1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:02,307 Thank you Mr Chairman and thank you to 2 00:00:02,307 --> 00:00:04,251 the witnesses for your service and 3 00:00:04,251 --> 00:00:06,084 testimony today . One comment Mr 4 00:00:06,084 --> 00:00:08,307 Chairman before questions over the last 5 00:00:08,307 --> 00:00:10,251 month including yesterday's Senate 6 00:00:10,251 --> 00:00:12,140 hearing . We heard a lot of in my 7 00:00:12,140 --> 00:00:14,362 opinion over the top claims that the US 8 00:00:14,362 --> 00:00:14,320 had lost all credibility with its 9 00:00:14,320 --> 00:00:16,376 allies in the wake of the withdrawal 10 00:00:16,376 --> 00:00:18,153 from Afghanistan last week . Mr 11 00:00:18,153 --> 00:00:19,876 Chairman . We saw firsthand in 12 00:00:19,876 --> 00:00:21,931 Washington . How mistaken that claim 13 00:00:21,931 --> 00:00:24,153 was . On Wednesday last week I attended 14 00:00:24,153 --> 00:00:26,376 a ceremony over in the Senate where the 15 00:00:26,376 --> 00:00:26,210 Australian prime minister scott 16 00:00:26,210 --> 00:00:30,050 Morrison said that Australia was 17 00:00:30,050 --> 00:00:32,161 proud to go into Afghanistan together 18 00:00:32,161 --> 00:00:34,272 and leave together degrading al Qaeda 19 00:00:34,272 --> 00:00:36,606 and preventing a major terrorist attack . 20 00:00:36,606 --> 00:00:38,828 And then very heartfelt terms thank the 21 00:00:38,828 --> 00:00:40,828 United States , particularly the 11 22 00:00:40,828 --> 00:00:42,717 marines , one navy Corman and one 23 00:00:42,717 --> 00:00:44,606 soldier who perished while safely 24 00:00:44,606 --> 00:00:46,772 evacuating 4100 Australians from Kabul 25 00:00:46,772 --> 00:00:49,470 Boris johnson last week who was also in 26 00:00:49,470 --> 00:00:51,581 town when asked about the US standing 27 00:00:51,581 --> 00:00:53,748 post uh withdrawal said what I said to 28 00:00:53,748 --> 00:00:56,050 joe biden biden is how grateful I am 29 00:00:56,050 --> 00:00:58,050 for the amazing work of the U . S . 30 00:00:58,050 --> 00:01:00,106 Military and helping us extricate in 31 00:01:00,106 --> 00:01:02,328 two weeks 15,000 british nationals from 32 00:01:02,328 --> 00:01:04,550 Kabul to whom we owe debts of honor and 33 00:01:04,550 --> 00:01:06,661 gratitude . The U . S . Military were 34 00:01:06,661 --> 00:01:08,772 heroic of course they were in town to 35 00:01:08,772 --> 00:01:10,939 enthusiastically endorse Aucas the new 36 00:01:10,939 --> 00:01:13,106 defence agreement in the pacific which 37 00:01:13,106 --> 00:01:15,272 has political reported despite all the 38 00:01:15,272 --> 00:01:17,383 hand wringing over the last couple of 39 00:01:17,383 --> 00:01:19,494 weeks was a powerful reminder that an 40 00:01:19,494 --> 00:01:21,550 american security guarantee with our 41 00:01:21,550 --> 00:01:23,717 allies still reigns supreme And in the 42 00:01:23,717 --> 00:01:25,661 stroke of a pen has reaffirmed our 43 00:01:25,661 --> 00:01:27,550 engagement and collaboration with 44 00:01:27,550 --> 00:01:29,717 allies in the region that the National 45 00:01:29,717 --> 00:01:31,883 Defense strategy has identified as our 46 00:01:31,883 --> 00:01:33,830 number one priority . Um Secretary 47 00:01:33,830 --> 00:01:35,886 Austin , I just want to follow up on 48 00:01:35,886 --> 00:01:39,800 the August 29 um Drone Strike and 49 00:01:39,800 --> 00:01:41,744 and General Mackenzie and the 17th 50 00:01:42,040 --> 00:01:45,360 again gave I guess the Central Command 51 00:01:45,520 --> 00:01:49,150 investigation report which described it 52 00:01:49,150 --> 00:01:51,580 as a tragic mistake . You also that day 53 00:01:51,590 --> 00:01:53,812 announced that there was gonna be a D . 54 00:01:53,812 --> 00:01:55,868 O . D . Uh follow up investigation . 55 00:01:55,868 --> 00:01:57,701 Can you tell us what what is the 56 00:01:57,701 --> 00:01:59,812 difference between what you described 57 00:01:59,812 --> 00:02:02,490 and what set centcom did ? And when can 58 00:02:02,490 --> 00:02:05,060 we expect to see results from that ? Um 59 00:02:05,540 --> 00:02:07,596 You know that investigation that you 60 00:02:07,596 --> 00:02:10,940 described ? Well , I directed a three 61 00:02:10,940 --> 00:02:14,860 star review of the of of the 62 00:02:14,880 --> 00:02:17,390 incident and certainly will take into 63 00:02:17,390 --> 00:02:20,960 account all of the things that um 64 00:02:22,140 --> 00:02:24,980 General Mackenzie and his team have 65 00:02:24,980 --> 00:02:27,313 done . But we'll look at the , you know , 66 00:02:27,313 --> 00:02:29,850 soup to nuts policy procedures . 67 00:02:29,850 --> 00:02:32,380 Whether or not we followed our own our 68 00:02:32,380 --> 00:02:36,110 own practices are outlined practices uh 69 00:02:36,120 --> 00:02:38,700 and uh and we'll certainly look at 70 00:02:38,700 --> 00:02:40,756 accountability as well . If somebody 71 00:02:40,756 --> 00:02:42,478 should be held accountable for 72 00:02:42,478 --> 00:02:44,311 something that they did that was 73 00:02:44,311 --> 00:02:47,040 outside of standard practice . And uh 74 00:02:47,050 --> 00:02:49,740 then we'll take a look at that . Yeah , 75 00:02:50,140 --> 00:02:52,660 you are Jerold Mackenzie , you 76 00:02:52,660 --> 00:02:54,882 mentioned on the 17th at the department 77 00:02:54,882 --> 00:02:56,827 is exploring the possibility of ex 78 00:02:56,827 --> 00:03:00,750 gratia payments for as compensation for 79 00:03:00,750 --> 00:03:03,160 the individuals who died in that strike . 80 00:03:03,170 --> 00:03:06,220 And again , That's a $3 million 81 00:03:06,220 --> 00:03:13,510 2020 , 82 00:03:13,510 --> 00:03:15,860 despite 23 civilians that were killed , 83 00:03:16,240 --> 00:03:18,573 um there was no payments made last year . 84 00:03:18,573 --> 00:03:20,760 Can you give us a , you know , some 85 00:03:20,760 --> 00:03:22,927 feeling that , you know , this is that 86 00:03:22,927 --> 00:03:25,149 this agreement is sufficient to address 87 00:03:25,149 --> 00:03:27,204 this issue , which I think really is 88 00:03:27,204 --> 00:03:29,280 our country's responsibility . So I 89 00:03:29,280 --> 00:03:31,336 agree with you . I believe we have a 90 00:03:31,336 --> 00:03:33,447 significant responsibility here and I 91 00:03:33,447 --> 00:03:35,613 know that even as we speak right now , 92 00:03:35,613 --> 00:03:37,836 uh undersecretary of Defense for policy 93 00:03:37,836 --> 00:03:39,947 is engaged in finding the best way to 94 00:03:39,947 --> 00:03:39,920 move forward on an expression 95 00:03:39,930 --> 00:03:41,830 appropriate ex gratia payment and 96 00:03:41,830 --> 00:03:43,552 whatever other measures may be 97 00:03:43,552 --> 00:03:45,774 contemplated in regard to that family . 98 00:03:45,774 --> 00:03:48,108 And I just leave it at that . Thank you . 99 00:03:48,108 --> 00:03:50,052 And I just would reflect that that 100 00:03:50,052 --> 00:03:52,163 certainly is a high volume concern in 101 00:03:52,163 --> 00:03:54,610 my district . Um General Milley again , 102 00:03:54,620 --> 00:03:57,850 uh we first met in 2013 and a coddle . 103 00:03:57,850 --> 00:04:00,550 You were in Jalalabad Afghanistan . And 104 00:04:00,550 --> 00:04:02,383 I think many of us had that same 105 00:04:02,383 --> 00:04:04,420 experience of seeing you in country 106 00:04:04,420 --> 00:04:06,770 there and certainly your service is 107 00:04:06,770 --> 00:04:08,770 something that I think is should be 108 00:04:08,770 --> 00:04:10,690 unquestioned in commitment to our 109 00:04:10,690 --> 00:04:13,770 nation . Um in your testimony , 110 00:04:13,770 --> 00:04:17,190 you talked again about the the Doha 111 00:04:17,190 --> 00:04:19,330 agreement . The conditions that were 112 00:04:19,330 --> 00:04:21,580 put into place by the for the Taliban 113 00:04:21,580 --> 00:04:23,802 to perform and that only one out of the 114 00:04:23,802 --> 00:04:25,913 eight actually had been complied with 115 00:04:25,913 --> 00:04:28,130 even up through uh February . 116 00:04:28,130 --> 00:04:30,620 Nonetheless , 80% of the troops in the 117 00:04:30,620 --> 00:04:32,842 US were drawn down from the date of the 118 00:04:32,842 --> 00:04:36,260 Doha agreement to January 21 . Um can 119 00:04:36,260 --> 00:04:38,427 you can just talk about you know , the 120 00:04:38,427 --> 00:04:40,093 non compliance of the Taliban 121 00:04:40,093 --> 00:04:42,360 throughout 2020 and the predicament 122 00:04:42,370 --> 00:04:44,426 that I think this administration was 123 00:04:44,426 --> 00:04:46,481 left when it took office with just a 124 00:04:46,481 --> 00:04:48,537 fraction of the troop level that was 125 00:04:48,537 --> 00:04:52,310 there in February 2020 . We had almost 126 00:04:52,350 --> 00:04:55,450 13,000 US troops there in February 2020 . 127 00:04:55,840 --> 00:04:58,173 Uh You got the numbers for inauguration . 128 00:04:58,173 --> 00:05:00,173 But the bottom line is reduction in 129 00:05:00,173 --> 00:05:02,284 violence nationwide ceasefire and all 130 00:05:02,284 --> 00:05:04,396 series of other . I apologize but the 131 00:05:04,396 --> 00:05:06,618 gentleman's time has all respond to the 132 00:05:06,618 --> 00:05:08,840 record on that . Thank you . Mr Lamborn 133 00:05:08,840 --> 00:05:11,173 is recognized . Thank you . Mr Chairman . 134 00:05:11,173 --> 00:05:13,229 We on this committee have repeatedly 135 00:05:13,229 --> 00:05:15,396 expressed our concern that the U . S . 136 00:05:15,396 --> 00:05:17,562 Military does not have regional basing 137 00:05:17,562 --> 00:05:19,784 and cooperation agreements required for 138 00:05:19,784 --> 00:05:21,451 an effective over the horizon 139 00:05:21,451 --> 00:05:24,180 counterterrorism capability . In May . 140 00:05:24,200 --> 00:05:26,500 Mr Hell v in response to my question in 141 00:05:26,500 --> 00:05:28,760 here confirmed that this administration 142 00:05:28,760 --> 00:05:31,090 had not yet secured the necessary 143 00:05:31,090 --> 00:05:33,257 agreements with any of the governments 144 00:05:33,257 --> 00:05:35,368 in the region to establish these over 145 00:05:35,368 --> 00:05:37,460 the rising capabilities . So General 146 00:05:37,460 --> 00:05:41,250 Mackenzie has the administration as of 147 00:05:41,250 --> 00:05:44,070 today secured any necessary agreements 148 00:05:44,070 --> 00:05:46,181 with a neighboring country to provide 149 00:05:46,181 --> 00:05:48,348 the basing and overflight requirements 150 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:50,310 needed to perform over the horizon 151 00:05:50,310 --> 00:05:52,960 counterterror operations in landlocked 152 00:05:52,970 --> 00:05:56,580 Afghanistan Representative as of today , 153 00:05:56,590 --> 00:05:58,960 I have the ability to enter Afghanistan 154 00:05:59,180 --> 00:06:01,347 and to fly missions . It's a long haul 155 00:06:01,347 --> 00:06:03,513 in . But I have the ability to do that 156 00:06:03,513 --> 00:06:05,680 today . But we don't have an agreement 157 00:06:05,680 --> 00:06:07,736 with a neighboring country . Is that 158 00:06:07,736 --> 00:06:09,958 true ? Isn't that true ? Obviously it's 159 00:06:09,958 --> 00:06:09,230 a neighboring country that's allowing 160 00:06:09,230 --> 00:06:11,452 us access but we are not based in we're 161 00:06:11,452 --> 00:06:13,619 not based in any neighboring country . 162 00:06:13,619 --> 00:06:16,440 That's correct sir . Okay . So we can 163 00:06:16,440 --> 00:06:19,510 safely assume that as of august 31st 164 00:06:20,460 --> 00:06:22,730 we did not also have an agreement at 165 00:06:22,730 --> 00:06:25,200 that time in the past . Okay . Thank 166 00:06:25,200 --> 00:06:28,340 you . General Milley at the june 23rd 167 00:06:28,340 --> 00:06:30,562 hearing here , you've testified to this 168 00:06:30,562 --> 00:06:32,860 committee that bagram was not necessary 169 00:06:33,040 --> 00:06:35,280 tactically to the military's withdrawal 170 00:06:35,280 --> 00:06:37,990 plan . You dismissed my and other 171 00:06:37,990 --> 00:06:40,220 people's concerns about the military 172 00:06:40,230 --> 00:06:42,590 value of bagram . And you seem to base 173 00:06:42,590 --> 00:06:44,757 that on an assessment that the taliban 174 00:06:44,757 --> 00:06:46,940 at that point and not yet taken major 175 00:06:46,940 --> 00:06:50,880 districts . Um Yesterday though you 176 00:06:50,880 --> 00:06:53,047 told Senator Blackburn that one of the 177 00:06:53,047 --> 00:06:54,991 courses of action you provided the 178 00:06:54,991 --> 00:06:57,102 commander in chief was to keep bagram 179 00:06:57,102 --> 00:06:59,213 airbase open , which sounds different 180 00:06:59,213 --> 00:07:01,324 from what you told us in January 23 . 181 00:07:01,324 --> 00:07:03,158 But for the record , wasn't your 182 00:07:03,158 --> 00:07:05,047 professional military opinion and 183 00:07:05,047 --> 00:07:07,360 advice that we should abandon bagram 184 00:07:07,360 --> 00:07:09,470 airbase . And if not , was this 185 00:07:09,470 --> 00:07:12,040 decision forced on you by the arbitrary 186 00:07:12,050 --> 00:07:14,260 troop cap of roughly 650 . 187 00:07:16,040 --> 00:07:18,560 Once the president's decision was made 188 00:07:18,570 --> 00:07:22,530 uh in mid April 14 April . Um And 189 00:07:22,540 --> 00:07:24,651 we were we had a change of mission to 190 00:07:24,651 --> 00:07:26,900 go to zero and bring the troops down to 191 00:07:26,900 --> 00:07:28,844 a number that was only required to 192 00:07:28,844 --> 00:07:30,870 maintain an embassy . The bagram 193 00:07:30,880 --> 00:07:34,020 decision was made at that point because 194 00:07:34,030 --> 00:07:36,197 at that point there's no way you could 195 00:07:36,197 --> 00:07:38,308 defend both program and h chi but one 196 00:07:38,308 --> 00:07:41,360 additional point . Uh the most of the 197 00:07:41,360 --> 00:07:43,416 people that were required to be in a 198 00:07:43,416 --> 00:07:45,582 neo we're going to come out of Kabul . 199 00:07:45,640 --> 00:07:49,570 Um draw had that been in 200 00:07:49,570 --> 00:07:51,860 play ? Well , in order to hold Barbara 201 00:07:51,860 --> 00:07:54,082 might have needed probably pushing 5000 202 00:07:54,082 --> 00:07:56,082 more troops on the ground . So that 203 00:07:56,082 --> 00:07:58,249 would have been a significant decision 204 00:07:58,249 --> 00:08:00,620 to hold bagram and we were under the 205 00:08:00,620 --> 00:08:02,731 direction to go to zero . So it would 206 00:08:02,731 --> 00:08:06,510 require a basic policy uh directive to 207 00:08:06,510 --> 00:08:08,732 change the plan . If you're going to go 208 00:08:08,732 --> 00:08:10,954 to zero and you're going to keep enough 209 00:08:10,954 --> 00:08:10,850 forces to hold your embassy in the 210 00:08:10,850 --> 00:08:12,183 airfield , it is income 211 00:08:16,040 --> 00:08:18,096 to go out and hold bagram under that 212 00:08:18,096 --> 00:08:20,151 case . Let me just further added , I 213 00:08:20,151 --> 00:08:22,151 did not see any tactical utility to 214 00:08:22,151 --> 00:08:25,810 bagram . Uh General 215 00:08:25,810 --> 00:08:28,420 Mackenzie . Uh Isn't it true that the 216 00:08:28,420 --> 00:08:30,730 president rejected your best military 217 00:08:30,740 --> 00:08:33,510 opinion and advice as to how quickly to 218 00:08:33,510 --> 00:08:35,460 withdraw american troops from 219 00:08:35,460 --> 00:08:38,080 Afghanistan ? Well , I will say this , 220 00:08:38,090 --> 00:08:40,312 it has been my view that we should have 221 00:08:40,312 --> 00:08:42,423 that we that I recommended a level of 222 00:08:42,423 --> 00:08:44,590 2500 A . Level that would have allowed 223 00:08:44,590 --> 00:08:46,701 us to hold bagram and other airfields 224 00:08:46,701 --> 00:08:48,868 as well . Once you go below that level 225 00:08:48,868 --> 00:08:51,034 and make a decision to go to zero , it 226 00:08:51,034 --> 00:08:53,257 is no longer feasible to hold Barbara . 227 00:08:53,257 --> 00:08:53,150 But that was your best opinion and 228 00:08:53,150 --> 00:08:56,060 advice . That was that remains my view 229 00:08:56,440 --> 00:08:59,350 now , as it was then . Thank you . And 230 00:09:00,040 --> 00:09:03,090 Uh you said to hold Bagram would have 231 00:09:03,090 --> 00:09:06,660 taken 2500 a minute ago . You said 5000 . 