1 00:00:00,340 --> 00:00:02,460 let me call the hearing to order 2 00:00:04,640 --> 00:00:08,280 first An administrative action since 3 00:00:08,280 --> 00:00:10,391 the Quorum is now president , I asked 4 00:00:10,391 --> 00:00:12,391 the committee to consider a list of 5 00:00:12,391 --> 00:00:14,560 2993 pending military nominations 6 00:00:15,040 --> 00:00:17,262 included in this list is the nomination 7 00:00:17,262 --> 00:00:19,980 of General Jacqueline de Van overdosed 8 00:00:19,990 --> 00:00:22,157 U . S . Air Force for reappointment to 9 00:00:22,157 --> 00:00:23,879 the great of general and to be 10 00:00:23,879 --> 00:00:25,823 Commander , U . S . Transportation 11 00:00:25,823 --> 00:00:27,879 Command . All these nominations have 12 00:00:27,879 --> 00:00:30,101 been before the committee that required 13 00:00:30,101 --> 00:00:32,212 length of time . Is there a motion of 14 00:00:32,212 --> 00:00:34,379 federal report this list of 2000 , 993 15 00:00:34,379 --> 00:00:34,330 pending military nomination at the 16 00:00:34,330 --> 00:00:38,050 Senate . Is there a second 17 00:00:38,940 --> 00:00:41,230 all in favor ? Please say , aye . The 18 00:00:41,230 --> 00:00:44,090 motion carriage . Thank you . Good 19 00:00:44,090 --> 00:00:46,390 morning . The committee meets today to 20 00:00:46,390 --> 00:00:48,446 discuss the end of american military 21 00:00:48,446 --> 00:00:50,850 operations in Afghanistan . After 22 00:00:50,850 --> 00:00:53,070 nearly 20 years of war , enormous 23 00:00:53,070 --> 00:00:55,140 sacrifice by American and coalition 24 00:00:55,140 --> 00:00:57,307 military , diplomatic and intelligence 25 00:00:57,307 --> 00:01:00,470 personnel and vast us investment . The 26 00:01:00,470 --> 00:01:02,692 Afghan state has failed and the Taliban 27 00:01:02,692 --> 00:01:05,480 has taken control . We need to 28 00:01:05,480 --> 00:01:08,610 understand why and how as part of this 29 00:01:08,610 --> 00:01:10,666 hearing , we will seek to understand 30 00:01:10,666 --> 00:01:12,666 the factors that contributed to the 31 00:01:12,666 --> 00:01:14,777 Taliban's rapid take over the country 32 00:01:14,777 --> 00:01:16,999 and the collapse of the Afghan national 33 00:01:16,999 --> 00:01:18,999 defence and security forces . While 34 00:01:18,999 --> 00:01:21,221 there is a temptation to close the book 35 00:01:21,221 --> 00:01:23,277 in Afghanistan and simply move on to 36 00:01:23,277 --> 00:01:25,790 long term strategic competition with 37 00:01:25,790 --> 00:01:27,957 china and Russia , we must capture the 38 00:01:27,957 --> 00:01:29,960 lessons of the last two decades to 39 00:01:29,960 --> 00:01:32,182 ensure that our future counterterrorism 40 00:01:32,182 --> 00:01:34,790 efforts in Afghanistan and elsewhere 41 00:01:34,850 --> 00:01:36,850 continue to hold violent extremists 42 00:01:36,850 --> 00:01:39,640 that day . I don't know that much of 43 00:01:39,640 --> 00:01:41,696 this hearing will focus on our final 44 00:01:41,696 --> 00:01:44,310 months in Afghanistan . I think it is 45 00:01:44,320 --> 00:01:46,542 equally important , however , that this 46 00:01:46,542 --> 00:01:48,320 committee takes a step back and 47 00:01:48,320 --> 00:01:50,780 examines the broader two decade mission 48 00:01:50,890 --> 00:01:53,250 that shape the outcome we face today , 49 00:01:53,840 --> 00:01:55,951 our thrall this summer and the events 50 00:01:55,951 --> 00:01:58,118 around it did not happen in a vacuum . 51 00:01:58,640 --> 00:02:00,696 The path that led to this moment was 52 00:02:00,696 --> 00:02:02,980 paved with years of the stakes from our 53 00:02:02,990 --> 00:02:05,200 catastrophic pivot to Iraq to have 54 00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:07,600 failed to handle Pakistan's support for 55 00:02:07,600 --> 00:02:10,470 the taliban to the floor Doha agreement 56 00:02:10,470 --> 00:02:13,020 signed by president trump the members 57 00:02:13,020 --> 00:02:15,020 of this committee and the witnesses 58 00:02:15,020 --> 00:02:17,131 before us have overseen chapters of a 59 00:02:17,131 --> 00:02:19,076 war that spanned four presidential 60 00:02:19,076 --> 00:02:21,187 administrations , both Democratic and 61 00:02:21,187 --> 00:02:23,131 Republican and we owe the american 62 00:02:23,131 --> 00:02:25,242 people and honest accounting . I hope 63 00:02:25,242 --> 00:02:27,242 that this hearing will be frank and 64 00:02:27,242 --> 00:02:29,464 searching so that future generations of 65 00:02:29,464 --> 00:02:31,742 americans will not repeat our mistakes , 66 00:02:31,742 --> 00:02:33,853 witnesses today . Our Secretary Lloyd 67 00:02:33,853 --> 00:02:36,180 Austin , Secretary of Defense General 68 00:02:36,180 --> 00:02:38,180 Mark Milley , chairman of the Joint 69 00:02:38,180 --> 00:02:40,069 Chiefs of Staff and General frank 70 00:02:40,069 --> 00:02:42,013 McKenzie , Commander of US Central 71 00:02:42,013 --> 00:02:44,090 Command . I welcome each of you and 72 00:02:44,090 --> 00:02:45,923 thank you for your many years of 73 00:02:45,923 --> 00:02:47,979 service . I also want to commend and 74 00:02:47,979 --> 00:02:50,034 thank our military men and women for 75 00:02:50,034 --> 00:02:52,146 their heroic efforts to evacuate more 76 00:02:52,146 --> 00:02:55,660 than 124,000 American citizens afghan 77 00:02:55,660 --> 00:02:58,050 special immigrant visa applicants and 78 00:02:58,060 --> 00:03:01,100 other at risk afghan The 70 days in 79 00:03:01,100 --> 00:03:03,060 chaotic and perilous conditions , 80 00:03:03,440 --> 00:03:05,640 remarkable accomplishment . We 81 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:07,640 especially honor the brave american 82 00:03:07,640 --> 00:03:09,696 servicemen and women who were killed 83 00:03:09,696 --> 00:03:11,918 and wounded while selflessly protecting 84 00:03:11,918 --> 00:03:14,960 those seeking safety . So how did we 85 00:03:14,960 --> 00:03:16,980 get here ? There are countless 86 00:03:16,980 --> 00:03:18,980 decisions and factors that could be 87 00:03:18,980 --> 00:03:21,036 pointed to , but I would highlight a 88 00:03:21,036 --> 00:03:23,258 few that clearly paved the way early in 89 00:03:23,258 --> 00:03:25,369 the war . We did achieve our original 90 00:03:25,369 --> 00:03:27,036 counterterrorism objective of 91 00:03:27,036 --> 00:03:29,036 significantly degrading al Qaeda in 92 00:03:29,036 --> 00:03:31,202 Afghanistan over time . However , that 93 00:03:31,202 --> 00:03:32,980 mission morphed into convoluted 94 00:03:32,980 --> 00:03:35,202 counterinsurgency and nation building . 95 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:37,107 While the U . S . Presence in 96 00:03:37,107 --> 00:03:39,107 Afghanistan drew down significantly 97 00:03:39,107 --> 00:03:41,329 over the last few years , the lack of a 98 00:03:41,329 --> 00:03:43,496 defined strategy continue to erode the 99 00:03:43,496 --> 00:03:45,162 mission . One of the clearest 100 00:03:45,162 --> 00:03:47,162 inflection points was the ill fated 101 00:03:47,162 --> 00:03:49,890 decision to go to war in Iraq . Just as 102 00:03:49,890 --> 00:03:51,668 we began to achieve momentum in 103 00:03:51,668 --> 00:03:53,890 Afghanistan , the Bush administration's 104 00:03:53,890 --> 00:03:55,779 invasion of Iraq through critical 105 00:03:55,779 --> 00:03:58,350 resources troops and focus away from 106 00:03:58,350 --> 00:04:00,410 the Afghan theater . Our best 107 00:04:00,410 --> 00:04:02,132 opportunity in Afghanistan was 108 00:04:02,132 --> 00:04:04,260 squandered and were never able to get 109 00:04:04,270 --> 00:04:07,340 back on track throughout the war . We 110 00:04:07,340 --> 00:04:09,507 were also unsuccessful in dealing with 111 00:04:09,507 --> 00:04:11,740 Pakistan support of the Taliban . Even 112 00:04:11,740 --> 00:04:13,740 as american diplomats set down with 113 00:04:13,740 --> 00:04:15,740 Pakistani leaders and our forces 114 00:04:15,740 --> 00:04:18,073 cooperated on counterterrorism missions , 115 00:04:18,340 --> 00:04:20,562 the Taliban and George sanctuary inside 116 00:04:20,562 --> 00:04:22,960 Pakistan with time and space to regroup . 117 00:04:23,840 --> 00:04:25,507 More recently , the Taliban's 118 00:04:25,507 --> 00:04:27,507 resurgence can be tied to the floor 119 00:04:27,507 --> 00:04:29,507 Doha agreement Which then President 120 00:04:29,507 --> 00:04:32,240 Trump signed in 2020 . This deal 121 00:04:32,250 --> 00:04:33,861 negotiated between the trump 122 00:04:33,861 --> 00:04:36,290 administration and the Taliban without 123 00:04:36,300 --> 00:04:39,100 our coalition allies or even the Afghan 124 00:04:39,100 --> 00:04:41,690 government present promised the end of 125 00:04:41,690 --> 00:04:43,746 the entire international presence in 126 00:04:43,746 --> 00:04:45,790 Afghanistan , including contractors 127 00:04:45,790 --> 00:04:47,780 critical to keeping the Afghan air 128 00:04:47,780 --> 00:04:50,370 force in the fight with virtually no 129 00:04:50,370 --> 00:04:52,770 stipulations , the Taliban with 130 00:04:52,770 --> 00:04:54,960 momentum on the battlefield and no 131 00:04:54,960 --> 00:04:57,480 incentives onto the Doha agreement used 132 00:04:57,480 --> 00:04:59,036 the final year of the trump 133 00:04:59,036 --> 00:05:00,924 administration to boldly escalate 134 00:05:00,924 --> 00:05:02,980 violence to begin its faithful march 135 00:05:02,980 --> 00:05:05,970 toward Kabul . Despite colossal efforts 136 00:05:05,980 --> 00:05:08,230 over multiple administrations , both 137 00:05:08,230 --> 00:05:10,520 democratic and Republican , we were 138 00:05:10,520 --> 00:05:12,242 unable to help build an Afghan 139 00:05:12,242 --> 00:05:14,131 government capable of leading its 140 00:05:14,131 --> 00:05:16,190 people nor an Afghan security force 141 00:05:16,190 --> 00:05:18,990 capable of defeating the Taliban Afghan 142 00:05:18,990 --> 00:05:21,157 soldiers fought bravely in the face of 143 00:05:21,157 --> 00:05:23,430 massive casualties but faced with the 144 00:05:23,430 --> 00:05:25,720 loss of american military support and 145 00:05:25,720 --> 00:05:28,150 hamstrung by corruption within they 146 00:05:28,150 --> 00:05:30,039 were unable to stand on their own 147 00:05:30,039 --> 00:05:32,230 against Taliban forces . Secretary 148 00:05:32,230 --> 00:05:34,119 Austin , General Milley , General 149 00:05:34,119 --> 00:05:36,230 Mackenzie . You've each led troops in 150 00:05:36,230 --> 00:05:38,470 combat in Afghanistan commanded at the 151 00:05:38,470 --> 00:05:40,637 theater level and advised our nation's 152 00:05:40,637 --> 00:05:42,970 top leaders on our Afghanistan strategy . 153 00:05:43,340 --> 00:05:45,229 You have played significant roles 154 00:05:45,229 --> 00:05:47,451 throughout this war and I hope that you 155 00:05:47,451 --> 00:05:49,729 are forthcoming and your answers today . 156 00:05:49,729 --> 00:05:51,951 To begin , I would ask that you provide 157 00:05:51,951 --> 00:05:54,062 an accounting of the intelligence and 158 00:05:54,062 --> 00:05:56,229 other key assessments . That fact that 159 00:05:56,229 --> 00:05:58,451 into your judgments about the viability 160 00:05:58,451 --> 00:05:58,120 of the afghan government and Afghan 161 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:00,640 forces and how those trends changed 162 00:06:00,640 --> 00:06:02,660 over time . I'd like to know any 163 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:04,827 lessons you have identified for how we 164 00:06:04,827 --> 00:06:06,938 can more effectively work by with and 165 00:06:06,938 --> 00:06:08,993 through partner Nation forces in the 166 00:06:08,993 --> 00:06:11,216 future . Additionally , I would like to 167 00:06:11,216 --> 00:06:13,327 understand what factors you attribute 168 00:06:13,327 --> 00:06:15,438 to the Taliban success and whether we 169 00:06:15,438 --> 00:06:17,660 missed indicators and warnings of their 170 00:06:17,660 --> 00:06:19,980 imminent takeover . Finally , while we 171 00:06:19,980 --> 00:06:21,980 have transitioned our military from 172 00:06:21,980 --> 00:06:24,590 Afghanistan after largely achieving our 173 00:06:24,590 --> 00:06:26,870 counterterrorism objectives . We must 174 00:06:26,870 --> 00:06:29,092 continue to ensure that Afghanistan can 175 00:06:29,092 --> 00:06:31,130 never again be used as a base for 176 00:06:31,130 --> 00:06:33,490 terrorist groups to conduct operations 177 00:06:33,500 --> 00:06:35,389 against the United States and our 178 00:06:35,389 --> 00:06:37,556 allies . We must remain vigilant about 179 00:06:37,556 --> 00:06:39,278 these threats , ensure that we 180 00:06:39,278 --> 00:06:41,500 establish an effective counterterrorism 181 00:06:41,500 --> 00:06:43,611 architecture . Moving forward to that 182 00:06:43,611 --> 00:06:45,722 end , I would ask that you update the 183 00:06:45,722 --> 00:06:47,778 committee on your plans for over the 184 00:06:47,778 --> 00:06:49,889 horizon counterterrorism operations . 185 00:06:50,240 --> 00:06:52,018 The United States faces new and 186 00:06:52,018 --> 00:06:54,073 evolving threats around the world to 187 00:06:54,073 --> 00:06:55,740 overcome them . We must first 188 00:06:55,740 --> 00:06:57,629 understand what went wrong to our 189 00:06:57,629 --> 00:06:59,740 mission in Afghanistan and learn from 190 00:06:59,740 --> 00:07:01,629 those missteps . We owe it to the 191 00:07:01,629 --> 00:07:04,340 american people . I want to thank you 192 00:07:04,340 --> 00:07:06,562 again for being here this morning and I 193 00:07:06,562 --> 00:07:08,618 look forward to your testimony . Now 194 00:07:08,618 --> 00:07:10,784 before I turn to the ranking member in 195 00:07:10,784 --> 00:07:13,180 Hawk for the benefit of my colleagues . 196 00:07:13,190 --> 00:07:15,280 Because we have two rounds of open 197 00:07:15,280 --> 00:07:17,020 testimony and a closed session 198 00:07:17,020 --> 00:07:19,131 following I will strictly enforce the 199 00:07:19,131 --> 00:07:21,160 five minute limit allowed for each 200 00:07:21,160 --> 00:07:24,380 member . I intend to recess at one PM 201 00:07:24,390 --> 00:07:26,930 for lunch and promptly resume at 1:30 p . 202 00:07:26,930 --> 00:07:29,410 m . I would again remind my colleagues 203 00:07:29,410 --> 00:07:31,577 that there will be classified briefing 204 00:07:31,577 --> 00:07:33,743 immediately following the open session 205 00:07:33,743 --> 00:07:36,540 and SPC-17 . The Office of Senate 206 00:07:36,540 --> 00:07:39,070 Security Again before I turned a 207 00:07:39,070 --> 00:07:41,280 ranking member in off . I want to note 208 00:07:41,290 --> 00:07:43,401 that the rules of the committee state 209 00:07:43,401 --> 00:07:45,568 that witness test um er should be sent 210 00:07:45,568 --> 00:07:47,734 to the committee 48 hours in advance . 