering if you could confirm , I'm 810 00:33:20,827 --> 00:33:22,549 told the number was 17 and I'm 811 00:33:22,549 --> 00:33:24,382 wondering if you can confirm the 812 00:33:24,382 --> 00:33:26,549 vaccination status of those troops but 813 00:33:26,549 --> 00:33:28,771 those all unvaccinated Troops or was it 814 00:33:28,771 --> 00:33:30,938 a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated , 815 00:33:30,938 --> 00:33:34,900 17 . Mm . I'm not sure where 816 00:33:34,900 --> 00:33:37,067 that number comes from . I do not have 817 00:33:37,840 --> 00:33:41,360 data on each 818 00:33:42,040 --> 00:33:43,984 fatality that we've had because of 819 00:33:43,984 --> 00:33:46,620 Covid . I don't have data in terms of 820 00:33:46,630 --> 00:33:48,741 whether they were vaccinated or not ? 821 00:33:48,741 --> 00:33:50,963 Just civilians mixed in with the number 822 00:33:50,963 --> 00:33:54,060 of people there often is I mean we've 823 00:33:54,070 --> 00:33:56,770 we've reported out the fatalities and 824 00:33:56,770 --> 00:33:59,550 they are often um not 825 00:34:00,340 --> 00:34:03,490 not necessarily all active duty but I 826 00:34:03,490 --> 00:34:05,712 just don't have the data in front of me 827 00:34:05,712 --> 00:34:07,379 in terms of whether they were 828 00:34:07,379 --> 00:34:09,490 vaccinated or not . If I could follow 829 00:34:09,490 --> 00:34:11,379 up is learning update on civilian 830 00:34:11,379 --> 00:34:14,750 personnel and monitoring for covid or 831 00:34:14,750 --> 00:34:17,230 monitoring for vaccination status . Any 832 00:34:17,230 --> 00:34:19,452 kind of timelines or how that process . 833 00:34:20,220 --> 00:34:22,350 I'm sorry for what ? For civilian 834 00:34:22,350 --> 00:34:24,650 personnel ? Yeah , I think we're gonna 835 00:34:24,650 --> 00:34:26,930 be um coming out with some 836 00:34:26,930 --> 00:34:29,900 implementation guidance here for 837 00:34:29,910 --> 00:34:32,077 civilian personnel . Specifically what 838 00:34:32,077 --> 00:34:34,021 I can tell you for the Active duty 839 00:34:34,021 --> 00:34:36,820 force , We're just under 88% now have 840 00:34:36,820 --> 00:34:40,620 received at least one dosage 841 00:34:40,630 --> 00:34:43,760 and at least one dose . Sorry . Um 842 00:34:43,770 --> 00:34:46,860 and since the vaccine 843 00:34:47,240 --> 00:34:51,150 mandate , the rates have increased . 844 00:34:51,940 --> 00:34:54,510 So an additional 11.5% now have 845 00:34:54,510 --> 00:34:56,580 received at least one dose since the 846 00:34:56,580 --> 00:35:00,360 mandate . Um and an additional five are 847 00:35:00,360 --> 00:35:02,304 now fully vaccinated . That is the 848 00:35:02,304 --> 00:35:04,540 intention to monitor civilian personnel 849 00:35:04,540 --> 00:35:06,818 as well as to their vaccination status . 850 00:35:06,818 --> 00:35:08,762 There will be as I said , we'll be 851 00:35:08,762 --> 00:35:10,651 coming out with some implementing 852 00:35:10,651 --> 00:35:12,762 guidance on the civilian side and how 853 00:35:12,762 --> 00:35:15,220 that's going to operate john if the 854 00:35:15,220 --> 00:35:17,276 chairman is willing to go around one 855 00:35:17,276 --> 00:35:19,430 president , he disagrees with zero 856 00:35:19,430 --> 00:35:21,680 concern in this administration that he 857 00:35:21,680 --> 00:35:24,280 might repeat it if he ever has an issue 858 00:35:24,290 --> 00:35:27,100 with president biden . So what I'm 859 00:35:27,100 --> 00:35:29,322 asking is is there a trust , What's the 860 00:35:29,322 --> 00:35:31,267 trust factor specifically with the 861 00:35:31,267 --> 00:35:33,440 chairman and the secretary . So they 862 00:35:33,440 --> 00:35:35,730 have such a close relationship by 863 00:35:35,730 --> 00:35:37,950 statute as well as with the president 864 00:35:37,960 --> 00:35:39,849 and a long history together , the 865 00:35:39,849 --> 00:35:42,840 secretary has complete and utter trust 866 00:35:42,840 --> 00:35:45,370 and confidence in general Milley , uh , 867 00:35:45,380 --> 00:35:47,324 and in his role as chairman of the 868 00:35:47,324 --> 00:35:50,020 Joint Chiefs of Staff . I think it is 869 00:35:50,030 --> 00:35:52,720 mid september . Does the secretary have 870 00:35:52,720 --> 00:35:54,840 any plans to ask the president to add 871 00:35:54,840 --> 00:35:56,840 the Moderna and johnson and johnson 872 00:35:56,840 --> 00:35:58,850 vaccines to the mandatory list and 873 00:35:58,860 --> 00:36:00,916 don't have an update for you on that 874 00:36:00,916 --> 00:36:03,950 today . Oh , one More Question on 875 00:36:03,960 --> 00:36:07,040 Australia Job . Uh , so the 876 00:36:08,030 --> 00:36:10,510 financial review in Australia is 877 00:36:10,510 --> 00:36:12,770 reporting that the Australian 878 00:36:12,770 --> 00:36:16,400 government is looking to receive 879 00:36:16,930 --> 00:36:19,210 nuclear powered submarines and 880 00:36:19,210 --> 00:36:22,860 partnership with the US and the UK ? Um , 881 00:36:22,870 --> 00:36:25,590 can you confirm whether this is this is 882 00:36:25,590 --> 00:36:28,910 being discussed and whether and move 883 00:36:28,910 --> 00:36:32,840 towards the basically giving 884 00:36:32,850 --> 00:36:36,400 Australia such a technology kind of 885 00:36:36,410 --> 00:36:39,080 undermine china's security and add to 886 00:36:39,080 --> 00:36:41,136 the existing tension in the region ? 887 00:36:41,136 --> 00:36:43,247 I've seen the press reports . I can't 888 00:36:43,247 --> 00:36:45,191 confirm the specifics of those . I 889 00:36:45,191 --> 00:36:47,024 think you'll see that there's an 890 00:36:47,024 --> 00:36:49,136 announcement coming later today and I 891 00:36:49,136 --> 00:36:48,660 think we should just wait for that . 892 00:36:49,030 --> 00:36:51,820 You're real . I need to follow up on 893 00:36:51,820 --> 00:36:54,470 North Korea . Uh , do you have any 894 00:36:54,480 --> 00:36:57,360 update on the report about North 895 00:36:57,360 --> 00:36:59,700 Korea's close branch missiles over the 896 00:36:59,700 --> 00:37:01,756 weekend . Can you confirm the report 897 00:37:01,756 --> 00:37:04,620 Now ? This is back to the cruise 898 00:37:04,620 --> 00:37:06,398 missile launches ? I don't have 899 00:37:06,398 --> 00:37:08,453 additional information on that . The 900 00:37:08,453 --> 00:37:10,620 the reports of cruise missile launch . 901 00:37:10,620 --> 00:37:12,731 Is that what you're talking about ? I 902 00:37:12,731 --> 00:37:15,009 don't have any updates for you on that . 903 00:37:15,009 --> 00:37:17,009 You can't confirm anything . That's 904 00:37:17,009 --> 00:37:19,410 right . I cannot confirm the reports . 905 00:37:19,420 --> 00:37:22,700 I'm wondering why it takes , I'm 906 00:37:22,700 --> 00:37:25,580 wondering why it takes longer to assess 907 00:37:25,590 --> 00:37:28,040 the missile launch over the weekend . 908 00:37:28,050 --> 00:37:29,994 That the missile launch great last 909 00:37:29,994 --> 00:37:31,883 night . Yeah . Look again without 910 00:37:31,883 --> 00:37:35,030 getting into how . But uh , 911 00:37:35,040 --> 00:37:38,610 intelligence is analyzed and collected . 912 00:37:38,620 --> 00:37:41,330 Uh , there's a , there's a big 913 00:37:41,330 --> 00:37:45,200 difference uh , between missiles 914 00:37:45,200 --> 00:37:47,670 that follow a ballistic trajectory and 915 00:37:47,680 --> 00:37:49,736 cruise missiles just in terms of the 916 00:37:49,736 --> 00:37:52,310 way they operate . Tourist . Yes . Is 917 00:37:52,310 --> 00:37:54,830 there any update on the cases of 918 00:37:54,830 --> 00:37:57,163 measles among afghans here in the U . S . 