1 00:00:01,540 --> 00:00:04,070 Hello everyone and welcome . I'm so 2 00:00:04,070 --> 00:00:06,181 delighted you're with us here today . 3 00:00:06,181 --> 00:00:08,910 I'm Kathy Roth UK , the Ceo and founder 4 00:00:08,910 --> 00:00:11,670 of Blue Star Families . We are your 5 00:00:11,680 --> 00:00:14,110 military family veteran family 6 00:00:14,110 --> 00:00:16,110 organization here to support you in 7 00:00:16,110 --> 00:00:18,070 your military lifestyle journey 8 00:00:18,080 --> 00:00:20,247 throughout the pandemic . We've walked 9 00:00:20,247 --> 00:00:22,390 beside you getting answers to your 10 00:00:22,400 --> 00:00:25,220 pandemic related questions from leaders 11 00:00:25,220 --> 00:00:27,110 in our government and military . 12 00:00:27,120 --> 00:00:29,176 Throughout this hour , you'll you'll 13 00:00:29,176 --> 00:00:31,150 hear from our leaders about what's 14 00:00:31,150 --> 00:00:33,180 going on today . We have the 15 00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:35,520 opportunity for you to submit questions 16 00:00:35,520 --> 00:00:38,000 to our live chat feature on our website . 17 00:00:38,010 --> 00:00:40,510 Um if you are watching us on one of our 18 00:00:40,520 --> 00:00:42,464 other hosted live streams , either 19 00:00:42,464 --> 00:00:44,687 through the D O . D . Or Military Times 20 00:00:44,687 --> 00:00:46,853 and you have a question , you can come 21 00:00:46,853 --> 00:00:48,909 to the Blue Star Families website to 22 00:00:48,909 --> 00:00:50,687 submit to the chat . We've also 23 00:00:50,687 --> 00:00:52,353 collected your questions upon 24 00:00:52,353 --> 00:00:54,840 registration . Blue Star Families is 25 00:00:54,840 --> 00:00:56,980 very excited to carry this content 26 00:00:56,980 --> 00:00:59,147 today because we care about our forces 27 00:00:59,147 --> 00:01:01,202 and their families . We want to help 28 00:01:01,202 --> 00:01:03,424 keep you and your family safe . We want 29 00:01:03,424 --> 00:01:05,591 to help you get the answers you need . 30 00:01:05,740 --> 00:01:07,851 We are all about collaboration and we 31 00:01:07,851 --> 00:01:10,220 are very grateful for the scientists , 32 00:01:10,230 --> 00:01:12,063 the experts at the Department of 33 00:01:12,063 --> 00:01:14,210 Defense at the V . A . And throughout 34 00:01:14,210 --> 00:01:16,432 government who are joining us today and 35 00:01:16,432 --> 00:01:19,410 with that it is my great pleasure to 36 00:01:19,420 --> 00:01:21,198 introduce a friend of Blue Star 37 00:01:21,198 --> 00:01:23,309 families and our military community . 38 00:01:23,309 --> 00:01:26,950 Dr Tony Fauci um Dr Fauci , thank you 39 00:01:26,950 --> 00:01:29,430 so much for joining us a third time is 40 00:01:29,430 --> 00:01:31,870 a real pleasure for me to see you . I 41 00:01:31,870 --> 00:01:34,340 know you know and many of our viewers 42 00:01:34,340 --> 00:01:36,660 know that Covid has had an outsized 43 00:01:36,660 --> 00:01:39,160 effect on our military force , not only 44 00:01:39,160 --> 00:01:41,382 because it disrupts our lives more than 45 00:01:41,382 --> 00:01:43,493 most because of the impact on our pcs 46 00:01:43,493 --> 00:01:45,327 moves and getting resettled into 47 00:01:45,327 --> 00:01:47,382 communities . But national guardsmen 48 00:01:47,382 --> 00:01:49,604 are deployed at an unprecedented amount 49 00:01:49,604 --> 00:01:51,850 badly . Covid . Just recently , the 50 00:01:51,850 --> 00:01:54,890 president activated 1000 more National 51 00:01:54,890 --> 00:01:57,350 Guard members on top of the guardsmen 52 00:01:57,360 --> 00:02:00,090 activated by local state forces , 53 00:02:00,100 --> 00:02:03,040 creating a bigger burden on the mission . 54 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:04,929 And so getting the pandemic under 55 00:02:04,929 --> 00:02:07,050 control means a lot to our mission 56 00:02:07,060 --> 00:02:09,004 means a lot to us that you're here 57 00:02:09,004 --> 00:02:11,290 today . Can I invite you to kick us off 58 00:02:11,290 --> 00:02:14,600 with a few words before . Thank you 59 00:02:14,600 --> 00:02:16,711 very much Kathy . It's really a great 60 00:02:16,711 --> 00:02:19,060 pleasure really . I mean that to have 61 00:02:19,060 --> 00:02:21,760 the opportunity to interact with such 62 00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:24,630 an extraordinary organization given the 63 00:02:24,640 --> 00:02:26,900 profound respect I have for our 64 00:02:26,900 --> 00:02:30,110 military and our military families . Um , 65 00:02:30,120 --> 00:02:32,880 we're dealing as we all know now with 66 00:02:32,880 --> 00:02:36,350 an unprecedented outbreak with COVID-19 67 00:02:36,800 --> 00:02:39,540 that continually re challenges us with 68 00:02:39,540 --> 00:02:41,780 new variants . We've gone from the 69 00:02:41,780 --> 00:02:44,450 original strain , the ancestral strain 70 00:02:44,450 --> 00:02:47,220 through alpha and Beta and Delta . And 71 00:02:47,220 --> 00:02:49,640 now we're dealing with a micron , which 72 00:02:49,640 --> 00:02:51,370 is very unusual because of its 73 00:02:51,370 --> 00:02:54,240 extraordinary capability of spreading 74 00:02:54,240 --> 00:02:57,390 so efficiently from human to human . We 75 00:02:57,390 --> 00:03:00,000 are now having record numbers of cases , 76 00:03:00,100 --> 00:03:03,150 record numbers of hospitalizations and 77 00:03:03,150 --> 00:03:05,790 we are still at a situation We're 78 00:03:05,800 --> 00:03:09,120 approaching about 2000 deaths or so per 79 00:03:09,120 --> 00:03:11,231 day . So even though there are things 80 00:03:11,231 --> 00:03:13,287 we can chat about , you know , our Q 81 00:03:13,287 --> 00:03:15,231 and A and our discussion about the 82 00:03:15,231 --> 00:03:18,620 nature of a micron as the fact that it 83 00:03:18,850 --> 00:03:20,760 is known now through multiple 84 00:03:20,770 --> 00:03:23,370 observations in different countries to 85 00:03:23,370 --> 00:03:25,259 be inherently a bit less severe . 86 00:03:25,259 --> 00:03:27,148 Nonetheless , the sheer volume of 87 00:03:27,148 --> 00:03:29,470 infections is making this a real 88 00:03:29,470 --> 00:03:31,470 challenge . So just with that as a 89 00:03:31,470 --> 00:03:33,790 brief introduction and expressing my 90 00:03:33,790 --> 00:03:35,846 delight at being with , you would be 91 00:03:35,846 --> 00:03:38,012 happy to answer any questions that you 92 00:03:38,012 --> 00:03:40,440 have . So thank you . Thank you . I 93 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:42,496 have a lot of questions so I'll jump 94 00:03:42,496 --> 00:03:44,440 right in because I know people are 95 00:03:44,440 --> 00:03:46,551 waiting . Um when do you think if you 96 00:03:46,551 --> 00:03:48,773 can say , when do you think the current 97 00:03:48,773 --> 00:03:50,890 surge will peak and decline ? Well 98 00:03:50,890 --> 00:03:52,946 Kathy , it's not going to be uniform 99 00:03:52,946 --> 00:03:55,112 throughout the country because we have 100 00:03:55,112 --> 00:03:57,001 different dynamics from different 101 00:03:57,001 --> 00:03:58,946 regions of the country right now . 102 00:03:58,946 --> 00:04:01,112 There's no doubt that in new york city 103 00:04:01,112 --> 00:04:03,223 and other parts of new york state and 104 00:04:03,223 --> 00:04:05,446 in New Jersey it has already peaked and 105 00:04:05,446 --> 00:04:07,723 is rather dramatically on its way down . 106 00:04:07,723 --> 00:04:09,946 We're seeing that also in bigger cities 107 00:04:09,946 --> 00:04:12,320 such as Chicago . Whereas in cities in 108 00:04:12,320 --> 00:04:15,340 the south it has not yet peaked and 109 00:04:15,340 --> 00:04:17,890 likely will have more of a slower 110 00:04:17,900 --> 00:04:21,100 incline and a slower decline such as in 111 00:04:21,100 --> 00:04:23,640 places like New Orleans and in other 112 00:04:23,640 --> 00:04:25,930 cities in Louisiana that I've had the 113 00:04:25,930 --> 00:04:28,570 opportunity to have good conversations 114 00:04:28,570 --> 00:04:31,050 with our health authorities down there . 115 00:04:31,060 --> 00:04:34,260 Getting back to when the entire country , 116 00:04:34,740 --> 00:04:36,907 we'll be in a situation where it turns 117 00:04:36,907 --> 00:04:39,129 around , I think as I mentioned , we're 118 00:04:39,129 --> 00:04:41,184 already starting to see that in some 119 00:04:41,184 --> 00:04:43,407 cities . I would imagine as we get into 120 00:04:43,407 --> 00:04:45,573 february , into the middle of february 121 00:04:45,573 --> 00:04:47,740 1st few weeks of february , it is very 122 00:04:47,740 --> 00:04:49,851 likely that most of the states in the 123 00:04:49,851 --> 00:04:51,907 country will have turned around with 124 00:04:51,907 --> 00:04:53,907 their peak and are starting to come 125 00:04:53,907 --> 00:04:55,851 down with regard to cases and then 126 00:04:55,851 --> 00:04:59,330 obviously hospitalizations . Okay . Is 127 00:04:59,330 --> 00:05:01,580 the warmer weather our friend with this 128 00:05:01,580 --> 00:05:05,130 or is it not really related ? Well , I 129 00:05:05,140 --> 00:05:07,690 put it another way , Kathy the warmer 130 00:05:07,690 --> 00:05:09,912 weather may not be our friend , but the 131 00:05:09,912 --> 00:05:12,190 colder weather is definitely our enemy . 132 00:05:12,190 --> 00:05:15,210 And the reason I say that is that this 133 00:05:15,210 --> 00:05:17,120 virus , unlike other respiratory 134 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:19,900 viruses does pretty well in the warm 135 00:05:19,900 --> 00:05:22,500 weather when people are outside as 136 00:05:22,500 --> 00:05:24,630 opposed to inside any respiratory 137 00:05:24,630 --> 00:05:28,260 infection is less likely to spread 138 00:05:28,740 --> 00:05:30,960 since respiratory infections spread 139 00:05:31,340 --> 00:05:33,710 where there is enclosed places with 140 00:05:33,710 --> 00:05:36,960 poor ventilation . You get that mostly 141 00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:39,370 in the winter because of the colder 142 00:05:39,370 --> 00:05:42,470 weather throughout most regions of the 143 00:05:42,470 --> 00:05:44,692 country . And that's one of the reasons 144 00:05:44,692 --> 00:05:47,350 why one of the Tenants of good public 145 00:05:47,350 --> 00:05:49,310 health practices that when you are 146 00:05:49,320 --> 00:05:53,160 indoors in a congregate setting even 147 00:05:53,160 --> 00:05:55,390 though you're vaccinated and boosted , 148 00:05:55,390 --> 00:05:58,930 you still should wear a mask Makes a 149 00:05:58,930 --> 00:06:01,360 lot of sense . So thank you . This next 150 00:06:01,360 --> 00:06:03,582 question is is mine . I snuck it in but 151 00:06:03,582 --> 00:06:05,890 a lot of other people ask you to , we 152 00:06:05,890 --> 00:06:08,001 hear a lot , we need to learn to live 153 00:06:08,001 --> 00:06:10,280 with the virus . But what exactly does 154 00:06:10,280 --> 00:06:12,502 that mean ? And and do you think that's 155 00:06:12,502 --> 00:06:14,930 true ? Well it's true in some respects . 156 00:06:14,930 --> 00:06:17,097 As long as you don't over interpret it 157 00:06:17,440 --> 00:06:19,610 when you say live with the virus , you 158 00:06:19,610 --> 00:06:22,100 mean to get the level of spread in the 159 00:06:22,100 --> 00:06:25,340 community with its subsequent impact on 160 00:06:25,340 --> 00:06:28,330 severe disease and hospitalization that 161 00:06:28,330 --> 00:06:31,990 you get it to such a low level that in 162 00:06:31,990 --> 00:06:35,570 fact it is indistinguishable from many 163 00:06:35,570 --> 00:06:37,570 of the other respiratory infections 164 00:06:37,570 --> 00:06:39,570 that we've learned to deal with and 165 00:06:39,570 --> 00:06:41,792 live with like respiratory since sexual 166 00:06:41,792 --> 00:06:45,100 virus , RsV , para influenza , 167 00:06:45,240 --> 00:06:49,190 adenovirus and influenza of course . So 168 00:06:49,190 --> 00:06:51,301 getting it down to a low enough level 169 00:06:51,640 --> 00:06:53,862 that it doesn't disrupt our lives , our 170 00:06:53,862 --> 00:06:57,660 economy and doesn't create continual 171 00:06:57,660 --> 00:07:01,650 fear of illness , severe illness in the 172 00:07:01,650 --> 00:07:03,950 community . For one thing is for sure 173 00:07:03,950 --> 00:07:06,700 Cathy we're not there yet Because when 174 00:07:06,700 --> 00:07:08,890 you have a 156,000 people in the 175 00:07:08,890 --> 00:07:12,530 hospital and 800,000 new cases a day 176 00:07:12,740 --> 00:07:16,120 and 2000 deaths per day , that's not a 177 00:07:16,120 --> 00:07:18,120 level that we want to learn to live 178 00:07:18,120 --> 00:07:20,580 with . We've got to get that level much , 179 00:07:20,580 --> 00:07:23,360 much lower than that . Yeah , that's a 180 00:07:23,370 --> 00:07:25,314 that's a that's a very clear and I 181 00:07:25,314 --> 00:07:27,426 think an important message for us and 182 00:07:27,426 --> 00:07:31,060 it leads into my next question for 183 00:07:31,070 --> 00:07:33,181 individual families , what's the best 184 00:07:33,181 --> 00:07:35,292 way , what's the best way to keep the 185 00:07:35,292 --> 00:07:37,403 family safe when we leave the house ? 186 00:07:37,403 --> 00:07:39,770 Well , there are some fundamental 187 00:07:39,770 --> 00:07:43,600 tenets of public health with covid that 188 00:07:43,600 --> 00:07:45,950 I know many of the families are already 189 00:07:45,950 --> 00:07:49,230 practicing is that is to get vaccinated 190 00:07:49,490 --> 00:07:51,770 and if you are vaccinated , make sure 191 00:07:51,770 --> 00:07:54,590 you get your boost within five months . 