1 00:00:02,140 --> 00:00:04,440 Thank you Mr Chairman gentlemen , we 2 00:00:04,440 --> 00:00:06,496 thank you all for being here with us 3 00:00:06,496 --> 00:00:09,080 today . As you've heard from all of us . 4 00:00:09,080 --> 00:00:11,390 The american people Tennessee ins are 5 00:00:11,390 --> 00:00:13,620 wanting some answers . They deserve to 6 00:00:13,620 --> 00:00:17,410 hear your testimony and I think it 7 00:00:17,410 --> 00:00:19,790 is unacceptable that this is the first 8 00:00:19,790 --> 00:00:22,040 time that I'm hearing from you in any 9 00:00:22,040 --> 00:00:24,790 forum despite attempts that outreach by 10 00:00:24,790 --> 00:00:28,470 both me and my staff save a 11 00:00:28,470 --> 00:00:31,650 few short all senator phone calls that 12 00:00:31,650 --> 00:00:34,420 we have had and I want to emphasize all 13 00:00:34,420 --> 00:00:37,250 of us here , Every one of us answer to 14 00:00:37,250 --> 00:00:40,220 the american people and they deserve 15 00:00:40,220 --> 00:00:43,250 transparency and information 16 00:00:43,340 --> 00:00:46,380 regarding this administration's botched 17 00:00:46,380 --> 00:00:48,070 and disgraceful withdrawal . 18 00:00:48,510 --> 00:00:51,790 Tennesseans are really angry and as you 19 00:00:51,790 --> 00:00:54,430 know , General Milley Tennessee is home 20 00:00:54,430 --> 00:00:57,500 to the 101st Airborne , one of the most 21 00:00:57,500 --> 00:00:59,389 deployed divisions in the U . S . 22 00:00:59,389 --> 00:01:01,480 Military were also home to the 23 00:01:01,480 --> 00:01:04,560 specialized 1/60 soar who were among 24 00:01:04,560 --> 00:01:07,720 the last on the ground extracting us 25 00:01:07,720 --> 00:01:10,550 citizens from danger in Kabul Tennessee 26 00:01:10,550 --> 00:01:12,661 National Guard units have deployed to 27 00:01:12,661 --> 00:01:15,460 Afghanistan at a high operational tempo 28 00:01:15,540 --> 00:01:18,130 As well as providing vital logistical 29 00:01:18,130 --> 00:01:21,570 services such as refueling . We are 30 00:01:21,570 --> 00:01:25,100 home to more than 400,000 veterans , 31 00:01:25,110 --> 00:01:28,910 many of whom have lasting physical and 32 00:01:28,910 --> 00:01:31,380 psychological wounds from the time they 33 00:01:31,390 --> 00:01:34,590 have spent in service and Tennessee ins 34 00:01:34,600 --> 00:01:37,170 are heartbroken over the loss of one of 35 00:01:37,170 --> 00:01:40,410 our own staff Sergeant Ryan canals . 36 00:01:40,710 --> 00:01:43,680 Patriotic american who represented the 37 00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:46,830 best of all of us In the 38 00:01:46,840 --> 00:01:50,840 August 26 suicide bombing at Hamid 39 00:01:50,840 --> 00:01:53,760 Karzai International Airport . He made 40 00:01:53,760 --> 00:01:57,610 the ultimate sacrifice . So how 41 00:01:57,610 --> 00:02:00,620 did we get here and how did we get to ? 42 00:02:00,620 --> 00:02:04,260 What has been a complete let down to 43 00:02:04,270 --> 00:02:06,600 most Tennessee ends . And I've got a 44 00:02:06,600 --> 00:02:09,240 few questions , these are yes or no 45 00:02:09,240 --> 00:02:11,970 questions . So quick answers are 46 00:02:11,970 --> 00:02:15,300 appreciated . Um General Milley , were 47 00:02:15,300 --> 00:02:17,930 their options given for keeping 48 00:02:17,930 --> 00:02:20,770 american troops in Afghanistan rather 49 00:02:20,780 --> 00:02:23,130 than the unconditional , chaotic 50 00:02:23,140 --> 00:02:26,220 withdrawal ? Yes , you presented 51 00:02:26,220 --> 00:02:28,850 options and those options were declined . 52 00:02:30,040 --> 00:02:31,873 There were options presented and 53 00:02:31,873 --> 00:02:34,207 debated . Yes or no . Decision was made . 54 00:02:34,207 --> 00:02:36,318 Yes sir , Yes or no is fine . Did you 55 00:02:36,318 --> 00:02:38,484 at any point create options or keeping 56 00:02:38,484 --> 00:02:42,350 bagram open beyond july 2nd ? Yes . 57 00:02:42,530 --> 00:02:44,680 Did you provide options for keeping 58 00:02:44,680 --> 00:02:47,260 bagram open directly to the President ? 59 00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:51,500 Yes . Had bagram stayed open ? Would 60 00:02:51,500 --> 00:02:53,500 our support to the afghan air Force 61 00:02:53,500 --> 00:02:55,722 have been more effective in your view ? 62 00:02:55,740 --> 00:02:57,740 I'm sorry , I didn't catch the last 63 00:02:57,740 --> 00:03:00,050 part . If bagram had stayed open , 64 00:03:00,050 --> 00:03:02,440 would our support to the afghan air 65 00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:05,970 force have been more effective in your 66 00:03:05,970 --> 00:03:09,220 view ? Yes or no ? Uh frankly , I'm not 67 00:03:09,220 --> 00:03:11,276 sure on that one because most of the 68 00:03:11,276 --> 00:03:13,553 afghan air force was a different basis . 69 00:03:13,553 --> 00:03:15,776 Specifically at each . Kaya , President 70 00:03:15,776 --> 00:03:18,109 biden keeps calling it an extraordinary , 71 00:03:18,109 --> 00:03:20,300 just uh extraordinary success . We've 72 00:03:20,300 --> 00:03:23,740 discussed some of this today is leaving 73 00:03:23,750 --> 00:03:26,200 americans behind . An extraordinary 74 00:03:26,200 --> 00:03:28,580 success . In your view . Secretary 75 00:03:28,580 --> 00:03:31,880 Austin , we're not leaving 76 00:03:31,890 --> 00:03:35,690 americans lying . I was fine . Is the 77 00:03:35,690 --> 00:03:38,190 killing of 13 American service men and 78 00:03:38,190 --> 00:03:40,357 women while trying to secure a chaotic 79 00:03:40,357 --> 00:03:43,120 evacuation of the president's own 80 00:03:43,120 --> 00:03:46,170 making an extraordinary success . The 81 00:03:46,180 --> 00:03:48,450 loss of many civilian life is always 82 00:03:48,450 --> 00:03:50,460 tragic . The fact that we fail to 83 00:03:50,460 --> 00:03:52,700 evacuate ? Most of our Afghan partners 84 00:03:52,700 --> 00:03:55,120 and extraordinary success or the fact 85 00:03:55,120 --> 00:03:58,540 that we have afghans bringing child 86 00:03:58,540 --> 00:04:01,110 brides . People who are hardly vetted . 87 00:04:01,120 --> 00:04:04,060 Is that an extraordinary success again ? 88 00:04:04,060 --> 00:04:06,116 These are issues that we continue to 89 00:04:06,116 --> 00:04:08,227 work to get our american citizens out 90 00:04:08,227 --> 00:04:10,393 in the afghans helped us . Let me move 91 00:04:10,393 --> 00:04:11,949 on . Per article two of the 92 00:04:11,949 --> 00:04:13,782 constitution . The President may 93 00:04:13,782 --> 00:04:15,893 require the opinion in writing of the 94 00:04:15,893 --> 00:04:17,727 Principal Officer in each of the 95 00:04:17,727 --> 00:04:19,449 Executive department . Did the 96 00:04:19,449 --> 00:04:22,880 President ever require or request 97 00:04:22,880 --> 00:04:25,740 written recommendations related to the 98 00:04:25,750 --> 00:04:29,350 withdrawal of the Afghan forces ? Yes 99 00:04:29,350 --> 00:04:31,470 or no . Secretary Austin in General 100 00:04:31,470 --> 00:04:33,637 Milley than General Mackenzie ? Yes or 101 00:04:33,637 --> 00:04:36,800 no . We provided I provided our input 102 00:04:36,800 --> 00:04:40,280 as a part of a policy process 103 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:42,810 that was very well and then 104 00:04:42,810 --> 00:04:44,754 deliberately worked run that . You 105 00:04:44,754 --> 00:04:46,866 didn't completely answer that General 106 00:04:46,866 --> 00:04:49,360 Milley any written for him ? Yes . 107 00:04:50,140 --> 00:04:53,270 Would you make those available to us to 108 00:04:53,280 --> 00:04:55,502 make it available to the committee upon 109 00:04:55,502 --> 00:04:57,113 request ? In accordance with 110 00:04:57,113 --> 00:04:59,224 appropriate classifications ? We will 111 00:04:59,224 --> 00:05:01,280 we will do so in General Mackenzie . 112 00:05:01,280 --> 00:05:03,390 Yes or no . And you will make those 113 00:05:03,390 --> 00:05:05,446 available based on guidance from the 114 00:05:05,446 --> 00:05:07,557 secretary . Each of you had committed 115 00:05:07,557 --> 00:05:09,668 to make those available when you went 116 00:05:09,668 --> 00:05:11,668 through your confirmation processes 117 00:05:11,668 --> 00:05:13,890 will come back to you for those General 118 00:05:13,890 --> 00:05:16,112 Milley . Um Yes or no to this . Did you 119 00:05:16,112 --> 00:05:18,334 talk to bob Woodard or robert Costa for 120 00:05:18,334 --> 00:05:20,720 their book . Peril Woodward ? Yes cost 121 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:23,160 to know . Did you talk to Carol Janek 122 00:05:23,160 --> 00:05:25,438 and Philip Rucker for their book alone . 123 00:05:25,438 --> 00:05:27,920 Can I fix it ? Yes . Did you talk to 124 00:05:27,920 --> 00:05:30,720 Michael binder for his book book is 125 00:05:30,720 --> 00:05:33,290 frankly , we did win this election . 126 00:05:33,290 --> 00:05:35,346 The inside story of how trump lost . 127 00:05:35,346 --> 00:05:38,280 Yes . And were you accurately 128 00:05:38,280 --> 00:05:40,530 represented in these books ? I haven't 129 00:05:40,530 --> 00:05:42,960 read any of the books , so I don't know . 130 00:05:43,340 --> 00:05:46,400 I've seen press reporting of it . I 131 00:05:46,410 --> 00:05:48,577 haven't read . Let's have you read the 132 00:05:48,577 --> 00:05:50,688 books and then let us know if you are 133 00:05:50,688 --> 00:05:53,610 accurately portray that black 134 00:05:54,260 --> 00:05:58,260 during the five minute rule . Thank you . 135 00:05:58,840 --> 00:06:00,460 Uh Senator Rosen , please 136 00:06:03,140 --> 00:06:05,360 uh , thank you . Chairman read ranking 137 00:06:05,360 --> 00:06:07,527 member Inhofe for holding today's very 138 00:06:07,527 --> 00:06:09,582 important hearing a critical part of 139 00:06:09,582 --> 00:06:11,082 this committee's oversight 140 00:06:11,082 --> 00:06:13,249 responsibilities . It's an opportunity 141 00:06:13,249 --> 00:06:15,416 for the american people to get answers 142 00:06:15,416 --> 00:06:17,527 about our withdrawal from Afghanistan 143 00:06:17,527 --> 00:06:19,582 and how we plan to counter terrorist 144 00:06:19,582 --> 00:06:22,140 threats in the future . I also want to 145 00:06:22,140 --> 00:06:24,410 sincerely thank the brave men and women 146 00:06:24,410 --> 00:06:26,750 who served our country in Afghanistan . 147 00:06:26,760 --> 00:06:29,210 Many who made the ultimate sacrifice 148 00:06:29,220 --> 00:06:31,850 and of course their families as well . 149 00:06:32,840 --> 00:06:34,673 Secretary Austin General Million 150 00:06:34,673 --> 00:06:36,729 General Mackenzie . I appreciate you 151 00:06:36,729 --> 00:06:38,729 all being here to address lingering 152 00:06:38,729 --> 00:06:40,840 concerns . We have about the last two 153 00:06:40,840 --> 00:06:42,896 decades of war uh , generally in the 154 00:06:42,896 --> 00:06:45,118 past two months in particular , you are 155 00:06:45,118 --> 00:06:47,340 all men of honor and integrity who have 156 00:06:47,340 --> 00:06:49,770 served our country nobly . And I so 157 00:06:49,770 --> 00:06:51,881 look forward to your candid responses 158 00:06:51,881 --> 00:06:54,048 to my questions , even if they require 159 00:06:54,048 --> 00:06:56,103 admitting that in some cases serious 160 00:06:56,103 --> 00:06:58,190 mistakes were made like all Senate 161 00:06:58,190 --> 00:07:00,480 offices as the taliban approach Kabul 162 00:07:00,480 --> 00:07:02,591 and eventually took over the city and 163 00:07:02,591 --> 00:07:04,650 the country , my team and I work to 164 00:07:04,650 --> 00:07:07,060 help vulnerable individuals evacuate . 