211 00:07:47,734 --> 00:07:49,790 And it is customary that at the very 212 00:07:49,790 --> 00:07:51,846 latest testimony arise the afternoon 213 00:07:51,846 --> 00:07:54,012 before the hearing . I am disappointed 214 00:07:54,012 --> 00:07:56,068 that the statements of all witnesses 215 00:07:56,068 --> 00:07:58,123 were not sent to the committee until 216 00:07:58,123 --> 00:08:00,234 late last evening giving senators and 217 00:08:00,234 --> 00:08:02,346 staff very little time for review . I 218 00:08:02,346 --> 00:08:04,457 hope that when these witnesses appear 219 00:08:04,457 --> 00:08:04,250 again before this committee they will 220 00:08:04,250 --> 00:08:06,306 allow the committee they will follow 221 00:08:06,306 --> 00:08:08,900 the committee rules and customs . Now 222 00:08:08,910 --> 00:08:11,340 let me turn to ranking member . Thank 223 00:08:11,340 --> 00:08:13,229 you Mr Chairman . Let's make sure 224 00:08:13,229 --> 00:08:15,173 everyone understands that the five 225 00:08:15,173 --> 00:08:17,173 minute limit doesn't affect opening 226 00:08:17,173 --> 00:08:20,980 statements . Yeah let me 227 00:08:20,990 --> 00:08:22,830 say a little bit stronger . The 228 00:08:22,840 --> 00:08:25,250 statement that was made by our chairman 229 00:08:25,640 --> 00:08:28,830 that we should , there's no reason in 230 00:08:28,830 --> 00:08:31,140 the world that they waited until late 231 00:08:31,150 --> 00:08:33,760 last night to send this information to 232 00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:36,530 us all these members . They want to be 233 00:08:36,530 --> 00:08:39,330 well informed and they didn't have that 234 00:08:39,330 --> 00:08:42,310 opportunity . Want to begin by 235 00:08:42,310 --> 00:08:44,477 expressing my sincere gratitude to our 236 00:08:44,477 --> 00:08:46,532 service members and our veterans are 237 00:08:46,640 --> 00:08:49,010 men and women in uniform , bravely 238 00:08:49,010 --> 00:08:51,530 volunteered to go into harm's way For 239 00:08:51,530 --> 00:08:54,010 one reason to keep their fellow 240 00:08:54,010 --> 00:08:56,290 americans safe . They represent our 241 00:08:56,290 --> 00:08:59,710 very best Especially want to recognize 242 00:08:59,710 --> 00:09:01,920 those who made the ultimate sacrifice 243 00:09:01,920 --> 00:09:04,690 and their families . On August 26 we 244 00:09:04,690 --> 00:09:07,860 were reminded so painfully of what we 245 00:09:07,860 --> 00:09:11,160 ask our troops and their families to do . 246 00:09:11,640 --> 00:09:13,720 They later all in the line for this 247 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:17,310 country . Those 13 men and women 248 00:09:17,310 --> 00:09:20,970 died trying to evacuate their fellow 249 00:09:20,970 --> 00:09:23,990 Americans and at risk Afghans from 250 00:09:23,990 --> 00:09:27,040 Kabul under extremely difficult and 251 00:09:27,040 --> 00:09:29,540 dangerous circumstances . So I I want 252 00:09:29,540 --> 00:09:32,300 to be perfectly clear the frustration 253 00:09:32,300 --> 00:09:35,440 on this committee about the chaotic and 254 00:09:35,440 --> 00:09:38,300 deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan is 255 00:09:38,300 --> 00:09:40,500 not and should never be directed 256 00:09:40,510 --> 00:09:43,050 towards our troops . It was President 257 00:09:43,050 --> 00:09:45,690 biden and his advisers who put them in 258 00:09:45,690 --> 00:09:48,960 that situation . Even worse . This was 259 00:09:48,960 --> 00:09:52,270 avoidable . Everything that happened 260 00:09:52,270 --> 00:09:55,360 was foreseen my colleagues on this 261 00:09:55,360 --> 00:09:58,250 committee and the commanders in charge 262 00:09:59,140 --> 00:10:02,580 we saw it coming . So we were here 263 00:10:02,590 --> 00:10:06,460 here today to understand what happened 264 00:10:06,460 --> 00:10:09,250 and why that advice was ignored . 265 00:10:10,140 --> 00:10:12,180 General Mackenzie , you said in 266 00:10:12,180 --> 00:10:14,460 february before the president decided 267 00:10:14,460 --> 00:10:17,010 to fully withdrawal from Afghanistan . 268 00:10:17,020 --> 00:10:20,560 Quote , you have to take a condition 269 00:10:20,570 --> 00:10:23,860 based approach . Um 270 00:10:24,940 --> 00:10:28,110 You express your concern quote about 271 00:10:28,200 --> 00:10:30,700 about actions that the Taliban had 272 00:10:30,710 --> 00:10:33,340 taken up until this point , meaning 273 00:10:33,340 --> 00:10:35,560 that the taliban was not constraining 274 00:10:35,570 --> 00:10:39,540 al Qaeda as it had agreed to do so 275 00:10:39,540 --> 00:10:41,596 under the circumstances , conditions 276 00:10:41,596 --> 00:10:44,050 based agreement that it signed with the 277 00:10:44,050 --> 00:10:46,990 trump administration . That was a 278 00:10:47,000 --> 00:10:50,760 condition based statement in position 279 00:10:51,540 --> 00:10:53,762 around the same time , General Miller , 280 00:10:54,340 --> 00:10:57,820 Who was then the commander of the US 281 00:10:57,820 --> 00:11:00,170 forces Afghanistan advised his chain of 282 00:11:00,170 --> 00:11:03,550 command to keep approximately 2500 283 00:11:04,040 --> 00:11:06,960 troops in the country . He warned that 284 00:11:06,970 --> 00:11:09,260 the Taliban might otherwise take over . 285 00:11:09,740 --> 00:11:11,660 General Mackenzie , you offered a 286 00:11:11,660 --> 00:11:14,930 similar warning when you last testified 287 00:11:14,930 --> 00:11:17,020 before this committee in april right 288 00:11:17,020 --> 00:11:19,300 after the president made his decision 289 00:11:19,300 --> 00:11:21,700 to withdraw . You said , quote , my 290 00:11:21,700 --> 00:11:24,730 concern is the ability of the afghan 291 00:11:24,730 --> 00:11:28,190 military to hold the ground that they 292 00:11:28,200 --> 00:11:31,490 are now on without the support that 293 00:11:31,490 --> 00:11:33,960 they have been used to for many years 294 00:11:34,740 --> 00:11:36,760 throughout the spring , we saw many 295 00:11:36,760 --> 00:11:40,380 districts quickly fall to the 296 00:11:40,390 --> 00:11:43,050 taliban , many without firing a shot . 297 00:11:43,840 --> 00:11:46,950 This is why I urged the President biden 298 00:11:46,960 --> 00:11:49,170 in june to rethink his approach and 299 00:11:49,170 --> 00:11:52,390 maintain a small force in Afghanistan 300 00:11:52,390 --> 00:11:55,210 in order to prevent the collapse . We 301 00:11:55,210 --> 00:11:58,300 ultimately saw . It was also why the 302 00:11:58,300 --> 00:12:00,522 members of this committee on both sides 303 00:12:00,522 --> 00:12:03,920 of the aisle spent months urging the 304 00:12:03,920 --> 00:12:07,370 administration to evacuate americans 305 00:12:07,380 --> 00:12:10,920 and our afghan partners sooner . But 306 00:12:10,920 --> 00:12:13,142 President Biden and his advisors didn't 307 00:12:13,142 --> 00:12:16,000 listen to his combat commander . He 308 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:18,560 didn't listen to Congress and he failed 309 00:12:18,560 --> 00:12:21,100 to anticipate what all of us knew would 310 00:12:21,100 --> 00:12:24,900 happen . So in august we all witnessed 311 00:12:24,910 --> 00:12:28,760 the horror of President's own making 312 00:12:29,240 --> 00:12:31,740 afghans died as they desperately 313 00:12:31,740 --> 00:12:35,200 gripped into the departing flights . 314 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:38,900 The Taliban is in a stronger position 315 00:12:38,900 --> 00:12:42,900 that had been in 9:11 . The 316 00:12:42,910 --> 00:12:45,800 terrorists , ogoni members are now 317 00:12:45,810 --> 00:12:48,920 senior government in senior government 318 00:12:48,920 --> 00:12:52,660 positions we went from where we 319 00:12:52,670 --> 00:12:55,270 we will never negotiate with terrorists . 320 00:12:55,280 --> 00:12:57,550 Do We must negotiate with terrorists . 321 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:00,407 You know , I've been in the years that 322 00:13:00,407 --> 00:13:02,518 I've been here , we've heard over and 323 00:13:02,518 --> 00:13:04,629 over again . You don't negotiate with 324 00:13:04,629 --> 00:13:07,440 terrorists And now it's required Worst 325 00:13:07,440 --> 00:13:09,551 of all 13 brave Americans were killed 326 00:13:09,551 --> 00:13:11,662 in the evacuation effort . Three days 327 00:13:11,662 --> 00:13:13,780 later , the Biden administration said 328 00:13:13,780 --> 00:13:17,760 it was struck and ISIS operative . In 329 00:13:17,760 --> 00:13:20,420 fact , it killed 10 Afghan civilians , 330 00:13:20,420 --> 00:13:23,060 including seven Children . And then 331 00:13:23,070 --> 00:13:25,800 President biden concluded they withdraw 332 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:28,940 the drawdown by doing the unthinkable . 333 00:13:28,940 --> 00:13:32,350 He left the americans behind . The men 334 00:13:32,350 --> 00:13:34,900 and women who served in uniform , their 335 00:13:34,900 --> 00:13:37,440 heroic families and the american people 336 00:13:37,440 --> 00:13:40,040 deserve answers . How did this 337 00:13:40,050 --> 00:13:43,250 avoidable disaster happened ? Why we're 338 00:13:43,250 --> 00:13:46,040 americans left behind ? President 339 00:13:46,040 --> 00:13:48,460 Biden's decision to withdraw his 340 00:13:48,940 --> 00:13:51,630 expanded the threat of terrorism an 341 00:13:51,630 --> 00:13:54,040 increase the likelihood of an attack on 342 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:56,500 the homeland . The administration is 343 00:13:56,500 --> 00:13:58,556 telling the american people that the 344 00:13:58,556 --> 00:14:01,720 plan to deal with this . These threats 345 00:14:01,730 --> 00:14:04,810 is something called over the horizon 346 00:14:04,820 --> 00:14:07,750 counterterrorism and that we do these 347 00:14:07,750 --> 00:14:09,820 types of operations elsewhere in the 348 00:14:09,820 --> 00:14:13,100 world . That's misleading at best and 349 00:14:13,100 --> 00:14:16,790 dishonest worse . There is no plan . 350 00:14:16,800 --> 00:14:19,380 We have no reliable partners on the 351 00:14:19,380 --> 00:14:22,700 ground . We have no basis nearby . The 352 00:14:22,700 --> 00:14:25,240 Afghan government is now led by 353 00:14:25,240 --> 00:14:28,160 terrorists with long ties to al Qaeda 354 00:14:28,540 --> 00:14:31,360 and and we're at the mercy of 355 00:14:31,940 --> 00:14:34,820 Pakistan government to get into the 356 00:14:34,830 --> 00:14:37,620 Afghan airspace . Even if we can get 357 00:14:37,620 --> 00:14:41,100 there , we can't strike Al Qaeda in 358 00:14:41,110 --> 00:14:44,390 Afghanistan because we're worried about 359 00:14:44,390 --> 00:14:47,940 what the taliban will do in America to 360 00:14:47,940 --> 00:14:50,051 the americans who are still there and 361 00:14:50,051 --> 00:14:52,900 americans are still there . The 362 00:14:52,900 --> 00:14:54,900 administration needs to be honest , 363 00:14:55,140 --> 00:14:58,180 because the of President biden's 364 00:14:58,190 --> 00:15:00,910 dishonest decision , the terrorist 365 00:15:00,910 --> 00:15:03,730 threat to american families is rising 366 00:15:03,730 --> 00:15:06,080 significantly . While our ability to 367 00:15:06,080 --> 00:15:09,330 deal with these threats as declined 368 00:15:09,330 --> 00:15:12,830 decidedly we will have another hearing 369 00:15:12,830 --> 00:15:15,860 with experts witnesses on thursday . 370 00:15:16,340 --> 00:15:18,330 That's just two days from now , we 371 00:15:18,330 --> 00:15:22,180 understand we the under 372 00:15:22,180 --> 00:15:25,530 secretary of Defense Colin Kahl has 373 00:15:25,530 --> 00:15:28,350 agreed to testify in that hearing . So 374 00:15:28,350 --> 00:15:31,310 today is really just a start . So in 375 00:15:31,310 --> 00:15:34,530 conclusion , I would just like to say 376 00:15:34,530 --> 00:15:38,280 this President 377 00:15:38,280 --> 00:15:41,170 biden made a strategic decision to 378 00:15:41,170 --> 00:15:45,070 leave Afghanistan Which resulted in the 379 00:15:45,070 --> 00:15:48,730 death of 13 US service members . The 380 00:15:48,730 --> 00:15:51,090 deaths of hundreds of Afghan civilians 381 00:15:51,090 --> 00:15:53,201 including women and Children . That's 382 00:15:53,201 --> 00:15:55,740 what terrorists do . And left American 383 00:15:55,740 --> 00:15:58,270 citizens surrounded by the very 384 00:15:58,270 --> 00:16:01,450 terrorists who attacked us on 9 11 385 00:16:02,140 --> 00:16:04,530 and they're still there . Thank you . 386 00:16:04,530 --> 00:16:06,810 Mr Chairman , Thank you very much . 387 00:16:06,810 --> 00:16:10,560 Center in Hoff . Secretary 388 00:16:10,560 --> 00:16:14,500 Austin and German Millie uh don't 389 00:16:14,500 --> 00:16:17,060 har agreement . Okay , 390 00:16:18,740 --> 00:16:22,110 excuse me . Uh we want to give you an 391 00:16:22,110 --> 00:16:24,470 opportunity to have opening statements 392 00:16:24,470 --> 00:16:26,700 as I've been reminded . So General 393 00:16:26,700 --> 00:16:30,290 Austin , you're recognized Chairman . 394 00:16:30,290 --> 00:16:32,930 Read ranking member . Inhofe members of 395 00:16:32,930 --> 00:16:35,070 this committee . Thank you for the 396 00:16:35,070 --> 00:16:37,650 opportunity to appear before you today 397 00:16:37,650 --> 00:16:39,594 to discuss our recent drawdown and 398 00:16:39,594 --> 00:16:42,360 evacuation operations in Afghanistan . 399 00:16:42,940 --> 00:16:44,996 I'm pleased to be joined by generals 400 00:16:44,996 --> 00:16:47,570 Million Mackenzie who I know will be 401 00:16:47,570 --> 00:16:49,570 able to provide you with additional 402 00:16:49,570 --> 00:16:52,020 context . I'd like to make a few points 403 00:16:52,020 --> 00:16:54,353 before turning it over to you into them . 404 00:16:54,840 --> 00:16:57,260 And first I want to say how incredibly 405 00:16:57,260 --> 00:16:59,427 proud I am of the men and women of the 406 00:16:59,427 --> 00:17:02,020 U . S . Armed forces who conducted 407 00:17:02,020 --> 00:17:04,076 themselves with tremendous skill and 408 00:17:04,076 --> 00:17:06,131 professionalism throughout the war . 409 00:17:06,540 --> 00:17:10,440 The drawdown and the evacuation Over 410 00:17:10,440 --> 00:17:12,607 the course of our nation's longest war 411 00:17:12,607 --> 00:17:16,100 2461 of our fellow 412 00:17:16,100 --> 00:17:18,410 americans made the ultimate sacrifice 413 00:17:19,140 --> 00:17:21,390 Along with more than 20,000 who still 414 00:17:21,390 --> 00:17:23,640 bear the wounds of war , some of which 415 00:17:23,640 --> 00:17:27,630 cannot be seen on the outside and we 416 00:17:27,630 --> 00:17:29,797 can discuss and debate the decisions , 417 00:17:29,797 --> 00:17:31,797 the policies and the turning points 418 00:17:31,940 --> 00:17:34,210 since april of this year when the 419 00:17:34,210 --> 00:17:36,580 president made clear his intent to end 420 00:17:36,590 --> 00:17:40,090 american involvement in this war And we 421 00:17:40,090 --> 00:17:42,320 can debate the decisions over 20 years 422 00:17:42,320 --> 00:17:45,540 that led us to this point , but I know 423 00:17:45,540 --> 00:17:48,040 that you agree with me that one thing 424 00:17:48,050 --> 00:17:51,040 not open to debate is the courage and 425 00:17:51,040 --> 00:17:53,151 the compassion of our service members 426 00:17:53,151 --> 00:17:56,010 who along with their families served in 427 00:17:56,010 --> 00:17:58,460 sacrifice to ensure that our homeland 428 00:17:58,840 --> 00:18:01,440 would never again The attack . The way 429 00:18:01,440 --> 00:18:05,220 it was on 9 11 , I had the chance to 430 00:18:05,220 --> 00:18:07,387 speak with many of them during my trip 431 00:18:07,387 --> 00:18:09,442 to the gulf region a few weeks ago , 432 00:18:09,640 --> 00:18:11,696 including the marines who lost 11 of 433 00:18:11,696 --> 00:18:14,180 their teammates at the Abbey Gate in 434 00:18:14,180 --> 00:18:17,380 Kabul on the 26th of august and I've 435 00:18:17,380 --> 00:18:19,770 never been more humbled and inspired . 