1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:10,140 --> 00:00:14,040 Thank you . General Milley . It's 3 00:00:14,040 --> 00:00:16,040 your testimony that you recommended 4 00:00:16,040 --> 00:00:19,580 2500 troops approximately stay in 5 00:00:19,580 --> 00:00:22,760 Afghanistan . Um 6 00:00:23,240 --> 00:00:25,240 as I've said many times before this 7 00:00:25,240 --> 00:00:27,184 committee and other committees . I 8 00:00:27,184 --> 00:00:29,351 don't share my personal recommendation 9 00:00:29,351 --> 00:00:31,462 to the president . But I can tell you 10 00:00:31,462 --> 00:00:30,880 my personal opinion in my assessment if 11 00:00:30,880 --> 00:00:32,991 that's what you want . Yes , please . 12 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:36,870 Um Yes , my assessment was uh Back in 13 00:00:36,870 --> 00:00:38,592 the fall of 20 and it remained 14 00:00:38,592 --> 00:00:40,648 consistent throughout that we should 15 00:00:40,648 --> 00:00:42,592 keep a steady state of 2500 and it 16 00:00:42,592 --> 00:00:44,370 could bounce up to 3500 , maybe 17 00:00:44,370 --> 00:00:46,426 something like that in order to move 18 00:00:46,426 --> 00:00:48,592 toward a negotiated , gated solution . 19 00:00:48,592 --> 00:00:50,759 Did you present ? Did you ever present 20 00:00:50,759 --> 00:00:52,981 that assessment personally to president 21 00:00:52,981 --> 00:00:55,203 biden ? I don't discuss exactly what my 22 00:00:55,203 --> 00:00:57,148 conversations are with the sitting 23 00:00:57,148 --> 00:00:59,203 president in the oval Office , but I 24 00:00:59,203 --> 00:00:58,580 can tell you what my personal opinion 25 00:00:58,580 --> 00:01:00,520 was and I always candid General 26 00:01:00,520 --> 00:01:02,187 Mackenzie . Do you share that 27 00:01:02,187 --> 00:01:04,560 assessment ? Senator I do share that 28 00:01:04,560 --> 00:01:06,750 assessment . Um Did you ever present 29 00:01:06,750 --> 00:01:08,806 that opinion personally to President 30 00:01:08,806 --> 00:01:10,639 biden ? I'm not gonna be able to 31 00:01:10,639 --> 00:01:12,917 comment on those executive discussions . 32 00:01:12,917 --> 00:01:14,972 Did General Miller ever present that 33 00:01:14,972 --> 00:01:17,194 opinion personally to President biden ? 34 00:01:17,194 --> 00:01:17,170 I think it's best to ask him . I 35 00:01:17,170 --> 00:01:19,503 believe that his opinion was well heard . 36 00:01:19,540 --> 00:01:22,020 Uh Secretary Austin , uh President 37 00:01:22,020 --> 00:01:24,131 biden last month in an interview with 38 00:01:24,131 --> 00:01:26,187 George . Stephanopoulos said that no 39 00:01:26,187 --> 00:01:29,230 military leader advised him to leave a 40 00:01:29,230 --> 00:01:31,360 small troop presence in Afghanistan . 41 00:01:31,940 --> 00:01:32,940 Is that true ? 42 00:01:37,340 --> 00:01:40,630 Uh Senator card . And I I believe 43 00:01:40,630 --> 00:01:43,850 that . Well , first of all , I know the 44 00:01:43,850 --> 00:01:45,690 president to be an honest and 45 00:01:45,690 --> 00:01:49,220 forthright man . Uh secondly , it's a 46 00:01:49,220 --> 00:01:51,442 simple question , Secretary Austin , he 47 00:01:51,442 --> 00:01:53,609 said no senior military leader advised 48 00:01:53,609 --> 00:01:55,553 him leave the small troop presence 49 00:01:55,553 --> 00:01:57,776 behind , Is that true or not ? Do these 50 00:01:57,776 --> 00:01:59,387 Officer and General Miller's 51 00:01:59,387 --> 00:02:01,553 recommendations ? Get to the president 52 00:02:01,553 --> 00:02:03,710 personally . Their input was was 53 00:02:03,720 --> 00:02:05,387 received by the President and 54 00:02:05,387 --> 00:02:07,640 considered by the President for sure . 55 00:02:07,780 --> 00:02:09,724 In terms of what they specifically 56 00:02:09,724 --> 00:02:11,947 recommended senator . They just as they 57 00:02:11,947 --> 00:02:14,770 just said , uh they're not going to 58 00:02:14,770 --> 00:02:16,690 provide what they recommended in 59 00:02:16,690 --> 00:02:19,350 confidence . I mean , it sounds to me 60 00:02:19,350 --> 00:02:21,461 this is shocking to me . It sounds to 61 00:02:21,461 --> 00:02:23,700 me like maybe their best military 62 00:02:23,700 --> 00:02:25,811 advice was never presented personally 63 00:02:25,811 --> 00:02:28,033 to the President of United States about 64 00:02:28,033 --> 00:02:30,089 such a highly consequential matter . 65 00:02:30,089 --> 00:02:31,533 Let me move on to another 66 00:02:31,533 --> 00:02:33,644 recommendation . They are reported to 67 00:02:33,644 --> 00:02:35,867 have made General Milley . Uh Joe Biden 68 00:02:35,867 --> 00:02:37,922 has said that it was the unanimous , 69 00:02:37,922 --> 00:02:40,260 the unanimous recommendation of the 70 00:02:40,260 --> 00:02:42,260 joint chiefs that we not maintain a 71 00:02:42,260 --> 00:02:45,280 military presence beyond August 31 72 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:47,512 we've heard testimony that affect today 73 00:02:47,512 --> 00:02:49,401 as well . When was that unanimous 74 00:02:49,401 --> 00:02:52,230 recommendation sought and presented to 75 00:02:52,230 --> 00:02:55,860 the President ? You talk about the 76 00:02:55,860 --> 00:02:59,650 31 August 31 August 25 August 77 00:03:00,040 --> 00:03:03,270 I was asked to make an assessment and 78 00:03:03,270 --> 00:03:05,540 provide best military advice . uh I'm 79 00:03:05,540 --> 00:03:07,540 sorry my time is limited here . You 80 00:03:07,540 --> 00:03:09,540 just gave me the answer that needed 81 00:03:09,540 --> 00:03:12,100 here , August 25 Correent . Kabul fell 82 00:03:12,100 --> 00:03:14,290 in August 15 . That's correct . You 83 00:03:14,290 --> 00:03:17,690 were not asked before August 2016 On 84 00:03:17,700 --> 00:03:19,922 August 25 , I was asked to provide best 85 00:03:19,922 --> 00:03:21,811 military assessment is whether we 86 00:03:21,811 --> 00:03:23,867 should keep military forces past the 87 00:03:23,867 --> 00:03:25,867 31st Secretary Austin , Was anybody 88 00:03:25,867 --> 00:03:27,867 asked before August 25 if we should 89 00:03:27,867 --> 00:03:29,811 keep troops at the Kabul Airport . 90 00:03:32,840 --> 00:03:35,040 This is the president tasked us to to 91 00:03:35,040 --> 00:03:37,240 make , to provide an assessment on 92 00:03:37,250 --> 00:03:39,620 whether or not we should extend our 93 00:03:39,630 --> 00:03:42,770 presence beyond august 31st . And as 94 00:03:42,770 --> 00:03:44,910 General Milley just said that 95 00:03:44,910 --> 00:03:47,760 assessment was was made , we task them 96 00:03:47,760 --> 00:03:50,180 to make that assessment on the 25th and 97 00:03:50,190 --> 00:03:52,134 he came back and provided his best 98 00:03:52,134 --> 00:03:55,280 military advice . Secretary Kabul fell 99 00:03:55,280 --> 00:03:58,170 on August 15 . It was clear that we had 100 00:03:58,180 --> 00:04:00,236 thousands of America . It's clear to 101 00:04:00,236 --> 00:04:02,458 members of this committee we're getting 102 00:04:02,458 --> 00:04:01,770 phone calls that we had thousands of 103 00:04:01,770 --> 00:04:04,460 americans in Afghanistan behind taliban 104 00:04:04,460 --> 00:04:06,460 lines on august 15th and it took 10 105 00:04:06,460 --> 00:04:08,760 days to ask these general officers if 106 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:10,704 we should extend our president . I 107 00:04:10,704 --> 00:04:12,760 suspect the answer might be a little 108 00:04:12,760 --> 00:04:14,927 different . If you were asking them 16 109 00:04:14,927 --> 00:04:17,149 days out , not five days out again . My 110 00:04:17,149 --> 00:04:19,316 time is limited . I want to move on to 111 00:04:19,316 --> 00:04:22,610 another matter . Um , okay , President 112 00:04:22,610 --> 00:04:24,720 biden's budget evacuation screwed 113 00:04:24,720 --> 00:04:26,553 things up coming and going as it 114 00:04:26,553 --> 00:04:28,609 relates to afghan evacuees . We left 115 00:04:28,609 --> 00:04:30,776 behind thousands of afghans who served 116 00:04:30,776 --> 00:04:32,998 alongside side of us who are vetted and 117 00:04:32,998 --> 00:04:35,164 approved to come here . We brought out 118 00:04:35,164 --> 00:04:37,387 thousands who really have no particular 119 00:04:37,387 --> 00:04:37,060 connection about whom we know nothing 120 00:04:37,440 --> 00:04:39,607 and cannot be effectively vetted ? You 121 00:04:39,607 --> 00:04:41,840 now have female troops who have been 122 00:04:41,840 --> 00:04:44,790 assaulted ? You have afghan evacuates 123 00:04:44,790 --> 00:04:48,460 committing crimes at fort McCoy . 124 00:04:49,240 --> 00:04:51,440 What , what are we to make of this ? 125 00:04:51,940 --> 00:04:54,162 What steps are we taking to ensure that 126 00:04:54,162 --> 00:04:56,329 thousands of afghans about who we know 127 00:04:56,329 --> 00:04:59,230 nothing are not going to be a menace to 128 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:01,184 our troops that our military bases 129 00:05:01,184 --> 00:05:03,129 entered the communities into which 130 00:05:03,129 --> 00:05:05,407 they're about to be released . Senator . 131 00:05:05,407 --> 00:05:07,573 I'm certainly aware of the allegations 132 00:05:07,573 --> 00:05:09,573 and I take the the allegations very 133 00:05:09,573 --> 00:05:11,740 seriously and I can assure you that uh 134 00:05:11,740 --> 00:05:14,390 our commanders at our bases have what 135 00:05:14,390 --> 00:05:17,250 they need to be able to protect our 136 00:05:17,250 --> 00:05:19,990 troops and our families that that work 137 00:05:19,990 --> 00:05:22,660 and live at those bases . And I I'm in 138 00:05:22,660 --> 00:05:24,716 contact with General Van Herck , the 139 00:05:24,716 --> 00:05:26,882 north com commander who has overall uh 140 00:05:26,940 --> 00:05:29,290 who has overall responsibility for the 141 00:05:29,300 --> 00:05:31,990 for the operation on a routine basis . 142 00:05:32,050 --> 00:05:33,994 And uh and this is an area that he 143 00:05:33,994 --> 00:05:36,217 remains cited on all right . I just got 144 00:05:36,217 --> 00:05:38,439 one final question . General Milley , I 145 00:05:38,439 --> 00:05:40,520 can only conclude that your advice 146 00:05:41,140 --> 00:05:43,080 About staying in Afghanistan was 147 00:05:43,080 --> 00:05:45,480 rejected . I'm shocked to learn that 148 00:05:45,490 --> 00:05:47,657 your advice wasn't sought until August 149 00:05:47,657 --> 00:05:49,650 25 on staying past the August 31 150 00:05:49,650 --> 00:05:51,872 deadline . I understand that you're the 151 00:05:51,872 --> 00:05:53,872 principal military adviser that you 152 00:05:53,872 --> 00:05:56,094 advise . You don't decide the president 153 00:05:56,094 --> 00:05:58,460 decides . But if all this is true , 154 00:05:58,460 --> 00:06:00,293 General Milley , why haven't you 155 00:06:00,293 --> 00:06:03,660 resigned Sarah 156 00:06:04,640 --> 00:06:08,250 as a senior military officer . Um 157 00:06:08,640 --> 00:06:10,751 resigning is a really serious thing . 158 00:06:10,751 --> 00:06:12,862 It's a political act If I'm resigning 159 00:06:12,862 --> 00:06:14,751 in protest . My job is to provide 160 00:06:14,751 --> 00:06:16,973 advice . My statutory responsibility to 161 00:06:16,973 --> 00:06:19,084 provide legal advice or best military 162 00:06:19,084 --> 00:06:21,307 advice to the president ? And that's my 163 00:06:21,307 --> 00:06:23,529 legal requirement . That's what the law 164 00:06:23,529 --> 00:06:25,640 is . Um The President doesn't have to 165 00:06:25,640 --> 00:06:27,640 agree with that advice . He doesn't 166 00:06:27,640 --> 00:06:29,529 have to make those decisions just 167 00:06:29,529 --> 00:06:31,640 because we're generals . And it would 168 00:06:31,640 --> 00:06:33,529 be an incredible act of political 169 00:06:33,529 --> 00:06:35,650 defiance for commissioned officer to 170 00:06:35,650 --> 00:06:37,817 just resign . Because my advice is not 171 00:06:37,817 --> 00:06:39,706 taken . This country doesn't want 172 00:06:39,706 --> 00:06:42,330 generals figuring out what orders we 173 00:06:42,330 --> 00:06:44,770 are going to accept and do or not . 174 00:06:44,840 --> 00:06:46,951 That's not our job . The principle of 175 00:06:46,951 --> 00:06:48,951 civilian control of the military is 176 00:06:48,951 --> 00:06:50,784 absolute . It's critical to this 177 00:06:50,784 --> 00:06:52,896 republic . In addition to that , just 178 00:06:52,896 --> 00:06:55,118 from a personal standpoint , you know , 179 00:06:55,118 --> 00:06:57,340 my my dad didn't get a choice to resign 180 00:06:57,340 --> 00:06:57,260 at Iwo Jima and those kids there at 181 00:06:57,260 --> 00:06:59,482 Abbey Gate , They don't get a choice to 182 00:06:59,482 --> 00:07:01,704 resign . And I'm not gonna turn my back 183 00:07:01,704 --> 00:07:03,704 on them . Uh I'm not gonna result , 184 00:07:03,704 --> 00:07:05,816 they can't resign so I'm not going to 185 00:07:05,816 --> 00:07:07,704 resign . There's no way uh if the 186 00:07:07,704 --> 00:07:07,530 orders are illegal , we're in a 187 00:07:07,530 --> 00:07:09,752 different place . But if the orders are 188 00:07:09,752 --> 00:07:11,641 legal from civilian authority , I 189 00:07:11,641 --> 00:07:13,808 intend to carry them out . Thank you . 190 00:07:13,808 --> 00:07:16,240 Senator Cotton . Senator Hirono . 191 00:07:16,240 --> 00:07:18,790 Please Thank you . Mr . Chairman , do I 192 00:07:18,790 --> 00:07:20,734 understand you correctly , General 193 00:07:20,734 --> 00:07:22,901 Mackenzie and General Milley that your 194 00:07:22,901 --> 00:07:25,110 personal recommendation was that the 195 00:07:25,110 --> 00:07:27,150 troops remain in Afghanistan . A 196 00:07:27,150 --> 00:07:29,100 certain number of them beyond the 197 00:07:29,100 --> 00:07:31,760 August 31 deadline . 198 00:07:33,440 --> 00:07:36,890 No Senator . Our recommendation , this 199 00:07:36,890 --> 00:07:39,760 is the Joint Chiefs of Staff . Um This 200 00:07:39,760 --> 00:07:43,050 is myself included . General Mackenzie . 201 00:07:43,060 --> 00:07:45,171 Uh Major General Donahue , The ground 202 00:07:45,171 --> 00:07:47,393 Tactical Commander of the 82nd Airborne 203 00:07:47,393 --> 00:07:49,449 Division and Admiral Veasley , every 204 00:07:49,449 --> 00:07:51,449 single one of us were in a tank . I 205 00:07:51,449 --> 00:07:53,504 brought him up . There was Secretary 206 00:07:53,504 --> 00:07:55,504 Austin did not show up . There's no 207 00:07:55,504 --> 00:07:55,270 political pressure , there's no 208 00:07:55,280 --> 00:07:57,510 expectation of consensus . Every one of 209 00:07:57,510 --> 00:07:59,732 us evaluated the military conditions at 210 00:07:59,732 --> 00:08:02,700 the time on the 25th and we made a 211 00:08:02,710 --> 00:08:06,360 unanimous recommendation that we end 212 00:08:06,360 --> 00:08:08,582 the military mission in transition to a 213 00:08:08,582 --> 00:08:10,582 diplomatic mission . Thank you . So 214 00:08:10,582 --> 00:08:12,749 well , you testified that you may have 215 00:08:12,749 --> 00:08:14,971 had the personal recommendation . And I 216 00:08:14,971 --> 00:08:17,193 think in your case General Mackenzie in 217 00:08:17,193 --> 00:08:19,193 the fall of 2020 or might have been 218 00:08:19,193 --> 00:08:21,300 General Milley uh that by the time 219 00:08:21,300 --> 00:08:24,110 we're evacuating everyone , that was 220 00:08:24,110 --> 00:08:25,777 not a recommendation that you 221 00:08:25,777 --> 00:08:27,999 personally held them . Absolutely not . 222 00:08:27,999 --> 00:08:30,221 At that point . On the 25th of august , 223 00:08:30,221 --> 00:08:31,888 no . At the 25th of august we 224 00:08:31,888 --> 00:08:34,110 recommended that the mission end on the 225 00:08:34,110 --> 00:08:36,332 30 . Thank you for that clarification . 226 00:08:36,332 --> 00:08:38,860 So they 227 00:08:39,640 --> 00:08:43,500 Goodsuation was chaotic and yes , we 228 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:45,611 are really grateful that our military 229 00:08:45,611 --> 00:08:49,240 performed magnificently and evacuating 230 00:08:49,240 --> 00:08:52,950 over 120,000 people . But 231 00:08:53,640 --> 00:08:56,230 somebody asked him , Secretary Blinken 232 00:08:56,230 --> 00:08:58,640 acknowledged to my colleagues on the 233 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:00,862 Senate Foreign Relations Committee that 234 00:09:00,862 --> 00:09:02,973 no one believes the afghan government 235 00:09:02,973 --> 00:09:05,140 and military could collapse as rapidly 236 00:09:05,140 --> 00:09:07,140 as it did , especially in the first 237 00:09:07,140 --> 00:09:10,000 weeks of august however , U . S . 238 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:12,111 Forces conducted at least a couple of 239 00:09:12,111 --> 00:09:14,610 airstrikes in the middle of july aimed 240 00:09:14,610 --> 00:09:18,450 at blunting the Taliban's rapid advance . 241 00:09:19,140 --> 00:09:21,530 The Secretary Austin in july , you were 242 00:09:21,530 --> 00:09:24,540 aware when the body was aware that the 243 00:09:24,540 --> 00:09:27,250 situation was deteriorating rapidly by 244 00:09:27,250 --> 00:09:31,120 july , oh , why was an 245 00:09:31,120 --> 00:09:33,390 action taken to secure the Kabul 246 00:09:33,390 --> 00:09:35,750 airport or retake background then ? 247 00:09:38,340 --> 00:09:41,380 Thank you . Senator . Uh You're right . 