232 00:09:07,040 --> 00:09:09,680 Uh it sounds like it was 2500 . Well , 233 00:09:09,690 --> 00:09:12,010 it depends on the situation , if if 234 00:09:12,010 --> 00:09:14,420 you're talking about a situation where 235 00:09:14,420 --> 00:09:16,900 you're not fighting the Taliban and you 236 00:09:16,900 --> 00:09:19,090 have the full assistance of the Afghan 237 00:09:19,090 --> 00:09:21,090 government or the Taliban's attacks 238 00:09:21,090 --> 00:09:23,146 against you at a minimum , yes , you 239 00:09:23,146 --> 00:09:25,312 can hold it at 2500 . If however , you 240 00:09:25,312 --> 00:09:27,450 posit that you're in Afghanistan Say 241 00:09:27,450 --> 00:09:30,840 beyond August the 31st without the uh 242 00:09:30,850 --> 00:09:32,794 without the tacit agreement of the 243 00:09:32,794 --> 00:09:34,906 Taliban and without the assistance of 244 00:09:34,906 --> 00:09:36,906 the government of Afghanistan , who 245 00:09:36,906 --> 00:09:39,072 provided most of the physical security 246 00:09:39,072 --> 00:09:41,239 at bagram , then you have to put a big 247 00:09:41,239 --> 00:09:43,461 footprint in just as we did at H chi is 248 00:09:43,461 --> 00:09:45,406 exactly the same . There , the two 249 00:09:45,406 --> 00:09:47,572 situations are analogous . Gentleman's 250 00:09:47,572 --> 00:09:50,040 time has expired . Mr Garamendi . Yeah , 251 00:09:52,550 --> 00:09:54,717 the gentlemen , thank you so very much 252 00:09:54,717 --> 00:09:56,772 for your testimony . Before I go any 253 00:09:56,772 --> 00:09:58,717 further . I want to acknowledge an 254 00:09:58,717 --> 00:10:01,350 extraordinary effort and successful 255 00:10:01,350 --> 00:10:03,540 effort made by the US military , 256 00:10:03,540 --> 00:10:06,580 particularly the Air force in the most 257 00:10:06,590 --> 00:10:09,520 awesome and successful evacuation of 258 00:10:09,520 --> 00:10:11,920 civilians ever in the history of this 259 00:10:11,930 --> 00:10:15,040 world . Well done . Very , very well 260 00:10:15,040 --> 00:10:17,262 done and compliments to all involved in 261 00:10:17,262 --> 00:10:20,510 that . Obviously the loss of The 262 00:10:20,510 --> 00:10:24,360 13 members of the military was a 263 00:10:24,360 --> 00:10:27,690 great tragedy . And you and all of us 264 00:10:27,690 --> 00:10:30,580 regret that the fog of war is only 265 00:10:30,580 --> 00:10:32,747 repeated by the fog of the committee . 266 00:10:33,140 --> 00:10:35,362 So let me lay out some time frames here 267 00:10:35,640 --> 00:10:38,730 In mid-2018 . President former 268 00:10:38,730 --> 00:10:40,674 President Trump ordered formal and 269 00:10:40,674 --> 00:10:43,030 direct us Taliban negotiations without 270 00:10:43,040 --> 00:10:46,820 the Afghan government participating In 271 00:10:46,820 --> 00:10:48,910 February 2020 . and Excuse Me August 272 00:10:48,910 --> 00:10:51,960 2019 President Trump said that He would 273 00:10:51,960 --> 00:10:54,780 withdraw all as all us troops as 274 00:10:54,780 --> 00:10:57,380 quickly as possible . In February 2020 , 275 00:10:57,420 --> 00:10:59,309 the United States and the Taliban 276 00:10:59,309 --> 00:11:02,390 signed a formal agreement in which the 277 00:11:02,390 --> 00:11:05,110 United States committed to withdraw all 278 00:11:05,110 --> 00:11:07,530 of its troops , contractors and non 279 00:11:07,530 --> 00:11:09,810 diplomatic civilian personnel from 280 00:11:09,810 --> 00:11:12,850 Afghanistan . No later Than May 281 00:11:12,850 --> 00:11:14,260 one , 282 00:11:16,450 --> 00:11:18,990 In June 2020 the US troop levels 283 00:11:18,990 --> 00:11:22,540 reached 80 600 in october . 284 00:11:22,550 --> 00:11:24,383 President former President trump 285 00:11:24,383 --> 00:11:26,606 tweeted we should have the small number 286 00:11:26,606 --> 00:11:28,650 of remaining brave men and women 287 00:11:28,650 --> 00:11:30,960 serving in Afghanistan home by 288 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:34,510 christmas in november 17 289 00:11:34,510 --> 00:11:37,000 2020 . Then acting Secretary Defense 290 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:39,222 Miller announced that we will implement 291 00:11:39,222 --> 00:11:41,167 President former President trump's 292 00:11:41,167 --> 00:11:44,260 orders to continue repositioning forces 293 00:11:44,270 --> 00:11:48,160 from Afghanistan and the 2500 U.S . 294 00:11:48,160 --> 00:11:51,460 troops will remain there by January 15 295 00:11:52,040 --> 00:11:54,430 On January 15 . He announced that there 296 00:11:54,430 --> 00:11:57,720 were indeed 2500 troops left on january 297 00:11:57,720 --> 00:12:01,460 20th , biden became president , 298 00:12:02,040 --> 00:12:05,650 2500 troops were then in Afghanistan 299 00:12:05,660 --> 00:12:08,180 on April 14 , President Biden announced 300 00:12:08,180 --> 00:12:10,410 his intention to continue the 301 00:12:10,410 --> 00:12:13,010 withdrawal . All regular U . S . Troops . 302 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:17,120 Bye september 11th four 303 00:12:17,120 --> 00:12:20,320 months after the preplanned May one 304 00:12:20,320 --> 00:12:23,950 deadline On July two Italy and Germany 305 00:12:23,950 --> 00:12:27,210 withdrew their troops on July 17 , We 306 00:12:27,220 --> 00:12:30,520 have had specific testimony here on 307 00:12:30,520 --> 00:12:34,200 what then happened from July 17 on and 308 00:12:34,200 --> 00:12:37,790 if I recall correctly , The Afghan 309 00:12:37,790 --> 00:12:39,957 government completely collapsed on the 310 00:12:39,957 --> 00:12:43,840 20th of august , wasn't there any 311 00:12:43,840 --> 00:12:47,730 longer and from there ? The evacuations 312 00:12:47,730 --> 00:12:50,860 commenced . Yeah , A general Mackenzie 313 00:12:51,410 --> 00:12:54,160 With the 2500 troops on the ground 314 00:12:55,840 --> 00:12:59,110 sufficient as agreed by the with the 315 00:12:59,110 --> 00:13:02,800 Taliban . Were they there In 316 00:13:02,800 --> 00:13:05,820 accordance with the agreement , It 317 00:13:05,820 --> 00:13:07,960 would have been had we held the 2500 318 00:13:07,970 --> 00:13:11,090 which I stated was my position as the 319 00:13:11,090 --> 00:13:13,312 secretary has articulated . There would 320 00:13:13,312 --> 00:13:15,534 have been a clear risk that the Taliban 321 00:13:15,534 --> 00:13:17,534 would have begun to attack us as we 322 00:13:17,534 --> 00:13:19,368 move past the one May deadline . 323 00:13:19,440 --> 00:13:21,440 However , it was it was my judgment 324 00:13:21,440 --> 00:13:23,496 then that that would still give us a 325 00:13:23,496 --> 00:13:25,662 platform to continue negotiations with 326 00:13:25,662 --> 00:13:27,384 the Taliban to perhaps force a 327 00:13:27,384 --> 00:13:29,430 political solution . My concern was 328 00:13:29,440 --> 00:13:31,662 that if we withdrew below 2500 and went 329 00:13:31,662 --> 00:13:33,718 to zero that the Afghan military and 330 00:13:33,718 --> 00:13:35,662 government would collapse . And of 331 00:13:35,662 --> 00:13:37,329 course that's not a potential 332 00:13:37,329 --> 00:13:39,329 counterfactual that is in fact what 333 00:13:39,329 --> 00:13:41,384 happened . So we have objective , we 334 00:13:41,384 --> 00:13:40,780 have objective data to understand what 335 00:13:40,780 --> 00:13:43,670 happens if you go to zero several of us 336 00:13:43,680 --> 00:13:45,902 attended a luncheon here in the capital 337 00:13:46,240 --> 00:13:50,220 in late june with President Afghan 338 00:13:50,230 --> 00:13:54,090 Ghani and abdullah dullah and they were 339 00:13:54,100 --> 00:13:56,470 very , very confident that they would 340 00:13:56,470 --> 00:13:59,220 be able to maintain their government 341 00:13:59,230 --> 00:14:02,060 through the uh with the reduction and 342 00:14:02,060 --> 00:14:05,770 the withdrawal of american troops . If 343 00:14:05,780 --> 00:14:08,270 they had , they specifically said that 344 00:14:08,280 --> 00:14:10,280 300,000 troops , they could do it . 345 00:14:10,280 --> 00:14:12,613 They needed continued financial support . 346 00:14:12,613 --> 00:14:14,840 They needed to necessary intelligence 347 00:14:14,840 --> 00:14:17,380 from the United States . And they also 348 00:14:17,380 --> 00:14:21,010 needed to have certain airstrikes 349 00:14:21,060 --> 00:14:24,930 drone strikes . That was their 350 00:14:24,930 --> 00:14:27,097 promise . They also said that they did 351 00:14:27,097 --> 00:14:29,860 not want to allow afghans to leave . 352 00:14:30,840 --> 00:14:33,350 That's what they specifically told us . 353 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:35,460 They did not want afghans to leave . 354 00:14:36,440 --> 00:14:39,350 Obviously Ghani decided that he would 355 00:14:39,350 --> 00:14:42,930 leave . Um Well further 356 00:14:42,930 --> 00:14:46,640 questions . Uh my time has 357 00:14:46,640 --> 00:14:49,400 expired . I'll yield back . Thank you . 358 00:14:49,410 --> 00:14:51,466 Mr Whitman . Thank you . Mr Chairman 359 00:14:51,466 --> 00:14:53,466 gentlemen , thanks so much for your 360 00:14:53,466 --> 00:14:55,577 testimony today . Generally I want to 361 00:14:55,577 --> 00:14:57,799 begin with you and I want to build on a 362 00:14:57,799 --> 00:14:59,799 question that ranking member Rogers 363 00:14:59,799 --> 00:15:02,021 asked On August 18 President Biden said 364 00:15:02,021 --> 00:15:05,160 that there's no way possible that U . S . 365 00:15:05,160 --> 00:15:07,390 Troops could be withdrawn from 366 00:15:07,390 --> 00:15:09,501 Afghanistan without the chaos that we 367 00:15:09,501 --> 00:15:12,540 saw unfold . And your best military 368 00:15:12,540 --> 00:15:15,350 judgment , was there a way to extract 369 00:15:15,350 --> 00:15:17,406 the troops without the chaos that we 370 00:15:17,406 --> 00:15:21,300 saw unfold ? I 371 00:15:21,300 --> 00:15:23,411 just want to be clear , we're talking 372 00:15:23,411 --> 00:15:25,133 to different missions . Uh the 373 00:15:25,133 --> 00:15:27,078 retrograde of the troops of 2500 . 374 00:15:27,078 --> 00:15:27,060 Everybody's talking about those are 375 00:15:27,060 --> 00:15:29,060 advisors . That was complete by mid 376 00:15:29,060 --> 00:15:31,282 july and that was done actually without 377 00:15:31,282 --> 00:15:33,393 any significant incident . That's the 378 00:15:33,393 --> 00:15:35,560 handover of 11 bases to bring out of a 379 00:15:35,560 --> 00:15:37,782 lot of equipment etcetera That was done 380 00:15:37,782 --> 00:15:36,760 under the command of General Miller . 381 00:15:37,340 --> 00:15:39,507 The non combatant evacuation operation 382 00:15:39,507 --> 00:15:41,910 is different noncombatant operation 383 00:15:41,920 --> 00:15:44,330 that was done under conditions of great 384 00:15:44,330 --> 00:15:46,330 volatility , great violence , that 385 00:15:46,340 --> 00:15:48,980 great threat . And we inserted 6000 386 00:15:48,980 --> 00:15:50,869 troops on relatively short notice 387 00:15:50,869 --> 00:15:52,813 because there was some contingency 388 00:15:52,813 --> 00:15:54,924 plans to do that . That's a different 389 00:15:54,924 --> 00:15:56,924 operation . Uh And I think that the 390 00:15:56,924 --> 00:15:59,147 first two days of that , as we saw were 391 00:15:59,147 --> 00:15:59,080 not only chaotic , but violent and high 392 00:15:59,080 --> 00:16:01,080 risk , but because of the skill and 393 00:16:01,080 --> 00:16:03,136 leadership of our troops , they were 394 00:16:03,136 --> 00:16:05,358 able to get control of the situation in 395 00:16:05,358 --> 00:16:04,980 the airfield in a country that was 396 00:16:04,980 --> 00:16:07,110 falling apart and then execute the 397 00:16:07,110 --> 00:16:09,270 operation . So , um I think it would 398 00:16:09,270 --> 00:16:10,937 have been difficult under any 399 00:16:10,937 --> 00:16:12,714 circumstances , and I think our 400 00:16:12,714 --> 00:16:14,937 soldiers performed extraordinarily well 401 00:16:14,937 --> 00:16:17,159 actually In 48 hours getting control of 402 00:16:17,159 --> 00:16:19,214 an airfield in another country , 8.5 403 00:16:19,214 --> 00:16:21,548 time zones away . But I understand that . 404 00:16:21,548 --> 00:16:20,990 But you're talking about a very 405 00:16:20,990 --> 00:16:22,990 compressed time frame . I'm talking 406 00:16:22,990 --> 00:16:25,212 about the full extent about what you're 407 00:16:25,212 --> 00:16:27,212 looking at . You can talk about two 408 00:16:27,212 --> 00:16:26,700 missions , but I'm talking about in 409 00:16:26,700 --> 00:16:29,200 totality of what we're looking at . 410 00:16:29,200 --> 00:16:31,730 There was a chaotic and disaggregated 411 00:16:31,740 --> 00:16:34,360 effort . It seems like to me that 412 00:16:35,040 --> 00:16:37,250 your professional military judgment 413 00:16:37,260 --> 00:16:39,960 would probably not have been 414 00:16:40,540 --> 00:16:43,620 focused uh in your recommendations . 415 00:16:43,630 --> 00:16:45,852 And seeing this outcome , I just wanted 416 00:16:45,852 --> 00:16:47,963 to get your recommendations uh at the 417 00:16:47,963 --> 00:16:49,963 time , in my analysis at the time , 418 00:16:49,963 --> 00:16:52,130 were aligned actually with What you've 419 00:16:52,130 --> 00:16:54,297 heard from General Miller previously , 420 00:16:54,297 --> 00:16:56,463 and General Mackenzie was flatlined at 421 00:16:56,463 --> 00:16:58,540 about 2500 and go for a negotiated 422 00:16:58,540 --> 00:17:00,707 solution and make sure it's conditions 423 00:17:00,707 --> 00:17:03,660 based and we all render our advice . 424 00:17:03,800 --> 00:17:05,911 Presidents make decisions and then we 425 00:17:05,911 --> 00:17:09,170 execute sure . This morning , you 426 00:17:09,170 --> 00:17:11,110 stated that the withdrawal was a 427 00:17:11,110 --> 00:17:13,110 logistical success but a strategic 428 00:17:13,110 --> 00:17:16,160 failure . And I would say that probably 429 00:17:16,160 --> 00:17:18,049 american citizens and the special 430 00:17:18,049 --> 00:17:20,160 immigrant visa holders would probably 431 00:17:20,160 --> 00:17:22,327 disagree . Those that were left behind 432 00:17:22,327 --> 00:17:24,216 would probably disagree with your 433 00:17:24,216 --> 00:17:26,382 assessment of the logistical success . 434 00:17:26,382 --> 00:17:28,438 That being said , I want to focus on 435 00:17:28,438 --> 00:17:30,604 the strategic failure aspect of that . 436 00:17:30,604 --> 00:17:32,771 You said yesterday that all you can do 437 00:17:32,771 --> 00:17:34,938 and you just said it now you can do is 438 00:17:34,938 --> 00:17:37,160 provide your best advice and it's up to 439 00:17:37,160 --> 00:17:36,140 the president to make the ultimate 440 00:17:36,140 --> 00:17:39,360 decision in your best military judgment 441 00:17:40,340 --> 00:17:43,360 did President biden's decisions cause 442 00:17:43,370 --> 00:17:46,810 this strategic failure ? I 443 00:17:46,810 --> 00:17:48,866 think as I said yesterday , first of 444 00:17:48,866 --> 00:17:51,199 all , I'm not gonna judge the president . 445 00:17:51,199 --> 00:17:53,421 That's the job of the American people . 446 00:17:53,421 --> 00:17:52,990 That's the job of Congress . I'm asking 447 00:17:52,990 --> 00:17:55,370 for your best military judgment for the 448 00:17:55,380 --> 00:17:57,670 judgment . My my assessment , this is a 449 00:17:57,670 --> 00:18:00,660 20 year war and it wasn't lost in the 450 00:18:00,660 --> 00:18:02,990 last 20 days or even 20 months for that 451 00:18:02,990 --> 00:18:05,212 matter . There's a cumulative effect to 452 00:18:05,212 --> 00:18:07,500 a series of strategic decisions that go 453 00:18:07,500 --> 00:18:09,611 way back . You know , bin laden right 454 00:18:09,611 --> 00:18:11,778 on the tora bora for example , we knew 455 00:18:11,778 --> 00:18:13,778 where he was 1000 m away . It could 456 00:18:13,778 --> 00:18:16,000 have ended up perhaps right there . The 457 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:18,167 shift from going into Iraq and and and 458 00:18:18,167 --> 00:18:19,833 pulling all the troops out of 459 00:18:19,833 --> 00:18:21,833 Afghanistan with exception of a few 460 00:18:21,833 --> 00:18:23,778 other major strategic decision Not 461 00:18:23,778 --> 00:18:25,944 effectively dealing with Pakistan as a 462 00:18:25,944 --> 00:18:28,111 sanctuary ? Major strategic issue that 463 00:18:28,111 --> 00:18:30,167 we're going to have to really unpack 464 00:18:30,167 --> 00:18:29,510 the intelligence piece . Pulling 465 00:18:29,510 --> 00:18:31,566 advisers off three or four years ago 466 00:18:31,566 --> 00:18:33,510 out of canned axed . So we blinded 467 00:18:33,510 --> 00:18:35,510 ourselves to our ability to see the 468 00:18:35,510 --> 00:18:35,070 world and around the leadership 469 00:18:35,080 --> 00:18:36,858 training . This whole series of 470 00:18:36,858 --> 00:18:39,191 decisions that take place over 20 years . 471 00:18:39,191 --> 00:18:41,247 I don't think that when you ever you 472 00:18:41,247 --> 00:18:43,413 get some phenomenal like a war that is 473 00:18:43,413 --> 00:18:45,524 lost and it has been in a sense of we 474 00:18:45,524 --> 00:18:47,469 accomplished our strategic task of 475 00:18:47,469 --> 00:18:49,580 protecting America against al Qaeda , 476 00:18:49,580 --> 00:18:51,747 but certainly the end state is a whole 477 00:18:51,747 --> 00:18:53,913 lot different than what we wanted . So 478 00:18:53,913 --> 00:18:53,160 whenever the phenomenon like that 479 00:18:53,160 --> 00:18:55,049 happens is an awful lot of causal 480 00:18:55,049 --> 00:18:57,216 factors and we're gonna have to figure 481 00:18:57,216 --> 00:18:57,060 that out . A lot of lessons learned 482 00:18:57,060 --> 00:19:00,060 here . Thank you . And I want to build 483 00:19:00,070 --> 00:19:03,470 with your answers to Secretary Austin . 