1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:03,750 Yeah I was given . I know , 2 00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:06,462 I don't think seven minutes is all that 3 00:00:06,462 --> 00:00:09,350 bad to be honest with you . Mhm . 4 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:16,260 Okay . There we go . 5 00:00:20,540 --> 00:00:23,410 Okay , so just quickly . Um I think 6 00:00:23,410 --> 00:00:25,466 you're tracking the deputy secretary 7 00:00:25,466 --> 00:00:27,521 Hicks is on the road there this week 8 00:00:27,521 --> 00:00:29,521 for a short trip . She's in Detroit 9 00:00:29,521 --> 00:00:31,743 today then she'll be heading to quantum 10 00:00:31,743 --> 00:00:34,330 morale in Groton Connecticut later or 11 00:00:34,330 --> 00:00:36,274 she'll be meeting with lawmakers , 12 00:00:36,274 --> 00:00:38,386 defense industrial based partners and 13 00:00:38,386 --> 00:00:40,108 military leaders to deepen our 14 00:00:40,108 --> 00:00:42,163 relationships and discuss department 15 00:00:42,163 --> 00:00:41,920 priorities to address future . 16 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:44,430 Warfighting needs also reinforce the 17 00:00:44,430 --> 00:00:46,541 importance of manufacturing renewable 18 00:00:46,541 --> 00:00:48,980 energy green technology to us National 19 00:00:48,980 --> 00:00:52,400 security . Uh And today I think it's 20 00:00:52,400 --> 00:00:54,456 fairly obvious that we're pleased to 21 00:00:54,456 --> 00:00:56,678 welcome our new deputy assistant to the 22 00:00:56,678 --> 00:00:58,410 Secretary of Defense for Media 23 00:00:58,420 --> 00:01:00,642 Operations . And that's Todd , brazil , 24 00:01:00,642 --> 00:01:02,809 Todd's no stranger to uh to all of you 25 00:01:02,810 --> 00:01:05,160 I think I think you know , he retired 26 00:01:05,160 --> 00:01:07,740 from the army and 2014 after services 27 00:01:07,740 --> 00:01:09,962 director of the US Army's Entertainment 28 00:01:09,962 --> 00:01:12,129 Industry Liaison Office in Hollywood , 29 00:01:12,129 --> 00:01:14,150 tough duty . The Director of media 30 00:01:14,150 --> 00:01:16,261 relations for coalition ground forces 31 00:01:16,261 --> 00:01:18,483 in Iraq , Deputy Public Affairs Officer 32 00:01:18,483 --> 00:01:20,706 and Director of Media relations for the 33 00:01:20,706 --> 00:01:22,928 International Security Assistance Force 34 00:01:22,928 --> 00:01:25,150 and U . S . Forces . Afghanistan . Todd 35 00:01:25,150 --> 00:01:26,983 also served in the Department of 36 00:01:26,983 --> 00:01:26,620 Homeland Security as the Assistant 37 00:01:26,620 --> 00:01:28,810 Secretary for Public Affairs and then 38 00:01:28,810 --> 00:01:30,866 joined the team at facebook where he 39 00:01:30,866 --> 00:01:32,921 was responsible for messaging around 40 00:01:32,921 --> 00:01:35,032 its community partnership programs in 41 00:01:35,032 --> 00:01:37,320 2000 and 9 19 . Todd moved to Microsoft 42 00:01:37,330 --> 00:01:39,441 as the Director of public affairs and 43 00:01:39,441 --> 00:01:41,640 communications . Um And we are just 44 00:01:41,650 --> 00:01:43,817 absolutely thrilled to have him on the 45 00:01:43,817 --> 00:01:45,817 team . He's an old friend of an old 46 00:01:45,817 --> 00:01:47,817 shipmate I've I've known and worked 47 00:01:47,817 --> 00:01:49,928 with Todd a long , long time and uh I 48 00:01:49,928 --> 00:01:52,150 just can't tell you how pleased I am to 49 00:01:52,150 --> 00:01:54,150 uh that he was willing to come back 50 00:01:54,150 --> 00:01:56,206 into public service and to come back 51 00:01:56,206 --> 00:01:58,261 here to the pentagon to help us with 52 00:01:58,261 --> 00:02:00,372 our communication efforts . So Todd , 53 00:02:00,372 --> 00:02:02,539 thanks great to have you on board with 54 00:02:02,539 --> 00:02:04,600 that . Take questions . Hey , uh the 55 00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:07,310 Republican congressman McCaul and 56 00:02:07,310 --> 00:02:10,250 Rogers have written letters to 57 00:02:10,250 --> 00:02:13,260 Secretary Austin and Secretary Blinken 58 00:02:13,740 --> 00:02:16,050 asking them that they release the 59 00:02:16,640 --> 00:02:19,150 questionnaire that was sent to us 60 00:02:19,150 --> 00:02:22,040 Allies on nuclear declaratory policy as 61 00:02:22,040 --> 00:02:24,096 part of the nuclear posture review . 62 00:02:24,096 --> 00:02:25,818 And my question is whether the 63 00:02:25,818 --> 00:02:27,818 Secretary Austin supports releasing 64 00:02:27,818 --> 00:02:29,596 that information , not just the 65 00:02:29,596 --> 00:02:31,873 questionnaire , but the response to it . 66 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:34,550 I don't know , I'm not aware of the 67 00:02:34,550 --> 00:02:36,540 letter bob . So let me take the 68 00:02:36,540 --> 00:02:39,610 question . I don't think we've seen 69 00:02:39,610 --> 00:02:43,060 that letter if we have hasn't . Um I'm 70 00:02:43,060 --> 00:02:45,630 certainly not aware of it . So let me 71 00:02:46,240 --> 00:02:48,351 let me take the question and get back 72 00:02:48,351 --> 00:02:50,407 to you . A related question would be 73 00:02:50,407 --> 00:02:52,518 whether to what extent did the Allies 74 00:02:52,518 --> 00:02:54,518 views on these questions about sole 75 00:02:54,518 --> 00:02:56,407 purpose or No . First use to what 76 00:02:56,407 --> 00:02:57,962 extent are they taking into 77 00:02:57,962 --> 00:03:00,240 consideration of the nuclear posturing . 