248 00:09:41,380 --> 00:09:44,690 The tempo uh picked up 249 00:09:44,690 --> 00:09:47,880 significantly . The Taliban continue to 250 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:51,670 make advances . Uh Our entire 251 00:09:51,670 --> 00:09:54,320 chain of command myself , the Chairman 252 00:09:54,330 --> 00:09:58,180 General Mackenzie uh routinely engage 253 00:09:58,180 --> 00:10:00,520 the the Afghan leadership to encourage 254 00:10:00,520 --> 00:10:03,840 them to solidify their defensive plans 255 00:10:03,850 --> 00:10:05,572 uh to make sure that they were 256 00:10:05,572 --> 00:10:07,739 providing the right logistics to their 257 00:10:07,739 --> 00:10:10,960 troops and and and further stiffen 258 00:10:11,040 --> 00:10:14,790 their defenses to no avail . Uh 259 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:17,760 And uh and to compound that 260 00:10:18,140 --> 00:10:20,830 um President Ghani continued to make 261 00:10:20,830 --> 00:10:22,960 changes in the leadership of the 262 00:10:22,960 --> 00:10:26,440 military . And this created uh further 263 00:10:26,450 --> 00:10:28,672 further problems for the for the Afghan 264 00:10:28,672 --> 00:10:30,620 security forces . Mr Secretary , I 265 00:10:30,620 --> 00:10:32,676 don't mean to interrupt you , but my 266 00:10:32,676 --> 00:10:36,160 time is elapsing . So this gets to the 267 00:10:36,160 --> 00:10:39,010 over estimation that the I think the 268 00:10:39,010 --> 00:10:41,210 overly optimistic assessment because 269 00:10:41,210 --> 00:10:44,360 even as late as july , You're still 270 00:10:44,370 --> 00:10:47,020 encouraging the the Afghan special 271 00:10:47,020 --> 00:10:49,590 forces . You're expecting the Afghani 272 00:10:49,590 --> 00:10:52,240 government to remain . But that was not 273 00:10:52,240 --> 00:10:54,690 the case . Uh in December of 2019 , the 274 00:10:54,690 --> 00:10:56,746 Washington Post reported that the US 275 00:10:56,746 --> 00:10:59,120 military commanders privately expressed 276 00:10:59,120 --> 00:11:01,176 a lack of confidence that the Afghan 277 00:11:01,176 --> 00:11:04,250 army and police could ever fend off 278 00:11:04,260 --> 00:11:07,120 much less defeat the Taliban on their 279 00:11:07,130 --> 00:11:10,720 own . So General Milley , 280 00:11:10,720 --> 00:11:12,942 you noted that there were some specific 281 00:11:12,942 --> 00:11:15,053 military lessons to be learned . This 282 00:11:15,053 --> 00:11:17,164 is not the first time that I think we 283 00:11:17,164 --> 00:11:19,770 have relied upon overly optimistic 284 00:11:19,770 --> 00:11:22,020 assessments of conditions on the ground 285 00:11:22,020 --> 00:11:24,210 or conflict conditions certainly 286 00:11:24,210 --> 00:11:27,280 happened in Vietnam . So my question to 287 00:11:27,280 --> 00:11:31,140 you is what specific steps can we take 288 00:11:31,150 --> 00:11:33,261 to make sure that our assessments are 289 00:11:33,261 --> 00:11:36,900 not overly optimistic so we can avoid 290 00:11:36,910 --> 00:11:40,300 the kind of reliance on 291 00:11:40,310 --> 00:11:43,330 assessments that are not accurate . I 292 00:11:43,330 --> 00:11:45,880 think in the case of working with other 293 00:11:45,880 --> 00:11:47,936 countries armies , it's important to 294 00:11:47,936 --> 00:11:50,047 have advisers with those units as you 295 00:11:50,047 --> 00:11:52,213 can do a holistic assessment of things 296 00:11:52,213 --> 00:11:54,380 that are very difficult to measure the 297 00:11:54,380 --> 00:11:56,324 morale factors . Leadership will I 298 00:11:56,324 --> 00:11:59,150 think that's one key aspect . Another 299 00:11:59,150 --> 00:12:01,206 part . I think it's really important 300 00:12:01,206 --> 00:12:03,428 and this is a lesson from Vietnam and I 301 00:12:03,428 --> 00:12:05,483 think today is don't americanize the 302 00:12:05,483 --> 00:12:08,080 war . Um you know , we learned that in 303 00:12:08,080 --> 00:12:09,913 el Salvador or in Colombia , for 304 00:12:09,913 --> 00:12:12,080 example , where we did assist and help 305 00:12:12,080 --> 00:12:14,024 other countries armies fight in uh 306 00:12:14,024 --> 00:12:15,858 insurgencies and they were quite 307 00:12:15,858 --> 00:12:18,060 effective . But it was their country , 308 00:12:18,070 --> 00:12:21,030 their army that bore the burden of all 309 00:12:21,030 --> 00:12:23,308 the fighting . And we were we had very , 310 00:12:23,308 --> 00:12:25,252 very few advisors and it was quite 311 00:12:25,252 --> 00:12:27,086 effective . Now every country is 312 00:12:27,086 --> 00:12:29,252 different . Every war is different has 313 00:12:29,252 --> 00:12:31,474 to be evaluated on its own merits . But 314 00:12:31,474 --> 00:12:30,610 I think those are some key points 315 00:12:30,610 --> 00:12:32,666 they're worth thinking about agree . 316 00:12:32,666 --> 00:12:34,777 Thank you . Mr Chairman , Thank you . 317 00:12:34,777 --> 00:12:36,832 Senator Rhona Center rounds . Please 318 00:12:36,832 --> 00:12:38,832 thank you . Mr Chairman gentlemen , 319 00:12:38,832 --> 00:12:40,721 First of all , thank you for your 320 00:12:40,721 --> 00:12:42,610 willingness to appear before this 321 00:12:42,610 --> 00:12:44,666 committee to answer questions on the 322 00:12:44,666 --> 00:12:46,610 withdrawal from Afghanistan you've 323 00:12:46,610 --> 00:12:48,721 received and will continue to receive 324 00:12:48,721 --> 00:12:48,420 tough questions on what led to this 325 00:12:48,420 --> 00:12:50,570 decision . This is an important 326 00:12:50,570 --> 00:12:52,737 constitutional requirement of the jobs 327 00:12:52,737 --> 00:12:54,903 that you have agreed to serve in . And 328 00:12:54,903 --> 00:12:57,070 I thank you all for your many years of 329 00:12:57,070 --> 00:12:58,860 service to our nation . Want to 330 00:12:58,860 --> 00:13:00,916 underline the fact that every single 331 00:13:00,916 --> 00:13:03,027 member of this committee , regardless 332 00:13:03,027 --> 00:13:04,749 of party , is grateful for the 333 00:13:04,749 --> 00:13:06,971 dedication and bravery exhibited by our 334 00:13:06,971 --> 00:13:09,138 service members , especially those who 335 00:13:09,138 --> 00:13:10,916 gave their last full measure of 336 00:13:10,916 --> 00:13:14,890 devotion at Abbey Gate . General 337 00:13:14,890 --> 00:13:18,450 Mackenzie . General Miller 338 00:13:18,460 --> 00:13:21,140 told this committee uh , that he 339 00:13:21,140 --> 00:13:24,100 recommended keeping 2500 troops in 340 00:13:24,100 --> 00:13:25,989 Afghanistan . And this is back in 341 00:13:25,989 --> 00:13:29,720 January of 2021 because he 342 00:13:29,730 --> 00:13:32,080 felt that Afghan forces would not hold 343 00:13:32,080 --> 00:13:34,970 out long without our support . It seems 344 00:13:34,970 --> 00:13:36,914 to me that there would have been a 345 00:13:36,914 --> 00:13:38,859 process to convey General Miller's 346 00:13:38,859 --> 00:13:40,970 recommendation to the President . Can 347 00:13:40,970 --> 00:13:43,650 you share the process and who conveyed 348 00:13:43,650 --> 00:13:46,000 General Miller's recommendation ? And 349 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:48,056 was that recommendation delivered to 350 00:13:48,056 --> 00:13:50,111 both President trump at the time and 351 00:13:50,111 --> 00:13:51,860 also to President biden . 352 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:56,510 So there is a process for delivering 353 00:13:56,520 --> 00:13:58,687 recommendations from commanders in the 354 00:13:58,687 --> 00:14:00,742 field . I was part of that process . 355 00:14:00,742 --> 00:14:02,964 While I've been very clear that I won't 356 00:14:02,964 --> 00:14:05,187 give you my recommendation , I've given 357 00:14:05,187 --> 00:14:07,242 you my view , which will I think you 358 00:14:07,242 --> 00:14:09,298 can draw your own conclusions from . 359 00:14:09,298 --> 00:14:11,076 And my view is that 2500 was an 360 00:14:11,076 --> 00:14:13,298 appropriate number to remain . And that 361 00:14:13,298 --> 00:14:13,210 if we went below that number . In fact , 362 00:14:13,210 --> 00:14:15,432 we would probably witness a collapse of 363 00:14:15,432 --> 00:14:17,543 the Afghan government and uh , in the 364 00:14:17,543 --> 00:14:19,877 Afghan military . Gentlemen , gentlemen , 365 00:14:19,877 --> 00:14:21,766 kensi man , just the , I guess my 366 00:14:21,766 --> 00:14:23,932 question is , would it be fair for the 367 00:14:23,932 --> 00:14:26,154 committee to assume that both President 368 00:14:26,154 --> 00:14:29,540 trump and President biden received that 369 00:14:29,540 --> 00:14:32,940 specific information that had been 370 00:14:32,950 --> 00:14:35,640 assumed to be delivered by General 371 00:14:35,640 --> 00:14:37,880 Miller . I believe it would be 372 00:14:37,890 --> 00:14:39,946 reasonable for the committee to send 373 00:14:39,946 --> 00:14:42,001 that . And would General Miller have 374 00:14:42,001 --> 00:14:44,112 been able to deliver that directly to 375 00:14:44,112 --> 00:14:46,112 the President or would someone else 376 00:14:46,112 --> 00:14:48,446 have had to have delivered that for him ? 377 00:14:48,446 --> 00:14:50,557 I would leave it to General Miller to 378 00:14:50,557 --> 00:14:52,779 express an opinion on that . But he and 379 00:14:52,779 --> 00:14:52,260 I both had the opportunity to be an 380 00:14:52,260 --> 00:14:54,316 executive session with the President 381 00:14:54,316 --> 00:14:56,204 and I can't share anything beyond 382 00:14:56,204 --> 00:14:59,960 making that statement . Thank you and 383 00:15:02,140 --> 00:15:05,220 Secretary Austin . This committee was 384 00:15:05,220 --> 00:15:08,210 briefed on the series of rock drills 385 00:15:08,210 --> 00:15:10,770 rehearsal concept drills that examine 386 00:15:10,770 --> 00:15:12,992 the many potential scenarios that could 387 00:15:12,992 --> 00:15:14,992 arise to the execution of different 388 00:15:14,992 --> 00:15:16,992 types of actions and counteractions 389 00:15:16,992 --> 00:15:19,214 remembered by multiple leaders that the 390 00:15:19,214 --> 00:15:21,326 worst case scenario and an forecasted 391 00:15:21,326 --> 00:15:23,437 collapse of the Afghan government was 392 00:15:23,437 --> 00:15:25,214 not something that these drills 393 00:15:25,214 --> 00:15:27,360 factored in as a possibility . Is it 394 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:29,340 true that we actually did tabletop 395 00:15:29,340 --> 00:15:31,507 exercises and we actually went through 396 00:15:31,507 --> 00:15:34,750 these drills and we never assumed that 397 00:15:34,750 --> 00:15:36,972 there could be an immediate collapse of 398 00:15:36,972 --> 00:15:40,390 the Afghan government . We , we planned 399 00:15:40,390 --> 00:15:44,330 for a range of possibilities . Uh , the 400 00:15:44,340 --> 00:15:46,620 entire collapse of the Afghan 401 00:15:46,620 --> 00:15:50,320 government uh , was , was clearly one 402 00:15:50,320 --> 00:15:52,487 of the things that uh , if you look at 403 00:15:52,487 --> 00:15:54,487 the intel estimates and some of the 404 00:15:54,487 --> 00:15:56,653 estimates that others have made , that 405 00:15:56,653 --> 00:15:58,876 could happen . But in terms of specific 406 00:15:58,876 --> 00:16:00,987 planning , especially with respect to 407 00:16:00,987 --> 00:16:04,280 neo we plan for uh you know , a 408 00:16:04,290 --> 00:16:06,510 contested environment or unconcern 409 00:16:06,520 --> 00:16:09,120 contested environment . The requirement 410 00:16:09,120 --> 00:16:12,030 to uh to evacuate a moderate amount of 411 00:16:12,030 --> 00:16:14,308 people versus a large amount of people . 412 00:16:14,308 --> 00:16:16,419 So there was a range of possibilities 413 00:16:16,419 --> 00:16:18,530 that we addressed , but never with an 414 00:16:18,530 --> 00:16:20,697 immediate collapse of the government . 415 00:16:20,940 --> 00:16:23,051 We certainly did not plan against the 416 00:16:23,051 --> 00:16:25,273 collapse of the government in 11 days . 417 00:16:25,640 --> 00:16:29,430 Thank you . Um General 418 00:16:29,430 --> 00:16:33,130 Milley , uh I think Senator Cotton made 419 00:16:33,130 --> 00:16:35,230 a very good point with regard to the 420 00:16:35,230 --> 00:16:38,700 timing the collapse of Kabul and the 421 00:16:38,700 --> 00:16:40,811 time in which you were asked for your 422 00:16:40,811 --> 00:16:43,033 professional military opinion about the 423 00:16:43,033 --> 00:16:45,180 path forward ? What seems to be the 424 00:16:45,180 --> 00:16:47,180 real challenge for many of us is is 425 00:16:47,180 --> 00:16:49,340 that it appears that in your 426 00:16:49,340 --> 00:16:52,470 professional military opinion , it 427 00:16:52,470 --> 00:16:54,637 would have been prudent to have used a 428 00:16:54,637 --> 00:16:57,020 different approach than a date certain 429 00:16:57,030 --> 00:16:58,863 with regard to a withdrawal from 430 00:16:58,863 --> 00:17:02,350 Afghanistan . And if that is correct , 431 00:17:02,940 --> 00:17:04,996 and if there were other alternatives 432 00:17:04,996 --> 00:17:07,040 presented to the President , I'm 433 00:17:07,040 --> 00:17:09,151 certain that the frustration that you 434 00:17:09,151 --> 00:17:11,207 felt in not having your professional 435 00:17:11,207 --> 00:17:13,950 military advice , followed closely by 436 00:17:13,960 --> 00:17:17,810 an incoming president , that you are 437 00:17:17,810 --> 00:17:19,921 then tasked in a very short period of 438 00:17:19,921 --> 00:17:22,950 time with handling what was a 439 00:17:23,940 --> 00:17:27,060 a position in time for the people that 440 00:17:27,060 --> 00:17:29,480 were on the ground there to respond in 441 00:17:29,480 --> 00:17:31,591 an emergency basis , would it be fair 442 00:17:31,591 --> 00:17:34,710 to say that you changed from a a a long 443 00:17:34,710 --> 00:17:37,000 term plan of gradual withdrawal based 444 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:39,780 on conditions to one in which you had 445 00:17:39,780 --> 00:17:42,570 to make immediate changes based upon a 446 00:17:42,570 --> 00:17:46,240 date . Certain senator . 447 00:17:46,250 --> 00:17:49,580 Um As a matter of professional advice I 448 00:17:49,580 --> 00:17:52,170 would advise any leader . 449 00:17:53,040 --> 00:17:56,680 Uh don't put date certain on end dates . 450 00:17:56,680 --> 00:17:59,590 Make things conditions based . Um two 451 00:17:59,590 --> 00:18:01,701 presidents in a row put dates on it . 452 00:18:01,701 --> 00:18:05,430 Um I don't think that's uh my advice is 453 00:18:05,440 --> 00:18:08,500 don't put specific dates . Um Make 454 00:18:08,500 --> 00:18:10,860 things conditions base . That is That's 455 00:18:10,860 --> 00:18:12,916 how I've been trained over many many 456 00:18:12,916 --> 00:18:15,860 years I think with respect to the 31st 457 00:18:16,440 --> 00:18:18,800 Uh and the decision on 25th . The risk 458 00:18:18,800 --> 00:18:20,856 to mission and the risk of force and 459 00:18:20,856 --> 00:18:22,700 most importantly the risk to the 460 00:18:22,710 --> 00:18:25,550 American citizens that are remaining uh 461 00:18:25,560 --> 00:18:28,730 that was going to go up not down on the 462 00:18:28,730 --> 00:18:31,010 first of september uh And the american 463 00:18:31,010 --> 00:18:32,954 citizens , I know there's american 464 00:18:32,954 --> 00:18:35,177 citizens there but they would have been 465 00:18:35,177 --> 00:18:37,343 at greater risk Had we stayed past the 466 00:18:37,343 --> 00:18:39,288 31st in our professional opinion . 467 00:18:39,288 --> 00:18:41,399 Thank you . Thank you . Mr . Chairman 468 00:18:41,840 --> 00:18:44,062 Senator Kaine . Please thank you . Mr . 469 00:18:44,062 --> 00:18:46,173 Chair up to the witnesses . I want to 470 00:18:46,173 --> 00:18:48,284 return to a point that Senator Wicker 471 00:18:48,284 --> 00:18:50,507 made . I informed a D . O . D . Witness 472 00:18:50,507 --> 00:18:52,618 about 10 days ago that I was gonna we 473 00:18:52,618 --> 00:18:54,784 would expect to answer to the question 474 00:18:54,784 --> 00:18:54,600 of how many americans are still in 475 00:18:54,600 --> 00:18:57,050 Afghanistan . And that we would not 476 00:18:57,060 --> 00:18:59,004 appreciate an answer that that was 477 00:18:59,004 --> 00:19:01,220 deferred to state . I'm going to ask 478 00:19:01,220 --> 00:19:03,387 the question during my second round of 479 00:19:03,387 --> 00:19:05,331 questions after lunch and with the 480 00:19:05,331 --> 00:19:07,498 number of staff were here in this room 481 00:19:07,498 --> 00:19:09,720 and in the anteroom we ought to be able 482 00:19:09,720 --> 00:19:11,720 to get an answer . And if and if we 483 00:19:11,720 --> 00:19:13,887 can't it will suggest to the committee 484 00:19:13,887 --> 00:19:15,998 and I don't think you want to suggest 485 00:19:15,998 --> 00:19:18,109 is to the committee um that you don't 486 00:19:18,109 --> 00:19:20,276 want to be responsive to that question 487 00:19:20,276 --> 00:19:22,276 or that you don't talk to the State 488 00:19:22,276 --> 00:19:22,140 Department or that the number of 489 00:19:22,140 --> 00:19:24,251 americans in Afghanistan is something 490 00:19:24,251 --> 00:19:26,307 that you're indifferent to . I don't 491 00:19:26,307 --> 00:19:28,418 think any of those are true . So I'll 492 00:19:28,418 --> 00:19:28,350 ask the question again after lunch and 493 00:19:28,350 --> 00:19:30,370 I hope we can get an answer . Two 494 00:19:30,370 --> 00:19:32,148 compliments and then a critical 495 00:19:32,148 --> 00:19:34,590 observation and inquiry . First thanks 496 00:19:34,590 --> 00:19:36,646 to President Biden for ending the US 497 00:19:36,646 --> 00:19:38,812 combat mission in Afghanistan after 20 498 00:19:38,812 --> 00:19:40,840 years . It took guts and it was the 499 00:19:40,840 --> 00:19:42,896 right thing to do and it should have 500 00:19:42,896 --> 00:19:45,062 been done earlier . A Virginia service 501 00:19:45,062 --> 00:19:47,062 member whose wife is expecting said 502 00:19:47,062 --> 00:19:49,400 this to me recently , I'm so glad that 503 00:19:49,400 --> 00:19:51,233 my baby is not being born into a 504 00:19:51,233 --> 00:19:54,550 country at war . Someone has to stay on 505 00:19:54,550 --> 00:19:56,606 permanent war footing in Afghanistan 506 00:19:56,606 --> 00:19:58,606 and elsewhere . Some will point out 507 00:19:58,606 --> 00:20:00,606 that US troops are still deployed , 508 00:20:00,606 --> 00:20:02,661 still in harm's way , still carrying 509 00:20:02,661 --> 00:20:04,883 out limited military strikes around the 510 00:20:04,883 --> 00:20:06,939 world . But to the families of those 511 00:20:06,939 --> 00:20:08,994 who have been deployed over and over 512 00:20:08,994 --> 00:20:11,050 again into Iraq and Afghanistan over 513 00:20:11,050 --> 00:20:13,217 the course of the last 20 years . They 514 00:20:13,217 --> 00:20:15,050 are relieved that America is now 515 00:20:15,050 --> 00:20:16,994 turning the page and rejecting the 516 00:20:16,994 --> 00:20:19,106 notion that we should be a nation and 517 00:20:19,106 --> 00:20:21,272 permanent war . Second , The effort to 518 00:20:21,272 --> 00:20:23,328 evacuate more than 120,000 people to 519 00:20:23,328 --> 00:20:25,494 safety under chaotic circumstances was 520 00:20:25,494 --> 00:20:27,661 remarkable . I visited the Dulles expo 521 00:20:27,661 --> 00:20:29,828 center the principal arrival point for 522 00:20:29,828 --> 00:20:31,717 about 80% of the afghans . I also 523 00:20:31,717 --> 00:20:33,840 visited Fort lee , the first of the 524 00:20:33,840 --> 00:20:36,460 eight forts that process afghans and I 525 00:20:36,460 --> 00:20:38,571 visited with afghans our troops , the 526 00:20:38,571 --> 00:20:40,849 many federal agencies working together . 