192 00:07:54,590 --> 00:07:57,360 If it's an MRNA in two months . If it's 193 00:07:57,360 --> 00:08:00,210 a J and J , the other is to be very 194 00:08:00,210 --> 00:08:02,960 prudent in what you do . For example , 195 00:08:03,340 --> 00:08:05,396 if you go into congregate settings , 196 00:08:05,396 --> 00:08:08,040 indoor congregate settings and you do 197 00:08:08,040 --> 00:08:11,760 not know of what the status is of the 198 00:08:11,760 --> 00:08:14,210 people around you absolutely wear a 199 00:08:14,210 --> 00:08:17,720 well fitted high quality mask . And 200 00:08:17,720 --> 00:08:20,310 where it consistently . The other thing 201 00:08:20,310 --> 00:08:22,532 that you could do is that when you were 202 00:08:22,532 --> 00:08:25,290 engaged in social interactions like 203 00:08:25,290 --> 00:08:27,660 you're having family dinners or friends 204 00:08:28,040 --> 00:08:30,280 over for dinner , if you have the 205 00:08:30,280 --> 00:08:32,336 opportunity , you might want to take 206 00:08:32,336 --> 00:08:35,150 the extra step of getting a rapid test . 207 00:08:35,150 --> 00:08:37,340 One of those antigen tests , Which is 208 00:08:37,340 --> 00:08:40,520 not 100% sensitive , but they are very 209 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:42,640 helpful in giving you a field , 210 00:08:42,650 --> 00:08:44,706 particularly if you do more than one 211 00:08:44,706 --> 00:08:46,706 test as to whether or not you might 212 00:08:46,706 --> 00:08:48,860 have an infection that's without any 213 00:08:48,860 --> 00:08:51,330 symptoms that you might inadvertently 214 00:08:51,330 --> 00:08:53,274 spread it within the family unit ? 215 00:08:55,240 --> 00:08:58,950 Terrific . Um in terms of Children , is 216 00:08:58,950 --> 00:09:01,690 there , should we be using in 95 candy 217 00:09:01,700 --> 00:09:04,970 95 masks for Children right now . And 218 00:09:04,970 --> 00:09:07,192 is there a difference between those two 219 00:09:07,192 --> 00:09:09,980 options ? Well , the most important 220 00:09:09,980 --> 00:09:12,680 thing for anyone is to wear the highest 221 00:09:12,680 --> 00:09:16,480 quality mask that fits well and 222 00:09:16,480 --> 00:09:19,310 that you can tolerate , namely you 223 00:09:19,310 --> 00:09:21,477 don't want the very , very best of the 224 00:09:21,477 --> 00:09:23,588 mask and you can't keep it on for any 225 00:09:23,588 --> 00:09:25,754 more than 10 or 15 minutes . So it's a 226 00:09:25,754 --> 00:09:28,088 combination . The best mask you can get . 227 00:09:28,088 --> 00:09:30,350 And the order of gradation is n 95 . 228 00:09:30,350 --> 00:09:33,540 Clearly the best kn 95 Next multiple 229 00:09:33,540 --> 00:09:36,480 ply surgical masks and cloth masks , if 230 00:09:36,480 --> 00:09:38,990 you get a good fit . The one thing that 231 00:09:38,990 --> 00:09:41,650 the CDC says that's very important is 232 00:09:41,650 --> 00:09:44,800 that any mask is better than no mask . 233 00:09:45,030 --> 00:09:47,197 That's the first thing . And if you're 234 00:09:47,197 --> 00:09:49,460 going to wear a mask , one needs to be 235 00:09:49,460 --> 00:09:51,571 well fitted . Which gets to your real 236 00:09:51,571 --> 00:09:53,940 question is , what about Children ? We 237 00:09:53,940 --> 00:09:56,440 don't have really standard , easily 238 00:09:56,440 --> 00:09:59,920 available N 95 masks for Children . We 239 00:09:59,920 --> 00:10:02,087 will be getting them and they're being 240 00:10:02,087 --> 00:10:04,300 ordered and will be distributed not 241 00:10:04,300 --> 00:10:07,520 only in 95 but K and 95 for a 242 00:10:07,520 --> 00:10:09,631 child in which you don't know what to 243 00:10:09,631 --> 00:10:12,110 do . If you get a multiple ply mask , 244 00:10:12,110 --> 00:10:14,166 that's a cloth mask that fits to the 245 00:10:14,166 --> 00:10:16,510 child , That's the best thing . If you 246 00:10:16,510 --> 00:10:18,860 can get a Children pediatric surgical 247 00:10:18,860 --> 00:10:20,960 mask , that would also be good . 248 00:10:22,940 --> 00:10:26,560 Wonderful . So here's one for a sound 249 00:10:26,560 --> 00:10:28,671 bite . If someone had only 30 seconds 250 00:10:28,671 --> 00:10:30,893 with someone , what do you think is the 251 00:10:30,893 --> 00:10:33,004 most compelling argument you found to 252 00:10:33,004 --> 00:10:35,227 persuade someone to either vaccinate or 253 00:10:35,227 --> 00:10:37,060 wear a mask ? Yeah . Look at the 254 00:10:37,060 --> 00:10:38,893 statistics , they are stunningly 255 00:10:38,893 --> 00:10:41,470 impressive . If you look at people who 256 00:10:41,470 --> 00:10:44,570 are unvaccinated compared to vaccinated . 257 00:10:44,680 --> 00:10:46,890 The latest statistics are an 258 00:10:46,890 --> 00:10:49,590 unvaccinated person has a 10 times 259 00:10:49,590 --> 00:10:51,757 greater chance of getting infected . A 260 00:10:51,757 --> 00:10:53,890 17 times greater chance of getting 261 00:10:53,890 --> 00:10:56,410 hospitalized and a 20 times greater 262 00:10:56,410 --> 00:10:58,770 chance of dying compared to a 263 00:10:58,770 --> 00:11:01,460 vaccinated person . Those statistics 264 00:11:01,460 --> 00:11:04,020 alone should get you to be really 265 00:11:04,020 --> 00:11:06,730 enthusiastic about protecting yourself 266 00:11:06,730 --> 00:11:10,350 and your family also masks clearly 267 00:11:10,350 --> 00:11:13,470 now have shown to be very effective and 268 00:11:13,470 --> 00:11:15,526 not only protecting you from getting 269 00:11:15,526 --> 00:11:17,359 infected but protecting you from 270 00:11:17,359 --> 00:11:20,260 transmitting it to someone else . Yeah . 271 00:11:20,260 --> 00:11:22,371 Those are really compelling numbers . 272 00:11:22,371 --> 00:11:24,538 Would you just tell me the numbers one 273 00:11:24,538 --> 00:11:23,990 more time because I'm going to use them 274 00:11:23,990 --> 00:11:27,480 as a manager unvaccinated compared to 275 00:11:27,480 --> 00:11:30,770 vaccinated ? Unvaccinated as a 10 times 276 00:11:30,770 --> 00:11:33,760 greater chance of being infected . A 17 277 00:11:33,760 --> 00:11:35,680 time chance greater of getting 278 00:11:35,680 --> 00:11:38,340 hospitalized and a 20 times greater 279 00:11:38,340 --> 00:11:40,840 chance of dying when you compare it to 280 00:11:40,840 --> 00:11:43,800 a vaccinated person . Yeah . Right . 10 281 00:11:43,800 --> 00:11:46,890 1720 or one if you get it right . I 282 00:11:46,890 --> 00:11:50,720 like it . Okay . Um so we 283 00:11:50,720 --> 00:11:52,831 talked about getting the booster five 284 00:11:52,831 --> 00:11:54,776 months after the M . N . R . A two 285 00:11:54,776 --> 00:11:56,887 months after the J . And J . But what 286 00:11:56,887 --> 00:12:00,180 happens after 2 , 56 months after that 287 00:12:00,180 --> 00:12:03,510 booster ? Are we doing that fourth shot ? 288 00:12:03,720 --> 00:12:05,942 We don't know that yet , Kathy , that's 289 00:12:05,942 --> 00:12:08,053 a great question . A very appropriate 290 00:12:08,053 --> 00:12:10,276 question . We do not know at this point 291 00:12:10,276 --> 00:12:12,740 With the durability of the protection 292 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:16,150 afforded by the 3rd shot . We're 293 00:12:16,150 --> 00:12:18,570 studying that very carefully . If the 294 00:12:18,570 --> 00:12:20,720 protection diminishes and I mean 295 00:12:20,720 --> 00:12:22,831 clinical protection because without a 296 00:12:22,831 --> 00:12:25,630 doubt the antibody levels will go down . 297 00:12:25,640 --> 00:12:28,200 That's a natural phenomenon . You get 298 00:12:28,200 --> 00:12:30,360 vaccinated , you get a high level of 299 00:12:30,360 --> 00:12:32,471 antibody and it starts to come down . 300 00:12:32,471 --> 00:12:34,582 it has to be that way . Otherwise you 301 00:12:34,582 --> 00:12:36,804 would have such high levels of antibody 302 00:12:36,804 --> 00:12:38,916 to every single thing you get exposed 303 00:12:38,916 --> 00:12:40,749 to that . You'd wind up having a 304 00:12:40,749 --> 00:12:42,850 difficult physiological problem . 305 00:12:42,860 --> 00:12:46,420 However the critical issue is how long 306 00:12:46,420 --> 00:12:49,120 does the protection against significant 307 00:12:49,120 --> 00:12:52,650 disease last and significant disease is 308 00:12:52,650 --> 00:12:55,540 highly symptomatic in a hospital or 309 00:12:55,540 --> 00:12:57,910 dying . That's the thing you need to 310 00:12:57,910 --> 00:13:00,560 worry about as opposed to the number of 311 00:13:00,560 --> 00:13:03,760 cases that you prevent , particularly 312 00:13:03,760 --> 00:13:05,593 if many of the cases are without 313 00:13:05,593 --> 00:13:09,240 symptoms . If someone's 314 00:13:09,240 --> 00:13:12,020 gotten a macron , they got their their 315 00:13:12,030 --> 00:13:14,141 first shot , their second shot , they 316 00:13:14,141 --> 00:13:16,197 got their booster , they've gotten a 317 00:13:16,197 --> 00:13:18,141 micron . Should they have a higher 318 00:13:18,141 --> 00:13:20,141 degree of confidence about their um 319 00:13:20,141 --> 00:13:22,308 their their protective factors or they 320 00:13:22,308 --> 00:13:24,252 really just at the same place that 321 00:13:24,252 --> 00:13:26,363 someone who hasn't gotten sick . No , 322 00:13:26,363 --> 00:13:28,530 no , actually that's a good question . 323 00:13:28,530 --> 00:13:30,586 If a person is infected and recovers 324 00:13:30,586 --> 00:13:33,570 and then gets vaccinated , the level of 325 00:13:33,570 --> 00:13:36,670 their protection is extremely high . 326 00:13:36,780 --> 00:13:40,230 And also if someone gets vaccinated 327 00:13:40,240 --> 00:13:42,350 boosted and then gets a breakthrough 328 00:13:42,350 --> 00:13:44,450 infection , the level of their 329 00:13:44,450 --> 00:13:47,060 subsequent protection is very , very 330 00:13:47,060 --> 00:13:50,020 high . So natural infection with or 331 00:13:50,020 --> 00:13:52,298 without vaccination is good protection . 332 00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:54,329 But natural infection followed by 333 00:13:54,329 --> 00:13:56,400 vaccination , it really gives you a 334 00:13:56,410 --> 00:13:59,710 very high level of protection and I do 335 00:13:59,710 --> 00:14:01,821 hear from folks I've gotten it once , 336 00:14:01,821 --> 00:14:03,988 I've gotten it twice . I don't need to 337 00:14:03,988 --> 00:14:05,988 get vaccinated . Can you respond to 338 00:14:05,988 --> 00:14:08,520 that ? Yeah , I mean I don't think you 339 00:14:08,520 --> 00:14:11,350 can deny that if you've been infected 340 00:14:11,360 --> 00:14:14,270 even once or twice that you're not 341 00:14:14,270 --> 00:14:16,437 going to have a degree of protection , 342 00:14:16,437 --> 00:14:18,603 you will , that's just a fact . But if 343 00:14:18,603 --> 00:14:20,770 you want to get an optimal degree , an 344 00:14:20,770 --> 00:14:22,810 even greater degree of protection , 345 00:14:23,040 --> 00:14:25,460 there is no doubt that vaccination 346 00:14:25,940 --> 00:14:28,670 following infection gives you a very 347 00:14:28,670 --> 00:14:32,400 high level of protection . Um 348 00:14:32,410 --> 00:14:34,830 Yes , dr Fauci I know you know that a 349 00:14:34,840 --> 00:14:37,460 lot of people in the country are weary 350 00:14:37,940 --> 00:14:39,940 um but no one has a right to be any 351 00:14:39,940 --> 00:14:42,051 more weary than you do because you've 352 00:14:42,051 --> 00:14:43,940 been working with this longer and 353 00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:46,051 harder and deeper and with a lot more 354 00:14:46,051 --> 00:14:48,510 saurus than most people have . So how 355 00:14:48,510 --> 00:14:51,130 do you keep your energy up in your 356 00:14:51,130 --> 00:14:53,360 positivity ? What can you offer to 357 00:14:53,360 --> 00:14:55,960 folks to keep keep ourselves positive ? 