78 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:02,296 I think across the across the review 79 00:03:02,296 --> 00:03:04,407 itself are the views and perspectives 80 00:03:04,407 --> 00:03:06,129 of our allies and partners are 81 00:03:06,129 --> 00:03:09,660 important and consultations with them 82 00:03:09,660 --> 00:03:11,327 and hearing them out in their 83 00:03:11,327 --> 00:03:13,549 perspectives has been and will continue 84 00:03:13,549 --> 00:03:16,050 to remain important as the review 85 00:03:16,540 --> 00:03:19,360 continues , continues down the path . 86 00:03:20,010 --> 00:03:23,230 And as I said last week , I'm not 87 00:03:23,230 --> 00:03:25,286 certainly gonna speculate one way or 88 00:03:25,286 --> 00:03:28,590 the other about uh policies inside that 89 00:03:28,590 --> 00:03:30,868 review and what that's gonna look like . 90 00:03:30,940 --> 00:03:33,107 But I would tell you just two things . 91 00:03:33,107 --> 00:03:35,273 It has been and remains an inclusive , 92 00:03:35,273 --> 00:03:37,384 comprehensive process . Let's look at 93 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:39,218 the broad swath of our strategic 94 00:03:39,218 --> 00:03:41,162 deterrent capabilities here in the 95 00:03:41,162 --> 00:03:43,218 United States . And number two , any 96 00:03:43,218 --> 00:03:45,440 policy decision of that nature is going 97 00:03:45,440 --> 00:03:47,607 to ultimately made by the President of 98 00:03:47,607 --> 00:03:49,718 the United States or other aspects of 99 00:03:49,718 --> 00:03:51,884 the review . Being also either briefed 100 00:03:51,884 --> 00:03:54,107 to the allies or consulted with them on 101 00:03:54,107 --> 00:03:56,329 specific aspects of the review . Well , 102 00:03:56,329 --> 00:03:58,496 that getting into specific details , I 103 00:03:58,496 --> 00:04:01,990 mean , uh for understandable purposes , 104 00:04:01,990 --> 00:04:04,101 what I can tell you is that we are as 105 00:04:04,101 --> 00:04:06,860 appropriate , uh consulting with allies 106 00:04:06,860 --> 00:04:08,804 and partners in the course of this 107 00:04:08,804 --> 00:04:11,100 review and certainly remain open to 108 00:04:11,100 --> 00:04:13,044 listening to and hearing out their 109 00:04:13,044 --> 00:04:16,120 perspectives . Yeah , Charles , thanks . 110 00:04:16,130 --> 00:04:18,760 Is there any update on civilians and 111 00:04:18,760 --> 00:04:21,600 covid vaccinations ? Do you have any 112 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:23,489 sense of the numbers ? And as the 113 00:04:23,489 --> 00:04:25,711 secretary concerned at all , that could 114 00:04:25,711 --> 00:04:27,933 be a significant number who refused the 115 00:04:27,933 --> 00:04:29,989 vaccine ? And finally , those who do 116 00:04:29,989 --> 00:04:32,211 refuse a vaccine without an exemption . 117 00:04:32,330 --> 00:04:34,730 Will those civilians be fired ? Yeah , 118 00:04:34,730 --> 00:04:37,050 I'm not going to speculate about uh 119 00:04:37,740 --> 00:04:39,930 Future administrative or disciplinary 120 00:04:39,930 --> 00:04:42,150 actions . I mean , they haven't the 121 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:44,382 deadline isn't really until the 22nd of 122 00:04:44,382 --> 00:04:46,550 the month . We have laid out 123 00:04:46,560 --> 00:04:49,190 expectations that all federal civilians 124 00:04:49,190 --> 00:04:51,357 will get vaccinated . We've also given 125 00:04:51,357 --> 00:04:54,220 them guidance on how to attest to that 126 00:04:54,220 --> 00:04:57,080 vaccination today that attestation 127 00:04:57,090 --> 00:05:00,310 starts . Um and we have given them 128 00:05:00,310 --> 00:05:03,130 guidance on how to Uh that they can get 129 00:05:03,140 --> 00:05:05,930 exemptions if they want and and and uh 130 00:05:05,940 --> 00:05:08,190 and how to file for those exemptions . 131 00:05:08,200 --> 00:05:11,240 Um as of today , more than 132 00:05:11,240 --> 00:05:15,210 333,000 Dios de civilians have been 133 00:05:15,210 --> 00:05:17,550 fully vaccinated . Now . We know 134 00:05:17,550 --> 00:05:19,717 there's a lot more to go . But again , 135 00:05:19,717 --> 00:05:21,828 they haven't we have until the 22nd . 136 00:05:21,828 --> 00:05:23,939 Um and I just don't want to speculate 137 00:05:23,939 --> 00:05:26,106 about what it's gonna look like day to 138 00:05:26,106 --> 00:05:28,106 day from between now and then . The 139 00:05:28,106 --> 00:05:30,217 only thing I'd leave you with is what 140 00:05:30,217 --> 00:05:32,328 I've said before , that the secretary 141 00:05:32,328 --> 00:05:34,217 believes very strongly that these 142 00:05:34,217 --> 00:05:36,272 vaccines are safe and effective . Uh 143 00:05:36,272 --> 00:05:38,439 and that he wants the entire workforce 144 00:05:38,439 --> 00:05:40,494 to be vaccinated against it . I just 145 00:05:40,494 --> 00:05:42,661 followed the and that number , he said 146 00:05:42,661 --> 00:05:45,720 333,000 . That would be less than half 147 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:48,520 of the total civilian workforce is 700 . 