484 00:19:03,470 --> 00:19:06,300 Secretary Austin . Imagine that you had 485 00:19:06,300 --> 00:19:08,189 a number of opportunities in your 486 00:19:08,189 --> 00:19:10,356 capacity as centcom commanding general 487 00:19:10,356 --> 00:19:12,189 to brief President Obama . And I 488 00:19:12,189 --> 00:19:14,790 imagine that Vice President biden was 489 00:19:14,790 --> 00:19:17,120 probably privy to these briefs . Was he 490 00:19:17,120 --> 00:19:19,287 a regular attendee when you gave these 491 00:19:19,287 --> 00:19:22,850 briefs , the 492 00:19:22,860 --> 00:19:26,670 Vice President was frequently in and in 493 00:19:26,670 --> 00:19:28,840 the situation room and we had we 494 00:19:28,840 --> 00:19:31,720 conducted meetings . Yes . Okay , let 495 00:19:31,720 --> 00:19:33,887 me go from there then to the battle of 496 00:19:33,887 --> 00:19:36,010 Konduz which we know the Taliban took 497 00:19:36,010 --> 00:19:39,040 over Afghan forces retreated . Uh did 498 00:19:39,040 --> 00:19:41,207 you recognize that is the beginning of 499 00:19:41,207 --> 00:19:43,630 the weakness in the Isaf mission . And 500 00:19:43,630 --> 00:19:45,574 were there issues at that point of 501 00:19:45,574 --> 00:19:47,519 intense interest to Vice President 502 00:19:47,519 --> 00:19:51,220 biden ? I'm sorry . That's going to 503 00:19:51,220 --> 00:19:53,276 have to be a question for the record 504 00:19:53,276 --> 00:19:55,276 because the time has expired . Miss 505 00:19:55,276 --> 00:19:57,387 spear was recognized . Thank you . Mr 506 00:19:57,387 --> 00:19:59,276 Chairman , thank you all for your 507 00:19:59,276 --> 00:20:01,442 extraordinary service to our country . 508 00:20:01,442 --> 00:20:03,609 I want to just set the record straight 509 00:20:03,609 --> 00:20:05,776 on a couple of points . It was in 2017 510 00:20:05,776 --> 00:20:07,998 that then President trump relaxed rules 511 00:20:07,998 --> 00:20:10,164 of engagement for airstrikes and there 512 00:20:10,164 --> 00:20:12,109 was a massive increase in civilian 513 00:20:12,109 --> 00:20:15,810 casualties . A 330% increase during 514 00:20:15,810 --> 00:20:18,250 trump's administration compared to the 515 00:20:18,250 --> 00:20:21,630 previous 10 years . There was a 95% 516 00:20:21,640 --> 00:20:24,520 increase in civilian deaths from 2017 517 00:20:24,520 --> 00:20:27,760 to 2019 . It was then President trump 518 00:20:27,760 --> 00:20:30,560 who in mid 2018 ordered the Taliban 519 00:20:30,570 --> 00:20:33,880 order talks with the Taliban without 520 00:20:33,890 --> 00:20:36,057 the Afghani leadership . And it was in 521 00:20:36,057 --> 00:20:38,410 February 2020 when that formal 522 00:20:38,420 --> 00:20:41,860 agreement was made . Now Chairman 523 00:20:42,640 --> 00:20:45,700 Millie , you identified the taliban as 524 00:20:45,700 --> 00:20:48,860 a terrorist organization . Can you 525 00:20:49,540 --> 00:20:52,360 tell us anything about former President 526 00:20:52,360 --> 00:20:54,630 trump's intent to invite the Taliban 527 00:20:54,630 --> 00:20:56,741 leadership to the United States or to 528 00:20:56,741 --> 00:21:00,580 Camp David specifically , I have 529 00:21:00,580 --> 00:21:02,247 no personal knowledge of that 530 00:21:02,247 --> 00:21:04,469 invitation . I start in the media , but 531 00:21:04,469 --> 00:21:06,524 I was not part of any discussions or 532 00:21:06,524 --> 00:21:08,524 decision making on that . I have no 533 00:21:08,524 --> 00:21:10,636 personal knowledge . Secretary Austin 534 00:21:10,636 --> 00:21:12,413 did the previous administration 535 00:21:12,413 --> 00:21:15,040 developed plans for withdrawal . And 536 00:21:15,040 --> 00:21:17,770 was there any hand off to you of those 537 00:21:17,770 --> 00:21:20,570 plans ? There was no handoff to me of 538 00:21:20,570 --> 00:21:23,670 any plans for withdrawal . So then 539 00:21:23,670 --> 00:21:26,750 President trump Calls for a total 540 00:21:26,750 --> 00:21:30,440 withdrawal by May one , and no 541 00:21:30,440 --> 00:21:32,162 plans had been made during his 542 00:21:32,162 --> 00:21:35,870 administration for withdrawal . I would 543 00:21:35,870 --> 00:21:38,400 say that uh you know , I'm confident 544 00:21:38,400 --> 00:21:40,740 that General Miller who was 545 00:21:40,740 --> 00:21:43,590 anticipating uh you know , and 546 00:21:43,590 --> 00:21:46,970 a decision one way or the other was 547 00:21:46,970 --> 00:21:48,914 making plans and I certainly would 548 00:21:48,914 --> 00:21:51,081 defer to General Mackenzie in terms of 549 00:21:51,081 --> 00:21:53,414 what he might have been might have done . 550 00:21:53,414 --> 00:21:56,120 But in terms of handoff from 551 00:21:56,130 --> 00:21:58,020 administration to Administration 552 00:21:58,020 --> 00:22:00,131 Secretary to Secretary , uh there was 553 00:22:00,131 --> 00:22:02,720 no handoff to me . All right . Um It's 554 00:22:02,720 --> 00:22:06,270 not true that on April 27 President 555 00:22:06,270 --> 00:22:10,200 biden through the uh State Department 556 00:22:10,210 --> 00:22:13,460 called on all americans in Afghanistan 557 00:22:13,470 --> 00:22:16,170 to leave by commercial flights . 558 00:22:18,140 --> 00:22:20,251 Can any of you answer that question ? 559 00:22:23,340 --> 00:22:25,562 Well , that was in fact what happened ? 560 00:22:25,562 --> 00:22:27,618 I don't have knowledge of that . All 561 00:22:27,618 --> 00:22:29,896 right . That was in fact what happened . 562 00:22:29,896 --> 00:22:32,062 So , we put on notice all Americans in 563 00:22:32,062 --> 00:22:34,280 Afghanistan on April 27 . It was time 564 00:22:34,280 --> 00:22:37,300 to get out . Let me ask you this . 565 00:22:37,300 --> 00:22:39,522 General Milley , what was the impact of 566 00:22:39,522 --> 00:22:41,600 President Trump's draw down to 2500 567 00:22:41,610 --> 00:22:43,890 troops despite the Taliban's 568 00:22:43,890 --> 00:22:46,360 noncompliance with much of the peace 569 00:22:46,370 --> 00:22:48,640 agreement and how did that affect our 570 00:22:48,640 --> 00:22:52,610 intelligence gathering ? Uh 571 00:22:52,620 --> 00:22:54,676 So there's two questions there . The 572 00:22:54,676 --> 00:22:56,453 first question I think the Doha 573 00:22:56,453 --> 00:22:58,620 agreement itself because of the nature 574 00:22:58,620 --> 00:23:00,842 of it . And this is More 2020 hindsight 575 00:23:00,842 --> 00:23:02,970 perhaps . But we now believe that the 576 00:23:02,970 --> 00:23:04,637 door agreement itself perhaps 577 00:23:04,637 --> 00:23:06,526 undermined has contributed to the 578 00:23:06,526 --> 00:23:08,748 undermining of the morale confidence in 579 00:23:08,748 --> 00:23:08,230 the government because it was a 580 00:23:08,230 --> 00:23:10,310 bilateral agreement etcetera . But 581 00:23:10,310 --> 00:23:12,477 having said that there were conditions 582 00:23:12,477 --> 00:23:14,643 built into that , one of which was met 583 00:23:14,643 --> 00:23:16,866 many which were not In the draw down to 584 00:23:16,866 --> 00:23:20,490 2500 proceeded because of the 585 00:23:20,500 --> 00:23:22,611 fundamental condition if they weren't 586 00:23:22,611 --> 00:23:24,833 attacking us was being met to draw down 587 00:23:24,833 --> 00:23:26,944 to 2500 . The impact that that had on 588 00:23:26,944 --> 00:23:30,260 the morale , the will of the 589 00:23:30,260 --> 00:23:34,210 Afghan military . I believe that 590 00:23:34,220 --> 00:23:36,630 it was a negative impact , but I don't 591 00:23:36,630 --> 00:23:38,741 know that yet . We need to go through 592 00:23:38,741 --> 00:23:40,908 all of our intelligence and analyze it 593 00:23:40,908 --> 00:23:43,130 in in an after action review . But I do 594 00:23:43,130 --> 00:23:45,352 think that was a contributing factor to 595 00:23:45,352 --> 00:23:47,241 the morale of the Afghan security 596 00:23:47,241 --> 00:23:49,297 forces . General Milley . Um there's 597 00:23:49,297 --> 00:23:51,519 been a lot of talk about retaining 2500 598 00:23:51,519 --> 00:23:54,250 service members in Afghanistan . Um I 599 00:23:54,250 --> 00:23:56,306 think we all forget that there was a 600 00:23:56,306 --> 00:23:58,361 negotiations with the Taliban and we 601 00:23:58,361 --> 00:24:00,340 would have to get them to agree to 602 00:24:00,340 --> 00:24:03,460 allow 2500 troops to remain in the 603 00:24:03,460 --> 00:24:06,370 country . Um having said that In your 604 00:24:06,370 --> 00:24:09,750 view , would a small force of 2500 be 605 00:24:09,750 --> 00:24:13,590 sufficient two achieve 606 00:24:13,600 --> 00:24:17,390 anything of value ? I think that um 607 00:24:17,400 --> 00:24:19,920 2500 would have been at great risk in 608 00:24:19,920 --> 00:24:21,864 terms of the talent that I have no 609 00:24:21,864 --> 00:24:23,753 doubt that the Taliban would have 610 00:24:23,753 --> 00:24:26,070 reinitiated combat operations or 611 00:24:26,080 --> 00:24:29,750 attacks on U . S . Forces And the 2500 612 00:24:29,750 --> 00:24:31,806 would have been an increased risk to 613 00:24:31,806 --> 00:24:33,972 debt . What's the value of keeping the 614 00:24:33,972 --> 00:24:36,028 2500 ? It has as much to do with the 615 00:24:36,028 --> 00:24:38,083 morale and the keeping advisers with 616 00:24:38,083 --> 00:24:40,290 them and having the morale of the 617 00:24:40,300 --> 00:24:41,810 Afghan security forces and 618 00:24:41,820 --> 00:24:43,598 demonstrating confidence in the 619 00:24:43,598 --> 00:24:46,330 government going to zero . Uh it's 620 00:24:46,330 --> 00:24:48,552 clear to me that one of the big lessons 621 00:24:48,552 --> 00:24:50,497 learned we have to unpack from the 622 00:24:50,497 --> 00:24:52,663 military side is the mirror imaging in 623 00:24:52,663 --> 00:24:54,830 the development of the Afghan military 624 00:24:54,830 --> 00:24:56,774 and they became dependent upon our 625 00:24:56,774 --> 00:24:58,941 presence apologized , generalized time 626 00:24:58,941 --> 00:25:00,750 has expired . Miss Hartzler is 627 00:25:00,750 --> 00:25:03,420 recognized . Thank you Mr Chairman . 628 00:25:03,420 --> 00:25:05,309 It's imperative that we have this 629 00:25:05,309 --> 00:25:06,976 hearing today because the box 630 00:25:06,976 --> 00:25:09,200 withdrawal from Afghanistan I believe 631 00:25:09,200 --> 00:25:11,890 is the most significant foreign policy 632 00:25:11,890 --> 00:25:14,230 failure in a generation . And it's 633 00:25:14,230 --> 00:25:17,260 going to have ramifications for years 634 00:25:17,270 --> 00:25:19,437 to come . And so we need to get to the 635 00:25:19,437 --> 00:25:21,437 bottom of this . And for someone to 636 00:25:21,437 --> 00:25:23,700 start off to General Milley a question 637 00:25:23,940 --> 00:25:26,780 that you you made a comment earlier 638 00:25:27,070 --> 00:25:30,740 that you'd be , Well , I wanted to ask 639 00:25:30,740 --> 00:25:33,690 you , did you tell General G when you 640 00:25:33,690 --> 00:25:35,801 talked to him on the phone that if we 641 00:25:35,801 --> 00:25:37,801 were going to attack china that you 642 00:25:37,801 --> 00:25:39,746 would let him know ahead of time . 643 00:25:53,140 --> 00:25:56,860 Clearly , I'm sorry . 644 00:25:56,870 --> 00:25:58,981 Could you get the microphone a little 645 00:25:58,981 --> 00:26:01,148 more in front of you there , make sure 646 00:26:01,148 --> 00:26:02,814 its own . So this is a longer 647 00:26:02,814 --> 00:26:04,870 conversation . You know , it's a Vtc 648 00:26:04,870 --> 00:26:07,800 with generally and there's a body of 649 00:26:07,800 --> 00:26:10,440 intelligence that leads up to this . Uh 650 00:26:10,450 --> 00:26:12,394 that was persuasive to Secretary , 651 00:26:12,394 --> 00:26:14,617 asked for myself and many , many others 652 00:26:14,617 --> 00:26:18,170 that the chinese thought wrongly that 653 00:26:18,170 --> 00:26:20,226 the United States is going to attack 654 00:26:20,226 --> 00:26:22,392 them . I am certain guaranteed certain 655 00:26:22,392 --> 00:26:24,503 that president trump had no intent to 656 00:26:24,503 --> 00:26:26,670 attack . It was my task to make sure I 657 00:26:26,670 --> 00:26:28,840 communicated that and the purpose was 658 00:26:28,840 --> 00:26:31,400 to de escalate . You shared all that 659 00:26:31,400 --> 00:26:33,678 earlier . I understand as part of that , 660 00:26:33,678 --> 00:26:36,350 just say , did you or did you not ask , 661 00:26:36,360 --> 00:26:38,249 tell him that if we were going to 662 00:26:38,249 --> 00:26:40,360 attack you would let him know as part 663 00:26:40,360 --> 00:26:42,582 of that conversation . I said generally 664 00:26:42,582 --> 00:26:44,638 there's not going to be award is not 665 00:26:44,638 --> 00:26:46,916 gonna be attacked between great powers . 666 00:26:46,916 --> 00:26:46,450 And if there was the tensions would 667 00:26:46,450 --> 00:26:48,561 build up there because going back and 668 00:26:48,561 --> 00:26:50,283 forth from all kinds of senior 669 00:26:50,283 --> 00:26:52,283 officials . I said , hell generally 670 00:26:52,283 --> 00:26:51,630 I'll probably give you a call but we're 671 00:26:51,630 --> 00:26:54,000 not going to attack you . Trust me , 672 00:26:54,000 --> 00:26:56,111 we're not going to attack you . These 673 00:26:56,111 --> 00:26:58,600 are two great powers and I am doing my 674 00:26:58,600 --> 00:27:00,933 best to transmit the President's intent . 675 00:27:00,933 --> 00:27:03,156 President trump's intent to ensure that 676 00:27:03,156 --> 00:27:05,322 the american people are protected from 677 00:27:05,322 --> 00:27:07,322 an incident that could escalate . I 678 00:27:07,322 --> 00:27:09,378 understand your intent , but I think 679 00:27:09,378 --> 00:27:11,544 you articulating that , that you would 680 00:27:11,544 --> 00:27:13,600 tell him you would give him a call I 681 00:27:13,600 --> 00:27:16,300 think is worthy of your resignation . I 682 00:27:16,310 --> 00:27:18,710 just think that's against our country 683 00:27:18,710 --> 00:27:20,654 that you would give our number one 684 00:27:20,654 --> 00:27:23,470 adversary that information and tell him 685 00:27:23,470 --> 00:27:25,740 that . But I'd like to go on to General 686 00:27:25,740 --> 00:27:28,500 Austin and ask you a question according 687 00:27:28,500 --> 00:27:30,556 to President Biden , he chose you to 688 00:27:30,556 --> 00:27:32,389 serve as his defense secretary , 689 00:27:32,389 --> 00:27:34,556 primarily because That you oversaw the 690 00:27:34,556 --> 00:27:37,540 full withdrawal of us forces in 2011 691 00:27:37,540 --> 00:27:40,610 from Iraq . But ironically , the 2011 692 00:27:40,610 --> 00:27:42,832 Iraq withdrawal left similar conditions 693 00:27:42,832 --> 00:27:44,810 of governmental failure . The 694 00:27:44,810 --> 00:27:46,699 empowerment of regional terrorist 695 00:27:46,699 --> 00:27:49,130 organizations , most notably ISIS and a 696 00:27:49,130 --> 00:27:51,260 humanitarian crisis of refugees and 697 00:27:51,260 --> 00:27:52,982 internally displaced people in 698 00:27:52,982 --> 00:27:54,760 desperate need of international 699 00:27:54,760 --> 00:27:56,780 emergency assistance . The 2011 US 700 00:27:56,780 --> 00:27:59,002 military exit from Iraq was short lived 701 00:27:59,002 --> 00:28:01,410 with President Obama redeploying US 702 00:28:01,410 --> 00:28:04,380 forces into Iraq and Syria in 2014 to 703 00:28:04,380 --> 00:28:07,010 defeat the Islamic state . Despite the 704 00:28:07,010 --> 00:28:08,954 administration's reassurances , it 705 00:28:08,954 --> 00:28:11,560 seems we may be a similar trajectory in 706 00:28:11,560 --> 00:28:14,790 Afghanistan . After US forces abandoned 707 00:28:14,790 --> 00:28:17,540 bagram air base in july , the Taliban 708 00:28:17,540 --> 00:28:19,762 quickly took over the base and released 709 00:28:19,762 --> 00:28:22,450 5 to 7000 ISIS K . And Taliban 710 00:28:22,450 --> 00:28:24,730 prisoners when the last U . S . Troops 711 00:28:24,730 --> 00:28:26,730 evacuate from Afghanistan on august 712 00:28:26,730 --> 00:28:29,130 31st , this administration handed over 713 00:28:29,130 --> 00:28:31,463 total government control to the Taliban , 714 00:28:31,640 --> 00:28:33,640 a known terrorist organization with 715 00:28:33,640 --> 00:28:35,473 leaders of the Haqqani terrorist 716 00:28:35,473 --> 00:28:37,696 network now in key positions within the 717 00:28:37,696 --> 00:28:39,640 Taliban's de facto government . In 718 00:28:39,640 --> 00:28:41,751 recent weeks , the Taliban has deemed 719 00:28:41,751 --> 00:28:43,862 education irrelevant barred women and 720 00:28:43,862 --> 00:28:46,029 girls from school and work , committed 721 00:28:46,029 --> 00:28:48,251 horrific retaliatory attacks on members 722 00:28:48,251 --> 00:28:49,918 of Afghan security forces and 723 00:28:49,918 --> 00:28:51,973 interpreters and established suicide 724 00:28:51,973 --> 00:28:54,640 bomber schools within the country . We 725 00:28:54,640 --> 00:28:56,862 also know that Al Qaeda and ISIS K both 726 00:28:56,862 --> 00:28:58,973 have re established a presence within 727 00:28:58,973 --> 00:29:00,862 the country even before the U . S 728 00:29:00,862 --> 00:29:03,029 withdrew , ISIS . K . Claim credit for 729 00:29:03,029 --> 00:29:04,973 a suicide bombing , which you have 730 00:29:04,973 --> 00:29:07,140 mentioned took the lives of 13 service 731 00:29:07,140 --> 00:29:09,251 members on august 23rd . So Secretary 732 00:29:09,251 --> 00:29:11,330 Austin , Is it true that the suicide 733 00:29:11,330 --> 00:29:13,441 bomber who attacked the Kabul Airport 734 00:29:13,441 --> 00:29:16,410 on August 23 was a CIA prisoner at the 735 00:29:16,410 --> 00:29:18,230 bagram airbase whom the Taliban 736 00:29:18,230 --> 00:29:21,120 released after biden's administration 737 00:29:21,130 --> 00:29:22,460 left bagram in july . 