436 00:18:20,640 --> 00:18:22,807 They are rightfully proud of what they 437 00:18:22,807 --> 00:18:25,940 accomplished in the lives they say in 438 00:18:25,940 --> 00:18:28,960 such a short span of time . In fact , 439 00:18:29,340 --> 00:18:31,396 I'd like to talk to you a little bit 440 00:18:31,396 --> 00:18:34,060 about that issue of time . The reason 441 00:18:34,060 --> 00:18:36,227 that our troops were able to get there 442 00:18:36,227 --> 00:18:38,393 so quickly is because we plan for just 443 00:18:38,393 --> 00:18:40,560 such a contingency . We began thinking 444 00:18:40,560 --> 00:18:42,171 about the possibilities of a 445 00:18:42,171 --> 00:18:44,338 noncombatant evacuation as far back as 446 00:18:44,338 --> 00:18:47,050 the spring . indeed by late April two 447 00:18:47,050 --> 00:18:49,217 weeks after the president's decision , 448 00:18:49,340 --> 00:18:51,507 Military planners had crafted a number 449 00:18:51,507 --> 00:18:54,640 of evacuation scenarios . In mid May , 450 00:18:54,640 --> 00:18:56,529 I ordered Central Command to make 451 00:18:56,529 --> 00:18:59,340 preparations for potential Neo and two 452 00:18:59,340 --> 00:19:01,284 weeks later I began prepositioning 453 00:19:01,284 --> 00:19:03,810 forces in the region To include three 454 00:19:03,810 --> 00:19:06,920 infantry battalions . And on 10 August 455 00:19:06,920 --> 00:19:09,710 we ran another tabletop exercise around 456 00:19:09,710 --> 00:19:12,570 a noncombatant evacuation scenario . We 457 00:19:12,570 --> 00:19:15,630 wanted to be ready and we were in fact 458 00:19:15,640 --> 00:19:17,751 by the time that the State Department 459 00:19:17,751 --> 00:19:20,150 called for Neo Leading elements of the 460 00:19:20,150 --> 00:19:22,690 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit were 461 00:19:22,690 --> 00:19:25,520 already on the ground in Kabul . And 462 00:19:25,520 --> 00:19:27,631 before that weekend was out , another 463 00:19:27,631 --> 00:19:29,798 3000 or so ground troops had arrived , 464 00:19:29,798 --> 00:19:32,131 including elements of the 82nd airborne . 465 00:19:32,640 --> 00:19:35,420 But let's be clear those first two days 466 00:19:35,420 --> 00:19:38,080 were difficult . We all watched with 467 00:19:38,080 --> 00:19:40,700 alarm the images of afghans rushing the 468 00:19:40,700 --> 00:19:43,840 runway and our aircraft . We all 469 00:19:43,840 --> 00:19:45,673 remember the scenes of confusion 470 00:19:45,673 --> 00:19:48,700 outside the airport , But within 48 471 00:19:48,700 --> 00:19:51,050 hours our troops restored order and 472 00:19:51,050 --> 00:19:54,950 process began to take hold our soldiers , 473 00:19:55,440 --> 00:19:58,600 airmen and marines in partnership with 474 00:19:58,600 --> 00:20:01,070 our allies and partners and our State 475 00:20:01,070 --> 00:20:04,100 Department colleagues secure the gates , 476 00:20:04,270 --> 00:20:06,437 took control of airport operations and 477 00:20:06,437 --> 00:20:09,180 set up a processing system for the tens 478 00:20:09,180 --> 00:20:11,440 of thousands of people They would be 479 00:20:11,440 --> 00:20:14,900 manifesting into airplanes . They and 480 00:20:14,900 --> 00:20:16,910 our commanders exceeded all 481 00:20:16,910 --> 00:20:20,550 expectations . We plan to execute 482 00:20:21,240 --> 00:20:23,980 Between 70 and 80,000 . We plan to 483 00:20:23,980 --> 00:20:26,550 evacuate between 70 and 80,000 people . 484 00:20:27,740 --> 00:20:30,860 They evacuated more than 124,000 . 485 00:20:31,740 --> 00:20:34,390 We plan to move between five and 9000 486 00:20:34,390 --> 00:20:38,010 people per day . On average , They move 487 00:20:38,010 --> 00:20:41,060 slightly between more than 7000 per day . 488 00:20:42,440 --> 00:20:44,496 On military aircraft alone , we flew 489 00:20:44,496 --> 00:20:48,110 more than 387 sorties , averaging 490 00:20:48,110 --> 00:20:50,710 nearly 23 per day . At the height of 491 00:20:50,710 --> 00:20:52,690 this operation . And aircraft was 492 00:20:52,690 --> 00:20:56,230 taking off every 45 minutes and not a 493 00:20:56,230 --> 00:20:58,008 single sort . He was missed for 494 00:20:58,008 --> 00:20:59,841 maintenance , fuel or logistical 495 00:20:59,841 --> 00:21:02,900 problems . It was the largest airlift 496 00:21:02,900 --> 00:21:05,160 conducted in US history and it was 497 00:21:05,160 --> 00:21:08,740 executed in 17 days . Was it ? 498 00:21:08,740 --> 00:21:11,950 Perfect ? Of course not . We moved so 499 00:21:11,950 --> 00:21:13,950 many people so quickly out of kabul 500 00:21:13,950 --> 00:21:16,172 that we ran into capacity and screening 501 00:21:16,172 --> 00:21:18,339 problems at intermediate staging bases 502 00:21:18,339 --> 00:21:20,620 outside Afghanistan . And we're still 503 00:21:20,620 --> 00:21:22,770 working to get americans out who wish 504 00:21:22,770 --> 00:21:25,680 to leave and we did not get out all of 505 00:21:25,680 --> 00:21:27,902 our afghan allies enrolled in a special 506 00:21:27,902 --> 00:21:30,660 immigrant immigrant visa program . We 507 00:21:30,660 --> 00:21:32,640 take that seriously and that's why 508 00:21:32,640 --> 00:21:34,751 we're working across the inter agency 509 00:21:34,751 --> 00:21:36,473 to continue facilitating their 510 00:21:36,473 --> 00:21:38,440 departure . Even with no military 511 00:21:38,440 --> 00:21:40,551 presence on the ground , that part of 512 00:21:40,551 --> 00:21:43,860 our mission is not over and tragically , 513 00:21:44,440 --> 00:21:47,820 lives were lost . Several afghans 514 00:21:47,820 --> 00:21:50,290 kill climbing aboard an aircraft on 515 00:21:50,290 --> 00:21:53,720 that first day , 13 Brave US service 516 00:21:53,720 --> 00:21:55,887 members and dozens of Afghan civilians 517 00:21:55,887 --> 00:21:58,180 killed in a terrorist attack on the 26 . 518 00:21:59,140 --> 00:22:01,120 And we took as many as 10 innocent 519 00:22:01,120 --> 00:22:03,550 lives in a drone strike on on the 29th 520 00:22:04,940 --> 00:22:07,490 noncombatant evacuations remain amongst 521 00:22:07,490 --> 00:22:09,490 the most among the most challenging 522 00:22:09,490 --> 00:22:11,712 military operations even in the best of 523 00:22:11,712 --> 00:22:14,240 circumstances and the circumstances in 524 00:22:14,240 --> 00:22:17,980 august or anything but ideal extreme 525 00:22:17,980 --> 00:22:21,320 heat , landlocked country , no 526 00:22:21,320 --> 00:22:24,260 government highly dynamic situation on 527 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:27,430 the ground in an active credible and 528 00:22:27,430 --> 00:22:31,160 lethal terrorist threat . In a span of 529 00:22:31,160 --> 00:22:33,600 just two days from the 13th to 15 530 00:22:33,600 --> 00:22:36,550 August we went from working alongside a 531 00:22:36,550 --> 00:22:39,370 democratically elected longtime partner 532 00:22:39,370 --> 00:22:42,560 government to coordinating where early 533 00:22:43,140 --> 00:22:46,440 with a long time enemy we operated in a 534 00:22:46,440 --> 00:22:49,670 deeply dangerous environment and it 535 00:22:49,670 --> 00:22:51,730 proved a lesson in pragmatism and 536 00:22:51,730 --> 00:22:54,640 professionalism . We learned a lot of 537 00:22:54,640 --> 00:22:57,420 other lessons too about how to turn an 538 00:22:57,420 --> 00:22:59,087 air force base in Qatar to an 539 00:22:59,087 --> 00:23:01,420 international airport overnight now 540 00:23:01,420 --> 00:23:03,642 about how to rapidly screen process and 541 00:23:03,642 --> 00:23:05,587 manifest large numbers of people . 542 00:23:06,440 --> 00:23:08,496 Nothing like this has ever been done 543 00:23:08,496 --> 00:23:10,496 before and no other military in the 544 00:23:10,496 --> 00:23:12,662 world could have pulled it off . And I 545 00:23:12,662 --> 00:23:14,884 think that is crucial . Now I know that 546 00:23:14,884 --> 00:23:16,884 members of this committee will have 547 00:23:16,884 --> 00:23:19,107 questions on many things such as why we 548 00:23:19,107 --> 00:23:21,500 turned over bagram airfield and how 549 00:23:21,500 --> 00:23:23,722 real is our over the horizon capability 550 00:23:24,240 --> 00:23:26,184 and why didn't we start evacuation 551 00:23:26,184 --> 00:23:28,440 sooner and why didn't we stay longer to 552 00:23:28,440 --> 00:23:31,140 get more people out . So let me take 553 00:23:31,140 --> 00:23:34,080 each in turn retaining Bagram would 554 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:36,413 have required putting as many as 5000 U . 555 00:23:36,413 --> 00:23:38,247 S . Troops in harm's way just to 556 00:23:38,247 --> 00:23:40,500 operate and defended and it would have 557 00:23:40,500 --> 00:23:42,611 contributed contributed little to the 558 00:23:42,611 --> 00:23:44,667 mission that we've been assigned And 559 00:23:44,667 --> 00:23:46,611 that was to protect and defend the 560 00:23:46,611 --> 00:23:48,778 embassy which was some 30 miles away . 561 00:23:49,640 --> 00:23:51,807 That distance from Kabul also rendered 562 00:23:51,807 --> 00:23:54,140 bagram of little value . Any evacuation . 563 00:23:55,040 --> 00:23:56,762 The staying at bagram even for 564 00:23:56,762 --> 00:23:58,984 counterterrorism purposes meant staying 565 00:23:58,984 --> 00:24:01,180 at war in Afghanistan . Something that 566 00:24:01,180 --> 00:24:03,347 the president made clear that he would 567 00:24:03,347 --> 00:24:06,000 not do as for over the horizon 568 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:08,940 operations . When we use that term , we 569 00:24:08,940 --> 00:24:11,010 refer to assets and target analysis 570 00:24:11,010 --> 00:24:13,280 that come from outside the country in 571 00:24:13,280 --> 00:24:16,930 which the operation occurs . These are 572 00:24:16,930 --> 00:24:19,360 effective and fairly common operations . 573 00:24:20,140 --> 00:24:22,362 Indeed , just days ago we conducted one 574 00:24:22,362 --> 00:24:25,120 such strike in Syria , eliminating a 575 00:24:25,120 --> 00:24:28,640 senior al Qaeda figure over the 576 00:24:28,640 --> 00:24:31,110 horizon . Operations are difficult but 577 00:24:31,110 --> 00:24:33,580 absolutely possible . And the 578 00:24:33,580 --> 00:24:35,691 intelligence that supports them comes 579 00:24:35,691 --> 00:24:37,970 from a variety of sources and not just 580 00:24:37,970 --> 00:24:40,192 boots , just US , boots on the ground . 581 00:24:41,340 --> 00:24:43,562 As for when we started evacuations , we 582 00:24:43,562 --> 00:24:45,562 offered input to state to the State 583 00:24:45,562 --> 00:24:47,870 Department's decision . Mindful of 584 00:24:47,870 --> 00:24:49,870 their concerns that moving too soon 585 00:24:49,870 --> 00:24:52,092 might actually cause a very collapse of 586 00:24:52,092 --> 00:24:53,981 the Afghan government that we all 587 00:24:53,981 --> 00:24:56,610 wanted to avoid and then moving to late 588 00:24:56,620 --> 00:24:58,787 would put our people in our operations 589 00:24:58,787 --> 00:25:02,330 at greater risk . And as I said , the 590 00:25:02,330 --> 00:25:04,497 fact that our troops are on the ground 591 00:25:04,497 --> 00:25:06,663 so quickly is due in large part to our 592 00:25:06,663 --> 00:25:08,663 planning and our pre positioning of 593 00:25:08,663 --> 00:25:11,160 forces . And as for the mission's end , 594 00:25:11,640 --> 00:25:14,120 my judgment remains that extending 595 00:25:14,120 --> 00:25:16,120 beyond the end of august would have 596 00:25:16,120 --> 00:25:18,120 greatly imperiled our people in our 597 00:25:18,120 --> 00:25:21,450 mission . The Taliban made clear 598 00:25:24,440 --> 00:25:26,662 That their cooperation would end on one 599 00:25:26,662 --> 00:25:29,600 September and as you know , we face 600 00:25:29,600 --> 00:25:31,711 grave and growing threats from ISIS K 601 00:25:32,940 --> 00:25:35,051 Staying longer than we did would have 602 00:25:35,051 --> 00:25:37,051 made it even more dangerous for our 603 00:25:37,051 --> 00:25:39,273 people and would not have significantly 604 00:25:39,273 --> 00:25:41,496 changed a number of evacuees . We could 605 00:25:41,496 --> 00:25:43,329 get out now as we consider these 606 00:25:43,329 --> 00:25:45,550 tactical issues today , we must also 607 00:25:45,550 --> 00:25:47,480 ask ourselves some equally tough 608 00:25:47,480 --> 00:25:49,550 questions about the wider war itself 609 00:25:50,740 --> 00:25:52,796 And pause to think about the lessons 610 00:25:52,796 --> 00:25:54,907 that we have learned over the past 20 611 00:25:54,907 --> 00:25:57,670 years . Did we have the right strategy ? 612 00:25:58,840 --> 00:26:01,590 Did we have too many strategies ? Did 613 00:26:01,590 --> 00:26:03,860 we put too much faith in our ability to 614 00:26:04,240 --> 00:26:06,760 build effective Afghan institutions , 615 00:26:07,140 --> 00:26:09,084 an army and air force , the police 616 00:26:09,084 --> 00:26:12,310 force and government ministries . We 617 00:26:12,310 --> 00:26:14,366 helped build the state Mr chairman , 618 00:26:14,366 --> 00:26:16,930 but we could not forge a nation . The 619 00:26:16,930 --> 00:26:19,210 fact that the Afghan army that we and 620 00:26:19,210 --> 00:26:21,560 our partners train simply melted away 621 00:26:22,040 --> 00:26:24,040 in many cases without firing a shot 622 00:26:24,040 --> 00:26:26,262 took us all by surprise and it would be 623 00:26:26,262 --> 00:26:29,250 dishonest to claim otherwise . We need 624 00:26:29,250 --> 00:26:31,410 to consider some uncomfortable truths 625 00:26:32,540 --> 00:26:34,590 that we didn't fully comprehend the 626 00:26:34,590 --> 00:26:36,812 depth of corruption and poor leadership 627 00:26:36,812 --> 00:26:38,868 in the senior ranks . That we didn't 628 00:26:38,868 --> 00:26:42,790 grasp the damaging effect mm affect 629 00:26:42,790 --> 00:26:44,957 the frequent and unexplained rotations 630 00:26:45,070 --> 00:26:47,170 by President Ghani of his commanders 631 00:26:48,540 --> 00:26:50,707 that we didn't anticipate the snowball 632 00:26:50,707 --> 00:26:52,873 effect effect caused by the deals that 633 00:26:52,873 --> 00:26:54,818 the taliban commanders struck with 634 00:26:54,818 --> 00:26:56,929 local leaders in the wake of the Doha 635 00:26:56,929 --> 00:26:59,040 agreement and that the Doha agreement 636 00:26:59,040 --> 00:27:01,270 itself had a demoralizing effect on 637 00:27:01,270 --> 00:27:05,240 Afghan soldiers . And finally , that we 638 00:27:05,240 --> 00:27:07,407 failed to grasp that there was only so 639 00:27:07,407 --> 00:27:10,410 much for which and for whom many of the 640 00:27:10,410 --> 00:27:13,550 Afghan forces would fight . We provided 641 00:27:13,550 --> 00:27:15,717 the Afghan military with equipment and 642 00:27:15,717 --> 00:27:17,828 aircraft and the skills to use them . 