165 00:07:07,540 --> 00:07:09,540 These were people who in many cases 166 00:07:09,540 --> 00:07:11,762 have the State Department's approval to 167 00:07:11,762 --> 00:07:13,873 leave Afghanistan for the US or third 168 00:07:13,873 --> 00:07:15,873 party country . But due to crowds , 169 00:07:15,873 --> 00:07:18,096 Taliban checkpoints are legitimate fear 170 00:07:18,096 --> 00:07:20,151 of being killed along the way , they 171 00:07:20,151 --> 00:07:22,440 could just not physically get to a gate 172 00:07:22,440 --> 00:07:25,510 to present their paperwork . Um No 173 00:07:25,510 --> 00:07:28,190 matter how many times they tried or no 174 00:07:28,190 --> 00:07:31,070 matter how long they waited . My office 175 00:07:31,070 --> 00:07:33,292 worked with centcom and the Afghanistan 176 00:07:33,292 --> 00:07:35,070 task Force to try to coordinate 177 00:07:35,070 --> 00:07:37,292 opportunities just to grab these people 178 00:07:37,292 --> 00:07:39,348 from the crowd so they could present 179 00:07:39,348 --> 00:07:41,403 their paperwork and flee to safety . 180 00:07:41,403 --> 00:07:43,514 But unfortunately again these efforts 181 00:07:43,514 --> 00:07:46,440 were to no avail as these individuals 182 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:48,550 continue to wait for help that may 183 00:07:48,560 --> 00:07:51,170 never come . I remain frustrated that 184 00:07:51,170 --> 00:07:53,590 the U . S . Did not set up a perimeter 185 00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:55,660 around Kabul or at the very least 186 00:07:55,660 --> 00:07:58,590 create a safe corridor for the S . One 187 00:07:58,600 --> 00:08:00,767 visa holders for the air to get to the 188 00:08:00,767 --> 00:08:03,140 airport for their families , potential 189 00:08:03,140 --> 00:08:05,350 asylum seekers who were attempting to 190 00:08:05,350 --> 00:08:08,460 escape a near certain death . 191 00:08:09,640 --> 00:08:12,060 So continued support General Milley , I 192 00:08:12,060 --> 00:08:14,060 appreciate the State Department now 193 00:08:14,060 --> 00:08:16,190 taking the lead on evacuations . But 194 00:08:16,190 --> 00:08:17,857 like our military , the State 195 00:08:17,857 --> 00:08:19,968 Department no longer has any presence 196 00:08:19,968 --> 00:08:22,170 on the ground in Afghanistan . So I'd 197 00:08:22,170 --> 00:08:24,410 like to ask you , sir , uh does the U . 198 00:08:24,410 --> 00:08:26,540 S . Military's recent experience 199 00:08:26,540 --> 00:08:29,300 facilitating the evacuation from Kabul . 200 00:08:29,310 --> 00:08:31,260 Give you the confidence that the 201 00:08:31,260 --> 00:08:33,520 taliban will be honest brokers and 202 00:08:33,520 --> 00:08:35,590 working with our diplomats to help 203 00:08:35,590 --> 00:08:37,701 vulnerable afghan nationals leave the 204 00:08:37,701 --> 00:08:41,290 leave the country . I think that what 205 00:08:41,290 --> 00:08:45,170 we've seen so far since the 31st . Um 206 00:08:45,180 --> 00:08:47,347 Some americans have gotten out through 207 00:08:47,347 --> 00:08:49,690 diplomatic means and they have reached 208 00:08:49,690 --> 00:08:52,250 safety through either overland routes 209 00:08:52,260 --> 00:08:54,840 or through aircraft . I don't know all 210 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:57,007 the details , but I can't imagine that 211 00:08:57,007 --> 00:08:58,951 that didn't happen without taliban 212 00:08:58,951 --> 00:09:01,380 facilitation . Well , we can get back 213 00:09:01,380 --> 00:09:03,840 to afghan nationals helping them leave 214 00:09:03,840 --> 00:09:05,729 the country as well , those s ivy 215 00:09:05,729 --> 00:09:07,840 holders and others who supported us . 216 00:09:07,840 --> 00:09:09,340 But Secretary Austin , the 217 00:09:09,340 --> 00:09:11,562 administration has said they'll utilize 218 00:09:11,562 --> 00:09:13,420 every tool available to hold the 219 00:09:13,420 --> 00:09:16,260 taliban accountable if they fail to 220 00:09:16,260 --> 00:09:18,660 meet their commitments to provide safe 221 00:09:18,660 --> 00:09:20,771 passage for anyone who wants to leave 222 00:09:20,771 --> 00:09:22,960 the country . Certainly we know their 223 00:09:22,960 --> 00:09:25,540 economic levers . But can you elaborate 224 00:09:25,550 --> 00:09:28,270 on what the military tools are and 225 00:09:28,280 --> 00:09:30,280 could there be a shared interest in 226 00:09:30,280 --> 00:09:34,240 targeting ISIS K in 227 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:36,570 terms of military tools , Senator , as 228 00:09:36,570 --> 00:09:39,260 you know , we we have the ability to uh 229 00:09:39,270 --> 00:09:41,980 to offer a range of options depending 230 00:09:41,980 --> 00:09:44,750 on what , you know , the president's uh 231 00:09:44,760 --> 00:09:48,170 objectives are . Uh so we can 232 00:09:48,170 --> 00:09:52,010 do most anything uh that's required of 233 00:09:52,010 --> 00:09:55,250 us uh because we have a substantial 234 00:09:55,340 --> 00:09:58,660 resources but in terms of our 235 00:09:58,660 --> 00:10:02,380 cooperation with the 236 00:10:02,380 --> 00:10:05,960 taliban against uh to counter ISIS K . 237 00:10:06,340 --> 00:10:09,820 I won't venture to make any any 238 00:10:09,820 --> 00:10:12,800 comments on that . I would just say 239 00:10:12,800 --> 00:10:16,090 that we have we have uh coordinated 240 00:10:16,090 --> 00:10:18,160 some things that are very narrow in 241 00:10:18,160 --> 00:10:20,540 scope with them to get our people out 242 00:10:20,540 --> 00:10:22,490 as you know , and to continue to 243 00:10:22,490 --> 00:10:24,680 further evacuate american citizens . 244 00:10:24,690 --> 00:10:26,750 But I won't I won't I don't I don't 245 00:10:26,750 --> 00:10:30,150 think it's right to uh make assumptions 246 00:10:30,150 --> 00:10:32,750 to to broader and bigger things from 247 00:10:32,750 --> 00:10:34,917 that coordination . They are still the 248 00:10:34,917 --> 00:10:37,760 taliban . Thank you . I just like to uh 249 00:10:37,770 --> 00:10:39,992 in a few seconds I have left and we can 250 00:10:39,992 --> 00:10:41,937 take these second round or off the 251 00:10:41,937 --> 00:10:43,826 record uh future counterterrorism 252 00:10:43,826 --> 00:10:46,540 operations . Uh we have to reorganize 253 00:10:46,550 --> 00:10:48,661 our counterterrorism capabilities and 254 00:10:48,661 --> 00:10:50,772 our assets in the region of course as 255 00:10:50,772 --> 00:10:53,800 we move to an over the horizon um 256 00:10:53,810 --> 00:10:55,980 scenario . So Secretary Austin General 257 00:10:55,980 --> 00:10:58,091 Mackenzie and we'll take these in the 258 00:10:58,091 --> 00:11:00,150 second round , think about like the 259 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:02,049 answer to what is the plan for an 260 00:11:02,049 --> 00:11:03,604 enduring counterstrategy as 261 00:11:03,604 --> 00:11:05,771 counterterrorism strategy , it's going 262 00:11:05,771 --> 00:11:07,882 to be able to address and counter the 263 00:11:07,882 --> 00:11:09,827 influence of the violent extremist 264 00:11:09,827 --> 00:11:12,270 organizations in Afghanistan . Um Thank 265 00:11:12,270 --> 00:11:14,214 you Mr . Thank you . Senator Rosen 266 00:11:14,214 --> 00:11:16,548 Centre Hawley , please . Thank you . Mr . 267 00:11:16,548 --> 00:11:18,659 Chairman , let me just sum up where I 268 00:11:18,659 --> 00:11:20,714 understand that that we are based on 269 00:11:20,714 --> 00:11:22,659 what's been a fairly extraordinary 270 00:11:22,659 --> 00:11:22,600 hearing . Here's what I've learned so 271 00:11:22,600 --> 00:11:24,489 far . Number one President United 272 00:11:24,489 --> 00:11:26,720 States lie to the american people about 273 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:30,010 the advice that you gave to him about 274 00:11:30,010 --> 00:11:32,232 the military judgment that you provided 275 00:11:32,232 --> 00:11:34,399 for him . I think you've all testified 276 00:11:34,399 --> 00:11:36,677 to that effect now repeatedly secondly , 277 00:11:36,677 --> 00:11:36,510 the State Department and maybe the 278 00:11:36,510 --> 00:11:38,510 White House appeared to have pushed 279 00:11:38,510 --> 00:11:40,732 back the evacuation to such a time that 280 00:11:40,732 --> 00:11:42,788 it became a catastrophe apparently , 281 00:11:42,788 --> 00:11:45,010 against your advice . Although I'd like 282 00:11:45,010 --> 00:11:44,560 to learn more about that in third . For 283 00:11:44,560 --> 00:11:46,393 some reason we still don't quite 284 00:11:46,393 --> 00:11:48,560 understand the pentagon failed to plan 285 00:11:48,560 --> 00:11:50,449 for the potential collapse of the 286 00:11:50,449 --> 00:11:52,616 security forces or the collapse of the 287 00:11:52,616 --> 00:11:54,838 Afghan government . Despite there being 288 00:11:54,838 --> 00:11:57,004 quite a lot of warning . Senator Kaine 289 00:11:57,004 --> 00:11:56,730 referred to this earlier . Quite a lot 290 00:11:56,730 --> 00:11:58,841 of warning for really frankly , years 291 00:11:58,841 --> 00:12:00,897 that the Afghan security forces were 292 00:12:00,897 --> 00:12:03,174 ill equipped , ill trained and frankly , 293 00:12:03,174 --> 00:12:05,341 not up to the job . I don't understand 294 00:12:05,341 --> 00:12:05,270 any of that . I'd like to explore those 295 00:12:05,270 --> 00:12:07,326 things with you in this round of the 296 00:12:07,326 --> 00:12:09,492 next . But first before I do Secretary 297 00:12:09,492 --> 00:12:11,437 Austin , I have to take issue with 298 00:12:11,437 --> 00:12:10,900 something you just said . I know this 299 00:12:10,900 --> 00:12:12,956 is an administration talking point . 300 00:12:12,956 --> 00:12:15,067 I've heard it out of the mouth of the 301 00:12:15,067 --> 00:12:17,289 Press secretary and others . We are not 302 00:12:17,289 --> 00:12:19,289 leaving americans behind . That was 303 00:12:19,289 --> 00:12:21,344 your quote in just a minute ago with 304 00:12:21,344 --> 00:12:23,456 all due respect , sir , you have left 305 00:12:23,456 --> 00:12:26,000 past tense americans behind . We have 306 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:28,222 no presence any longer in Afghanistan . 307 00:12:28,222 --> 00:12:30,333 There are hundreds of America and not 308 00:12:30,333 --> 00:12:32,600 just americans , generally civilians . 309 00:12:32,610 --> 00:12:36,170 You left behind against the President's 310 00:12:36,180 --> 00:12:39,900 explicit commitment not to leave until 311 00:12:39,910 --> 00:12:42,250 all american citizens were out into 312 00:12:42,250 --> 00:12:44,490 safety . That is not what happened . 