738 00:29:24,240 --> 00:29:27,610 I uh let me just say a couple of things 739 00:29:27,610 --> 00:29:31,130 first on why the president selected me 740 00:29:31,130 --> 00:29:33,590 or nominated me to be his Secretary 741 00:29:33,590 --> 00:29:37,140 Defense . Uh You have to certainly go 742 00:29:37,140 --> 00:29:39,029 back to the president and ask him 743 00:29:39,029 --> 00:29:41,140 specifically why he did that . But it 744 00:29:41,140 --> 00:29:44,460 wasn't I'm sure solely based upon 745 00:29:44,840 --> 00:29:48,680 my oversight of the evacuation of of 746 00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:50,840 Iraq . But I would point to you that 747 00:29:50,840 --> 00:29:53,062 there is a government in Iraq right now 748 00:29:53,140 --> 00:29:56,280 that that's holding elections . There 749 00:29:56,280 --> 00:29:58,336 are the United States military is in 750 00:29:58,336 --> 00:30:00,558 Iraq at four seconds . Could you answer 751 00:30:00,558 --> 00:30:02,540 my question was suicide bomber . 752 00:30:02,540 --> 00:30:04,540 Gentlemen's General Ladies time has 753 00:30:04,540 --> 00:30:06,651 expired . I'll take your question for 754 00:30:06,651 --> 00:30:08,873 the record . Thank you . Thank you . Mr 755 00:30:08,873 --> 00:30:10,818 Diego . Thank you . Mr Chair . And 756 00:30:10,818 --> 00:30:12,818 generally I don't see why with many 757 00:30:12,818 --> 00:30:14,873 generals and certainly General Mills 758 00:30:14,873 --> 00:30:16,870 and I have had disagreements but I 759 00:30:16,870 --> 00:30:19,100 think what was said earlier was in a 760 00:30:19,100 --> 00:30:21,500 perp in its nature to accuse a member 761 00:30:21,500 --> 00:30:23,722 of the military that they would tip off 762 00:30:23,722 --> 00:30:26,950 our opposition in any way . Uh And I'd 763 00:30:26,960 --> 00:30:28,682 like to give General Milley an 764 00:30:28,682 --> 00:30:30,738 opportunity to respond to that if he 765 00:30:30,738 --> 00:30:32,516 wants . If not then I'll gladly 766 00:30:32,516 --> 00:30:35,650 continue to my questions as I set up 767 00:30:35,650 --> 00:30:37,872 front . I'm not gonna tip off any enemy 768 00:30:37,872 --> 00:30:39,983 to what the United States is going to 769 00:30:39,983 --> 00:30:42,150 do in an actual plan . What I'm trying 770 00:30:42,150 --> 00:30:44,261 to do is persuade an adversary that's 771 00:30:44,261 --> 00:30:46,206 heavily armed that was clearly and 772 00:30:46,206 --> 00:30:48,428 unambiguously according to intelligence 773 00:30:48,428 --> 00:30:50,261 reports , very nervous about our 774 00:30:50,261 --> 00:30:52,428 behavior and what was happening inside 775 00:30:52,428 --> 00:30:54,594 this country . And they were concerned 776 00:30:54,594 --> 00:30:56,650 that we president trump was going to 777 00:30:56,650 --> 00:30:58,817 launch an attack . He was not going to 778 00:30:58,817 --> 00:31:00,817 launch an attack . I knew he wasn't 779 00:31:00,817 --> 00:31:00,260 going to launch an attack at the 780 00:31:00,260 --> 00:31:02,482 direction of the Secretary of Defense . 781 00:31:02,482 --> 00:31:04,371 I engaged the chinese in order to 782 00:31:04,371 --> 00:31:06,316 persuade them to do that . I would 783 00:31:06,316 --> 00:31:08,482 never tip off any enemy to any kind of 784 00:31:08,482 --> 00:31:10,816 surprise thing that we were going to do . 785 00:31:10,816 --> 00:31:12,871 That's a different context than that 786 00:31:12,871 --> 00:31:14,816 conversation . Thank you general , 787 00:31:14,816 --> 00:31:16,871 thank you to all three witnesses for 788 00:31:16,871 --> 00:31:18,760 taking the time testified today . 789 00:31:18,760 --> 00:31:20,982 Obviously the resurgence of the taliban 790 00:31:20,982 --> 00:31:20,740 is devastating and it's difficult for 791 00:31:20,740 --> 00:31:22,710 many of us to watch . But sadly it 792 00:31:22,710 --> 00:31:24,766 underlines the reality that after 20 793 00:31:24,766 --> 00:31:26,654 years four U . S . Presidents and 794 00:31:26,654 --> 00:31:28,710 billions of dollars , the conditions 795 00:31:28,710 --> 00:31:28,640 for a peaceful and stable Afghanistan 796 00:31:28,640 --> 00:31:30,696 could not be created . That is why I 797 00:31:30,696 --> 00:31:32,862 believe President biden made the right 798 00:31:32,862 --> 00:31:34,473 decision to withdraw stay in 799 00:31:34,473 --> 00:31:36,362 Afghanistan a prolonged installed 800 00:31:36,362 --> 00:31:38,529 conflict would require more troops and 801 00:31:38,529 --> 00:31:40,751 more resources with no clear timeline . 802 00:31:40,751 --> 00:31:42,862 And I don't believe that we could ask 803 00:31:42,862 --> 00:31:45,029 our servicemen and women to give their 804 00:31:45,029 --> 00:31:44,720 lives permission that in the end 805 00:31:44,720 --> 00:31:47,240 wouldn't have been successful . I do 806 00:31:47,250 --> 00:31:50,010 like many of you here plod plod uh our 807 00:31:50,010 --> 00:31:51,788 troops photographer to evacuate 808 00:31:51,788 --> 00:31:53,899 American citizens are allies , afghan 809 00:31:53,899 --> 00:31:56,150 citizens and everyone threatened by the 810 00:31:56,150 --> 00:31:58,372 taliban . And I still believe we have a 811 00:31:58,372 --> 00:32:00,594 moral imperative to help those who help 812 00:32:00,594 --> 00:32:02,761 us in Afghanistan and I and I and many 813 00:32:02,761 --> 00:32:04,872 of us will do everything in our power 814 00:32:04,872 --> 00:32:06,928 to continue to do that . I have some 815 00:32:06,928 --> 00:32:10,010 questions to begin with General Milley 816 00:32:10,020 --> 00:32:12,020 and your testimony , you know , the 817 00:32:12,020 --> 00:32:14,131 speed and scale scope of the collapse 818 00:32:14,131 --> 00:32:16,353 of the Afghan army . The government was 819 00:32:16,353 --> 00:32:16,320 a surprise . Yes , the Taliban was 820 00:32:16,320 --> 00:32:18,098 clearly gaining ground june and 821 00:32:18,098 --> 00:32:20,153 especially july before the rival for 822 00:32:20,153 --> 00:32:22,700 before their arrival in Kabul . As we 823 00:32:22,700 --> 00:32:24,478 not only look toward the future 824 00:32:24,478 --> 00:32:26,644 Afghanistan , but also think about our 825 00:32:26,644 --> 00:32:28,589 operations across the globe . What 826 00:32:28,589 --> 00:32:30,644 lessons specific to our intelligence 827 00:32:30,644 --> 00:32:32,756 gathering and analysis . Do you think 828 00:32:32,756 --> 00:32:34,922 deity can learn from this experience ? 829 00:32:34,922 --> 00:32:36,922 Do you think it's do you think it's 830 00:32:36,922 --> 00:32:36,810 time for a larger rethink within the 831 00:32:36,810 --> 00:32:38,532 department about how to assess 832 00:32:38,532 --> 00:32:40,310 intelligence and a very rapidly 833 00:32:40,310 --> 00:32:44,280 changing environment . I do . I think I 834 00:32:44,280 --> 00:32:46,447 don't know the full answer yet , but I 835 00:32:46,447 --> 00:32:48,669 think that the primary reason we missed 836 00:32:48,669 --> 00:32:50,836 it was because we essentially cannot . 837 00:32:50,836 --> 00:32:52,613 We have yet to develop a really 838 00:32:52,613 --> 00:32:54,669 effective technique to read people's 839 00:32:54,669 --> 00:32:56,724 hearts , there will their mind their 840 00:32:56,724 --> 00:32:56,050 leadership sort of skills . Those are 841 00:32:56,050 --> 00:32:57,939 intangibles . The moral is to the 842 00:32:57,939 --> 00:32:59,994 physical is 3 to 1 in the conduct of 843 00:32:59,994 --> 00:33:02,550 war . So very difficult to measure when 844 00:33:02,550 --> 00:33:04,280 we pull our advisors off of 845 00:33:04,400 --> 00:33:07,260 organizations at lower levels . You 846 00:33:07,260 --> 00:33:10,270 start missing that fingertip touch for 847 00:33:10,270 --> 00:33:12,381 that intangible of war . We can count 848 00:33:12,381 --> 00:33:14,590 the trucks and the guns and the units 849 00:33:14,590 --> 00:33:16,701 and all that . We can watch that from 850 00:33:16,701 --> 00:33:18,701 different techniques , but we can't 851 00:33:18,701 --> 00:33:20,757 measure human heart from a machine . 852 00:33:20,757 --> 00:33:22,923 You got to be there to do that . And I 853 00:33:22,923 --> 00:33:25,146 think that was probably one of the most 854 00:33:25,146 --> 00:33:24,970 significant contributing factors to 855 00:33:24,980 --> 00:33:27,270 missing the deterioration in the morale 856 00:33:27,740 --> 00:33:30,800 of the Afghan army . And I guess one of 857 00:33:30,800 --> 00:33:33,022 the things that I'm deeply disturbed by 858 00:33:33,022 --> 00:33:35,189 and this can be either to , you know , 859 00:33:35,189 --> 00:33:37,411 john Mackenzie's are also certain child 860 00:33:37,411 --> 00:33:39,900 can jump in . Uh , speaking to a lot of 861 00:33:39,900 --> 00:33:41,844 service members , enlisted service 862 00:33:41,844 --> 00:33:44,780 members that have served for decades , 863 00:33:44,790 --> 00:33:47,400 uh , in and out of Afghanistan . Uh , 864 00:33:47,410 --> 00:33:49,521 they were always telling me something 865 00:33:49,521 --> 00:33:51,521 extremely different from what I was 866 00:33:51,521 --> 00:33:53,632 getting from reports from many of you 867 00:33:53,632 --> 00:33:55,799 generals here that the Afghan army was 868 00:33:55,799 --> 00:33:58,021 not ready , that they were not going to 869 00:33:58,021 --> 00:34:00,077 be sustainable on their own . And so 870 00:34:00,077 --> 00:34:02,188 that how did we miss that ? How is it 871 00:34:02,188 --> 00:34:04,410 that a lot of , you know , 18 , 19 year 872 00:34:04,410 --> 00:34:06,470 old , mid 20 year old E fives were 873 00:34:06,470 --> 00:34:08,600 predicting this . But yet some of our 874 00:34:08,600 --> 00:34:11,270 greatest minds , uh , both on civilian 875 00:34:11,270 --> 00:34:13,420 side and uh , you know uniform side 876 00:34:13,430 --> 00:34:15,486 absolutely missed this . And I think 877 00:34:15,486 --> 00:34:17,374 that's something that concerns me 878 00:34:17,374 --> 00:34:19,374 because , you know , Afghanistan is 879 00:34:19,374 --> 00:34:19,110 done . But we're going to be obviously 880 00:34:19,110 --> 00:34:21,166 engaging all over the world and this 881 00:34:21,166 --> 00:34:23,054 type of intelligence failure uh , 882 00:34:23,054 --> 00:34:25,390 repeated could be , you know , it could 883 00:34:25,390 --> 00:34:27,557 be an existential threat to the United 884 00:34:27,557 --> 00:34:29,557 National Security . United States . 885 00:34:29,557 --> 00:34:31,779 Don't know , McKenna McKenzie . We want 886 00:34:31,779 --> 00:34:33,946 to try that . Sure . So I think that's 887 00:34:33,946 --> 00:34:33,740 a I think it's a reasonable criticism . 888 00:34:33,750 --> 00:34:35,861 Um , we'll have to take a look at how 889 00:34:35,861 --> 00:34:38,028 we actually uh remain connected to the 890 00:34:38,028 --> 00:34:40,028 people who are down at the advisory 891 00:34:40,028 --> 00:34:42,530 level . I think that's something that I 892 00:34:42,540 --> 00:34:44,651 uh , I'm conflicted by that as well . 893 00:34:44,651 --> 00:34:46,984 I'll be very candid with you . And well , 894 00:34:46,984 --> 00:34:49,096 we will certainly take a look at that 895 00:34:49,096 --> 00:34:48,940 because I've heard that same strain 896 00:34:48,950 --> 00:34:51,172 myself . It's harder to get the truth . 897 00:34:51,172 --> 00:34:53,339 As you become more senior . We perhaps 898 00:34:53,339 --> 00:34:55,339 need to look at ways to ensure that 899 00:34:55,339 --> 00:34:57,339 that's conveyed in a more rapid and 900 00:34:57,339 --> 00:34:59,172 effective way . I'll accept that 901 00:34:59,172 --> 00:35:02,210 criticism that thank you for you guys , 902 00:35:02,210 --> 00:35:04,700 testimony you back . Thank you . Mr 903 00:35:04,700 --> 00:35:06,850 Scott is recognized . Thank you . Mr 904 00:35:06,850 --> 00:35:08,970 Chairman and gentlemen , I need uh , 905 00:35:09,440 --> 00:35:11,607 your help fairly immediately on on two 906 00:35:11,607 --> 00:35:13,773 issues , one of which can be discussed 907 00:35:13,773 --> 00:35:15,996 in this setting , but the other one can 908 00:35:16,840 --> 00:35:19,450 And they're 145 Afghan air force 909 00:35:19,450 --> 00:35:22,740 personnel in Tajikistan . They flew 16 910 00:35:22,740 --> 00:35:26,170 aircraft Into that country on August 13 . 911 00:35:26,540 --> 00:35:30,530 It's now September 29 . We need to get 912 00:35:30,530 --> 00:35:33,350 them out of Tajikistan . These are 913 00:35:33,350 --> 00:35:35,239 people who trained with us . They 914 00:35:35,239 --> 00:35:36,961 fought with us that they did . 915 00:35:36,961 --> 00:35:39,570 Everything that we ask of them and we 916 00:35:39,570 --> 00:35:41,681 have gotten no assistance at all from 917 00:35:41,681 --> 00:35:44,240 the State Department it took to move 918 00:35:44,240 --> 00:35:46,540 them . And and I'm asking all three of 919 00:35:46,540 --> 00:35:48,780 you for your help in addressing the 920 00:35:48,780 --> 00:35:52,670 issue . Um Secretary Austin . No . 921 00:35:53,440 --> 00:35:55,560 Uh huh . We need the help 922 00:35:57,740 --> 00:36:00,190 acknowledge sir . And uh and we will 923 00:36:00,200 --> 00:36:03,900 get what state right away uh to see if 924 00:36:03,900 --> 00:36:06,230 we can move this forward . Thank I 925 00:36:06,230 --> 00:36:08,810 share your concerns and thank you and I 926 00:36:08,810 --> 00:36:10,810 do want to mention this and I think 927 00:36:10,810 --> 00:36:12,977 this is where the frustration of every 928 00:36:12,977 --> 00:36:15,199 member of the committee comes in . That 929 00:36:16,130 --> 00:36:19,070 we had people in Uzbekistan . The State 930 00:36:19,070 --> 00:36:21,070 Department ignored them as well and 931 00:36:21,070 --> 00:36:23,181 said they would get to them when they 932 00:36:23,181 --> 00:36:25,200 got to them . But we have a lady in 933 00:36:25,200 --> 00:36:27,478 Tajikistan that's nine months pregnant . 934 00:36:27,478 --> 00:36:30,040 That that's one of our pilots . And and 935 00:36:30,050 --> 00:36:32,460 and we need we need help removing them . 936 00:36:32,930 --> 00:36:35,770 We also need to make it clear to uh 937 00:36:35,780 --> 00:36:39,660 Rebecca uh Pakistan and Tajikistan uh 938 00:36:39,670 --> 00:36:41,837 that that is us military equipment and 939 00:36:41,837 --> 00:36:45,570 it is not to be returned to Afghanistan . 940 00:36:45,580 --> 00:36:47,900 And so uh I would appreciate if we 941 00:36:47,900 --> 00:36:49,956 could put that in writing to both of 942 00:36:49,956 --> 00:36:51,900 those countries that the equipment 943 00:36:51,900 --> 00:36:54,650 belongs to the US not to Afghanistan . 944 00:36:55,030 --> 00:36:58,960 Uh And and and you 945 00:36:59,330 --> 00:37:01,052 you know with with that said I 946 00:37:01,052 --> 00:37:03,219 appreciate your commitment to help . I 947 00:37:03,219 --> 00:37:05,386 do want to mention one thing Secretary 948 00:37:05,386 --> 00:37:09,050 you The State Department We're using 949 00:37:09,050 --> 00:37:12,970 the number 124,000 124,000 950 00:37:12,980 --> 00:37:16,640 is us and NATO allies correct ? That's 951 00:37:16,640 --> 00:37:20,590 correct . Uh We had provided a 952 00:37:20,590 --> 00:37:22,730 list of names of people who were P . 953 00:37:22,730 --> 00:37:26,440 One P . Two S . I . V . S . To central 954 00:37:26,440 --> 00:37:29,040 command to everybody when you to get it 955 00:37:29,050 --> 00:37:32,380 to . And yet our people were not 956 00:37:32,380 --> 00:37:36,340 allowed into and 957 00:37:37,130 --> 00:37:39,130 but they were not allowed into HK I 958 00:37:39,130 --> 00:37:41,241 even though they were on the manifest 959 00:37:41,241 --> 00:37:43,408 and yet so many people came out of the 960 00:37:43,408 --> 00:37:45,574 country that appeared not to be on the 961 00:37:45,574 --> 00:37:49,250 manifest . So how 962 00:37:50,230 --> 00:37:52,397 was the determination made and who got 963 00:37:52,397 --> 00:37:54,452 on the plane and who didn't get on a 964 00:37:54,452 --> 00:37:57,520 plane ? I 965 00:37:57,530 --> 00:37:58,660 can't . 966 00:38:15,720 --> 00:38:19,650 Yeah . Yeah . 967 00:38:22,320 --> 00:38:23,320 Yeah . 968 00:38:27,920 --> 00:38:28,920 Yeah . 969 00:38:33,120 --> 00:38:35,880 Uh And they helped us with with some 970 00:38:35,880 --> 00:38:38,310 security issues . Uh and and other 971 00:38:38,310 --> 00:38:40,477 things while they were there Secretary 972 00:38:40,477 --> 00:38:42,699 I'm close on time . But I will tell you 973 00:38:42,699 --> 00:38:44,866 I do think that that's a question that 974 00:38:44,866 --> 00:38:44,450 is going to linger and that the 975 00:38:44,450 --> 00:38:46,394 committee wants answers on because 976 00:38:46,394 --> 00:38:48,728 because we have P one P . Two S . I . V . 