1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:04,140 --> 00:00:07,910 no good 3 00:00:07,910 --> 00:00:10,110 afternoon everybody . Just one thing 4 00:00:10,110 --> 00:00:11,250 here at the top , 5 00:00:13,740 --> 00:00:15,962 As you're all aware , the United States 6 00:00:15,962 --> 00:00:18,073 is deeply concerned about the current 7 00:00:18,073 --> 00:00:20,800 situation in europe . We remain keenly 8 00:00:20,800 --> 00:00:22,860 focused on Russia's unusual military 9 00:00:22,860 --> 00:00:25,260 activities near the Ukrainian border , 10 00:00:25,270 --> 00:00:27,950 including in Belarus and consulting 11 00:00:27,950 --> 00:00:29,894 extensively with our transatlantic 12 00:00:29,894 --> 00:00:31,950 allies and partners . The department 13 00:00:31,950 --> 00:00:34,172 continues to support diplomatic efforts 14 00:00:34,172 --> 00:00:36,394 to de escalate the situation . Now , as 15 00:00:36,394 --> 00:00:38,550 the President has said , even as we 16 00:00:38,550 --> 00:00:40,730 continue to prioritize diplomacy and 17 00:00:40,730 --> 00:00:42,730 dialogue , we must also increase 18 00:00:42,730 --> 00:00:45,580 readiness in support of its obligations 19 00:00:45,580 --> 00:00:47,802 to the security and defense of NATO and 20 00:00:47,802 --> 00:00:49,913 the security of its citizens abroad . 21 00:00:49,913 --> 00:00:52,136 At the direction of the President . And 22 00:00:52,136 --> 00:00:54,024 following recommendations made by 23 00:00:54,024 --> 00:00:56,080 Secretary Austin , the United States 24 00:00:56,080 --> 00:00:55,970 has taken steps to heighten the 25 00:00:55,970 --> 00:00:58,310 readiness of its forces at home and 26 00:00:58,310 --> 00:01:00,420 abroad . So they are prepared to 27 00:01:00,420 --> 00:01:02,550 respond to a range of contingencies , 28 00:01:02,840 --> 00:01:05,160 including support to the NATO response 29 00:01:05,160 --> 00:01:09,010 force if it is activated . As you have 30 00:01:09,010 --> 00:01:11,100 heard me describe many times , Our 31 00:01:11,100 --> 00:01:13,044 commitment to the security of NATO 32 00:01:13,044 --> 00:01:15,211 allies and our article five commitment 33 00:01:15,211 --> 00:01:18,030 are ironclad . As the President has 34 00:01:18,030 --> 00:01:20,197 also made clear the United States will 35 00:01:20,197 --> 00:01:22,308 act firmly in defense of its national 36 00:01:22,308 --> 00:01:24,590 interests in response to actions by 37 00:01:24,590 --> 00:01:28,160 Russia that harm us our allies , 38 00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:31,170 our partners . As part of that 39 00:01:31,170 --> 00:01:33,337 commitment , the Department of Defense 40 00:01:33,337 --> 00:01:35,392 maintains significant combat capable 41 00:01:35,392 --> 00:01:38,820 forces forward in europe . To deter 42 00:01:38,820 --> 00:01:40,931 aggression and enhance the alliance's 43 00:01:40,931 --> 00:01:42,931 ability to defend allies and defeat 44 00:01:42,931 --> 00:01:44,987 aggression if necessary . The United 45 00:01:44,987 --> 00:01:47,209 States also has a commitment to provide 46 00:01:47,209 --> 00:01:49,310 forces to the NATO response force or 47 00:01:49,310 --> 00:01:52,790 otherwise known as the Nrf . Any event 48 00:01:52,790 --> 00:01:54,512 that NATO should activate that 49 00:01:54,512 --> 00:01:56,623 construct . As you may know , the NRF 50 00:01:56,623 --> 00:01:58,623 is a multinational force made up of 51 00:01:58,623 --> 00:02:00,512 land , air , maritime and special 52 00:02:00,512 --> 00:02:03,040 operations forces , all components that 53 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:05,350 the alliance can deploy on short notice 54 00:02:05,740 --> 00:02:08,700 wherever needed Altogether . The NRF 55 00:02:08,700 --> 00:02:12,330 comprises around 40,000 multinational 56 00:02:12,330 --> 00:02:15,580 troops within the NRF is something 57 00:02:15,590 --> 00:02:17,660 called the very high readiness joint 58 00:02:17,670 --> 00:02:21,490 Task Force or V . J . T . F . This 59 00:02:21,490 --> 00:02:24,240 NRF element which is about 20,000 60 00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:27,280 strong across all domains , Includes a 61 00:02:27,280 --> 00:02:29,530 multinational land brigade of around 62 00:02:29,530 --> 00:02:32,400 5000 troops and air , maritime and 63 00:02:32,400 --> 00:02:36,370 special operation forces components . I 64 00:02:36,380 --> 00:02:38,380 want to provide some facts on these 65 00:02:38,380 --> 00:02:40,436 preparations that will reinforce our 66 00:02:40,436 --> 00:02:42,380 commitment to NATO and to the NATO 67 00:02:42,380 --> 00:02:44,158 Response force and increase our 68 00:02:44,158 --> 00:02:46,380 readiness . Secretary Austin has placed 69 00:02:46,380 --> 00:02:48,491 a range of units in the United States 70 00:02:48,491 --> 00:02:50,769 on a heightened preparedness to deploy , 71 00:02:50,769 --> 00:02:52,602 which increases our readiness to 72 00:02:52,602 --> 00:02:54,380 provide forces . If NATO should 73 00:02:54,380 --> 00:02:57,510 activate the NRF or if other situations 74 00:02:57,510 --> 00:03:01,120 developed , all told The number 75 00:03:01,120 --> 00:03:03,750 of forces that the secretary has placed 76 00:03:03,760 --> 00:03:06,130 on heightened alert uh comes up to 77 00:03:06,130 --> 00:03:09,990 about 80 500 personnel . We'll continue 78 00:03:09,990 --> 00:03:13,000 to provide updates in coming days about 79 00:03:13,010 --> 00:03:15,470 uh these decisions . Um but 80 00:03:15,470 --> 00:03:17,637 specifically this will ensure that the 81 00:03:17,637 --> 00:03:19,859 United States and our commitment to the 82 00:03:19,859 --> 00:03:23,250 NRF has is consistent with their 83 00:03:23,740 --> 00:03:26,330 readiness for for rapid deployment . 84 00:03:26,330 --> 00:03:29,600 Again , if activated in the event of 85 00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:31,890 NATO's activation of the NRF or a 86 00:03:31,890 --> 00:03:33,946 deteriorating security environment . 87 00:03:34,440 --> 00:03:36,218 The United States would be in a 88 00:03:36,218 --> 00:03:38,329 position to rapidly deploy additional 89 00:03:38,329 --> 00:03:40,310 brigade combat teams , logistics , 90 00:03:40,840 --> 00:03:44,120 medical , aviation , intelligence , 91 00:03:44,130 --> 00:03:46,130 surveillance , and reconnaissance , 92 00:03:46,130 --> 00:03:48,170 transportation , and additional 93 00:03:48,170 --> 00:03:50,880 capabilities into europe . Again , I 94 00:03:50,880 --> 00:03:53,270 want to reinforce that . As of now , 95 00:03:53,270 --> 00:03:55,492 the decision has been made to put these 96 00:03:55,492 --> 00:03:57,770 units on higher alert and higher alert . 97 00:03:57,770 --> 00:03:59,770 Only no decisions have been made to 98 00:03:59,770 --> 00:04:01,659 deploy any forces from the United 99 00:04:01,659 --> 00:04:03,600 States at this time . And I say 100 00:04:03,600 --> 00:04:05,711 heightened alert in some cases , some 101 00:04:05,711 --> 00:04:07,890 of these forces were already on a 102 00:04:07,900 --> 00:04:10,067 heightened posture readiness to deploy 103 00:04:10,067 --> 00:04:13,120 posture And the secretary decided to 104 00:04:13,130 --> 00:04:16,300 make it even more uh shortened to 105 00:04:16,300 --> 00:04:18,411 tether even more . So in some cases , 106 00:04:18,411 --> 00:04:20,189 units would go from say 10 days 107 00:04:20,189 --> 00:04:22,244 prepared to deploy now their at five 108 00:04:22,244 --> 00:04:24,320 days . That's not the case for every 109 00:04:24,320 --> 00:04:26,431 unit that is being notified that they 110 00:04:26,431 --> 00:04:28,487 are in a heightened alert . Some are 111 00:04:28,487 --> 00:04:30,760 are simply more ready and postured that 112 00:04:30,760 --> 00:04:32,927 way than others . The idea though , is 113 00:04:32,927 --> 00:04:35,210 that all of these units that he is 114 00:04:35,220 --> 00:04:37,276 putting on prepare to deploy will be 115 00:04:37,276 --> 00:04:39,360 ready to go on a on a shortened 116 00:04:39,370 --> 00:04:42,710 timeframe . Again , no final decision 117 00:04:42,710 --> 00:04:44,810 has been made to deploy them . The 118 00:04:44,810 --> 00:04:47,032 Secretary will continue to consult with 119 00:04:47,032 --> 00:04:49,032 the President and the United States 120 00:04:49,032 --> 00:04:51,143 will maintain close coordination with 121 00:04:51,143 --> 00:04:53,310 allies and partners as we continuously 122 00:04:53,310 --> 00:04:55,199 review our force posture and make 123 00:04:55,199 --> 00:04:57,366 decisions regarding movement of forces 124 00:04:57,366 --> 00:04:59,477 into and within europe . As always we 125 00:04:59,477 --> 00:05:01,366 remain in close coordination with 126 00:05:01,366 --> 00:05:03,588 allies and partners as well as NATO and 127 00:05:03,588 --> 00:05:05,754 other multilateral organizations as we 128 00:05:05,754 --> 00:05:07,977 continue to review our force posture as 129 00:05:07,977 --> 00:05:10,088 we make decisions regarding potential 130 00:05:10,088 --> 00:05:12,254 movements of forces into europe and as 131 00:05:12,254 --> 00:05:14,310 we review the disposition of U . S . 132 00:05:14,310 --> 00:05:16,421 Forces on the continent and with that 133 00:05:16,421 --> 00:05:18,366 we'll start taking questions bob I 134 00:05:18,366 --> 00:05:20,660 think uh you are on the line . Yeah . 135 00:05:21,740 --> 00:05:25,510 Yes thank you john um Of that 136 00:05:25,810 --> 00:05:28,360 8500 troops that you've mentioned are 137 00:05:28,360 --> 00:05:32,130 those us-based only ? And 138 00:05:32,140 --> 00:05:35,090 would they are they intended only for 139 00:05:35,090 --> 00:05:37,670 deployment as part of the activation of 140 00:05:37,670 --> 00:05:41,100 the rapid response force or might they 141 00:05:41,100 --> 00:05:43,680 be sent for other reinforcement 142 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:46,860 purposes in eastern europe ? And lastly , 143 00:05:47,240 --> 00:05:49,710 why did the Secretary President 144 00:05:49,720 --> 00:05:51,776 president decided to do this ? Now ? 