313 00:12:44,580 --> 00:12:46,302 And now we have people who are 314 00:12:46,302 --> 00:12:48,413 desperately frantically trying to get 315 00:12:48,413 --> 00:12:50,469 out of this country . Coming to me , 316 00:12:50,469 --> 00:12:52,469 coming to members of this committee 317 00:12:52,469 --> 00:12:54,580 asking for help . They can't get that 318 00:12:54,580 --> 00:12:56,913 help . They're stuck behind enemy lines . 319 00:12:56,913 --> 00:12:56,200 So please don't tell me that we're not 320 00:12:56,200 --> 00:12:58,340 leaving americans behind . You left 321 00:12:58,340 --> 00:13:00,229 them behind , joe biden left them 322 00:13:00,229 --> 00:13:02,007 behind . And frankly , it was a 323 00:13:02,007 --> 00:13:04,229 disgrace . Let me ask you this though , 324 00:13:04,229 --> 00:13:06,396 Senator , thanks for your help and and 325 00:13:06,396 --> 00:13:08,173 continuing to help get american 326 00:13:08,173 --> 00:13:10,396 citizens and afghans who have helped us 327 00:13:10,396 --> 00:13:12,729 out of the country . But as you've seen , 328 00:13:12,729 --> 00:13:14,562 we continue to facilitate Well , 329 00:13:14,562 --> 00:13:16,729 actually , I didn't ask you a question 330 00:13:16,729 --> 00:13:16,460 but since you seem to want to address 331 00:13:16,460 --> 00:13:18,910 the issues . So since you do , isn't it 332 00:13:18,920 --> 00:13:21,650 true that you left americans behind On 333 00:13:21,650 --> 00:13:25,190 August the 31st there are americans . 334 00:13:25,190 --> 00:13:27,357 There were americans . There was still 335 00:13:27,357 --> 00:13:29,412 in uh in Afghanistan . And so are we 336 00:13:29,412 --> 00:13:31,468 continue to work to try to get those 337 00:13:31,468 --> 00:13:33,523 americans out ? Yeah , that that's a 338 00:13:33,523 --> 00:13:35,634 yes . Let's let's not repeat please , 339 00:13:35,634 --> 00:13:37,690 the frankly falsehood that we didn't 340 00:13:37,690 --> 00:13:39,857 leave americans behind . Um let me ask 341 00:13:39,857 --> 00:13:42,134 you this . Uh General Secretary Austin , 342 00:13:42,134 --> 00:13:44,079 you said you've alluded to several 343 00:13:44,079 --> 00:13:46,246 times . The fact that the military was 344 00:13:46,246 --> 00:13:45,690 ready . You say this in your prepared 345 00:13:45,690 --> 00:13:47,540 remarks by late april , you say 346 00:13:47,540 --> 00:13:49,762 military planners have crafted a number 347 00:13:49,762 --> 00:13:51,762 of evacuation scenarios . You refer 348 00:13:51,762 --> 00:13:53,818 later in your marks to the fact that 349 00:13:53,818 --> 00:13:53,730 you were waiting for the State 350 00:13:53,730 --> 00:13:55,730 Department to make a decision about 351 00:13:55,730 --> 00:13:57,730 evacuations . NBC News is reporting 352 00:13:57,730 --> 00:13:59,841 this morning that the military wanted 353 00:13:59,841 --> 00:14:02,008 to begin evacuations earlier . But the 354 00:14:02,008 --> 00:14:04,008 State Department of the White House 355 00:14:04,008 --> 00:14:06,230 intervened and by maybe eight said no , 356 00:14:06,230 --> 00:14:08,341 we're delaying the evacuations of our 357 00:14:08,341 --> 00:14:10,563 civilians . Can you just help us get to 358 00:14:10,563 --> 00:14:12,674 the truth here , was it your judgment 359 00:14:12,674 --> 00:14:14,674 and opinion that the evacuations of 360 00:14:14,674 --> 00:14:16,841 civilians should have begun before the 361 00:14:16,841 --> 00:14:18,930 middle of august , we provided our 362 00:14:18,940 --> 00:14:21,273 input to the State Department and again , 363 00:14:21,273 --> 00:14:23,440 it is the call of the State Department 364 00:14:23,440 --> 00:14:25,607 to I understand that I understand that 365 00:14:25,607 --> 00:14:27,829 Mr Secretary , I'm asking for what your 366 00:14:27,829 --> 00:14:29,662 your judgment was and I'm asking 367 00:14:29,662 --> 00:14:31,829 specifically about your testimony that 368 00:14:31,829 --> 00:14:33,607 in april you develop evacuation 369 00:14:33,607 --> 00:14:35,496 scenarios and this is reported by 370 00:14:35,496 --> 00:14:37,551 multiple sources this morning on the 371 00:14:37,551 --> 00:14:39,718 news . So , I just wonder , as of late 372 00:14:39,718 --> 00:14:41,940 april , was it was it your opinion that 373 00:14:41,940 --> 00:14:43,940 the evacuations of civilians should 374 00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:43,830 begin ? Should have begun before ? 375 00:14:43,830 --> 00:14:46,460 Should begin earlier than they did it . 376 00:14:46,470 --> 00:14:49,690 Uh we provided input to uh to try to 377 00:14:49,700 --> 00:14:53,670 get out as many uh uh afghans who have 378 00:14:53,670 --> 00:14:57,360 helped us along the way as 379 00:14:57,840 --> 00:14:59,970 you know , as early as possible . Uh 380 00:14:59,980 --> 00:15:02,910 But again , the State Department uh as 381 00:15:02,920 --> 00:15:04,920 you know , made his decisions based 382 00:15:04,920 --> 00:15:07,330 upon the fact that even President Ghani 383 00:15:07,330 --> 00:15:09,390 had engaged him and said , hey , we 384 00:15:09,390 --> 00:15:11,557 were very concerned about , you know , 385 00:15:11,557 --> 00:15:13,668 the mass exodus of civilians from the 386 00:15:13,668 --> 00:15:15,668 from the country ? Let me , General 387 00:15:15,668 --> 00:15:17,779 Milley , let me let me direct this to 388 00:15:17,779 --> 00:15:19,834 you . Did you did you ever advise in 389 00:15:19,834 --> 00:15:22,010 the interagency process that the rapid 390 00:15:22,010 --> 00:15:24,830 withdrawal timeline that the White 391 00:15:24,830 --> 00:15:26,774 House ? The pentagon signed off on 392 00:15:26,774 --> 00:15:28,774 General Miller proposed effectively 393 00:15:28,774 --> 00:15:30,774 getting us to zero by the middle of 394 00:15:30,774 --> 00:15:30,360 july , that that would negatively 395 00:15:30,360 --> 00:15:32,193 impact any effort to get out our 396 00:15:32,193 --> 00:15:34,138 civilians . In other words , if we 397 00:15:34,138 --> 00:15:36,360 drawn down to zero by july , if we then 398 00:15:36,360 --> 00:15:38,830 had a a civilian evacuation ordered , 399 00:15:39,010 --> 00:15:41,121 we'd be in a lot of trouble . Did you 400 00:15:41,121 --> 00:15:44,370 ever did you ever advised to that uh to 401 00:15:44,370 --> 00:15:46,370 that effect during the inter agency 402 00:15:46,370 --> 00:15:48,259 process ? Did you warn about that 403 00:15:48,259 --> 00:15:50,426 possibility of drawing down so quickly 404 00:15:50,426 --> 00:15:52,259 before a civilian evacuation was 405 00:15:52,259 --> 00:15:56,070 underway ? The um yeah , but it's 406 00:15:56,070 --> 00:15:59,760 more complicated than that . The the 407 00:16:00,340 --> 00:16:02,760 draw down of the forces under Miller , 408 00:16:03,640 --> 00:16:05,529 that is those guys are advisors , 409 00:16:05,529 --> 00:16:07,696 they're not the Neo kind of guys . The 410 00:16:07,696 --> 00:16:10,120 Neo troops are marine expeditionary 411 00:16:10,120 --> 00:16:11,953 unit , special purpose Magda and 412 00:16:11,953 --> 00:16:14,231 elements of the 82nd Airborne Division , 413 00:16:14,231 --> 00:16:16,342 that's what you need in order to do . 414 00:16:16,342 --> 00:16:18,453 The Neo those are the plans I believe 415 00:16:18,453 --> 00:16:20,676 that the Secretary is referring to that 416 00:16:20,676 --> 00:16:20,070 were developed early on and there's 417 00:16:20,070 --> 00:16:22,280 specific triggers that are required in 418 00:16:22,280 --> 00:16:24,447 the State Department calls the time of 419 00:16:24,447 --> 00:16:26,670 the Neo uh Secretary . In fact on the 420 00:16:26,670 --> 00:16:29,050 12th of august started pushing forward 421 00:16:29,060 --> 00:16:31,290 forces and orders . On the 14th , the 422 00:16:31,290 --> 00:16:33,401 ambassador , ambassador Wilson called 423 00:16:33,401 --> 00:16:35,457 the Neo should that have been called 424 00:16:35,457 --> 00:16:37,568 earlier . That I think that's an open 425 00:16:37,568 --> 00:16:39,790 question that needs further exploration 426 00:16:39,790 --> 00:16:42,012 based on a series of meetings . But the 427 00:16:42,012 --> 00:16:44,012 April peace and the drawdown of the 428 00:16:44,012 --> 00:16:45,846 advisors , that's a separate and 429 00:16:45,846 --> 00:16:47,846 distinct task and the retrograde of 430 00:16:47,846 --> 00:16:49,790 those forces . Those 2500 advisers 431 00:16:49,790 --> 00:16:49,520 weren't the guys bringing out the 432 00:16:49,520 --> 00:16:51,631 American citizens anyway , those were 433 00:16:51,631 --> 00:16:53,631 the advisers to the afghan security 434 00:16:53,631 --> 00:16:55,687 forces . There were concerns that we 435 00:16:55,687 --> 00:16:59,090 raised um throughout the inter agency 436 00:16:59,100 --> 00:17:01,180 that when those advisers uh if the 437 00:17:01,180 --> 00:17:04,980 advisers were to stay , uh then uh 438 00:17:04,990 --> 00:17:07,460 there's a possibility that you know the 439 00:17:07,460 --> 00:17:09,516 afghan security forces would hang in 440 00:17:09,516 --> 00:17:11,627 there . We all knew that when we pull 441 00:17:11,627 --> 00:17:13,738 the advisors out , when we pulled the 442 00:17:13,738 --> 00:17:15,738 money out that at some point in the 443 00:17:15,738 --> 00:17:17,849 future , most said it was in the fall 444 00:17:17,849 --> 00:17:19,904 that the afghan security forces were 445 00:17:19,904 --> 00:17:21,904 going to fracture in the government 446 00:17:21,904 --> 00:17:23,904 would collapse . The speed at which 447 00:17:23,904 --> 00:17:26,016 that happens in august is a different 448 00:17:26,016 --> 00:17:28,127 animal . The advisers already gone by 449 00:17:28,127 --> 00:17:30,404 mid july , there is still a government , 450 00:17:30,404 --> 00:17:32,516 there is still an Afghan army and the 451 00:17:32,516 --> 00:17:34,738 assumption was that it would remain and 452 00:17:34,738 --> 00:17:36,738 the mission was to keep the embassy 453 00:17:36,738 --> 00:17:39,420 open , secure embassy transition that 454 00:17:39,430 --> 00:17:42,710 off to contractors . Uh and then all 455 00:17:42,710 --> 00:17:44,766 the military be out and it will be a 456 00:17:44,766 --> 00:17:46,932 diplomatic mission and to be money and 457 00:17:46,932 --> 00:17:46,790 over the horizon thought none of that 458 00:17:46,790 --> 00:17:48,790 happened because that army and that 459 00:17:48,790 --> 00:17:50,846 government collapsed very rapidly as 460 00:17:50,846 --> 00:17:52,623 soon as those indicators came a 461 00:17:52,623 --> 00:17:54,679 fracture Secretary Austin and others 462 00:17:54,679 --> 00:17:56,846 throughout the government executed and 463 00:17:56,846 --> 00:17:59,012 implemented a neo plan for which there 464 00:17:59,012 --> 00:18:01,012 was contingencies that were built , 465 00:18:01,012 --> 00:18:03,240 there was a plan for a rapid collapse 466 00:18:03,250 --> 00:18:05,660 and that was the neo plan that General 467 00:18:05,660 --> 00:18:07,771 Mackenzie had come up with and that's 468 00:18:07,771 --> 00:18:09,910 what was executed . That's why those 469 00:18:09,920 --> 00:18:12,087 6000 troops could deploy as rapidly as 470 00:18:12,087 --> 00:18:13,864 they did . That's why all those 471 00:18:13,864 --> 00:18:15,976 aircraft showed up . That wasn't done 472 00:18:15,976 --> 00:18:18,087 without planning . That was done with 473 00:18:18,087 --> 00:18:20,198 planning and that was done at from an 474 00:18:20,198 --> 00:18:22,309 operational and tactical standpoint , 475 00:18:22,309 --> 00:18:24,253 that was a success strategically , 476 00:18:24,253 --> 00:18:26,253 strategically the war is lost . The 477 00:18:26,253 --> 00:18:28,253 enemies in Kabul so that you have a 478 00:18:28,253 --> 00:18:29,809 strategic failure while you 479 00:18:29,809 --> 00:18:31,976 simultaneously have an operational and 480 00:18:31,976 --> 00:18:33,920 strategic and operational tactical 481 00:18:33,920 --> 00:18:36,142 success by the soldiers on the ground . 