643 00:27:17,828 --> 00:27:19,772 Over the years . They often fought 644 00:27:19,772 --> 00:27:21,970 bravely tens of thousands of afghan 645 00:27:21,970 --> 00:27:24,620 soldiers and police died . But in the 646 00:27:24,620 --> 00:27:26,731 end we couldn't provide them with the 647 00:27:26,731 --> 00:27:28,898 will to win at least not all of them . 648 00:27:29,040 --> 00:27:31,040 And as a veteran of that war , I am 649 00:27:31,040 --> 00:27:33,262 personally reckoning with all of that . 650 00:27:33,740 --> 00:27:35,796 But I hope , as I said at the outset 651 00:27:35,796 --> 00:27:38,018 that we do not allow a debate about how 652 00:27:38,018 --> 00:27:41,240 this war ended to cloud our pride and 653 00:27:41,240 --> 00:27:43,240 the way that our people fought it . 654 00:27:43,340 --> 00:27:46,120 They prevented another 9 11 . They 655 00:27:46,120 --> 00:27:47,953 showed extraordinary courage and 656 00:27:47,953 --> 00:27:50,510 compassion in the wars last in the wars 657 00:27:50,510 --> 00:27:52,700 last days and they made lasting 658 00:27:52,700 --> 00:27:54,644 progress in Afghanistan . That the 659 00:27:54,644 --> 00:27:56,811 taliban will find difficult to reverse 660 00:27:56,811 --> 00:27:58,867 and that the international community 661 00:27:58,867 --> 00:28:01,810 should work hard to preserve . Now our 662 00:28:01,810 --> 00:28:03,866 service members and civilians face a 663 00:28:03,866 --> 00:28:05,940 new mission helping these afghan 664 00:28:05,940 --> 00:28:08,051 evacuees move on to new lives and new 665 00:28:08,051 --> 00:28:10,560 places and they are performing that one 666 00:28:10,560 --> 00:28:13,370 magnificently as well . I spent time 667 00:28:13,370 --> 00:28:15,314 with some of them up at Joint base 668 00:28:15,314 --> 00:28:17,481 McGuire Dix Lakehurst just yesterday . 669 00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:20,129 I know that you share my profound 670 00:28:20,129 --> 00:28:22,462 gratitude and respect for their service , 671 00:28:22,462 --> 00:28:24,684 their courage and professionalism and I 672 00:28:24,684 --> 00:28:26,518 appreciate the support that this 673 00:28:26,518 --> 00:28:28,740 committee continues to provide them and 674 00:28:28,740 --> 00:28:31,000 their families . Thank you . Thank you 675 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:32,889 Mr . Secretary General Miller , I 676 00:28:32,889 --> 00:28:35,860 believe you overstatement . Chairman 677 00:28:35,860 --> 00:28:38,780 read ranking member ran off and thank 678 00:28:38,780 --> 00:28:41,002 you for the opportunity to be here with 679 00:28:41,002 --> 00:28:43,058 Secretary Austin gentle Mackenzie to 680 00:28:43,058 --> 00:28:45,224 discuss Afghanistan . As you mentioned 681 00:28:45,224 --> 00:28:47,391 up front , we submitted matters uh for 682 00:28:47,391 --> 00:28:49,558 the record , lengthy statement of this 683 00:28:49,558 --> 00:28:51,780 cut down oral version and I know it got 684 00:28:51,780 --> 00:28:55,260 too late During the past 20 years . 685 00:28:55,840 --> 00:28:58,007 The men and women of the United States 686 00:28:58,007 --> 00:28:59,951 military along with our allies and 687 00:28:59,951 --> 00:29:01,896 partners about the Taliban brought 688 00:29:01,896 --> 00:29:04,480 Osama bin laden to justice , denied al 689 00:29:04,480 --> 00:29:06,369 Qaeda sanctuary and protected our 690 00:29:06,369 --> 00:29:08,550 homeland for two consecutive decades . 691 00:29:09,240 --> 00:29:12,010 Over 800,000 of us in uniform served in 692 00:29:12,010 --> 00:29:14,660 Afghanistan . Most importantly , 693 00:29:15,140 --> 00:29:18,960 2461 of us gave 694 00:29:19,340 --> 00:29:21,420 the ultimate sacrifice . While 695 00:29:21,420 --> 00:29:24,950 20,698 of us were wounded in 696 00:29:24,950 --> 00:29:27,940 action and countless others of us 697 00:29:28,190 --> 00:29:30,550 suffer the invisible wounds of war . 698 00:29:31,640 --> 00:29:34,250 There's no doubt in my mind that our 699 00:29:34,250 --> 00:29:36,194 efforts prevented an attack on the 700 00:29:36,194 --> 00:29:38,417 homeland from Afghanistan which was our 701 00:29:38,417 --> 00:29:41,650 core original mission and everyone is 702 00:29:41,650 --> 00:29:44,170 served in that war should be proud . 703 00:29:44,840 --> 00:29:48,420 Your service mattered . Beginning in 704 00:29:48,420 --> 00:29:51,350 2011 , we started , we drew down our 705 00:29:51,350 --> 00:29:53,490 troop numbers consolidated and closed 706 00:29:53,490 --> 00:29:56,040 bases and retrograde equipment from 707 00:29:56,040 --> 00:29:59,970 Afghanistan At the peak . In 2011 , We 708 00:29:59,970 --> 00:30:03,240 had 97,000 US troops 709 00:30:03,250 --> 00:30:06,820 alongside 41,000 NATO troops in 710 00:30:06,820 --> 00:30:10,480 Afghanistan . 10 years later , when 711 00:30:10,480 --> 00:30:12,540 Ambassador calas aid signed the Doha 712 00:30:12,540 --> 00:30:15,620 agreement with the Liberator On 29 713 00:30:15,620 --> 00:30:19,050 February 2020 . The United States had 714 00:30:19,050 --> 00:30:22,970 12,600 U.S . troops With 8000 715 00:30:22,970 --> 00:30:26,170 NATO and 10 500 contractors . 716 00:30:27,140 --> 00:30:30,640 This has been a 10 years multi 717 00:30:30,640 --> 00:30:34,260 administration draw down Not a 19 month 718 00:30:34,840 --> 00:30:38,820 19 day Neo . Under the door 719 00:30:38,820 --> 00:30:40,987 agreement , the U . S . Would begin to 720 00:30:40,987 --> 00:30:42,987 withdraw its forces contingent upon 721 00:30:42,987 --> 00:30:45,042 Taliban . Meeting certain conditions 722 00:30:45,440 --> 00:30:47,360 which would lead to a political 723 00:30:47,360 --> 00:30:49,530 agreement between the Taliban and the 724 00:30:49,530 --> 00:30:51,700 government of Afghanistan . There were 725 00:30:51,700 --> 00:30:54,280 seven conditions applicable to the 726 00:30:54,280 --> 00:30:57,670 Taliban And eight conditions applicable 727 00:30:57,670 --> 00:30:59,950 to the United States . While the 728 00:30:59,950 --> 00:31:02,550 Taliban did not attack US forces , 729 00:31:02,740 --> 00:31:05,010 which was one of the conditions , it 730 00:31:05,010 --> 00:31:08,410 failed to fully honour any any other 731 00:31:08,410 --> 00:31:12,240 conditions under the Doha agreement and 732 00:31:12,240 --> 00:31:14,040 perhaps most importantly for US 733 00:31:14,040 --> 00:31:16,360 national security , the Taliban has 734 00:31:16,360 --> 00:31:19,120 never renounced al Qaeda or broke its 735 00:31:19,120 --> 00:31:22,050 affiliation with them . We the United 736 00:31:22,050 --> 00:31:25,170 States adhered to every condition 737 00:31:26,440 --> 00:31:30,060 In the fall of 2020 . My analysis was 738 00:31:30,540 --> 00:31:33,080 that an accelerated withdrawal without 739 00:31:33,080 --> 00:31:35,310 meeting specific and necessary 740 00:31:35,310 --> 00:31:38,040 conditions , risks losing the 741 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:40,860 substantial gains made in Afghanistan , 742 00:31:41,540 --> 00:31:44,270 damaging us worldwide credibility 743 00:31:45,440 --> 00:31:48,520 and could precipitate general collapse 744 00:31:48,520 --> 00:31:51,170 of the NSF and the Afghan government 745 00:31:51,540 --> 00:31:53,318 resulting in a complete Taliban 746 00:31:53,318 --> 00:31:57,150 takeover or general civil war . That 747 00:31:57,150 --> 00:32:00,440 was a year ago . My assessment remained 748 00:32:00,440 --> 00:32:03,260 consistent throughout . Based on my 749 00:32:03,260 --> 00:32:05,670 advice and the advice of the commanders 750 00:32:06,240 --> 00:32:08,330 Then secretary of defense esper 751 00:32:08,520 --> 00:32:10,770 submitted a memorandum on nine November 752 00:32:11,340 --> 00:32:13,562 recommending to maintain U . S . Forces 753 00:32:13,870 --> 00:32:16,670 at a level between about 2500 and 4500 754 00:32:17,040 --> 00:32:19,500 in Afghanistan until conditions were 755 00:32:19,500 --> 00:32:23,360 met further reduction . Two days later 756 00:32:23,840 --> 00:32:26,800 On 11 November 2020 , I received an 757 00:32:26,810 --> 00:32:30,170 unclassified signed order directing the 758 00:32:30,170 --> 00:32:32,670 United States military to withdraw all 759 00:32:32,670 --> 00:32:35,600 forces from Afghanistan . No later than 760 00:32:35,600 --> 00:32:39,430 15 January 2021 after further 761 00:32:39,430 --> 00:32:41,208 discussions regarding the risks 762 00:32:41,208 --> 00:32:43,690 associated was such a withdrawal . The 763 00:32:43,690 --> 00:32:47,490 order was rescinded On 17 November , we 764 00:32:47,490 --> 00:32:50,460 received a new order to reduce levels 765 00:32:50,460 --> 00:32:54,320 to 2500 plus enabling forces No later 766 00:32:54,560 --> 00:32:57,660 than 15 January . When President biden 767 00:32:57,660 --> 00:32:59,271 was inaugurated , There were 768 00:32:59,271 --> 00:33:02,380 approximately 3500 us troops , 50 400 769 00:33:02,380 --> 00:33:05,720 NATO troops and 6300 contractors in 770 00:33:05,720 --> 00:33:09,220 Afghanistan with a specified task of 771 00:33:09,220 --> 00:33:12,910 train , advise and assist along with a 772 00:33:12,910 --> 00:33:14,966 small contingent of counterterrorism 773 00:33:14,966 --> 00:33:17,560 forces . The strategic situation at 774 00:33:17,560 --> 00:33:21,070 inauguration was stalemate . The biden 775 00:33:21,070 --> 00:33:23,070 administration through the National 776 00:33:23,070 --> 00:33:25,126 Security Council process conducted a 777 00:33:25,126 --> 00:33:27,070 rigorous interagency review of the 778 00:33:27,070 --> 00:33:29,126 situation in Afghanistan in february 779 00:33:29,126 --> 00:33:31,950 March and april . During this process . 780 00:33:32,340 --> 00:33:34,507 The views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 781 00:33:34,507 --> 00:33:37,450 all of US the centcom Commander General 782 00:33:37,450 --> 00:33:39,760 Mackenzie the U . S . For a Commander , 783 00:33:39,770 --> 00:33:42,940 General Miller and myself . All given 784 00:33:42,940 --> 00:33:44,790 serious consideration by the 785 00:33:44,790 --> 00:33:47,660 administration . We provided a broad 786 00:33:47,670 --> 00:33:50,160 range of options and our assessment of 787 00:33:50,160 --> 00:33:52,650 their potential outcomes . The cost 788 00:33:52,660 --> 00:33:54,716 benefit risk of force and risk . The 789 00:33:54,716 --> 00:33:56,660 mission were evaluated against the 790 00:33:56,660 --> 00:33:58,660 national security objectives of the 791 00:33:58,660 --> 00:34:01,820 United States . On 14 april , President 792 00:34:01,820 --> 00:34:03,987 announced his decision and the U . S . 793 00:34:03,987 --> 00:34:06,098 Military received a change of mission 794 00:34:06,540 --> 00:34:08,484 to retrograde all U . S . Military 795 00:34:08,484 --> 00:34:11,200 forces maintain a small contingency 796 00:34:11,200 --> 00:34:13,630 force of 6 to 700 to protect the 797 00:34:13,630 --> 00:34:15,741 embassy in Kabul until the Department 798 00:34:15,741 --> 00:34:17,797 of State could coordinate contractor 799 00:34:17,797 --> 00:34:19,820 security support and also to assist 800 00:34:19,820 --> 00:34:21,620 Turkey to maintain the Karzai 801 00:34:21,620 --> 00:34:23,890 international airport and transition 802 00:34:23,890 --> 00:34:26,168 the US military to an over the horizon . 803 00:34:26,168 --> 00:34:28,279 Counterterrorism support and security 804 00:34:28,279 --> 00:34:31,610 force assistance . It is clear it is 805 00:34:31,620 --> 00:34:34,330 obvious the war in Afghanistan did not 806 00:34:34,340 --> 00:34:37,100 end on the terms we wanted with the 807 00:34:37,100 --> 00:34:39,670 Taliban now in power in Kabul . 808 00:34:40,640 --> 00:34:43,090 Although the Neo was unprecedented as 809 00:34:43,090 --> 00:34:45,146 the largest air evacuation history , 810 00:34:45,340 --> 00:34:48,450 evacuating 100 and 24,000 people , it 811 00:34:48,450 --> 00:34:51,900 came at an incredible cost of 11 812 00:34:51,900 --> 00:34:54,560 Marines , one soldier and a navy Corman . 813 00:34:55,440 --> 00:34:58,080 Those 13 gave their lives so that 814 00:34:58,080 --> 00:35:00,024 people they never met will have an 815 00:35:00,024 --> 00:35:02,310 opportunity to live in freedom . And we 816 00:35:02,310 --> 00:35:04,900 must remember that the taliban was and 817 00:35:04,900 --> 00:35:08,290 remains a terrorist organization and 818 00:35:08,290 --> 00:35:10,770 they still have not broken ties with Al 819 00:35:10,770 --> 00:35:13,550 Qaeda . I have no illusions who we are 820 00:35:13,550 --> 00:35:15,830 dealing with . It remains to be seen 821 00:35:15,830 --> 00:35:17,552 whether or not the Taliban can 822 00:35:17,552 --> 00:35:19,760 consolidate power or if the country 823 00:35:19,760 --> 00:35:22,050 will further fracture into civil war , 824 00:35:22,940 --> 00:35:25,490 but we must continue to protect the 825 00:35:25,490 --> 00:35:27,860 United States of America and its people 826 00:35:28,240 --> 00:35:30,380 from terrorist attacks coming from 827 00:35:30,380 --> 00:35:33,500 Afghanistan reconstituted Al Qaeda or 828 00:35:33,500 --> 00:35:35,890 ISIS with aspirations to attack the 829 00:35:35,890 --> 00:35:37,970 United States is a very real 830 00:35:37,970 --> 00:35:40,490 possibility . And those conditions to 831 00:35:40,490 --> 00:35:43,070 include activity in ungoverned spaces 832 00:35:43,240 --> 00:35:45,340 could present themselves in the next 833 00:35:45,340 --> 00:35:49,020 12-36 months . That mission will be 834 00:35:49,020 --> 00:35:52,010 much harder now but not impossible and 835 00:35:52,010 --> 00:35:53,788 we will continue to protect the 836 00:35:53,788 --> 00:35:56,000 american people . Strategic decisions 837 00:35:56,210 --> 00:35:58,520 have strategic consequences Over the 838 00:35:58,520 --> 00:36:00,620 course of four presidents , 12 839 00:36:00,620 --> 00:36:03,250 secretaries of defense . Seven chairman , 840 00:36:03,630 --> 00:36:06,310 10 Centcom Commanders . 20 Commanders 841 00:36:06,320 --> 00:36:08,160 in Afghanistan . Hundreds of 842 00:36:08,160 --> 00:36:10,500 congressional delegation visits and 20 843 00:36:10,500 --> 00:36:12,444 years of congressional oversight . 