145 00:05:51,776 --> 00:05:54,150 What's changed just in the last few 146 00:05:54,150 --> 00:05:56,740 days since on friday you mentioned as 147 00:05:56,740 --> 00:05:59,380 you had many times before that the U . 148 00:05:59,380 --> 00:06:01,330 S . Was prepared to reinforce in 149 00:06:01,330 --> 00:06:04,120 eastern europe if there were a Russian 150 00:06:04,120 --> 00:06:07,660 incursion only . Okay I think I've 151 00:06:07,660 --> 00:06:09,860 remembered all three . So let me try 152 00:06:10,240 --> 00:06:13,930 first . Yes the up to 8500 and I want 153 00:06:13,930 --> 00:06:16,097 to stress it's up to 8500 . Again , no 154 00:06:16,097 --> 00:06:18,319 decisions to deploy have been made . So 155 00:06:18,319 --> 00:06:20,200 this is about getting units on a 156 00:06:20,210 --> 00:06:22,043 advanced heightened alert . That 157 00:06:22,043 --> 00:06:24,210 doesn't mean they're necessarily going 158 00:06:24,210 --> 00:06:26,432 anywhere . But up to 8500 that I talked 159 00:06:26,432 --> 00:06:30,060 about . They are all us based um ah 160 00:06:30,440 --> 00:06:32,273 as and I'm sorry bob your second 161 00:06:32,273 --> 00:06:34,930 question was are they intended only for 162 00:06:34,930 --> 00:06:38,190 the NATO rapid response force or could 163 00:06:38,190 --> 00:06:40,023 they perform other reinforcement 164 00:06:40,023 --> 00:06:42,230 functions ? The bulk of them are 165 00:06:42,230 --> 00:06:45,180 intended for the NATO response force uh 166 00:06:45,190 --> 00:06:47,270 that the vast majority of . But as I 167 00:06:47,270 --> 00:06:49,492 also said in my opening statement , the 168 00:06:49,492 --> 00:06:52,350 secretary wants us postured to be ready 169 00:06:52,440 --> 00:06:54,590 for any other contingencies as well ? 170 00:06:54,590 --> 00:06:56,650 But the bulk of them are aligned for 171 00:06:56,660 --> 00:06:58,827 the NATO response force . And then the 172 00:06:58,827 --> 00:07:01,104 third question was on timing . I think , 173 00:07:01,110 --> 00:07:03,110 you know , we've been watching this 174 00:07:03,110 --> 00:07:05,277 very , very closely . I also said that 175 00:07:05,277 --> 00:07:07,499 right at the top , it's very clear that 176 00:07:07,499 --> 00:07:09,721 the Russians have uh no intention right 177 00:07:09,721 --> 00:07:11,777 now of deescalating . Uh and because 178 00:07:11,777 --> 00:07:14,500 not every one of these units that we 179 00:07:14,510 --> 00:07:17,550 are notifying are in all of them are 180 00:07:17,550 --> 00:07:19,772 not in a heightened state of alert . Uh 181 00:07:19,772 --> 00:07:22,170 It made prudent sense for the Secretary 182 00:07:22,170 --> 00:07:24,226 to want to give them as much time to 183 00:07:24,226 --> 00:07:26,580 prepare to be on a shorter tether as he 184 00:07:26,580 --> 00:07:28,800 can . Just in case again , I wanna 185 00:07:28,800 --> 00:07:31,070 stress particularly with the NATO 186 00:07:31,070 --> 00:07:32,903 response force . It has not been 187 00:07:32,903 --> 00:07:35,126 activated . It is a NATO call to make , 188 00:07:35,126 --> 00:07:37,130 but we have contributions to that 189 00:07:37,140 --> 00:07:39,307 response force , as do other nations . 190 00:07:39,340 --> 00:07:41,480 Uh you know , as I said , it's 40,000 191 00:07:41,480 --> 00:07:44,040 some odd strong . Our our our 192 00:07:44,040 --> 00:07:46,070 contributions don't come near the 193 00:07:46,070 --> 00:07:48,230 40,000 number other nations are gonna 194 00:07:48,230 --> 00:07:50,286 have to contribute as well . But for 195 00:07:50,286 --> 00:07:52,341 our part , unilaterally we wanted to 196 00:07:52,341 --> 00:07:54,640 make sure that we were ready in case 197 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:56,807 that call should come . And that means 198 00:07:56,807 --> 00:07:58,640 making sure the units that would 199 00:07:58,640 --> 00:08:00,751 contribute to it are as ready as they 200 00:08:00,751 --> 00:08:02,790 can be on a short of notices as 201 00:08:02,790 --> 00:08:06,390 possible . Barb um what's 202 00:08:06,400 --> 00:08:08,850 three quick things . What specific 203 00:08:08,850 --> 00:08:11,780 capable military capabilities do these 204 00:08:11,780 --> 00:08:15,500 US troops bring to europe These 205 00:08:15,500 --> 00:08:18,590 8500 seconds . Could you say with some 206 00:08:18,590 --> 00:08:22,320 specificity , What is the exact mission 207 00:08:22,700 --> 00:08:26,410 for these troops ? And what will your 208 00:08:26,410 --> 00:08:29,190 measure of success be ? How will you 209 00:08:29,200 --> 00:08:31,760 know when the mission is accomplished ? 210 00:08:33,240 --> 00:08:36,480 Yeah . So on capabilities Barb I 211 00:08:36,490 --> 00:08:38,601 touched this in the opening statement 212 00:08:38,601 --> 00:08:41,310 again , when we are able to identify 213 00:08:41,310 --> 00:08:43,366 the units for you will do that . The 214 00:08:43,366 --> 00:08:45,532 reason why I don't have specific units 215 00:08:45,532 --> 00:08:47,754 today is because uh the units are being 216 00:08:47,754 --> 00:08:49,810 notified as well as family members . 217 00:08:49,810 --> 00:08:51,810 And I think you can understand , we 218 00:08:51,810 --> 00:08:53,977 wouldn't want to get out ahead of that 219 00:08:53,977 --> 00:08:55,921 notification process . But broadly 220 00:08:55,921 --> 00:08:58,088 speaking as I mentioned at the top , I 221 00:08:58,088 --> 00:08:59,977 mean uh these would be additional 222 00:08:59,977 --> 00:09:01,921 brigade combat teams , logistics , 223 00:09:01,921 --> 00:09:04,199 personnel , medical support , aviation , 224 00:09:04,199 --> 00:09:06,421 support , intelligence , surveillance , 225 00:09:06,421 --> 00:09:06,420 and reconnaissance as well as 226 00:09:06,420 --> 00:09:09,100 transportation . Uh and and maybe even 227 00:09:09,100 --> 00:09:11,433 some additional capabilities after that . 228 00:09:11,433 --> 00:09:15,280 Um Again , when we can identify for 229 00:09:15,280 --> 00:09:17,502 you the units , I think you'll see that 230 00:09:17,502 --> 00:09:19,613 they kind of cover the broad scope of 231 00:09:19,613 --> 00:09:21,613 those capabilities missions haven't 232 00:09:21,613 --> 00:09:23,558 been assigned . I mean , the Ready 233 00:09:23,558 --> 00:09:25,940 Response Force hasn't been hasn't been 234 00:09:25,940 --> 00:09:29,420 activated . And so uh there's not a 235 00:09:29,420 --> 00:09:31,690 mission per se . This is about the 236 00:09:31,690 --> 00:09:33,801 secretary wanting to get ahead of the 237 00:09:33,801 --> 00:09:35,857 potential activation and making sure 238 00:09:35,857 --> 00:09:37,746 that these units have the time to 239 00:09:37,746 --> 00:09:40,440 prepare if and only if they're uh 240 00:09:40,450 --> 00:09:43,340 they're deployed . Um And then uh you 241 00:09:43,340 --> 00:09:45,284 had when when when will you know , 242 00:09:45,284 --> 00:09:47,650 success ? Again ? Um there hasn't 243 00:09:47,650 --> 00:09:49,872 there's been no activation . so there's 244 00:09:49,872 --> 00:09:52,094 been no mission assigned . So it's very 245 00:09:52,094 --> 00:09:54,317 difficult for me to give you a uh an up 246 00:09:54,317 --> 00:09:56,372 check or down check on uh you know , 247 00:09:56,372 --> 00:09:58,594 and what equates success . What this is 248 00:09:58,594 --> 00:10:01,850 about though uh is reassurance to our 249 00:10:01,850 --> 00:10:03,794 NATO allies and we've been talking 250 00:10:03,794 --> 00:10:05,860 about that for quite some time that 251 00:10:05,870 --> 00:10:07,981 we're gonna be ready , we're gonna be 252 00:10:07,981 --> 00:10:10,100 prepared to help bolster our allies 253 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:12,332 with capabilities they might they might 254 00:10:12,332 --> 00:10:14,554 need . Uh and we're going to do this in 255 00:10:14,554 --> 00:10:16,332 lockstep with them and with the 256 00:10:16,332 --> 00:10:18,660 alliance . Um this this is really about 257 00:10:19,140 --> 00:10:21,990 reassuring the eastern flank of NATO 258 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:23,889 and it's also about and I kind of 259 00:10:23,889 --> 00:10:25,778 covered this to Barb back to your 260 00:10:25,778 --> 00:10:28,000 question of success . It's it's proving 261 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,111 how seriously the United States takes 262 00:10:30,111 --> 00:10:32,000 our commitment to NATO and to the 263 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:34,111 article five commitment inside NATO . 264 00:10:34,111 --> 00:10:36,220 How do you know when your military 265 00:10:36,220 --> 00:10:39,100 goals are achieved ? Again , Barb , 266 00:10:39,110 --> 00:10:41,277 there's been no mission assigned right 267 00:10:41,277 --> 00:10:43,221 now . This is about getting troops 268 00:10:43,221 --> 00:10:45,600 ready and back to what we're trying to 269 00:10:45,600 --> 00:10:47,378 achieve is a couple of things . 