527 00:20:40,849 --> 00:20:43,320 Ngos , the competent and compassionate 528 00:20:43,320 --> 00:20:45,610 service on the american side and the 529 00:20:45,610 --> 00:20:47,960 deep gratitude among afghans made a 530 00:20:47,960 --> 00:20:50,016 deep impression on me . We should do 531 00:20:50,016 --> 00:20:52,740 all we can to make that transition to 532 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,861 safe life in America as productive as 533 00:20:54,861 --> 00:20:57,020 possible . My chief criticism in 534 00:20:57,020 --> 00:20:59,020 question is this why did the afghan 535 00:20:59,020 --> 00:21:01,242 security forces and civilian government 536 00:21:01,242 --> 00:21:03,409 collapsed so quickly ? And why did the 537 00:21:03,409 --> 00:21:05,687 U . S . So overestimate their capacity ? 538 00:21:05,687 --> 00:21:07,853 The second half of the question why we 539 00:21:07,853 --> 00:21:09,909 overestimated their capacity is very 540 00:21:09,909 --> 00:21:11,798 important to any who have said we 541 00:21:11,798 --> 00:21:13,964 couldn't see this coming . The members 542 00:21:13,964 --> 00:21:16,187 of this committee . No , that's wrong . 543 00:21:16,187 --> 00:21:18,409 An immediate collapse may not have been 544 00:21:18,409 --> 00:21:17,770 the most likely outcome . But we have 545 00:21:17,770 --> 00:21:19,992 heard for years , particularly from the 546 00:21:19,992 --> 00:21:22,214 intel community that diode estimates of 547 00:21:22,214 --> 00:21:24,548 afghan strength were way too optimistic . 548 00:21:24,740 --> 00:21:26,907 I believe the U . S . Government had a 549 00:21:26,907 --> 00:21:28,684 good evacuation plan but it was 550 00:21:28,684 --> 00:21:30,629 premised on an afghan civilian and 551 00:21:30,629 --> 00:21:32,684 military government that showed high 552 00:21:32,684 --> 00:21:34,796 resistance to the taliban . And so we 553 00:21:34,796 --> 00:21:36,851 did not adequately plan for the real 554 00:21:36,851 --> 00:21:39,018 possibility to quit collapse . We need 555 00:21:39,018 --> 00:21:40,629 to explore both military and 556 00:21:40,629 --> 00:21:42,740 interagency decision making processes 557 00:21:42,740 --> 00:21:44,851 to understand why we were unrealistic 558 00:21:44,851 --> 00:21:47,073 and how to correct that going forward . 559 00:21:47,073 --> 00:21:49,018 But the most important part of the 560 00:21:49,018 --> 00:21:50,907 question is why a military we had 561 00:21:50,907 --> 00:21:52,796 trained for 20 years at a cost of 562 00:21:52,796 --> 00:21:54,962 $800-plus billion dollars collapsed so 563 00:21:54,962 --> 00:21:57,240 quickly . I can think of three reasons , 564 00:21:57,240 --> 00:21:59,351 but after I put them on the table , I 565 00:21:59,351 --> 00:22:01,462 would like each of you beginning with 566 00:22:01,462 --> 00:22:00,710 General Mackenzie to address the 567 00:22:00,710 --> 00:22:02,710 question . If we can't we can do it 568 00:22:02,710 --> 00:22:04,821 when we come back after lunch first , 569 00:22:04,821 --> 00:22:06,877 the lightning collapse may show that 570 00:22:06,877 --> 00:22:09,043 our training was insufficient and that 571 00:22:09,043 --> 00:22:11,690 it did not prepare the Afghan military 572 00:22:11,690 --> 00:22:13,746 to defend the country on their own . 573 00:22:13,840 --> 00:22:16,062 That should have been our goal , but we 574 00:22:16,062 --> 00:22:18,173 failed to accomplish it . If so , how 575 00:22:18,173 --> 00:22:20,062 must we change our thinking about 576 00:22:20,062 --> 00:22:22,229 training foreign militaries ? Second , 577 00:22:22,229 --> 00:22:24,284 the lightning collapse may not prove 578 00:22:24,284 --> 00:22:26,396 that the NSF were poor fighters , but 579 00:22:26,396 --> 00:22:28,507 that they were demoralized . Did they 580 00:22:28,507 --> 00:22:30,673 lack confidence in their own political 581 00:22:30,673 --> 00:22:32,451 and military leaders where they 582 00:22:32,451 --> 00:22:34,507 demoralize by a 2020 peace agreement 583 00:22:34,507 --> 00:22:36,507 between the US and the Taliban that 584 00:22:36,507 --> 00:22:38,229 didn't even include the Afghan 585 00:22:38,229 --> 00:22:40,007 government ? Mr Child . Like to 586 00:22:40,007 --> 00:22:42,118 introduce the peace agreement for the 587 00:22:42,118 --> 00:22:44,173 record . Well objection . Did US and 588 00:22:44,173 --> 00:22:46,173 allied funding deep in a culture of 589 00:22:46,173 --> 00:22:48,062 corruption that long predated our 590 00:22:48,062 --> 00:22:50,118 involvement . Even the best fighting 591 00:22:50,118 --> 00:22:52,007 force may give in if they have no 592 00:22:52,007 --> 00:22:54,284 confidence in their leadership . Third , 593 00:22:54,284 --> 00:22:56,507 the lightning collapse may show that we 594 00:22:56,507 --> 00:22:58,618 wanted things for afghans that afghan 595 00:22:58,618 --> 00:22:58,450 leadership did not want for themselves . 596 00:22:58,840 --> 00:23:00,896 We celebrated gains in public health 597 00:23:00,896 --> 00:23:02,896 and women's education and we assume 598 00:23:02,896 --> 00:23:04,951 that afghans would fight to preserve 599 00:23:04,951 --> 00:23:06,840 those gains rather than allow the 600 00:23:06,840 --> 00:23:09,062 taliban to take over . In other words , 601 00:23:09,062 --> 00:23:11,340 we thought we knew what afghans wanted , 602 00:23:11,340 --> 00:23:13,396 what they feared and what they would 603 00:23:13,396 --> 00:23:15,507 fight for . But was our belief though 604 00:23:15,507 --> 00:23:17,618 well intentioned , incredibly naive , 605 00:23:17,618 --> 00:23:19,784 we can't get one third of americans to 606 00:23:19,784 --> 00:23:21,729 take a covid vaccine or accept the 607 00:23:21,729 --> 00:23:23,951 results of a presidential election . Do 608 00:23:23,951 --> 00:23:26,007 we really think we can transform the 609 00:23:26,007 --> 00:23:28,229 culture of another nation So to each of 610 00:23:28,229 --> 00:23:30,340 our witnesses . When we return in the 611 00:23:30,340 --> 00:23:32,284 second round , I will ask you this 612 00:23:32,284 --> 00:23:34,173 question . Why do you believe the 613 00:23:34,173 --> 00:23:36,396 afghan military and civilian government 614 00:23:36,396 --> 00:23:38,750 collapsed so quickly ? Without I'll 615 00:23:38,750 --> 00:23:40,750 yield back . Mr . Chair , thank you 616 00:23:40,750 --> 00:23:42,694 very much . Senator McCain Senator 617 00:23:42,694 --> 00:23:44,861 Orange , please . Yes . Thank you Mr . 618 00:23:44,861 --> 00:23:46,917 Chair and gentlemen , thank you very 619 00:23:46,917 --> 00:23:48,583 much for being here today and 620 00:23:48,583 --> 00:23:51,240 unfortunately this morning's hearing is 621 00:23:51,240 --> 00:23:52,920 required due to the haphazard 622 00:23:52,920 --> 00:23:55,790 withdrawal of US forces , American 623 00:23:55,790 --> 00:23:58,580 citizens and many of our afghan 624 00:23:58,580 --> 00:24:02,580 partners . However , um we do want to 625 00:24:02,580 --> 00:24:05,600 thank the men and women in uniform that 626 00:24:05,610 --> 00:24:07,950 assisted the evacuation of those that 627 00:24:07,950 --> 00:24:09,839 were able to make it out . And of 628 00:24:09,839 --> 00:24:12,720 course to those that have service given 629 00:24:12,720 --> 00:24:14,776 their service and sacrifice over the 630 00:24:14,776 --> 00:24:16,887 past two decades of the global war on 631 00:24:16,887 --> 00:24:19,060 terror , the loss of our service 632 00:24:19,060 --> 00:24:21,116 members and abandonment of americans 633 00:24:21,116 --> 00:24:23,200 and afghan allies last month was an 634 00:24:23,210 --> 00:24:25,920 unforced , disgraceful humiliation that 635 00:24:25,920 --> 00:24:28,650 didn't have to happen . The president 636 00:24:28,650 --> 00:24:30,690 put a cheap political victory a 637 00:24:30,690 --> 00:24:33,500 withdrawal timeline time to the 20th 638 00:24:33,500 --> 00:24:36,850 anniversary of 9 11 on his calendar and 639 00:24:36,850 --> 00:24:39,510 executed his vision with little regard 640 00:24:39,510 --> 00:24:41,810 for american lives or the real threats 641 00:24:41,810 --> 00:24:44,660 that we face . I do appreciate your 642 00:24:44,670 --> 00:24:47,540 open , you're honest and expert 643 00:24:47,540 --> 00:24:50,190 participation in communicating to this 644 00:24:50,190 --> 00:24:53,580 committee . What went wrong ? I think 645 00:24:53,580 --> 00:24:56,020 our american citizens are at a real 646 00:24:56,020 --> 00:24:58,020 crossroads right now where they are 647 00:24:58,020 --> 00:25:00,920 questioning the leadership from this 648 00:25:00,920 --> 00:25:03,560 president and this administration 649 00:25:03,940 --> 00:25:05,940 President biden's blunders can't be 650 00:25:05,940 --> 00:25:08,260 erased , but the United States must now 651 00:25:08,260 --> 00:25:10,980 account for them through a revamped 652 00:25:10,990 --> 00:25:13,510 counterterrorism strategy that 653 00:25:13,510 --> 00:25:16,110 recognizes the newfound momentum of 654 00:25:16,110 --> 00:25:19,140 terrorists and new threats emanating 655 00:25:19,140 --> 00:25:21,380 from the Middle East . In addition to 656 00:25:21,380 --> 00:25:23,436 rising challenges that we see coming 657 00:25:23,436 --> 00:25:27,100 from china and Russia . Pretty high 658 00:25:27,110 --> 00:25:29,930 stakes Secretary Austin , I'd like to 659 00:25:29,930 --> 00:25:32,910 start with you . Did President biden or 660 00:25:32,920 --> 00:25:35,660 any of his national security advisers 661 00:25:35,670 --> 00:25:39,560 express any military or diplomatic 662 00:25:39,560 --> 00:25:41,727 conditions for the american withdrawal 663 00:25:41,727 --> 00:25:45,070 from Afghanistan beyond the looming 664 00:25:45,070 --> 00:25:48,680 date of 9 11 . What were those military 665 00:25:48,680 --> 00:25:50,970 conditions or diplomatic conditions 666 00:25:50,970 --> 00:25:52,414 that were outlined to you 667 00:25:56,740 --> 00:25:59,100 again , once the president went through 668 00:25:59,100 --> 00:26:00,989 a very deliberate decision making 669 00:26:00,989 --> 00:26:04,050 process and made his decision that to 670 00:26:04,050 --> 00:26:07,720 exit uh Afghanistan , there were no 671 00:26:07,720 --> 00:26:09,776 additional conditions placed on it . 672 00:26:11,640 --> 00:26:14,520 Can you tell me that he did take into 673 00:26:14,520 --> 00:26:18,020 consideration military or diplomatic 674 00:26:18,020 --> 00:26:20,170 conditions and what were those 675 00:26:20,170 --> 00:26:22,281 conditions that he was weighing as he 676 00:26:22,281 --> 00:26:25,210 was making those decisions ? Sure . One 677 00:26:25,210 --> 00:26:27,680 of the things that you know , all of us 678 00:26:27,680 --> 00:26:30,560 wanted to see happen was for this uh 679 00:26:31,040 --> 00:26:33,680 this conflict to end with with a 680 00:26:33,690 --> 00:26:37,530 diplomatic solution . And so one of the 681 00:26:37,530 --> 00:26:39,641 things that we we certainly wanted to 682 00:26:39,641 --> 00:26:42,950 see was progress being made in the Doha 683 00:26:42,960 --> 00:26:46,370 negotiations and we did not see , he 684 00:26:46,370 --> 00:26:48,830 did not see any progress being made and 685 00:26:48,830 --> 00:26:50,941 uh and there was really not much of a 686 00:26:50,941 --> 00:26:54,670 bright future for that process . So 687 00:26:54,670 --> 00:26:57,700 General Milley had stated earlier that 688 00:26:57,710 --> 00:27:00,720 his recommendation should is always as 689 00:27:00,720 --> 00:27:03,220 any military commander should do should 690 00:27:03,220 --> 00:27:07,100 be conditions based and we 691 00:27:07,100 --> 00:27:09,100 have to be able to evaluate whether 692 00:27:09,100 --> 00:27:12,170 those conditions are achievable . Um 693 00:27:12,170 --> 00:27:14,840 And if we can successfully complete 694 00:27:14,840 --> 00:27:17,140 those , it sounds like there were very 695 00:27:17,140 --> 00:27:19,390 little or very little consideration 696 00:27:19,390 --> 00:27:22,680 given to uh diplomatic or military 697 00:27:22,680 --> 00:27:26,030 conditions . The diplomatic again , 698 00:27:26,030 --> 00:27:28,360 going to conditions based uh the 699 00:27:28,360 --> 00:27:31,640 diplomat diplomatic end to it . I think 700 00:27:31,650 --> 00:27:33,872 General Milley , you also said that the 701 00:27:33,872 --> 00:27:36,390 military mission would end on the 31st 702 00:27:36,390 --> 00:27:39,090 and transition to a diplomatic mission . 703 00:27:39,100 --> 00:27:41,480 But I don't understand how we fulfill a 704 00:27:41,480 --> 00:27:44,100 diplomatic mission after august 31st 705 00:27:44,110 --> 00:27:46,680 when there are absolutely no diplomats 706 00:27:46,690 --> 00:27:50,090 on the ground in Afghanistan , they're 707 00:27:50,090 --> 00:27:53,200 gone . They've been evacuated . Who do 708 00:27:53,200 --> 00:27:55,460 we hand that mission off to when 709 00:27:55,460 --> 00:27:57,571 there's nobody there to complete it . 710 00:27:57,840 --> 00:28:01,410 Um So can you then say that the 711 00:28:01,410 --> 00:28:04,390 president directed you ? Secretary 712 00:28:04,390 --> 00:28:07,080 Austin to execute an unconditional 713 00:28:07,080 --> 00:28:08,850 withdrawal from Afghanistan ? 714 00:28:09,640 --> 00:28:12,060 Unconditional , august 31st done 715 00:28:14,240 --> 00:28:16,510 once he made the decision to the to 716 00:28:16,510 --> 00:28:18,700 withdraw . I mean we that was the 717 00:28:18,700 --> 00:28:22,300 decision to leave and uh we certainly 718 00:28:22,310 --> 00:28:25,550 wanted to make sure that we uh we 719 00:28:25,550 --> 00:28:27,661 shaped conditions so that our embassy 720 00:28:27,661 --> 00:28:29,661 could maintain a presence there and 721 00:28:29,661 --> 00:28:32,390 continue to engage the government of of 722 00:28:32,390 --> 00:28:34,334 Afghanistan . So protection of the 723 00:28:34,334 --> 00:28:36,140 embassy was pretty important . 724 00:28:36,150 --> 00:28:38,430 Secretary Austin , You are extremely 725 00:28:38,430 --> 00:28:40,460 diplomatic in your answers . I can 726 00:28:40,460 --> 00:28:42,910 appreciate that . But this was not a 727 00:28:42,910 --> 00:28:46,160 conditions based withdrawal and I think 728 00:28:46,160 --> 00:28:48,880 all three of you have stated that you 729 00:28:48,880 --> 00:28:51,860 made your best opinion known to the 730 00:28:51,860 --> 00:28:54,270 President of the United States . He had 731 00:28:54,270 --> 00:28:57,080 no conditions other than to get our 732 00:28:57,080 --> 00:28:59,850 people out of Afghanistan , which he 733 00:28:59,860 --> 00:29:01,660 failed at because we still have 734 00:29:01,670 --> 00:29:05,290 americans as well as Afghan partners in 735 00:29:05,290 --> 00:29:07,370 Afghanistan . Thank you . Mr Terry 736 00:29:07,370 --> 00:29:09,370 Dilbeck , Thank you , Senator , our 737 00:29:09,370 --> 00:29:12,780 Senator King . Please Thank you Mr 738 00:29:12,780 --> 00:29:14,724 Chairman . I'm finding this a very 739 00:29:14,724 --> 00:29:16,836 interesting hearing . It's really two 740 00:29:16,836 --> 00:29:18,669 hearings at once . One is on the 741 00:29:18,669 --> 00:29:21,002 question of should we leave Afghanistan ? 742 00:29:21,002 --> 00:29:23,169 And if we shouldn't what should be the 743 00:29:23,169 --> 00:29:23,000 nature of our troop commitment and our 744 00:29:23,000 --> 00:29:25,111 commitment to the country . The other 745 00:29:25,111 --> 00:29:27,950 is the withdrawal , which I thought was 746 00:29:27,950 --> 00:29:31,630 the subject of the hearing . Uh The 747 00:29:31,630 --> 00:29:34,160 decision to leave Afghanistan was made 748 00:29:34,160 --> 00:29:35,660 by President Trump and his 749 00:29:35,660 --> 00:29:38,460 administration on February 29 , 2020 750 00:29:38,480 --> 00:29:40,980 where we committed to leave by a date 751 00:29:40,980 --> 00:29:43,780 certain There was a particular 752 00:29:43,780 --> 00:29:46,310 provisions or a condition if you will 753 00:29:46,360 --> 00:29:49,260 about negotiations between the Taliban 754 00:29:49,260 --> 00:29:52,180 and the Afghan government ? There was 755 00:29:52,180 --> 00:29:55,480 even a date specified March 10 , less 756 00:29:55,480 --> 00:29:57,702 than two weeks after the signing of the 757 00:29:57,702 --> 00:30:01,240 Doha agreement . Clearly that 758 00:30:01,240 --> 00:30:03,518 condition was not met . My question is , 759 00:30:03,518 --> 00:30:05,684 and General Milley , you were the only 760 00:30:05,684 --> 00:30:08,018 one who overlap the two administrations . 