358 00:14:56,340 --> 00:14:59,600 Well , I'm not sure I can offer it to 359 00:14:59,610 --> 00:15:02,000 regular people who are out there doing 360 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:05,350 their things because what I'm doing is 361 00:15:05,350 --> 00:15:07,520 something really unusual . It's my 362 00:15:07,520 --> 00:15:10,740 responsibility to not only protect 363 00:15:10,740 --> 00:15:13,380 myself and my family , which we do by 364 00:15:13,380 --> 00:15:15,330 vaccination and mask wearing and 365 00:15:15,330 --> 00:15:17,570 boosting etcetera , but it's my 366 00:15:17,570 --> 00:15:21,010 responsibility for the science and the 367 00:15:21,010 --> 00:15:23,010 public health to protect the entire 368 00:15:23,010 --> 00:15:26,120 nation and indirectly , really the rest 369 00:15:26,120 --> 00:15:28,287 of the world because the United States 370 00:15:28,287 --> 00:15:31,100 is such a leader in the global health 371 00:15:31,110 --> 00:15:34,930 response to this pandemic . So I I 372 00:15:34,930 --> 00:15:37,440 stay very , very focused and although 373 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:40,330 it's exhausting and although I really 374 00:15:40,330 --> 00:15:42,497 literally haven't had a day off in two 375 00:15:42,497 --> 00:15:45,790 years . Um the fact is if you focus on 376 00:15:45,790 --> 00:15:48,110 what your goal is and what your 377 00:15:48,110 --> 00:15:50,980 responsibility is , you don't have time 378 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:53,202 to think about being exhausted or being 379 00:15:53,202 --> 00:15:55,680 tired . You just want to end it , get 380 00:15:55,680 --> 00:15:57,847 it over with , get the country back to 381 00:15:57,847 --> 00:15:59,870 normality and then I'll worry about 382 00:15:59,870 --> 00:16:03,030 taking a rest . You know , I think that 383 00:16:03,040 --> 00:16:05,300 resonates a lot for me and probably for 384 00:16:05,300 --> 00:16:07,750 a lot of our community because for 385 00:16:07,750 --> 00:16:09,528 those of us who are part of the 386 00:16:09,528 --> 00:16:11,694 military community were very motivated 387 00:16:11,694 --> 00:16:13,917 around the mission of protecting people 388 00:16:13,917 --> 00:16:16,028 in the country . For those of us that 389 00:16:16,028 --> 00:16:17,861 blue star families and our other 390 00:16:17,861 --> 00:16:19,472 military and veteran support 391 00:16:19,472 --> 00:16:21,472 organizations were really motivated 392 00:16:21,472 --> 00:16:23,528 around supporting the force . And we 393 00:16:23,528 --> 00:16:25,639 see that this pandemic is a threat to 394 00:16:25,639 --> 00:16:27,806 our forces , a threat to our readiness 395 00:16:27,806 --> 00:16:30,028 and it's a threat to our emissions . As 396 00:16:30,028 --> 00:16:32,194 I mentioned , we're using the National 397 00:16:32,194 --> 00:16:31,730 Guard , which is not inappropriate , 398 00:16:31,730 --> 00:16:33,897 but we're using them to fight covid at 399 00:16:33,897 --> 00:16:36,119 home . That means they're not available 400 00:16:36,119 --> 00:16:38,286 available to train and be prepared for 401 00:16:38,286 --> 00:16:41,010 external national security um 402 00:16:41,020 --> 00:16:43,820 challenges . And because we live in our 403 00:16:43,820 --> 00:16:45,660 communities , we are constantly 404 00:16:45,660 --> 00:16:47,882 exposing our force to the risk of being 405 00:16:47,882 --> 00:16:49,938 infected . Which if we could all get 406 00:16:49,938 --> 00:16:52,980 together and uh create community level 407 00:16:52,980 --> 00:16:55,740 protection , we wouldn't be um , we 408 00:16:55,740 --> 00:16:57,740 won't be at risk for , so maybe for 409 00:16:57,740 --> 00:16:59,851 those of us in our community , we can 410 00:16:59,851 --> 00:17:03,170 take that same mission uh focused to 411 00:17:03,170 --> 00:17:05,114 keep keep our energy going because 412 00:17:05,114 --> 00:17:07,226 we're doing something bigger than our 413 00:17:07,226 --> 00:17:09,392 day to day lives . Right . Well , that 414 00:17:09,392 --> 00:17:11,720 is true . I think that the idea of 415 00:17:11,820 --> 00:17:14,180 sacrifice and devotion to a cause is 416 00:17:14,180 --> 00:17:17,000 really the hallmark of the military and 417 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:19,167 their families . So I think we're very 418 00:17:19,167 --> 00:17:21,333 much in the same boat in that regard . 419 00:17:21,333 --> 00:17:25,180 Yeah . Um would you consider 420 00:17:25,190 --> 00:17:28,750 the vaccine to be putting 421 00:17:28,750 --> 00:17:31,060 something unnatural in your body ? This 422 00:17:31,060 --> 00:17:33,227 is something that I sometimes hear , I 423 00:17:33,227 --> 00:17:35,338 don't want to put something unnatural 424 00:17:35,338 --> 00:17:37,116 in my mind . Well , what's more 425 00:17:37,116 --> 00:17:39,282 unnatural than the vaccine is actually 426 00:17:39,282 --> 00:17:42,130 the infection itself ? So I mean I 427 00:17:42,130 --> 00:17:45,370 think people need to understand that 428 00:17:45,380 --> 00:17:47,690 the using the word unnatural is really 429 00:17:47,690 --> 00:17:49,857 inappropriate . You're doing something 430 00:17:49,857 --> 00:17:52,030 that before it goes into the general 431 00:17:52,030 --> 00:17:55,050 population has been tested on tens of 432 00:17:55,050 --> 00:17:58,440 thousands of people for safety and 433 00:17:58,440 --> 00:18:01,460 effectiveness . And right now globally 434 00:18:01,940 --> 00:18:04,240 We've distributed about nine billion 435 00:18:04,240 --> 00:18:07,190 doses of the vaccine in the United 436 00:18:07,190 --> 00:18:09,460 States . You know , we have 437 00:18:10,740 --> 00:18:14,460 literally um hundreds of 438 00:18:14,460 --> 00:18:17,770 millions of courses of vaccinations 439 00:18:17,770 --> 00:18:21,360 that have been uh delivered . We have 440 00:18:21,610 --> 00:18:25,060 63% of the entire population Has been 441 00:18:25,060 --> 00:18:27,680 fully vaccinated , 72% of received at 442 00:18:27,680 --> 00:18:29,800 least one dose . We have a lot of 443 00:18:29,800 --> 00:18:32,250 experience . So people who say , well 444 00:18:32,260 --> 00:18:34,371 I'm not quite sure about it . This is 445 00:18:34,371 --> 00:18:36,538 something unnatural . Just look at the 446 00:18:36,538 --> 00:18:39,560 experience . Together with the data 447 00:18:39,560 --> 00:18:41,616 that I gave you about the difference 448 00:18:41,616 --> 00:18:44,160 between an unvaccinated person and a 449 00:18:44,160 --> 00:18:46,790 vaccinated person with regard to 450 00:18:46,790 --> 00:18:49,360 disease , hospitalization and deaths . 451 00:18:52,340 --> 00:18:56,200 Um , here's another question . Um uh 452 00:18:56,210 --> 00:18:58,710 could you explain scientifically or 453 00:18:58,710 --> 00:19:01,210 medically how the um akron variant 454 00:19:01,210 --> 00:19:03,570 affects individuals differently than 455 00:19:03,570 --> 00:19:06,210 the original variants or the delta 456 00:19:06,220 --> 00:19:08,960 variant affected people . It doesn't 457 00:19:08,960 --> 00:19:10,600 really affect them in a in a 458 00:19:10,600 --> 00:19:13,430 substantially different way because the 459 00:19:13,430 --> 00:19:15,263 way you get infected through the 460 00:19:15,263 --> 00:19:17,263 respiratory tract you can either be 461 00:19:17,263 --> 00:19:19,374 without symptoms , mildly symptomatic 462 00:19:19,374 --> 00:19:21,690 or you can get severely ill . The one 463 00:19:21,690 --> 00:19:25,560 thing that is somewhat of a positive 464 00:19:26,140 --> 00:19:30,020 is that on a case by case basis in data 465 00:19:30,020 --> 00:19:32,020 that we've gotten from South africa 466 00:19:32,020 --> 00:19:33,909 from the U . K . And now a lot of 467 00:19:33,909 --> 00:19:36,670 accumulating data in the United States 468 00:19:37,240 --> 00:19:39,600 indicates that on a case by case basis 469 00:19:39,610 --> 00:19:43,210 a micron is less severe . In other 470 00:19:43,210 --> 00:19:46,180 words , less likelihood of being 471 00:19:46,180 --> 00:19:49,610 hospitalized longer . 472 00:19:49,690 --> 00:19:53,240 Excuse me , shorter time of duration of 473 00:19:53,240 --> 00:19:55,860 being in the hospital , less of a 474 00:19:55,860 --> 00:19:58,850 requirement from mechanical ventilation . 475 00:19:59,240 --> 00:20:01,780 That's the good news . The sobering 476 00:20:01,780 --> 00:20:05,120 news is that a macron is so 477 00:20:05,260 --> 00:20:08,740 extraordinarily efficient in spreading 478 00:20:08,740 --> 00:20:11,710 from person to person that the sheer 479 00:20:11,710 --> 00:20:15,450 volume and numbers of infected people 480 00:20:15,940 --> 00:20:19,230 can counter and obviate the positive 481 00:20:19,230 --> 00:20:23,020 aspect of it being less virulent . 482 00:20:23,020 --> 00:20:26,870 For example , as a you know 483 00:20:26,870 --> 00:20:30,050 as a an analogy if you have 484 00:20:31,540 --> 00:20:34,940 An infection that infects 50% 50 485 00:20:34,940 --> 00:20:38,490 people and 10% of the infections are 486 00:20:38,490 --> 00:20:41,610 serious , Then you have five serious 487 00:20:41,610 --> 00:20:45,060 infections . However if you have a 488 00:20:45,060 --> 00:20:48,670 virus That only 1% of the people 489 00:20:49,140 --> 00:20:51,940 get serious But 500 of them are 490 00:20:51,940 --> 00:20:55,180 infected . You add the math and you 491 00:20:55,180 --> 00:20:56,791 have more seriously infected 492 00:20:56,791 --> 00:20:59,550 individuals than with the less virulent 493 00:20:59,560 --> 00:21:02,180 virus . That's why we can't be 494 00:21:02,180 --> 00:21:05,460 complacent when it comes to a micron . 495 00:21:07,040 --> 00:21:10,130 Um , well I'm a chronic or delta come 496 00:21:10,130 --> 00:21:12,352 back in a wave or once they come and go 497 00:21:12,352 --> 00:21:15,260 they're gone . Well , you know , one of 498 00:21:15,260 --> 00:21:18,230 the things that is peculiar about 499 00:21:18,240 --> 00:21:21,430 coronavirus is that's different than 500 00:21:21,430 --> 00:21:24,550 smallpox or measles 501 00:21:25,240 --> 00:21:27,810 is that smallpox , once you get 502 00:21:27,810 --> 00:21:30,170 infected , you're protected for life 503 00:21:31,040 --> 00:21:33,440 mostly because smallpox doesn't mutate 504 00:21:33,440 --> 00:21:35,990 very much your change . So if you get 505 00:21:35,990 --> 00:21:38,580 re exposed to smallpox , you're not 506 00:21:38,580 --> 00:21:40,850 gonna get reinfected . The same holds 507 00:21:40,850 --> 00:21:44,210 true for measles measles . Once you get 508 00:21:44,210 --> 00:21:47,610 infected , you're , you are protected 509 00:21:47,610 --> 00:21:50,830 for life mostly because measles doesn't 510 00:21:50,830 --> 00:21:53,550 change that much . The reason I can't 511 00:21:53,550 --> 00:21:56,720 say the same thing for our micron or 512 00:21:56,720 --> 00:22:00,610 fidel to is that the durability of the 513 00:22:00,610 --> 00:22:04,000 protection isn't life long . So you 514 00:22:04,000 --> 00:22:06,111 could be protected for a few months , 515 00:22:06,111 --> 00:22:08,333 five months , six months , seven months 516 00:22:08,333 --> 00:22:10,556 a year , two years , who knows ? But it 517 00:22:10,556 --> 00:22:13,010 isn't lifelong . So there is the 518 00:22:13,010 --> 00:22:16,150 likelihood that if you get exposed over 519 00:22:16,150 --> 00:22:18,860 a period of time that you might get 520 00:22:18,860 --> 00:22:21,170 reinfected , which is the reason why 521 00:22:21,540 --> 00:22:23,762 getting back to a previous question you 522 00:22:23,762 --> 00:22:27,030 asked me why it's important even though 523 00:22:27,030 --> 00:22:30,580 you have been infected with delta or 524 00:22:30,580 --> 00:22:33,750 with a micron to get vaccinated because 525 00:22:33,750 --> 00:22:37,220 then you would greatly heighten your 526 00:22:37,220 --> 00:22:38,831 degree of protection against 527 00:22:38,831 --> 00:22:40,910 reinfection . Yeah , that's great . 528 00:22:40,920 --> 00:22:42,920 That's great information . That's a 529 00:22:42,920 --> 00:22:45,460 great perspective on it . Um , you know , 530 00:22:45,470 --> 00:22:47,730 with all risks , there are 531 00:22:47,730 --> 00:22:49,897 countervailing risks . Right ? And and 532 00:22:49,897 --> 00:22:52,200 other one by , by following one by 533 00:22:52,200 --> 00:22:54,311 being prudent in one area . We expose 534 00:22:54,311 --> 00:22:56,311 ourselves to risk and others . Um , 535 00:22:56,311 --> 00:22:58,478 military families as you know , face a 536 00:22:58,478 --> 00:23:00,478 lot of disruption , a lot of family 537 00:23:00,478 --> 00:23:02,589 separation . Sometimes if a member of 538 00:23:02,589 --> 00:23:05,570 the family um contracts the disease and 539 00:23:05,570 --> 00:23:07,903 quarantined from the rest of the family , 540 00:23:08,140 --> 00:23:10,200 it creates um , it creates an 541 00:23:10,200 --> 00:23:11,978 additional separation . And I'm 542 00:23:11,978 --> 00:23:14,144 thinking particularly of the situation 543 00:23:14,144 --> 00:23:16,367 where you have a family that may be far 544 00:23:16,367 --> 00:23:18,533 from extended family and relatives , a 545 00:23:18,533 --> 00:23:20,756 young child who maybe 12 or three years 546 00:23:20,756 --> 00:23:23,560 old and a mom who may get covid . 547 00:23:24,540 --> 00:23:26,930 Are there risks to separating the child 548 00:23:26,930 --> 00:23:30,270 from the mother for 10 days , two weeks . 549 00:23:31,240 --> 00:23:33,184 That can feel very real . Can feel 550 00:23:33,184 --> 00:23:35,770 psychosocial that might make you feel 551 00:23:35,770 --> 00:23:37,992 like I'd rather keep the mother and the 552 00:23:37,992 --> 00:23:40,159 child together than I want to separate 553 00:23:40,159 --> 00:23:41,992 them because of the risk for the 554 00:23:41,992 --> 00:23:44,214 younger person . What are your thoughts 555 00:23:44,214 --> 00:23:46,270 about ? You know , that is a natural 556 00:23:46,270 --> 00:23:48,580 feeling very understandable , but 557 00:23:48,580 --> 00:23:51,020 something we have to deal with because 558 00:23:51,020 --> 00:23:54,690 if you look at the effect of covid 559 00:23:55,240 --> 00:23:58,210 on kids , it was felt to be , you know , 560 00:23:58,220 --> 00:24:00,960 not particularly important . Well , it 561 00:24:00,960 --> 00:24:04,480 is true if you want to be perfectly 562 00:24:04,480 --> 00:24:07,420 frank and candid about the data that a 563 00:24:07,420 --> 00:24:10,630 child who gets infected is much less 564 00:24:10,630 --> 00:24:14,580 likely to get a severe manifestation of 565 00:24:14,580 --> 00:24:18,560 covid . However , the risk is not zero 566 00:24:18,940 --> 00:24:21,700 and we have plenty of Children when you 567 00:24:21,700 --> 00:24:23,922 look at Children's hospitals throughout 568 00:24:23,922 --> 00:24:26,530 the country , plenty of Children who 569 00:24:26,530 --> 00:24:28,860 are severely ill with 570 00:24:29,350 --> 00:24:32,450 COVID-19 Requiring Hospitalization , 571 00:24:32,840 --> 00:24:35,890 some even dying . So although the risk 572 00:24:35,890 --> 00:24:38,370 is less than in an adult you have to 573 00:24:38,370 --> 00:24:41,100 balance and you're right . People make 574 00:24:41,100 --> 00:24:44,410 decisions based on the relative risk 575 00:24:44,420 --> 00:24:46,570 that they're willing to take . You 576 00:24:46,570 --> 00:24:48,459 would recommend that if you could 577 00:24:48,459 --> 00:24:51,720 tolerate a brief separation from the 578 00:24:51,720 --> 00:24:55,360 family during that period of recovery 579 00:24:55,840 --> 00:24:58,820 then do it . If it becomes impossible 580 00:24:59,170 --> 00:25:01,640 then you have to assume the risk of 581 00:25:01,640 --> 00:25:03,900 spreading it to the child . Those are 582 00:25:03,900 --> 