977 00:38:48,728 --> 00:38:50,728 S . That were left behind and other 978 00:38:50,728 --> 00:38:52,950 people that were not Or should not have 979 00:38:52,950 --> 00:38:55,061 been on the manifest seemed to seemed 980 00:38:55,061 --> 00:38:57,172 to have gotten out . I will just tell 981 00:38:57,172 --> 00:38:59,339 you we're going to continue to work to 982 00:38:59,339 --> 00:39:01,760 try to get as many out as we can in the 983 00:39:01,760 --> 00:39:04,640 last 48 hours . I think we've we've 984 00:39:04,650 --> 00:39:07,760 brought out an additional 63 American 985 00:39:07,760 --> 00:39:11,650 citizens 169 uh legal permanent 986 00:39:11,660 --> 00:39:13,827 residents . So we're going to continue 987 00:39:13,827 --> 00:39:15,882 to work this general Mackenzie . You 988 00:39:15,882 --> 00:39:18,170 you answer the lighting testimony uh 989 00:39:18,180 --> 00:39:20,860 you did say that in April is when you 990 00:39:20,860 --> 00:39:23,380 were given a effectively a change of 991 00:39:23,380 --> 00:39:26,360 mission to the 6 50 what date in april 992 00:39:26,360 --> 00:39:30,220 was that ? He was on the 15th , 993 00:39:30,230 --> 00:39:33,920 15th mid April . When did we inform 994 00:39:33,930 --> 00:39:37,250 our partner forces that we had a change 995 00:39:37,250 --> 00:39:39,810 in mission And that we were going to 996 00:39:39,810 --> 00:39:43,310 retrograde from the 2500 down to 6:50 997 00:39:43,320 --> 00:39:45,376 that followed immediately . And that 998 00:39:45,376 --> 00:39:47,376 was immediately headquarters on the 999 00:39:47,376 --> 00:39:49,940 ground process of outreach , both to 1000 00:39:49,940 --> 00:39:52,107 President Ghani and other members that 1001 00:39:52,107 --> 00:39:54,218 might have taken a couple of days for 1002 00:39:54,218 --> 00:39:56,384 that , but it was not kept , it wasn't 1003 00:39:56,384 --> 00:39:58,218 secret very quick . Was the 6 50 1004 00:39:58,218 --> 00:40:00,330 included in the 2500 or is the 6 50 ? 1005 00:40:00,330 --> 00:40:02,650 In addition to the 2500 , number 6 50 1006 00:40:02,650 --> 00:40:05,130 were different capabilities in the 2500 . 1007 00:40:05,310 --> 00:40:07,600 So it would be in a total of 31 50 . No 1008 00:40:07,600 --> 00:40:10,490 no no no . When we went from 2500 down 1009 00:40:10,490 --> 00:40:12,760 to an effective zero , we said we would 1010 00:40:12,760 --> 00:40:15,210 keep 650 . They went from 25 embassy 1011 00:40:15,220 --> 00:40:17,220 Gentleman's time has expired . They 1012 00:40:17,220 --> 00:40:19,387 went from 2500 to 6 50 as I understand 1013 00:40:19,387 --> 00:40:21,570 it on their way to . That is correct 1014 00:40:21,570 --> 00:40:23,348 sir , but the capabilities were 1015 00:40:23,348 --> 00:40:25,514 different . They were different forces 1016 00:40:25,514 --> 00:40:27,792 to do different things . Crucial point . 1017 00:40:27,792 --> 00:40:29,959 Thank you . Mr moulton is recognized . 1018 00:40:29,959 --> 00:40:32,181 Thank you . Mr Chairman General Million 1019 00:40:32,181 --> 00:40:34,403 Secretary Austin ? My first question to 1020 00:40:34,403 --> 00:40:36,626 you at our hearing on june 23rd was why 1021 00:40:36,626 --> 00:40:38,792 have you not started the evacuation of 1022 00:40:38,792 --> 00:40:41,014 our allies already . You responded that 1023 00:40:41,014 --> 00:40:43,014 we have a quote moral imperative to 1024 00:40:43,014 --> 00:40:45,348 save the afghans who worked by our side . 1025 00:40:45,348 --> 00:40:47,348 Secretary Austin . You said earlier 1026 00:40:47,348 --> 00:40:49,348 today that moving too slow with the 1027 00:40:49,348 --> 00:40:51,681 evacuation would put our troops at risk . 1028 00:40:51,681 --> 00:40:53,403 So I want to know what you did 1029 00:40:53,403 --> 00:40:55,960 personally All three of you between 1030 00:40:55,970 --> 00:40:59,240 that June 23 hearing And August 15 when 1031 00:40:59,240 --> 00:41:01,010 Kabul fell to meet that moral 1032 00:41:01,020 --> 00:41:03,020 imperative . Now I hope it's a long 1033 00:41:03,020 --> 00:41:05,187 list of things . So I'll take that for 1034 00:41:05,187 --> 00:41:07,409 the record . But let me ask you this do 1035 00:41:07,409 --> 00:41:09,409 you believe you did enough Chairman 1036 00:41:09,409 --> 00:41:12,620 Millie ? I do I think that we provided 1037 00:41:12,620 --> 00:41:14,676 the advice necessary at the time . I 1038 00:41:14,676 --> 00:41:18,390 think . Yes . Yes I think you heard me 1039 00:41:18,390 --> 00:41:20,557 say in the open at my opening comments 1040 00:41:20,557 --> 00:41:23,490 that we engaged state early on 1041 00:41:23,500 --> 00:41:27,370 uh two provide input to the 1042 00:41:27,370 --> 00:41:29,537 terror decision making process on when 1043 00:41:29,537 --> 00:41:31,592 to move the S . I . V . S . And uh I 1044 00:41:31,592 --> 00:41:33,759 understand that this sector . You said 1045 00:41:33,759 --> 00:41:35,703 that you this that the U . And the 1046 00:41:35,703 --> 00:41:35,390 State Department followed the advice of 1047 00:41:35,390 --> 00:41:37,668 the Ghana government that taking out S . 1048 00:41:37,668 --> 00:41:39,446 I . V . S . Would precipitate a 1049 00:41:39,446 --> 00:41:41,390 government collapse . Yet the vast 1050 00:41:41,390 --> 00:41:43,501 majority of these heroes weren't even 1051 00:41:43,501 --> 00:41:45,334 working for us or the government 1052 00:41:45,334 --> 00:41:47,501 anymore because they supported a force 1053 00:41:47,501 --> 00:41:49,446 of up to 100,000 US troops over 20 1054 00:41:49,446 --> 00:41:51,723 years and we only had 2500 troops left . 1055 00:41:51,723 --> 00:41:53,946 So why on earth did you trust President 1056 00:41:53,946 --> 00:41:57,200 Ghani again , not my 1057 00:41:57,200 --> 00:42:00,150 decision uh to your point I had input 1058 00:42:00,160 --> 00:42:02,760 to that decision making process but 1059 00:42:02,770 --> 00:42:04,780 it's not as if I was influenced by 1060 00:42:04,780 --> 00:42:06,780 President Ghani . I understand . Mr 1061 00:42:06,780 --> 00:42:09,002 Secretary . So you said this repeatedly 1062 00:42:09,002 --> 00:42:11,113 that this is state's responsibility . 1063 00:42:11,113 --> 00:42:13,336 What responsibility do you have for the 1064 00:42:13,336 --> 00:42:15,502 afghans who stood shoulder to shoulder 1065 00:42:15,502 --> 00:42:17,613 with our troops ? And how many do you 1066 00:42:17,613 --> 00:42:19,836 commit to getting out by the end of the 1067 00:42:19,836 --> 00:42:19,750 year ? I have a responsibility to get 1068 00:42:19,750 --> 00:42:22,340 out as many as I can over time . And 1069 00:42:22,340 --> 00:42:25,210 I'm and how many do I commit to getting 1070 00:42:25,210 --> 00:42:27,870 out ? Everyone that I can ? General 1071 00:42:27,870 --> 00:42:31,080 Mackenzie there D . D . Reports that 1072 00:42:31,090 --> 00:42:33,034 there are reports that D . O . D . 1073 00:42:33,034 --> 00:42:35,257 Reduced airstrikes as early as May when 1074 00:42:35,257 --> 00:42:37,423 troops were just beginning to withdraw 1075 00:42:37,423 --> 00:42:39,646 then had to ramp them back up after the 1076 00:42:39,646 --> 00:42:41,812 taliban gained ground . There are also 1077 00:42:41,812 --> 00:42:43,757 reports that you sat down with the 1078 00:42:43,757 --> 00:42:43,490 Taliban leadership in august drew a 1079 00:42:43,490 --> 00:42:45,657 circle around Kabul and told them that 1080 00:42:45,657 --> 00:42:47,657 if the taliban fighters went inside 1081 00:42:47,657 --> 00:42:50,060 that circle circle they would get hit 1082 00:42:50,060 --> 00:42:53,420 with us airstrikes . So why did you let 1083 00:42:53,420 --> 00:42:55,142 up on the Taliban first at the 1084 00:42:55,142 --> 00:42:57,364 beginning of May and then at the end of 1085 00:42:57,364 --> 00:42:59,531 our withdrawal in august right when we 1086 00:42:59,531 --> 00:43:01,753 should have been hitting them harder to 1087 00:43:01,753 --> 00:43:03,976 give americans and afghan partners time 1088 00:43:03,976 --> 00:43:06,198 to evacuate . Representative the report 1089 00:43:06,198 --> 00:43:06,000 about me meeting with ? 1090 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:14,167 Well it's simply factually incorrect . 1091 00:43:14,167 --> 00:43:16,790 Okay what about May in May as through 1092 00:43:16,790 --> 00:43:19,680 the rest of our uh redeployment period . 1093 00:43:19,690 --> 00:43:21,746 We continue strikes on the Taliban . 1094 00:43:21,746 --> 00:43:23,960 Those strikes , however , were limited 1095 00:43:23,970 --> 00:43:26,360 to support of Afghan forces in close 1096 00:43:26,360 --> 00:43:28,850 combat . We were not striking deep and 1097 00:43:28,850 --> 00:43:31,017 we did not have a tremendous amount of 1098 00:43:31,017 --> 00:43:33,072 resources compared to resources that 1099 00:43:33,072 --> 00:43:32,920 we've had in the past . So those 1100 00:43:32,920 --> 00:43:34,976 strikes , while effective in certain 1101 00:43:34,976 --> 00:43:37,087 tactical situations at no time , were 1102 00:43:37,087 --> 00:43:39,309 enough to change the strategic calculus 1103 00:43:39,309 --> 00:43:41,420 of the campaign , John McKenzie , you 1104 00:43:41,420 --> 00:43:43,810 went from 2500 troops in Afghanistan in 1105 00:43:43,820 --> 00:43:46,720 April to 650 in July and then turn 1106 00:43:46,720 --> 00:43:49,060 around and put 5000 back into Kabul . 1107 00:43:49,070 --> 00:43:50,848 You've said repeatedly that you 1108 00:43:50,848 --> 00:43:52,514 personally believe the Afghan 1109 00:43:52,514 --> 00:43:54,459 government would fall if we didn't 1110 00:43:54,459 --> 00:43:56,626 maintain a certain number of troops in 1111 00:43:56,626 --> 00:43:58,848 country . So why didn't you plan for an 1112 00:43:58,848 --> 00:44:00,959 evacuation and leave enough troops on 1113 00:44:00,959 --> 00:44:03,126 the ground to conduct it ? So let's be 1114 00:44:03,126 --> 00:44:05,237 very clear . The evacuation has to be 1115 00:44:05,237 --> 00:44:05,090 ordered by the Department of State . 1116 00:44:05,100 --> 00:44:07,044 The drawdown of U . S . Forces was 1117 00:44:07,044 --> 00:44:09,156 ordered by the president in april and 1118 00:44:09,156 --> 00:44:11,211 completed in july . The noncombatant 1119 00:44:11,211 --> 00:44:13,156 evacuation operation is a separate 1120 00:44:13,156 --> 00:44:15,378 mission and it was not completely under 1121 00:44:15,378 --> 00:44:15,170 the control of the department . You're 1122 00:44:15,170 --> 00:44:17,392 going to fall back on the bureaucracy . 1123 00:44:17,392 --> 00:44:19,337 The divide between D . O . D . And 1124 00:44:19,337 --> 00:44:21,337 Representative I might fall back in 1125 00:44:21,337 --> 00:44:23,392 order to get out and then had to put 1126 00:44:23,392 --> 00:44:25,503 more back in . I'm going to fall back 1127 00:44:25,503 --> 00:44:24,780 on the orders that I receive 1128 00:44:24,790 --> 00:44:28,560 Representative Secretary Austin you 1129 00:44:28,560 --> 00:44:30,782 presided in part over the withdrawal of 1130 00:44:30,782 --> 00:44:33,004 forces from Iraq though ? I know you at 1131 00:44:33,004 --> 00:44:34,949 times requested more troops on the 1132 00:44:34,949 --> 00:44:37,171 ground . Two years later we had to send 1133 00:44:37,171 --> 00:44:39,393 thousands of troops back into Iraq . Do 1134 00:44:39,393 --> 00:44:41,504 you believe we will ever have to send 1135 00:44:41,504 --> 00:44:44,310 troops back into Afghanistan ? Well , I 1136 00:44:44,310 --> 00:44:47,220 certainly want to uh engage in a 1137 00:44:47,230 --> 00:44:49,286 hypothetical . I would just say that 1138 00:44:49,286 --> 00:44:51,508 obviously that's a decision that has to 1139 00:44:51,508 --> 00:44:54,300 be made by the president and you know , 1140 00:44:54,300 --> 00:44:56,800 while I won't rule anything out , I 1141 00:44:56,800 --> 00:44:58,800 would I would just say it's not pre 1142 00:44:58,800 --> 00:45:00,911 ordained that we will go back or have 1143 00:45:00,911 --> 00:45:04,080 to go back into Afghanistan again . But 1144 00:45:04,080 --> 00:45:06,800 if we do , the military will provide 1145 00:45:07,290 --> 00:45:09,457 good credible options to be able to do 1146 00:45:09,457 --> 00:45:11,450 that and to be effective on this 1147 00:45:11,450 --> 00:45:13,561 Gentleman . You and your predecessors 1148 00:45:13,561 --> 00:45:15,394 asked tens of thousands of young 1149 00:45:15,394 --> 00:45:17,506 americans to fight in Afghanistan and 1150 00:45:17,506 --> 00:45:20,250 they did thousands died . And now you 1151 00:45:20,250 --> 00:45:22,361 keep saying that our troops should be 1152 00:45:22,361 --> 00:45:24,139 proud of that . Well , here's a 1153 00:45:24,139 --> 00:45:26,139 question sent to me by one of those 1154 00:45:26,139 --> 00:45:28,250 soldiers 20 years . Our troops on the 1155 00:45:28,250 --> 00:45:30,472 ground never lost a single battle yet . 1156 00:45:30,472 --> 00:45:32,639 We lost the war and the gentleman over 1157 00:45:32,639 --> 00:45:34,694 and over again longer we leave . Our 1158 00:45:34,694 --> 00:45:36,861 Gentleman's time has explained what is 1159 00:45:36,861 --> 00:45:39,040 left to be proud of Seth . We were 1160 00:45:39,040 --> 00:45:41,262 trying to run a meeting here and if you 1161 00:45:41,262 --> 00:45:43,484 wanted to read that letter , you should 1162 00:45:43,484 --> 00:45:43,060 have read it in the first five minutes 1163 00:45:43,060 --> 00:45:45,360 when you have time . So I I think it's 1164 00:45:45,360 --> 00:45:47,304 something we need to hear and it's 1165 00:45:47,304 --> 00:45:49,416 something we should have heard during 1166 00:45:49,416 --> 00:45:51,416 the five minutes that you had . The 1167 00:45:51,416 --> 00:45:53,582 gentleman's time has expired . Miss uh 1168 00:45:53,582 --> 00:45:56,210 sorry Mr Vanek is recognized . She is 1169 00:45:56,210 --> 00:45:58,820 appearing virtually Mr Funny . You're 1170 00:45:58,820 --> 00:46:01,420 recognized for five minutes . Thank you 1171 00:46:01,420 --> 00:46:03,364 Chairman smith's . I want to first 1172 00:46:03,364 --> 00:46:05,420 start off by saying that I'm honored 1173 00:46:05,420 --> 00:46:07,531 and privileged to represent fort Drum 1174 00:46:07,531 --> 00:46:11,380 home with the attack out division , 1175 00:46:11,390 --> 00:46:13,446 the most deployed division in the US 1176 00:46:13,446 --> 00:46:15,501 Army since 9 11 . And I want to take 1177 00:46:15,501 --> 00:46:17,870 this opportunity to thank every soldier , 1178 00:46:17,870 --> 00:46:19,740 every service men and women for 1179 00:46:19,750 --> 00:46:21,861 deployment after deployment after the 1180 00:46:21,861 --> 00:46:24,680 past two decades . The north country , 1181 00:46:24,690 --> 00:46:28,480 this committee country , we are 1182 00:46:28,480 --> 00:46:30,591 forever grateful for your service and 1183 00:46:30,591 --> 00:46:32,813 sacrifice about you and your families . 1184 00:46:32,813 --> 00:46:34,813 Um I want to direct my question the 1185 00:46:34,813 --> 00:46:36,813 first question to any of you on the 1186 00:46:36,813 --> 00:46:38,536 panel today and it's about the 1187 00:46:38,536 --> 00:46:40,758 evacuation and force protection efforts 1188 00:46:40,758 --> 00:46:42,647 at the Hamid Karzai International 1189 00:46:42,647 --> 00:46:44,758 Airport Force protection efforts were 1190 00:46:44,758 --> 00:46:46,924 made specifically as the ISIS K threat 1191 00:46:46,924 --> 00:46:49,036 intelligence came in before and after 1192 00:46:49,036 --> 00:46:52,690 the suicide bombing at the airport . So 1193 00:46:52,690 --> 00:46:55,640 it represented first of all , the 10th 1194 00:46:55,640 --> 00:46:57,807 mountain was a key part of our defense 1195 00:46:57,807 --> 00:47:00,029 uh there at at the at the airport and I 1196 00:47:00,029 --> 00:47:02,251 certainly appreciate their contribution 1197 00:47:02,251 --> 00:47:04,362 to it . Force protection is something 1198 00:47:04,362 --> 00:47:06,584 we we balanced all the time against the 1199 00:47:06,584 --> 00:47:08,696 requirement to let people come in and 1200 00:47:08,696 --> 00:47:08,630 be processed and get on the airplanes . 1201 00:47:08,640 --> 00:47:11,070 So we looked at that every day and as 1202 00:47:11,070 --> 00:47:12,848 you know , those two things are 1203 00:47:12,848 --> 00:47:15,014 intention and you have to balance them 1204 00:47:15,014 --> 00:47:17,760 every day . We had over 300 credible 1205 00:47:17,770 --> 00:47:20,340 intelligence reports of ISIS K . 1206 00:47:20,340 --> 00:47:22,451 Attacks . Plans to attack the airport 1207 00:47:22,451 --> 00:47:24,618 turns out that they were able to carry 1208 00:47:24,618 --> 00:47:27,290 out one successful suicide vest attack . 1209 00:47:27,300 --> 00:47:29,244 They also launched rocket status . 1210 00:47:29,244 --> 00:47:31,356 There were many other attacks that we 1211 00:47:31,356 --> 00:47:33,640 were able to either vector uh , taliban 1212 00:47:33,650 --> 00:47:35,539 elements known to , to prevent or 1213 00:47:35,539 --> 00:47:37,372 perhaps the taliban were able to 1214 00:47:37,372 --> 00:47:39,428 prevent those by the outer court and 1215 00:47:39,428 --> 00:47:41,317 that they established . But force 1216 00:47:41,317 --> 00:47:43,261 protection was a key thing that we 1217 00:47:43,261 --> 00:47:43,200 balanced throughout the entire 1218 00:47:43,200 --> 00:47:45,422 operation . And we thought the risk was 1219 00:47:45,422 --> 00:47:47,210 very high at all time . Again , 1220 00:47:47,220 --> 00:47:49,250 principally from ISIS K . And I'll 1221 00:47:49,250 --> 00:47:52,360 pause there , man , um , I'm going to 1222 00:47:52,360 --> 00:47:54,193 follow up . We depended upon the 1223 00:47:54,193 --> 00:47:57,230 taliban for security to get to the 1224 00:47:57,230 --> 00:47:59,360 evacuees and americans behind enemy 1225 00:47:59,360 --> 00:48:01,870 allies into the airport . Did the 1226 00:48:01,870 --> 00:48:04,600 United States or coalition forces 1227 00:48:04,600 --> 00:48:07,810 provide money , any form of payment or 1228 00:48:07,810 --> 00:48:11,030 assistance to the Taliban to expedite 1229 00:48:11,040 --> 00:48:13,680 the evacuation of americans as the 1230 00:48:13,690 --> 00:48:15,380 security environment in Kabul 1231 00:48:15,380 --> 00:48:18,740 deteriorated ? No , we did not . We 1232 00:48:18,750 --> 00:48:21,190 what we did was we asked the taliban to 1233 00:48:21,190 --> 00:48:23,830 establish a coordinate about 1000 m one 1234 00:48:23,830 --> 00:48:25,790 kilometer beyond each of the gates 1235 00:48:25,800 --> 00:48:27,800 where we could reduce the number of 1236 00:48:27,800 --> 00:48:29,633 people that were coming down and 1237 00:48:29,633 --> 00:48:31,800 showing up at the gates so we wouldn't 1238 00:48:31,800 --> 00:48:34,022 have the possibility of a mass attack . 