761 00:30:08,018 --> 00:30:10,240 Were there any efforts on behalf of the 762 00:30:10,240 --> 00:30:13,140 prior administration to enforce that 763 00:30:13,150 --> 00:30:16,000 condition of negotiation with the 764 00:30:16,010 --> 00:30:18,170 Afghan government and the taliban 765 00:30:21,240 --> 00:30:23,540 shower ? As a I said in my opening 766 00:30:23,540 --> 00:30:27,360 remarks , um The conditions that were 767 00:30:27,370 --> 00:30:29,537 required of the Taliban , none of them 768 00:30:29,537 --> 00:30:31,703 were met except one . My question is , 769 00:30:31,703 --> 00:30:33,481 did we attempt to enforce those 770 00:30:33,481 --> 00:30:35,703 conditions that we inform the Taliban ? 771 00:30:35,703 --> 00:30:37,926 For example , we won't advocate for the 772 00:30:37,926 --> 00:30:39,981 release of 5000 prisoners unless you 773 00:30:39,981 --> 00:30:42,314 begin negotiations or something similar . 774 00:30:43,040 --> 00:30:45,840 I don't have personal knowledge of that 775 00:30:45,850 --> 00:30:48,220 whether or not you know , Zac alexander , 776 00:30:48,220 --> 00:30:50,580 others were personally saying that I 777 00:30:50,590 --> 00:30:52,701 can't I don't have personal knowledge 778 00:30:52,701 --> 00:30:54,757 of that , but I do know that none of 779 00:30:54,757 --> 00:30:54,610 the conditions were met except the one 780 00:30:54,610 --> 00:30:56,777 which don't attack american forces and 781 00:30:56,777 --> 00:30:59,190 coalition forces . That condition the 782 00:30:59,190 --> 00:31:01,360 conditions were not met . But you 783 00:31:01,360 --> 00:31:03,800 testified that the troop withdrawals 784 00:31:03,800 --> 00:31:06,000 and the release of the 5000 Taliban 785 00:31:06,010 --> 00:31:08,220 prisoners did proceed even though the 786 00:31:08,220 --> 00:31:10,387 conditions have not been met ? Is that 787 00:31:10,387 --> 00:31:12,553 correct ? That is correct . And you've 788 00:31:12,553 --> 00:31:14,664 testified , you provide your invested 789 00:31:14,664 --> 00:31:16,887 military advice to president biden that 790 00:31:16,887 --> 00:31:18,998 there should be a residual force left 791 00:31:18,998 --> 00:31:21,053 in Afghanistan . Did you provide the 792 00:31:21,053 --> 00:31:20,870 same advice to President trump when 793 00:31:20,870 --> 00:31:22,592 they were negotiating the Doha 794 00:31:22,592 --> 00:31:25,860 agreement ? Um again , I'm not going to 795 00:31:25,870 --> 00:31:27,950 discuss precise advice . Was it your 796 00:31:27,950 --> 00:31:30,310 best military judgment that a residual 797 00:31:30,310 --> 00:31:32,366 at that time ? Yes . And that's what 798 00:31:32,366 --> 00:31:35,570 that a series of memos and advice and 799 00:31:35,570 --> 00:31:37,681 meetings etc in the September October 800 00:31:37,681 --> 00:31:39,792 time frame . That's exactly what they 801 00:31:39,792 --> 00:31:41,848 were . And you can talk to secretary 802 00:31:41,848 --> 00:31:41,350 aspirin , he could tell you the same 803 00:31:41,350 --> 00:31:43,430 thing . So , your military judgment 804 00:31:43,440 --> 00:31:46,660 didn't change on January 20 . No , 805 00:31:47,140 --> 00:31:48,760 thank you . Uh 806 00:31:51,040 --> 00:31:53,207 General Mackenzie . You you touched on 807 00:31:53,207 --> 00:31:55,262 something that you were the only one 808 00:31:55,262 --> 00:31:57,373 dimension in this entire hearing . In 809 00:31:57,373 --> 00:31:59,429 my judgment , one of the key moments 810 00:31:59,429 --> 00:32:01,484 was the fleeing of President Ghani . 811 00:32:01,484 --> 00:32:03,540 And that that is in fact what really 812 00:32:03,540 --> 00:32:05,429 pulled the rug out from under the 813 00:32:05,429 --> 00:32:07,429 military and demoralized the entire 814 00:32:07,429 --> 00:32:09,596 government . That was really the , not 815 00:32:09,596 --> 00:32:11,707 the beginning of the end . The end of 816 00:32:11,707 --> 00:32:13,540 the end is that do you have some 817 00:32:13,540 --> 00:32:15,484 thoughts on that ? I think when we 818 00:32:15,484 --> 00:32:17,540 consider what happened to the afghan 819 00:32:17,540 --> 00:32:19,707 military , you have to consider linked 820 00:32:19,707 --> 00:32:21,818 completely linked to what happened to 821 00:32:21,818 --> 00:32:24,040 the afghan government . And when you're 822 00:32:24,040 --> 00:32:26,207 president flees literally on no notice 823 00:32:26,207 --> 00:32:26,010 in the middle of the day that has a 824 00:32:26,010 --> 00:32:27,899 profoundly debilitating effect on 825 00:32:27,899 --> 00:32:29,899 everything else . Now , events were 826 00:32:29,899 --> 00:32:31,954 pretty far along on 15 august , so I 827 00:32:31,954 --> 00:32:34,066 want to , I would I would note that , 828 00:32:34,066 --> 00:32:36,121 But I do believe it is possible they 829 00:32:36,121 --> 00:32:38,121 could have fought and held parts of 830 00:32:38,121 --> 00:32:40,121 Kabul had the president's state , I 831 00:32:40,121 --> 00:32:42,121 think that really demoralized those 832 00:32:42,121 --> 00:32:44,177 remnants of Afghans . And there were 833 00:32:44,177 --> 00:32:46,010 still considerable Afghan combat 834 00:32:46,010 --> 00:32:48,232 formations around Kabul on 15 artists I 835 00:32:48,232 --> 00:32:50,343 believe they were really disorganized 836 00:32:50,343 --> 00:32:52,454 by that and led to the Taliban really 837 00:32:52,454 --> 00:32:52,120 pushing in as fast as they wanted to go 838 00:32:52,120 --> 00:32:53,787 into the center of the city . 839 00:32:56,240 --> 00:32:58,830 Mhm I do want to point out for the 840 00:32:58,830 --> 00:33:01,160 record that to my knowledge and memory , 841 00:33:01,160 --> 00:33:03,370 this committee never had a hearing on 842 00:33:03,380 --> 00:33:05,047 the decision to withdraw from 843 00:33:05,047 --> 00:33:08,250 Afghanistan in February of 2020 And it 844 00:33:08,250 --> 00:33:10,194 now appears that would have been a 845 00:33:10,194 --> 00:33:12,194 beneficial hearing because we could 846 00:33:12,194 --> 00:33:14,361 have discussed all of these issues and 847 00:33:14,361 --> 00:33:16,880 uh but we were already on the path for 848 00:33:16,880 --> 00:33:20,040 withdrawal and the withdrawal date . Uh 849 00:33:20,050 --> 00:33:22,180 under that agreement was May one of 850 00:33:22,190 --> 00:33:25,360 2021 . President biden extended that . 851 00:33:26,140 --> 00:33:27,807 I don't know whether it was a 852 00:33:27,807 --> 00:33:29,362 negotiation or some kind of 853 00:33:29,362 --> 00:33:31,770 understanding until the end of of of 854 00:33:31,770 --> 00:33:34,470 august General Milley uh questioning 855 00:33:34,470 --> 00:33:36,637 from Senator Cotton . You talked about 856 00:33:36,637 --> 00:33:38,748 your military advice about leaving on 857 00:33:38,748 --> 00:33:42,560 august 31st versus staying to try to 858 00:33:42,940 --> 00:33:46,220 Help additional Americans leave ? Was 859 00:33:46,220 --> 00:33:48,387 it the unanimous recommendation of the 860 00:33:48,387 --> 00:33:50,720 joints chiefs that the August 31 date 861 00:33:50,720 --> 00:33:54,290 should be observed and if so , why was 862 00:33:54,290 --> 00:33:57,570 that the military advice ? It was of 863 00:33:57,570 --> 00:33:59,903 the Joint Chiefs plus General Mackenzie . 864 00:33:59,903 --> 00:34:01,830 General Miller and General uh not 865 00:34:01,830 --> 00:34:03,663 miller , but Admiral paisley and 866 00:34:03,663 --> 00:34:05,886 General Donahue . Uh The reason is risk 867 00:34:05,886 --> 00:34:07,941 of forced rescue mission and risk to 868 00:34:07,941 --> 00:34:10,052 the american citizens uh on the first 869 00:34:10,052 --> 00:34:12,274 of september , we're going to go to war 870 00:34:12,274 --> 00:34:11,920 again with the taliban of that , there 871 00:34:11,920 --> 00:34:15,410 was no doubt . Um and we're already uh 872 00:34:15,420 --> 00:34:18,490 in conflict with ISIS . So At that 873 00:34:18,490 --> 00:34:20,670 point in time , if we stayed past the 874 00:34:20,670 --> 00:34:23,160 31st , which militarily is feasible , 875 00:34:23,160 --> 00:34:24,827 but it would have required an 876 00:34:24,827 --> 00:34:26,882 additional commitment of significant 877 00:34:26,882 --> 00:34:28,771 amounts of forces . Probably 18th 878 00:34:28,771 --> 00:34:30,993 Airborne Corps , 15 , 20 , maybe 25,000 879 00:34:30,993 --> 00:34:32,882 troops . We would have to receive 880 00:34:32,882 --> 00:34:35,049 bargain . We had a clear Kabul of 6000 881 00:34:35,049 --> 00:34:37,271 Taliban that were already in Kabul . Uh 882 00:34:37,271 --> 00:34:36,370 that's what would have happened 883 00:34:36,380 --> 00:34:38,510 beginning on the first . Uh and that 884 00:34:38,510 --> 00:34:40,454 would have resulted in significant 885 00:34:40,454 --> 00:34:42,399 casualties on the us side . And it 886 00:34:42,399 --> 00:34:44,399 would have placed American citizens 887 00:34:44,399 --> 00:34:46,870 that are still there at greater risk in 888 00:34:46,870 --> 00:34:48,926 my professional view and the view of 889 00:34:48,926 --> 00:34:51,148 all the other generals . So on the 25th 890 00:34:51,148 --> 00:34:53,370 we recommended uh that we transition to 891 00:34:53,370 --> 00:34:55,426 a diplomatic option beginning on the 892 00:34:55,426 --> 00:34:57,703 31st . Thank you . General , thank you . 893 00:34:57,703 --> 00:34:59,592 Uh Senator Tillis , please , john 894 00:34:59,592 --> 00:35:02,250 Miller , you said that the the taliban 895 00:35:02,250 --> 00:35:04,306 and not lived up to the terms of the 896 00:35:04,306 --> 00:35:06,417 agreement . One would give me a rough 897 00:35:06,417 --> 00:35:08,472 date of when they first breached the 898 00:35:08,472 --> 00:35:10,694 terms of the agreement ? When they were 899 00:35:10,694 --> 00:35:12,917 you said they were not living up to the 900 00:35:12,917 --> 00:35:15,083 terms of the Doha agreement . What was 901 00:35:15,083 --> 00:35:14,730 the first evidence that they were not 902 00:35:14,730 --> 00:35:17,063 living up to the terms of the agreement . 903 00:35:17,063 --> 00:35:19,740 The the the Memos signed 29 February . 904 00:35:19,740 --> 00:35:21,810 So through this really the fighting 905 00:35:21,810 --> 00:35:24,040 season of the summer 20 one of the 906 00:35:24,040 --> 00:35:26,096 requirements for example . Okay , so 907 00:35:26,340 --> 00:35:28,340 more than a year ago . Absolutely . 908 00:35:28,340 --> 00:35:31,540 Okay . Uh I don't buy the idea that 909 00:35:31,540 --> 00:35:34,060 this president was bound by a decision 910 00:35:34,060 --> 00:35:36,227 made by prior president . This was not 911 00:35:36,227 --> 00:35:38,480 a treaty and it was clearly an 912 00:35:38,480 --> 00:35:40,740 agreement where the taliban were not 913 00:35:40,740 --> 00:35:43,230 living up to it . This President , 914 00:35:43,230 --> 00:35:45,286 president biden could have come in , 915 00:35:45,286 --> 00:35:47,341 reasserted conditions and completely 916 00:35:47,341 --> 00:35:49,452 changed the timeline . He's not bound 917 00:35:49,452 --> 00:35:51,452 by the President's prior agreements 918 00:35:51,452 --> 00:35:53,286 anymore than he was bound by the 919 00:35:53,286 --> 00:35:55,510 president trump's decision to exit the 920 00:35:55,510 --> 00:35:57,710 Iran deal . Are the paris climate 921 00:35:57,710 --> 00:35:59,700 accords . So that to me is false 922 00:35:59,700 --> 00:36:03,540 narrative . I I also have to say that 923 00:36:03,540 --> 00:36:07,100 this president moving forward with a 924 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:10,030 failed construct has cost american 925 00:36:10,030 --> 00:36:12,650 lives has caused lives of North 926 00:36:12,650 --> 00:36:15,380 Carolinians . We're working on a case 927 00:36:15,380 --> 00:36:17,750 with an S . I . V . Holder who had a 928 00:36:17,750 --> 00:36:20,690 sister worked for a uh an NGO save the 929 00:36:20,690 --> 00:36:24,490 Children and a father who was a uh in 930 00:36:24,490 --> 00:36:27,610 the Afghan police force . And as we 931 00:36:27,610 --> 00:36:29,777 were working to get through them , the 932 00:36:29,777 --> 00:36:31,554 taliban taliban too . Dot oh is 933 00:36:31,554 --> 00:36:33,777 everybody's ruthless is the one that we 934 00:36:33,777 --> 00:36:35,832 replaced in 2000 and one . They sent 935 00:36:35,832 --> 00:36:38,050 pictures of the slit throats of people 936 00:36:38,050 --> 00:36:40,217 that we were working personally with . 937 00:36:40,217 --> 00:36:42,450 They killed this pregnant woman . They 938 00:36:42,450 --> 00:36:44,672 killed this police officer and they are 939 00:36:44,672 --> 00:36:47,230 killing countless other people now that 940 00:36:47,230 --> 00:36:49,410 we should have gotten out ? Secretary 941 00:36:49,410 --> 00:36:52,110 Austin . I think we do a debt of 942 00:36:52,110 --> 00:36:53,943 gratitude to the people that got 943 00:36:53,943 --> 00:36:56,570 120,000 $24,000 people out . It was a 944 00:36:56,570 --> 00:36:58,940 logistical success . But this is a 945 00:36:58,940 --> 00:37:02,540 strategic failure . General 946 00:37:02,540 --> 00:37:05,410 Mackenzie . Yeah . General Miller said 947 00:37:05,410 --> 00:37:08,550 2500 . I've heard you and secretary and 948 00:37:08,560 --> 00:37:11,310 uh uh General Milley also say you 949 00:37:11,310 --> 00:37:13,477 agreed with the idea of you personally 950 00:37:13,477 --> 00:37:15,699 agree . Didn't necessarily say that you 951 00:37:15,699 --> 00:37:17,866 recommend to the president of 2500 . I 952 00:37:17,866 --> 00:37:19,754 understood from General Milley or 953 00:37:19,754 --> 00:37:21,977 General Miller That there was a broader 954 00:37:21,977 --> 00:37:24,140 context within that recommendation 955 00:37:24,140 --> 00:37:27,230 there were 2500 fighters , us fighters . 956 00:37:27,240 --> 00:37:29,620 But I understand almost 5000 NATO 957 00:37:29,620 --> 00:37:33,220 allies or 5000 others That we're 958 00:37:33,220 --> 00:37:35,331 willing to remain on the ground . And 959 00:37:35,331 --> 00:37:37,498 as General Miller said , keep the hand 960 00:37:37,498 --> 00:37:39,664 on the shoulder of the Afghan national 961 00:37:39,664 --> 00:37:41,831 forces so that we could have a counter 962 00:37:41,831 --> 00:37:44,053 to the Taliban , is that correct ? That 963 00:37:44,053 --> 00:37:46,276 it was bigger than that ? It was in the 964 00:37:46,276 --> 00:37:48,164 probably the 7000 range senator . 965 00:37:48,164 --> 00:37:50,331 You're correct . Our NATO allies would 966 00:37:50,331 --> 00:37:52,498 have been on board from and also a CIA 967 00:37:52,498 --> 00:37:54,720 presence with bases out there for human 968 00:37:54,720 --> 00:37:57,053 intelligence to help us be more precise , 969 00:37:57,053 --> 00:37:56,750 more exquisite with the execution of 970 00:37:56,750 --> 00:37:58,639 whatever operations we had on the 971 00:37:58,639 --> 00:38:00,861 ground . That is correct . Okay , now I 972 00:38:00,861 --> 00:38:03,083 know that you won't say that you advise 973 00:38:03,083 --> 00:38:05,194 the president . But is it fair to say 974 00:38:05,194 --> 00:38:07,910 that when General Miller Miller , he 975 00:38:07,910 --> 00:38:10,077 said that he advised all of you on his 976 00:38:10,077 --> 00:38:12,299 recommendations ? It sounds like two of 977 00:38:12,299 --> 00:38:14,521 the three of you agreed with it . Is it 978 00:38:14,521 --> 00:38:16,354 at least fair to say that in the 979 00:38:16,354 --> 00:38:18,243 interagency discussion that those 980 00:38:18,243 --> 00:38:20,354 recommendations were made and that in 981 00:38:20,354 --> 00:38:22,577 your best military advice it would have 982 00:38:22,577 --> 00:38:24,188 kept the situation stable in 983 00:38:24,188 --> 00:38:27,170 Afghanistan ? Well , I've stated 984 00:38:27,170 --> 00:38:29,337 consistently that my position was , if 985 00:38:29,337 --> 00:38:31,910 you go below 2500 , you're gonna look 986 00:38:31,910 --> 00:38:34,077 at a collapse of the Afghan military . 987 00:38:34,077 --> 00:38:36,077 I didn't I did not foresee it to be 988 00:38:36,077 --> 00:38:38,188 days . I thought it would take months 989 00:38:38,188 --> 00:38:40,354 but the rest of the ecosystem would go 990 00:38:40,354 --> 00:38:42,410 out with it to the NATO partners are 991 00:38:42,410 --> 00:38:44,466 going to leave , the inter agency is 992 00:38:44,466 --> 00:38:43,720 going to leave . And you believe the 993 00:38:43,720 --> 00:38:46,950 afghans by themselves , did any of you 994 00:38:47,920 --> 00:38:51,250 Uh embraced the notion that the 2500 995 00:38:51,260 --> 00:38:53,427 plus several 1000 I think an estimated 996 00:38:53,427 --> 00:38:55,880 5000 NATO allies and partners who were 997 00:38:55,880 --> 00:38:58,290 willing to stay there as well . Did any 998 00:38:58,290 --> 00:39:01,800 of uh did interview agree with the 999 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:04,022 President's assessment that if he acted 1000 00:39:04,022 --> 00:39:06,078 on that recommendation that he would 1001 00:39:06,078 --> 00:39:07,856 ultimately have to send tens of 1002 00:39:07,856 --> 00:39:10,110 thousands more uh U . S . Service 1003 00:39:10,110 --> 00:39:12,190 members to Afghanistan . That if we 1004 00:39:12,190 --> 00:39:14,357 held that one that it would ultimately 1005 00:39:14,357 --> 00:39:16,412 just delay the day where we would be 1006 00:39:16,412 --> 00:39:19,980 back to 100,000 or 50,000 US forces in 1007 00:39:19,980 --> 00:39:21,813 Afghanistan . So Senator , these 1008 00:39:21,813 --> 00:39:23,924 discussions were occurring in january 1009 00:39:23,924 --> 00:39:25,980 february march , their separate from 1010 00:39:25,980 --> 00:39:28,202 the late august discussions . So I want 1011 00:39:28,202 --> 00:39:28,160 to make , I want to make that point , 1012 00:39:28,160 --> 00:39:30,350 but in your in your best military 1013 00:39:30,350 --> 00:39:32,890 judgment , do you believe that the 1014 00:39:32,890 --> 00:39:35,540 recommendations that General Miller put 1015 00:39:35,540 --> 00:39:38,380 forth With some 2500 and I think 1016 00:39:38,380 --> 00:39:40,436 General Milley said maybe flex up to 1017 00:39:40,436 --> 00:39:42,547 3500 . Do you believe that that would 1018 00:39:42,547 --> 00:39:44,491 have sown the seeds for ultimately 1019 00:39:44,491 --> 00:39:46,800 having to send tens of thousands of U . 