00:25:06,122 just real world issues you have to deal 583 00:25:06,122 --> 00:25:09,080 with . I appreciate that and I 584 00:25:09,080 --> 00:25:11,500 appreciate the you know the compassion 585 00:25:11,500 --> 00:25:13,611 and reality and that answer . I think 586 00:25:13,611 --> 00:25:15,833 that's really helpful to people related 587 00:25:15,833 --> 00:25:17,889 to that . Is do you have any updates 588 00:25:17,889 --> 00:25:19,889 about when the vaccine for Children 589 00:25:19,889 --> 00:25:21,611 under the age of five might be 590 00:25:21,611 --> 00:25:24,850 available ? Well Kathy I hope very soon 591 00:25:25,440 --> 00:25:28,410 you never want to outguess or get ahead 592 00:25:28,410 --> 00:25:31,440 of the F . D . A . But the studies that 593 00:25:31,440 --> 00:25:34,920 were done showed that the dose that was 594 00:25:34,920 --> 00:25:38,390 used in kids six months to 24 595 00:25:38,400 --> 00:25:41,800 months was the correct dose that showed 596 00:25:41,800 --> 00:25:44,770 that that was not inferior to the 597 00:25:44,770 --> 00:25:48,330 response in adults . However in a very 598 00:25:48,330 --> 00:25:51,330 disappointing way the dose that was 599 00:25:51,330 --> 00:25:54,990 used for Children 24 months to four 600 00:25:54,990 --> 00:25:58,860 years did not induce a response that 601 00:25:58,860 --> 00:26:01,320 was felt to be adequate . So they're 602 00:26:01,320 --> 00:26:04,080 determining now that for Children 603 00:26:04,080 --> 00:26:07,140 within that age group It is likely that 604 00:26:07,140 --> 00:26:10,450 it will be a three dose vaccine 605 00:26:11,040 --> 00:26:13,410 and that being the case it's gonna take 606 00:26:13,410 --> 00:26:16,490 a little longer to get those data to 607 00:26:16,490 --> 00:26:20,040 the FDA and approved . My hope it's 608 00:26:20,040 --> 00:26:22,151 that it's going to be within the next 609 00:26:22,151 --> 00:26:24,151 month or so and not much later than 610 00:26:24,151 --> 00:26:26,560 that . But I can't guarantee that 611 00:26:26,940 --> 00:26:30,820 because I can't outguess the FDA . I'm 612 00:26:30,820 --> 00:26:34,000 going to have to leave that to them . I 613 00:26:34,010 --> 00:26:36,177 know we're almost out of time but I'll 614 00:26:36,177 --> 00:26:38,820 ask one more question and then let you 615 00:26:38,830 --> 00:26:41,052 make any closing comments you'd like to 616 00:26:41,052 --> 00:26:43,120 make . Um are there any are we 617 00:26:43,120 --> 00:26:46,040 anticipating getting the vaccine in and 618 00:26:46,050 --> 00:26:48,690 in a pill form or a non shot 619 00:26:48,700 --> 00:26:51,160 uh protocol for people who are 620 00:26:51,160 --> 00:26:53,327 uncomfortable with that ? Well , it is 621 00:26:53,327 --> 00:26:55,710 unlikely it will be a pill and more 622 00:26:55,710 --> 00:26:57,710 likely would be something where you 623 00:26:57,710 --> 00:27:00,600 spray like the flu mist with influenza . 624 00:27:00,610 --> 00:27:02,221 So I don't think it would be 625 00:27:02,221 --> 00:27:03,888 necessarily although it's not 626 00:27:03,888 --> 00:27:06,500 impossible . It won't necessarily be 627 00:27:06,500 --> 00:27:08,800 something where you swallow as a pill 628 00:27:08,800 --> 00:27:11,270 but more likely something that you 629 00:27:11,270 --> 00:27:13,580 could put a patch on you and it 630 00:27:13,580 --> 00:27:16,850 penetrates in the skin or spraying in 631 00:27:16,850 --> 00:27:19,240 the nose or in the throat . That might 632 00:27:19,240 --> 00:27:21,462 actually do that . And there's a lot of 633 00:27:21,462 --> 00:27:23,940 good research going on right now to try 634 00:27:23,940 --> 00:27:26,760 and develop an alternative type of 635 00:27:26,760 --> 00:27:28,538 vaccine that doesn't require an 636 00:27:28,538 --> 00:27:32,440 injection . Fantastic dr Fauci . I need 637 00:27:32,440 --> 00:27:34,273 to let you know that we have had 638 00:27:34,273 --> 00:27:36,384 literally tens of thousands of people 639 00:27:36,384 --> 00:27:38,820 join us to hear you speak to us today . 640 00:27:38,830 --> 00:27:40,552 It really means so much to our 641 00:27:40,552 --> 00:27:42,608 community to have the opportunity to 642 00:27:42,608 --> 00:27:44,608 directly ask the questions and so I 643 00:27:44,608 --> 00:27:46,774 know you're so very busy but we really 644 00:27:46,774 --> 00:27:48,830 are so grateful for you sharing your 645 00:27:48,830 --> 00:27:50,997 time and all the information with us . 646 00:27:50,997 --> 00:27:53,219 Well , thank you very much Kathy , it's 647 00:27:53,219 --> 00:27:55,386 not only my pleasure but I consider it 648 00:27:55,386 --> 00:27:57,552 an honor to help in any way that I can 649 00:27:57,552 --> 00:27:59,719 with the military and their families . 650 00:28:00,140 --> 00:28:02,251 Alright , good . I hope we get to see 651 00:28:02,251 --> 00:28:04,140 you again , but not in the in the 652 00:28:04,140 --> 00:28:06,700 middle of a search . Very good . Thank 653 00:28:06,700 --> 00:28:09,170 you very much . Take care . Thank you , 654 00:28:09,180 --> 00:28:12,940 bye bye bye bye . Well I know 655 00:28:12,940 --> 00:28:16,340 you join me in thanking our 656 00:28:16,350 --> 00:28:18,350 government and military leaders for 657 00:28:18,350 --> 00:28:20,540 joining us um in this journey and we 658 00:28:20,540 --> 00:28:23,770 are now very honored to have a very 659 00:28:23,770 --> 00:28:25,603 special guest , the Secretary of 660 00:28:25,603 --> 00:28:27,770 Veterans Affairs , Denis McDonough who 661 00:28:27,770 --> 00:28:29,937 has been with us on this journey for a 662 00:28:29,937 --> 00:28:32,159 while from the beginning of his time in 663 00:28:32,159 --> 00:28:34,270 office , Denis McDonough and his team 664 00:28:34,270 --> 00:28:36,381 at via have put the pandemic in their 665 00:28:36,381 --> 00:28:38,603 crosshairs and have worked very hard to 666 00:28:38,603 --> 00:28:40,548 try to keep our veterans and their 667 00:28:40,548 --> 00:28:43,470 families safe . So um thank you uh 668 00:28:43,480 --> 00:28:45,647 Secretary McDonough for joining us and 669 00:28:45,647 --> 00:28:47,147 saying a few words today , 670 00:28:51,340 --> 00:28:54,270 Good afternoon Kathy . Thanks for 671 00:28:54,270 --> 00:28:56,800 getting us back together . Especially 672 00:28:56,800 --> 00:28:59,550 during this a micron surge . You know , 673 00:28:59,940 --> 00:29:02,260 the best advice I can give everyone is 674 00:29:02,260 --> 00:29:06,050 this . Listen to Dr Fauci follow his 675 00:29:06,050 --> 00:29:08,760 guidance . Listen to your personal care 676 00:29:08,760 --> 00:29:12,460 providers . Follow their guidance . Why ? 677 00:29:13,040 --> 00:29:14,929 Because it's the best way to keep 678 00:29:14,929 --> 00:29:17,390 yourself safe . The best way to keep 679 00:29:17,390 --> 00:29:20,110 your family safe because we owe it to 680 00:29:20,110 --> 00:29:22,950 each other to help keep everyone safe 681 00:29:23,740 --> 00:29:26,610 and you know what ? Because we owe it 682 00:29:26,610 --> 00:29:28,721 to our nation's incredible healthcare 683 00:29:28,721 --> 00:29:31,350 workers . Since the pandemic hit , 684 00:29:31,740 --> 00:29:33,573 they've been risking their lives 685 00:29:33,573 --> 00:29:37,430 nonstop for you , for me , for vets , 686 00:29:37,440 --> 00:29:39,860 for our country , For all of us . 687 00:29:40,640 --> 00:29:43,240 That's no exaggeration . It's been 688 00:29:43,240 --> 00:29:45,129 nearly two years since we started 689 00:29:45,129 --> 00:29:47,420 celebrating their courageous , tireless 690 00:29:47,420 --> 00:29:49,760 service . Has the pandemic gained a 691 00:29:49,760 --> 00:29:53,360 foothold ? Remember people in new york 692 00:29:53,360 --> 00:29:55,820 city banging pots and pans at hospital 693 00:29:55,820 --> 00:29:57,931 shift changes to show their gratitude 694 00:29:57,931 --> 00:30:00,860 to healthcare workers ? Well , people 695 00:30:00,860 --> 00:30:03,027 aren't banging pots and pans anymore , 696 00:30:03,240 --> 00:30:05,351 but those great medical professionals 697 00:30:05,351 --> 00:30:09,260 are still at it in new york and 698 00:30:09,260 --> 00:30:11,570 across the country , they haven't let 699 00:30:11,570 --> 00:30:14,840 up day after day , night after night , 700 00:30:14,840 --> 00:30:17,440 they're still risking their lives , 701 00:30:18,310 --> 00:30:21,100 their family's lives for us , 702 00:30:22,240 --> 00:30:24,570 and nowhere is that more true than 703 00:30:24,570 --> 00:30:27,500 among our via employees serving 704 00:30:27,500 --> 00:30:29,500 veterans , their families and their 705 00:30:29,500 --> 00:30:32,560 caregivers , serving you , your 706 00:30:32,560 --> 00:30:35,880 families , your caregivers , they're 707 00:30:35,880 --> 00:30:39,170 working grueling excruciatingly long 708 00:30:39,170 --> 00:30:42,650 hours to save lives . They've 709 00:30:42,650 --> 00:30:44,539 vaccinated more than four million 710 00:30:44,539 --> 00:30:48,330 veterans , 80,000 spouses and 21,000 711 00:30:48,330 --> 00:30:51,800 caregivers Boosted more than 1.2 712 00:30:51,800 --> 00:30:54,570 million veterans . It's hard and risky 713 00:30:54,570 --> 00:30:58,550 work , particularly now , here's how we 714 00:30:58,550 --> 00:31:02,140 know we track it . Earlier this month 715 00:31:02,140 --> 00:31:04,100 on one day , there were more than 716 00:31:04,110 --> 00:31:06,950 15,000 v . A healthcare professionals 717 00:31:06,950 --> 00:31:09,160 unable to work due to Covid . 718 00:31:10,540 --> 00:31:13,120 Now , the previous high on this metric 719 00:31:13,130 --> 00:31:16,470 was in December 2020 When there were 720 00:31:16,480 --> 00:31:20,460 about 6000 unable to work due to Covid , 721 00:31:22,940 --> 00:31:24,829 they've been traveling across the 722 00:31:24,829 --> 00:31:27,051 country . Two places they're needed the 723 00:31:27,051 --> 00:31:29,162 most leaving their families behind to 724 00:31:29,162 --> 00:31:31,230 do it . In fact , over the course of 725 00:31:31,230 --> 00:31:33,350 the pandemic via personnel have 726 00:31:33,350 --> 00:31:35,660 deployed beyond their duty stations 727 00:31:35,670 --> 00:31:39,050 over 5000 times helping care for 728 00:31:39,050 --> 00:31:40,994 veterans and their people in their 729 00:31:40,994 --> 00:31:44,760 communities . And when non vets need 730 00:31:44,760 --> 00:31:46,890 their help , They have stepped up as 731 00:31:46,890 --> 00:31:49,360 part of our 4th mission to help COVID 732 00:31:49,360 --> 00:31:52,880 patients in need all while never once 733 00:31:52,880 --> 00:31:56,220 denying a bed to a veteran . In fact , 734 00:31:56,250 --> 00:31:59,620 right now , we have made about 130 beds 735 00:31:59,620 --> 00:32:02,020 available to non veterans in 10 736 00:32:02,020 --> 00:32:05,850 different states . In short , they're 737 00:32:05,850 --> 00:32:08,460 showing their immense strength and 738 00:32:08,460 --> 00:32:10,627 determination under the most difficult 739 00:32:10,627 --> 00:32:12,750 of circumstances because of their 740 00:32:12,750 --> 00:32:16,520 enduring devotion to veterans . I am so 741 00:32:16,520 --> 00:32:19,170 proud of them and so thankful for them 742 00:32:20,360 --> 00:32:24,000 as I know we all are . And the best way 743 00:32:24,000 --> 00:32:26,520 to show them gratitude these days isn't 744 00:32:26,520 --> 00:32:29,300 by banging pots and pans , it's by 745 00:32:29,300 --> 00:32:32,170 following dr Fauci's advice . It's by 746 00:32:32,170 --> 00:32:35,350 getting vaccinated or boosted . Why ? 747 00:32:36,600 --> 00:32:38,730 Well , it's simple , it's the most 748 00:32:38,730 --> 00:32:40,786 important thing we can do to protect 749 00:32:40,786 --> 00:32:42,952 our veterans . It's the most important 750 00:32:42,952 --> 00:32:45,063 thing we can do to protect our active 751 00:32:45,063 --> 00:32:47,620 duty forces and we owe it to those who 752 00:32:47,620 --> 00:32:50,120 are giving so much of themselves for 753 00:32:50,120 --> 00:32:53,800 you and for me And we owe it to 754 00:32:53,800 --> 00:32:56,650 ourselves because ending the spread of 755 00:32:56,650 --> 00:32:59,360 COVID-19 is our call to service 756 00:33:00,540 --> 00:33:03,350 and it's the right thing for us to do . 757 00:33:05,040 --> 00:33:06,651 You'll find a lot of helpful 758 00:33:06,651 --> 00:33:09,080 information on RV a website at the 759 00:33:09,080 --> 00:33:11,024 address you see here on the screen 760 00:33:11,024 --> 00:33:13,850 below , we can get through this , 761 00:33:15,040 --> 00:33:18,360 we'll do it together . Thank you . 762 00:33:19,440 --> 00:33:22,270 God bless you . God bless our great via 763 00:33:22,270 --> 00:33:25,150 employees And may we all serve veterans 764 00:33:25,150 --> 00:33:26,983 as well as they have served us . 765 00:33:30,840 --> 00:33:32,896 Secretary Mcdonald . That was really 766 00:33:32,896 --> 00:33:34,896 great and I really appreciate those 767 00:33:34,896 --> 00:33:36,896 words and it means so much that you 768 00:33:36,896 --> 00:33:39,118 show up for us , um , and for our whole 769 00:33:39,118 --> 00:33:41,290 community . So , um , thank you . And 770 00:33:41,290 --> 00:33:43,750 now it's my great pleasure to introduce 771 00:33:43,750 --> 00:33:45,730 someone new to this forum . Major 772 00:33:45,730 --> 00:33:47,730 general paul fredericks , who's the 773 00:33:47,730 --> 00:33:50,010 joint staff surgeon at the pentagon . 