482 00:18:36,142 --> 00:18:38,364 So I think we're conflating some things 483 00:18:38,364 --> 00:18:40,531 that we need to separate in this after 484 00:18:40,531 --> 00:18:40,450 action review process so that we 485 00:18:40,450 --> 00:18:42,228 clearly understand what exactly 486 00:18:42,228 --> 00:18:44,339 happened and I'm sorry for taking all 487 00:18:44,339 --> 00:18:43,940 that time . But I thought it was 488 00:18:43,940 --> 00:18:46,273 necessary . Thank you . Senator holiday . 489 00:18:46,273 --> 00:18:48,570 Senator kelly . Please thank you . Mr 490 00:18:48,570 --> 00:18:51,900 Chairman Mr Secretary uh let me 491 00:18:51,910 --> 00:18:54,920 begin by expressing My gratitude to 492 00:18:54,920 --> 00:18:57,970 each of the over 800,000 Americans , 493 00:18:57,980 --> 00:19:00,060 many of them arizonans who served in 494 00:19:00,070 --> 00:19:03,120 Afghanistan over the past 20 years and 495 00:19:03,120 --> 00:19:05,880 to their families . I also commend our 496 00:19:05,880 --> 00:19:08,970 service members support of one of the 497 00:19:08,970 --> 00:19:11,150 largest airlifts in our country's 498 00:19:11,150 --> 00:19:13,830 history . We will never forget the 499 00:19:13,830 --> 00:19:15,941 achievements of the men and women who 500 00:19:15,941 --> 00:19:18,910 work 24 7 in Kabul , managed impossible 501 00:19:18,910 --> 00:19:21,270 conditions on the ground and above all , 502 00:19:21,710 --> 00:19:24,570 those who made the ultimate sacrifice 503 00:19:24,740 --> 00:19:26,670 protecting innocent civilians . 504 00:19:27,340 --> 00:19:30,950 124,000 people are safe today because 505 00:19:30,950 --> 00:19:33,590 of American troops and diplomats . 506 00:19:33,610 --> 00:19:36,750 Still After decades of 507 00:19:36,760 --> 00:19:39,620 conflict , 2500 American soldiers 508 00:19:39,620 --> 00:19:42,590 killed and billions invested in 509 00:19:42,590 --> 00:19:45,160 security cooperation . The american 510 00:19:45,160 --> 00:19:47,700 people deserve to know why the Afghan 511 00:19:47,700 --> 00:19:50,110 government and security forces 512 00:19:50,110 --> 00:19:53,530 collapsed in a matter of days and how 513 00:19:53,530 --> 00:19:55,752 there was a failure to prepare for this 514 00:19:55,752 --> 00:19:58,130 scenario and ensure that our people 515 00:19:58,190 --> 00:20:00,468 were out of the country before it fell . 516 00:20:01,040 --> 00:20:04,520 And I think we've established here that 517 00:20:04,520 --> 00:20:06,631 the withdrawal and evacuation did not 518 00:20:06,631 --> 00:20:09,550 account for real world conditions and 519 00:20:09,550 --> 00:20:12,820 that the intelligence was flawed . The 520 00:20:12,820 --> 00:20:16,490 United States wields incredible power 521 00:20:16,490 --> 00:20:19,030 as a global leader and our 522 00:20:19,030 --> 00:20:22,620 accountability must match our 523 00:20:22,620 --> 00:20:25,560 influence for our own national security 524 00:20:25,940 --> 00:20:27,940 and for each of those who served in 525 00:20:27,940 --> 00:20:30,420 Afghanistan during our longest war . We 526 00:20:30,420 --> 00:20:32,770 must understand what happened , but 527 00:20:32,770 --> 00:20:34,880 also look forward to ensure that our 528 00:20:34,880 --> 00:20:37,810 posture allows us to provide for our 529 00:20:37,810 --> 00:20:40,560 national security and prevent 530 00:20:40,940 --> 00:20:43,660 Afghanistan's use as a base for 531 00:20:43,660 --> 00:20:45,740 terrorist activity . So I want to 532 00:20:45,740 --> 00:20:48,720 transition and look forward and not ask 533 00:20:48,720 --> 00:20:50,609 you questions that you've already 534 00:20:50,609 --> 00:20:52,670 answered . General Mackenzie . 535 00:20:53,740 --> 00:20:55,962 America's armed forces have been on the 536 00:20:55,962 --> 00:20:58,184 front lines fighting terrorists for the 537 00:20:58,184 --> 00:21:00,296 past 20 years . During this time , Al 538 00:21:00,296 --> 00:21:02,720 Qaeda and other terrorist organizations 539 00:21:02,720 --> 00:21:05,310 have been degraded . While our military 540 00:21:05,310 --> 00:21:08,650 presence in Afghanistan has ended our 541 00:21:08,650 --> 00:21:11,240 commitment to fighting terrorism has 542 00:21:11,240 --> 00:21:14,770 not With our withdrawal complete , the 543 00:21:14,770 --> 00:21:16,770 Afghan government collapsed and the 544 00:21:16,770 --> 00:21:19,040 Taliban seeking to fill the power 545 00:21:19,040 --> 00:21:22,270 vacuum left behind . How is central 546 00:21:22,270 --> 00:21:25,450 command postured to prevent terrorist 547 00:21:25,450 --> 00:21:27,960 organizations from gaining strength in 548 00:21:27,960 --> 00:21:30,870 the region . Senator , probably the 549 00:21:30,870 --> 00:21:32,981 details of this would be best left to 550 00:21:32,981 --> 00:21:35,037 the classified session , which we'll 551 00:21:35,037 --> 00:21:37,259 have later this afternoon . But I would 552 00:21:37,259 --> 00:21:39,148 tell you that I that I have today 553 00:21:39,148 --> 00:21:41,203 headquarters that has the ability to 554 00:21:41,203 --> 00:21:43,481 look into Afghanistan , albeit limited . 555 00:21:43,481 --> 00:21:45,537 Uh , and we have the ability to fuse 556 00:21:45,537 --> 00:21:45,320 the different disciplines and 557 00:21:45,320 --> 00:21:47,376 intelligence to look particularly at 558 00:21:47,376 --> 00:21:49,410 ISIS K and Al Qaeda . We are still 559 00:21:49,410 --> 00:21:51,840 refining that the best practices on 560 00:21:51,840 --> 00:21:53,951 that . But we do have a way forward . 561 00:21:53,951 --> 00:21:56,173 I've told this committee before , it is 562 00:21:56,173 --> 00:21:58,007 very hard to do this . It is not 563 00:21:58,007 --> 00:21:59,951 impossible to do this . Well , I'm 564 00:21:59,951 --> 00:22:02,173 looking forward to seeing those details 565 00:22:02,173 --> 00:22:03,951 in the closed hearing . Are you 566 00:22:03,951 --> 00:22:06,007 confident confident that we can deny 567 00:22:06,007 --> 00:22:08,430 organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS 568 00:22:08,430 --> 00:22:10,710 the ability to use Afghanistan as a 569 00:22:10,710 --> 00:22:14,080 launchpad for terrorist activity ? I 570 00:22:14,080 --> 00:22:16,302 think that's yet to be seen . I think , 571 00:22:16,302 --> 00:22:18,358 you know , we're still seeing how Al 572 00:22:18,358 --> 00:22:20,150 Qaeda and ISIS are configuring 573 00:22:20,150 --> 00:22:22,150 themselves against the taliban were 574 00:22:22,150 --> 00:22:24,317 still seeing what the taliban is going 575 00:22:24,317 --> 00:22:26,428 to do . So I think it's , I would not 576 00:22:26,428 --> 00:22:28,594 say I'm confident that that's going to 577 00:22:28,594 --> 00:22:30,761 be on the ground yet . We could get to 578 00:22:30,761 --> 00:22:30,190 that point , but I do not yet have that 579 00:22:30,190 --> 00:22:33,970 level of confidence and you might 580 00:22:33,970 --> 00:22:36,060 have to share this in the closed 581 00:22:36,060 --> 00:22:38,282 hearing . But do you have the resources 582 00:22:38,282 --> 00:22:41,000 necessary to accomplish this even as 583 00:22:41,000 --> 00:22:44,460 our national security pivots towards 584 00:22:44,470 --> 00:22:47,800 great power or near pier threats like 585 00:22:47,800 --> 00:22:49,856 china and Russia that are seeking to 586 00:22:49,856 --> 00:22:51,856 explain their influence and compete 587 00:22:51,856 --> 00:22:54,022 with our military senator . I just say 588 00:22:54,022 --> 00:22:56,022 I'm in a constant dialogue with the 589 00:22:56,022 --> 00:22:58,244 secretary about requirements and sitcom 590 00:22:58,244 --> 00:22:58,230 and I'll give you some more details in 591 00:22:58,230 --> 00:23:00,397 a closed session . Okay , well , thank 592 00:23:00,397 --> 00:23:03,400 you . Um And I know you can't go into 593 00:23:03,400 --> 00:23:05,710 much detail about the analysis that led 594 00:23:05,710 --> 00:23:08,200 to the August 28 drums drone strike in 595 00:23:08,200 --> 00:23:10,144 Kabul in this open setting . But I 596 00:23:10,144 --> 00:23:12,600 would like to note my serious concerns 597 00:23:12,600 --> 00:23:14,740 and give you the opportunity to make 598 00:23:14,740 --> 00:23:16,907 any comment on how the American people 599 00:23:16,907 --> 00:23:19,129 can know that the military will be able 600 00:23:19,129 --> 00:23:21,500 to adequately assess targets before 601 00:23:21,500 --> 00:23:23,540 conducting future strikes and 602 00:23:23,540 --> 00:23:27,220 operations . Even as we have even fewer 603 00:23:27,220 --> 00:23:29,220 local intelligence and surveillance 604 00:23:29,220 --> 00:23:32,320 resources to leverage Senator . Again , 605 00:23:32,320 --> 00:23:34,542 the matter is under investigation . But 606 00:23:34,542 --> 00:23:36,487 what I can tell you broadly and to 607 00:23:36,487 --> 00:23:38,709 restate some things I've said earlier , 608 00:23:38,709 --> 00:23:38,600 I am responsible for that . It happened 609 00:23:38,600 --> 00:23:40,767 in my area responsibility . So I'm the 610 00:23:40,767 --> 00:23:42,878 responsible officer for that strike . 611 00:23:42,878 --> 00:23:45,044 Moreover , I was under no pressure and 612 00:23:45,044 --> 00:23:47,211 no one in my chain of command below me 613 00:23:47,211 --> 00:23:49,211 was under any pressure to take that 614 00:23:49,211 --> 00:23:50,933 strike . We acted based on the 615 00:23:50,933 --> 00:23:50,840 intelligence read that we saw on the 616 00:23:50,840 --> 00:23:53,660 ground . We acted several times on 617 00:23:53,660 --> 00:23:55,716 intelligence that we saw and we were 618 00:23:55,716 --> 00:23:57,549 successful in other occasions in 619 00:23:57,549 --> 00:23:59,771 preventing attacks this time tragically 620 00:23:59,771 --> 00:24:01,771 we were wrong . And you're right to 621 00:24:01,771 --> 00:24:03,716 note that as we go forward and our 622 00:24:03,716 --> 00:24:05,660 ability to create what we call the 623 00:24:05,660 --> 00:24:07,882 ecosystem that allows you to see what's 624 00:24:07,882 --> 00:24:10,104 going on on the ground and put all that 625 00:24:10,104 --> 00:24:09,580 together . It's gonna get a lot harder 626 00:24:09,580 --> 00:24:11,580 to do that , particularly in places 627 00:24:11,580 --> 00:24:13,636 like Afghanistan . But I can share a 628 00:24:13,636 --> 00:24:15,913 little more with you later . Thank you . 