1020 00:39:46,800 --> 00:39:49,133 S . Service members back to Afghanistan . 1021 00:39:49,133 --> 00:39:51,310 As the president has said publicly , 1022 00:39:51,320 --> 00:39:53,376 Senator , I believe there was a risk 1023 00:39:53,376 --> 00:39:55,487 you would incur increasing attacks by 1024 00:39:55,487 --> 00:39:57,153 the taliban . That was a risk 1025 00:39:57,153 --> 00:39:59,264 withholding at 2500 . That was a very 1026 00:39:59,264 --> 00:40:01,542 clear risk . But I'll tell you Senator , 1027 00:40:01,542 --> 00:40:03,431 I'm really humbled recently by my 1028 00:40:03,431 --> 00:40:05,376 ability to deduce what the taliban 1029 00:40:05,376 --> 00:40:07,598 would or would not do . So I think it's 1030 00:40:07,598 --> 00:40:09,598 hard to know . Thank you . And next 1031 00:40:09,598 --> 00:40:11,820 round I'll get onto the fate of the SCV 1032 00:40:11,820 --> 00:40:11,350 holders and people that are stranded in 1033 00:40:11,350 --> 00:40:13,406 Afghanistan . Thank you . Mr Chair , 1034 00:40:13,406 --> 00:40:15,294 Thank you . Senator Tillis let me 1035 00:40:15,294 --> 00:40:17,461 recognize Senator Warren and I'm going 1036 00:40:17,461 --> 00:40:19,628 over for the vote . Senator rubio will 1037 00:40:19,628 --> 00:40:21,794 preside in my absence . Senator Warren 1038 00:40:21,794 --> 00:40:23,961 place . Thank you . Mr Chairman . So I 1039 00:40:23,961 --> 00:40:26,830 want to begin by zooming out because It 1040 00:40:26,830 --> 00:40:29,052 is not possible to understand our final 1041 00:40:29,052 --> 00:40:31,170 months in Afghanistan without viewing 1042 00:40:31,170 --> 00:40:33,240 them in the context of the 20 years 1043 00:40:33,240 --> 00:40:35,780 that led up to them . Anyone who says 1044 00:40:35,790 --> 00:40:37,846 the last few months were a failure , 1045 00:40:37,846 --> 00:40:40,012 but everything before that was great , 1046 00:40:40,012 --> 00:40:43,010 clearly hasn't been paying attention In 1047 00:40:43,010 --> 00:40:45,177 2015 , the Taliban conquered its first 1048 00:40:45,177 --> 00:40:49,100 province since 2001 By October 1049 00:40:49,100 --> 00:40:51,330 2018 , the Afghan government controlled 1050 00:40:51,330 --> 00:40:55,020 only 54% of the 407 1051 00:40:55,020 --> 00:40:58,170 districts . And by May 2020 , the 1052 00:40:58,170 --> 00:41:00,350 Afghan government control less than a 1053 00:41:00,360 --> 00:41:03,930 third of Afghans . 407 districts . 1054 00:41:03,940 --> 00:41:07,200 We poured money and support and air 1055 00:41:07,200 --> 00:41:09,640 cover and the Afghan government 1056 00:41:09,710 --> 00:41:12,980 continue to fail . By 2021 , it was 1057 00:41:12,980 --> 00:41:15,560 clear that 2500 troops could not 1058 00:41:15,560 --> 00:41:17,790 successfully prop up a government that 1059 00:41:17,790 --> 00:41:20,090 had been losing ground and support to 1060 00:41:20,090 --> 00:41:23,270 the Taliban for years . Secretary 1061 00:41:23,280 --> 00:41:25,620 Austin , I understand that you advise 1062 00:41:25,620 --> 00:41:27,850 the President biden to stay in 1063 00:41:27,850 --> 00:41:31,220 Afghanistan , but as you acknowledge , 1064 00:41:31,230 --> 00:41:33,790 staying or withdrawing is a decision 1065 00:41:33,790 --> 00:41:36,420 for the President alone . So I want to 1066 00:41:36,420 --> 00:41:39,840 focus on what happened next . Once 1067 00:41:39,840 --> 00:41:42,160 President biden made the decision to 1068 00:41:42,160 --> 00:41:45,550 have US forces leave the country who 1069 00:41:45,550 --> 00:41:47,330 designed the evacuation . 1070 00:41:51,410 --> 00:41:54,860 Well , senator again . Um I want 1071 00:41:54,870 --> 00:41:58,700 uh address what I advised that the 1072 00:41:58,700 --> 00:42:00,960 advice I gave the President , I would 1073 00:42:00,960 --> 00:42:04,330 just say that in his his calculus , uh 1074 00:42:04,340 --> 00:42:07,840 this was not risk free and the Taliban , 1075 00:42:07,850 --> 00:42:09,930 as we said earlier in this in this 1076 00:42:09,930 --> 00:42:12,450 hearing , uh we're committed to 1077 00:42:12,460 --> 00:42:14,680 recommence sing their operations 1078 00:42:14,680 --> 00:42:18,110 against our forces . His assessment was 1079 00:42:18,110 --> 00:42:20,140 that in order to sustain that and 1080 00:42:20,140 --> 00:42:22,830 continue to do things uh that that 1081 00:42:22,830 --> 00:42:25,470 benefited the afghans . Uh that would 1082 00:42:25,470 --> 00:42:27,692 require at some point that he increased 1083 00:42:27,692 --> 00:42:30,680 the presence , our presence there in 1084 00:42:30,680 --> 00:42:33,710 Afghanistan . So once he made the 1085 00:42:33,710 --> 00:42:36,030 decision , uh then of course from a 1086 00:42:36,030 --> 00:42:39,140 military perspective , uh in terms of 1087 00:42:39,140 --> 00:42:41,960 the retrograde of the people and the 1088 00:42:41,960 --> 00:42:44,670 equipment , uh , that was that planning 1089 00:42:44,670 --> 00:42:47,940 was done uh , by central command and 1090 00:42:47,940 --> 00:42:50,550 certainly principally by by General 1091 00:42:50,550 --> 00:42:53,580 Miller , very detailed planning . And 1092 00:42:53,580 --> 00:42:55,747 uh , and then we came back and briefed 1093 00:42:55,747 --> 00:42:57,850 the entire interagency on on the 1094 00:42:57,850 --> 00:42:59,920 details of that plan . Okay , so the 1095 00:42:59,920 --> 00:43:03,680 military planned the evacuation . Did 1096 00:43:03,680 --> 00:43:06,510 President biden follow your advice on 1097 00:43:06,520 --> 00:43:08,820 executing on the evacuation plan ? 1098 00:43:10,300 --> 00:43:13,390 He did did President biden give you all 1099 00:43:13,390 --> 00:43:17,240 the resources that you needed ? From 1100 00:43:17,240 --> 00:43:19,920 my view , he did , did President biden 1101 00:43:19,930 --> 00:43:22,740 ignore your advice on the evacuation at 1102 00:43:22,750 --> 00:43:26,740 any point ? No 1103 00:43:26,740 --> 00:43:29,230 center . He did not . Did he refuse any 1104 00:43:29,230 --> 00:43:32,260 request for anything that you needed or 1105 00:43:32,270 --> 00:43:35,620 ask for ? No . So the President 1106 00:43:35,620 --> 00:43:37,850 followed the advice of his military 1107 00:43:37,850 --> 00:43:40,460 advisers in planning and executing this 1108 00:43:40,460 --> 00:43:43,120 withdrawal as we've already established 1109 00:43:43,500 --> 00:43:45,111 the seeds for our failure in 1110 00:43:45,111 --> 00:43:47,430 Afghanistan were planted many many 1111 00:43:47,430 --> 00:43:49,597 years ago . So let me ask you one more 1112 00:43:49,597 --> 00:43:52,370 question , Secretary Austin , knowing 1113 00:43:52,370 --> 00:43:55,330 what you know , now , if we had stayed 1114 00:43:55,340 --> 00:43:58,070 in Afghanistan for another year , would 1115 00:43:58,070 --> 00:44:00,292 it have made a fundamental difference ? 1116 00:44:01,590 --> 00:44:04,150 Again , it depends on what size you 1117 00:44:04,150 --> 00:44:06,080 remain in that and and what your 1118 00:44:06,080 --> 00:44:08,302 objectives are . Uh , there are a range 1119 00:44:08,302 --> 00:44:11,300 of possibilities . But uh , but if you 1120 00:44:11,300 --> 00:44:14,220 stay there at 20 , at the uh 1121 00:44:14,990 --> 00:44:17,610 dead Force Posture of 2500 . 1122 00:44:18,190 --> 00:44:20,357 Certainly you would be in a fight with 1123 00:44:20,357 --> 00:44:22,820 the Taliban and you'd have to reinforce 1124 00:44:22,820 --> 00:44:25,090 yourself . I appreciate you're looking 1125 00:44:25,090 --> 00:44:27,201 at it as a fighter . But I would also 1126 00:44:27,201 --> 00:44:29,410 add one more year of propping up a 1127 00:44:29,410 --> 00:44:32,020 corrupt government and an army that 1128 00:44:32,020 --> 00:44:34,242 wouldn't fight on its own was not going 1129 00:44:34,242 --> 00:44:36,530 to give us a different outcome and 1130 00:44:36,540 --> 00:44:38,762 anyone who thinks differently is either 1131 00:44:38,762 --> 00:44:40,873 filling himself or trying to fool the 1132 00:44:40,873 --> 00:44:43,130 rest of us . I believe President biden 1133 00:44:43,130 --> 00:44:46,190 had it . Exactly right withdrawing was 1134 00:44:46,190 --> 00:44:48,740 long overdue . The withdrawal was 1135 00:44:48,740 --> 00:44:50,962 conducted in accordance with the advice 1136 00:44:50,962 --> 00:44:53,860 of his military advisers who planned 1137 00:44:53,870 --> 00:44:56,340 and executed every step of this 1138 00:44:56,340 --> 00:44:58,800 withdrawal . Thank you . Mr Chairman 1139 00:44:59,310 --> 00:45:01,390 madam . Senator Warner . Senator 1140 00:45:01,390 --> 00:45:03,557 Sullivan you're recognized . Thank you 1141 00:45:03,557 --> 00:45:05,279 madam . Chair gentlemen . This 1142 00:45:05,279 --> 00:45:07,001 committee recognizes that your 1143 00:45:07,001 --> 00:45:09,057 constitutional duty is to follow the 1144 00:45:09,057 --> 00:45:11,140 lawful orders of the President or 1145 00:45:11,140 --> 00:45:13,670 resign if you don't agree with his 1146 00:45:13,670 --> 00:45:16,770 decisions and policies like Secretary 1147 00:45:16,780 --> 00:45:19,580 Madison . But I want to emphasize you 1148 00:45:19,580 --> 00:45:22,100 do not have a duty constitutional or 1149 00:45:22,110 --> 00:45:24,980 otherwise To cover for the commander in 1150 00:45:24,980 --> 00:45:28,030 chief when he is not telling the truth 1151 00:45:28,030 --> 00:45:30,086 to the American people with that . I 1152 00:45:30,086 --> 00:45:32,252 have a few questions that I'd like you 1153 00:45:32,252 --> 00:45:34,363 to keep short concise answers to . On 1154 00:45:34,363 --> 00:45:37,130 August 18 in a media interview to the 1155 00:45:37,130 --> 00:45:39,390 American people , the president said 1156 00:45:39,390 --> 00:45:41,830 that none of his military advisers told 1157 00:45:41,830 --> 00:45:44,890 him that he should keep us forces in 1158 00:45:44,890 --> 00:45:47,112 Afghanistan . General Milley . That was 1159 00:45:47,112 --> 00:45:49,057 a false statement by the President 1160 00:45:49,057 --> 00:45:52,170 United States , was it not ? I didn't 1161 00:45:52,180 --> 00:45:54,402 even see the statement to tell you that 1162 00:45:54,402 --> 00:45:56,569 I'm reading you a truthful statement . 1163 00:45:56,569 --> 00:45:59,580 Um That was that was a false statement . 1164 00:45:59,580 --> 00:46:02,020 Yeah , I'm not looking , look I don't 1165 00:46:02,020 --> 00:46:04,131 have a lot of time . Was that a false 1166 00:46:04,131 --> 00:46:06,131 statement to the american ? I'm not 1167 00:46:06,131 --> 00:46:08,187 going to categorize the statement of 1168 00:46:08,187 --> 00:46:07,980 the President , United States . General 1169 00:46:07,980 --> 00:46:10,258 Mackenzie . Was that a false statement ? 1170 00:46:10,258 --> 00:46:11,980 The President said none of his 1171 00:46:11,980 --> 00:46:14,030 commanders said that he should keep 1172 00:46:14,030 --> 00:46:16,060 troops in Afghanistan . Was that a 1173 00:46:16,060 --> 00:46:18,393 false statement by the President States ? 1174 00:46:18,393 --> 00:46:20,338 Remember you do not have a duty to 1175 00:46:20,338 --> 00:46:22,449 cover for the President when he's not 1176 00:46:22,449 --> 00:46:24,504 telling the truth ? Was that a false 1177 00:46:24,504 --> 00:46:26,560 statement or not ? I've given you my 1178 00:46:26,560 --> 00:46:26,030 opinion on the matter . I've given you 1179 00:46:26,040 --> 00:46:28,262 my judgment on it . I think we all know 1180 00:46:28,262 --> 00:46:30,151 it was a false statement . Okay , 1181 00:46:30,151 --> 00:46:32,390 that's number one . The President also 1182 00:46:32,390 --> 00:46:34,446 said if there is an american citizen 1183 00:46:34,450 --> 00:46:36,283 left behind in Afghanistan , the 1184 00:46:36,283 --> 00:46:38,228 military is not , is going to stay 1185 00:46:38,228 --> 00:46:40,506 until we get them out . General Milley , 1186 00:46:40,506 --> 00:46:42,728 Was that statement ? Did that statement 1187 00:46:42,728 --> 00:46:44,894 turned out to be true or untrue by the 1188 00:46:44,894 --> 00:46:47,228 President ? I think that was the intent . 1189 00:46:47,228 --> 00:46:49,228 But we gave him a recommendation on 1190 00:46:49,228 --> 00:46:51,450 25th of August to terminate the mission 1191 00:46:51,450 --> 00:46:53,783 on the 31st of all statement was untrue . 1192 00:46:53,783 --> 00:46:55,617 Let me make another . Let me ask 1193 00:46:55,617 --> 00:46:57,617 another question . General Milley . 1194 00:46:57,617 --> 00:46:59,506 General Mackenzie , the President 1195 00:46:59,506 --> 00:47:01,561 around the same time said , quote Al 1196 00:47:01,561 --> 00:47:03,617 Qaeda was gone from Afghanistan told 1197 00:47:03,617 --> 00:47:05,783 the american people that was that true 1198 00:47:05,783 --> 00:47:07,839 or not true . Was Al Qaeda gone from 1199 00:47:07,839 --> 00:47:09,950 Afghanistan in mid august true or not 1200 00:47:09,950 --> 00:47:12,350 true . Al Qaeda is still in Afghanistan ? 1201 00:47:12,360 --> 00:47:14,582 They were there in mid august . Uh They 1202 00:47:14,582 --> 00:47:16,416 have been severely disrupted and 1203 00:47:16,416 --> 00:47:18,582 attrited over many , many years . They 1204 00:47:18,582 --> 00:47:20,527 are not . So it wasn't true Jerold 1205 00:47:20,527 --> 00:47:22,638 Mackenzie . Was that true or not ? Al 1206 00:47:22,638 --> 00:47:24,749 Qaeda was present in Afghanistan . So 1207 00:47:24,749 --> 00:47:26,916 it wasn't true . Let me make one final 1208 00:47:26,916 --> 00:47:29,082 one . The president called this entire 1209 00:47:29,082 --> 00:47:31,193 retrograde operation an extraordinary 1210 00:47:31,193 --> 00:47:33,027 success . General Miller and his 1211 00:47:33,027 --> 00:47:35,360 testimony disagreed with that assertion . 1212 00:47:35,360 --> 00:47:37,560 General Milley was this Afghanistan 1213 00:47:37,560 --> 00:47:39,727 retrograde operation and extraordinary 1214 00:47:39,727 --> 00:47:41,950 success . There's two operations 1215 00:47:41,950 --> 00:47:44,450 Senator just yes or no . I have a lot 1216 00:47:44,450 --> 00:47:45,950 of questions . Was this an 1217 00:47:45,950 --> 00:47:48,117 extraordinary success Senator with all 1218 00:47:48,117 --> 00:47:50,172 due respect . There's two operations 1219 00:47:50,172 --> 00:47:52,394 does the retrograde which Miller was in 1220 00:47:52,394 --> 00:47:54,394 charge of and there's the neo which 1221 00:47:54,394 --> 00:47:56,617 centcom was in charge of the retrograde 1222 00:47:56,617 --> 00:48:00,230 was executed and ended by mid july uh 1223 00:48:00,240 --> 00:48:02,240 with a residual force to defend the 1224 00:48:02,240 --> 00:48:04,184 embassy . The neo . You and I have 1225 00:48:04,184 --> 00:48:06,296 discussed this , do you would you use 1226 00:48:06,296 --> 00:48:08,462 the term extraordinary success for the 1227 00:48:08,462 --> 00:48:11,210 for what took place in august in 1228 00:48:11,210 --> 00:48:13,377 Afghanistan . That's the non combatant 1229 00:48:13,377 --> 00:48:15,599 evacuation and I think one of the other 1230 00:48:15,599 --> 00:48:17,710 senators said it very well , it was a 1231 00:48:17,710 --> 00:48:19,654 logistical success but a strategic 1232 00:48:19,654 --> 00:48:21,432 value and I think those are two 1233 00:48:21,432 --> 00:48:23,488 different terms . I think here's the 1234 00:48:23,488 --> 00:48:25,710 problem . I think the whole world knows 1235 00:48:25,710 --> 00:48:27,654 this is the cover of the economist 1236 00:48:27,654 --> 00:48:30,890 magazine biden's debacle that 1237 00:48:31,370 --> 00:48:34,180 had stories in it . Articles in it 1238 00:48:34,190 --> 00:48:37,220 called the fiasco in Afghanistan is a 1239 00:48:37,220 --> 00:48:39,387 huge and unnecessary blow to America's 1240 00:48:39,387 --> 00:48:41,630 standing . That's one article , joe 1241 00:48:41,630 --> 00:48:43,690 biden blames everybody else . That's 1242 00:48:43,690 --> 00:48:45,990 another article . China sees America 1243 00:48:45,990 --> 00:48:49,600 humbled . That's another article And 1244 00:48:49,600 --> 00:48:51,950 gentlemen , the problem here , these 1245 00:48:51,950 --> 00:48:54,061 are not marginal misstatements by the 1246 00:48:54,061 --> 00:48:56,006 president to the american people . 1247 00:48:56,006 --> 00:48:59,060 These are dramatic , obvious falsehoods 1248 00:48:59,070 --> 00:49:00,903 that go to the very heart of the 1249 00:49:00,903 --> 00:49:03,470 foreign policy fiasco we have all 1250 00:49:03,470 --> 00:49:05,526 witnessed . These are life and death 1251 00:49:05,770 --> 00:49:07,826 deceptions that the president of the 1252 00:49:07,826 --> 00:49:09,992 United States told the american people 1253 00:49:10,340 --> 00:49:12,750 I have one final question . I might 1254 00:49:12,750 --> 00:49:14,806 leave it because it's a long one for 1255 00:49:14,806 --> 00:49:17,150 the follow up . But here's here's the 1256 00:49:17,150 --> 00:49:19,440 anger . I've never seen my constituents 1257 00:49:19,730 --> 00:49:22,670 more angry about an issue than this and 1258 00:49:22,670 --> 00:49:25,140 it's the combination of everybody 1259 00:49:25,140 --> 00:49:28,040 knowing that this is a debacle and yet 1260 00:49:28,050 --> 00:49:29,910 people defending it as a quote , 1261 00:49:29,920 --> 00:49:32,087 extraordinary success . And here's the 1262 00:49:32,087 --> 00:49:35,070 biggest no accountability , no 1263 00:49:35,070 --> 00:49:37,480 accountability . You gentlemen have 1264 00:49:37,480 --> 00:49:40,550 spent your lives and I completely 1265 00:49:40,550 --> 00:49:43,670 respected troops in combat . You've 1266 00:49:43,670 --> 00:49:45,614 been in combat , you've had troops 1267 00:49:45,614 --> 00:49:47,726 under your command killed in action . 