774 00:33:50,020 --> 00:33:52,190 When we asked around who is one of the 775 00:33:52,190 --> 00:33:55,120 most trusted voices among active duty 776 00:33:55,120 --> 00:33:58,450 military . We heard uh , dr fredericks , 777 00:33:58,540 --> 00:34:00,596 we heard that from people throughout 778 00:34:00,596 --> 00:34:02,707 the pentagon and throughout the press 779 00:34:02,707 --> 00:34:04,840 corps and in the ranks and field . So 780 00:34:05,140 --> 00:34:07,140 dr fredericks were really delighted 781 00:34:07,140 --> 00:34:09,307 that you can join us today and give us 782 00:34:09,307 --> 00:34:11,310 some advice and some insight from , 783 00:34:11,320 --> 00:34:13,264 from your position and and it's so 784 00:34:13,264 --> 00:34:15,264 great to get a chance to meet you . 785 00:34:15,264 --> 00:34:17,740 Thank you . Well , thank you very much , 786 00:34:17,740 --> 00:34:20,540 Kathy . And uh , let me start by saying 787 00:34:20,550 --> 00:34:23,030 how grateful I am for what you all are 788 00:34:23,030 --> 00:34:26,560 doing and how valuable forums like this 789 00:34:26,560 --> 00:34:29,360 are . And this is not just me speaking 790 00:34:29,360 --> 00:34:31,249 as the joint staff surgeon . This 791 00:34:31,249 --> 00:34:34,570 Thursday . My dad turns 95 , he was 792 00:34:34,580 --> 00:34:37,640 World War II Navy vet . My wife is a v 793 00:34:37,640 --> 00:34:40,040 a doc , former army doc . And we've got 794 00:34:40,040 --> 00:34:42,000 a younger son at the Naval Academy 795 00:34:42,000 --> 00:34:45,490 right now . So I'm part of your 796 00:34:45,500 --> 00:34:49,070 extended bluestar family there and so 797 00:34:49,070 --> 00:34:51,181 grateful for what you all are doing . 798 00:34:51,740 --> 00:34:53,684 And I'm grateful for the chance to 799 00:34:53,684 --> 00:34:55,920 share an update . And I wanna speak 800 00:34:55,930 --> 00:34:58,460 really from the operational perspective , 801 00:34:58,840 --> 00:35:01,062 you know , the great news in all of the 802 00:35:01,062 --> 00:35:03,580 challenges of this pandemic is that our 803 00:35:03,580 --> 00:35:05,890 military has continued to defend our 804 00:35:05,890 --> 00:35:08,690 nation for the last two years in spite 805 00:35:08,690 --> 00:35:11,210 of all of the challenges that we faced 806 00:35:12,240 --> 00:35:14,462 and in large part that's due to you all 807 00:35:14,462 --> 00:35:16,780 at home , making it possible for those 808 00:35:16,780 --> 00:35:18,990 of us who are still in uniform to do 809 00:35:18,990 --> 00:35:21,540 what we have to do . And so , you know , 810 00:35:21,540 --> 00:35:23,484 you'd ask the question of dr Fauci 811 00:35:23,484 --> 00:35:25,373 earlier about how do families get 812 00:35:25,373 --> 00:35:28,760 through this , please ? No . How 813 00:35:28,760 --> 00:35:31,870 incredibly great we are for the 814 00:35:31,870 --> 00:35:34,970 sacrifices you are making so that we 815 00:35:34,970 --> 00:35:37,750 can do what we're doing . You know , 816 00:35:37,750 --> 00:35:39,806 there's not a there's not a day that 817 00:35:39,806 --> 00:35:41,861 goes by , especially with this surge 818 00:35:41,861 --> 00:35:43,861 when we've got tens of thousands of 819 00:35:43,861 --> 00:35:46,028 people out sick that we don't have the 820 00:35:46,028 --> 00:35:48,350 discussion . But what about my kids ? 821 00:35:48,710 --> 00:35:50,740 What about my spouse ? What about 822 00:35:50,740 --> 00:35:54,260 school and I can assure you all the way 823 00:35:54,260 --> 00:35:56,482 up to the level of the chairman , those 824 00:35:56,482 --> 00:35:58,593 are things that we think about and we 825 00:35:58,593 --> 00:36:00,704 know that you're there helping us get 826 00:36:00,704 --> 00:36:02,871 through that . So let me say thank you 827 00:36:02,871 --> 00:36:04,871 on behalf of all of us here who are 828 00:36:04,871 --> 00:36:07,810 working with you to continue to support 829 00:36:07,810 --> 00:36:09,977 and defend our nation . The other part 830 00:36:09,977 --> 00:36:12,440 that you're helping us do is to take 831 00:36:12,440 --> 00:36:14,551 care of those who need medical care . 832 00:36:14,551 --> 00:36:16,960 So you just heard from Dr . Fauci , who 833 00:36:16,960 --> 00:36:19,560 I first met in 1989 as a medical 834 00:36:19,560 --> 00:36:23,060 student and what an incredible servant 835 00:36:23,060 --> 00:36:25,500 leader he is for our country and you 836 00:36:25,500 --> 00:36:27,611 heard what the V . A . Is doing . But 837 00:36:27,611 --> 00:36:29,722 as many of you know , the D . O . D . 838 00:36:29,722 --> 00:36:31,833 Is also stepping up again . So we had 839 00:36:31,833 --> 00:36:33,950 about 400 people deployed last week 840 00:36:34,730 --> 00:36:37,060 helping hospitals around the country . 841 00:36:37,060 --> 00:36:39,060 We've got another 500 going out the 842 00:36:39,060 --> 00:36:42,020 door this week And another 500 military 843 00:36:42,020 --> 00:36:44,242 medics going out shortly behind that to 844 00:36:44,242 --> 00:36:46,353 help hospitals all over the country . 845 00:36:46,740 --> 00:36:48,796 That's important for many of you all 846 00:36:48,796 --> 00:36:50,796 because you rely on the D . O . D . 847 00:36:50,796 --> 00:36:52,796 Healthcare system for care . And if 848 00:36:52,796 --> 00:36:55,110 those military medics are not at home 849 00:36:55,230 --> 00:36:58,320 taking care of you all that is going to 850 00:36:58,320 --> 00:37:00,660 have some impacts and and we know that 851 00:37:00,660 --> 00:37:02,771 and we're very aware of that , but we 852 00:37:02,771 --> 00:37:04,882 also know that during this great need 853 00:37:04,882 --> 00:37:06,771 and challenge that our country is 854 00:37:06,771 --> 00:37:09,200 facing the body is who the country 855 00:37:09,200 --> 00:37:12,100 turns to for support . We also know and 856 00:37:12,100 --> 00:37:13,989 you mentioned this Kathy that the 857 00:37:13,989 --> 00:37:16,211 National Guard is playing a huge role . 858 00:37:16,211 --> 00:37:18,267 We've gone from 12,000 guardsmen and 859 00:37:18,267 --> 00:37:20,530 women deployed a month ago To now close 860 00:37:20,530 --> 00:37:22,490 to 20,000 guards members who are 861 00:37:22,490 --> 00:37:24,910 stepping up many of the medics , but 862 00:37:24,920 --> 00:37:27,950 also across the many capabilities that 863 00:37:27,950 --> 00:37:29,672 the guard brings to help their 864 00:37:29,672 --> 00:37:31,890 communities and that has an impact to 865 00:37:31,890 --> 00:37:33,946 help the communities . But it has an 866 00:37:33,946 --> 00:37:36,370 impact on each of your families as 867 00:37:36,370 --> 00:37:38,592 you're supporting that guards member or 868 00:37:38,592 --> 00:37:40,870 that active duty member who's deployed . 869 00:37:40,870 --> 00:37:42,814 And so I'll say thank you for that 870 00:37:42,814 --> 00:37:45,037 again . I get asked a lot , what can we 871 00:37:45,037 --> 00:37:47,037 do ? And I think you asked Dr Fauci 872 00:37:47,037 --> 00:37:49,259 that and I would echo what you've heard 873 00:37:49,259 --> 00:37:51,481 already . The most important thing that 874 00:37:51,481 --> 00:37:53,481 we ask you all to continue to do is 875 00:37:53,481 --> 00:37:55,648 keep faith with your service members . 876 00:37:55,648 --> 00:37:58,200 If you're a military family , none of 877 00:37:58,200 --> 00:38:01,780 us would ever have hoped to live 878 00:38:01,780 --> 00:38:04,070 through something like this . This 879 00:38:04,070 --> 00:38:05,800 happens once every 100 years . 880 00:38:05,800 --> 00:38:07,856 Hopefully we'll never see it again . 881 00:38:08,020 --> 00:38:10,610 But please know we all want this to be 882 00:38:10,610 --> 00:38:13,260 over as soon as possible and you're 883 00:38:13,260 --> 00:38:15,450 helping us when you get vaccinated , 884 00:38:15,540 --> 00:38:17,707 you're helping us . When you make sure 885 00:38:17,707 --> 00:38:19,762 that kids are able to go to school , 886 00:38:19,762 --> 00:38:21,873 you're helping us as we fight through 887 00:38:21,873 --> 00:38:23,770 this latest enemy that we face by 888 00:38:23,770 --> 00:38:25,770 making sure that those common sense 889 00:38:25,770 --> 00:38:28,430 things that Dr Fauci talked about not 890 00:38:28,430 --> 00:38:30,486 having the big parties as much as we 891 00:38:30,486 --> 00:38:32,597 would all love to celebrate things as 892 00:38:32,597 --> 00:38:34,819 much as we want this to be over with so 893 00:38:34,819 --> 00:38:36,986 that you're active duty service member 894 00:38:36,986 --> 00:38:39,152 or your guardsmen or your guards woman 895 00:38:39,152 --> 00:38:40,986 and your family there is able to 896 00:38:40,986 --> 00:38:42,930 continue to do the things that our 897 00:38:42,930 --> 00:38:45,097 nation depends on them to do . And the 898 00:38:45,097 --> 00:38:47,263 last thing that I'll leave you with is 899 00:38:47,263 --> 00:38:49,620 in the very best of times we asked a 900 00:38:49,620 --> 00:38:51,790 great deal of our military families . 901 00:38:52,920 --> 00:38:55,087 We're asking even more now and we know 902 00:38:55,087 --> 00:38:58,930 that please please please keep using 903 00:38:58,930 --> 00:39:01,620 forms like these to ask your questions , 904 00:39:01,630 --> 00:39:03,640 share your concerns , bring them 905 00:39:03,640 --> 00:39:05,751 forward whether it's the seaq through 906 00:39:05,751 --> 00:39:07,696 your command chain or reaching out 907 00:39:07,696 --> 00:39:10,260 directly to me so that we know where we 908 00:39:10,270 --> 00:39:12,437 are making it more difficult and where 909 00:39:12,437 --> 00:39:14,548 we need to try and fix things because 910 00:39:14,548 --> 00:39:17,070 we need you all desperately to help us 911 00:39:17,070 --> 00:39:19,237 get through this . Thank you again for 912 00:39:19,237 --> 00:39:21,348 all that you're doing . God bless you 913 00:39:21,348 --> 00:39:24,020 all . Thanks again . Cathy Thank you 914 00:39:24,020 --> 00:39:27,880 General fredericks . And 915 00:39:27,880 --> 00:39:29,824 now that we've met you , we're not 916 00:39:29,824 --> 00:39:31,991 gonna let you get too far away . So we 917 00:39:31,991 --> 00:39:34,213 look forward to seeing you again soon . 918 00:39:34,213 --> 00:39:34,160 But I have to say I found those very 919 00:39:34,160 --> 00:39:36,327 moving words and I know I'm gonna hold 920 00:39:36,327 --> 00:39:38,438 onto them to that . This is a special 921 00:39:38,438 --> 00:39:40,493 calling for those of us connected to 922 00:39:40,493 --> 00:39:42,493 the military to keep keep the fight 923 00:39:42,493 --> 00:39:44,690 going longer . And uh not if I may 924 00:39:44,700 --> 00:39:46,867 borrow a phrase not put down our packs 925 00:39:46,867 --> 00:39:48,922 yet because of the role we play . So 926 00:39:49,320 --> 00:39:52,300 good words . Um and now it is my 927 00:39:52,300 --> 00:39:55,370 pleasure to bring back our great friend 928 00:39:55,380 --> 00:39:57,820 Kobe Langley , Senior Vice President of 929 00:39:57,820 --> 00:39:59,876 Services , the Armed Forces from the 930 00:39:59,876 --> 00:40:02,042 american red cross to speak again with 931 00:40:02,042 --> 00:40:03,931 Lieutenant General Ronald place , 932 00:40:03,931 --> 00:40:06,042 Director of the Defense Health Agency 933 00:40:06,042 --> 00:40:08,264 to once again answer more questions and 934 00:40:08,264 --> 00:40:10,542 get more answers part of the community . 935 00:40:10,542 --> 00:40:12,487 I want to thank you Kobe . General 936 00:40:12,487 --> 00:40:14,376 place for joining us once again . 937 00:40:18,310 --> 00:40:22,200 Yeah , so Kathy as 938 00:40:22,200 --> 00:40:24,311 always , thanks so much . You've been 939 00:40:24,311 --> 00:40:26,478 an amazing partner to the american red 940 00:40:26,478 --> 00:40:28,422 cross and an amazing leader to our 941 00:40:28,422 --> 00:40:30,589 veteran military family community . Um 942 00:40:30,589 --> 00:40:32,478 it's always a pleasure to be here 943 00:40:32,478 --> 00:40:34,478 talking with you and senior leaders 944 00:40:34,478 --> 00:40:36,589 about this . Really important issue . 945 00:40:36,589 --> 00:40:36,550 It is the most important issue to our 946 00:40:36,560 --> 00:40:38,782 our veteran military family community , 947 00:40:38,910 --> 00:40:41,021 your own place . It's good to see you 948 00:40:41,021 --> 00:40:43,188 again . The world's change . It's very 949 00:40:43,188 --> 00:40:45,410 different than what it was . You know , 950 00:40:45,410 --> 00:40:47,577 even three or four months ago a macron 951 00:40:47,577 --> 00:40:49,688 is all over the place and our veteran 952 00:40:49,688 --> 00:40:52,021 military family community are concerned , 953 00:40:52,021 --> 00:40:54,132 you know , um we're doing what we can 954 00:40:54,132 --> 00:40:56,243 to be vaccinated . I'm super proud of 955 00:40:56,243 --> 00:40:58,521 our Red Cross team over 90% vaccinated . 956 00:40:58,521 --> 00:41:00,466 Of course the military has done an 957 00:41:00,466 --> 00:41:02,354 amazing job of getting almost the 958 00:41:02,354 --> 00:41:04,577 entire active force vaccinated . That's 959 00:41:04,577 --> 00:41:06,632 thanks to your leadership and and of 960 00:41:06,632 --> 00:41:08,799 course the leadership of our secretary 961 00:41:08,799 --> 00:41:11,021 Secretary Austin . Um we're here to ask 962 00:41:11,021 --> 00:41:13,354 you some questions about what's changed . 963 00:41:13,354 --> 00:41:15,354 Well , yeah , thanks Kobe . And and 964 00:41:15,354 --> 00:41:17,521 thanks again to the american Red cross 965 00:41:17,521 --> 00:41:19,743 and blue Star families for hosting this 966 00:41:19,743 --> 00:41:21,854 town hall . My personal view , you've 967 00:41:21,854 --> 00:41:21,660 been extremely helpful throughout the 968 00:41:21,660 --> 00:41:23,493 pandemic , ensuring our military 969 00:41:23,493 --> 00:41:25,660 families and our Veterans get the most 970 00:41:25,660 --> 00:41:27,716 current and accurate information and 971 00:41:27,716 --> 00:41:29,771 from good sources to write sources . 