270 00:10:47,378 --> 00:10:50,200 Obviously we still would like to deter 271 00:10:50,210 --> 00:10:52,266 Vladimir Putin and the Russians from 272 00:10:52,266 --> 00:10:54,488 another incursion . Number one . Number 273 00:10:54,488 --> 00:10:56,432 two , it's to make sure that we're 274 00:10:56,432 --> 00:11:00,070 bolstering and uh and staying 275 00:11:00,070 --> 00:11:02,126 unified with the alliance , that the 276 00:11:02,126 --> 00:11:04,630 alliance stays strong . And so the 277 00:11:04,640 --> 00:11:08,440 large uh bulk of the reason for this , 278 00:11:08,450 --> 00:11:10,550 uh these prepare to deploy orders is 279 00:11:10,550 --> 00:11:13,480 really to make sure that we're ready to 280 00:11:13,480 --> 00:11:15,702 bolster the NATO alliance and to and to 281 00:11:15,702 --> 00:11:17,869 prove the solidarity of the alliance , 282 00:11:17,869 --> 00:11:20,036 those are the two sort of big outcomes 283 00:11:20,036 --> 00:11:22,202 here . But again , no mission has been 284 00:11:22,202 --> 00:11:23,869 assigned to these troops . No 285 00:11:23,869 --> 00:11:25,869 deployment orders have been sent to 286 00:11:25,869 --> 00:11:27,980 them . What the secretary has ordered 287 00:11:27,980 --> 00:11:30,202 them to do is to be ready to go in some 288 00:11:30,202 --> 00:11:32,202 cases on a much shorter tether than 289 00:11:32,202 --> 00:11:35,720 what they had before . Gen , john , can 290 00:11:35,720 --> 00:11:37,640 you rule out sending us troops to 291 00:11:37,640 --> 00:11:40,300 Ukraine ? That is , I think the 292 00:11:40,300 --> 00:11:42,522 president has already spoken to that as 293 00:11:42,522 --> 00:11:44,770 you know , jen we already do have 294 00:11:44,780 --> 00:11:47,440 advisers and some trainers in Ukraine , 295 00:11:47,440 --> 00:11:49,800 they are still there at their work . If 296 00:11:49,800 --> 00:11:52,480 you're not willing to send troops to 297 00:11:52,480 --> 00:11:54,480 Ukraine , what makes you think that 298 00:11:54,480 --> 00:11:56,702 this is going to deter Vladimir Putin ? 299 00:11:56,740 --> 00:11:58,684 I think there's a whole package of 300 00:11:58,684 --> 00:12:00,573 things that the administration is 301 00:12:00,573 --> 00:12:02,573 looking at to try to deter Vladimir 302 00:12:02,573 --> 00:12:04,296 Putin from another incursion , 303 00:12:04,296 --> 00:12:06,073 including including very severe 304 00:12:06,073 --> 00:12:09,740 economic consequences . Um this is uh 305 00:12:09,750 --> 00:12:12,130 this is about sending a strong message 306 00:12:12,140 --> 00:12:14,720 uh that we're committed to NATO and 307 00:12:14,720 --> 00:12:16,840 we're committed to assuring that our 308 00:12:16,840 --> 00:12:19,010 allies have the capabilities they need 309 00:12:19,020 --> 00:12:21,298 in case they need to defend themselves . 310 00:12:21,298 --> 00:12:23,800 Knew a um f to send these troops to 311 00:12:23,810 --> 00:12:25,754 these 85 I'm not aware of any such 312 00:12:25,754 --> 00:12:27,977 requirement at this point . And again , 313 00:12:27,977 --> 00:12:30,199 we have long standing commitment to the 314 00:12:30,199 --> 00:12:32,310 NATO response force . We are just one 315 00:12:32,310 --> 00:12:34,532 of many nations that will contribute to 316 00:12:34,532 --> 00:12:36,588 it . Um This is very much in keeping 317 00:12:36,588 --> 00:12:39,130 with the policies and procedures that 318 00:12:39,130 --> 00:12:41,241 have been laid down for activation of 319 00:12:41,241 --> 00:12:43,463 the NRF . Again , if it's activated and 320 00:12:43,463 --> 00:12:45,630 it has not been , David Are most of 321 00:12:45,630 --> 00:12:48,620 these 8500 ground forces , 322 00:12:50,140 --> 00:12:53,160 would they go to the Eastern flight 323 00:12:54,290 --> 00:12:58,270 and have you put any units 324 00:12:58,420 --> 00:13:02,160 in europe our work ? I so 325 00:13:02,740 --> 00:13:06,570 I think again , yes , I think the bulk 326 00:13:06,570 --> 00:13:08,514 of them would be considered ground 327 00:13:08,514 --> 00:13:11,150 forces , David . Um um 328 00:13:12,640 --> 00:13:15,140 the as for europe , they , as I've said 329 00:13:15,140 --> 00:13:17,560 before , there there are 330 00:13:19,440 --> 00:13:22,280 lots of force capabilities already on 331 00:13:22,280 --> 00:13:24,450 the european continent under general 332 00:13:24,450 --> 00:13:26,750 Walters . Um and I'm absolutely not 333 00:13:26,750 --> 00:13:29,210 ruling out the possibility that there 334 00:13:29,210 --> 00:13:31,540 will be interest theater moves as well 335 00:13:31,550 --> 00:13:35,240 uh inside europe to bolster NATO allies 336 00:13:35,240 --> 00:13:39,150 on on the eastern flank . Um And the 337 00:13:39,340 --> 00:13:41,173 that kind of gets at your second 338 00:13:41,173 --> 00:13:43,229 question , which is , we're still in 339 00:13:43,229 --> 00:13:45,950 consultation with the allies about um 340 00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:49,190 what they might need . Uh and uh and so 341 00:13:49,190 --> 00:13:51,357 I don't have any decisions to read out 342 00:13:51,357 --> 00:13:53,650 in terms of specific locations , but we 343 00:13:53,650 --> 00:13:55,650 certainly have made it clear to the 344 00:13:55,650 --> 00:13:57,520 eastern flank allies that we're 345 00:13:57,520 --> 00:13:59,687 prepared to bolster their capabilities 346 00:13:59,687 --> 00:14:01,853 if they need it . Again , I want to go 347 00:14:01,853 --> 00:14:04,000 back to a core foundation here . The 348 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:06,056 bulk of the troops I'm talking about 349 00:14:06,056 --> 00:14:09,560 today are are are intended for the NATO 350 00:14:09,560 --> 00:14:11,671 response force , the vast majority of 351 00:14:11,671 --> 00:14:14,570 them and that response force can only 352 00:14:14,570 --> 00:14:16,459 be activated by the alliance . It 353 00:14:16,459 --> 00:14:19,040 hasn't been , it is our contribution to 354 00:14:19,050 --> 00:14:21,217 the response force and we want to make 355 00:14:21,217 --> 00:14:23,439 sure that they're ready to go . I think 356 00:14:23,439 --> 00:14:25,106 it's really important to keep 357 00:14:25,106 --> 00:14:25,080 remembering that no deployment orders 358 00:14:25,080 --> 00:14:27,247 have been sent , no missions have been 359 00:14:27,247 --> 00:14:29,530 assigned . This is really about getting 360 00:14:29,530 --> 00:14:31,419 folks ready to go in case they're 361 00:14:31,419 --> 00:14:33,308 needed . Courtney , the ones that 362 00:14:33,308 --> 00:14:35,141 wouldn't be assigned to the NATO 363 00:14:35,141 --> 00:14:37,363 response force , they would be going in 364 00:14:37,363 --> 00:14:39,419 unilaterally on behalf of the United 365 00:14:39,419 --> 00:14:41,586 States to some neighbors . Right , Can 366 00:14:41,586 --> 00:14:43,752 you give us any number ? How many that 367 00:14:43,752 --> 00:14:43,550 would be ? Yeah , I can't do that right 368 00:14:43,550 --> 00:14:47,100 now , Courtney but I mean it it uh it 369 00:14:47,100 --> 00:14:49,322 could it depends on , it really depends 370 00:14:49,322 --> 00:14:51,044 on the need and we're still in 371 00:14:51,044 --> 00:14:53,211 consultation with allies about needs . 372 00:14:53,211 --> 00:14:55,322 So I really would be reticent to give 373 00:14:55,322 --> 00:14:58,650 you a hard number right now . Um but we 374 00:14:58,650 --> 00:15:01,100 are in active discussions with with our 375 00:15:01,100 --> 00:15:02,656 allies about any additional 376 00:15:02,656 --> 00:15:05,170 capabilities they might need on top of 377 00:15:05,180 --> 00:15:08,930 or outside of the NATO response force 378 00:15:09,030 --> 00:15:10,919 that includes some of these intra 379 00:15:10,919 --> 00:15:13,141 theater moves that you're talking about 380 00:15:13,141 --> 00:15:15,086 those . So those so there could be 381 00:15:15,086 --> 00:15:17,308 movement within you calm us troops that 382 00:15:17,308 --> 00:15:20,370 are moved for going to NATO allies ? 383 00:15:20,370 --> 00:15:22,314 That would not be part of the NATO 384 00:15:22,314 --> 00:15:24,481 response force ? Yes , ma'am , that is 385 00:15:24,481 --> 00:15:25,981 right . Has there been any 386 00:15:25,981 --> 00:15:28,203 consideration or decision about pulling 387 00:15:28,203 --> 00:15:30,314 US troops out of Ukraine as the State 388 00:15:30,314 --> 00:15:32,370 Department made the decision to pull 389 00:15:32,370 --> 00:15:34,537 some americans out . There has been no 390 00:15:34,537 --> 00:15:36,537 decisions about moving our trainers 391 00:15:36,537 --> 00:15:38,870 that are in Ukraine out . But as I said , 392 00:15:38,870 --> 00:15:41,060 many times we're constantly looking at 393 00:15:41,060 --> 00:15:42,949 the situation . We're going to do 394 00:15:42,949 --> 00:15:45,171 what's right for their for their safety 395 00:15:45,171 --> 00:15:47,282 and security that's paramount to us . 396 00:15:47,282 --> 00:15:49,393 But as of right now they are still on 397 00:15:49,393 --> 00:15:51,560 the ground in Ukraine conducting their 398 00:15:51,560 --> 00:15:53,560 advise and assist missions . Um and 399 00:15:53,560 --> 00:15:53,370 obviously if that changes will 400 00:15:53,370 --> 00:15:55,537 certainly we'll certainly let you know 401 00:15:55,537 --> 00:15:57,870 they haven't changed the number , right ? 402 00:15:57,870 --> 00:16:00,148 The footprint remains exactly the same . 403 00:16:00,148 --> 00:16:02,203 Yes ma'am , let me go to some of the 404 00:16:02,203 --> 00:16:03,926 phone . I know there's lots of 405 00:16:03,926 --> 00:16:03,790 questions here . We'll get to them all 406 00:16:04,010 --> 00:16:05,732 Jared suba from that monitor . 