629 00:24:15,913 --> 00:24:18,024 General , Thank you . Senator kelly . 630 00:24:18,024 --> 00:24:17,450 Senator Tuberville , please . Thank you . 631 00:24:17,450 --> 00:24:19,506 Mr Chairman , gentlemen , thanks for 632 00:24:19,506 --> 00:24:21,617 being here today . You're part of the 633 00:24:21,617 --> 00:24:23,728 most powerful military in the world . 634 00:24:23,728 --> 00:24:25,728 Last all three of this question . I 635 00:24:25,728 --> 00:24:25,460 know you're gonna are you going to 636 00:24:25,460 --> 00:24:27,571 answer this ? Is there any enemy that 637 00:24:27,571 --> 00:24:29,793 could defeat the strongest force in the 638 00:24:29,793 --> 00:24:31,849 world ? The United States military . 639 00:24:31,849 --> 00:24:34,016 And I know all of you are going to say 640 00:24:34,016 --> 00:24:35,960 no . So secretary often since your 641 00:24:35,960 --> 00:24:38,182 confirmation in january , have you been 642 00:24:38,182 --> 00:24:40,182 denied any resources with regard to 643 00:24:40,182 --> 00:24:42,293 Afghanistan ? I think I heard you say 644 00:24:42,293 --> 00:24:44,404 earlier . Uh , you got everything you 645 00:24:44,404 --> 00:24:46,516 needed . That's correct . Sen , thank 646 00:24:46,516 --> 00:24:48,571 you . On August 18 we were asked why 647 00:24:48,571 --> 00:24:50,627 the us wouldn't rescue Americans who 648 00:24:50,627 --> 00:24:52,460 couldn't reach the airport ? You 649 00:24:52,460 --> 00:24:54,404 responded quote , I don't have the 650 00:24:54,404 --> 00:24:56,182 capability to go out and extend 651 00:24:56,182 --> 00:24:58,516 operations currently in Kabul end quote , 652 00:24:58,516 --> 00:25:00,627 we saw the Germans , the French , the 653 00:25:00,627 --> 00:25:02,890 British rescue citizens in Kabul . Uh , 654 00:25:02,900 --> 00:25:04,844 but from this administration which 655 00:25:04,844 --> 00:25:06,678 commands the world's most lethal 656 00:25:06,678 --> 00:25:08,678 fighting force . We saw nothing but 657 00:25:08,678 --> 00:25:10,456 blame weakness and our american 658 00:25:10,456 --> 00:25:12,178 citizens were left to fend for 659 00:25:12,178 --> 00:25:14,400 themselves . Our fighting men and women 660 00:25:14,400 --> 00:25:16,067 have the courage training and 661 00:25:16,067 --> 00:25:18,233 discipline to defeat the enemy anytime 662 00:25:18,233 --> 00:25:20,289 anywhere . And there's people all of 663 00:25:20,289 --> 00:25:22,456 this country wondering why in the heck 664 00:25:22,456 --> 00:25:22,290 would we let our allies get their 665 00:25:22,290 --> 00:25:24,920 people and we didn't get ours . Uh I 666 00:25:24,930 --> 00:25:27,097 want to thank all the 100,000 veterans 667 00:25:27,097 --> 00:25:29,263 and their families who sacrificed over 668 00:25:29,263 --> 00:25:31,510 the past 20 years . Uh , and I truly 669 00:25:31,510 --> 00:25:33,850 believe our soldiers didn't fail us . A 670 00:25:33,860 --> 00:25:36,350 lot of our leadership did . Secretary 671 00:25:36,350 --> 00:25:38,572 Austin before President biden even took 672 00:25:38,572 --> 00:25:41,230 office . You thought we needed to leave 673 00:25:41,230 --> 00:25:43,341 Afghanistan on january the 19th . You 674 00:25:43,341 --> 00:25:46,250 told my colleague Senator Sheehan , 675 00:25:46,260 --> 00:25:48,540 quote , I think this conflict needs to 676 00:25:48,540 --> 00:25:50,596 come to an end and we need to see an 677 00:25:50,596 --> 00:25:52,596 agreement reached and in accordance 678 00:25:52,596 --> 00:25:54,762 with what the president elect wants to 679 00:25:54,762 --> 00:25:56,707 see end , quote , you testify that 680 00:25:56,707 --> 00:25:58,762 General Million , General Miller had 681 00:25:58,762 --> 00:26:00,373 adequate resources to secure 682 00:26:00,373 --> 00:26:02,596 Afghanistan At a troop level 2500 . But 683 00:26:02,596 --> 00:26:04,818 you told Senator Hawley , you wanted to 684 00:26:04,818 --> 00:26:07,070 quote , asset , assess the situation 685 00:26:07,070 --> 00:26:08,848 and make recommendations to the 686 00:26:08,848 --> 00:26:10,848 president . End quote . Uh , I know 687 00:26:10,848 --> 00:26:13,070 where you're going to answer this . Did 688 00:26:13,070 --> 00:26:15,292 you give advice to the president on the 689 00:26:15,292 --> 00:26:17,292 withdrawal from Afghanistan without 690 00:26:17,292 --> 00:26:19,403 conditions ? Or is that the direction 691 00:26:19,403 --> 00:26:22,540 you got from him ? Again ? 692 00:26:22,550 --> 00:26:26,340 Uh , My recommendations were a 693 00:26:26,350 --> 00:26:29,500 part of a very deliberate process uh 694 00:26:29,510 --> 00:26:32,010 where we presented a range of options 695 00:26:32,010 --> 00:26:33,970 for the president . And if I could 696 00:26:33,970 --> 00:26:36,026 Senator , I'd like to go back to the 697 00:26:36,026 --> 00:26:38,610 first comment that you made about the 698 00:26:38,620 --> 00:26:40,910 question that I answered for a reporter 699 00:26:40,910 --> 00:26:43,670 who asked , why don't you go out and 700 00:26:43,680 --> 00:26:46,500 established Koran's uh and create safe 701 00:26:46,500 --> 00:26:49,570 passage ways for our people just to 702 00:26:49,580 --> 00:26:52,650 just to move into the airport at that 703 00:26:52,650 --> 00:26:54,470 point early on in the , in our 704 00:26:54,470 --> 00:26:56,940 deployment , we only had , we had less 705 00:26:56,940 --> 00:27:00,570 than 4000 or about 4000 troops to 706 00:27:00,570 --> 00:27:04,230 secure and defend the airport uh , and 707 00:27:04,230 --> 00:27:06,330 and our troop presence continued to 708 00:27:06,330 --> 00:27:09,550 grow as we float people in . Uh , we 709 00:27:09,550 --> 00:27:11,870 used a number of innovative approaches 710 00:27:11,870 --> 00:27:14,800 to go out and uh , and pick up and 711 00:27:14,800 --> 00:27:17,340 facilitate the entry of uh , of 712 00:27:17,350 --> 00:27:20,000 american citizens into the airport as 713 00:27:20,000 --> 00:27:22,056 the situation continues to develop . 714 00:27:22,056 --> 00:27:24,222 But I just wanted to give you a little 715 00:27:24,222 --> 00:27:26,556 context for that for that answer . Well , 716 00:27:26,556 --> 00:27:28,611 thank you . And you know , we're all 717 00:27:28,611 --> 00:27:30,667 talking about did president by , you 718 00:27:30,667 --> 00:27:32,556 know , all this and you know , my 719 00:27:32,556 --> 00:27:34,722 question about withdrawal . You know , 720 00:27:34,722 --> 00:27:36,833 basically there's two options . I can 721 00:27:36,833 --> 00:27:36,210 answer that for us . Either the 722 00:27:36,210 --> 00:27:38,432 president was given bad military advice 723 00:27:38,432 --> 00:27:40,540 or he gave his military the terrible 724 00:27:40,540 --> 00:27:42,780 decision and direction to surrender 725 00:27:42,780 --> 00:27:45,270 Afghanistan without condition . Uh , 726 00:27:45,640 --> 00:27:48,280 I'll have some more interview me . I 727 00:27:48,280 --> 00:27:49,947 just want to make a couple of 728 00:27:49,947 --> 00:27:52,002 statements , You know , the american 729 00:27:52,002 --> 00:27:54,280 people , especially people I represent , 730 00:27:54,280 --> 00:27:56,113 they're disgusted by how this us 731 00:27:56,113 --> 00:27:58,370 surrender happened in Afghanistan . And 732 00:27:58,370 --> 00:28:00,592 I know you've heard that yourself , all 733 00:28:00,592 --> 00:28:02,592 three of americans veterans are off 734 00:28:04,540 --> 00:28:06,596 that their service were squandered . 735 00:28:06,596 --> 00:28:09,940 Americans allies are in disbelief . But 736 00:28:09,940 --> 00:28:12,140 americans enemies are delighted that 737 00:28:12,150 --> 00:28:15,260 the taliban , are you fork at the job 738 00:28:15,940 --> 00:28:18,360 that happened with our military ? Given 739 00:28:18,740 --> 00:28:21,430 The orders to retreat ? President Biden 740 00:28:21,440 --> 00:28:23,280 abandoned our allies who fought 741 00:28:23,290 --> 00:28:25,880 alongside us for 20 years . This 742 00:28:25,880 --> 00:28:27,991 administration left american citizens 743 00:28:27,991 --> 00:28:30,860 behind enemy lines new more than this . 744 00:28:31,240 --> 00:28:33,320 We left $85 billion dollars worth of 745 00:28:33,320 --> 00:28:35,900 equipment that the american taxpayers 746 00:28:35,900 --> 00:28:37,733 paid for and this administration 747 00:28:37,733 --> 00:28:39,733 created sanctuary for terrorists to 748 00:28:39,733 --> 00:28:42,220 plot against United States for years 749 00:28:42,230 --> 00:28:45,100 and years to come . It's just 750 00:28:45,110 --> 00:28:47,221 absolutely amazing that we did this . 751 00:28:47,221 --> 00:28:49,277 So , uh , I'll end it there . I know 752 00:28:49,277 --> 00:28:51,580 we've these guys need probably take a 753 00:28:51,580 --> 00:28:53,670 break , but uh , we'll see you after 754 00:28:53,670 --> 00:28:55,781 the break . Thank you . Mr . Chairman 755 00:28:55,781 --> 00:28:58,059 of yield my time . Thank you very much . 756 00:28:58,059 --> 00:28:59,781 Uh , Senator tub until we have 757 00:28:59,781 --> 00:29:02,160 completed the first round . And as I 758 00:29:02,160 --> 00:29:05,490 indicated , we will break at 1:00 for 759 00:29:05,490 --> 00:29:08,060 lunch . So we'll begin the second round . 760 00:29:08,540 --> 00:29:10,770 Uh , Secretary Austin , you said in 761 00:29:10,770 --> 00:29:12,910 response to Senator Warren that if we 762 00:29:12,910 --> 00:29:14,880 stayed passed over 31st , we would 763 00:29:14,880 --> 00:29:16,769 certainly be back at war with the 764 00:29:16,769 --> 00:29:18,491 Taliban and that you'd have to 765 00:29:18,491 --> 00:29:20,730 reinforce yourself . And uh , do I 766 00:29:20,730 --> 00:29:22,730 interpret your testing to mean that 767 00:29:22,730 --> 00:29:26,230 staying at 2500 past the 31st was not 768 00:29:26,230 --> 00:29:28,740 sustainable at an acceptable level of 769 00:29:28,740 --> 00:29:31,630 risk to american personnel and that we 770 00:29:31,630 --> 00:29:34,480 would be seeing today casualties , 771 00:29:34,480 --> 00:29:36,820 which could be accumulating at a 772 00:29:36,830 --> 00:29:39,440 unacceptable rate . Chairman , I think 773 00:29:39,440 --> 00:29:41,551 the point that's left out of , that's 774 00:29:41,551 --> 00:29:43,218 been left out of a lot of the 775 00:29:43,218 --> 00:29:45,329 conversation is that , you know , had 776 00:29:45,329 --> 00:29:48,110 you and we stayed past , uh , that date 777 00:29:48,110 --> 00:29:50,840 that was agreed upon early on that the 778 00:29:50,840 --> 00:29:52,890 Taliban would begin to attack us , 779 00:29:52,900 --> 00:29:55,790 attack our forces here and we'd have to 780 00:29:55,790 --> 00:29:58,250 make some decisions on on how to 781 00:29:58,250 --> 00:30:00,361 reinforce our forces so that we could 782 00:30:00,361 --> 00:30:02,417 continue to operate . And that would 783 00:30:02,417 --> 00:30:04,528 include quite possibly increasing the 784 00:30:04,528 --> 00:30:07,760 force there now in the Doha agreement , 785 00:30:07,940 --> 00:30:11,270 President trump agreed to leave with 786 00:30:12,540 --> 00:30:15,220 Certain conditions on May one those 787 00:30:15,220 --> 00:30:18,100 conditions have been testified by the 788 00:30:18,100 --> 00:30:20,480 panel that were really never achieved . 