972 00:41:29,771 --> 00:41:31,438 There's a lot to cover in our 973 00:41:31,438 --> 00:41:33,660 discussion . But if I could open just a 974 00:41:33,660 --> 00:41:36,580 little bit of background information on 975 00:41:36,580 --> 00:41:38,524 where we are and responding to the 976 00:41:38,524 --> 00:41:40,710 pandemic like the rest of the civilian 977 00:41:40,710 --> 00:41:42,821 healthcare sector . The Department of 978 00:41:42,821 --> 00:41:44,988 Defense has been affected and is being 979 00:41:44,988 --> 00:41:47,099 affected by the spread of the omicron 980 00:41:47,099 --> 00:41:49,210 variant Positive cases are up . We've 981 00:41:49,210 --> 00:41:50,988 seen the number of hospitalized 982 00:41:50,988 --> 00:41:53,099 patients with COVID-19 also go up but 983 00:41:53,099 --> 00:41:55,210 consistent with the national trends . 984 00:41:55,210 --> 00:41:57,377 Much smaller percentage of in patients 985 00:41:57,377 --> 00:41:59,654 are requiring intensive care unit care . 986 00:41:59,654 --> 00:42:01,821 That's good news in our hospitals . At 987 00:42:01,821 --> 00:42:03,710 least the vast majority of people 988 00:42:03,710 --> 00:42:05,266 hospitalized with covid are 989 00:42:05,266 --> 00:42:08,410 unvaccinated . Still since the vaccines 990 00:42:08,410 --> 00:42:10,410 have become available to all of our 991 00:42:10,410 --> 00:42:12,521 service members and families with one 992 00:42:12,521 --> 00:42:14,632 exception are only deaths of those in 993 00:42:14,632 --> 00:42:16,799 uniform . Were among those individuals 994 00:42:16,799 --> 00:42:19,021 who had not been fully vaccinated . The 995 00:42:19,021 --> 00:42:21,021 one service member fully vaccinated 996 00:42:21,021 --> 00:42:22,854 received the single dose J and J 997 00:42:22,854 --> 00:42:26,590 vaccine uh several . I mean a long time 998 00:42:26,590 --> 00:42:28,923 ago when it when it originally came out . 999 00:42:28,923 --> 00:42:30,979 So the point to all that . Why did I 1000 00:42:30,979 --> 00:42:33,034 give you all the data ? The point is 1001 00:42:33,034 --> 00:42:34,979 the vaccines work and their safety 1002 00:42:34,979 --> 00:42:36,979 profiles extraordinary . We may get 1003 00:42:36,979 --> 00:42:38,979 into that a little bit depending on 1004 00:42:38,979 --> 00:42:41,201 what your questions are . So the bottom 1005 00:42:41,201 --> 00:42:43,368 line , if you listen to nothing else , 1006 00:42:43,368 --> 00:42:45,312 not only for yourself but for your 1007 00:42:45,312 --> 00:42:47,479 family , your community strongly urged 1008 00:42:47,479 --> 00:42:49,534 everyone to get vaccinated and get a 1009 00:42:49,534 --> 00:42:51,701 booster when appropriate . Now for the 1010 00:42:51,701 --> 00:42:51,370 for the military health system 1011 00:42:51,370 --> 00:42:53,537 specifically , we also have healthcare 1012 00:42:53,537 --> 00:42:55,426 staff were out sick and following 1013 00:42:55,426 --> 00:42:57,648 isolation procedures or in quarantine . 1014 00:42:57,648 --> 00:42:59,259 And and that's a challenge . 1015 00:42:59,259 --> 00:43:01,314 Vaccination is a requirement for our 1016 00:43:01,314 --> 00:43:03,481 healthcare workers , both civilian and 1017 00:43:03,481 --> 00:43:05,314 military . And we're encouraging 1018 00:43:05,314 --> 00:43:05,030 boosters to our staff as well , which 1019 00:43:05,030 --> 00:43:07,620 minimizes illnesses amongst our team 1020 00:43:08,070 --> 00:43:11,250 and protects for our our patients . And 1021 00:43:11,250 --> 00:43:13,083 finally for the broader national 1022 00:43:13,083 --> 00:43:15,139 response , the Department of Defense 1023 00:43:15,139 --> 00:43:17,250 still doing an awful lot . One of the 1024 00:43:17,250 --> 00:43:19,250 first things that Secretary Defense 1025 00:43:19,250 --> 00:43:21,472 Austin communicated on his first day in 1026 00:43:21,472 --> 00:43:23,417 the pentagon and really within the 1027 00:43:23,417 --> 00:43:25,583 first couple of hours that he was even 1028 00:43:25,583 --> 00:43:27,806 in the building and the job is that the 1029 00:43:27,806 --> 00:43:30,028 pandemic was a national security threat 1030 00:43:30,028 --> 00:43:31,972 and that the Department of Defense 1031 00:43:31,972 --> 00:43:31,590 would be part of the whole of 1032 00:43:31,590 --> 00:43:33,201 government response and I'll 1033 00:43:33,201 --> 00:43:35,312 acknowledge that our military medical 1034 00:43:35,312 --> 00:43:37,423 personnel have answered and continued 1035 00:43:37,423 --> 00:43:39,479 to answer that call . In addition to 1036 00:43:39,479 --> 00:43:41,534 the millions of vaccines . We talked 1037 00:43:41,534 --> 00:43:43,534 about that last time . What's going 1038 00:43:43,534 --> 00:43:45,757 around and who's doing it ? We've we've 1039 00:43:45,757 --> 00:43:47,646 helped staff overwhelmed civilian 1040 00:43:47,646 --> 00:43:49,868 hospitals continue to do that . To this 1041 00:43:49,868 --> 00:43:51,812 day . We've shared masks and other 1042 00:43:51,812 --> 00:43:53,979 personal protective equipment with our 1043 00:43:53,979 --> 00:43:53,760 civilian colleagues . We played 1044 00:43:53,760 --> 00:43:55,649 hospital ships and combat support 1045 00:43:55,649 --> 00:43:57,593 hospitals to some locations . Mass 1046 00:43:57,593 --> 00:43:59,816 vaccinations , right . The list goes on 1047 00:43:59,816 --> 00:44:01,982 and on and on . We're proud of that at 1048 00:44:01,982 --> 00:44:03,816 least . I think it's it's likely 1049 00:44:03,816 --> 00:44:05,927 apparent that I'm really proud of our 1050 00:44:05,927 --> 00:44:08,260 entire military team soldiers , sailors , 1051 00:44:08,260 --> 00:44:10,427 airmen marines guardians , medical and 1052 00:44:10,427 --> 00:44:12,538 nonmedical who've been out there side 1053 00:44:12,538 --> 00:44:14,720 by side in our communities getting 1054 00:44:14,720 --> 00:44:16,831 people vaccinated and and taking care 1055 00:44:16,831 --> 00:44:19,053 of those who fall ill . Now I know that 1056 00:44:19,053 --> 00:44:21,053 many people are tired and just want 1057 00:44:21,053 --> 00:44:23,310 this to be over with . But the pathway 1058 00:44:23,330 --> 00:44:25,970 to a safer place is vaccinations and 1059 00:44:25,970 --> 00:44:27,970 where appropriate boosters . And if 1060 00:44:27,970 --> 00:44:30,137 more boosters are additional doses for 1061 00:44:30,137 --> 00:44:32,359 the immune compromised . The number one 1062 00:44:32,359 --> 00:44:34,930 thing is vaccinations , vaccinations , 1063 00:44:34,930 --> 00:44:37,097 vaccinations . So thanks for having me 1064 00:44:37,097 --> 00:44:39,263 here today . And I look forward to the 1065 00:44:39,263 --> 00:44:41,486 questions . So jerome place . Thanks so 1066 00:44:41,486 --> 00:44:43,708 much again for that . You know for that 1067 00:44:43,708 --> 00:44:45,874 amazing introduction . And I agree . I 1068 00:44:45,874 --> 00:44:48,152 mean the amount of work that D . O . D . 1069 00:44:48,152 --> 00:44:50,374 Did to get this work work force , total 1070 00:44:50,374 --> 00:44:52,430 force ready and vaccinated was truly 1071 00:44:52,430 --> 00:44:54,319 amazing . And your leadership and 1072 00:44:54,319 --> 00:44:56,208 Secretary Austin's leadership was 1073 00:44:56,208 --> 00:44:57,986 exactly what was needed at this 1074 00:44:57,986 --> 00:45:00,152 critical time . But you know we we now 1075 00:45:00,152 --> 00:45:02,041 know that the vaccines are widely 1076 00:45:02,041 --> 00:45:04,380 available to all americans And our 1077 00:45:04,380 --> 00:45:06,436 communities are really curious as to 1078 00:45:06,436 --> 00:45:08,480 whether vaccines are available in a 1079 00:45:08,480 --> 00:45:10,369 different way to our military and 1080 00:45:10,369 --> 00:45:12,424 veteran connected families . Perhaps 1081 00:45:12,424 --> 00:45:14,647 that beauty facilities . And what about 1082 00:45:14,647 --> 00:45:18,000 boosters ? Yeah . Well sure . Great 1083 00:45:18,000 --> 00:45:21,150 question . I think that the number one 1084 00:45:21,150 --> 00:45:24,610 thing is that we have plenty of vaccine , 1085 00:45:24,620 --> 00:45:27,130 Primary doses . Second doses boosters . 1086 00:45:27,140 --> 00:45:30,110 It's not a supply problem . The only 1087 00:45:30,110 --> 00:45:32,054 the only problem could be a desire 1088 00:45:32,054 --> 00:45:34,166 problem . Right are people willing to 1089 00:45:34,166 --> 00:45:36,510 be vaccinated but it's out there and we 1090 00:45:36,510 --> 00:45:39,360 have it everywhere and in fact we have 1091 00:45:39,370 --> 00:45:42,290 all of the kinds available in America , 1092 00:45:42,290 --> 00:45:44,401 the fighter kinds , the Moderna kinds 1093 00:45:44,401 --> 00:45:46,640 that the J . And jake in . The one 1094 00:45:46,640 --> 00:45:48,807 thing that that I will tell for all of 1095 00:45:48,807 --> 00:45:51,360 our beneficiaries is that While some 1096 00:45:51,360 --> 00:45:53,760 locations may only have one kind , most 1097 00:45:53,760 --> 00:45:56,400 have more than one manufacturer I guess 1098 00:45:56,400 --> 00:45:58,400 is probably the right way to say it 1099 00:45:58,400 --> 00:46:00,567 more than one manufacturer . Some will 1100 00:46:00,567 --> 00:46:02,733 only have one but it will never be the 1101 00:46:02,733 --> 00:46:04,844 J . And J . One if it's the only kind 1102 00:46:04,844 --> 00:46:06,956 just based on the the efficacy of the 1103 00:46:06,956 --> 00:46:09,320 difference at the M . RNA vaccines . If 1104 00:46:09,320 --> 00:46:11,431 you look at the CDC guidance it's the 1105 00:46:11,431 --> 00:46:14,250 preferred ones . But but for those who 1106 00:46:14,250 --> 00:46:16,472 want the J . And J . We still have that 1107 00:46:16,472 --> 00:46:18,694 as well . So it should be there now the 1108 00:46:18,694 --> 00:46:21,028 way to do it at least in our facilities . 1109 00:46:21,028 --> 00:46:23,250 My recommendation is go to the military 1110 00:46:23,250 --> 00:46:25,417 medical treatment facilities website . 1111 00:46:25,417 --> 00:46:27,790 It'll it'll tell you what are the hours 1112 00:46:27,790 --> 00:46:30,012 you have to make an appointment ? Is it 1113 00:46:30,012 --> 00:46:32,234 walk ins ? How does all that work ? All 1114 00:46:32,234 --> 00:46:34,290 that information is available on the 1115 00:46:34,290 --> 00:46:36,430 individual websites of the medical 1116 00:46:36,430 --> 00:46:38,597 treatment facilities in question ? And 1117 00:46:38,597 --> 00:46:40,486 there's also the frequently asked 1118 00:46:40,486 --> 00:46:42,819 questions and all those sorts of things . 1119 00:46:42,819 --> 00:46:44,986 So people who are curious about , what 1120 00:46:44,986 --> 00:46:44,870 does it mean ? How does it work ? How 1121 00:46:44,870 --> 00:46:46,981 long it's gonna take ? Those sorts of 1122 00:46:46,981 --> 00:46:48,981 things ? Now at one point that I'll 1123 00:46:48,981 --> 00:46:51,148 make relatively clear though are MTs I 1124 00:46:51,148 --> 00:46:53,470 think you know our for our active duty 1125 00:46:53,470 --> 00:46:55,470 service members or activated garden 1126 00:46:55,470 --> 00:46:57,610 reserve men and their families . It's 1127 00:46:57,610 --> 00:47:00,440 for retirees , full retirees and their 1128 00:47:00,440 --> 00:47:03,220 families . In many cases it's for our D . 1129 00:47:03,220 --> 00:47:05,360 O . D . Personnel who are able to get 1130 00:47:05,360 --> 00:47:08,270 this vaccine on our installations and 1131 00:47:08,280 --> 00:47:10,390 appropriate contractors where where 1132 00:47:10,390 --> 00:47:12,270 it's it's been approved for this 1133 00:47:12,270 --> 00:47:14,810 contracting organization . But non 1134 00:47:14,810 --> 00:47:17,640 retired veterans should seek 1135 00:47:17,650 --> 00:47:20,330 vaccination in a V . A . Facility or in 1136 00:47:20,330 --> 00:47:22,274 their civilian communities because 1137 00:47:22,274 --> 00:47:24,380 we're not authorized for non retired 1138 00:47:24,380 --> 00:47:26,602 veterans to get their vaccinations with 1139 00:47:26,602 --> 00:47:30,270 us . That makes perfect sense . I 1140 00:47:30,280 --> 00:47:32,502 appreciate that guidance . And you know 1141 00:47:32,502 --> 00:47:34,613 I I did actually I went on the walter 1142 00:47:34,613 --> 00:47:36,613 reed website and I also went on the 1143 00:47:36,613 --> 00:47:38,724 Fort Belvoir website and you're right 1144 00:47:38,724 --> 00:47:40,391 it's it's right there all the 1145 00:47:40,391 --> 00:47:42,502 information is available about how to 1146 00:47:42,502 --> 00:47:44,224 set an appointment and and the 1147 00:47:44,224 --> 00:47:46,447 availability so appreciate getting that 1148 00:47:46,447 --> 00:47:48,669 guidance directly from you . So general 1149 00:47:48,669 --> 00:47:50,558 place . Um That was again amazing 1150 00:47:50,558 --> 00:47:52,970 information . We do know that our 1151 00:47:52,970 --> 00:47:55,190 military communities are diverse in 1152 00:47:55,190 --> 00:47:57,357 terms of where they live as well . Not 1153 00:47:57,357 --> 00:47:58,912 everybody lives on military 1154 00:47:58,912 --> 00:48:01,134 installations anymore . A great members 1155 00:48:01,134 --> 00:48:03,023 of our community live outside the 1156 00:48:03,023 --> 00:48:05,134 installation over half right live off 1157 00:48:05,134 --> 00:48:07,301 of installation . And so when military 1158 00:48:07,301 --> 00:48:09,301 members have to rely on their local 1159 00:48:09,301 --> 00:48:11,246 community needs . You know the DND 1160 00:48:11,246 --> 00:48:13,910 facilities are accessible to them . Um 1161 00:48:13,910 --> 00:48:15,890 Where where should those military 1162 00:48:15,890 --> 00:48:18,760 families go ? Sure . So for anyone who 1163 00:48:18,760 --> 00:48:21,220 either doesn't have access to M . T . F . 1164 00:48:21,220 --> 00:48:23,553 Or chooses just before convenience sake . 