919 00:37:57,163 --> 00:37:59,219 As well as those that are waiting to 920 00:37:59,219 --> 00:38:01,840 travel to the U . S . Nothing on that . 921 00:38:01,850 --> 00:38:04,790 Um , no , no , nothing really update 922 00:38:04,800 --> 00:38:07,770 again . Uh , flights have been paused 923 00:38:07,780 --> 00:38:10,150 for those seven additional days and 924 00:38:10,150 --> 00:38:12,780 that started monday . So we're still in 925 00:38:12,780 --> 00:38:15,320 a pause of of of flights . The 926 00:38:15,320 --> 00:38:18,250 individuals who uh were diagnosed with 927 00:38:18,250 --> 00:38:20,250 it continue to be how separately in 928 00:38:20,250 --> 00:38:22,510 accordance with CDC guidelines . Um , 929 00:38:22,510 --> 00:38:24,566 and as I said , all arriving afghans 930 00:38:24,566 --> 00:38:26,788 are currently required to be vaccinated 931 00:38:26,788 --> 00:38:28,788 for measles as a condition of their 932 00:38:28,788 --> 00:38:30,843 humanitarian parole uh , in critical 933 00:38:30,843 --> 00:38:32,843 immunizations like mm are are being 934 00:38:32,843 --> 00:38:34,788 administered for afghans that safe 935 00:38:34,788 --> 00:38:36,954 havens on military bases in the United 936 00:38:36,954 --> 00:38:36,040 States and we're soon going to be 937 00:38:36,040 --> 00:38:39,550 vaccinating them for measles overseas . 938 00:38:39,550 --> 00:38:41,606 But I don't have any updates to give 939 00:38:41,606 --> 00:38:43,939 you . Let me go back to the phones here . 940 00:38:43,939 --> 00:38:47,430 Tara cop . Hi John Thank you for doing 941 00:38:47,430 --> 00:38:49,810 this . Um I have a couple of follow ups 942 00:38:49,810 --> 00:38:52,160 on David's question on the after action 943 00:38:52,160 --> 00:38:54,730 reviews . Will there be a similar a are 944 00:38:54,730 --> 00:38:57,110 performed on the hours and minutes 945 00:38:57,110 --> 00:38:59,600 before the August 26 attack that killed 946 00:38:59,600 --> 00:39:02,140 13 service members . There typically is 947 00:39:02,140 --> 00:39:04,362 an official formal investigation when a 948 00:39:04,362 --> 00:39:07,120 service member dies and then secondly , 949 00:39:07,130 --> 00:39:10,310 separate on the drone strike . Uh I 950 00:39:10,310 --> 00:39:12,350 followed up after our monday press 951 00:39:12,350 --> 00:39:14,406 briefing with Centcom to try and get 952 00:39:14,406 --> 00:39:16,350 additional details on what type of 953 00:39:16,350 --> 00:39:18,406 investigation would be launched into 954 00:39:18,406 --> 00:39:20,239 that George strike . And centcom 955 00:39:20,239 --> 00:39:22,294 provided no additional details . Not 956 00:39:22,294 --> 00:39:24,294 who's leading it , not what type of 957 00:39:24,294 --> 00:39:26,239 investigation . Um not any sort of 958 00:39:26,239 --> 00:39:28,294 deadline . So can you confirm for us 959 00:39:28,294 --> 00:39:29,794 there is actually a formal 960 00:39:29,794 --> 00:39:32,017 investigation in place and what it will 961 00:39:32,017 --> 00:39:34,330 result in . Thanks . Yeah . So on your 962 00:39:34,330 --> 00:39:37,190 first question , you're right . Um uh 963 00:39:37,200 --> 00:39:39,320 because there were deaths , there has 964 00:39:39,320 --> 00:39:42,240 to be uh an investigation uh and that 965 00:39:42,250 --> 00:39:46,160 is being done um on the uh on the Abbey 966 00:39:46,160 --> 00:39:49,650 Gate attack . As for the air strike on 967 00:39:49,650 --> 00:39:53,160 the 29th , Centcom has initiated a 15 6 968 00:39:53,160 --> 00:39:56,480 investigation into that air strike as 969 00:39:56,480 --> 00:39:59,650 well as a civilian casualty assessment 970 00:39:59,650 --> 00:40:03,090 report which is also required . Um 971 00:40:03,090 --> 00:40:06,730 And they will take into account 972 00:40:07,310 --> 00:40:09,032 