1268 00:49:47,726 --> 00:49:49,920 You have been part of an institution 1269 00:49:50,100 --> 00:49:53,650 where accountability is so critical and 1270 00:49:53,650 --> 00:49:55,872 the american people respect that up and 1271 00:49:55,872 --> 00:49:57,706 down the chain . Where there are 1272 00:49:57,706 --> 00:50:00,720 instances commanders get relieved up 1273 00:50:00,730 --> 00:50:03,250 and down the chain . We see it the 1274 00:50:03,250 --> 00:50:05,583 McCain instant . The Fitzgerald instant , 1275 00:50:05,583 --> 00:50:07,528 the A . V incident with the Marine 1276 00:50:07,528 --> 00:50:09,417 Corps , three star four star flag 1277 00:50:09,417 --> 00:50:12,390 officers . All relieved of duty . 1278 00:50:14,160 --> 00:50:16,340 But on this matter , on the biggest 1279 00:50:16,340 --> 00:50:18,007 national security fiasco in a 1280 00:50:18,007 --> 00:50:19,840 generation . There has been zero 1281 00:50:19,840 --> 00:50:23,310 accountability , no responsibility from 1282 00:50:23,320 --> 00:50:27,050 anybody . So I will ask this final 1283 00:50:27,050 --> 00:50:29,490 question of all of you . Senator Cotton 1284 00:50:29,490 --> 00:50:33,040 talked about If you submit the 1285 00:50:33,050 --> 00:50:35,161 could you submit your question record 1286 00:50:35,161 --> 00:50:37,383 please ? We're trying to keep to a five 1287 00:50:37,383 --> 00:50:39,780 minutes questioning around . You can 1288 00:50:39,780 --> 00:50:41,891 ask the question in your second round 1289 00:50:41,891 --> 00:50:44,900 if you'd like . Thank you Senator 1290 00:50:44,900 --> 00:50:45,580 Peters , 1291 00:50:50,660 --> 00:50:53,470 Thank you Madam Chair and thank you to 1292 00:50:53,690 --> 00:50:55,634 each and every one of you for your 1293 00:50:55,634 --> 00:50:57,950 service or country . When we returned 1294 00:50:57,960 --> 00:51:00,590 to some of the comments made by Senator 1295 00:51:00,590 --> 00:51:03,500 Warner Warren and looking at over the 1296 00:51:03,500 --> 00:51:05,500 last 20 years , I think if we're if 1297 00:51:05,500 --> 00:51:07,389 ever we're gonna have a strategic 1298 00:51:07,389 --> 00:51:09,111 assessment Of what happened in 1299 00:51:09,111 --> 00:51:11,111 Afghanistan . It's important in any 1300 00:51:11,111 --> 00:51:13,111 kind of strategic assessment is not 1301 00:51:13,111 --> 00:51:15,167 just to look at the present , but to 1302 00:51:15,167 --> 00:51:17,389 look at the past and look at the future 1303 00:51:17,389 --> 00:51:19,611 and look at all three of those elements 1304 00:51:19,611 --> 00:51:21,944 as we're making that kind of assessment . 1305 00:51:21,944 --> 00:51:21,470 And if we're going to do that , we have 1306 00:51:21,470 --> 00:51:24,410 to look over the last 20 years that we 1307 00:51:24,410 --> 00:51:26,940 were in Afghanistan And we're going to 1308 00:51:26,940 --> 00:51:28,773 have to have a pretty hard nosed 1309 00:51:28,773 --> 00:51:30,996 assessment of that General Milley . You 1310 00:51:30,996 --> 00:51:33,218 mentioned that strategic decisions have 1311 00:51:33,218 --> 00:51:35,329 consequences . And there are a lot of 1312 00:51:35,329 --> 00:51:37,496 lessons to be learned over 20 years of 1313 00:51:37,496 --> 00:51:39,662 our involvement in Afghanistan . I sat 1314 00:51:39,662 --> 00:51:41,884 at this table here . The armed services 1315 00:51:41,884 --> 00:51:44,107 for for many years serving in the house 1316 00:51:44,107 --> 00:51:46,329 before had had an opportunity to travel 1317 00:51:46,329 --> 00:51:48,051 to Afghanistan and a couple of 1318 00:51:48,051 --> 00:51:50,273 occasions and whatever we've ever asked 1319 00:51:50,273 --> 00:51:52,496 our military leaders . So the situation 1320 00:51:52,496 --> 00:51:54,773 in Afghanistan , we often heard , well , 1321 00:51:54,773 --> 00:51:56,884 it's a stalemate right now . But this 1322 00:51:56,884 --> 00:51:59,218 year coming up is going to be different . 1323 00:51:59,960 --> 00:52:02,071 This year will be different . I heard 1324 00:52:02,071 --> 00:52:04,071 that year after year . This year is 1325 00:52:04,071 --> 00:52:06,182 going to be different . Yeah , I know 1326 00:52:06,182 --> 00:52:05,430 we were in a stalemate , but this year 1327 00:52:05,430 --> 00:52:07,597 is going to be different . There's one 1328 00:52:07,597 --> 00:52:09,541 commentator Has said and Secretary 1329 00:52:09,541 --> 00:52:11,819 Austin , I want you to comment on this . 1330 00:52:11,819 --> 00:52:13,874 He said that we didn't really have a 1331 00:52:13,874 --> 00:52:16,130 20-year war in Afghanistan . We had 21 1332 00:52:16,130 --> 00:52:18,950 year wars in Afghanistan . How would 1333 00:52:18,950 --> 00:52:21,950 you respond to that ? I would certainly 1334 00:52:21,950 --> 00:52:24,172 say center , there's something to think 1335 00:52:24,172 --> 00:52:26,339 about . You know , you've heard me say 1336 00:52:26,339 --> 00:52:28,870 in my opening comments . Yeah , we have 1337 00:52:28,870 --> 00:52:31,092 to ask ourselves some tough questions . 1338 00:52:31,092 --> 00:52:33,259 Did we have the right strategy ? Do we 1339 00:52:33,259 --> 00:52:35,314 have too many strategies ? And so if 1340 00:52:35,314 --> 00:52:37,480 you're re cooking or reshaping that 1341 00:52:37,480 --> 00:52:40,170 strategy every year , one year at a 1342 00:52:40,170 --> 00:52:42,490 time , then that uh , then that has 1343 00:52:42,490 --> 00:52:44,712 consequences . So I think that's that's 1344 00:52:44,712 --> 00:52:47,046 something we got to go back and look at . 1345 00:52:47,046 --> 00:52:49,212 And we also have to look at the impact 1346 00:52:49,212 --> 00:52:52,390 the effect of the corruption that was 1347 00:52:52,390 --> 00:52:54,980 any environment , weak leadership 1348 00:52:54,990 --> 00:52:57,101 changes in leadership and in a number 1349 00:52:57,101 --> 00:53:00,520 of factors . Well , I want to I want to 1350 00:53:00,520 --> 00:53:02,464 build on that because I think it's 1351 00:53:02,464 --> 00:53:04,520 important . Secretary Allison , uh , 1352 00:53:04,520 --> 00:53:06,742 for example , General Milley , when you 1353 00:53:06,742 --> 00:53:06,080 commanded NATO ground forces in 1354 00:53:06,080 --> 00:53:08,080 Afghanistan eight years ago , You 1355 00:53:08,080 --> 00:53:10,470 called 2013 a critical year for the 1356 00:53:10,470 --> 00:53:12,581 Afghan security forces because it was 1357 00:53:12,581 --> 00:53:14,248 the first time they had taken 1358 00:53:14,248 --> 00:53:16,137 responsibility for their security 1359 00:53:16,137 --> 00:53:18,359 across the country . Secretary Austin , 1360 00:53:18,359 --> 00:53:20,581 you offered similar assessments in 2015 1361 00:53:20,581 --> 00:53:22,692 and 2016 during testimony before this 1362 00:53:22,692 --> 00:53:24,748 committee as centcom commander , you 1363 00:53:24,748 --> 00:53:28,300 emphasized that there were 326,000 NSF 1364 00:53:28,310 --> 00:53:30,254 forces and they were ready to lead 1365 00:53:30,254 --> 00:53:34,050 security operations . Um and I'll just 1366 00:53:34,050 --> 00:53:36,500 say uh from boston expiry , especially 1367 00:53:36,500 --> 00:53:39,210 when I was in Afghanistan , the input 1368 00:53:39,210 --> 00:53:41,850 that I got from our commanders was that 1369 00:53:41,850 --> 00:53:43,906 this year is going to be different . 1370 00:53:43,906 --> 00:53:45,906 We're going to be able to do things 1371 00:53:45,906 --> 00:53:47,683 better . But I got a completely 1372 00:53:47,683 --> 00:53:49,906 different assessment when I went to the 1373 00:53:49,906 --> 00:53:52,017 mess hall and eight with the soldiers 1374 00:53:52,017 --> 00:53:51,880 and the marines and the folks on the 1375 00:53:51,880 --> 00:53:54,160 ground who said , I don't trust these 1376 00:53:54,160 --> 00:53:56,520 folks that were with , I don't know if 1377 00:53:56,520 --> 00:53:58,464 they're going to fight back , They 1378 00:53:58,464 --> 00:54:00,464 don't even show up , they get their 1379 00:54:00,464 --> 00:54:02,687 paycheck , but they don't show up . And 1380 00:54:02,687 --> 00:54:04,853 now there may have been some instances 1381 00:54:04,853 --> 00:54:06,798 where they've performed and I know 1382 00:54:06,798 --> 00:54:06,780 you've highlighted some of those . But 1383 00:54:06,790 --> 00:54:09,012 my question from a strategic standpoint 1384 00:54:09,012 --> 00:54:11,123 is did we just become fixated perhaps 1385 00:54:11,123 --> 00:54:13,234 on some tactical performance from our 1386 00:54:13,234 --> 00:54:15,234 forces , their forces and forget to 1387 00:54:15,234 --> 00:54:17,530 measure the Afghan security forces 1388 00:54:17,540 --> 00:54:19,740 actual institutional health as a 1389 00:54:19,740 --> 00:54:22,080 fighting force that could sustain a 1390 00:54:22,080 --> 00:54:24,070 fight even though they're in an 1391 00:54:24,080 --> 00:54:26,340 incredibly weak economy and a whole 1392 00:54:26,340 --> 00:54:28,451 host of complicated cultural issues . 1393 00:54:29,440 --> 00:54:32,140 Clearly , questions that we we have to 1394 00:54:32,150 --> 00:54:34,950 drill deep on at one point , as you 1395 00:54:34,950 --> 00:54:37,700 know , senator , we had a number of 1396 00:54:37,700 --> 00:54:41,100 advisors down to uh fairly low levels 1397 00:54:41,110 --> 00:54:43,054 as we began to lift the numbers of 1398 00:54:43,054 --> 00:54:45,430 advisors that we had there and and and 1399 00:54:45,440 --> 00:54:49,440 scale back on on the people that we had 1400 00:54:49,450 --> 00:54:52,270 uh interfacing with the afghans on a 1401 00:54:52,270 --> 00:54:54,400 daily basis . We began to lose that 1402 00:54:54,400 --> 00:54:58,140 fingertip feel . And so our 1403 00:54:58,140 --> 00:55:01,520 ability to assess with some degree of 1404 00:55:01,520 --> 00:55:05,440 certainty uh continue to uh uh 1405 00:55:05,450 --> 00:55:09,050 to erode the smaller that we got . My 1406 00:55:09,050 --> 00:55:11,050 sense is that that was what we were 1407 00:55:11,050 --> 00:55:13,161 hearing for years . It wasn't just at 1408 00:55:13,161 --> 00:55:14,994 the end that this was this is an 1409 00:55:14,994 --> 00:55:17,170 endemic problem for decade , over a 1410 00:55:17,170 --> 00:55:19,960 decade . So hopefully we will have the 1411 00:55:19,960 --> 00:55:21,904 opportunity to do that . That's my 1412 00:55:21,904 --> 00:55:23,904 final question . Secretary Office , 1413 00:55:23,904 --> 00:55:25,904 what are we actually doing to learn 1414 00:55:25,904 --> 00:55:28,016 from the conclusion of these military 1415 00:55:28,016 --> 00:55:29,849 operations , particularly from a 1416 00:55:29,849 --> 00:55:31,904 strategic assessment point of view . 1417 00:55:31,904 --> 00:55:31,780 When it comes to end of conflict 1418 00:55:31,780 --> 00:55:33,613 transition , we're going to have 1419 00:55:33,613 --> 00:55:35,891 potentially other operations like this , 1420 00:55:35,891 --> 00:55:38,180 even in great power competition . Yeah . 1421 00:55:38,190 --> 00:55:40,246 So as we always do , Senator , we're 1422 00:55:40,246 --> 00:55:42,780 gonna Take a hard look at ourselves in 1423 00:55:42,780 --> 00:55:45,030 terms of , you know , what we did over 1424 00:55:45,030 --> 00:55:47,197 the last 20 years . What worked , what 1425 00:55:47,197 --> 00:55:49,363 didn't work ? And we're going to learn 1426 00:55:49,363 --> 00:55:51,586 from those lessons and uh and make sure 1427 00:55:51,586 --> 00:55:53,474 that we incorporate that into our 1428 00:55:53,474 --> 00:55:56,470 planning and our 1429 00:55:56,940 --> 00:55:59,460 strategic assessment going forward . 1430 00:56:00,130 --> 00:56:02,470 Thank you . Thank you very much . 1431 00:56:02,470 --> 00:56:04,660 Senator Peters , Senator Cramer , 1432 00:56:04,660 --> 00:56:06,620 please , Thank you Mr . Chairman , 1433 00:56:06,620 --> 00:56:08,842 thank all three of you for your service 1434 00:56:08,842 --> 00:56:11,009 and for being here ? And God bless the 1435 00:56:11,009 --> 00:56:12,953 men and women under your command . 1436 00:56:12,953 --> 00:56:15,176 General Mackenzie . Is it true that U . 1437 00:56:15,176 --> 00:56:17,398 S . Forces had the ISIS case cell under 1438 00:56:17,398 --> 00:56:19,398 surveillance prior to the august 26 1439 00:56:19,440 --> 00:56:21,329 could have struck them before the 1440 00:56:21,329 --> 00:56:23,450 deadly terrorist attacks at Kabul but 1441 00:56:23,450 --> 00:56:25,728 were not given the authority to strike . 1442 00:56:25,728 --> 00:56:28,030 No , that's not true . You know , I 1443 00:56:28,030 --> 00:56:30,252 noticed that the president was quick to 1444 00:56:30,252 --> 00:56:32,197 take a victory lap after the first 1445 00:56:32,197 --> 00:56:34,252 strike and push this tough guy image 1446 00:56:34,252 --> 00:56:36,474 he's so famous for . He once threatened 1447 00:56:36,474 --> 00:56:39,660 to have union bosses beat me up . Uh he 1448 00:56:39,670 --> 00:56:41,837 said things like just do it if we find 1449 00:56:41,837 --> 00:56:43,837 more will strike them . Of course , 1450 00:56:43,837 --> 00:56:46,003 this was after he said of the ISIS K . 1451 00:56:46,003 --> 00:56:47,948 Leaders we will hunt you down . He 1452 00:56:47,948 --> 00:56:50,059 talks tough , he's gonna go get him . 1453 00:56:50,130 --> 00:56:52,463 But also knows he's been equally silent , 1454 00:56:52,630 --> 00:56:54,852 taking no responsibility for the strike 1455 00:56:54,852 --> 00:56:56,741 on innocent civilians , including 1456 00:56:56,741 --> 00:56:58,963 Children . That was in part caused by , 1457 00:56:58,963 --> 00:57:01,160 in my view is is insecure need to 1458 00:57:01,160 --> 00:57:03,510 appear tough . He just let you take the 1459 00:57:03,510 --> 00:57:05,760 blame . General Mackenzie . But what I 1460 00:57:05,760 --> 00:57:08,850 really worry about is that is the 1461 00:57:08,850 --> 00:57:11,290 aircrews who actually were pressured 1462 00:57:11,290 --> 00:57:13,457 into pulling the trigger that terrible 1463 00:57:13,457 --> 00:57:16,270 day , Secretary Austin as you know , 1464 00:57:16,270 --> 00:57:18,270 the North Dakota Air National Guard 1465 00:57:18,270 --> 00:57:20,640 operates reapers around the world and I 1466 00:57:20,640 --> 00:57:22,750 know what kind of pressure those air 1467 00:57:22,750 --> 00:57:25,190 crews are under and the level of 1468 00:57:25,200 --> 00:57:27,367 responsibility they feel to accomplish 1469 00:57:27,367 --> 00:57:30,030 their their emissions properly . And 1470 00:57:30,030 --> 00:57:32,197 I'm worried that whoever was operating 1471 00:57:32,197 --> 00:57:34,252 the aircraft involved in this in the 1472 00:57:34,252 --> 00:57:37,400 Tragic 29th August Strike was set up to 1473 00:57:37,400 --> 00:57:39,622 fail by an administration that wanted a 1474 00:57:39,622 --> 00:57:41,844 political victory more than they wanted 1475 00:57:41,844 --> 00:57:44,050 an American victory . Have you reached 1476 00:57:44,050 --> 00:57:46,480 out to the aircrew to make sure that 1477 00:57:46,480 --> 00:57:48,536 they understand it's not their fault 1478 00:57:48,536 --> 00:57:50,960 that there are seven dead Children . I 1479 00:57:50,960 --> 00:57:54,240 have not senator , as you probably know , 1480 00:57:54,250 --> 00:57:58,080 I have directed a three star review 1481 00:57:58,090 --> 00:58:00,312 of of this incident . General Mackenzie 1482 00:58:00,312 --> 00:58:02,700 did an initial investigation and I've 1483 00:58:02,700 --> 00:58:05,010 directed a three star review . Uh , and 1484 00:58:05,010 --> 00:58:08,940 so I won't make any comments . You know , 1485 00:58:09,520 --> 00:58:11,740 There certainly seemed to be a lot of 1486 00:58:11,750 --> 00:58:14,060 indications that a terrorist event was 1487 00:58:14,070 --> 00:58:16,237 likely , if not imminent leading up to 1488 00:58:16,237 --> 00:58:18,680 ISISK bombing on the 26th . We're our 1489 00:58:18,680 --> 00:58:20,791 military members still , why were our 1490 00:58:20,791 --> 00:58:22,847 military members still exposed after 1491 00:58:22,847 --> 00:58:24,624 that threat was known ? General 1492 00:58:24,624 --> 00:58:28,410 Mackenzie . The purpose of our force at 1493 00:58:28,420 --> 00:58:30,380 the airfield was to bring american 1494 00:58:30,380 --> 00:58:33,020 citizens and afghans at risk out . In 1495 00:58:33,020 --> 00:58:35,187 order to do that . You had to have the 1496 00:58:35,187 --> 00:58:37,464 gates open . You had to process people , 1497 00:58:37,464 --> 00:58:39,409 you're right , there were a lot of 1498 00:58:39,409 --> 00:58:41,353 threats and we worked very hard to 1499 00:58:41,353 --> 00:58:43,464 minimize those threats and you try to 1500 00:58:43,464 --> 00:58:45,631 balance it every once in a while , the 1501 00:58:45,631 --> 00:58:47,798 bad guys sneak one in on you . This is 1502 00:58:47,798 --> 00:58:47,310 an example of where that occurred . It 1503 00:58:47,310 --> 00:58:49,260 wasn't through any , any lack of 1504 00:58:49,260 --> 00:58:51,482 attention to trying to find those cells 1505 00:58:51,482 --> 00:58:53,482 are looking hard for him and we did 1506 00:58:53,482 --> 00:58:55,427 find a number and we did in fact , 1507 00:58:55,427 --> 00:58:57,427 which I'll be happy to talk about a 1508 00:58:57,427 --> 00:58:59,593 closed session . We did in fact enable 1509 00:58:59,593 --> 00:59:01,371 uh , stopped those attacks from 1510 00:59:01,371 --> 00:59:03,204 occurring this one . We were not 1511 00:59:03,204 --> 00:59:05,260 successful . So speaking of that , I 1512 00:59:05,260 --> 00:59:05,110 want to drill down just an innocent , 1513 00:59:05,120 --> 00:59:07,176 since I have a couple of the taliban 1514 00:59:07,176 --> 00:59:08,953 was controlling the checkpoints 1515 00:59:08,953 --> 00:59:11,009 obviously around the airport and you 1516 00:59:11,009 --> 00:59:13,231 had indicated General Mackenzie that us 1517 00:59:13,231 --> 00:59:15,176 at that time , had you called it a 1518 00:59:15,176 --> 00:59:17,176 pragmatic relationship of necessity 1519 00:59:17,176 --> 00:59:19,800 with the taliban . Did we share any 1520 00:59:19,800 --> 00:59:21,967 information with the taliban about the 1521 00:59:21,967 --> 00:59:24,189 ISIS K threat ? And and if so , how did 1522 00:59:24,189 --> 00:59:26,490 they the taliban respond to it now ? 