1239 00:48:34,022 --> 00:48:36,244 They did that they were not compensated 1240 00:48:36,244 --> 00:48:35,860 or rewarded in any way for that . It 1241 00:48:35,860 --> 00:48:38,350 was a very uh , it was a very pragmatic , 1242 00:48:38,360 --> 00:48:40,582 businesslike discussion . I don't trust 1243 00:48:40,582 --> 00:48:42,804 the taliban . I didn't trust him then . 1244 00:48:42,804 --> 00:48:45,027 I don't trust him now . So that was the 1245 00:48:45,027 --> 00:48:47,082 method of the way we approached it . 1246 00:48:47,082 --> 00:48:48,971 Thank you . General Mackenzie and 1247 00:48:48,971 --> 00:48:51,082 Secretary Austin . I just want to get 1248 00:48:51,082 --> 00:48:53,304 the department on record in addition to 1249 00:48:53,304 --> 00:48:55,416 General Mackenzie's answer . So there 1250 00:48:55,416 --> 00:48:57,527 was no form of payment by the U . S . 1251 00:48:57,527 --> 00:48:59,693 Or coalition forces at any time during 1252 00:48:59,693 --> 00:49:03,210 the evacuation to the Taliban . To my 1253 00:49:03,210 --> 00:49:07,210 knowledge , there there was none . And 1254 00:49:07,210 --> 00:49:09,810 Chairman Millie , I have no knowledge 1255 00:49:09,810 --> 00:49:12,120 of any money that transmitted from any 1256 00:49:12,130 --> 00:49:14,352 element of the United States government 1257 00:49:14,352 --> 00:49:18,180 to the Taliban whatsoever . My next 1258 00:49:18,180 --> 00:49:21,180 question is , we are 20 years from the 1259 00:49:21,180 --> 00:49:24,000 attacks on 9 11 and I obviously I'm 1260 00:49:24,000 --> 00:49:26,260 from the state of new york . And uh it 1261 00:49:26,260 --> 00:49:29,230 is a very very solemn occasion for all 1262 00:49:29,230 --> 00:49:31,063 americans , but particularly new 1263 00:49:31,063 --> 00:49:34,220 Yorkers uh every year as we commemorate 1264 00:49:34,230 --> 00:49:36,490 that date . Uh I would like to get your 1265 00:49:36,490 --> 00:49:38,712 assessment is the terrorist threat from 1266 00:49:38,712 --> 00:49:42,510 Afghanistan greater today or lesser 1267 00:49:42,520 --> 00:49:44,850 than it was pre 9 11 . I'll start with 1268 00:49:44,850 --> 00:49:48,800 you , Chairman Millie , I think right 1269 00:49:48,800 --> 00:49:50,967 this minute , it is lesser than it was 1270 00:49:50,967 --> 00:49:52,633 in 9.11 however , I think the 1271 00:49:52,633 --> 00:49:54,810 conditions are set or could be set and 1272 00:49:54,810 --> 00:49:56,921 I testified to this yesterday . I say 1273 00:49:56,921 --> 00:49:58,921 it again . I've said in public many 1274 00:49:58,921 --> 00:50:01,143 times , the conditions could be set for 1275 00:50:01,143 --> 00:50:03,143 a reconstitution of Al Qaeda and or 1276 00:50:03,143 --> 00:50:05,310 ISIS and I gave some specific times in 1277 00:50:05,310 --> 00:50:07,421 my statement and I stand by those . I 1278 00:50:07,421 --> 00:50:09,720 think that the it's a real possibility 1279 00:50:09,730 --> 00:50:12,120 uh in the not too distant future . 6 , 1280 00:50:12,120 --> 00:50:14,500 12 , 18 24 36 months at that time . The 1281 00:50:14,500 --> 00:50:16,500 time frame for reconstitution of al 1282 00:50:16,500 --> 00:50:18,740 Qaeda ISIS and it's our job now in 1283 00:50:18,740 --> 00:50:20,851 under different conditions , but it's 1284 00:50:20,851 --> 00:50:23,073 our job to continue to protect american 1285 00:50:23,073 --> 00:50:24,740 citizens against attacks from 1286 00:50:24,740 --> 00:50:27,780 Afghanistan . Secretary Austin . Your 1287 00:50:27,780 --> 00:50:30,610 response to that question , I would 1288 00:50:30,610 --> 00:50:34,490 agree with general melody that um 1289 00:50:34,860 --> 00:50:37,500 that al Qaeda has been degraded over 1290 00:50:37,500 --> 00:50:40,450 time . Now , terrorist organizations 1291 00:50:40,450 --> 00:50:42,960 seek ungoverned spaces so that they can 1292 00:50:42,970 --> 00:50:46,650 uh train and equip and thrive 1293 00:50:46,650 --> 00:50:49,760 and and so there there is clearly a 1294 00:50:49,760 --> 00:50:52,710 possibility that that can happen here 1295 00:50:52,720 --> 00:50:55,620 going forward . Our goal is to maintain 1296 00:50:55,620 --> 00:50:58,000 a laser like focus on this so that it 1297 00:50:58,010 --> 00:51:00,177 doesn't happen . And I apologize , the 1298 00:51:00,177 --> 00:51:02,232 general ladies time has expired . Mr 1299 00:51:02,232 --> 00:51:04,177 Carver Hall is recognized for five 1300 00:51:04,177 --> 00:51:07,940 minutes . Thank you mr Chair , thank 1301 00:51:07,940 --> 00:51:10,107 you to all our witnesses that are here 1302 00:51:10,107 --> 00:51:13,980 today . And I want to start by um just 1303 00:51:13,990 --> 00:51:16,157 uh you know , one of the things I like 1304 00:51:16,157 --> 00:51:18,101 about this committee is that we're 1305 00:51:18,101 --> 00:51:20,323 pretty bipartisan , but every once in a 1306 00:51:20,323 --> 00:51:22,379 while , the partisan beast comes out 1307 00:51:22,760 --> 00:51:25,830 and I'm sure it happens from both sides 1308 00:51:25,830 --> 00:51:28,520 of the aisle . Uh this is my third term 1309 00:51:28,520 --> 00:51:31,190 here , uh the administration from the 1310 00:51:31,190 --> 00:51:34,690 other party , uh not empowered 1311 00:51:35,260 --> 00:51:38,510 ah is oftentimes 1312 00:51:38,960 --> 00:51:41,127 depending what perspective you come to 1313 00:51:41,127 --> 00:51:43,840 it . Uh one is doing everything right 1314 00:51:43,850 --> 00:51:45,961 and the other one is doing everything 1315 00:51:45,961 --> 00:51:47,961 wrong and I think it's important to 1316 00:51:47,961 --> 00:51:51,300 shed light on things irrespective of 1317 00:51:51,300 --> 00:51:53,950 the partisanship . one can argue that 1318 00:51:53,950 --> 00:51:56,470 the agreement that president trump 1319 00:51:56,480 --> 00:52:00,410 reached with the terrorist taliban In 1320 00:52:00,410 --> 00:52:03,080 February 2020 was less than perfect and 1321 00:52:03,080 --> 00:52:05,024 we should call that that from both 1322 00:52:05,024 --> 00:52:07,020 sides of the aisle and we can also 1323 00:52:07,020 --> 00:52:10,480 argue that the exit uh 1324 00:52:10,490 --> 00:52:13,270 from the withdrawal was less than 1325 00:52:13,270 --> 00:52:16,770 perfect . I certainly uh 1326 00:52:17,750 --> 00:52:20,430 can say that I supported the trump 1327 00:52:20,430 --> 00:52:22,050 administration and divided 1328 00:52:22,050 --> 00:52:25,460 administration in its goal to withdraw 1329 00:52:25,460 --> 00:52:29,400 from Afghanistan . But again it's been 1330 00:52:29,400 --> 00:52:32,250 less than perfect . And so for me , I 1331 00:52:32,250 --> 00:52:34,472 just want to shed a little bit of light 1332 00:52:34,472 --> 00:52:36,890 on and refresh some of the memory on on 1333 00:52:36,890 --> 00:52:39,210 some of the numbers going back a little 1334 00:52:39,210 --> 00:52:42,780 ways . So General Milley uh I want to 1335 00:52:42,780 --> 00:52:44,891 make sure that I understand our troop 1336 00:52:44,891 --> 00:52:48,060 levels since the Doha agreement that 1337 00:52:48,060 --> 00:52:50,227 was reached with the terrorists and by 1338 00:52:50,227 --> 00:52:54,070 President trump Between February 2020 . 1339 00:52:54,650 --> 00:52:56,872 When the agreement with the taliban was 1340 00:52:56,872 --> 00:53:00,450 signed To January 2021 . And how many 1341 00:53:00,450 --> 00:53:02,561 troops did the United States withdraw 1342 00:53:02,561 --> 00:53:06,430 from Afghanistan ? How many 1343 00:53:06,430 --> 00:53:09,480 troops were withdrawn from January 2017 1344 00:53:09,950 --> 00:53:11,770 To January 2021 . 1345 00:53:14,050 --> 00:53:18,000 12,600 U . S . troops . uh 1346 00:53:18,010 --> 00:53:20,121 when the door agreement was signed on 1347 00:53:20,121 --> 00:53:22,454 that day , 8000 , you repeat that again , 1348 00:53:22,550 --> 00:53:25,790 12,600 U . S . troops 1349 00:53:26,750 --> 00:53:30,570 On 29 , February 2020 With 8000 NATO 1350 00:53:31,140 --> 00:53:33,260 and 10,500 contractors and the 1351 00:53:33,260 --> 00:53:35,427 contractors are particularly important 1352 00:53:35,427 --> 00:53:37,860 here With respect to on inauguration 1353 00:53:37,860 --> 00:53:40,880 day , I'm showing 3500 us troops , 1354 00:53:41,450 --> 00:53:43,672 That's the 2500 advisers and then there 1355 00:53:43,672 --> 00:53:45,783 was some additional enables that were 1356 00:53:45,783 --> 00:53:48,860 there 3500 us troops on 20 January 50 1357 00:53:48,860 --> 00:53:52,110 400 NATO and 6300 contractors in 1358 00:53:52,110 --> 00:53:55,480 Afghanistan on that day . Thank you . 1359 00:53:55,490 --> 00:53:57,546 And I only draw attention to that to 1360 00:53:57,546 --> 00:53:59,680 show the withdrawal that started many 1361 00:53:59,680 --> 00:54:02,410 years before Secretary Austin and 1362 00:54:02,410 --> 00:54:04,920 Secretary Millie General Milley , Over 1363 00:54:04,920 --> 00:54:06,587 the course of the 20 years in 1364 00:54:06,587 --> 00:54:09,480 Afghanistan , the United States Special 1365 00:54:09,480 --> 00:54:11,369 Inspector General for Afghanistan 1366 00:54:11,369 --> 00:54:13,530 Reconstruction estimates that the 1367 00:54:13,530 --> 00:54:16,950 United States spent $83 billion dollars 1368 00:54:16,960 --> 00:54:19,520 equipping and training the Afghanistan 1369 00:54:19,520 --> 00:54:21,576 National Defense and Security forces 1370 00:54:21,940 --> 00:54:23,829 Which included almost $10 billion 1371 00:54:23,829 --> 00:54:26,480 dollars in aircraft and vehicles . We 1372 00:54:26,480 --> 00:54:28,960 all saw the unexpected and appalling 1373 00:54:28,960 --> 00:54:31,810 rate of how quickly the afghan military 1374 00:54:31,810 --> 00:54:34,360 folded under pressure from the taliban . 1375 00:54:35,040 --> 00:54:37,790 What do you as train and equip efforts 1376 00:54:37,790 --> 00:54:40,540 in Afghanistan suggest about security 1377 00:54:40,540 --> 00:54:43,560 cooperation operations going forward 1378 00:54:44,240 --> 00:54:46,407 and what aspects about train and equip 1379 00:54:46,407 --> 00:54:48,518 efforts . Do you think the department 1380 00:54:48,518 --> 00:54:49,518 should reassess , 1381 00:54:52,540 --> 00:54:54,484 you know , turn it over to General 1382 00:54:54,484 --> 00:54:56,850 Miller here very quickly . But I think 1383 00:54:56,860 --> 00:54:59,050 we should reassess everything soup to 1384 00:54:59,050 --> 00:55:02,600 nuts . I think we put a valiant effort 1385 00:55:02,600 --> 00:55:05,150 into providing the afghans with a great 1386 00:55:05,150 --> 00:55:08,790 capability uh , and uh , and 1387 00:55:08,930 --> 00:55:11,970 at the end of the day , that capability 1388 00:55:11,980 --> 00:55:15,360 was not employed because 1389 00:55:16,140 --> 00:55:18,029 the security forces fractured and 1390 00:55:18,029 --> 00:55:20,196 essentially evaporated . So we need to 1391 00:55:20,196 --> 00:55:22,307 look at ourselves to see , you know , 1392 00:55:22,307 --> 00:55:24,590 what we did and whether or not that's 1393 00:55:24,590 --> 00:55:27,470 the right thing to do going forward . 1394 00:55:28,140 --> 00:55:31,610 Mark in my view , congressman , I think , 1395 00:55:31,620 --> 00:55:33,898 um , when we do security force systems , 1396 00:55:33,898 --> 00:55:36,064 one of things we have to guard against 1397 00:55:36,064 --> 00:55:38,176 his mirror imaging . I think from the 1398 00:55:38,176 --> 00:55:37,520 very beginning with the army , the 1399 00:55:37,520 --> 00:55:39,950 Afghan army , we wanted to create them 1400 00:55:39,950 --> 00:55:42,006 in the image of the U . S . Army . I 1401 00:55:42,006 --> 00:55:43,728 think our success story is the 1402 00:55:43,728 --> 00:55:46,061 commandos with the special forces piece . 1403 00:55:46,061 --> 00:55:48,117 But the broader army became a mirror 1404 00:55:48,117 --> 00:55:48,090 image and attacked and our doctrines 1405 00:55:48,090 --> 00:55:50,034 etcetera . That's one point . Uh , 1406 00:55:50,034 --> 00:55:52,201 Second point is the police forces that 1407 00:55:52,201 --> 00:55:54,312 was assigned under the bond agreement 1408 00:55:54,312 --> 00:55:56,368 in 2002 to the Germans . The Germans 1409 00:55:56,368 --> 00:55:58,534 wanted to make bullets I and that sort 1410 00:55:58,534 --> 00:55:58,190 of thing . And the third and last point 1411 00:55:58,190 --> 00:56:00,357 is they became a they became dependent 1412 00:56:00,357 --> 00:56:02,412 upon us contractors , us air support 1413 00:56:02,412 --> 00:56:04,190 etcetera . And we have to avoid 1414 00:56:04,190 --> 00:56:06,412 dependency on U . S . Forces generals . 1415 00:56:06,412 --> 00:56:09,020 Time has . Thank you Dr Desjarlais is 1416 00:56:09,020 --> 00:56:11,610 recognized . Thank you chairman and 1417 00:56:11,610 --> 00:56:13,721 thank you all for being here today to 1418 00:56:13,721 --> 00:56:15,943 answer our questions . I've had so many 1419 00:56:15,943 --> 00:56:17,943 questions come from constituents in 1420 00:56:17,943 --> 00:56:19,999 Tennessee that there's no way we can 1421 00:56:19,999 --> 00:56:21,888 even begin to get through in five 1422 00:56:21,888 --> 00:56:23,943 minutes . But let's jump right in uh 1423 00:56:23,943 --> 00:56:25,666 general million bagram in your 1424 00:56:25,666 --> 00:56:28,040 professional military opinion , which 1425 00:56:28,330 --> 00:56:32,030 facility H chi or bagram airfield would 1426 00:56:32,030 --> 00:56:34,460 have been most efficient in conducting 1427 00:56:34,460 --> 00:56:37,750 the evacuation that were forced to do H 1428 00:56:37,750 --> 00:56:40,240 chi and and there's a reason for that . 1429 00:56:40,730 --> 00:56:43,060 Uh , the majority of the vast majority 1430 00:56:43,060 --> 00:56:45,227 of those personnel that we expected to 1431 00:56:45,227 --> 00:56:47,449 have to conduct a neo with were located 1432 00:56:47,449 --> 00:56:49,710 in Kabul . That's .1.2 is we were 1433 00:56:49,710 --> 00:56:51,850 directed to maintain an embassy open 1434 00:56:52,230 --> 00:56:54,452 and also the international zone for the 1435 00:56:54,452 --> 00:56:56,619 other allied nations . So we had to do 1436 00:56:56,619 --> 00:56:58,952 it out of HK to bargain would have been , 1437 00:56:58,952 --> 00:57:01,063 you know , a plus , but it would have 1438 00:57:01,063 --> 00:57:02,786 required exceptional levels of 1439 00:57:02,786 --> 00:57:04,841 resources to do that . Okay . Um , I 1440 00:57:04,841 --> 00:57:06,897 think all of you testified yesterday 1441 00:57:06,897 --> 00:57:09,390 that it wasn't a matter of if the 1442 00:57:09,390 --> 00:57:12,370 Afghan army would fail and the Taliban 1443 00:57:12,370 --> 00:57:14,592 would take over as a matter of when you 1444 00:57:14,592 --> 00:57:16,703 were all shocked by the rate at which 1445 00:57:16,703 --> 00:57:19,470 it happened of the billions of dollars 1446 00:57:19,480 --> 00:57:23,150 in equipment that was left behind has , 1447 00:57:23,160 --> 00:57:26,420 has been under much scrutiny knowing 1448 00:57:26,440 --> 00:57:28,384 that they were going to fail . Why 1449 00:57:28,384 --> 00:57:30,440 we're more steps not taken to secure 1450 00:57:30,730 --> 00:57:32,850 that military equipment or destroy it 1451 00:57:33,330 --> 00:57:35,441 knowing that now it's a well equipped 1452 00:57:35,441 --> 00:57:39,320 Taliban army . So the number 1453 00:57:39,330 --> 00:57:41,690 is a big number . So let me unpack that 1454 00:57:41,690 --> 00:57:44,400 a little bit . first of all , the 84 1455 00:57:44,400 --> 00:57:46,900 billion included ? All of the I 1456 00:57:46,900 --> 00:57:49,067 understand that , let's just cut right 1457 00:57:49,067 --> 00:57:51,289 to the equipment that was left behind . 1458 00:57:51,289 --> 00:57:53,456 Why was so much left behind aircraft m 1459 00:57:53,456 --> 00:57:55,622 wraps , weapons , Why was that there ? 1460 00:57:55,622 --> 00:57:55,440 When you knew they were going to fail ? 1461 00:57:55,450 --> 00:57:57,506 The , the other thing I would say is 1462 00:57:57,506 --> 00:57:59,672 that , you know , all of the equipment 1463 00:57:59,672 --> 00:58:01,783 that we had that we were using , as I 1464 00:58:01,783 --> 00:58:04,006 stated earlier was evacuated by General 1465 00:58:04,006 --> 00:58:06,680 Miller . Now the reason that the 1466 00:58:06,680 --> 00:58:08,791 afghans had the equipment they had is 1467 00:58:08,791 --> 00:58:11,013 because we wanted them to be successful 1468 00:58:11,013 --> 00:58:12,847 and they could not be successful 1469 00:58:12,847 --> 00:58:14,791 without without the appropriate if 1470 00:58:14,791 --> 00:58:16,569 they're watching these hearings 1471 00:58:16,569 --> 00:58:18,791 yesterday and today . I'm guessing that 1472 00:58:18,791 --> 00:58:18,100 they probably feel like they were 1473 00:58:18,100 --> 00:58:20,156 played as fools because you all just 1474 00:58:20,156 --> 00:58:22,378 said you knew they were going to fail . 