WEBVTT 00:03.540 --> 00:05.720 september suicide prevention month . 00:05.920 --> 00:07.920 One key thing we know about suicide 00:07.920 --> 00:09.976 prevention is that connections count 00:09.976 --> 00:12.087 over the past year and a half , we've 00:12.087 --> 00:14.198 all faced challenges and we've had to 00:14.198 --> 00:16.309 adapt to a new normal with many of us 00:16.309 --> 00:18.031 feeling more stressed and less 00:18.031 --> 00:20.253 connected with others . We've also been 00:20.253 --> 00:22.309 experiencing challenging events both 00:22.309 --> 00:24.364 within our nation and abroad . These 00:24.364 --> 00:26.420 are difficult times . There's no one 00:26.420 --> 00:29.290 way to act feel or think the most 00:29.290 --> 00:31.623 important thing to do is stay connected . 00:31.790 --> 00:33.957 Reach out and connect with your family 00:33.957 --> 00:36.068 and friends . If things are feeling a 00:36.068 --> 00:38.179 bit heavy for you right now , talk to 00:38.179 --> 00:40.290 them about it . Your family , friends 00:40.290 --> 00:42.401 and teammates also needs you look out 00:42.401 --> 00:44.457 for them . Let them know that you're 00:44.457 --> 00:46.512 here and you care , reach out simply 00:46.512 --> 00:48.679 ask , how are you doing now ? Really ? 00:48.679 --> 00:50.568 How are you doing ? It may have a 00:50.568 --> 00:52.840 significant impact . Today . I ask you 00:52.840 --> 00:54.784 to make a commitment to connect to 00:54.784 --> 00:57.360 protect join me and staying connected 00:57.370 --> 00:59.720 because support is always within reach , 00:59.730 --> 01:01.940 whether it's with a friend or a family 01:01.940 --> 01:04.600 member or with a trusted resource like 01:04.600 --> 01:06.830 military , one source , a chaplain or 01:06.830 --> 01:09.052 the veterans and military crisis line , 01:09.340 --> 01:11.062 your actions can save a life . 01:13.240 --> 01:14.850 Yeah . Mhm . 01:18.540 --> 01:18.790 Yeah .