148 00:05:48,520 --> 00:05:51,000 Some right ? But at the point where 149 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:53,070 they would have to be . But you say 150 00:05:53,070 --> 00:05:55,237 fully vaccinated , you mean , plus the 151 00:05:55,237 --> 00:05:57,348 fully vaccinated that we that we know 152 00:05:57,348 --> 00:05:59,237 of through the military treatment 153 00:05:59,237 --> 00:05:59,140 facility . And I should have made that 154 00:05:59,140 --> 00:06:02,210 clear some civilians uh can get 155 00:06:02,210 --> 00:06:05,230 vaccinated on their own by going to a 156 00:06:05,230 --> 00:06:07,500 local drugstore . Um and we wouldn't 157 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:09,667 have that in this number . This number 158 00:06:09,667 --> 00:06:11,889 as as of today , but of course today is 159 00:06:11,889 --> 00:06:15,690 the deadline uh for attestation . So we 160 00:06:15,690 --> 00:06:18,320 are encouraging all our civilians to be 161 00:06:18,320 --> 00:06:21,750 able to come forward . Uh uh and 162 00:06:22,040 --> 00:06:23,762 and and display their proof of 163 00:06:23,762 --> 00:06:25,929 vaccination . But these numbers of the 164 00:06:25,929 --> 00:06:27,762 numbers were tracking inside the 165 00:06:27,762 --> 00:06:29,651 military treatment facilities but 166 00:06:29,651 --> 00:06:31,818 civilians have other options available 167 00:06:31,818 --> 00:06:31,550 to them . And we understand that . So 168 00:06:31,550 --> 00:06:33,550 we'll get a better sense . Over the 169 00:06:33,550 --> 00:06:35,717 next couple of weeks . Travis , it's a 170 00:06:35,717 --> 00:06:37,883 little too early to say with certainty 171 00:06:37,883 --> 00:06:40,106 what the total is and where we're lying 172 00:06:40,340 --> 00:06:43,420 tough questions for you as us . And I 173 00:06:43,420 --> 00:06:46,020 first reported China has apparently 174 00:06:46,020 --> 00:06:48,187 built mock ups of the U . S . Aircraft 175 00:06:48,187 --> 00:06:50,131 carrier and some other warships to 176 00:06:50,131 --> 00:06:52,770 practice bombing runs . How concerned 177 00:06:52,770 --> 00:06:55,130 is the pentagon about this ? And this 178 00:06:55,130 --> 00:06:57,930 is just another sign of escalation of , 179 00:06:57,940 --> 00:06:59,940 you know , potential conflicts that 180 00:06:59,940 --> 00:07:02,051 with china , I'll tell you what we're 181 00:07:02,051 --> 00:07:04,218 concerned about Tara is the increasing 182 00:07:04,218 --> 00:07:07,120 intimidation course of behavior of the 183 00:07:07,120 --> 00:07:09,176 chinese military in the indo pacific 184 00:07:09,176 --> 00:07:11,780 and uh also the course of tactics . 185 00:07:11,780 --> 00:07:15,030 They're using uh even using economic 186 00:07:15,030 --> 00:07:17,830 tools around the world uh to bend other 187 00:07:17,830 --> 00:07:20,550 nations to their to their will or or 188 00:07:20,550 --> 00:07:22,550 two there , their view of what's in 189 00:07:22,550 --> 00:07:25,790 their best interests . We are in uh 190 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:28,890 full support of a free and open indo 191 00:07:28,890 --> 00:07:31,057 pacific and we're going to continue to 192 00:07:31,057 --> 00:07:33,279 work towards that goal with our network 193 00:07:33,279 --> 00:07:35,446 of alliances and partnerships . Uh and 194 00:07:35,446 --> 00:07:37,390 again , you've heard the secretary 195 00:07:37,390 --> 00:07:39,612 talked about this many times . He holds 196 00:07:39,612 --> 00:07:41,446 the PRC is our number one facing 197 00:07:41,446 --> 00:07:43,668 challenge and what we're focused on ? I 198 00:07:43,668 --> 00:07:46,160 haven't seen these images and then they 199 00:07:46,160 --> 00:07:49,970 can speak to what , what their bombing 200 00:07:49,970 --> 00:07:51,970 runs look like . That's for them to 201 00:07:51,970 --> 00:07:53,970 speak to . What I can tell you is , 202 00:07:53,970 --> 00:07:55,526 we're focused on developing 203 00:07:55,526 --> 00:07:57,859 capabilities , the operational concepts , 204 00:07:57,859 --> 00:07:59,970 making sure we have the resources and 205 00:07:59,970 --> 00:08:02,137 the right strategy in place so that we 206 00:08:02,137 --> 00:08:01,850 can deal with the PRC as the number one 207 00:08:01,850 --> 00:08:04,072 pacing challenge involved in a separate 208 00:08:04,072 --> 00:08:06,294 topic . But doesn't the Pentagon planet 209 00:08:06,294 --> 00:08:09,210 concerning that there is a very active 210 00:08:09,210 --> 00:08:12,620 now visible uh kind of practicing again , 211 00:08:12,630 --> 00:08:14,519 you know , for a potential future 212 00:08:14,519 --> 00:08:16,630 conflict or do you treat this is just 213 00:08:16,630 --> 00:08:18,852 another , maybe it's their version of a 214 00:08:18,852 --> 00:08:18,640 tabletop gaming . Again , they can 215 00:08:18,640 --> 00:08:21,530 speak to their exercises and what their 216 00:08:21,530 --> 00:08:23,697 training against . Uh it's been pretty 217 00:08:23,697 --> 00:08:25,919 fairly obvious and we just released the 218 00:08:25,919 --> 00:08:28,141 china military report a week ago that I 219 00:08:28,141 --> 00:08:30,850 think makes it very clear uh what our 220 00:08:30,850 --> 00:08:32,961 understanding of their intentions are 221 00:08:32,961 --> 00:08:35,128 and their capabilities are and and how 222 00:08:35,128 --> 00:08:37,239 they're developing those capabilities 223 00:08:37,239 --> 00:08:40,330 and to what end . Um and clearly they 224 00:08:40,330 --> 00:08:43,180 have invested a lot in particularly air 225 00:08:43,180 --> 00:08:45,124 and maritime capabilities that are 226 00:08:45,124 --> 00:08:47,690 designed largely uh to try to prevent 227 00:08:47,690 --> 00:08:49,912 the United States from having access to 228 00:08:49,912 --> 00:08:52,079 certain areas in the indo pacific what 229 00:08:52,079 --> 00:08:53,857 we're focused on is that pacing 230 00:08:53,857 --> 00:08:55,746 challenge and making sure that we 231 00:08:55,746 --> 00:08:57,968 maintain the right capabilities and the 232 00:08:57,968 --> 00:09:00,134 right operational concepts to meet our 233 00:09:00,134 --> 00:08:59,740 security