844 00:36:12,444 --> 00:36:15,380 There are many lessons to be learned to 845 00:36:15,390 --> 00:36:17,501 specific to the military that we need 846 00:36:17,501 --> 00:36:19,668 to take a look at and we will is do we 847 00:36:19,668 --> 00:36:21,668 mirror image the development of the 848 00:36:21,668 --> 00:36:24,510 Afghan national army and the second is 849 00:36:24,650 --> 00:36:26,594 the rapid collapse , unprecedented 850 00:36:26,594 --> 00:36:29,140 rapid collapse The Afghan military and 851 00:36:29,140 --> 00:36:31,760 only 11 days in August . However , one 852 00:36:31,760 --> 00:36:35,630 lesson must never be forgotten . Every 853 00:36:35,630 --> 00:36:38,160 soldier , sailor , Airman Marine who 854 00:36:38,160 --> 00:36:40,660 served there in Afghanistan for 20 855 00:36:40,660 --> 00:36:42,493 consecutive years protecting our 856 00:36:42,493 --> 00:36:44,740 country from attack by terrorists and 857 00:36:44,740 --> 00:36:47,460 for that . They should be forever proud 858 00:36:47,930 --> 00:36:49,930 and we should be forever grateful . 859 00:36:51,730 --> 00:36:54,080 Thank you Chairman . And if I could I 860 00:36:54,090 --> 00:36:56,780 know that there's some issues in the 861 00:36:56,780 --> 00:36:58,947 media that are of deep concern to many 862 00:36:58,947 --> 00:37:00,947 members on the committee . And with 863 00:37:00,947 --> 00:37:02,947 your permission I'd like to address 864 00:37:02,947 --> 00:37:05,113 those for a minute or two again , I've 865 00:37:05,113 --> 00:37:06,836 submitted a memorandum for the 866 00:37:06,836 --> 00:37:09,480 committee to take a look at percy . Mr . 867 00:37:09,480 --> 00:37:11,702 Chairman . I've I've served this nation 868 00:37:11,702 --> 00:37:14,850 for 42 years . I spent years in combat 869 00:37:15,330 --> 00:37:17,330 and I buried a lot of my troops who 870 00:37:17,330 --> 00:37:19,680 died while defending this country . My 871 00:37:19,680 --> 00:37:22,960 loyalty to this nation . It's people 872 00:37:23,330 --> 00:37:25,770 and the constitution hasn't changed and 873 00:37:25,770 --> 00:37:27,881 will never change as long as I have a 874 00:37:27,881 --> 00:37:31,460 breath to give my loyalty is absolute 875 00:37:32,130 --> 00:37:34,150 and I will not turn my back on the 876 00:37:34,150 --> 00:37:36,830 fallen With respect to the chinese 877 00:37:36,830 --> 00:37:40,010 calls . I routinely communicated with 878 00:37:40,010 --> 00:37:42,420 my counterpart general lee with the 879 00:37:42,420 --> 00:37:44,587 knowledge and coordination of civilian 880 00:37:44,587 --> 00:37:47,750 oversight . I am specifically directed 881 00:37:48,230 --> 00:37:50,640 to communicate with the chinese by 882 00:37:50,640 --> 00:37:52,696 Department of Defense guidance . The 883 00:37:52,696 --> 00:37:55,550 policy dialogue system . These military 884 00:37:55,550 --> 00:37:57,439 to military communications at the 885 00:37:57,439 --> 00:37:59,330 highest level are critical to the 886 00:37:59,330 --> 00:38:01,274 security of the United States . In 887 00:38:01,274 --> 00:38:03,441 order to deconflict military actions , 888 00:38:03,441 --> 00:38:06,210 manage crisis and present , prevent war 889 00:38:06,220 --> 00:38:08,220 between great powers that are armed 890 00:38:08,350 --> 00:38:10,683 with the world's most deadliest weapons . 891 00:38:10,920 --> 00:38:12,840 The calls on 30 October and eight 892 00:38:12,840 --> 00:38:15,970 January were coordinated before and 893 00:38:15,980 --> 00:38:18,970 after with secretary esper and Acting 894 00:38:18,970 --> 00:38:21,700 Secretary miller staffs and the inter 895 00:38:21,700 --> 00:38:24,180 agency . The specific purpose of the 896 00:38:24,180 --> 00:38:26,290 october and january calls were to 897 00:38:26,290 --> 00:38:28,400 generate or were generated by 898 00:38:28,400 --> 00:38:31,180 concerning intelligence which caused us 899 00:38:31,180 --> 00:38:33,180 to believe the chinese were worried 900 00:38:33,300 --> 00:38:35,750 about an attack on them by the United 901 00:38:35,750 --> 00:38:39,740 States . I know I am certain 902 00:38:40,220 --> 00:38:42,650 that president trump did not intend to 903 00:38:42,650 --> 00:38:45,110 attack the chinese and it is my 904 00:38:45,110 --> 00:38:48,190 directed responsibility and it was my 905 00:38:48,190 --> 00:38:50,500 direct responsibility by the secretary 906 00:38:50,510 --> 00:38:53,830 to convey that intent to the chinese . 907 00:38:54,320 --> 00:38:58,300 My task at that time was to de escalate 908 00:38:58,310 --> 00:39:01,380 my message again was consistent , stay 909 00:39:01,380 --> 00:39:05,240 calm steady and deescalate . We are 910 00:39:05,240 --> 00:39:07,250 not going to attack you 911 00:39:09,820 --> 00:39:12,190 At secretary defense experts direction . 912 00:39:12,230 --> 00:39:14,380 I made a call to generally on 30 913 00:39:14,380 --> 00:39:17,290 October Eight people sat in that call 914 00:39:17,290 --> 00:39:19,490 with me and I read out the call within 915 00:39:19,490 --> 00:39:22,740 30 minutes of the call ending on 31 916 00:39:22,740 --> 00:39:24,573 December . The Chinese requested 917 00:39:24,573 --> 00:39:26,462 another call with me , the deputy 918 00:39:26,462 --> 00:39:28,518 Assistant Secretary Defense for asia 919 00:39:28,518 --> 00:39:30,520 pacific policy helped coordinate my 920 00:39:30,520 --> 00:39:33,260 call which was then scheduled For eight 921 00:39:33,260 --> 00:39:35,420 January . And he made a preliminary 922 00:39:35,420 --> 00:39:38,520 call on six January . 11 people 923 00:39:38,530 --> 00:39:40,752 attended that call with me and readouts 924 00:39:40,752 --> 00:39:42,808 of this call were distributed to the 925 00:39:42,808 --> 00:39:45,610 inter agency that same day . Shortly 926 00:39:45,610 --> 00:39:47,777 after my call ended with General lee , 927 00:39:47,777 --> 00:39:49,999 I personally informed both Secretary of 928 00:39:49,999 --> 00:39:52,430 State Pompeo and White House Chief of 929 00:39:52,430 --> 00:39:55,270 Staff Meadows about the call . Among 930 00:39:55,280 --> 00:39:57,980 other topics . Soon after that I 931 00:39:57,980 --> 00:39:59,702 attended a meeting with Acting 932 00:39:59,702 --> 00:40:01,924 Secretary miller where I briefed him on 933 00:40:01,924 --> 00:40:04,410 the coal . Later that same day on eight 934 00:40:04,410 --> 00:40:07,120 January Speaker of the House Pelosi 935 00:40:07,130 --> 00:40:08,852 called me to inquire about the 936 00:40:08,852 --> 00:40:10,963 president's ability to launch nuclear 937 00:40:10,963 --> 00:40:13,810 weapons . I sought to assure her that 938 00:40:13,810 --> 00:40:16,100 nuclear launch is governed by a very 939 00:40:16,100 --> 00:40:19,300 specific and deliberate process . She 940 00:40:19,300 --> 00:40:22,240 was concerned and made very made 941 00:40:22,240 --> 00:40:23,796 various personal references 942 00:40:24,110 --> 00:40:26,150 characterizing the president . I 943 00:40:26,150 --> 00:40:28,570 explained to her that the president is 944 00:40:28,570 --> 00:40:31,320 the sole nuclear launch authority and 945 00:40:31,320 --> 00:40:34,710 he doesn't launch them alone and that I 946 00:40:34,760 --> 00:40:37,530 am not qualified to determine the 947 00:40:37,530 --> 00:40:39,690 mental health of the President of the 948 00:40:39,690 --> 00:40:42,600 United States . There are processes , 949 00:40:42,610 --> 00:40:45,520 protocols and procedures in place and I 950 00:40:45,520 --> 00:40:47,900 repeatedly assured her that there is no 951 00:40:47,900 --> 00:40:51,140 chance of an illegal unauthorized or 952 00:40:51,140 --> 00:40:53,930 accidental launch by presidential 953 00:40:53,930 --> 00:40:56,010 directive and Secretary Defense 954 00:40:56,010 --> 00:40:58,240 directives . The chairman is part of 955 00:40:58,240 --> 00:41:00,407 the process to ensure the president is 956 00:41:00,407 --> 00:41:02,629 fully informed when determining the use 957 00:41:02,629 --> 00:41:04,740 of the world's deadliest weapons . By 958 00:41:04,740 --> 00:41:06,907 law . I am not in the chain of command 959 00:41:06,907 --> 00:41:09,410 and I know that however by presidential 960 00:41:09,410 --> 00:41:11,820 directive and D . O . D . Instruction , 961 00:41:11,830 --> 00:41:14,380 I am in the chain of communication to 962 00:41:14,380 --> 00:41:18,030 fulfill my legal statutory role as the 963 00:41:18,030 --> 00:41:20,197 president's primary military advisor . 964 00:41:20,810 --> 00:41:22,699 After the Speaker Pelosi call , I 965 00:41:22,699 --> 00:41:24,810 convened a short meeting in my office 966 00:41:24,810 --> 00:41:27,032 with key members of my staff to refresh 967 00:41:27,032 --> 00:41:29,340 all of us on the procedures which we 968 00:41:29,340 --> 00:41:31,560 practice daily at the action officer 969 00:41:31,560 --> 00:41:33,890 level . Additionally , I immediately 970 00:41:33,890 --> 00:41:35,779 informed Acting Secretary Defense 971 00:41:35,779 --> 00:41:38,590 Miller of sector of Speaker Pelosi's 972 00:41:38,600 --> 00:41:42,060 phone call at no time . Was I 973 00:41:42,060 --> 00:41:44,171 attempting to change or influence the 974 00:41:44,171 --> 00:41:47,630 process , Usurp authority or insert 975 00:41:47,630 --> 00:41:50,500 myself in the chain of command . But I 976 00:41:50,500 --> 00:41:54,380 am expected I am required to give my 977 00:41:54,380 --> 00:41:57,180 advice and ensure that the president is 978 00:41:57,180 --> 00:41:59,440 fully informed on military matters . 979 00:42:00,100 --> 00:42:02,156 I'm submitting for the record a more 980 00:42:02,156 --> 00:42:04,378 detailed an unclassified memoranda that 981 00:42:04,378 --> 00:42:06,378 I believe you all now have a little 982 00:42:06,378 --> 00:42:08,044 late and I welcome a thorough 983 00:42:08,044 --> 00:42:10,044 walkthrough and every single one of 984 00:42:10,044 --> 00:42:12,100 these events . And I'd be happy in a 985 00:42:12,100 --> 00:42:14,156 classified session to talk in detail 986 00:42:14,156 --> 00:42:14,030 about the intelligence that drove these 987 00:42:14,030 --> 00:42:15,950 calls . I'm also happy to make 988 00:42:15,950 --> 00:42:18,480 available any email phone logs , 989 00:42:18,490 --> 00:42:20,657 memoranda , witnesses or anything else 990 00:42:20,657 --> 00:42:22,768 You need to understand these events . 991 00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:25,670 My oath is to support the Constitution 992 00:42:25,670 --> 00:42:27,892 of the United States of America against 993 00:42:27,892 --> 00:42:30,210 all enemies foreign and domestic and I 994 00:42:30,210 --> 00:42:32,620 will never turn my back on that oath . 995 00:42:33,000 --> 00:42:35,400 I firmly believe in civilian control of 996 00:42:35,400 --> 00:42:37,400 the military is a bedrock principle 997 00:42:37,400 --> 00:42:39,178 essential to the health of this 998 00:42:39,178 --> 00:42:40,956 republic . And I'm committed to 999 00:42:40,956 --> 00:42:43,122 ensuring that the military stays clear 1000 00:42:43,122 --> 00:42:45,460 domestic politics . I look forward to 1001 00:42:45,460 --> 00:42:47,793 your questions and thank you . Chairman , 1002 00:42:47,793 --> 00:42:49,627 for the extra time . Thank you . 1003 00:42:49,627 --> 00:42:51,793 General General Mackenzie , understand 1004 00:42:51,793 --> 00:42:53,627 you do not have a statement that 1005 00:42:53,627 --> 00:42:57,050 correct . So I'll waive my my statement 1006 00:42:57,050 --> 00:42:59,161 in order to get us back on schedule . 1007 00:42:59,161 --> 00:43:01,383 Thank you very much . General Secretary 1008 00:43:01,383 --> 00:43:04,750 Austin . The dough har agreement 1009 00:43:04,750 --> 00:43:07,710 represents direct negotiations with 1010 00:43:07,710 --> 00:43:10,710 terrorists and not just negotiations , 1011 00:43:10,710 --> 00:43:13,640 but an agreement with them that 1012 00:43:13,640 --> 00:43:16,930 excluded the Afghan government and 1013 00:43:16,940 --> 00:43:20,090 the allies we've been fighting with us 1014 00:43:20,090 --> 00:43:22,930 now since uh 9 11 . 1015 00:43:23,500 --> 00:43:27,120 Uh it's set a fixed departure date 1016 00:43:27,130 --> 00:43:30,990 uh with conditions um has 1017 00:43:30,990 --> 00:43:34,280 been indicated where not really follow 1018 00:43:34,280 --> 00:43:38,120 consistently by the um taliban 1019 00:43:39,300 --> 00:43:42,790 as you considered in april what to 1020 00:43:42,790 --> 00:43:46,070 do . Did the intelligence suggest to 1021 00:43:46,070 --> 00:43:49,230 you that reneging on the departure of 1022 00:43:49,230 --> 00:43:51,560 the troops would lead to significant 1023 00:43:51,570 --> 00:43:53,810 attacks against american and allied 1024 00:43:53,810 --> 00:43:54,820 military forces ? 1025 00:43:57,400 --> 00:44:00,230 Chairman , uh to my recollection , the 1026 00:44:00,240 --> 00:44:04,090 intelligence was clear that if we did 1027 00:44:04,090 --> 00:44:05,979 not leave in accordance with that 1028 00:44:05,979 --> 00:44:08,670 agreement , the Taliban would 1029 00:44:08,680 --> 00:44:11,700 recommence attacks on our forces and 1030 00:44:11,700 --> 00:44:13,533 they would include blue on green 1031 00:44:13,533 --> 00:44:16,470 attacks and any other means they could 1032 00:44:16,480 --> 00:44:19,020 use to attack American forces . That's 1033 00:44:19,020 --> 00:44:22,780 correct . So the choice was 1034 00:44:22,790 --> 00:44:25,830 uh in many respects , what were we 1035 00:44:25,830 --> 00:44:28,950 going to incur additional casualties 1036 00:44:28,950 --> 00:44:32,650 indefinitely in Afghanistan ? Is that 1037 00:44:32,660 --> 00:44:34,910 that's when we look at it . That fair . 