1523 00:59:26,490 --> 00:59:28,601 There's , how did they get in ? Is it 1524 00:59:28,601 --> 00:59:30,490 possible that they let them in on 1525 00:59:30,490 --> 00:59:32,601 purpose ? So it is possible that they 1526 00:59:32,601 --> 00:59:34,712 let them in on purpose . But the body 1527 00:59:34,712 --> 00:59:36,823 of intelligence indicates that is not 1528 00:59:36,823 --> 00:59:36,470 in fact what happened , You know ? So 1529 00:59:36,470 --> 00:59:38,248 one event happened and that's a 1530 00:59:38,248 --> 00:59:40,414 terrible tragic event . A lot of other 1531 00:59:40,414 --> 00:59:42,637 events didn't happen because that outer 1532 00:59:42,637 --> 00:59:44,803 circle the taliban forces were there . 1533 00:59:44,803 --> 00:59:44,700 Look , I , I defer to no one in my 1534 00:59:44,700 --> 00:59:46,867 disdain for the taliban and my lack of 1535 00:59:46,867 --> 00:59:48,811 trust for him , but I believe they 1536 00:59:48,811 --> 00:59:50,922 actually prevented other attacks from 1537 00:59:50,922 --> 00:59:52,867 occurring this event . Someone got 1538 00:59:52,867 --> 00:59:54,922 through . I believe there were other 1539 00:59:54,922 --> 00:59:54,840 times when people did not get through . 1540 00:59:56,120 --> 01:00:00,020 All right . Look , the reality is um , 1541 01:00:00,410 --> 01:00:02,470 they're patriotic americans all over 1542 01:00:02,470 --> 01:00:04,830 the country . And certainly in North 1543 01:00:04,830 --> 01:00:07,108 Dakota , they're really upset . I mean , 1544 01:00:07,108 --> 01:00:10,350 they're they're genuinely off and they 1545 01:00:10,360 --> 01:00:12,580 sense that there's a lot of sort of 1546 01:00:12,580 --> 01:00:16,510 political positioning and apologizing 1547 01:00:16,510 --> 01:00:19,150 and rationalizing and no one's really 1548 01:00:19,150 --> 01:00:21,250 saying anything other than it was an 1549 01:00:21,250 --> 01:00:23,472 extraordinary event . Now some of you , 1550 01:00:23,472 --> 01:00:25,306 you have admitted that it wasn't 1551 01:00:25,306 --> 01:00:27,528 perfect . I think we're yours , General 1552 01:00:27,528 --> 01:00:29,750 Milley , um , but extraordinary success 1553 01:00:29,750 --> 01:00:29,740 just rankles them when they hear that , 1554 01:00:30,010 --> 01:00:32,066 Especially when they see that out of 1555 01:00:32,066 --> 01:00:35,030 124,000 people that were , that were 1556 01:00:35,040 --> 01:00:37,262 brought to the United States . We don't 1557 01:00:37,262 --> 01:00:39,484 know much about a whole bunch of them . 1558 01:00:39,484 --> 01:00:41,484 And yet we know a whole bunch about 1559 01:00:41,484 --> 01:00:43,707 people that weren't brought back to the 1560 01:00:43,707 --> 01:00:45,984 United States . And uh , they're upset . 1561 01:00:45,984 --> 01:00:48,096 They're really , really upset . And I 1562 01:00:48,096 --> 01:00:50,151 know , you know , that I hope that I 1563 01:00:50,151 --> 01:00:52,262 think you're seeing the reflection of 1564 01:00:52,262 --> 01:00:51,440 that and they're in their elected 1565 01:00:51,440 --> 01:00:53,384 representatives and we get to this 1566 01:00:53,384 --> 01:00:55,440 afternoon will probably drill down a 1567 01:00:55,440 --> 01:00:57,662 little more on some things . But I look 1568 01:00:57,662 --> 01:00:57,650 forward to that closed session as well . 1569 01:00:57,650 --> 01:00:59,761 General Mackenzie to learn more about 1570 01:00:59,761 --> 01:01:01,872 the august 26th . Thank you . Senator 1571 01:01:02,290 --> 01:01:04,840 Senator Manchin , please thank you very 1572 01:01:04,840 --> 01:01:06,840 much . And first of all , thank all 1573 01:01:06,840 --> 01:01:08,673 three of you . I appreciate your 1574 01:01:08,673 --> 01:01:08,530 service to our country . And I never 1575 01:01:08,530 --> 01:01:10,680 have doubted your and wavering 1576 01:01:10,680 --> 01:01:12,902 commitment to defend our country in our 1577 01:01:12,902 --> 01:01:15,050 constitution . Uh , I'm having a hard 1578 01:01:15,050 --> 01:01:17,272 time . I'm old enough to understand . I 1579 01:01:17,272 --> 01:01:19,439 remember Vietnam very well , I was , I 1580 01:01:19,439 --> 01:01:22,090 was in line to go there and and had an 1581 01:01:22,100 --> 01:01:24,500 injury in my playing ball w and that 1582 01:01:24,500 --> 01:01:27,440 didn't happen . So anyway , I don't , I 1583 01:01:27,450 --> 01:01:29,672 just can't figure out . I can't explain 1584 01:01:29,672 --> 01:01:31,561 to the younger generation , to my 1585 01:01:31,561 --> 01:01:33,728 Children and grandchildren . How do we 1586 01:01:33,728 --> 01:01:35,783 get into this and never get out ? We 1587 01:01:35,783 --> 01:01:37,950 didn't learn from Vietnam . That was a 1588 01:01:37,950 --> 01:01:40,006 horrible exit . I remember that very 1589 01:01:40,006 --> 01:01:42,228 vividly . This was even worse than that 1590 01:01:42,228 --> 01:01:45,220 as far as my recall . And uh , and I 1591 01:01:45,220 --> 01:01:47,220 don't know what lessons were taking 1592 01:01:47,220 --> 01:01:49,980 from this right now . Uh , but I look 1593 01:01:49,980 --> 01:01:52,091 back at lack of an A . U . M . F . We 1594 01:01:52,091 --> 01:01:54,202 had an open and the um , F . We still 1595 01:01:54,202 --> 01:01:56,258 have an open and a U . M . F . If we 1596 01:01:56,258 --> 01:01:58,147 would have had an A . M . F . And 1597 01:01:58,147 --> 01:01:59,980 basically had a time certain and 1598 01:01:59,980 --> 01:02:02,400 specific goal . Do any of you think 1599 01:02:02,400 --> 01:02:04,622 that could have made a difference ? And 1600 01:02:04,622 --> 01:02:06,844 do you think , I mean , hindsight being 1601 01:02:06,844 --> 01:02:08,844 2020 , what did we learn from these 1602 01:02:08,844 --> 01:02:11,178 mistakes ? How do we prevent them again ? 1603 01:02:11,178 --> 01:02:10,750 We thought from Vietnam , we learned 1604 01:02:10,760 --> 01:02:12,704 not to go in and try to change the 1605 01:02:12,704 --> 01:02:14,927 nation and here we are trading partners 1606 01:02:14,927 --> 01:02:17,093 with Vietnam . That's I'm going to end 1607 01:02:17,093 --> 01:02:19,038 up with Afghanistan . I just can't 1608 01:02:19,038 --> 01:02:21,038 comprehend any of it , to be honest 1609 01:02:21,038 --> 01:02:22,760 with you . And I got I have no 1610 01:02:22,760 --> 01:02:24,871 explanation . So , anybody that wants 1611 01:02:24,871 --> 01:02:26,871 to help me and gentlemanly , I know 1612 01:02:26,871 --> 01:02:28,649 that you have a great , a great 1613 01:02:28,649 --> 01:02:28,480 knowledge of history and how we've 1614 01:02:28,480 --> 01:02:30,870 gotten into situations and maybe we 1615 01:02:30,870 --> 01:02:33,440 should keep from repeating that . Yeah . 1616 01:02:33,440 --> 01:02:36,120 As I said , uh , senator mentioned in 1617 01:02:36,120 --> 01:02:39,110 my opening comment . Um , I'm sorry . I 1618 01:02:39,110 --> 01:02:41,332 was I was conducting in our meeting . I 1619 01:02:41,332 --> 01:02:43,554 wasn't able to be here . I'm so sorry . 1620 01:02:43,554 --> 01:02:45,666 I mentioned , you know that there's , 1621 01:02:45,666 --> 01:02:47,388 there's been , you know , four 1622 01:02:47,388 --> 01:02:49,277 presidents , 20 commanders on the 1623 01:02:49,277 --> 01:02:51,443 ground , uh seven or eight Chairman of 1624 01:02:51,443 --> 01:02:53,400 the Joint Chiefs , uh , you know , 1625 01:02:53,400 --> 01:02:55,233 dozens of secretaries of defense 1626 01:02:55,233 --> 01:02:58,010 etcetera . Um , and and outcomes like 1627 01:02:58,010 --> 01:03:00,370 this are not determined in , you know , 1628 01:03:00,380 --> 01:03:02,491 the last five days , the last 20 days 1629 01:03:02,491 --> 01:03:04,436 or the last year for that matter , 1630 01:03:04,436 --> 01:03:06,760 outcomes in a war like this , an 1631 01:03:06,760 --> 01:03:08,871 outcome that is a strategic failure , 1632 01:03:08,871 --> 01:03:11,230 the enemy is in charge in Kabul . 1633 01:03:12,200 --> 01:03:14,367 There's no way else to describe that . 1634 01:03:14,600 --> 01:03:17,030 That outcome is a cumulative effect of 1635 01:03:17,040 --> 01:03:19,420 20 years , not 20 days . And there are 1636 01:03:19,420 --> 01:03:22,580 a huge amount of strategic operational 1637 01:03:22,580 --> 01:03:24,636 and tactical lessons that need to be 1638 01:03:24,636 --> 01:03:27,460 learned from this . Some of them in the 1639 01:03:27,460 --> 01:03:29,571 military sphere , the narrow military 1640 01:03:29,571 --> 01:03:31,793 sphere . One of them , for example , is 1641 01:03:31,793 --> 01:03:33,904 the mirror imaging of the building of 1642 01:03:33,904 --> 01:03:36,420 the afghan National Army based on 1643 01:03:36,420 --> 01:03:38,087 american doctrine , tactics , 1644 01:03:38,087 --> 01:03:40,600 techniques and procedures and that made 1645 01:03:40,600 --> 01:03:43,540 a military that may , I'm gonna wait 1646 01:03:43,540 --> 01:03:45,429 full evaluation but may have been 1647 01:03:45,429 --> 01:03:47,900 overly dependent upon us , our presence 1648 01:03:47,910 --> 01:03:50,690 contractors , uh and higher tech 1649 01:03:50,700 --> 01:03:52,750 systems in order to fight a 1650 01:03:52,750 --> 01:03:54,972 counterinsurgency war . That's one area 1651 01:03:54,972 --> 01:03:56,861 that needs to be fully explored . 1652 01:03:56,861 --> 01:03:59,028 Another is the Intel . How did we miss 1653 01:03:59,028 --> 01:04:00,694 the collapse of an army and a 1654 01:04:00,694 --> 01:04:02,917 government that big , that fast in only 1655 01:04:02,917 --> 01:04:05,250 11 days . That needs to be pulled apart . 1656 01:04:05,250 --> 01:04:04,530 And then there are other factors that 1657 01:04:04,530 --> 01:04:06,752 not strictly military , but things like 1658 01:04:06,752 --> 01:04:08,586 the legitimacy of the government 1659 01:04:08,586 --> 01:04:10,752 corruption . Uh , the parasitic nature 1660 01:04:10,752 --> 01:04:12,863 of the police force is that there's a 1661 01:04:12,863 --> 01:04:14,974 whole series of , you know , 10 or 20 1662 01:04:14,974 --> 01:04:17,030 that I wrote down just a week or two 1663 01:04:17,030 --> 01:04:19,086 ago . Uh , that need to be looked at 1664 01:04:19,086 --> 01:04:20,863 and looked at in depth and very 1665 01:04:20,863 --> 01:04:23,197 seriously and comprehensively over time . 1666 01:04:23,197 --> 01:04:25,086 We know where the president , the 1667 01:04:25,086 --> 01:04:27,030 former President of Afghanistan is 1668 01:04:27,030 --> 01:04:29,141 today and how much money he took with 1669 01:04:29,141 --> 01:04:31,920 him ? We have any idea I act 1670 01:04:32,890 --> 01:04:35,057 startup Secretary Austin . Do you have 1671 01:04:35,057 --> 01:04:37,210 any idea ? I think that he may be in 1672 01:04:37,210 --> 01:04:39,750 the U . S . Senator . I'm not certain 1673 01:04:39,750 --> 01:04:42,550 of that . The last report that I had 1674 01:04:42,560 --> 01:04:45,080 and in terms of any money that he may 1675 01:04:45,080 --> 01:04:46,858 have taken with him . I have no 1676 01:04:46,858 --> 01:04:49,080 knowledge of any amounts of money . You 1677 01:04:49,080 --> 01:04:51,080 all haven't been able to . I mean , 1678 01:04:51,080 --> 01:04:53,191 there's no way that we can trace that 1679 01:04:53,191 --> 01:04:55,302 to our to the middle . I mean through 1680 01:04:55,302 --> 01:04:57,524 the banking institutions . No way do we 1681 01:04:57,524 --> 01:04:57,220 have any insight on that whatsoever ? 1682 01:04:57,230 --> 01:04:59,174 Has to be exchanges going back and 1683 01:04:59,174 --> 01:05:01,063 forth ? Because I'm sure he's not 1684 01:05:01,063 --> 01:05:03,286 keeping it in the Bank of Afghanistan ? 1685 01:05:03,286 --> 01:05:06,290 Yeah . Defense doesn't have any insight 1686 01:05:06,290 --> 01:05:08,640 on that senator . But certainly I'm not 1687 01:05:08,640 --> 01:05:10,840 sure if the law enforcement agency , 1688 01:05:10,920 --> 01:05:12,976 Treasury , maybe Treasury might uh , 1689 01:05:12,976 --> 01:05:16,340 I'm just looking for some answers that 1690 01:05:16,350 --> 01:05:18,017 maybe aren't answerable . But 1691 01:05:18,290 --> 01:05:20,730 everyone's asked the questions of how 1692 01:05:20,730 --> 01:05:23,063 do we prevent this from happening again . 1693 01:05:23,063 --> 01:05:25,119 Why didn't we see it ? There's not a 1694 01:05:25,119 --> 01:05:27,286 person this return that I've spoken to 1695 01:05:27,286 --> 01:05:29,286 on special ops that were there When 1696 01:05:29,286 --> 01:05:31,508 they returned , I was there a couple of 1697 01:05:31,508 --> 01:05:33,730 times in 2006 , I was there in 2011 , I 1698 01:05:33,730 --> 01:05:35,730 was there . But I every time it got 1699 01:05:35,730 --> 01:05:37,897 worse , it didn't get better . So this 1700 01:05:37,897 --> 01:05:39,897 could be a surprise . Uh they never 1701 01:05:39,897 --> 01:05:42,119 we're going to step to the plate and it 1702 01:05:42,119 --> 01:05:41,200 could have been a surprise that they 1703 01:05:41,200 --> 01:05:42,978 wouldn't fight . They never had 1704 01:05:42,978 --> 01:05:44,978 allegiance to a country . I mean we 1705 01:05:44,978 --> 01:05:47,033 knew that and a special ops , people 1706 01:05:47,033 --> 01:05:48,922 said it gets worse every day . It 1707 01:05:48,922 --> 01:05:51,089 doesn't get better . Every mission was 1708 01:05:51,089 --> 01:05:53,256 worse . Uh We used to drive from Kabul 1709 01:05:53,256 --> 01:05:56,360 to bagram after I went back the second 1710 01:05:56,360 --> 01:05:59,130 time . He can't do that . Let me get so 1711 01:05:59,130 --> 01:06:02,360 bad . Everything got bad . I just And I 1712 01:06:02,360 --> 01:06:04,920 got to tell this one . It drives me 1713 01:06:04,920 --> 01:06:07,142 absolutely insane to see the television 1714 01:06:07,142 --> 01:06:10,040 at night and see the taliban and all of 1715 01:06:10,040 --> 01:06:12,580 them wearing our uniforms , wearing our 1716 01:06:12,580 --> 01:06:14,691 night vision , doing everything using 1717 01:06:14,691 --> 01:06:16,636 everything we have our m wraps and 1718 01:06:16,636 --> 01:06:18,802 everything else that we left there . I 1719 01:06:18,802 --> 01:06:20,969 just can't believe it . I can't get an 1720 01:06:20,969 --> 01:06:22,969 accounting of how much equipment we 1721 01:06:22,969 --> 01:06:24,913 really did leave . I know how many 1722 01:06:24,913 --> 01:06:27,136 aircraft we left and I know how many uh 1723 01:06:27,136 --> 01:06:29,191 basically uh m wraps and and all the 1724 01:06:29,191 --> 01:06:31,330 different things , but not to plan 1725 01:06:31,330 --> 01:06:33,420 better to take that equipment out . 1726 01:06:33,430 --> 01:06:36,840 Unbelievable . Uh I would just flag for 1727 01:06:36,840 --> 01:06:39,150 you senator that all of the equipment 1728 01:06:39,150 --> 01:06:42,790 that uh , that we had , that we used uh , 1729 01:06:42,800 --> 01:06:46,100 was retro graded by General Miller 1730 01:06:46,110 --> 01:06:48,580 uh , as a part of the draw down 1731 01:06:48,590 --> 01:06:52,040 thousands of tons of equipment and 1732 01:06:52,050 --> 01:06:54,340 whatever high end uh , equipment that 1733 01:06:54,340 --> 01:06:57,240 we had that that that we were using the 1734 01:06:57,240 --> 01:07:00,510 equipment that that the that the afghan 1735 01:07:00,510 --> 01:07:04,260 security forces had as a taliban uh , 1736 01:07:04,270 --> 01:07:06,630 took over is the equipment that that 1737 01:07:06,630 --> 01:07:09,080 you see . And of course , all of the 1738 01:07:09,090 --> 01:07:11,180 helicopters that were left on on the 1739 01:07:11,180 --> 01:07:13,810 airfield at HK area . I asked General 1740 01:07:13,820 --> 01:07:17,260 General Mackenzie to demilitarize those 1741 01:07:17,270 --> 01:07:19,381 so that they couldn't be ever be used 1742 01:07:19,381 --> 01:07:23,260 again . Uh , and uh , and so we took 1743 01:07:23,270 --> 01:07:25,430 we retrograde ID all of our equipment 1744 01:07:25,430 --> 01:07:27,680 that we were supposed to retrograde as 1745 01:07:27,680 --> 01:07:29,736 we drew down . Anything I can say in 1746 01:07:29,736 --> 01:07:31,736 fault function up . Is it ? I would 1747 01:07:31,736 --> 01:07:33,736 hope that God will bless America to 1748 01:07:33,736 --> 01:07:35,736 have the intelligence not to repeat 1749 01:07:35,736 --> 01:07:37,902 what we can continually seen . Doesn't 1750 01:07:37,902 --> 01:07:40,013 work . And with you , all expertise , 1751 01:07:40,013 --> 01:07:42,069 you have that knowledge gaining from 1752 01:07:42,069 --> 01:07:44,291 all this . Please , please help us from 1753 01:07:44,291 --> 01:07:46,402 ever ever repeating what we've done . 1754 01:07:46,402 --> 01:07:48,624 Thank you Senator Mitchell . Uh Senator 1755 01:07:48,624 --> 01:07:50,736 scott , please thank you . Chairman . 