commitments in that part of 234 00:08:59,740 --> 00:09:02,130 the world . I want you on Ukraine 235 00:09:02,140 --> 00:09:04,810 Ukraine now says that it assesses that 236 00:09:04,810 --> 00:09:06,866 there's 90,000 Russian troops at the 237 00:09:06,866 --> 00:09:08,754 border . Does this match with the 238 00:09:08,754 --> 00:09:10,754 Pentagon's own assessment ? And how 239 00:09:10,754 --> 00:09:12,699 worried is the pentagon about this 240 00:09:12,699 --> 00:09:14,588 build up ? I'm not gonna get into 241 00:09:14,588 --> 00:09:14,400 intelligence assessments from the 242 00:09:14,400 --> 00:09:16,240 podium , uh , particularly in 243 00:09:16,240 --> 00:09:18,550 quantifying this . We continue to see 244 00:09:18,840 --> 00:09:22,120 concerning movements by , by the 245 00:09:22,120 --> 00:09:26,030 Russian military , um , uh , around 246 00:09:26,040 --> 00:09:29,240 in their , their western areas and 247 00:09:29,240 --> 00:09:33,040 around uh , Ukraine . Um , we 248 00:09:33,040 --> 00:09:35,096 continue to call on them to be clear 249 00:09:35,096 --> 00:09:37,373 about what their intentions are , what , 250 00:09:37,373 --> 00:09:39,707 what , what they're actually doing . Um , 251 00:09:39,707 --> 00:09:42,060 and to abide by the Minsk agreements 252 00:09:42,060 --> 00:09:43,782 and to respect the territorial 253 00:09:43,782 --> 00:09:46,004 sovereignty , territory , integrity and 254 00:09:46,004 --> 00:09:47,782 sovereignty of Ukraine . Do you 255 00:09:47,782 --> 00:09:49,949 disagree with the Ukrainian assessment 256 00:09:49,949 --> 00:09:52,171 or I'm not gonna be able to qualify the 257 00:09:52,171 --> 00:09:54,116 assessment . I'm just not going to 258 00:09:54,116 --> 00:09:53,790 speak to intelligence assessments here 259 00:09:53,790 --> 00:09:57,180 from the podium . Yeah , maybe . So . 260 00:09:57,190 --> 00:09:59,460 We're about four into the fourth year 261 00:09:59,460 --> 00:10:01,870 of the border mission , The National 262 00:10:01,870 --> 00:10:04,610 Guard working along the US Mexico 263 00:10:04,610 --> 00:10:07,840 border . Is the secretary in discussion 264 00:10:07,840 --> 00:10:10,173 with DHS about what they're doing there ? 265 00:10:10,173 --> 00:10:12,173 Why they continue to be needed ? Is 266 00:10:12,173 --> 00:10:14,284 there an end game or a point at which 267 00:10:14,284 --> 00:10:16,340 he would want to pull troops back or 268 00:10:16,340 --> 00:10:18,451 not ? Grant the next request that DHS 269 00:10:18,451 --> 00:10:20,118 sends over . I don't have any 270 00:10:20,118 --> 00:10:22,229 conversations in recent conversations 271 00:10:22,229 --> 00:10:24,451 to read out to you today , Megan . Um , 272 00:10:24,451 --> 00:10:27,330 this is something that um , he has 273 00:10:27,330 --> 00:10:29,386 remained in touch with , he has , he 274 00:10:29,386 --> 00:10:32,240 has had frequent interactions uh , 275 00:10:32,250 --> 00:10:35,950 with Secretary of uh , the 276 00:10:35,950 --> 00:10:38,500 Department of Homeland Security on uh , 277 00:10:38,510 --> 00:10:41,120 they've had multiple conversations uh , 278 00:10:41,130 --> 00:10:43,352 since they've both been in office about 279 00:10:43,352 --> 00:10:45,686 that mission ? What it's designed to do , 280 00:10:45,686 --> 00:10:48,470 um , and um , and what it's gonna look 281 00:10:48,470 --> 00:10:50,581 like going forward . But I don't have 282 00:10:50,581 --> 00:10:52,637 any announcements to make today . No 283 00:10:52,637 --> 00:10:54,637 changes to speak to today . I would 284 00:10:54,637 --> 00:10:56,637 remind you that the troops that are 285 00:10:56,637 --> 00:10:59,920 there , are there , uh , in a manner of 286 00:10:59,920 --> 00:11:03,890 support uh , to our immigrations and 287 00:11:03,890 --> 00:11:05,690 Customs officers , They are not 288 00:11:05,700 --> 00:11:07,811 conducting immigration and customs or 289 00:11:07,811 --> 00:11:09,922 law enforcement activities . They are 290 00:11:09,922 --> 00:11:11,978 providing additional capabilities to 291 00:11:11,978 --> 00:11:14,089 free up those agents so that they can 292 00:11:14,089 --> 00:11:16,200 do , can they can do the hard work of 293 00:11:16,200 --> 00:11:17,922 border control . So , in those 294 00:11:17,922 --> 00:11:20,089 discussions about what this mission is 295 00:11:20,089 --> 00:11:19,950 and what they wanted to look like ? 296 00:11:19,960 --> 00:11:22,940 What endgame have they discussed ? Well , 297 00:11:22,950 --> 00:11:26,430 I mean , there , I can't speak to a 298 00:11:26,430 --> 00:11:28,597 specific endgame Megan , but what they 299 00:11:28,597 --> 00:11:31,460 have talked about is um , uh , 300 00:11:32,440 --> 00:11:35,830 what specific needs are still required 301 00:11:35,840 --> 00:11:38,150 by the US military to support the 302 00:11:38,150 --> 00:11:41,380 border control work , um , and over 303 00:11:41,390 --> 00:11:43,850 over what period of time and with what 304 00:11:43,860 --> 00:11:46,220 level of , of support , but nothing to 305 00:11:46,220 --> 00:11:50,190 speak to specifically . Um , uh , the 306 00:11:50,190 --> 00:11:52,357 secretary still believes that the work 307 00:11:52,357 --> 00:11:54,412 they're doing down there is needed . 308 00:11:54,412 --> 00:11:56,412 It's a valid requirement , um , and 309 00:11:56,412 --> 00:11:58,301 then we'll continue to have these 310 00:11:58,301 --> 00:12:00,246 discussions with DHS going forward 311 00:12:00,246 --> 00:12:03,130 about , about whether and when that 312 00:12:03,130 --> 00:12:05,550 support uh , might be able to change . 