407 00:16:08,040 --> 00:16:10,470 Hi Mr Kirby centcom just put out a 408 00:16:10,470 --> 00:16:13,080 statement about the ballistic missile 409 00:16:13,080 --> 00:16:15,024 attack on the United Arab Emirates 410 00:16:15,024 --> 00:16:17,024 saying that U . S . Patriot missile 411 00:16:17,024 --> 00:16:20,840 systems at Delta Air base engaged . Um 412 00:16:20,850 --> 00:16:23,072 Is the department treating this as a as 413 00:16:23,072 --> 00:16:25,239 a potential attack on us forces or was 414 00:16:25,239 --> 00:16:27,380 this just done to assist Emirati 415 00:16:27,380 --> 00:16:29,547 partners ? Can you give us more detail 416 00:16:29,547 --> 00:16:31,769 on that ? Well look , I I don't want to 417 00:16:31,769 --> 00:16:33,880 get into intelligence assessments . I 418 00:16:33,880 --> 00:16:35,769 mean this was obviously this just 419 00:16:35,769 --> 00:16:39,660 happened early monday morning . Um 420 00:16:39,680 --> 00:16:43,390 So clearly we have troops at Al 421 00:16:43,390 --> 00:16:45,730 Dhafra . So uh we are certainly going 422 00:16:45,730 --> 00:16:48,150 to be looking into the possibility that 423 00:16:48,150 --> 00:16:51,570 this was directed at at our forces . We 424 00:16:51,570 --> 00:16:53,737 obviously take that seriously . You've 425 00:16:53,737 --> 00:16:55,514 seen the centcom statement , we 426 00:16:55,514 --> 00:16:57,980 responded to uh to the attack this 427 00:16:57,980 --> 00:17:00,970 ballistic missile attack . Um uh and uh 428 00:17:00,970 --> 00:17:04,630 and well will be in close close 429 00:17:04,630 --> 00:17:07,970 coordination with our Iraqi partners as 430 00:17:07,970 --> 00:17:10,490 we continue to to assess what happened 431 00:17:10,490 --> 00:17:12,800 and what we might need to do going 432 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:15,290 forward . But I don't have a I can't 433 00:17:15,290 --> 00:17:17,500 specifically tell you what the intent 434 00:17:17,510 --> 00:17:21,180 of uh of the attack was . But we have 435 00:17:21,180 --> 00:17:23,400 to assume , I mean it would be foolish 436 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:26,440 for us not to assume that they're uh 437 00:17:26,450 --> 00:17:28,672 that there was a threat to our people . 438 00:17:28,672 --> 00:17:30,728 And as you saw from the results , we 439 00:17:30,728 --> 00:17:33,540 took that threat seriously . Um Rio 440 00:17:33,580 --> 00:17:37,440 Nikki , mm hmm . Thank you , john uh 441 00:17:37,450 --> 00:17:40,060 I have a quick question about china . 442 00:17:40,070 --> 00:17:42,780 The U . S . Navy is now operating two 443 00:17:42,790 --> 00:17:44,846 carrier strike groups in the western 444 00:17:44,846 --> 00:17:47,350 pacific and they recently conducted on 445 00:17:47,350 --> 00:17:49,406 a large scale military exercise with 446 00:17:49,406 --> 00:17:53,170 Japan . Uh is this a message to china 447 00:17:53,180 --> 00:17:56,120 that china should not do something 448 00:17:56,120 --> 00:17:58,800 provocative while the U . S . Is 449 00:17:58,810 --> 00:18:01,680 working intensively on the situation in 450 00:18:01,680 --> 00:18:04,090 Ukraine . Thank you . We engage in 451 00:18:04,090 --> 00:18:08,030 joint operations to include uh maritime 452 00:18:08,030 --> 00:18:11,020 communications , anti submarine air 453 00:18:11,020 --> 00:18:13,100 warfare replenishment at sea , cross 454 00:18:13,100 --> 00:18:15,044 deck flight operations , the whole 455 00:18:15,044 --> 00:18:17,400 scope when we operate at sea and 456 00:18:17,400 --> 00:18:19,067 particularly when we have the 457 00:18:19,067 --> 00:18:21,011 opportunity . And it's not unusual 458 00:18:21,011 --> 00:18:23,178 really for us to take advantage of the 459 00:18:23,178 --> 00:18:25,344 opportunity when you have two aircraft 460 00:18:25,344 --> 00:18:25,130 carriers in the same body of water to 461 00:18:25,130 --> 00:18:27,019 exercise together , we do this to 462 00:18:27,019 --> 00:18:28,870 strengthen our integrated at sea 463 00:18:28,870 --> 00:18:31,380 operations in our combat readiness . Uh 464 00:18:31,390 --> 00:18:33,540 And look , the I just reiterate , 465 00:18:33,550 --> 00:18:36,000 reiterate , try this again in english . 466 00:18:36,010 --> 00:18:38,100 I would reiterate that the all the 467 00:18:38,100 --> 00:18:39,767 training will be conducted in 468 00:18:39,767 --> 00:18:41,878 accordance with international law and 469 00:18:41,878 --> 00:18:43,933 international waters , janey . Thank 470 00:18:43,933 --> 00:18:46,270 you . I have two occasions for one . 471 00:18:46,640 --> 00:18:49,810 When is the North Korea ? South Korea 472 00:18:49,810 --> 00:18:52,840 and China ? I said that the south 473 00:18:52,840 --> 00:18:56,410 korean National Intelligence Service 474 00:18:56,410 --> 00:19:00,330 mentioned about the possibility of 475 00:19:00,340 --> 00:19:03,040 the North korean I . C . B . M . Test 476 00:19:03,040 --> 00:19:06,800 fire . And he pointed out that 477 00:19:06,810 --> 00:19:10,550 this was intended to pressure the 478 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,510 United States . What is the U . S . 479 00:19:13,520 --> 00:19:17,310 Responded to the imminent test 480 00:19:17,320 --> 00:19:20,050 fire of the North korean CBM ? 481 00:19:20,840 --> 00:19:22,896 Well , I'm not going to get ahead of 482 00:19:22,896 --> 00:19:24,673 test fire launches that haven't 483 00:19:24,673 --> 00:19:26,630 happened yet . But we've been very 484 00:19:26,630 --> 00:19:30,110 clear about our concerns over the 485 00:19:30,120 --> 00:19:31,898 advancing nuclear ambitions and 486 00:19:31,898 --> 00:19:33,787 ballistic missile capabilities of 487 00:19:33,787 --> 00:19:37,080 Pyongyang uh continue to condemn it uh 488 00:19:37,080 --> 00:19:40,370 and to call on the North to cease these 489 00:19:40,370 --> 00:19:43,890 provocations and to abide by uh 490 00:19:43,900 --> 00:19:45,956 international law and these Security 491 00:19:45,956 --> 00:19:49,300 Council resolutions and to try to find 492 00:19:49,300 --> 00:19:51,244 ways to de escalate the tensions . 493 00:19:51,244 --> 00:19:53,356 We've said very clearly I won't speak 494 00:19:53,356 --> 00:19:55,578 for my State Department colleagues that 495 00:19:55,578 --> 00:19:57,689 will will be willing to sit down with 496 00:19:57,689 --> 00:19:57,660 them ? No , no . Without preconditions , 497 00:19:57,660 --> 00:20:00,900 they've shown no desire to move that 498 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:04,030 forward . China 499 00:20:04,040 --> 00:20:07,880 justifies North Korea's missile 500 00:20:07,890 --> 00:20:11,660 provocations . Do you think the china's 501 00:20:12,430 --> 00:20:14,480 continue to support for the north 502 00:20:14,480 --> 00:20:18,240 korean provocations is part of 503 00:20:18,250 --> 00:20:21,290 the strategic competition with the 504 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:23,411 United States . I think you'd have to 505 00:20:23,411 --> 00:20:25,411 ask President xi that I mean , what 506 00:20:25,411 --> 00:20:28,870 what look china is a neighbor , direct 507 00:20:28,870 --> 00:20:31,740 neighbor of North Korea . They have 508 00:20:31,740 --> 00:20:33,930 influence in Pyongyang . We know that 509 00:20:33,940 --> 00:20:36,150 they know that Pyongyang knows that . 510 00:20:36,160 --> 00:20:38,630 Um and we've continued to call on china 511 00:20:38,630 --> 00:20:41,910 to to use the influence that it has uh 512 00:20:41,920 --> 00:20:44,087 to support the international community 513 00:20:44,087 --> 00:20:45,698 and U . N . Security Council 514 00:20:45,698 --> 00:20:47,864 resolutions that china themselves have 515 00:20:47,864 --> 00:20:50,970 signed up for to help get them enacted 516 00:20:50,980 --> 00:20:54,230 and to support the sanctions uh support 517 00:20:54,230 --> 00:20:57,890 them and to enforce them uh in a 518 00:20:57,890 --> 00:21:00,600 comprehensive cohesive way which the 519 00:21:00,600 --> 00:21:02,770 chinese have not always done . Let me 520 00:21:02,770 --> 00:21:05,410 go back to sorry I'll go to you nancy 521 00:21:05,410 --> 00:21:07,466 and then I'll go back to the phone . 522 00:21:07,466 --> 00:21:09,743 I'm just a couple of clarifying points . 523 00:21:09,743 --> 00:21:11,632 Is there a time limit to this pre 524 00:21:11,632 --> 00:21:13,799 prepared to deploy order or is it open 525 00:21:13,799 --> 00:21:15,910 ended ? And would there then if it is 526 00:21:15,910 --> 00:21:18,077 open and that therefore be a time when 527 00:21:18,077 --> 00:21:20,299 the secretary would issue another order 528 00:21:20,299 --> 00:21:19,870 of sort of saying stand out in the 529 00:21:19,870 --> 00:21:22,092 central remember what it is , it's it's 530 00:21:22,092 --> 00:21:24,350 telling a unit or in this case several 531 00:21:24,350 --> 00:21:28,260 units To be prepared to deploy on a 532 00:21:28,260 --> 00:21:30,260 shorter tether than whatever it was 533 00:21:30,260 --> 00:21:32,482 before . In some cases as I said it was 534 00:21:32,482 --> 00:21:35,340 10 days now it's five . Um And uh 535 00:21:35,350 --> 00:21:37,017 there's no time limit on that 536 00:21:37,017 --> 00:21:39,350 preparation order because we don't know , 537 00:21:39,350 --> 00:21:42,470 excuse me if we're when they would 538 00:21:42,470 --> 00:21:45,160 actually be activated and deployed . Um 539 00:21:45,160 --> 00:21:47,327 And to Courtney's question I just want 540 00:21:47,327 --> 00:21:49,438 to stress again the vast majority are 541 00:21:49,438 --> 00:21:51,438 uh comprise our contribution to the 542 00:21:51,438 --> 00:21:53,940 NATO response force . There are some uh 543 00:21:53,950 --> 00:21:56,230 that would be that we are advancing 544 00:21:56,230 --> 00:21:58,230 their alert posture that are simply 545 00:21:58,230 --> 00:22:00,174 unilateral . That we would that we 546 00:22:00,174 --> 00:22:02,860 would consider sending on our own again 547 00:22:02,860 --> 00:22:05,200 in concert with allies And you've got 548 00:22:05,200 --> 00:22:07,367 to talk to the folks that are going to 549 00:22:07,367 --> 00:22:09,367 host them and make sure that that's 550 00:22:09,367 --> 00:22:13,020 okay . Um But um it's there's not a 551 00:22:13,030 --> 00:22:14,919 there's not a specific time limit 552 00:22:14,919 --> 00:22:16,641 assigned right now , but it is 553 00:22:16,641 --> 00:22:18,752 something that the secretary is going 554 00:22:18,752 --> 00:22:20,919 to continue to look at . If you know , 555 00:22:20,919 --> 00:22:23,141 certainly if not weekly then even daily 556 00:22:23,141 --> 00:22:25,660 um to make sure that it's still the 557 00:22:25,660 --> 00:22:27,980 appropriate tether to have these troops 558 00:22:27,980 --> 00:22:30,036 on . And then clarified for me , you 559 00:22:30,036 --> 00:22:32,258 mentioned that they would be in support 560 00:22:32,258 --> 00:22:34,590 of this NATO mission . Is there any 561 00:22:34,590 --> 00:22:36,757 point where they would be under a NATO 562 00:22:36,757 --> 00:22:38,868 commander or would general Walters be 563 00:22:38,868 --> 00:22:40,868 wearing a different hat potentially 564 00:22:40,868 --> 00:22:43,090 when he when he takes command of them ? 