1756 01:07:50,736 --> 01:07:53,160 Um first of all , thank each of you for 1757 01:07:53,160 --> 01:07:55,860 being here . Generally one thing um , I 1758 01:07:55,860 --> 01:07:58,230 hope at some point you'll address is um , 1759 01:07:58,240 --> 01:08:01,210 the content of your calls with regard 1760 01:08:01,220 --> 01:08:04,630 to uh , the chinese and whether you act , 1761 01:08:04,640 --> 01:08:06,918 you know what it's been alleged as you , 1762 01:08:06,918 --> 01:08:09,029 you would warn them if they're um was 1763 01:08:09,029 --> 01:08:11,560 going to be an attack . Also address 1764 01:08:11,560 --> 01:08:13,960 whether there was any intelligence 1765 01:08:13,960 --> 01:08:15,793 indicating that the chinese were 1766 01:08:15,793 --> 01:08:18,010 actually nervous . Um One thing that 1767 01:08:18,010 --> 01:08:20,232 surprised me about what's been going on 1768 01:08:20,232 --> 01:08:22,288 the last few months is the president 1769 01:08:22,288 --> 01:08:24,510 has absolutely blamed everyone else but 1770 01:08:24,510 --> 01:08:26,454 himself for the bash withdrawal of 1771 01:08:26,454 --> 01:08:28,454 Afghanistan . He is the president , 1772 01:08:28,454 --> 01:08:28,110 United States . He has ability to make 1773 01:08:28,110 --> 01:08:30,221 these decisions . He can take all the 1774 01:08:30,221 --> 01:08:32,443 advice he wants but he gets to make the 1775 01:08:32,443 --> 01:08:34,610 final decisions . He's blamed previous 1776 01:08:34,610 --> 01:08:36,499 administrations . He's blamed the 1777 01:08:36,499 --> 01:08:38,554 people Afghanistan . He's blamed the 1778 01:08:38,554 --> 01:08:40,777 military of Afghanistan , which I think 1779 01:08:40,777 --> 01:08:42,777 is absolutely disingenuous . Uh the 1780 01:08:42,777 --> 01:08:44,721 people , the White House have even 1781 01:08:44,721 --> 01:08:46,610 blamed our own military Secretary 1782 01:08:46,610 --> 01:08:48,777 Austin . Some things you've said today 1783 01:08:48,777 --> 01:08:50,832 actually surprised me . You said you 1784 01:08:50,832 --> 01:08:52,777 were ready . You said you exceeded 1785 01:08:52,777 --> 01:08:55,250 expectations . You said our credibility 1786 01:08:55,250 --> 01:08:58,170 is solid . And you said the president 1787 01:08:58,170 --> 01:09:00,448 followed your advice on the evacuation . 1788 01:09:00,448 --> 01:09:02,670 Let me just ask you first question is , 1789 01:09:03,070 --> 01:09:05,030 do you still believe that the most 1790 01:09:05,030 --> 01:09:07,370 effective withdrawal strategy involves 1791 01:09:07,370 --> 01:09:09,592 extracting the military , abandoned our 1792 01:09:09,592 --> 01:09:12,440 military installations and reducing our 1793 01:09:12,440 --> 01:09:14,384 use of force and ability use force 1794 01:09:14,384 --> 01:09:17,100 before we got our civilians out . Mm . 1795 01:09:17,770 --> 01:09:20,820 Thanks Senator . First of all , the 1796 01:09:20,820 --> 01:09:24,330 plan was to the decision was to was 1797 01:09:24,330 --> 01:09:27,760 to uh and our military operations and 1798 01:09:27,760 --> 01:09:30,280 draw down all of our forces and and 1799 01:09:30,280 --> 01:09:32,530 retrograde all of our equipment and 1800 01:09:32,530 --> 01:09:34,790 that was accomplished . General Miller 1801 01:09:34,790 --> 01:09:37,012 I think . Put together a great plan and 1802 01:09:37,012 --> 01:09:39,123 executed that plan in accordance with 1803 01:09:39,123 --> 01:09:42,880 the plan . Also a key part of the plan 1804 01:09:42,880 --> 01:09:46,560 was to maintain an embassy in Kabul 1805 01:09:46,570 --> 01:09:49,770 uh and maintaining that embassy would 1806 01:09:49,770 --> 01:09:53,520 allow us to continue to engage um the 1807 01:09:53,520 --> 01:09:55,409 government to continue to provide 1808 01:09:55,409 --> 01:09:58,160 resources to to support the Afghan 1809 01:09:58,160 --> 01:10:01,900 security forces . So it was 1810 01:10:01,910 --> 01:10:05,300 the plan was to leave a diplomatic 1811 01:10:05,300 --> 01:10:08,570 presence there . And in conjunction 1812 01:10:08,570 --> 01:10:10,710 with that plan we also we're going to 1813 01:10:10,710 --> 01:10:12,821 leave a small military force there to 1814 01:10:12,821 --> 01:10:15,500 help secure the embassy . So that was 1815 01:10:15,500 --> 01:10:18,370 the plan , Senator . But you didn't 1816 01:10:18,370 --> 01:10:20,440 address the issue that you made all 1817 01:10:20,440 --> 01:10:22,390 these , It was your plan . You've 1818 01:10:22,390 --> 01:10:24,557 acknowledged it was your plan and your 1819 01:10:24,557 --> 01:10:27,290 plan . So you would do all these things 1820 01:10:28,160 --> 01:10:30,160 before we got our civilians out . I 1821 01:10:30,160 --> 01:10:31,993 mean when in the history of this 1822 01:10:31,993 --> 01:10:33,771 country have we ever had the US 1823 01:10:33,771 --> 01:10:35,938 military said and and have a plan that 1824 01:10:35,938 --> 01:10:37,938 we will take our military out first 1825 01:10:37,938 --> 01:10:40,104 before we take our civilians ? I can't 1826 01:10:40,104 --> 01:10:42,160 imagine that when you , when you say 1827 01:10:42,160 --> 01:10:44,049 civilians are you are you are you 1828 01:10:44,049 --> 01:10:45,827 talking about citizens american 1829 01:10:45,827 --> 01:10:47,771 citizens Now the american citizens 1830 01:10:47,771 --> 01:10:49,716 would come out once a noncombatant 1831 01:10:49,716 --> 01:10:52,130 evacuation is declared . And until that 1832 01:10:52,130 --> 01:10:54,620 point uh typically we don't evacuate 1833 01:10:54,620 --> 01:10:57,200 all the citizens in the country but we 1834 01:10:57,200 --> 01:10:59,700 didn't hear there's american citizens 1835 01:10:59,710 --> 01:11:02,920 still there and we continue to remain 1836 01:11:02,920 --> 01:11:06,170 engaged and and uh and and work to uh 1837 01:11:06,180 --> 01:11:08,236 to get those citizens out Senator uh 1838 01:11:08,236 --> 01:11:11,850 huh . Why would you propose a 1839 01:11:11,850 --> 01:11:13,940 plan that didn't get all american 1840 01:11:13,940 --> 01:11:15,940 citizens out . I just can't imagine 1841 01:11:15,940 --> 01:11:18,162 ever in the history of this country are 1842 01:11:18,162 --> 01:11:20,440 U . S . Military would propose to leave 1843 01:11:20,440 --> 01:11:23,820 a country with our citizens coming out 1844 01:11:23,830 --> 01:11:26,230 first . I mean has we have we ever done 1845 01:11:26,230 --> 01:11:29,970 that before ? All of the american 1846 01:11:29,970 --> 01:11:32,137 citizens wouldn't leave senator unless 1847 01:11:32,137 --> 01:11:34,248 there was a noncombatant evacuation . 1848 01:11:34,360 --> 01:11:37,860 And you know the plan was to leave the 1849 01:11:37,860 --> 01:11:40,860 embassy there uh to continue to address 1850 01:11:40,860 --> 01:11:43,000 the needs of our american citizens to 1851 01:11:43,000 --> 01:11:45,540 engage with the government . And and so 1852 01:11:45,550 --> 01:11:49,160 that was a part of the plan . Not again 1853 01:11:49,160 --> 01:11:52,000 the plan was never to evacuate the 1854 01:11:52,000 --> 01:11:54,780 american citizens and leave the embassy 1855 01:11:54,780 --> 01:11:57,260 there . Do you did it bother you ? And 1856 01:11:57,260 --> 01:11:58,982 the president went on national 1857 01:11:58,982 --> 01:12:01,250 television said that he would not leave 1858 01:12:01,250 --> 01:12:03,560 until all american citizens were uh 1859 01:12:03,570 --> 01:12:05,792 were taken out . Did it bother you that 1860 01:12:05,792 --> 01:12:08,014 when he said that because it clearly is 1861 01:12:08,014 --> 01:12:09,959 not true . It was not truthful now 1862 01:12:09,959 --> 01:12:12,360 Senator I you know you you heard me say 1863 01:12:12,360 --> 01:12:14,527 several times that we're gonna work as 1864 01:12:14,527 --> 01:12:16,749 hard as we can for as long as we can to 1865 01:12:16,749 --> 01:12:18,990 get every american citizen out that 1866 01:12:18,990 --> 01:12:21,157 wants to come out and when we continue 1867 01:12:21,157 --> 01:12:23,540 to do that to this day ? Well rob 1868 01:12:23,540 --> 01:12:26,790 murder at a time . But one day I I want 1869 01:12:26,790 --> 01:12:28,901 when we have the next round I want to 1870 01:12:28,901 --> 01:12:30,901 understand what decisions would you 1871 01:12:30,901 --> 01:12:33,123 make differently today to save those 13 1872 01:12:33,123 --> 01:12:36,270 lives of service men and women that we 1873 01:12:36,270 --> 01:12:38,410 lost at the Kabul Airport . So but 1874 01:12:38,410 --> 01:12:40,466 thank you very much . Thank you . Mr 1875 01:12:40,466 --> 01:12:42,632 Chairman . Senator if I could come out 1876 01:12:42,632 --> 01:12:44,688 on your first opening comment . If I 1877 01:12:44,688 --> 01:12:48,530 may go ahead sir . Yeah , I am happy to 1878 01:12:48,530 --> 01:12:51,460 lay out every detail in all the intel 1879 01:12:51,460 --> 01:12:53,627 to you as an individual , to any other 1880 01:12:53,627 --> 01:12:56,050 member or to a committee or anything 1881 01:12:56,050 --> 01:12:58,272 you want on these chinese calls at your 1882 01:12:58,272 --> 01:13:00,328 convenience . Happy to do it . Thank 1883 01:13:00,328 --> 01:13:03,060 you . Thank you . Uh Thank you . 1884 01:13:03,060 --> 01:13:05,171 Senator scott . Senator , doc Worth , 1885 01:13:05,171 --> 01:13:07,227 please . Thank you . Mr Chairman . I 1886 01:13:07,227 --> 01:13:09,449 share my colleague's concerns about the 1887 01:13:09,449 --> 01:13:11,560 rapid collapse of the Afghan National 1888 01:13:11,560 --> 01:13:13,610 Defence and Security Forces and the 1889 01:13:13,610 --> 01:13:15,666 Afghan government and the failure of 1890 01:13:15,666 --> 01:13:17,999 our intelligence . We need some answers . 1891 01:13:18,350 --> 01:13:20,860 After investing two decades , nearly $2 1892 01:13:20,860 --> 01:13:24,760 trillion 2500 of 1893 01:13:24,760 --> 01:13:27,040 American troops . Our nation must 1894 01:13:27,040 --> 01:13:29,600 conduct a thorough and honest review of 1895 01:13:29,600 --> 01:13:31,322 the United States government's 1896 01:13:31,322 --> 01:13:33,378 involvement in Afghanistan since the 1897 01:13:33,378 --> 01:13:35,600 September 11 , 2001 terrorist attacks . 1898 01:13:35,600 --> 01:13:37,544 For the sake of current and future 1899 01:13:37,544 --> 01:13:39,656 generations of war fighters , we must 1900 01:13:39,656 --> 01:13:41,322 capture the hard lessons from 1901 01:13:41,322 --> 01:13:43,156 Afghanistan to ensure that these 1902 01:13:43,156 --> 01:13:45,100 lessons are not forgotten or worse 1903 01:13:45,100 --> 01:13:48,030 repeated on a future battlefield . This 1904 01:13:48,040 --> 01:13:50,660 is our moral responsibility as a nation . 1905 01:13:51,150 --> 01:13:53,317 Gentlemen , all three of you have been 1906 01:13:53,317 --> 01:13:55,261 involved in the war in Afghanistan 1907 01:13:55,261 --> 01:13:57,317 multiple times in multiple different 1908 01:13:57,317 --> 01:13:59,372 capacities throughout your careers , 1909 01:13:59,372 --> 01:14:01,483 Secretary Austin was the situation on 1910 01:14:01,483 --> 01:14:03,706 the ground in Afghanistan over the last 1911 01:14:03,706 --> 01:14:05,706 few months , influenced by previous 1912 01:14:05,706 --> 01:14:07,594 decisions made over the course of 1913 01:14:07,594 --> 01:14:10,500 several years . I absolutely believe 1914 01:14:10,500 --> 01:14:13,140 that Senator I foremost among those 1915 01:14:13,140 --> 01:14:16,330 decisions is the is the Doha agreement . 1916 01:14:16,340 --> 01:14:18,780 I think that that is severely impacted 1917 01:14:18,780 --> 01:14:21,860 the morale of the military . Thank you . 1918 01:14:22,240 --> 01:14:24,518 Secretary Officer . If that's the case , 1919 01:14:24,518 --> 01:14:25,962 is it possible to have an 1920 01:14:25,962 --> 01:14:28,073 intellectually honest Lessons learned 1921 01:14:28,073 --> 01:14:30,410 exercise that only looks at the most 1922 01:14:30,410 --> 01:14:32,410 recent events in Afghanistan of the 1923 01:14:32,410 --> 01:14:34,410 last couple of months ? Or must any 1924 01:14:34,410 --> 01:14:36,632 effective review ? Look at the whole 20 1925 01:14:36,632 --> 01:14:39,310 years since September 11 , I think you 1926 01:14:39,310 --> 01:14:42,000 have to look at the the the entire 20 1927 01:14:42,000 --> 01:14:44,056 years . Uh senator , I think there's 1928 01:14:44,056 --> 01:14:46,278 some great lessons learned that uh that 1929 01:14:46,278 --> 01:14:48,710 we're gonna take away once we do that . 1930 01:14:48,720 --> 01:14:50,887 But yeah , I believe you gotta look at 1931 01:14:50,887 --> 01:14:52,998 the entire time spent . Thank you . I 1932 01:14:52,998 --> 01:14:55,164 agree that an effective review must be 1933 01:14:55,164 --> 01:14:57,220 comprehensive . After all the war in 1934 01:14:57,220 --> 01:14:58,942 Afghanistan was shaped by four 1935 01:14:58,942 --> 01:15:00,776 different administrations and 11 1936 01:15:00,776 --> 01:15:03,360 different Congresses . No party should 1937 01:15:03,360 --> 01:15:05,304 be looking to score cheap partisan 1938 01:15:05,304 --> 01:15:07,400 political points of a multi decade 1939 01:15:07,410 --> 01:15:09,620 nation building failure . That was 1940 01:15:09,620 --> 01:15:12,290 bipartisan in the making . Instead , 1941 01:15:12,290 --> 01:15:14,401 Congress should authorize a long term 1942 01:15:14,401 --> 01:15:16,480 effort solely devoted to bringing 1943 01:15:16,480 --> 01:15:18,647 accountability and transparency to the 1944 01:15:18,647 --> 01:15:20,536 Afghanistan war and lessons to be 1945 01:15:20,536 --> 01:15:22,647 learned . That is why on thursday , I 1946 01:15:22,647 --> 01:15:24,869 will be introducing the Afghanistan War 1947 01:15:24,869 --> 01:15:26,860 study Commission . My bill would 1948 01:15:26,860 --> 01:15:28,820 establish a bipartisan Independent 1949 01:15:28,820 --> 01:15:31,470 commission to examine every aspect of 1950 01:15:31,470 --> 01:15:33,870 the war , including the political and 1951 01:15:33,870 --> 01:15:36,037 strategic decisions that transformed a 1952 01:15:36,037 --> 01:15:38,160 focused military mission into vast 1953 01:15:38,170 --> 01:15:41,510 nation building campaign importantly , 1954 01:15:41,520 --> 01:15:43,742 this commission must produce actionable 1955 01:15:43,742 --> 01:15:45,853 recommendations designed to guide the 1956 01:15:45,853 --> 01:15:48,040 development of real reforms . Just as 1957 01:15:48,040 --> 01:15:50,040 the 9 11 commission's work informed 1958 01:15:50,040 --> 01:15:52,262 congressional law making efforts in the 1959 01:15:52,262 --> 01:15:54,484 years after its publication , Secretary 1960 01:15:54,484 --> 01:15:56,596 Austin , would you agree with me that 1961 01:15:56,596 --> 01:15:58,940 such an independent long term study 1962 01:15:58,950 --> 01:16:00,506 could serve as an effective 1963 01:16:00,506 --> 01:16:02,740 complementary effort to the more 1964 01:16:02,740 --> 01:16:05,073 targeted lessons learned reviews that D . 1965 01:16:05,073 --> 01:16:07,240 O . D . Always conducts , particularly 1966 01:16:07,240 --> 01:16:09,351 in shedding light on how congress and 1967 01:16:09,351 --> 01:16:11,073 civilian leaders from multiple 1968 01:16:11,073 --> 01:16:13,470 government agencies can do a better job 1969 01:16:13,480 --> 01:16:15,369 in defining the scope of military 1970 01:16:15,369 --> 01:16:17,580 missions and actually enforcing legal 1971 01:16:17,580 --> 01:16:21,140 limitations on the use of force . I 1972 01:16:21,140 --> 01:16:23,251 would and I did the point that you're 1973 01:16:23,251 --> 01:16:25,307 making it needs to , my view is that 1974 01:16:25,307 --> 01:16:27,529 needs to be an an inter agency approach 1975 01:16:27,529 --> 01:16:29,930 to this . Thank you and I do want to 1976 01:16:29,930 --> 01:16:33,200 note that my family and I were in 1977 01:16:33,200 --> 01:16:36,380 cambodia until the very end . I'm an 1978 01:16:36,380 --> 01:16:38,491 american . I was born in Thailand but 1979 01:16:38,491 --> 01:16:40,713 my father worked for the United Nations 1980 01:16:40,713 --> 01:16:42,936 and to answer my colleague's question . 1981 01:16:42,936 --> 01:16:45,470 Um My father chose to stay as long as 1982 01:16:45,470 --> 01:16:47,581 possible to help the Cambodian people 1983 01:16:47,581 --> 01:16:50,120 as long as possible and he left after 1984 01:16:50,120 --> 01:16:52,231 american troops had left the american 1985 01:16:52,231 --> 01:16:54,176 ambassador stayed behind after the 1986 01:16:54,176 --> 01:16:56,231 american troops had left and in fact 1987 01:16:56,231 --> 01:16:58,342 after the last military transport had 1988 01:16:58,342 --> 01:16:58,330 left . I know this because my father 1989 01:16:58,330 --> 01:17:00,441 was on the last military transport to 1990 01:17:00,441 --> 01:17:02,552 leave cambodia and the ambassador had 1991 01:17:02,552 --> 01:17:04,820 to travel overland . So yes , we do 1992 01:17:04,820 --> 01:17:06,876 leave americans behind , but this is 1993 01:17:06,876 --> 01:17:09,098 all tied to neo operations and how that 1994 01:17:09,098 --> 01:17:11,320 is planned . Which is why I think it is 1995 01:17:11,320 --> 01:17:13,010 so important that we have an 1996 01:17:13,020 --> 01:17:15,076 independent investigation may be the 1997 01:17:15,076 --> 01:17:17,242 failure here was that we didn't have a 1998 01:17:17,242 --> 01:17:19,020 Neo plan in place and we didn't 1999 01:17:19,020 --> 01:17:18,930 activate it before all of our troops 2000 01:17:18,930 --> 01:17:21,041 left . But if that's the case we need 2001 01:17:21,041 --> 01:17:23,310 to learn that . So I would ask for um 2002 01:17:23,320 --> 01:17:25,042 my colleagues to consider this 2003 01:17:25,042 --> 01:17:27,170 independent commission . We put 2004 01:17:27,170 --> 01:17:29,337 somebody in charge of it who is not in 2005 01:17:29,337 --> 01:17:31,448 a decision making capacity during the 2006 01:17:31,448 --> 01:17:34,090 20 years . Make it make it non partisan . 2007 01:17:34,100 --> 01:17:36,267 And let's get those lessons learned so 2008 01:17:36,267 --> 01:17:38,322 we don't make the same mistakes over 2009 01:17:38,322 --> 01:17:40,322 and over again . Our troops deserve 2010 01:17:40,322 --> 01:17:42,433 better . And the families of the 2500 2011 01:17:42,433 --> 01:17:44,433 American troops who laid down their 2012 01:17:44,433 --> 01:17:46,211 lives to protect and defend the 2013 01:17:46,211 --> 01:17:48,378 constitution , who followed the lawful 2014 01:17:48,378 --> 01:17:50,600 order of all of those presidents . They 2015 01:17:50,600 --> 01:17:52,711 deserve better than partisan fights . 2016 01:17:52,711 --> 01:17:54,656 We need to get some real answers . 2017 01:17:54,656 --> 01:17:54,080 Thank you . I yield back . Mr . 2018 01:17:54,080 --> 01:17:55,969 Chairman , thank you Senator Dark 2019 01:17:55,969 --> 01:17:58,080 Growth . Now let me recognize Senator 2020 01:17:58,080 --> 01:17:57,640 Blackburn