1038 00:44:36,190 --> 00:44:37,968 That's correct . Chairman , you 1039 00:44:37,970 --> 00:44:39,930 certainly would have to do uh take 1040 00:44:39,930 --> 00:44:41,819 additional measures to be able to 1041 00:44:41,819 --> 00:44:43,541 defend yourself if the taliban 1042 00:44:43,541 --> 00:44:45,652 recommence their offensive operations 1043 00:44:45,652 --> 00:44:48,130 against us . Now , uh General Milley 1044 00:44:48,130 --> 00:44:52,000 did uh and General Mackenzie , did the 1045 00:44:52,000 --> 00:44:54,390 donor agreement affect the morale of 1046 00:44:54,390 --> 00:44:57,990 the Afghan forces ? I was there a sense 1047 00:44:57,990 --> 00:45:00,880 now that even though it was months away 1048 00:45:00,880 --> 00:45:02,824 that the United States was leaving 1049 00:45:02,824 --> 00:45:04,547 since we had agreed to leave , 1050 00:45:07,690 --> 00:45:10,000 I'll let frank talk the details . But 1051 00:45:10,000 --> 00:45:12,230 my assessment is yes , senator , it did 1052 00:45:12,230 --> 00:45:14,008 affect the morale of the Afghan 1053 00:45:14,008 --> 00:45:15,674 security forces . Gentlemen , 1054 00:45:15,674 --> 00:45:17,786 candidates . So it's my judgment that 1055 00:45:17,786 --> 00:45:19,674 the Doha agreement did negatively 1056 00:45:19,674 --> 00:45:21,730 affect the performance of the Afghan 1057 00:45:21,730 --> 00:45:23,897 forces by in particular by some of the 1058 00:45:23,897 --> 00:45:25,619 actions that the government of 1059 00:45:25,619 --> 00:45:27,730 Afghanistan was required to undertake 1060 00:45:27,730 --> 00:45:29,897 as part of that agreement . And one of 1061 00:45:29,897 --> 00:45:32,008 the critical issues was the agreement 1062 00:45:32,008 --> 00:45:35,740 to withdraw contractors , which are 1063 00:45:35,750 --> 00:45:39,480 basically the the engine that 1064 00:45:39,480 --> 00:45:42,960 maintains the Air Force of Afghanistan 1065 00:45:42,960 --> 00:45:46,310 and many other logistical operations 1066 00:45:46,310 --> 00:45:49,360 and uh that was just as critical as the 1067 00:45:49,360 --> 00:45:51,193 troop departure , I would assume 1068 00:45:52,690 --> 00:45:55,740 Chairman , It was uh we had uh plans in 1069 00:45:55,740 --> 00:45:57,407 place to try to conduct those 1070 00:45:57,407 --> 00:45:59,629 operations from over the horizon . They 1071 00:45:59,629 --> 00:46:01,407 were not as effective as having 1072 00:46:01,407 --> 00:46:03,573 contractors on the ground on site with 1073 00:46:03,573 --> 00:46:06,690 the aircraft . Mhm . Uh the 1074 00:46:06,690 --> 00:46:10,150 momentum appeared to be shifting uh 1075 00:46:10,160 --> 00:46:12,800 to the Taliban um 1076 00:46:13,180 --> 00:46:16,960 indications were uh their penetration 1077 00:46:16,960 --> 00:46:19,182 or parts of the country in the northern 1078 00:46:19,182 --> 00:46:20,682 sectors particularly which 1079 00:46:20,682 --> 00:46:23,320 traditionally opposed the Taliban , the 1080 00:46:23,320 --> 00:46:26,700 Northern Alliance . Uh and but that 1081 00:46:26,700 --> 00:46:29,020 started to be fair , to be fair , that 1082 00:46:29,020 --> 00:46:31,910 started long before Doha . There are 1083 00:46:31,910 --> 00:46:35,660 some commentators who suggested since 1084 00:46:35,660 --> 00:46:38,200 2014 , the Taliban have been 1085 00:46:39,380 --> 00:46:42,750 mm surrounding provincial capitals , 1086 00:46:42,750 --> 00:46:45,430 insinuating themselves into the 1087 00:46:45,430 --> 00:46:48,010 politics of the local communities , 1088 00:46:48,020 --> 00:46:50,370 striking bargains . Is that your 1089 00:46:50,370 --> 00:46:53,550 impression too gentle Mackenzie ? So I 1090 00:46:53,550 --> 00:46:56,610 think it is a good assessment from 2014 1091 00:46:56,610 --> 00:46:58,940 on the Taliban did pursue that strategy 1092 00:46:58,940 --> 00:47:00,940 and they had some success . And the 1093 00:47:00,940 --> 00:47:02,884 government of Afghanistan also had 1094 00:47:02,884 --> 00:47:05,051 success holding onto centralized urban 1095 00:47:05,051 --> 00:47:07,218 areas and population centers . But the 1096 00:47:07,218 --> 00:47:09,440 Taliban pursued a distinct strategy and 1097 00:47:09,440 --> 00:47:12,070 had some success with . Now , uh 1098 00:47:12,080 --> 00:47:14,510 General excuse me , Secretary of Austin , 1099 00:47:14,520 --> 00:47:17,920 uh you did provide your best military 1100 00:47:17,920 --> 00:47:20,700 advice to the President regarding uh 1101 00:47:20,710 --> 00:47:23,540 the situation Afghanistan and has been 1102 00:47:23,540 --> 00:47:25,540 recounted several times . There are 1103 00:47:25,540 --> 00:47:28,250 multiple meetings and he received 1104 00:47:28,250 --> 00:47:30,361 advice from many different quarters . 1105 00:47:30,380 --> 00:47:32,269 Do you feel that you you have the 1106 00:47:32,269 --> 00:47:34,760 opportunity to make your advice very 1107 00:47:34,760 --> 00:47:38,630 clear ? Uh I do Chairman uh 1108 00:47:38,640 --> 00:47:41,980 as I've said before , I always keep my 1109 00:47:41,990 --> 00:47:44,410 uh my advice to the President uh 1110 00:47:44,420 --> 00:47:47,340 confidential . But I am very much 1111 00:47:47,340 --> 00:47:51,280 satisfied that we had a thorough uh 1112 00:47:51,290 --> 00:47:55,210 policy review and I believe that 1113 00:47:55,580 --> 00:47:58,580 all of the parties uh had an 1114 00:47:58,580 --> 00:48:01,070 opportunity to provide input and that 1115 00:48:01,070 --> 00:48:03,660 input was received . Thank you very 1116 00:48:03,660 --> 00:48:05,900 much centered and hoarse . 1117 00:48:07,370 --> 00:48:11,300 Thank you . Mr Chairman . It was 1118 00:48:11,300 --> 00:48:14,150 two weeks ago that we had a closed 1119 00:48:14,150 --> 00:48:16,150 classified hearing . We had General 1120 00:48:16,150 --> 00:48:19,590 Miller's recommendation at that time . 1121 00:48:20,070 --> 00:48:21,959 Well , let me , first of all just 1122 00:48:21,959 --> 00:48:23,800 mentioned that during their 1123 00:48:23,800 --> 00:48:26,270 confirmation process . You committed 1124 00:48:26,270 --> 00:48:28,048 and I'm speaking now to General 1125 00:48:28,048 --> 00:48:31,120 Mackenzie and General Milley to give me 1126 00:48:31,120 --> 00:48:33,287 your honest and personal views of this 1127 00:48:33,287 --> 00:48:35,509 committee . Even if those views who are 1128 00:48:35,509 --> 00:48:37,990 differed from those of the 1129 00:48:37,990 --> 00:48:40,212 administration . And I'm confident that 1130 00:48:40,212 --> 00:48:42,157 you will be doing that during this 1131 00:48:42,157 --> 00:48:45,820 hearing that we had . We it was 1132 00:48:45,830 --> 00:48:48,490 emphasized to us from General Miller 1133 00:48:48,970 --> 00:48:52,960 That we that we he was recommending the 1134 00:48:52,960 --> 00:48:56,510 2500 troops in Africa in 1135 00:48:56,520 --> 00:48:59,260 Afghanistan . Now , we didn't receive 1136 00:48:59,260 --> 00:49:01,810 the documentation from your office , as 1137 00:49:01,810 --> 00:49:04,980 I say to the The witnesses today 1138 00:49:04,990 --> 00:49:08,660 until well , actually 1035 1139 00:49:08,670 --> 00:49:11,650 last night . So it really wasn't time 1140 00:49:11,650 --> 00:49:13,706 to get into the lot of the details . 1141 00:49:13,706 --> 00:49:15,817 But I asked General Mackenzie did you 1142 00:49:15,817 --> 00:49:18,590 agree to the recommendation that 1143 00:49:19,070 --> 00:49:22,700 General Miller , it had two weeks 1144 00:49:22,700 --> 00:49:25,940 ago . Sen . 1145 00:49:25,950 --> 00:49:28,210 again , I won't I won't share my 1146 00:49:28,210 --> 00:49:29,932 personal recommendation to the 1147 00:49:29,932 --> 00:49:31,877 president , but I will give you my 1148 00:49:31,877 --> 00:49:33,988 honest opinion in my honest opinion . 1149 00:49:33,988 --> 00:49:36,154 Interview shaped my recommendation . I 1150 00:49:36,154 --> 00:49:38,043 recommended that we maintain 2500 1151 00:49:38,043 --> 00:49:40,140 troops in Afghanistan . And I also 1152 00:49:40,140 --> 00:49:42,460 recommended earlier in the fall of 2020 1153 00:49:42,470 --> 00:49:45,280 that we maintain 4500 at that time . 1154 00:49:45,370 --> 00:49:47,580 Those are my personal views . I also 1155 00:49:47,580 --> 00:49:49,524 have a view that the withdrawal of 1156 00:49:49,524 --> 00:49:51,636 those forces would lead inevitably to 1157 00:49:51,636 --> 00:49:53,636 the collapse of the Afghan military 1158 00:49:53,636 --> 00:49:55,469 forces and eventually the Afghan 1159 00:49:55,469 --> 00:49:57,524 government . You understand that and 1160 00:49:57,524 --> 00:49:59,747 general milia . I assume you agree with 1161 00:49:59,747 --> 00:50:01,913 that in terms of the recommendation of 1162 00:50:01,913 --> 00:50:04,050 2500 . What I said in my opening 1163 00:50:04,060 --> 00:50:06,430 statement and the memoranda that I 1164 00:50:06,430 --> 00:50:08,870 wrote back in the fall of 2020 remained 1165 00:50:08,870 --> 00:50:10,981 consistent and I do agree with that . 1166 00:50:10,981 --> 00:50:13,148 This committee is unsure is whether or 1167 00:50:13,148 --> 00:50:15,520 not General Miller's recommendation 1168 00:50:15,520 --> 00:50:18,490 ever got to the president . Um you know , 1169 00:50:18,490 --> 00:50:20,720 obviously there are conversations with 1170 00:50:20,720 --> 00:50:22,942 the President . Yeah , but I would like 1171 00:50:22,942 --> 00:50:25,230 to ask , even though General Mackenzie , 1172 00:50:25,230 --> 00:50:27,508 I think you've all made this statement . 1173 00:50:27,508 --> 00:50:29,508 Did you talk to the President about 1174 00:50:29,508 --> 00:50:31,674 General Miller's recommendation ? So I 1175 00:50:31,674 --> 00:50:33,508 was present when that discussion 1176 00:50:33,508 --> 00:50:35,619 occurred . Mm hmm . And I'm confident 1177 00:50:35,619 --> 00:50:37,452 that the President heard all the 1178 00:50:37,452 --> 00:50:39,452 recommendations and listened to him 1179 00:50:39,452 --> 00:50:41,619 very thoughtfully . So it's one of the 1180 00:50:41,619 --> 00:50:43,674 recommendations that was made by the 1181 00:50:43,674 --> 00:50:45,119 three of you would be the 1182 00:50:45,119 --> 00:50:47,341 recommendation that originally was made 1183 00:50:47,341 --> 00:50:51,180 by General Miller's uh 22 weeks ago . 1184 00:50:51,860 --> 00:50:55,580 Um During the August 1185 00:50:55,590 --> 00:50:58,270 18 interview on ACC George 1186 00:50:58,270 --> 00:51:00,570 Stephanopoulos as President Bidenen 1187 00:51:01,060 --> 00:51:03,080 Whether US troops would stay beyond 1188 00:51:03,090 --> 00:51:06,030 August 31 if there are still Americans 1189 00:51:06,030 --> 00:51:09,090 to evacuate , President biden responded . 1190 00:51:09,090 --> 00:51:10,980 And this is a quote . If there's 1191 00:51:10,990 --> 00:51:14,000 american citizens left , we're going to 1192 00:51:14,000 --> 00:51:17,630 stay to get them all out . Uh 1193 00:51:17,640 --> 00:51:20,940 This didn't happen . The President's 1194 00:51:20,950 --> 00:51:23,240 biden's decision resulted in all of the 1195 00:51:23,240 --> 00:51:25,290 troops leaving , but the american 1196 00:51:25,290 --> 00:51:28,080 citizens are still trying to get out . 1197 00:51:28,460 --> 00:51:32,000 Um How many how many american 1198 00:51:32,000 --> 00:51:35,010 citizens uh is that your opinion are 1199 00:51:35,010 --> 00:51:37,520 still there ? Uh just just go down the 1200 00:51:37,520 --> 00:51:39,760 line , each one of you . Yeah . 1201 00:51:42,060 --> 00:51:44,490 Anyone center , I would defer to the 1202 00:51:44,490 --> 00:51:47,130 State Department for that for that 1203 00:51:47,140 --> 00:51:49,890 assessment . But that's 1204 00:51:50,360 --> 00:51:53,310 uh that's a dynamic process . They've 1205 00:51:53,320 --> 00:51:55,540 they've been contacting the civilians 1206 00:51:55,540 --> 00:51:58,340 that are in in Afghanistan . And uh and 1207 00:51:58,340 --> 00:52:00,229 again , I would defer to them for 1208 00:52:00,229 --> 00:52:03,880 definitive numbers . Mhm . Go ahead . 1209 00:52:05,350 --> 00:52:09,000 Others the same . 1210 00:52:09,010 --> 00:52:10,920 Uh Secretary just said there were 1211 00:52:10,920 --> 00:52:13,087 numbers at the beginning of this whole 1212 00:52:13,087 --> 00:52:15,253 process with a The F- 77 report out of 1213 00:52:15,253 --> 00:52:18,310 the out of the embassy . Um and we know 1214 00:52:18,310 --> 00:52:20,540 that we took out almost 6000 , I guess 1215 00:52:20,540 --> 00:52:22,707 it is American citizens . But how many 1216 00:52:22,707 --> 00:52:26,170 remain do you do all of you agree that 1217 00:52:26,180 --> 00:52:28,470 secretary of state blank and when he 1218 00:52:28,470 --> 00:52:30,692 made his analysis as to how many people 1219 00:52:30,692 --> 00:52:32,637 would be here , but would still be 1220 00:52:32,637 --> 00:52:35,190 there ? He talked about the 10-15,000 1221 00:52:35,200 --> 00:52:38,660 citizens left behind and uh 1222 00:52:38,670 --> 00:52:42,530 the and then evacuated some 6000 . That 1223 00:52:42,530 --> 00:52:46,380 would mean a minimum of 4000 would be 1224 00:52:46,750 --> 00:52:48,750 would still be there . Now , would 1225 00:52:48,750 --> 00:52:50,194 anyone disagree with that 1226 00:52:53,550 --> 00:52:56,370 by your silence ? I assume you agree . 1227 00:52:57,050 --> 00:53:00,650 I have no , I don't . I personally 1228 00:53:00,650 --> 00:53:02,539 don't believe that there are 4000 1229 00:53:02,539 --> 00:53:04,790 American citizens uh still left in 1230 00:53:04,790 --> 00:53:07,110 Afghanistan , but I cannot confirm or 1231 00:53:07,110 --> 00:53:09,940 deny that senator . So you think 1232 00:53:09,950 --> 00:53:12,300 Secretary of State was probably wrong 1233 00:53:12,300 --> 00:53:14,310 in his analysis . Thank you . Mr 1234 00:53:14,310 --> 00:53:16,532 Chairman , thank you . And just for the 1235 00:53:16,532 --> 00:53:18,754 record , the chair and the and the vice 1236 00:53:18,754 --> 00:53:20,866 serious last ranking member have each 1237 00:53:20,866 --> 00:53:22,866 abided by the five minute room . So 1238 00:53:22,866 --> 00:53:26,470 there's fair , thank you . Mr 1239 00:53:26,470 --> 00:53:28,500 Chairman and thank you . Secretary 1240 00:53:28,500 --> 00:53:30,333 Austin . General Million General 1241 00:53:30,333 --> 00:53:32,556 Mackenzie for being here this morning . 1242 00:53:32,556 --> 00:53:34,889 And Secretary Austin and General Milley , 1243 00:53:34,889 --> 00:53:37,000 thank you for your effort to put into 1244 00:53:37,000 --> 00:53:38,833 some historical perspective what 1245 00:53:38,833 --> 00:53:40,611 happened in Afghanistan and for 1246 00:53:40,611 --> 00:53:44,290 recognizing the incredible service and 1247 00:53:44,290 --> 00:53:46,400 sacrifice of the troops who served 1248 00:53:46,410 --> 00:53:50,380 there . General Milley in a hearing 1249 00:53:50,380 --> 00:53:52,213 before the Senate appropriations 1250 00:53:52,213 --> 00:53:55,350 subcommittee on defense in june , I 1251 00:53:55,350 --> 00:53:57,720 explicitly raised concerns about the 1252 00:53:57,720 --> 00:54:00,360 plight of at risk afghans due to our 1253 00:54:00,360 --> 00:54:02,340 withdrawal and I ask about the 1254 00:54:02,340 --> 00:54:04,670 department's plans to evacuate them . 1255 00:54:05,040 --> 00:54:08,630 Um Now , you indicated today that you 1256 00:54:08,640 --> 00:54:10,940 you thought we might be facing the kind 1257 00:54:10,950 --> 00:54:14,830 of desperate situation that we saw 1258 00:54:14,840 --> 00:54:18,290 in Kabul . Um but your response at that 1259 00:54:18,290 --> 00:54:22,020 time was that , quote , lots of 1260 00:54:22,020 --> 00:54:25,750 planning was ongoing and this 1261 00:54:25,750 --> 00:54:27,972 is end quote . And the State Department 1262 00:54:27,972 --> 00:54:29,861 was leading efforts pertaining to 1263 00:54:29,861 --> 00:54:32,340 evacuating our afghan partners . And 1264 00:54:32,350 --> 00:54:34,628 you explicitly told the committee that , 1265 00:54:34,628 --> 00:54:36,794 in your professional opinion , you did 1266 00:54:36,794 --> 00:54:40,760 not see Saigon 1975 in Afghanistan . 