1165 00:48:23,553 --> 00:48:25,776 They want to do it somewhere else . Our 1166 00:48:25,776 --> 00:48:27,942 recommendations are these first find a 1167 00:48:27,942 --> 00:48:29,609 local pharmacy and again most 1168 00:48:29,609 --> 00:48:31,831 communities have have that available on 1169 00:48:31,831 --> 00:48:33,998 a community website as well but find a 1170 00:48:33,998 --> 00:48:35,887 local pharmacy . The advantage of 1171 00:48:35,887 --> 00:48:38,780 pharmacies . It it is almost never that 1172 00:48:38,780 --> 00:48:40,947 there's a copay that's associated with 1173 00:48:40,947 --> 00:48:43,058 the pharmacy . You can also get it at 1174 00:48:43,058 --> 00:48:45,280 your your your primary care providers . 1175 00:48:45,280 --> 00:48:47,660 But there's sometimes copays associated 1176 00:48:47,740 --> 00:48:49,851 with getting vaccines and other other 1177 00:48:49,851 --> 00:48:52,430 care within the the the primary care 1178 00:48:52,430 --> 00:48:54,374 provider your your P . C . M . S . 1179 00:48:54,374 --> 00:48:55,874 Office . So the number one 1180 00:48:55,874 --> 00:48:58,097 recommendations of pharmacy if you have 1181 00:48:58,097 --> 00:48:58,050 other things that you need to do with 1182 00:48:58,050 --> 00:49:00,217 your PCM it's just more convenient get 1183 00:49:00,217 --> 00:49:02,439 it , get it at your doctors , your your 1184 00:49:02,439 --> 00:49:04,606 P . A . S . Office or wherever it is . 1185 00:49:04,606 --> 00:49:03,950 But that's the other way that that 1186 00:49:03,950 --> 00:49:06,283 folks can get it . That's super helpful . 1187 00:49:06,283 --> 00:49:08,450 Yeah that's where I got my three doses 1188 00:49:08,450 --> 00:49:10,672 and you know my two doses of my booster 1189 00:49:10,672 --> 00:49:12,839 I got at the local pharmacy and you're 1190 00:49:12,839 --> 00:49:15,061 right there was zero copay . But that's 1191 00:49:15,061 --> 00:49:14,990 that's really good advice I think . You 1192 00:49:14,990 --> 00:49:17,460 know sometimes people might want to go 1193 00:49:17,460 --> 00:49:19,682 to the primary care provider and that's 1194 00:49:19,682 --> 00:49:21,849 ok too but you may have to you have to 1195 00:49:21,849 --> 00:49:23,849 do the co pay with that . So thanks 1196 00:49:23,849 --> 00:49:25,960 thanks for that helpful information . 1197 00:49:25,960 --> 00:49:28,660 So the general place it's been amazing 1198 00:49:28,670 --> 00:49:31,990 on how quickly and rapid 1199 00:49:32,000 --> 00:49:34,320 testing has become an issue in the 1200 00:49:34,320 --> 00:49:36,542 community at large and I know it's it's 1201 00:49:36,542 --> 00:49:38,653 an issue and it's a challenge for the 1202 00:49:38,653 --> 00:49:41,820 entire world and the United States . Um 1203 00:49:41,830 --> 00:49:43,790 But it's so important that we have 1204 00:49:43,790 --> 00:49:46,270 available testing particularly because 1205 00:49:46,270 --> 00:49:48,492 of the speed . You know of this variant 1206 00:49:48,492 --> 00:49:50,548 how quickly it's spreading across of 1207 00:49:50,548 --> 00:49:52,659 the United States and the globe . And 1208 00:49:52,659 --> 00:49:54,826 so we're really interested in learning 1209 00:49:54,826 --> 00:49:56,937 learning learning more from you about 1210 00:49:56,937 --> 00:49:59,103 the availability of testing at D . O . 1211 00:49:59,103 --> 00:50:01,326 D . Facilities for service members . Um 1212 00:50:01,326 --> 00:50:03,492 And then what about family members and 1213 00:50:03,492 --> 00:50:06,880 their dependents ? Well I appreciate 1214 00:50:06,880 --> 00:50:09,270 the question of all the things that we 1215 00:50:09,270 --> 00:50:11,381 may be talking about today . While it 1216 00:50:11,381 --> 00:50:13,326 seems simple right ? It's a test . 1217 00:50:13,326 --> 00:50:15,700 Let's just do a task . It may well be 1218 00:50:15,700 --> 00:50:17,311 at least from a bureaucratic 1219 00:50:17,311 --> 00:50:19,256 perspective . The most complicated 1220 00:50:19,256 --> 00:50:21,311 topic topic that we're going to talk 1221 00:50:21,311 --> 00:50:23,533 about I think everybody knows . But for 1222 00:50:23,533 --> 00:50:25,478 those who don't there's really two 1223 00:50:25,478 --> 00:50:27,311 different kinds of tests . Their 1224 00:50:27,311 --> 00:50:29,589 laboratory performed tests . You go in , 1225 00:50:29,589 --> 00:50:29,150 you get a swab and somebody else takes 1226 00:50:29,150 --> 00:50:31,317 care of it and then some that are self 1227 00:50:31,317 --> 00:50:33,820 administered . So let me let me walk 1228 00:50:33,820 --> 00:50:36,042 through the process just a little bit . 1229 00:50:36,042 --> 00:50:38,209 So first for the provider administered 1230 00:50:38,209 --> 00:50:40,153 test those that we go to someone's 1231 00:50:40,153 --> 00:50:42,264 office , they do a swab and they take 1232 00:50:42,264 --> 00:50:44,460 care of it for D . O . D . 1233 00:50:44,470 --> 00:50:46,720 Beneficiaries . At most of our D . O . 1234 00:50:46,720 --> 00:50:48,831 D . Facilities we provide that that's 1235 00:50:48,831 --> 00:50:50,998 called pcr polymerase chain reaction . 1236 00:50:50,998 --> 00:50:53,090 Pcr testing for service members , 1237 00:50:53,090 --> 00:50:55,034 families retires and anybody who's 1238 00:50:55,034 --> 00:50:57,260 eligible for care within our system we 1239 00:50:57,260 --> 00:50:59,990 can do all that if they're your regular 1240 00:50:59,990 --> 00:51:03,520 provider or some in the community says 1241 00:51:03,520 --> 00:51:06,020 that yes it's necessary for you to be 1242 00:51:06,020 --> 00:51:08,131 tested for it . That's something that 1243 00:51:08,131 --> 00:51:10,076 we can do . It's called a provider 1244 00:51:10,076 --> 00:51:12,076 order test . That's the easy part . 1245 00:51:12,260 --> 00:51:14,410 It's a complex test that we do . But 1246 00:51:14,410 --> 00:51:16,640 from the beneficiary side , it's pretty 1247 00:51:16,640 --> 00:51:19,680 easy . The second the over the counter 1248 00:51:19,680 --> 00:51:21,600 self administered antigen test , 1249 00:51:21,930 --> 00:51:23,652 there's all kinds of different 1250 00:51:23,652 --> 00:51:25,819 approaches . And I think this is where 1251 00:51:25,819 --> 00:51:28,152 the challenge will be for understanding . 1252 00:51:28,152 --> 00:51:30,250 Now , some towns , some communities 1253 00:51:30,250 --> 00:51:32,139 have made them free of charge for 1254 00:51:32,139 --> 00:51:34,250 people in their community . If that's 1255 00:51:34,250 --> 00:51:36,560 happening in your community , then by 1256 00:51:36,560 --> 00:51:38,616 all means make yourself available to 1257 00:51:38,616 --> 00:51:40,671 them . If that's something that's of 1258 00:51:40,671 --> 00:51:42,950 interest to you , I knew it had some 1259 00:51:42,950 --> 00:51:46,410 are available online for our patients . 1260 00:51:46,420 --> 00:51:48,420 Almost always , you have to pay for 1261 00:51:48,420 --> 00:51:52,150 those that are online . But for but for 1262 00:51:52,150 --> 00:51:55,160 the Tricare program , that's not the 1263 00:51:55,160 --> 00:51:58,960 way our system works for us . For 1264 00:51:58,960 --> 00:52:01,740 tricare to cover something , any sort 1265 00:52:01,740 --> 00:52:03,962 of test , we'll talk specifically about 1266 00:52:03,962 --> 00:52:06,073 covid test , but any sort of test has 1267 00:52:06,073 --> 00:52:09,030 to be determined medically necessary by 1268 00:52:09,030 --> 00:52:11,690 an authorized provider . And a lot of 1269 00:52:11,690 --> 00:52:14,390 that's because of Tricare law that that 1270 00:52:14,390 --> 00:52:16,980 we have to follow . Now , the Tricare 1271 00:52:16,980 --> 00:52:19,091 health plan provides , you know , all 1272 00:52:19,091 --> 00:52:21,147 kinds of different ways . So if it's 1273 00:52:21,147 --> 00:52:23,258 based on symptoms , your provider can 1274 00:52:23,258 --> 00:52:25,258 say yes , you need a test or you're 1275 00:52:25,258 --> 00:52:27,424 gonna have a surgical procedures . For 1276 00:52:27,424 --> 00:52:27,210 example , you don't have any symptoms . 1277 00:52:27,210 --> 00:52:29,099 But before you go in the hospital 1278 00:52:29,099 --> 00:52:31,099 according to the ambulatory surgery 1279 00:52:31,099 --> 00:52:33,321 center to have something don't have any 1280 00:52:33,321 --> 00:52:35,321 symptoms . But we want to make sure 1281 00:52:35,321 --> 00:52:35,110 we're doing at a time that's safest for 1282 00:52:35,110 --> 00:52:38,100 you and safest for the healthcare team 1283 00:52:38,100 --> 00:52:39,933 that's going to be providing the 1284 00:52:39,933 --> 00:52:42,100 surgical care . We may . Well , that's 1285 00:52:42,100 --> 00:52:41,960 medically necessary . We're going to 1286 00:52:41,960 --> 00:52:44,016 test you before you have it . So for 1287 00:52:44,016 --> 00:52:45,830 whatever your provider says is 1288 00:52:45,830 --> 00:52:48,780 medically necessary . That's also easy . 1289 00:52:49,130 --> 00:52:51,297 It's covered by terry care . It's it's 1290 00:52:51,297 --> 00:52:53,670 no charge to the individual beneficiary 1291 00:52:53,680 --> 00:52:55,940 and there's no limit . There's no limit 1292 00:52:55,940 --> 00:52:58,162 per day per week , per month per year . 1293 00:52:58,162 --> 00:53:00,110 Medically necessary is medically 1294 00:53:00,110 --> 00:53:02,277 necessary . Now , what we're trying to 1295 00:53:02,277 --> 00:53:04,443 work through is the latest guidance on 1296 00:53:04,443 --> 00:53:06,610 at home testing kits . What the CDC is 1297 00:53:06,610 --> 00:53:08,666 saying , what the federal government 1298 00:53:08,666 --> 00:53:10,888 and the White House are saying . And it 1299 00:53:10,888 --> 00:53:13,054 is there a way for us to include those 1300 00:53:13,054 --> 00:53:15,166 who are covered by tricare to be part 1301 00:53:15,166 --> 00:53:17,388 of that ? The absolute moment , we have 1302 00:53:17,388 --> 00:53:19,443 some sort of change . And other than 1303 00:53:19,443 --> 00:53:21,443 medically necessary . We'll put all 1304 00:53:21,443 --> 00:53:23,610 that on our website will probably have 1305 00:53:23,610 --> 00:53:25,166 some sort of public affairs 1306 00:53:25,166 --> 00:53:27,388 announcement , that sort of thing . But 1307 00:53:27,388 --> 00:53:29,666 for now and for the foreseeable future , 1308 00:53:29,666 --> 00:53:31,900 it's only if it's medically necessary 1309 00:53:31,940 --> 00:53:34,710 and an authorized by Tricare 1310 00:53:34,710 --> 00:53:37,150 appropriate provider or someone within 1311 00:53:37,160 --> 00:53:39,380 our system . And then finally , a 1312 00:53:39,390 --> 00:53:41,223 little bit of a word about those 1313 00:53:41,223 --> 00:53:43,334 antigen tests , Those at home tests . 1314 00:53:43,350 --> 00:53:45,550 There is a high number of false 1315 00:53:45,550 --> 00:53:48,430 negatives meaning that that it says 1316 00:53:48,430 --> 00:53:50,597 that you don't have covid but that you 1317 00:53:50,597 --> 00:53:53,020 do . So if you feel sick , you should 1318 00:53:53,020 --> 00:53:55,131 still isolate , right ? I mean you're 1319 00:53:55,131 --> 00:53:57,076 sick so that's the case , you know 1320 00:53:57,076 --> 00:53:59,187 isolate yourself and then consider if 1321 00:53:59,187 --> 00:54:01,298 you're still sick 24 hours from there 1322 00:54:01,298 --> 00:54:03,242 another at home test or perhaps an 1323 00:54:03,242 --> 00:54:05,187 appointment with your primary care 1324 00:54:05,187 --> 00:54:07,409 provider and get one of the provider of 1325 00:54:07,409 --> 00:54:09,631 the pcR tests within our organization . 1326 00:54:09,631 --> 00:54:12,450 So those tests if you're positive 1327 00:54:12,460 --> 00:54:14,990 you're positive but if you're antigen 1328 00:54:14,990 --> 00:54:18,380 test is is is negative there is a 1329 00:54:18,380 --> 00:54:20,720 potential that it's a it's a false 1330 00:54:20,720 --> 00:54:22,776 negative and you still may have it . 1331 00:54:22,776 --> 00:54:24,880 Okay so general place I heard some 1332 00:54:24,880 --> 00:54:26,713 really interesting and important 1333 00:54:26,713 --> 00:54:28,713 information there so I just want to 1334 00:54:28,713 --> 00:54:30,769 recap it really quick . Um One thing 1335 00:54:30,769 --> 00:54:32,380 you said which I thought was 1336 00:54:32,380 --> 00:54:34,380 particularly important was the fact 1337 00:54:34,380 --> 00:54:36,713 that if you get a test outside of the D . 1338 00:54:36,713 --> 00:54:38,824 O . D . Tricare system , if you don't 1339 00:54:38,824 --> 00:54:40,658 go see a tricare provider you're 1340 00:54:40,658 --> 00:54:42,602 probably gonna have to come out of 1341 00:54:42,602 --> 00:54:44,769 pocket for that test . I think that is 1342 00:54:44,769 --> 00:54:46,991 a really important point even if you're 1343 00:54:46,991 --> 00:54:49,102 doing at home testing and uh and that 1344 00:54:49,102 --> 00:54:51,158 at home testing right now because it 1345 00:54:51,158 --> 00:54:53,102 doesn't unless it's recommended by 1346 00:54:53,102 --> 00:54:55,213 tricare provider it's not going to be 1347 00:54:55,213 --> 00:54:57,436 covered by by tricare , which I thought 1348 00:54:57,436 --> 00:54:59,491 was an important point . Um And then 1349 00:54:59,491 --> 00:55:01,602 you also talked about false negatives 1350 00:55:01,602 --> 00:55:03,769 uh and false positive positive which I 1351 00:55:03,769 --> 00:55:05,880 thought was really interesting . What 1352 00:55:05,880 --> 00:55:05,850 you said was it doesn't really matter 1353 00:55:05,850 --> 00:55:08,270 if you take an antigen test or a pcr 1354 00:55:08,270 --> 00:55:10,660 test if you're positive you're positive . 1355 00:55:10,670 --> 00:55:12,726 I don't know that most people really 1356 00:55:12,726 --> 00:55:14,837 know that . I think when people think 1357 00:55:14,837 --> 00:55:16,892 of the uh the antigen test , um they 1358 00:55:16,892 --> 00:55:19,059 think that it's just not as accurate . 