1475 00:58:22,378 --> 00:58:24,489 So here we have an army we built up , 1476 00:58:24,489 --> 00:58:26,600 we use them until we didn't need them 1477 00:58:26,600 --> 00:58:28,433 anymore to to accomplish biden's 1478 00:58:28,433 --> 00:58:30,378 objective and trump's objective of 1479 00:58:30,378 --> 00:58:32,600 getting out of Afghanistan . However it 1480 00:58:32,600 --> 00:58:34,433 it went horribly wrong as we can 1481 00:58:34,433 --> 00:58:36,767 probably all agree to um General Milley , 1482 00:58:36,767 --> 00:58:39,420 you started today and and talked about 1483 00:58:39,430 --> 00:58:42,940 uh your commitment to your office . 1484 00:58:42,940 --> 00:58:45,070 You're the principal military adviser 1485 00:58:45,070 --> 00:58:47,810 to the president , correct ? That is 1486 00:58:47,810 --> 00:58:50,032 correct . And that's to President trump 1487 00:58:50,032 --> 00:58:52,199 and President biden . That's correct . 1488 00:58:52,199 --> 00:58:54,088 And the Secretary Defense and the 1489 00:58:54,088 --> 00:58:56,254 National Security Council . Okay . And 1490 00:58:56,254 --> 00:58:58,366 Senator Blackburn yesterday asked you 1491 00:58:58,366 --> 00:59:00,477 about your conversations with several 1492 00:59:00,477 --> 00:59:03,590 book writers and you were fine with 1493 00:59:03,600 --> 00:59:05,767 giving them your opinion . And I think 1494 00:59:05,767 --> 00:59:07,822 you said that you had a rather blunt 1495 00:59:07,822 --> 00:59:09,933 forward phone call with House speaker 1496 00:59:09,933 --> 00:59:13,100 nancy Pelosi true . And you were can 1497 00:59:13,100 --> 00:59:15,156 she was concerned over the safety of 1498 00:59:15,156 --> 00:59:17,720 nuclear weapons , correct ? Okay . Um 1499 00:59:17,730 --> 00:59:20,530 in a transcript obtained from CNN 1500 00:59:20,530 --> 00:59:24,070 political Woodward and Costa quoted 1501 00:59:24,070 --> 00:59:26,570 Pelosi is saying and this was to you , 1502 00:59:26,580 --> 00:59:28,630 What I'm saying to you is that they 1503 00:59:28,630 --> 00:59:30,797 couldn't even stop him from an assault 1504 00:59:30,797 --> 00:59:32,852 on the capital ? Who even knows what 1505 00:59:32,852 --> 00:59:34,963 else he may do ? And is there anybody 1506 00:59:34,963 --> 00:59:37,019 in charge of the White House who was 1507 00:59:37,019 --> 00:59:39,186 doing anything but kissing his fat but 1508 00:59:39,186 --> 00:59:42,050 all over this is that you recall that I 1509 00:59:42,060 --> 00:59:44,282 don't I haven't seen the transcript . I 1510 00:59:44,282 --> 00:59:46,504 think that would be firmly imprinted on 1511 00:59:46,504 --> 00:59:48,671 my mind . It was a lot of I would just 1512 00:59:48,671 --> 00:59:50,504 say there's a lot of disparaging 1513 00:59:50,504 --> 00:59:52,750 comments made and and that my focus was 1514 00:59:52,760 --> 00:59:55,740 to assure her that the nuclear system 1515 00:59:55,740 --> 00:59:58,020 and weapons were under control . Okay . 1516 00:59:58,020 --> 01:00:00,076 And according to cost and Woodward , 1517 01:00:00,076 --> 01:00:02,131 she went on to say , you know , he's 1518 01:00:02,131 --> 01:00:04,353 crazy . He's been crazy for a long time 1519 01:00:04,353 --> 01:00:06,409 to which they say . And I'm sure you 1520 01:00:06,409 --> 01:00:08,520 haven't had a chance to read the book 1521 01:00:08,520 --> 01:00:10,742 yet . Milli responded Madam Speaker . I 1522 01:00:10,742 --> 01:00:12,631 agree with you on everything . If 1523 01:00:12,631 --> 01:00:14,631 you're the principal advisor to the 1524 01:00:14,631 --> 01:00:16,853 President and she said that to you , do 1525 01:00:16,853 --> 01:00:18,964 you think that you were doing service 1526 01:00:18,964 --> 01:00:18,920 to a president by agreeing with the 1527 01:00:18,920 --> 01:00:21,340 speaker that your commander in chief is 1528 01:00:21,340 --> 01:00:23,980 crazy . I actually said , I actually 1529 01:00:23,980 --> 01:00:27,090 said I'm not qualified to assess the 1530 01:00:27,090 --> 01:00:29,201 mental health of the president . What 1531 01:00:29,201 --> 01:00:31,423 I'm agreeing to is that we have to have 1532 01:00:31,423 --> 01:00:33,534 a secure nuclear system . So have you 1533 01:00:33,534 --> 01:00:35,701 had any conversations with the Speaker 1534 01:00:35,701 --> 01:00:37,757 any of our foreign leaders about our 1535 01:00:37,757 --> 01:00:39,979 current President's medal capacity . We 1536 01:00:39,979 --> 01:00:41,923 have a physician right here on the 1537 01:00:41,923 --> 01:00:44,201 panel ? Who was the personal physician , 1538 01:00:44,201 --> 01:00:46,201 the prior three presidents who said 1539 01:00:46,201 --> 01:00:48,257 President biden should take a mental 1540 01:00:48,257 --> 01:00:47,930 competency test and we see it in the 1541 01:00:47,930 --> 01:00:49,880 press is lack of ability to answer 1542 01:00:49,880 --> 01:00:51,491 questions . Have you had any 1543 01:00:51,491 --> 01:00:53,602 conversations with anybody concerning 1544 01:00:53,602 --> 01:00:55,547 his ability to carry out a nuclear 1545 01:00:55,547 --> 01:00:57,410 order or any other uh serious 1546 01:00:57,410 --> 01:00:59,577 engagements ? No , and my answer would 1547 01:00:59,577 --> 01:01:01,521 be the same . I'm not qualified to 1548 01:01:01,521 --> 01:01:03,632 violate the President's mental health 1549 01:01:03,632 --> 01:01:05,632 or your mental health or anybody is 1550 01:01:05,632 --> 01:01:07,799 mental health . I'm not a doctor . But 1551 01:01:07,799 --> 01:01:07,070 you were concerned about trump . You 1552 01:01:07,070 --> 01:01:09,237 said you were concerned about him when 1553 01:01:09,237 --> 01:01:11,292 you made the calls of china . No , I 1554 01:01:11,292 --> 01:01:13,292 didn't . What I said to the call to 1555 01:01:13,292 --> 01:01:15,660 china was I guarantee you that 1556 01:01:15,660 --> 01:01:19,100 president trump is not going to attack 1557 01:01:19,100 --> 01:01:20,933 you in a surprise attack . I was 1558 01:01:20,933 --> 01:01:23,270 carrying out his intent . President 1559 01:01:23,270 --> 01:01:25,510 trump's intent in order to protect 1560 01:01:25,510 --> 01:01:27,700 american , prevent an escalation or an 1561 01:01:27,700 --> 01:01:31,660 incident . Uh huh . That was 1562 01:01:31,660 --> 01:01:35,290 helpful . Uh , Mr Brown is recognized . 1563 01:01:35,300 --> 01:01:37,244 Thank you mr Chairman . Each of my 1564 01:01:37,244 --> 01:01:39,411 questions have been asked and answered 1565 01:01:39,411 --> 01:01:41,411 this morning . Therefore , I'll use 1566 01:01:41,411 --> 01:01:43,467 this seldom opportunity with the two 1567 01:01:43,467 --> 01:01:45,578 most senior officials of the pentagon 1568 01:01:45,578 --> 01:01:47,800 to make a statement . We cannot ask our 1569 01:01:47,800 --> 01:01:49,689 men and women in uniform to fight 1570 01:01:49,689 --> 01:01:51,856 forever wars . And I commend president 1571 01:01:51,856 --> 01:01:54,078 buying for recognizing this reality and 1572 01:01:54,078 --> 01:01:56,244 bringing our troops home . But we know 1573 01:01:56,244 --> 01:01:58,356 the threats facing our country aren't 1574 01:01:58,356 --> 01:02:00,300 solely on distant battlefields for 1575 01:02:00,300 --> 01:02:02,522 decades . We've grappled with extremist 1576 01:02:02,522 --> 01:02:04,467 ideologies within our own civilian 1577 01:02:04,467 --> 01:02:06,633 communities and our military ranks and 1578 01:02:06,633 --> 01:02:08,744 there are no signs that we're winning 1579 01:02:08,744 --> 01:02:10,467 this fight as FBI Director Ray 1580 01:02:10,467 --> 01:02:12,578 testified before the Senate Judiciary 1581 01:02:12,578 --> 01:02:14,689 Committee earlier this year , january 1582 01:02:14,689 --> 01:02:16,467 six was not an isolated event . 1583 01:02:16,467 --> 01:02:18,411 Director Ray stated the problem of 1584 01:02:18,411 --> 01:02:19,967 domestic extremism has been 1585 01:02:19,967 --> 01:02:22,078 metastasized across the country for a 1586 01:02:22,078 --> 01:02:24,189 long time now and then it's not going 1587 01:02:24,189 --> 01:02:26,840 away anytime soon . We know Now that 1588 01:02:26,840 --> 01:02:29,700 12% of those charged in the riot on the 1589 01:02:29,700 --> 01:02:31,811 capital have military experience with 1590 01:02:31,811 --> 01:02:34,650 at least one indicted rioter on active 1591 01:02:34,650 --> 01:02:36,761 military duty . That's well above the 1592 01:02:36,761 --> 01:02:38,872 participant patient rate of adults in 1593 01:02:38,872 --> 01:02:41,120 the military . The last time you both 1594 01:02:41,600 --> 01:02:43,656 uh where before this committee , you 1595 01:02:43,656 --> 01:02:45,767 spoke about the issue of extremism in 1596 01:02:45,767 --> 01:02:47,989 our Armed Forces . General Miller . You 1597 01:02:47,989 --> 01:02:50,156 stated from private to general there's 1598 01:02:50,156 --> 01:02:52,267 no room for extremist behavior in the 1599 01:02:52,267 --> 01:02:54,433 United States military . And I commend 1600 01:02:54,433 --> 01:02:56,656 you , Secretary Austin for ordering the 1601 01:02:56,656 --> 01:02:58,878 extremism stand down this past february 1602 01:02:58,878 --> 01:03:01,100 to deal with the threat . You recognize 1603 01:03:01,100 --> 01:03:03,211 this issue within the ranks . But I'm 1604 01:03:03,211 --> 01:03:05,267 grateful to concern that too many of 1605 01:03:05,267 --> 01:03:07,620 our military leaders do not . In april . 1606 01:03:08,200 --> 01:03:10,256 At a Senate Armed Services Committee 1607 01:03:10,256 --> 01:03:12,311 hearing Stratcom Commander . Admiral 1608 01:03:12,311 --> 01:03:14,190 Richard said he was quote very 1609 01:03:14,190 --> 01:03:16,412 confident that the number of extremists 1610 01:03:16,412 --> 01:03:19,060 in my forces . zero . And at the same 1611 01:03:19,060 --> 01:03:21,282 hearing , General Dickinson , Commander 1612 01:03:21,282 --> 01:03:23,616 of Space Command echoed that assessment , 1613 01:03:23,616 --> 01:03:25,671 claiming in the formations that I've 1614 01:03:25,671 --> 01:03:27,782 had throughout my career . I have not 1615 01:03:27,782 --> 01:03:29,949 seen that . So I believe it's close to 1616 01:03:29,949 --> 01:03:32,171 zero in my organization . If not zero , 1617 01:03:32,171 --> 01:03:34,393 this ignores the clear evidence on this 1618 01:03:34,393 --> 01:03:37,330 issue 2019 military time survey found 1619 01:03:37,330 --> 01:03:39,274 more than one third of active duty 1620 01:03:39,274 --> 01:03:41,330 service members have witnessed white 1621 01:03:41,330 --> 01:03:43,290 nationalism or ideal ideologically 1622 01:03:43,290 --> 01:03:45,290 driven racism in the ranks . You're 1623 01:03:45,290 --> 01:03:47,457 yourself secretary often spoke of your 1624 01:03:47,457 --> 01:03:49,890 experiences with extremism while you 1625 01:03:49,890 --> 01:03:52,350 were in uniform , the army C . I . D . 1626 01:03:52,350 --> 01:03:54,650 S . 2020 gang and domestic extremist 1627 01:03:54,650 --> 01:03:58,040 activity threat assessment found a 66% 1628 01:03:58,050 --> 01:04:00,670 increase in gang or domestic extremist 1629 01:04:00,680 --> 01:04:02,791 activity from the previous year . And 1630 01:04:02,791 --> 01:04:06,080 then in october of 2020 . A pentagon 1631 01:04:06,080 --> 01:04:07,858 report to Congress detailed how 1632 01:04:07,858 --> 01:04:10,480 domestic extremists actively recruit 1633 01:04:10,480 --> 01:04:13,220 military personnel . We have a problem 1634 01:04:13,690 --> 01:04:16,850 the scope of which we don't understand 1635 01:04:16,860 --> 01:04:19,082 but democrats or republicans have asked 1636 01:04:19,082 --> 01:04:20,916 the department for definition of 1637 01:04:20,916 --> 01:04:22,650 extremism , improved screening 1638 01:04:22,650 --> 01:04:24,483 processes and a status report on 1639 01:04:24,483 --> 01:04:26,706 implementation of recommendations . You 1640 01:04:26,706 --> 01:04:28,720 still have not yet received it . We 1641 01:04:28,720 --> 01:04:31,070 have not received it . Which is why 1642 01:04:31,070 --> 01:04:33,590 just last week the house passed the 20 1643 01:04:33,590 --> 01:04:36,250 to the fiscal year 22 . Nd a given D . 1644 01:04:36,250 --> 01:04:38,194 O . D . Additional authorities and 1645 01:04:38,194 --> 01:04:40,139 resources to counter extremism the 1646 01:04:40,139 --> 01:04:41,917 department . So I was extremely 1647 01:04:41,917 --> 01:04:44,083 disappointed to see the administration 1648 01:04:44,083 --> 01:04:46,194 statement of policy which opposes the 1649 01:04:46,194 --> 01:04:48,417 counter extremism provisions in the N . 1650 01:04:48,417 --> 01:04:50,670 D . A . Citing overburden some training 1651 01:04:50,670 --> 01:04:52,837 and data collection requirements , not 1652 01:04:52,837 --> 01:04:54,837 a single sentence suggesting how to 1653 01:04:54,837 --> 01:04:56,950 improve the provision Just opposition 1654 01:04:56,950 --> 01:04:59,230 to Congress Congress is about to 1655 01:04:59,240 --> 01:05:02,880 authorize and appropriate $768 billion 1656 01:05:02,880 --> 01:05:05,940 $25 billion 1657 01:05:05,940 --> 01:05:09,640 yet the administration 1658 01:05:09,640 --> 01:05:12,020 views additional data collection and 1659 01:05:12,020 --> 01:05:14,076 training requirements to counter the 1660 01:05:14,076 --> 01:05:16,830 threat of extremism as onerous , we 1661 01:05:16,830 --> 01:05:19,052 heard the same pushback when it came to 1662 01:05:19,052 --> 01:05:20,886 addressing sexual assault in the 1663 01:05:20,886 --> 01:05:22,719 military for 10 years before the 1664 01:05:22,719 --> 01:05:24,663 department finally realized it was 1665 01:05:24,663 --> 01:05:26,608 failing and that it needed greater 1666 01:05:26,608 --> 01:05:28,608 tools and we've documented systemic 1667 01:05:28,608 --> 01:05:30,441 racism under the uniform code of 1668 01:05:30,441 --> 01:05:32,719 military justice for at least 50 years . 1669 01:05:32,719 --> 01:05:34,830 Yet . The department is making little 1670 01:05:34,830 --> 01:05:34,500 if any progress to address that , 1671 01:05:34,690 --> 01:05:36,801 whether it's sexual assault or racial 1672 01:05:36,801 --> 01:05:38,912 injustice . The department repeatedly 1673 01:05:38,912 --> 01:05:40,801 tells Congress we can handle it . 1674 01:05:40,801 --> 01:05:42,746 Commanders are responsible , we're 1675 01:05:42,746 --> 01:05:44,690 studying it . We're ready to fight 1676 01:05:44,690 --> 01:05:46,746 tonight . We cannot wait years , let 1677 01:05:46,746 --> 01:05:49,860 alone decades in the face of obstinance 1678 01:05:49,860 --> 01:05:52,027 from the department before meeting the 1679 01:05:52,027 --> 01:05:54,082 challenges of extremism in the armed 1680 01:05:54,082 --> 01:05:56,138 forces . The time to address it is . 1681 01:05:56,138 --> 01:05:58,420 Now as this hearing reveals there are 1682 01:05:58,420 --> 01:06:00,690 many important issues for our military 1683 01:06:00,700 --> 01:06:02,960 to address . In addition to the ongoing 1684 01:06:02,970 --> 01:06:05,430 american afghan evacuations in 1685 01:06:05,430 --> 01:06:06,990 anticipated over the rising 1686 01:06:08,480 --> 01:06:10,790 operations , we've got to care for our 1687 01:06:10,790 --> 01:06:12,660 troops and the families and that 1688 01:06:12,660 --> 01:06:15,640 includes combating extremism in your 1689 01:06:15,640 --> 01:06:18,040 formations in a way that we can take 1690 01:06:18,040 --> 01:06:19,929 care of our troops and secure the 1691 01:06:19,929 --> 01:06:21,910 nation . So please stop fighting . 1692 01:06:21,910 --> 01:06:25,120 Congress partner with us and accept the 1693 01:06:25,120 --> 01:06:27,670 tools that you need to fix the problem . 1694 01:06:28,030 --> 01:06:30,086 Thank you Mr Chairman . I yield back 1695 01:06:30,086 --> 01:06:32,308 the balance of my time . Thank you . Mr 1696 01:06:32,308 --> 01:06:34,363 Kelly is recognized . Thank you . Mr 1697 01:06:34,363 --> 01:06:36,586 Chairman . Thank you all for being here 1698 01:06:36,586 --> 01:06:38,641 and Chairman Millie , I just want to 1699 01:06:38,641 --> 01:06:42,020 start uh understand the conversation uh 1700 01:06:42,030 --> 01:06:44,240 with with with the chinese leader . 1701 01:06:44,250 --> 01:06:46,417 What I don't understand is you go into 1702 01:06:46,417 --> 01:06:48,583 the press Chairman Million , that that 1703 01:06:48,583 --> 01:06:50,583 disappoints me that you talk to the 1704 01:06:50,583 --> 01:06:52,639 press about that . None of the other 1705 01:06:52,639 --> 01:06:54,639 stuff . I think you were . I'm okay 1706 01:06:54,639 --> 01:06:56,528 with that . I'm not okay with you 1707 01:06:56,528 --> 01:06:58,694 talking to the press or authors . Uh I 1708 01:06:58,694 --> 01:07:00,972 want to talk a little bit about bagram . 1709 01:07:00,972 --> 01:07:03,139 There's two runways at bagram and only 1710 01:07:03,139 --> 01:07:07,000 one at H chi is that correct ? That is 1711 01:07:07,000 --> 01:07:09,222 correct . So there's strategic value to 1712 01:07:09,222 --> 01:07:11,167 two runways versus one . You would 1713 01:07:11,167 --> 01:07:12,944 agree with that ? It's entirely 1714 01:07:12,944 --> 01:07:15,056 dependent on the mission . Yeah . And 1715 01:07:15,056 --> 01:07:14,800 the other thing is their standoff 1716 01:07:14,800 --> 01:07:16,967 versus the urban environment and there 1717 01:07:16,967 --> 01:07:18,578 are strategic advantages and 1718 01:07:18,578 --> 01:07:20,800 disadvantages that you would agree with 1719 01:07:20,800 --> 01:07:20,660 that General Makin , that's correct . 