1267 00:54:41,440 --> 00:54:44,930 So , I'm just trying to figure out 1268 00:54:44,940 --> 00:54:48,860 why we missed . All right from 1269 00:54:48,860 --> 00:54:51,980 a public perception , it appears that 1270 00:54:51,990 --> 00:54:55,860 we didn't anticipate the rapid fall of 1271 00:54:56,740 --> 00:55:00,480 cop Afghanistan and Kabul and 1272 00:55:00,690 --> 00:55:02,890 the rise of the Taliban in the way we 1273 00:55:02,890 --> 00:55:05,860 saw it play out on television . And 1274 00:55:06,840 --> 00:55:10,660 what did we miss ? I think Senator , 1275 00:55:11,240 --> 00:55:14,940 we absolutely missed The rapid 11 day 1276 00:55:14,940 --> 00:55:18,200 collapse of the Afghan military and the 1277 00:55:18,200 --> 00:55:20,367 collapse of their government . I think 1278 00:55:20,367 --> 00:55:22,422 there was a lot of intelligence that 1279 00:55:22,422 --> 00:55:25,460 clearly indicated uh , that after we 1280 00:55:25,460 --> 00:55:28,620 withdrew , um that it was a likely 1281 00:55:28,620 --> 00:55:30,731 outcome of a collapse of the military 1282 00:55:30,731 --> 00:55:32,842 and collapse of the government . Most 1283 00:55:32,842 --> 00:55:34,731 of those intelligence assessments 1284 00:55:34,731 --> 00:55:36,787 indicated that that would occur late 1285 00:55:36,787 --> 00:55:38,787 fall , perhaps early winter . Kabul 1286 00:55:38,787 --> 00:55:40,620 might hold till next spring . It 1287 00:55:40,620 --> 00:55:42,620 depends on the intel assessment was 1288 00:55:42,620 --> 00:55:45,460 written . Um , So after we leave , the 1289 00:55:45,460 --> 00:55:47,850 assessments were pretty consistent that 1290 00:55:47,850 --> 00:55:49,980 you see a general collapse of the 1291 00:55:49,980 --> 00:55:53,460 government . Any military while we were 1292 00:55:53,460 --> 00:55:56,350 there though , Up through 31 August , 1293 00:55:56,740 --> 00:55:58,420 Uh I don't , there's no Intel 1294 00:55:58,420 --> 00:56:00,531 assessment that says the government's 1295 00:56:00,531 --> 00:56:02,642 going to collapse and the military is 1296 00:56:02,642 --> 00:56:01,890 gonna collapse in 11 days that I'm 1297 00:56:01,890 --> 00:56:04,670 aware of . And I've read , I think 1298 00:56:04,680 --> 00:56:07,710 pretty much all of them . So , and even 1299 00:56:07,710 --> 00:56:11,110 as late As three August and there's 1300 00:56:11,110 --> 00:56:12,999 another one on eight August etc . 1301 00:56:12,999 --> 00:56:15,110 They're still talking weeks , perhaps 1302 00:56:15,110 --> 00:56:17,200 months , etc . General Mackenzie can 1303 00:56:17,200 --> 00:56:20,100 illuminate on his own views on the same 1304 00:56:20,110 --> 00:56:22,770 topic . He gave his assessments at the 1305 00:56:22,770 --> 00:56:26,190 same time . And although General Miller 1306 00:56:26,200 --> 00:56:28,520 did in many , many assessments say 1307 00:56:28,530 --> 00:56:31,590 rapid , fast , hard for collapse . Um 1308 00:56:31,590 --> 00:56:33,810 he also centered into the october 1309 00:56:33,810 --> 00:56:35,720 november time frame as opposed to 1310 00:56:35,720 --> 00:56:38,620 august . So how do we avoid that 1311 00:56:38,620 --> 00:56:40,520 happening again ? I think the key 1312 00:56:40,520 --> 00:56:43,300 senator that we missed , frankly , 1313 00:56:44,330 --> 00:56:46,497 we had some indicators , but we didn't 1314 00:56:46,497 --> 00:56:48,608 have the full wholesome assessment of 1315 00:56:48,608 --> 00:56:50,830 leadership morale and will , there were 1316 00:56:50,830 --> 00:56:53,100 some units and I don't want to Say 1317 00:56:53,110 --> 00:56:55,221 negative things about these guys that 1318 00:56:55,221 --> 00:56:57,277 60 , of the Afghan service that were 1319 00:56:57,277 --> 00:56:59,610 killed in action over the last 20 years . 1320 00:56:59,610 --> 00:57:01,832 Uh and many units did fight at the very 1321 00:57:01,832 --> 00:57:04,120 end . But the vast majority put their 1322 00:57:04,120 --> 00:57:06,520 weapons down and melted away in a very , 1323 00:57:06,520 --> 00:57:08,520 very short period of time . I think 1324 00:57:08,520 --> 00:57:10,631 that has to do with will leadership . 1325 00:57:10,930 --> 00:57:13,190 Um and I think we still need to try to 1326 00:57:13,190 --> 00:57:15,580 figure out exactly why that was and I 1327 00:57:15,590 --> 00:57:18,320 have some suggestions but I'm not 1328 00:57:18,330 --> 00:57:20,386 settled on them yet , but we clearly 1329 00:57:20,386 --> 00:57:22,441 missed that . I think one of the key 1330 00:57:22,441 --> 00:57:24,608 factors we missed it for was we pulled 1331 00:57:24,608 --> 00:57:26,774 our advisors off three years ago . And 1332 00:57:26,774 --> 00:57:26,650 when you pull the advisers out of the 1333 00:57:26,650 --> 00:57:28,872 units , you can never you no longer can 1334 00:57:28,872 --> 00:57:31,039 assess things like leadership and will 1335 00:57:31,039 --> 00:57:33,094 we can count all the planes , trucks 1336 00:57:33,094 --> 00:57:35,150 and automobiles and cars and machine 1337 00:57:35,150 --> 00:57:34,970 guns and everything else . We can count 1338 00:57:34,970 --> 00:57:37,192 those from space and all the other kind 1339 00:57:37,192 --> 00:57:39,414 of intel assets . But you can't measure 1340 00:57:39,414 --> 00:57:41,470 the human heart with a machine , you 1341 00:57:41,470 --> 00:57:43,637 gotta be there . Thank you . Secretary 1342 00:57:43,637 --> 00:57:45,859 Austin , I'm about to run out of time . 1343 00:57:45,859 --> 00:57:47,914 So I make you may want to respond to 1344 00:57:47,914 --> 00:57:50,630 this on the next round . But one of the 1345 00:57:50,630 --> 00:57:53,910 challenges with getting special 1346 00:57:53,910 --> 00:57:55,743 immigrant visa applicants out of 1347 00:57:55,743 --> 00:57:58,360 Afghanistan has . And this wasn't just 1348 00:57:58,360 --> 00:58:00,527 a problem in the evacuation . This has 1349 00:58:00,527 --> 00:58:03,040 been a historic problem that has gone 1350 00:58:03,050 --> 00:58:06,760 over years has been having the 1351 00:58:06,760 --> 00:58:08,690 documents that show they actually 1352 00:58:08,690 --> 00:58:12,590 served with our military and D . O . 1353 00:58:12,590 --> 00:58:15,660 D . Has been cited as the major problem 1354 00:58:15,670 --> 00:58:18,480 in getting those documents . So again , 1355 00:58:18,490 --> 00:58:20,712 how do we make sure that doesn't happen 1356 00:58:20,712 --> 00:58:22,970 again in some future conflict where we 1357 00:58:22,970 --> 00:58:25,960 need our partners on the ground to 1358 00:58:25,960 --> 00:58:28,320 serve alongside of our military members 1359 00:58:28,320 --> 00:58:31,530 and I'm out of time . So hopefully you 1360 00:58:31,530 --> 00:58:34,740 will answer that . Thank you . Thank 1361 00:58:34,740 --> 00:58:36,962 you very much . Senator Shaheen Senator 1362 00:58:36,962 --> 00:58:39,129 Wicker , please Chairman read before I 1363 00:58:39,129 --> 00:58:41,407 ask my questions . I have an objection . 1364 00:58:41,407 --> 00:58:43,360 We've been having hearings in a 1365 00:58:43,360 --> 00:58:45,640 classified setting on this our first 1366 00:58:45,650 --> 00:58:49,200 public hearing . But in and I'm sorry 1367 00:58:49,200 --> 00:58:51,530 Senator Kaine has had to step away but 1368 00:58:51,540 --> 00:58:54,580 in a previous hearing , um he 1369 00:58:54,590 --> 00:58:58,500 expressed frustration um in various 1370 00:58:58,500 --> 00:59:00,930 hearings . He had been to a frustration 1371 00:59:00,930 --> 00:59:02,880 that I shared that when the State 1372 00:59:02,880 --> 00:59:05,660 Department is here and we asked them a 1373 00:59:05,660 --> 00:59:07,827 question . They say , well you have to 1374 00:59:07,827 --> 00:59:10,049 ask the Defense Department that and now 1375 00:59:10,049 --> 00:59:12,271 today again , Defense Department people 1376 00:59:12,271 --> 00:59:15,000 are before us and the question was 1377 00:59:15,000 --> 00:59:17,460 asked and the answer to center in half 1378 00:59:17,460 --> 00:59:19,670 as well . You have to ask the State 1379 00:59:19,670 --> 00:59:23,470 Department that Senator Kaine gently 1380 00:59:23,470 --> 00:59:26,670 but fatherly sent a message to the 1381 00:59:26,670 --> 00:59:28,781 administration at our last classified 1382 00:59:28,781 --> 00:59:31,460 hearing that we need to cut that out . 1383 00:59:31,470 --> 00:59:33,637 That members of the Defense Department 1384 00:59:33,637 --> 00:59:35,980 need to be ready for the questions that 1385 00:59:35,980 --> 00:59:38,091 we have asked and that we're going to 1386 00:59:38,091 --> 00:59:41,270 ask . And so I object to uh to the 1387 00:59:41,270 --> 00:59:43,326 continuation of that in this hearing 1388 00:59:43,326 --> 00:59:45,560 today . While I'm at it . I would also 1389 00:59:45,560 --> 00:59:48,990 point out General Milley , I appreciate 1390 00:59:49,000 --> 00:59:51,650 your statement and I've read it and I 1391 00:59:51,650 --> 00:59:53,817 understand what you're trying to say . 1392 00:59:53,817 --> 00:59:56,990 But further than than what 1393 00:59:57,000 --> 01:00:00,940 you um mentioned , 1394 01:00:01,410 --> 01:00:04,480 the allegation is that you 1395 01:00:04,490 --> 01:00:08,000 told combatant commanders to 1396 01:00:08,000 --> 01:00:11,370 report back to you . Our clear 1397 01:00:11,370 --> 01:00:13,481 understanding is that they are , that 1398 01:00:13,481 --> 01:00:15,648 they are not in the chain of command , 1399 01:00:15,648 --> 01:00:17,870 you are not in their chain of command , 1400 01:00:17,870 --> 01:00:19,703 that they report directly to the 1401 01:00:19,703 --> 01:00:21,426 commander in chief through the 1402 01:00:21,426 --> 01:00:23,537 secretary . And so to the extent that 1403 01:00:23,537 --> 01:00:26,690 you told them to report to you , they 1404 01:00:26,690 --> 01:00:29,023 were not in your chain of command . Now , 1405 01:00:29,023 --> 01:00:31,530 let me see if I can get one question in 1406 01:00:31,530 --> 01:00:35,440 here . Having Taken two minutes to to 1407 01:00:35,450 --> 01:00:38,850 uh mentioned a very important 1408 01:00:38,850 --> 01:00:42,760 objection . Um General Milley 1409 01:00:42,770 --> 01:00:45,540 in in the fall of 2020 , you said an 1410 01:00:45,540 --> 01:00:48,940 accelerant accelerated withdrawal um 1411 01:00:49,510 --> 01:00:52,930 would risk substantial gains and damage 1412 01:00:52,940 --> 01:00:56,570 us credibility . I want to ask our 1413 01:00:56,570 --> 01:00:58,930 witnesses about us credibility . On 1414 01:00:58,930 --> 01:01:00,950 july , a President biden said the 1415 01:01:00,950 --> 01:01:03,117 likelihood there's going to be taliban 1416 01:01:03,117 --> 01:01:05,228 overrunning everything and owning the 1417 01:01:05,228 --> 01:01:07,339 whole country is highly unlikely . We 1418 01:01:07,339 --> 01:01:09,450 now know he was advised actually this 1419 01:01:09,450 --> 01:01:11,283 might happen turns out he it was 1420 01:01:11,283 --> 01:01:13,394 completely untrue . That statement on 1421 01:01:13,394 --> 01:01:15,720 July eight later in July , the 1422 01:01:15,720 --> 01:01:17,442 President of the United States 1423 01:01:17,442 --> 01:01:19,498 President biden says I trust the the 1424 01:01:19,498 --> 01:01:21,800 capacity of the Afghan military , 1425 01:01:21,810 --> 01:01:23,866 better trained , better equipped and 1426 01:01:23,866 --> 01:01:26,150 more competent in terms of conducting 1427 01:01:26,150 --> 01:01:28,760 the war . President biden was wrong on 1428 01:01:28,760 --> 01:01:31,790 that . We told our interpreters are 1429 01:01:31,790 --> 01:01:34,960 drivers are friends , the people who 1430 01:01:34,960 --> 01:01:37,070 had had our backs during this entire 1431 01:01:37,080 --> 01:01:39,650 period of time that we would not 1432 01:01:39,650 --> 01:01:42,110 abandon them And that's exactly what we 1433 01:01:42,110 --> 01:01:44,030 did . And in an interview , it's 1434 01:01:44,030 --> 01:01:47,530 already been referred to um on 1435 01:01:47,540 --> 01:01:50,150 network news , President biden says , 1436 01:01:50,150 --> 01:01:52,110 and I quote , if there's american 1437 01:01:52,110 --> 01:01:55,650 citizens left , we're going to stay and 1438 01:01:55,650 --> 01:01:59,330 get them all out . Two days later , 1439 01:01:59,810 --> 01:02:01,754 the President of the United States 1440 01:02:01,754 --> 01:02:03,977 unequivocally said , any american wants 1441 01:02:03,977 --> 01:02:05,977 to come home , we'll get you home , 1442 01:02:05,977 --> 01:02:08,143 we're going to stay and get them out . 1443 01:02:08,143 --> 01:02:10,199 The President of the United States , 1444 01:02:10,199 --> 01:02:13,320 our Commander in Chief did exactly the 1445 01:02:13,330 --> 01:02:15,780 opposite . Now , I think you were right , 1446 01:02:15,780 --> 01:02:18,900 General Milley when you advised that 1447 01:02:18,910 --> 01:02:22,700 that um our credibility would be 1448 01:02:22,700 --> 01:02:25,760 damaged . Our credibility has been 1449 01:02:25,770 --> 01:02:27,880 gravely damaged . Has it not General 1450 01:02:27,880 --> 01:02:31,840 Milley ? I think that 1451 01:02:31,840 --> 01:02:34,460 our credibility um with allies and 1452 01:02:34,460 --> 01:02:36,404 partners around the world and with 1453 01:02:36,404 --> 01:02:39,570 adversaries is being intensely reviewed 1454 01:02:39,570 --> 01:02:41,737 by them to see which way this is going 1455 01:02:41,737 --> 01:02:43,848 to go . And I think the damage is one 1456 01:02:43,848 --> 01:02:45,959 word that could be used . Yes . Yes . 1457 01:02:45,959 --> 01:02:48,620 And Secretary Austin , there's no 1458 01:02:48,620 --> 01:02:51,610 question that this sends a disastrous 1459 01:02:51,610 --> 01:02:55,250 message to china and Russia . 1460 01:02:55,260 --> 01:02:57,910 What message does it send to our NATO 1461 01:02:57,910 --> 01:03:00,077 allies and our other allies around the 1462 01:03:00,077 --> 01:03:03,230 world about not only our credibility 1463 01:03:03,600 --> 01:03:05,100 but our national resolve . 1464 01:03:07,600 --> 01:03:09,378 Thanks Senator . What the world 1465 01:03:09,378 --> 01:03:13,070 witnessed is United States military 1466 01:03:13,070 --> 01:03:16,410 evacuating 124,000 1467 01:03:16,420 --> 01:03:19,550 people Uh out of a contested 1468 01:03:19,550 --> 01:03:22,850 environment in 17 days ? Well , you you 1469 01:03:22,850 --> 01:03:24,628 testified that that was a great 1470 01:03:24,628 --> 01:03:26,794 accomplishment . Our withdrawal in our 1471 01:03:26,794 --> 01:03:29,017 evacuation . What about our credibility 1472 01:03:29,017 --> 01:03:32,240 uh as I as I engage my my 1473 01:03:32,240 --> 01:03:35,950 counterparts , uh I think our 1474 01:03:35,950 --> 01:03:38,690 credibility remain solid . Clearly 1475 01:03:38,700 --> 01:03:40,644 Senator , there will be people who 1476 01:03:40,644 --> 01:03:43,360 question things going forward . But I 1477 01:03:43,360 --> 01:03:46,050 would say that you know , we United 1478 01:03:46,050 --> 01:03:48,450 States military is one that uh the 1479 01:03:48,450 --> 01:03:51,240 United States of America people place 1480 01:03:51,250 --> 01:03:53,400 great trust and confidence in 1481 01:03:53,450 --> 01:03:55,561 relationships are things that we have 1482 01:03:55,561 --> 01:03:57,506 to work on continuously and and we 1483 01:03:57,506 --> 01:03:59,561 understand that we'll continue to do 1484 01:03:59,561 --> 01:04:01,561 that . Thank you . Senator Worker . 1485 01:04:01,561 --> 01:04:03,783 Senator joe Lebron , please thank you . 