789 00:30:20,490 --> 00:30:23,680 Never uh challenged by the trump 790 00:30:23,680 --> 00:30:26,890 administration . Um Would you consider 791 00:30:26,890 --> 00:30:30,240 that an obligation of or a surrender 792 00:30:30,250 --> 00:30:31,360 that agreement ? 793 00:30:33,740 --> 00:30:36,210 I certainly believe that the conditions 794 00:30:36,210 --> 00:30:39,860 were preset that and again , 795 00:30:40,240 --> 00:30:43,070 uh we met lived up to all the things 796 00:30:43,070 --> 00:30:46,300 that we were obliged to do . We we we 797 00:30:46,300 --> 00:30:48,940 didn't attack them uh and uh and we 798 00:30:48,940 --> 00:30:51,770 drew down our forces , but the taliban , 799 00:30:51,780 --> 00:30:53,836 the only thing that they lived up to 800 00:30:53,836 --> 00:30:57,310 was that they didn't attack us . Uh And 801 00:30:57,320 --> 00:31:01,070 uh we saw a great deal 802 00:31:01,080 --> 00:31:04,950 of uh difficulty in meeting the 803 00:31:04,950 --> 00:31:07,860 deadline which was august 31st . Uh 804 00:31:08,340 --> 00:31:11,480 Would it appear to you that a May one 805 00:31:11,480 --> 00:31:13,980 deadline as President Trump imagined 806 00:31:13,980 --> 00:31:16,960 would have cost more complications in 807 00:31:16,960 --> 00:31:19,016 terms of getting our equipment out , 808 00:31:19,016 --> 00:31:21,350 getting our personnel out identifying 809 00:31:21,740 --> 00:31:24,240 americans who were eligible to leave 810 00:31:24,240 --> 00:31:26,407 and getting in the paperwork since you 811 00:31:26,407 --> 00:31:28,430 would be doing it at a much shorter 812 00:31:28,440 --> 00:31:30,551 time frame , I don't think that would 813 00:31:30,551 --> 00:31:32,773 have been that would have been feasible 814 00:31:32,773 --> 00:31:34,718 to do that in an orderly fashion . 815 00:31:34,718 --> 00:31:36,718 Chairman . Thank you very much . Uh 816 00:31:36,718 --> 00:31:38,884 General Milley , regardless of whether 817 00:31:38,884 --> 00:31:40,829 the taliban has met the conditions 818 00:31:40,829 --> 00:31:42,773 required on the door , weren't you 819 00:31:42,773 --> 00:31:44,996 already in the trajectory to go to zero 820 00:31:44,996 --> 00:31:46,829 forces ? As I said by May 1st as 821 00:31:46,829 --> 00:31:48,607 required by the agreement , the 822 00:31:48,607 --> 00:31:51,330 President took over . So that uh you 823 00:31:51,330 --> 00:31:54,040 actually would have accelerated the 824 00:31:54,050 --> 00:31:56,310 process of withdrawal and complicated 825 00:31:56,310 --> 00:31:58,750 and more similar to my question to the 826 00:31:58,760 --> 00:32:02,450 Secretary . Yes , we're actually given 827 00:32:02,450 --> 00:32:04,630 in order to go to zero by 15 january , 828 00:32:04,630 --> 00:32:06,741 which was changed to go to 2500 by 15 829 00:32:06,741 --> 00:32:08,852 january and then take it down to zero 830 00:32:08,852 --> 00:32:10,963 by one May depending on the decisions 831 00:32:10,963 --> 00:32:13,186 of the new administration . Thank you . 832 00:32:13,186 --> 00:32:15,297 And General Miller , you prepare your 833 00:32:15,297 --> 00:32:17,519 prepared testimony , indicates that the 834 00:32:17,519 --> 00:32:19,463 biden administration , through the 835 00:32:19,463 --> 00:32:19,310 National Security Council process , 836 00:32:19,310 --> 00:32:21,532 conducted a rigorous interagency review 837 00:32:21,532 --> 00:32:23,477 of the situation in Afghanistan in 838 00:32:23,480 --> 00:32:26,050 february , March and april in which the 839 00:32:26,050 --> 00:32:28,050 views of senior military leadership 840 00:32:28,050 --> 00:32:30,272 were all given serious consideration by 841 00:32:30,272 --> 00:32:32,494 the administration . You also testified 842 00:32:32,494 --> 00:32:34,661 that you received an order in November 843 00:32:34,661 --> 00:32:36,772 2020 just referred to to withdraw all 844 00:32:36,772 --> 00:32:40,270 forces from Afghanistan by January 15 , 845 00:32:40,270 --> 00:32:42,580 2021 was that in November orders 846 00:32:42,580 --> 00:32:44,413 similarly informed by a rigorous 847 00:32:44,413 --> 00:32:47,170 interagency review ? No . 848 00:32:48,440 --> 00:32:51,170 So that was basically a 849 00:32:52,750 --> 00:32:54,430 Secretary Esper submitted his 850 00:32:54,430 --> 00:32:57,380 recommendations in a written format on 851 00:32:57,380 --> 00:32:59,547 the 9th , the day that he was relieved 852 00:32:59,547 --> 00:33:01,980 and 48 hours later we received A 853 00:33:01,980 --> 00:33:04,110 written order to go to zero by 15 854 00:33:04,110 --> 00:33:07,550 January I think . And 855 00:33:07,630 --> 00:33:11,350 um General Mackenzie uh 856 00:33:12,240 --> 00:33:15,780 Again , yeah , Your advice with regard 857 00:33:15,780 --> 00:33:19,270 to maintaining 2500 troops has been uh 858 00:33:19,640 --> 00:33:23,590 Reiterated repeatedly . Uh but you also 859 00:33:23,600 --> 00:33:27,430 recommended in the fall of 2,024,000 860 00:33:27,430 --> 00:33:30,090 troops , was that correct ? So that is 861 00:33:30,090 --> 00:33:32,201 correct . I recommended that we do in 862 00:33:32,201 --> 00:33:34,257 the fall of 2020 when we were having 863 00:33:34,257 --> 00:33:36,423 deliberations recommended that we hold 864 00:33:36,423 --> 00:33:38,590 at that level and that was rejected by 865 00:33:38,590 --> 00:33:40,646 the Trump administration . So it was 866 00:33:40,646 --> 00:33:43,450 and there was no uh 867 00:33:44,440 --> 00:33:46,820 recrimination against you or anyone 868 00:33:46,820 --> 00:33:48,876 else . But that was the President of 869 00:33:48,876 --> 00:33:51,030 the United States making a decision 870 00:33:51,030 --> 00:33:54,700 based on his view of the world . In so 871 00:33:54,700 --> 00:33:56,867 far as I know , That's correct . Thank 872 00:33:56,867 --> 00:33:59,089 you very much . And again here into the 873 00:33:59,089 --> 00:34:02,860 five minute rule , I will Feedback 874 00:34:02,870 --> 00:34:06,560 eight seconds to german animal . But 875 00:34:06,940 --> 00:34:09,160 thank you Mr Chairman . The 876 00:34:12,940 --> 00:34:15,250 one good way to judge any president's 877 00:34:15,250 --> 00:34:18,800 decision is whether it's made America 878 00:34:18,900 --> 00:34:22,860 people safer . Generals ask all 879 00:34:22,860 --> 00:34:25,630 three of you , you have both noted that 880 00:34:25,630 --> 00:34:27,830 the taliban has not severed its 881 00:34:27,830 --> 00:34:30,530 relationship with Al Qaeda . President 882 00:34:30,530 --> 00:34:34,440 Biden stated on July the 8th that Al 883 00:34:34,440 --> 00:34:37,760 Qaeda is gone from Afghanistan . 884 00:34:38,610 --> 00:34:40,740 I'd ask you is Al Qaeda gone from 885 00:34:40,740 --> 00:34:44,360 Afghanistan generals 886 00:34:46,440 --> 00:34:49,270 at Senator ? I think there are remnants 887 00:34:49,270 --> 00:34:51,260 of Al Qaeda still in Afghanistan . 888 00:34:53,930 --> 00:34:56,140 Does anyone believe that Al Qaeda has 889 00:34:56,150 --> 00:34:57,970 is gone from Afghanistan ? 890 00:34:59,840 --> 00:35:01,900 President biden said at the United 891 00:35:01,900 --> 00:35:03,956 Nations recently . This nation is no 892 00:35:03,956 --> 00:35:06,067 longer at war . Is that your personal 893 00:35:06,067 --> 00:35:09,330 view that Al Qaeda is no longer at war 894 00:35:09,330 --> 00:35:13,260 with us ? Ah It started , 895 00:35:13,260 --> 00:35:15,480 it started to do the right general . I 896 00:35:15,480 --> 00:35:18,020 believe Al Qaeda is in Afghanistan . I 897 00:35:18,020 --> 00:35:20,400 believe they have aspirations to 898 00:35:20,400 --> 00:35:22,840 reconstitute and if they develop the 899 00:35:22,840 --> 00:35:24,951 capability , I believe that they have 900 00:35:24,951 --> 00:35:27,240 aspirations to strike . It's too early 901 00:35:27,240 --> 00:35:29,351 in the process right now , Senator to 902 00:35:29,351 --> 00:35:31,740 determine the early , but I do believe 903 00:35:31,740 --> 00:35:34,270 that you believe that the personal view 904 00:35:34,270 --> 00:35:36,270 that was stated that Al Qaeda is no 905 00:35:36,270 --> 00:35:40,140 longer at war with us right now . Okay . 906 00:35:40,150 --> 00:35:42,150 I think Al Qaeda is at war with the 907 00:35:42,150 --> 00:35:44,483 United States still , and never has not . 908 00:35:44,483 --> 00:35:46,372 Thank you . Does it withdraw from 909 00:35:46,372 --> 00:35:48,428 Afghanistan increase or decrease the 910 00:35:48,428 --> 00:35:52,070 likelihood of an Al Qaeda or IsIS 911 00:35:52,080 --> 00:35:54,170 attack on the US homeland ? 912 00:35:56,440 --> 00:35:59,690 Uh , Yes , give me Senator . Uh , my my 913 00:35:59,700 --> 00:36:03,390 view is that it makes it much more 914 00:36:03,390 --> 00:36:06,290 difficult for us to conduct 915 00:36:06,300 --> 00:36:07,967 intelligence , surveillance , 916 00:36:07,967 --> 00:36:10,189 reconnaissance , find fix functions and 917 00:36:10,189 --> 00:36:12,411 then we can strike almost from anywhere 918 00:36:12,411 --> 00:36:14,356 in the world , but defined , fixed 919 00:36:14,356 --> 00:36:16,578 function . It's more difficult . We can 920 00:36:16,578 --> 00:36:16,500 still do it . It's not impossible , but 921 00:36:16,500 --> 00:36:18,556 it will make it more difficult . You 922 00:36:18,556 --> 00:36:20,667 know , million General Mackenzie , we 923 00:36:20,667 --> 00:36:22,889 entrusted security to the taliban , but 924 00:36:22,889 --> 00:36:25,600 they failed to prevent the ISIS K 925 00:36:25,600 --> 00:36:29,160 suicide bomber on august 26 . We 926 00:36:29,530 --> 00:36:31,510 we don't really even know if they 927 00:36:31,510 --> 00:36:33,770 wanted to prevent it . Now , we're in 928 00:36:33,770 --> 00:36:36,350 the same situation trusting the Taliban 929 00:36:36,730 --> 00:36:40,670 to prevent our attacks . Uh 930 00:36:40,680 --> 00:36:42,920 Senator from Missouri brought up and 931 00:36:42,920 --> 00:36:46,050 and talk to you about the fact of what 932 00:36:46,530 --> 00:36:49,700 what is the , what is the situation 933 00:36:49,700 --> 00:36:52,130 right now ? And I think it's that we 934 00:36:52,130 --> 00:36:54,840 don't really after this several hours 935 00:36:55,230 --> 00:36:57,341 have an answer to that . I do want to 936 00:36:57,341 --> 00:36:59,508 get , brings something in the record , 937 00:36:59,508 --> 00:37:01,397 I don't think has been put in the 938 00:37:01,397 --> 00:37:03,230 record already . And that is the 939 00:37:03,230 --> 00:37:05,230 conditions under which the previous 940 00:37:05,230 --> 00:37:08,520 president uh after making this 941 00:37:08,520 --> 00:37:11,790 statement about the taliban , he 942 00:37:11,800 --> 00:37:15,010 not only did the previous president 943 00:37:15,020 --> 00:37:17,970 have conditions and the conditions 944 00:37:17,980 --> 00:37:21,180 included having a presence military 945 00:37:21,180 --> 00:37:23,510 presence , but they also had four other 946 00:37:23,510 --> 00:37:26,110 things that were stated uh that were 947 00:37:26,120 --> 00:37:28,580 there was conditions one to prevent Al 948 00:37:28,580 --> 00:37:30,410 Qaeda and the terrorists from 949 00:37:30,410 --> 00:37:32,360 threatening the United States from 950 00:37:32,370 --> 00:37:35,570 Afghanistan , secondly , to make 951 00:37:35,570 --> 00:37:39,380 statements and commandments uh to its 952 00:37:39,390 --> 00:37:42,010 members against the threatening United 953 00:37:42,010 --> 00:37:44,288 States , threatening the United States . 