565 00:22:43,090 --> 00:22:45,201 Well , I I couldn't get into specific 566 00:22:45,201 --> 00:22:47,368 command and control here . Again , the 567 00:22:47,368 --> 00:22:47,170 response force hasn't been activated , 568 00:22:47,350 --> 00:22:49,461 but you're right . General Walters is 569 00:22:49,461 --> 00:22:51,739 the Supreme allied commander in europe , 570 00:22:51,739 --> 00:22:53,980 that the head NATO commander . And so 571 00:22:53,980 --> 00:22:56,147 ultimately they would all be reporting 572 00:22:56,147 --> 00:22:58,313 up underneath him . But what the exact 573 00:22:58,313 --> 00:23:00,536 chain of command would be difficult for 574 00:23:00,536 --> 00:23:02,647 me to say when they haven't even been 575 00:23:02,647 --> 00:23:05,570 activated . Let me go back here . 576 00:23:08,340 --> 00:23:10,470 Let's see uh kelly Meyer from news 577 00:23:10,470 --> 00:23:13,260 nation john thanks for taking my 578 00:23:13,260 --> 00:23:15,427 question . I know we kept talking here 579 00:23:15,427 --> 00:23:17,482 and saying , you know , diplomacy is 580 00:23:17,482 --> 00:23:19,649 not dead here but with the U . S . Now 581 00:23:19,649 --> 00:23:21,760 preparing to send troops to allies on 582 00:23:21,760 --> 00:23:23,593 the eastern flank ? Is this just 583 00:23:23,593 --> 00:23:25,649 further agitating Russia ? And we're 584 00:23:25,649 --> 00:23:27,871 telling diplomats families to leave and 585 00:23:27,871 --> 00:23:30,038 americans to leave ? So is this moving 586 00:23:30,038 --> 00:23:29,700 on from a diplomatic effort to 587 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:32,480 preparing for an invasion ? Again ? 588 00:23:32,490 --> 00:23:34,601 What we're , what we're telling these 589 00:23:34,601 --> 00:23:36,960 units to do is to be ready to go on a 590 00:23:36,960 --> 00:23:40,180 shorter uh timeline than what they were 591 00:23:40,180 --> 00:23:42,990 before . We are not deploying them now . 592 00:23:43,000 --> 00:23:45,860 We are not saying diplomacy is dead . 593 00:23:45,870 --> 00:23:47,814 You heard Secretary Blinken talked 594 00:23:47,814 --> 00:23:50,770 about this on sunday in many outlets 595 00:23:50,770 --> 00:23:53,470 that that he still believes there's uh 596 00:23:53,480 --> 00:23:55,313 there is room for discussion and 597 00:23:55,313 --> 00:23:57,313 dialogue . I said that myself in my 598 00:23:57,313 --> 00:23:59,536 opening statement , we absolutely still 599 00:23:59,536 --> 00:24:01,758 believe that there's time and space for 600 00:24:01,758 --> 00:24:03,924 that . And frankly , uh the Department 601 00:24:03,924 --> 00:24:06,147 of Defense fully supports that as being 602 00:24:06,147 --> 00:24:08,202 the way forward here to the way to a 603 00:24:08,202 --> 00:24:10,536 solution that de escalates the tensions . 604 00:24:10,536 --> 00:24:12,860 But it would be irresponsible if given 605 00:24:12,860 --> 00:24:15,082 the indications that we have that there 606 00:24:15,082 --> 00:24:17,027 there is no intent by the Russians 607 00:24:17,027 --> 00:24:19,210 right now to deescalate . Um and given 608 00:24:19,210 --> 00:24:21,321 that it takes a matter of time to get 609 00:24:21,321 --> 00:24:23,670 units more ready to go on a shorter 610 00:24:23,670 --> 00:24:25,559 timeline . Be irresponsible if we 611 00:24:25,559 --> 00:24:27,559 didn't think about making sure that 612 00:24:27,559 --> 00:24:29,726 they were that they had plenty of time 613 00:24:29,726 --> 00:24:31,837 to prepare and that's all we're doing 614 00:24:31,837 --> 00:24:35,600 at this point . Um let's see john 615 00:24:35,600 --> 00:24:39,160 turner peck Yes , Can you hear me ? 616 00:24:40,540 --> 00:24:42,873 Can you hear me ? Yes , sir , I got you . 617 00:24:42,873 --> 00:24:45,730 Okay . Um so to activate something like 618 00:24:45,730 --> 00:24:48,980 this , you'll probably need to have uh 619 00:24:48,990 --> 00:24:51,510 the air force in place ? Have you uh 620 00:24:51,520 --> 00:24:53,464 increased the number of tankers at 621 00:24:53,464 --> 00:24:56,190 Milton Hall or throughout europe ? And 622 00:24:56,200 --> 00:24:58,311 uh do you anticipate that there could 623 00:24:58,311 --> 00:25:00,367 be a bomber task force deployment to 624 00:25:00,367 --> 00:25:02,422 europe in the near future ? You have 625 00:25:02,422 --> 00:25:04,311 any , I refer you to you come for 626 00:25:04,311 --> 00:25:06,533 things like bomber task force plans . I 627 00:25:06,533 --> 00:25:08,478 don't have specific things to talk 628 00:25:08,478 --> 00:25:11,380 about like that today . And again again , 629 00:25:11,390 --> 00:25:13,446 please remember what this is about . 630 00:25:13,446 --> 00:25:15,279 This is about placing units on a 631 00:25:15,279 --> 00:25:17,279 heightened alert . It does not mean 632 00:25:17,279 --> 00:25:19,279 that they're going to be jumping on 633 00:25:19,279 --> 00:25:21,390 great tales tomorrow and leaving . Um 634 00:25:21,390 --> 00:25:23,334 So obviously if there's a need for 635 00:25:23,334 --> 00:25:25,446 additional air transport , you know , 636 00:25:25,446 --> 00:25:27,390 we'll deal with that . Transcom is 637 00:25:27,390 --> 00:25:29,334 certainly Transportation command , 638 00:25:29,334 --> 00:25:31,557 sorry , is tracking uh these prepare to 639 00:25:31,557 --> 00:25:33,557 deploy orders and will obviously be 640 00:25:33,557 --> 00:25:35,668 postured as appropriate to support if 641 00:25:35,668 --> 00:25:37,668 needed ? But that's if needed . All 642 00:25:37,668 --> 00:25:37,290 we're doing at this point is placing 643 00:25:37,290 --> 00:25:39,179 these units on a heightened alert 644 00:25:39,179 --> 00:25:42,260 posture . Um Tom Squitieri . 645 00:25:43,040 --> 00:25:45,700 Hey , thanks sean , good afternoon . Um 646 00:25:45,710 --> 00:25:48,610 is NATO and NATO support of its eastern 647 00:25:48,610 --> 00:25:50,666 members as well as Ukraine ? Is that 648 00:25:50,666 --> 00:25:53,850 support more complicated today because 649 00:25:53,850 --> 00:25:55,739 of general Walters and Yukon have 650 00:25:55,739 --> 00:25:57,850 concurred , there's not one , but now 651 00:25:57,850 --> 00:26:00,072 several folder gaps on possible evasion 652 00:26:00,072 --> 00:26:03,740 rounds . Um I'm gonna try 653 00:26:03,740 --> 00:26:05,851 repeating your question cause I'm not 654 00:26:05,851 --> 00:26:08,073 sure . I totally got it . Tom is it are 655 00:26:08,073 --> 00:26:10,420 you are you talking about evacuation 656 00:26:10,420 --> 00:26:12,531 routes of americans leaving Ukraine ? 657 00:26:12,531 --> 00:26:14,809 And is that harder to do now , Is that , 658 00:26:15,340 --> 00:26:17,396 can you hear me ? Okay ? You hear me 659 00:26:17,396 --> 00:26:20,600 now ? But I'm not sure I got your 660 00:26:20,600 --> 00:26:22,990 question . Okay , let me repeat it . Um , 661 00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:26,550 is the preparations by NATO and more 662 00:26:26,550 --> 00:26:28,717 complicated now to support its eastern 663 00:26:28,717 --> 00:26:31,210 members and Ukraine , because unlike 664 00:26:31,210 --> 00:26:33,266 during the Cold War , when there was 665 00:26:33,266 --> 00:26:35,266 only one folder gap , there are now 666 00:26:35,266 --> 00:26:37,810 more than one fold of gaps . Well , I 667 00:26:37,810 --> 00:26:39,810 would just tell you without getting 668 00:26:39,810 --> 00:26:42,450 into a historical comparison . Um 669 00:26:45,140 --> 00:26:48,170 and it's usually not useful to go back 670 00:26:48,170 --> 00:26:51,400 into history and try to find exact 671 00:26:51,400 --> 00:26:55,110 comparisons . Um , the 672 00:26:55,110 --> 00:26:57,330 actions that Russia appears to be 673 00:26:57,330 --> 00:27:01,320 taking to threaten its 674 00:27:01,320 --> 00:27:04,370 neighbor further , uh and to violate 675 00:27:04,370 --> 00:27:06,800 potentially violate further Ukraine's 676 00:27:06,800 --> 00:27:10,180 territorial integrity certainly uh make 677 00:27:10,180 --> 00:27:12,069 things more tense on the european 678 00:27:12,069 --> 00:27:15,050 continent writ large . Um , what I can 679 00:27:15,050 --> 00:27:17,340 tell you is that we remain committed to 680 00:27:17,340 --> 00:27:19,660 the alliance , uh and we absolutely 681 00:27:19,660 --> 00:27:21,810 remain committed to bolstering the 682 00:27:21,810 --> 00:27:24,450 capabilities of our of our of NATO's 683 00:27:24,460 --> 00:27:27,360 eastern flank to the degree that they 684 00:27:27,840 --> 00:27:31,430 desire uh , that extra support . Um 685 00:27:31,440 --> 00:27:35,050 and uh , it's not about , 686 00:27:35,640 --> 00:27:37,862 look , I don't think it , I don't think 687 00:27:37,862 --> 00:27:41,150 anybody wants to see another war on the 688 00:27:41,150 --> 00:27:43,150 european continent . And there's no 689 00:27:43,150 --> 00:27:45,150 reason why that has to occur . This 690 00:27:45,150 --> 00:27:47,094 could be solved very easily by the 691 00:27:47,094 --> 00:27:49,317 Russians deescalating by by moving some 692 00:27:49,317 --> 00:27:51,530 of these forces away , um which they 693 00:27:51,530 --> 00:27:54,390 haven't done . Uh And so NATO as a 694 00:27:54,390 --> 00:27:56,160 defensive