313 00:12:05,940 --> 00:12:08,162 Does that answer your question ? Okay , 314 00:12:08,162 --> 00:12:10,840 here , thank you , John McKenzie today 315 00:12:10,850 --> 00:12:13,250 talked a little bit about the attack in 316 00:12:13,250 --> 00:12:15,361 Baghdad on the residence of the Prime 317 00:12:15,361 --> 00:12:17,380 Minister of Iraq . Are you in a 318 00:12:17,380 --> 00:12:21,190 position to attribute responsibility ? 319 00:12:21,190 --> 00:12:23,280 Say who was responsible for what 320 00:12:23,280 --> 00:12:26,780 happened ? No , I'm not in a position 321 00:12:26,780 --> 00:12:29,360 to speak with specific attribution here . 322 00:12:30,240 --> 00:12:32,407 Any position on what happened ? Well , 323 00:12:32,407 --> 00:12:34,629 I mean , obviously we and you heard the 324 00:12:34,629 --> 00:12:36,796 President speak to this as well as our 325 00:12:36,796 --> 00:12:38,962 colleagues at the State Department . I 326 00:12:38,962 --> 00:12:41,990 mean , uh we certainly uh condemned 327 00:12:41,990 --> 00:12:44,760 this attack on the Iraqi Prime Minister . 328 00:12:44,770 --> 00:12:48,160 Um and uh I you know 329 00:12:48,840 --> 00:12:50,840 that you heard the President talked 330 00:12:50,840 --> 00:12:53,720 about this as well , that uh this kind 331 00:12:53,720 --> 00:12:56,780 of violence needs to stop . But I don't 332 00:12:56,780 --> 00:12:58,891 have anything specific on attribution 333 00:12:58,891 --> 00:13:01,169 to speak to . Yeah . In the back there , 334 00:13:01,540 --> 00:13:03,950 are you guys reaching out to the Iraqi 335 00:13:03,950 --> 00:13:06,172 counterparts in terms of assisting them 336 00:13:06,172 --> 00:13:08,172 in the investigations that they are 337 00:13:08,172 --> 00:13:10,061 carrying out ? Have you heard the 338 00:13:10,061 --> 00:13:12,061 Secretary ? I'm sorry the President 339 00:13:12,061 --> 00:13:14,228 made clear that should there be a need 340 00:13:14,228 --> 00:13:16,450 for assistance , we would absolutely do 341 00:13:16,450 --> 00:13:16,430 that . I know of no such request for 342 00:13:16,430 --> 00:13:18,652 assistance by the Iraqi government , at 343 00:13:18,652 --> 00:13:20,486 least not from the Department of 344 00:13:20,486 --> 00:13:22,910 Defense perspective , yeah , just 345 00:13:23,220 --> 00:13:25,498 terrorist question on the china report , 346 00:13:25,498 --> 00:13:27,664 do you have a direct response to china 347 00:13:27,664 --> 00:13:29,831 on this ? And are we doing the same to 348 00:13:29,831 --> 00:13:31,920 our adversaries ? I think I think I 349 00:13:31,920 --> 00:13:34,410 answered your question by my answer to 350 00:13:34,420 --> 00:13:36,198 Tara . They can speak for their 351 00:13:36,198 --> 00:13:38,420 military exercises and their training . 352 00:13:38,420 --> 00:13:40,030 What we can speak to is the 353 00:13:40,030 --> 00:13:41,863 capabilities and the operational 354 00:13:41,863 --> 00:13:43,974 concepts that we know we need to have 355 00:13:43,974 --> 00:13:46,086 in place to to maintain our readiness 356 00:13:46,086 --> 00:13:48,086 against what the secretary has made 357 00:13:48,086 --> 00:13:49,808 clear is our number one pacing 358 00:13:49,808 --> 00:13:49,790 challenge in this department . I just 359 00:13:49,790 --> 00:13:51,957 want to follow up to that is the speed 360 00:13:51,957 --> 00:13:54,068 and sophistication in which china has 361 00:13:54,068 --> 00:13:56,234 developed a concern for the pentagon . 362 00:13:56,234 --> 00:13:58,457 Yes , of course . And it's all laid out 363 00:13:58,457 --> 00:14:00,512 in the china military report . We've 364 00:14:00,512 --> 00:14:02,679 been nothing but transparent and clear 365 00:14:02,679 --> 00:14:04,679 about our growing concerns over the 366 00:14:04,679 --> 00:14:06,846 kinds of capabilities that the chinese 367 00:14:06,846 --> 00:14:09,012 military continues to develop . Yeah , 368 00:14:09,012 --> 00:14:10,846 can you update us on D . O . D . 369 00:14:10,846 --> 00:14:12,846 Efforts to help service members get 370 00:14:12,846 --> 00:14:14,790 their family out of Afghanistan in 371 00:14:14,790 --> 00:14:16,734 light of NBC news reporting , that 372 00:14:16,740 --> 00:14:18,462 security policy is essentially 373 00:14:18,462 --> 00:14:20,462 gathering information or creating a 374 00:14:20,462 --> 00:14:22,573 database of those family members . So 375 00:14:22,573 --> 00:14:24,780 we put out a memo last week . Yeah our 376 00:14:24,790 --> 00:14:27,940 our policy shop put out a memo uh to 377 00:14:27,940 --> 00:14:30,760 the services to let them know that the 378 00:14:30,760 --> 00:14:33,520 immediate family members of our service 379 00:14:33,520 --> 00:14:35,631 members , media family members are in 380 00:14:35,631 --> 00:14:37,720 Afghanistan are eligible for 381 00:14:37,720 --> 00:14:40,670 facilitated departure and it lists who 382 00:14:40,670 --> 00:14:44,130 that who they are . Um and encouraging 383 00:14:44,140 --> 00:14:46,362 also encouraging military personnel and 384 00:14:46,362 --> 00:14:48,473 D . O . D . Civilians , quite frankly 385 00:14:48,473 --> 00:14:50,680 with immediate family members . They 386 00:14:50,690 --> 00:14:54,300 contact uh the Office of Policy 387 00:14:54,300 --> 00:14:56,720 here at the pentagon and to make it 388 00:14:56,720 --> 00:15:00,040 clear that we would facilitate passing 389 00:15:00,040 --> 00:15:01,873 that information on to the State 390 00:15:01,873 --> 00:15:04,040 Department action group that's working 391 00:15:04,040 --> 00:15:07,020 this um their their care team uh so 392 00:15:07,020 --> 00:15:08,909 that we can nest all that into an 393 00:15:08,909 --> 00:15:11,076 integrated inter agency effort to help 394 00:15:11,076 --> 00:15:13,187 these people get out of the country ? 