1720 01:07:20,670 --> 01:07:22,900 Ok . I want to talk a little bit about 1721 01:07:22,900 --> 01:07:26,800 the strike On August 29 , I think . 1722 01:07:28,080 --> 01:07:31,800 Who set the rules of engagement ? Who 1723 01:07:32,280 --> 01:07:34,391 where would the rules of engagement ? 1724 01:07:34,391 --> 01:07:36,502 At what level ? So under the rules of 1725 01:07:36,502 --> 01:07:36,080 engagement and it would need to get the 1726 01:07:36,080 --> 01:07:38,136 details in a classified setting . We 1727 01:07:38,136 --> 01:07:40,358 have no , I don't want to know what the 1728 01:07:40,358 --> 01:07:42,413 rules of engagement were . I want to 1729 01:07:42,413 --> 01:07:44,524 know who's rules of engagement , were 1730 01:07:44,524 --> 01:07:46,691 they ? The United US military rules of 1731 01:07:46,691 --> 01:07:45,880 engagement . What was that President 1732 01:07:45,880 --> 01:07:47,991 biden's ? Was that Secretary Austin's 1733 01:07:47,991 --> 01:07:50,102 was that centcom's their holy neutral 1734 01:07:50,102 --> 01:07:52,213 as to the party in power . Okay . Has 1735 01:07:52,213 --> 01:07:53,991 nothing to do with the rules of 1736 01:07:53,991 --> 01:07:56,102 engagement . And I want to refer to a 1737 01:07:56,102 --> 01:07:58,102 new york Times article on March 3rd 1738 01:07:58,102 --> 01:08:00,213 described a policy change of the body 1739 01:08:00,213 --> 01:08:02,158 administration that placed greater 1740 01:08:02,158 --> 01:08:04,380 restrictions on drone strikes and raids 1741 01:08:04,380 --> 01:08:06,102 conducted outside conventional 1742 01:08:06,102 --> 01:08:08,324 battlefield zones previously authorized 1743 01:08:08,324 --> 01:08:10,547 by ground commanders . These operations 1744 01:08:10,547 --> 01:08:13,360 now require White House approval . Did 1745 01:08:13,360 --> 01:08:17,030 the strike on august 28th or 29th ? The 1746 01:08:17,040 --> 01:08:20,180 one that killed 10 innocent ? Did it 1747 01:08:20,190 --> 01:08:22,357 require presidential approval prior to 1748 01:08:22,357 --> 01:08:24,430 the No , it did not . Okay . At what 1749 01:08:24,430 --> 01:08:26,486 level Who was the approval authority 1750 01:08:26,486 --> 01:08:28,708 for that strike ? The target engagement 1751 01:08:28,708 --> 01:08:30,930 authority was forward in the theater at 1752 01:08:30,930 --> 01:08:33,152 the over the horizon sell that oversees 1753 01:08:33,152 --> 01:08:35,374 those activities . What at what level ? 1754 01:08:35,374 --> 01:08:37,486 What ? One star , two star three star 1755 01:08:37,486 --> 01:08:39,819 flag officer level . Flag officer level . 1756 01:08:39,870 --> 01:08:42,580 Okay . And at what point ? General 1757 01:08:42,580 --> 01:08:44,691 Mackenzie ? And this is for all three 1758 01:08:44,691 --> 01:08:47,120 of you , At what point did you know 1759 01:08:47,120 --> 01:08:50,490 that the strike was bad , that it hit 1760 01:08:50,500 --> 01:08:52,590 civilians ? Well . So we knew the 1761 01:08:52,590 --> 01:08:55,000 strike hit civilians within four or 1762 01:08:55,000 --> 01:08:57,167 five hours after the strike occurred . 1763 01:08:57,167 --> 01:08:59,333 And U . S . Central Command released a 1764 01:08:59,333 --> 01:09:01,389 press release to that saying that we 1765 01:09:01,389 --> 01:09:03,810 did not know though , that the target 1766 01:09:03,810 --> 01:09:05,754 of the strike was in fact an error 1767 01:09:05,754 --> 01:09:08,060 until a mistake until sometime later 1768 01:09:08,070 --> 01:09:10,181 took us a few days to run that down . 1769 01:09:10,181 --> 01:09:12,181 Okay . But we knew pretty soon Good 1770 01:09:12,181 --> 01:09:14,403 Secretary Austin , when did you know it 1771 01:09:14,403 --> 01:09:16,681 was a bad strike that killed civilians . 1772 01:09:18,070 --> 01:09:20,240 Uh as soon as General Mackenzie 1773 01:09:20,250 --> 01:09:22,990 reported that they were civilians uh 1774 01:09:23,000 --> 01:09:25,167 that that had been injured and so four 1775 01:09:25,167 --> 01:09:27,333 or five hours timeframe ? That's all I 1776 01:09:27,333 --> 01:09:29,444 need . Right . Typically , as soon as 1777 01:09:29,444 --> 01:09:31,389 that happens , we investigate , We 1778 01:09:31,389 --> 01:09:33,500 begin an investigation . When did you 1779 01:09:33,500 --> 01:09:35,722 know that civilians were killed in that 1780 01:09:35,722 --> 01:09:37,944 strike ? That's my question . It's real 1781 01:09:37,944 --> 01:09:39,889 easy . It's a time , it's not a it 1782 01:09:39,889 --> 01:09:39,470 doesn't take much to answer that . 1783 01:09:39,480 --> 01:09:41,313 Right , several hours after that 1784 01:09:41,313 --> 01:09:44,700 General Milley saying same thing . Okay , 1785 01:09:44,860 --> 01:09:48,610 So I'm assuming there's 15 1786 01:09:48,610 --> 01:09:50,777 6 is at multiple levels that we'll get 1787 01:09:50,777 --> 01:09:52,999 to see those investigations . There's a 1788 01:09:52,999 --> 01:09:55,221 lot of questions I have that have to be 1789 01:09:55,221 --> 01:09:57,221 in a classified environment , but I 1790 01:09:57,221 --> 01:09:59,490 hope that you guys know , uh also sit 1791 01:09:59,490 --> 01:10:01,546 on a different committee that has uh 1792 01:10:01,546 --> 01:10:03,768 different insight to this . And I think 1793 01:10:03,768 --> 01:10:05,546 it's important that we know who 1794 01:10:05,546 --> 01:10:07,730 authorized at what level and that we 1795 01:10:07,730 --> 01:10:09,730 take accountability . Listen , I've 1796 01:10:09,730 --> 01:10:11,841 made strikes , I've lived under rules 1797 01:10:11,841 --> 01:10:13,730 of engagement . I've had rules of 1798 01:10:13,730 --> 01:10:15,841 engagements I liked and didn't like , 1799 01:10:15,841 --> 01:10:18,008 I've had to make hard decisions . Hope 1800 01:10:18,008 --> 01:10:19,786 most of them were right , but I 1801 01:10:19,786 --> 01:10:19,700 understand . I'm not , I don't wanna 1802 01:10:19,700 --> 01:10:22,980 blame some oh six or some 05 . I want 1803 01:10:22,980 --> 01:10:25,147 to make sure we get the level and that 1804 01:10:25,147 --> 01:10:27,369 the rules of engagement were proper and 1805 01:10:27,369 --> 01:10:29,369 that they were followed at whatever 1806 01:10:29,369 --> 01:10:31,591 level who didn't follow those or either 1807 01:10:31,591 --> 01:10:33,647 wrote those because that just uh , I 1808 01:10:33,647 --> 01:10:35,702 think the strike was done to show we 1809 01:10:35,702 --> 01:10:37,813 had over the horizon capabilities and 1810 01:10:37,813 --> 01:10:39,591 we didn't because we reported a 1811 01:10:39,591 --> 01:10:41,813 secondary explosion . That was not . We 1812 01:10:41,813 --> 01:10:43,924 reported all kind of stuff . Now , my 1813 01:10:43,924 --> 01:10:46,147 next question is the other strike , who 1814 01:10:46,147 --> 01:10:45,470 did we kill ? 1815 01:10:49,960 --> 01:10:52,016 I prefer to pass with that name in a 1816 01:10:52,016 --> 01:10:54,016 classified setting . Okay , can you 1817 01:10:54,016 --> 01:10:56,238 tell me was it an H . B . T . Or just a 1818 01:10:56,238 --> 01:10:58,182 low level tears ? I think it was a 1819 01:10:58,182 --> 01:11:00,516 facilitator . Uh , it was a good strike . 1820 01:11:00,516 --> 01:11:00,370 I think we got , we got someone who 1821 01:11:00,380 --> 01:11:02,491 while not directly involved in the in 1822 01:11:02,491 --> 01:11:04,547 the attack on Abbey gate on the 26th 1823 01:11:04,547 --> 01:11:06,769 certainly fell within that surface of a 1824 01:11:06,769 --> 01:11:09,047 comet . A classified like to know that . 1825 01:11:09,047 --> 01:11:11,047 And then my next question is I just 1826 01:11:11,047 --> 01:11:10,850 don't understand . I guess maybe I went 1827 01:11:10,850 --> 01:11:13,570 to union public high school of 1100 . 1828 01:11:13,960 --> 01:11:17,220 Uh , my math 11 to 15,000 US citizens 1829 01:11:17,230 --> 01:11:20,400 5400 out that leaves thousands not 1830 01:11:20,400 --> 01:11:22,456 hundreds left that want to get out . 1831 01:11:22,456 --> 01:11:24,678 And I know for a fact every office here 1832 01:11:24,678 --> 01:11:26,900 we had people calling us wanting to get 1833 01:11:26,900 --> 01:11:28,844 out U . S . Citizens that were not 1834 01:11:28,844 --> 01:11:30,789 allowed to get in the gate or were 1835 01:11:30,789 --> 01:11:33,067 kicked off the base or not allowed out . 1836 01:11:33,067 --> 01:11:32,190 And with that I just ask guys , we 1837 01:11:32,190 --> 01:11:34,412 gotta get our folks home . Are you back 1838 01:11:35,860 --> 01:11:38,250 german yields back . Mr Khanna is 1839 01:11:38,250 --> 01:11:40,780 recognized . Thank you . Mr Chairman 1840 01:11:41,560 --> 01:11:43,727 General Milley . I want to first thank 1841 01:11:43,727 --> 01:11:46,450 you for your 42 years of service for 1842 01:11:46,450 --> 01:11:48,617 your principled commitment to civilian 1843 01:11:48,617 --> 01:11:50,910 rule , for your commitment to military , 1844 01:11:50,910 --> 01:11:53,021 to military communication . That kept 1845 01:11:53,021 --> 01:11:55,021 this country safe for three decades 1846 01:11:55,021 --> 01:11:56,799 during the Cold War and for the 1847 01:11:56,799 --> 01:11:59,190 sacrifice and patriotism that you and 1848 01:11:59,190 --> 01:12:01,600 your family has shown is the son of 1849 01:12:01,600 --> 01:12:03,880 immigrants . I'm in your family's debt 1850 01:12:04,650 --> 01:12:07,170 and I want to thank the three of you 1851 01:12:07,550 --> 01:12:10,540 for ending America's longest war in 1852 01:12:10,540 --> 01:12:12,950 executing the largest airlift in 1853 01:12:12,950 --> 01:12:15,550 history . Now , Secretary Austin , 1854 01:12:15,550 --> 01:12:19,290 you've testified that Had 2500 troops 1855 01:12:19,290 --> 01:12:22,320 stayed past the deadline , the military 1856 01:12:22,320 --> 01:12:24,542 would likely have needed reinforcements 1857 01:12:24,950 --> 01:12:27,117 and I want to just make this clear the 1858 01:12:27,117 --> 01:12:29,339 choice . But for President Biden wasn't 1859 01:12:29,339 --> 01:12:32,730 zero troops Or 2500 troops , It was 1860 01:12:32,730 --> 01:12:35,960 zero troops or potentially many more 1861 01:12:35,960 --> 01:12:38,820 troops . General Milley just briefly , 1862 01:12:38,820 --> 01:12:41,370 would you agree that At some point more 1863 01:12:41,370 --> 01:12:43,930 than 2500 troops would have been needed 1864 01:12:43,940 --> 01:12:46,360 had the Taliban engaged in offensive 1865 01:12:46,360 --> 01:12:50,160 strikes ? I'm sorry 1866 01:12:50,160 --> 01:12:52,327 there's a reasonable prospect we would 1867 01:12:52,327 --> 01:12:54,438 have had to increase forces past 2500 1868 01:12:54,450 --> 01:12:56,672 Given that the Taliban were very likely 1869 01:12:56,672 --> 01:12:58,783 was going to start attacking us . And 1870 01:12:58,783 --> 01:13:00,894 there was , there's a range of forces 1871 01:13:00,894 --> 01:13:03,061 that really we're really talking about 1872 01:13:03,061 --> 01:13:05,339 2540 500 in that range appreciate that . 1873 01:13:05,339 --> 01:13:07,394 I want to talk about the strike that 1874 01:13:07,394 --> 01:13:09,561 killed civilians and I know , look , I 1875 01:13:09,561 --> 01:13:11,783 think our military cares more about the 1876 01:13:11,783 --> 01:13:14,006 loss of civilian life than any military 1877 01:13:14,006 --> 01:13:16,006 in the world any superpower ever in 1878 01:13:16,006 --> 01:13:18,006 history . And that's why I think we 1879 01:13:18,006 --> 01:13:20,228 ought to talk about this candidly and I 1880 01:13:20,228 --> 01:13:23,020 brought pictures of the seven Children 1881 01:13:23,020 --> 01:13:25,076 who were killed along with the three 1882 01:13:25,076 --> 01:13:27,770 adults to remind us that this is not 1883 01:13:28,150 --> 01:13:30,317 what America wants . This is something 1884 01:13:30,317 --> 01:13:32,539 that we need to prevent in the future . 1885 01:13:32,750 --> 01:13:34,806 Press Secretary Kirby who did a fine 1886 01:13:34,806 --> 01:13:37,780 job during those 10 days said you would 1887 01:13:37,780 --> 01:13:40,002 support evacuating these family members 1888 01:13:40,002 --> 01:13:42,180 as they have requested and resettling 1889 01:13:42,180 --> 01:13:44,730 them in the US is that correct ? 1890 01:13:44,730 --> 01:13:48,310 Secretary awesome . It is my my 1891 01:13:48,310 --> 01:13:50,450 question is can we get the family and 1892 01:13:50,450 --> 01:13:52,720 the co workers evacuated now and 1893 01:13:52,720 --> 01:13:55,190 brought to safety ? Get the legal hoops . 1894 01:13:55,190 --> 01:13:57,740 But could that happen after ? Can we 1895 01:13:57,740 --> 01:14:00,140 just get them in the U . S . Or some 1896 01:14:00,140 --> 01:14:03,860 safe place ? Well , we'll continue to 1897 01:14:03,870 --> 01:14:06,380 uh work through state Department 1898 01:14:06,380 --> 01:14:09,370 channels to engage the family and uh , 1899 01:14:09,380 --> 01:14:11,491 and if they desire to leave and we'll 1900 01:14:11,491 --> 01:14:13,380 certainly do everything we can to 1901 01:14:13,380 --> 01:14:15,602 facilitate getting them out . I hope we 1902 01:14:15,602 --> 01:14:17,824 can just expedite that and expedite the 1903 01:14:17,824 --> 01:14:19,991 compensation . It's the moral thing to 1904 01:14:19,991 --> 01:14:22,158 do . It's the right thing to do is how 1905 01:14:22,158 --> 01:14:24,380 America conducts itself . And so I hope 1906 01:14:24,380 --> 01:14:26,602 you will take that into consideration . 1907 01:14:26,640 --> 01:14:28,473 General Mackenzie . I admire and 1908 01:14:28,473 --> 01:14:30,700 respect your leadership . But I want to 1909 01:14:30,700 --> 01:14:33,990 see how we can improve the intelligence 1910 01:14:33,990 --> 01:14:36,340 to prevent these kind of strikes in the 1911 01:14:36,340 --> 01:14:39,900 future . One aspect you said is that 1912 01:14:39,910 --> 01:14:42,021 there was a white Toyota Corolla that 1913 01:14:42,021 --> 01:14:44,400 led to the attacks , I'm sure you're 1914 01:14:44,400 --> 01:14:46,640 aware is there any car more common than 1915 01:14:46,640 --> 01:14:50,290 a Toyota Corolla in Afghanistan , it's 1916 01:14:50,290 --> 01:14:52,290 a very common car . Of course there 1917 01:14:52,290 --> 01:14:54,457 were many other factors that went into 1918 01:14:54,457 --> 01:14:56,623 that decision . Not simply the fact it 1919 01:14:56,623 --> 01:14:58,734 was a Toyota Corolla according to the 1920 01:14:58,734 --> 01:15:00,957 stars and stripes , roughly 90% of cars 1921 01:15:00,957 --> 01:15:02,957 registered in Afghanistan have been 1922 01:15:02,957 --> 01:15:05,179 corollas . One of the other things that 1923 01:15:05,179 --> 01:15:07,290 concern me is based on my reading and 1924 01:15:07,290 --> 01:15:09,457 obviously you know more , uh , Corolla 1925 01:15:09,457 --> 01:15:11,401 was parked next to a registered us 1926 01:15:11,401 --> 01:15:14,090 registered California based NGO that 1927 01:15:14,090 --> 01:15:16,368 was delivering humanitarian assistance . 1928 01:15:16,640 --> 01:15:18,973 And I guess the question is , did the D . 1929 01:15:18,973 --> 01:15:21,480 O . D know about the NGO in advance of 1930 01:15:21,480 --> 01:15:24,150 the strike ? I would prefer since 1931 01:15:24,150 --> 01:15:26,317 that's under investigation . Now , I'd 1932 01:15:26,317 --> 01:15:28,428 like to defer that question . I would 1933 01:15:28,428 --> 01:15:31,480 just hope that we can make sure going 1934 01:15:31,480 --> 01:15:34,230 forward that our department will cross 1935 01:15:34,230 --> 01:15:36,750 check its and intelligence to make sure 1936 01:15:36,760 --> 01:15:39,640 that aid organizations are on no strike 1937 01:15:39,640 --> 01:15:42,120 list . So I assume that if there is a 1938 01:15:42,130 --> 01:15:44,186 aid organization or hospital , those 1939 01:15:44,186 --> 01:15:46,790 are on no strike list as representative 1940 01:15:46,800 --> 01:15:48,967 as our mosques which are often used by 1941 01:15:48,967 --> 01:15:50,950 ISIS K as training sites as well . 1942 01:15:51,140 --> 01:15:53,550 Right again , I believe that our 1943 01:15:53,550 --> 01:15:55,580 military goes through extraordinary 1944 01:15:55,580 --> 01:15:57,720 lengths to prevent this . It's not to 1945 01:15:57,730 --> 01:16:00,100 try to be an indictment of anyone . I 1946 01:16:00,100 --> 01:16:02,211 just want to make sure we continue to 1947 01:16:02,211 --> 01:16:04,450 improve the processes and that we do 1948 01:16:04,450 --> 01:16:07,570 right by the families who were suffered 1949 01:16:07,570 --> 01:16:09,870 this unspeakable tragedy . Thank you 1950 01:16:09,870 --> 01:16:11,960 again to the three of you for your 1951 01:16:11,960 --> 01:16:14,016 leadership and thank you to everyone 1952 01:16:14,016 --> 01:16:17,180 who served regardless of one's view in 1953 01:16:17,180 --> 01:16:19,910 Afghanistan . Uh , I find the attacks 1954 01:16:19,910 --> 01:16:22,700 on your integrity and patriotism to be 1955 01:16:22,710 --> 01:16:24,760 a dishonor to this committee and a 1956 01:16:24,760 --> 01:16:26,260 dishonor to your service