alliance and it is a 695 00:27:56,160 --> 00:27:59,690 defensive alliance has a responsibility 696 00:27:59,700 --> 00:28:01,740 to its members to make sure that 697 00:28:01,740 --> 00:28:03,796 they're able to defend themselves if 698 00:28:03,796 --> 00:28:05,907 needed . And that's what and that's , 699 00:28:05,907 --> 00:28:08,230 that's a um that's the spirit in which 700 00:28:08,240 --> 00:28:10,450 the secretary has made these early uh 701 00:28:10,460 --> 00:28:13,080 heightened alert decisions , jen point 702 00:28:13,080 --> 00:28:14,890 of clarification . If NATO is a 703 00:28:14,890 --> 00:28:17,420 defensive alliance and these troops , 704 00:28:17,430 --> 00:28:20,100 if they are activated , our defensive 705 00:28:20,110 --> 00:28:22,370 and therefore frontline NATO states , 706 00:28:22,380 --> 00:28:24,380 how does this protect Ukraine ? How 707 00:28:24,380 --> 00:28:26,324 does it stop Putin from going into 708 00:28:26,324 --> 00:28:29,180 Ukraine ? It's it's designed to 709 00:28:29,180 --> 00:28:31,200 reassure our NATO allies , jen it's 710 00:28:31,210 --> 00:28:33,154 it's designed to reassure our NATO 711 00:28:33,154 --> 00:28:36,230 allies and we are taking and we are how 712 00:28:36,230 --> 00:28:38,400 does it protect Ukraine Janet ? It 713 00:28:38,400 --> 00:28:41,360 sends a very clear signal to Mr Putin 714 00:28:41,840 --> 00:28:44,230 uh that we take our responsibilities to 715 00:28:44,230 --> 00:28:47,590 NATO seriously . Um and we are also 716 00:28:47,600 --> 00:28:49,433 working inside the international 717 00:28:49,433 --> 00:28:52,630 community uh to uh implement severe 718 00:28:52,630 --> 00:28:55,370 consequences for Mr Putin if he were to 719 00:28:55,370 --> 00:28:57,950 go . Uh and again into Ukraine , 720 00:28:57,950 --> 00:29:01,850 largely those are of an economic uh 721 00:29:01,940 --> 00:29:04,810 economic consequences . So , I get what 722 00:29:04,810 --> 00:29:07,032 your your your question is , I'm trying 723 00:29:07,032 --> 00:29:09,143 to be very clear , this is good too . 724 00:29:09,143 --> 00:29:11,970 Um Barbara's question about what 725 00:29:11,970 --> 00:29:14,580 success looks like . Uh we obviously 726 00:29:14,580 --> 00:29:16,870 don't want to see another incursion in 727 00:29:16,870 --> 00:29:19,960 Ukraine were using uh lots of levels to 728 00:29:19,960 --> 00:29:22,530 try to communicate uh why that would be 729 00:29:22,530 --> 00:29:24,474 a bad thing for Russia to do . But 730 00:29:24,474 --> 00:29:26,086 number two , and it's not an 731 00:29:26,086 --> 00:29:28,350 insignificant . Number two is to make 732 00:29:28,350 --> 00:29:30,750 sure that NATO stays unified and that 733 00:29:30,750 --> 00:29:33,070 NATO our allies are able to defend 734 00:29:33,070 --> 00:29:34,903 themselves and that is what this 735 00:29:34,903 --> 00:29:36,848 decision is all about . It's about 736 00:29:36,848 --> 00:29:38,792 putting these forces on heightened 737 00:29:38,792 --> 00:29:41,060 alert in case NATO needs them . David , 738 00:29:41,440 --> 00:29:44,270 is there a process by which this NATO 739 00:29:44,280 --> 00:29:46,224 response force is activated ? Does 740 00:29:46,224 --> 00:29:48,490 there have to be a a meeting ? Is it a 741 00:29:48,500 --> 00:29:51,120 political decision or is it just a 742 00:29:51,130 --> 00:29:53,352 tactical military decision ? What is it 743 00:29:53,352 --> 00:29:55,519 I mean , Well , it's a NATO decision , 744 00:29:55,519 --> 00:29:58,490 David , I I'd refer you to NATO to go 745 00:29:58,490 --> 00:30:00,601 through the puts and takes of exactly 746 00:30:00,601 --> 00:30:04,020 how that decision gets made , but I'm 747 00:30:04,020 --> 00:30:06,242 sure it's going to have to be one where 748 00:30:06,242 --> 00:30:09,630 all the allies are are are consulted 749 00:30:09,640 --> 00:30:11,807 and uh and you know , it's a political 750 00:30:11,807 --> 00:30:14,730 military thing . I don't , again , I 751 00:30:14,740 --> 00:30:16,962 don't , I think I better just refer you 752 00:30:16,962 --> 00:30:19,018 to NATO on the specifics of it About 753 00:30:19,018 --> 00:30:21,770 about how how they activate the NRF 754 00:30:22,140 --> 00:30:24,960 require unanimity . I'm gonna refer you 755 00:30:24,960 --> 00:30:27,182 to NATO . I'm gonna refer you to NATO . 756 00:30:27,340 --> 00:30:31,020 Yeah , John Um two questions . One 757 00:30:31,030 --> 00:30:34,810 is what kind of action would spark in 758 00:30:34,810 --> 00:30:38,010 order to deploy ? What what needs to be , 759 00:30:38,010 --> 00:30:40,232 what would be seen that that could lead 760 00:30:40,232 --> 00:30:42,454 to a deployment . As I said , as I said 761 00:30:42,454 --> 00:30:44,621 that the vast majority of these troops 762 00:30:44,621 --> 00:30:46,732 that we've put on , prepare to deploy 763 00:30:46,732 --> 00:30:49,520 our or to support the NRF , the NATO 764 00:30:49,520 --> 00:30:52,290 response force . And so what would what 765 00:30:52,290 --> 00:30:54,230 would , what would engender a 766 00:30:54,230 --> 00:30:56,230 deployment order to them would be a 767 00:30:56,230 --> 00:30:58,460 decision by NATO to activate the Nrf , 768 00:30:58,470 --> 00:31:00,970 can you say ? What might activate the 769 00:31:00,970 --> 00:31:03,090 new NRF again ? That's that's a NATO 770 00:31:03,090 --> 00:31:05,860 decision again . Please keep this in 771 00:31:05,860 --> 00:31:07,980 context . This is our contribution to 772 00:31:07,980 --> 00:31:10,202 the NATO response force . I won't speak 773 00:31:10,202 --> 00:31:12,202 for the alliance ? I'd refer you to 774 00:31:12,202 --> 00:31:14,520 NATO to speak to how and what uh a 775 00:31:14,520 --> 00:31:16,687 decision to activate is made and under 776 00:31:16,687 --> 00:31:18,909 what circumstances they would make it . 777 00:31:18,909 --> 00:31:21,580 Um our job is to make sure that if they 778 00:31:21,580 --> 00:31:24,340 do we're ready to go . Second question 779 00:31:24,350 --> 00:31:26,770 is you've you've said a couple of times 780 00:31:26,770 --> 00:31:30,150 that the Russians show no sign of de 781 00:31:30,150 --> 00:31:32,410 escalation . Are they escalating ? Are 782 00:31:32,410 --> 00:31:34,590 they taking are they adding any more 783 00:31:34,590 --> 00:31:38,540 forces equipment ? Are they from from a 784 00:31:38,540 --> 00:31:40,484 week ago from two weeks ago . Have 785 00:31:40,484 --> 00:31:42,680 their has their presence on the border 786 00:31:42,680 --> 00:31:45,040 in large or changed in a qualitative 787 00:31:45,040 --> 00:31:48,330 way . That is escalatory . Yes , it's 788 00:31:48,330 --> 00:31:51,180 gotten bigger . Absolutely . I'd refer 789 00:31:51,180 --> 00:31:53,458 you to the Russian Ministry of Defense . 790 00:31:53,458 --> 00:31:55,180 They can speak for their force 791 00:31:55,180 --> 00:31:57,347 movements . But uh and we've been very 792 00:31:57,347 --> 00:31:57,060 clear from the podium and I'm not gonna 793 00:31:57,060 --> 00:32:00,030 get into um um talking about their 794 00:32:00,030 --> 00:32:02,086 troop movements but they continue to 795 00:32:02,086 --> 00:32:05,810 add uh battalion tactical 796 00:32:05,810 --> 00:32:09,200 groups too to the western to their 797 00:32:09,200 --> 00:32:11,200 western border to the border with 798 00:32:11,200 --> 00:32:14,250 Ukraine . And in belarus as well the 799 00:32:14,250 --> 00:32:16,417 numbers there are increasing . So they 800 00:32:16,417 --> 00:32:18,361 have not only shown no signs of de 801 00:32:18,361 --> 00:32:20,528 escalating but they are in fact adding 802 00:32:20,528 --> 00:32:24,230 more force capability . The NATO 803 00:32:24,240 --> 00:32:26,351 response force is the assumption that 804 00:32:26,351 --> 00:32:28,073 that's something that could be 805 00:32:28,073 --> 00:32:30,240 activated in advance of an invasion or 806 00:32:30,240 --> 00:32:32,240 only would have been activated if I 807 00:32:32,240 --> 00:32:34,462 know that it's a NATO decision . I mean 808 00:32:34,462 --> 00:32:36,629 what what's your understanding is your 809 00:32:36,629 --> 00:32:36,380 understanding that it's possible that 810 00:32:36,380 --> 00:32:38,547 this is something that could be called 811 00:32:38,547 --> 00:32:40,713 up that these are troops that could be 812 00:32:40,713 --> 00:32:42,769 called up and sent forward . Again , 813 00:32:42,769 --> 00:32:45,020 I'd refer you to brussels court . It's 814 00:32:45,020 --> 00:32:47,670 really a decision for NATO to make and 815 00:32:47,670 --> 00:32:50,700 what the criteria are for activating it 816 00:32:50,710 --> 00:32:53,170 is really for them to to speak to , not 817 00:32:53,180 --> 00:32:56,900 not for us . Um There's no I don't I 818 00:32:56,900 --> 00:32:59,067 don't know of a specific , I mean it's 819 00:32:59,067 --> 00:33:01,400 it's an existing response force , right ? 820 00:33:01,400 --> 00:33:03,067 And uh you know , when it was 821 00:33:03,067 --> 00:33:05,011 established , you know , it wasn't 822 00:33:05,011 --> 00:33:08,070 established uh specifically for the 823 00:33:08,070 --> 00:33:10,410 purposes of Russia invading Ukraine 824 00:33:10,410 --> 00:33:12,577 again . So I don't know that there's a 825 00:33:12,577 --> 00:33:14,688 specific limitation that , you know , 826 00:33:14,688 --> 00:33:16,799 they can only be activated . But that 827 00:33:16,799 --> 00:33:18,688 would be a an alliance decision . 