all the available intelligence 973 00:40:09,032 --> 00:40:11,143 reporting . They'll take into account 974 00:40:11,143 --> 00:40:13,900 Video footage , uh , subject matter 975 00:40:13,900 --> 00:40:17,240 expert analysis , um interviews and 976 00:40:17,240 --> 00:40:19,129 quite frankly they also factor in 977 00:40:19,129 --> 00:40:21,296 subsequent media reporting but there's 978 00:40:21,296 --> 00:40:23,462 a 156 investigation being done as well 979 00:40:23,462 --> 00:40:25,351 as a civilian casualty assessment 980 00:40:25,351 --> 00:40:29,250 report . Don't almost question . Good 981 00:40:29,380 --> 00:40:33,270 thank you . Does North korean police to 982 00:40:33,270 --> 00:40:36,750 missile launch violate U . N . 983 00:40:36,800 --> 00:40:39,570 Security Council resolution ? It's 984 00:40:39,580 --> 00:40:41,140 different with chris 985 00:40:42,510 --> 00:40:46,250 yeah , I mean a ballistic missile 986 00:40:46,260 --> 00:40:49,630 launch by the Dprk would 987 00:40:49,640 --> 00:40:52,290 violate numerous the UN Security 988 00:40:52,290 --> 00:40:54,870 Council resolutions . Cruise missiles 989 00:40:54,880 --> 00:40:58,210 do not did the seven day cause have any 990 00:40:58,210 --> 00:41:01,040 impact on the 10 day period in Germany 991 00:41:01,040 --> 00:41:03,780 when people were allowed to stay before 992 00:41:03,780 --> 00:41:06,490 they have to be sent off that Or did 993 00:41:06,490 --> 00:41:09,250 they adjust that number and say we're 994 00:41:09,250 --> 00:41:11,250 gonna waive that for this amount of 995 00:41:11,250 --> 00:41:13,361 time . My understanding is that um is 996 00:41:13,361 --> 00:41:15,583 working with german authorities to kind 997 00:41:15,583 --> 00:41:17,528 of work their way through that . I 998 00:41:17,528 --> 00:41:19,139 won't speak for Germany . My 999 00:41:19,139 --> 00:41:21,028 understanding is that there Their 1000 00:41:21,028 --> 00:41:23,210 desire , their policy is still 10 days 1001 00:41:23,220 --> 00:41:26,380 but we have kept our German allies 1002 00:41:26,380 --> 00:41:28,547 completely informed about what's going 1003 00:41:28,547 --> 00:41:30,436 on here with with measles and the 1004 00:41:30,436 --> 00:41:32,658 precautions that we're trying to take . 1005 00:41:32,658 --> 00:41:32,520 We've been very transparent with them 1006 00:41:32,520 --> 00:41:34,520 and I think they're working through 1007 00:41:34,520 --> 00:41:37,260 that right now Alex There are around 60 1008 00:41:37,260 --> 00:41:39,427 aircraft , helicopters and planes . We 1009 00:41:39,427 --> 00:41:41,482 understand from the Afghan air force 1010 00:41:41,482 --> 00:41:41,460 that are in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan 1011 00:41:41,460 --> 00:41:43,571 and we've done some reporting on this 1012 00:41:43,571 --> 00:41:45,793 in terms of the personnel . Could you , 1013 00:41:45,793 --> 00:41:45,700 do you have any updates on the Afghan 1014 00:41:45,700 --> 00:41:47,422 air force personnel who are in 1015 00:41:47,422 --> 00:41:49,660 Tajikistan and what will happen do you 1016 00:41:49,660 --> 00:41:52,300 think to these aircraft ? I don't have 1017 00:41:52,300 --> 00:41:54,700 any updates for the pilots , aircrew . 