395 00:15:13,187 --> 00:15:15,298 What kind of numbers we're looking at 396 00:15:15,298 --> 00:15:17,353 in terms of the memo to the services 397 00:15:17,353 --> 00:15:19,298 just went out on thursday or and I 398 00:15:19,298 --> 00:15:21,409 don't have here on a monday . I don't 399 00:15:21,409 --> 00:15:21,300 have updated numbers on that . And it 400 00:15:21,300 --> 00:15:23,467 might be some time before we before we 401 00:15:23,467 --> 00:15:25,689 were able to do that . But I think it's 402 00:15:25,689 --> 00:15:29,340 safe to say . I mean , um that uh we 403 00:15:29,340 --> 00:15:32,960 would expect dozens of of uh 404 00:15:33,540 --> 00:15:35,707 of service members would have concerns 405 00:15:35,707 --> 00:15:38,120 over family members . And again , the 406 00:15:38,120 --> 00:15:40,009 reason we put the memo out was to 407 00:15:40,009 --> 00:15:41,980 encourage them if uh if they have 408 00:15:41,980 --> 00:15:43,813 family members that they believe 409 00:15:43,813 --> 00:15:45,702 qualify that we want them to come 410 00:15:45,702 --> 00:15:47,758 forward , let us know who they are , 411 00:15:47,758 --> 00:15:49,869 gives as much information as we can . 412 00:15:49,869 --> 00:15:51,924 Well ness that into the inter agency 413 00:15:51,924 --> 00:15:51,800 effort . Okay , let me get to the 414 00:15:51,800 --> 00:15:55,580 phones here , Sylvie . You 415 00:15:55,580 --> 00:15:58,140 know ? Hello , john , I have a question 416 00:15:58,140 --> 00:16:01,850 about Ukraine . You said the 417 00:16:01,860 --> 00:16:03,916 the movement , the Russian movements 418 00:16:03,916 --> 00:16:07,610 are concerning . Are they are they more 419 00:16:07,610 --> 00:16:10,050 concerning than they were in april 420 00:16:11,440 --> 00:16:13,650 I don't think that it would be useful 421 00:16:13,650 --> 00:16:16,020 for me to make historical comparisons 422 00:16:16,020 --> 00:16:18,010 back to the spring . Uh they are 423 00:16:18,010 --> 00:16:20,190 concerning and we're watching them 424 00:16:20,200 --> 00:16:22,630 closely . And again , we call on Russia 425 00:16:22,630 --> 00:16:24,852 to be more transparent about what their 426 00:16:24,852 --> 00:16:26,960 intentions are . Jeff Seldin , 427 00:16:29,240 --> 00:16:31,073 john , thanks very much . Uh Two 428 00:16:31,073 --> 00:16:33,310 questions first on the assassination 429 00:16:33,310 --> 00:16:35,088 attempt against the Iraqi Prime 430 00:16:35,088 --> 00:16:37,970 Minister um to the extent that you can , 431 00:16:37,980 --> 00:16:40,091 did the attack caused any changes and 432 00:16:40,091 --> 00:16:42,790 force protection or precautions for us 433 00:16:42,790 --> 00:16:45,480 forces in the area . And how many 434 00:16:45,490 --> 00:16:47,870 groups are there in Iraq that are 435 00:16:47,880 --> 00:16:49,936 capable to have the capacity and the 436 00:16:49,936 --> 00:16:52,180 capability of carrying out that type of 437 00:16:52,180 --> 00:16:55,180 coordinated drone attack . Your first 438 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:57,402 question , we obviously don't ever talk 439 00:16:57,402 --> 00:16:59,624 about the specifics of force protection 440 00:16:59,624 --> 00:17:01,791 Jeff . So I won't do that here . I can 441 00:17:01,791 --> 00:17:03,850 just assure you that um on any given 442 00:17:03,850 --> 00:17:05,961 day our commanders have the right and 443 00:17:05,961 --> 00:17:08,017 responsibility to protect themselves 444 00:17:08,017 --> 00:17:11,090 and their troops uh and to help help 445 00:17:11,090 --> 00:17:13,470 defend our Iraqi partners and enforce 446 00:17:13,470 --> 00:17:16,530 protection measures change with the 447 00:17:16,530 --> 00:17:18,752 environment because it's a very dynamic 448 00:17:18,752 --> 00:17:20,974 security environment and we rely on our 449 00:17:20,974 --> 00:17:23,141 commanders good judgment to be able to 450 00:17:23,141 --> 00:17:25,308 handle that the best they can . As for 451 00:17:25,308 --> 00:17:27,474 groups , I couldn't give you a list of 452 00:17:27,474 --> 00:17:29,641 them right now , Jeff and I don't have 453 00:17:29,641 --> 00:17:31,863 a number but we know there are multiple 454 00:17:31,863 --> 00:17:34,086 groups operating inside Iraq that are , 455 00:17:34,086 --> 00:17:36,308 that are backed by Iran who are capable 456 00:17:36,308 --> 00:17:38,530 of these kinds of attacks . Again , I'm 457 00:17:38,530 --> 00:17:40,641 just not able to get into attribution 458 00:17:40,641 --> 00:17:42,697 at this time . Um again , we condemn 459 00:17:42,697 --> 00:17:44,863 the attack and we're going to continue 460 00:17:44,863 --> 00:17:46,974 to do what we need to do to make sure 461 00:17:46,974 --> 00:17:49,086 that our troops are protected and our 462 00:17:49,086 --> 00:17:51,950 facilities are adequately defended um 463 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:54,662 any more in the room here jenny . Thank 464 00:17:54,662 --> 00:17:57,850 you , john before I speak in something , 465 00:17:57,850 --> 00:18:01,150 I hope you understanding I'm getting 466 00:18:01,220 --> 00:18:05,180 the enter treatment enough . So always 467 00:18:06,370 --> 00:18:08,710 are you in pain ? Yes , they pay 468 00:18:08,710 --> 00:18:11,130 anybody . And yet you still came to the 469 00:18:11,130 --> 00:18:13,320 briefing ? Well that's okay because I 470 00:18:13,330 --> 00:18:15,670 can't speaking still only a little bit . 