828 00:33:18,688 --> 00:33:20,577 That's that would be a discussion 829 00:33:20,577 --> 00:33:22,780 inside uh inside NATO and inside the 830 00:33:22,790 --> 00:33:24,957 political leadership of NATO . Again , 831 00:33:24,957 --> 00:33:26,957 I I just don't know what what we're 832 00:33:26,957 --> 00:33:29,179 trying to do is make sure that if it is 833 00:33:29,179 --> 00:33:31,346 whenever that is , we're ready to go , 834 00:33:31,990 --> 00:33:33,934 can I go back on one thing for the 835 00:33:33,934 --> 00:33:36,101 troops , the U . S . Troops that might 836 00:33:36,101 --> 00:33:38,500 deploy while they may get some kind of 837 00:33:38,510 --> 00:33:42,370 extra pay for deployment , Can you find 838 00:33:42,370 --> 00:33:44,592 out for us whether or not they will get 839 00:33:44,592 --> 00:33:48,420 any kind of hazard pay or e combat pay 840 00:33:48,700 --> 00:33:50,590 Since there would be going into a 841 00:33:50,590 --> 00:33:52,560 situation where you clearly see 842 00:33:53,210 --> 00:33:55,432 potential hostile intent . Can you find 843 00:33:55,432 --> 00:33:57,543 that out ? I'll take the question . I 844 00:33:57,543 --> 00:34:01,360 have no idea today . Um Jogo told 845 00:34:01,360 --> 00:34:04,040 defense news . Hey john , thanks for 846 00:34:04,040 --> 00:34:06,151 taking my question . Thanks for doing 847 00:34:06,151 --> 00:34:08,151 this . Um , You talked about troops 848 00:34:08,151 --> 00:34:10,373 being on high alert , but what kinds of 849 00:34:10,373 --> 00:34:12,207 quip equipment is being ready to 850 00:34:12,207 --> 00:34:14,490 participate in the NRF , which is as 851 00:34:14,490 --> 00:34:16,712 NATO bills at a land , air and maritime 852 00:34:16,712 --> 00:34:19,440 force . And also does the department 853 00:34:19,440 --> 00:34:22,060 have any plans for industry to search 854 00:34:22,060 --> 00:34:24,171 production or deliveries of equipment 855 00:34:24,171 --> 00:34:26,338 that's already approved for sale ? The 856 00:34:26,338 --> 00:34:28,449 european allies , Maybe like the F 30 857 00:34:28,449 --> 00:34:30,227 five's for Finland or Poland or 858 00:34:30,227 --> 00:34:32,060 patriots for Poland , Sweden and 859 00:34:32,060 --> 00:34:34,227 Romania . Thank you . Military sales , 860 00:34:34,227 --> 00:34:36,393 joe . You're gonna have to talk to the 861 00:34:36,393 --> 00:34:35,840 State Department that's their province , 862 00:34:35,840 --> 00:34:39,360 not Harz . Um As for the kinds of , 863 00:34:40,940 --> 00:34:43,162 I guess you were asking about systems . 864 00:34:43,162 --> 00:34:46,050 As I said , these are brigade combat 865 00:34:46,050 --> 00:34:48,920 teams , um logistics , personnel , 866 00:34:48,920 --> 00:34:51,740 medical , aviation and aviation support , 867 00:34:51,750 --> 00:34:54,210 of course , all the uh kinds of 868 00:34:54,220 --> 00:34:56,442 logistical and sustainment support that 869 00:34:56,442 --> 00:34:58,498 would go to to be able to keep these 870 00:34:58,498 --> 00:35:00,498 forces in the field for an extended 871 00:35:00,498 --> 00:35:04,100 period of time . Um transportation , 872 00:35:04,110 --> 00:35:07,730 um uh command and control capabilities , 873 00:35:07,730 --> 00:35:10,250 communication capabilities , um as well 874 00:35:10,250 --> 00:35:12,530 as the systems themselves . I think a 875 00:35:12,530 --> 00:35:14,970 lot more specificity will be clear . 876 00:35:14,970 --> 00:35:17,081 Once we can start identifying for you 877 00:35:17,081 --> 00:35:19,500 the units . Um , we're just not able to 878 00:35:19,500 --> 00:35:21,910 do that today because unit notification 879 00:35:21,910 --> 00:35:23,632 is ongoing and I think you can 880 00:35:23,632 --> 00:35:25,632 understand we wouldn't want them to 881 00:35:25,632 --> 00:35:27,632 find out from me at the podium that 882 00:35:27,632 --> 00:35:29,854 they're being put on a shorter tether , 883 00:35:29,854 --> 00:35:29,610 we want to do this the right way . But 884 00:35:29,610 --> 00:35:31,721 as we start to identify the units , I 885 00:35:31,721 --> 00:35:34,540 think uh the answers specific answers 886 00:35:34,550 --> 00:35:36,772 to your question will become a lot more 887 00:35:36,772 --> 00:35:40,150 clear . Jeff Seldin vo a hey john 888 00:35:40,150 --> 00:35:42,261 thanks very much for doing this . Can 889 00:35:42,261 --> 00:35:44,372 you give an update on U . S . Support 890 00:35:44,372 --> 00:35:46,372 for the Syrian Democratic Forces as 891 00:35:46,372 --> 00:35:48,570 fighting with ISIS in Osaka is now 892 00:35:48,580 --> 00:35:51,080 extending into a six day our U . S . Or 893 00:35:51,080 --> 00:35:53,030 coalition ground forces firing on 894 00:35:53,030 --> 00:35:55,252 engaging with ISIS on the ground . Some 895 00:35:55,252 --> 00:35:57,400 reports from Osaka seems to seem to 896 00:35:57,400 --> 00:35:59,600 suggest they are and is the pentagon 897 00:35:59,600 --> 00:36:01,960 reviewing its force posture in Syria 898 00:36:02,230 --> 00:36:04,600 given the size and scope of this attack ? 899 00:36:04,600 --> 00:36:07,560 And separately on Burkina Faso , what 900 00:36:07,560 --> 00:36:09,616 impact is the attempted ongoing coup 901 00:36:09,616 --> 00:36:11,727 they're having on us cooperation with 902 00:36:11,727 --> 00:36:13,850 the Burkina . Faso is military on 903 00:36:13,850 --> 00:36:16,140 counterterrorism methods ? Yeah , on 904 00:36:16,140 --> 00:36:18,251 Burkino Faso , I'm gonna have to take 905 00:36:18,251 --> 00:36:20,418 the question and get back to , I'm not 906 00:36:20,418 --> 00:36:23,230 aware of any uh impact right now . Um 907 00:36:23,240 --> 00:36:25,590 so let me just take that question on 908 00:36:25,590 --> 00:36:29,320 coalition support for uh the Syrian 909 00:36:29,330 --> 00:36:32,570 Syrian Democratic forces , uh ongoing 910 00:36:32,570 --> 00:36:34,800 efforts um to deal with this prison 911 00:36:34,800 --> 00:36:37,080 break . Um uh and I would refer you to , 912 00:36:37,080 --> 00:36:39,830 oh Ir for more detail here , but just 913 00:36:39,830 --> 00:36:41,719 broadly speaking and I've already 914 00:36:41,719 --> 00:36:43,774 talked about this a little bit uh we 915 00:36:43,774 --> 00:36:45,441 have helped provide real time 916 00:36:45,441 --> 00:36:47,663 surveillance during the event . We have 917 00:36:47,663 --> 00:36:49,774 conducted a series of strikes through 918 00:36:49,774 --> 00:36:52,290 this days long operation to include the 919 00:36:52,290 --> 00:36:54,346 precision targeting of ISIS fighters 920 00:36:54,346 --> 00:36:56,123 who were attacking the sdf from 921 00:36:56,123 --> 00:36:58,012 buildings in the area and we have 922 00:36:58,012 --> 00:37:00,179 provided limited ground support , uh , 923 00:37:00,179 --> 00:37:02,123 strategically positioned to assist 924 00:37:02,123 --> 00:37:04,234 security in the area , for instance , 925 00:37:04,234 --> 00:37:06,123 putting Bradley fighting vehicles 926 00:37:06,123 --> 00:37:08,470 across access points , uh to help block 927 00:37:08,470 --> 00:37:10,470 as obstacles . So there's been some 928 00:37:10,470 --> 00:37:12,570 limited ground support beyond that I 929 00:37:12,570 --> 00:37:14,626 would refer you to . Oh , I r to get 930 00:37:14,626 --> 00:37:17,660 into more details uh , Tony to paseo . 931 00:37:22,830 --> 00:37:25,780 Hi Jon , two quick questions Are the 932 00:37:25,780 --> 00:37:28,320 8500 , a blend of active duty and 933 00:37:28,320 --> 00:37:31,230 national guard or all national guard or 934 00:37:31,230 --> 00:37:34,250 excuse me , are all active duty . I uh , 935 00:37:35,130 --> 00:37:37,430 I think the large , the large portion 936 00:37:37,430 --> 00:37:40,120 of them is going to be active duty Tony , 937 00:37:40,120 --> 00:37:44,020 but I can't uh I swear to you that 938 00:37:44,020 --> 00:37:46,131 there won't be reservists involved in 939 00:37:46,131 --> 00:37:48,187 this as well . Again , all this will 940 00:37:48,187 --> 00:37:50,242 become more clear once we're able to 941 00:37:50,242 --> 00:37:53,330 identify the specific units , but the 942 00:37:53,330 --> 00:37:55,330 vast majority will be active duty . 943 00:37:56,620 --> 00:38:00,480 Louis Martinez . Hey , john , I'm 944 00:38:00,490 --> 00:38:03,090 sorry , I only ask another question if 945 00:38:03,090 --> 00:38:05,880 you want , Tony wants to go , Okay , 946 00:38:05,880 --> 00:38:08,700 john , is that alright ? Another one , 947 00:38:08,700 --> 00:38:11,500 my apologies . Okay , Jack , is that 948 00:38:11,500 --> 00:38:14,900 alright ? How detailed the ground 949 00:38:14,900 --> 00:38:17,610 picture of Russian forces along the 950 00:38:17,610 --> 00:38:19,610 Ukraine ? Does the U . S . Does the 951 00:38:19,610 --> 00:38:22,420 pentagon at this point possess ? I mean , 952 00:38:22,420 --> 00:38:24,670 is it possible that we will know the US 953 00:38:24,670 --> 00:38:27,590 will know if in fact an invasion occurs 954 00:38:27,600 --> 00:38:30,140 in real time versus a bolt from the 955 00:38:30,140 --> 00:38:32,690 blue that catches everybody by surprise , 956 00:38:32,690 --> 00:38:35,460 kind of like Pearl Harbor . What I 957 00:38:35,460 --> 00:38:37,682 would tell you , Tony is we're watching 958 00:38:37,682 --> 00:38:39,793 it very , very closely and we believe 959 00:38:39,793 --> 00:38:41,627 that we have a pretty good sight 960 00:38:41,627 --> 00:38:44,130 picture on what they have there and 961 00:38:44,130 --> 00:38:46,610 what they continue to add both in terms 962 00:38:46,610 --> 00:38:48,721 of the western part of Russia as well 963 00:38:48,721 --> 00:38:50,832 as into belarus , we're watching this 964 00:38:50,832 --> 00:38:54,280 very , very closely . Um uh and 965 00:38:54,290 --> 00:38:58,020 obviously um we're mindful 966 00:38:58,030 --> 00:39:01,330 of , of things that the Russians 967 00:39:01,340 --> 00:39:05,210 uh could do that would potentially 968 00:39:05,220 --> 00:39:08,220 give us indications of some sort of 969 00:39:08,220 --> 00:39:11,560 imminent incursion . Um we're not there 970 00:39:11,560 --> 00:39:13,620 yet , but we are watching for those 971 00:39:13,620 --> 00:39:15,530 indicators very very closely . 