1359 00:55:19,059 --> 00:55:21,114 But um I think it's really important 1360 00:55:21,114 --> 00:55:23,226 because if you get that positive then 1361 00:55:23,226 --> 00:55:26,190 you really do have to um take the time 1362 00:55:26,190 --> 00:55:28,357 that you need to recover . And I think 1363 00:55:28,357 --> 00:55:30,890 that's really important . Exactly right . 1364 00:55:30,890 --> 00:55:32,850 Thanks . So sometimes these 1365 00:55:32,850 --> 00:55:35,860 conversations happen without any 1366 00:55:35,860 --> 00:55:37,971 planning . You're just sitting down , 1367 00:55:37,971 --> 00:55:40,082 talking with a friend or talking with 1368 00:55:40,082 --> 00:55:42,027 the family member and you want the 1369 00:55:42,027 --> 00:55:44,027 pitch . So what in your mind you've 1370 00:55:44,027 --> 00:55:46,240 been now at this for years fighting 1371 00:55:46,240 --> 00:55:48,950 this terrible , terrible pandemic . 1372 00:55:48,960 --> 00:55:51,870 Help us communicate the most compelling 1373 00:55:51,880 --> 00:55:55,450 argument to persuade somebody . Please 1374 00:55:55,450 --> 00:55:59,370 get vaccinated and a rare mask . Well , 1375 00:55:59,370 --> 00:56:01,426 sure as a physician , I can tell you 1376 00:56:01,426 --> 00:56:03,426 simply , vaccines really work . The 1377 00:56:03,426 --> 00:56:05,592 evidence that vaccines reduce the risk 1378 00:56:05,592 --> 00:56:07,592 of being hospitalized or dying from 1379 00:56:07,592 --> 00:56:09,703 covid is overwhelming . The reduction 1380 00:56:09,703 --> 00:56:13,160 is huge but not perfect . Vaccination 1381 00:56:13,160 --> 00:56:15,327 reduces the risk of transmitting covid 1382 00:56:15,327 --> 00:56:17,680 to someone else . Vaccinations are key 1383 00:56:17,680 --> 00:56:19,791 to all this and and just as strong as 1384 00:56:19,791 --> 00:56:22,770 the the safety or the as the efficacy 1385 00:56:22,770 --> 00:56:24,950 is the safety of them . The number of 1386 00:56:24,960 --> 00:56:27,220 adverse events from these vaccines is 1387 00:56:27,220 --> 00:56:30,050 extremely low and much better than the 1388 00:56:30,050 --> 00:56:32,050 short and or long term effects from 1389 00:56:32,050 --> 00:56:34,106 getting covid , I tell my family the 1390 00:56:34,106 --> 00:56:36,272 same thing . I'm telling you if you do 1391 00:56:36,272 --> 00:56:39,070 nothing else get vaccinated unmasks as 1392 00:56:39,070 --> 00:56:41,292 a surgeon , as a general surgeon . I've 1393 00:56:41,292 --> 00:56:43,403 worn masks in the opportune my entire 1394 00:56:43,403 --> 00:56:45,070 adult life . There a layer of 1395 00:56:45,070 --> 00:56:46,959 protection to help reduce or even 1396 00:56:46,959 --> 00:56:49,200 eliminate the spray of droplets and the 1397 00:56:49,200 --> 00:56:51,311 viruses that they continually talk or 1398 00:56:51,311 --> 00:56:53,560 cough or sneeze weren't correctly 1399 00:56:53,560 --> 00:56:57,390 though . N 95 kn 95 KF 90 1400 00:56:57,390 --> 00:57:00,240 four's . They're much better protection 1401 00:57:00,240 --> 00:57:02,900 than a cloth or a surgical mask . But 1402 00:57:02,900 --> 00:57:04,956 if you're gonna buy them , make sure 1403 00:57:04,956 --> 00:57:06,900 that you buy them from a reputable 1404 00:57:06,900 --> 00:57:09,122 source , there's some counterfeit masks 1405 00:57:09,122 --> 00:57:11,289 out on the market . So just be careful 1406 00:57:11,289 --> 00:57:13,622 about that . I hope that was 30 seconds . 1407 00:57:13,622 --> 00:57:15,844 I don't know how long it took me . That 1408 00:57:15,844 --> 00:57:17,956 was perfect . Um and again , I just , 1409 00:57:17,956 --> 00:57:20,178 you know , just repeating the safety of 1410 00:57:20,178 --> 00:57:22,400 them and the efficacy of them . I think 1411 00:57:22,400 --> 00:57:24,567 that you're right . I mean , we can we 1412 00:57:24,567 --> 00:57:24,550 can try our very very best to convince 1413 00:57:24,550 --> 00:57:27,410 people and hopefully they listen . Um 1414 00:57:27,420 --> 00:57:30,190 so this is about a Macron and and you 1415 00:57:30,190 --> 00:57:33,520 know , the uh the challenges that are 1416 00:57:33,520 --> 00:57:37,150 Macron presents right now . And the 1417 00:57:37,630 --> 00:57:39,630 the thing that's most concerned , I 1418 00:57:39,630 --> 00:57:41,852 think the people is , you know , how do 1419 00:57:41,852 --> 00:57:43,741 we keep our families safe ? Is it 1420 00:57:43,741 --> 00:57:45,797 different than what we've been doing 1421 00:57:45,797 --> 00:57:48,050 before ? Because um Macron is a variant 1422 00:57:48,060 --> 00:57:50,227 or the omicron is new and different in 1423 00:57:50,227 --> 00:57:52,449 some way . And so I think our community 1424 00:57:52,449 --> 00:57:54,616 is really interested in knowing what's 1425 00:57:54,616 --> 00:57:56,782 the best way to keep our entire family 1426 00:57:56,782 --> 00:58:00,110 safe when pcs ng or traveling 1427 00:58:00,120 --> 00:58:03,680 anywhere during the surge . Well 1428 00:58:03,680 --> 00:58:05,870 sure . I mean hopefully you're gonna 1429 00:58:05,870 --> 00:58:07,981 hear the same things coming out of me 1430 00:58:07,981 --> 00:58:09,926 no matter what the situation . The 1431 00:58:09,926 --> 00:58:11,870 first is vaccinated and boosted if 1432 00:58:11,870 --> 00:58:13,870 appropriate , single most important 1433 00:58:13,870 --> 00:58:15,981 step . But about a micron , as you've 1434 00:58:15,981 --> 00:58:17,981 already described , this particular 1435 00:58:17,981 --> 00:58:20,203 variant transmissibility or its ability 1436 00:58:20,203 --> 00:58:22,259 to go from one person to the next is 1437 00:58:22,259 --> 00:58:24,070 much , much , much higher . So 1438 00:58:24,070 --> 00:58:26,292 therefore , what are the sort of common 1439 00:58:26,292 --> 00:58:28,348 sense things ? Right . These are the 1440 00:58:28,348 --> 00:58:28,080 same things your mom and dad told you 1441 00:58:28,080 --> 00:58:30,302 when you're a kid if you're not feeling 1442 00:58:30,302 --> 00:58:32,469 well , you know , isolate yourself and 1443 00:58:32,469 --> 00:58:34,802 consider testing if you're feeling fine , 1444 00:58:34,802 --> 00:58:36,802 but you're out somewhere else , you 1445 00:58:36,802 --> 00:58:38,969 know , be careful about it . If you're 1446 00:58:39,020 --> 00:58:41,160 in a , in a place , not with your 1447 00:58:41,160 --> 00:58:43,160 family , then you know , where your 1448 00:58:43,160 --> 00:58:45,160 masks where appropriate and grocery 1449 00:58:45,160 --> 00:58:47,382 stores or to the restaurants at least , 1450 00:58:47,382 --> 00:58:49,493 you know , while you're not eating or 1451 00:58:49,493 --> 00:58:51,716 when you're , you're out to a show that 1452 00:58:51,716 --> 00:58:53,604 sort of thing where appropriate , 1453 00:58:53,604 --> 00:58:55,660 maintain physical distancing and you 1454 00:58:55,660 --> 00:58:57,882 know , sometimes social settings is not 1455 00:58:57,882 --> 00:58:57,270 appropriate to be apart . Sometimes it 1456 00:58:57,270 --> 00:58:59,270 is . And so , you know , think that 1457 00:58:59,270 --> 00:59:02,460 through wash your hands or use hand 1458 00:59:02,460 --> 00:59:04,750 sanitization if you don't have access 1459 00:59:04,750 --> 00:59:06,861 to soap and water . So just a sort of 1460 00:59:06,861 --> 00:59:09,550 common self or common sense things that 1461 00:59:09,550 --> 00:59:11,550 we collectively can control our own 1462 00:59:11,550 --> 00:59:13,883 environment . It doesn't mean lockdowns , 1463 00:59:13,883 --> 00:59:15,828 It doesn't mean you can't see your 1464 00:59:15,828 --> 00:59:17,772 friends , it doesn't mean that you 1465 00:59:17,772 --> 00:59:19,883 can't live life , but if you're going 1466 00:59:19,883 --> 00:59:22,050 to be around immune compromised family 1467 00:59:22,050 --> 00:59:24,161 or friends . Think about that and and 1468 00:59:24,161 --> 00:59:26,328 think through what are the things that 1469 00:59:26,328 --> 00:59:28,439 you need to do beforehand . If you're 1470 00:59:28,439 --> 00:59:30,494 traveling through high vaccination , 1471 00:59:30,494 --> 00:59:32,717 low positivity rates , you can probably 1472 00:59:32,717 --> 00:59:34,772 behave a little bit differently when 1473 00:59:34,772 --> 00:59:36,939 than when you're traveling through low 1474 00:59:36,939 --> 00:59:39,106 vaccination , high transmittal of it . 1475 00:59:39,106 --> 00:59:41,272 So just be aware of the circumstance , 1476 00:59:41,272 --> 00:59:40,870 right ? We're in the military 1477 00:59:40,880 --> 00:59:42,991 situational awareness is an important 1478 00:59:42,991 --> 00:59:45,510 part of who we are . But if you're 1479 00:59:45,510 --> 00:59:47,920 vaccinated and boosted where 1480 00:59:47,920 --> 00:59:50,340 appropriate , and not immune 1481 00:59:50,340 --> 00:59:53,620 compromised your risk or the risk of 1482 00:59:53,620 --> 00:59:56,940 your family , if that's all of you to a 1483 00:59:56,940 --> 01:00:00,150 severe case of covid is extraordinarily 1484 01:00:00,150 --> 01:00:02,206 low . And that would be my advice to 1485 01:00:02,206 --> 01:00:04,206 anybody who's moving anywhere . Pcs 1486 01:00:04,206 --> 01:00:08,100 travel t dy whatever it is . Thanks to 1487 01:00:08,100 --> 01:00:10,540 your own place . That's a exceedingly 1488 01:00:10,550 --> 01:00:12,660 sound advice and I know that our 1489 01:00:12,660 --> 01:00:14,840 community appreciates you taking time 1490 01:00:14,840 --> 01:00:16,951 to talk with us today . Um you know , 1491 01:00:16,951 --> 01:00:18,990 this is an important and I think 1492 01:00:18,990 --> 01:00:21,240 pivotal moment for our country and 1493 01:00:21,240 --> 01:00:23,462 certainly for our military families and 1494 01:00:23,462 --> 01:00:25,684 our veteran families . So , to have you 1495 01:00:25,684 --> 01:00:27,573 to come on here to have Secretary 1496 01:00:27,573 --> 01:00:29,240 McDonough uh and other senior 1497 01:00:29,240 --> 01:00:31,420 leadership had dr Fauci come and talk 1498 01:00:31,420 --> 01:00:33,531 to us in this way . Um , it's just so 1499 01:00:33,531 --> 01:00:35,642 meaningful and impactful and we can't 1500 01:00:35,642 --> 01:00:37,642 thank you enough for taking time to 1501 01:00:37,642 --> 01:00:39,420 talk with us today . And you've 1502 01:00:39,420 --> 01:00:41,642 certainly given us a lot to think about 1503 01:00:41,642 --> 01:00:43,364 and certainly more than enough 1504 01:00:43,364 --> 01:00:45,087 information to stay safe . Get 1505 01:00:45,087 --> 01:00:47,198 vaccinated and get boosted . Thanks . 1506 01:00:47,198 --> 01:00:49,087 Yeah , thanks Kobe . And I really 1507 01:00:49,087 --> 01:00:51,309 appreciate your invitation to come on . 1508 01:00:51,309 --> 01:00:53,420 It's always great to talk to you that 1509 01:00:53,420 --> 01:00:55,642 the great red Cross team and in support 1510 01:00:55,642 --> 01:00:54,820 of Blue Star families . So thanks for 1511 01:00:54,820 --> 01:00:55,820 having me 1512 01:01:01,810 --> 01:01:04,800 Well , super . Thank you so much Kobe 1513 01:01:04,800 --> 01:01:06,967 for sharing the hosting duties with me 1514 01:01:06,967 --> 01:01:09,160 again . You make us look good . Uh , 1515 01:01:09,170 --> 01:01:11,114 thank you Lieutenant General place 1516 01:01:11,114 --> 01:01:13,281 really great information and I have to 1517 01:01:13,281 --> 01:01:15,392 say um , for me personally and I hope 1518 01:01:15,392 --> 01:01:17,614 for you , our friends who are in family 1519 01:01:17,614 --> 01:01:19,940 who are joining us today for me getting 1520 01:01:19,940 --> 01:01:22,107 this information was a little bit like 1521 01:01:22,107 --> 01:01:24,107 a booster in and of itself . Um , I 1522 01:01:24,107 --> 01:01:26,107 feel a little bit more motivated to 1523 01:01:26,107 --> 01:01:28,310 keep going in some ways . This reminds 1524 01:01:28,310 --> 01:01:31,160 me of how I sometimes had to think 1525 01:01:31,160 --> 01:01:33,660 about things back in the early days of 1526 01:01:33,660 --> 01:01:35,350 the surge and those multiple 1527 01:01:35,350 --> 01:01:39,180 deployments to combat . You gotta , 1528 01:01:39,190 --> 01:01:41,860 you gotta listen to the words of Janis 1529 01:01:41,860 --> 01:01:44,082 Joplin and tell people that a woman can 1530 01:01:44,082 --> 01:01:46,249 be tough and the case may be a man can 1531 01:01:46,249 --> 01:01:48,304 be tough . All of us can be tough to 1532 01:01:48,304 --> 01:01:50,416 keep this thing going . Um , and keep 1533 01:01:50,416 --> 01:01:52,527 fighting the fight . We need to fight 1534 01:01:52,527 --> 01:01:54,693 to keep ourselves and our force safe . 1535 01:01:54,693 --> 01:01:57,027 Thank you everyone for joining us today . 1536 01:01:57,027 --> 01:01:58,971 We hope you got the answers you're 1537 01:01:58,971 --> 01:02:00,749 seeking . Blue star families is 1538 01:02:00,749 --> 01:02:02,693 committed to standing beside you . 1539 01:02:02,693 --> 01:02:04,916 Military and veteran connected families 1540 01:02:04,916 --> 01:02:07,027 as we deal with the critical concerns 1541 01:02:07,027 --> 01:02:09,249 that affect you . Whether they're covid 1542 01:02:09,249 --> 01:02:11,610 whether they're managing a pcs moving 1543 01:02:11,610 --> 01:02:13,690 with Children , dealing with afghan 1544 01:02:13,690 --> 01:02:17,150 allies are so many other issues . We 1545 01:02:17,150 --> 01:02:19,440 hope you join us in some of our future , 1546 01:02:19,610 --> 01:02:23,180 Uh , engagements . We wish you health 1547 01:02:23,190 --> 01:02:27,040 and happiness throughout 2022 and know 1548 01:02:27,040 --> 01:02:29,080 that all of us together , we'll get 1549 01:02:29,080 --> 01:02:30,640 through this . Thank you .