471 00:18:15,680 --> 00:18:18,460 But I think a biotic for two weeks . 472 00:18:19,540 --> 00:18:22,660 I'm sorry to hear that best wishes for 473 00:18:22,670 --> 00:18:25,870 a speedy recovery , whatever this is uh 474 00:18:25,880 --> 00:18:28,550 on the north Korea . North Korea 475 00:18:28,560 --> 00:18:32,550 criticizes that recently joined the 476 00:18:32,550 --> 00:18:36,460 U . S . And South Korea ever exercises . 477 00:18:37,140 --> 00:18:40,860 And it was reported that North korean 478 00:18:40,870 --> 00:18:44,460 army has recently 479 00:18:44,460 --> 00:18:48,040 conducted the a large scare 480 00:18:48,050 --> 00:18:50,920 are generally artillery 481 00:18:50,930 --> 00:18:54,720 exercises . Uh What is your comment 482 00:18:54,720 --> 00:18:58,030 on the I haven't seen the specific 483 00:18:58,030 --> 00:19:00,141 reports of these exercises . Um and I 484 00:19:00,141 --> 00:19:02,910 think you know what I'm going to say 485 00:19:02,910 --> 00:19:06,430 here , we uh we're mindful of the 486 00:19:06,440 --> 00:19:08,496 threat that North Korea continues to 487 00:19:08,496 --> 00:19:10,570 pose to the south and to the region 488 00:19:10,570 --> 00:19:12,930 quite frankly and that's why we're 489 00:19:12,930 --> 00:19:15,600 gonna stay committed to our alliance 490 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:18,490 commitments there on the peninsula and 491 00:19:18,500 --> 00:19:21,710 to making sure that our readiness is 492 00:19:21,710 --> 00:19:25,330 not diminished . And also North 493 00:19:25,330 --> 00:19:28,880 Korea announced that it will continue 494 00:19:28,880 --> 00:19:32,500 to strengthen strategic and the 495 00:19:32,510 --> 00:19:36,340 tactical cooperation with China . 496 00:19:36,350 --> 00:19:39,340 What is the United States view that 497 00:19:39,350 --> 00:19:43,270 North Korea is not interested 498 00:19:43,280 --> 00:19:46,660 in talking with the United States but 499 00:19:46,670 --> 00:19:49,760 is further strengthen 500 00:19:50,240 --> 00:19:53,530 cooperation with relation with China 501 00:19:53,530 --> 00:19:57,040 and Russia . Well , I think we let 502 00:19:57,050 --> 00:19:59,106 North Korea speak to their bilateral 503 00:19:59,106 --> 00:20:02,320 relations in in the way they seem they 504 00:20:02,330 --> 00:20:04,386 deemed fit . I would just tell you a 505 00:20:04,386 --> 00:20:06,290 couple of things . One the biden 506 00:20:06,290 --> 00:20:08,580 administration has made clear uh that 507 00:20:08,580 --> 00:20:10,420 we want to pursue dialogue and 508 00:20:10,420 --> 00:20:12,740 diplomacy with North Korea to find a 509 00:20:12,740 --> 00:20:16,140 diplomatic uh way to end 510 00:20:16,150 --> 00:20:19,830 uh or to denuclearize north Korea and 511 00:20:19,830 --> 00:20:21,886 the peninsula , we've made that very 512 00:20:21,886 --> 00:20:25,600 clear ah to date there has 513 00:20:25,600 --> 00:20:28,460 been no interest shown 514 00:20:29,040 --> 00:20:31,720 by Pyongyang to move in that direction 515 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:34,520 and that's regrettable . Uh in the 516 00:20:34,520 --> 00:20:38,260 meantime as I said before , we have a 517 00:20:38,270 --> 00:20:40,640 security alliance with the are okay 518 00:20:40,640 --> 00:20:42,529 that we have to respect and we do 519 00:20:42,529 --> 00:20:44,584 respect and we're gonna make sure we 520 00:20:44,584 --> 00:20:46,751 have the capabilities uh in the region 521 00:20:46,751 --> 00:20:49,050 and on the peninsula at to make good 522 00:20:49,540 --> 00:20:51,373 our security commitments in that 523 00:20:51,373 --> 00:20:53,540 alliance . And then the last thing I'd 524 00:20:53,540 --> 00:20:55,651 say is with respect to china and I've 525 00:20:55,651 --> 00:20:57,596 said this before , china does have 526 00:20:57,596 --> 00:20:59,707 influence in Pyongyang and we all the 527 00:20:59,707 --> 00:21:01,818 international community would like to 528 00:21:01,818 --> 00:21:03,651 see them use that influence in a 529 00:21:03,651 --> 00:21:05,707 constructive way uh to put some bite 530 00:21:05,707 --> 00:21:07,540 into the sanctions that that are 531 00:21:07,540 --> 00:21:09,484 already in place under the U . N . 532 00:21:09,484 --> 00:21:11,651 Security Council . They have influence 533 00:21:11,651 --> 00:21:13,429 and uh and they should use that 534 00:21:13,429 --> 00:21:16,100 influence to help steer North Korea 535 00:21:16,100 --> 00:21:19,140 towards a diplomatic solution to this 536 00:21:19,150 --> 00:21:20,928 and the denuclearization of the 537 00:21:20,928 --> 00:21:23,094 peninsula , which one has to assume is 538 00:21:23,094 --> 00:21:25,039 also in china's interest as well . 539 00:21:25,240 --> 00:21:29,000 Chinese uh neighbors uh say anything 540 00:21:29,000 --> 00:21:31,690 about the reason to the eight times 541 00:21:31,700 --> 00:21:34,820 North Korea fired the missiles . The 542 00:21:34,830 --> 00:21:38,830 serbians china is so quiet but never 543 00:21:38,830 --> 00:21:40,950 saying , you know , never convincing 544 00:21:40,950 --> 00:21:43,490 North Korea . How do you think chinese 545 00:21:43,490 --> 00:21:45,601 can have North Korea where they can't 546 00:21:45,601 --> 00:21:47,601 because they have because they have 547 00:21:47,601 --> 00:21:49,601 significant , there's a long border 548 00:21:49,601 --> 00:21:51,768 there . They have significant economic 549 00:21:51,768 --> 00:21:53,879 influence inside Pyongyang . They are 550 00:21:53,879 --> 00:21:56,101 the neighbor . Um and they are they are 551 00:21:56,101 --> 00:21:59,740 power uh and they can have a role in 552 00:21:59,740 --> 00:22:01,907 influencing Pyongyang's behavior . I'm 553 00:22:01,907 --> 00:22:03,796 not suggesting they have absolute 554 00:22:03,796 --> 00:22:05,796 control . I understand that there's 555 00:22:05,796 --> 00:22:07,907 some tensions there too . Uh but they 556 00:22:07,907 --> 00:22:10,129 have not used to your point . Exactly . 