972 00:39:17,290 --> 00:39:20,750 Go ahead , Louie , thanks john . Um 973 00:39:21,120 --> 00:39:23,231 just following up on what you said so 974 00:39:23,231 --> 00:39:25,287 far that no decisions have been made 975 00:39:25,520 --> 00:39:27,800 and that the bulk of these forces are 976 00:39:27,800 --> 00:39:30,900 pegged to the NATO rapid response force . 977 00:39:31,320 --> 00:39:34,000 Um are they mutually exclusive ? In 978 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:36,167 other words , can the president decide 979 00:39:36,167 --> 00:39:38,790 that he wants these forces now that 980 00:39:38,790 --> 00:39:41,270 they're on a short tether to head to 981 00:39:41,270 --> 00:39:43,410 europe for some kind of unilateral 982 00:39:43,410 --> 00:39:47,000 purpose without having to await uh NATO 983 00:39:47,000 --> 00:39:49,510 to even bring this up . He's the 984 00:39:49,510 --> 00:39:53,240 Commander in Chief . He can make um 985 00:39:53,620 --> 00:39:56,560 whatever force decisions he believes is 986 00:39:56,560 --> 00:39:59,620 most prudent . What he has 987 00:40:00,210 --> 00:40:03,690 decided is that our commitment to 988 00:40:03,690 --> 00:40:07,050 NATO uh is paramount right now and 989 00:40:07,050 --> 00:40:09,750 that's why uh he approved Secretary 990 00:40:09,750 --> 00:40:11,694 Austin's recommendation that these 991 00:40:11,694 --> 00:40:14,530 additional units be put on heightened 992 00:40:14,540 --> 00:40:16,873 alert and that's where we are right now . 993 00:40:16,873 --> 00:40:18,484 Again , I won't speculate or 994 00:40:18,484 --> 00:40:20,800 hypothesize about future force 995 00:40:20,800 --> 00:40:23,022 deployment decisions that the Commander 996 00:40:23,022 --> 00:40:25,189 in chief might make , but he obviously 997 00:40:25,189 --> 00:40:27,510 has the purview to shape uh force 998 00:40:27,510 --> 00:40:29,790 posture decisions as he sees fit , 999 00:40:29,800 --> 00:40:31,856 given the advice and recommendations 1000 00:40:31,856 --> 00:40:33,856 that he gets from the secretary and 1001 00:40:33,856 --> 00:40:36,220 from the chairman . Okay , I'll take a 1002 00:40:36,230 --> 00:40:38,008 couple more . Yeah , go ahead . 1003 00:40:38,008 --> 00:40:41,120 Following up on jen's question earlier . 1004 00:40:41,440 --> 00:40:44,100 Um the if you're talking about 1005 00:40:44,100 --> 00:40:47,870 reinforcing NATO's eastern front , um 1006 00:40:47,880 --> 00:40:49,713 do the names to the countries on 1007 00:40:49,713 --> 00:40:51,769 Russia's border . The NATO countries 1008 00:40:51,769 --> 00:40:54,770 say they are threatened by this Russian 1009 00:40:54,770 --> 00:40:57,160 positioning against Ukraine so that 1010 00:40:57,160 --> 00:40:59,420 they need the reinforcements , you 1011 00:40:59,420 --> 00:41:01,531 would have to talk to . Each of those 1012 00:41:01,531 --> 00:41:03,753 governments were in touch with them . I 1013 00:41:03,753 --> 00:41:05,976 can tell you that they , by and large . 1014 00:41:05,976 --> 00:41:07,753 Again , I won't speak for other 1015 00:41:07,753 --> 00:41:09,809 countries , but by and large they're 1016 00:41:09,809 --> 00:41:11,976 equally as concerned about what Russia 1017 00:41:11,976 --> 00:41:14,031 is doing as we are and as so many of 1018 00:41:14,031 --> 00:41:16,253 their other allies are , I would stress 1019 00:41:16,253 --> 00:41:19,030 again , um that even even in the event 1020 00:41:19,040 --> 00:41:22,890 that we provide additional 1021 00:41:22,890 --> 00:41:25,500 resources unilaterally that is outside 1022 00:41:25,510 --> 00:41:27,830 the NATO response force and that's a 1023 00:41:27,830 --> 00:41:30,410 possibility . Even from inside europe , 1024 00:41:30,420 --> 00:41:32,670 it would be done in full consultation 1025 00:41:32,670 --> 00:41:35,680 and coordination with a given ally 1026 00:41:35,690 --> 00:41:37,746 partner nation . We wouldn't do it . 1027 00:41:38,110 --> 00:41:40,110 You know , you you just don't go 1028 00:41:40,120 --> 00:41:43,250 walking into another country just just 1029 00:41:43,250 --> 00:41:45,472 for the sake of of being there , it's a 1030 00:41:45,472 --> 00:41:47,694 it's a thing you do in coordination and 1031 00:41:47,694 --> 00:41:49,806 consultation with them . So to answer 1032 00:41:49,806 --> 00:41:52,028 your question , uh in terms of whatever 1033 00:41:52,028 --> 00:41:53,972 force deployments we might do , it 1034 00:41:53,972 --> 00:41:56,028 would be at the request and with the 1035 00:41:56,028 --> 00:41:58,250 support of a nation that did feel , for 1036 00:41:58,250 --> 00:42:00,417 whatever reason that they needed these 1037 00:42:00,417 --> 00:42:02,820 extra capabilities , is there any sense 1038 00:42:02,820 --> 00:42:04,970 that the Russian troop presence on 1039 00:42:04,970 --> 00:42:07,230 Ukraine borders actually threatens a 1040 00:42:07,230 --> 00:42:09,800 NATO partner ? I believe ? Again , I 1041 00:42:09,800 --> 00:42:11,800 won't speak for other countries . I 1042 00:42:11,800 --> 00:42:14,022 believe they have spoken for themselves 1043 00:42:14,022 --> 00:42:16,260 about the concerns they have um about 1044 00:42:16,270 --> 00:42:18,840 Mr Putin's potentially aggressive moves 1045 00:42:18,840 --> 00:42:21,700 here . Um and we want to make sure 1046 00:42:21,710 --> 00:42:23,980 again , back to my answer to Barb , one 1047 00:42:23,980 --> 00:42:27,280 of the key uh one of the key criteria 1048 00:42:27,280 --> 00:42:30,130 here is being able to make it clear Uh 1049 00:42:30,140 --> 00:42:32,251 that we take our article Article five 1050 00:42:32,251 --> 00:42:34,029 commitments to NATO very , very 1051 00:42:34,029 --> 00:42:36,050 seriously . Yeah . Jim , john what 1052 00:42:36,050 --> 00:42:38,310 effect does the secretary's decision 1053 00:42:38,320 --> 00:42:41,690 have On the 8500 service members 1054 00:42:41,690 --> 00:42:43,890 concerned . I mean , I imagine all 1055 00:42:43,890 --> 00:42:45,900 leaves and passes will be canceled 1056 00:42:45,900 --> 00:42:48,200 right now . Are they packing up here ? 1057 00:42:48,200 --> 00:42:50,600 Are they anticipating having that 1058 00:42:50,610 --> 00:42:52,610 they're just being notified today ? 1059 00:42:52,610 --> 00:42:55,960 Some of these units are already just by 1060 00:42:55,960 --> 00:42:58,071 nature of who they are and where they 1061 00:42:58,071 --> 00:43:01,750 are on shortened a shortened 1062 00:43:01,750 --> 00:43:04,800 tether . Um You know that um what the 1063 00:43:04,800 --> 00:43:07,000 secretary decided to do in many of 1064 00:43:07,000 --> 00:43:09,660 these cases is shorten it even more so 1065 00:43:09,660 --> 00:43:12,610 from in some cases 10 days prepared to 1066 00:43:12,610 --> 00:43:14,832 deploy , you gotta be ready to go in 10 1067 00:43:14,832 --> 00:43:17,570 days to now five . So they will , it 1068 00:43:17,570 --> 00:43:19,570 depends on the unit , but they will 1069 00:43:19,570 --> 00:43:21,792 have to make whatever preparations they 1070 00:43:21,792 --> 00:43:23,848 feel they need to make to be able to 1071 00:43:23,848 --> 00:43:26,380 meet that five day commitment ? That 1072 00:43:26,380 --> 00:43:28,602 doesn't mean that in five days from now 1073 00:43:28,602 --> 00:43:31,090 they're going . Um It just means that 1074 00:43:31,100 --> 00:43:33,560 that they need to be ready to go in as 1075 00:43:33,560 --> 00:43:35,690 little as five days if asked for . So 1076 00:43:35,690 --> 00:43:37,760 they will be doing all kinds of 1077 00:43:37,760 --> 00:43:39,982 different things to help get them ready 1078 00:43:39,982 --> 00:43:42,204 for that . And again it would depend on 1079 00:43:42,204 --> 00:43:44,260 the unit whether it's maintenance on 1080 00:43:44,260 --> 00:43:46,204 vehicles and uh and uh and systems 1081 00:43:46,204 --> 00:43:48,840 whether it's um uh you know getting you 1082 00:43:48,840 --> 00:43:51,062 know getting some things pre positioned 1083 00:43:51,062 --> 00:43:53,173 and packaged packaged up and ready to 1084 00:43:53,173 --> 00:43:55,229 go . Um Certainly they'll be for the 1085 00:43:55,229 --> 00:43:57,950 forces involved , I'm sure personal 1086 00:43:57,950 --> 00:44:00,172 readiness things that they have to do . 1087 00:44:00,172 --> 00:44:02,339 Uh And that's again one of the reasons 1088 00:44:02,339 --> 00:44:04,506 why I'm not giving units today because 1089 00:44:04,506 --> 00:44:06,672 the units are getting notified and and 1090 00:44:06,672 --> 00:44:08,839 we want to also give them time to talk 1091 00:44:08,839 --> 00:44:08,690 about this with their families so that 1092 00:44:08,690 --> 00:44:10,579 their families are ready for this 1093 00:44:10,579 --> 00:44:12,246 potential and I say potential 1094 00:44:12,260 --> 00:44:14,690 deployment order that could come . But 1095 00:44:14,700 --> 00:44:16,756 what's happening now is just getting 1096 00:44:16,756 --> 00:44:18,811 them ready on a shorter tether . Not 1097 00:44:18,811 --> 00:44:21,470 all of the units are already on such an 1098 00:44:21,470 --> 00:44:24,070 advanced P . T . D . O . Status and so 1099 00:44:24,070 --> 00:44:26,360 it will take them a little bit longer 1100 00:44:26,480 --> 00:44:28,810 to get into a heightened alert posture . 1101 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:31,380 That's why we're doing it now so that 1102 00:44:31,380 --> 00:44:33,547 they they have ample time to prepare . 1103 00:44:33,700 --> 00:44:36,780 Okay . Alright No one is deploying in 1104 00:44:36,780 --> 00:44:40,470 the next 72 hours today . We're not 1105 00:44:40,470 --> 00:44:42,760 talking about deployment orders were we 1106 00:44:42,770 --> 00:44:44,881 we have no deployment orders to speak 1107 00:44:44,881 --> 00:44:46,826 to barb and I think I'm just gonna 1108 00:44:46,826 --> 00:44:48,826 leave it at that . Alright . Thanks 1109 00:44:48,826 --> 00:44:47,920 everybody .