954 00:37:44,630 --> 00:37:47,410 Thirdly deny residents and visas and 955 00:37:47,410 --> 00:37:49,750 passports to those threatening the 956 00:37:49,750 --> 00:37:51,960 United States allies . And fourthly , 957 00:37:51,960 --> 00:37:54,740 begin negotiations with Afghan with the 958 00:37:54,740 --> 00:37:56,770 Afghan government . Those are 959 00:37:56,770 --> 00:38:00,510 conditions that would were made at that 960 00:38:00,510 --> 00:38:04,070 time . And this has been stated several 961 00:38:04,070 --> 00:38:06,292 times . It's my opinion and the opinion 962 00:38:06,292 --> 00:38:08,560 of many who have testified at this 963 00:38:08,560 --> 00:38:11,530 hearing that uh there were no 964 00:38:11,530 --> 00:38:15,280 conditions . It was I believe that is 965 00:38:15,280 --> 00:38:18,330 the case . Thank you . Chairman , 966 00:38:19,820 --> 00:38:21,876 thank you . Senator Inhofe , Senator 967 00:38:21,876 --> 00:38:23,920 Shaheen , please thank you . Mr 968 00:38:23,920 --> 00:38:26,450 Chairman um Secretary Austin , I'm 969 00:38:26,450 --> 00:38:28,690 going to go back to my question earlier 970 00:38:28,690 --> 00:38:32,080 about the records that special 971 00:38:32,080 --> 00:38:34,780 immigrant visa applicants really need 972 00:38:34,780 --> 00:38:37,490 in order to qualify for those visas 973 00:38:37,490 --> 00:38:40,140 that um and there's not been a real 974 00:38:40,150 --> 00:38:42,580 good process through D . O . D . To 975 00:38:42,580 --> 00:38:44,870 ensure that they get those records . Is 976 00:38:44,870 --> 00:38:46,981 that something that the department is 977 00:38:46,981 --> 00:38:49,092 looking at . And would you be willing 978 00:38:49,092 --> 00:38:51,203 to work with this committee or others 979 00:38:51,203 --> 00:38:53,240 to see if we could set up a process 980 00:38:53,240 --> 00:38:55,610 that would ensure that um those folks 981 00:38:55,610 --> 00:38:57,499 who worked with our men and women 982 00:38:57,499 --> 00:38:59,554 actually have the documentation they 983 00:38:59,554 --> 00:39:02,110 need to show that I know that one of 984 00:39:02,110 --> 00:39:04,166 the challenges is that many of those 985 00:39:04,166 --> 00:39:07,150 records have been destroyed . But it's 986 00:39:07,620 --> 00:39:09,731 I would hope there's some way that we 987 00:39:09,731 --> 00:39:12,310 can ensure that those people are able 988 00:39:12,310 --> 00:39:15,170 to get the documentation they need to 989 00:39:15,170 --> 00:39:17,810 come to this country . Senator . Let me 990 00:39:17,820 --> 00:39:20,042 uh let me first say that . I absolutely 991 00:39:20,042 --> 00:39:21,987 agree with you that the process is 992 00:39:21,987 --> 00:39:23,709 onerous and that we need to do 993 00:39:23,709 --> 00:39:25,700 something to to make it easier for 994 00:39:25,700 --> 00:39:28,300 those people that have helped us uh to 995 00:39:28,310 --> 00:39:31,370 uh to to prove that they have in fact 996 00:39:31,370 --> 00:39:33,800 worked , worked with us before . Uh One 997 00:39:33,800 --> 00:39:36,920 of my department's uh in Defense is is 998 00:39:36,920 --> 00:39:40,600 working to try to find ways to to 999 00:39:40,600 --> 00:39:44,330 propose ways uh to uh uh to 1000 00:39:44,330 --> 00:39:47,260 truncate the process or or come up with 1001 00:39:47,270 --> 00:39:49,630 alternative means to uh to demonstrate 1002 00:39:49,630 --> 00:39:51,686 that they have worked with us in the 1003 00:39:51,686 --> 00:39:53,797 past And to answer your question , we 1004 00:39:53,797 --> 00:39:55,630 would absolutely welcome welcome 1005 00:39:55,630 --> 00:39:57,686 Working with the Committee on this . 1006 00:39:57,686 --> 00:39:59,852 Thank you . I assume we should contact 1007 00:39:59,852 --> 00:40:02,180 your office to find who the appropriate 1008 00:40:02,180 --> 00:40:05,820 contact person would be . We'll 1009 00:40:05,820 --> 00:40:07,876 contact your office and let you know 1010 00:40:07,876 --> 00:40:11,730 who he is , Senator . Okay . Um 1011 00:40:12,710 --> 00:40:14,821 General Million . General Mackenzie . 1012 00:40:14,821 --> 00:40:17,600 Um it's long been publicly reported 1013 00:40:17,600 --> 00:40:19,670 that the Pakistani Intelligence 1014 00:40:19,670 --> 00:40:21,726 Services have maintained a close and 1015 00:40:21,726 --> 00:40:23,559 continuing relationship with the 1016 00:40:23,559 --> 00:40:26,920 Taliban . Um do we expect that 1017 00:40:26,920 --> 00:40:29,670 relationship to become more complicated 1018 00:40:29,670 --> 00:40:32,560 Now that the Taliban is in power ? Are 1019 00:40:32,560 --> 00:40:35,500 we concerned about Pakistan's nuclear 1020 00:40:35,500 --> 00:40:38,530 weapons and the potential that um 1021 00:40:39,210 --> 00:40:41,590 terrorist groups might be able to get 1022 00:40:41,590 --> 00:40:45,170 access to those weapons ? Have ? Can 1023 00:40:45,170 --> 00:40:47,392 you talk a little bit about how you see 1024 00:40:47,392 --> 00:40:49,559 the relationship with Pakistan and the 1025 00:40:49,559 --> 00:40:51,970 Taliban playing out and the challenges 1026 00:40:51,970 --> 00:40:54,081 that presents for the United States ? 1027 00:40:54,910 --> 00:40:57,280 Um I'll start which one of you would 1028 00:40:57,280 --> 00:41:00,760 like to answer that good frank . I'll 1029 00:41:00,760 --> 00:41:03,230 follow you senator some of this . We 1030 00:41:03,230 --> 00:41:05,286 can talk a little bit more detail in 1031 00:41:05,286 --> 00:41:07,397 the closed session . But I would tell 1032 00:41:07,397 --> 00:41:09,063 you that I believe Pakistan's 1033 00:41:09,063 --> 00:41:11,230 relationship with the Taliban is going 1034 00:41:11,230 --> 00:41:12,841 to become significantly more 1035 00:41:12,841 --> 00:41:15,174 complicated as a result of the of the U . 1036 00:41:15,174 --> 00:41:17,286 S . Withdrawal from Afghanistan . And 1037 00:41:17,286 --> 00:41:19,230 in fact they're gonna see pressure 1038 00:41:19,230 --> 00:41:21,341 moving into Pakistan from Afghanistan 1039 00:41:21,341 --> 00:41:23,230 in ways that they've been able to 1040 00:41:23,230 --> 00:41:25,397 deflect before because of the pressure 1041 00:41:25,397 --> 00:41:27,563 that that we and our allies had them . 1042 00:41:27,563 --> 00:41:29,174 So I think that's a that's a 1043 00:41:29,174 --> 00:41:31,230 significant problem that Pakistan is 1044 00:41:31,230 --> 00:41:33,397 going to face . I'd like to talk about 1045 00:41:33,397 --> 00:41:32,850 their special weapons perhaps in the 1046 00:41:32,850 --> 00:41:35,370 closed session . Uh as has been noted 1047 00:41:35,370 --> 00:41:37,426 by several people in order to get to 1048 00:41:37,426 --> 00:41:39,390 Afghanistan , you have to fly over 1049 00:41:39,390 --> 00:41:41,723 Pakistan unless you come from the north . 1050 00:41:41,723 --> 00:41:43,779 And that's the subject of continuing 1051 00:41:43,779 --> 00:41:45,946 deliberation with Pakistan . And I can 1052 00:41:45,946 --> 00:41:48,001 shed a little bit more light on that 1053 00:41:48,001 --> 00:41:47,500 going forward . But you know , they've 1054 00:41:47,510 --> 00:41:49,510 they've actually , over the last 20 1055 00:41:49,510 --> 00:41:51,566 years we've been able to use what we 1056 00:41:51,566 --> 00:41:53,621 call the Air Boulevard to go in over 1057 00:41:53,621 --> 00:41:53,610 western Pakistan and that's become 1058 00:41:53,610 --> 00:41:55,832 something that's vital to us as well as 1059 00:41:55,832 --> 00:41:57,943 certain land lines of communication . 1060 00:41:57,943 --> 00:41:59,610 And we'll be working with the 1061 00:41:59,610 --> 00:42:01,666 Pakistanis in the in the in the days 1062 00:42:01,666 --> 00:42:03,721 and weeks ahead to look at what that 1063 00:42:03,721 --> 00:42:03,040 relationship is gonna look like in the 1064 00:42:03,040 --> 00:42:05,207 future . But I can again talk a little 1065 00:42:05,207 --> 00:42:07,484 more in the closed session . Thank you . 1066 00:42:07,484 --> 00:42:09,651 General Milley did . And I had to that 1067 00:42:09,651 --> 00:42:11,873 I've had several conversations over the 1068 00:42:11,873 --> 00:42:14,207 years and also recently with pakistanis . 1069 00:42:14,207 --> 00:42:14,110 And there's no question in my mind that 1070 00:42:14,110 --> 00:42:16,221 the relationship between Pakistan the 1071 00:42:16,221 --> 00:42:18,443 Taliban is going to become increasingly 1072 00:42:18,443 --> 00:42:20,443 complex . There's a whole series of 1073 00:42:20,443 --> 00:42:20,240 issues there that have national 1074 00:42:20,240 --> 00:42:22,518 security interests , the United States , 1075 00:42:22,518 --> 00:42:24,573 that are best handled in a different 1076 00:42:24,573 --> 00:42:26,796 session . Okay , Thank you . Well , can 1077 00:42:26,796 --> 00:42:29,018 you and Secretary Austin , can you talk 1078 00:42:29,018 --> 00:42:31,240 about what we're doing to work with our 1079 00:42:31,240 --> 00:42:34,250 european counterparts who based on 1080 00:42:34,250 --> 00:42:36,361 conversations that I've had with some 1081 00:42:36,361 --> 00:42:39,820 of the civilians from our NATO allies ? 1082 00:42:40,300 --> 00:42:44,110 There was some frustration about the 1083 00:42:44,110 --> 00:42:46,250 communication that led to the 1084 00:42:46,250 --> 00:42:49,240 withdrawal and the evacuation . Are we 1085 00:42:49,240 --> 00:42:52,120 working to rebuild those relationships ? 1086 00:42:52,120 --> 00:42:54,231 Do you see that frustration reflected 1087 00:42:54,231 --> 00:42:57,140 in the military relationships that you 1088 00:42:57,140 --> 00:43:00,820 have ? I don't senator and and 1089 00:43:00,830 --> 00:43:04,070 uh , you know , I understand that there 1090 00:43:04,080 --> 00:43:06,820 there will be concerns , but as I 1091 00:43:07,300 --> 00:43:10,800 engage my my counterparts , they're all 1092 00:43:10,800 --> 00:43:13,140 very willing to welcome to work with us 1093 00:43:13,600 --> 00:43:16,620 and you know , I don't want us to sound 1094 00:43:17,200 --> 00:43:19,810 Pollyannish on this , but uh they have 1095 00:43:19,810 --> 00:43:21,977 been very , very thankful for the fact 1096 00:43:21,977 --> 00:43:24,480 that we helped them get uh there are 1097 00:43:24,480 --> 00:43:26,369 people out and we helped them get 1098 00:43:26,369 --> 00:43:29,070 thousands of evacuees out that had 1099 00:43:29,070 --> 00:43:31,590 worked for them because of what we did . 