1486 01:04:03,783 --> 01:04:06,870 Mr Chairman . Um I'm also very grateful 1487 01:04:06,870 --> 01:04:09,092 to our service members who committed so 1488 01:04:09,092 --> 01:04:11,860 much over the last 20 years and I do 1489 01:04:11,860 --> 01:04:13,749 want to thank President biden for 1490 01:04:13,749 --> 01:04:15,940 taking the tough yet necessary step to 1491 01:04:15,940 --> 01:04:18,790 stop and end an endless war . Something 1492 01:04:18,790 --> 01:04:21,650 that many of us have um pushed for over 1493 01:04:21,650 --> 01:04:24,960 the last decade scans would become 1494 01:04:24,960 --> 01:04:27,350 widespread . Would you agree that all 1495 01:04:27,350 --> 01:04:29,517 of these things have happened over the 1496 01:04:29,517 --> 01:04:31,239 last eight weeks are currently 1497 01:04:31,239 --> 01:04:35,090 happening ? I think in the main uh 1498 01:04:35,100 --> 01:04:36,878 yes Senator , most of those are 1499 01:04:36,878 --> 01:04:38,720 probably happening right now 1500 01:04:41,090 --> 01:04:44,600 and I hope that we see in the future um 1501 01:04:45,190 --> 01:04:47,940 military advice , having more 1502 01:04:47,940 --> 01:04:51,650 consideration by the administration 1503 01:04:51,660 --> 01:04:54,940 on what will happen from what you and 1504 01:04:54,940 --> 01:04:58,320 General Mackenzie have said today . If 1505 01:04:58,320 --> 01:05:00,320 I may senator , I can tell you with 1506 01:05:00,320 --> 01:05:02,800 100% certainty that the military voice 1507 01:05:02,800 --> 01:05:05,350 was heard and it was considered . It 1508 01:05:05,350 --> 01:05:07,260 was considered but not followed , 1509 01:05:07,260 --> 01:05:10,670 correct ? We have presidents are 1510 01:05:10,670 --> 01:05:12,892 elected for reasons they make strategic 1511 01:05:12,892 --> 01:05:15,720 decisions . Um I would say this , I 1512 01:05:15,720 --> 01:05:18,770 would say this committee general has um 1513 01:05:18,780 --> 01:05:21,350 always stressed that commanders on the 1514 01:05:21,350 --> 01:05:23,406 ground should be listened to . Would 1515 01:05:23,406 --> 01:05:25,406 you agree with that ? I would and I 1516 01:05:25,406 --> 01:05:27,572 would tell you they were listened to . 1517 01:05:27,572 --> 01:05:29,794 Um I think there's a difference between 1518 01:05:29,794 --> 01:05:31,739 us having an opportunity to have a 1519 01:05:31,739 --> 01:05:34,670 voice and I think it's very important 1520 01:05:34,680 --> 01:05:37,440 that the military has a voice . But I 1521 01:05:37,440 --> 01:05:39,607 firmly believe in swing control of the 1522 01:05:39,607 --> 01:05:41,551 military and I am required and the 1523 01:05:41,551 --> 01:05:43,551 military commanders are required to 1524 01:05:43,551 --> 01:05:45,773 give our best military advice . But the 1525 01:05:45,773 --> 01:05:45,710 decision makers are not required in any 1526 01:05:45,710 --> 01:05:47,710 manner shape or form to follow that 1527 01:05:47,710 --> 01:05:49,654 advice . No , they are not . And I 1528 01:05:49,654 --> 01:05:51,766 agree with you about civilian control 1529 01:05:51,766 --> 01:05:53,766 of this country . But I think it is 1530 01:05:53,766 --> 01:05:56,000 also important to realize when we 1531 01:05:56,000 --> 01:05:58,270 continue to see missteps by an 1532 01:05:58,270 --> 01:06:00,410 administration that's costing lives . 1533 01:06:01,080 --> 01:06:03,630 Uh Secretary Austin , It's being 1534 01:06:03,630 --> 01:06:05,620 reported right now that the biden 1535 01:06:05,620 --> 01:06:08,080 administration reached out to Russia 1536 01:06:08,090 --> 01:06:10,820 about using Russian basis in the 1537 01:06:10,820 --> 01:06:13,550 Central Asian nations bordering 1538 01:06:13,550 --> 01:06:16,440 Afghanistan to the north for our strike 1539 01:06:16,440 --> 01:06:19,870 assets to fly out of for the um 1540 01:06:19,880 --> 01:06:23,180 uh over the horizon counterterrorism 1541 01:06:23,180 --> 01:06:25,210 missions . Is that true ? 1542 01:06:27,680 --> 01:06:30,080 Uh Senator . Right . This is uh an 1543 01:06:30,090 --> 01:06:34,050 issue that I believe came up during a 1544 01:06:34,050 --> 01:06:36,050 conversation that the President had 1545 01:06:36,050 --> 01:06:38,500 with President Putin uh where President 1546 01:06:38,500 --> 01:06:42,320 Putin offered to uh to offer to 1547 01:06:42,320 --> 01:06:45,410 provide assistance but have but have 1548 01:06:45,410 --> 01:06:47,690 you reached out to the Russians asking 1549 01:06:47,690 --> 01:06:49,930 specifically to use basis . General 1550 01:06:49,930 --> 01:06:52,152 Milley just recently had a conversation 1551 01:06:52,152 --> 01:06:54,319 with his Russian counterpart reports . 1552 01:06:54,319 --> 01:06:56,530 So the reports are true that have been 1553 01:06:56,540 --> 01:06:59,060 coming out today . I can assure you 1554 01:06:59,060 --> 01:07:01,780 that we are not seeking Russia's 1555 01:07:01,780 --> 01:07:05,650 permission to do anything . But uh I 1556 01:07:05,660 --> 01:07:07,660 believe and generally can speak for 1557 01:07:07,660 --> 01:07:09,771 himself . But I believe that he asked 1558 01:07:09,771 --> 01:07:11,771 for clarification on what that what 1559 01:07:11,771 --> 01:07:13,771 that offer was . I have a number of 1560 01:07:13,771 --> 01:07:15,771 questions which I'll need to get to 1561 01:07:15,771 --> 01:07:18,050 with General Mackenzie about over the 1562 01:07:18,050 --> 01:07:20,630 horizon and the capabilities as we look 1563 01:07:20,630 --> 01:07:22,770 to the future and what's available 1564 01:07:22,770 --> 01:07:26,460 there . But I think it's what we're 1565 01:07:26,460 --> 01:07:28,620 seeing in the reports today about 1566 01:07:28,620 --> 01:07:31,450 asking to use Russian bases . That's 1567 01:07:31,450 --> 01:07:33,940 just another example that we see the 1568 01:07:33,940 --> 01:07:36,620 biden administration . They really left 1569 01:07:36,620 --> 01:07:39,320 us in a terrible position that we have 1570 01:07:39,320 --> 01:07:43,100 to ask the Russians um to be able 1571 01:07:43,100 --> 01:07:45,080 to protect the United States from 1572 01:07:45,080 --> 01:07:47,910 terrorists and we have to ask them to 1573 01:07:47,910 --> 01:07:50,060 use their installations . And I would 1574 01:07:50,060 --> 01:07:52,220 just re emphasize Senator , we're not 1575 01:07:52,220 --> 01:07:54,790 asking the Russians for anything , but 1576 01:07:54,790 --> 01:07:56,957 you're negotiating trying to get these 1577 01:07:56,957 --> 01:07:58,623 bases to be able to use their 1578 01:07:58,623 --> 01:08:01,580 installations because Afghanistan is a 1579 01:08:01,580 --> 01:08:04,520 landlocked country . And when we have 1580 01:08:04,530 --> 01:08:07,410 explanations from the military and they 1581 01:08:07,410 --> 01:08:10,340 give examples for over the horizon and 1582 01:08:10,340 --> 01:08:13,230 use countries like Yemen and Libya and 1583 01:08:13,230 --> 01:08:16,030 and Somalia that does not take into 1584 01:08:16,030 --> 01:08:18,370 consideration that Afghanistan is 1585 01:08:18,370 --> 01:08:20,920 landlocked and we have to depend on 1586 01:08:20,920 --> 01:08:23,130 Pakistan to give us airspace to get 1587 01:08:23,140 --> 01:08:25,500 there . Thank you . Mr Chairman . Yeah , 1588 01:08:25,870 --> 01:08:28,037 thank you . Senator official . Senator 1589 01:08:28,037 --> 01:08:30,320 Blumenthal please . Thanks . Mr 1590 01:08:30,320 --> 01:08:34,010 Chairman and I want to express my hope 1591 01:08:34,020 --> 01:08:37,620 that this hearing is just the beginning 1592 01:08:37,620 --> 01:08:40,680 of first step in an in depth analysis 1593 01:08:41,370 --> 01:08:44,980 Going not just to the last 10 weeks Or 1594 01:08:44,980 --> 01:08:47,170 even 10 months , but 10 years and 1595 01:08:47,170 --> 01:08:50,470 longer back so that we can match the 1596 01:08:50,480 --> 01:08:54,360 courage Of the men and 1597 01:08:54,360 --> 01:08:56,970 women of America who have sacrificed 1598 01:08:56,970 --> 01:09:00,100 during this 20 year war , all of them 1599 01:09:00,110 --> 01:09:02,332 and all of their families , not just in 1600 01:09:02,332 --> 01:09:04,500 Afghanistan but around the world . And 1601 01:09:04,970 --> 01:09:07,650 we owe them veterans of America much 1602 01:09:07,650 --> 01:09:10,290 more than we're giving them right now 1603 01:09:10,290 --> 01:09:14,100 because they have earned it uh that 1604 01:09:14,110 --> 01:09:16,280 in depth analysis looking backward is 1605 01:09:16,280 --> 01:09:18,500 essential . But I want to look forward 1606 01:09:19,670 --> 01:09:22,340 right now to what is happening in 1607 01:09:22,340 --> 01:09:25,620 Afghanistan with respect to americans 1608 01:09:25,620 --> 01:09:28,900 and our afghan allies after our 1609 01:09:28,900 --> 01:09:32,580 withdrawal it was left to an 1610 01:09:32,590 --> 01:09:34,910 unofficial network or coalition of 1611 01:09:34,920 --> 01:09:38,400 Veterans , Ngos , 1612 01:09:38,970 --> 01:09:42,250 some government officials . Mhm . I was 1613 01:09:42,250 --> 01:09:45,850 involved in an effort through chartered 1614 01:09:45,860 --> 01:09:48,890 planes in airports outside of 1615 01:09:49,270 --> 01:09:52,810 Kabul to try to airlift on a 1616 01:09:52,820 --> 01:09:56,600 makeshift ad hoc basis . Americans and 1617 01:09:56,970 --> 01:09:59,890 Afghan allies still there . They have 1618 01:09:59,890 --> 01:10:02,112 targets on their back . Their situation 1619 01:10:02,112 --> 01:10:05,690 is increasingly urgent and 1620 01:10:05,690 --> 01:10:08,920 desperate and I have been frustrated by 1621 01:10:08,920 --> 01:10:12,300 the lack of someone in charge and lines 1622 01:10:12,300 --> 01:10:15,700 of authority a point person . We need 1623 01:10:15,710 --> 01:10:19,070 an evacuation czar . Somebody who 1624 01:10:19,070 --> 01:10:22,790 will provide a plan and 1625 01:10:24,160 --> 01:10:26,630 supervised actions so that we can get 1626 01:10:26,630 --> 01:10:28,852 out of Afghanistan , the americans that 1627 01:10:28,852 --> 01:10:31,074 remain there . And I will tell you , we 1628 01:10:31,074 --> 01:10:33,130 don't have an estimate on the number 1629 01:10:33,130 --> 01:10:35,970 because nobody is in charge right now . 1630 01:10:36,660 --> 01:10:39,370 So let me ask you , Secretary Austin 1631 01:10:39,380 --> 01:10:42,240 who at the Department of Defense as 1632 01:10:42,250 --> 01:10:45,530 overall responsibility with overseeing 1633 01:10:45,660 --> 01:10:46,980 the effort to evacuate 1634 01:10:49,560 --> 01:10:51,560 as you know . Well , first of all , 1635 01:10:51,560 --> 01:10:53,782 Senator , thank you for to you and your 1636 01:10:53,782 --> 01:10:55,949 colleagues for all that you've done to 1637 01:10:55,949 --> 01:10:57,893 help continue to help get american 1638 01:10:57,893 --> 01:11:01,470 citizens out of Afghanistan . Uh The 1639 01:11:01,470 --> 01:11:03,320 State Department , following our 1640 01:11:03,330 --> 01:11:05,441 departure of the military , the State 1641 01:11:05,441 --> 01:11:07,250 Department remained engaged and 1642 01:11:07,250 --> 01:11:09,640 continued to work to uh to get american 1643 01:11:09,640 --> 01:11:12,890 citizens out . And as uh as we've seen 1644 01:11:12,890 --> 01:11:16,200 some 85 American citizens and and uh 1645 01:11:16,210 --> 01:11:19,700 79 legal permanent residents have 1646 01:11:19,700 --> 01:11:23,070 departed via the Kabul Airport . Uh and 1647 01:11:23,070 --> 01:11:25,740 so that work continues on the State 1648 01:11:25,740 --> 01:11:29,040 Department set up a cell uh to to 1649 01:11:29,050 --> 01:11:30,990 continue this work and develop a 1650 01:11:30,990 --> 01:11:34,520 mechanism that cell is uh is headed up 1651 01:11:34,530 --> 01:11:38,310 by Ambassador Bass . As you may recall , 1652 01:11:38,310 --> 01:11:40,421 Ambassador Bass was one of the senior 1653 01:11:40,421 --> 01:11:42,532 counselors on the ground at HK area . 1654 01:11:42,532 --> 01:11:44,866 As we were conducting the investigation . 1655 01:11:44,866 --> 01:11:47,760 I have a general officer uh that is a 1656 01:11:47,760 --> 01:11:51,630 part of that uh that sell uh And and 1657 01:11:51,640 --> 01:11:53,890 we have reached out to our Ambassador 1658 01:11:53,890 --> 01:11:56,680 Bass has reached out to veterans groups 1659 01:11:56,680 --> 01:11:58,680 and others who may have information 1660 01:11:58,680 --> 01:12:01,450 that uh that can help us continue to 1661 01:12:01,450 --> 01:12:04,640 contact and eventually evacuate 1662 01:12:04,640 --> 01:12:06,751 american citizens and L . P . R . S . 1663 01:12:06,751 --> 01:12:09,080 So this work continues and we remain 1664 01:12:09,090 --> 01:12:11,350 committed to continuing network until 1665 01:12:11,360 --> 01:12:14,920 we get out as many american citizens 1666 01:12:14,930 --> 01:12:17,041 that are willing to come out . Well , 1667 01:12:17,041 --> 01:12:19,152 there was a point and you can call it 1668 01:12:19,152 --> 01:12:21,270 the eye of the storm when the taliban 1669 01:12:22,050 --> 01:12:25,200 had taken over the country , but really 1670 01:12:25,200 --> 01:12:27,311 wasn't in charge . When we could have 1671 01:12:28,050 --> 01:12:31,380 evacuated great many more americans and 1672 01:12:31,380 --> 01:12:35,360 our afghan allies , the translators and 1673 01:12:35,370 --> 01:12:37,900 others guard security officers . 1674 01:12:39,350 --> 01:12:42,780 And I feel that the 1675 01:12:42,780 --> 01:12:46,060 administration was on notice . In fact , 1676 01:12:46,060 --> 01:12:48,171 a group of us went to the White House 1677 01:12:48,171 --> 01:12:50,393 in the spring and urged that there be a 1678 01:12:50,393 --> 01:12:53,890 plan for evacuation . And unfortunately 1679 01:12:54,310 --> 01:12:56,270 the withdrawal 1680 01:12:58,650 --> 01:13:00,761 prevented there from being anybody on 1681 01:13:00,761 --> 01:13:02,817 the ground . And in the wake of that 1682 01:13:02,817 --> 01:13:04,761 withdrawal , there was a vacuum of 1683 01:13:04,761 --> 01:13:07,060 leadership and I would hope that there 1684 01:13:07,060 --> 01:13:09,840 would be more effective action now to 1685 01:13:09,840 --> 01:13:12,000 put somebody in charge and develop a 1686 01:13:12,000 --> 01:13:15,380 plan because we know that there are 1687 01:13:15,850 --> 01:13:19,830 many americans , whether it's uh green 1688 01:13:19,830 --> 01:13:22,530 card holders or citizens or others 1689 01:13:22,540 --> 01:13:25,680 still there uh in Connecticut we have a 1690 01:13:25,690 --> 01:13:27,801 resettlement organization called iris 1691 01:13:27,801 --> 01:13:30,480 Prince George who heads it has told us 1692 01:13:30,480 --> 01:13:32,702 of individuals who are still there more 1693 01:13:32,702 --> 01:13:35,070 than 40 in Kabul . I'm sure other 1694 01:13:35,070 --> 01:13:38,300 organizations similarly know of such 1695 01:13:38,310 --> 01:13:40,421 americans who are still there . Thank 1696 01:13:40,421 --> 01:13:41,980 you . Senator Senator Cotton , please