1018 00:41:54,700 --> 00:41:56,922 And I think some families that might be 1019 00:41:56,922 --> 00:41:58,700 in Tajikistan , That's a better 1020 00:41:58,700 --> 00:41:58,670 question put to my State Department 1021 00:41:58,670 --> 00:42:00,810 colleague as to the aircraft . As I 1022 00:42:00,810 --> 00:42:04,670 said , the other day , we have numerous 1023 00:42:04,680 --> 00:42:08,630 options available uh to explore 1024 00:42:08,630 --> 00:42:10,574 with respect to the disposition of 1025 00:42:10,574 --> 00:42:12,630 those aircraft . And we haven't made 1026 00:42:12,630 --> 00:42:14,797 any final decisions that we're working 1027 00:42:14,797 --> 00:42:16,963 our way through what those options are 1028 00:42:16,963 --> 00:42:19,019 right now . Uh jennifer from the new 1029 00:42:19,019 --> 00:42:22,710 york times . Hi with respect to um 1030 00:42:22,720 --> 00:42:26,010 the afghans that are uh kokonas 1031 00:42:26,010 --> 00:42:28,010 locations . Do you have a kind of a 1032 00:42:28,010 --> 00:42:29,954 even a round sense of how many are 1033 00:42:29,954 --> 00:42:32,780 there and why ? It's taking so long for 1034 00:42:32,780 --> 00:42:35,560 them to uh move to the United States . 1035 00:42:35,560 --> 00:42:37,671 Some people have been there for weeks 1036 00:42:37,671 --> 00:42:39,671 and don't seem to have any sense of 1037 00:42:39,671 --> 00:42:42,820 when they might go . So um uh 1038 00:42:43,500 --> 00:42:47,440 we've got had broken down 1039 00:42:47,440 --> 00:42:49,662 by country , but I don't think I have a 1040 00:42:49,662 --> 00:42:53,120 total , there's 6300 or so in Ramstein 1041 00:42:53,130 --> 00:42:56,880 another 2500 . Uh 1042 00:42:56,890 --> 00:42:59,620 Kaiserslautern in Germany . And then 1043 00:42:59,620 --> 00:43:02,190 there's uh the next location with the 1044 00:43:02,190 --> 00:43:04,020 biggest population is uh 1045 00:43:04,500 --> 00:43:08,120 uh in abu Dhabi with about 1046 00:43:08,600 --> 00:43:11,720 2500 there . And then between Rhoda 1047 00:43:12,400 --> 00:43:15,600 uh and uh Naval station , Naval Air 1048 00:43:15,600 --> 00:43:18,070 station Sigonella , uh there's a much 1049 00:43:18,070 --> 00:43:20,237 smaller numbers . So that's about what 1050 00:43:20,237 --> 00:43:23,920 we've got . Uh kokonas . Um and each uh 1051 00:43:24,400 --> 00:43:27,930 each location . Um 1052 00:43:28,700 --> 00:43:32,140 we're observing a different desires by 1053 00:43:32,150 --> 00:43:34,206 different governments and we have to 1054 00:43:34,206 --> 00:43:36,317 respect those sovereign governments . 1055 00:43:36,317 --> 00:43:38,317 And uh and what what they desire in 1056 00:43:38,317 --> 00:43:40,317 terms of this population and moving 1057 00:43:40,317 --> 00:43:43,020 them right now because of measles . All 1058 00:43:43,020 --> 00:43:45,180 the flights are paused . So right now 1059 00:43:45,180 --> 00:43:48,530 nobody's going anywhere uh , until we 1060 00:43:48,530 --> 00:43:50,697 work through this with the C . D . C . 1061 00:43:50,697 --> 00:43:54,090 Uh , but our goal absent the measles 1062 00:43:54,100 --> 00:43:56,900 problem , Our goal has been to try to 1063 00:43:56,910 --> 00:44:00,010 move them as quickly as possible to 1064 00:44:00,010 --> 00:44:02,730 their onward stations . For most of 1065 00:44:02,740 --> 00:44:04,962 them . It's here to the United States . 1066 00:44:04,962 --> 00:44:06,907 But right now we're in a pause and 1067 00:44:06,907 --> 00:44:08,907 hopefully , uh , you know , working 1068 00:44:08,907 --> 00:44:11,129 closely with the CDC , we'll be able to 1069 00:44:11,129 --> 00:44:13,240 uh to get things moving as quickly as 1070 00:44:13,240 --> 00:44:15,540 possible . We know uh , that these men 1071 00:44:15,540 --> 00:44:17,596 and women and their families want to 1072 00:44:17,596 --> 00:44:19,707 get on with their new lives . We want 1073 00:44:19,707 --> 00:44:19,400 to help them get on with their new 1074 00:44:19,400 --> 00:44:22,380 lives . But we also want to do it uh , 1075 00:44:22,390 --> 00:44:24,890 in as safe away as possible . And and 1076 00:44:24,890 --> 00:44:26,834 uh and so that's why we're working 1077 00:44:26,834 --> 00:44:29,001 closely with the C . D . C . On this . 1078 00:44:29,001 --> 00:44:31,223 Okay . Thanks everybody appreciate it . 1079 00:44:31,223 --> 00:44:33,230 See you in a day or two .