1100 00:43:31,600 --> 00:43:34,490 Uh So I think as I look at the major 1101 00:43:34,490 --> 00:43:38,110 players uh that there is still a strong 1102 00:43:38,110 --> 00:43:40,600 sense of a strong willingness to work 1103 00:43:40,600 --> 00:43:43,760 with us uh in relationships and things 1104 00:43:43,760 --> 00:43:45,871 that we just have to continue to work 1105 00:43:45,871 --> 00:43:48,038 at . Thank you very much . Thank you . 1106 00:43:48,038 --> 00:43:50,260 Mr Chairman , thank you Senator Shaheen 1107 00:43:50,260 --> 00:43:52,427 before I recognized in a wicker at the 1108 00:43:52,427 --> 00:43:54,093 conclusion of Senator Workers 1109 00:43:54,093 --> 00:43:57,910 questioning , we will adjourn As I said , 1110 00:43:57,920 --> 00:44:00,780 the 1:00 adjournment A little early a 1111 00:44:00,790 --> 00:44:02,623 couple of minutes and then we'll 1112 00:44:02,623 --> 00:44:06,280 promptly return at 1:30 Senator worker , 1113 00:44:06,280 --> 00:44:08,520 please . Thank you . Mr Chairman , uh 1114 00:44:08,530 --> 00:44:10,970 General Mackenzie , let me ask you as I 1115 00:44:10,970 --> 00:44:13,800 understand it . Uh One of our primary 1116 00:44:13,810 --> 00:44:16,550 missions in Afghanistan was training 1117 00:44:16,560 --> 00:44:20,290 the Afghan armed forces . Um we also 1118 00:44:20,290 --> 00:44:22,640 equipped them with approximately $83 1119 00:44:22,640 --> 00:44:24,862 billion dollars in military equipment , 1120 00:44:25,190 --> 00:44:27,790 but we we always provided them 1121 00:44:27,790 --> 00:44:31,480 extensive support in the form of 1122 00:44:31,490 --> 00:44:33,490 intelligence and surveillance , air 1123 00:44:33,490 --> 00:44:36,500 support , logistics , including 1124 00:44:36,500 --> 00:44:38,690 contract aircraft maintenance and 1125 00:44:38,690 --> 00:44:42,300 special operation advisors . General 1126 00:44:42,300 --> 00:44:44,210 Mackenzie , were the Afghan armed 1127 00:44:44,210 --> 00:44:46,140 forces ever trained to fight the 1128 00:44:46,140 --> 00:44:49,110 Taliban without us support of any kind . 1129 00:44:50,390 --> 00:44:52,350 So Senator , some elements of the 1130 00:44:52,350 --> 00:44:54,670 Afghan military could fight very well 1131 00:44:54,670 --> 00:44:56,892 without our support . Some of the elite 1132 00:44:56,892 --> 00:44:59,250 commando units , obviously we know from 1133 00:44:59,260 --> 00:45:01,371 the example that we saw in august but 1134 00:45:01,371 --> 00:45:03,593 other elements were unable to do that . 1135 00:45:03,593 --> 00:45:05,816 And in fact as we began to withdraw our 1136 00:45:05,816 --> 00:45:08,038 support during the withdrawal operation 1137 00:45:08,038 --> 00:45:10,570 uh we began to see the effects of that . 1138 00:45:10,580 --> 00:45:12,524 You know we shifted to an over the 1139 00:45:12,524 --> 00:45:14,691 horizon model for aviation maintenance 1140 00:45:14,691 --> 00:45:16,913 that is difficult to do . And it really 1141 00:45:16,913 --> 00:45:18,913 is difficult with a technologically 1142 00:45:18,913 --> 00:45:21,024 literate population . It is harder to 1143 00:45:21,024 --> 00:45:23,247 do in Afghanistan . We were having some 1144 00:45:23,247 --> 00:45:25,080 small success with that make and 1145 00:45:25,080 --> 00:45:27,191 actually Afghan air force continue to 1146 00:45:27,191 --> 00:45:29,302 fly strikes up until well into august 1147 00:45:29,302 --> 00:45:31,524 but they were nonetheless on a negative 1148 00:45:31,524 --> 00:45:33,413 general negative attrition . What 1149 00:45:33,413 --> 00:45:35,580 percentage would you would you term as 1150 00:45:35,580 --> 00:45:37,760 elite ? Oh I less than 5% . Okay . And 1151 00:45:37,760 --> 00:45:41,020 so really the for 95% is really it was 1152 00:45:41,030 --> 00:45:43,880 unrealistic for us to expect them to be 1153 00:45:43,880 --> 00:45:46,560 able to fight alone at that point in in 1154 00:45:46,560 --> 00:45:48,820 July and August of this year the 1155 00:45:48,820 --> 00:45:51,260 combination of the obvious withdrawal 1156 00:45:51,260 --> 00:45:53,200 of the US which had a profound 1157 00:45:53,200 --> 00:45:55,422 psychological effect because I think in 1158 00:45:55,422 --> 00:45:57,533 the mind of the soldier you know that 1159 00:45:57,533 --> 00:45:59,890 the taliban and the Afghan military , 1160 00:45:59,900 --> 00:46:01,956 they have the same D . N . A . So it 1161 00:46:01,956 --> 00:46:04,178 comes down to the fighting heart of the 1162 00:46:04,178 --> 00:46:06,400 man on the ground and I think that they 1163 00:46:06,400 --> 00:46:08,622 drew that the taliban were heartened by 1164 00:46:08,622 --> 00:46:10,844 what they saw happen at Doha . And what 1165 00:46:10,844 --> 00:46:10,490 followed and our eventual decision to 1166 00:46:10,490 --> 00:46:12,712 get out by a certain date . I think the 1167 00:46:12,712 --> 00:46:14,657 Afghans were very weakened by that 1168 00:46:14,657 --> 00:46:16,768 morally and spiritually . Thank you . 1169 00:46:16,768 --> 00:46:18,990 Good . Let me let me rush on them too . 1170 00:46:18,990 --> 00:46:20,879 To try to get another question in 1171 00:46:20,879 --> 00:46:23,960 Secretary Austin , um the reports of 1172 00:46:23,960 --> 00:46:26,430 the new york times are that you warned 1173 00:46:26,430 --> 00:46:28,763 the President all the way back in March , 1174 00:46:28,763 --> 00:46:30,819 that there could be dire outcomes in 1175 00:46:30,819 --> 00:46:32,910 which the afghan military flooded uh 1176 00:46:32,920 --> 00:46:36,090 folded in an aggressive advance by the 1177 00:46:36,090 --> 00:46:38,820 taliban . And that you drew comparisons 1178 00:46:38,830 --> 00:46:41,930 between that and our experience in 1179 00:46:41,930 --> 00:46:45,850 Iraq where a disaster unfolded . And we 1180 00:46:45,850 --> 00:46:49,600 were required to go back in according 1181 00:46:49,600 --> 00:46:51,656 to the same article . You wanted the 1182 00:46:51,656 --> 00:46:53,544 President . We've seen this movie 1183 00:46:53,544 --> 00:46:55,600 before . I know you don't want to uh 1184 00:46:55,600 --> 00:46:57,890 tell us what advice you give to the 1185 00:46:57,890 --> 00:47:00,230 President . What was was that you're 1186 00:47:00,230 --> 00:47:03,860 feeling ? And did you make known the 1187 00:47:03,860 --> 00:47:06,420 comparison with Iraq ? And did you feel 1188 00:47:06,420 --> 00:47:09,770 we had seen this movie before ? Uh 1189 00:47:09,780 --> 00:47:12,040 Thanks senator . Again , you're right . 1190 00:47:12,040 --> 00:47:15,280 I won't I'll keep my conversations , my 1191 00:47:15,280 --> 00:47:17,113 recommendations to the President 1192 00:47:17,113 --> 00:47:20,240 confidential . But I would say that as 1193 00:47:20,240 --> 00:47:22,351 we worked our way through the process 1194 00:47:22,351 --> 00:47:24,790 here , we we laid out , you know , all 1195 00:47:24,800 --> 00:47:27,740 uh potential consequences that could 1196 00:47:27,740 --> 00:47:30,090 result from any any course of action 1197 00:47:30,090 --> 00:47:32,090 that we took and we were clear eyed 1198 00:47:32,090 --> 00:47:34,730 about that . And so , you know , there 1199 00:47:34,740 --> 00:47:37,500 are inputs coming with regard to Iraq . 1200 00:47:37,510 --> 00:47:40,760 That's my question Mr Secretary . Well , 1201 00:47:40,770 --> 00:47:42,826 it was certainly then we get back to 1202 00:47:42,826 --> 00:47:44,992 the specific conversation that I would 1203 00:47:44,992 --> 00:47:47,980 have had . But but uh it's clear that I 1204 00:47:47,980 --> 00:47:50,091 have a history with Iraq . It's clear 1205 00:47:50,091 --> 00:47:52,258 that uh that I've learned , you know , 1206 00:47:52,258 --> 00:47:54,313 there are lessons to be learned from 1207 00:47:54,313 --> 00:47:56,647 Iraq and I you know , I would certainly , 1208 00:47:56,647 --> 00:47:58,702 was it your feeling that we had seen 1209 00:47:58,702 --> 00:48:00,758 this movie before ? Well , there are 1210 00:48:00,758 --> 00:48:02,980 certain some certainly some some of the 1211 00:48:02,980 --> 00:48:04,980 same kinds of things uh could could 1212 00:48:04,980 --> 00:48:08,430 transpire uh as we as we look to uh to 1213 00:48:08,430 --> 00:48:10,708 transition . Okay , speaking of things , 1214 00:48:10,708 --> 00:48:12,819 transpiring one was that we had to go 1215 00:48:12,819 --> 00:48:15,080 back into Iraq . Secretary also does 1216 00:48:15,080 --> 00:48:17,302 the Department of Defense have plans in 1217 00:48:17,302 --> 00:48:20,920 place to redeploy us combat 1218 00:48:20,920 --> 00:48:24,480 troops to Afghanistan in the event 1219 00:48:24,490 --> 00:48:26,790 that our intelligence estimates prove 1220 00:48:26,790 --> 00:48:29,420 true in our homeland security is in 1221 00:48:29,420 --> 00:48:32,230 fact threatened . Currently the 1222 00:48:32,240 --> 00:48:34,351 President's decision senator , as you 1223 00:48:34,351 --> 00:48:36,518 know , is that , you know , we've left 1224 00:48:36,518 --> 00:48:38,990 Iraq , excuse me , are Afghanistan . 1225 00:48:39,000 --> 00:48:42,490 And so we've not been tasked to 1226 00:48:42,870 --> 00:48:44,870 construct any plans to go back into 1227 00:48:44,870 --> 00:48:46,814 Afghanistan . So there are no such 1228 00:48:46,814 --> 00:48:49,890 plans in place . No uh General Milley 1229 00:48:49,900 --> 00:48:53,320 um of the conditions that were required 1230 00:48:53,320 --> 00:48:55,487 of the Taliban in the agreement . Only 1231 00:48:55,487 --> 00:48:57,770 one was met . Is that correct ? That's 1232 00:48:57,770 --> 00:49:00,100 correct . The condition was the one 1233 00:49:00,100 --> 00:49:02,322 that was met was the most important one 1234 00:49:02,322 --> 00:49:04,156 which was don't attack us or the 1235 00:49:04,156 --> 00:49:06,322 coalition forces and they didn't . And 1236 00:49:06,322 --> 00:49:09,580 and so the president trump 1237 00:49:10,070 --> 00:49:14,010 um made a recommendation . I gave an 1238 00:49:14,010 --> 00:49:16,330 order that we that we leave on 15 1239 00:49:16,330 --> 00:49:19,800 January and the advice came back from 1240 00:49:19,800 --> 00:49:22,022 the military strongly that that was not 1241 00:49:22,022 --> 00:49:24,440 a good idea . And based on that advice , 1242 00:49:24,450 --> 00:49:26,760 the President rescinded that order . Is 1243 00:49:26,760 --> 00:49:30,580 that correct , correct ? And and uh 1244 00:49:30,590 --> 00:49:34,360 none of those conditions that 1245 00:49:34,370 --> 00:49:36,481 President trump based his decision on 1246 00:49:36,481 --> 00:49:39,200 had been met In uh 1247 00:49:39,210 --> 00:49:43,090 2021 when President Biden made the same . 1248 00:49:43,100 --> 00:49:45,470 Uh in fact , the same decision . Is 1249 00:49:45,470 --> 00:49:47,920 that correct ? Those conditions were 1250 00:49:47,920 --> 00:49:50,087 never met ? That's correct . Thank you 1251 00:49:50,087 --> 00:49:52,309 very much . Thank you . Mr . Chairman . 1252 00:49:52,309 --> 00:49:54,420 Uh Thank you Senator Worker . At this 1253 00:49:54,420 --> 00:49:56,420 point , the committee will stand in 1254 00:49:56,420 --> 00:49:57,690 recess until 1 30 . Thank you very much .