557 00:22:10,129 --> 00:22:13,360 Uh they haven't uh used the influence . 558 00:22:13,360 --> 00:22:16,450 They have to try to steer Pyongyang to 559 00:22:16,450 --> 00:22:18,810 a better , more sustainable path here 560 00:22:18,810 --> 00:22:20,810 in a path towards diplomacy and the 561 00:22:20,810 --> 00:22:22,810 denuclearization of the peninsula . 562 00:22:22,810 --> 00:22:25,040 You're welcome tom Squitieri . I think 563 00:22:25,040 --> 00:22:28,690 you have one . Hey john thank you today . 564 00:22:28,690 --> 00:22:32,540 The strategic board game risk was 565 00:22:32,540 --> 00:22:35,580 one of the 2000 and 21 inductees into 566 00:22:35,580 --> 00:22:39,100 the Toy Hall of Fame . However , the 567 00:22:39,100 --> 00:22:42,350 game battleship was once again rebuffed 568 00:22:42,940 --> 00:22:45,240 as a former admiral . What's your take 569 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:47,780 on this ? I'm shocked and 570 00:22:47,780 --> 00:22:51,740 outraged and I'm afraid that 571 00:22:51,740 --> 00:22:53,907 I'm going to leave the briefing and go 572 00:22:53,907 --> 00:22:55,962 write a letter . A really mean nasty 573 00:22:55,962 --> 00:22:58,073 letter . That's a great game actually 574 00:22:58,073 --> 00:22:59,907 by the way . Alright . Any other 575 00:22:59,907 --> 00:23:02,040 questions ? Yes , Christine the 576 00:23:02,050 --> 00:23:03,939 Stockholm security conference got 577 00:23:03,939 --> 00:23:05,994 underway today and one of the things 578 00:23:05,994 --> 00:23:08,380 they're talking about is how the battle 579 00:23:08,380 --> 00:23:11,760 space is changing , its becoming 580 00:23:12,640 --> 00:23:14,862 not just a simple battle space while it 581 00:23:14,862 --> 00:23:17,060 never has been I guess but between 582 00:23:17,060 --> 00:23:19,310 space , cyberspace and now also the 583 00:23:19,310 --> 00:23:21,280 mind and it's moving closer to 584 00:23:21,280 --> 00:23:23,590 populations in their thinking the 585 00:23:23,590 --> 00:23:25,757 forward thinking that they're doing in 586 00:23:25,757 --> 00:23:27,979 the conference . And the question would 587 00:23:27,979 --> 00:23:30,201 be how do you prepare for that in terms 588 00:23:30,201 --> 00:23:33,170 of training a force looking ahead 589 00:23:33,540 --> 00:23:36,170 trained ? I'm sorry preparing for what 590 00:23:36,540 --> 00:23:39,230 battle space that is evolving based on 591 00:23:39,240 --> 00:23:42,850 fast moving technology uh that combines 592 00:23:42,850 --> 00:23:46,530 space , cyberspace and mind and then 593 00:23:46,540 --> 00:23:49,110 uh and moves closer to the actual 594 00:23:49,110 --> 00:23:50,999 population , the urban population 595 00:23:51,070 --> 00:23:53,950 without getting , I'm certainly no 596 00:23:53,950 --> 00:23:57,770 expert on this but I mean a few months 597 00:23:57,770 --> 00:24:00,150 ago we rolled out Jad C two which is a 598 00:24:00,160 --> 00:24:02,216 terrific joint concept for exact for 599 00:24:02,216 --> 00:24:04,650 exactly that for helping us um 600 00:24:04,660 --> 00:24:06,882 integrate and be more networked when it 601 00:24:06,882 --> 00:24:08,938 comes to advanced technologies . And 602 00:24:08,938 --> 00:24:10,716 how do you how do you net those 603 00:24:10,716 --> 00:24:12,882 together to have the most effect um in 604 00:24:12,882 --> 00:24:14,993 the battle space ? And it is a battle 605 00:24:14,993 --> 00:24:17,216 space that is much more dynamic than it 606 00:24:17,216 --> 00:24:17,060 was before . No question about that . 607 00:24:17,240 --> 00:24:19,240 And you've heard the Secretary talk 608 00:24:19,240 --> 00:24:21,296 about integrated deterrence um and I 609 00:24:21,296 --> 00:24:23,462 would encourage you to go look at some 610 00:24:23,462 --> 00:24:25,462 of the things he's written and said 611 00:24:25,462 --> 00:24:27,518 about that since he laid that vision 612 00:24:27,518 --> 00:24:29,740 out in hawaii earlier this year for the 613 00:24:29,740 --> 00:24:31,962 Secretary , Integrated deterrence isn't 614 00:24:31,962 --> 00:24:33,790 just about Netting technologies 615 00:24:33,790 --> 00:24:35,710 together and weaving in advanced 616 00:24:35,710 --> 00:24:37,877 technologies , some of them that don't 617 00:24:37,877 --> 00:24:39,766 even exist right now . It's about 618 00:24:39,766 --> 00:24:41,877 netting the capabilities together not 619 00:24:41,877 --> 00:24:41,790 only have the joint force but of 620 00:24:41,800 --> 00:24:44,420 combined forces allies and partners as 621 00:24:44,420 --> 00:24:46,930 well as the capabilities across the U . 622 00:24:46,930 --> 00:24:50,370 S . Interagency . So um we're very much 623 00:24:50,370 --> 00:24:52,592 focused on this dynamic changing battle 624 00:24:52,592 --> 00:24:56,290 space and uh rapidly working very hard 625 00:24:56,300 --> 00:24:58,356 to develop the kinds of capabilities 626 00:24:58,356 --> 00:25:00,467 and concepts that will allow us to um 627 00:25:00,467 --> 00:25:02,800 to prevail in that dynamic battle space . 628 00:25:03,240 --> 00:25:04,962 Okay . Thank you everybody . I 629 00:25:04,962 --> 00:25:07,170 appreciate it . Mhm .